HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-03-03, Page 7fir$ fitted lir t GRAY n s FLOC RY N SAW Iff LS, an . innerly oc` rg prop _d INES, NE Machinery, &c. KSM T.H WORK AND � AL 1 -REPAIRS 2,22pity AttehJed To, RS AND OTHER, CASTINGS rUR. IfISHED. ›Pe'n AND MA,NUFACTURING Co N=AS, Manager. , ?i! 6, near Mansion House. 426 O A D. ... N KRIM MILL. signed hereby inform their many a;ee the public generally of the Fe- Factory and Lumber Yard to new mc,ctioua premisea on MAIN STREET, increased facilities and some new 1 the best make, they will continue ei and till ell orders for 'tears,; blinds, 3foiticlinge, And ale: kinds of o ED*LUMBER Prices to Suit the timer.. es, Hay Racks, Cheese Boxes, &a. e. crf Secronc d Lumber on Head. I AND SHINGLES. crit Custom Planing wile! Prompt. tttine tion, uers hereby thank their nurnerotia the liberal patronage extended to nee past, and hope, by strict iuteg- : atteution to business, to merit a net iucreaee of the sante. • whore accounts aro overdue we give anon to pay up. GRAY & SCOTT. and Specifications for Buildings application. 424. LOGS WANTED. .)LEMAN & 0OIi LNLOCK ay the Highest Cash Price for )GS OF ALL KINDS. City of ELM LOGS suitable for the Sawing attended to promptly, is at guy other mill. f..t every deecriptiou, also Shinglets, eta always on hand, and at the eery lrreeb. BAR POSTS FGR SALE. tE 1A . & COL INLOCK,; Seaforth. --ER IS came ON Ire:,_ on should prepare for it by purchasing a S frQ- AT E. WHITNEY'S, ET - SEAFOPtTH.. , a. Large Stock of Cooking, a, ox and. Cosh Storer, of the I attern, and from the best makers, ,fa at Button] Prices for cash or all kinds in stock or made to irotice. Repairing promptly at - on hand, a large supply of the Coal Oil in the market, which will -e or ietail. Special inducements =rchusers. saran ti Jarnie:iou`rs Old Stand forth. )UiS. E. WHITNEY.. IEIAL LIVERY, 'FORTH. E WHITEL.EY,, sewed the Sloe '.pita Trades of the i Livery, formerly Dean, front a Co., Lens to state that lie la- in. leanness iii the old: stand, .ere 1 V:slriuble home; s ante vehicles ''s t int stock. Non e but fieetalle Vehicles ctltdZ Coo Itr,tw., frill be Kept. `...ri Baggies and G:irr'iagos,:and Wageee Alw ayes heady for Use. ?sesculents With if.:osainttr- nt I nne • • Stable,' or any of the hIotcls tte_rdeeto-- 418 OATMEAL MILLS. FULL OPERATION. /.lit .l e(F , J'ot Bar/Cy, Jf esti (.'h o j, j;ed, * fill Peed Crtiiststetly on Lend'. tie 3sl.t : es and Pri.lnys. Oatmeal Highest ',tilenail for fiats, & THObMSON. LE CHEAP. • OF DENCWI AND KNEE Wa/oi8, 1ton Jfarr8 lie% etilbal•ro-tins, a s, or wit be Elm/sump t for Wood. McNAUGHT, Seaforth. • • MARCH 3, 1.87 6.. Oddly Addressed Letter& A number of years aro a post letter ar- rived in Edinburgh, audressed in.forei {n handwriting to °` M. `%spits, Edw. bourg." An no .. special directions- were given, the post office officials were at ` a loss to understand'who this M. Totnpits could be. As far' as known there was no such a person in the town. At length, by pondering over' the matter, and"judg- ing from the sound of this exttaordiaary name,it wasdiscoveredthat the letter was intended for our old and esteemed friend, Mr. Thomas Potts, ordinarily and jocul- arly called Tom 'otts=alas, now deceas- ed, etered, but remembered for the: geniality of his character. The letter ,was fro%a foreigner to Whom he had shown some kindness, but who had understood his name to be simply Tompits,; It is men- tioned tha4 something of the same kind once took place regardinga letter which arrived by post in Lonon, directed to "Sromfridevi, Angleterre.'rThere Was no such person as Sromfridevi ever heard of; but on a little consideration, and judging from sound it was obvious that the foreign writer of the letter meant Sir Humphrey Davey ; and this proved to be the case. Following the example of the English General Posit Office, the French Administration des Postes maintain a staff of " blind clerks "—that is to Say caligraphic experts who are supposed to be able to decipher the most illegible handwriting, and to -deduce sense and meaning flout the apparently hopeless chaos of orthographical blunders. ' Some years since there was 4returned to . the French Dead Letter Mee an epistle which bad gone the round of every sea- port in the levant `and the ambiguity of whose superscription had baffled a ;le- gion of oatmasters. It was addressed "J. Dubois, 'Sultan Crete." , Now, what could this mean? The suzerain of the Island of Crete is the Sultan of Turkey, but His Majesty's name is Certainly more lik Abdul Asiz than J. Dubois. Five out of the six blind clerks in the`.R,tie Jean Jacques Rousseau ° confessed their entire inability to solve the mystery of Dubois, who, on the face of the envelope at least was proclaimed a Cretan Sultan. But to the sixth of the band of experts there suddenly occurred a happy inspira- t -on. " Fetch me a Navvy ILK" ka said to a subordinate. The Aitnucaire de lit Marine was brought. The expert looked up Sultan, but alas 1 there was no ship bearing that name in the French navy stationed at Crete or anywhere else. The wary cryptographer cogitated for -a time, still turning over the pages of the. Navy List. At length he -rose triumphant to the occasion. "I have it," he cried ; this letter s addressed to J. Dubois, Este le Traiterede," and to M. Dubois, who was a quartermaster on board the good ship Trancrede, on the Pacific station,the letter was duly forwarded. The missive was from the quartermaster's brother, whose education, so far as regarded spel- ling, had seemingly been of a strictly phonetic nature, and who had written down his relative's address, mit in accord - vice with the commonly receivedoc- trines of orthography, but just as Ithe. words had sounded to his ear."—Ulcrt- ber 8' J(.nh/•hall, Absurdity of'High-Heeled Bo ts. Woman is not in the habit of takin the advice so freely offered her in a kindly spirit by man. She listens apparently to all he says as to the inconvenience and extravagance of her dress and of its• prej- whaled effect on her health, but pays no attention to his warnings and resol- utely follows the path of her own inclin- ations, even though it l'.ads to the work- house or the grave, with that firmness h h charming char- return tnai . o acteristics. At the spring season of the reee J, s. IBobei s, year, however, when, owing to the treach- erous nature of our climate and the greasy NO i3.ISii.--T condition of our avements out -door: ex- times its w pthiniC of it ? If ercise is often as dangerous as it is bene- ficial, woman can hardly fail to see the absurdity of her hick -heeled boots. It is quite impossible for her to walk with any ease, comfort, or safety to herself in these instruments of torture, which, by throw- ing her out of the perpendicular, give her the appearance of the.leaning tower of Pisa, and produce an impression on spec- tators that she may at any moment;top- ple over. Her boots, also, are far too thin for walking purposes, and it was only very recently that an inquest was held on the body of a young lady who, owing to a nail piercing the sole of, her boot, received`such au injury to the, foot that she died of tock -jaw. Woman, more• over, now that she takes so active a part in the business of life and is almost , ubi- quitous, requires to be strongly if not ponderously shod, so that when necefsity_ arises she may hold her own with man, returning kick for kick with that fascin- ating -but foolish creature. A few words from the pulpit would, perhaps, induce E. Hickson &: her to take the question of boot reform - den. 1 made, the same u tinned with little heti tenant, however, one ising.manufac ur of are ay a ready a Which • and the old. fitage: a head. I Ano still worth m. tical room in laid out for ii show room for hen we men Sprin, ld tl hurpose, as . s as been mad of minis his Co irtt`.vro% know what ki upon whom y tions? Ask is. If She is` ing, if she is with her pare best prise .The eye of mo he delight as it r sts �npon moving lightly :n the spoken recommen'lation ar 6o1ne. it Ii is The hie, agmo ifs of h slow nee aha tis ti hidth - first eh pe&tion s ill the:®a a ion that Joh 11 be ng tl At 1� r �fc us roo pe d` guft'ic'en e pr gr A • r4L aw e sh ve lea kind f ;a c1(au ibna an4 s irate , e d co ou ;ave n pines h= or fa a bra r ,prescs o unto PEC Errfs'Coco� B1 a the nature laws �►f digestion ar ful upplieatio well -selected vided our bree ly flavored bd many heavy judicious use a constitutio until strong dency to die maladies We mar esca e • keeping ourse ve blood, ! and a Civil S'rviec ets labelled- " m epatthic C�lieni stss St. ,and 170, f'icdil �coNF' SSION til A a warning nd for and others who uff fro of Manhood, &c�, g ing *after undergoin m eh s mailed free on �ee' ing `velope. Addre N H Box la, Brookl; HAVING used Dry Wh Phosphate ancd Ca my family' for se er ye in -recommends g as When t began t .ki it flesh and strew h fro with raisineeof hle m, blood, which p m tient from diseased li ng . edy I found my s to ally I became c tet, meantime gain rty enexowi, mon I iron hi,. 0 co f er w.µ r>4 ,crateful and c kiaowl dg Ii ;gov in the o utrriti ' n, and ii thefine 1 a,M.El, •t tables wig ger whish rs bills. ch a , e ro , t till eon - present ng and has al - o ny of t going hieh is e iden- wl was ati goods. is now raon, of for our s that years leer. d you '11 make inten- hter she 1f -deny Sdental! bat the future. ing with is form, ce, is a value. n.forting of the ations y a -care- rtiets of as pro-. h a delicate - save us is by the diet that built up ery ten - o f subtle ready to k point. haft by ith pure frame." nl: in pack- & Co., Ho - hr .adneedle on ".421-v2 • AMERI 'AI$ 1T NAILS, AVERT I AIT C11T NAILS, 0 AMERICAN C rise AMERICAN C AMERI ?AN C 1. CTtM4-P bepeii of ervons D rule 'lug ai ost-pa EL Wished as young men bility, Loss o Self -Cure, ids pewee, and id directed en- s AIB, P. O. 404-20 el is Cont and Elixir is ye pereo ; lly, and in rs 1 have. n hesitation a ery reliabl medicine. h: • fallt�n off greatly in tie effeslts of a cough, nt occnsiona spitting of p.yscians a ated to be H v4i•g onrinn d the rein- • s : be tin , a� d continu- estor , b ving in the a i w fight. J. Y. THE GREAT FE Periodical ill unfailing in the c dlangerbous discuss: tlou is subject. It moves all obtru do relied on. To m i. ri It will, in a sho nod with regal. taken by Ferns of Prcgrancy, ai carriage, but at all raises of ' ei pains i the back -a ertion, palpitation whites thews pi is means hove f ilei remedy , do not cot or any hang h ' tfr directi ns is th pa whichshould b coli New Yoprk, Sol Pi for postage enclose ronto, Out., gener which is one ofher most, b will insure a not "1 lei' rt t irit es I ti any AL �1'1 ire to , mod dOs a gala e, inu •y 'Roth ons d H of till c fain a l to fh nil BUDDY. is invalu ble f Sill 'the o hi hthe fem rates, all, ex d {{{{ a ape e,itiisl rikmg on helm pil1 the fir, re sure r time t y and; Sp na bs,fati tie he heart li cota'.cnr w d, :although hien, eat* the conetiti et around ea t',town, d. dy ecu he fish t b prie or. $1 Northrop cuts for ntaining eafotth it . Lumsden. to: I a c e t in not stay where ft is toted. One dots° eurescommon' sore throat. One, bottle hen cored bronchitis. Fifty cents worth has cured RA old staading cough. One or two bottles urea bad eased of piles or kid- ney troubles. Six to eight applications cure uny case of excoriated ri pples or inflamed brea at. _One bottle has cured 1 ein ack of el ht years stand- ing. Daniel Plan of bottle left, c.n (Si i'7 ul not b y if I could get -el ---4 --ele4 < -el -. the Ye Xob Moses' .14 I CD 0 1 en 0-3 T NAItS. I T N..11. T NA14.S. AMERI GOT NAILS, i' AMERIC CPT NAI.S. AMERICAN CUT NAILS. AMERIOAN 'CUT NAILS. AMERICAN COT NAILS, AMERI 'AN CUT .NAU.S. AMER1 AN CUT •NAILS. AMER 'AN CUT NAILS. AMER ICA 'T CUT NAILS. AMER CAN OUT NAILS. AMER CAN dUT NAIILS. + T AMER CAN GUT NAILS. AMER CAN CUT NAILS. AMER CAN CUT NAILS. amj O O I PC Z 0 Z co 0 I rn C .rn L rr� v ,i m m C m v I -1 AMERICAN CUT NAILS. lt AMERICAN CUT NAILS'. Z t:71- AMERI'CAN PUT NAILS. sinful and AMERICAN 6UT NAILS. medicine is . le eonetitin re may be as ly suited. ald not he reo months ng on Mis- re safe. In Affections, ei slight ex - stenos, and en all other' a powerful don, Full .h package, Job Moses, d 12/ cents ynian, To - Dominion , 50 pale by Hickson & 197 electric Oil Worth ten gold. Dol yea know any- reoknele miles for d did cu Tioga County, a bottlo of your e of a crooked BUT -L.B. a number f his we and favorably known Mach4ne urned. utter Packages. These Packages are the best in nese, and will give satisfactio SPECIA.L INDUCEMENTS TO Mr. Trott exppets in a short time to commence the manufacture of Wash Tubs on large see,le. 887 ' SA EL TROTT, Seaforth L 0 en above a whis er five nets." Rev. J. MallerY• slne Ps- n:- ille fre Dn n" of 'Wyoming, la . Y , write : "Your Ecleetrie Oil g k k- f.e-,,,, el el.', -cured me of p an hitig I one eek.''' Dealers '---"--"T r7 1-3 all over the e nt y say, " We heve never sold a nn ens:: ee tliee. Bee thiS.'1 it i corliiposed of six of the best oils f7i ed tli el 171 'E..14-4 that are known I as good tor internal as for ex- LI M M M eetzi M ' te CO ternal use, and a b !loved to be irnmeasurably eu- 'no 1,71i Mt no perior to a ythi g - ever made, Will save '; nj,1"-3 ni le3, VI le.`5, Pie, you much ,su ori s and many dollars of ex- nie‘ ca -.)2 (T.!, `e15 een5 ,21 „es pense. It s s ld - bn all medicine dean F-7•;. F,I py 1-71. ibo tj 1.--1 Sole Agents for th Dominion. N, 07 E.—Eclectrie 000C)00 'M io., J. 3. obertit, sad R. Lams- 9 ° • 5' • P Ai , into serious consideration. SASH DOI, The First Shawl Wove at Alva. • SEAFO T PLANING MILL. R IAND BLIND FACTORY _ In connection with a paragraph which appeared recently, intimating the death of the late Mr. Andeew Dawson, manu- facturer, we have received some interest- ing information, The following are the particulars of this case', as communicated by an esteemed. correspondent : In 1828, blankets and plaidings were then the sta- ple trade of the village. The late James Harrower, who built the clreenfield. mill, was then engaged in thiSi occupation. At the adjoining corner of his' workshop stood the old village inn, bept by Mr. David Syme, father of your worthy old Doctor Syme of Alloa. Opposite this inn - stood the old Parish School, on the same site now occupied by the flourishing Johnstone Arms Hotel. In the old inn thus described were assembled for their " Meridian " a few of the worthy then manufacturers of Alva—a custom, by the way, which is still very much kept, up by many of their sucassors. A pass- ing machine from Stirling then halted for refreshments: One of the accupants was a lady, who wore a, " Meg Meriless " tartan shawl, which had been woven at' Ban- nockburn, then the first place in ' Scot- land which had only lately begun thirst trade. , With a keen and intelligent eya to business, the future men of Alva saW the prize within reach. Mr. Robert Harrower, son of james Harrower, step- ped gallantly up to the machine, and beg- ged. tha favor of a look at the neiv shawl, which was at once heartily given. Step- ping inside to the room of the old " pub- lic," this lady took off the shawl, laid it upon the table, and allowed a minute ex- amination to be made. Mr. Harrower at once copied the pattern, and in a few days the first shawl web was beamed in the old shop -and thus, A beginning made. of an important branch of the trade, which has helped the village to fame and. to fortune. Another curious:instance still hangs about this matter. In the same -" shop " where this first beginning was tt him since eo en beg 'Business n Seatorth, and L-... t.-1 c-, E., t-, t..., trusts that he y- e Livered with v, continuance t -I t-+ t..i t -i ri t-1 of the same. Parties Jute in to blind won16 do well to give P Pee tinn., 'en'es, Pa, frn 0 W him a call, as lila le 11 continue to keep on Land a "4 4 it--, it. -7, A % IT hut Ilret-ela ss or en are =planet, . X -e' r4 tsi 1,111111's Mill.i They will k ep ns ment of ALL HI 1)8 undressed. nrei LA which 'they ee n pa sane prices, Or sin hi before pure Sin eine offergood in noe on 160 mA.0bON ALD publie that they have. re - et Yard to the lob between' ee i --It t -i en to sell a the lowest pos. el Fe. will Bud it to their advan- 000000 r 000000 ' 0 WA S MET IIIVG FEW. Ready-made CI Olin gives bette va no hist call an se or OILS, PAI TS Of the best ran4s a wept on ha, d. Special Ill- dneements o CtOrth P ehasersi All patio having ver-elne ote and aecoultet they will be put Into otherbaniss or collection. 897.52 FARQ R SMITH (PI aFt136Eliii fire R d Bonts and Shoes he hen can lbe got elsewhere. ouraelvese ND VARNISREO uvanuoij 3'O1 BR" to gene Stock of 41-d.-cPt it it hd 0000 e74 E;i1 L5 i s% I MUM L MOOD AND _SI SN WAVD, , Seaforth, form IM friends and t pnbi;e in that ire bee a Large a d Complete 2110 y 5 LIGHT SINGLE HA " NESS, HORSE CLOTHING, Vruuk H In fact an thing appertaining to the Trade Al- ways op • nd, cheap as any in the trade, for cash. Ikepairs RECEIVED AT WILLIAM H I L. US. THE FLOR SEWING ikh and Valises, Whips, 811481 C'Omb8, Snap &c., Executed with Neatness and Despatch. N. 13,— oilers a Speciality. Collars of every lescripti. made to order in first-elass OYU- Rowena er the Place ; Two doors north of the Commerc 1 Hotel, Seaforth. JOHN WARD. Harn (4, Whips, B on hand. charges the Scote 0000000 wwwwwww 0-1 ti) LMI 124 0 E PUBLIC AT LARGE H. OLIVER, ss, Saddle and Collar N OF THE SCOTCH C assortment of light and h oderate, Remember the 0 LLAB. avy Harness, pt constantly ded to' and place,sign of . OLIVER. 0.4 0. ee 1. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS AND VALISES, 0.0 glg 0 Mod ra es ee ee es, tt `ssaNIsaa RUSSELL AND co CANTON FLANN4S, GREY OQTTONS DRILLINGS, SHIRTINGS, CARPETS. FOR. SALE BY R. COUNTER, Watchmaker and Jo eler, Seleforth. HAVING PURCHIPASED Th UNDER GOODS VALUE Owing to the -pressure tr hp times, to offe at enabled POR THE HAR ' LASTS LONGER:, WORKS 44. AND :RI WINTER GOO Are Reduced to such elea ow Figures tha t REMEMBER HE PLACE Opposite the einiercial Hotel, SE FORTH. CHRIST AS ALE HAVING BO HT 4 LARGE LO WINTER, GO9DS .;,g A - Than any other 3achIne the Mirka,. Just Enquire of any Perim, Ink) has Used One, and Learn what they say of it. Rev. 'T. Goldsmith, Pato and James /Wale, Tuckersmit Hayfield; Robert Morrison, OS Fleeter; Robert Bioaderlot, sands of onbers. harvearati es wishing to Pnrelmse should go to an establiehmt FULL STOCK OF 4,t1.1. FIRST-CLASS 'MA To &led from, and 'not t Where only one or two are obliged to tell you they are th have no better. 11; jemes Davey ; Miss Bens Ntng, urn; Dr, Moore, Sewing Machines ut where they can THE HINES MADE establitilements best because they SEAFOR as in stock the FLOR CE„ WEBSTER, I Montreal and NOvir York SINGERS, Different Styles, OSBO N, and a Few , Common Machines, /kny of which will be Iola c Short ere ap for Cash or on • TO THE LADIES. In the Sewirg Machine and Music MISS S OAN • keeps a lull stock of Butte idea Patterns and Cbarts. All the latest and newest Myles and fashions. Theis t and most popular Sheet Music and Mil sie/3ooks. 1 THE S' EAF RTH WE CAN CeneER INSTRUMENT E SOME SPEIAL BARGA NS IN LADIES/ R SETS, CHILDRE FUR SETS; DRESS G ODS, WINCEY SEAL CL AKINGO, CLOUDS, WO9L S AWLS, BLANKE FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS; OVERCOATS, TWEEDS AND ot_iiims, HATS AND CAPS1, AND A FULL STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF FURNISHI NG G Late 0. C. 1VILLSON, Prop eiors of this _ and favorably lumwn establit but TUE 'DEMI.% ent keep nothing , class Instrnmente air yr en banes ORGANS. 9RGANS. This Organ is invented ect from the M -1111W. lecturers and is now being ' troduced into Can- ada by Messrs. Avri.,Lsori COTT, who are the SOLE AGENTS FOR HE DOMINION. To this Organ we invite atte itione We have no boastingebut eimply ask yon to teat it, If your ability is not adequate to hie, get help from those itho can supply your fteieney. We invite THE CLOSEST CR.UTINY, The keenest ceitiefsms from the soundest judg- mentos and the purest rau teal taste. Better, however, trust your own dgment, though &- teethe, than that of one. evh has little beyond his own omen to FIT HIM FOR HE TASK. Such judgment we deprecate Test us critically solicit attention to the ODS. PATENT MANI OLD PIPE, $1 Noted" for 1,"opular Low Prices. Veinal Weakness. They are pine:: ed-‘eiN:Nith the P„, Vet., :ii. r%. P .t. ns *3' Ut ceration of the Morns, Ovarian Dieeases, ('-, YO 0 (') 0 C) 0 grwheai: t care, under the pereonat supervision of a Physic'en who has made female diseases a epecial study hour tdtiitttiiktdtIJ MARRIAG 140ENCES , (Under the neiv Act,) hinted at the Under authnrity of the Lieutenant -Governor of - tench or many yearsee ied they are, a Medicine on AHMED LADIES can depend " in the d time of need" se an unfailing FEMALE REGULATOR Sold by all Dreg 'sts everywbere. Price, ape CHEAP AS ANY IN TOWN box, $ ; six boxes, 6 ; sent by mail free ot pelt - age s curdy sealed jrom observation. For full partic re write tor our pampblet, which we will send a sealed envelope to any a.ddress on re. ceipt post stomp to prepay return postage. A s all lett ers for pnphiets or pills to WILLIAM GRAY & Co Winasor;ealt. FENCING WI Sol in Seaforth by E. Hickson it Co., 7. B. Robe a, E. Lumsden, and by all druggists. ARDWARE JUST EOEIVED, A LA STOCK Building Hard Which will be sold an ware, The only oucceseful method to obtain the Pipe Organ tone. We beg attent ton, also, to the PATENT PIANO TTACHMENT. It is net too cestly for metal use, and it NEVER CAN GET OF TUNE. It gives a soft, yet ringing, beget sparkling, viYacions e This Instrument has many Over other Orga BEST. AND In the Camilla nlike tone, impart - reefer to the music, ther 13esides the above -the to will be Hennaed : Prince, Mason &Hamlin, Bell, en A fefr second-hand In kinds kir sale cheap. WILLSON ROVEMENTS and is the HEAPEST Market. Llf DEALT WITH. Owing ATZ.011 hand eorge Woods, Est or ells); and otberesnan minarets of nations sooTr,