HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-03-10, Page 3rieff 10, 1876, ;LEGAL ; Banister, Attosney, Solicitor' a AfeLeinfa new Week, comet I *catertoo street, Pseasejob. 4" eserseeelN, Barriaters ams bancery, Goderich. 848 W. R. mcsvrennts. Conveyancer and Commie -- Wroxeter. Auctioneer and uts and notescollected; on 836 iardeter, Attereey, Solicitor in Ooderielt and Seaforth. Of. I's Drug Store, .Goderich, at .rth. 854 OLL, Barristers, Attorneys -at. in Chaneery, Notaries Public, 13russe1s. R, Sorrnit, God- Brussele, ela , WATSON,. Bari s,. Atter. tors in Chaneery, (to., Clinton, .t anor east of the new Royal aiding. Money tolown on fann 401 WATS0x. VER, Itarriete-ve and Attorney(' ors in Chancery and Insolveney, !trios Public, ate- Offices—See. $23,0oo ef Private Fruit.ls to ight Per cent. Interest, pafrable 31nYEat.. 1 1TOLINIESTED. Ilarrif.ters, At. Sw, Solicitors- in Chancery and ries Public and Conveyance. c. Dank,. Sea forth. Agents for sttranee Company, tt lend at 6 par cent. Farms - sale. . .53 01 CA a,. e D. l'hysician, Surgeon and. seaforth, tint. Otlice and n- f't Godelich Stioet, firitt door Church. 842 i11. D., C. M., Physician, Sur- . for the County of Iluxon. ace, corner of Mallet and•High te Planing Mill. & IltritGESS, Physician* Accouchenrs. OFFICE—ma:ix: saar the Station, Joust CP - or Huron Joirx A. Bun - 424 .. 3f. D., C. 3L tittle of the firm Phelan, 8trt;tfordy Graduate of Physician, Surgeon and Ae- ia, Ontario. Gllice—Ilooms in occupied by the ht. e Dr. --Commercial lItucl. Will at- fak on Tuesdays and Fridays. 803. AL D., L. R. C. 2, S. K. College of Physicians and Sur- ! Late lieuse Surgeon of Kings- ' Lying-in Hospital, Physician, unchear. Office —Albert Street, ream. Mills. Residenc 0—Huron !emniercial Hotel, Clinton, Out pauctually attended to both in 880, G. BULL, L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist,&c.,:itttforth, -Ontario lb.: work, latest stvles, neatly All surgic aporations re anti promptitude. Fees as low el6cwhere. Office hours from Ifot,nas ver Mr. A. G. Me - 270 - - Veterinary Surgeon, Gratin - Veterinary College, Seaforth, liesidenec in rear of Killoran & inaptly attendto, night or vett rinary m d ines on hand. IforArt examined mato sound - ;es gi ;en if rupilred. 407 LL, V. S. Lieentiate and Prize - !I University, IE ace, wad -.rio Veterivary (.ollege,Toronto, neatly in Varna, where he will be ifling to attend to all kinds of oda of auhfulls trawl excepted), ather, and at all hours. Reel - ..0 doors east of Cook's Tem - 8 -7.2 ',DER, V. $4, Graduate of the trinary College. After devoting ictiet with 1wit:xi-50r Smith, of Ailed in Seaforth, in the office hy Dr. Bruvess, Main Street, t...ned ready to treat 011 diseasee :01taiintale, All calls promptly r ni,-ht. A large stock of z. cran.tantly on hand. Horses f-ouniness and eertir eates given. and st lt1 on et remission. Resi-- .itt: the 1.:xeo.-4Tot: Office. 424 -`11‘01V.V NOTficE. creditors arra - having- claims against DONALD EE. in hiS lifetime, of the town - the County c Boron, reornan, sutt: of February, A. D. 1876, nd in for ajjadication and pay - with full nartienlars thereof, -.‘fttrao Y. _McLean, of the town gat MeLennan, of the township, tily P. 0., on { w before the first - Cu and immediately after the Vine next the said Executors Will iiivirion of the Said estate, and Ulmer among the parties en- 2:tected by the lust will of the :Bain McKenzie, having regard :as of which they shall thou haxe :id they will not afterwards be ts so distributed, or any part z sort of whose dram notice shall :eived by them at the tirae of 1. This notice is giver/ pursuant etoriai Chapter 28, Seetion 27 : day of Februaly A- D. 1876. L•LEAN, JOHN" MeLENNAN— - 428-13 !&S. STOCK.. Stray ed int', the premises :Oignerl, Lot 14, Con. Ajlowick, a • The owner ton have her ani paying ev.pcuse.r. DAVID 460-2 — — --Strayed into the pr.amises of t4 Lot 21, Con. P. Morris, 1 Ball The Ounfrr may have the same rty and paying expenses. JOHN 480*4 Eit.---Catue into the premises of etl, Lot 7, Lake Shore Roa clWest, a black and white yearling r requested to prove property, take her away. THOMAS 430-4 ▪ into the premises of di near Lerne, in the TownshiP H. 1, u sPottca ending Steer. s 1.v.t-ted bx prow property, pay -away. JAS. STYLES. 42944 FOR SA. I.E. _ EARLS sALE.--1,:ta, Sale by y private bargain, a few first - t. eke 4 drst-elasi young mares s old, all ritto by imported - ft 41 by Mr,. Mason's Hon - in, rue'. 4, Stan - 420.3 '.—The riboe reward will be $n «,r 1rs.lins ho will as will lead to the legal art? or patties Uhl) plIblighal firuilL4 n1 rtal charac- r111.4.11ti-et :`,:(1V, I, knowing the :tett falkelasal only to injure , Vf- own f 044. UEORGB kLit Jan, lo, 244 L.14. .111KI, VS. Drtss and Mantic Maker. e Bank, Seaforth. N.13 -.—AP= 408 Practical Watchmaker and r•ell. Cut,torur rs will find it to with zne, as they will have Ong practical experience in the 40g IL! VERY, Seaforth , Out. T. A, Rietor. Comfuttabie and elegant isrtts.clutis reliable horses alwarl poaerate. Office and stables on loud door east of Main stueet, '.of the hotels promptly attend- ant MARCH 10,1876. Luck Baldwin's Trotter. ! & Co., of which firm he is st 11 lio enier - i _ . partner. A Wicked Tr;(.1: of the Turf ---A Horse 1111871 Mr. Bain bought Eh , Atlantic,. _that -11act kelt .Trained Oil a Sttut ' Flouring -Mills•of St. Louis, wi; ' i weep, , s , • Car. ' city uf 800 barrels per tay, •• nil ran those The millionaire, Lock Baldwin, for;II in...s . f or a tittic ; but recent y he 'Atlao- once in his life collies out of a specula- tic Mills Comeany e as be , . rganized. . tion wrong end foremimit. He read of which efe, Niel es twee, (mg., He is that Flora Temple wee seriginallY Fur- . also a director, and for a tii 0 %os pteei• ' chased -out of a drove for $60, and that dent, of the, Union Stearn I% ill s 'Co., , 1 Dutchman was bought out of a brick cart 1 other flour manufacturing c c , for $85. This set the great finaneiet think- mills have a capacity of' ing, and a brilliant idea was born. He day. Mr. Bain is presiden would watch the butcher carts, the brick tional Board of Trade, is a c carts, and the milk wagons for a treasure1 St Louis Chamber of Co eerc in disguise, and when found, would de- ! has filled a multitude of offi es ler velop the animal in private. And When with the trade and eomme ea !In the coming wonder was thus rescued , of St. Louis and the West. 1 it lh from oblivion and would. astonish the - taken an active interest in m lac world with the speed, the talkative. B. eminent of St Louis, sei gjas would howl with envy. Some six weeks ' man for four years, and in ago the lynx eye of the great finaticier run by his friends for m or, rested upon a half starved, over worked, defeated. Probably no ot r slab sided animal, the off horse of a zen of St. Louis is at this t street car team. Eureka' At last he with so many public and I had found the treasure. The next day prises, tending to the deel this Bucephalus rn embryo wee his props commercial and industrial erty for the insignificant sum of $50. the Mississippi Valley, as The equine anatomy was sent to train- While it may be add ing quarters, fed, groomed, and exercised other merchant of his c -in an • approved manner. When at achieved greater success 1 length he spread himself on the road, space of time. andevas allowed to pass everything he -ei i r. Bain is yet a youn met the joy of the banker knew no entering upon middle age bounds. All Nvere his guests at the prospect many years in evli roadside isms, corks flew and jokes were the results of his labors. 11' cracked. Among the guests on this oc- stitution and robust healt ca,sion was an old Sacramentsport, to do with ease what man who droye a faded specimen of departed break down under. He is greatness in the shape of a trotter, which untiring worker. Of his was never allowed to pass the new won- its hardsnips, Mr. ;Bain says der on the road. After the beaker was ed out in life, funk behcvit t fooled to the top of his bent, he was in- try, economy and perseve duced to banter Old Sport for a match honest calling would win with Centennial—the name he had given And so they will. There to his new purchase—for $500 a side, m- y early life when, if 1 h mile heats, to road wagon. The match rnent despaired of final su se8 was at length made for Thursday, Jan. 6. have given up the ship. I tr Old Sport found out that Centennial feeling certain that bright ; d had done service on cars for two years conic. I was not mistak na or more, and therefore was very ob- ; and perseverance will stir 1 edient to the sound of the bell. Pro- ! end." It is this determi curing one of these, he carefully screwed ! that brings final success. into the floor el his wagon under the -i • seat, so arranged that his toe Could 1 An Icelander in S 0 strike it, I One night, •o.vlieli. Jon as On the day of the race the horses I the usual sound of waves were on the track at the appointed tune, eel's side and the cries of and were sent off to an even stoat amid deck — everything FieenSed i 'strangely the vociferous cheers of a party of the _quiet, but he was too good ae sleeper to banker's friends. "Centennial " was to puzzle his head about it, st,' Merely turn, be held in to tire out the old plug for 1 ed over on his pillow. N Ilan he arose about half a mile, and then let out to t the quiet was still thereIe ressed in distance hine in the first heat. She was , haste and went on deck'1Ii yacht lay just about to forge ahead when ting Went i at anchor in front of build g rile'than the bell, and he came to a full stop so I a hundred Rejkiaviks put o her suddenly that his driver exam near be- ' "This is Leith," said.'N. r 1 ree, com- ing pitched over the dashboard.. ()Id ing up to him. ; Sport of course shot ahead. By the use 'Leith ?" Jon eeelaim 1 • " it seems of the whip the banker's horse was again like Rome or i erusalon ! fli a must be started, and soon caught, up to the old the king's palaces." plug. The bell sounded again, and then "No, my boy," Mr. Lo TIM xP6s,rro R. arrived with rifle and ammunition, find a trusty stout attendant. 'rho shooters, of co irse, supposed' he would- shoot Wids, auil tintt they Would win an .casy victory over Win. But ,his attendant brought along a three logged stool on w hic adjusted a broad funnel -shaped tube of tin :about two feet in diameter at the oub. er' cad and tapering down at a distance of' sOine two feet more to a . small bole , about... size of ttie target, or the bu b rrels per eyo to which the ball was directed. re the Na- What axe you going to do with that show you,' said the schoOlinaster, 'for you told me I could fix the target to suit my- self, and sol mean to.' They heel to sub- mi,of course; and he adjusted his ma - china in such a w y that if his ball struck anywhere within he funnel it would go straight to them rk.' Everything ready, our hero drew up with steady stun and drove his ball direct to the Mark, which he repeated threetimes hand running, greatly to thestisscomfiture of his banter - ere. Although they claimed that it was no fair play, the umpires decided that it • s. and gave the school -master the the whole tor of the maehine r asked the shooting men. 'I'll * and - ected er•ests s also 1 govi- alder- 8 he was but was egle citi- t ne eon ected , iv te, enter- I pi ent of the- letere ts of e 'rge, Bain. le. 37 a that no at has ever to 0 brief a th ;,has in hardly h to eujoy s rong con- en efieble him n pieessant, Men would life and 1 start - 'et indus- r n04 in any he end. ti 1 er ggl r1.8n mes in a DM:1- E14ulcl ed on, would dustry in the , o win 1 ' and. I li,, ' he missed 1 mast the ves- 'le , Sailors on kes ! he fun eerie ran over n and the master had a wide berth reafter, and no further practical jokes re attempted upon him." A Paroxysmal Drinker. 0 HCIRON PLANING1 MILL. 'VIM undersigne . ed hery info' them ir alty 11 cmatonere end the pub le generally of the Be - umber Yard: LO itew bee on . rnwhose neeval of their Feet ory end told more commodious pre iiORTH MAI Where, with inerefteed fa ill Hee' Machinery of the be4t ma e they tohnanufacture and 1111 all Doors,: Bli igouldings, And all Id ds of IlijLANED U B E R At Prices to Su t the imes. STREET, rdera 17111 some new will continue r . , ITorm Gates, Hay Boxes, A Large Stock of Seaso LATH AND 1878 1878 AUCTION SALE 0 a Valuable Pam, in the T ship of Stanley. Rwfics, Cheese (ke.. ed Lai ber on- Hand.. HINGLES. Jiiig Sawing and Cos Iona Pinning will Receive Promise Attention. IThe subscribers hereby thank their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to hope, by strict integ- o bll8111088, to merit a PfPn 01 the sem& man, with an ugly light in his eyes, rtliteyma ne du rei inoes oth: t and , - tinuanee and increase red a saloon on Congresa streetyea teiday. The bartender slid ;in behind his inter, and smiled at prospective profits, t the Stranger waved-- his hands'and d : " I want none of your vile decoc- ns. Mix me something to soothe my fing thoughts," Gin and sugar ?" insinuated the sal- oo ist. " Do you want to make a volcano of me !" exclaimed the stranger. "1 want so °thing as soothing to my tumultuous thought as the mother's lullaby song is to a weary child." 1 " Take a milk punch ?" I want to be soothed, I tell you ! rasped the man. " Take a .Tosn and Jerry ?" " Would a Toni and Jerry drive these , wild, raging, terrible thoughts away ?" CO bu sa ti ra there was another full stop. The trial was repeated at iatervals for the balance of the way home, the oldplug going Wheezing past the judge's stand, a win- " they are only warehous "But what are those q behind the houses? Th and round. that t don't se ne .7f per P ner. The eighth wonder of the world cohld climb up." %nes distanced. "It all seeing like a " Hills ?" exclaimed M ie hideous dream " Mr. Baldwin feebly re- i race now ! Why, Jon, thos marked, as he watched the Sacramento Jon was silent. He dared 6sot doubt Kent button up the gold notes, his friend's• 1, but he po wholly believe it. %Vhetilth A Self -Made Scot. ed, and he taw the great , The history of commerce in the West-- spreading boughs, and th green leaves' such a feeling t nswered, 1 reen hills sosteep 1,v anybody rne, " Oh are trees." ern States, when written, will 'afford some remarkable instances of men who have risen to wealth and position in a 'brief space of time, without any extra- ordinary good. luek, and without specula- tion or unusual hazard; their success be: ing simply the result of untiring energy, industry and. perseverance. And this; too, in the face of hardships and (used. i voic"es. Is it English ? can, vantages which would have discouraged 1 ? and disheartened the ordinary- merchant Mr. Lorne took him 14 t or business man. Such au example is af- said:"It is praise, not forded in the follotvibg sketch : speak the same Linguae world, but no one can undue ii admiration came over hi to tremble. A wird we the long, flexible bough swayed up and down. Oh, Mr. Lorne'!" he they are praying! Let m they are saying somethin George Bain was bornn Strling, Scot- say. land, on MT ay 5th, 1836. His early years ;:ere is one rough lit ten years of age he was sent to St. Nin - At kia,vik, and that is the on Iceland. What. then, Mus were spent under his father's roof. ian's school, where he was taught a little Latin and Greek, in addition to his Jon's -feelings when he saw mother tengue. He remained at this elegant carriages dashing to school for two years, -and made fair pro_ treat wagons drawn b When they get into a ca gress in his stndies. This waS the chief part of his schooling, for in 1851 his him like siting on a movink had read and heard of all t father, with his family, left Scotland for and thought he had a clear America, intending to settle in Canada. they were ; but he was ot They landed at Quebec in October, I81, n the reality. He was so exp and the family went to what was then drove up the long street to' called the Province of Upper Canada ;:' but young Bain entered a store i ' that Mr. Lorne, sittingesit n Quebec as a clerk. His salary was but $100 per feel the beatings of his annum, and the work was hard. After. remaining in Quebec for some time, young Ban determined to try his fortune in Montreal.. He obtained employment in . liant silks, or silverwere a store there, but at the same salary as yeare' service, he concluded to make before—$100 per annum. After three i multitudes of people ! 'kg seemed to touch the do ids another change, and went to Port- .the hotel, all he could SLY, 'Poor old be land, 'Mc., as a clerk for a flour and voice, was : The next day they to k produce house; but still at a very small salary. Lanark, in the neighb Mr. tome had an estat Young Bain remained in Portla'nd be- the bare tween two and three years, when he re- turned -to Montreal. He did not find the swift brooks that ca their glens, he laughed suitable employment there, and soon af- . _ '' Oh, you have a l terward went to Chicago. Wh' he here ! If there were tr ittl reached this latter city he was not able orva, it would look likely() to find employment for tin cc or four months. His funds were soon exhausted, "I have some moorland o and for several weeks he lived on 0111)'a Lorne remedied "and lif.y ; day. His father was able be home -sick, I'll send "To -1. few pennies a 1 TCCOVer." ! young Bain was too proud to a,sk for that But when -Jon reached t to give him but : little assietance, and was so cordially welcom al le little. — and saw the park and At this time, when looking in vain for hoped to become famili somethin se to do a friend met him one flowers, he thought ther day, and told him that a large lumber likelihood of being limn firm wanted a man to inspect and. Pleas- in such a piece --13ayaSel • . . me a carte of lumber. :Nile Bain knew N./choke. nothing oc.f lumber, but his desperate cir- i . emnstances emboldened him to ask .for The Schooima t . jl not yet .tehad land- th minion io awe an t begat wing, ail the One ed. See t awhile hear thei n dere tans wonders never ceased: pie tree, with fruit; rose whols beds of geranium on dens; windows filled with ea' he us hand, am er. The 1 over 1th nd all the 1 rt in Rej vehicle i have bee iundrerla nd fro, an , seemed nt horses o hrone. le ese r thi ea of repaired , f ed, as th dinburgl him, cou 'I' he ne .was an a s in bloa e 4ttle ga .- lit ; orb '1- , towers th t ' end en le they reach in a, falterg and !" ill c tra,in for for bein' at the State 'Soma -1 rlfeal. of whi h and 4 days NS hen Jonsew tion—stickin' us taxpayers with 313 days' 11 1. 1 "I think it would," replied the bar- nderaand he mixed one. He made it usually good, and the man sieined it ith great satisfaction, and. exclaimed Ah th4 soothes me—that does me od—that turns my raging thoughts to dreams of ecstatic 'blusS !" As he Wiped his mouth on the back of s hand, the bartender said : Change, please."' "Yes, that has changed me," was the ply. " I want fifteen cents, if you please." For what ?" 1 "For that' Tom and Jerry." ' "Look out, air, I'm soothed now, and on't get me raging again !," "Rage be hanged! I 'event pay for at drink !". To all dime whorl° accounts are overdue we give a cordial invitation to pay pp. GRAY !IP. S.—Plans and Speofficathan 4urnished on application. to MACHINISTS kt10 FERE IS NOT THE BEST MAO - IN THE ARK GEORGE Eli. 8 MANUFACTURER Stock's Extra MA Look out for the reactilon !" Warned_ e man. "'I am calm and peaceftil now; nd I hope you won't bring back those rrible fiendish thoughts which burned my heart Its molten lava slips down the ingged sides' of Mount Vesuvius?"' i• You pay for that drink r "Now, I rage again !'' Yelled the man': Now, the soothing influence has passed. gwaaiyn.Noti,iing on earth can calm me He hit the bartender between the eyes, ore clown the stove,' and would' have ade a sad Wreck of things if the police tadn't stopped him. He was taken to he station and locked up. After about hree hours he called out, "1 am eoothed I am calni again," But they didn't let im out. —Detroit Free Pi es Outside the Old Part* SCOTT. for Railditz ILL MEN. LIICE IT. !NE OIL T. OCK, hine Oil, (Warranted riot to Glum) 4 , ALSO WHOLES4E DEALER I FINULUBRIOATIND OILS, SPIZING1-. NEW GOODS NEW GOODSi NEW GObDS ARRIVING WEEKLY. JJST '0 I" 1\T'Pr.") THIS WEEK NEW DRESS GOODS; NEW PRINTS, NEW COTTONS, NEW HOLLANDS, NEW FRILLINGS, NEW COLLARS, NEW CUFFS NEW TIES, . &c., Dark Engine and Gaff Oil, Benzine .117u and Animal Oils of oll kinds I wish to direct' speCial attelntion to in EXTRA MACHU E 01 S, Manufactured by myself. All w o use them ac- knowledge they are t e best the market. A TRIAL 1$ SOLICITED. i Address P. 0. 11 1 31 4, Toronto. GE01 GE STOO'IC. MADAME SAYEI 'S BICE SIO ORIENTA REAM. CASH STO VOR beautifying and reserii4 the complexion 11; Warranted to eradie to 1 ALL OF wHIcH BE SOLD AT TH LOWEST PRICES 'VERY HOFFMAN BROTIIRS' CHEAP ;FRECKLES, ER PTIONS OF THE SKIN, 1�T1, • SEAFORTiti. , i SUNBURN AND TAN. The most excellent Toil 't Artice ever offered to 1 the public. It changes the sunburned face and Fresh, Healthy Looking Texture. G R, 0 0 11?J MP- 1 P ItSIJANT to an order of tede, dated the 181 -a- Da% of December A. D. 18/75, made by the Jtt tor :ledge of the County Court of the County of Huron, in -the matter of partition between. JapesW Minus Demean and others, Defendant aterary Painenn, Plaintiff, againit there will be sold by vutdie Auction, by GEORG- M. ifRUEMAN, Auctioneer, -at Morigniett ill tel. in the Village of Hayfield, on 8 nriday, the 23th Day of March, A. 1 ts:76, at 12 o'clock noon, the following valusb 4 fern property natuely : Lot nnmber 11, south f thel Raytield Road concession, in the owniihip 1 ta St 'nley, in the County of Huron, con aining S Acres of Land, more orless. The soil is the bet clayloan]. About 70 acres 'aro el red, w fen ed, and in a high state of cultivation, a hal nee is well wooded with the best hardwoo # Th re is upon the land a large brick honse, wi h brick kitchen and outbuildings, large framebarn, co modious sheds, stables, outhouses, and excel', lent orchard, consisting partly of bearing t s and partly of young trees lately planted. T land is on the gravel road leading from Bayfie d to Seaforth, is about 81 miles froM Bayfield, 5 mites from Bromfield, and is in all respects a most desirable and valuable property. The ti a is disputable and free from all ineumbran TERMS -10 per cent. on day of sale to the Te do or his Solicitor, balance to make one-third f p charm money in one month, remaining twp. thi ds, at option of purchaser, to remain on mo ga e on the lands bearing 7 per cent. Interest,aIId pa able in twoequil annual instalments, the pnr- chaser to be let into immediate possession. In other respects the conditions of sale will be t e standing conditions ef stile of tbe Court of Cha ce . For farther particulars apply to Mea s. DAVISON & JOHNSTON, or J. T. GARBO So citors Goderich, or to the plaintiff on la s. D'ated Goderich, December 20,18175. , ISAAC F. TOMS, Junior Judge County Court,Ouro J. T. GARROW, Vendors Solicitor, t 40 CHANCERY SALE 0/ Lot and Dwelling HOU86 i Seaford& Ipursuance of a decree and an order of t e lourt of Chancery bearing date respectively t e 19th day of May, 1875, and the 181h day of -Feb ary, 1876, and made in a cause of McCaughey Thompson, and with the approbation of the delis igned Master of the said Court at Goderic there will be sold by Public Auction at the CO I- MERCIAL HOTEL, in the Town of SEAPORT _ , oniWEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1876, at 1 o'clo,k In the afternoon, by .1. 1' BRINE, Auctioneer, t • e fo Bowing property, that is to say: The West of Lot No. 42, in George Sperling's survey of p of the Town of Seaforth. There is a frame dw JO house la storeys high, about 1844, a s fr me stable or shed,and a well upon the lot. lo re T u ee. e• !1 Is fenced in. -The buildings are in pretty g air, and ere now in the occupation of M pson. The roperty will be put -up at t et price of $801 . The purchaser will be req ed topay a deposit in the proportion- of $10 or er ry $100 of his purchatie money to theTen or or his Solicitor st the time of sale, and to y Ib balance into court within one month the af ex., and upon payment the purchaser shall be e titled to a conveyance and to be let into s - se sion. In other respects the conditions of s le sr the standing conditions of the Court of C n- ee . Further particulars and conditions of le m y be obtained upon application to Ides rs M Caughey & Holmested, Messrs. Benson & eyer,Barristers, Seaforth, and to J. T. Garr w, E Barrister. Goderich. Dated tlais 26th da of F bruary, 1876. 1 H. MacDERMOTT, Master at Gode h. 3 eCAUGliEt &HOLMESTED, Vendor's Solicitor, s. DOMINION BLOC* hands -to a " Yes, we tried the Reform xlan in • trial. This is entiret new, and compotied of It is what every lady ill use after giving it a ur county last year, said an ol farmer harmless material, and s certa nly the best SEAFORTHI lathe incoming train this morning., "We Gran%ers jieed in with the Democrats CCMPLEX4ON OILET and t_ e Liberals and the Independents and the Woman Suffragists end the Ever offered for sale. I see for yourself. Those Whatnots, and jest carried everything dispense with it. It wi before us—we did—all to save expense and extravagance in office, you see." • " Well, did you succeed in your ob- ject ?" asked a gentleman passenger. "Naw !" exclaimed the ancient soil - tiller in disgust ; "we jest got ourselves into a fix --expenses is gettin bigger and taxes is eatin us up worse'n ever,'" " Indeed ?" "Yes, snre's you're born," continued the elderly plow -jogger • "Now* there's our County Superintend'ent—We lected a woman to that position, and she didn't want no salary or nothin', she spid, but ' you should. a•seen her last year's; report, sent in a fort'nit ago." "What, was it a heavy one?" "Wal, I should say it was !" respond -1 ed the grim husbandman ; "flog me, if she didn't have 220 days charged up for 'zaminations, 89 day i for visitin' schools, " entams, a d e eaping down d stide b Goland ev es- ong the TlIui- .er velley. y oWn," u ever get ut upon it - house; a, d Mrs: Leri e s where he r th trees a d Id be as mi ell 1-si in heaVen as tey/or, Srt:, at $4 a day ----1,252 by hokey !—mor'n could earn a-farmin' in three hull yearsrl ".8he ought to be satisfied with that"' remarked. another passenger. "But she wasn't," declared the oldj man ; " blamed if she didn't seem to be le mad because it wasn't leap year, so's sh to could crowd in 'nother workia' day. to Chicago Journal. the place of lumber itispeetor, and It WWI 1 In some interesting r mi i given to bine He performed his antics•teti carefully and faithth fully, ough not very • Commercial ArlyertiRer reit' stage-coacb times, a w skilfully ; but his eming story; which Mr. employers were well pleasedT . his paVd ethe way for r other ' "on and regular employment. He speedily iaesinpee-isellgIttlicnnganilaastse1.,1*!hhi accumulated some money and pres- I business there. ''.4. 1 ently commenced business on his own ac- s count. Vermont had been eugage young chap from the O're 0 Soon after starting in business for hirn- - evinter school in the -I p self, Mr. Bain thought to make another i town, and having made tl , venture and get. Married. But his honey- , of the young men thereabo moon was searcely• over when the panic much inclined to pole* ft of 1857 swept over the land, and Mr. rarely lost. an opporttini Bain and a multitude of others yere their propensity for aftilus wiped from the list of merchants. He ' they got up a rifle-stiloo was ruined in a day. Ile at once sought ' asked the young Gre n 1. and obtained employment IIS salesman in - take a hand with theln, ) a flour house, -where be remained for , he was as " green " ir(rif seine years. In 1865 Mr. Bain went to the more elegant civiltlies St. Louis to reside, Ad with his part- they plumed therreielnese! ners established the firm of _ Updike, ed on condition that he ff Bain & Co., their business being in flour, target in.a, way to suit In grain and Western produce. They were they readily agreede very successful, and soon afterward start- _quite considerable rn 1o1]a td branch_ houses in Chicago and New tance long. The groin Orleans. 'When he was . able to do so, off and the target set. Mr. Bain bought out his partners, and had been made, which b the style of his firm became George Bain sent 'couldn't be beat.' i '8 Shot. scences of old n the 131.1 I 16 estotllicle him of nee atten ea in the stig , raw -bo es 'Mountain to teac blots of acquaint lie ts,,eflaey at him, in of indul n ent. One inateli, lOuntaine esurning hAt practice als it f life on w icl The boy join uld fix th self,' to wlii� he stake u s and. the di • as tneas re me kir, s o common co Then the b • The Value of Education. Jake was heard calling'across the folic to his neighbor's son, a colored yout who goes to school at the Atlanta colf. ored university : " Look }war boy, you goes ter school don't' yer ?" "Yes, sir," replied the boy. " Ciettio' etldykashun, ain't yer ?" "Yes. sir." is no umbug—tr , and who have used it Will not 1 MAKE THE. SKIN SOFI' SMOOTH, Removing all blemi hes and discoloration& NO.1 LABRADOR HE Give this a Trial a • d You will nez be Wit out It. FOR S LE AT J. S. Bober s Drug Store, SEA 011T11. 428 ItAS JUSTECEIVED A FINE LOT OF " Larnin"rithmetic and figgerin' en e slate, eh ?" " Yes. sir." "Well, it don't take two whole due to make a hour, do it ?" • "Why, no !" exclaimed the boy. "You was gwine to bring that hatchit back in'an hour, warn't yer ?" " Yes, air." "An' it's ben two days sence yer bor- rowed it.Now, what good's eddykashan gwine ter do you thick-skulled niggets when yer gato school a whole year and den caul tell how long it takes to fete.h back a hatchet ?" • SELLING CHEAP FOR ALSO SALMON CLOSING SALE -OF VALUABLE PiOPERTy B liELONGING Td THE ESTATE OF THE LATE J. B. BACEY. • F111.8T —STORE, vilith DWELLItiG over' it, situate on Albert Stileet, opposite rair'a Mslis, leased for a term of rears. This ie a good in- vestment, bringing la a goo rental, quarterly and monthly: SECOND—STORE!, STO E - HOUSE AND STABLE, adjoining ithe above. Large frontage and yard. Well adapted foe a General or Gro- cery business. TIIIRD—COAL Y RD a with a large, splendid Ston Rutter, Pork,&o., s tuate Grand Trunk Railway. FOURT1I—HURON FL MILLS, well established, business. Situate (m the Trunk Railway. CLIINT d STORE -HOUSE, Cellar for storing n the track of the R Uand OATMEAL and doing a large track of the Grand Is increasing in poptilation and seanuacturies and being situate on two lin s of Railway, viz.: THE GRANDIRsTUEN, NAND GREAT w And in the centre of ,eize of ihe finest agricultu- ral Counties in the Baininitin, makes it a most desirable Shipping Point, aid rapidly increasing place of importance. The bore property must be sold in order to setitle the state. Favorable Tama will be gi en. Apply to 422-18 - R. M. RACES, Executor, Clinton. THE SEA ORTI1 INSURANCE AND AND AGENCY. ALONZO STRONG The boy got mad and slung the hatchet IS AGENT for Several First -Class 8 ock, re over the fence half ;way through an ah e " s and Life Insnrance CO panies, and is prepar- barrel. —A llanta Constitution. 01 to take riskon the • —The farmers of Prince Edward Island have realized the follY of holding beak their crops for better ptices. This winter they have more barley and oats on head ...than any previous season. A sudden spell of eold weather closed their pots ipad shut down the export of a v,ery portion of last year's harvest. This has intensified the commercial depression that ists in the centres of the Island trade. CASH. ROUT AND WHITE Fl H Htlzh El' BARRELS ALWAYS KEEPS A FINE LINE OF TEAS VERY CHE P. MOST FAVORA LE TERMS. and svsooluk44ggeeennpbtroffoporte•rtsteh;e8raaile alit the best Loan So- cieties and purchase of Farrel A NUMBER OP FIRST•CL.ASS IM- PROVED Fik101, FOR SALE. OFFICE—Over M. M on's Store„ Main SI,, Seaforth 421 • a J. BR,0 NELL. NOTIO NEW MACHINE HOP. TTAVING fitted up the premise formerly oc- cupied by GI:0.Y & SCOTT, 4 aro prepared to contract for BOILERS 8s. ENGINES FLOURING: GRIST AND SAW MILLS, SHINGLE, ' Heading and Stave Machinery, &c. CARTER'S, STEAM SAW MR I SEAFORTH. RE undersigned, sneeeseor to Messrs. tage, Carter & Gray, has on hand over ' 1,000,000 FEET OF OOD HEMLOCK LUMB R ut and Sorted, suitable for Building, Dral • g a1nd Fencing, whieh be offers at =31 50 pe X. rdoa quantity of inferior quality, suitable for heating, at 33 50 per M., and bas p • - . the oe of USTOM SAWING AT $2 75 per M. est yeses prices will be paid for Hardwood soge and for Hemlock, lf cut long. Patronage Is res. ectfully solicited and satisfaction guarantee i i JAMES I. CART R. 1 N. B.—The price for custom sawing ig lest( . . what is charged by any other mill, mil . . t eem hickness guaranteed. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERDH14.26 THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between .-A-- the u ndereigned, under thefirm name of WIL- LIAMS & CLUFF, has been Absolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be carried on by j. R. Williams. AU debts contrac by thendlaalltedflerinb tswdilluebothliequlaidatetedfirmby wil3. itW l he , .1111,V.. - d by him. 3. R. WILMA S, NOBLE CLUF • N connection -with the above the under gned desires to state to his numerous custome end friends than be intends to continue them* •attic - tare of firateclase pumps and cisterns as h reto- ore at the old stand. He has nowsuchfac lies s will enable him to turn out a better artic e for °es money than any other establishment the kind in this section. To those indebted to him be would say t • at an Immediate settlement is desired, as he is • gent- ly in need of money. Remember the old established and well- •en Seaforth Pump Factory. 415 J. R. WILL - S. OPPOSITION THE LIFE OF TR E. MR. , GEORGE FORSYTH IjAS much -pleasure in informing the bi- tants of Seaforth and vicinity that e has fitted up a Fizst-Class 8.114VING, ANsADI/H00A,NIR DRES NG 1 In the stand lately occupied by him as a Meat Emporium, first door north of the Commercial Hotel. Mr. FORSYTH has secured the services =01 FIRST-CLASS BARBERS, And Guarantees Satisfaction. GEORDIE will do Good Work as cheap as any others in the bulisineartsiLlar attention paid to Dressing Children's Hair. Parents would oblige by sending their Children in the early part af the week, orf more convenient early on Saturday, 428 GEORGE FORSYTH. BLACKSMITH WORK AND GENERAL R PAIRS Promptly Atte :,c1 To. GRATE BARS AND OT FURNDIEZD. CASTING FOUNDRY AND MAN ACTURING Co. ROBERT RIINCIMAN, Manage Sealorth, Feb. 2, 1876, near Ma on House. MySICi MUSIC. 0BBINS'1 New American Method, including -1-`' full instruetionsin Harrnonyand Thorough Bass, taught. by ,ffIre. .F. K. WRIGHT. This new method advanCes ranch more 'rapidly than the old, as it occupies more of the pupins time. In the spaee of three months pul:ds get such a knowledge of the principles of the science that they are afterwarde able to pursne the study to any desirable extent without the aid ole teach- er- This method is for beginners, as well as 'be- ing a great advantage to advancedpupils. MRS. a. R. WRIGHT has taught this system ettecess- fully for the last five years, and. can prodnee tlie best a references. $15 A TElild foriull -..nstrue- tions, being less than the original price which was $20. For _further particulars enquire at Miss M. E. Wright's Fancylltore, next door south of Campbell's Tailoring Establishment, Seaforth, Out. 4248 PUBLIC NOTICE. TN Accordance 'with the Act authorizing the for- -I- /nation of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, we the undersigned Freeholders of the Township of McKillop, in County of Huron, do hereby cill a Public Meeting to be held in the TOWN HALL, in the TOWN OF SEAFJOUTH, on SATURDAY, itfARCH 18, 1S76, At the hour of 2 o'clock*. M.. for the purpose of organizing c Muttuil Fites-Insurance Company, tO be called the MellilloR, Mutual Fire basarenee Company. IS 4nedj BORT. GOVEgLWE, Ulla& taUtE111.4 - W. J. SHANNON, - MOP' rfill8.9141 T. E. HAYS, ,TE 'SAMUEL SCARLETT, JOHN; THOMPSION, " RODERICK GRAY, WM. GRIEVE, 426 ROBERT ,BEATTIE. 4304 - 7