HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-18, Page 7LTARY 18» 1876. imminammis ii,NG SALE OF LE PROPERTY )GIN G TO THE ISE LATE %T. E. EACEY. RE, witli DWELLING ever it, rt Stree't„ opposite Flea :a of prim This is a good in ing in a good rental, quarterly ORE, STORE - HOUSE- AND dna the above. Largo frontage I adapted for a Genera or Gra- L YARD and STORE-HM:7SE, iendid Rona Cellar or storing a. sititate on the track of the 11-110N FLOUR and OATMEAL aitablished, and. doing a large tate on tbe track of t e Grand rc.r ipepulatien and. menafacturiea ion WO lime at Railway, viz. TREND- AND GREAT WE.STERN, Of one of the finest agrieultrt- Tharainion, makes i & most . a Point, and rawly tneroodnEr se.. The above property inapt 1)seatio the estate-, 4.3,411 be given. Apply to RAOEY, Exeentor„ Clinton,. IT PAYS'! PAYS ? - - ) SE 0 TO QG TO nag IOR MILLS, OVULE; ONT,, eg done, and Ranters will be 1.wit Wheat ground, and good to get the Excelsior Mille ATED FLOUR aloes, from the following Mer- its- of Seetfortlt ,Tames C. 1,ai1law, jamee Brownell, Wm. Hill. Hall & teray, A. Cardno--Daker, P. garey—Baker, Lamy ; W. Scott, Drucefield., Chopped PEAS, OATS and r Feed, on, hazel alweye. ARLESWORTH & Co. r the Garden 'City Middling 417 TaA.T THE PUBLIC J:LD KNOW. BROADFOOT _hand, at his Warerooms and ppmite the Market, ICI( OF FURNITURE 17 DESCRIPTION, a to sell at prices fe• suit the. aa won't be undersold. As he O eU purchasers can rely IIT.W.L.E you Tim T MONEY. zufactured to Order to. buy Furniture Cheap ia ite the Market, Seaforth. INM. BROADFOOT. rebY thanks hie numerous, and ethers), for their liberal: loas( ;seven years, and, hapetr„ ,felese attention to husinese„ and trade intheluture. arged Ilia promisee, daring prepared fa pay the !DASH PRICE good fresh eggs, delivered EMPORIUM,. Main Street, Seaforth. triber 25tone of good dry V. . D. D. WILSON. D LANG AGENCY, STRONG il First -Class Stock, Wire ,Corapaniee, and is 1)roper- 1.ABLE TERMS. el of the best Lean So- le and purchase of Farm IFIRST-CLASS !MS FOR SALZ; rrisolares Store, Mala -St„ 421 ckDiAN7 BANK. X BRANCH. p) OK, MAIN-ST:5 )UTI{. Cork Payable at any S. re on London payable nited Eingclom. ON DEPOSITS- [ P. HAYES, 21:WAGER. MICH WEST MILL IN _HAND. on hand about 500,000 tirdwaiod Lumber of all :r on the Shortest No- aTper thousand. as usual', and Batista -c - r.. WM. FENWICK. FEBRUARY 18; 1876. The Busineas in Peantitt8- Where they Grote, and How -they are Pre- pared for 111,1, Market. The peaunt business is large enough to be interesting.. Successfully' cultivated they are more profitable than cotton. or tobacco, and the farmer* of. Virginia, North Carolina'Florida and Tennessee are turning their attention to thein. Virginia is the great peanut State, and from the counties on the JAWS river there are yearly shipped to Northern markets thousands of bushels. These nuts are large, and of fine flavor. From North ' Carolina conie the 'smaller, or "African" peanuts, and some are really small, ly the e done eP8 the • imported from Africa. These ar " and of inferior , flavor. Forme cleaning, shelhng and sorting we by hand, 'ant now machinery d work better.; 7 "1 pay fOr the nuts in the market from $t to $1 50 a bushel," said Mr., Vellines, a ; Washington street 'dealer, them of col mission merchants on the to a corresp"and I buy moat of ;ndentr.- wharves, for I find it does not pay to ship them mYself. When thenuts come to us they are as you see them in this -bag, dirty, Mixed with vines, many of them light or broken, shucks and meats all together.. Now, if you will ceine up stairs I'll show you the process through which we put them." - There was on the fourth floor of the establishment a large woodenc linder y , ten feet long, four feet in diameter, and open at the ends. It was revolving rapid- ly, and into ono end from a lame hopper was pouring a steady stream of dirty pea- nuts, and from, the other end a stream of dean ones—the dirt rubbed off by attri- tion. They fell into a hopper in the floor and disappeared. I ; "There IS a fan just below the floor," said Mr. Vellines "which blows all the dirt, and chaff, Lid vines 'and shucks out from the (nuts, and the mass passes into bags below. The nuts run: down to a traveling wooden apron below, where they are assorted by girls'. Before we go down I want -you to see the shellers. We used to pay from five to ten cents a pound to have them shelled by hand, and a good sheller could not average more than 50 pounds a day. ' New we can shell 24,000 pounds a day for a cent a pound. Her are the sheIlers. Into these hoppers are put all the poorer and smaller nuts, and., as you see, they pass into the sheller, which cuts Up the-shelle, Meats and shells pass down to the floor below, where they separated by a fan. The meats are then passed through graduated sieves, worked by hand, and assorted into five different sizes that bring from 5 to 14 (gents a pound. Without this assorting they would only sell for 7 cents a pound. We shall soon do all the assorting by machinery. On the third floor four Italian girls stood before the traveling apron, and, as the nuts came into view, they deftly picked out the bad ones, and the larger stream of good nuts passed down out of sight. On the floor below there was a, large inclined table, upon which -a stream of large, bright peanuta was falling. Three girls picked out the few bad nuts that had escaped the fingers of the girls above. The nuts passed from the table into large seeks, and were ready. for sale. Tlie poorer ones that you saw. the girls pick out above," said Mr. Vellines; are again taken up stairs and shelled and sold to the confectioners. The meats E HU Nr EXPOSIT° and thus; till the catalogue of _excuses ••and subterfuges is filled out.. • It is a matter .M devout inid hearty thanksgiving to God, ,hat the Most re- spectable, learned and milieu ly success- ful of the medi41lty, with united voice, .veto "the acts rsixithin," and war' their patients to lay it aside for- ever. • As Paul -said to Ti othy, so 'say we to you, reader, ." Ke.p thyself pure." Be clean in your own person, and be clean in your heart. But, depend upon it, you can be neither i you use tobacco. No tobacco titer iis fitj for, al bed com- panion. He is giving i forth pestilential vapors from all the es of the skin, He is an embodimentof all perpetual =awn. The immediate atmosphere sur- rounding him is ineVitably pregnated and polluted with the IcOnstant effluvia whioh eminates from h' s whole .surface. He becomes i perfect alking distillery of the deadly essOce, ending forth its fumes and,vapori intoj the surrounding Atmosphere. His mo th is the mill- . which grinds oat th weed, and his whole body the dis ille y for the essence.. Put a' chewer or gni° 'r into a vapor bath with no tobacco ! the room, and in a short time tlell wh 16 room, will be strongly scentedWithtobacco eflinvia, that emd emanated from his body.,1 Put him i! ' into a warm bath and g Cup IL perspira- ti9n ; then put 014 wir r upon flies or vermin or plants, and it will destroy them. [ED. Nom—Wo publish he abo quest of an esteemedisubsc ber. picture la very much over col ed. practice of using tobacco is 0110 whic as well for young men ankb ys to a learn, yet there is nothin *03offt wicked, so demoralizing or :o hurt quire such high-toned denim iation a 'ed in the above.] I. ; 19 1 at the re - e think the lthough the it would be old and not Lt either so al as to ro- la pontain- Newsparrs. Daniel Webiter said Small is the sum l that is required to patro. iZe 11 newspaper, and well rewarded, lis t; 6 patron,,I care not how humble and unpretcuciiig the gazette which hetakes. It is next to im- possible to fillla sheet w th printed mat- ter Without putting soinethinig into it that is worth the suhscription price. t Every parent, whose so is away from home at school, shOuld upply him with a news aper. I Well re - embir what a marked difference the e was between those of my schoolinates who I had and those Who had not acceas to newspapers. - Other things being equal,. the first were always decidedly superi debate, coMposition_and RE -INTRODUCTION OF 'PLR BONNET FOR LADI readers may perhaps lik is the latest new thing in'bonn will probably guess. Being tire ing merely ornamented head dre themselves have •probabIy bee for something more sub tantia and their grandfathers wll be hear that the, newest fashion imitation of the old coal iacuttl which does cover the ear& and p the. face. We may expect in a fe to have some modificat ns o pokes.—London Letter, r to tie last in ntel1ience.: OJAI,. So r- 8.— iJour Ia4y. to k ovv what ts. They of well.- ses, they sighing . They leised to s a mild bonnet, rtly hide mont s the o d SPEOI.a.L NO Errs' COCOA —Gr atef u --" By a thorough kn natural laws which gove of digestion and nutrtpio ful application of the fi are good, of. course. The shells are well -selected cocoa, Mr. ground into small pieces, and we sell ev. vided our breakfast table vith a delicate- ery bit for a cent to a cent and a half a ly flavored beverage, whi h ma save tis pound. They go to Philadelphia and many healvy doctors' bill . It "s by the Baltimore judicious use of such.arti les of it that a-, ing feed, iand I think re used in mak or there is a good deal of nutri- built up ment in a peanut shell. Here," pointing ery te to a furnace, " is where we roast the rfsduybt nu peats. That cylinder holds ten bush - ea els. After the nuts are thus cleaned and poin assorted the best sell for from $1 to $9 50 a :bushel." 1 1, ICrFS. 'And cinforting wledee of the the -o g era,tions ,and y a care- '. pro ( erties 9f ppe as pr - a. constitution constitution may be gr until strong enough to r dency to disease. Hun maladies are floating aroi nd us attack wherever thereis wea We may escape many a atal keeping ourselves well for ified blood, and a properly non ished Civil Serviee Gazette.. So1k. only ets labelled-- "James E ps & mcepathie Chemists,. 48; Thre St,,a,nd 170, Piccadilly, JilmcTon. dually suit e reds A Smoking Minister. We make the following extracts from an article in the Advent Herald, by D. F. Newton. Mr. Newton opens on the Smoking Minister' as follows : " Smoke ? Yes, he does, in his study, in his family, in the streets. 1 see him day „after day- in a bookstore, in Park Row, N. Y., with a cigar or dingy. pipe in his mouth. Awful' shameful! Need we marvel that young men in the church and out of urchins and rag-a- muffins—are seen in the streets, ,chewing and smoking the vile "Indian weed," when ministers of the -Gospel, elders, deacons and class -leaders set the ex- ample ? Example- kills, and exa,Mple elites. I ' Need we mar‘rel that there are in New York city, as Dr. W. Parker says, 235,- 000 smokers ; and that allowing each of these smoken.s only two cigars per day, at the low price of ten cents, $47,000 is puffed away daily, making an expendi- ture annually of $17,155,000—aside from drinks which are almost, sure to accom- pany, for tobacco and rum are twins, and go hand in hand. But to return to this smoking minis- ter ; his breath is repulsive, intolerably offensive. The whole atmosphere around - him is in a stench, even the sa,cred em- blems of bleeding love at the communion table seem more or less impregnated. The cup of blessing !" And when re- proved. for the sensual gratification— this unnatural and worse than beastly appetite, what is his apology? " What' harm," says hs; "tobacco, like strong drink, is one of God's good creatures,' to be used in Moderation, with thanks- giving. Smoking and chewing tobacco makes a man neither better nor worse in the sight of Cod. 'Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man, but that whieh email out of the mouth, this defileth aman.'--Matt. xv. 11." , Thus this man in sacra dotal garb goes smoking on, searing his conscience, gratifying his fleshy .appetite, a simile to habit. -When the leaders of our wor- shipping assemblies hold these views, what hope of reform ? The evil goes on increasingly. " Dearly beloved, I beseech you," says the apostle, "as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly Rlusts, which war against the soul." ----1 Pet. ii. 11. If, one member in our churches is allowe( iii this filthy, degrading habit, why not an- other and another, till we have a w ole assembly of smokers, chewers and O- len ? "One sinner destroyeth much good." " Behold, how great a mattler a little fire kindleth." The excuses for using the dirty tyrant are numerous and frequent. One uses it for his teeth; another for his general health ; a third, for his corpulency; a fourth, for his, leanness; a fifth, for a watery stomach • a sixth, to help diges- tion ; another 'because some ignorant sottish, wine-bibbing, tebaceo chewing er smoking doctor recommended it; thus 0 haft b it pule frame." pack - '0., HO- dneedle 421-5 rIONFESSIONS OF A VICT M.—Pu lished a -I a warning and for the be at of °wig me and others who suffer from Net 0118 De ility,Lo s of Manhood, &c., giving his )1 les of Self -Our, after undergoing much sufferin and ex ewe, an mulled free on receiving a pos paid cl reeted e - velope. Address NATHANIEE MA YIP IR, P. . Box 158, Brooklyn, N. Y. • ' 404-26 ,- QIX WEEKS AGO, AT TH UGGE MN 0 h-/ a friond, I began takingDlt. VHEEL .n's corn pound Elixir of Phosphates an Cells& a for Dys- pepsia, which had troubled mo f r some time, and had impaired my general health Und r its use, li imin provent WfLE4 rapid, and I. m hap y to state that I hay.° entirely recovered. ALE . MeGID- BON, Italian Warehouse, Mont 'cal. , i THE LIVER 'MAY WELL B CAL 1 D TH -A- scapegoatof ipnorance, sine most f the ill that flesh: is heir to have been at ributee to" Ilvefr complaint." Torpidity of thialergan 1 th, hea, aches, billiousness, constipatioal and irr tation o the kidneys and bladder are ond aesul s of tha protean disease, dyspepsia, and Du W rEELER' Compound Elixir of Phosphates, nd (Jerseys wi cure the most obdurate of that 4lass of ffection by invigorating the digestive apparatus. • pHE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—J b Mosel; _ -L 'Periodical Pills—Thie invaluable in diclue i unfailing in the cure of .ell 'lose pa nful a dangerous diseasee; to which th female constitu tion is subject. It moderates '0111 execs and re moves all obtructions, and a a edy en e may b me 9 j aaslied on. To aeried ladies, it i poeulia ly suited. ilt will, in a short time, bring o the m nthly pal lad with regularit: . These TO a Rhea d hot b vd aken by Females daring the st thre month of Prcgraney, as they are sure o brin on Mite • carriage, but at any other time ey are ale, in all eases of Nervons and 8 iu&I cottons1 , pains in tick Week and limbs, fat le on light ex- ertion, palpitation of the heat, • hyst ries, and means have failed; and, all ugh a pewerf whites, these Lillis will effect a ors when all otiiii remedy, do not contain iron, olWoniel, a timon3N *or anything haraul to the coilatituai.n. Full directions in the pamphlet armlet each package, which should he carefully' prese ' ed. 3" b Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $ 00 and 2i centa for postage enclosed tu Northr & L an, Toe ronto, Ont., general agents fo the D minion,' will insure a bottle containin over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in &Worth y E. H ekson Co., J. S. Roberts, and'R. Lums en. 197 o RISK.—Thomas' .Eclectri 10111 rth te •4-1 times its weight in gold. ' you k ow any. thtng of it? If not, it ie time yeitalid.-- ain can- not stay where it lensed. One dise cure common sore throat. One bottle has ureeb onchitis. Fifty cents worth has eared an al standi g cough. One or two bottles erase bad ease of pUs or kid- ney troubles. Six to eight appl ations tire any case of excoriated nipples or infl ned br ast. One bottle has cured lame back of e alb year stand- ing. Daniel Plank, of Brooldle 1, Tiog County, Pa., says: "1 went 80 miles fo a bottl of your oil, which effected a wonderful c re of crooked limb,. by six applications." An her wh• has had asthma for years, says : "1 hav, half of 50 cent bottle left, and $100 would not b y if uld get no more," Rufus Robinson o Nund r Eel writes : " One small bottle oi restored the voice where the per n had ot spok- en above a whisper in five years." J.Tier. a. Mallory, of Wyoming, N. Y., writes ")our Eel etric Oil cured me of bronchitis in one week." Dealers all over the country say, "We 14aye nev r sold a medicine that, has given such ;tom lete sat sfaction ail this." It is composed of. sixlof the est oils that are known. Is aa good for i ternal s for ex- ternal use, midis believed to bel.easu bly su: perior to anytning ever metIe.1 W11 save you much suffering and manyl doliars of penee. It is sold, by all ,1 medlclne deal- ers. Price, 25 Cents. S. N. TH, MAS, PRELPS, N.Y. And NORTHROP & LYMA , Toronto, Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. I:MS.-134180We —Seleetad andElectrized. Sold in Seaferth by E. Hickson & Co., 7. S. Robert and 4427. Lum.8.s- den. N. Y., tric Oil WI CA GR 00 RECEIVED AT HO ANTS COW) tip.STA1 - LIAM, HILL TON *LANNE, EY ..pprroNo ILONGS, SHIRTINGS, CARPE P. HAVthG PIJRCHASED These G OS - (.JNDR VALUE, the preesure of the times, I ant entailed to offer them at Owing to P rice8 That Wilt Astonish, Buiers WINTER GOODS Are Beth:iced • to ouch Los- Figures tba * Iclear them. .1. REIMEMBER THE PLACE W LXAM HILL Opposite the Comraercial Hotel, 14t113 SEAFORTH. 4 GR-4311\TID) CH ISTMAS SAL. • -HAVING BOUG# A LARG-T I LOT OF I' 1, t ATA AT DISCOUNT OFF IGRE I I _, _' 1, WE CAN OFFER ' ' 4 . SOX SPECAL BARGAINS IN , ! LADIES' FUO SETS, ' i OHILDRpsl'S FUR SETS, DRgSS GOODS, WINO6fS, SAL OLOAKINGS, CLOUDS, WOOL SHAVVLS, BLANKETS; 1 WOOL QUILTS, FLANNELS, SHIRTS ANDI3RAWER%, OVcROOATO,' _ TWIEEDS AND CLOTH HATS AND IZ:APS, ! AND A FULL STOCK OF ALL, KiNIDS OF FURNISAING 1 0 51;,$!:A & ttif 5 PE.44" t4r,t-feli Ofg: 000000 to to t:i Di 0:1 txi mttt4t4nt Vri000:go 1,i -2)-ii-i Pi wwcpcn c.f2 000000 Pra'PtPP Pt 1 000000 PPPPRP t I 51r-Irt',51P1 tO:r--0i tttCjcP tteviCTttbicg e eq tnalco)wc/Aw zzz 0000010 Pr!el>ppai•Pelpr P6159s9PFS):9 t -(t -15551E-1 &t-4t4t-it4 00000 td tt tx! t-4MtilttM CD,CnCi/COW 00000 Xt4 Pe,Ps F4' gs c") oaop 000000 • .• • • • r C/2 .tfrtstitto-olt t -4tH t-1 1-3H),31•••319)-31-3 o c> 0000 Klgg= cnetriarAtAwm (MC:0000. t -i tri f)V?PPc/171/2 He -D -3-3-31-3H ralottmllt 0000000 cPrAiwwcralw Oz.-) ttttttc.ttilt-1 P7)Pi-DCDC4P. la:frd aao•el aeJt t-' ea a-1 aa ,1-4',-•P=1,t)--V•4Lt 0000000 171,p;f0W"%'1' Xki4gXt41 Ci2WW'7)wCbCh 0000 1:;14 1-1:31-d)ti.tv-ziti)t 0000000 ••••-*-(Xgi ;t1.%% cnwtoctimmtr. 0,00 0 0 00 ;lefr- tel c4P, i2c4c4 BUTTER TUBS. SAMUEL TROTT 1 JJ now on hand at the Setiforth TubTactory -a-4- a number of his well and favorably -known Machine Turned Butter Packeges. These Packages are the best in use, and will give satisfactien. OPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LARGE PURCHASERS. , Ur. TrOtt expects in a short time to commence Ilia manufaetere of Wash Tubs on a large scale.. 887 SAMUEL TROTT,: Seaforth JOHII Bims to Steekgof 1 ? W D Seafort In form his 1 end i and the publie 1 that he aI4ige aird 001apI te THE nOIRENCE SEWING MACHINE LIGH SING 1IkRSE C TTUDIao and Brthe, Com In fact an ways on h Repairs E ARNES Til dr,c. HS St Whip 8, 82 Ip8, dc., thing apperta ning o the Trade lid, cheep as i4ny in 1. e trade, for cas Executed with eatness an Despatch. N. B.--)47olltirs a Speciality. Collars of ever desctiptiort tuaito to order in ti 1 -class style. Repiertaber the Place: Two d re north of 111 Commercial Hotel, Seafor h. JO N WARD., TO TH PUBL 0 T LARG W H. oil Harne s, Sad le a IANTIFA TV' RST., SpAP 0 •A choiceassortment °Ili ht an -SIGN OF THE SC;TCH- Whips. Betls,Herse Clothing, &c. on hand. Repairing promptly a charges moderate. Remeniber t the Scotch Collar. • W. OLLAR. heavy Harness* kept constantli tended to' an e place,sign o H. OLIVER. C/2 h-4 r'. `SSaNIS11a A. GOODS., Iz R. P. f?OGERS, Noted" for Poiyulcfr Low Prices.' „ PEOPLE ARE FINDING 0 THAT THERE IS I i\TO 1--11LTMECCT I IN THE CROCKERY AND GLASSWA E SALE AT HALL & PAVEY'S. A SMAI.J1 AMOtTNT. YET ON HAND. Call if You Want to Get GooFls at Cost Price. HALL & PAVEy',1 1 3AO1S Iwo 3 JnlINIn 0 > 11 0 W OIAII TO CI HIDE ATI SS7 12,LO V I.Q A7 V F SLS E" SRL dO gAT T7u E[fY TVrI V iIOTavd `ZTOZZIV d co cn 0 ITI So 0 --"="..----`:-.- .....-...--__ 'OR SALE BY M.m. . 00UN 'Iatchroaker and Jew. 0 FOR THE H RD TIMES. IT LASTS LONG WORKS AN R, BETTER, RUNS LICH Than any other Maezie in the 311jazka. Just Enquire of any Pelfson whi) has tTsed On and Learn to tat they say of it. REFERNOE S Rev. T. Goldsmith, AJealertb.; -Z;nicis Davey and James Sinitic, Tuckeresmith ; Miss E Bayfield; Robert Morrison, Osborn; Dr, Moore, Exeter; • Robert Broadleaf, Morris, and thou- sands of others. Parti es wishing to Puichase Sewing *smithies sbould go to an establishment mbere they can , have a • FULL STOCK OF /kit, THE FIRST-CLASS MACHINES MADE To Select horn, and 'net to establishments where only one or two are kept, and they, are obliged to tell you they ere the hest hecaree they have no better. O. C. WI LLSON 7 SEAF FITH, Has in Stock the PL 'RENCE, wElpmElk Montreal and NeIw York SINGERS, ROYAL, /GARDINER WANZEI-4n Pour Different Styles, 0 BORN, and a FM COMMOII Machines, Any of which will be sild Cheap for Cas or on Short Credit. * TO -THE ,i,ADIES. In the Sewirg .2fachine and ifztsic DepartOnent MISS SLOAN keeps a full stock of Bultterick's Patte ns and Self -Fitting Charts. All the latest and newest styles and fashions- Thelatest and mcst *liar Sheet Music and Music Beaks. 0. C, WILLS WET_TSIC_ THE SEAFORTH MUSICAL INSTRUMENT !EPROM WILLSON & SCO Late 0. C.-WILI,SON, Proprietors of t a well and favorably known establ ithment keep °thing but grilE BEST. IDIA.1\TQ/S_ The MATHUSHER, Lalmtgizt, end coth class Instruments always on baud. ORGANS, ORGAN The VOGEL & LINCOLN Org This Organ is imported direct from the ianti- lecturers and is now being introduced int Can- ada by Messrs. WILLSON li SCOTT, who re the i SOLE ACENTS FOR HE DOMI ill tf. , , To this Organ we invite attantion. We b ve zio boasting, but Amply ask yo , to test- is f yofir ability is not adequate to this, „get hel frota those who can supply your 9o1iincy. We invite 1 THE CLOSEST SORUTI The keenest criticiares from ' inents, and the purest Mil 1 however, trust your own j E R, fective, than that of one w his own conedt to Cure Leucorrhoea (or Whites), Plan 1 Menstrna- , „ ken, Ulteration.of the Uterne, Over an Diseasee, I I I Absent Menstrnetion, and all disco es 1_110W:1 a), Female Weakness. They are prae red with the greatest care, ttder the persona su ervision of a Playsiciau. who has made fe e dise ses a epecial study for many yearg,a Lid tiiey are Medicine on which MARIA -ZED LADIES can depend '!in the hour ),41 time of need " as an ng FEAIA =GU TO. Sold by all lam ' as eve wher Price, one box, $1 ; six boxes, . ;' sent hy mail free of pest, age seeurely seaaea from oh ervati n. For Lull particulars *Tate tor onte pam blot, jhich we will send in a sealed envelope to iriy address on re- ceipt of nest ittemp to , prejjay ret rn postage. Adi dress all leklistftruip"iviphi ts or p to RA & CO. 'Windsor, Ont. , Sold in Seafeath by E. licJson& Co.. 7. S. iloberts, 11. Leunsddin and by ifldru gists. NORTHROP; *LYMAN,eronta, Wholesale Ageats.896-cow LUMBER. VITE have noT -en hand for sale, at our Saw • gills, near Gray, Young_ & Sparling's Salt Works, a large quantity of HEMLOCK LUMBER, ; Whlebwenowofferat$75oporM. Parties favoring no with their orders will have it promptly atteOded to. - " 1 401 ARMITAGE, CARTER & GRAY. the soundest jag - lea) taste. 1etter, dgment, thou •de - o has little. b yond FIT EDI FOR +HE TAS :Such judgment we deprecate Test rs eri and thoronahly by your sliest musicians solicitatteLtion tO the PATENT MANIPOLD PI The only tuceetsful method to obtain th Piple Organ tone. We beg Went on, also, to th PATENT PIANO ATTACHMEN It is not too tOstly for general me, a id I NEVER CAN GET OUT OF TONE. It gives a soft, yet ringing, bpli-like tone, ,art- ing a sparkling, vivacious chameter to the thusio. This Instrument bas many other IMPORTANT. Over other Organs, !BEST AND 0 In the Canadian ROVEMENTS and is the HEAPESIt Market. THE TRADE LIBERALLY DEALT WIT/Ii Besides the above the folio be supplied Prince, Gei Idason & Hamlin, Dell, of Gat . - A few second-4nd in kinds for sale cheap. wiusp N & g ge lurocc'ed,E n'shanstdsoyz Woods, i, Pbietnanaofth4. nts .4 4 g : SCOTT, SEAFORT,11+: