HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-03-17, Page 19 4 „I down, Ia e. removed to the bakery, where he teet hie old etuttomers. testee. The Council at paesed a by-law hiniting tavern licenses to he - and the shop licenses of each being $100. —Mr. Thomas Heritage n, Lot 27, Com A, How 100 acres, to Messrs. lorge Miller, for $4,100., Miner, Cori, 1, Morris, ly the handsome smn of U1711 Of 100 acres, which he refused. 779, IONViCak. irarINC1,—The municipal ownship of Renick met tenant to adjournment. resent. On petition of Mid others requesting the -:miley supposed to be in- gd by Mr. Roddy, secende hell, that the Reeve be 'e the proper authorities learried, James Craw- Willets made application action taken, Moved by lconded" by Mr. Wilson, ing =aunts be paid, RawIinson, manicipel John Kueh, contract on • Cou, 11, $15 ; James. eeing scraper, 53e; Jahn work on ditch at Ford- eiry Newton, notifying- meetine rn Is75,. expeuses to to Toronto i.nd 11 days on municipal ; Wm. Hastie, gravel '$.6 00 ; James Graham, e Wm. Irane, registering -ea and. deaths, $S 60, T. bridge on Lots 19, Cons. : John Jardine,. collector's ,eorge Henry, ealleetor's Wm. Cewan„ elevis for arried, There were 12 r tavern licenses, but no 'Moved by Mr. Bodily, sec - Wilson, that that Mr. :ne bridge in Gorrie cover- epring—Carr Zed, Moved ,econded by`,\I`r. Mitchell, I adjourn to meet in 'Mc- •wrrie, on the third Wed - h, when the pathmasters, Ind fenceviewers will be ried. Hibbert. correspondent, who sited the farm of Mr. ,,f the township of Hib- the highest terms of the ities of that gentleman's [elver has deservedly at - able eminence as e sheep :e following facts, furnish- aatondent, will ehow that ,(1. to sustain his reputae Iver Ilea nine very fine [. and six splendid shear- C,me of these latter, which leicester breed, has wool. inches in length. He has very euperior rams, one of hased last fall from the of Biadulph. This ani- airee feet seven inches in ths live feet nine inches, ased for $80, .Beltnore- A grand benefit coneart ;Tick Popher, a rheumatic given in the temperance V evening, Feb. 25. The ,s were al originators and Ireittee : Miss L. Taylor, ry, Miss M. Martin and ay. The inimical part et t was contributed by Mize lise L. Taylor, Miss M: Milloy, Mr. Clark, of . Manner, of Listo wel and brass band. Dialogues in such a manner as to _ :rsts of applause from the After the concert a sup- tty Mrs „ Taylor, whieh was zieiciug. All of the per- ettiefactioneleu t the comic- ielerk made hien an especial : Brussels araaN on Real Estate for two ▪ Intereat payable annualb. aid over, principal can be paid i at any timeApply to 0, R. P. 0. ee the roads have broken, i.iarket has been very dull. r l'ausr.NEss,—Tufts & Co. their stock of livers and intend to add dry goods with their groceries. iN11:---Mr,. Reit. Nott, of rI- has rented the shop at r ;(1(1 by John Angue, but - Os opening out a tailoring eibeut the 1st of April, teekeraraith. 4i. i.i eel.; Of u;.i: FAPTO H of the Rodgerville Cheese rtise for tenders- for the f' their clime for the cur - Applications will be receive ,tay, March 18. elle—One day Let week :Mule of Tuekeremith, :halel eagle in a trap, The set to catch a fox, and in- : he got an eagle, This si,... feet nine inches front le eagle wae given to Mr. iey, of Seaforth, who has I intends keeping it for a • 71. Stanley. — At the auction sale of . of Stanley, which took iay iast, the cows aver - :II 50 ; the heifers, $38 30 $10 20 per pair. Other roportionally welt We tet to say that the auc- zeided the hammer so sue - at occasion was Mr. J. .rth. Give Joe a fair show to hammer out the very i,. in an article, He has ry succesefel sales in this aee Walton. .i4fi.e.S.—(Y1./ the Ise inst. ehleet son of James . of the Twelfth Concession ,Larried to Miss Elizabeth :L0.1 Twelfth Concession. of :le auspicious event made- - the. immediate viciratc ▪ select circle of friends Hotel,. Walton, and, cele;casion with great eclat - re, enlivened by the sweet lees Cornet Band, termin- Ljoyable day. --Cox, .*7779.9•77•7777 0.e. ire. • 7-77.77•77.7* , sumsworsworaws---- NINTH, IC EA . WI1101,E NO. 432, KCAL ItI4TATE FOIL SALE. 9 • won SALE.—A. Wood Lot, containing a little 74-7 less than 100 agree of laud; well situated in the townahip of, WIC -Bop; lf011 meat excellent ; timber heavy, will he sold cheap. Apply to R. A. LEGGETT, Exeter P. 0. 420 VOR 8.aLE.—To be so• ld, 7 acres of Cleared Land -I: with good holm, barn, stable and orchaed, well watered and fenced, situated on the 4th conces- sion, north corner of Lot 15, Meltillop. Apply on the pr °rabies , 480-4 LE E t heti Lot 11 Con have built towns anti Citi h- the Agri- On t i A Few &rear Tho ghte. To the Editor of the nu tht sitor. SIR : Notwithstanding the apid growth . the Grange movement is h $ving, b ere is a wide spread opinion t a it is a pec-, Listowel, uletion, and not a safe one that it is a day jag, selfish one no one can g inaey, for the main object is to destroy *hell social Anil —A th day last, commercial relations at Orient existing #3120 on with the mercantile col M nttY• ' Who Railway APORTH, FRID before an udience in Canada, prior to starting tee en a tour through the United States an, California. —A bo aged about three years, son of Mr. J. Livingston, of the flax mill in as accidentally drown on Fri - y falling into a cistern. ee-card Monte party.on Satur- robbed a young American of he St. Lawrence and Ottawa etween'Ottawa and Prescott. e evening of Feb. 3d, the con - of Rev. R. Hassard, of Peel, him at his parsonage, in d presented him with a purse ARMS FOR SA. .— ns f f 12, MoKillop ; and West halt Lot 19-, Con. 12 MiyKillop; aloe South 50 acres of Leta 1 and 2 Con. 10, Morris, adjoining the Village of 13lyth. For particulare apply to MeCAUGI1EY ed norxz- STED, )3arristers, &c., Seaforth, ' 425 PARK LOTS FOR SALE,—Containing 5 ,acres -1-. each, adjoining the Town of Seaforth. , The most deeirlible Hituation foi private reeidenees. Terme reaeonable, with immediate possession. Apply to IL W, C. MEYER Barrister, Seaforth, 1 or to L. lei tY.E II, Irarpurhey . 44l a ; RUILDING LOTS IN StEAFORTH FOR SALE -LI —Dr. COLEMAN, having laid out the grounds recently ocenpied am a Driving Park into Ilnid- hag Lao, be prepared to diepenee of lots on reason- able terms to any who may desire them. Partial; clothing to pan:Wore should make immediate ap- plication. - 864 ATALITABLE PROPERTY IN HARPURHEY Fort SALE.—For Sale in Harpurhey, 1 mile froze Soaforth, a large frame DIsrelling HOtlfte con- taining 7 rooms, with a stone foundation and large cellar a good well and pump, and 5 aeres of good land, more or hem For further particu- lars enquire to the proprietor on the premises. ROBERT HANDOOCK. 429-4 PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Two loaf, with a 2 story frame holm and barn, situated on the Market Square, Scuforth. The ivemisee have been used as an egg peeking eablishnsent, and are ivell adapted for any public busineste. For particulars apply to the proprietress, Mrs. MAL - COM, &earth, or to D. GORDON, Goderieh. 481 1.7ort SALE.—The property of the late J. C. • Copeland, being com,poifed•of park lots, In the Town Plot of Grey, containing 16 aerosol the best of land, and well cultivated. . There is a good frame homers and barn on the property. The above will, be sold. on easy terms. For further patient - lam apply to HARTWELL SE'EIRAN, Mondrian P.O.,. Grey, or to 0. R. 000PER, Brnessele, 422 VARM FOU Sa.LE.—For eale on easy terms, Lot No. 26, don. 6, Township of Hay, con- taining 100 acres, 60 of whieh are dearer', and in a state of good caltivation. A good frame dwelling bowie with log outbuildings, an orchard and.ii good wen. Is situated half way between the sta- tions of Kipper' and Honlia;1, being 5 ranee from each place. Apply to W11. CU DMORE, Granton Or to CHARLES MASON, Bruaefield. 424 VARM FOU SA.LE.—For Sale, Lot 12. Con. (1, -1' Hellcat, coesietiug of 100 acres af land, 40 acres cleared, and the belance well timtered with hard- wood: There is a log house, Hided, a f aline barn and on tbni Wage, a good well, and a youug -bear- ing orchard of ehoice fruit trees Situated 8 miles from Seafoith, 6 miles from Clinton, 1i from • Kinburn, Terme made known on applieation on Ilia preraillea. Poffaelesion given immediately, EDIZABEITI HABSE tonstance P.0. 480 VARM FOR F/ E. ---South Best quarter ef Lot . 20, eon. 4, Township of Morris, containing 50 tierce. New frame house, well a.nd pump. Good orchard of 75 bearing ' trees 1I5 acres clearad, 21 acres beach and maple with some hemlock, 4 SUCA cedar ewanap, with, good drainage. The shove property is sitnated'8i miles from linissels, on the Great Western Railway. Terms easy. Far further partieulere apply to C. R. COOPER, Brus- sole P. O.', or to JOHN BRANT, on the- rem- ises. 429e4 VAIIMS FOR SALE.—For ale, Lot 28, don. 9, Ueborne, containing 18' es, 80 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the -re- mainder is well timbered; there are good log buildinge on the premisee. Alio° east half of emit half of Lot 25, Con. 7, of the same township, con - Lacing, 25 aeree, about 15 of which are cleared; good sabetantial log house on the promiees, Both fermis are desirable prepertiefi. and will be sold - cheap. For further particulars apply to RICHARD MARQUIS, Lumley P. 0: 4804 A LARGE DWELLING ErlUSE in Seaforth for Bale or to Rent.—Foraale or to rent, that pleasantly situated and commodious dwelling hone°, owned by Mr. 8. Powell. The house con - table large parlor, dining -room, kitchen, and 10 comfortable bed rooms, together with closets, good cellar, hard and soft water,' stable, wood- shed, &e. There are two lots filled with choice bearing fruit trecit. PUESSefifd7011. given at any time. Apply to S. POWELL. N. B.—Also a large quan- tity of square timber for sale. 415 VARM FOR SALE.—Fof Sale Cheap, west J P" Lot 17, Cora 8, McKillop, containing 50 acres, 45 of which are clear of stumps well fenced and In a state of good cultivation. 'The wood land is good hardwood. No waste land. A good log bowie and log barn, also frame stable. Is Well _watered; good young bearing orchard. Is situat- ed 7 miles from Seaforth, and the same distance frora Carronbrook. Is miles from good gravel road. For further particulars apply to the pro- prietor on the premises, or to Winthrop' P. 0. JAMES SKIMMONS. 431-4 VARDI FOR SALE.—North half of the South ▪ half of Lot 80, Con. 6, Township of Morris, containing 55 scree, all °leered; 2 never -failing springs on the fern], 5 acres fall wheat and 10 acres fail plowing, a frame house 18x24. The above property is ed the best of land, and is on the gravel road and adjoining the flourishing vil- lage of Brussels. Brussels Li ono of the best mar - kcal in the County of Huron. Terms to suit pur- chaser. For farther particulars apply to C. Ii. 0092ER, Bruasels P.O., 1'. KELLY, Blyth P. 0., or IA.MES DURNION, on the premises. 429e *11 VOR SALE --A 13eautiful Villa in the ae • of Bayfield, within a few ininutefewalk, of the Harbor, almost new, it is built on Park Lot No. 6, Range E, containing by adraeasureinent 7 sores. There is good barn with under -ground stable for 8 head, green house, summer house, in fact all necessary buildings for a Villa ; the orchard can- not he surpassed in the Dominion, the earden is replete in every department, also 16 acres of bush land. The whole will be sold by private contract, if possible, if not the property will be put up and Sold by Auction, at Morgan's Hotel, on Monday, May 1, 187s. Inquire of John ESSOLI Elgi•c Bay- field. No reaerve, as it =oft be sold' off to pay recent heavy Tosses sustained by the present pro- prietor. A. B. lircowNeatz. 4132-4 QAW MILL AND FARM OF 100 ACRES FOR SALE.—The subeeribere offer for sale their yaw mill and farm, Lot 85, eon. 5, East Wawa - pooh, The mill eontains largo circular, edging saw, butting saw, shingle eau., edger and packer— all in good order. There are on the lot besides__ the mill, two frame dwelling bowies and frame stable. Thera is also on the lot a quantity of val- nable timber, consist -fog of pine, black ah, and heittioelc and other hardwood, with a largo steel( the vicinity to lad a number of years Sat's- factory memos givea for selling. Posseeffsion given at any Inc. For further particulars enquire, if i by letter post paid, of W. G. HINGSTON, Bras - eels I'. 0., or to R. T. IIINGSTON & BROTHER, Westfield P. 0, 580 refit of those, ai ed •0 grelta,tion cultural centres, and ther' b established markets for the use and who are now assailing : years ago Mr. Bright an an agitation in England a lish system of tenure of committed himself to the! /18 the whole of the soil of that in the hands of about persons, and deduced an argumentrefrom that the land was monopoliz k a jealous territorial aristocracy— ere handfu, in comparison with the nil ions, of th people --and that through , t.1 e aid of complicated and exclusiv ila d law, the debarred their countrymenlimn a share in the soil. In recent ret Sit is shown that More than 900,000 persons . have a proprietory interest in la Itl,, eing one in twenty of the poptilation I he London Timeaj in remarking upon' this, in effect, said that a popular agita ice 'that takes root in blind -ignorance t reckless mue representation of facts ele il accessible is a political and social blunder, as well as a crime.: If the Gr g es are con- vinced there is a grievanc h tween thern and the whole eommer al bornmunit' which calls: loudly for r mecly, the ought to begin their warfare upon th basis of ascertained anda ce fhble knowl edge. • Now, I would sk,. have; th Grangers done this? havet ey fully sat . lolled themselves that th r ally requir! r protection from the rape, ity and greed, o the merebaut and manuf ete rer ? for if am not misinformed, I t 'n this is th basis on which they are a .ti g, or are ci their conclusions resting n an obviou misconstruction of their , w interest i /elation to the trading co! n unity ? " I is an enigma, Sir, this u mess !", sai an old farmer to me, wb is wavering in his decision whether to be r not.to be Granger. I agree with h ni it is a enigma, and 1 think it ill soon fluid a solution in the total collaJse of the whole movement. While it Mite it may in- flict more or less seriou 1 injury on th individuals and inititutions ssailed but in the long run it will p eveke a,he lthy reaction. One fact in *Om ection with the Grange association in the United in nstrate ho le into niiii isstate cnt T e farmers ii tie imi in thi ak n the initia; o undertak ings, which, like soanbu'i, bl s, have van ished into thin air.' The laim tothav in their association over 0 000 grange or lodges, and some mill ns of menelbere They have, however, ii. 8 receivhd I check, which, in the i pi ion of l th press, indicates beyond d ebt that th intluence of the ideas u e ,1 which. th association sprung, is fas decaying. 1 the State of Wisconsin, eli is a ere ly-agricultiiral State, th Or ;angers wer' 1 all powerful, and a clau n the ta constitution, authorizing th Legislatur to alter and revise the is on whiel railways were ehartere abled the to carry an act more ewe g than: tbe were able to place ori the pith book e. any of the other Sta I This + act known as the Potter la as to regu late the tariff in the conveyance of dor to, the Atlantic, their n varlet, bein that the cost of conVeya ce was greate than the price of the c n, Which the attributed to the allege reilway rings whcethey said were in 1 gee with othe rings in the corn trade. Dverlooking te real cause which no Legislature can r rnoverthe immense dist ne of Wiscon sin from the Atlantic e parseness o the population, and ,he ln ost total ab- sence of more remuner tit o rtratfie, in- creased the evil; and arecondition which can be only remo ed by lapse 0 time and the growth of pr ePerity. I now appears the Grange a e compellec to recognize these facts, in , have allow ed the State to repeal e ect withou bringing any influence t be r.against i and from this it is infer d that they ax awakening from the hall cii ations unde which they are laboring. I ,is sufficien ly attested that the "t tion of th Grangers has made an nf vorable im- pressieu on the saving; asses and ea italists on this and the he side of th Atlantic, who have bee d terrecl fro risking their money in 'it aye or othe interests where the Gra e i fluence pr cloininates*. By ! this ne ! blunder of theirs, we have it cue th u hority of th Governor, that the Ste ,enerally h suffered very severely. ' t fatly go out for wool and come home ha n.' VI 0 THINKS. "SEairoii.iff, March 18, 187 lin.•Ae few LAO», a hers got up f $57. —Last d, when he st the Eng - gave !dim that Mortality ountry wasi NOTICE To APE_HT01/14. Stater; .will, I think, d easily some people are chievotts blunders throng and visionary hug bear. the States took the in movement, as they have tive u Many other int • . Cl The Bank f oao rond ze branch in Paisley, Ont. —In Blenheim town of taverns is limited to license duly fixed at $8 —Hon, George Brow return to Toronto, from; the middle of April, --There will be 350 Centennial Exhibition' f of _Quebec. —A brakesman, na 7 ! got two fingers taken hand jammed while con Hespeler, aefew days a —A number of clogs l, the upper part of coil so far as we can lea shot before any seri° d —Jeannie Watson a, the world renowned 5 ave a concert in the (.1.‘ Wellington couuty, on last, under the auspices of Oddfellows', the pr ee plied to the widow and; o that Society. Tnis is I h I last conc# given by Miss Watson 'a s d Mr. Hard -- TAKE NOTICE.—All accounts oaring ns must be settled this month, or they will be placed 113 cond for collection, McINTYRE & WIL- LIS, Seaforth, 427 LAST WAIMING.—ThohO se parties wdo not settle up their tic:comae with Strong & Fairley before the 15th of the present month had better look out for squalls. Can's wait any longer, must have businegii w)pund up at one -e. STRONG & FAIRLEY, 426 IIISCELLANE0 CS. • At, CAMERON, Praetical Watchmaker and. Jeweler, Mitchell. Customers will And it 10 their interest to deal with uee, as they will have the benefit of my long praetical experience in the trede, 408 i 0 I as' opela ed h . i ip the numb 3 nd the sho ,1 hi AV ot ill expected gland abo t eitors at tl e the Previn Iltfaeormic y getting h tiv6 cars, gone mad rafraxa,ib ey were al -nage w .11, Hard. eh vocalis hed, Ferg y eveni 'ergus Lod to be4 a hens' fund 11 11 8 s, s, week, Mr. D. D. Hay, M. P. ie first of two lectures on Inl- and Future ruaishment, at the Tempe= Hall, Toronto. • Mr. G. M. ied the chair. George McKenzie, of New OVA Scotia, died on Saturday was a large shipowner, and at epresented Pictou county in bly, le 'boy named. Hertezky, reside Wove was attacked by a, vi. cious bull and gor43d to death e few days hegimo,, was gi .tose OCOU —Capt. last. He one time —Ali he Asse mg near mother, in attempting to save angerously injured. . I ;i —Mr. ltebert McDonald, for many years a re ident of the town of Coiling - wood, die on the 7th inst., at the ripe old age 0011 years. He was hale and active until within two days of his death. —A rurnour is current': to the effect e Magistrate MeNab, of Hamil- ccepted the County Judgeship that Poli ton, has Of Wentworth, and that Mr. Jno. O'Dono- hoe, of 'Dimwit°, is to be appointed mag- istrate. I --Win. Gillespie has been committed or trial, by the Mayor of Galt, for steal - ng a pocket book containing $10, be. longing to Mr. R. Common, 'of the town- ship of Dinnfries. He pleaded guilty to the charge, —The New Dundee Flouring and G rist- 'ng Mille,. in Waterloo county, have ecu • purchased by Mr.. Wilson, of Hawksville, for the sum of $11,000. A ew years ago the sanie property was gold or $18,0eet ---A sed accident occurred on the morning of Friday- last, in the woollen actory at Arnprior' Renfrew county. A oung .giiil while atwork had the whole f her scalp torn off. She he not expect- ed to live. . —A Mt. Smith, of Forest, has been be- queathed $100,000 by a deceased relative in England. He has left for the Old Country to get it. As there are not a few Smiths around, they all wish they were the otheriman, —A Mrs. Kirby died suddenly at Chatham, on the afternoon of March 10, Her husband left her alone in the house quite well at 2 P. M. When her children ea h in from school at 4 P. M., they found her deed on.the floor. and Mrs. Purdue, of Brant county, celebrated the 50th anniversary Of their Wedding on the 9th day of this Month, by a family gathering. A hand- some present was made to the old couple very sudden rise of water by their Children. . River, attended with dest I —The St. john, N. B., Telegrayh says at some points. At Fre port, it has been intimated that there is at post vilage between IBerlin and present enough lumber wharved In jam of ice occurred belo the the vicinity of St. John, to load wbich caused the water t forty tee thousand ton ships, and the flats, and the inhabitants bulk of this will have to he moved this heir lives the lower floor - spring. 1 1 , i7 i876, Inineennemr , eet, but the doctor who is attending 1 im e,annot as yet' tell whether that will be the' full exteet of the injury sus- tained. e v acrincy created "n the Presi- ency of the Bank of Mo treal, y the eath of lgr. Dityid Torre ce, h been filled by the Directors electing r. Gil- bert Scott, of the firm of Dow Co., brewers, in Montreal, to the position. The appointment is likely to meet with eneral setisfriction. —The spellizootie , has ot ye quite disappeared from our Prov nee as will be Oen by the following c allenge : The Mechanics and manufactur rs of the town df Listowel, hereby challe ge the ‘ mer - Chants to meet them in a s e lling match, , 'with 12 represettatives on e eh side, wtih- in two Weeks from date. —The Young is C ristian Asso- ciation- revival is progres ing in Mon- tireal. Last Sunday nigh the Theatre; loyal wasaaacked full, an an overflow eating had to be held i Cote street Presbyterian church. Me sre, CrOmbie, Budge and T. Elmore .11a • Were the drinfocripprsal`sypeera. kers. Abou 150 emain- -In West 'Zama a by- aw h been eased" limiting the num er of tavern censes in the township to two, and put- ting the license,* at $60 ; and the num- 10er of shop lionses to one,restricting it 1 e the sale of liqitots eiclu ively, and the icense fee therefore to be 100. Eighty cellars is to be charged in est Zona for both shop and tavern licenses. --Postal matters between Halifax and loronto iseem to be wretchedly conduct - O. A letter bag cohtaini $ valuable en- losures was allowed to lie in the Ilalifax r ffice in an old valise fro the 1.2th of January until the 20th of February hen it turned up and wasforwarded to its destination. Several registered !et- ers were in the mail, and its turning up 'fras a great relief to the senders. --Protracted meetings ave been held. n the 'United Brethren church, New! undee, County of Waterloo, forabout hree weeks,' and are still ontinaing ev- ry night. The services re principally onducted by Rev., Mr. Eby, and are mostly all in German. n intense M- erest is taken in the meetings by quite IL number. I ---On Wednesday Mi s Livian, of Mitchell, was charged by Miss Rawlin- OD, of the same place, ith throwing her off the sidetval,k into tl e ditch. One f the girls works at Mr. Goebel's knit - tug factory, and the, othe for re Bur- ett, and the trouble app ated have risen from an old grudge. Fine $1 and 3.40 coats.• —Several Ottawa' lum er rne chants' leave evidence before the ndustrial De- pression Committee at Ottawa, Oen the condition' and prospects f ' that trade. Mr. Booth stated that the average cap- ital employed by each lumber producing oncern was from $1,000,000 to 1,800, - and the average hands employed ebout 600 for each firm, or 10,000 men altogether. —The recent rains and haw caused a n the Grand metive effects small reston, bridge, overflow the ad to fly for of the houses eing flooLd. --Early last Saturday morning the __-The Waterloo Chroni wife of George Clarke, of Woodville e degenerating slightly committed suicide by hanging herself to a I tree. :Family disagreement is sup - poised to have been the cause, she and her husband !having been living apart for some time back. • —Rev.; \ Dr. Ormiston, formerly of Hamilton,*ached the anniversary ser- mons last Sanday morning and evening in his fermer pulpit in the Central Pres- byterian church, to large congregations. In the afternoon he addressed the chil- dren of the Sabbath School. m —A young an from -Jersey City, N. Y. on the way to Omaha, was robbed of $260 between Suspension Bridge and Hamilton, 'on Monday last. , He got off the train at Londori,and pawned a revol- ver and breastpin to procure money to pay his way home again. —The' Government steamer Lady Head will sail next week frem Halifax, N. S., for l'hiladelphia, taking articles from that Province for the Centennial lExhibitien. The collection will be Urge. Some - heavy articles, such e as blocks of coal, will be sent by a larger vessel. ' —There is considerable excitement in Fergus at the present time oh the tavern question For some years back there have been ten licensed taverns in the village, hile under the new law only five lice therefor That's ti —Mr. sold his celebrated "Clydes- dale Ja k," to a man from South In- diana, f r 81,000; weight, 1,820 pounds, The imp rtedbloc' cd horse 'qtr. Butler," was late y purchased by 1. Eby for $1,000; Weight, 1,180 pounds. andsome banner was presented turns. —The flouring mills in to the lemerald Beneficial Association of Caledonia, owned by Mos Hamilton by the Catholic young ladies Thorburn & Munrce were of that on "Ir Mr. Ni ing of 'I —W from El a frame fvillagearwa le appears to towards per- 13 onalitied. Speakingof it neighbor, the erlin Telegraph, it sayd : "Our co- emporary should seek afthr wis om and et understanding, if possible. At pres- ent he tells three truths to two false- oods, which is not so go d a p6portion les the Indian's, who told one falsehood to three truths, Now, otjrcontem, as a White man, ought to do tter." —Mr. Cartwright hit thie nail squarely n the head, the other daj, whe he said e really pitied the sufferings of the ,Montreal manufacturers. Their "squalid ovels spread aleng the mountaiu always moved his sympathy." Thos of our eaders who have seen t 'ese ' squalid ovels " in which the oppr ssed s anufac- urers live, surroehdecl b every luxury hat money can command, ill, u doubt, feel the force of the sarcas si . --We regret to learn th t the r idence of Mr, Whale, the well -k own anadiaa artist, in the village of B rford, was re- cently destroyed by fire. The 1 se is of a kind not easily replaced for, hile the house may be rebuilt, the beaut ul crea- tions of the brush, left ere b Mr. R. Whale, artist, and adde t� by Mr. J. C. Whale, the son, will t ke yea s to re- produce. , —Mr. I-jugh Clark, of Burfor town - rt di ease in as fo many at 'town, and manner, and Christian wialk and conver ation endeared him to a wide circle of fri nds, His loss will be deeply felt. Thu one- fter an- other the old landmarks a soon the last of the pion to "that bourne whence ses ca,n be issued. Five have, ship, died suddenly of h . , to be cut off—but which fivee? Brantford. MrClark e rue. . years made his home in Joseph Vance, New Hamburg, his .quiet and inoffensiv le • ity, on the occasion of.a lecture half -past 1 Sunday' mor land and Liberty," delivered by millsecontained upwards holes Flood Davin, on the even- els of wheat, besides oth • • ursday, March 9, I fire spreading rapidly, it E. Hall, who lately removed possible to save any of th re to Drayton, where he erected lose will be about $50, planing mill, receiving from the several compahies to the oencil a bonus, &c., was in a 000. The village turned of succeeding,but on Sunday, assistance, and by well 5th Mite the building took fire and was succeeded in saving the consumed. It was insureden the Menu- tory adjoining. fecturere' and Al erchants' Insurance Com- —On Wednesday last Thomas Thompson, an e Scofield, ha Woodstock, see her father, Mr. Fish was daily expected. 0 sent a letter to her famil would not return to 1, Monday, but it appears pany for $1,000. —On the night of Thursday, March 2d, Patrick Moriarty, living about two mil f on Shamrock; Renfrew county, lay out 11 night—one of the most bitter- ly cold here has been this winter --in the op air, from 8 o'clock at night till 4 the he t • morning. When found his feet we frozen, but he had curled him- self up in such a manner that -neither his SC or hands were injured. He ears, r. will have to lose the fore part of his e rem ved and ris evil be gone o tra eller re - the v llage of rs. Mc euarrie, urned at about mg 1 t. The f :30, )0 bush - r gal s. The as f e und im- conte ts, The. ; in ured in moun of $29, - out ta render Trigreellwtedao 1 eenff°f artcs• he wale of Mr. ploye 'of F. B. ent to Paris to r wlise death 'Satu day she the accommodation Sa ru°!dadssay4cetkvhaenuti:nthgle,1 andd i re nt i o nP "el of e heredihomegdw fl le lhhintoeetrakreturnedc uinlvtebbyyet crossing under the rail ay at the mill pond. The depth is te or twelve feet, , { e 777 - MeLEA N 111H4iTilit1Lr4, 1Posblimherse. , el 3.111 sa itYesfir., in advance. _ and bad five feet of water where the un- fortunato. woman had ,fallen, and where she ,was fbund Sunday morning by some employes of the railway. She leaves a husband and 11 children living. It has east a Sad gloem,'not only among her numerous relatives, but the *hole com- munity. —Mr. B. Grant; of Stretford, has been cornmiseioned to take ilubecriptions for the purpose of establishing a Chair of the Celtic Language and Literaturein the Edinburgh University, It is llee hoped that the 'sone of bonnie Scot d will "make a big push," 'and " co e down handsomely " towards endowing the Chair. --On the afternoon of Friday st, as a train on the St. Lawrence and , Ottawa Railway was about 20 miles from pttawa, the engineer saw an old woman walking on the track. He gave the alarm, but the woman did not appear to hear. The signal for down brakes was !given, but just as the train was upon her, the wo- man turned around and seeing her dangerous position threw herself off -the track. The train. skunk , her foot, but she escaped without serious in- jury. i 11 • 111 , —Omemee, Vielotia County, last iyear contributed an average of $4.30 per man, woman, and child, of its population for church and Sunday school support, mis- 810114 and kindred objects—irtespective of building subscriptions. Pretty good 1 The Presbyterian congregationof the same place purpose givingtheir r spected and faithful pastor a couple mon hit mid- summer vacation to visit the "Centennial" and other parts of the Continent, for the benefit of his health. . —A tedious examination, vilikicA has occupied the Water Committee of the Montreal City Council, and hail I burden- ed the newspapers of that city for weeks, el concerning certain charges! mad by one Mitchell against Mr. McDougal of the Caledoniad Foundry, of ueingi a false guagc to test the etrength of iroe, and of stamping metals with a better brand than trieir quality justified, has re- sulted in the unanimous resolution of the committee that.the chargee lire un- foUnded -1--A coroner's jury, at Arkonal last week, brought in a verdict of mahslaugh- ter against a _blacksmith's apprentice named Graham Smith, for cauaing the death of h son of Joshua i3artrare, living three miles east of that place by thrust- ing a red hot iron into his bowels to the depth of four inches, death eneuing in three days after the commission of the deed. The prisoner has been arrested, and committed to London jail to stand his trial at the coming assizes. —Lanark county papers say there has been more than the usual average of ac- cidents in the woods among -the' ,shanty - men during the season. Besides others previously reported, one man, working for IVIessre. Pattee & Perley, was recent- ly killed outright, and another had his leg broken ; and another, employed in Mr. A. Grant's shanty, had his arm broken last week. A man named Baptiste Saynor, of St. Eugene working for Mr. W. Mackie, of Arnprior, on the Cala- bogie, was instantly killed on the , 251h Indiana is compared with -that a those of the United States, while the former are, by the wise 'Kelley of the Canadian Gov- ernment, civilized, educated, peaceful, and prosperous, those of the States AM, owing to thieving agents and bad Geyer*. ment, in a state of revolt, poor and un- civilized. It being necessary to haye an, army stationed in their midst to keep them in subjection, and who are col. tinually making raids and butchering them. --The collections, moiling and. even- ing, after the Sermons delivered by the Rev. Dr. Ormiston on Sabbath last, at the Central Presbyterian Church,Hami Hamil- ton, amounted to over $900. The anni- versary services were resumed on Mon- -day evening. Addresses were delivered by the Rev. John Cameron, of Toronto, Dr. Ormiston and others. A letter from the Rev. Mr. McColl, pastor of the church, who is now in California for the, benefit of his health was read. His health is rapidly improving,and it is expected he will soon return. —The wife of Larocque, saloon keeper, Montreal, whose maiden name is Lan- dringham, has lately received information from friends living in Amsterdam, N. Y. that she is heir to an immense fortun\a; above $500,000,1eft by a near -relative in Syracuse, N. 'It ., and asking her to lock out for her rights, as a young woman liv- ing in Syracuse is making &claim to tie fortune, and that as the real heiress bears certain birth marks on her person, the young woman lin question has imitatimis of these impreissedopon her. Mrs. Laroc- queia arranging to make good her chili, and drive the alleged imposter from tke field. —On Sunday of last week Rev. Dir. Cochrane, of Brantford, preached a mem- orial sermon, having special refereirce to the lamented death of die late Miss Mag- gie Ogilvie,ia teacher in one of the com- mon schools in that town. The reverend gentleman took his text from Ecclesiastes ix, 10 : " Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work,. nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest from which he enforced the necessity of Christian activity while life continues. The divisions of his discourse were continuous work for Christ, " Whatso- ever thy hand findeth to do, do it ;" II., consecrated work for Christ, "Do it with thy might ;" the reason given, "There is no work, nor device, nor know- ledge, nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest." —An interesting billiard match was played on Monday night in the Corintki- a,n hall, Brantford, between Joseph Cap- ron, of Paris, anti James Knox, of Brant- ford. The match was a French caresin game of 500 points for a purse of $200; played on 5x10 feet carom table. Play began at 8 P: M., in presence of a large and interested room, and the match was finished at 2 A. l'ef. The honors, after as keen a contest as ever was witnessed, fell to Capron, who won by 2 points, At the first Capron led, and at intermission was 12 ahead. Afteewards Knox made some brilliant play, and one time he stood ahead, 494 against,Capron's 462. Things began to look desperate then for the Paris of February, by the limb of a tree falling men ; but by cool, cautious and skilful 011.him. - play, Capron gradually crept up and —A burglar broke into the house of ended in three innings as above stated. Mr. Wm. Simpson, blacksmith, Mother- Average of each player, 2. Highest runs, well, on Sabbath, the 5th inst., While he Knox, 22; Capron, 21. and his family were at church. had called in the morning, w stay the day and night, stating peddled needles, thread, &c. son is strongly suspected of bein gime Mr. Sim son, not likin ramp ting to that he per the b: his ap- pearance refused to keep him, and fortun- ately took his money with him to church. He also took the precaution to lock all his drawers andshut his dog in the house. On his return he found the dog outside, the doors of the house open, and his drawers ransecked. This will probably be a warning to others to be prepared for such visitors. —The estate of the Joseph Hell Menu- facturing Company, 'Oshawa, w A sold on =The remains of the late David Hardy, who was killed at Buffalo by an engine of the Grand Trimk Railway Company be- ing thrown into the Erie Canal Slip by a displaced switch, were brought home to Brantford on Wednesday of last week by the 3:30 express. A number of the friends of the deceased aceompanied the remains which were net at the station by merry others. It appears the engine was finally hoisted upon the track Wednesday, after the most strenuous efforts, when the eh - mains, dreadfully mangled, were recover- ed from amongst the machinery and con- signed to a casket in readiness: The ten- der attached to the sunken engine had. not been taken from the canal when the Thursday of hist week by the er dit°r8 to party left Buffalo. Thursday afternoon, Dr. William H. Briggs, one of the share- eteo _ 'n at 3 o'clock, a very large and sympathetic rted cortegMe of the of r. Hardy aud. of thewitizens generally attended at the burialr:Ylof the deceased in the Old C I the 3rd of February last a named Michael McManus, of the to ship of Haldfmand, County of Northei beriand, left his home for the purpose of buying a farm in the neighborhood of Mitchell. ,Af ter looking at several pi s he put up at Mr. Kennedy's hotel on he night of the 7th ult. and next day 1 ft for Mr. Adam Cooks, on the gravel r ad near Carronbrook. From here he is s id to have gone towards Jos. Roney's, H b- bert, but, up to the present, has b en traced no further. ale had considera 110 money in his possession at the time, d it is feared by his friends, who are n , w doing everything in their power to li 1 d. "youth his whereabouts; that he as been m r- eir gay dered. He il represented as a st dy Queen's man, which makes his disappearance he was to more suspicioes. His wife is in the gr te ring the est distraction, and will at once put he in- holders,upon a tender suppo Gill, • Mr Glen and others.Th ing tender was from Whitely, Kelly, of Springfield, Ohio, an was ac- tively supported by Mr. T. N. Gibbs. The vote 8tood for Briggs, 160 reditors, amounting to $161,000 • for Whitely, 16 creditors, amounting io $35,5)0. The successful tender gives the unsecured creditors 514 per cent. Nomieally, the tenders offered the same percentage, blit the conditions of Dr. Briggs' tender was regarded as the most favorable. A grand torchlight procession was held in the evening to celebrate the event, over 1,000 people congregating on the streeles. --In -various localities ladies are taking fulladvantage of theirleap year p *vileges. Only the other 'day a young 1 dy and. gentleman arrived in the village f Forest creating quite a stir aniongst th and beauty" of that place by toilette. They put up /at the Hotel, to which place a ministe come and "make them one." D short stay the young lady ask go out for a short time to parch thing. Whilst shopping she me man —"wicked fellow"—whom previously known, and the two leaving the would be husband a uncared for. Meanwhile the go and talk, and the unfortuna man believes in the old adage, naany a slip 'tween the cup andi the lip." glass of ale. Having put the bivalves —The Indian population of minion is approximately cale 91,910, of whom 15,305 are in 10,809 in Qiaebec, 31,520 in B lumbia, 13,944 in Manitoba, a mainder scattered through the various Provinces. In the four ProviOes origin- ally composing the Dominion and in I Prince Edward Island, the tots personal property of the Indians is estini ated at $489,234, the real estate at $2,844,972, Of the population in these Provileces 7,199 are children, of whom 2,105 arelattending school. Besides good stocks of grain and farm produce, the Indians owned 2,734 horses, 2.389 cows, 1,568 sheep, and other - 13- live stock in proportion. What contrast ply of oysters which he twelves daily Canadian fro:a the beds. by Me- compet- assler & an fl - leave to case in the hands of detectives. Any •e some- formation respecting his chsappe.ara a young would he kindly received by his fat she had Thos. McManus, Burnley P. 0. rove off, one and. —The Str'etford Beacon says : Thursday afternoon of last week, SIPS otaunit Cabinet rough customers went into i, Stratford, and order There's late of raw oysters each, flanked b 00 r, wo he a a ut the Do- of sight in short oiler, they order a, lated at second and a third. dozen, accompan rug Ontario, each with ale and bread in unlimited itish Co- quantities. Seemingly not yet sats Jed d the re- and thinking variety was the spice of "fe, they ordered a fourth dozen stesed; ed which were quickly served and dui of. For this bountiful repast they dered 25 cents eachr and were ho when told that the bill was $2 50. demurred to the charge, but finally it, abusing the landlord for what they sidered an overcharge. Mr. Little, proprieter, thinks _that if such vorac customers are goin to favor him o have to dOj4iOY treble the tea eyr t id, he us is there when tlie state of the • 7.:7• t •