HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-25, Page 8A
W t�
25 1. 8761*
U, 0 N
he tery coll of a. abigymAn 'and stuna &I i It *,a# moved by
!of y and his- be�n vo�y' 111.*A06emful, tureitA ustallneuto.
tw ed for hit stee 'on. H is is ion
of $100 of e, oreaoc�'bus addit' � al
nm recominend %bb young oou* coundilor 'Hogg, w(padoa 1� 00uncilol,
slim. We gird", via we
t at a by Jai
UVOU t�fooltoro about 6it S in in -hei9k , tow0vir, t 8 po ewes highly sezrat niqrigo, in which
inejyi,,, of the pro am ding him, ft�,-,nl hi fimmer pa- ple in qw atiot re the prmcipal i* Little, and 4 w be -pus.
is 0 built In plump in e 6nnot ;;ak go' 0
uare. the 00" ge4tle� ed ant] of S, 8, No -
a, �n d0viving 'trOS of Wateloo. He wass the ult. How the iyoting [torizing the
xppearao.e, with In r wzel eye i, pKety of their
0 so hot' A A d1plomaj which was awarded man sectired h` de the ores. 11 Turnberry, to orro I the hum or
-Bu per
dark h ad. th middle of for grocers their He this lespectf at Ii ' use, u.#defr j�00 for ten year�s,� the rato 'Of
DISTRICT. MATTERS. b alre%a ex- hial f0t tho beat c4 at t4e county ent stringentlaw, is notexplained, it'
head icise M tit and t ri ed a little to one for reAs Cy
v a n moustaclip, in 10 iquat
.'Ate b� the oupoil 'show, h dd at Ayr, ia 1874, It ii his in- be this at i- it in tLy, the twain, havin �ee� centeper annum, too e paid
v illed., we fee c6nVin i
side e r, o'bo-. tenti the milk an tits The icontract for
wore-- a -4ark! row o t with velvet cc I- hsv'e cc nmitted on ;o purchasc d ay the made one fleab they took )ASSAge Oil the annual b8t4ltnellts
fresh Tas
W`1lLTAX'AL-Liw annownces ray's bri ge wAs ilet to L. 1. e ves., Ill spend one
at from 500.to No., extra! *slue. Fresh Grofind lar, vel�cteel an otri d pants. Ii th t the 6 r I gpod vhich'will re- patroitp for it ovqy� month. Ob jer ar- railway b 0 som point east, ome say Galt, building G
';jt fro i a irin e enti )y in. rang=4 nts will be ipade known in due where tb By wi the sum of $716, -and bonds
0 that ac re
coffee, 40e,; 10 pounds VWts Sugar fot $1 11
my S901 Y. n accoul it Oequa to domup foi the pecuniary time. 'he ps
11TA, It is to be hop in As t rets of the you cu rits are ntered into wttb Peter' Fisher and,
pounds fair Sugar for pounds Brown 8 THE I ed the far ers it wbi6h wu
for $1. Honey Syrup, !Backwb Upor, xtend Mr. respoots ese sible peopl
sat Flour, of very Anfw Drable1weather the atten injury will inff c� th6 town. How- the tie ghborhood will e e will no Bonet 1101m, as securl Y,
Barley, Corn Meal, oatmeal, - Egmoudville Flour, doubt, n w th t further op use-
sitioni�' accepted by the cou lei]. On,
and General Grocerief,70h0spest 0 A=?& ir meeti oVer, ti e will tell whether the C 01 Stauffe a liberal patronage, as hi enter motion
qnce at t e litst r -,gular u il
. I � it, and a w,, -Il con- loss 'be o ieconcilod an the benfures 7terUF bllo�
rise is ardon for tbe i w�g
of th i opposed thom 14 this Mbei deserving of p F
b 4 perfect picture of your -
The rea I. We in- cannot bu� be of it amense youtiful a: ice of their children. And sum, viz,
Self gotoA.,CALDVVSM��dknsry, positothe. ciety w lave taken the correct viow. 9 ucted [actor,, a pay c6upons of de.
tutu it is to b ho#,ed that the 'ple, bentures to -T-oron o, Orpy and Bruce
Mansion Hotel. Pictures taken .11 styles. ings were -6 Vned un, U rely hope that re evqnts will prove advauti ge to them. F4AJ9 *AJ
Copying and. enlarging one t6 perfoat] day, evemkiffi ill set'le downith Railway. $553 to well- 'on—the L this (Fr day abt4r to:hav when the, ret rti, wi y cou 8 'on
-uments Sad with a knowledge ey wilt e t4e 1 Oeen in error.:
-battle inanfully with ington, Grey and Z Z�Atelnipg
beat make of inati Bruilsel a date natiop to race fway debon VVa $ALF"
ven iia the I I f I M hanics rM W,
of how to use -them. 0-ty hi�: a call. Always at gi actor, 01 lwd,� va f it t
ey may ary C erk an
UNS pils of the son- in the the stern realifties of rife that th
Osal Treasurer L 't
e i P tto get anythip turesi $11
home andIn good hnmor stitute th refor D, b P NrTIO !;-�'The pu
by �ach 30 reps ring B so =d
w in mind h1c line would do well'to call U URox, 0 be. sold elleap. &yj
IN CUSTOA1 HOUSE'Will arrive in a fe tbal re
in b given t ior clWao in the a�orbh pi blie ophool as- long be ol mredlto enjoy and profit $8. te "Inber Ike
be sold at rices to Suit the ha rd r the sl i es o the societ r, spuible at the r idence ol their teacher the phot graphor, for he maie* an the s yles and other's )ciet�, and that they maybe 'Deaths $13 501or dotationery, A, days andwlU evening, uni i times, another I them in the latest Sty 0 of the blsed ith live bran�he eleating JMLLU Forter $51,
arge eo signment of those ood. 4' a Johnsp, Mr. M ul, on hurday evening' i7th sizes, an finishes M I Many young 0, $3 for is - p
g by Mis 5 N Roger ,
Th and o nd entlargod. Anery— for RISALE, o be sold, lAc4es4lclem
roliab ]a Cloaks, Both ther makes, at M art. 01 pletares copied a wh( ilgeme' and 04ificati�n they stabi
essrs, John Wilson, Mom alkin, inst., a TpeesentgeA4 him ith an address ill tit SUMS fr eitna-,orch
With -good (11 )b
_y as Collector Ous 0a
(00ey. I by z *cry ha doome writing Stratton Block,Brusse al in 4 -the 4th
a rela� ' 'fter year-th es,,,. aggte Ing ced, -s
Call, ail Win. M The ho jr accomp ie( e rOM90c0_ of sundry u 08 vxtatod iand ftustead
1,000 Cam,; S Bors s t c f Coun- -5
Liclo Fs.—Aspeeialmee 0 -of Lot I
.0 to
inni vqrPA- -AGO north
at which thp readings s ould commo1we desk d and, hold6r. The this Vieir e lio. Councilor moved, a a Coune;
—The subscriber is pro pay the high
J 0 " oil will be held evening, riday, to
ill I'll gtoh', �ddre Deiar ir : price in cash for any qUAR tity Of good Stave bolby is half -last follo. g is Little seconded, th at b anted
delivered at the Wrox or Stave Factory. R. to on th q'range questim We, i be -half' )f your 11senior s6hol. take u the inatterof whatthe tavern T40kersmit)i, u bricige, on —Thi i deb towards b lding,Q
I I and ih(p licenses shall be for the coming Lst
R ested -Ana IV -est half tot 19,
Which ihoi lit take p e n, mt Mond i 6y are, h ve wiseiJubled hete this evon- 'NY condition that tht partj4 9 inter year, u:tder the new act. A N E? —A no -range, TW under es! of 16u; J
-u want a good picture 90 to C- evening ha $ been ont a until t le Ing to! give exPression, 'to our senti.
IFyo, ttiLng of t e. auspices o the Patronh of Hu4au build the same for 6heir o*n se. t or
MoonBlo Stadlo—be Is now, prepared to furWsh P Divisio.N CounT. —The first si: h b
followii �g M aday,e vol it a account 3f our teacher', 'was moved eat Councilor lyto 9,wAUGHEY"& I
ments, n regard to you a� M amen, [in
-9, ( ni g
first-class work, better th�u heretofore,, ive him the sixispee'tal sittings of the fou rth Di- dry, was o zed at E,
inder 0 e au0pices o labors _mondvffle� on by Co neilor
the lect a te theAo and o ipathy w th you I e6
vision o be held in Brussels. durin the Wed, esd ay obt.
ist last week, by Mr. P
&uefib; an4, we know not OM
a call and see his work before gbing-olsewhere r,, chanica� 'In 1. ifute, f "ing rant b
gil b labors r our b Ao by this ouncil-
Jus ro HAND, apd always kept''on year, , vas lield, in the Town I on MeMord of -ay, and Mr. Jas. El er, Ts 70 Im"OUT-H FO
which admire the moyo, the The do )�y (venning neZt. untiring "to It g rahstns ent,
hand, a. 11ne assortment pf those nooessary arbi- Manly'3euj rl, On 1 llWedwaday last, befor� -his Honor., of -Usbo e,: he new G % G .11 at )reo —1) r. -00. N&AN UvingUM-oift the
energy �nd zeal JVihich hi's eve arac.
ales, Plain Gold Rings. JCome quick before the riater FUhle1eg AS Park itil
`udge Touis The Courit was a very 28 mem. The- 0 g is a list Of
Son. is over.—E.UICKSON 00.
Sol e iav( in 'I instruction, or lots *-I
A LD been favor. terized you Oarting taxes were reduced 19.41. The tax
large oe, &re being sixty caseson the the offices i'm dalle ert Charterill,
:r. Drge MoInt)i e daily exam lot orde. neatness and master - a terms tojam who may A-esire Them
is dire6ted to the immense �d by A 4b, of McKillop, tl�. docket some being very lengthy T. Murray, o�erseer ; Win- aid by the foll- Oct 001 teathers to_ 3"e
4rc make Imme
ado he
G, !Duff, $3, 8.2
sbock of Overcoat, Pea JWket's and - Ueadyin V.
with a igh; f an ald r(lic a ell ol wbic� -you h - alw ' a exhib- were refunded,
Clothini, which must �o ciearo(l oat.—Gn Y, fra av - portan, i cases, T whole doe cot was McGeo' ain ; Michiel McQuade,, W. V
A of the I "Aw i M ttile Almanac iped, nor would, i rd forge the lessos of-' Geo 0 nceix Bmadfoot
tan erdai Chesney, Or., Ph 7-3 y
--For --sitib ln� Harruth
Joirmiox BP "UAB141F rhi ten p morality and trit; - tho Coi irt rose. an, stewii&!; Walk._ $4,80, A ant 0 and a debenture 41;
Youxo, SrAnLuio, I disposi d of by 8,30 F. bf, at whi,.h time lecturer '
OTHEn have just received 1846, 1 ancient v( lume I ras gotten ru ; which o'U have striv er; John MCI; Jolin
YOU oant of is tax-ep, Was gm -m
Thirty Tons American Out NaiN, direct from by Job Sin I u h 6 to inculcte,; i only precept, but,
n f l3gart, and of the er, asSij,.tZil�t steward; G. McAdam, Of 85., 72Y am M Trimble at
form,y ye am I , indige*', per
Manufacturers, which thyoffer,at- lowest market Scobie,-of N!00U% t is neatly prin d, much wore IV b pl, and at- Loj.Hu , to low W_ son in 01 w. with Ed Ion RefornI, convention of was secretar. 100. Gentmell, Sr., treas- ng 74
Aft L;;
u mp.
ringhaiii., Other uni Mawell , ni of infor though,we are f t4y confi ent we cannot af - urer ISA Walker, Flora - Rim anaVftunp, and:
bells liaog. 4)
prices, Lower 1)
held in Armstrong's hotel on as i I rt&nt r t f * the business Was tranow ,ted'an the- ouncil! IT WXLL P&Y-YOU to 'rice J. tion *1 ichL I its a; F, mug have b n make y6u any dequate To qm or. good
see and 1
r Maj ternoot t lastfor the purpose of ap minting Jessie e 4y Peres; A(rd. R. Cha*rs tuquire the proprietoM on the I
0. 1 tuDLAAV's Goods before purchasing elsewhere. e Dig Act of anxiot� adjourned to meet at� C ill's H&11_
lig. you havi i ve _Pifested in our
very In- ere
d.only good article. a treas arer in the room 6f Air. i (facdon- Polnona�. raj Che�ney., Jr., Re sons awful cheap an ron in �bo days, -lot Si ted of the tom n- welfare, 'yet, W) ould d sire you to ac- es inald, retired, nd to consider th( advisa- assistant e1W#rd,t Te water oad, on the 114 onday
0A 101 the
GA14 AT M.MORPITISON's and -price his ships 0 A field, BiddulpL, Blanbliard, - copt tb4s writingi'� desk ani gol4en and,� bility of holding a Reform demongtration OUNC M*PING.—Purstiant to a_ April. Uegtaomp
Copelau&j -10
oceries before purchasing elsewhere. He sells of tie respect,� es. P.
-e I
Colbori, e,D. vnie, Elli. Soqtl Easthope, holder 1; a memento*
Brussels. Mr. �hoinpson was Jo met t ihel Council mo't at EllioWs YrAgining 16 --acrofi ed
awfully good goods at awl�lly low prices. C
-01. land, un I North Eas lopet Full krton, Gpdoric h, teem a id, love w,hich we- )ear to you as Fell a commit 18. All the
elected treasurer, and' jee was Hotel, B uc�e Id, on F eb, Au open meetin 'trame house, Lu tbaxn INE Cases New Obods just received Iso tender y ou outbap
10 Hibber;, H i y, flull ett, Logani, McKill , qur te er. W6.would 0 der the auspices Of ert3�'.
ex. S. S. Phoenedian, at A� Mc15ot:Gtr.L &-Co. appoin ed ta. consider the best method of menriberolprisont. Minue�oflastjnieet- 411i vral St�ph en -tan ey, Taok6r- our bQa rtiesi wish 'be for tgo hpaltli 08 uthrop mPIQ, o. 201,: Independent *!Ube so
Sea-forbh-. Fail partleul rs next week. McG It getting, up the demon 3trition. ug read ifid- n rmed. . �Ioved by 11VIr. Wi Te
and 1W osh. Mor- Perity and driess of iyours'elf, Mrs. Order OL
amith, Job tie an f.Goo A� wa's held in the
SUAWLS, S.UAWLS.t--A great variety of a`I CONTRAcT LFT. —A - meeting Of, the Spr.oit., Fecoia W by Mr. Lang,,that the -1 ., )P.O,, 4fteV
ily, and �elieo us, von T rop n. r,
at reduced prices! 01he Farmers' Sto;e Hamil n, H. Fr ser aud, John CA. McFa0 and ln Temperance all in t F ida
School Board was held on Monday even- antn?of -.810 b �aid to M4rio. XcKay, i -a
�Iaiilile were c mission ri fortaking afli- shall e%rer hold a lilgh pla�e in our atee- ling Feb. 14. e mee ing w FOA 1ALEX10V ask on
U, o;i.D,l trict, 'Join eing sent.
A &RaE and v�iied aasortment of Ing last, all the in mbers b for the s apo Aj of the crphan of ever.
davits, &0.y� I the Iil tions. Itul midelshortbut feel. La Con Tiowp
1 3 which,
nic� Back Combs just to hand at HicKsoNls.' Minutes of last meeting were read and th� la ed to rd by B Alekander Shaw M'sir(SI 6i of
of go64�.Gqtkyat d
:Galt was 9gistr r, Viiam Dunl(p, ingand suitable reply,a er which -the te Puncz a Fisher—Citrried. Mov- who occupied the 'r., he chairman tawing, 'A 00
f t passed., The following tenders i�ere re- ed by M�. McDonald, seconded by Mr. 000
I q astonishing h6w very cheap J, 0. with i,
Warden fenry lynd.nan, Sheriff; youngtolkpartqokfreely�l ho�hospital- )U EQ hlgfi� A'A
!paid the Ouni aLf ter explaining the ect of the 1!1
I.4k1DLkAV' Sells-lus Go6do.� Go and See. ceived r.thenewschool nildin�,includ- Laug that Tat lefj CrLich be
DLaniel Liza Cle c f the I loace ; Hen.; ity of Mrs. Mc1 ant and 6j called upon the Rev Thoil as � Thomson. t
A vy, of Dr. Chase's Receipt Books th shinglin of th Present brick of A9 for'repaiting bridge Con. 21 H. _4
ry Rasforc Trea irer ; C., Widder, 1n- selves for a fe%v 11 o�rs, as qlDly y ng p 110- ui lar0e� . Moved I by Mr. Mc, to be sold off cheap, at HtajCso*;1s. f ae, to address the aui Bro. Thom all$ 135( ; J. C. R.; .—(
Dow, 1: is- ihat :8 re g an -a -aging anee.
0. b Idin John 8orin 0 4.
spector of I Acens ;. Davi Ple, who are not yet encuibered by dull R.' Sr Lith, of Donild Beco, 'd (I b Mr. Walk Hallid $1,885 ; T. er, on began by
nedy Family, of trict, C erk elve This kind dote illir-st t,- t e point *..his meet.
A, Aola id, Judge of I is- care, cAn enjoy th�ing
KK_N-,NEiyy-.—The Ken ly Grey, '950 ; F. Ter 1,065; S. Fbr- Dr !Re`o�'re'sj� Zcountj for attendaucel on trict C oprt : J. 0ob rille". i ' Ierk of the eRpression, of th �,ii feelings b 111 was Ali..
mgwasap e tion most meet- FARm
Scottish Sang renowiti, will revisit, 0 Most Ge
ythe,.of Morris- I D. MeNaugh- orge WaterA e paid nex t Novemb! _Eullett, 0.0m 4stifig of 100 acres 0,
Of Pistrio,; Cau i b 1 1 V4 ifyin ti andy ��inscouuraglo
forth and give One cleared,
their entart I On,, Igs of the generally nbaltmo. V611 T�'be
to hot
n- Pust r. M U s well merited on, $1,150 P. Thoms ' $1,.w W`M. Carried. Moited'by Mr. Lang second- -poorly attended. B then.. o, 1he stand Wood. Th
inents in the town- h4ll, on the eve who " e � I a tse, isided"
g of whi t and outbui I ' 8 i U I`-
Vanstone, $925; James Sparling $1,150. e d. Mr. XeWnald 'that the Clerk be wa
h mes lof i what as Cana.
LIFE As rRANCE, I t -,Be tL "he is: held by
Alonday, Marah 27. e big este ich�
bat Prohibition ingorabar& hol X
Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. hereby ii�atriaqtedtO request the C?u;n Si
finauclial'lressiO, on �he businc so �hem. diatis need must, h ive ;an must work �fr Cli to -
T . L I I i I Hings an ca ried zhat- the tender cils of Stiiuleyl aiad Hullet to have; the
Ve P I
_I of the c, y is neat at., stand-sti 11, 1
MEDICjkL. are requested.to, state for. The people tie rer felt ,Bo lavorably Kinbarn- Luis kno, V. jap
I 6.1mor of J. H. Smith be accepted a d' that bou�dary h0d 'account between e the
tau6 P.
lea a to of most �'th set we must ffossion n 1
n in. rease of t e �es ba that Dr, A&Taggfirt,: of [ZAX
ed.- WI
the London 4
I I I to it, and as tempet ance
they bi ()uested to give securit3 to the townships anA Tuckersmi Y, 001W P
ical alid ' �u reical *Institu to, will be at the Men is out 0.f the q ation, and wli,,n BU.—Ar. Iliton, 4if the! Be),more gitate Until it is spoke of the
amouni i of $1,5W. Moved by M -. Coop- Carried., Moved by Mr.: 8� ro ec- a
Mansiou'Rotel, Se orth, on the 5th of 61: rapellp, 'OLwitness a very Hotel, 11gave a� r P keeper filling JVR SAL,
many.are 0; R ' and 1 e7r seconded by Mr, Hingston, and car- ond6d by M�r.j Walker, that the so-called conecienti a .06 leudl-d0ho#0wo0 for u
percep e: shrio, da , 'Feb.1,17, which Was,
1* igi �, i 16 is the v( ry iiight 41 Thurs and t
each month, instead of the 10th as I for- naire agree- he s�aje WllicL him dgings srrle(
.1 t] at the Secretary I rep be t by h statute labor A man drunk and lo
highes, Mai C Of'.. i dom, to find (ur considegred fairl) succemfi 1, the receipts i
i the p=l 4nts Aon the London,
merly. �The doator will bave room� at outside, maintainin t ho de-
Brnr B jGooA t ack 4gtwro -W-1
r h nn ;ej�voo iDg to $5011 y the cor t aitizen i av4i ing t ment, ;o be signed b actors shall be fegull4ted for 1876 : AAII1 person
the Mansion Hotel. of the'fae: li- amount
and th, chairman of thi board, and that over'21 �nd 4 der 60 years of age be stroy a man's reasol baLVe
right to pro- 0'rarhesdluifo rame dwealni-honsai.
affords to at[Ol-
ties wl ich I if
0 8A. and a Mug eoaeni'00 M T
I and all persons rited itlana.
iable to �oiie J�t for,
MISJiAr. A �54rty le4 Belmore tie Messrs Scott, Wilson d the c airman I N.jON's LECTUP e ass u: riaThe tect him. until it I,; restore
E.�We wpuld mont t 2e. c� .41 *1 e3 possess. A e agree- licensing system had e(lay jas weel, iiUnding to take a d4v, be a o(mmittee to on the a0selis at Ton up I showed that the.
apprc ve of tL� bo $1000 two Res 3effingy -vw-r*
a,'Pn remind our rea lers of the lecture to Amal E m., avested in 'ay fora f w butthey a I only &43hort, distance, ment ind boudsmen. Moved 1by Mr. dayi an4 for very additional $1,000 or done nothing . . . . . M &C-9 4
to the
a Ppe
be.delvered by Rev. Manly B6nsom for Years, it $e pres(nt ,�ave.of depress on 'of the
I w, hen Ule hor Ited, b�eaking off 'the Coopen seconded by Al r. Wilo�n, -and parti of -$Ql, one additioal day, 'and Traffic And has pa ect wer, w It -sorye to keep lie b
thel berieft of the �i Leollanics' Intitue
shaf to, and a hat prmised a alut; carried -that the Secretary no#ify the that the �Ulter be instructed to dra t -a broken wife and Mo thr -not to sell to the a. the E
4. q- . t
to an a req b3
ind I ABY a regs -d W thf i f uture, d �rip wa a brou fill re the on Monday evenincy next, The le3it re �n -apt ter0na- Counci. that the board and fathi r, the tavern -keeper
9 r -law in ace rdauce with the re- husbaua
to be mos' for tho se" w I o are c % f rom, promises Vineresbincy one,1 and 1134 aw
tion. suni of $1,200 for school Juildin and re- solu�ion,Cir ied. Tb had only to present his liceiise to justify, 52 l'out 40 of loved c nos 6villl lea ve a ell provision as e followins er.,
closed th a
those who do not atban� will undouiJted. Saul L. —Th� an Vve4her appear� to pairs,: - be said sum to ex imself. He then w touchmg
ten over a sonaiwer' _g ited a renewal of lice se, ar a
ly miss a intellectul treat. I no otbLir nipsitMent the same amo nt aThere AS
�Sve hi �d a somp, A hat' letl irgic influence period of ten years. -P. Thomson on p �ntl o.] Provincial and miuniqipal appeal to all to feel their ividual. re- ilym 15 K? og b.
ven ipproac
S w -epar, from
ould h. It s the standing as allowed the sum of 1;5 for pi ing duty' Daly "mm Wilson iand d w 1 -k in f noble cause. 5
th whole co'Umiuity and not evn
'The to eth r, s1blulder to shouller, of ho9t
Tim N-Ew uuopL B Z mercurious 1 G' )odi Te' plars escaj)ed, lEcl. "flie, chairman then, related !the peculiar o0d I Mid. UILDI'- 9 -specifications for school I ouse. Win', V4n. E mond, Egmo,nd'vi!le - 9
those , vilot: I i Nature b is oDmmitte ! to oter E Am Rim.,mAGRICULrUIRAL �SOCIETY. ward Elliott, rucefieldi and 3fro.' stances atten gte organization ma ily rav
contracts for the erection of the witi-to f en to, defend and Prot ct *
bOwever d minedto iAlly their scAt-_ circum a �
be -Seaforth public school building'w"oere Ce society in r.;ma d ille P. 0.
tered b ttatio A iociNl- was proposed of the firat tempera
awarded on Firiday'lad. The coniract� their a �re pd.forth( ?erliaps little J68 _A mhetiya� of the directors of the East Harpurh�y. /ouncil theli djourneO tq
meet agan.ali Dalo Hotel, Egtn�ud- and a vored f6 1pl�eq to . attend, on "Agricultural Society was held on gas He then es, Red upo. Di. camp- V4L TY �NBO
Aeff ea of 0 -1 la Riding G,
wa 0 ro ri -011 Z. ---For SU
ing:pf Th sda- , Fob.'15, Weath- Marr 9 F4001
or the brick work s awarded t" Mr. honorn ling for one's gelf the ove rille on Friday, ll. 17, at 2 o'clock of Seaforth, to ,ive his views _ott' 1
he c tLnflyltutted
William ha L and for t arpenter Lin the d tu days o? n I, for ine or a co!m- L afteinoon last, in the council er bei favorall younk and 'old as- the sub* t Th d)ctor- comweneed by- r' all the m6mbei s being resent. I P. NJ IvAr. MCCO.NJqEL.L, Cler vine
�Ir. A. Scott. Both contracors Ing old'age. Our �i having b en y . , 9 Ith 0126
b16 I �� then began- a -ad view
work to sembl6 n the all, an .0 - nd -now b
P 1 8 saylen that the lastapeake� h ,e&
Wed to The ascalled Forthe ur
are good m -en, and the work will be well recently ca B ot by r. J. Oeling w
q; listion fro I VIM beat -ale
scene rej live a ting hParity L perhaps this All important., a nil= -
w eexecuted by tem H. 11"c od, n.je gener ac�ent of the n- of deei Ing here the li� oring nd 'Pa 'Hullett. unpara eled in It ii annals PIE Templarism. P ber of differelab stim I in He woul. �of t choli ev i kinds,
he irectors order to give view it and. 811�othel convAnle
reintroduced, 16,
se"161 ah18"76,
-[,,o mv, FACTORY. —Af I who U 11W -o ir town, Ire s low Ayrshire ed that Alcohol did not benefit a man, Apply kinds w� T tario Mubtqj it Life 'A sur-Aftee Compa y Shows shoul(t be held.
Plays vario A,GodD A from a few� thers,
Tari, SF, -A. WrIff cf a, operatin , 'n' e �nd Mo t enthu iastically�!!,. were they 'a- listened for some time to �he difficulties our iea4rs s e idea I v xPo 0,4 -,qZ*e, S.
interested in this factory will be glad to are ple ised io find 11 at 'th s Provin la clnlg by -e that had. arisen between he gri cultural caitle will co pare with other breedi for ither morally, hyj ically 4 intellectual
ed Ili tle m6rryiJuakers. The)
see by a notice which appears in another institu,iOn! ias sev . a. I eatu res that are ociety of Howick and the village Of early deVelop ent, we in,, at VAR
may 4livays be fo4nd som� Burly iind Un- ty state th. X FOB Blast
but destroy -his so4l,�'hody aud
M lyl e4
colunin, that the matters in dispute, be- well coloillated. to reconmend it toille Wroxeel. Ibappears If JtateMonto M t, X' 20 -CoA
r. 1$. - Adams, of ha i -4 Towmhip of Acre ',e
ininid, both for' time and for eternity. is. N W f, ameousep fana T
-b and the committee attentim d, urbt s a new ha, A from Mr. A. rark, OM_ d such 4mous trations i Alcoh4taken into the sy-item. he c orohardol[15 bastOlg'tro '25
sympatetid-penons wliol�would, If they made -t -iat Wroxeter had. forme ce
e6 r. Robertso, and he could, I rown of
of maagement for last year have been of fami liegi i In mc;t ol the foreign c - ;r at of merriment, boi'Titivouldbe ut'y P )uaplo ;3 h, society called the Wroxe -er Agri ulturl Old AyralAre pared in its efloots like a tornado pro -
Ingersoll a tie months
amicably -settled. The factory will -be' panies doil j'.businm n. C nrilada, th. re 48 easy to Society, and, in doin 0 retai ued the ull cal i6 V6681, drAi
ducing destruction Lod waste where -,ver
stop th, Mississl in it�' course as to b f ',�h A. � weighs 603 Pon,
worked as formerly durillg the coming are pl( nty af facili 's or ge ting ii. to books of the Howick 90 iety an I made Co1.v11_,tI3,j[EN r.�rty Su-1pzn.—The niany it 3peaker had -conclud. on the
keep wirm-hear ed yoult. in. permanent i gof-s. After the seaso a thre only difference being tht it the cot 1pat i: r, but I i d:a the re ular returns required by law in- friends of Mr. Robert Thompson, in Kin-
-to 10 R ZOO
rtb �t Lppl
e of a chagelin frigiditY. - Bask ts of P-ovisions, were ed the chairman ime de a few remarks atia- AM. t er,po al J" _r. � 1 4 - ,
]will be under the propLrietory of a joint a neirdu 3t, 6 cog that would cludin � the amounts of n �ceipts '�Ud, ex- burn and vieiiiity intena entertaiiii P. 0. to"Jo EX BUNT. o'
A b L ng .0
bi Ili ir sex, as the. fare for -and closed by iLg -that if -there ware
'sook company. matee I lealt 0� 1 n e8irable to c6n- pendi res of the previc u's yea�. The
both 8
xes. D acing fo -med some. that gentleman at a complimentary sup- any present wish, t say anything
e no lux ig
tinu r d ;tn. 1,,more on the subi6e, t ey were at liberty F -R R ISAIM,—FAut Sale
e,: rk seems to 3 decent w4y wha iq nusual, t1lou no doubt an eX reta p.evene the per Ili Mir. John. Williams'Hall,Kmib
witbou. 1 heavy. toss. This win ng heir re- on t4e eTenin of 'Thursday nex, fr. to Jig 133,43&rea swo�c
9 Of
Pmtso_N,�L.—Oa T'Liesday next, the fol- of gett ng t' i HO Society from maki
hilirati afeatul,4 of the �Veniug's enter- d s*o4 As ih�re was TIO response,
e Le
�lowinr, parties froni' this vicinity intend defec or' diedih heOntarioMutual, Tboi)ipson pro
turns. The directors dei .ided th at as the I islell deserving 9f the
tainniesto' a V fter7 a voteof than ks had be to dered =aIndr twbetad� thdre a
ille res4v a en n r . -
er ei tat law. did recognize illage Ag�i posed. compli ent, and we anticipate that tb e speakers the' i. ie -closed by bafidingo 1 leavin" here for Kans'as: Messrs. Thomas idow�(nt b 'I always, o east
�n, and ro 0 Loy, ho r and e rz d as e Ho etiq was
Thorp, Jolin Iobson., Mrs. Robso. the co: it I )f the B I' eval6 I Societyj an tok so- there will b' large number at the su�* per Rev: Brother Thoi nson an Affe
U e a
ciety bad been unable tolmake heir to do him hon or. UWug -25 6e, es, about 15 41 -which
Mrs. Jam, �s Broad foot, Tuckersm,�Ql; Al- definit'l
val e marke� on ai ill policy e r ch
in e prw. rer.—Co3t,
a4itant turns a c6ording to law, t at the, won C6,UNCIL M,FTnt�G. —A meeting of I the
anLder William Young, 1fullett ten ye a r Wood's x- 1 ��inh d d 8 of good vbst =isl log hoaS0 �oi the Dr-
s 1 advance. M �lueval�,e and vi[einity pt�'rpose building not be
Robert George R d Full4rton;'and terms are A m [rable pvppert5os and
Planat cn & the differer tt modes of ass r- able to - ell ertai� a r positi,.n municipal Con icil of the township of Hill- heap. r, a h xth
rerparti -apply to
her of the p
ro eter
James 'Nstard, A iiu a� sidewalk from the vil4e to Cie Rail- f rom e, rtei ro
mber of ance are vt 1"y concise, and fr)m : I .. 8 lett )vas held it Londesborough, oil Feb. 01
ifay tition as
era also iiib -nd going whoae nameis we an old ti acquaintar ice with him, we oon as �; possible. The 8 '� ty $15 L if tb�y 22. � All the ii iembers present. . Alinutes FARX Pu_RcHA:sFb.—Afr. William
oth Turnbe�ry Cloutwll has gailted $50 to. a villai e, offered W ocie U5
hare not learned. and Robson can vouch or We reliability of his state- would- iold the Fall ShOW in roxete.r. of former M6. -tin read and confirmed. Crae, of Morris, has purchased a farm of E
Me t1J&t portic U ti
ard --Of it t�at lies within ftr'R� a or to -nd.' 1. A TARG DW JM
adfoot go on a visit to f ri�nds; ntS.! Branch " )Ocie offer d their It wits moved. by fo ar 'lea a Mrs.Bro q success ia the compall- S, The Gi ey 11r. W&Twick, sec6nd. 100 acres witlu mi -of the to*n tuated, and mmodi
-of btiling in FmPIO is urther reummendaton. ed by Alx. M son, that the tit' inbmso, .0 a by 8 The
the others go for the purpose ttle linilits of its corporitionj and it 'Is buildiDgs and grounds on same ierms � I b -tx f Guelph, for $3,1100 nd WL remove
pe i iorl of 1.
Kansas. Thq take,tickets for boline. Uou w
expecte'd that tb Morris licit ill be last y(ar. The G.,oy Branch 8ociety' thece at once.
it$ Sael� and o re, praying that assist4nee -tainslargi P L or,
F as good as ighbor n
Tit LITC -The To'; d ontribute offer w is accepted (.n , vote. of 6 t,).- 5 In be givenitc, oorge Balderson, who has NENY.SCHOOL liff E.�At a, mingSoft water-,, t �,,met �wit two 1-44. ea
SPBZECJM,� OF HO t tit eting on Tue la�rgely�, as the gi &ter por ion 4 the side. an deident, and is in, need., be lere
ALEX'_,�T)F131 MAC Coun Al eir las: sday 4 prefer ice to the roxeter offer, io th of the trustees -of Tf ie new -school sectioa
a evenin walk will be in the lattef muAicipality. .—We have received -a. copy of rX
N,ziF W&-, honorg' with an audieAce the . n xt Fall F11 r will be held gran�ed, and.1 that the sum. of $15' be formed in Mornis the following tend bowrl g fr dt treea, P0A OU ght
said GeOrge Baldeiso
Aeatl got up volume of 220 pages, pub- the lik of Khich, foi hi:�e, a le.%at, w as �be reiiiainder-� i to be ��'Ilbuilt ; I f
y by public B r u 9.9 a. for the fiew
granted to t ehool house were received A -Ply
I ibscri�tion,—I� i-..'Fi B. 1IScotf 'is Umtor tor lished by Messrs;. James .0apbell & never QlAsed at a 03u�ncil meeting'111 -build. ity
from fund bf this township-04'rried. James Elliott, $8,110 - Wm. McDonald,
Soo, of Toronto, and f ro�m the presses of Se i ig a xiew Na kamitli ollop 16n Main Craxtbro6k. e0 -n Hall 'was r. Owson, 1, $789 ,T. 40. Hallid %y. $895 Mr. 13
afor dore. The T m
ful The pr pal que seconded, b 01
*eet, ;opposit y Y th y printers at Ottawa, o 4ohnsto0's H (ctel, He ot, 1-8 NVetfin .e Parliamentat paake tion be- NEW HAL-L.—Daines' new hill M at the clerk be author#ed ell, $780 S. Fors, rth, $782 P. -Thom- o1 -0
DAil ES ton h
ea in of Ashil d, the oudon,Hu
law a;
KeL 11, Ro-ar & Codncil was passing of a �Y- as op io. ied to notif� on and Bruce
e Kpects to hav At finisled ii� two qr w I
Messrs. i Co., cont, - fore 4 aned au the time ment son $790 J. & Ri Smith. $771) - J Or -
Ing the speeches delivered by Hou. Alex. t iree rpeks. I a , - � Wre
re �pg shop i tavern licenses. r - I I I! mick�, $8-55 D.. N Naughton let ird and in o,'
formerissue. Thedayb�iugverTBtor Rail�sayl Com, ny to pave !$7-59 - FL
friendly ga I the Railivay T b, 111P Aud fe�ocs are
'ardiff Is
-isit t 'on �e of CurllDg it was immssible u ho e concession i $875 e Sparling, �6,68. lackenzie during his recent N 0 A pet' 8 signed'b 7 about 20 r4e- tbok pl#ce on tbi 'ice odt4e Mill pdlid at o ingL crolk�iugL on t roads through
Scotland, with his principal speeches in payers a k 8�op I IL* 10,U01" irh
ing theiG undil to limit ch, bat goo number of turkey 011iship I Hullett -Carried. arded to Mr. James to mat
the i The contra�ct was Mov. t is pl�pe on So turday lost, b -Mat .Canada sin,,,e the session of 1875, coom- license 3 to &nil rDyib.,t the ale of otw6en a changel h%.LLds fit h ed Jr, ritton Sparlin ng IS 0 itay of riffle d seconded sae]s. The buildii vi
'y by 'Mr. ud Ube panied by portrat and sketch of: his lirticles 0 �r than'lic other oanies. Vivilig also to the stormy flowso: th to be' oreeted on the south half Of Lot
k from the c6.i',1ltry an One belonging the following accounts be
to the village. Plie am,1 municipal t W, ail r( men Asbfield
life and public services. Thewholefur- ahops,wa i&befq' com , ced at will be reaAyor
Council. Mr. weather the ball prbved apartia failuxe paid, v1Z th clerk $45.715 for 25, n6, Morris,,
the 00 e i
ilialies an -interesting and USefal John 1�eti 3 addrosE �. 2:45 11. and ftill,6f F. Patterson geato4b.
uncil in
0 pe�t
for 4'rried. Mo
although those pAseut eemed Ito enjj)y election 0 occupation by the Its
ting ds skip fo.�t e ses, and its. Fair t of August next.
and all admirer of the Dominion Pre- support �o ar d Mr. M. P, lie co ntry "Tink and ly ing x
T. hro,�vn for the vill ge. The game- themElves exceedin ell, ju dgi 1)y lai k— ved b� micr should Dossess themselves �of it. 1 It ayes irl pqpositlo tD t, A resolutim,
the lat mess of -the hour at which tfiey & Wa Hiftert.
rwic i, Be
Will be of i;iberest foi- present reading, moved by
the Ree e, nd seconded by �as k4+nly coxtested all throu h but �uded by Mr. Howsonthat, I
Cotailli A -Cres
persed, T d tring )and, ar 1875, as OBITUARY. -L�Uali of our readers Will fto
the playing was, 0 A nei, he )3racefiel the �relanrer Report for ringS and as a souvenir to lay by for future Cou-noi lor ]1eattie, so 900C as we
reC, v�n the petit n 0 regre,
some reason �d 'be n DW p, if �sed, and that said r to learn. of the death of Ur. D. i aeres, a house
or r as ret unexplaine 1, e eport
have se n it oi former �oecasions. At
ly a te,
reference it i8 espeoi, ppropH, and adthor ,ing tliq I a Nn of a by -1, failed I o put in an i �tten('auce. be printed in h1jeet form, idence pr. Is fhe b�,st. of Un
in acebrdance with b e ayer of the' C say 50 copie, — ry,
B Bar which took place at his
rst Patterson'. tink toA the lead Tnd - I -t __
0 0. N F, -the. rc And, -Adjohiing h
t it for nearb RT. —MISS Nloon ,y, inui ic teae � I- arried Th,, council then adjourned to I in Hibbert on S ZUy ialst. M.
lie Use .01
us BrUsselu -19 �03
was one of the 'pi Utsin Z C ounty 101 n. 14m
RO-BaLuty.—Oq. Saturday last, a pan. petitio t in�� ac f ir a the number or of this place, he A a concert ih Tuck's meet agin atZondesborough on Monday, settlers of the
�ep two thil6s of the gal
I Edwar Jones brok b village! -ound
.ter name( op
of sho lici ises to bt ,,n,*n ed was c)n- tbn tll� began 0 gain gi hall on Thursday e renin , the 16th in8i., Feb.L 28 at 2 'clock P� X., for the pur- !town p int r_V
trunk Ili the house of Mr. Thorsas Head- cerne& gradually, and'a the clOse of the game sh-ft, and by d perseverance fur0re , WI&Ws A
wo submitte vnd carried. "he
which Vv sue( ly, in this town,ad took thereft the scoiile stood to 28 �n favor of the as a.decide L ess, both.musi c. pose. of lettin bridge on concession roads and indstry succ Boded in converting a L om $6()0,, Reeve id oullcilors Bett: c, 01ray I 1c.
The: llowingi� are the names. Poe w forest firm into a
And hurriedly ILA b fo) parts un kno w'n. It illager$, ally and financially , - I itful
At iong., th' 2 and 3,1 Lot 2t fr at - and comfoit-
Naugh; ail IliamE ted for the r(so-
took pA rt in the coz �cert 1 ve e Mi Aloo; bTe homestead. le was a quiet, -unob- &W AND FARU OF 100
ems tha Jones, being on ititiniate terms lu f the �Iayers i order Country—R, r 138 w
tion. nincilor.s tong, t il�urnberry. The soUseribarg offer
ey.9 SiEters from Wingliam, Miss Al trusive and extrem kind-hearted inso,
with Mr. Headly, was in the babit, of fre- BroadfDOtj 'w""' Sibbald; -,T, irbi �rsou Mit�hell, and of md. Gias3i irefrained from L of Gre�,- Mr. Mat. �Arm., trong, of Bru S- DoiN.r4s and was beldin L V hi,&Itett esteem
tl- Pztersori, ; 1p, age�— IV. G . .1 1"
41 8 eeting
quen calling at his, house. On the clay voting OUNCIL.—At a in
Council -1 0 ipbell vo, uff, F sels, a0d,Mr, Geo -V ril Tnrnber y council h wer 3 and
Ila. queStion he calledat Headly`�S betwe '*a i the B. &ot ge Sqott, well-lKno the hi neialabors alt Who knew b- t Saw, shingle
en agains it. A,rosolut on en Mo ed 71 NV. MOser �nd Or,, T. eld in Lo Ulu
i% Opre are n
ateur CoMi I ULe of ino common or. Wingba�m o n le tjbie& In 4goo, I I and 12 o'clock I ii the f oreD oon. Ill Brown -'ski i a n Peb. 14, all the members He ha(fbee in foi a cnsiderab
'the -1 T, o fmm
secot. awei&g boil
by M�. I btiel in deil by r. a a
fleadly wis from llioli)e, Headly Al A I
cNau I to the: e 04 del- Mr Duffy perfdrined some resent'l the $palo of statute labor was His remains were I aterrec. t e IT t only two 1 upon t", erne. good a og daDeing. � Mr. 1. J T, uck a] 3o Secided lid, a resolution carried to town burial ground!- on Moday, and the able U1*1K consisting -0 1pine, U1
having occasion to o out, left him in the upon
9 shop lipen8" o be grame'd. ii t was moved e
funeral Was One of
benllock*n gave 6plendid stuinp speech, lwio6d, vith
house alone. The scou-ndrel, tki rr ad. in arnendni mt by M.',.':Wil 01), seconded me days!�ago as Upon t ie the efte0t th any pers( irgely 4t -
young )n Paying the the most Is
wholeL I ille. entertai tit f ian riaoied Jas-. Broder I a 11 was an iieelle it Pathmaster 7 5, cents for,each day' labor tended ivhich taken place im ChO ns giVeUlor folUng!
varicage of the confidence thus reposed n by Mri St g, that th' I ick, Of the town- me lactorv, at -
on c. when tny t a 'For
licenses gt�. nted. T1 el amendment, ivta Hy" was handlin a re - volver . in
shop I one, a�d ndging from the recepti
him, enterud bed-rooni, broke open a �re �e our ship of j notified ibilieu, of work, the Path- neighborbood for any years. There Fo - r
various pei -1the same and a ly the were 150 conveyat es in. the-processiOn- let Wier s ore, in, erne, t by L ter� odt -paid, of
trunk and took troin it the sum above B weapon went corded he rfor nances,the audi. master receiv' 0 a v -to A, T. TO N
.ca.rrie ie by-law, founi ed on these ence w�lrerwell satisfied, named. lie at lef t the h o u s e c ff, the' -At th elose 'money tc) imp. 6vinrf the road di-
ro resolut ion� and fi e r ball bittj�g his nger, inflictin wt$thlel 'P 1:0.
X n 9 the Co ert, a quadrille b ind was, broug' t vision. Mr. K.'�owell was appoint- Londceboroush-
he I cense-fe o
a severe-
ceeded to one of th6 live�ry stal)les, pro- both a 1OPF nild hotels t $LO�10, was read wound, and,pas d so near tw
0 into re uisition, and the merr danc ed Ass �,ssor or, -the present year.
cured a horse and bu,--ty mid drolu to 16ar. three inies and pasAe r. 'Thoma �thers �-lib'iwere ; ear him as t -OL y A Smimtox HousF, BuRGLARIED.—The Dig NA M MVE To DVI
was ko t u until withi rilatures - I i I
ronbrook. lie arrivud at C eii� hea Fo rtunately nOD tarn Railway statior
ltilllo� brook Ili lie'd, protesb against the passage rus t e 7 si, was presented Great We i h6use at
-idd I morni P an early hour in tie petition
I all participating Onjoyiilg tbeni- fro�p B1 ieval'
time to. take the I o'cloak expi,ess ea t- Bking agrant Of ��50 to LondegboroLUgh broken intoastMon- TAI sewfounts o
of the by'l c notice that 1he ly iujured, although all were
w, and g elves mmensely. assist in bui Ing a ICA
adly If a$ alk from the day night by some I karty or partiestill
sidew CID lv left 0v vehicle,- prouu�ed woul L'te f it legalit in the D'ou tg A Ll"ITLE GO.Ijbip The principal to ic village
.He ac" Younrp Broderick w
tie.IC-et foruffalo and got on to th3 railway station. The.
oard the Thus ended the procee ings in refer e not aw -e of the OL known.. The 6iltrance, was effeeted by LIS, Sevol th,
stn W
trai -The conductor of the frain to ;a, t e prayer c If the! )etitiou �was granted'and breakin- in the'widdow of the Waiting -
n. sa 8 . or he wbu ilevOIV61-�, being loaded, for gossip in this vie'inity ju
the ice-, likeb, have b6en more care -
Y e cluestio i, 'Y AST M
elopoem -,tit of a you!nw couple whose the ;rior ey is -,,t:) be paid whell the k ro ence through the 6t wicket
he left it at Brantford. The purchasing — Tlie at endance i t the Geti f 31 in. fiandlin 'it. - Th'� should e- INFor om, tick WMNZ. —T�ose paxtic
lig as 9 how -
of the ticket to Buealo as, therefore gpective ages may be about IS ye is on o thel 3atisfactioni of the couiicil. to the office. The ticket �case - -was tanl- P their ac -counts
a fair I' d eiver, bo, a rarnhig to hin�-' in future, and
ex of the fei li ig of the peoL e f Sth �of the �,pypsent.
This young and tender-lib"trted, but.w The.f I g were appoilited as po ed. There
0111 a blind. From Brantford he would, of the shouldteac hirulthath-et"pannot be to Squal[h. -caOtt y W4 Thereh Is �een no 0 nnd- pered with, but w Lq not open
p tal- ic .. ward, ouple took it into ',heir heads to e keePe for Ithe present year: i Ill -le bu
take some otherline of railway, Seafortb reful in h ms, ohn is nothing m so wound up :at 01108.
no doubt� questi:04 81' ace the ex... e4cE of CR Ddli Ig fim-a�, joined. �ogetber in thd, o 'FAML0 Y-.
y onds of m t. Tbomps ]Mitevale; F. W. Irwin Bel.
and would, in a few hours, be out of- the which, 4aS reated so gr�a� an exciteh4nt i NEw,'CiArisrs FACTOV.—Mr, D
-OT.AF To TRF, -P Lx
Avid rimony irrespective of wishes th ir more ohn i �argill, Con. 12 Robert Roodl rerville.
digoov 'VV )oing wore c stin: 8, ThMnas James, Lower Wing -
reach of pursuers. The robbery was not and so' =Uch street iodussion as this gtauffoi�,, former. of t4l,e township of papas nd mamas, ho, 0�1- Ha
�unday afternoon.. CHEP-sm M-Romm—A Meet- to the MV40=
'book aeWn ht are berebyluotMed
on. action of �he Dumfrids, in 'tlx Count� of Waterloo headed and not blinded I y the tenider p - bam aid aliao' the following as fence Ing of the patro and others - intdr, ered until S As license! the
soon as the robbery was discovered, Jones Counail'� il% ;he f
any PMOU 0611"t
debLtgdU.e Must be to for hotel hasleas"ted he 4rm fort�erlv belonging sion as were th6ir oN, -in tea in the R ;qu, 0
e to g, very WiBEIY viewers . Saznuel Anderson, Thomas es
enseB R erville cheese factOrY
was at once suspeeted, and upon enquiry lie 40'ioilge Zito oncur. M r. 13le Ir the 4 ag of Beme,_ though the match Mal' be deferred for Aitkev,ir,,Dje�ns, Sr., W`M. Green, Jas. egb JF c AMS� X LUT
will U held at factory, on TU OV otels in &4;eofor aking arrang'ements for the a year Or two y an obody be hurt. Beatty, and: John W. Walker,. The nexi, Feb. .29, at 2 odiock p. M., for the
bein o, made the above particulars respe t- nunib,61
will be ae- n et,
;ion it a
Ing his- hurried departure from town were areasO', uh er the o�etatio of th,e,new erection of nt�w �heese factory, The yo ing'couple, howel dr could not b
I L , trustees of SI.;S. No. 11 applied 'to the purpose of maki)a
elicited, Every effort has been made to law, by at ast one h o that these _g arrangements for thO
Alf, E which We expeatl brou
an 'iiuthorized to borrow the coming season's bu.
Ito, haveteady for work
�rs in the same co, cil to be.,
who in to look at matt,
4Y_ r. Stauffer has light afi� their senio accordingly . n sum of "NO f6k ton years at the rate of d- -the. veral routes Will
ascertain his whereabouts, but. - as yet' fortunatf pnoulgh to secure about the lit of may. sinless. The
M, ant.
nothing has been heafdL of bim. A reward license cab well a in view o e e
en in �he �cheej busines's for a number Tiiesdav moming 6
f last week they se. per pon� per Wanum, payable in 10 equal be let the same da
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