HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-25, Page 52Py 1,876. Idg of money from the ptb setae -Ma purposes. ; prate schools, but free see i for allt eon for all—taxation of !all , by religious bodice upon ita value. . )ening of all pnblie institin and, religneue or otherwise aection by Government ofa ; t shall be the duty of the er in every Orange County A a tgeneral election, eithe or Dominion Parliareents,to atforrn to the candidate or ascertain if they will sup not, and then to call a, Coun .fore the day of polling, aod the candidates will support tfonn, then it shall be the 'teitney Lodge to bring out a beep Licenses, of the Baron Exp081tor. nu- editorial under the AbOEfr inr last issue, there are thr eto which, as one of the je 'fish- to reply. I think y on behalf of the petitio ,Licenee bill passed by th mid have been much mor them if the clause you speal ae of its provisions; for thli 'enved them a good deal o 1 I quite agree with you the ay probable that at the nee Legislature, the Govern pre Need to make such re cml," that is, "if the pro tken to convince that bed tnges are desired by the pe totally disagree With yo 1roper steps,' to he taken, that body so that they date Now, you are quite aware ,at the member for ItTorth Clarke, introduced a bill a ement of the late EIC18420n ? rhich was far more sweeping ter than the present bill. lent refused to support that the people had not shown for such changes as it pre- ning themselves of the law existence, and Dr. Clarke ;MUM favor of one promised anneut, which bill we not1v Lich leaves the law, ao far es I are coecerned, just where r, we propose to °Maine nit "that these changes; a e people," by !wailing oui law as it now is. You tel tid not be " prudent for an y aicil to enact a restrictiv' a kind," and yea especial] uticipal relent that 'in th: veuld be wisdom on their thiage as they are." Sup - ice were acted upon by en- lity, each one zealous lest uld be directed elsewher, would "the Governnaent take such restrictiorte we ask ask for. For it is eavernment would be pow 7 such &measure, unless; th ir public interest and sAp- te a eindly- "pressure front ; swell the canvass of the rk with the breath of pub- ; We must, therefore, as c to ourselves, and in the te have the best warrant to presentment of the case a' t Seaforth 1 regard as very "Ay because you assume tha neet alma can satisfactor on state that by restricting Lfic in the way and to the td "the number of grown; ull be decreased by one tine is not an argument, 4 Action—ea pronhecy. A believe it. -It is mere as at proof. To fulfil the prove the assertion, yen et the restrictive measure roar conditional unproved , go for nothing. It is ty. pass over the infer drawn from your assume( t ettention, to a, few facts ve have, in all, 25 stores these dry goods eatalelish eix combine groceries wit .; of these also sell liquors - 14 are groceries, five a ;Li liquor stores. In al e seven sheps whie I- Haw is it supposed the One that we shall believe timply because. it is found, paper e That if we reduce ghop licenses from seven to t the Council has decided); ic liquor business from all we shall at once dose up ies. of the place, drive away es to marepeititeentpiacea " to bear for a while a for all time a greater" e; less than one-third of liquors, and if it is such pt efitable pert of their he loss cif it would shut gross injustice has been er fourteen ?" They, poor need to the necessity of feed, grain, meat, &c.," from the way you speak lawn a little. \Vell, they lation, if it is not so ee- tet they den't hurt any - another aspect of the II not touch now further t if all the benefits aecru- n this traffic were pantot Liehl not balance a huu- dte mischief, for it is a; stetst parties wink at it ;at it. is only productive which it realizes in crime, nal and every evil work. Le or TUE PETITIONERS. • 14711: 4011 a Rev. W. A. An- tiastorate of the -United Lurch, in Galt, was the drawing together of the ration ever seen in the I.- eduction. services were After prayer Rev. Walton preached a ser - rent, taking as his text, :el chapter, 23d verse, christee and Christ is itircssing himself most tjuently to the valuable , Words. On the conclu- an Rev. Robert Acheson, tor of the church, who the incoming pastor the A questions, which core- . Rev. John Gillespie, of tet the pastor in becoming tty to his congregation, Gina addressed the cell- ir duty to their pastor, t I t Thessalonians'5th d 13th verses,." And we rethren, to know them ii Fankulutv 25 1876, imionowsk loommoolmmo, which labor amongst you, and are over you in the: Lord, attd dollmonish yen." "And, to esteem them very highly in love for their Work's sake and be at peace among yourselves." On the con - elusion of a very able discourse the Con- gregation separated. SITOR DISTRICT MATTERS. Stanley. PffUPERTY CHANGES. —Mr. John Lent, of the tow nehip of Stanley, has sold his farm on Con. 4, to a Mr. Cook from Wal- ton, for the sum of $4,500. This farm contains 10Q acres. Mr. Laut has pm, chased the 100 acre farm of: Mr. Peter Philips on Con. 1, and intends removing , I , on to it 1 ; 1 1 MeKillop. COUNCIL kkETING.--The Ceueell met at Chambers' hotel, on Feb. 19. • MM- utes read and confirmed. A few eccou.nts were presented and ordered to be paid. Moved by Mr. Kerr, seconded !by Mr. Grieve, that a by-law be passed in ac- cordance with the Tavern Licence Act, lately amended, limiting the number of taverns in this municipality, and that the number' of taverns authorized to take out tavern licences be not more than four —Carried. ' The by-law being read and passed accordingly. Moved by Mr. Ma- lone, seconded by Mr. Kerr, that the Reeve be instructed to take legal advice and immediate action relative to Ithe po- sition of the road on side road 15 and 16, Con. 8—Carried Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded . by Mr. Grieve, that the next meeting of Connell be held at Hannah's hotel on the first Saturday in March next, when; the auditors' report is ex- pected to be presented. I J'elfle O'SULLIVAN, clerk. . .' 1 ;L Chilton. ['PROM THE NEW ERA.] I NEW ENTERPRISE. —Messrs. Doeherty & Menzies, 'musical instrument dealers, of Clinton, have commenced the manu- facture of organs in that town. . Mull SCHOOL B tr ILDING. —The , trus- tees of the Clinton High School have pur- chased a site for a new building at a cost of $1,950. It is contemplated to erect a new !school building on this site next slimmer. . , • Tile LICENSE Quesprox.—At ;he last reeding of the Clinton Council' it was decided to Separate the liquor and gro- cery businetn; and to limit the number of shop liceuCes to two. Shop licenses were placed 1 at $200, and hotel 'licenses at $125. FINE Hoesn—A few days ag°: Mr. It. McCullougn, of Goderich townsnip, was offered $800 by an American buyer, for a " Peacock" colt, three years eld this spring. The colt has taken several first prizes, and Was never beaten. It stands 16 hands and girths six feet three and a half inches.It is pronounced t te best colt in this Section. PROGRESSING-. — The London, Huron and Bruce is rapidly gaining t ado, in the way of freight, live stock, co dwood, grain, &c., being shipited in lar e quan- • tities from the stations along t.j he line. For the short time this road has been in existence, we believe it has done ts much business as eny, road in the Pro ince, in• comparison with its length. At Clinton station a second switch has bee laid to facilitate the moving of trains, nd also a large blacksmith shop has been erected for repairing and other necessar werk. We believe it is the intention of t e com- pany to erect a brick station ouse in the spring, .and use the present one for freight alone. 1 ' A SAD CASE. —On -Friday last, young man who gave the name of Muth le was arrested in Clinton on suspicion A hav- ing stolen a pair of boots from t e front of Mr. Taylor's shop. The boots were . found in Rein's stable, where the prison- er had. a moment before been seen, but 'as there was not sufficient evi- dence to coni iet him, the magistrate dis- missed the case, giving him 25 Minutes wherein to leave town. Mulligan has re- cently been employed as a navvy on the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, and looks about es dejected and forlo n as it is possible to become. He is an excel- lent penman; and was at one timoa clerk in the store of Mr. A. T. Stewatt, New York, who is the "Merchant Pri America, but becoming dissipate course, lost his situation, and co going downward till he reached Ii out condition, ice" of , he, of tinued pres- etoderieh Notes. As was foreshadowed in a previous let- ter the demands of the temperance party are radical and extreme in rela.tioe to the issue of licenses. A petition has been —circulated asking the Council to reduce the number of hotel licenses to nine, and to establisle but one shop for the sale of liquor. Over 500 names_ ha,ve been ob- tained to this petition. .1A novel idea is also being carried out in connection with the movement, viz,, the obtaining of the signatures of hotel and grocery keepers themselves to the petition. Thre of the prominent temperance -men of th town have this special work in hand ndin - the early part of this week those peripa- • tetic advocates of Prohibition mig t have been seen laboriously passing frofu hotel to hotel, from grocery to grocery, with i what success s best known to them- selves. On Saturday last three boys went to skate on the river here and not satisfied with the good ice, ventured to the centre of the river where the current runs so fast that no ice forms. Here they amused themselves with breaking the thin ice off into the eurrent. A large piece of it, however, suddenly broke and precipitat- ed one of the -bop into the stream. 'Phe other -gallantly endeavored to aid him, but was himself' drawn in. The other boy then ran for help, but the current rapidly• drew them under, and no trace has yet been found of the bodies,although large gangs of men have been cutting the ice every day since. 1 The curling Match between Goderich and Lucknow was not closely eneegh con- tested to be interesting. Lucknew sent three rinks, Tennant, Malcolm and Kerr, skips, while the Goderieh skips were Humber, Hutchinson and Horton. Hum- ber's rink had -a small advantage over their opponents, but Lucknow was 25 points ahead on the whole. Several hy- potheses are put forward to account for the defeat of our men, one being that although the match was played on cold water" they did not confine themselves wholly to that invigorating beverage, an- other that the "essence of moral evil" in other words laziness prevented them from using their brooms with much energy. The charitable way of putting it, however, is that Lucknow has practised more dill- - gently and the return match will .make things even. Mrs. Peek, better known as Susanna Evans, the now famous Welsh oratress, created a most favorab delivering two leett Street Methodist Cli wonderfully good voi tion, easy and graceful hensive and well store ly judicious and happy language, and passablyred lo impreesin S in the ch. She _clear! on action, e co mind, e$cee n her cho Some Of her enthusiast"' timirers that they would ratite. -Gough, but it mut be are benediets, who, ac are to receiving 'Our ones are charmed to fin who can do it in an isten to he t pposed stomed from the one lady reeable Ie m and to whom they canl eten in a to etate of mental composure.— CAf3 1 A MAD Ox—On.—A. goodly nu those who happened to be , on tile Square about 10 o'el might have continued faith in the poet's esti tient, large -eyed ex," little incident which farmer brought an 0 while' he was barteri a number of little cuthe brute until it beca and although a rope horns and to its right t to make things gene The farmer made an beast,but he was for furious charge, and h get through the chain -Cioure House before t reached him. The o eluded his bargain wit then tproceedecl to cap but every effort only'incited the wrath of the beast. Severe deavored to lasso him ithi an i quarter cable, and wo k on to place ii ate of th d it notIn thee own r to mare it with b kept en e uncontro as tied al) e leg, it m ly pretty j. rt to sec d to flym! just a a uard an enrage er has the but h ire his m 0 0. here, orth as a tachi- pre- ding- ce f iticln ea e • th• n, suh rthfa r tur r nne rab e L. r f napdri kiao tt, en d. t, an toile oyi labl ut its naged re the, fore iti ed, td lid the 1 ro he fl S. I id approc smiling assuringly, l'olding t before them as temptingly as if i bunch of rich . grass, but his o ,would become so ince sed at he that he would , char e wildly Would-be captor, and mend him 7 and terror-stricken hi Meg fa while the crowd laugi d Find loudly. A chapter w uld not cient to detail all the, • mtising of the affair, but the., amusem great when the con. ageous ci preached the animal • ndthen s tiff in the most unclip' ed' mann hair on end, coat tails' ying in t until they had got far n a vasno erowdflying from • tie Oat e young man was throw i down funate beast, but ,w about an hour the ekir And fain he limp And still the wc That one poor, Cl: • Could baffle sti4 At last, by twitting; a the beast's legs and n was mastered, the cretin while the beast bellewed was firmly secured aid; slaughter house, a d, lire CO WfllO erty, more, 'non - and a hit noo e ere a deco t t ha I atle s elte aud d su - iden s W s aj ipped with • wird f t e Oe he i Fr ecl, 8 t. h ishr, can ablaut, der -grew pled ox Li grew. arge rop seetirigl cheerio efiant v • take this, «1. 1 abo m, esti Our readers have pro ably di his carcass.—Sign0 • ! ___1_____ Huron Ni:zstes, 1 ThoMontreal Tel gialph Com opened a branch offi e fie Kippep. ' —Mr. J. Swelter n of. Hay, to have had seven lams -.Added flock of *sheep,: born ii the firs February. —The village Coupe 1 of Ex ,refused to grant licenees : to. 'parlors." The w sdom16f. ON questionable. - i —A series ofrevinel eeting ing held in the Methiodist. c Blyth, with good remit 0. A la her of conversions htve iteen m 1 ' —Messrs. Brown Scl, Mein the bonus was recently vote Brussels people, have out," and will not corn to e vi the it —It is likely that; C neon will new High School be idieg, th School Board having nivested 4 once with the Council"Is With tif , [, in view. —A curling match f r the Cl medal came off at God rich, on t inst., between the Gode eh and L clubs, resulting in a vicltoiy for t by 25 shots. —Division Courti1w 1 be hel ron during the month nf Marl lows : ,At Goclerich, onl the 2c1 ; 4th; Dungannon, 28th Sealer The Courts will open a - le' A. --At the i'rovincimiil Grand Lodge of Western Ont me' held ilton, last week, Rev. Hugh Co Brussels, was appointecPGrancl Cl and Rev. T. Watson, of Bayfield, the Deputy -Grand Chaplains. • '—We understand thee- the Re of South Huron are about present Cameron, ex -M. P. for that Ridil a solid silver tea serei.e as a to their appreciation of hi services Reform cause while their represe --Under the new license act l will be entitled only to four ho stead of six, and Wirtjg ani to ti number, although it i urged b that if a new censi ls were t the latter place it woe :d be ent five. , ' —The contract for r inkling h Miller bridge in the tont !ship of C WEIS let by auction on Monday 1 s Lewis John Brace, of Wingharn the successful one. The competitio very keen, no less than 278 bid made within an hour, tktinn a and falling down to $3,i9. —The Lucknow Caledonian has procured four sets of hamm curling stones of the st ndard we the North American Ca.ccionian s tion, t� be distributed. ln the tot of Ashfield, Wawanosh Huron at loss, so that they ma practice annual tournament. —A social in connection wi Presbyterian Sabbath - Scho 1 Helens, was held in th village 10th inst., which, not ithsten 1 inclemency of the weat er and •t state of the roads, was i grand over 200 persons being present, tea Mr. Leask, pastor of the gation, was called to the chitin an hours were spent in sii eches an ing. - —At a late meeting_ f the W Council a by-law was p ssed, ap o the following municip :officers tea Kent, assessor of cal vitae salary of $40 ; W. J., •leCutch sessor of stocks ; sal y, $10 ; Davidson, license ins ector f months ; salary, $8 ; J, .Ansle stable ; D. Campbell, i e and et specter and caretaker ei Council ber_; salary $40 ; audit re. J. and James Ferguson,1 $2 each salary of Mr. Hayward. Clerk an urer, was raised to $15. --Exeter has had a-- lively tim battling with the fiery elemen excitement caused by he destru the Union Hotel stab es, on t inst., had scarcely pas ed, when the following Tuesday evening, 0 0 II 0 fro ha lai o h ek Lt Ihliaar e on s e b nuni vhom the bU eked 1 ge. hive High c pfer- bject deni knoiv att r e. a fol. ton, 29th. Orange ani en, of a lain, one of o n Mr. g, with • n of i the t tive. seek es in. same same len of tl d to • it 01 • Ben borne ,Mr. being was being 6,000 eiety s and ts of ocia- ships Kin - r the th6 the il th be CeS fte ngr fe sing- haiL ntring 'Sex - at a - ame tw co t i ha Le Th re I 1. ate! Th on 12t n tb out o'clock, the,fieemla Arm w agaih heard, and it was diecovered ;that the eargage shop of Messrs. We.sh & So waecon :fire. The buildingand i.11 its o nte0s, ;Con- taining workmen's tools an °blur prop- erty, Were totally destrpyos nothing be- ing Baited. The al loss is es ime.ted for 00, 1)0 the -policy had expired at over $2,000. T 0 shop was insured about la week pre ions. mak' praise is accorded to tl e firem n and • en- gines, both t e han engine doing good w!!!z(5hk l Tuesday e ening o lastweek a large humber of people we e present at the 'Onion ojiurch, at Po Albert,to i participate in i the delight of a te party. ' An excellent, repos wasrovid d and freely partaktn of, eiter wh eh lIty. Mr. Hartly occupied thq chair, c id introduc- ed the several speakers n felicitous terms.! Metiers. ,S" verigh Goderich ; Bland), Dungannon and Leask, 1; St. Helene, addressed% e meet ng veryeAC- oeptably. The proceeds of the meeting will be used in i prOvinAt the chillrbh 'sheds and in reasin the nday School librarY. The Smith's Hil choir Was present, and sang some choi e pieces dur- ing the evening, making all things go as pleasant as nimrriage bells. There was a social on the folk ving ev fling, which 1 ; was pretty w ll attended. --Alliewie t corrZepondo it states that Mr. John Johnston,of the 1 ighth Con- e ssion of that township, as been for the past few menthe lying ii a most pre- carious state, his sufferings eing chiefly in the head, and heeame so terming that his recovery was altegether esnairect, of; in fact, the case wee of so erione n na- ture as to baffle the: genius if the Medi- cal aid, that could be pi pour di which, of course had the ten ency to dispel, every hope of- his recovery. His friends were told of an old lady -n the i eighl orhood of Clifford'who wasendow d of a 1;gift by which she could removn all silk ail- mente which, of errs°, Is as serioiesly doubted for e'Whil , but it was thought ; that atrial would do 'no h rm, nd I she was accordingly brought t the reecue althorn) at the eleventh hour, and, etriege to sale without giving med thee .of any kind, he immediately begai to recover, and is now walking round and gaining rapidly. Wether it is t at the time had arrived for the diseas to take a, , chang , or Whether it wa caned; by some invisible 'power of hers is ; not knowe, but one thing is su e, he began to improve immediately afte her arrival. She was not in the house ore theri 20 , minut s till he was able to i et up, som he ie wasnotable to lo for some, weeks before/ In this en1 ghteped ;age folks have given up 'every at perstition of that kind, but this case, Grange as it may appear, is nevertheless rue. ,1 —Theodore Tilton lecture inst., an the 28th i under the auspices claf the stitute on ton on, the 29th. --The total - cost' of the quired duringlast year for tive branches of tne Dom ment amounted tol 57,298. amount the Senate require and the House of Common --Mr. T. RTheropeon'0- 'delivered an addressin To urchin enening, at the meeti era! Association on" Worn advocating her ra„jre liber ,and her admission o the f the learned professions. His COMPOSITION ON Frs lowing essay on ” Fish" the cad attributes to a Cembridg live in ithe At antic Ocean, and seine in Buzzard's Bay. are smell they are celled co they are called whale . The riii, and sucht but when t is cut up andibiled and mac acne oil fel-gaslight; their inter Whale benes fer ivory and dominoes; also for jack - and horn button. I wish a Swatter my school teacher, y is alwas eat Friday -LI hate 4-oo many boils ter pick out. ' in Toronto chanicst la- in HaMil- printingj re- oth Perlis- °. Of this $14, 53225, $42,765441, mud l Briggs) nto on nat- g of the bib - n' e Sphere," 1 education anchise .and .—The ifol- Beaten Her - boy "Fish harks river, When they fish and her- ey grow e up at of whiles, O inter k'ero- ones is Made pian r keys -nife handles what would u bet. Fish fish ; there's Auction Sa14 Hotel,Saturday,, Seaforth, 26tth itthb; a1i, aarmi Meaanghey & 1-{Ohnested, P. Briee, auctioneer. On Wednesday, March 1 lege of Brucefield, 50 Villa Swan, proprietor; • ..T.P Brin On Thursdey, March 2, Con. 17, Grey, Far n -Stec ments. Jas. Johnson, pi -op Brine, auctioneer. -Friday, March 3, on Lot R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm ments, &c. Wm. Whiteheac J. P. Brine; Saturday,- March 4, on t in Seaforth, Valuable Tot John Crawford, proprietor ; auctioneer. . Tuesday, March 7, on Lo StanleY, Farm Stec and James Baird,: propi ietor ; auctioneer. 1 Tuesday, March 7 on Lo Goshen Line, Stant y, Far Implements. John nod, p Bossenberry, auctioneer. Saturday, March 111, on 5, Melitillop, Farm Stock iii cuts. Patrick Centillon J. P. Brine, auctioneer. +I . Cora ermal M tKillop. elicit rs d-, at tie ivil- Lt:.1! A. , aue loner. ti E. Lei; 7, and Imple- eter ; JTP. Con ock, , pro . 8,,H. rietor; e peen) see n Property. J. P. Brine, - 21, 'on, 3, mpl meets, J. P. Brine, 6, one -10, St ck Cad °pricier E. ot 10, Con. and Jul le- proeirie r ; , • — .10......nommummotorn BIRTHS. : DWKSON.—In Seaforth, on Feb. 19, the wife of Mr, S. Dickson, pestmaster of a SO . ' 1 HArs- s.—in Scaforth, on Feb. '20, the wife ofMr. William H. Haynes, Of a son., ! SE1-3100.ff.—Ify .Goderich, on Feb. 119, the wife of iMr. William H. Seyineur, of a son. .•, MILLElk.—In Goderich, on Feb. 19, the wife of Mr. J. R. Miller, Inspeetot Of Public Schools, nf a SOIL GBACEk.—At Usborne manse, op Ilieb. 14, the Wife of Rev. H. Gracey, of a son. ! MARRIED. BLATCTOCED—BUCHANAN. —On Feb, 48, at the manse, Kippen, ter Rev. H. Cameron, Mr. J. Francis Blatchford, to Miss Margaret Buchanan, both of Usberne. Foesealn—Weninet—At' Brussels, on Feb.; 22, by Rev. S. donee, Eliza Wright, to James' Forsyth, all of Niue- ; gels .1 ;DEATHS. BARRY1 Hibbert, on Feb, 19, Daniel Barry, aged 65 years. Sreeterne.--In Grey, on Feb. 20, Augus- tus Henry„ fourth son of Mr. Richard Sperling, aged 20 years. Cowen. --In McKillop, on Feb. 17, Mar- garet, daughter of John Cowan, Eke, aged 13 years.' ; ' HE MARKETS- pl,,•••••••••••••16.111 . SEAFORTH, Feb. 24, 1876. Full Wheat.. , ' 0 00 to 0 92 Spring Wheat, per bushel ......... 0 80 to 0 92 Oats pqr bushel. . , . . , ..... 0 80 to 0 81 P as per bushel .., 0 60 to 0 68 Barley per buehel.... .. . ... ..... 0 50 to 0 55 Butter,No, 1,poose.. 015 to 016 r 0 14 to; 0 15 Ftour, per barrel 5 00 to 0 00 8. • l• ' Flay„ , ..... #• ,. see • 8 00 to 9 00 Hides /3 00 to 8 50 Sheep skins , .... 0 30 to 1 00 Salt (retail) per barrel, 0 80 Salt (wholeSale) per bannl070 Potatoes, new, per bushel 0 25 to 0 80 Ottmeel lip br,1 0 00 to 5 50 Weed.. • .., .. . . 2 00 to 2 50 Beef, • •SI • 0 i 11 c 11 # • I. 4 00 to 6 00 PCrk..1,...4 A 8 00 to 8 10 r ..i , .1, 0 10 to 0 12 Tallow............ . . . . ...... . 0 06 to 0 064 Clever $eed........... I ..... , . .. 4 75 to G 25 !CLINTON, VOL 24s OM. Fall Wheat, per lin ehel............ 0 85 ig 0 91 Spring Wheat, per bile el. .. . . .... 0 SO @ 0 90 Mite, per buehel..., . ' • 0 28 0 30 Barley, per beetled..., .. @ Peas, per bushel 0 45 0 55 @i 0 58 © 0 60 Batter .. .. ..... 0 6 IQ 0 17 Petatoes.... • 0 0 CO 0 85 Eggs 010 (4) 014 Hay, per ton, .-- „ . . .. 9 60 0 11 00 Beef .. Perk ' • , . , .. it p 3 76 108 • -----4 , La, DON, Feb, 17, 1876. ' Deihl fall whe t, . $1 60' to $1 70; Treadweli, $1 55 to $1 On; red. fall, $1 50, to $1 60; s ring, $1 55 to $1 62; barley, $I 40 to 1 50; peas $1 io to $1 12; oats, 83c dressed hogs, 7ne to 8.}c ; - clover seed,I per bushel, $5 65 to $ *__10 ; butter, rolls, 20c to 22c ; hays per ton, $10 to $14. , , TOR INTO, Feb. 24, 1876. 'There were in to day about 1,000 bush- els of wheat at $1 1 03 for white, 99c for treadwell, and 98c for spring; 1,500 bushels of bailey t 50c to 62c ; 1,000 bushels of peas at 60c to 704, and 100 bushels of oats at 35e. Hay old at $13 to $17, and strawl at $7 tor$ . Butter 21e to 22c. Eggs 17e to 21e. ' OROI.t7TO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Beeven-t-The receipts of cattle during the past week were 530 head, against 295 head the previous week. The supply shows some improvement as to quality, 1 although. the Offerings of strictly first. class Were not large, and there was none that could be considered as extra. We at $4 50 to $4 75; first-class, • second-class, $3 215 to $3 75, lass $o 75 to 25. Sales car, averaging 1,100 pounds, °raging Loqo pounds, eraging 1,1050 pounds, cad, avera .tig 1,075 head, avtia ing 1,250 note extra to $425 and third - include one at $42; one car, a at $40; one car, a at $311 50 ; 2L peunds, at $40 4 ;pounds, at $47 50. i I SIEBBP AND Lenes.--The receipts dur- ing the past week were 109 head. The i enquiry for sheep was very light and some , lots , offered were not placed. Lambs, however, continue scarce and in repuest at full prices. We quote sheep at $5 to $6 50, and lambs at $4 to $5. • Hoes.—There are not many, arriving, those coining in selling at $6 to $6 25 per 100 pounds, live weight. 13'OR 114ALE OR TO STORE Ti ET.—To Let, the StOre lately cc - copied 1-' copied ey antes 'Wright. Apply to THOMAS FOSTER, Sea orth. 42842 1 I• TT OUSE 'TO, LET.—To Let, that robst comfoit- -24-2- able and well situated brick hoose, and four lots on Huron: street, With hard and soft water, and every cotivenien% necessary. 'Apply to T. STEPHENS, British otel, Seaforthi 421 ' 1 143 -First-Class Pump usiness in the flourishitig IJAIP BUSINESS . ;OR SALE.—For Sale, a Village' of Ioxeter. Terms Liberal. No oppo- sition within miles.. One-eighth acre of land. Good shop, toels, stock and interest combined. Apply to ON- _ HOLLAND, Wroxeter P. 0,. Out. . 1 ; 4248 fl0 BE LET, WITIfIMMEDIATE POSSESS- ION--TwO good ilro oos on the: ground neer, aid 4 good chambers Ip that newly erected brick dwelling house, situatO•on Lot 2, Coil. 1, Hullett, in the occupation of; elix Thompion, the owner, with privilege, if desir d, of half the garden, half the produce of the frni trees, and stable room for one horse. Rent and particulars On i application to Mr. THOTPSON, on the premises. ; 426 — t- , - ICI1EESE. FACTORY NOTICES. s THE SEAFORTH CHEESE La* Suit between mittee of Management Faetort has been emir' ERTSON, JAS. MeETTLNG, RODERICK GRAY. s FACTORY. W. S. Robenson of the Staf ably settled, WM. --The and Com- nrth Cheese *W. S. ROB- AITCHISON, s 52941 RUCEPIELD ing Factory March it the Auditors' Monts for attendance tee are day and Proprietor. CHEESE of the Patrons will be hem at at 1 o'clock, for Report read the coining Season's is particularly vequcstedto meet at the same place. FACTORY.—A of the Brucefleld the Factory, the purpose and making operations. cleaired. at 11 o'clock J. S. on i The B I meet- Cheese Saturday, of bearing arrange - I full Commit- on the same OWNLEE, 429-2 THE -E. ports the Seaforth next s would ittate The Factory time, the under pany, instead Seaforth. BEAFOIITH CHEESE FACTORY.—Re- having been circulated to the Cheese Factory will not aeon, for the information of that all such reports are confounded.. will be in operation at only change being that it will the management of a Joint of by roe. W. S. ROBERTSON, ; effect that be worked Patrons I the usual be worked Stock Com- 42$*8 , I lE s ICE ClUT OK 4' NOTICE. rXECUTORS' -244 other 13AIN ship of who died are requested merit sr to the lixecutorn, of fieaf of Ashffeld, day of said fir#t proceed the ditOribution titled t said late only to received liable fdi there04 not h ave such diStribetion. to Statute, Dated MURDO Ercecuters. — -I— . - --. NOTICE.—All persons having MeKENZIE, in Ashfield, in the'Connty in the Month to send in eh claims, with Murdo rth, or John MeEeenan, Amberly P. June 'next. On day of June next with the division thereof eretu as directed Donald Bain those claims ofavhieh notice, and they the assets so, to any personf been received Th 29 Victoria, this 17th day Y. MeLEA ---- - . , creditors claims against. his lifetime, of Hut of February, for adjudication full particuls Y. McLean of O., on or bef and immediate the said Cf the said among the by the laid McKenzie, they shit will not distributed, 3 whose claim 1 by them at s notice° is giv Chapter 28, of February , JOHN Ile — — .... of if ' t o Ire Ex ha at in the A. and DONALD the town- n, Yeoman, . D. 1876, and pay - m's thereof, the town e township the that y after the °titers will estate, and parties en- will of the ing regard 1 thou have erwards be any part notice shall time of n pursuant Section 27 D. 1876. ENNAN— 428-13 ---- , 1 wrocK On SALE. &MS AND MARES FOR SALE.—For Sale by , e subscriber, by private bargain class cows in calf, also 4 first-class y from talc; to five years old, all sired daaught horses, one in foil by Mr. M eat Sandy. JOHN LAUT, Lot 20, Co ley, Braceileld P. O. a few rat. ting mates y imported son's Hon- . 4, Stan - 429 -3 Blacksmith Un- to . ROLLS HILLS, 427v4 ; Tp BUILDERS.—Notice is hereby given that iii °bled Tenders will 30 received by the subscri- ber at his office, up to Fob. 4876, at 2 o'clock P. k., for the erection f a bri go on Con. Road 2-8, o Lot 2; Township of Bullet . Plans and me- n° nous can be seen at the sal office. Satisfac- torysecurity will be required f r the due perform- ance of said work. The Co noil do not bind themselves to accept the lowe t or- any tender. JAMES BRAITHWAITE, Cie k, Hallett. 427.8 f1K. p, TRAY STEEIL—Came in a the premises' of -Ai- the undersigned, near Berne, in the Township of fay, about Jan. 1, a spotted yearling Steer. ThO owner is requested to prove property, pay dui ges and take it away. JAS. STYLES, 4294'4 MI NICE LIJAN 01114. J. par PO Be forth, P. BRINE, Liceneed A otioneer for the County of Huron.' Sal • s attended in all s of the County., 1 ord rs left at the Ex - non 0 lie will be rompt y attended to. EAFORTH CHA TER, No. 60, of Royal Arch Man ins. Regular Con - °cation at the MAS NIC HALL, Sea- orth, on FRIDAY, March 3, 1876, at 7:30 P. M. Hi. W. C. 1EXP,R, ScribeE. ob. 24, 1878. 429-1 GR,ocE -Ats A IriNg PRICES TO SUIT THEI HARD TIMES, I; N even I 1 DECEPTION. ounds iiig1tt Sugar!. en olcncls White 1 for One Dollar; Cents tip to fo OneDoll; G mutated Sugai T as from Forty Five nety Cents p,er' poud. • THOSE TEAS” ARE EXT A GOOD VALUE AT. E TRA LOW PRICES. A FULL STOCL OF FA M I LY G ER IES ON HAND, AND WIL Big SOLD 1,1 AP F01? CASH. FLOUR AND Constantly in Fldur warranted Equal t any I I $2 60 per 100 po KE WI" PEON ,HERE TE FISH AN ABRADOR H AQ ERE NNA OY FEED tock. • the Market for nds. NGS, TROUT, RRINGS, IN KITS, HADDIES, 'TERS, &e, CI10 OSDELIVEREt FRE OF CRAM MORE SON, MAIN ST MEET, DOMINIC no SEAFORTH. B OCK 7 SEAFINII Fig VED A FINE LOT Het 'S JUST RECE NO. I !LABRADOR HERRING, SELIIING CHEAP Fe R CASH, 1 ALSO SAL1V10±, TROUT AND WHITE FISH 111..Y" IIALF.BARRELS. QTALLIONS FOR SALE.—For Sale on reason- ableterros, two first-class Roadster Stallions, one 7, the other 8 years old. The 7-y4at old is of Royal George stock, and can trot under 8 min- utes], no record; the Other, bred from Sir Arehy and a trotting mare, gond substance and thorough- ly trained, and supposed to be the bailt Sir Archy cOlt in the County. Apply, personally or by let- ter,' to D. McITA.UGH` , Veterinary Surgeon, Sea - faith. 4274 PIANO FOR SALE. pioo FOR SALE.L-For Sale, tt_ second-haiid -2- . Piano, in gond order, will be sold cheap and on easy t s as the owner is leaving town. The Inetr. ..ent can be seen at the residence of Mr. GLICII, near the Baptist Church, where all infor- mation required can be had. Also a selection of 1 choice 'green House PItuts will be sold. 428 ALWA8 KEEPS 1A FI E LINE OF TEAS VERIY C i RAP. J. liROWNELL. OPPOSITION THE L1F OF TRADE, .1 . .....n.„.. MI. GEORC F RSYTH AS twitch pleasure in inf tritythat he b ingtahe inhabaio- tanta'of Seaforth and vi fitted up a First -Class I S ArVING A.ND IAI DRESSING SAWON In the stand lately men ied b him as a Meat .Euiponium, first door north o the Commercial o! IRST-CLAS B ilBERS Htel. Mr. FORSYTH has se ed the services of I Good Work as cheep as Others in the bAnnsdineGonoahrentees Satisfaction. GEORDIE will do 428 - GEO1GE FORSYTH, ' THE GENUINE HO *SEWING MAO 18 STILL A:HEAD E ' i NE SOLD BY W. N. WATSON, SE FORTH, Agent for the County of Huy TF You want to know_the true -quail les of this Celebrated Sowing )a4uhIne call at y office in Seaforth, and beware of gain to whe a one only is kept on hand, and pu only out of urdor, to be compared to Inferior ni chines to its disadvan- tage. Aftera period of noic than to i yeare ex- perience in the Sowing Machine Basin ss I have . found that the ; GENUINE II(iWE mAcin E Is the only one Which has given perms ent satis- faction to purchaseis. as never' Nevin defective in Its movements, nor being returned or repair. It possesses all the qualities of a semi. able Sew- ing Machine, it is strong, durable, at falsely represented, and all its parts an made y as the best metal and perfectly fitted toge her. You may change it from line work to heavy ork with- out straining it and reaming it unfit for repro- ducing a neat and perfect stitch on fin work. It will sew with heavy black linen three; i.with the same ease as with a fine cotton spool. CAUTION.—Don't be imposed su by un- scrupulous dealers and the Agents of ther Sew- ing Machines, offering to supply you w th a genu- ine Howe Machine if you are not satis i ed to keep the one they are trying to sell yon, as they only intend to impose upon you some -wort ass imita- tion of the Howe, or perhaps an old s end -hand article reavarnishod to look like a, new . AUCTION SALE Of a Valuable Farm in th ship of Stanley. PURSUAN'T to an order of sale, dat d the 18th -a- Day of December A. D. 1875, m de by the Junior Judge'ofthe County Court of he County of Huron, in the matter of partition between -JEIIIIEN liens,- Duncan, Pitinti against William Duncan and others, b efendat, there will be sold by public Auction, b GEORGE M. T,RUEMAN Auctioneer, at illor Ho. tel, in the VllInc of Rayne on Sat- urday,, the 25th Day of Mar ii, A. D. 1 $70, at 12 o'clock noon, the followi g valuable farm property namely Mot number 1, south of the Bayfield Road concession, in the T wnabip of Stanley, in the County of Huron, cont bring ti5 Acres of Land, more or less. The soil # the best clay loam. About 70 acres are alt' red, well fenced, and in a high state of culti tion, the balance is well wooded with the best rdwoods. There is upon the land a large Wick tinge, with brick kitchen and outbuildings, large tame barn, commodious sheds, stables, outhousee and °wel- ting trees ted. The Bayfield yfield, and res recta a, lent orchard, consisting partly of be and partly of young trees lately pla land is on «the gravel toad leading fro to Seaforth, ireaboutlf miles troll B: 5 miles from Brucelield, and is in all most desitable and valuable property, I The title Is indisputable and free from all inanebtatcen - TERMS -10 per cent. on !Jaye' sale tO the Ven- dor or his Solicitor, balance to mate o e -third of irds, at option of purchaser, to teME on =rt.-. il purchase money in one month, remr ning two th- gage on the lands bearing? per tent. iatereskand payable in twocenneentue histalmenta, the pur- chaser to be let into immediate panted -on. In other respects; the conditions of sale Will be the standing conditions at sale of the Cou-t of Chan- cery. For .further particulars apply to Messrs. DAVISON & JOHNSTON, or j. T. ; &ARROW, Solicitors, Goderich, or to the plaintiff on the lands. Dated Goderich, 'December 20,1875 • i - ' ISAAC F. Junior Judge County Coutt,Huron. J. T. GARROW, Vendors Solieitor. s 420 CARTER'S STEAM SAW MILL, SEAFORTH. THE undersigned, sucoessor. tir Mesita. Armi- tage., Carter a Gray, has on hand o's r 1,000,000 FEET OF 1 GOOD HEMLOCK LU:Ii/IBER Icut and &It'd, suitable for Building, braining and Fencing, whieh he offers at $7 ok per M. Also a quantity of inferior quality, suitable for Sheeting, at $8 50 per M., and has plaged the price of_ CUSTOM SAWING AT $2 75 per M. Last year's prices will be paid for IlardwoodLogs and for Hemlock, If cat ldng. Patronage is res- -pectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. • JAMES I. CARTER N. B.—The price for custom sawing i less than what is charged by any other mill, a uniform thickness guaranteed.•426 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. rpsi Partnership heretofore subsisiting between -2- the undersigned, under thefum nanie of WIL- LIAMS & CLUFF, has been dissolved 'by mutual consent. The business will hereafter e carried on by J. R. Williams. All debts con racted by thelate firm will be liquidated by J. R. Williams, and all debts due thelate lirm will e collect- ed by hint. J.' R. WIL TAMS, NOBLE C JN connection with the above the dersigned desires to state to his numerous cnsijbeners and friends than he intends to continue th manufac- ture of first-class pumps and cisterns s hereto- fore, at the old stand He has now such facilities as will enable him to turn out a better rticle for less money than any other establishm nt of the kind in this section. To those indebted to him he would Immediate settlement is desired, as be ly in need of money. Remember the old established and Seaforth Pump Factory. • 415 J. R. WI ay -that an is argent - IAMB. SOMETHING THAT HAS BEEN WANTING THIS GOOD WEI E. MR. F. A. MEYER REGS to inform the inhabitants Of Se lath. and vicinity that he has opened A SAUSAGE AND MEAT SHOP Opposite the Farmers' Store, on the E at aide of Main street, next door to M. Robertson s Cabinet F actery. Any one purchasing Sausage there will be guaranteed fresh, and for quality efy_to be beaten. Any orders left at the shop I. any kind of fancy (Usher such as French Tripe, J te, or any other dishes for large auppers, or any orders for any kind of FreshMeats will be proropti -filled,and at rnoderate prices. Mr. Meyer also wishes to thank the people of Seaforth and vieini y for the li betel patronage they have bestowed o Inin, and hopes they may continue, and wish 11 a Merry Christmas and Happy NOW Year. 420 - F. A. LEYTE. PORK, PORK Packing and C ring Is now done in the moat flourishing the West, PARKHILL, In the latest and most improved ordeal, Such EN Spiced Roils, Sugar Cured Hams—Smok- ed or Pale, -Clear Middle Breakfast Bacon and Cumberland Cut in abun- dance, Wholesale and Retail. NO. 1 LARD -1 Choice Article. To wlaem all orders i trusted to will be carefully attended to person By, if by mail or otherwise. 421-18 3.141103DEN & DAUNCEY, arkhilL Village. of MUSIC, NIUSI -ROBBINS' New American Method, including -2-1' full instructionsin Hatmonyand Thorough Bass, taught by Mrs. J. IL WRAGIIT. This new method advances much more rapidly - than the old, as it occupies more of the pupil's time. In the space of three months pupils get such a knowledge -Of the principles of the science that theynre: tEitfEEAS able to pursue the study to a na'il a,aaaajjat - of a teach- er , a.. . This fee sr be- ing a great ad I. It. WRIGHT hex fully for the last five yea best of references. $15A a tioanss$,20Forbe.in being further less than pparticularscriginal wixo e,nq' 4203 Campbell's Tailoring EstablishMent, Seaforth, M. E. Wright's Fancy Store, next door south of Ont. - 1 0 t, i -