HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-03-03, Page 3Attorney, Sell w Week, , Anne re cees .eter. Auctioneer notes collected • toe eh and Seaforth, h. Barristers, Attorney Chancery. Notaries Pit ths, russets. 410 in sue Chs.neery, lie, ale east of the new • f, limey to loan on f MARCH H 0,-. 1876. People Willi Talk. on may get through the world, but will be very slow, . f yon listen to ell that ire Sat as you ou be worried and fretted, and kept 'or meddlesome tongues must have something to do, - And pe,ople will talk. quiet and modest, you'll have it pre- sumed That your humble position is only as - You're a wolf in sheep's clothing, or dee You're a fool ; But don't get excited — keep perfee4 For People willtalk. ,na then if you show the least boldness r slight iodination to take your own hey will call you an upstart, "conceited end vain; • keelia straight ahead—den't stop to nil Attorney* - Offices—See. Ate Fun rf 14 c, .11E1161t, Bettors in Chancery ex, bile and Conveys -1i C, Bank, Seaforth, Agon ranee Company, erg to for K�? ennirse 'oak's his a arance,: caulci , an ung- , and exlrectin'tae `See hie parthte i' ready i.waitier' as usual. But, i st;r !lb t to Trus arrutzement lie eves the t ie l rck oot dim the pat,,o' and the Jump co 1 it .tl u sante ,,tate as lie had left it. • "What's stelae, tlw slay, a net I' lie said, "` }Ion's the fire oat, ane tbe',b ake fast no ready ? I'sn. cauld ' qwe an' sair needin' my parrich, I eate. l y :" "' .that may be, sae, dam ae, r re �'�i Janet, " but ye hae yersel' ibl m I'm hero ready tae mak' 51" 'ch whene'erdthe water's boilin', u ye ken, shin' ye bee deprived Me o' the . r, 1 canna chapp up the fire, a:tho' it's -salt needin'. . ` 'rout, tats," said Mammas, "c ap the fire ah' -he done w$i't," " Na, ua; I chapp up nae fa e," Janet. " I houp I h 'e Mair' e that left me. As I id afore, yo ts'en the poker frae e, and er in 'ill hs'e tae gie me it again' of ' I Tamtnas felt himself in fix gaol aria' ben the heote For people will talk. w" Plil. wife, tae him, a liked her tun way in the boose f threadbare your dress, or old fashion- he began tae look at. the ludi o' the affair—fetehin' aboo$ ed your hat, me upstart will surely take notice of sion o' the poker ! So be e that, 'Jack oot o' the serape,he And hint rather strong that you can't way he could Returnin' ta the ki and hin 1 sai tha )14 on anet g she n' then irt sesi in s the best look ee only pit 3 the the sin the DIU boot a.c.,Physiriuti, Surgeon and tiodericb Street, first Church. 2 tier for the County of Huron, e, corner of Market sud High t the Planing Mill. PELT, DileesE85, -Physic and Accoitehours, OFFICE— near the Station. ,Totin C ironer for Huron ; Joiot Main firm to of hi II st- 6: Phelan, Stristft,-rd) Groans thity, Phyhician, Surgeon an formerly occupied by the let 'tice--Commereiff.1 Hotel. 'WI ok on tiesdays and Friday ' Late House 8nrgeon of Mg*: d Lying-in Ifospitai, Physician, learnt:hear. Office—Albert Street, Steam 3fillo. Residence-- UrOn Cornanereial Ilotel„ Clinton, Ont. pttnctually attended to b rgeori Dentiste2c.,Seaforth, Ontario 1)1,atre work, latest styles, neatly etted. All surgical operations are and promptitude. Fees ILO IOW 41 elsewhere, °Mee hour from re,Main-ht. 270 GUT, 'Veterinary Surgeon, radn- •;,1 Behitlence in. rear of Killoratt prompt13. attended to, night or s of veterinary racilfeiiies on band. ;ideates given if required. 407 Rzr,e). Y. 5,, Licentiate and Prize- :*ornelf University, Ithaca, N.Y., and 9ntarie Veterinary College, Toronto, rinauently in Vama, where he will he ed. willing to attend to all kinds of kinds of animals (man excepted), f weather, and, at. all boors: Rest- ec two doors (lest. of Cook' Tem - 819 ELDER, V. R., Graduate of the Veterinary College. .elter r voting practice with Professor Smith, of ,ied by Dr, Burgese, Man Street, I be found ready to treat iat diseases ticate4airirnals. All calls proiriptly ila'y or night. A. large stock of fedicinee constantly on Mind. HOrfcCES lit and sold. on commission. KZeti- ft, Dress and Mantle Maker. ker and d it to have io the: , Cuetomere will fin to deal with me, as they wi my long practicea experiene AL LIVERY, Seaforth, Ont. T. A. - Proprietor. Comfortable and elegant a tirbt- class reliable horses always gee moderate.. Office and stables on -. second door east of Mein street. ny of the hotels promptly attend- L*r. This hotel is situated on the 10 tailor north of Seaforth, and pos- Lecornmodation and comfort for tray - careful and attentive hostler in 3E1mA' stabling in connection with 850 UOTION SALE ?fable Farm in the, Town- xhip of Stanley. T to an order of Kele, dated 18th (/1 the 0/Uttty Court of the County esiry Duncan, Plaintiff, against -1111rucirir and others, Defendants, sold by public Auction, by G •.,0EGE r.amely Lot number 11, eolith of –Gad eifrucewilon, la the Tow othip Le County -of Huron, containing ti5 re or less, Timor& le beot t 70- acree ere Cleared, well oeded with tilt! beat hardwoods, outbuildings, large frame barn, t, eeesif-• Ling partly of beari tree)/ 'meg trees Jittery t4e,eteil, Tire :ravel read leacliug from Dayffeld about '41 miles froM Bayfteld, and acellehl, and is in all re ',cote a end valuable property. The title unit free from all Incum iranees. ;ieitur, balance to make onc-tbiril ,ney in one roonth, tem einit4 two - 't on of purchaser, to remain oa raort- coequal annual ingtalitients, the put?. 1.(ft Jou/ immediate posser-sion. tire contlitieno Kale will be the - ,e3 el kale of the Court of Chau- , 'loth rich, December 20, 1875.7 ell° ),,'.erieb, or to the plaintif ISAAC TOIAfi# JAY, rt:ndorr• Solicitor. )10 on OA 5( atorth _Gaavol 'toad at don't -get excited, whatever they •qanet, mer wooi'any ye- sun say,-- : ower my hastiness last ni For people will talk, was wrang ein takin' the an' -like mony a wiser man f you dress in the fashion, 'dcni't think that discretion is the best For they criticise then in a different in the hoose, and (bandin', shape • ker tee Janet) I only houp Yon're aht;ad of your means, or yinit it tae its properttse. Sae afor to rt ut th ay tine Wer hap tailor's unpaid ; . fire, and gies „my parrich as ut mind your own business—therei cap.') nalight to be Janet, dumfounded at fir t at For people will talk. den ehangeon the part o'Tamm 'ow, the best wey to de is to do as you 13' seized him in her airroslail',gi , please ; hearty kiss that le heard oo wed door, she cried out—" Oh, ye'r or your mind, if youl have one, then be at ease.- f man. Though ye're a little h. temper,yer heart's aye th f course you will me,et with all sorte of ,tit don't think to stop them—it ain't in a few minutes Janet aay use,— drooned a' recollection o' t For peoPle will talk. The Battle 0' the Poker. 'laminas Tamson and his wife Janei hooever, disturbit 'famines, and gm hoeht he cndna get rid o', dire as : h iked,and the langer he lived the stroll e t got—he had an idea in his heid t a side of the window to which Janet watt ettiin' tae get the upper band- ' him at hame, and seeking tee wear thei came t° gi.ve in their names w reeks, His chief reason for thinkin'eae on or coming off their shifts. , ill then called and described Wha „as this,. : At e en, viten e sat oon 1 cording to their ideas a ‘voluali ut chair at his side o' the fire, he notic- , that janet had aye the poker at her de, an' would on nae aeeoont alloo him chain of the Barns metal. e Sol stir the fire, as he always made a number, of beautifel pi ces ‘quarte,into the links of t ie c ess o't, elle said, Tamonte wad never last a little Frenchman ca e to rnit that he did sae, anti he began tee hink that Janet, wi' the poker in her doy a_nd said : ' Yon fi d control o' the hoose, an' this Wit8 what "Yes, sir'''' °aid shaw' 1 the poker in a guid cup o e wt e ba the su id ty leg tle The Virginia City (Nov ii) ,nte prise relates the following " dal 6 twe since Mr. Shaw, time -keep r th Con - lying in the snow, where i ev dentrr: ly been dropped. by some ne u lark ng iri or about the mine. Mr, have .w ote notice to that effect, post ng b the the men en e etidna thole. So he determined tae ring the maitter tee a bearm' at the Insist opportunity, Ae cauld nicht, hen, as lie was sittin' at the fire -side, *ammas rrcets ower his hand for the pok- r tae chapp up the fire, but Janet, who was satin' opposite, busily darnin' stock: " Yes, sare, me ?lave " Can you describe it !" "Ohjes, sane me cam de vet° r ee'ly." My vetch he Ives a 'silver* going tetch Eti set tit wi e ate av rep res, preventit hint gettm Possession 0 -is Very good. Whitt ki dof time, "1'11 stir the fire, Tammatt," ., what kind ef chain v, . Ta111111afto nettled at this, exclaimed, in a gey belch tone 0' voie,e--" Janet, I ilini " One le,etle brass shain " na ken what richt ye hae to the tulle eon -I " What kind ot key was on ti 6 e rol o' the poker au' the ehappin up (4 the -fire, Ye must remember that I' have no key at all. .1 wind, 14 beid o' -the hoose, an' hate a perfeek richt .. tel The watch was a stern-winde ae use the poker whenever I please ta ae sae. Mair than that, as ye Seen1 toej tion of it, even dowri to • :zee hink it the sceptre o' authority o' tb mas said this, She cudna believe her was happy. But bli fath r fai1e,d Tire day hael been set, ;he foun ears, Was she dreamin' ?. or wag ness, and be collected together ity hoose, it should aye be at my vide o' the 1. Janet etared in astonishment as Tein ower true that her husband Tammas was questionid her sacred richt o' control o' the poker ? She said at last ny little sense ye hae, Wad ye seek deprive me a' my lawfu' richt ? I'm sur nae man o' sense wad ever seek tae da mither had aye the poker at her side o the fire, an' my hither wadna, has daur ed tee interfere An', what m mither did her floater will dae tee to th end, Tanunas," cfrstler, and la fact everyte ne that tavern, and see too. C, DAVIS, rroprletor. . 200 Stock Steere !rem 000 to I t market price will be paid. 4 pink love -letters, the lock o faded violets, &c., and sitar father's inansion. lie wits', hi and honorable, and he felt in to releaie her from the engage he grew'faint as he evas mate parlor. Such love , his loiro crushed, I - ed as sh'e entered , the parlor eid his -band. My ain ty zee d ti seri consider and treat you as a stranger ? b ; it all pass. What: difference will it I when you go to the undi eiov red ; country ? All who ilbtreat you now sill e ;Imre sorry for it then than you, e eu p easures, muck Obi, a little longer iv - me, hasty greetinks, an pt f re - ells/ and our play will be "pla ed t," t e injured will be led &Way and ere bu II the bon d Id tistay seized duty a yklef2th. wh at 'sit— cried. llci twice Detroit Personal attractions most girl a t any rate,, in a minden d to 'though there are standards of ty, et theme die not prevail with Atli)! ns. A There is something wonderful in the difference of iiiipeet which the same aee , ears to di rent heholdered Proba ly, of ow Clcnas at t hil000 hid explanation of th' is t hat ii, hidden from all otbers be. Pog TOR. K 3 TAKIIING SAL PREVIoUS TO TAKING STOCK UNCAN WILL CLEAR'OUT ;Lot of COlor at ode ttr io " Arabella, I am here to d he said as he rose ap. spokenness o' Janet. What ?, tae , thin that he—a man 01 authority oot in th world, wi' men, at his command —wha like the Centurion of old, cu'd say ta one,. "Go, and he goethe" an' te anothe "Come, and he cometh"—was lie. h cleared by his wife at hame ? ,Na, na, h mann ack noo or never. " 11-laven't you beard of er'S•failure ?", he inquired, hi Why, yes, dear, George, " Aren't you—won't you father, and he eaid if your 1 fat member yer vow afore the minister; hoe failed for$60,000 he'd metle a, le. ye promised tae honor an' obcy yer lawh OM out of it, of course, youll ge fa' husband, -Ye maim submit tat my as much as you counted on' !"— authority, for I'm determined tae tir Free MVPS, , - hand the rie,hts is' man to be insister o' their ain 'loose. Sae I demand o' ye tap hand ower the poker,an' if ye &rine dee'ti, Stain' the action tee the word, Tam- mas made a datsh at the poker, and man- aged tae get a hand o't, and then pre- 1 ceeeled to stir up the fire. After that , operation was OYU' he cartfully laid it i Janet glowered at her husband, and her face grew white and red time aboot, as she beheld his audacious conduet, She (Edna speak for a moment or eae, but at . last her feelings found vent. . "As ye etand up, Tammas, ler the richts o' IIICII ye canna hinder •Ine, free standin' up for the richts o' women ; an', I'll tell you, as ye bare seen fit tae tak' the poker free me, yer ain hand will gie it tae rne again. On that, I'm determin- :Tenet said lute mair, but quietly geed on ivi.' her work. Tanamas, kennin' boo Janet stuck tae what she said, began tae to think he bad gane A little ewer-- far, ara' was exen somewhat uneater in his mind, Brit it wed never dee tee show the white feather non, eae he sat 6110 -it an' the fire afore he geed oote—a jol he very Afton did --for he Wag ft, WW1 man tite Jenet, wIti, heat that fine ; al hough it wailne dee, elle wail, tae sey it in his beerint, let pittin' on the fire Ternmas pat a great dead o' coal:-kon the tap tee 'meta in till janet got oot o' bed,stist that idle wad only hee tie, ehapp it tip an' get the breakfaat ready. But, aha t Janet What pifferen A young man from on af the -an diseriets seas in one o our teil 'relict) merchant, after taking d Wn he mintier "Inside picket on the Ief ba d side then," observed the tailor, • i to him After a minnetit's pause, th yo ng ma from the subrirbs was p omr ed to ask " Ali, my dear sir," ebset ed the], tail ence possible, as you murst at. Bein . unmarried, you want the pe ke &i th left side, so as to bring the our g lady' , picture next to your heert." " But don't the married in n else wan his wife'e picture next o hie heart ? .queried the anxious yout . kind," maid the tenor, aching hie ey About Hittin' Hate not, It is not worth. wit le, Yet life is not long enough to mike t pay cherish ill.will or hard the gh tows anyone. What if this man h chea Wh'at if this friend had for sit n you Iwon your utmost confidene ; lone war est love, has concluded thati he ii refers Wagrla, tae be cum ower in that fashion. When breakfast 'time cam Tatomas • • to man eve if she attraete #ten 0, 'I, Of T4o Thendrea void Fifty' no t reaint e interest of an, in M- ei, ent . Sh must do this by Tea ng, i cniv "'awn w th the lies and est mete' 1 Clean. A Lot of Brown. and ighl educated persons wi wham she , it c ltivated as well` as the head. _ Of a 1 01 Shawls, Breakfast Shawls ime familiari y, with the teoei y— 2 - ,of 11 things, give me a Softness and end nese iu a woman." A harsh v lee, -4oa laugh ; trifles like these ave 881013. The cultivatigp of the eart studies to appear ratber tha be and generous seldom au de - ho in trn h seeks earnest' to pro - i. his ne tone tone of charaeter, no at - be nnot ex et to corn:nand the last- havi g, 1 A Lot of Ladies' DU NON SEAFOR HE FOLLOWINII LINES IN DRY COrS ng Tam, Filie Cents per Skein. The abulous .Gents' Mufflers from ec., ec. at Desperately Low Fig Remnants Dress'Goods, ,ew, Fresh rey Winceys at Eleven dents. A Lot of DOM HAS, JUST SELLLN 01 ho ood he A Big o off Linen Faced Collars at Fivetents per Ikx. THE BALANCE OF ger this took hu by thei and gag as mon of ti afte nor tur sup er a mini() said Why,1 put up at thet you nng last odd beet tor sho ewe don hay find ma be the show anew that troth may be 8 ran - place las A young eel ade bridal Washing week on Wood stree on that street is ten ple who -last year n Territory. Whil en - the bride rowel Wag ea uOfortnnate saInTfishing on one of the riv- drop into its current a,valuable ring beldnging to his wife!. Tho loss e gem wee, of course, inorn a. , while :the in eident wins erg ing, when! the young itniban ing late el night from eking s t his wife bac prepar essly at the label, larion, this salmon very place where I summer. Wouldn't caught a id canned at hat ver and put in this -very ean, a ld find th ring in it?' His wi ed him I estingly,wbut he said that ring yet in some uch ro Per.' Sit had scarce! said, lie i goose, Gus,' when he e litter of somt-thing e can and 'sill airly scream d, wh was scar dy less excited than her- self removed the foreign subs nee with di over that. it was indeed, a big lump of s lder tha in soldering the cm!' had fall n into its contents." I lki Baltimore on Sunday afternoo •s the Sul of that city', where, but tten, sday re- d for up, and wm lost it be fac- d we e an - but I shall antic on't ught the dness w re large number's of le o streets a bridal party star fro on foot, and went to t e I Bob Ch rch on Central Avep e, near ye street, t least half a mile d Th party as composed of a The 'bride Were gr msman, in from the back Of the head gr und. y also wore handsom head wr aths of flowers, The groo and gr onisman ere cheesed in black lothe an wore whits kid gloves, They at ch ldren follywed them the c lurch tit sttentioo they attrac ia s, and all seemed eppi y ebliv outs IA an then for_ined a_nr;escort to see them ho ne, The bridal ' arty were hem - O last, there the the treets mien Lafa- rated. ouug d and blue reach - o the de th A sl la ar of death oiten come to child en tbroug inattention or earelessnes• of parents child should never be allowed to go te ep with cold feet, The thing to b t attended to is to see ithat t e fee dry and warm ; neglect Of t is ha AT UFFALO ROBES BE CLEfARED OUT. Colored t 75 CENTS 14E3 OOTS f.I\T DU NPAN PER PAIR. S Sit BARGAINS BAR,GAINS, BARGA1N$, AT oAMPBELL'S CLOTmING EMPORIyM. Woolens A LARGE STOCK OF': an Gentlemen s Clothing and Furnishings, THAT Iti'dST BE SOLD OFF AT PRICES THAT ILL BE ERTAIN TO PLEASE PURCHASERS. No titre ohould be lost to avail yourselves of this EASE OFIElt., OVERCOATS FOR THE MILLION, AND CLOTHING FOR MOH FOR THI§ SEASON OF THE YEAR IN GREAT VARIETY.' Call Immediately and See for Youffselves. RITM e0 THE non OF HURON H. ALWAYS TE IMON AFOitTlig ECEIVED A NE LOT OF MOOR HERRING, °REAP FOR CASH, LMON +ROUT Of BARRELS. SFS A FINE LINE OF VERY CHEAP. J., BROWNELL. ''CLOSING SALE ow VALUAIKEPROPERTY BE GINO TO TOE to on Al ed for RE, with DWELtING -over it, Street, opposite) Fates Mils; nn of years. This:is a good In- aduftin sgood rental, quarterly OND— TORII, STORE- ROUSE AND STABLE, ad (lining the sbove, Large frontage an4 yard. eel business TIMM ell adapted for a General or Oro - AL YARD and STORE -HOUSE, plendid none Collar for storing Butter, Por Ica. situate on the track of the FIRTH HURON FLOUR and OAT= 4I. M LIS, we estiablished, and doing a lug v) hairiness. f--' s nista on the track et the Or Trunk Bail y. . tion andilmanufseturles two lilies of ethrsy, viz.: D iTRITND AND GREAT tre true of the finest agrkultu, , fug oint and rspidlyincreasin the Domfulott,„ makes it a most Is increasing 1 and g sit Aye ta the =1 Counties In desirable Ship place of imp° ance. The above property must be sold in orde to Settle theestate, Favorable T be given. Apply to 422 -IS IL H. ILICEY, Executor, Cltnton. EXOE EGM To t your G all e Hes get t AT PAYS ? AYS3 TO GO TO THE SI OR M IL LS ting done, and Barmen will i ir 4wn Wheat ground, and goo artier! w hing to get the Excelsior Mills RIATED *FLOUR ,1:pnli lillFrices, front the following ht Brownell, Wm. Hill, Hall e Murray, At.,, Carduo—Baker, rho ; W. Scott, Bruceton CELE Can do so at Win, Juan. -McGinnis 1 rarer, deor Any errant ty Of Chopped PEAS, OATS s BARLEY, an other Feed, OU band -always. 11.13.—Agoists Ior the Garden City Xi Purifier. I AS ANp I•t.Vti,YOAR COMPLIMENT OF ALL THE MUNICIPALITIES OF THE COUNTY PING ALL WILL ENJOY- A 'MERRN" TIME. MUKELLY, being anxiOus to do his part toward,. their NEW FRUIT, FISH TEA, enjoyment • PRUNES, SU OLVERAL GROCERIES. All will, as usual, be sold off up, diphtheria, or a atal sore throat coming from school, on enteri g ehe ALL GOODS AIRE use from a visit or errand, in rainy ddy or thawing Weat er,1 the child' oes should be removed: nil the ;Abe a e in the ileatst damp, and if So, the s ould be taken off, the feet held befor t e fire and, rubbed with' the hand til p decay dry, another dry pair or doe ir gs put op, and the other elutes an s wirings be placed where they can b well dried, eo as to be ready for future • tteything more beautiful tbah the dress- • ing of a bricle for her wedding ? The tender ban415 of a ,kin4 dui* of loving sisters and a fond mother—how they all seerated tol her glory HoW her hair is ifow the vol is thrown over With CX. 9 Ler person 1. —To cure emus, lay a picot) pork upon than. The corn w pear in a few days, rate raw fat 11 disap. for very small profits. JOH !is BROADFOOT Keeps C0,1044 tly on hand, at Iris %yew= OF EVERLY DESCRIPTION, Which he is repared to. sell at Flees to suit the times. fact he won't be underbold. As nonulactur all he sells, purchasers can TilIE BEST IAIITICLIE FOR 1r EAST MONEY. • he Furniture Maniufactursed to Ord RS st the Factory opposite the Market, Seaforth, Remember the placele buy Furniture Chea NEW, EXCEPT THE LIQ4ORS WHICH ARE OLD, PURE A.ND C BAP. IsTAMES MU PITY, ea orth, 14. YOU WANT TOI GET GOOD OAS ;AND EGG EMPORIU The sub ber hereby thanks his name cristoreers( erehauts and others) ler their lib I patronage d ring theisost seven years, and be .es, by strict in y maddest: attentiou to bus \ to merit t r co Mexico and trade in thetat lieving greatly enlarged his premista, du the winter, e is now prepared to pay the ,HIGHEST CASH PRI E Yor any quantity of good fresh eggs, deliv est D SEED STORE. Preserve Jars of all FLOUR AND FEED O NSTANTLY ON SUGARS VERY CHEAP, G-itie to a Trial and Gromries, Glassware and Orockery, clads, cvd wiry cheap, NAND, AND DELIVERED AS iJSUAL. e convinced elate rad, THOMAS LE media Street, 8/nif Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons of good dry clean WHEAT 'STRAW, THE SEAFORTH INSUR NCE AND LAND ACEN Y. A ONZO STRONG MOST FAVORABLE MK& mil -VOW property. A NU Mil Of FIRST-04AM M. 4111.