HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-25, Page 4r
4 -
IF Ilt! -25
-is er
roilere o At ling' li 2-d X64ranto
NEW ADVE with: the to4wl 01,700,ft oli plLblic voris a'nd bit i6o could not muttor 0our supp es after a poor crop lually re -
to i of tloneylroul'tlie,� t on* i
F i;
to inco tie XP lie Purie4or isectariat puqmes.
ho mi& owed to rer inT hargeable $395,000 on f &A the le. -The Quebec memb of I markable in Frinoe, as iii Engliud. t
t - Urd,,, atkil A&
and villa Oy
ov rn is the fact that the to4k 3d. X� separate whools, but free gee.
Farm for Sale b Morri —0. R. Cooper. ml i�
n I itia; $170,000 on Doi llmi* ion lAnds, and M iwent intend giving het less remarkable a
lotion will
t 4l
tain -in co 11 t eir busines -,,to 6-Steem. then L
more. ball in tb e new library bifildings o the of flour in F ace is much laroer than ular
Farm forSale 'Will* 0 d other'lesser opes. �d�4t�ition for All,
'or their
bra$bl 'We furthe "anadiat peol e, ��by I'. 2Sth inst. It will thus J*, a Notwithstanding It* lari xation for —taxation of �amo you
e z e 4th. Ta
R. COOP r.. that pr6fl bil As the C an
Farm for Sale in =n eco4om cen! that last year. all
ppaoe I a.
EOMY, 8 xpew t re ha0e less m ro erg, propel reli bodies 119
th t, plaoi', upon its
allowed 1by n -01 it. grocers 1 ing'their per�onal
teer-4ames S�ylev- t embe do notilieed to blue mou for crop there, even. much more than b ty held by
ely con- fa r ass W value,
Dominion Block Gn - I
�cery--4. Browtiell. this disad oil$ DWI tion, wewoulA ened the revenue of tl e c )un'try; the lack of a usement, although to th' poor supplies sincei I arvest have larg
t gregatican me
Cows and Nares for, Sale—John Lant.,, by ithe same pr cess, h we minde t f�llows ho have to depend upon their sisted of old mheat, and this probabl 6th.
eopening �f 411 pu lie justita.
o� eram.
re, igioup or other
to Meeting. crease the Public e) d affai must' low bli
Brucefield Cheese Fie our town. 1' is seems pl, bii I e iough,an peiAit4re, so' as 0 out of th6 capital theme gran DO price of bonle grade wheat.." i
to Ion , c inspection )y Government
taking -y 1%
-that Whi would, ibive brade frori wances clear explains in a gre
Seed Oats for Sale—J ohn BAffenderson. 0 uec�asoary, for the G ent to- d - sessional allo at part the comparattye tions in the land,
ry as W1.1
The Seaforth.Cheeso Factory. re IL28 evidently n ; brin it as nearjy i w pos aib�",,e to thle level be ratW tantalizingf to participate in Cy AcTREss DEAj).—Ch#-
yet our co.- pandent 0' LgBjtATED
e w-ould requir4 demble more 10
ue, i . - -he duty
Seaforth Chapter of Ro al Arch Masons. reven them consi tte Cushman, the celebrated American' 6th. That itailiall be t
seen as he passes it I )y W ithout no of the 10, 1-4 98
than the iessional. allowance of an P,,
actress died on Friday. Miss Cushman County Master in ev ary Orange of I- e� w
f Con + �Stw� ley
it is in re Ital a I
uty townslip
tice, altho, Ig alit ir the Doings hrge thoughsome, people think it is. ben ac- the 6V,6 'Con 4�'
n ottaiwa. was born in Boa ton in 1816, NV M in t of a, d election- either 4'a -AM' k -A.
eds, a day oi
Slum (T
t of di Te ance betw 3enj'as, We 081 made his tour of Axnerics in 1844, for the U- cal or Domi nion -to to �.f :841
N ery -little busi, iess f, ior�- 6clared for a National PO)i and 4the
ublie i! Mr. Jones, of Le r tW6 ago, ready 4ener.
ro I txopyosl 0 t
pointed o tj -hat, a gr ce Y, pure an Miss Cushman accompanied hiln, under- submit th r
an 48 yet kf on te 03s;Lcted Pa - 0 atfornin" the candidate o conwili 1-00 ac -re's,
y r rather severely criticized his le Sir taking with gre# success a number of candidates to age erta in if th .11 sup.
c not ve in milipetitio lia ent. -the Hous! 0 Mo day ja ohn Ma-cdoi ey Wi a4ed.fhe 100 aocre fa,, *m
In he a lie
simple, CI I 8�
nald to whom the highest tradieparts. In 1874 Miss Couil on 'Cion and i4te,
a acrimonious ssi e
SlEAFORT i years ago go and ty meeting before' the day of polling, iad. 4
H11 FR"JLY, FEB. 25, 1876:; iqlairs are 001 1 z
80 wh t arals ad port t4em, or not, and then to call a
_with a r er* in which I d ��� 1i refet copiqs ne and asked th can- Cushman took losve of the stage, lon t�
on moticin by Dr T dians be protected from the mer C11,118.
and that e �n.liquoh ge lil g grocers that occasion she was presented with a it neither, of the caud
Jdates will support
of rreop6ndencerel no' t the re'und �f S�r John, said Wait a little; w will.
ral-crown and address by Wm. Callen the said 41atform, t �en it sball Wthe
bl. iq ior gel ies to'�, the Great es era R lilway' hive lt�
Postage -on Newspapers der. to c6pete wi lin dut )rocity again. He (Mr.
A�- Bryant, She h left an estate valued 'Of
at duty t Count LDdge to bring out, a
o connect y
�4i $600000.
'As wi be arhamentaiy grocers,, werg forced ?3;ly tlie P inti Commiti ee. I . . i I C U�NCIL xEnix-G.
III seen'. by ur P witl Co I Jpnes) li�d waited 1�'years, but it had caudiaate.:
t, 6 Mo ni upp at hlambeTe botel, on. 04
A, -ames Y6 their -e I,' fruit, meat ape ki n come4 and now he wanted this r�loull_
repo Mr.L J ng, the energetic business flour, fe trJuang h tiolif i T A DiPLowiATic IdEvEE.—Tbe Pall 31 1 all utes r4ad ana�,eon.Armed. A-
no ausu
I with h im, ii A4 some
try to assert itself. Mr. Jones a cated Gazettai says th( following telegram has Shop L and
&c and thatthese afticlegimere on y 0 enses. -orA leret
11 d t4 Gov- enin,
and clever represent ve of South Wit- ect Be
assertionst, ig which he i ing up trade with the West Indies, I been �cefived fr)m Pekin, China dated To 6 )).y Mr. Kerr, mwi
-the J Writ eraineat-' hivini wa
purely lo al and limit ed 6o isump i op I th Editor of the #,uran Faposi6r.
man, factured orrea- a, re 0
erlooll has aryai,n made a move with and a applauded. the4th Febrtary: "PrinceKan
a g rew %t
-Y %up I Gri
and their a18 nee, and with. It' in, ased Those �-members of Parliament, who Silt 12 your editaimil under the above i 'with 't
vie�� of inducing the Government to re When'cou fined to few pondence, re
le ut whe h a keen e, ceived the diplo atic body on the 26t)l Your I_aet:*- Jone
move the postage from tie t - wag some of f. le most esseritial,� parts iof the 'come hero wit ye to business, January, attended b the President Land caption, in bere are three
profi n divided'among y
dI ho as one of the
wapapers sen opoudencerequire Mo. or four poluts to lately Oaende(l, -1i.
correi y
previo, and attach great importance to the' ir in- tavorr a in -this
ny,. r ee
the ma ai would ei sa, rity be th Vice-Presidlento of all the Pekin Boards. Pe
from the offices of pub,ication. We siu-' tie He ailso aect sed the Finance 'Alin - titioners, I wish to reply- nk. I
If f
ease did t ',e I i quor -sellb ig g ro era devot i acting b ir the Mi�iister df CuA- aemnities, 'Wear like troopers at h4viing hest officials of the Em- thi
I Thirty of the hi�), i&:� airitimber io(f
sat whilt spent more than half of it in entertali i safely saty on bel a: o the petition.
cerely trust that in his iefforts Mr. Young InIng -pire were present. Next week all these may vern licene" be n A U'
i h
0 Je
UID at
i�4e_ r -.n
mi In
o9s 'of having ma, le a dir4lt violition of era that the Vicense bill sed by the
a io, i i to it, WOi 11 d 3e but a t,rlfl t their ."numerous friends" and. ell- 'his pas ied. Th.6 bei
will be assi8ted by t�he.. representatives of their atte dignitaries will visit ea& legation. I
pt.ng cart4in dutv freb
for thein ill. Instead 'of ttle I thellawi i# exem. lightene4l constituents," who conle to step constitutes the first departure for Legislatu�,e would ha Le been much more
mptID'g fasgea, ;, . Move(
rural constituencies :generally. Under accordin
portions of, locomo �ive nai�ufactulred acceptable" �o them if, -he clause you speak i
ILI Ottawa and pleasantly "drop in" Jupon China, and pr ises improved relations one eeonjed Mr. X
the old 'system when'the postage was reply to t lie, our -corregoo idanit aff ect the Unit Statei and G eat B �-itai
in future.' Mg
them for a few days, The numh�r of I of had been one of its for this teevel b- ;ns to
ason of � heir bei4 Fovisions;
w )y r gmad upor hese I -ery considerable and
collected from the subperiber, all classes to believe! tha e spoke 41,01 ite mptuously when by r
f peop e are v would have saved th�w a good deal of
MORE WHISIC and irbmediate action 1 eut,
d joined ther dut able Imirts they, hould they are b no means backward. Some EY RZVRTATIONS.—He�_ trouble. And I quite agree withyou that I ide T
of journals were On an e' ual footing I bat of this d6ai �ment of tl)e )usiness .11 J, I :y
;q 1 ^ bn�ra 0,0" Main +,1 111. 1 fl " cu TTnn ry D. Krof, former rectifier for Allen & 9 SW4 U tof the roaJ = M 0,
t of the more generous members lose oney I Ty in every way probable thatatthenext A AID
und In' this is not the placed i tj SI4 I as worthy t) 1 ie Bugage I in Co., liquor deaters, at St. Joseph, Miss i I _00 —Carried . . . . . .
er the new syste Xeosri. urpee, Cartwiigb and !Blako. every session. k session of the Legislature, the. Govem,,
case, The local journals are placed at A than the iq lior- tra4p�, a construction ref Aed thl allegations, wil �ending that - A good,, story is told of the late PLen- the witu a in the - whis ey prose- ment will be pr to.makessuch re- 7seconc -ea by Mr. Grit ve, t
self the.Gover4imenthad ony 'ollowe,ct th� cation against that house at Jefferson th "if the luieelbing'of Uouneillbe lela
igh- at isp
disadvantage in two wkys in competing which we aria , sure n )lie I bat him 0 frew campaign. A big brawny R strictidlis genera
I ( ;ity last fall, and who disappeared short- liot�l on the Arst, Samrd�
letter and 1e spirit of the Iw v by e empt.-
with their city contemporaries. In the c9uld put upah our w6rds, and we doubt land Scotebman, who, the night b0fore, er steps a re taken to convince t.b at trololy'
I iese portions whic lmlporand ly after the trial, has ret next, iwben the aildi, ws'
u'"'d. He `S`y' that these changes are desired by the peo. t
first place the city journals have the -ad- much if lie Would bave donc so had he -e free goods, and hi�h it was all UP' he has been in Australia, and it :is re- ple.,, -o be
ing tl I AimP- had heard Mr. Mackenzie and Dr. T p c presented
ly Wei Bat I tou sisgree with you
per handling each other. "wiffiout, lly dl �_Owi "WS, IMF%
way out ol his difficul. . but limposE ible to ii a port n I P)
vantage of free delivery in cities and seen any othet ot4erwise tha I ported that he i ateuds to make a clean
ty g oves upon a public platform,- accl- 4 a taps," to be taken
il, -a to the pro r s: 0
on of' the -I -6, -all he k 6C t(
conse gai welded to liother porti opomo- breast of it by tf -1 lino uows about
quently secure at the expense of the A in, our correspondent, in Words iriore entally entered next mornino -into the - convin6e t A boi ly so that they dare tc
tives. Fur'ther the late '6rhernment had 'the crooked whiskey in St. Joseph. I
notrefus62" Now,
postofficedepartmeat the deliveryof a. plain than co rteous, adcases.31a of fikise ar by Which they were returning t- ected tbat big testimony will lead you are quite aware 1) , MON T-Ty'r, NY, W Va
ly followed
habitual the i am6 cours , and awa. Sandy" could scarcely beie 1 is exp of the fact, that tile, x6ember for North
I.ve E�s TjE it�p R is E, — M.Wes i
derable, port prophecy v h f da eyes when he saw tfie two ho orable
ion of their dailyL. -edit- cii we. assume that one -"If to most important revelations.
were now. tecusing heir �U n Norfolk, Pr. Clarke, introduced a bill at
no uld,- be ing, atwh hey ha� rdS d o no T ADF.—A leading & _11etlzieg, b-lusi6il mAtran
ions, for the delivery of which. publishers I
.of the li4 r selling giomries wo' ich, t tilarl� is HE GRAIN
�entlemen seated together and con rers- grain the cbramo.neemeAt of he- late session -of
circular, issued from Liverpool, Eng- I
of Qi tott, have: commen"
discontian(d. J'n theievetil ra, themselvei. The hiscu.Eisioi1i waxed hot 0 beings. After a pause, Legislatarf which was ar more awe
had torinerly to secure land pay carrierp. of the sepai ing like ration,
accusation i and counta ac", u8atl*o a ber, land under date of the 18th inst.,,says fact I,- of or - sia I. -- toi
ke stepped up to the Premier, as if dis- in its ell r tb the prese'
In this way the� will save more than the* tion of th u-siness. Well, we don't at
ing freely bandied y bo h arties.! hO gusted with the company the wheat trade throughout the courltry The Gov'ell . nment e ed to support that J�ida Sco.ob :Bunues
he was in and
cost of postage dn their weekly editions. make any jpc &1i;kI , pretiaai dons to 1�1m s- mottlon-wa;ultima lyearri,'d. has been uniforr ily dall. In, s ea -01, the -0
-rog ow-e.mar- bill, ec lintou Hik I Sell
isked angrily, and in a rich b e, if le had not shown
ut if i b se the peo I
tical lore,' 31 �ire a ightly lower, excep'i' for the
_o -jespondent AGRICULTURAL ID T � F kets prices i chu�ed asito for 'a a -,w
i ST.S. I - _r de
In. the second place while the city week- ur con their opposition to each other was I III for such"changes as it proi.
rto then moved is Jesolution for i choice. A larg �. acqpssion of Supply has 'nos V, 'ling' -the: in Cost of $13050. is i r,001
again refer.3 io the firs'o part of tile— Dr. 0 not all. a d— fraud !" whereupon, I sea h__ -resof the law
lies have not increased tbelir regular sub-. posedd by �erec aew school buildin
Iling ports for which
the ;appoi ent of a C( maittee on. the been apparent a!, ca 9
without waiting for a. reply, be a rode as already" in exi gAenGO, and Dr. Clarke
next surilmOr.
scription. rates they have increased their to him—O �tionable article, he ill Agricultu 1 Intere sts refij� oat of the car, and, in -it- great r withdrew 1 is billiri fw ror of one promised
few bids have been made, and those at
I wing it wit4
club rates. Their whoile circulation is see the I bisigi upon! -%�vbich w3 foun led a speech i tended, �o sh� w Oat the far'- U Y' I lower rates than laot week, but the quan. 4, : L iE cv� z -st,
slammed the door. violently. At at'din- by the Government, which bill we now
mer� of C nada Were a 1 0 f th _01illb -0-6
r- prodi ti iiia. And,' eringr from the tity afloat for G 7eat Britain is much re- meevniff:0 la� oj� -
got Up on the Ab' system, the slubscrip- On fu -thermorei per party., given a few evenings have, and which leawi the law, so far as
St se araite, th 11q
free I intpor ;ation ridan prqlducel, ago' duced, being about 400,000 quarters. less con erne deel'. , ., -0
e do 1 n( t oee Why th I where gentlemen of both parties ere shop licenses are d, justwhere
tion rate being inerely a aullity. It will w e predictions.
The'Preiniw had i tid� to a 1COm.- -n rr 1.1r1_4_1 *I, *than at this tim6 last year. 44- XT amine -840 !i�4 to it
I I y �Al 9. ULJJJVL V VW 4W. ty w, vy K, PA Opose v convince I
'Weekly pal)(r,'.' when Wcka A NoBiLrry SrRiG nT TROUBLE.— Ah. hiaeas(es -to, t
thus be seen that while they make it ap. even Ot a
mittee proyided it i J3, ex� fit ry, which -was received with great the Government- 11 that these changes are
n cilause %1 0
pear that they bear the expense of the 'ed up Ip umeint,� sliou ense to tb 3 countf (i T e ower to' send Hugh Courteney, claiming to be, placed. �iat $9,001'-pfl 1.
as be desired by, the peop
y ld ot be lena, p gusto at the expense of the honest Selitch- le '1' by 4-vaihng on
t be ek. roba y is, a at �)11
title(I t6 for persons as wito asses ran bI so of the Earl of Dev ew
postage that expense in reality is pJaced el weight with the uns P on, selves of the law as it 4W You tell
eted, apd was; supi,
out. Dr. 3rton 0 e I living in the som h of England, was arrest- 11-ORSE.—A. -
orted a�'su on o. Id. not be Prudent for an
Upon their subscribers. It may be asked p our correspondent, us that it w'ou
PO fee
odl��A t(
Of the Week. ed at Buffalo, I S., for attempting to y lice lough, 4 qj,
A d by -Mr. M sson in comp inin4 News
e that the' municipal council to vilact a restrictive
offer $800 by a' At wric
why do -local journals not do the -sam arition the liquor hom that the Wernier di.1 not re alo defraud the prol rietor of a Buffalo hotel by-Ilaw of this kind," ind you espemany
he ' tio
A BLOW AT WOREN'S RIGHTS." f his board for, he last mouth- amount- a meock" co thrw y
I ' dourmunicipa ru
thing ? To this Wei eply that the clUb grocefieEi w I qurt,ail tte ,�ongUruptiOa OJ befo�e the hou'se a he h, tr ated t e on, remin I lers "in the,,i
ti i he Czar of Rutsia has issued an ofiicial The �Iallil
moved by Mr. Mi n r
8 re �ing to $325. The young man sent to some
system in conducting 4 local journal is r. Eisen dru, ukenness. Wberd exere', a meantime it woul& b their v -at
e! wiedgIn on a
d f Droible!ar
i chibi'dd; inla very ear ukase,, forbidding women from ing of the first famil es in the city, where he I)e _ �e
p"ro)f C Ustif y this ro� ons of barristers in his -ou to 1"; =4 _t feel
caa the part - ve things SLE they are, P
impfacticable, for the ieason,that it 1.8 so le foun&t the functi I s
meat sustailied b faci 8 Ind fi res c 11try. :has been petted ind co-urted], for assist- girths
Pose your advice Wtre acted upon I�y
't no i hn�lf inches. It is pronoam
uncertain. By it one year there might diction t mere assertio ance, and they t arned a cold shoulder,
y r
4 showed that the ret edy Proposed b: AFTEu WiNsLow.—A. P. Deart orn, ery munidbal-ity, eacl '-one, zealous lest
ne thousand, while e next yr o Bu He- is'a green and decidedly English
be a list of o th without i p." t, kere- a yetone Orton won (I be of o benefiEto farmers an *American detective left Boston on colt Jr -this section,
"trade') Aoula �be (hrecte&elsiewbere,
The I-oj
m ight only be five or six hundred other point, ot which We desi,e to. Mr-McC umsuplortedtlieComm-ittee Saturday for England, with the neces mry youth, aged 23 years. There is much when, I aak, would "the Gover be
year 1, 0, ament
-uce is rapid -in
am g the upper ten. �A
n an� o the
f* 1 ing,ow, excitement ly 1,
Mr. Patterson was -0 !ad papers for the extradition of W prepared tb makke. sue] I restrictions gen- t
the fre-aight live -a om
an(I the local journalist having to depead our corre$Pon lent right, and the, !w that in his constituency he questioil wai I the forger. TjiE TURKIS Imstmm, N.—Late
is a
eral asthose we ask far. For it beipg. shipiv- it
solely on his weekly circulation he must cOrisip er i ve have o ie ot r dutyll one that Was exciting ee interdi;Bt at THE CARLISTS, —The Carlists, in Sf ai�, telegrams state that the Herzegovinians
fact thato IT Government .*auld b
tities fri)m the s9
e pow Flli
have something like a permanent list to him. That int is witl re erence td; the present time, and bo e �theree ouI4 haVe suffered defeat after defeat, and- a are unanimously determined to refuse all
vrIea8 to ci rry such a jeasure unless the
1 be no restriction plowed pg�,. the 4ctiort )eedy termination of the campai I is I For the:short timp this ros,�
compromise With the Porte A -
P-1 . no matter
work upon. IvVith the city journalist it Dr. Clarke"S bi b b people by their public
��Iand the, best means id ej and
-gap. X-Jate ce we be
_e boa
of the Committee. Mr. tirbon th4ught looked for. Estella, a stronghold of Don- bywbat power recommended. Theywill
-ince but
port conti, e a kindly Pressure 66m -
is different. His main stay is his daily, ad6pted oav Par. 4menb that thei, the Comlaiitte-e would be 14'rmles and Carlos, has been ca, tured. fight to the last I or the complete freedom busin(ssfas any rqml tim
U P without"and swell the canvass of the ri#on wijth i.,Utslle gtb_
y is I red
and his weekjy is' purely a secondary con. countr re for a d desires far.", that, if granted, the res It would1te as CArITAL PUNISTIAIENT ABOLISHED. of their country. The Servians declare Legiglativ(a -wi
bark ththebreathof pub- -a seciond switch has
e, The Legi that, no power can force Servia, to be
sideration, There are many other rea- ther restric til legislatio I I the first�� abortive as:.others o! the m,e kind. H slative authorities of Maine k, ave -ic opinion. We mt at, therefore
:ath faithless to, the insurgents or hold her fwilit it,6 tho mi)ving of tri
showed tb 4t. no farr ie rs' rganizatim had, finally passed a bill abolishing tile d� populat see to our 56
hiall will on es to a place, then, 'W[e are not �wam that Dr. Ives, and in the
sons w ggest themselv
all back when the time for actio;tI arrives. -a IaTg lacWiinith sho has
asked for v le6sl Ltio an4 that a re, penal�y as. a punishment for crime. 11m. iol';e we have the beat war P1.
present ca ant to
-ie an �oithe
person practi cally acquainted with the Clarke aid a Ibill at the last taliatory t4riff would ura, inateAd of prisonment for life at hard labor is laub- The Turlo are pursuing a policy f . I d othe
�ntroduce or boaNrit"
Of d" doso. Your presenttne6tof th-eaueas.
nor are ception. The ervian' people, through 'be fiove, e I
business which we mi ht put forward session, &C 0! aware t at benefiting the Canadian '04lturis6; He atitated. We it is th
-9 agn it would affect Senforth -1 regard as vet -y
paq td erne�et a brid.
did space permit, to. show why a local the Gover mi. mt refused t was�warinl' c"beerei on concluding a, very THE DANUBE OVERFLOW theSkuptsbine. ave --declared in favor
o support t. p.—A lea-
defectiveo imply because you assume thitt
thelIsIrijag, wua;-'ase t 10
practical -i id able a )eechJ �Phe Premier atoll f rom Vienna, Austria, says the of war with th Turks. The popular
journal cannot be conducted onthe,club. We are aware however, that measure which experiment alon'o can -satisfactor-
-freig�t 41one.
was in under4 a its banks $ndl in -
suggested that if .here nabe has overflown voice must be h- ard. Servia� must ac.
ily pfeve. You state ;. at by reitrictin
Ov. 9
bing system.- interferina Ivii L the reve nle of the Prl 1 8tZiding come -to that the power to �ae ih
undated tb tI eomplish a sacreg duty. or slecumb to A:$ Ab
e on rt suburbs of Viel'ina. nor braffie it- thi way and to the `T- of I
the liq
ma h0g.
incemastoza- mfronlflleoovernnie�t, for persons were on y- exeircigpd. in case 01 Telegrams: avarian frontier say 'moral death. ave, th& nam
number of -grocers
It was Urged by those who favored the e to the I
'absolute nebessity t e motion, might Pass. arre$t d.; in -clinton
-.be deoreased-'by one -
and that� tias) if for' no other reaspn, x �� ro o8e4
prepayment of postage on newspapers by : the Danube has risen 17 feet. So
fa RITORY LoDocHowsm E xmv),—A n _ ITT will
woJtrr4)vEs4q rE it
newsp er A Clergyman in a Ba F.L... half." Now, -thi's is not an orgument, it )l6n a pair- of bo
Dr. Clarke or any other private member Taylors shap Tht
publishers that it woul�'increage the eir- temp rary of Lemberg, Austria, asserts that the
1 The bill to provide for: e� k Of
is rather a! prediction4a prophecy
4 As foulld iii Rosssistahle., whei
could not intr lice such a bill as that re Some weeks ago, the Rev. R 'S. Green;.
c ulations and sedure advance paym ents. govell-nment of th ortio of the rth, Austrian Government have sent to Car hn-
EngliE.Ii Church initii8ter at Xilsa Craigi such, I domot believe: t. it is mereas- ler hal I nXiment b4fqrle�
err VC: are also aware that Dr. WeEI6 'erl46ry. lyi morbli al Lod o The I
f ' eA to, nd ea t of och wski an order of exile,
Now we sav that the lrelation� existinc, I I gortinvi w hn"i rm�' rP. 4�,14;1 +1,
Man"Itoba, of Whi the Pre ier mbvedl Cardinal is at present detained by ill less , discounted a note of;:;,400 at theilixenange r DuVzs there was Z
batwe Clarke, a3 h ao dr%f the temperance party prophecy, or prove tile assertion you
on, the local journ�list and his eftb. I BaDk in Parkhill. It was signed by himt den4�e to conlvict.WMLI. I in
the second readin occaqond'�l corisidera- at Lemberg,
in. the Legi3lat re, frequently�expre"ed self and endorse� must first enact tile restrictive measure.
scribers is such thal it i�s absolutely int- ble discuss" n Mr. I . by the na e of Chris. mi'Mled tthe 'ease hin
10 lassotiwAs anxious to Co-.,-8cniPTiNo IN' TuRKEY.—The 3, in- I ,
topher Lewis and I Till you do'so, your conditional unyroved
wh0einitoloaxwe Atu
possible to successfullyearr out the ad. - himself 6ai afk with be bill of thq know whothei-there would bo an educa-i ister of War in Turkey, has issued an Richai-T Iackwell'
y assertion -must zo for iothing. it is a been omplo -
'Th4 debate: order calling o t thia imen in that
Vance pay system. With regard to the Goverrimbril, Are further kno*tbatthe-1 tionalclause in thebill both of McGillivray. Mr. reen
fallacious nullit�yl I r as oveir the infer -
left a deed of a p troonage in. Isa Craig 11**iaod 11
verged into': a discassion of �tbe Nbrtb,,,' country between 20 and-, 50. They I are- . I js'! L Ill -
first part of the argument, our experience realsoll. 07 C90 given by the Govern- 48 collatetal sect rity. Some days ago 'ances.you have drawn Tom your 1�aria
1061 out 48 dejee
west, Terr t ' 8 bill of Wt yea�,, i directed to. report themselves to the rq� ili.
at d direct attent
of the law thus far is that it has not the ment for ba i i !cluding these restrictive Messrs. Lewis at d Blackwell call case an I on -to a few facte. I s yr, ible to becOme. Ik
wbieh ther�eraier, Mr. Blake, Sir Joh tary conscription committee.
In Seafortb, wehAve in all, 25 stores,
-clausef the Exchauge Bi nk and Upon aseertaini, lent a m*an, and
s4ghtest effeot upon the,,4rculaitions. j in U el i ��,11 was no 10 ecan'se public Macdo Id, Dr. Tupp ar �nd Mr. D i DULL TimEs IN GEruvIANy.-Tbe f J good Ji
ing J t
four or five of these dr, 9 establish. -ore'ef r. A
The subscribe t the redurtio n( ripe for it, but because ates that such a n )te was in trio po; session ts in 1�e Alt T.
as r most 13 1
nof Opinion was A. Smith, ook -part. The �embe � f O�� itung at that trade is a men purely, six comblue grocerieswith
r f cals tha of the Bank, ir ou-need it ��orgeryt Ybrk hfo is' the Merchai
Kingston d. Dr -Tv d to their,� a and8ti _4
pperadb�,re 11 in several parts. of Germ, ny - I Mr. Cameron t e bank. agent upeompani dry goods, two of thes6 also sell li Amo�rioa, but be in -
the postage is secured. to, him by law, that it was &Ill in Jen.�rence w I -I tlib trade, of I Y'L
a t at the infactories the remaining 14 'grocerles, five of
opinion Lieutona#t.Governor a io that many large man f ri are ,
I ed by Messrs. Lewis and Blackwell, to hu a 3, a
i t is go much gain., an d- he is "j not as an x. tile country, wid, conse 3atly, as'such ol the Nor hwestsbould ilga!beLieuten- u. jable to employ their usual 6omple ent coupr842. lost bAls
&txther with a C stable, at once repaired which are also liquor stores. in all Ilownw-v il lie reac'
The Pkem.: of hands. " Very disastrous floods h e Ails"raig an I faterviewed i the Rev -eat O�ditiom
ions and as ready to drive a hard bar- aarne within, tl jurisdiction of the Fe'd. I ant Gover or of Ma nitob then we have sev shops in which
ier and Mr� D. A. .8mith; 04': the clther�. recently occurred in that country.
i liquers are so]
gain, for.his paper as before., This, at oral aut6*rity The'reil reason, ho 'Mr. Green. The latter gentlemail upon. d. �How a it sopposed that 1,
hind arg*ed stron gly ill - fa�vor. of I the �EPORTZD FLIGHT OF
f il we are so gullible thal
least, has been our experience so far, and evp-f,..is wall kil Wn to.many, if !,not Wall i ei of � orging the signatures� we shall believe de4i ch c
establisbin'tit of a separgtegove
rament. A!isi reported that Don Carlos fled being accus
the statement simpl
Y useit i
-asserted that the not( As I al [na
S y a f
e pr In n 8 IMMANOrAL DF,1 Wild s had been, ound
-ink we can safely say that we havo Of th Y�ance last M onday night. The Cahst f:
we th e t supporter' of'the Gov. th' ill our weekly paper. That if �ve redqee ter th 54,emaud-s 4
1, e X Tolosa is expected be Is f the tenf
as good, and probably as large a list of eniment.in I lie . ou s . r d is vory differ- the number'of shop lice "esfrojii seven -to
minister's) house, in the presence of meal. are to, aila e-, �Ianl X T
existing d�pressiolt of t,�ad has bee 0 r a
AP motion to doqupe into! the' re*�istence at by both Lewis and Blackwell at Ili
iss4b af
subscribers. as any local journal in the eat from tha 1. a umed by our co�respond. a fjbo:rn on account of the discouragem Of two, four -as tile CG incil has decided);
grantedi and the, Go �nmit e6 11as bad one: now prevalent amo' dats bers his fam', , Messrs, Blackwell,
ng the Carfists. King e liquoi liceriar"Mi. A lx 4iti
Province. If the postage were removed ent, But,lelli and Lewis called the rev and-seTarat th I business from all 60L, tt k" 'he Coun
at as it in if the only ortwosittiogs. Duriigtb varlioussittingal Alfonso has gone to A 'erend gentlemap .,e I V. ir -od -as, Ing t
a liar and swindler and usiness, we sha" ce close up _h
from papers circulating in the Counties i means by iv ii(li the Gov eminent can be disetissiol) n this I iotiot the que't' WAYS TIo d big at on -the "a umber! of I otel Heat
n n ,v A�F.E DAitx.:-R. D-, Puffin, half the grocer' f th- drive and tc
to fee t, if public o� a colored member of the House o ar a -faced lie. The.1111*-er lea o away 1_1 slin
ree Tr de -and 'Pro e - establig.4 but on
whole story Ob
nd collected trade and traders to Mo �oe p�ivii etl
which they are publisbed a made Pill. of r t ( tio4i was Iree." f Wle. was allowed to 8 and in this shape till of Z 0�r, 0 ver 000 iwa ines',
only on papers goi YL 0,11 1 1 laited millficip4l. c Places
ly vptilated. A very large!inumbe, of' gates, at RichmOnd Virginia,was exp
ion is b ouncil, �rs, many of t lea ed on Fri een was arrese. and by refusing a tainiad to thispeltition, A
ng beyond the'limit� ! last Friday, whei Air. Gr to I 6ar for i wbi
the memb ovle 'n. day, for the abstraction of a k�
f el
AMT.171 ut, I col
of the CountyL it 'would certainly b here and: ther pasBing A restrictive by. ment supp�)rtorfj, strongly ur Sue a: 'money rom. the pa book of the d and broag t9 less evil ineur for, all iial greater." -dog
e a;i y Sergetat ht to.the jail in London also1
0 )urnalisin, 1,1w, whi 1 1' R tand his trial up As shown above, less than one-third of -the th -oUt
immense advr.,ntage-tD I ca,1 j( 101 le to be annulled every protec er,ica' mail 'fac. lon a charge of forgery,. e
tive duty on Am ai Arms, belonging to another colored the grocers sell Iiq_UOrE and if it is such I ot.' a�4 gre
sig"t res
tories and 1productims 'pre, rent, I and which was in tile .
suld year, it Wili be while b6fore that a iripiribler pay b ok
,b e good
and would give it a stim, UIUg wh 0 an important and profitable part of their the petiti
thei�# es to
themanufactuters and p odil'cors of the near Ii. The Orang a Grand Lodge. a
l# own. I K M.
Unil ed-St#es using Can a a hQuAx-F oss f it W
not but have i beneficial effect. We are pressure call b �':Iado sufliciently heavy business that the ould ikhut
gh. EAld -T, I prot� i tent temperance
A ver The Provincial Orange Grand Lodge Of th
to be- of _&'ny salvice. We should J ig DETRox y em up what gro i1justice has been
also sure that such a change would be think OtheL 4 b Ih ,or
teraarket� ThisqjCest 0 t i will perc;ep�ble earth quake- shook was felt in WesWrn Ontario Was in session last week done to the r
flour, Thev poor the y part -of'Ibl"O ]]]]L
approved of by the peopke of the country that the l#nc h' a e 6eti &way would be o rie of e most. � f th4,m a diffi-I 'Detroit -last -Sunday forenooii. It -Was � in Hamilton, reduced -the neces
e L T1 e reportsfrom, the vari_ fellows, are
tetic a C es
"nill 'nL Mlists be to secil1re tunited a(tion of -the mu. cult ques I!,. o G ov mefit will'6 To-: severe enough to shak holiscEi and rattle I ous committees slow that the order is in selling 11 flour feed nteat c beer, 0 :n lab ly
generally. If local jo of every
I boi Jesirooknown to deirl with ti is a0siop, and ;�Ir. crockery on the shelves, and caused so a very flourishing condition, bothtlumer. which, judging train
class of Politics could be induced to sink 1`101pa, lie I t froIrCt le, way you -8 to )t tel frorn rpoet7 to A
n ol doubt 1� mainly, for in all alarm in p t
Well, L
u r OSL of�t(
R �,stit �g be
I milrip" motion was 8 t 11- church at ically and financially. The reports of th' coming down a,' itt1q. ell th
d the' )y e of it, is. is str 00
Poll L I r wi �hi 8'fal t, 9, direct appeal tile fithei y vacate
-tical r4adices and jealousi6a for a an bhei fe4ing o the congregation speed,
d he 'committees ted and adopted. have this consolatiorl, f it is not so re -
were resell
t t�ight rdg
time, ail, -to in supporting the hands to U a Wove rnmexi
the LegiolA ; re, b Y v ia y of petition. Ho b , "Iding, The shook lastbd several After the ordinar' -he opectSible, it I -east
d uni e don't hurt )SAUrdaylaOt thriei I
r busineab of i mee
their f olicy' in accordland. with 'tIn-! cTo n d a
I "y -
of Mr. 'Young and thosd who may we, This seems to' a the I lost ratioval, and
V Ing, the election o'officers took j)Iace and body There is auotl or aspect of the ere ain&
It,* the riverb
peevalent kentiment, commi e resu te( in e re- �,IiDction of the foll case which I will not I )u h now further witIx the good a vent, ire&
ee Tom
i ow,
with him, this much at least might be 'it tile samie-ti effective wa�,. Finally, lei
ATION WrY I TH i :'AT TND�ES, 9 a or
ICO UN C B ' W �'Voirkin men's Independent a'ty ing gentlemen Vm. Parkhill, Deputy than to say -thL&t if all � h -e benefits accru- 'of the �iLVer w -cur.
secured. We can heaitil endotme the concluding here the
-Y Ong iesubjectgbef�rOhe House' of New York, waited, onSatu day, upon. Peeve of Itendw'ick, R. IV�. Grand Uaa- ing to trade from this t 7afli6 were put to -
fast th4t no ice forms. 11 -ere
lir corrEsPon Peter Cooper, the venerable p il;antbr)p- ter; Major JameaBennet, Toronto Jam 'thems, a with bre ti
utterances! of; tp but we I the tber day was a geition �ut by r.
OP c6nses. eg &,ether they would not b4lance-a-huh- a
4 e *f -ed him their ilominat,on Wilson, Ancaster, R. W, Dep dth
Sh ' Li 1MAchell re steps� takenl b ist and tendei
-into �t CU_IT
at 111 suppor esideacy of the 'Masters'; -Rev. Hugh Cooper, Brussels, fact, let -interested PST it .eat
iiin wil be found -a comw - : I
muqt at the sa '13. time say tie are some- y uty Gran 4 re part of the mis(, hief, for it is -a'
i lavernme I tos,our( tio an
In another c what fore the question at issue, the 6 oom�nunica ti t for the Pr itieo wink at V r Sudden
lbet C iad' 411
munication over the sigripture of One of yes, as they May, that it is onl productive e 43of thebbo
if rain ?ro n rem& king in Souti. y - - - 'I
0 r he declined
and we a )I a and the Wei�, Indiesand ed States at the coming ekeiion �ut R. W, Grand Chaplain - Thon)4s Ke d (in
ca �M;rica. From t ib Pkemierls're- on the ground of being. too St. Catharines, R. NV. &rand Secretary in the sense in which it: realizes in crime, othe.r �",ajlantly Aeav aL
the; PQtitionLers, in whi li, the writer at- c6nalusionli tha to *1 o �111 e business of ply i; Appe s that the Atepapt of Ithe (re
feeble and too 61d to fulfil the duties of Major James H. essey, J. P.,
St. Cath� VII wor'k.
It �ims
'y e
remarks of last Gov(rnme to secure th6 iobj!ect desired' th' office. disease,' pauperism and ever b-.0 elf
tempts a cilticiam, selling licluor. t o�-t le ii,ads Of seven arines, R. 11-1� Gr trid Treasurer; Jameh Yours &C., boy1h a for, h I.
t; I y two ca4,ses I
. T I had First, ELvcTiox i,,T FNGLAND. McClure
W of s4oplideases, So I ill L -4i , Holland Landing R. W. Grand
edk on thesubject med, who'c�i�l_ai most nly devote about �ecn f r istrated SEA1,ouTii, Feb. 28,1876, un
e ghte-msdemaide4.lforl�the at6am' A ipt eXr"aTsItyuGb rapi4l
th, at lea is concerned, t born contest, Manchester a Lecturer; Thoma i R. Browal Deputy has Ye b,11 U �_of th bo,
in 8 cond, ;the Of
ar as Soafor . t, halfl their. at a:) I ion to it, v nd ut,it packet coz ipanies an elected Jacob Bright to the British Parl-�'a- "Reeve of 8b. Cal harines, R. e Grand —The induction Of Rev. W, A. An- I angs of m
ompoll je4or arge
the question ?is. for present settled, the hands of MI. 4) Sir ed ichro�ic.sta!e of d ier �iistl ng in he ment bya majority of 1,561 over Mr. bee,
men vb ;.Director. of Cereal nies; Revs. Alex -ander (Irews into the pastora ice om ry
very impor, be of the United -a si.ae.
and its further d' ant islands of 'On bi Po�well, tb-, Conservative candidate,
iscuosion on our part, and rto
i to devote thei whole tim e ai�idl energies Sanson, U. A., Toronto) Thom" R aft WaS the Tb, g ina. atch b
Pres�yterian Church, -in eurlih �tw
is merely a waste of time and space jand Rico, The E ubject, h( we�er, i is 8 is; c- Bright does not possess the masterly e 0- St. Cath4rines, - )Fj -ancis 11yan, "um
U etho of tirtailin In wingtoqetber Of the -knaw was� notc) sel
on' pan, queuce
�net e
i, for the purpose te t
to it, i's a f a ithe attt Of his brother John, but he rivals Alex. C! Chambers, Clifton Parkllifl occasi( of the dka -and
we only ab rt to i g its tory to kno �v, is still. re �,ing, Thos. G largest conFregation en in the 0 to be �n eresting. L
fain �oveL e iseries which ment. I- ' - ti Ver Be i
sale, or of lessibing t� tion f the ' overn him in his zeal for popular rights� His 1�orter,
leorgetow 'rassett, M. A, church. The indue services %veto
U e oil are deplored
t '18'. will encourage t le (Rector, R. ID.,)',� imeoe, A. Wilson, Tot very impressive. Af ter' prayer Rev..
of clearing away A, lit le of the haz 0 n, E. G oil thr�6 inks, Tennant, A-ftler-
its - s en al jid wRi Fos, �ALGE O -N 1� Ews IPE#S. return to Parliament 4 4G�O&rjicl
A motion, has beel L agi6ed:� to, mo,v skip% while� the -
which seems'to have acclimulated around alike by our corlesipondlPnt a�d ourselves, U4 ed Liberals, and serve to remove the fear tt at roInto, P�ter Cam' I boll, Campbd I's Qross� David Mann, of Walto a, preached a ser- HM r, in -son M. a H
by Mr. Yo ng, for a ret servatism was firmly intrenched in' 8ylvesteT Smith, T. W. Magilly, Lis, nion to those present, � aking as big text, k W a;amall a&
our correspondek's opti6s. Whather or -h the �uin COO
Ili ar a.vor.L*
recelived an er the prese it -I w of Ore- P I f toivel,.Henry Hughes, Danville, 11. W. Ist Uorinthians, 3d e nter,
not we shall be successful, will dependJin V theirbpponeL, t
U all w _e.
'The Fisti mont I the publish rs rom, AN GRAIN MARXF," aPlLains Robert Gour- "And ye are Ch and Ch .0 w . . . . .
i e T. The. ri rist is points ii�head a
most potb u t f6 -0
a great measure upon what it is that has The estimate: of tbe �X�enditure of several tie spapers in an 'da. r, M�rk. Lane Exprres8, in its review of the ley, t. 'atbarin W. Grand Seere-. God's," an4i addressing himself i t
emb I - �'. efi es are. V
1a week, say 3 U the A, 4eat a Our mi�,njl ox�
oocasioned this mistinem! If it has been the Dominion fc 1 876-7) v e�e laid before Y"�ng, it 11 be rem endeavo gr4in markets for the past tary. The next al meetiDg will bd earnestly and eloquently to' the valuable
desday. e
I l wu p1w,
the House � on It ed last Ye to indi ce t aate Post- "The severe frost which exigted as ive held in OriRia. UL 6 following resolutio althou.
ca-Wd by a miscoliception of plain En accordance a teachings of the Wordt On the conclu-
9. In e a
. I I niaster-Gen r ry
lish then we with the promi. el of econ*y in pnblic, al. to cat ri� Vapers fiee wrqte last week was quickly succeeded was adolited Th t, in the opinion of thEl kon of the sermon Rev. Robert Achesons W-latoo e - i -not c
have ever� hope that our expenditure, ii Jtl- and it mavy e supposed hio prepent act'�iion by-S.rapid thaw, and trade, livhich s ght W6r8Lhi ful at in ag
go L
but if it ie pE qh' from the Grand Lodge he church 'who 0113 lgoi
I view f I the time so long the pastor of it I vigo,
labors will be successful, is, prej' Throne, _�be Lrhuunt� 94ed fof is is in accordance with. his' a as ox- improving slightly, has relapsed into has arrived w! gen. the Oran emen of Can- presided, put to the ind . oming pastor the tho wnce
9 oth', that tes of I
n we tbonit lies 'Ong, L Wh
itdicei pure and simple, tile feax our two t milli SiAll a hodf idollArs less Pressed on 0iat occulon. activity. At Paris the markiat has ada, wJ oth *,ords JAZi
on reference to politics usual formula of q icheere.
votel last usin their
1 by :-,;h( iHouse the same course, but as it advanced or poli cal ar ies Must unite - in' mony concluded, Rev. Gillespie, of 013115.
best efforts will be in vain. The ground than 1 was � I p I ..
year, as will be 'seen from the' following Dir�ner parties and balls Are 411 the rage mo�e during the frost it yielded m e one grand poiitIcal halanx. to stop the e& AJilton, e way
we.took, audupon which:our.whole ar. here just n4w. ' T I rea4ily with the return P addressed the astor in becoming
1111 fat oy
fi gures', ress ball of mll� weath4r. croachulcats of- the Romish hierAir is -con tout
.9 eby' words on his dbuitty +to gregalt, acknow
was, that'to- deprive our M8 given by Hig Excelle cy,. s Ri eau !all 'in �wo or three days flour r
tide was, based, os for It look bae nea y qon thebody politic of the country.,and and Rev. Mr. Maimm ressed the con- 'gen y zind ate
t P Rotimates for: 1876-7, g 819 on th6 evibnilig of the,23d, 1 init., W" a throe fran do. ed like,
liquor selling grocers of the mos rofit- 187V . ....... ........ #, . I the co that the following platform be ado ed: gregatian -on their duty to their pastorp thfiWo �even.:
Wag Dt
' )2'88 brillialpt aff4ir, and retty largely mencement 6f a steady reactidn but lat. Unswerving and allegi_1 J wn
Un n
A able branch of their business, would place Deoreasv..... ....4 2,475,769 taking as his; text lat -Thessalonians, Mrs, Peck., better kno
-attended- fact t w �ather Joo advance was almost wholly lost wit n diace to the Moth ar Country -a .3
4rilli t nTBLriti e
them at a disadvantage in competing The decrease made' �p ol such items 1, -in, as -many Of the 0 12th and th verses, " And WO
r� common 'three days. The abundance, of ho e oblIneol on.
ou, brethren to know thelli
iiii� __