HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-25, Page 1t Bonthron, said amount a County Treasurer for a the work also perform - y. the pathmaster. Met- -r, seconded, by Mr. Wil - ark draft a by-law in ne- he of the Act; license to the following Wm. Reynolds, Albion Orth, Dashwood Hotel ; -, Farmers' Inn ; Robert loth', Zurich; Nicholas mercial Hotel, Zurich ; aon Hotel, Zurich; Mar- e Hotel ; John Duarrn, tel ; Louis Bualy, Man-, :sail '- Cornelious Purdy, Ilensall; and that the be granted a certificate and Clerk for a license front the Ist of March 'tate from the tavern In - y have complied with the id by-law, and that the be the amount charged taSe for two months ; by - lie above wasread, when y Mr. McColl, seconded :soh, that the by-law as !firmed. Moved, by Mr. a by Mr. McColl, that ithorize the Reeve and ,'iti have the Engineer to : for a ditch in the big erlaw in such cases, and. nucil at its first meeting yey. A number of ac - 1 motion ordered to be :y Mr, Geiger, seconded isch, that the Reeve, D. rti. Wilson, councilors, be have a bridge built over a opposite Lot /9, Cons. - think- it necessary, with m the County Engineer to the same. Moved by 'Goaded by Mr. McColl, all be allowed until next cool his statute labor fot :he collector do- not collect rged for statute labor on ti 1875. Adjourned. ..t.--._ e Cheese Factory-. ting of the stockholders dile cheese factory was tory on Tuesday last, in ! presious announceraent, e of organizing. There endaaice of shareholders. rhos, "Nairn was appoint - d Mr. Robert Monteith, -. Malcolm stated that I about forty shares, or ter of the stock, to be k there were a number I not as yet taken any ht it it would be well to und so as to give those rtunity of taking shares On a lint being passed ;e half the balance was 'Fes then moved by Mr. ided by Itoht. Anderson, tat the balance of th; aien, for sale. Moved by ended by B. Sinillie, and , company do not extend ok beyond the vice paid viz.,. $4,100. Moved. by ,-,aded by IL Anderson, :at no member of the 'es not not hold at least four eligible for a director. Conaor, seconded by ! carried, that there be - the manageraent of the alpany, Ten candidates :en for the directorship, ag five elected by ballet z s. Lang, .A. Malcolm, D. itmillie. The directors al that they recommend , milk once each day all !gh, and that in the event endation being adopted facture and and draw the I a half cents per pound Malcolm, in support of, , ation, stated that he ioii. why milk could not eually as good con di tion s twice. PT having it there could be quite a ;ng made in the draw - lis cadnion that it would to the patrona, as they itad to milk at any par - lie afternoon, but could ime and milk at their he evening. He recom- i to be left out in the Orue ',lace where there tion. Those who might tities he would recom- ve close to their pu;mp ough to hold the pails. rough say from six to iter, and as the milk was owe set the pails con - 'lately into- the water, -ery sultry weather the changed in, about one le had been placed into I be a great additional ilk -with a clipper about -ore going to bed. lk -: e followed these direc- their pails properly (hal he would, guarantee ty time. Several others sited the plan suggested. as they had. practised r, and had no difficulty Ralk sweet They con. tillable trifling, and. far :lug in the afternoon in Ivey with the wagons. - - tl and seconded that the lame each day be adopt - as carried unanimous- iided and carried that auditor for the com- ae then closed. There r of the directors at the 'eernee Lang, on Tues - L ii.elock P. M. 'eeborougIL !L-A tea meeting is te etperance Hall, Loades- "needay evening, Feb, geetlemen are expect- eieeting, Rev* Mr. .7S-10- - "Mr, Hartley, Dan- ''ritehard, Wiugham, a Auburn, Rev. Mr, rough; and Rev. Mr. F; The Londesborough aman Warner, aa lead - tinted to gag on that time is expected. The to Rev. Me. Young ,! every second Sunday. xeter. rialf-past 11 on last tire broke out in the Exeter, which were flown. Two valuable besides a cutter and. I was yery soon on fire, ival of the fire engine ,,. The hotel was eon- WitOLE NO. 429. enema aileAts. SEA -FO FRIDAt FEBRUARY 25, 1876. 1 REAL ESTATE FOR MALE. VOR SALE.—A Wood' Lot, containing a little less than 100 sores of land, well situated in the township of MK llop; soil most excellent, timber heavy, will be sold cheap. aApply to R. A. LEGGETT, Exeter a. 0. ; 420 WARMS FOR SALE.—East half Lot 11, Con, -I; 12, Meliillop ; and West half Lot 19, Con. 12 MCKillop ; also Smith 50 acres- of Lots 1 and 2 Con. 10, Morris, adjoining the Village of Blyth. For particulars apply to McCAUGHEY & liOLME- STED, Barristers, &c., Seaforth. 426 RUILDING LOTS IN SEAFORTH FOR SAVO —Dr. COLEMAN, having laid out the grounds recently -occupied tits a Driving Park into Buid- ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of lots on reason- able terms to any who may desire them. Parties desiring to purchase should make immediate ap plication. 864 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—The iwest half of Lot 16, Con. 1, Hay, in the "village of Rodgerville. Good, orchard, well watered, com- fortable buildings. Also 2 lots and convenient house in the Village of Exeter. For partieulars enquire at the farm or to the subscriber at Exe- ter, D. OTTON. 426-4 VALUABLE PiOPERTY IN HARPUR EY FOR SALE.—For Sale,in Harpurhey, ile from Seafortin a large frame Divelling House con- taining 7 rooms, with a stohe foundation: and large cellar ; a gobd well and pump, and acres of good land, more or less. For further particu- lars enquire to the proprietor on the premiees. ROBERT HANDCOCK. 129-4 "WOR SALE.—The property of bbe late j. C. A: Copeland, being eomposed of 8 park lots, in the Town, Plot of Grey,' containing 16 apres of thelmat of land, and well cultivated. There is a good frame, house and barn on theproperty. The above will be sold on °soy terms.' For further initial- lers apply to HARTWELL SPEIRAN, Monerieff • P.0, Grey, or to C.,R. COOPER, Brusselg. 422 VAR31 FOR SALE.—For sale on -easy terms, Lot No, 26, Oen. 6, Township of Hay, con- taining 100 acres, 6Q Of which aro elearid- and in a • state of good cultivation. I good frame dwelling house with log outbuildings, an orchard and a good well. Is situated half way between the sta- tions of Kippeivand Flensall, being 6 -miles from eaeh place. Apply to WM. CU °MORE, Granton, or to CalARLES MASON, Brimfield:- 429 VOR SALE,—Sphendid Chance for a live man 1- wishing to start businefes in Exeterone of the principal pointS on. the London, Huronliind Bruee Railway. Good brick store with dwelling overhead, also train° dsvelltng house, $ablei orch- ard, and everything convenient for doing a good business. Old established.stand, over 20 years. Reasoner for selling, proprietor retiring. ' For terms, &c., apply personally or by letter to WM. GRIGG, Merchant Tailor, Exeter. Out. 427'04 'WARM FOB, SALE.—For Sale, the East half of Lot 19, Con. 8,H.R.S.,Trieleoremith, contain- ing 52 acres, about 40 of whieh are cleared and in a state of good eultivation=balance well timber- ed. There is a good frame house and log out- buildings; a good loupe bearing achard ; is dis- tant from Seaforth 6 miles, and is manatee'. en a good gravel rout. For further particulars a ply to MRS. WILLIA.g APPLE, on the prom see. or to Egniondville P. 0, 428 VALUABLE PROPERTY IN EG3,10NDVI LE FOR SALE.---iFor Sale Cheap, that emu ort - able and pleasantly situated residence in Egm nd- ville, formerl y ()coupled by Mr. David- Dundin, and novr by Rev, Mr. Scott, with one acre of land attaehed, whieh is filled with bearing trait 4.eles of the eholpest kinds. There is 'deo a good stable and woodshed, and all other conveniences. Pos. minion given on Atrch 16, 1876. Terms eCey. Apply at the EXI'OSIT OR Office, Seaforth. 418 -WARM FOR SALE—Sonth East quarter of Lot • 20, Con. 4, Township of Morris, containing 50 acres. New frame house, well and pump. Good orchard of 75 bearing trees, 25 acres clearad, 21 acres beach and maple with some homicide 4 acres cedar swamp, with good drainage. A° above property is situated lit miles from Brussels, 'on the Great Weatern Railway. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to C. R. COOPER, Brus- sels P. O., or to JOHN BRANT, on the prem- ises. 429c4 A LARGE DWELLING 11`..1USE in deaforth -LA- for Sale or to Rent.—Forsale or to rent, that pleasantly it and commodious dwelling bonito, owned by Mr. S. Powell. The house con- tains large parlor, dining -room, kitchen, and 10 comfortable bed rooms, together with closets, a good cellar, hard and soft water, stable, wood- shed, &c.„ There are two lots filik with choice bearing fruit. trees. Posliession given at any time. Apply- to S. POWELL. N. B.—Also a large quan- tity of square timber for sale. 415 •'WARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, the North Half • of Lot 16, Western Division, Con,14, Township of Ashlield, containing 100 acres,' of whieh 80 tierce are eleared and in a 'state of good cultivit- tion. The buileings an d fences are good, and the farm is well watered, It is conveniently situated to rnarketreechools, ehurches and railways. It is one of the most desirable farms in the township of Ashfield, and will be Hold cheap and on easy terms. 'For further particulars apply to JOHN MeLENNAN, Aehfield, Araberley P . 0., or at Tile Exeofirroic Office, Seaforth. - 428 peers FOR SALE. --North half .of the South -I; half of Lot 130; Con. 6, Township of Morris, containing 55 atiree, all deared; 2 never -failing springs on the farm, 5 sores fall wheat and 10 acres fail_ plowing, frame house 18x21. The above property is of the best of lahd, pn� is on the gravel road and adjoining the flourishing vil- lage of Bruseele. Brussels is one of the best mar- kets in the County: of Huron. T01113$4 to suit pur- elution For further partieulare apply to C. R. COOPER, Brueeele P. 0., P. KELLY, Blyth P. 0., or JAMES DUB NION, on the premlede 429e REV. MR. McDONNEii'S NEW CHURCH. , 1 A.correspendent of the *NUM A er- km Journal in speakingdt the churches of Toronto and more particularly of the new St. Andrew's church says 'e It has been appropriately said that. Toronto. is "City of -Churches." The remark is ljust in so far as the external buildings are on cerned ; but whether it equally ap lie to the spiritual temples weich are sup. posed to, be enshrined, in the mate - 1 i a question of another stanip, and which I had better not doginatize. are proud of the architeettrtil beautie the city; and not lost among these of t which pertain to our eccles ailtical s tures. The Church of Eng nd Cathe of Si. James, the Roman° tholie 0 dral of St. Michael the Wesleyan M politan Tabernacle, the new Ba 1 Church on Jarvis street, an4 now`the St. Andrew's March on King paid Si ico streets, are ornaments to the city, an i magnitude and elegance wil compar fa- vorably with any similar building in America. As the poPulati' n of the ity increases, new churches are eing ere -ted in all the most needed and rowded dis- tricts. In some of these th re is perl ap the inculcation of questioea le doctri es, or the observance of supersti'ions rites yet the erection of them evidoe a cor4 nd- able spirit of enterprise and geneeosit on the part of their pronioters and vrhe he or not they all realize the, p oper ide o divine worship, they ateuin oubtedly do- ing much to make the religi us accoinrom dation of the city equal teit wants ; and that is more than can be it id of many towns in both Canada a;icl the Un ted States. ! i - , A NEW EL)IF[CEI po We of osei VO -1 ral he- troe tis t The completion and opering of the eN St. Andrew s Church is qtil e an evel t in the history of Presby erimi sm in To on - 1 t6'., , and will justify a furth r referepc it. Without exception it. i one of. th es, • 011. th 00 al th mode ofieipression he li travened spme o theed the Presbyterian Churc as apparently oene ctrinal articic. of' and has expo ed, himself to the captious priticisms of thope• whose minds are too contracted to v coy' theology on a ;broad' ekpansive Wahl,- or who are envious of the popularity and in- fluence of the minister of St. Andrew's. ! OLD ST. ANDREW'S. Now that a new St. Andrew's Church is opened, " Old St. Andrew's" will one -; tinue to be occupied lily the member of the congregation resident in that pait of the city. This is a WiSQ arrangement. ! It would be a mistake to take it down,, There are many endearin associations hes ica 'one of with it. It is one of the ei deft ehur in the city and is quite an ecclesias landmark., The Presbytery has sanc ed the arrangement for the continuan the bervice therei and the formation o • an independent congregation; and witl outt any break in the, serviee all; thia'ar- rangement is beirig arrived at witlf effect" There will thus be an additional Presbye terian 'congregation and minister Math°, city,andso aninceeaseof the workingpews er of the church. In no town i the Do- minion does Presbyterianism s ow more, Signs of Vitality and vigor than ere; and. if its energies are not cramped b arijettare the Presbytery it will flOurish i an equal, row and contracted policy on t ehpuarretb.bf ratio with any other Pr'teetant Letter From anito a, ! d inter-, was re-. rinr'clf41,111oi ed it , to s will be readers.; =nary,' It reads; smatter., rove in- , ve you a, of grass- duringeinotue rroi ne gy, ineelat' astonished to find a toWin of ab ut 7,060! inhabitants, which for Istir and business, 'fairly eclipses any of your Onta io towns I Luber of; ecu put; ow pest! quite an , which town j is ty. Any! is Prov -i not MI: but gm' delig ted with; promising features hichi it; Its rich prod ie; soil, ree from. acle that would im ede the , agricalture, And ma iy biuffs hich akes the best f weed, ; most of the fare! , y steps COM is ould b desi ed11 ast Mo day r. 1 est ab ut four Wc trove ed:41 dense forest, a leve asi the ti ber is rst-class 11 of it the b st. armers Pal e weed they r, and o ly In or bui ing a ave ,th se c the na ural try pos esses ndition. Eve The following well Written a eating letter on Manitoba affair • oeived from Mr. ,Robert Fergus erly of Gey, by Mr. ,Mark Brussels, who has kindly han us for publicatimi. conten pKusecl with interest by our and is addressed o Mr. 'ardiff. s follows: , f e letter is datid the ti9th of Deka Salt : Thinking that a ing of Manitoba affairs would finest of our church ilifices. It oceu a commanding positio a is ranged teresting te you, I proceed to g few facts Concerning thi ," lan a due regard to comfort au convenie have atherec and is built in a style at on e elegant here. Upon ne cost a f this our prtracte substantial. . The grOuncla $3!,000; and . exclesive building will cost in all , a more. ;Of this sum more has been con ributed by me congregation and the Publie I ance will be raised by fur private subscriptions and, Itions. You will thus see t ably generous spirit has which promises well for the building is intended to " about 1,200 persons ; ' but some 400 more could find ac heppors," Pat I my short' stay Winnipeg, after over the Dawson Route l I was s out . $75 ian one bers of and the •al- er effer Tof the sanie population. A n ee.'t excellent brick ,buildings have ublic co been shove', up during last eummenl The office is a Statel edifice, maid is at a rem rk- ornament to the own, The Uric future. The are made in the vicinity of the cdommodate ith pres ure handsome and of a supe ier qual oinin.oclat ore person tiking a tour th eugh t in the aisles. In the int ior errai ments, everything is simple nd chaste gallery tuns round the buil ing with rows of ascending seats ; 'a d havin the north end act:mu-m(1W n for the gan and choir. The .Beat are mad cherrywood, handsomely fini hecl, and namented at both ends wi a ininia of St, Andrew'e Crosta At the seats cushioned in a uniform at le. At south end is the pulpit, and elow th, a platform for a comniunio table ; w alight b letters 'riCkrineeg.d, House, the wo ass, the and the blue, and the view ; and with chande; ers and walls of crimson color. No pillars obst pliers the church will be bri tautly li ed at night. -• rrs EXTERNAL APP EA The external of the build ing with its interior arrang massive, yet elegant. Thel ain entre, consists of three magnificen arched cl ways, ornamented with rid 'mouldi The end facing King street I on each side of the pulpit oi ground are inscribed in gi _Beatitudes and the Apostlea above is a neat scroll w 1 "Holinesa bee,cnneth Thy, Lord." The effect is very. ii the windows are of stained' is framed from wall 0 wall ing is stained with light ANCE. A our at or - of 0 r• u re are he t is lila ck- the nd ds, Oh All °of eil- the uct as- ince, could he many resents. very obs progress o of timber and can be procured b triers without gone; Ina door, ma,ke it allIthat for farmin4 purposes. Broadfoot and I 'went miles to the timb r Juni all afternoon in a a floor. Most of building material and of rail timber. All the tine can get all the sto quire almost at their do to go four or five panes . . rail timber, whileti some vemences right a hand. Notwithstanding , all vantages that- this cou is in a sad and ruinous c where you go you, are confrante sad effects ,of t e, grasshoppers. tine, though a large settlernen ha the Provincee-, could, not enough grain to feed a breed of In the central part a the Provin 30,000 bushels 4 grain was this fall. This ceuntry would h s two six duced an immense quantity of g rising 100 feet each. At tit - principal en- not the hoppers harvested it. 1' - trance is a solid tower 31 i et square at time Manitoba must date its ruin the base and finished at the op with f perity. lain company with J QAW MILL AND FARM OF 100 ACRES FOR SALE.—The fail/scribers offer tor sale their raw mill and farm, Lot 85, Con. 54 East Wawa - nosh. The mill contains large a -healer, edging • sew, butting Haw, 'shingle saw, oager,aud packer— ail in good order. There are on the lot besides the two frame' dwelling houses and trate° stable. There is alsO on the lot a qiiantity of val- uable timber, consieting of pine black ash, and • hemlock arid other hardwood, With a large eteek In the vieinity to last a number of years. Satis- factory reasons- given for selling. Po SESSiOn given at any time. For further particiala enquire, if by letter post paid, of W. G. KINGSTON, Brue- ads P. 0., or to R. T IIINGrSTON & BROTHER, Weetfield P„ O. 1380 _ NOTICE • IDEBTO . circular turret, at a heigh tif 116 f et. • Mr. Broadfoot, went to Rat Ore The roofs are covered 'with I lates of v ri- two weeks ago. We weat for s ous patterns and hues, in Our train Consisted of five yoke with ornamental cresrgs. are finis led With s inc ardhitect ite orman st I land, of ward to e I In the r a the grot d lass roon s 1! room At it& 09 schol• r . deeig to utili y,a not so la ed men tion best of t e The distance is 50 miles, ma • modifications, the st lc 6 there and back. I thought I may be regarded as the old to have a -Pleasure, trip, but I fo found in several parts 4f Se that it was i pleasuring with a ve ancient date, reaching bad If I was forced to, go on, such a times of David and Robert, of the building is a lue roe • • ! floor containing vestryI and and over this a Sundaei. Sch accommodation for a out ;The whole has • bee • and constructed with a vie and although the buil mg as some of the other °lanai it is nevertheless equal to th ill convenience; and a • ornament in the western pa it is a noble Monument of and zeal of the pastor and tion. • This beautiful bull& ng TAKE NOTICE.—All accounts owing- us must worship on the 13th inst., be sewed this Month, or theywill be placed '-vices throughout, I an glat in court for collection. MeINTYRE & 1VIL- successful. Amore aut+ciou LIS, Seriforth.• 421 not have had; and more ia „ v ties 0011 A, not e e L. the chureh was erowded, an of Bev. llobt Campbell, PA and Rev. 13. W. Gordon wi propriate, enunciating soute earnest and attractiv sty1 17 AST WARNINO.—Those parties who do net -1" nettle up their accounts with Strong & Fairloy before the 151.11 of the present month had better look out for equells. Can't wait any longer, roust have busindes wound up at °me. STRONG a FAIRLEY, / 426 1VOTICE TO VIE par4es dcbted to the undersigned either by note or book account are hereby notified that be has not authorized any person to collect HU_Ch debts. All date due must be paid to kilned' personally. JAMES IN, ar. Seaforth, February 10tia, 1b711. • 427-4 by Pal the b rod least. - A few years of prosperity would 'put thiege rlJ right again, for this is the cotrvteryt that will Produce grain and re- quiretle labor. Gladstone is the nanie of our village. It is only a mere child yet, a t)lac smith shop, store and post office being the principal buildings. We lexpect to here, so that prosper, this business. I hoppers Stay have the county buildings in a few years, if things will be a good place for am convinced that if the away, Manitoba will pros- per. During the past four years, not- withetanaing the many drawbacks, the country has filled up With industrious and energetic settlers. Now we are about to have railroad eiommunication, which will give new life to the various indnstrieti. A. company is formed in Winnipeg, and have chartered a railroad to run west to Fort Pelly, which will psi through .Palestine. Such a road could -be 1built cheaply, the prairie being quite level, and when built would do a ood busineski, for itisastonishing to see the quantity f freight that is -taken west by cacen'and arts for the mounted police and siirveyor I never experienced a pleasanter win- ter in mylif than this one so far: It is clear, dry weather; very little snow. In the flail you would not wet the soles of your feet,. he weather is so dry and pleasant. It is far Ahead of Ontario- -winter, If ou were out here you could - have some eat sport shooting;- You could go into a bluff and shoot rabbits as- fast!as you n load up. Deer are not very plentifuljust here, but by going west you will find them in abundance. RoBERT FERGUSON. Canada. • 1 . Al Winds() hotel -keeper was lately cominitted to jail for 70 days, without op- tion1of fine, f r assault; and battery on his wife: —The you gest daughter of Hon. Wm. McDop all was married at Toronto on Friday, to Mr. J. Galdwin jedd, late captain of th 886h!regiment. --1A. petition is being circulated in HaMil ton , praying for the commutation of McConnell's sentence, but the major- ity a the ea' zens wish to see the sen- tence carried ut. —Robt. H 1, of the village of Newry, hid his leg b oken last Friday night by a threshi g machine, which he was drawing along. the gravel road, being thrown upon him. —A Stratfo d liquor dealer has been fined $25 and posts for selling liquor to boys under 21 years of age. Were there a few more examples like this set there would be less necessity for Prohibitory Liquor Leagues. . —John 'Sheppard, an aged, vagrant; died about 4 3 o'clock on Friday morning - in Barrie jail, where he has been confin- ed for upwards of 'a year. A coroner held; an go st on the body, and the jury,retur ed a verdict of death from natural ca e . --A de ut tion from Manitoba, con - upon the Minister of Agriculture, at Ot- tawa,Senators on rid y, for the purpose of ob- taining increased supplies of Rain and provisions for the grasshopper sufferers in the Northa est and Manitoba. e- —Mr. Jose ye clerk of Mbb d , of a Stratford n- ! and enter e u town. Mr. Re h Reading; late township rt, has purchased thestock stationer and bookseller, n the business in that ding's many frieuds in Hih, bert and vicinity will wish him all success it in his new undertaking. .1 —One day 'last week, two old resi- he dents of London township, William and Janet Shutt, of .Bryanston, died within St a few hours of each other, the first nam - cc ed being 76 and the latter 85 years of icke s. age. They left considerable property Washed without an he to inherit it. e about —The glanders has made its appearance ve pro. ain had •om this or pros- hn and k about d grain. r oxen. ing 100 s going nd out geancle. trip in Ontario, I would ;have thought lit a big trip, even if I hada smart horse ncl cut- ter, but now I have to fade the journey with an old pike f oxen, move long as slew as a snail, get no hot " p nch" on the road, aad incur the risk of having te be out all night! How is tha for the "glorious Northwest ?" ' Those who are bid to buy their geed grain and ay cash or it, can buy what was grow in the pending as an country last yearatt a . reasonabl price, of the city, I don't know of Any in this se tlement he libera ity who have done so but our folks. J. is congre - Broadfoot, Mr. Davidson, and Brown, our member of Parliament d a ljs oPened • for e - to say, were be divided among the settlers. Donald is appointed to superintendthe istribu- tion in this county. The condi ions on which they get the grain and pi °visions are: wheat', "$2 ; bartey, .$1 90 p r bush- el ; and other things' propo ionably tl,j, dear, and e receiver has to aul the stu ff from Winnipeg, a distane of 100 miles, and give a mortgage on th ir farm st for the amount. Now, this whea , which costs $2 pea bushel in town, ca not be taken here for less than $1 per bushel, which will i make it in all $3 pe bushel. Think of that and weep for th charity of our Government ! Just loo at the nadi rils and and al- e have The Governnient relief supplies have nd the arrived in 'Winnipeg, and are about to day we co ressive ' each sera the serm f. 111.cLar re most truth in . I do know the amount coll eted, but it m have been considerabl The church entered upon its careerwith he brigh prospects ; and there iii, little doubt it prove a power in the City.. 1 TILE PAS'I'Oft. , ., • I need not inform yiu that the trIlli4CEI.LANEOV8. and for S de, on Lot 21, Con. 1, iironlload, man of eminent abilitY, deyetecl zeal, SEED OAT.—The -undersigned has on hand of the church is Rev W. elcDonnel tuekersmith, a quantity of !Black T rtar °ate for at Seed, Then oats were imported fr m Scotland by John 1,. Bruce, of Hamilton, a d last year yielded over 100 bushels- per acre. Ono bushel of . theft este yielded Met year over 4543ushels on the farm of Thomas Certer. • JOHN B. HENDER- SON. 42P4 •$90 REWARD.—The above reward will be paid to any person or persone who will furnish.sueli information as will lead to the legal conviction of the party or -parties sto published ,tha defamatory libel against my personal charac- ter, in Fly Shoot Form, dated Nor 1, knowing the • same to be a fabricated falsehood only to injure my cliaraster and eerve their own ends. GEORGE ANDERSON. Stanley, Jan. 10, 1876. 284 • highly esteemed by hi cong egation.' some respects Mr..Mc onnel; is in adva of his ministerial broth en irallis theolo al views; and is, perhaps, sOnewhat to the charge of latitu inazianism of s timea which in the hare of Eng n of "13r ean Stati nt'and a passes under the denominat Churchittn," and of w om , L is the most illustrious xpon :Ate. Without for a me Mr. McDonnell of anylthin to heresy in his theoloical lid et - i e e en et 48 et - ; ter , ia nid oe ea n cl. ad ey vo- t suspect' g approach ng °gnus, t ere can be little doubt that by in mcauti case. Here we have energetic pioneers, who have braved the p difficulties of the first settlers, most every year since the Y ea suffered loss in a greater or less degree, but the last two years have kit all, and our Government sends relief, and because the people cannot better themselves, charges theta three prices for the grain, and calls that relief. I think they will have to change their name but that ;is like their dealings with -,l1ttanitoba till along. ! 11 Every person who'has a right to knOw thinks that the grasshoppers will net trouble this country for, some years St among the hor Hamburg. 11 the disease ,h stable only. The proprietor has been comPelled to shoot four of his best es at the village of New to the present, however, s been. confined to one animals to ;pre malady. —Numerou been I seen flyi -country. Th most! unpr hitherto h eat the spreading of the flocks o Wild geese have g over the surrounding iriflight in February is al- e eoted, arid their presence s b tokened, the approach of spring. Whe her or ot the usual sign , will hold good in the p esent instance re- mainS to be 80 011. had a narrow escape fr m destruction by —The Parlirent buildings at Qaebee fire on Thursday moan g. Some wood work! in the vicinity of a stove pipe ig- nited, but was forturialely discovered early, and the fliimes were with some dif- ficulty maatered. —John A. Crossrnan, well known in Elora and Hamilton,and whose wife and family reside in the latter place, went to Hamilton Ohio, and married a lady of highly res'Pectable connections.. He was arreethd, tried and found guilty of big- amy, and sentenced to seven years in the State prise'', . --Some exci merit was occasioned in Toronto last week in consequence of an elopenient in high life. The daughter of a lett:ling citizen eloped with a bank clerk. The runaways, were, however, overtaken,' and ' returned, to the city. Everythingis now reported to be amicably settled. —The Parkhill council propose to give Abraham B, Shantea of Zurich, a bonus of $350 to assist in the erection of a fax mill in that village, and exempt the mill from itaxeslfor five years. Mr. Shantz is to keep °oath ously 14 hands employed. The ratepayerS will vote - on the by-law on March 18. —Oonsiderable political excitement was occasioned in .Pernbroke last week, through a law suit arising out of the North Renfrew controverted election trial: 'A German, named .Antoine Kos- peroski, WAS arraigned before a magis- trateion a charge. of having committed perjury at the aforementioned trial last summer. The principal witness Was Mr. Thomas Murray, brother of the unseated representative, and it was in a measure on the evidence given by Kosperoaki at the trial that Mr. Murray was die:fuels- fied and his brother William unseated. - Mr. eaeon appearei as eou sel for the prisoner. The evidence; did hot seem to the agistrate to warrant a committal. However, Kosperoski was bo nd over to appear at the assizes to e held in May next. 1 nagee, who 'resides neer So thampton, —While A son of Mr, Jales McLen- • was returning from school one day -last week, he was trying to get o a wagon, when his foot slipped, t ro g him on the ground, 'and befoin he,co Id. recover himielf another team that as coming behind ran over his neck„ ea sing death in a very few minutes* GreatSympathy is felt for-thetereaved family. --The penitentiary at Kin . is un- usually full. ! Over 600, rise its are vow confined there. With is nclitien of things, the scarcity of mpl Meat and the consequent -temptations. stealing and other misdemeanors areno doubt greatly chargeable. The. co tractor. for the prison la or . his not effec ed his ar- rangements for work, and the oonvicts ..are 'almost idle. 1 —The ladies of Strathroy gave a leap year ball at that town one .e ening last week, which, was a very enjo able affair. The ladies took all the ptivile es of the gentleinen, selecting theleown partners, escorting them to supper, and-.pay-- ing all the bills ! • The last it4m will go far to make such affairs popu ar—among men. A large number of pe one from London attended, and they d chile it to :have been the jolliest ball of he season. **; ---A fire occurred' in The coca, late Widder station,,early o Sa May -Mgr - fling, consuming a new, frame dwelling house belonging to Mr. osep Rawlings The building: was finished -ad partially furnish d, but not ocoutded. Loss about n. $800 ; i surecl for $600. It i .suposed. to be tile work of an incend ary, as no fire had been in the house foe wo weeks. next wstiefierl was to have .be n married' —A deputation consisting Gilbert, Moore, Oliver, Trow Monteith, Charlton and Walla waited on the Postmaster -Gen 17th hist , aed urged on him th of establishing a daily ma .Stratford and Port Do*, o Dover and Huron .Railway,re ed. M r. Huntington promise utmost endeavors, consisten public interest, to furnish the accommodation. --In the township of Oreig ty of Norfolk, a few .eyenin man mined"; Voughan, while the supper t ble had au !alter f Messrs. Skinner, -- e,M. P,. s first that the prisoner Would take a tage of the Extradition treaty, an return to the Vnited States, but eV ally he decided, to de, sq,, muelk CLEAN fl&QTUii klinbrialt ta4 1531. SO n (rear,' WI nay:ante. ,difstood that if die plication the , . 9ireeri's Bench is unsuccessful, the case of the English Priyy CbUn04: tan - l will'prohably ' be tak ' liefere th Su- preme. Court, or the,.Iii 'ciat 'Corn itree while Smith remains in! -jail, appal. ntiy r dto his fate..- Ale-does.hot-4 ar to at all sanguine! that the e cots being pat forth °white:behalf-will b sue, eelg,84144411fa. ctu*rerii." of en;itiii-e. Wine's grapes grown *lid tkodiii‘a %iv: -I.) and. wild- stll such ' of not leis, thathrpi dozen bottles Of Mt • pints each at one tim 1 em any duty under. _the new Li !act, und are not yequilist to bbtaln 'license for so lellinglivs 46 ifactured, .- . , . .„ '7.' . I "—Sit detectives 'gin& ''kestial made a de-sdeet urn. aloft bank ' city of Toront;clo'-;one everil** limit They suece in se' int' itil the and arresting elteepe Ara- ten y uns Men whb iVere:pralringekt the -time. This is _the cornmenoement lir'S:evar at ' the numerous '46heills "-eithieh, hive sp ng up during the past:few year. all cm the ... 'elty: , It is nnderatood 4 crusade t also to be altered ot'eliettly. fer the su res. Bien •of the bellies 'of '111'14410e' ben brought, before the. Police Magist ate, the keeper pleadedageilty led was tied. $50 and -costs, or lix 'ertontbs impr on- ment:' The: ten yoting Men vier ae- quitted. , : —Montreal ,seems alayeierblela of li refuge for American rog_net of all,de the latest arrival ' b g a .•hais 0 attested on the l'itg i ' fa on a c " ge erjh young 'clerk, 23 yeata , f age; who as of embezzling12,000fronabil emplo re. A detective; in rdspouse to a- teleg am, made . a diligent taearch- for' the y ung man; and 'suoceeded in'findirig 'hi in a St. Joseph street hense. ,IiIis 'mid ar- rived on Fridey morhine and se med much exasperated 'at :the youeg n's disgraceful conduct.: ,It., Was fea,re at an - not ntii- I his Oni i in t1nthree ties iallons, or e, Are exe ted nse any anti - lice the eek. ois nil, on the necessity between the Port ntly open- —For some ...da;ye ip4otia to use his have bed' going -oh between the We with the earial dentraitora and the stoneeti necessary who haeVbeeiten' strike for some back., , Witls a view to a sottlein on, Coma- their imitual diffieulties, meetings s since, a been held by th UniOrt- men and sitting at contractorsreapectiyelye the result ation with that bags of agreemett subni his wia and threw a plate at her, which by the contractors to the meat wine missed Mrs. Nronglitin, but st uck one of latter, at a ineetiag held at Thorp their children on the bead, ki ling it in- Tuesday, agreed to accept. Briefly stantly. The father took th child and terms are threetaollitfrper *day put it in a hox, catrying it ome three' hours, picee Work at a correspo miles into the woods, whein h buried it, rate, the agreement to be bindin and told his family to say the had given the end of 1876.. Th 'agreement eincle's"gristifieatioti: ' , • "' i ions and ts, "me t cif VC3 !the the on ! the tee. it away. The prisoner has be n 'commit-, been signed, and the nienwi11 tiro eed. ted to Simcoe jail to stand his trial, ' to wOrk forthwith. The total n eber —Mr. Sithiey lasevrason, a f rmer near of men on istrike is between one, .two St. George, late of Blenheim, left h.onle and three -Innittred. The bit's -hien men on Monday last with his w.fe, leaving 'of St. Catbart#es are jubilant at this ter - the house in .charge of a hired man. Oil mination of the.difficu ty, as it e • Ma his return in the eve,niog he 'found the the expenditure of a corsiderable au i of . manl:cekenrenchleave, after av. money 70ng . ihh- . ingbrkrooe:4drawe;andabstractedrh0itario7Dairymei,0 Amoei tion therefrom $16 or $17 in mon y, a gold have appoititect:: Mr, Tli Mae Miall yrie,_ chain and two geld -rings • T e man also ..M. P. 11; for SouthP rth-, and M , E. appropriated to his own use numerous Caswell, of Ingersoll, ,to visit Ph' . g• el!. articles of wearing apparel. Ir. Teawitt- phia on the TM- inst., t� act in ebanj net son got trace of the fellow a loth:need tion with , the delegates of the "II ited him as far as London.. He as tumble, States Paiiymen'e „ASS . tion- in ak- however, to find him and g ve up the 1 "ing arrangements:for the exhibitio of dairy products ,at 'the entenniat t is sea_rcAlin. expelriment respectiv the pro- intended, besides having an- i113111 1180 ductiveness of bees has bee made by display of oh "dese 'and b tter,:tes ha 4 a Mr. W. C. Wells at Thurlow, ear Belle- factory in full ,opeeati n, so that ithe i ville, in this Province, with my satis- world at large may stud ,the exeelle Oka factory result's. From 59 hive of Italian of the American iiyafern. of • cheese e . k. bees this gentleman last suenn r extract- ing. Mr. Ballantyne, Prof. Be of ed 5,750 pounds of honey. One hive Belleville and. Mr. 0: E. Chadwie of lost its queen and. it was tinite with an- Ingersoll, lafien appointed • -le- afier. In ten days, when he clovergates to- a eonverititin of xlairymen rom was in blossom, -this double h' e produc- ill parts of the weeld; to be held at il- . ed 1714 pounds of honey. A3 the hive ad1phia in October. ,The .Assoo tion was on scales and . was weighed. every • has made an ex.-ellen.ehoice ie morning, the !accumulations of each day Ballantyne, who may be deemed th fa - could be ascertained, and one day alone ther of dairying 'in this section, and not less than 38 pounds were coilected. • whose kn�wledgeof the business is niost , __The village -of New Hainlburgh has, extensiie. ! - 1 - . I had a burglary,' Last Friday night the —The effeekia the renearkable wea her dry goods and grocery „store of Messrs. of this wiaterni sotamencing to oho it - Appel & Bain was entered and over $100 self. A peculiar fever has broken o t in "Worth of goods,coinprieing r ady made several large flocks of sheep in the 0 Uni- elothitg, tweee meerschaum , pipes, &c., ty of Middlesex which, in many in. eiaurtrriaendaway. The burglars "fleeted an etraleienatettesr'hasbpyrkobvipainfagtal.e Tchoaistshasof the eebyb reeking a pane f glass` in 9ig Pe door. 1.hey seemed to have bad sheep iri. A damp and unhealthy state. ractiee in the business, forheeyhadaShoeuetpd: itnthe omatoiringsrtaeltiobzetrudsistaatobare, pee" lly east on soMe cheeee, sa inm,ecc, w flue rough ! looking cliaractcrs were wet fields for support rather than sn. feat "leen in teWlil in the early p rt of the Thto -reeeguatliaurgroaftitonb: fozorfderny grass h sandanatulip vs.- eveniu and they are su ec d.• : 18( ....4) nsiderable stir has bee caused in ing in the wet fields has Started this Masonic circles by the actiolIl of some ease, which shows itself by a- heavy suss Members of the craft residing itiT. . ondon, Charge from , the nostrils. The ivool nt. A feeling of discontent ppears to loosens,"and can,be pulled away in hand. 1 ave pervaded the brethr n of he "For- tuls, the feet swell, and the animal JO.te est City," and on Frid y ev ning last josuptuittsibeuatlew,loistl:owutarnichepwei,nu,gaintdiffed, Wile: Lodge of Free Masons for 0 tario, and they proceeded to organize a Grand the ifi:satnsdYilloPtt:enir soh:: 1:aitts:lig, tfhooeds:ncip the following Officers were M., Brother Francis W 8:11ae ete,d4raWnrd kept 'from Water or tern ps for a co ple Master; Brother James eel, ra. nGd.st.,_ tohf edaaylisi,mth4e disreeoeavsee;.willi ehcohweeekveedr: ot nh 64 animal is allowed to eti in the f ds,; .1 retary. 'Upon! the G. M., M. 1 .,coBnrdouthet- and Brother W. Fitzger Id, the disease will.undoub dly prove f tal, er J. K. Ketr, hearing f th of the brethren, he at on e ord :red them to be suspended from 'th order, and the whole matter will be urth r enquir- ed inte. - : . —Wm.t Smith, eonvic der of be fanner Finlay, summer, and sentenced Lambton Assizes, must th have had jn his breast an of hopes and fears; He resin d for a second ti inathier in which the cas with in the-.0Cnirt ofQueen's readers have already Yecn Thad through these columns, and it 1 necessary to state that, after Came before the full bench, Moss, who tried' the ease, am record of the trial by evOlvin portant explanations, whet eThliltr Wilmbedb s done tone case Friday, be 4th the clOse it was intimated ment *mild be given on or bef March. The prisoner has been respited to April 2, next. Mft 4113- f I —The strangest cincthnstance in the history of that very ple ant' amuse ent of making preisentation occurred in the town pf DeindaS last Fri ay Merinng A d fo the renr- young gentleman jiamedl Wilson, bo rd- at'S.mbra, last ing at the Eight House n that town ou dea h at last pulliug on his boots in ns bedroom felt el° • g Months something hard in he boQokn, and th nk- alte !late flow ing that some one had played a trie on has • ow been him, turned the boot upside down, nd e. Vith the tolis amazement g, gold watch dro d has een dealt to the noon The watcl was perf ly nch, our t new and apparently ha4 never bee in familiar use. There was no i cription on it, only now neither did a note acco4npany it te rng e matter from whom it was recez ed. 'No on in r. Justice the house knew anythizg °lout it, nor • ded the. -had any stranger beerae en in the or. some ridors. The watch w .brought •a upon the jeweler, who valued it .at $95. he reargued name of the maker and 1 e number i on inst. At the watch, and it is Mr. Wilson's in t judg. tion to discover, if ible, where the re 206h of article war as pAsseck tit for the pres..1 eanwhile cut the matter remains a pleasant but It is un- )03rp1exing mystery. 1 1 tea