HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-03-03, Page 4W", � . - E., IIH�RQN EXPOS13TOR. MARCH d NEW ADVERTISEMBNT4. would be in*ous a d 4es ra6l, a A in capturing Don Carld-4 it will' sum in, addition tio, t they im becau0e. tor4 received in Mi lumberinj and, othet, hazp'r one en had Inever en sworn to d, him get aw its the 1874-75, without all, wing a a 4yamn W.9 M fac rs a trial American Cat Nails—Johnscin BrOo em t let ny omm. a- prises, while the fall in valges nd the A tariff as woulap !" ta �b th !,ins B_ he p;e'era -, i, g, and no one wjw zort. !d e sure� -4 a copy of the- 0 in I Ord t -akz( on �n!cqh hat to (to sion. The ta' teh ha surplus labor suddenly thifoivn on the it was a. the so Farms for Sale--Rwihard, 11arcl nix. and at- of both codutries K won xc�rc y kBow ve been mu rds t wl v P his n al if he had him in his handi. reduced sin!:'1973, -dayy we- _g -0 eill W at. o oe I o I even* add 1" Vnited Stat&.marke h 'directly af� or All the agis rates A fled ire You Dev00;r OR iiK TuotTBLE. Governor quire to handle At I . d ndustries minion,� acquittal Clearing It oub16 the mAil feeted the of a2ie Do F ife Seed Wheat for Sale—J. Martin. mit fair and alipetit on, and to Will .Diamond Speetaclu.—B. Hickso & Co. Mr. Farrow #JL- would be beneficial to all e7etit Amesi of Tennemoee is rheiiace with ini e the of matter to mak Nor has the depressiori. bee'confined tc� -sha al" ebargii; -brought a Starting 7he same Anrount of re Estray HeiferL-4homae Stinson i peachme t, suok being irecom ended b� vent: gain buk lest e4ach eir asAn moesome, Seven Acres of Cleared Land fo r! Sale e, and surel, after doing all his continent. Loudoni B�rtin and St, it been &� g" . with difficulty that t e m f dill a Commi tee of �nvc I b THAF, 31A8 d to Oe auy�ould be a- F" intod extra ork caused I y the redaction in Petersburg have all felt it, 1*ith moreo� thl � the Seaforth Cheese Manufacturing Company f Whig and Tory, ProvinclAt b th h ;OUn f The abe b of y I C [?Use ion but very little at ; 6r rates, we are justI3 entitled Wo leas severit ow�. Had they got �heir Machine Oils—George B. Stock. im r - y. -Neither thelpast nor the d Aij4F - the impe*ehment are fkil re r6 te ever extra commission we have th 9 preient Government can U held reaponr strong would -very likely have 4 "by with ray ex -f - Editor, I Goods �rothers. certain officials, 4 ad thd r mo w, pring ­11offman k e Pa i v lofo% a earned. bee Ne 8 ance transacted in t6 1) ion Farm for Sale sible for the inflation. NVIII46 —E lizabeth Harvey. meat during the ever A Gov, rough time of it, The pu lam ftai Estmy Heifer e lt� Fin ace without Ica"un;.and flor�at mpting Ken -tious aread paceinyourp —Da-vid Weir. It'has always been asserted by e igrnment is found treating! 4 period of cast iconsiderable blame -the uo Minister's excil colo "d �, I DiRmu-i, Swrv,ta I I Department, w temporary inflati W a JIvar Of races bi rmi. g speech, w 4i:i gi e a 1076. —H. MaeDermott. - O� Chancery Sale synopsis elsewhere,1 militia and capsing thorn para3e hen tmasters cc on as one �f ptableprom; tratei who issued the wairrant bec Kus* Apology—George Baile.# o I prii c Pal' th edof the extra wor and asked for a perity, or making engagem4no it cannot was pot more ereful, she shou d hjkje� rough he atreet9f Clihton, higher rate of pom ission, that it id possibly fulfil it cartaiiily *not not hold obtained 1-urther eviderice before Estray:Calf—John Barnhill. topic of discussion. WRLIKE PREPARAT�0,1.g ews 'k. fro Public Wobice—Robert Govenl al not cost mueh more handle the x ra its successors rds sible for'the embar,' such Oc Japan to Jan. 29i4 The C� a warrant. It is iery stran 0, Xr. CIO our couut,,y.d tiug of he Couny matter caused by e reduction of t a raostneut these things entai4 Editor, that t1ho lwf MR. CHARLES i ele ted rean no ition absorb. rates. But this arg ment doeq not It Id As to the estimates for 1$76-7, -ent, not I*y hold On Stich ch te the first I ,%,rm r A,% on T rea, oorf y last, as �he r'or entati of o hi u g t good when- you coni to 11 thin] uesda Mial. has been ihade'� public, ba compare the e-- ly laid Wfore Parliament, the sum to W Strong, I r t elft 40-pelijUg on, radiations, n jaembers we preseutt with is a urle te h*,.h eirc� witli" ceipts and expe dit re` of the 'postm. a- voted amounts to $222,882,819 showing A i'lowed t( Lincoln in the Loc�al� from rep w ic alite 6�41y, y a shoula not be a ran, out con at and I fro ircuio* ters andtaff in �citt 9 where thpy Are 11 gross reduction as against the elitituate* if t6y do, som !SO, for F 20, 4 I op ent, stances hat occ6r -it majpritk Of Dv *Ould eem th# e other respect-abI poyft nid by salary, wi h the ineb atJed for 1875-6 of $3,247,030, a Neeloh. It will be Irem m at war was ine i f I will l5e used in a similar mannet at which tha vitable. 1 � W f wa e illa rr0 1I ing this ilt lo- t '%rith T ee and tow�fj, where pos f iacr� w. � op ase amoutitt Fa 1- '.. , . , , demonst ations a branch Of th war offi� 'ho priucil' idness w4as the SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, the,general election �tr. eeo def te'd a there are Some items o '16- your pppoval,, 1876. are paid commission and have !ur I haa bee, -established &C Si ouaki ing to M6,000, leaving a no by -1 , o rai se. 1812 11 boo b, - Mr. Rykert, and a bt,- by t t saving of I remain y( -of -1 . , I ; t I - - I wits u Set a1iid their own assistant#. In the citie $2,470,7684 Disti -e.8 tozvdeem. te Yamga The Miiist�r o War 10 uguishin�- between tb" -Tri Treii, issue T lit m Th t controllable a oditure and r outs ntures� falling Aa election courts and disqu Afl(a t Department ret r their use directly recently passed T text no., u dollar C I te4; that which is fixed anA Vhiah Irr; iet Protection vs. Free Trade, �.�r- that Place 04 thO 19th inst- treat 64 cents on eve tile ar2eS Of Xembers 'of Par- He again 55; Kingston, 39; Ottawa, 2-:V -hat �pn for t, - Mose! Sion just now is that of Protection and ing fund Veen provided. B3 by the, 11��,ej is ure re- Warlikejsto�es are being ac-tivoly collect- Toronto, 70 Uam )ton, 67 u n terable, Mr. Cartwright hai fulfil -led tli�l The principal topic of public discus- lieved him of disqualifi ed for tr4usmission. Sal YMPAT11 No. 4, f I b)ve is the s, I t Q e-. promise he held out two yefirs ago of ref' TO Fditor -of the Jimon, Exjm q1 r, Free Trade. This Subject has engaged became a candidate,and jo it Y FOR AN IA1t'RfSON,*J) FEIAJT, bee, 58. Now,;, ta e, the inco om ducing this portion of the pj�ib to U lie charge$ after —A meeting of the ComnAttel which villages and towns 'In Brussels the e- to something less than, selven millions; DE u SiR Your editorial of 1'4b. 11 W resulted iii Alte the attention of Parliament in one form i result.. l -,certainly doe,, nct n uch endeavo�ing to secure th6 m4diation �f art iscussion went retain 5 nta of every ol If, therefore, we have a diminis gn t for the good sense ap�d i tegri4y of the the United States Goveraln) in procuk lied itt; just he Ofitario, Governm.-nt by -la .0 make the t age of Captim4 E. l3. robit. tilt er 0 wen I - W "' I - or anoib. durina nearly the whole of collected Bran'tfor 72; Chat" a as Jt� w . people of1incolu o sle ec, a p rs'on of &fr. ing the r[ele �0 7 come, we have means of i oeting. it i the 0 I nee 10 ot in et witl payable F b . � �Y., — the present session, the them, 4- Al, Con- Guelph, 75 ; Galt, 4; Exeter, 70 t. the shape of diminished ex enses. tion ere. 'There appears to be a and a - taxes would, -About ul -net, .T not yet Seem to be early exhausted. 8 Or r6pres cessary, however, in orde to show tho ted on eery eountean p, Irm J'anuary aud 1, Rykert's 7character a e in an Eu lish -prison for, CO-npl city in the Thomas, 75;-Selfor epee t don, an merican citizen� no4v continod Catherines, 82 8 I Marys, 70 ; I ne it is tion epic tive. It is abated that' 74 ; Sherbrooke, extent of the4nancial obligOonv left in' ve of. party. I am, to coin word, Moved. by, $on,. se Xanufaciurers, and those more. di roctly ere late Fen in movement, was hi Id at No* 77; Stratford, 75; ingbam, 70., 1 io the hands of the present Give t, to d founded to think, that th part and scrutiny of votes, and turday. A letter t( Preside" �Castlel that ;Ork- -be ro. interested in the growth York onl8a rnmen nsion Ot not think that any tt f is ne(d- take into aCcoutit the veifylarge 0 cc I 1� law -to ovel tho 0 aid the er proo whic professed toe a' test, Grant in the case was kea( sums onormni "d ra of Cnadi in manufacturing inter 9 rP* ed than the above acts to'sho at they, have bad to providl 1) pure ould, so Soon as they foun them, �ier tore*Utdr the I estsj port of progress made injecur�ng the (kd- y .loan or Tr�asnrer P urge that those interests are commission offies a underpaid w gel e seeare in - their Seats be r vf-Uw being in- hesion a .Senators and Cong#es otherwise to meet such ace"ing e I d b I . :4, F 11112 or _? n , ail of tares isu er w4a;wl News of. the ov �_me ien to Postmaster -Gen a report, for _t gagei, m, essary in !ii ar ments. In addition to thl aa so much at variance th t eir foul I i td A B i w -nding the 30th of ane last Shows n stru professed principles. f b lie he AobeuW juriously affected by American competi- the in int was adopted. It was do, cost* ofcon- wl if he tion, and ask that such a duty be placed. his swimming h otion going on upon the�lutercolonia;ll t ar 9 w ilway the Government Ihave had 'th cided to,bold a mags mee6ing Ion Marc� increase in receipts $60, 000, and also a Ra aries Paid to Minister are 0 Bo n Oil it th 0 appar 100n ilea 17, and enlistpu6licyln lia,ilj� on belia4f increase i upon American manufactured n expeodi it maF be possibl- -to justify -then r Aer b ninary business the odq of in 25 hour,last week, nd Ir J e 3rlo al ittire of $177 provide,'in order to ineet Oublie ind-ebti- Oil the vi 90 a. of Captain Condon, anq a Ponimittoe wherebasthislatozei reageofei A TO 8011 C. Al- was appoint 0 make ailranomeLts f6 'OT certain tsseff, as will prevent the mallul An �p eduess maturing,about ten Imillions ; 86, Score !of talent and the loss of th( ir buii. uthorisih.g it 4 i Treasurbr th regi, -4as be it Lawrence improvements two millions:; Bel, 1but what about the inden -nity to bay despatch says fliat I he 7 r arisen? I am certain u toinedolliet Aebentures liece-00ry read in e there that H'x-Gove,nor 'but bas b n, I facturers' of that country ont�ring our itaterne tis- it. 4 resolution was adQ�ted !asking aid given to commission OfficeS7 Prince, FAward Island Itail �Ayl two Wit- eml?ers, who are only require( to he D. I for- and co-operation of all Vish4en in t used tip in paying t1i salaries in citi lions ; carials and rae present about -six weeks and markets with. their surplus pr6ductions gan is to succeed So enal 9ho r as 1, fin- movernoot. 8 I ific 0 Irvey, nearly tb tt Aii. r and underselling our own manufacturers, -ister to Enqland, establishing -for them free delivery (a time of theyear when the tim At the as I leeting of the"Councit a eleven millions; Nova So ia an' d Ne e is )f least a' de atch Say t t�e prititing vented, large cost,) and in paying the extra a b e, to the rural populati osed'th while oar manfacturers are pre Cif INE. rittDE. cdj�p ri� of na bive that.ats conferece of cle -gy1nou jt Brunswick Railwav, three nilious mi� valu on. B it, not Chinese merchants idy on all the new ailways opening p. withstanding thi hi d that t hey "Xet6r is ye in nor public works, four mill Ong the tol� -is., we Ex ats th a� but -he American ta' to the by reason of t has den fbrmei I Bisfipj) Nobolson's coro' two "A f rOm H gree risti n, it wig The Provinces of ntario and Que ec tal, including the Intercolonial, making actually paid 50 cents more per d W dur. Ong Kong for the purp ie carrying a to raportito tliu� g6ner- I staudW entering the American markets., O the on a direct trade he 9 contribute to the evenne $1, a session than ae -Gov. from.. 28�0 I. , he very large total of th rty-two mil i'39 th the be;Aof t' from i E4 rigl; rid, oommitt�e of te Reforined, EepigcopAl and $1,368, 108. Al the other Provin(es lions. Having, however, ern.mpnt, who is now ree ..O the list -of opposite side itis argued that 6 impose a4d the United'Siates. Chnrch for its coinsideeatibn#e sen'se. Of a, en advan eivin $5,A the terms e favorable State r ondog per afinum. Eighty per cent tios such a duty on Americain, manu, Tim CJIA31PION WAj --�-We#on, the meeting combined only 6ont ibut $257,316, wid tage of. a cent. i b Vrint -!4hefiftt factu res, that ina nttch 4s worldt- the L he po ulati n o publih it zto. per line .3 the price cident jo outlying Provino pend over $2 or lent terms the present peri�d of difficul� would increaa, uc ness andi riotou# pleas4 hue you will see a of Ontario are agicul expend $W5,131', wall I . repr ent nine-tentlisr of the w(atb� of second olf-ert to o A grati the Odestrian, i E I D I 111111 tie money market to secure I a on excel: Ail of the se taxed ceeded in his task o les the yeat are onl)r tempbra�rily' Suspended articles to consumers in this 'country, in 15 hours. He will tr e, t �_5i0o dur Tefit i every $1 they coll and it is ciertait ly ty is met, after all th the -rid if we consider�d -t -a t e Tima 1111�1 �weel _4 season of L vy charges rovilice, a add them two i. clerk 'two and that as the consumers are I would b -very unjust to ask,.the, postmast-Or of above referred to, and mer hants who the Opp it f ald twoo it as nine to miles in 6 consecutive da, advisjibl� to dispenseith t'hii fast.' with 'a J% aoku nee in Can* -are ri eeivitig r Gov. KELLoGG 0 D 0, Ontario, wherd the i iost profitable part ada or London of from ten i o. eleven mil­� we find thatther,,� mud a was ,deemed: one of the p'oducer tbe imp6 ition of —'�he of Re re- Leaccok,' of Newburghi a id that it had aof the revenue N mi de; to work at th 'r therefore to consi er,, e -tietraer this tax would be doing an inj i ustice to sentatives, of Louisiana e passe a beenapp4rent to him t i b 3th befo lions of dollars. It is obi iously neccs� be a *,ork small percentage whose income. hat eachu ent in zfte� Lent the int6gity 3f dis re old Salarie in order to make-up, defi e to ko ep' the finani. can Ii hit f -the lar, 11, resolution asking for t d it saO at the same tim. he coin &red to -that of our re pre paper - the many for the benefib of the few. Al,_ of Gov, Kellog caused by tke other Province aI were M e oirable tabot� The p bli 0. "� )i 19 cialposition of th Ms., if there, be 95 �pinio - �f tion was increased. ye id not tht�,k Of a Govern nent strong e r cent receive�d the though the Govern' the State, however doof I have not trc8pajs6� too mu6h on Your for not only have we a large'eapital ex meat of the I)omi i tuo �ppca of th nion w� I the abs� ce of a PoPulation whose bread is ear.naj On support this action, tile interests 1) h ra.f1abor, and their wealth niade a ma on have deelar pir was P Om"'ve Pf valuable space, I remain, youra, &a liture still going forward, but othe Y by 'y qf tWo vo". ed themselves in accordance of the hurch peo. TER. peti( M ple would th nk churdl ail f th�5 Zo FACILITATv, TpuLmsi If POSms with those holding the latter V�ieiv, the in' public debts are accraing at no distant econ yjy� d these paying the greater theme 6ke, o ork.- 0 an e a have ur as dlis troduced in the United ta Con roes 11 rife, wer Pev�oery da, lite i would 0o day. In the present yea part e revenue, we fail to ) lea how the 8tar 1. 'ye question e I a - - an -not be considered by any on Monday by -Mr. W-Ak of ' ' r! 'E New Y rki, ) far bett0. The! diset ssi�6n ff vored the The Budget% pay $1,879,000-; in 1877-78 , ; 000. my one �an justify the extravaga: ahcoiip liko on'.- J 7319 It sums -the meaqs to be a party question, Seve I to fa6i itate the transit I ell-chan ise abolitioq of the Lent,6 'soasor in 1878-79, $6,624,000�; 1879-80� which inembers have voted to thet w1veL era only ode Suary of A�r, Cartunlyla8 Spzee,ec tion wasnl-4 boive work' ore from Canad through th er it.bryof the or two of the gentlerneit fivdr ng its b6 $6,060,000,'and smaller sumi; in the years r WO think this a very 1 toppor. -Expsi-Ton lb" ,�belrig-Wade too 1ka supporters of the Government in Parlia. oWfor the rule raled out '0�110 'or. United Sttes. The Dominion Finance Minister tZe rs of our co t to ing retaiiied. Succeeding. ment are among the most ardent advo- uARLE,j O'CovidRS how their extravagance -1 OR YRAL330 Mpn's, T u n 6s i r AFFA y SINss, i RS —A gi eat batti Frida afternoon, in his Budget epee lit The sources of revenue fo;r �he ensuin ded, moved econ'' cates for protection, while not a folv on Charles O'Connor prLISM ibe o rbli has -ta4n. place i forzegovinia, ne$r reviewed the financial osition of tie pricei,of produceand dullness of trade 1p year,without anychange fn�therate ry. a C..,. a d onsequent want of 3falone, tb4 ye Z agineer -be ins th m#tron h re4lly e I not'. t the w1ex on n w t_ tqh 8 f4 , L to t -y of the Stat 01 �ities'Aid -Aroasojevich, an4 the.Urks ware total�y count a detail the a v- taxation, are calculated as �o4ows the Opposition side are equally, opposed ant"versai I �it If d' (11ii,o led I U' employm eut Im Mi U Association, at N.ew York P n ridaye an. defeatedi—A 6spatob f r,o agusa. d eral roposi tow e- d o Apiny families to starvat [on',wnid to examin., toW. line W w in $01,9500F000 - d the yelPort that P, o charity.- _h d betwee to it, and a greater number,watild be if ii*jgs his first appearatice -u lief, and ended i ith the declaration t 1, I 0 en p bunitted to him for tome, $1.3,5,00,000; excise; le lie a nee clares utfounde' dpe deuce on publi bridges 0 angerous n �a, had beel'i land'd from nngli 51i vesse a Of P*Pie�oe and of e that thos ,Ili -1111110 Ire _' we believe el lop and nj a n, I go th the Gove ar a �n post office, $1,000,000; p0tic, >vorks, thig- I rnment had declared themselves his recent d e on a policy C( to Y, $1,700,000; miscellaneous,! $1,020,0oo; in esbion on A G&FATLxTERARy W'. M�Prof soor for the Remegoviniank. the Govrnmen j! d to tide over a stamps, $125,000; nikki4 altogether so l'b r&l�to themselvesare nt x abeen im stable favor of A. Taking the �qu' he insurgents I,b to'be el,10 0 r 'I $23,250,600, or about half 4 million -over coon, 0110al' in other matters. 'I 11m; Moved bl. G-1hoon se its merits'L therefore, we are in' Max Mbller, of Oxford, to edit a tr ns- ;'are about to resume I tetive operationk present p " d I'd ession, unti d itation in this t(W-namp f th 'i revive a th t robably, -r Horzegovi ia 'P c8 0 i a, * 4-1. -L - Tvh� t at here is agi Kelly tho cerbal N,. alined to lation. of all the sacred it ni n t vbc should Perity be resto d and abnvp, cba oiz�;mn+aiz 1 �, �A L leary beI L FV U IL Vo V4 —111 - ale Made to Ose world, rahman Duddh , hus, sin4li-pox an one word, ib,is reduce a Public meeting, or b �e;of droasi ian or d di theria are pre Regard the -present stat X,. - UUT on ion tba -he satish ig t go ces fr by a W axation, er give expressin, of op A co 11 Ad i t 0 of I who wis to place the manufacturers of Maom a ture, nob I i e of! allairs; as a y Confucian, and A 1. He wili ent am he refu 0% ceptional, the Finance Minister proposes I'Mon on a t. -t sk auy be UgSiaLted by all the gre rope a O' that lJe 'wil this country on an equal footing with a ri. Mostar report xei ious, is. to be overcon to �nd a small surp us but)j �4� E bj t. I will therefore, wait the ifferenc4s to meet the demands of !Pe year with suit efo thoseof the Uni States. en we ontal scholars. among Turkish offic als, saved. ted Wh als efalcatio0s the resources already at con - re I trespass more on you spW, GF,, -i. BA13cocir. A U11 Ip, —The a from th rtwri t dxpresse go this far, however, we o as i:y e funds ;desigu,,d for� rebuildirX Mr. CA d the, bel ef enuewo iniust have and 0 put on hi h I ave also to inform -you. t.. at �,the MT. 9 he Dagiueer 9 ar as it is has returned a verdieflof o Guilt in villages, i and violent, opposi ion he that the of the country is I so duties wo Cress w- 1ht t -ee trade the trial -of Gen. Bab 6ek Presi lent' h oposed lr�. dangerous to -day than it was under he country, the Finafte Ty1hini ter believes, n a mutual tire in�u asafe'to do.. Could we secure fr State 11to of Hibbert and 1'�sba L ari�- to opgeofil '� the r4yeritte. on t uld destr� tow hips p of 1�,'Iussulmans to unite! an& fori struct-ed. Grant's Eecretary, a L is cha ge rande i A A o gy. Pe I z I P., -L repair. and ssu t 8 t, �1 01 d i&fte Lam P bridg a k� Iwith our American neighbors, 'it would Form �t is reported e interi6r influence of inflation three years aL 0, needs time, and time only, tq rise above company- Tbe requ int ho Iwith conspiring to def ra; d rev nue that colAsions ire appi if the rO- Ia the year endin u the present crisis. The L at the Jun place our manufactures in the; poeition in connection with 1876, he ports have been got in Usborne, ltid it m O?J -ill ib Coun d report eet ing w the ing, nforced.—Iwentyt-wo mo�i 048,715, and the x -i Able diminished, the tr aj g----; ar- they ough.b to be. I hi skey forms are' e. re receieto were but I y is full, be held at at, early day, of which due v-0-- rluittell tice will be given, Moved b ;N Brown, se f with frde hecess to and he bas been acc put Garibaldians have &er a�rrest d at CasW penditareS23 713,071, leaving us the rate at which live b 'O re our Lrrianuf, FELL DEAD IN TH VAr- the American marke I I borrowe-a Any Who a I a, surp. .. toy to, F, Pul �Last,'un- Nu6va, Trieste,, while onde, vouring to of $935,644, 11.1 a currInt year, the. -e- ught to lose -no ti. p. shows that our credit ne,vqr stood so Id to join 0 �Mr. ffogai'lli , xbotiho E neor E. G. Longley f h ile en� fore, would be th ) first t,6 Show � deft it. high, and the Abnormal e4 ".nditure of �ng in the amounts hey ar 7 turers could not hold tt Re -a wil d oin Lth6 Hemegovinians.' despatA cted to f r- %her� examine the stru pe 8 pre ared to - in preaching a sermon. 14 i i rom. Vion na says the Lugtriai (ion ul �t But in 1874 th 'uports enterod for -cc n- thepast three years flag e' nsure to any of the follow, over the 8 4 atGraud; UW1 their American ca etitors, thea we say. Church, corner Fassau 1 b brought Ing So= they should be alo 'he 8 't sumption, our O'�ief source of reven e, under control. James 'Moin, James Elder, Neil I tow ail d OZ Jif a joi d1l Mostar �has received or4ersl'to 11c. 0" port im-ni -4y to wed to go doicn. But, streets, Brooklyn, f eU d4 a Afto OiA . t ; d in the pul-� immediately onj the tl reAeDi ig attitu e were $127,404,169, and in 1875 tbay David Miller, 8, P. 11411a; or Almanda raittee, an rider the it Seems, that free trade 'cannot be pit. Death, was the, " g' I at of beart of the kaomedatim, Aukria' conses Daman, Yours, &a, fio, be e _t 0 were Only $119,618,657, stiowin�' a ae- ALRX. Duxmv. oured at present, consequen disease, I A Darin Outr ire, crease grant fro' subsidiz' refugecA at , 6nd of Marc of $7 786'512. The in 21, U11 ni should b nequol patches on- certan- firm the State t i. the 1874 am ZO Or of the Haro? hkpo8ilor. the samoo itatuely-, 'D T LAST, —Lat ?7o the, Edi r. look for the next best thing.. 1J on nv�d $80,351,9280 i and in ven to re JRat ely, tMapterifs Salaries 1875 to only $71,886;979, or FInsdranes mcn that 0, rar i1i 8 ain, Varried, I Pos The Hay Mtual lY is not just to our mafac, a or DEAR, $lit Please allov! "me a little burers - to is virtually at an end. are t� t 0 Ise of $11,464,M, �Of thi's doe -to = -112 June next. To t1te B'ditor of the lluron L, )os ace in your valuable a e1r, to relate, first ')'on Carlo and r, ever, the reduction id the expor of bal. one -of themost ges ever per- itor of t1te Kurol� BiXP allow the Amorleans free access to our' completely crushed out, SP compally. Lrj 11 Jig oil 1p IA We re-, tr markets, While they prohibit not 'Soueg you h*o lion amounted to $1,000,000 an in the petrated within the limits o �his county. those of his followerS wh Silt In y odr� two last I TO the M U's from '01" tu rued. to th ei r al I egiinn c 0 Ifol,96 ably pointed out some of the extrem 'f exportof do 2iot prod I i ave DyAuft. if you Will alto -'W in, 3 ih tering their by. a high prohibitory t�riff. taken refuge in France, vvye e an of thelast postal aet,thefirs4'wheridicu a, I consider. it my ditty to e pbse the per- widely -read jer, I will Beeif aoM Let both be pa, 100usis to nearly thoroee alid a half million i of d )I- In yGor give Au b on an equality by ch them have been internied ili I low rate*11of le per - oz. for i he ttauJ'- lars, Mr. C petrator of it and all ell Lra torsguilby arg. 4 of explanation of the wor iuga,of t1t H-- y iowunder the in the AmoricagL the ea HOR,'flk NAIL FAMOJiV JPU Npl)' mission of legal docum rtwrighb entere.d :info a similar crimes. A m: n In, bd Jhn' Towl?s 1P le L me toll as th he ents, an I the otho careful 111 - hi Muivat insu Ance Compitay, nifth nalysis of the it r A ell&, e3y works of the Perkins liftse N aii Out. the arbitrary measure'of thiowing toe I ems in'; the' c- Armstrong, of disropULtabl char_rge its, Place the manufacturers of whi h which would undoubtedly'prilIve i xterest- on rriday lafitwm V count of receipts and expenditur' who resides in Morris, years ing -many of V 8 on an equality, and 1&t, r Q rea& 7o. - Am r n cie balance of 10 -,ill With yo pprmissio ,zere eyen mor fa r- . �h this is a purely Farm en I Com. nin former a ock o -F iday� in rn- publishe's. ar th cc got in arrears Oy L c( th re o er poin O 'he sevel, S -Cc r, ex ense reproaches his credit- iid meeting houses re i ot pro. .,Was very There wifts a On -the Slat of Dece4ber, 1871, Com to 1875A wb 6 rid by tbe; retu no orl lie wed money �' his laud. hibittd. i On Veb. 3 them fight their battles, least ng. Forty hands were p e a to which I wot: Id lik( w so, in order to free cred pany ispiatea 44weR*7 haMbe -of pany, It Providence, Rh, 0 Island,. efe it I few b� a great -our prepaymh t of Be wspapei pool age on t4,e tended 4--essf L both countrie bout 3 0,01 th h. le, t � sho sin i th 'L arnseff from more. os1. b notice. able than at ftst sight would appe seems reasonabi Company, and its prbdu 'g apacity was and the c. re,[),Iy:to the argu- 12OUS a, a a ton &day. Lose, $5 postmasters 'were notifica aE to wh4t brou borro in ur nc down thatJ 75) the play of whrk4t:of all kindi. and he revenu�.up to as no scholar ao unable to h9A t k the first risk and as i As awn 'W" jex4e�lert, Barley' wm- Jury or an injustice on th 1872 and 1,87$. V e b. 10 but shows a falling off a agai at ment'that to do this would be inflicting about $28,250. their W ries would be fot ing A h gilt a& 't an e w w ty consutn- FoRGING THE A sp c'al A rid aga'�n on the,31 st of bece i rAber rite he went to, Mr T Fill M. P by ; n'! nual re e Slat of Dw. ua-lity and fairly represe 187�, the revenue of 1$1�-5 for the aline e-1 and asked him if he wou port ou th ing or agricultural portion of the coin- from Rome says that' i ha beon dis. they ree6ived a circular t 10 -tb( followir g iid 4-o oderic'h';l 1875,1 policies had been issued riod, of about two Mill -ions, the. figu es nourl th - an unusually good peals -ere 0 covered that the Kifig 6 al s�signa ure effect Adverting to 1)ep_a._tm0nt 0'_ I with him nd assist bi! o the buai� over 82-13,000worth of pro?erty, and t1w as being for 1874-5 $14 856 121, age The quaht� egpeel� in Wee -11th of ai�i zr� munity, we quote an exbract. from a very been forged to a.- , 11 fLo' 000 dbr'No 6 of the' �ud or ness required, as th.6 rom -whom Compan% a ble speech delivered by X 187., 1875.6 $12,1820,7$5 i elear of deb� $26j. 7 in the, 4 Charlton extr, 'PIP, �hn fi tile nio4ey ived in Y y in the first ]I half of that town. --aynaLn to te stouewauy� Tuoker8mith,being Sveral art -eats , ve ee m, de that out salary h. a but ;hen A I as to be wished to borrow treas4ril The Comp f rAnce, I am t� inform you be recollected that' in. tile House on, Tuesday. lidiocussin but the ..guilty one a c been fixd d for 1874-75 )at which Mr. Farrow 'Very kindl exteilit of two thirds of the iz, c fe sudl I ar. 1874-5 the receipts Were, Lf rom t the real v� ly -worthy I f mention. j�U ' this objection that gentlem. an remarked - C uis Montegezza of Mi n who.� d d Calculated on, the receipts of your-offi e;;npor ry complied with hisrequest, &Z the ti� property. The Compi- causes, unusuall, laiLge, and conqeque t. By insu -for it 02 ly moaete, ad. t, at other forged Lill's for twaa' Although it was sef-evid infor the year ending Ju went to Goderich. After arriving there, term.of 5 V.earo or such shorter erm a 0,12 - Mi ie�ially Ia black unt ne: 30, t ly the falling o is n t So jgnifie�nt a it gr a 1873, rid of cut that pro. are, in Ci rculmtion. the- e rea� �187$, you will be agent told Arm, strong jh�the would may the,ap. tection was to the 'advantage of the might otherwise a6ear to be. In he plicant., As the C mf�ny- ri ft �;ideiable q.0 ig F have to get a va to! iyhich office has, h A JOURNA'LISTir, Ru� Itatoli I ar Mr. Farr9w was al. in L !feud has noiti fled what y o u r salary! wi.l. be for V �.e fireb months of the Present finan c�s ystem, it takes a e remium c&nga h at good. prices, ot_1 manufacturer, Yet unless it could be existed,some time bebwe6i�i H a - years 1876-77." Th -lariei for 1876 qla yl 3pointeo, land on ae- Obup �6"assessmet will beii -low-ing is rIa li-it of the in� baf and lea some of the mieured Gem] ceipts of�each ffice f6r' the year li(ands before A strong got property, is destroyed The C Duipany wheat T)a'148 fife ei e Ia �w -"a ro 9, ew 4y a6t n Ki '01 d that the recei a 1874-5, or a. fal)i g Of L no I 83 to write, taei oi�e and a half mill on the of re& 'St. oui j MII,, idi �g 693 978 in, tbe'corr' sponding p riod of it. Armst a w sa the imports w6je �nly 851,9 " 136, as count of which. the money, lad to pass the 51yea�rs unles mill x� rowed' kins"of the Cairblt6n, 213 ,%hewn that protection as also ad- 1401., 1r,01 nd 18,71 were! to be i raised n the rb- against importati6no, of the value of $6 through his A., S. Kierolf, W the vmn'tac,'00118 to the community a -rid th which culminated oil Frij er. June 3 11 187V 1 fin being unal I nation at large, all a unionts in favor olf shooting awkins I e '10 (e in �-off th ELn Mr. F arra I I _r t 179 fo ti w WAS requeste I by him tL _0 - -'rit o the aWopnt insured in order to raite A n of 9,11 Ithe postloffices. in phe County f $Isf000 000 I bi the corres ondi ag Sig 1"forA toriall of tha system -must f the face, twice in the r al Huron! Jor the yea I r n the order for &.11 to the'ground Ow e in - ending June 39,. the mono which be, smaWfupd for p?,ying the -an y T411 3 ie, exporth of tj .1 uua woriv lly ,a dia mini m did, and to which Arnistro . A - "It m, gf be f periods tl or - d W -n that the �grioulbur' tke bowels, inflicting :wo,� A ftiro w iich 187 rid on which the aklari as for 1874 werey respectivelL placed hio ing e1cpense4, You will see by t' is tw st n 1011 , ots I AS T -A-0 he4t r�Achak V he cannot recover. 8 0,624,8451 .18756, mark with 'a pen. Th nouring for0.000 gi I i i and AS75 were based, I i e� n ney camp, a pe Mi burer, was ALsWE A,N-b . 1. 1 $19,04P. d as Armstrong w in L club w _h leat) as wsrll as the.manuf"k. LOP 2. 1 1 ammitted to and $53,740,720 in 1874-5, anidl the te. an "to be bone RAAI Alsoce r crease was wholly c n ted to Mr. alut ed to b hi ei shom and litted by protection before L Then tak6 � the mmi officeg f� flned to th arti s F a h 1 Which is Cale barle I au(lealy potsues - - d h rrow, part of the money w 8 left 'I working expenses for i the nxt5 clubaud fie wheat the yepx ending 1875i' ana t )1e. vith of tl; it was orrane are shown P,Y- 4 r� ealcetious, r receipts of sawn lumber !ill ur other greit Sta him. to pay the debt, Art, ng receiv. years, Vesides $1.50 aenvo fee the Government to have fallen off in P(�PO Iti nb' about amou4ted to $23,11q, be7ng 2 incieafe exports holdinj th ir ground otwi �0 rowed barley I "to adopt such a 20,000 since 1871.. f $4,970, bn which the-�vert h- ing the balaAce. After a time, he 5. The Hanson,- a ones �h r ng' t Lff wheat. Policy. He believed, 06ns'� le he nat.- ge, lr� e Of Standing the' depres ion in forei n in r Comp"y employ no agents 0"aly h -sum 060. Ingra-ra, Six. - every ye to be d ;)o - becathe deeper involved ii r, Farrow's the secretary, who- hae ural results of the Minission.-allowed to nasters Iis kets. Thereduction in import is n t the agriculturist him d 0 opi lion cc I 11 about i 37), per cent.,, whi It i rould gi I books, and before he. would', s ttle his ae- elee-W,1 and holds the three es of I �, x4skd, alv aa4 Igo I , fla self was proteete of the French i that the c� c e however, the result altogether o dim n- count Mr. Farrow was coal ey. by a policy which fos;,ter�e ell 'r o ala the ppstmasters in: abo d u p Iled to su secreta�y, treasurerand agezt, e no* an don3 d the indu.s. tion was odio�s to t �ioa the � Cot nty ip ished v6i mb. 'The shrinkage ona. six rowe trica o the . i val es him, at whf enraged, retar�'g Salary is in&& u S are, 18' e bee thi di in to ee am 76-77 b* P WA iuigs� tolawan Oats country, By creating a of the 1'rovinces 8 $1,500 eitra i�a the ye t has I)Iaied a'most it iporbanIt a in ch wt It win i wheat. home rnarke smallftAhau alight have I e - cc �erl, g circalakr 1the Post Offi' fectIng 'this Be- "overy -pierson insuring large amount of the e by thq follo oe and seemed determined for 1"Ven ays hi 010, if iarge It S, as , ',n- fore -Mr. Farrow went to Ol w t Whic4 i� his salary ffor he tiliree oAces, othy d ft velsh6wri, bo ten,. fi ftee twen tim. si pwut THE i ULTiN LDeparpm�nt eem, to �wan� to meak f result.. amouriting, $1. ) f of Tur- time, Armstrong vowed he oul� farmers' Products were rendere i� quiries ha t a Ilie ia sale- o; seem key is! seriously ill anc wenty-five,ithir 0, ard of ni; e dirw- aud in- Wheat eorge, with po�tmasters, aild do n tv t I biin� 'The Company has a Bo able, whch s ectilaticu is , when be did rro, T__1 -1ve,re not saleable when to what th! clinedl tO' allow. any �comfnisa on on. tl icker than tor,'itlIcludin the PridentyVic,-_Presi- �any othry they had to be transported three tho 01) 01 e cases to. th�rty_gve 9 hu. e b between the yeaf per cent. 1i 9 b be extra�l c lectione t,� V`7 he went. Shortly after 111r. Farrow- dent! and Secretary. The d4ect 3rs gO fife, us- looking forward to sh6u14 8 larg;a r'opO L 1411 �o n, ; - �11 a mt1clo et' f the roduc n, t 0 and miles, the worst. me to 1873-75.1 The folloving to cire I r went to the capital,. Armst-�(xig went to 1 81 pqr day and board theruseles for at . lrJwed brle The Sult, I&' so eme al U, on ot� th ::go do paying a# ad y_ Samu The value of his land was 0011 as L h f 8 Jr -f alr t received! from H. � 'A. a worthy J. P.'s officei takibi, %vith him tendjn� Board meetings but; in i de to i borouh- so enhanced altering the order Steady lore 4u'ty of 1711, er cent. A' though rowled barley, ces io� to the countant�: "Referr' t� D tment4 the shri a copy of the order ov1 was Seen in the dif- e)ar al mentioned, save eipens Tder to i, fere-ace in the ba-vebeet ib ndc�ned, tind 08, the and bl. �ats -Jawes 0, �Irice of farms n: ear man- throne �ecms �o Order:N6 6, --of 'T v �lues is bad ab d kage not the TOthto for the and swore that he never the bei� It anzary, 1871, revenue yet t pi �rne it nor e bought . told Mr. Farrow to sign . it r, ild at �Oa t b cople have COM' itt e, out of their Bumbe f 3, be. Pe als f8l ick -80". two T -D LTC n ea. and that sides the secre rge tary to investi � Ve. 3vlecwiling gate the ap ]Ia* r. gy, e 1 1 di lary accorded 0 you fOr we are X1 plca tons- and the whole Boalrd I till ie six I fau ad [We idi. gar 3 neeAqd ore cheaply. The Mt..Farrow had forged hi 'name, W afacturing' centres as compaed with his bro�hor, Mehetnt�ea but and to letter dated 1) f�7 ha i6ei The pur- ff l`1108e in Oublying districts 1g in ation FLOoDIS IN Ow Suffering noder as h at be c t the re 01 alai th rA 1874-75, am uoAf such evidence as this, an. With only A be c .10d together unless fil I SO; �p A D AOftla, e yqa, I ireated. by arisen to from causei-beyo d copy of the original order, ri� even that thin, Onual takes place.. �The desiVo -ozU z"i on �pxts reA aiaft of money was no siderale disbre�s It, 1334ed the Postmaster -Gen' �o I some ox en; chasing Power con damage done by the love, cral form y our own coptrol.1 Our proximits'. true measure of the purchaing power in 'Sax6 -lie E 11 r to he could not be worn to at ow of lbe that the amount therein iiutb )rized whl United States alwa t, a trial, tho of t ej Company is to carry (ut tla wheA ; �1 Heffen��, small of labor, Take the uy, and the �rlat ys exposes_�s to he magistrate issue-�,,,a 1;varr4n to arrest case of an Illinois at t - Pless in be continued to th ye' of circui lung as the Company exiOA, e end of the, ar 1870, operation istAnces foi wh ch econ y as eats and �NjcGarliog wh at Silesia, Large tracts. of ,u brylarp tto'- Special cases will, howev0, �e open, for Mr, Farrow on h ge o orgery. A No '01hpany can be Succesfly mm", ehau, m�al farmer who. sold his corn at 30 cents de the, water, and man e pie � r4ndei they,, and n;tt we, ay be p The4 y �he D4 for rimirily constable was despatched awa r econ micall�managed. What-thinky0iIII ed homeless. In Ru'aga augmentati6xi-on reductiqu ponsible, t is mpossible ndt to I el Ott f d invested hi receipts in tn revision, I b i IMr. Farrow, but on I be on the ground that the business fr ary! there he Mr I X . "I'Mov, its rad returns th.' In 11E ,X 'T-ohn has risen I 11 A thi xe had notufficint funds to ing himself ofi t w Manchester cottoa, at 16 cfInts - aove oni (jar own t r I Saw i T E o WhwK- -Fife Istl batik and parts Of , shown by the collections has material has been a jai -gel: it of the :2-d,, 1 esueS 3d, kl-Vm. ne and his prisoner back' ti Per Buda'and Pesth are in ortation f6r r k that some era I of n tc d. itioreaBeal or dimi ished." The receip a years pa Tue er�smith are intending to joi _t, Wr 1, Armstr4g ya`�d-1 If the Manchester man ufactu rer . AFFAIRS,$ u D it e place of it is sti t. In 48 f the importat I I ; ions main ghborhood, D 000 in trial, and his only resourco as lo bor�'. t�wnships in organizing a I arzillri on Carlo's and Lizz;kra a, vit �24,000 ending J' th6y w�r y1or 34, Thos. -Gre retnove& big mills to the ne ed hat in the County bf Hurou., fot the ye.4�r. were $87, 0001 1872 th r a year on o disposed, first to give tj z -Dickson; 3d" er-u..- evening k at'Wingham. tial atrial,andlam sitish(d ar. une, end ng to gain to $4,1 pet, bushel, ad in order to b that r )76 thus, in the ear 1874 tles 'n the matter. Seventeen magistrate trict of Amezicous ' e �01 visions, are re!uged in. a U Une 30, 1874, amoun ed to $IL $107,000, in wer'e 812 he did, - The trial came off 'o� Tharsdy feel John cam of I the farm, ery row the meaus from the pris nr which Mutual. 000 1 73 Now I wou'd say to wethst without artilWy-.a with ut ro- 800 ov,er;the previou which oqr 000,OOOT The bank cannot be said whose corn in the home men, they market created realized 75 cents bai Ous is- saari6s *ere based, and in IM, have been guil, of last wee N111 t co IV sat � on the case, will never ask a better and el soil as, ]Dickson 13 the French frontier unto sto d o-76, bank dis map r Co, In July, 1870, at and after they had cross -e 'mined by w o Al ieg ies. the Gov�ernment have rocei ed ne&4 XA I "about an import duty -of 50 per cent, Several di from Arm- pany, for I really believe insurance -, theN- borougk 'Six, forty to fif Ilions of dollars ; i' t10 visions of the ya Am are $6,000 revenue on. whic allow do 197 n strong, they found it to b4nothing but in ill, ��be about two thirds chea 0 � 0. Ingram marching against the' h 'the, r I they had gone up to Donald V, -Go a per yard, still tage of King Alfonso's o asking $116,009,000, and 1 1874 to 6 �;,,,ea no evi;� pan iM proi I exp ati�O.t 0 a was levied and the price of the cotton i �iu no coinmission. This ou $79,QW,000; an imposition from first to coin considerable numb ght surely in 1872 ol�$102 a4t, and like- in t4e Provincial Companies, We was raised to era are! ta ingI ot $. , 000 ; in 1873 to wise stated that there ha le adian. satisfV, them, without is to -wor t8. I I y ;perlhg beyonf arg-e 4nin sty for I lat ry. ave against Mr ar v hel of corn he could now and are retu7ing o h NO; ove -i 0 it 72-d, M. Rf flernan. Caminon for every bus 76 the old gala 1,30, deuce brought r w, or It ha�s #ome of the best risks j .8 t eir All, - I being oustax"ne rid the It gns OJ ogia ce. doubt,bdt the total collecti(n in t e enco wt 'Si r any. tha ould Show Hay� and Stanley, and some st-01 Scott, 83r. 2d, Jas. Chmey� - -the year ending J une, I 71t home ture have risks i# Tuckeriiiiitb. A fi- . ti- CUM, Rotiledg�'; 2d, mer* i!l& County, for 1 I he was guilty of the crim buy more yards of cotton thhn for Among; them are the ,rq to b ban ing faciliti ith whi*h "ly," While,. therefore,- Verde and Generale BI rs c o,00 ad a 10. M e al he had been charged, aud at the caso rn rill be 8.5, 000 more than in 1 373, f by the woulnu boou a protective King Alfonso has 300,000 t lated stocks Company should includo four )r rnment do not allow as o e tariff, which would allow of ps e . e ha ds was all a humbu f XBOUPpoly,' them Spain, and if he d U t of the mere in to end, tonshi�ps, and we -counted on Tackor . * XTI�n seOes liot hant'. leople, oftenwith t as the sitw succ ed co.m-mrsipn, they will ale' warrant Mad been �u 'from smiths Usborne) Stephen, 0 re "eiv La,3440rough., 1AT 0 't experience, hit hed into speo ve rue spee copy of the Qrder, aincl that order Icy. 00me ye farmers, give ou. tiLe Jul 1d, Tas. ITIGHT BINDIE!G