HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-18, Page 8IIIMPOSITORN T 14E R' 14 _QN 1$3, 1876. Von tXyootor. lile the '14ndledmore Iarw, b8hirid, 10"Airely out o� finely, and tliat-it; might bi assistance "Came, and after &l,ong, h Jecit should be lat riched by 'essrs. Me. funded to Robdrt Boriffirdn, Said -,amount- reauch, wi Boni 0 asuister. This delicately on 9a t nee Aillan, of I Hullei R. Govenlock, of being id Cotv ity Trrianarer for ch oocabn 1. The whole they found him a 'considerable nge 0 is p- I I to the urie in McKillop, ind E. Cresswell, 'he i York also is a most a -let Stood, b Tucker- a *r, and t ctice,�nd Should was inteispOsed with ra) s alectiobs'of from where the boi statut"e perform -
men from be abanido ed. No mater an tell the music furnisihed b Mt% I jurry, N, the ruins and quite dead. The body of Smith, with five or six ified by the pathins4tei. Mov- te Yo gentl ed as emer oment at a. was so - mi land each of the three townships ni med, hold- ed by Mr. G�eigfJfiit 00 adi d by Mr. Wil. m :0 neitt g may, go wrong gleoded at the org tei L by- a hoir lie, roor fellow atilated
which wil car,sI3 i u ly DISTRICT MATTERS h 9 ti isin to take fright, equal to the 0 One ight and ing a me ng a e (Led as scarcely to �e recognized, e orn- goo, no matter Aow� quiet! they may -be, and not being thought ouffici low. his clothing could not be taken off.; A Im the fo arel o 1, Worth, on reh 1, at cordance e pr visi,on -WILLTAX ALLEtf anuouncels fe d Bh Teas on cour' -Glyroa4aL -espbehll- " the win- ing one was* resorted to, in d as -Oroner's inquest was !held on *the oy 9 P. F riners having no insurance arautjn'g t lie rinei wing
$1 any ens Fr 3sh Ground 1, )
6V �-uiadrea wLbcer I- 00 SO= The: i the afternoon of t o tose policies -arties v�z.: Win. eynol blon, at from 500. to 900 ter t��e, there LT' any p e it thought, eclipsed its pre It' name day, 0 11 irproperty, those wl, Coffeo, 40o.;. 10 pounds White, bugar for $1 ; 11 e ab -r for 0; 140411118 Brown Sugar wriuld be im to abo T iit Scott, coroner, and the jury re out expire, would d o well to otel H nry Ortb, pounds fair snga poi sibi r person to get proceeds amounted to ibo t 50. 4wai Iffoltel accide t in rth r dev elopme beri for $1. Honey 8 Flour, Pot out of thal way f a rat law team. The FARM SOLD.—Mr. Js -e� Baird, of� iBQ a verdin.t of death nts before insur. Arad agner, Farn 0 p, i0luckwbeat ntal [ere? In Rio Barley, Corn Xeid, AtMAlt I 4 t am rill owner o I ly to ran away Stanley, has sold hi eq by the explosion � of a boiler. he as the ft ict th 4 Mr. Aurich ri.] ogwonaville Float, allbwle 5 farm, oAths Thir4 in and General Grateeriest elisiPeet at UZZ11%. 0 a this ay, coul4 Concession, to Mr. Joseph 'lea hig, has put Alls Ro through rel iness J �IeCulla, of at ock was felt by some people five a shoulder to the wheel a guarantee D mercial Hotel Zurich eichart, ly yotr want a pe ict,picture of your- 7
dis it
a ib I H
e' mi is rclorn
, 011 - for rf undoubtedly b held accounuble ank Zorra, for $5,000. The farin Contains off,� and all the houses in -the fieighbor. of Success. AdRICOLA. John Frang, Huron Rc teLIZurich Mar_ t1i self go to A. CLD916'New Gallery, opposite the at damage they. lit d . We: know 100 acres. Mr. Baird haa pakchasee the: hood shook, . About hilf tel� ;.J,,ohuD slanyion Hotel, Pletnres taken in, all styles. u - of the boiler is tin Baft,13'erne o ;;11;r�f copying riging. done -perfeation— nd on d- part of. house and lots in Egmondvil�e.fronj Mr., leveled- to the grou iel the this careless ot thi nd, AnA.the rei (ter Clinton. Lake r Hotel ; Louis! Busly Man- and ouls, IMonts used with a knowledge teams V.1
bent mske of Instru 1�: )ukhtlesones ichael, it' badly smmheid., rRox i zz NZW. xiu.j Sion r tersis dui mor to th( 6 John Cairn, nd intendh combi to Thei boiler wasori i 'tc Hotel, 119nall; Cor�elious Pu d
19 of how to use them. Giva-hiz a will. Alwieys at than to actual &Teiso afia, reckless' reside in that'village. II ces, and about halt of it cannoi be HORSE DIED. -A splendid y ung stal- tel, He that bomd and in good humor. H' has bZ -A G 0 nd. The dom e ton valued, at $1 600,aud belonging to
noss,. and ' now, hit the matter NEW GnANGH.- F, ma thrown in thi ab=4psles be ted' it �cvrtificxte 1ge 1,was o ev
TV' Vrall-A xr, 4nyriay. vv;ll arrivn in a few - -1 . rigan __ . � I
broughtlo pub c attefttion, we hope tile ized in school section N i. 14, t e C1 St e ' b It a hundred yards from the r ii1, . J. Ave ndon road, took nick
days; and will be sold at prices to suit the haA Y� from theeefeian for. a won 19,
ve f times, another I Mont of those good dangerous pr";io r6ferred-,to -will W on Friday last. The ro a �j were b 0 0, stones andlirie piecesof mood last week an Tdie for two months from t e 10 Argo consign ry 11t ; March �e n were thrown in every diree I rallab )a Clocks, Seth Thomas ard other makeiii, At abandoned. bad, and a temperance eOt, being d ion 1 To- REbio YE., — r. W. Me Haffie, for next, on a certificate he tavern. In- FOR 8 —A.Wood- x4t,"Mutaini
ing 1ro HICV90N'S. -d 0 the same fok 20 rods all round. !Apart of on nton has swtor tha t have .4 'wen held in he neighborhoo 3 of 12any years e.-.-xpr agen at C11. lied with the SEE 11FUE.—Plated Wk re just received AaRICULTURAL DiNXER.—The annual at. e rafters wen ro kh e r of the r d th atineut of- &I ent at St. night, the meeting was no So, large -of said by -h Z 'hea. t' provisions -timber -11 be . Thomas, to w ic place he ME iOves m a Sum of $5 shall be the -51'a lount' charged T-,, zxocr P. 6. at U. P., COUNTRASe A sto*` of those cheap. dinner un ho ai �Icesi of the Hallett tended af expected. ei 6 wer 20 de hotel, about 2 5 'rods distant, 'and Trip�e Plated Cruet Ste Branch Agi ricult d,rai ociety 'was he'd at nds, ditlect, from he! Ce le. joined. The me b4 held every a other iece Went I hiough the si4 of few fora, w( tav license for months bV ORSE �etings W brated house of Rodgers, Smft� & Co. Knox7s Hotel Clinton on Thursday eve two weeks, commencing *ith Tueiday, th.0 hotl A large p.ece of iron was Car- CJU MD.—Mr. n Mason, law confir0pig the abo 19 Ms iwhin Ding of last we The attendance, conl�' -2 3 Mop - -4nd Wtithalf,Xiot;7
14 You want a good picture go to C. 3, I �' Feb. 29. The following of o mo -e&by Mr. UepollI secondeid, I,$ " - south,60 Aires *1 Ld
Wooix.'s Studio—ho is now prepared.to furutsh ri, d across the railw ty track, and went of Halltt, whobas done o nuc to- it was
e, mr, U U 10 0 WVA first.,olaoR work, better than heretofore ; �nve him 0 cers elected for the eusaink.y0ar : Geo. d wa through the p at -form of-, the ta. wards the in iprovement of or ies "in this by Mr. lb,fleisch, thv t the by-law as ite of Xe� v OIL;w , Was a call and see his work:bofore going olsewhe e. a 13 roa, yery go Hart, master;_ H. Reid, 0 1 verocer; John ti n. Had the exrlosion taken p e ()/Oun has just I iurchased thi celeb mt- now read I eonfirmed. Moved:: Mr. pp.
eil lit Ed i - 8 J'UST 'TO HAND, and always kept on At the appointe'. hour about 80 gentle-'� 7 McDonald, lecturer; R. ell. steward h If an hour later, i 11 the hands, imported stalln -Bank of England Wilson, a( condd by I Ir. 1, McColl that ED band, a fine assortment of those necossary, arti- men sat- down � to supwr. The sprea4, T. Penfound, assistant A�e ard ; ohn iril number, would b;.Ve been killed as f roin bfr. W. I lodpon, Ei eter, for oleo, Plain Gold Ringo. Come quick before the was gotten upjin Mi Knox's us this Council authoriw th!.'ei R�eve And UallYl Ketcher, eh� nothing could have d them had t ey 82 200. 'Engiiieer plain J. Tonesj treasurer; DeputyReeive to have th season It over.—E. HioxsioN & Co. excellent style. I "The 4�`hair was occupie( On Sat th work in their res 'ec- FA:T ar r. John r,43618utly' OCO W. Murdoch secretary; U, Mc'B,e been at their' e the survey li 'in the big, t ATTI. P , .9 - I a C TTRI(3u, for a 4 X.0 s,,is prepairei
rt ores; Mrs. ea. The lo, 9% is estim F XTION is directed to the immense by.Mr, James lligginl the President of, tiye plae 'Irozier. lof Ileit, brought -to Clinton
gatekeeper :,- Mrs. G. Ha ate at arsh as p -.r' by-law. in ases and- stock of Overcoats, Pea is e s aud. Roadymaae the Soc I I su 3h c all termist"Uy 'W14
A t iet . .Mr. SD 11, of Edmonton,: John Kitc en Pomona; bf - J. "gan, about $2,000, and no insurance can' be two splendid two Clothin whioh.must. be cleared out.—GRAY h -year-old steers that report to Council a ib first meeting YOUN iiver'sAdvocate,j Flora,; Mrs. W. Murdoch, la' it wasi not burned, 4nd N-SPARLING. and Weld, of the I'm �ly assistant collected, as turned the scales at 2,695 poun . A few af
ter such Survey. A riii,mber of ae- London, were e-J,pectei , to. be. injattend-i +.h ra Was nnl a, liv4e 41- � ave revin Mr TT TT,tinlr;
ance to deliver,, addre isei bat h5r somo, II .7 _N 9 counts weie on MOM W w I—The subscriber Is' Dpared ito pa, the highest b ilding. The propr�etors intend erk,-' 8 a pair o oxen of his own i in and id M t pri DI O�ed by Mr. 34e ger, !seconded bag, cash for any quantity of good stave bolts, q1neithe.- of these Brussels, in another -mill as! soon as posSitle. f tt g w6ghed 3,900 po a by Mr. Ka4bfleisch, thd, the Reeve D. reason or other:' gen e- =d at the Wroxeter tave Factory. t 1well IM
12 a peara ce bmen put in an a Mr. Thomas' get a yfhing in the' Wee Of Mo!ris -AwNu,,,,L forUble butdin C think 2 "Icis aud a Photographic in, eter. For KmLtN & Co. PARTIES wishing to the municipah E a. -The ann ial meet- McColl and Win. Wils,
Moon discussed ,very a' Ahe bouse in the
�SCLience of' Yo e an We I - line would do welt to pall on Unim, . and Turnberry should do soniething to of' the JE1 ron Emigration A d Society a committe4-to, have a I IT WILL Pay agriculture, dw Ring a rongy;on the im-� the photographer, for he makes o 11 lie styles su4 as .8 $1 t them, as th6 only started 'ast ON. C. LAMI]�&W'8 Goods b chasing elsewhere. wl be held At tho Rat'lenbury House Warren's Creek, Opposite p, Cons -ter. D. portanoe of kno Ing hi iw.tQ manure, cul -i sizes, and finishes them in the lalestij style of the IHe solls awfa cheap and 06d articles. and were just beginning to in tke Old pictures copied and enh xg6d. Galle sp, 9, Unton, on �Saturday, Fb. 2di 1876 1 2 -and 3, if ih think it n(cessiry, with
- " , at ey tivate and crop Md. Mr. John McMil- ry- IIt Ar I ipndla mppl-. whixin fh;a d4i UABIX P'ROPIERT�f IN RA,
lim .LaP.RisoNs TO Cent ea 10 X. 0 01001L IVIL. full atte dance of. power To Cal on the eer Ian diseussedth� Cal part, andgave V NVO 8 Pou#ds White Sugar for $1; 11 Pounds Good ROUGH 01V HOTEL KFE?ERI .9.-TAider The fireman, Walter Riichards0n., wad, 30 a [I the members is respectfully for plaits, &c,, for the sa by from seat- IS14,
r prac: ye rs requested. Bright Sugar for $1., sound advice egardin the products of of age, and leaves behind hirii a mr.j mccoll,
Bras iels R-EvIvAis. - The revival Mr. Wilson; seconded aining 7 then w lie use law, will only y t LL the farm , giving as an,t explana#on what ,,ng wife and three small children, be- meetings large S ]4AWLs, S.HA,-.wLs.-Agreat variety of '' be en 'tled four hotels inii6ad of Six that Paul F. 'Bell a W( d until -next
he claimed sbi Ad be �aised cia a farm of; ) es a Aarted a short tin ie since in the Bible re C hiriatian of d
Shawls, at.rednoed pnees, at th Farmers' Store. large number of friends and r6la- wbic is the � `1 . or the'
;number in op(ration now. iu�mmer to rfor 100 acres. Mr., A. E16oat advocated the an d M odiat Churches, of a. LARGE and 'varied assortment of MARKETS.—Fall wheat, 02c tives, to moarn his loss, He Wag L a j6illy in I 1 90C to n 1875, and. 'at the collee or lo not collect d recom ton, still continue, and are urner- 9;rowingof bedi,," on�lfarmsan 85c to 87C - oatso we, ie'labor on nceBackCojobbs Just to hand HwKsoNls. ended theblp'ak as he easiest'� sprin 2$c, to fel ow, and. had the well wishes of ev o isly attended. During the e;irly part the amount charged.for 3tat rk 8%,j to $10,, a un as 6141A be,pgo
_d a g arle 9 aco ain d. -85. A-djout*ed. 4 JLSL astonising how, lery cheap J. 0. in thokli b 45c Ito 53c ;'peas, ; 60,c to Q2c Pe roon with whom he wa u 0 the week, v. Ur. Poole, of Toront ' collector's roil of 1 -7 J LArDLAw sells his Goodg. G ind see. grown., The uival patriotic and loyal� 0.1 ork $6 50 o $7 35; h H' timely death h toasts were pr sed and r* s. onded to p 0 m"ducted t I. services in the Methodist Towa Piot:(f,airey, 1
SU E OE - C11URCH, �of land �at d vmll FEW of Dr. Chase's heceipt Books I I Ri se - sation on the minds of the conim C hurch, and by hi earnestriei and fer- I
b mong Ro to bJ sol off cheap, at Hii and the compa y roke Up the d le Chee 30 Fa�,-t0r.y.. =d bat
d Meth dist church ty, and much sympathy is felt for 'a frame houmm
body I av� sold the ill be sold 6u �easy� I
u ive ne- 'm
Iwee sma' ho t elat The fu' v Dr infused n aw 'I and energy into the Thefir8t u.vq'h and pro -eaved wife and r a. Ider brick ch n J ohn be I members thereof.' eeting of Abe sto4kho -,a Ian appl�, to ffAul
street to thle. Epis IV. distol 11,loinEs NVANED.—Nifir. Eby, Lan- pe �,' for in 'the Rodgerville cheese fa -1 any of our r aders will copal �1�00 ral took place on Saturday last, and VFas 0 y Wag the factory on $9 last,
day iu
on of the largest we have ever seen] in held at Tu caster, Penn., will be atF Rose's Hotell� - OBITUARY deeply regret to learn 9' f t e 0 Mr. Goderich Notep, Seaf.brth, for a few -days for the purpose Di.,�OLUTI i ON 0 RkXff��ERSHI this place. The burial accordance", h previou i announcement, tFUR, SAM
)f purchasing 11'eavyDraught Horses, tr in ]p service . was ere Ito David Stoddard wi too lace at the Messrs.. Fis duci;d by Rev. James Pritchard, Fresji., The lecture- of Gough, *hich was the for the . pu, se of org wi�* B1 residence of i 4rsythe, in bleigh & Geiry,�,hard U.: ent taLdlng'100i cres,t6_01
Caroli Tic Of aussion an remar uring was a u att ce of sh. UNCIL MEETING. - The epal Greensboro, Nol th Ua. �Mr, Stod. merchants, have dissolve4 phrtnership, t i—an minister, and the remains were in- stateof gooi I cuirivA
princi t ie last weeh, is now a thi g of- t e past. On motion Mr. 2 -hos. U-71 Ihouse with log -oat
C�o Mr. Fshleigh retires froni the business rred in the BluevaI6 cemetery, ap.. business transacted -at the last meeting dard contracted a severe cold last winter, BT. v. -goo Is situal
on the Ist of March next. �qARK S. -Fall wheat 88c Ito 9d.c ; I ut the mem),ry of it will not a fad ed cha and Mr. I aN -.rt of the Town Council was tb:e renewing, which settled oq his li�:xigs, and although spAng wheat, 75c to 85c; peas, 60c! to I ew of thos( who heard him, 4 Xpres he continued in! the performance of hisi COU.N01L UEETlNG.- At, -a nieeting of ed ecretary. Mr. -Male( Im. i stated Apply I
untill the first of May, of the licenses of I 610 ;-barley, 150c; oais, 27c to "91 tiemselvesinter -other than, of Warm- there were still about forty shaTes, r or.to CHARLES a
Council, on"Tuesday evening ast, I Q1 the duties in the so " ool- room until the mid- e everal hotels and shops in towe... po&, �,7 30 per 00 pounds ; beef, 84 50 eat admirationi. Those, who drove 15 or nearly one arter ie lotock, to be I it, billiard liceaae matter was f d1ly diS uss- summer hnl;dq a he felf the serious
. P mile nt, en I 01M t
b were al number ed, and a -law was passed1fixing Ithe to p 50; butter, 16c; eggs, 16c. a Zo Del presi declare that they t, as tbere d effects of the &4�4se which had fastened wighlnE to tal
SERMON.—We are requeste 0� 171ould not have missed such a treat for present who had not; as yet taen license at $36 per annum for the firs� ta- any the priudpa� points
on him from out the first. of --May. consideration. An trange to shares, he thought it to state that, Rev.. Mr. Buggin, pastor of ble and Brucefleld. d t $15, f h additipinal t4ble 3ul4 be well to Ior eat., will About the first of Sdptember he went, the , Methodist church, Seaforth, 8 , the chur It in v&ich Kee 'sa oke (the pass the lis around so ke to eve thow overhead, b 0 fraum
preach a special rsermon on Sabbath South with the iL itentio'bi of . Securing im- i owned by Q same party.! 1�uri the 01ONTRAcT LET. -The tenders for �b e atd, aud,ovetything -in t)wn) was- no f takij* Shares
tting the eve had the pF a condlarges roved health, Having friends in North ai eg of erection of -the new church at 13rucefl6ld. sevening next, on the foll?wing subject - P an, fu U. At 'east, jQ0 in if e wis a list being passed is giving a vicit on two motionii a ectin were opened by the Committee on Tues- 'arolina he wen L11i*L/ ovaticifirst, with e modern abomina. G was
.Phe church, and th h we been aecomt ioAated. ad I tue rrm 8 0 ro. one e 'balainc pal
the billiard icense. This ;1's t e t ir daSr last. The contract for the car n- the intention of- cont�n�ing his journey p tion, the liquor traffic, as brought here by the: temper- aken up. t Was then in I ved by Mr. to r.011L'arri ing at Mr. or- vote that t e Reeve. has 'v4tu in. , e ter' work was et to essrs. Stephen & 0 ai ice societi4s. of - our town at au Jas. Lang, condect by 0bt. Anderson, Council sine Brussels was �cbrporafed, Miller, of Clinton and for the ma"s U ARM SALE
TvifPza&_NcE LFuruREt:—The lecture sYthe's, bowev�-, he ound himself too- now a peno expense of 4250 for the evening, and carried, that t1w ba. ce of the F Lot 148, on. delivered in the town hall, on the even. il.1 to'proceed. N rtber, consequently! of three ea,3. The Orat and brick work to Mr, Copp, of Kipp(n. ing Z2 sopesl --abomt
owing is a is penforsale, Movedby Iremained at tbi� place I his death very little u ear expen ea. Had A. Malcolm seconded b .,gc od culti
Jim, of J.hursday of last week, by Rev, 0 Dte that th, �, Reeve was ed od,� to Thofoll h t of those who t( n- besides the Advertising, and - hey did Stock bla left o a state of
ive was on more an B1, Smillie and Thet which took I I he first motion the first deied, and:the amounts of the several ed. el A g9ai
Or. 111yan, on the subject of temperance on �Munuloltniday mocnin 9 I I I 5, mpal, P-1 9 the nightbee;a un'avorable ther would carried, that the co 2ected for tenders - Carpenter work -Mr, Welsh, meeting of the first Council F doo extend b ood 14
The sa ibews was received by his I and �prohibition was very fairly attend- last. a t have lost mogey, I ut Certsin e citi.- their Capital stock tant fr-&4 h I
bey I Brussels, eyears Ex .51,250; Gray&Sc�tb, Seaforth, ed. Mr. Ryan is a concise and fluent parents, by- teleE raph, On Monday. . Mr. ago, eer' zonsfthis- w --eun obli ions to for the ac yp viz 1 9 si,�75, Stephen & Miller, ClinWny �4 � �4 to: speaker, and hs lecture was well appre. Stoddard was. a � young man of urusual these Societies for I �ivi e. 119 oppor. A. Malcol-mil Seconded y 11. Anderson, Belmore. 1'232 ; Ross E xeter, $1,290 ; Mck�r. or to 1gon. av, CP
ciaQby the andi amiability of' Charaote and he'oecupied $ 11 y i
tunity of listeningto a lecture in the and carriedi that -no n ien r of the
tie,. Kippen, $1,550 ; Carson, EgMO13 I- a first po�itionl in hi profes8lon, He G �ANGERs, -The Grangers a thia v1_ of platform speakers, -tha B. -company whoaoes notDld at least four LiEcTuRe. - Rev. Manly ':ini idly inereasi ville,81,275, Din nin, Farquahar, $1,29); prince VA g-, OMBPRO
taught the ondville school with, 1! are ral ng I num a �1 vn ... 0 Gough. shares shall be eligible foT a director. I I
-Ppongn" M A ^f marked succes"'for tiveral Pare + Buchanan. Clinton $1 306. B ok wo -k able and A U T's
Speald a.. te perance, thap is the Moved by 49. . Connor, -Seconded by vine, forme y,occui
-Sanders, Exeter, $175 ; Copp, Kippe er hi's popular lecture gen Wanted three ye!irs ErIvious to.hi� departurel superi'Ltend-inatters in the' 41destionnyth)hou here. Ara�jorityof John ScottAnd carried that there be and brrr
P 0 ir Store. The $750; Haywo d, Clintm, 1 -- -
in the Presbyterian Church of this town fromCanada ei-was te1whing in what is. officers in Royal 0 )13 $625 - Wa Oak Gr igo ? .1 J No. ' 12, the Councilors are s.`d to be pl�LdFed in five directors for the matia, merit of the no g 'Usbo, e, of the P�,hoie A kind.,
aster, Jo n1johns jonon thin dire acti�4' in re. affairs of the hile here he de- Overseer, William Anders Lectu r didatei on S%onday evening, Feb.� 28, under the commonly k �a as ]'Scarlett'a school Belmore, ar�: M E idville, $625 Kydd, etion, and *heir company calk
aaa�pjce$ _d of the Mechanics' Insitibute, house,. in M I $9 Thompson, Stanley, $630. It, op Ig4rd to the I cens lis looked for with were then chosen for t ireOtorahip U n A
op The lecture promises to be the beat ever *oted.himself a 7Q0 ily. to his duties� James Richiel; Chaplain, i rt�,U,kn will be seen from the above that wh le C naiderable it eres ' The decisive meet- and tb e following five el; �eb d by ballot: AppI.T,stithelEXPOS
and conducted t the lowest tender for the carpenter w -k 0 elivered in Seaforth, and all who a schw I so Successfully Secretary, B.; D. Green; Troasorer W ing will probably t e place ne�-t week. J-ohn - Sott,' J -as. Lang , A- D,. preciate a rare intellectual treat should th was accepted, the brick work was SALE
at it was witilil the ut nost difficulty he obinson ; Steward, Hugh- Wwry; As- 91-V n 14 the meariti ae, a 1vate meeting of the McColl and B. Smilffie. T TOW13
not fail to attend. induced the tru014'es -and people to con i �istanti Stewird -tender was t to a person whose , 9 onAdam Darling is L 10 Were of the ;emp ce movement is re- met and re�o_tied that I Ite,3 mend gem. Now
charge.11 He will Asoi3tant; Stoward,'Sarah ; Lady lowest. -Thereasonof this that sent to his resigiiing his E ri ge ; Po pqAeA to havi � beer. held in Mr. the drawing of milk once ach day all AssEiirtivi.-The next be long remin�ib,'eved by and his ons, Mrs. Anderson; Ceres, ra. Haick. Copp is known to all the Com rnit sem And III
office on Monday n4 ght. The exact na- the season throu an d that in, t, le event superior wor seres snmp,
dancing assembly, under the auspices of early demise will' be all who ; y; Flora, Mrs. E. Robins=4' re on lamented ne kman and -faithful c 914 !or, . i tu of the me ,ting is not known but it is of their reco Amendati tdopted above is sit
and they deemed it advisable to give ief Supposed on the the colmmittpe of the Seaforth mechan- knew him. Rini death: in & SO blow to FARx SoLD,=Mr. Jamei i Found has to i� d !A%W the 3,L ve been for the purpose of they will n anufacture 'bet eaved paren j . in "of 100 acres,lut I c1n. InAb er .1% ealar'; f
assemblies, will be hold inL the town his aged and to, and the 4old his far the contract to one hcharacter was discussing the Situation and agT in milk for two and a half ntf pei -pound feing ci so avorably kn hall, on the evening ofl Friday Feb. 25. - On' tire commuinit y will svmiDathizd ith A Culross to Mr. James Ibmin fir own -to them in vrefe'r- to 14
vae -an 'el
iwasbip �of
L good fran
;s) an oreb
way betwt
s in Rx
on- th� London, I
dl brick i"re vit
'ng house, A
50 ,or bv ett4
aflor,, xeter. Omt
the E
Ze Ze
Itm-mo house An
Miles 4nd ox 0.
'BUTY JIN EG13110,
ar S�U, -0heap4 0"
31r. zravi,
Scott,*Ithnne S",
I Thei-e Is-AUo all
arns, cat
on& ru
5 " viforeff L , 150-M& ad drAin
an" 11rol
le measures he Council are to! be uged of cheese. . vir. Excellent music will be'furnished by them in their afffletion. �3,800. Mr. �: Founa bought this faim to others whose tenders were lowe totake. Pro )ably their deman wff---be the rec ndation, 'but Omm a he Rolland's -quadrille baud,; This is an —We have als� i to record the death of bout two years ago, afid ha' who were unknown to them. T e i. L&ROF DWZLLXN30 M)USE 41
act 8 gai�ed I found to m*cla4e the restriction' f hotel Could see no eason why d not ALAROB
excellefit opportunity for spending a Rer, WilliamH. nnelaon,,pa rof Knox $1,0Wbythe.transaetion. on of the Committee in this respe ; " or to .I.-- I ".. � it
Ot 't license to tenjithe abolition of all hftop and be delivered In equally d ditiOn. atedkond 14ommodioui
pleasant and sociable evening, and shquld- Church, Hamilt6! , and bi he of Mrs, I TEAFERANOE.—The Good Teo iwil., no doubt, be fully endorsed by t a P.'ars � tre saloon licensesi and the establish%ent of once each dav as twice . I L
be taken advanage of Dy our young vy Lamm jrjui3OLT, 'qt Tinis ro �11v"O"Vav e prospects 11 A talus e P Ujor, Ain
Wn, X1118 Bad persistently labo ng with �nffimin tied ine congreg two or more shopswhere only liquor shall. delivered once there co ild! be !quite a 0 !t 't le bed =6n
townspeople, Ievent took plak on Tuesday, evening Ardor to add' new recruits f' gation are most hopeful, ain cl heir be. be sold. If these are the demands of -the considerable'; vin in�i th0i draw. ood ceAwx erd
ce.,9f his fat energy an to and
, the g madt g
si the d liberality which hai e ilastp at the re hpr-in-law total ranks, Many have alre4dy enli it- and if t , he C ncil agTee in, a mg, and it w his opium a t lat racte. A� a meeting of in, Toronto. r d, and it seems just poris . I that )y b!"rinig TnE SPFUNG OW, -ing placed pha r&d their proceedings thus fari, -i f i treei. to
afte 'be it would
=I great ]and -reaching iivits con- be far prefera le to the I atf� ma, th the officers and directors � of the. South wilt if continued, secure the moist con in charge of thel( ongregation� i4 Hamil- rave and skilful officers, ee ly me ey io 185. Sequences,. w hare been ina;Vgurated would not be bound to ri ii1k u Huron Agricultural $oer`ty, held at lete success. The subscrittions th ' �v Par- tityof -Umbei 1,
ton he contracte old which 1a of ki' cular -hour i 2 A. a sevei united effortsit the here. Man of tb( Brueefiald on Tuesday lastJ 1�1 igs and termi r -the building fand mou grocery deil.ers are Vi the after 2oo i it was resolv- settled on his n im+�PA ; n M 01a P, in aid of y - .'bufc�uid,
WARM known to be I avors ble to this ls� weepling take their om n time and � rrt� Ik at their ed to i bold the annua spring show for consumption. holds �o $2,700, and this amount can e i I -V 11sat fall his congTegation W with, fiery eye t e i growiog y measure, bui oithers will rem�A on the convenience : a the le... He recom- the exhibition of entire stock at Bruce- be increased to $3,000, This amou granted him leav of absencie ani he went Sampson thatwill before lo: ig, �iwith ohe t " ragged ed e of am dety until fter the mended the i iilk to be I the field -on NVeduesday, April 19. ilf: within about $1 000 of. e 0 lout in acres "are rednd
ighty pushy upset the ebon r arone awl W I come I It was th.Colorado, H�Mid not, liowe rer, take m meeting of touncil. CA WAL. pen air or in. some PI whei e then ttion. TIM also- resol ved tb at fhe next fall show lAe this step until thi disease had I %ken too oouze the vanquished occa )a�t i pleting the church property, �If the a the i - I i Was good vet tilation. farm is held at Exeter, in conn eel ion with the fast a hol d of his; 5ytem, an d tb e change 'dead sea Where the. wasting', fites congregatiQn can - -commence 'with their one might 014's
of in- Stephen and Usbore, Br pro4ldmg 33 sy. have laige, q iantities he -would recom- ot climate instead of improving, tie health temperan�e shall forever be e Iti Yhew: church. completed under a 'debt of mend tlii�m t) have close to I eir pu *18ha V, Charles
the necessary arrankement can be made made it work.,' ) le returned to Canada! The following �are the officers elected a d hot i more than one thousand or' fifteen ESTATE C, NGFS.—Mn Mp with. that Society. Ums. further
h y the farm Which h.e a trough larg enough to I 01( .. the aili. ing so C, sh6rtly'before N: iv,Year`s,,� the pref 11undred dollars they will be iiL! a ver� Mason, I a F-1 and continu- inotalle4 for jent quaiiter VOL -BIN A'sbfiel
----------- Oood position, recently purchased from Mr, M. ie, rump into trough st y i0m: six to, ed to grow � worsi: until Tuesd vy, whew Lowry,:W, C.. T.; J.Mu lit Inches Water, and as, he ii� TfiESEA F-onu CBE-sE F�cToity. —We at -,, -Mr. Renn.. son was R. ery . is, W. . C A Llo d W. S.; M- John Lel �ilkwax he Sank b�ne h i, London Road, Stnley, to en understand tha thd Seaforth cheese fac- a young ma4l of e i(tractridinary ty an ells, 1W. Walton. Rose, for $5 700 has purchm from.. cows set tb pails con- F; De ' f V - ed the W. El most of t6 others1n this vicinity taining it immediately into tbeI water 0 rry V -
tory'lille marked earnetl�Oqs and 'plet As a H. Berry, W. M.; J.. Abram, N .1-0- NVW GRANCM.—A ne under 26i andin-UsesOf very sultiyeat-ber the w gyranive, CU farm iii Hkv. This farn�isi Lot nextcason byajoint proof of, his as a pre er we C. Servist W. . G.; A. 61 W. A' the auspices of th Patrons 6f- will be POPI. on the Sixth Concession, and was HiAand7 ater might be ehanged in ab6ut un( from the hour one Series fail' Tib g
Court of Chancery on Tuesdayiof last; stock company. The stock is now nearly W'. A. M.; 'Otby, NY1. and composed of the farmers in the' may remarl thati; within a 1 few months 9.; E. Lowry, sold by auction er a decree all sulmeribed andhe final organi7,ation after conolu lin1is Collegiate c6ure he R. H. after the- pails had b� xn placed into d and M. Anderson, W. S.; of Walton, was organived at the bouie it-, It would also be e ])eat c r. aso., i WJ val additional will be completed as soon cel the necessary received calls fiod L, three of th n-. McKay F W4' 0. T. week, M M purchased i -it for helpto stir the milk t adipperabout -thpC+n
Iof Mr. J'obn Hewitt, -on the evening of preliminaries can be arranged. Under gregationfi in Onit�rio, one of tbem. be $4,010, The 'farm contains 100 acres _ntyo
-ebaser. r4or furthel
9 Jan. 21. The Grange was organized and Oice lot, M the ]ast thmc" before going O� bed, He -COOPFR, Or use -15 I
�_�xlalt, his native to 'Bluevale. Ithe officers installed by Mr..Livi"igstoe� said that atrons Collom-Ied 1thes diree, %ve no doubt X--nox!s Church' and is a ch r. M i'
the new management, we b, ago ban, we if I He accepted the 0
but this excellent factory will be conduct- . 011 given: him by he it of the Grey Grange. The foil believe, been offered 8,W on his �argain. or JAMS ed. even more vigorously than formerly, H' EXPLOSION DzAiu,—( n owing tions -and ket their Pails properly- imilton con hursdAy are the names of he officers U ion, and during is morning of Ust week, about. hRIf-past!6 COU_19-ClLMkEw_N-d,.The C6U. SAW W
and where so many of the pabrons are di- I brief pastor, tE re met cl6ansed and scalded he would guarantee Bell,imaster.; JaiiresDouglas, overseer;; town secured lasting Agu uant to in be Tis !;put �a Ocean every e rectly interested more interest will o?cl6ok, our little. Vill theni su thne. 8 virilotbert ice on Saur Feb. .12. 1 the maw -mill farm
T111 in the' a4 b6 ions and memories of J Dixon, lecturer J. Houston, steward! - followed and �.ndor P1 ted taken by them h�r 1, in, its manage- great state of xcitement, catisea by the 11 sugges
ea te' ed the Is lieciple. 1 id I been Spared =oh. he. _401
as they h Iment. bkO 3 becom6 on of the ie would explosion of -the boiler in Tbynne Hewitt, assistant steward - Ti Bardf niquibers present, tt e Reeve illf the chair. by Mr. Mal T
undoubtedly I hill, �chaplain ; W. S r The minutes of the pr@vio4 meetin it all Ifficulty Bailey's. new saw mill, near'the stdtio: elfar, tress. - James 9 last an er, and ha i 'All ba :-order,
brightest lig i' thd chur4h in Canada, urray, Secretary; R. Ili& g been read aid edfirmed, it was k t 'the;
tits A TngLrC'FltAl1.1r Socarv.—At the ieg- The cause of the disaster is a gr�at MY' Blair, gateiee eri* m eePing �e milk 1 Thy cived by Mr !MCC oll, sMond I con- ed, ", ular meet' rs. Win. MWlister cere Mrs. neof. by Mr- sidereif the etra trouble cnsting of the eaforth Literay.. Some Seem to think, ttatafi . . i , , inley. I i I - following -?era e ? re �f
tery. J. Hewitt, POM6- , ilfing,ind far Society: hold on ]NIonday, eveniDg last the had been put n in the boiler d4ring tfie amr)beU, flora; Mrs.' K.3'Ibf1eiseh, , t t e On" preferable to milking in t I hcii;id other I
be appointed at . asters, viz.,-' Thos. con M. -raons w4o order to get it away wit I t ie" "gonst In the victigj to laoi
Reolved that the Execution of SojcREE. A gr d and sociaU gather. night, ly some person or a; Miss Eliza F ergu on lady assistant (;bar took pl6ed ih connection ith the- had goqe there" to warm t - Ives, ow les 1. was jastifiab tewrd, Ching, Mr. R Case, J. �Vhite 0 3A
10 waiwell diiov ID&I hE mie omps n,, it was then n oved and a thit the Fcussed' The debate wa� a ver interest. resbyteria-fi W�'Moir, J. G lebriit, G. Th W. __�h�reb, Bayfiel - Road the boiler was �bjowing off st�jm` drawing of in, lk once eadl da U�adopt_ I of Aid, x
!betwedn y Wingih�m.' B ollingshead, F. P( R. T
Ing one a evening of nesday, U tty, ad e Mori P" nd was listened to attentively -Stanley, 12 and I o'clock. Others tl ink�'that the --T - ed. The mo6011 was Carr �.ed naninious- and... withstanding th fi�le -which w 'e —A Splendid bill, un4 wen, 4unn, J. Gould Feb, 9t inclem- M WNW BALL, _Vhe decision was eft in the ur4ace th, ely. Move econded aE d arriM that by those present. 41 1 21011, C. A] Iswo D. Rus"s D. James Igiven in favor of the negative, Theub- ency of the 'we I er and the bad state 6f "ght. before ad ex wate�. der he auspices of the members ito, hausted e of th6 on ffff be aud&HAW the COM.- di the roads, -the 00 481on wa's ack, Dick, Jr. A. Berry, G. Grans- The eeting then closed. There well, C. Soldan N� r Me- ject cliosen, for the next debate is " Ile. on of rare One thine, istertain that 10 t O'cl �dy Masonic Ordor, came off at the Royal pany occurrnce t e ahades of inigh the previous 11. evenin last. About lades W. Cald will 1�e a meetirigof solve&;tha the Grange Organization will t be- gitt th, hotel, on Friday I TAI e boilei �g sawyer and flreman stay re present, among. whom 'rr yi, H. mther),y H, the' stern horizon, old and full of Sh kert, C. S( be,Aireetors�at the 'be et�)Od tbisi
bc%44 Canada," � On the the affirmative gan to dim ter, b ut t 50 c9uples we W, al I S I residence of -Mr. ames. I a on, Tues- 0oart 04 conce
on this question is A d m�era quite a number from a d mitb, A. Me list R.MeAllister., S. Ir. fohn Meillan 0 m ight boseen. march-' ed at the mill,i on the night* in uestiOn. da clock P. young, non a4 �y, Feb, 22, at I ol f5ea 0 et leader an(I Messrs. Tobn Hannah, Jas, r f4ces d i�lectec, I toward till about .8 o,',cloOk, to d Dancing was kept up with great ing-along with th' 'Stance-� Carlisle J Pit H. Bauer, J. Z le C, a 0 e fixi spiri roede T. 114ickb -el, G. Brodern ck, N.. re e for a time about the enj ig. till a� early hour, and everything'passeq, L moh ol r, Aitchiiion and vIcDowell, On the -that cOM I! I 9i e,� and before:�� lea ing fill, — -- . boro ugjv er- -+.ho f"rnnnn frill f A En0a , A. 16 a;nd consloft to Del nff in the most r settle- api 'a is INIr M, V U -T.— 1..,ln t6v were to i nfin�, Foi ter, D. Wildfon A.
Fo ri ale, the ,
i0vu -141-
ethe b. Jana,'
1110seb one of thi
H U=n . Teims -t
i4h,41 Me� OU fA101
V. DIVVT U iTEA6 ML?Eirl. � .-A to before thi � 115th of Mt and kessr yo.un,, petual oblivibn� e I'hle debates, 'enberge J. F, s. S. Hicks fac- beil, rAtWaper, H.Otto miep, ing is AiLdrew ed up all the 4raft s6 that- the Are c uld 1 A MOST M Accipm;T.—Oe mornin iookoutfbi � 119 ;C zl`ld
0 Jo Inson be li�eld in the Temperanco 114' Iondes- Eau,& Ust eek, when the party- h a vound up t iiouce. �S
mpa+iv�cf r%f +1to ;e, I b n�A ;n* ^+I- � "I �c as. Hunter. JI )each "Oter Hayd(.n, will be ` tions and Cs common to our not bu Iter Riobar&on ithe fir' icharge of . I _r D. Fast, Hess, E. AT -IF
and I here 1 07 bordu h 'on "Wednesda ing Feb. UV rue, The u i W. Fee, A. Dou y 'UYU
v n a.L. expe enced a a ax bure
y tvy Ulful'. AJA46LA, I - JJ�Lp Win IOt wald, A� W d are t ing neit. descrip ion ergreens, ai 119, ran 0 ut oiler buds and from his b- w b li'�J`S a a t J. Walper F. Schro�der, J. R' d to address the meeting 1 Rev. Aebted tbou
afis an� Tanged in a little ehind -he next mo f to replenish the b R. Nicholson, 23, The following gentlemen wre val (gated with oard ng house, with water, the discovery was madetbat' soms of ever line, Edig- 9-artley'! Dun- TEAALSTEj,,-:,-A few clays bioa Bat the more a quar�ter of mile from e in' it was almost empty, But for this time- Bro, J 'Berg, J. Schumacher, G Lean, Blyth, Rev. Mr. book;ace;o sy be
antion, r, C. Shach, `. Hohoer, H. Stein W, -Kil,lop, tangible mug great harr order to ge up in bts e ly ex ago, as Mr. Geo. Hollandl, of M( ) 'a, ho Mr. Pritchma, part ]not be lost s�ght of, a amination, another might have been debts ur b
Y, in as g�ing along the Hu�oji road east of for after b C W., So Wev. Mr, Griffin, Adibu M r'. the opem lig of tb me tin 2 it time and he i as not- a ay ded tohe long chapter of accidE hwalm E. Dualiatm '. ore3han 20 its of ay was next t .11,11, I,aforth -_sva� o,,-( -�ii )y a ruiiaw. t 8 . - Londeaboough, Sc he rtak I hei rogram e, The7tea minutes 1when the expl DSion took pl t is racter. ;10barml R. H roi ok W. Aitson, F. Davey, nd Rev, Mr. ace. all GL becker, A. ellers', G. Turnbull J team of horses, He hur�i edl ulled, his and cakes i I He' Dan�y, 113ayfipld. The Londeaborough ve plew ed _1Z is supposed by -some that- _be,,�had put N (,. S, and It' ;prin g weather.�.Nfar- own tepm hito the side of thUe ol ock. The choii with Uri Norman Warner, 4 lead- specia _y h epicur follow ng persons we�re ace,, and more e oa: i part of the on a goo4 fire a 3d th n t rted, th� pump, kets good with a lightlyupwa�d ten., hitt, ZED
ran to' th,&� road a, d stopped the run- pointed poundkeepeis: J. W er, 'has kindl� at ba " i�';ealre in rice. ne of consented to sing on corn unity, orl in h- a their ej teemed but withou den Mr, Ward gives' all,
t! looking if was water 'at
I J. awaytearn-, This itbe secondrunaway. decesed fat ough in the boiler; but t�is'�is o his Mo R. D. Brodei ick Occasion, A good time is expecW The dfor on
picurus,'� been there, en en concertson Friday ng ir, 0. W team Mr,-� Holland has stopped on this hi nly I in Go#Id, J�. Troyer, N, Dichart, iceeds to be given to Reir, *r. oug e would tl have stood i aghaA bearsay,� for t the h I of the Queen�s, B� !toeb prc -Seed he poor fellow �raii killed, M. Kereher, D. for preaching here every a worid Sun oats v
mi uplifted ban road this winter. The team in question and excl it and no one cab tell. As soon as" the re: Feneev,ewers by JolLn 4, �Bruco,
aimed 3vdelded lov--gr
n -W. Whitlock, Eacre btwb
belo &(l to Mr, Ingoldp of McKillo is enough, But favors are in reserve port was heard, Mr. Creighton Tuckersmit,h. tt, W. Ml ir, R, P, the sta, P 4biesicoaft Y1414ed Im
fie wa,S coming into Seaforth with' a for the more 4 Fer T. Petty, A Decker, A. ( eiger, entimental audintellect -mal- tion mi aster, aid the coriductor:', of th i' �Fi INSURANCE.—At a meeting of A.. r, D. Ham wber, M. Ke -ehe, Fins. -About half ast I I ori ]ast Og is of 'the, West End Cheese Pac. A ricer. Movedby Mr. Gei nsi see- Satur ni sted of able ad- and saw themoke stack falfing!! 4nd a' a lite cle in he stopped to speak to himi, allowing"the thei part, w2ch Vrol out- the load of" wood and meetipg a neighbor, when the banqu4l 0 er,.. Now comes morning train looked out of th4 station
a projec or be reio by Rev. )d. __ _$20
a to, held on"Wednesday, a t f on
team to go on alone. e team, thus dresses ii 1 by Mr. Xalblibiseb, that 0 acted soon as they coi dd ran over to the wreek th fo bles- Exe, Wem to Sify
e on of a Farmirs Mutual Fire f he over- left to thernselves, got 4, ran to sabliairman' o and Rev. Messrs, and ucceeded. in putting the to law Nsu, verywn... f
ftre out npany, for the townships charged for taxes for 1 0 n nee Coi ffie ear I i, and horses were bit mt, $esidex Md Me the side of th.e road, upse; the load. and Ecker, Jamiaon 1 d Grcey, The tkus saving the remains from 0 Ilett, TuCkeramith and MerCillop that 'Widow House'" re ved (f her buggy. The hotel was b,01,11ing; mid4prit eirsumst mees, but theprompt arrival oaf e dashed off oat of reach of their owner, speeches- were fi tive terse and for it would very Boon have augbt fir� a' afloat. Mr. John McMillan, of taxes, bef rue "gMe he- wais MW We frequently notice teamsters allowing witty, still some -and have been reduced to 'asheo. The1i Ilett spoke warmly in favor of.th Moved b� ffr7.McCc 11, Seconded by Mr. out the Unies. The th,�Iagbt that, the matri. put their teams to go along the road alone, monial questi wils mince4 up rather next task was to Ond the firemin More was agreed that the pro. Kalbf1eisell, that the sum of $3 1 e re. siderably dmned. enje, and it