HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-03-17, Page 517,. Df. in, us,. let them do so- Let
seuarate and apoirt. T e
=biue and refase to pur� ,e wholesaler who wi4 spit act-- at the sa,me time I hay hom (41ran 45- Lft
xrehase all their market, and
let -em modn"p- in the same .15ray. 5 Of this country unit, aother, they can pa; the, 4is positioa� The moment
in this posit -ion-, that rao.
thera where we want hein;t
ion where they will,. wollm f their bargain.. 80 1 1,
- ong,
-hauts are foolish euOugh, ngers.those articles they
ably purchase who] tbeiii the products just so long will t �aud Keep us dGwa, t Ut
PX to purchase att the, r con- rhol"ale marke c ' send
they hav to s�ll w the
and, we will toon see - vh-ich
Ithe Urmers� or the mer.
irst cry for quarter. There
merchants being %%% icate
istic organizaiion. The
de t its members, the,
I try to 11tin(I out of us and
must fl0it them with,
pons, and ii� sooner th
:enced, the better f Dr ll loping,- Nlr. Editor, that Aftehiiruess and does& few remarks, to,gether rticte already a refer
Ae in, is the article abo, vc
al- g,ers are not. yet d'ead. But ,[Intheirsystemofco-o ra,- kn pey so ;ar as Iva b �ect, nd lik- elv at lid d istaat 4tal to the m- o,vement. The- this social Organization 'Osition of to, a of the comm,unitv. and. is d between asses. Thiscount- that A senseless aq.150 ns is
abled by thig one of latest i seems to havesprung from hish-negs- nlove f age- erest takea the
meral iwod ina combination matual protection. It is irpose of 'mv�tual hel -�, not
elnent of all in. x comn unity coun,,4el tmtether. I at to
traders -whose in-
most identical with
ga-methemselvespoorand hen they re: by f ar the ins, in the country. They typpressed by the cc, nutrY A �-ven go the lenth of ae-
lealers of living on their: la- of goods ti. ey are -e the
is possible to igno
a, yeaes credit is, givf n, but �tl him for cash thE farm
- nnot dispose of else-
craffy ad try to. mis-
,.r A A i _t probably
v Could succeed, in, their ex-
, -f dealino with mer.-auts
�Iaq many they have do-
��t eems. hew- ever, this, can -
And -so far s we c, ta see
�.armera ia. Granges neither
It Tior stisfactonily solves
:tlf olAainin- articles at a re -
not or' those wflo Wli eVre' in that iK taken o the poor h e contrIlry, it is e vident .te shrewdest, mst ca- dat- . --fistd set of men w,, ha-ve �v� They are induiftrious atly prosper,when men in
i f il. And they wit'. aetu-
�Vhy it ii there ara so mar -y
ners, in thei, esti ation,
themselves - - - - -
Zex pity ta make some of
o6jects of ini�tation. For
�a now doing is narrffv. sel-
1 pnay, Whatever 616�-k is
it will show itself od some instances cf late
,arly what farmers will do! to
en�d of advantage," to them -
May give a few. ZD
ysago a. representativ of a
made some purah es in
on the wholesale hGuseare-
dairy produce in pa -3 --meat,
that h( - didn't care, as he
�'(,r cash to the conntry store-
wly who iv a a member of
-_�e wished to, huy a set of
-r g , the firm to, make
1, etfin,
�Ction it, the -price,. she asked
�aix moutweredit, ktating
nary to ire. i. Gran that
�t- at leat. Ano ier anger
,ithis city, sold a, country
hole of, his cdover seed fYllr*
�hort time fterwrds find -
,t enough for his awn use,
,est/yrekeeper and asked for
,-the pr ca for N.,hich be had
'granted, and he had the
.iut entered in the account
,.e a year- When buypig an
inplement worth aboift 50
�tarprs in some of our . est- ners belon-ainato the �� range
. . i 0 7F
e indignant and anything
�r lutary lit thei, asues as these h-appen, daily,
,,,ping spirit. they an
I., d firmly rnet. Famers
the retailer whan le, but are glad to c�aow-
,ext thelighter kinds o farD
t be
with thoc Who-
-pais of husbandry. The- 'A this lies try a reat, e%teat 4,saletrade andpartly'With I By
crusil out ardlY 8111t tbei r best for fs by their reular Cus- ho
C- tsuc
f t I (,ultl ljf,. theirl ail", not -Wirong- we L; -f OEM , a ti, buy an . ey y thing f
by his actions assun to I L'taiter, nd Arives, tq. Use eli(16, woul(I soon settle a
This would be rn �re 06 A delino, than- retaliAtion.
undertood to Say a, to -buy wh6re he I
,-hther that. a- fair e th;rough 1
tak plac it elff of 1
�araueri cann( do- wthOut Vhat means they may. do, ly i118 ma te'-whole orgaw
FRI.- 7 OrAIN 187& BY-LAW 00. i5s. FOR 110f! — - N UNOER
Igor Won of 14, MCKAOP, Farm 7-abot Smith_.& WeNtOu FOR THE -VILL) LGE of a scheme for the aw.uls - Ohn C beCOmdS (;ert2in. and Houto'h5ld Furnittirt. Cost $12, will be sold col �tod. of othem -al wealth at the expense proprietor P. Brine, a �0416neer. tbh Office- U2 se the sum of One Thot, a- great 10-%rer of himself r *08 ly at A By -Law to Mi
ly a man who is -h 23, 64, Lot 7, n. . .... Dollars to be. nu Thu rsday, Marc - e-, Sale, on Lot No, and Five Hundred "f the A Man should be 'so Sto( 6nd IM ATLA-.V, -,Wmtes the public. Farm WE SE"EiD VMX 3
-h . zot false to 7, McKiflo ghes, 1 wo rietor J4 I, Hullett it quantity Of FU4 Wheat, ed to NATH"IB9, true to iinielf that he- be I m n, haj been grown of Wroxeter, Cabinetmaer ty way ry of th eats. - JoIn Hn lat 6d. T�fx wh4ft nce, V joSEp On. thigi.view the histo' 6 ot MAITIN. 4W whether lie can obtain a Lice Others. holds Out no. hop i P. Brine, auetidbOer- .6eing mwertain aS to! rep nd at the end of n a. ia�ono no Y."van I r Grange- movemnt Like othe, T es& March 28- 0 010 years, with inte �estxt the rate of seven whatever of its 7iii kOad Tuckers: ith '0arM 170 SALF,,The undormigned. Farm ZED 01 AIN f e while AW lale & quantit of Seed pftblw' �he ,.banefit o te present one While per centum per aunum. mes it Will live a littl h let IMMOon, 12MB On hand and fori �ervtined to yie the ache , - mts on the folly of its mem Stock and, Implements. , of tb followin varieties - Club Wheat, Pil I die, for it r(I vors: that pr7rietor ; J. P. Brine act" oneen'. rain of Lb 1atA, Small rem and WHEr.EAS, by the
proAsiongofthe'Munici I canno wed.Bdi Yo W Bids C Vic,,CIIAP, 48,012d he
t. special fa 0 16, Coin, F oil wa 12ted free from font seeds, Institution Act, 87,
bers expec mg' , , riiay orway 00 , - " , Selling Of his Btock of 8
ilers 3Urch 24, on 2 -4 coiantemed s n Us of said AA
ailers tha View has -section f Sectio MT la�n Incorporated R- be granted. If they paid the retal XcKillop, Farm Stock a ts. Ey,plurouRoad,Tuckersmith, 481 47d witli, (.- 0 the Municipal Councl. 1 of every Promptly as they do jobbefs from wh rhos. "Pslie, proprietor B ne, _Fwr Sljo, & 0"Ond-bad Bottled tuorS a t Cost. I iage has power to ralsemoney byway of loan *
id find it mor on $A _ li(
they- purchase. they won auctioneer. 11tJ. o sold cheap azd on 1,PS, TPIYES, GNS, coul all 1mported Piano, I or, will It R'Lpdu=er�fiff In iLoeordance with on titable and save trouble to th ' emselve; go, - The not termg If, the owner is leaving town re of
pro No, body of men are able, t) can be lif all at the residence of Mr. passed at a public nicaing of Che raterye" of
BIF I tock Village of Wroxeteri and In accordance Wit
and others. Tst srs and merchants. And 06 Church, where all iuf0r'
)produce K, ne r the, B&I ti selection of The Stock s not laIrge, but 1K and yoiwj of raidbi- petition signed by simiority of said rabEPSY4 to, be at oubf th trod isn'be III ds rbh 15,1 &d. Also a 0 uncii, it was resolvedt] ist;
farmers will be sold. , oi a diugh. 11000 C giant" Ix di- of bein go, An wife of Mr. James Ila oice ( It on
4h ho, Ir up the fulfilmeut c6 in conditions em
the beaf thin can do is to abau- luff.-At Seaforth, on atiou ref 428 ad presented to said
9 Ire a By -1 P -'W
ter. General Groceries, Or- o cke ry e(I in the above men oned rew,
S UOARS�, SYRUP shonldbeaubmfttea� Abe -approval of the rate.;
stick to their land. E NEEDLES at Wholesale of IYE AS, STKWXUT.._.:_ At Bluevale toe Thirty Days, The best quality Of ofel,00 rers for the purra of raisiag thestim
twinst, so Sewing)08 hipe Needles, Suitable for any kind of pal, induction. at B%yfleld. the wife of. D. Stewal , e said Natitaniel Allan a chine. fit be in ndersigned at well assorted, md bo� to be used In giving isheit by the u gAt. As te elIg loan to assist him in rebuildirg big Cabinet -7 10 -
prices, Florence i procuring of By special request we publish e and daughter. rch 4, th the follow ng xna other, onryed Glassware is ve2lily la7ye, try, deatroyed by fire, suit the which was publishc d WAiEtwICK.-In Morris, singer, all. kinds, letter needles, 4 coutk r dozen; able machinery for ft e use of the said factoryk followink -the pe r- wife. of Mr. Robert W rw k, of il son� Rowo, 01, ru, sy nond, waxizer A,, Oardner, the public'! are Sure to got i And'Whore", it v Ill require a yearly spe s, If
in I the lontreal Gazette- 0 Webster; Ciamiou, OL114 le- T ve �J Id profits m?ou each Lud
r y SurrH.-In Turnberry, I r*!�atch 1, th, Hespoler, Lockman Cash only, ad ft rate to be raised of a '-5 mills son to, whom it more . wife of bl�, vvv. Smith of: a son. all 6tilier k indl 5'cento ordozon, Enclose every do) I lar of reals id personal 'estate "Based only eg will -be sent post free or -thin the vaid an icipaiity forthe pulpo'14
,tlates desires. to make any ex the motio need' W1 of course we Ver form a IF. nk-
otherwise, its deSire& Address ALEX. (1, ew 8 providing a suffic"t Sam yearly to rdin.g i.t,'Of - course we MARRIT apply at W. To arr�ve "7& day , I - 05aid prine pal ations rega e privi I % Be forth, Out" 0-v Sple-aid Value for Meir -3t0neY. Ing fund for ttq mft lit of the
cheerfully accord him th Orin Egtablighment. N. B. -A I
&P.Ll --HALL----7At resideace c 11 Campbell', � Tilloria, at the end of t�e yearg from the first da, Of sr. O Ll eornpleto I took of gh ttles and atta(laments for aby AFflLIA.D1 L , an also a sufficient Saw yo WY ing 80 Henderson I oKillop, oi lwayn on nand. 4-24 , 66 ,rulz, of at a dval7te, gam
he Gazette. Mr. John �w It MR !no a & Fi� to pnay the I on-ilie. above-montioed J 11111
To tte Eclit7. of., t Mr. RiCt . I kind of 8, 1'9 MR T�nzothy and oil, eld8y 111hic7b dent, w 0 March 15, by Rev. M. I Ba r during the'Sai(l t.erM, Of Lou Yea
'VV III your corre"POD1 mount of the now ex- Sl_p i And-WhereaH,the otal it
'to wig s NTIKD. bas furnished such, an e,laborate accou t ard Sp �g, of Me of the Vil age ayf. all, of Blanshg #d. C; E, �VANTED.-Wftntcd Immedi- I! I sting debt of the Hai d munictrality T,hat We Eliza If M on Cost. eel 2. res'd r . ' I L are indebted in the N 'Ind :!JVO Of the induction at Bayfield, still ND, -A b U e I eUcO (Of APPEL rtbP7trom16t 18yearsofoge-, ee of Two T by answering fie Cp,-1o;H___TOw.Vs_9� a tely, a MR JA MES M UR PH Y,
enlizbten your readers 01 lit ithing. Apply too W, GlaAssm, Hundred Dollars, bc�ng the amount Of our pro )or- ns: 1. Of what the bride's mother, - J*. [ireh by to learn b lacksm 482 t foll,�wing questio, r. er, it ,ric 14D Sesforth. tion of the Indebtepess of the Towu3blp OVE 0.
Andrew,s scotch Church,, Hamilton," is I RR. Davey, at the Limp Oar Separation tht;Zt:,L&VL- Miss -Eli7A owlakend: bo of Tue er, iek . � .1 mtng;rn!e and et Ininister9 The g1l n - I WANIkED' Immediately, at W1 �
/ . I I .. 'SEUVA11T GIRLS' 0 N AND. BRUQE. above-mentiort -0 I I unt beco Rev. pobert Burn "k, first-clagi, Chamber- 0 HUR 4 1302,
a gentlem smith. eifl ritioll, 110 I FARMERS payable on the first .03 February, A. at Girlo, Apply -at once to i imi'daturtbersutivall)svmentof$150ikg illtrefft mat d and DWing R 432 d: sum of .6*2,500 wbioh eral impression is that glai S,& hIcKINNEY, ProprietOrfl- on the above recite was shut out Of the St- Andrew's Scot' , �DBATEI STEPHEN E ICLE ALWAY h flamiltOn, by - the unanimo is I A GOOD annual payment of i�teresi, becomes due aud ';97-
Clinre cl< i 110 on 'Marc h a (if February in each and e mry i N-DE11 -In M RS *AN ED, -Sealed Tenders will bo ble on the -first tL-17 action of the.peoPle ia that chur(h, H E, 80N. rVENDE 51 durin recited, 1171A A by TA 8, STANLEY up to Noou on R the fisid, term above �
1, Helen Scott, wife ef.. n Hender -L receiv Cor nll
respective of the TJnion qu 8-. I for building a Temperance & T If I'd R S Inrtber Sam" or pa7rlieut to the municiVid
e- has now DO cougre t,a, aged 73 ye ra. 8 A T U R Ap I 1E 1 SO that h son, Esq. 11m.'aterial will be larpililied, of the Township of I!uraberry�# in the Count
ir soil, in ey's BUY PAT tion, and r 8& V fthe " Un On CUP -9Y. -At the resido iof he' 40118 can seen at Mr. J91009 stall, Unron. on the tion'L 2. W11 at is meant by I he '.N,1r. Win. Carry, Se o4 11 on �4an Specifics ifous can selvels to 4109 3,3, &S our p, 0 ortion of the debt of the 4aid
owat, Government?" Store. 11heTrUB % do not bind them p,, CAYUGA Jr., and SPRAGUE MOW- 9, ownship exIstin the time of our geporat [on,
Act, of the M w W of the 11 t t1ei 4t r any tender. J. STANLEY atario. Legislature sh)w 16, Helen, Carry, W. Scoop eest JOHNSTON SEIJF-RA T uERoN, wiLLIA bi 8, Trustees. 482-9 ad any annual dollars and I `-UT- =111
records of the 0 saac Curry, aged 84 e'rs 3 mont1s, H. A. CA and new ent Self - 6ix cents as intere t o above reciteA that the -Union Acts were -introduced 4. 1 1 _-Z. Elt, also our ebrated Empire Se�d Dlill-Improved, a the 0. that body by a pnivAte member, !Ind and 8 days, reel 0 4
yearly untilthifir't A� 0 - January, A, V_ IN Dunt-ol the prol erty VARNA C FACToRy.-TENDER thi,
e r IN -Se eas, thi, 18:1 into mber of the Government; SuTHERLAND.-In Hu, �jet at �tb P ca ESE- aled Tenders vill be thout any doubt The Best ever offered in t1le DOMill And Wher the H ruits not by any me Jam 9 received or makilt the milk into cheese at tlib Dumping Sulky Horse B ake, w both real and persox Al,.afroessed within father.i Mr. �m tercerding- to the last that they wer aence of his father -i C, 24. : The e ppOS ry, up- toXARCH
Varna eesO e and Of the Villa-ge of Wloxe House.' 3. Sutl -1 L the lbove a4ides built by us are perfectly relial
and f u rther, I Fac LF, &j 'VIllsg(; i i the
ed 'by i�rlaad' Charles Y�If�,herland, I te ;ty A Revised Assessment 14011 Of the,
in the.. �6 State t price per 100F lbg. of Chee3e, We beg .'to 8 gum of W,
In,liviolual or Tenders ion
4 - j'� ifie materials necessary the new standard- of Lindsay, oged 37 the mak, r to prov: rn�nt* speak And Wheroas,aec or -ding to the provisions, A Z9 �";� TERON & BP.OTHFRS' ImPle Is vJohn loff Z i"] thereto, vel4h,ju emilk, feed the hogs, &e. A of the ao-called church of Scott, Lnd uteed. Information warranted to give satisfaction. PXr Chap. 11. and 3ection 8,i,t is Provided. that bearer good article most be 911arS Vic'Couneg Will, by -the be subuti tted,
many By -Law to to: whose antecedents _.Xr. o obtained an eyc+ni the T& can b % a time when, Bay THE MA1 Kk d tenders addressed to J. B.
field, i RILL, Seaforth.L 432 ava earn�d hig4reputatiOn for their Ii place where, the Cl Of
all e and h L a ntion of -SECORD V'ms,orW. for theMBeIv 8, 1 intend 'the ulwhich I Pro Bhrnet challenges the atte I IC5 I L'the Bv-Law sball Sam
gareb 16, 187 ebeenused. AU Fa, )teo Oven for a _§L* the individual to whose charmter StAFORT f rmeTs up the numb(r of V nd Rg insi.
men, the ed Teudern will be the couiltry er they hav of the Maritime Provin' es, Fall Wheat ............ 0 93 to 0 TENDERS; WANTFD--Scal Adi coscd to D ties throughout ByLaw, and a time a for . fln appoitit", neUt 0 88 to 0 undersigned, AA -Oateu at evarionspollipliecS,
Spring'Whext, per liushdl.. o go to 0 rewe ivea by the Hing of tile gl�ove will (10 well to give them a trial. It ig' unne-es -of persons t a eg by't e Clerk
-C i and at the final oat 3ing f the VOt L .
6 -ot- MCCO B64gp iseturing of cheese at thi I r i Ong interest I in in Connection with the Church of Se Oats per bushel ............. .... 11 I rvUle p O., up to SATURDAY. ing purch ad .... 1. il 68 to 0. Maich I r the manw Peb Af of the perS MOn Y, before, the UU on, Posts per bushel ..... I I . 9 Beason of aper took at the respectively on t Of
land," bore teSti 0 4rj to 0 n the
Barley per bushel ......... to 2 viieLC'hoegel?"tory %ard tb the stand our Johnston Re oppsthe
m the following terms 11 necalgary furitimbing sary for us to 1;�y anything in rf and promoting 01 8 MZkor to furnish a respetively, 0 14 4 execrt c iewic boxes, IL160 1; a by all in -sect ion, *ile-�i Wt uncil of the _61, Whereas, the Presbytery of Pruce 0 18 to 0 Late definitely what fig 9 as it is well known therefore enact
I Eg"K ............... A what to the- London Eo�d I Edward Island has requested the ad �ice 6 00 to 0 are for( ani.dian Got or TriiO&p RD Great Trial on n of the Village of Wroxeter, -and -it s. I Cbrporatio
our, per barrel ............ ty tender not neceog a i..., J. 8 00 to 9 Law Feet or &I . say it *ill be till better for the, season, of 1876, Ls we have hereb -of th relative to the;case of Rev. UAY ...................... B"ard. JAIME Y acc-
is Court, ides ................. 8 00 to a 50 ete&. By order of the 0 NIE of country, and we may 1. That It HIM)] I e- lawful for the pa. te-r due cons'iderati Of jo:UN ACOTT, B. SKILLIE, DA I - tkL_-
BraSels, said for t d Villae, anhhe Is, eby
'Moffat, fly See( he ReevoOf 003 neeS, it was moveA.. nd Sheep skins ....... ....... .0 80 to I 00 481- P,,FPklPS kept at eafortb Of
sasrequiyed to issue Debtutres o the e eas
the. eircumsta, Salt (retail) per barrol.. J. made.improvenlents for this 8 an 8100olich,with inte
70 . rest
Manintoagly aoreed to that the P y- SILIt (wholesale),per barrel -0 $11500, in sums of � rest 080 e u1n
at Potatoes, new, per bushel. 0 25 to CIV140N NA16EN- olis bearing Interl .1st at the rate Of 7 Per cc tery bA enjoine'd to Summon AV Wiagham, and Clinton. Address tAehcj,g;nd that the said Deb
the Oat .... Per ajuntim. at
eir 2 00 to 2 50 Shalt be sealed wit 3 the mal of the Said Pal to a,ppear before them, to answ Wood ..................... I 000"O , , TAT AUCTION SALE OF 11AR3 is, Patters MPO � Ontario. him and, on his' failure 'Beef ................... 4 00 to 6 1 STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. J. 1- PATTFRSON & BROTHE Council, and gigne I by the said -Reeve.
01 st him in terms Pork ........... ...... 8 25 to 8 it has' received instructions from Mr. A. 2, And that suel . sum Of $I,r)oo, or snob y, to do so, to proceed again froii the We 0 10 to 0 12 n on Lot f tion of it as shall be realized
to sell by Public AuetIO eaforth Ontario.
of the church.'s procedure.in Such %cases. Lard ......... to 0 0 Or WM. GPJFIVBo GeneralAgentl regisguea for thatpir pose,
0 06, C6n. 1� Stspley, c n FRIDAY, MARCH 81, 187(, the Municipal Deli eatu uitable"mild-
at Tallo, ther the Presbytery is el[ljotue Clover eed .......... 5 50 to 6 75 viz.: 1 bay mat D be applied toward erecting. a Ful the lofl)wi#g YLlt able property 9 in I rt4pd Sandy horse- jug for a Cabinet Factory, Sua the pr
,once toLnotify th�.Soaretary of the em- s ye�rff d,� -to �o the Intpc ding
'31UNICIPALITY,* ro r 31w Marc), 16,18,6. It 2 hormos 8 yr, ace the b
poralitieA' Fund of the church of. 18cot- �all wheat, p i I re I are 7 years ol, , Account with the 1 erefor to ToPIA
I drivi ur I CONN�ELL, Treasurer in 6. 0,870 ( &if, I milk cowl ;troyed by Are, audbelong Lug
or bnobel. ' I e, 8 cows In of W NIL Me :and m2c ' cry del
I I a rri in 9'm i March 6, 1875, to March 4, 18",
e old,, . r'11Wr0Q ITH$ :f abo men land in Canada of"the fa&ts 'of the cas Spring Wheat, perbusliel. . i�i 2 ste g -one 2 and One 8 Yrs. old, r,wr.nQ ? rom tion ed Natbani6lF-11911- in res so
I - o 28 ( I farrow iro TUCKE PUS 'd Deben. shoulot iLLl the meanaine oats, per bushel --. - - - - - - - sh p, L lu;aber V Ifl,gon, I reaping machine, I irc) - TOWNSHIP. a. That the tots I amount of sal
lest Mr. ( 5 , 1 get f T�WNK IIP, ted, abs become,
ent of the benefits of that Barley, per bushel - - - - - - - - - - I I w Y10 Mak 1 thistle: cutter plow 1875. $81128 B Paid for Toads bridges .......... 62,788' is Hued, for t -be ibom Yeel. PUTPOFe all , ,
o 60 @ 6 C, n hand from 1: jit audit,.. y A. D". become a rec 1, I boe hAY I-Ak Relief of poor..� .......... r135 89 due and payable; 311 the fint day of
api Pons, per bushel.; ........ J. 1 Tr6v , I 1111111 mil To Balance 0 146 00 ....... '62 00 1886, and th car 1, I .. ... 0 18 (?p I&V cutter, 2 sugar kettles, 1 g a 3 and she I' at the asid Debentures
FBatter ................ $ bob sl( gho, I is; I Tavern teen, eff ...... Boo S .......... E@8 41 tunt.
...... 0800 iau, 1 kitchoF table, " 1 fold-leAf 8 oral rate -stt therate. of
13 ...... 11, ......... Ponudkeepers' 8.6,10 .... ............. County rate ............. , of imere LWAM -Pot4too 0130 I I cupb d, I bnrc 11000 " ' * * * ' " 3"m 20 t above
Oi . I cooking stove, farnitu .............. of, public Schools. per antiant, and tl Lab the said iutereJg table, , r0kilIg Managerie license t 11 Clerk of Synod." Eggs ...................... king air, i Trustees,
210 96 rate slinll hewn t 'Hay, per ton ............ 9 oo @ weave] B provi cial Treasurer orgy cAne and payable on e RrAt
who issued the above- signiflean 5 un er of kitchen ( u Union 8 - S. NO MOKU 1OP - tuncrous other A -Those 4 50 (9' 6 and pi )es, A un . 1. $480 a" iclo a. - 808 45 days of February and August in each at eery Beef ............... 4ppliquous, and it Xiseellacons; ............. 6 75 @ loom 1 nd I I 011. es, $ ess est )sitively be sold without resell 0 3 ear dTiring the is; id term of text years, T MPork ...................... The w 1016will P 400 0 e -go due document have never rehabilitated 2 Jr. Beattie, J. P., F1 19 of asooldhisfarm SIL16to-co X -hure,h-at large has ietor h stables' fees, � 8 Total Expenditure ......... Hach payments of interest
ao the er, boun dary Moffa,t, so far as the e B i upc n the first day of I 16, 1871. 8 tnumn H op. reasul and pnyable _Lh Pay
NTO, Ma ech oli;lack A. M. A. M. Ross, CO.T 74 oljg�
s truly, Toto� mence Prolpir -6, snd th
be�n informed, Your iwon of sne entx On. the day
I lei RO,,Rrr CA3frBLL. There, Were in -to-i xy tbout 400 busil. 1 $-Io &i. d under elshl over that 911101111t 9 won 2V3 22 it I furnishing approved Joi john young,taxes for Sue 0 of be giv m Ot I on which Such juelpal sum or 1; iedit, will ease pr count of 6 w of tavern and shop 11 G, rem [Liu unpaid shallbecontop vyable,
Mo. Tuujz Feb. 24, 1876. 1 els of wheat, at. $i i 04 for W�ij e, enti 611 the dollar w Renewal 0$0 Balance at credit of TV. ace't 5 assba;lIthdit. inter-
nif - itamontits. AmND itbs ............. #6 L 66 W170 35 And all Buell utg of either I eoAlWell, Of 990 for sp It be allc wc4', for ca4h On all cred . f'. for two met Timel for Railway " p at the Office of the Trem ureof'
99c fQr* Tr P. BRINE, ucti - S. Cgraochau, Collector, School 817 40- $1,4717 40 est. Shall. be
Wingli am on Moin ary KENZIE, Proprietor; of Wroxete r. -T-he lectuie in 1 200 bushels of barle� 60c to 78c ; 2")O Ale 82 10,611 85 — of thevillage C ....... the I eer. - ncil tthe:Corporation of the evening of last week, delivered by Vlev- bushels of peas at 10c to 71c, and 100 .......... $121?'98 59 J. That the cc u 12,898 59 early, and LeVC, ry Year W. C, flendersion an 64 Courtship- and busbel' of 5(, flay wa% in Total Receipts Village cf 'Wrox,ter shall, he said term of tell 8 oats at wrd.UK 17OR PJAVE. e to be corree J) I e undrsigned, oprtify t4o above during the cotfi [nauce t1.5 utilo (n ench as worthy'of a, crowded sm all supply and fir at $15 to 0 we, 11][CIGA RE ALuditorm. of
Marriage,. 0 1 — AR Bud a IV# years, levy rate ; I - L.-Tbe undep0g, old A. PE W a ope4 Jai -rer ha-bolled his subject Butter, Ne t6' 2ac e� go,- 16c to 7 BUIL CLF rFOR $A gseage I real and VergOuftl )erty as house, The, lectu 8 ; Tu, -k- SCHOOL BOARD dollar of A
eb, Mon 1: hundrod. I ag for salel, on Lot -18, Con. 4. H.R. PCg0OL BOARD. ouut of If 74..,. $65 70 appear upo I the last fieifta "s soment
in a masterly manqer� taking a Pork, 58 50 to $8 75 Will be Hold On $�.,q 95 By paid Teachers oil ace it May pi ting ersini �h, � yearling grade bull. ca in ban of Sul I. ckrfint-1 94 66 is IE 75.... 4t069 40 Roll of euh and vi,eY T4 rovide's S Lfficiett To Bal in jew of matrimonyt and imP2 483 72 en, of the,
Apply to WILLIAU CARD 0 ,a Section Trustees .......... . .. land for payin
sense V '6, reasoi iubte terms, 481 �,*4 Fro 94 school site ............ 6250 sum for a r1874 d ..... 026 20L rch 16, 18', 029 80 it Ma. 4%65 1,5w so r�wd at the
yalu&ble and practical advice both I 0 the LO.NDw CHAN COU Itty Grant ...... principal s expirs
er f 00 Re pd ...... of n *ears, and s further
married and unmarried, backing h s re- White wheat, D lbs, � I - 60 Lep Iglative grar t for 1875 .... ..... $22 50 pairs ou. School, Vj5 23 tion oftho bal r dollar
to isi io County o on marks by the -most logical 60acla to 81 73 - Treadw 81 55 ;r 181 67 Wood, lighting, cleaning. broom special rate of If I
421 10 recited to prov C good $1 CO; Int arest from F e-hool I rand ..... crayons, ke .................. . v"' �r the, pa�meut US Aire 14Y PrO'
rost.ou,tho said -debeutul es-
nter wheat 45 to; 3,16220 Theleature cannotfal to 11 red wi Toi titship, Rate, per or lor of'Tr istee I O f 71!r Oi u
i .4. 58 Tide oq wherever delivered:, there beiing . 55 to $1 oats, 83c to Me; "CIO- i ! - 5. The Col Joro ion 0
4;1 to Total ErpendittITC ............ D.
co . . I irst 1 day of Apr about it, spr'n .05 erp $1 :08 ;O barleyo Balance ou hikud ........ 9202 do hereby the F onsensical 1, In the Said. -Vil- nothing.trivial or n an ad- I 0� seed $19 t �oy 1876, pon t e Public Hall elov 'JO 50 k -3 L and ill bour of ,it% of the clock in f 3e Alter
thereverend gentleman making ................. $5,455 60 lage, at the
bi A 5 r5 60 Total- ....... here the
,-the errors to be 4 ...... MOOD its flietin 10 alftilplace, When ,_VPose of a�oided I $8 to $8 25. Eggsl 12c tc- I er, Total ...... e frame correct.
Mirable L i T 4c and And th p t number
in courtship and 18c to, 23c. above acleonuts. compared. with vouchers, clerk,of the Municipality sball-sura u
marriage. mfo have examnined 4.0 tad J01KN 311,tN.N.AkKK, AuMterf$L. of votes given for and agfLtust the b7 -law., and they Oak on theniLght OL d 11 4][ CKNE8194EY a --About 12 ocl I ign t INLY Of APTIs A- D- farther ft upo the Fir LIVE STOCK MAR CET. 64 tioe, day last, a fire, broke out in a SM411build -80 of the clock, for BEF.vEs. -The rec iptsAnriDg the week 1876, at the, ho r of 13, 0 with the the sa-we placel for the appointment
ing in rear of Bt. J. Whitely's car ' nage 81OPP agair pr( C:) cT_s,46m0N J. 811ANNo.-L4, iteasurer, in Accou"t proper persons . or Or Sga n 8 a'! tv cd ABSrRA 187 ad the, flame in fe% min- were 465 he d, t 395. the vious tv on I Goderich, a �ias been quiet, with C; ILLOF for he. Year taking c The, market IV V i -irALITY 0-P MCK Lpectively to be esent at the ball
ute,s communic ri Uild- wee -1 tTJ rri LJ I '"I ated with the latte I �Z go$ an �Z,084 45 and at the, cour tilig.or Summing-up of an ote in price- �nd So W I it, !;4 I I 0, Briid d 31atelial no decided [Ghanges By Road are d for or
'i 4 998 04A ou behalf tif gueb.ersnss 111tem iDg. The alarm was quickly sounded, 0 as$ Marc I 8 To balapes n hand from Jut 1 oboo 4; to $5 ;,firsi, 0 _IBIj262,64 By Local 8 , I Assessm.ut ........
yl good we quote extra $4 ' ... . .., ... : 965085- a 'nst the sit(. Ur -law respectively.
and the steam fire engine arrived An lit ..... 00 By Conty Treasuver_ .. 911
to $4 50 se n to iconce$ ........ 140 68800 That this )y.law liball take efftet, -nil come Marc i 4, To TRY 'M season. There being aundance of water $4 25 0 �d ;r.- 72 501 By Salaries .......................... 7 87 into force on t ayof AV: fl, A. D, " , to $3 50, !Z To C� ish for Road All WS By Charities ........ ... I..... I 8
the fireM en were, 1;000.Mt work., hil 'tang to 4 ; and tbird-class tt I Z ........ 7844 11376,
;JAI Trp urer, yel, 1. een CD h ffrom ?rO u4 g utunjej
)f the Sttm ND Lt re ba 4-.4 01 To ( to 1 9675 Byprintin't'vogtage and otatloffe!7-- ote�i of I'll e electors of Ltb fight -with the, flames in the face 4 I .1 0-.J -4 n rgy Reserve ?uu ....... 11 .... 11.1 f 1200 By Errorg r�_Tsxcs audstatut b 11 04 7, That the i the public . 11, in the coming in, Ould 0 Lsh for Toll ati � ....... # .... 2A 00 pllty shall be
,g at the time. The hardly &nL- in, and an I e .(:) taken ott strong wind blo'in TOC J80 13 By Surveying, .., j. on tite-First Day o Altril, A -
w ......... :::: ;.. 0;. 67 30 Village of WXO lettr, eg sell readily at qr to,, p :50 per I 00 1 1 be., -i To B)undary LiC M0 De Y, 87 77 13Y D0fAuItor0 lfst� .... ! ' 1,?,12 D. W-ts, beginning at ht To � on -Beside b id Tax .... ............ 7tq
*rj I . L i I I the hour of N
task Was a difficult one clock, Foreuoo_� and ending at the holtr 4f everal heavY live weight. 47ft 08 By Balance oil 118 -were got under coatrol, IS H �Z To A mount Of 0 Ce DI'm ternOOII. cn Z ....... $14,048 87 of the clock, Al
in assisted the firemen in VW Total ...... ...... Offi-
showers of ra: 4 r. 87 8, That Wi U iftin Small shall be RetITT
AIX I TO i .0 Total ..... ... ........ ...... of the said electorn fit the,
;s to save, adjoining buildings. DQ W I eer to take the votes
their effort ImortgOge- placo and time,
A HOUSE TO I,'ZT.-' Lpto that Most c 3im fort. 0 P0134 Appropi Paid to varlou 8 pi 00 I above, wentIOU041 Whitelylgl $took was savetty ed from 8 TPI proport ..... 'Aw 11 be in- Most of Mr. Z. I ; Receiv, I 66 on form voting on this BV TAW 8
taw: The loss is brick bougo, a ad four 0 �2, -L. , 1, I 1 .4 11 I .... ...... os �11 and hotif a u4 well Fitt tal on Ih Cho vouchers therefor, and secogueo, mfi but in a damaged lots Q able 'e It �hard . and W % at" 9, That the h 39 VI uted
-votl Qlot 0 i Innnicl- - a Ifuron stre-t Svc examined the aboye,
amZuriting. enly to ;, v C�. = il V �lwt We Accounts W g
heavy and every' do, �esffflTy- APPIV, 0 T t7-1 Ali Act to proi ide for n the insurance r avenionet III d10 hereby ort gthoxgFnt .01 tbe-raepay-
The origin of the fi *e is un 4ii !2 :R03lERT TRN_DuLL sixa-L. Auditors. by -la -?/L4 re Jullin STEPRENS, British 14 (tcl� SeafortlL. m co .3 P4 four d the 432 T The Brassel -oh, I' 6. es. $igned known. e, de- jl Tf at A. I,, GIB4,31DN� Roc;e. OR TO] J)qfd this W mwn�
-A very ingenious COntrivani AE raighinggpom le�e.to C� L, Clark- F-0 CO ' -4 serving more than a passing notice and, Fouxtor, with all C t� Z C NVIL)LIA31 �331AL
fs ao0d 0 I'manufaeture the milk to 40o e boiler and enoc, and e latolt int pro CT lents NOTICE, that the IbO
Y SALIE -111 be hb-licksmith's dreamo'l is bc- ' t� - - I G�NUINE. HOWE NOTICE ve lyr f or.particula - I I Of La proposed B, in presses, vatst &c. F f .1 GHA�CLER , COPY -Litw wb� eb 1� ing exhibited in Stratford just DOW, L propriel rusad1s. 5 ZY4 0 td 0 I. i i trup L the Can, icil of the to J, LECKIE, taken into MuSildeTAtiOn by
ar of autobutic,figuref of r, I G M OHINE ViHag of Wrt xeter, Con r one,
Consists of a numbe nb in on.8niplof Turizbe)lry, SEW I N uty of ifurou, afte ered in I EDIATE PCSF ESS- 117,1y of fivron. Inoth from the first publication t,Teof, and ublicati lwa,3 the
representing Lilliputian men e,ngab To BE LET, WITH ai C( d floor, rp
I sorts of alant'11 labor such as t ION -Two good I ) f; on the gr011y tbat the, dtte of the said first p
doing al th f; newly erect d brick 0 le b 'ng STILL Ali, NAD. 1,876,and at the hour,
chopping, ming, plan -in and 4 good obambers It a in order for sale b 10th day of U. irch, A. D -
boiler making, 4a 9' dwelling h use gituat n ot- % Cn. 1, llett, e n Said by-law for taking
8 0. Mar,,,, 1876, ynade ir The da3-and PJW.&Ppoj-ntea
eelbarrow, riding on veloci- pation of (ft L 11034liff,033, t wner, date Me 3suada TAi ided the votes Of the ssidyi-Itge-o the
pushing a In'the ocen i ; Cot rt of Chance Iuof the -leetors Of
pedes, blaoksmilth at work &c. The i with privuege, if desir b half th� r en, half 0- ore It Co. To. t'. 1ore will be offere(l f6l Sale -,�EAFORTH, Sid by-law- � ; Fa e Hail, in $ the f) -n! It s !a oom for SOLD 1Y W. N. WATSK 4ke place In the Pa
motions -of the. figures are wonderfully th-o'produce of ap lication Pq C '15MUCIAL1101 EL, The Poll Wt,�l 1, One horse. Rent and *r cullao on by � Inblic Anoti U tDC03 'I, I n the Conn �y of oxeter, on the FIrSt of ri IT LAQrE -of V, NGHAM, I the'Village oftW-r
t itigeni- 426; I t 1eV i Agent for the County of HurOk" naturai a -lid. are in fact the mos THOMPSON, �n. e premites. to Mr. I WUe,, on Y MARCH 80,1876, at I A.D. 1M. ace we have ever I 0 oel! in o'by T OMAS ip you want to know the t e qualities of this i WILLIAM 831LAL Ous mechanical contriva -iil 1� � ovoc, i - I I 0 I __1 . 0 . C1 016 ock in the tertloc I . e Inc Mee in 481 T 111L P_ W C') Approb jtion ed ;ate and presides 1 __3 Ul :9- An tioncer with the eiebratd S g a Dat this Itli day of March, A. 1)
C seen. An owl sis in Of �O �.A id Mart, , in W �Z wARDLW TAYLOR , MaNter of the on. oth, and b are Of 90' 0 where one only Everyth' t. yei 0 otel, a 21f and Beef y ont of order, to be over' the whole see (30 'OR ST.&Y COW. -S -a 4wbiteCcwmorc, no 0 , 0 b lives Of Lots Nof - less is kept on handand.pu o SAIX, wonderful cO11"g E r(da -1 - "' chinef to its disadvan- U-NRESER i,D AUCTION� connection with this t Senforth, ftlarch 5 In, 1. of t owliship of Tumb coudi- 22 in on. compared to inferior Itai b Igo and poor in ;> tbc po on fej d
e Oven to Aln'll 0 ade by the exhiDitor, , hite-with rather lai e it. 431 t7 tthe we III ngton I tag &fter a period of more I hal ten years em,
Of antomata WAS M ow c ted on tie ift o iness I havo pilg lensed. III- farm and rmation to t :1 1,7 Bmee a ; pen e, in the, Sewing Maebil Dug ed, bl
common work. I tion. Info tt Itne N11r., Win Robertson, Jr., 2Y.' 1 em -are Ct abl -m mil' and ses of: e. tin 41Ct
: country, bas ingt1l Linith, of Brockville. ItePyl M: ise; two lo W found. thab the I being abdat leaVing tbe
in,g blar, ST 11 -AY CALF .-S I ay fle a ad inach ne4y not 1;�U c Aji,,ItiOu,
fle 18 a E I Bun e. 0 nia chine , an a 611 11, Mr, J. F. �ETNZ to Sol, by nod, lob 1; Con. 9, Mori is, of which 20 arO free ed t;cLe undersig , sarne 9 aie leare T " ve On ways present and ready to answer any 25. Thi � )w er may have th, ci les i than tb z tj nte GEN I�E H E MACHINE withont question that may be asked of him in re- Call, On Feb� ' ing eXpeage) - V-4 �Z fro ra stumps. 1) r6baser Shll, at ay 11di V �Z 1 -4 oilitoiJI0 pereent-tO the
r 480*4 �E' :Z - t satis- In, -lie
by proving property.a 3� F :t- of iale,paydo na, le pe en C furence to his ingenious Mechanical cOn- ShL11pay thebal- Is the only One which- baS 91-Y it, 12 o'clock noon, 013L Lot BARN -HILL, a s4v of de ti it, the t::1 Yea(lors orthetr F30 I tor an � I IYe lilig the TOW M hg go Mone less t Move for repair,
_ment� being r tu Z_ Team Of ; n-rty, '03 the Preffl1ges of the rom the JnJ 101ving.,ralua a propc STRAY 14, 310101 n �e of his p�ric
on or 81,400 -into Court 4 thin oup, month quaJ E ned, Lot I , df ItpOgWP9eSfi1J11L_; itieg jtre lecab.le-Sew- cf)lf Com -
Spring Showo.. undarsig 111 a owner n rest, t e AM Sim -ar
I �Z day of sale witliOut -f, I driZing T"re e9ynJ_j3g-4 L Ruo Ing 31acJ15130, stron 119 I ut 3larc,it 1, a ora I s Otto4 Sow:- t Lnd� Pny it is g,du ble, not n6mY Ali )ld tLI;d I conli
re Stock ay e trfleo auil, owage oil tho f3prin- Shows for the exhibition of Entill . a 0 port v 40) to 13 the flyell, and all Ito prt,; Art- rJ3 tj; old, 2 ye Y11,
is requested to py0V0 a the k"111110 r. You I 01 risiug 2 yeny 9 A4AUAAj� A ( S, I wa r bob). eig,bsg I LT-
ke her eway. able to 11W v a a verfmtly h o" 11 al h(A,,, 3 pAi
Vill be -held aB follo-wH 481*4 0 be, pr 114 I'Ld at theb�tstw(Axil irfgage in quo),tit 13 it m finme work work s 0XJW bay ra cultivat #ry Pair 111-11 soath flurob, at Bracefield, lVednesday' kprjl if). f; r, mi which �All, loxf"k bay Ta
pr - I I it f 33jr, CULL liges of tb I inoy be seen in t can- 710x cliangoit
,t liaron, xtftith'o Hill, TharsUyo. Apr11 V,, irlb) the tirne of OW, a 4nd yenderin� it I -T, den ley; eutter, Wed STRAY ME olj�jtoj Such out strainingit I ron VIM/, 10 the Towushil) I he '%1endrirs' ; it h on fine IbarrowY, t1i ae at the office 0 t Ln� for the parthao( ducing, 0 neal buffV) robe W, Irtpge to CoAlt4i a eOV0139 wil 1with ty t forth, at Segforth, Thurvkiay, April 20, gpotted yearl 0 u thr ff Sea nning fai% a flualati
_t 'Juron, at 1.11russelm,Irriday, April �1, E the undertil 0�d perfect st the harlit,as, 310, liay
of Ifay, about Jan- ptovt_� pro for Y, pax P! urext ibp buildiu9j; It the 11 "it with 1101TY
t,�Tlv,n and Usborne, at Exeter, T to C.) same ( pc f0f W url"y' ,kp, n �:* to fn=mre an ec I spool. 8 The owner is Toque I 1i JAS. STYLES. 4W*4 jut onainstiell ith, a fine Zotto. forkff, a nu'Lntity ril 115, chalge take it st, C r- Vy DpeYtJ to u h a t, &JU,jujoi. -Tion!f; be IMPOW-d an by un, )er and aout CAV0 of 0 and 11" Ich payl ;l4n,15 - I FrWay, Aptil 14, Cn its the N endor"o in ; r . lonot Scrupulous stud the M. outs of other "w- JM '!- 4�mc itito the P on e for monig, at Blyth e: on,d iu�rtg4g J hotwc-bold t Irafture, abont?A10 bush �5 Of iaryAp5# Ln vlof aigy you with a gemu, oeg� I
Hull(_tt,. at Clinton, Tuesday April 18. R at 4 Upon the LdXoel 0 I' ST bine -ring to 91 I about 20 gri inbagg, about 50 bushel E,&y Lijake Shore I /if dwest, required, tb� pnr- Ing Hat, o, 00c atisfied to keep E the undersigned 1 A' 400 with b.ar o' .0 � and:1be let ime, Howe,,%I%�Y=e if yon are'not -4 only nom hRy auCords of eld�dWOIAI Stanley, on Nov. 201' M ek 0nd wbit,_yearling n Auation Sales. �tlegtaa to pro v, P.0porty, WA HO RSAT. A E. C-11' ser'wfll be 4,nti le t tO cO will -be solA sub- the one they are trying to sell you' &H iW other or e O 9' 11 , 114 proport, 'd nud(fr eagb, Heifer. Th Wner I 11 UAIALS in to posgession, . y the Maot4r. In intendto irnpOge upon you 150me worthless fraits- TMMS, -All imms Of -her away. -reserve I fixed eeond,hand he 60 U U
-.9, Con. 1 p d 4 1, that mrjaonn; 9 nionths' credit vill r'
Ft y, 11arell &It On Lot ay charges and 480*4 jat t )f sale, are the stand- tiOn Of the Howe, or perbaps tin o14 1, 0% itions 1;eOvut her resects the onditions
pl; 41 Aff, th said Court.t The article rO�Varlliflhod to look like a new inachine. 1shing ap �roved joint notes. A Farm, Stock and Irnplements. 4-- TO WY A LL, SEAF( irgeonditions of.01110 01 tit th-dollr will be 0110weA fox ca�h an lots re, advertise4 tobe conts on, le -Kenzie, proprietor . P. Brine north lialves of tho 1; I' id.
vor tarther S,
A. AL P P credit antol nw I e and of E AL SAGIE TLuolus L�VSLI E IN HT N eold at the saniel ti J h 06 ON he-; law I cog P alars apply 4t I 0 F 4,31 Thursday �Iarch,301 oa Lot 21 Lon- 13UBLIC NOTICE Of th P LAid I -.1tor, Tormf(o, AuctIotteer.
T b �rl TW_ r k n, Esquire, Ve d:)Ys Soli f of -Steamsh PH, failing EERY J. P. B1111 EVJkNING MAROU q7TU. !; — heTowullhip, po Ribbert and L ford., INMA S I essrs. Woodl, L bi .k� don Road, Hay, Farm, Stock and Imple- JL of t ftxn,� ioad Cheese Ioc ory, US- 3,10 N1 1) AY rand M CPhOrsout ATUEDATfrotnNeWYM forQaee0fdOnfind Uskier. ments. Alva Baker, proprietor , P. be hold at the Th d4ECU 27 o ploc P. cb 6. 'Sip ed, ntost son hotly route is adopt Dres9 'A
at6d 8th Ma er Room OVey the, B:xnk* Scale
T, W. 'tAyiOR- 'AV -j thus lessening the a Fi 12 ers X -a- 2� ed by the rtj borne, on TUESD pool. As the Brine, auctioneer. 1 M., for the purpose with 0�'S. FARE Us 2 e of the HE orrally, accol U ice KENNE, i - - -bergs and fog ionday, farch 27 on Lot 25; Con, 6, tual Fire insurance 432-2 reward ill b danger by ICA consult et A. DUNCJ R --The above p1dung a trip t tjxe Old Co 1110nt' T' A' RA3 �t 20 RE1V*R y person )r persol Inter to by taking Passage y ON so will lead t( TI to sold and full information C SIL10
hIF, 'b this LIVERY, Hibbert, Farm Stoc;� and Implements. the A AN EN,r]]R-E�y NEW PEOG ho will pheir.ow 131E, IXAL
paid, to C. le legal v, pro tor, Comfort -al T. Ki lag, auction- f mish such I ttion favorite Rue. 2 ,IjabU hrses dv&yll I.I.A OTOSY.-A P b to Mc4A n-fo or particS WU given by h, ady. OMM Ind XtAbiall OIL c nvietion ofithe a -ty ptiblished carriages.. rate. Johil Cox, proprietor jug of the Shi it �iacrs and Pa 0 's of the Z C nal. - charac- cer. jTARNA CILEES1 ile DMISSIO1. lingv my perm, eapt ftrww
-Lot 10, Con. 129 Varna Cheese 9 fill behold in cTempor- t difamato ry It . ags J. -S. ROBERTS, Agent, Seafort AFactC AACA 25, I , aoking the I �Uwsyt an ron IN est, Oii 0 819AT', . 0 C N t r, fil Fly 91 eeb rm, dt-A NOY, jure -N B -Tickets for New VI& Eric Es tbe hotWels arrange, "JMSERVED 0 l;bOOd Only t� In in ;Zection with above *O, :to rm Stock and Implementil, RuccH111, Varna, ted of Steamships, Is- O-rda's At slay Hullett, Fa F, ame to be a fabi ie, (71fK0RqFJ Stew& at I'O'clock in the TS ed to. Brine, drawing rt, pioplietor George mehts for the basin #g 1 , d this year 4f rr v4 rates. e 9 "s rou t on. lorof.M auctioneer. of the milk over th On" IOU t
4 a
;w de- f
'O In
0 r
f al 0
pla, all 4`7
Tuesd on n. will also be let. ayt. Karch 28- - - - - - - - - -