HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-03-03, Page 8t
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ly, Or*
torei, ten 116tels,
ne liqu
so AT
nd d no.
�5�1 6 to t her. on case determined
r, Of mattoij busip me
-'eveh sent...., th
the to e octorno
But d and bigh I icen 6e fen soti
no alloonst
ireri.-bo6i 4 to 1 �n, ni -she sud- 1he onow heir
Sib d of the petitionem,
t to be cot. Wed ev
eall 011910(1, hile as an supposing the I tter state : r evf
.1WA4 liri
0 T ro 1 an iod: in about CO& _e
,6w iiry demand
y: mile
his leebu sustZed by the
Ac 'to
0 be easily rect, the aux. was not-ou ient to in- deld J fore dical aid could be 4he Matter the arbitre,14 inust be vAmittei t that odJue'-of the
oratorical of tor it Nould i me refer rO.b k* of the
It 0 at4 Wt and IM osit thoug..
surpassed. duce itim e bi hind all is personal an I I Men par -
i al 3o �ibbt Loll] and suit MP- jtf rs,, ThIl en ty foi that too I&J"gi i a step bw been
4 A� situation or the par sedart 'Congestion of the 1UUAfi
ably inters irs, 0 V i int re s bing ilitts. effecto and, -beard bher this Year, SA(t -1
DISTRICT MATTERS. p retai6m b8thecau1e0fd"-_,, Shewas 0 coo 415y A
-, ; 0.� 9 ' 1— 41. Z " t4ken hatthe reebrA may
tral anee lot 13 1. : . .; a::: � to
i pose of session 6 1 so small a p '0
lip- i eb. so e"
sum. This f,m0ney, however, it is rett a i t i4elligetib girl, ajid-u4ual�y On- �on F .22, re ;ress -of the cause.
-said jn6m1a*6r&b16
'Ve have I-eceived word 11t. i --aiath -�rornlheirfor
1) 1 C.A, r'. — � L 1, 1,6A ,,, 'h 1 -MA" zhan ood lealth. Her M.0 I%p 4 hil ease- it is Ailli
D w4e mee
from AJ.F.A1cTG0ART,M. D,,PrindPal Of the T11E J-41TE1 ',t" The fal-
e ieby I&OnYri.. Bruco'Held. U wasIgenerally cons ered I a heavy bereavement to hi aged 1to. the village by �ome The
9 � 0 - e
Manal ."t other members of the of the swarm:
Mtol, Sea-, e .table man, fathet: and -the of g the Action of tb8
sivying that he will The at tb on W 8 v4ry fair to be a ste quri reop 'S(roan
day evening lal -ti re, Is t* �bay DOthl
forth,hereaftoron the 14thol eve% iDg of the I it cc;village of
London Medical and Surglettl Institute London, ry lowing is th son ily
t Toni P r , I rer, ov, � r Council
le attprilida4ca o� ladies 1 and his slid yote rious disap. famil` ilvan" Matera the *pm
stead of the, Oth, until Wher no He has attendance. debt of the town:
was larger i hai 11 at auk of tl a Go -A convx ndent in. the general raftlay
meetings pearailee criea, a considerab e comment leso'apd moflality,0 the tOWU. Time
been romarkably ittec6alful in the tfastmOut 6f 1-1 k, whil 5 the $1,0W i pit
r, and all serious chronic in and surmiseiss! to 10hat h" become of forms- us that Messrs. erle MoRae �of 15owic paid by diseases of the eye, t h ld 4,X c leni roadit js� were give will reveal the resut,
i. I ward Flanagan, of McKill on tow#shi on the sec: . W. T Cox,
s Zit to Soxforth those re. I r6 of T, formr-
diseames� Daringhl. tey 171os N. R( era and I es irs. him. andEl The lectu,
qt4irin blakrviaeffshollIaLnOt fail to eall upon y- �ohoppedp 0 n an unine
the 25 th of Vebruar teKthe rated) Til., 0 sigial, W" looked for.
him W MOM a Wilac Mr. J. H.
1 1 1! sm piled 0 cords of be
fthout. dol&Y.L ulkin o �d Mole. od- fra xetei � be allowed Stan
ech and meole wo go of �Fro d and ly editor 6f th
loo W- a present,
and for a O0k,--`7wh( Ward to *ith .rogt interest. A. larfo
ale at low WOO(L of V e credit of
I in iours. The wood was chop d on be -placed to o L)Aw c n Real EitMe for two
pr kindly yolu o reci which.1 *Nxy T audience assembled bear hit!
iaoo to suit the bort times, Sath Thomas and -lanagan, M34,, !which is to pay, balance the bonus NO.' 431.
auguy. the fa !ln of Mv. Tames F A WM
art 0. It terest pay�ble ans 1k
Was learu4nd u ruftWt $ gave a a
Now Havonlooks, givet n a m4n r p simple but ernest
Elgin and Waltham Watches$ which n s A a id ovi r, prinelpat, can be paid Con, 1, ted. bu e Toront0t Grey pind Wedding, Rings and presents, Combs, Brushes, of Logan Oar correspondent says ran i e of the most im-
showed him ito o1weal's olocutimary po!!., of his life, It was
Apply to C. It.
LadioVIK,4ak and SideCombs,Fookat Book%, Lung in sums of $,00 at ist y time. that. if this' statement is doubted the Coo, RailL
re than ordi iary merit Coorpt, Brusl als . 0. rpreuive lectures n temperance ever I Fein
and a few more of thooe very cheap era of much 44 n Loyal OrAng Lodge bold Protect I young men prepared to Make a wigger 801W.- hei
Tampatolirliliotborobomp.Glaiiaware. AnioeChins Dr. Lorrinmr, i ra ittonger,'yave a very,,, I made doubly so by
Th sleighin4 since ol Feb. given, in this town
LF Tues. a first annu
oil -in ei�xcellent i tyle, The, d. ;(Jordwood
To& 8et for $5, and a good 4troug set for $2, good recitat of V� that they can chop the same num- &I ree the fict that -so many -of ut knew the AZ. A W00d Lot tOufA
day I t haO b env ry po. A and the
4an 100
�l 60, and all other goods in pgopor -ber of coids -in the same time again, 4" r being 'd; we
22, Tho wea Fla scitw�i��n
Tollot Sets I X' as
chair was occu )ieil by I r. 4. - Y., Me ve redominatod, with a candition in which 6 left Goderich some,
bli h in: which the towi H;hj
E. HicusoN & 00, and osw logs ha
acted as, There is-noueed for' as g machines sleighing good, th pa a he of MOXXop! 00U -M
t1mber vy-1 'win be
I.IrILLTAm AL L ElVannounces f resh Teas Lean, and X 11. Lumi d goo four or five yearoago. A more hoi d �quantttyof r in. A crowd- T
f es!, en was beldt
ind gentle-- around where these boys li e. ttho. . "teitainmen t sildom, LE4GETTj2xcWP'.- 0.
ctitic. Th lowing lad d dim. of inebriety ha
at from 50c. to goo., extra value. Fresh Ground LA* A'a rris, J. has been HOW F ARXBR,13 MAKE M lqEy.-About looking v, .
ed t�D its utVost: ixtent. After a goo k
to give madings on a deal lately he comes back "cloth-'.
d a '00 ivith a num. now
Coffee, 40a.; 10 pounds White Sugar forsi; 11 men were 8( ec... ed 1 1, part ell of at W been seen, and
pounds fair Sugar for $1; 13 pounds Brown Sugar 11 Xf Mo day ni it, viz.: Mrs. wo ars ago Mr. . MoCulla purchased past wa some of ghLt Mind," and 4peakS R f3IAM,'To be week f rom. ocouplemagiiii rial cases, n his ri L Fow#u&od 'Ail
for $1. Honey Syrup, Buckwheat Flour, Pot ber 6f ohe !,being of wo ed and in Which house, ta* stable
jL . he '.rm of Mr. Alex. S�ith, on the audience a . awe; I tbomselv the intel. -power
Coulter, Mi .36 � E. ohnso;, 11. Hargauj, much impoitance, bowever. 1. 0 - Aize�us with -that WAtefe4 sudatiaow.-v
Barley, Corn Meal, Oatmeal, Egmoudville Flour, , Mr. Gollsmith, Dr., M L Fourth Concession of, MdKillop. Mr lectual part of tie festival began. A his fellow depthe of and foriced, i
and General Groceries, cheapest at ALLr.N's. M.. E. MeLE n; -Re AXET.4.-�Fall wheat, $8c to 90e 31 those have who speak from the sion,n(rtb corner of �0 Uxt
$5,600t number of's ex
moon la purchased the farm for. ostly clergymen,
IF YoTr want a.perfect picture of your- Campbell, I es I r8. A Job nsoln and AV. spring, 60C ;i to'88c barley, 45c to 50C the the heart. �� Ala an tance, t may be on the promlfts� -
el the- le of ls New Gallery!, opposite the McDowell. "T � e de' bate v till take place-, andtliefirst year hehad.'possmion of addressed e t'"g? u You S,&LV,--t0sb half
Self go to A. Ctrpp oats, 128c to 130C a, 05-5c to, 60c pork, mentioned that one of the Ww
it he cleared from the-proceedsof hisf'eveuingbe bourse 0 geism, its FT
Mansion Hotel. Pictures taken bi all styles, on Monday Iev ninly next. PA- at moron gentleman) m" re -
1 $7 60 to $8" h 1!i to $9. labor On the farm the sum of $680, whi4 progress and is ry.' Jud from the (,a somewh -12Y AcXillopr, slid �Vkst b#a 1
Copying ad oularging done to perfeatioa-the 9 tMined ago South -501 Ures -of,
OOD IC]�,-%e ce deale' have been fi f . turning from the lect rej *ais cons ain
-G paid 4he , rat instalment !and interest. satisfied counte ances, of ir hearers, - ZOO. lq� J�g.the Vill
best malce of instruments used, with a knowledge u t10
of how to use th(an. Give him a ot.11. Always at &Wty.-04 Thursday af-. houses during the week. to liftVp his voice an* I testify Gen MeCAUaHl
ed Frparl as Mr. -))a filliniz. thel e to con-
ternoon of we c "Wrth.
vid Ken He is fully convinced that Oe can pay for, ;the speakers see to have as Isat and lktened to e
home and in good humor. The' ;ece is the best that has been rmen said lie,
11 his farm as the payments come due out of -'elusione 64uallyis reeable to themselves
1,000 CoRlD5 SY-kvr,. BoLTs NIVTE-D. Dedy, of 01 t ill ud ano#hei, man were 'i initid. that I would
for several winters past. I which has night, I made up my
ood � and the
its proceeds. *. This shows. what alidi�nco. he I quor traffi A k tOTS F SALFG,-Vont
�ea orth a team c to - the
-The subscriber is prepared to pay the highest in of COU14CIL AND TffE Li, uoR TRA -F. long e been en- 1 this cursed My
driving D HEfarm 1 and industry will do, ang at not -been till lishe M;�.' adjoining fhe Vo --o
price in cash for any quantity of good stave bolts, horses in a 1 i Cutter t ehDrseB when. himself
.-At -the last meeting 0 ouncil, a a most Aq8trable situatior�' lor plivs
delivered at the Wroxeter Stmve'Faotory. R. M Fic - I g to ad . = nd if it 'hn W
ite ti: :fji( elice Q: Al r. Tho the illine time shoive that farmers, like deavori cethe f ranpm who was in the Iyusin auld-do all I Terms :reasonable, with imi
I Appli tp H. W. 0
MMLEN & CO. by-law was' d ffixing ta ern licenses her, people, can and do make money. r 8, B&M
0 passe rents to i
ca: and shop ail
go to ?t eppohe e n a b e righten,.�d at anothei sm and gain
licenses t $200, and ot port, bo 'Moral could to hurt hiin," IF You want a good picture rie Ily behind at $120." as. the P MooRE's Studio—he is now prepared to furnish cutter beirff,,,,g rii ell . �hu a op icene and that to AN, )tTH1ZP. SWMDLFP.. the Br d finnucia ----------- �or to L,� 3�By
fore ; ve h., limiting h es to one
them, and taited o ran, I a p be exeluaiv�ly for the sale of liquors. eek we learn that on which it recei from -the:: neral pub. Bs7fi eld
first-class work., better than hereto t hi h a eed sels R.o8t of last w OTS INiSSA7010
a call and see his work before going elsew ere,
y w Iteing un-' A (IOOD A rons TAIENT. ---rMr. Do Fridmy, the 1E lict at Well'ass brother rangemen, B
Mr. Kenn6il , i rho 'as dri vin 49 Mi, nib a man, callin$ atifying
ey, g
IT WI'LL PAY YOU to see and Prico J. able toll 'k ore himself Joseph Farr, calle at the real. must have been 'i a d wel me. -L hrDu=ox.--The ifi rat induction since r
,nrei speed t.Ontrol them.. Scott, of reasnti. as A
7 occupied
els, and formerly Deputy on lace in the
0. LAIDLX%V'SGood8 before purchasing elsexyhore. the secessi in June took ing s,-ispre ote
IJOL.80118 awf lill oh'- When pass ir , the reet crossing, ove of 8, has been pointed Li- dence of Mr. John Orieh,,Lot 15, Con.
aP me. o;L eap, and only good 800iteh church, Baytield Feb.
it the Pregb erimil Chu -ch the cutter b r f e Of 14, blelkillop, and repres nted himself
and price- his p,c or t e t Ridilig- desir*t u
CALL AT M, MOR111,90- struck the dr 3ing with f uch force as toL the new L nor Li lender. Af r some con- CHuRdH AlF"i _Mr. I kilitor-Dear 18, when the Presbyt -,;� of tou* in -
Groceries before purchasing elsewhere. He sells Huron, under, r
smash it, in to 11, eeck, The hcrses becom- ad veiiatin he offered, to le MT. Crich Sir: In a congre ation not many miles, ducw Rev. Jobu M(Satt, late Ministe.
awfully good goods a.t awfully low prices. act, Mr. Sc4t will make a' faithful a with ut taking a distant the melal ro weree called upon to at Biabrook, to the uNtoral charae of IUTY- M
ing freed ro i it ran u itil they came intment -$2(k at 7 per cent., JAB" PROPE
(,'rR-ky, YOUNG & SPARLING are now efficient offic r, and big P -Fo $ale in U41
clearing out their stock of Winter Good' tem �-ahj Will a on's black-� ppo ortgaget and only stigulitinghat the select a suitable erson to lead in- the Bayfield and Varna. Y6re waS M SAL'Ee
a at prices will, we hav no doubt, eve general In . I 1 1 13 af.ortib;,gi Urge.,fiisme IDW-#Ul
it a - f6r the ensuing attendance, includiR g . e elders, tras- I
OpTthi8ho ell ItTley rai i fc ul of a tele latter would g ve him 13 talniiJ4 7 ToOms, with' a 11tone f
that cannot be beat. am I i is 'ote atwelve Di''lle Praise if Go
Satisfaction. a
YOL egr(rl,
ED GRAY, & S1?ARLIXG"8 graph post, i ie heiroo, g(ing on either )a. The offer was -at nee ace tel ear Twoyohng-meft'wete appointed te4a, and managers of bot regations. BUTCHEFis' TALns.-Thefour butchers' mon 'Ky ih y - to sing two The call to Mr. Moffa tt h ing been s`
advert side. Oneof"tio ILOrses: o;ru-,k hishind and Mr. Crich gave his note to e church �!Ommittee
4semont, and than go, see and buy for your t, 'L V!2pd6tor On
golves. stalls in th arket house 4ave allbeen congregatic a accepted : y jars en luire to �he
eg againot4h post: with' no' i forceas to that fforthy giving him t�o checks for Sundays each o i trial, and thon. the con- ed by the
C011118 A�ND ffill QRN�AITV%-Ts, rented' The Coulicil are having thern were ei�r choice Pre 11 tery,
knock it oi�t if jr)int atIthe stifle, afiA $50 a id one for $100,,on t�e, Royal Can- -make the Pivi le service was con -
at N. R. COUNTER'S Jewelry - ail completely! finished witil ice boxes, 0
Styles Just Received' y Re%. -Robert. Dobie, of party of,
Store. completely 1 sl ished :the! bc nes of the counters, and necessary fi�ings. They adian Bank, Seaforth, in L which he re- r0hich should precentor for the re- duPted y Ver p.
r Mr. 1)
t, The in ured horse -the v ne of oderator o- the Synod pf the -g how very cheap J. C. I ar so ited he hada a deposit. Farr left 1 ainder of to Milton. Scotland
IT is a9tonishir leg at that are rented- two at $20 pre of $25 and! After TowA 4
LMLAWsells his Goods., Go and see. "ell and of co rse rou h hi; compan 4 boufl o'clock on Saturd 11 e competitors, etung Sam Whab offend- ChurA in Canada 11 aulL TJ
each. - Th1ey will be occ4ied on the th&t8ectiOn ay, of Is 1, and well
11 0,11 opposi, questions
to a w ell � tey Were bol and stated.that he wished to go to a Cor- ' d not beiLng, ltd putting to the prese atee The =61 tattse and "barn -01i the prope
�h se, i
stand e
FOR CALIFOR-NIA.-111r. Win. A. Me- 0 N17' first of the,co: ing week. ip. On Mon- I ion and thilil it above his dignity to precribed in the Formula of th
e Church 7 -ill be s6ld e
Cured. M�. all bi Veterinary tain house in Grey townsh dvi.ng bXg -&I ply to HARTWOLL SPED
d -and re
Kenzie,,formarly a miller erriployed at the itch a person as Mr. of Scotian ry
Surgeon, ' 8 t oi de oentifor to attend t a had be OPSU, 13
'wa da'y Mr. Crich, whose suspicion opposed by P.0" T-ey, Otto ic, R. CO
B lyth. hereto, Rev. Robert Burnet,
big but oil m king an ex� M positt mill, left Seafortih on Wednesday last he injured ar ma,. meanwhile been aroused, went to Sea ve I refused to sing on -trial., answers t
Id �w's Church, Ham- -sale 0
Orni. His brother James goes "of snow has C he wo dLbe minister of St. Andre
for Calif I amin&tion 6f t ie:ii jured f art he found BU5INFs$.--4The late fallp forth to inquire about the ebeqes which But seeing if b , id not sing ill
he could 40t do anythiig or it: The had the e IJ ite cornmitte ilton, addressed Mr. " Aciffatt, F with him.. - These geatlemen are sons of freet, of making b#siness qu 'The Mod- were represented to be egotiable on thrown out altOg' ther by t e,
Wm, '.UcKenzie, of East Hawkes- animal wa�, 6, nse uently shit. The in4 brisk, and ol are taki6g eve ad. April 18 - 1876. At the Bank he Waf he yielded th, t contest. But he and orator addressed the7bon
-gregation, point- State o' A
the: - slei ghing, ing ?ut their duty to ther minister. The bouse lxp� an
bury, County of Prescott. , as, a�flne rl, vantage of form4ld ibat he had been victimized, as his frienas du -i g Mr. trial, vith leg iputbulli
Jured anim' e -horse and las
iv i some idea F r Rm a 'Thu!sday the work- ill give. and the wel- good. ell. 115sltuatea�alx wAyb
was valued at 130.' To e oliec�ues were bogus and that Farr thinking it a nd plan I o gain their orrvice were imprei
9 Reins d, Kippen. -sud Histws;il, bolu�
Nif alcolm, of t trial in the� come extended to t[le new pastor was MI
PF,Rso.N&L.-Mr. Andrew of spee t hich, tl -e - jorses -were shop of M Davie Rodger4on took fire was evulently a swindler, Mr. Crich point no to sin -A to W31. Cul
th each p, y,
Seaforth, left yesterday On k trip to Scot. na k respect for most cordiAl. Iff 'ASO1q, Braoefii
Munn 9, xa the cross:?, from a spa �vhicli fell'frdm the stove and a neighbor, Mr. Thomas Roe, -who church,, and tl y, withou -Ur to RAWA
log w on Ne cutter
w ie transaction, im mediate- themselves bo red that th y would. not
land and England. Mr. Malcolm in.. - In but fire being] noticed in- was
ing we 8 �ate, tbat Mr. Kennedy was p,pqp are of tl Tucker I -FOR akvxvor Sale, I
tends to combine business with pleasure. ow nguished wP a little ex- lygej�oufor]3 ssels toendeavorto over- n the 0 1 as lony Mr. M
I Smith
It 20 feet, it FA'
wn a dist i nee of abot; an4 time YU Hnien
He goes by way of- New York. He ex- thro 8 119 i 'a sta. cleare., -the
the runnerl ol the cutte *ere broken ertion. take the- swindler, which they did at sm in the pr c en'tor'8 sta d, and with SCHOOL BoAuD Mi LTiNG.-The School slance,weU,
1glous meet man C e 8 to be absent about two months. I w -rd. There
1i the men w re slightly REYIVAl, MERMNG.-Ae t red raukh in, their Board met on Feb. '16, at No, S.
Uant and profitable the Metho- . ou i 50, years of aa
clear off. o Cran mook. Farr is a medi u rn sized mali e and
C Wish him a ple, bruised bu, ni seriously i uied. Th6 ings have been co ducted ab e, with grey hair, breasto'tow.&M31r. M—Aheyhurled Present, Messrs. Sp roat, Walker Rob-
ing on hard 01
har6m woo a i broken into piec dist church for th Past, flV weeks --witli short, grey, wir.#. motq;st alle, and h at cent u iptible slai cConne"ll. Minutes of lut
es. is the mo ider on him ertson *nd M from 5ealottbiO milasi from Z 1h
v. M, r. Milligan con- t -andapproved. Reports,frolm Ongl.e 4% Kinb =4 To=$ mMe reat suede touched with* a d oidedly Irish and amused I in of the Arorst doings meeting read
CHURCH SOCIAL. -A musical arl lit- smeetings att
ard lucted the for the first two ju�tcausewlia ver. There all the school's showe a hendance-to the
Hion F LU LN. -The follc wing C brogue. He represent himself to be without any
oray social will be given ill the Presby- FED Z1 LBF1 TH Hilm1f, Votistsal
n nusually
11 edi A ;.an ell� the editorid weeks, and 14tterly the paskor, Rev. Mr. a petisioner, and relates" many. anecdotes is not lanother the neigh- U --4
terian Aurch in t1i -toWIl Eub�llishe�l i ;,y ling man i be large, pud all the -6ol,
issue of Uie Goderial Phelp i a* ted respe Tj*
on Wednes- i bto
dayeveni-ho, next. The best localmu-. ea Ingintlij la,, 9, has olffic of the Crimea. He, -is . undou (11y & ),)Orhoo4 that is in lore eted than Mr. work p greasing htis PD-OVE11TY IN V
r1R PENNY 11RrAD cis. On the evening lis arounil home an4 where he is a instructed to order a sup- St OmPO8V 1-71
a? it i a piece- 04 beauti �ul c a see updrel, and it isi to be hoped he will M ecretary was
sical and literary talent has been secured - I L le a] antly situ4t4e
I destr)y its effect, of -the 221l ult., a very p$asant enter- now known, and lesi leserves tol be maltreat- I of liquid slating. and, to have ft'- droddai
for the occasion, vIlle, I �d by Mr. I
and the affair, it is an- tion, and r 0 �r ;ha'14' get his deserts. 1 y rbalim; 16mitting, of tainment iook place in th� temperance ly
ticipated, will be interesting and profit- we ublis'� I In ner has been by tiackboard renewe& where necessary - and jAv by Iter. �01
p I V eam lopch a f, Scott, Vith
le, d hall. Ow ng to t e rough weather, the -is 1111od
I course, th( s nd large type Goiftle. i such ill -dig d pers Us. L He was also also to have the fence and closotis witu be"
e -attendance. 08
We b O"P pos
able. e to gee a larty i issu ce W A good pro- I re cc d by one of Mr. D 8 put in rder' as as the season pe ,of the o1cost kinds. Moe U0
FALSE. -T is I .oter ",Times'l it, its last attendan an large. positively reice stLd w?o4sbad, 012-d
T§. mPERAN CE. -A large nainfluential BOUVA
me was a )o ii fit % he d th st tomerit in rov ed, conoisting of ad- i bis sing- 810# 1glyon -on Xsrelt 3,6,- 1871
ST-PxrRicy.'s DAY. -A lectre will be was a little t a -it rniestuppo r from 310101119 mite. Messrs.. Robertson and Spr6at sea -
Now;, meetn the District Temple of the 7a TOR �Offtoe, I
10 0 lcial Pap., ol Jo'uen6y'ig 92'se r, Grace W. C; T. class in t is lo-aMy., Mr. D we.re instructed to exantine as tobe-conit Oftlte XXPOST -
deli P g 0' ve"red in the Seaforth, Catholic church thiswits only dei dedyastord# (Thursday) by th Inde endent Ord r of Good Templars, of' ing class in t
I M cheater, , 11 A IF Is it they 41- dition of the -seats No. 1, and re, 4
on the evenig of Friday, March 17, St. 00 and Rev.' Y)Ullg,, of an uron, was hel also decidedly old his Pap
0 join
lud ban th vi h their usual g 4" County Con I r ' e Cl dat Gorrie on Feb the elms he at next meeting. A motion, sugges
the readings,. bir the ub and as]owed Mr. M Pg* FO
megnt, stick 6 their' true a lo� 4, a d gave t -01 xrl
the propriety of supplyi ll$ew Ir house,vt
-11 the. mwpdb
Patrick's day, by Rev.'Father Waters,of pr 6,n eaux, 21. The district was well represented,: ot tea04 them anott -0031. 4, U
to tI o 4 iffice whieh do the sam tab4 would n r night. If The aboti stors being �ths a a
Ashfield, on Ireland's Patron." cheaper and )eder than any. Other paper in th
-1 gb t 0 irit for a Man who be- I with copies, 'pens, pmcilo :and 'Ank, -was - -orch atif-715 b.caiing
n I I
present, At
lecture will, no doubt, be interesti"g,L and County. Th I Q0 erich " Rar " is, as it has beelif R llett. 1 10 o'clock A. 11. the Tem -
I d
E- ai pr, pej f the County oil Huron. 311 longs to a Chiit church �. a Christian discussed at consider able l,--qgtb, an ay� swampy With will be largely attended. The. Church the oftlef order by the District gL�mil'
"Times" pl iasg re cb,and bilge tru �ARLYLA111118, Mr. W4.- Armstrong, plars, were called to rish to f hie p tb e members prosent#z 2&bovc it, A
at in_ yours ly, J community to watd one o roved of by all Cuief Templar, Brother E. W. Leec
choir will give selections of musi,� A. 0. Sixxoisi s, C i); 2 Inter, Loi 2, Con. `8,'Hullett, informs us that lit brotbers, we may well ask althoughlef till next ffieeting ilof -on thl
t over
terva3 during'the eVenLing. ;eir the usual farthi r r -ft To
oWd beg to ask Mi, A. C. Sli he 11ad 14 lambs added to,,i his flock of and )pened in due form. Aft ow can such the Board for
We w oil] ity What is tanity "further -consideration. The or WooD.-The good sleighing foi the
sheep, from 86Ven ewes., the lot of routne of business, appointing of com.; mono, C I a Ahr Board then adjourned to meet when
Printer, &c,, il the winute an, person sif c wn at communion !Bet,
of the Cotinty Council for 1876, Mr. MilL.' lst' Allthe is are doing mitt?es, .&c., and a short experience: . ar
t I table and 3 of thdmh d blood and carled by the chairman.
past few days haW been well improved by lneeiing, an adjournment was moved till' ler's report, a � d the Balk t act are o0eci1e ar Lord an Master with -FOA SAT,
broken b of joLr _.For olt
when all partook of refresh- L
our farmers, Who during the whole 6rk ? If go' we ho THP, LA�T AN last enter., 2 P. nma - - 0 f I L D EST. -Tile al ta, , 1w,
mens of his w' lye he wi� �7 such, mallice in is bosom �.. ward one bf
a I e d the hall by the-resi-.-
week have been, pouring into town pardeinus b6i'wegaythatlisstatemen ent for.phis wason alls. ments serve up in I withol all names Oid Ina good sWte of tO
u der th I his fellow men. Ass The annual s well tl;#berea,� tbvr
0 Templars of Kinburul �ent Tem PLowixG Ass L misea. A.Uo--
from all directions with wood, Aer in ple. In the of ternoon the sea -
that work qa4L be rie bet hs offico ces of the Qood n this throng h respect for theirela- meeting'af. the Hibb -rt Plowin
I I ROT the *ro
saw- logs and produce of various kinds. fi eln 1e Con lit 9 will b ell in tE c schoolhouse oil the 811011 interesting. Brother' CIO 7 than in aEy 06he, of e L I . e and bO.Dllng- they will half 04 y tionq and fri n F& on Mond oven -
It would be safe to estimae that at least reakinhin, -tainij 5 wres, about .16 of 7hl
c W Seafortb, Brothef B tion waseld at fti
can only b� fi tin� �ly eh r, ct( rised by the evenin of, W dnei iday the ith itisk.- An. Brett, o. Dever Mar the' reDUtAttioll again toward in&, when the follouingofficers werelaap'- ull1istautial log house on I
ten thoup I have b6e 8 a Ile and Hart, of Teeswater, Brotbiir Hop -
,and -cor'ds of woo( n
five letter W, i & v bich h do his card. excelle t ' ro 4ra me has b 3en prepared, as
1p ba the Working o. Aarch matters' in the farm ix orties
delivered ini Seaforth, within the last uteri ain 3nt pro ises to be the king, 6f Harriston, and Brother T yer point.ed Ebbert ardiner, Presi The specinienj'webav In d are a dial an. t e; sight of a Christian community. ---I
wn, e.. easur-er,,,
to VIR' OF JUJiT# E.
five days. grace to the Coun a istrace th ever-giv(n .1 is say. of 6 eorketown, County of Halton were
yp P -beat in Kinburn whicl rectors�--Messra. o eh add, Tho
un.j.-,Lr y,. -in printer, 9 ;he meanest, ing . a good- de Ll. - I!he ent�i tainment will formally introduced and invitid- to seatal 11 ould i gra e,
A compA-N lillspoke encourag- 'King, Timo roll, o n DeUady,
oat fort -stricken back- consist ot mi sic, both voc., 61 and instru- (in the -platform, and f
accordance with poorest an ri I i
previous announcement, slimes
�gs John Harb William Norris, nd "=m
ibad ingl', of the Order in their districts. Res 3 anies Hopwood, f.
t U pleas nt y idtuatea
I recita a, 'TRAC -6 - Harb rn, k6axi *uea by Xr i'& Poweu.
e bat( anada contaig., mental tableaus., 1 4 tract for
a meeting was held at the Commercial , i CON'RACT .-The cot
hotel o -i Wednesday last for the purpose ell ic4 -of mi mol th 4, experience. ventril ism and we notice on the olutions were passed advising- the pledgw r section No.- -William Wordn, McTavish,
An appren and
i an eree ion gol house fa er-- -XO
ghi I eff if e could not do programme e nameo of many ladies Ing Sabbath school children the of a ale a1i dining - om,
bility of fo mil lbe.0, 1=m
I ution of juvenile temples ; also the gason, Charles Tuffi i, Francis OlVol ILL T a, togethel
n th woo e type-and,an and gentl6ma a talented in %ese - depart. illst' Spa�i Solt 2WAte
of considering the advisa ming would 4,.- .. orris. has een let to M.
pany. - better prin in W, I . J.P. good w1lar, bara .
aLfarmers"mutual fire i sarancecowl nitionof thenew License actasa ing, lof !' Brussel, it for $668. There were U020XI'th, Peter Campbell, Durieian.Mc-
-fashion lit gli". 6 Lf ter turni nk ments. We i illay floo men ion that there recO shed) &�, vheiavre twolots M
disousf , it was �Tl I Lancis Ha nilton, A. Grahain, -b.earl �g
After du sion resolved to old I
11 teinders. Kellar. Fr
the R
form a company, to be called the McKil'L out of his offil cli Work. as this, Mr -A', will be in;attilIn Z11M a� re live ventrilo- step lit direction of still further
Tit although Ru days ago, as the ohn Stewart,, IDQUC McLaren,
d C. immols, 00 nty' Printer, &c., has quist, whoseperfcrmance illnot be the res# t e liquor traffieL N�&WAY.- ome Walter 1
uaro lop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, an rJu3s or -for sale,
only prohibition would ever satisfy sonsiof James' I'llkison, Fourth Con Whyte, George Hop rk and John Gar-
bli h ARW
the cheek 0 1 U i 10 14 on rcl, annouric least inte:pesting art of e entertain entire i to call a meeting for that purpose in ae- e_ andL dirier. The report o treasurer showed a
the bring-' sion!ofl MOM ere returning home from AL4E
-be don6 ment, Th' the I emperance. peopl 85 -VA1 M
w 0 e wor can ec will be occupied by M the t out of t wajon to a -of t 13
Sl ng
rdanee ith -the requirements of the In.- ing that il . h I - - W !$31 -
co ad
Oa e iver ail o hAeld, 0
ceact. -As wilil be seen by adver- better till ny oth r1office in the Andrew wl 0 will d i Df all our 'influence as temperanc& Brusse�s, he balance o 'hand last yaro
suran 96 en y 9 ' The hors of A-1
of -boa, so far as possible, to bear on our' walk, the day )eing cold. es
tisement, the nieeting- has 1�een called County. 'll relic to the good ing, addreM., The procee& are to aid in ,,a - I B14'ae V&1e a; and In 4v state
-on's, d a ein Ana teno" A
per, lin 0 9 ce hal idi,
for the third -Saturday in.this month. judgment"of i ie o nty-0 ancilinswardr- buildin 1.1 There should Councils, as well as eadeaVorifig to edu-1 took fTight opp ifte Mr..Sledd an
cate the people toward entire prohibition,' ran up the Bid ad at very great sTeed. -1. James Hendersou, ta= rell sig 9. tliey did,lvc have onl be a Crowd d hou; le. HOTEL 8OLD.-M
the riti y e 10A
ga tact with th ;ell t in 0 0 ame in
't th OM for which elicited lengthy and inter-. They F C dsaA BT(-, Loir. James Campbell, tosay xe i abunda.nce of ro ace, of Bluevale, has sold, his hotel near the
10 T04 -El I L . L .
discussions ere they passed. The!. tearing it dowif for more station, known as the Clyde hote4, to a 11 i -
two opinio a n this[poilit. Our opinion is 6 �Id� a1A wM b4i sold tbo
of McKillop,. brought into Seaforth on
.1c ec e a r. ers, gers r
Tuesday last, a load of. w 'd. When that the 0 ur cil acted A abbily and dig- [F lox,] HE NEW El A.] Dist Y, Brother R. Clutter- one horEe fil over.the th th
memtred there was on the load a little in1g'the1ender e ill h ed on ccount- of ex-' much entangle in which osition 5Y Mr.- Chambers g st
r Jec train on eta F ossession on the fir
honestly 1 OFF T11iB 9 RAck,-A fre 'ght 0
pected absence, Arotber J. D. mith, of: staid till the fir gbtened );)ys came u
apb Exetel eS Ind that of th' r P of April next.
over two cords of green beech and m e. adoepti the London 'Ill o a and Bi uce Railway
Gorlip, was elected1is successon An pnd took them. out of eir diffie4lt )3UISINESI's. -sin busi-
ce - a snow Cali He hac! -big� load weighed 6 the market Mar. - Th f rmer was at east 20 per ran off the iract, near Brucefield, the expression of satisfaction and regret was position. Happily there m as no aerio�,us Bess bag been very brisk. The"
cent. lowe tl ),n I he latt r, ad -yet thi6 Ot ral cars i vere slight y farmers
scales and to the astonishment of eve her af3e'Ve �Ty
ry ted to Brother Clutterbam by the
pres n
ersOD t nearly five ew ei r 4 4do are making the mo of - their time, and
w ou f a Orm, V, acres it]
tons. F Council, i i oncluded tb damaged. up si h
1 OL NATION'. -21 XAMIAX. *tl their grain tothe 1)101
p gbs the higbe e: to a er ion who hadl,, Tem :)1e, for past so M''ces and the lom of SOHO E3XL-C he e
peo le whodrawwood think itwei Pay Rlll�8,4-Tbe revival�` services. in are rushing in wi vwt At OR -via 1hot
th - Mor i6b
I a eb an able and worthy member. Thei tion of the sch:)91,in sectio No. 6. market and their a
o4i8t to 0 th oat f
so heavy as it actually does, and through to their kiio% edge 86ry iem un at the - Me and BiDile Christian, U 8 ag
il I g 4is, they 0 t "I
�pl it. n m pr Tem,)le closed at- 6 P. �j,Ttoameet at ris, took place ) the I Ith LeCt and "a if therlast aay,sal i sil
;a, lack- of this knowledge horses are f re- churches 6f Qjintcn, are sl��, Mail land Bank, on the fi. day in conducted by h e t ece h r, Miss A. Inge russelsi
fally'in the do n Teulleg., h
1 iviih: tbe tublisber 6 h rs
antly very inuch ovei-loAed, It is only broke fA. I NO less than thirty- ve teams- wereen- ketis J, Opunty
y and apparently rn eting wi� nine Jq
1 It %islo witIlL ever othdr 116. A public meeting was held in th6 Smith, assisted 1yr Miss mith al�d gaged drawiLlIg logo p
the Thn coo �Brul . - L
q�iite comi-non for ood drawer to take the Thn a rio 9 o Thyme Bailey'a
w . 1 6 or the work. Thi. cess. nd was 'adresged by va u Mr. S. Gibson. The clas es were 9x- saw mill last Saturd ay.
dere!d �—About six evening
two cords (OF greel3 wood at a load, printer t A Pl(;PON AGAOITY� which is, as.will U seen by the above, publishers of the Phseshowever, 'need L months si Coas, Ji.,, of Clinton, spea kers. amined in their vario'us br nehes taugji
nee, W.,
—A requisition, largely signed by the in our schools,. i nd the re ess with
et; turn. �f: pigeon to 3, person4! at Mitchell, Londee'oorough. "AND F�&RXF
to draw not regr airshavetakefi. In sold a daLL
too heavy load for any tea ank s
r he, el ratepayers and inhabitants of Howick,: which they eed the questions put J E,-Irho ub
without inju, y to themselves., even on deprivin i e of thecontrapt, theCoan- Which tin ose con$nement ever I and -
SUCCESSFUL. -The tea meetin old in .35 CO,
esented to the Council itt a gpecial to them, show-, that the teacher was g h taw I
O=e got -OU
good roads. oil. unwit M e 6� mit, d d them good since, t1ast week,and was )r the temperance hall on Wednesday last, tosh� �'Ihe
th:'V'l ived it,'the' ae C 0 its firmer home in meeling called at Fordwieh for the pur-1 doing her beat t promote. welfare lof a ting saw., all�le Maw, VA
service, Yor h Y found its a on behalf of Rev. Mr. Young, resulted
Int o her car e
E.9ETTION.-On Saturday, Feb. se of conid
PK ering the neiw License act' those' rusted After th good Order. There are o
would.ha. ie li at ::: on Y.1 it. Even at Clinton. O y t e two apresent con- '.Mon&3� evemn last pray ion 'm
1.9, a number of the'teacliers of the differ- t prices ob I i ing �bat no L shop )icein,ses be granted,, examinat* over, re,,itations diaa very satisfactoril A considerable -sum
he d: b� the txy- g
ree as' and es a 8 ere q
w tin�ber,�eonfds of pine
Mr. Robtl JO 11181 tendarice, and a' pleasant time -was
.on big con AP03PL I and no increase.of tavern licenses, the' logu Ls -raised, a large number were in
ent schools in Brussols and Grey paid 'a tractor,- h -%,v rl I doe me a )f Tucker eiv-
visit to Mr, A. -Dewar Public School Ill- -tic 4 troke, be oming sense- pres lit number of tatrns licensed being pupils, which, pre f6llowe I by speeches. very and Dther::::::
:88 ill --,%
iss 4e oJ r oil Aw him to d ed an ap6ple. On the proc edsof the entertain -
tract, unI., -spent.
0 -th, and hours' discussion' from lessrs. ' uncan auchlin and In th, V�cjalty to last, a numbr:
as, !Yea r, Az., u P,
lie did as se inferior m- less. Afterbii,,v. turn *to ,consciousness BOB. were a Aling
spector, xt his residence, 8eaf i a seven. After several i rge number ment being tende . d Mr. Youba, that tacto y te"os gi-ron for presented him ivith an addres and a val- as to the construction of -the act and the S. Gib There �u
erial, do in .&ior work, ancl over char ind ii r ght side,was partially at time. T�orfurther putit
9 it was foi 0 seem gentleman gave the Same, to the AT� G
ar of the petition, it was resolved to' of visit rs and All ed Batisfied with congre,
liable wolf -skin robe. The address was ' NvOLrk&t
for en(iered for. p2(ralyzed, lViedic, aid waO obtained,and pray to t
Owar� A -a
read b3 Mr,'John M eltitosh, of G'rey, I leave the matter entirely i1lL the bands of ibe manner in, v hich the proceedings b ad gation, the erection of or to RA liixesw
'in 4 fail way I ieldR. 0.
lie is nowi of flecovery. Be. COL church 'in The reverend
uncil to take ho ac -1 been conducted. Cox. this vill age,
and the presentatio Un J the nspectoi, the
n was in ade by 'I Drlidbield.� e some time be-
ing an olo man it rnay b
gentleman Well ap -thh;
replied tion. Friens of temperance to the� -prediated in
els. Mr. DeNva il Arenkth. I
haw, of 'BriL.IL A T.M �1 1 y fore he r ains h wonted , I -,e f,(A0%!Jil
G .1 A-91TER MITKNG.-Me, on Gbiebrich Not es. generosity on
to the arldess i suitable terms, ad af- e w'1 Lo had been actin e fr neighborhood, and h1ol
ter partaking of refreshments the pres. Charles D'ah'' 9 DOS this occasion has bo and him stirt closer E N, OTICF, —Alt Aeovittut:
Bru c
e since
t M010110P. The town C uncil met the following to his friends.
e the
entation party returned home. This station in a I Wroxeter. is oull or t
i e will be held 1 evening to so the lice ise quiestion. opening o I th'i Lo adOn, B uron and Bru c,,b, CHURC-t is imm. -A so 0� ------------ -in 4: uft for oolltdtion-
presentation will be alike gratifying to J
-are Church, McKil�op, on Tues- AkFiTRvnoN.—TbP, case of roxeter'' y a dent or� de.,
idi� q)py d mysteriously on iii Duff's; WheiTer b ign, the tem- I 30fil
Railway, LattWs orners. rt.h.
'an E lit upon
Dewar nd hii ni y friends in this
Tuesday ilia A -C k. On t It ar�h 4. Addrosse� 'will be d. s.tbetownhipof Howick was finally: perance pressu em. had been
0 riniverSary section as showhig the high esteem -in, I "I v d T WARNIN0,—ThOse !.P%
TI " 'da
Mi. I Dea a *ent.tb the, st 'I i ver' eAdl b R vda. Messis. 11. Gracey, of decided on the 22 Ult. The circum- and was great., n the fir it p e, the L
-which heis held by those directly under evening J ati 07 will be held in the thodist Episcopil .1 CoUn
i , -0 abdut 7 o'cloc -are as follows uding
from his boaii ng h use Usborne, goo t, of Crolm �rtk, and the local stanees of the matter oil was uniderstood, no"wiihs"ta church at Latta's C era, Tuckersmith, w1or 6e-3:5thf il presentio
his char village of Wroxeter became in -i a ramored- defe �ion of one: nember, to b
,e, an�j wlio are in the very best so be in at.. Whrzn th( e
IL choir will 94 -for ciat4a his worth as an of - to a�ttend Ithe evening train goin ministers on Sabbath, March 5, 1876. Preaching
position to -appre d, as'a.matter of course, it sep-1 temperance. T 131, agitation iad- been car- �usiness wound p �a -on
north. A f te, tb e train bad passed tendance to discourse sweet music. ea, corporate -nd �6.,SO R. M. by Rev.- "LEY�
th gi Week -is pre at 10. 30 A. M.
ficial. t the usual� arated from the townsbip and, as was ried on WJ; e�t vigoi foi
ed - will be served a
locked the d( 'r his,off �ce and proce S. -Terwilliger, of S(afort i
e 4o church re� natural, there were questions at issue be-; ous. Mr. Coxs ectue 'took 'place the h. 001lect om
RE -v. NU. Bzsso-N's Ucrruuu. —Rev. M. ed to the re 5enee Of Mr, McKenzi(, proceeds Willi
after each service. A tea Meeting Win
d Ue affair' twee rporations -'which re. night before, a, i to' crown all a depufa. Benson, of Stratford, delivered his see- about tbree h le north of Brucefield on pairs, and it �s to.be hope wil be held in the ch lQwin
He iem Ur on the fl 9
I ned at W be one of p cuniary as Well �as mental quired settlement. The Councils of the tion consisting f the leading ministers ond lecture in Seaorth, under the a -us-, the Londc Tuesday evening, '%larch 7. Refresh- TE Ai
I I I and laimeu of t; e town wg -a present to "n
itil aout I re�pective municipalities,. being unab e eceivediythe undo
Or 1 o'cloc profit.
0ces of the Mechanics' Institute, on McKenzie's ii i pf the pet tioners i fa- Inelt* served at 7 1 M. Speakers -in- me LL, Rodggrville ith the i SUDDEN DzATu.—W6 rekrot to learn to se ttle these questions by mutiYal agree. urge t�e claimi I in
1day e Ylast. Thesubjec-tofthe and left, is I Vas suppos with the i vited—Rev. Messrs Terwilh: r Cutiert, :for the ninnutactu
r e e Ito eCheese
. resolv d to settle th. f bat. one ;iquor shoj. T
lectu ie very sudden death orMiss Euphe- men e whole matter vor o And well . - Yler. - .
re was Men Wanted -The at- tention of ret B ce field. Sin of tl putation per- am t
-ge, was very then he has ID t. leen se beard of. mia Grieve, a young girl ab ut 13 years of by a on. Accordingly, Mr. D' D,� did the spokes ell of that. can - come, �ct a good t . im -bitrati 0 eron, Scott and !a au who
tondance, although not lal We expi el, Ad -
f. . Hu h Grieve, of Hay of Listowel, and Mr. . Shaw, of form their pa t. Rev. r. Henderson ion t tea and a ddresses, 25 cents. -fare
ioar ling A r McGregor a a e, daughter of Mi. Hu field -ring respec. and 4 a ted il i the cleare miss 0
fair, consideFing the difficult)' of getting He had b ell : o--
4nd us wea .&I Mil ile aftendii ig school last Wal ierton, were chosen a there Mr. Miller presen or 'my;
an audience at all to a lecture in Seaforth.,. hotel in r 6 h
and �r bE longing i w re left therie v 'On racted a 'sev ere cold, but
and w pare] reek she.c tive 4rbitratofs by'the village and town- and most powerful manner', the import- 1 m&r bf U16
The lecture was ably deh ance, neci Sul
?thi SCOTT, B
both interesting and instructive, and undisturb nothing ale us was shi Judge Toms of Huron bein� ap assit�l for strong and de- i
o are all An On
ed. Hi accoul to. als p
hurried d0- Tuesday it was the, ight advisable
those ho "fai ed to atend certainly mi4s- right, and no, remm ti� for ii ed as third man or referee. These cisive action 'in curtailing the liquor 8ACPAXENT.—W( are requested to
ng a profit- parture ca a b de, ri4ed. Dn the evenin to consult a -d octor, and accordingly medi- men arbitrated on the matter and traffic.. Then e vote was taken, and it state that the Sacra nental jBilat
ed an opportunity for spendi May
cured and the i lector was to evidence at great length, and about� be said t tat none, Dc it even those be held in- the - P -esbyterian Church,
W evening, the like of which may not in question i e0eived b, r expr cine was pro a e . I V -LL , .1 ecis- 0 Ethel, on Sunday ne Kt. Services at half- 4'
soon Occur again Mr. Benson has �acksge'of one); Oo;ntabiin Y boues;8570. visit her e following orning if she iddle of October, rendered a d generally on )sed to know all the in Pp
om sa th none y was for him- was not bet r. On We esday morn., sion adverse to Wroxeter. The vil!age, and outs of an r particular luestion, had:, t 10 A. 11, half -past -6 P. 1i
clear, pleasing voice, uses the most choice oome say
erm ld better their anyid�athat d by Rev. Xr. Tho Of MICKillpp.
language, and has his lecture arranged in self, and t1li that it blonged to A' ing she felt se much hette h -If, On-ril th sucomwoul, 0A 012100