HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-18, Page 4I it the discussion parative statement given in th ment e. ftd tr&Oe,,m ere have n kept up It r iship Z111001 D00I and a ON, NEW, ADVE ISEMENTS. co-oI n with ipg and Om, of ielilpone vestions in e abI gh nee that h t. e �sum an Mccull c tan Ie now runni 4 or re of polffical Issues, and ted Mr.' ment of the report, the details being givI m nd &I )therh6oil, 9 icips ti a be C re p6tin I' Huntin mada h a speech on big at length in various carefully mpiled firmness of the Par's et, in and ot hers, who I ave de their �tt, t _11)f 'the C4Me W1n'j6hL New Barber Shop eorge Forsyth. n SeaforA iii s least, I aho at th pr sent Of lar etc eks an scouragirlIg to allesti 091 anc�. he order I OU Stpi e to Let—Th Foster, own Iusibility, i n without thei tables, The subject f4avin Ban is of' d o I tentio, nt oft re is Mal rect th 'lit is for 8 too 0 ufft 111 is significant. The a"s e Pliop Busines i for 8 —John -Holland. to -tr tn uch angerous know 0 Of his 01311 gues in th and their financial, Condit' Of A advicets'l n n ttix vie of signs, �&c., mig ICabinet. f the r' 11 g f t i The di 'ch liisparity ExecuorsNotice-3ohn McLennan. exper 1 ken as th�s )ropc sed interference large portion o eport,&,ffd a tements average 1 rise, A twofran on all g of t- bing to peace :o _my Farm for Sale—John MoLen*n. Mr. antington- defended himself in are given of their transiactiot 9 in all of floor, exists n the rates neco"alr to be levied of er -or A de of It ie p we would be. ri -by me ion trus with 1,1 �t an abl and manly i L thO tke Provinces. The statemen; of the -T to m4i current ex. Farm fof SAle—M a. William Papple. He sak A WrcxE D STATE OMC-TAL. y my housI I see no Iu 1111ingelli; made without in' he had- mad6 no rel il h in I Ar revenue &I from the custon s duties committee he official pensel are eA nsi red unjust COU1406 IIA6tion Sale of Valivable Propertyd Ispeec i vestigatirig t a site IMa y not carry 0 'Auction Sale—Jam Le I .1 es Jurin Inde of the own. by gi ing genteui but had is. v ed one there shows d healthy state of affairs, e ipecially duct of !Card a, the State Sup UMMO Watt. e erine no g.but th, werLand prej. d- My 'ties co Id OrientalCream—III S. Roberts. which ad. opened u 4 at ject which he in the Maritime Provinces, the total ent of Education for Mssburi, re the ajon our n 9, inI advantage over no- re, rent their hn xw nothing But 3111 fing from that source of the that th�y �i id him guil by of ri e , I , under -the sy.g. New Grocery Store —John I had n intention Of' acurseing here. amount aris ur moval In Tucke we is] I chee f it, but The a mislappropriapon o tSeaforth Cheese-Yactor Turnbull pc�ech was'one wh ch he had pre. revenuf6be-ing$105,35j,011,56. Thestate- f public moneys, tem of local sectio is, the jr-a* impoia it WRO I t r in 3 9.10 when' re f that it can not, we Would Noticeto Patrons—W. S. rtson. pared ll� -AE y-, mself, which he I ad himself �,pro- in eat 6f. receipts and expendituro for the embezzlement, specula ion, bribery- and by trustees frequej tly variW. o - fail i ou; dutyi did we n t and that ienqnciated .'xiewe mine some to 8 mills iii the dollar On Good Second -Hand Piano for Sale. o pi�otest nouticeA year 1874-5, is as follows : Consolidated forkery. Iills on Iwhich 1�e held then all I eld to -da an other tions ere= agaiiiii b. it is every way proI that Fund,i $24,648,715.04; loans, $23,889,- hZKISIC OF A DrsI T$ifEl) AMEN wl 4 1 -'20 in teprepantati es I which lie had a perf e A light to e res 525.2i; open accounts, $3,498,377.1i - cAx.—The lion.. Reverd Johnson, Ae the: -of tie sithId year, if levied at th, nex; session of the Legislatu 3: y , ment the in his own native Pro, "o, -852,036,617-38. Exp�iiditur� : distingn' bed American tatesman a d on in regard TI ad on It whole f the township, w mportant subj fo - ad dead on Thursday At -have lawyer, was u X 47 -ill' 0 Uor Of Ruch -estri c tions ieral, It is onl r by appeal to his own (Op e, an red he was demption, $14,324,751.22; premium and Annapolis, with marks of physical grega of thatimposed hy he section 9 r Youreadt not as -awed of it, B' he- deeplv regret- I'll . is chief -a, As to ti e enoes 0 45' t account, $2,21-2,796 Goveni 16 twill prel.ared to make an i ect.� 1; was simply a Consolidated Fund, $23,713,0711I.04; ze- d an amount, e 1:0 I . _qual to -the ag* the �%ri t these c angem can In discount loan .81) ; violence upon his body. trusie� thewo, a"re ratlierto juSt, bel ted that it re rn SWORTH, FRIDAY, PER. 18, 1876, should III �Icaused pain tc vpien accounts, $11,1W2A5.111L Detail to renown , vas the Pa -t he took, as systems I cannot a W te p ble office a M anyne. 8 _at. American Mi nister to.Eng and, in draw- diffeence can xis 8, 11 'if t state es of t ra 13, . be sa ly &del roper steps merits of the salari' exis osalaries Irati ents are ven, so i are will ifficuft to con- lag up along ar The'Postal Law. 'Ot be d in tile, various departm &I with Lord 8 anley a basis: ter d where to to quite satI y co mIanted a to be desired, The becaus Theouse has not cc C I ha I ody t� the ye; Krly isettl ' the pehnions gr ad Opera nuatio as for the settlei nen�t of the A labarna, a ed Se changes are iciien�-y the 0 e menithe s, < 'The postal law Canada contains vin g -the pas by the pe?p e. o soon down tO business, and. as,,, yet made durin t years. which drafthowever, was rejected by townslip clerk is not ri�eeessarily the ferum�nt, for oessio w equally desir. as they �some, very strange, and not a fe of importance have cci nel up foi cooid the Americsri Senate. At &time when wrota ry-treasurer of the! school board - MeInbi 000 tlierefore. areL all( wn't his th dar( not refuse Ili' Ish bitter against but bas been elected in Iun is may come just, provi ions. One which erationl! The blow api' on Friday i American feding wasverS Tuckeramith News of the WeeX. a's - chosten th it 'by ,pe o 'old la,ll wisdoin oa4he still 1 h': general topi( �f conversation, England he did all in his po wer to re- one' of the trustees and was e me.in e; I under -this latter class is that which al- otl L -Ria.—Henry F. Reid b be OL, Ip I 'il _ ca e Pr part o inun" ' al. 'alet a to ve 'and likely remain 4o putil somethint HF,xvy Aws is move the Causes -of irritition between the Ix ard to fill that f6sition. 'The notice. lows the transmission of written doeu mor ntis tioe obtained a verdict for $tO,000 damag n the twd' con Itries, and Im ever been school bolas". an other:'Propo Positiojas. th i n 1: t 'oy. aref if th law, Iportant cor -are 'e as it now ri ofth o, lakor CAUCUS OF GOVZI1NXVN'4,8UPPO11'rF1k8. flogaln"t a- New York Street Railroad, for underthe control e boardof 0 i Iments, such as deode and mortpges, ly -drifdrecd known as a friend and adihirer of Gre a!t directlIv is, be! jgtri�' by those �hose inj uries 4eceived th rough the carelesone s through the mail a� the absurdly low Iled by' the It The Ministerial caueuO c, Britain. tmste�s. Eaweh t steel owever, eu- Ve -severing baxing 1 be to- Wmin rat I I I the of a driver. c1ses a spftlu ver nost, reedives remai ent fo every four ounces, -duty w fiterit, the 1111111- Premier was held 0 *onday, i it sup-.rvisi 0 one or ',)mmittee o6pi, The meet. -Right two set vols in the ilit f pr the tat, I Railway Dmiir OF JUIXYZ COLFn1DGF_ cip -be liqt or sell all, I ,on to Townelft School, Boards me �y in which he 15m* to *trice sa may be said of insun 9 i eng iget %jespee The e doI awa 9 go. 0 Honorable': John, Taylor Cole fo r- lle4 of teacherz, ticerjea Merly'one of the judgei oro the of the Rvr6 n E-xpo8itor. the am J'ant of thei in 1. course, pri irate, bat it is an resides, policies and docuents of' that. -class. yWith and even derat 0 that the att.,n4ance was very a of the 1 ng is i sal matters o se, sm theca - f ed. 9f the 4th shou no, t be A; s strictly, find large, ind that the prOceedings iverfe Co*ur:�of Queen's Bench, '.and a rwai your 188UC " vemen OTRICerve. Prior to the anlendni, mt act of Post,mas - 'not' permanen 1, ImP, t, and, eiitw Vern efficie ly Iminisito red ii shoul(i be, marked"by the utmost; pdosible unabim- editor of the Quaoterly Revielv,j died at correso ident asks for sot: ie information in tiong -ter ii�g the go -General Macdonald, which, upon the deeA %1I q: twq Ile London, England, last Friday, skged 86 respectil g t �e working: of Township 'Play it is bel ment :( f the schod B are tran n t D bear� far a, while a 1,�oer IV- It was already k aown that wh' Fon THE HEjazwovINT n and the Mi Inner in which whole, is one of the w)rst abortio a which Aums School I 10 r F -ard. At the: ithem as stat6d by the First Ministe on stated I lieetings of - the bol vil t f incur Ifor al I time a reiater re w� Was -up to, e Canadian day ening, the Goverlithent diociLabyied P Ihag ev'er been placed. upon t1i 9 An trian paper reports that an EngI h they are cond acted. Tucl �ersmith being timei t ie townshi school board r pay all r sponsibility for Mi. 11untington a veo:el has landed at GravoI Austri i, the only ratin.cipality with, in this Conn III 0 istatute book, docilI of the kind re adoped a considerable -SMonat Of oppo' standi f, El-bingsil ot�awa. leech at Argenteuil, the" im., fourteen thousand breech -loading rifts ty in which t. ie- system h,, a been tested op were unan I I I I sition I misted in ROMe tions and n of Doi Iferred to could only �e sent by parcel or Ong in refusing to allow r. Huntigton and two field pieces for the Herzogovin. other townships are, no ]JOubt, eagerly . t, o. ps� I ZBVrK 0, T 11.� A D 1) I I R.13 8, Jus lee to tho ti ho O ihould' re"ced from lletter post, and whak would then t T - watohin -a i access or failure with some , Be' par leg � w PPOR On IF r af ?on the U, who haA'plaeed himsel tinreservedly in.1 it L -it is on y fal 01 P uiet to suppose �uketh4r_s la ' t their ob a nes Pr q COUNTJERFEITI D. -The t 1probably 15 cents will now cost onlya'bout ly pre the hands of his CoIes, to be pre -1 :R SENTENCYj 11TIPP degree anlibity, and as the infomal, - ti tbi nk the preset asset 1,', pr ared f6i very formal Jec ont were hoes entertained. The correspondeDt asks for willi, I landab, 3 f li of Nelson Driggs, the tion you. judico&,., by uttrancesl delivered in his, notorious,! Illino wo Cents. Thousands of dollars are itting, as i was �nj erst�ood the 0 posil, ee n 'has, ever xisited �Out sufficimt inducemer te it to -ion vo to the priva ic 6apacitv. and e4lained "in' his Counterfeiter, 'terminated' think, p -ove in resti to a number of. in ermith fu �o deak $he pool On' usannuAlly lost t) the country, and -t ful takpi e�copbion in his conviction, R ast Satur the readers of Tyip, aubMi e W, sentenced Speech, the ly Would, th ibliiI -letter in termi calculated 10 ereifore Put) P)SrrORl may the decisiciaf the ajority A contest tiducoment ii placed in the coffers of wealthy insur- lich di reti,oVe any ju4 cause The 15 years in penitentiary ai Pay a to Perhaps be allowed suffi4 ient space in )c car scussioni. and of Offenc all, ciaes tionis of a p i c naI up -on their ttliat there s Iloaning of $5,000. your colimus to re mat -ter U ancLe compan� I y ivision, M hie nee lent of this I elf, mo ey Institu- certai;­ ithoub! h annou . n eberrainatiom has i -merits contrib tesi ot a little -to the ar.6 redl -in some ew I I gal - briefly aj pos , 19. i rg 18 '10 Case�! but ith verial satisfaction PO STA Bualyl 58.—The, e - harmony wbieb exists. All tions and laye the general pub. latter, M t e. opinions w : order 'and in at,&H hazards. J of PoStageL stamps a afAs . I by the friends of the Mitil'stry, and it is i the I Jnited St There no question s< prominently matters affecting priogress in scheme of I Ion regar I t I a disedsk ioa were of the fricist L luduce,ment �ealter.: antlary amou I -MIS aracte'r. h-. Address was express irt this sense won greater � Martin L Us to I lic. received the ben fit of the reduct, stated- Oat an for the month of IT ted o pressed th, .' ittefitio of the people in ,ducatI are tiecessarily of islow growth. ithere would not be so 'much cause 'for I as Aiel the unll;sual sum of $3,5W,000, which which a reat4 III diversity -a- r greater ani-, It is n was O.F go much by observing present Ou wbula attempt S-, move i )y I r. Cam; y, of ( ntario, andi w from the e4ing, members d reviv ts n/ that of educa sp tiv At time ree in plaint. But they' do not. Although secon d I Mr. thfe� s�me taken as an indication of a: apec mosity �fi ;,a Quebec, dt MAI all,, of in,dicatimsas by'a;ietro view Carrie - 00ar un I 's auim as to its vilue and import-. V ege the ri ht of holding '91 eir own: opinions try, y insurance comp en ba -v e bad pr- �t a main. who, with any in the country Both Utle prey I of trile throughout the coda qy that we discover the real ions GEN41LE AND MonXO,-,f MAI. '—,k allCe, an to bhe best mode is pro- ab aid 4"d as to tho in ency Or other� 11 diverbity as b le t mt -the b "erita fe;c �cdi arlianien ex cc effect ari annual Saving Of Both r#em- plished, It i4sort to several eat i grand aughter of Brighaifi ung Ing of its, ap Us P n p to the varied wants of gers, jib a �youn &cqui ted th M841ves wise'pf 1 the speech ji. i �,Iaestion. r YO educational. minds,6f the ( ourity autici e bonest by giving I 'we have not heard so as (1) )bati n of th e caucus, and: le peo Ae. This feeliE g existed, at pated It ie expansion f on: school no handreds of dollars, wijn he p r e House, Roitoh �Was pr made 2, bid forfame by marrying a Gel - - th e to tateTent al th tile, fr)m Whom, it s alleged, she wa 8 least, in Tuckersmith for to f one which no do�l�t is there:- a6 lie I as done e ive be has reduced its rates and and wlej a clead r of any years tem �nt) township -if not into Cotinty 'eted tog yDnd ? plim. 5rited y th 1, I W 45 I no, an an si 0 bas he tact of ay. e sew j etc, cordially a 0 61though each la )6 " on, w I h that he forcibly detained by her t�relati d notwithstanding the successive efl y�r, conveyancer and the Op boards, but very wifloly. refrained to thaa. other People urging i hese refornis, which,are rA �6" ing lit, 6 81 e Of you niesced in the: deci ion of the Gov. the cai e is now in the Courts. ul s �noney loaner in the ]Dominion will plac- t ixise ager en q; aI6ow,, to we -b h ie�at, So ends the :iff4ir for the pes- i Ray ExpLosicis.— a CP F-10 11 periods to reconstruct old sect' pecial unse 0, live ventured OT An. ion flo - L iatc the ernal I an(' begin�i#g to attract atten lan at a me Olin y in I a Mi:, ie �nea r Ofae ion and new Ilot a Snug annual 11 wance by this de trou us.. na of olitics, As Sir e 1 occurred on Stiarda form new ones, dissatipfac, when the CountV Ild g g asunex 'was not prepared, I rAms u a. NAkCIAL )KE1414ION. Pittston, Pa., whic killed. four I ien,and difficulti, 0 wo spri u Z, decrease has beetif 'MacdoO&I to frame so T_RZ*F1.,N ect. their,'iniroduction. Success in edue 041 Crease in postage n I . . h bje6 of -discusin a; U the'ma 6t ar in'the Addre a as The,`iarinci an on ill fatally injured seven more. The works edly as the eruptioni' ol a voleaho, made either in.the rite of interest or in howe To on: -one object as iti, other things, cannot howe be ter to j.a tif: 11 9 a I 4 up the time f a the H46e- on WedneFod ty �`was Mr.. Mills, are badly damaged. The accident was Whether this resulted froi a the Peculiar =ve in a dalbut grad�ally, as the legal fees. The fact is, the aOf a Miner I in aquire ffs , eL iou 4f the to ;hip or fro very- 0 II 11 )use he attemp da r6solution for a Coramittee to e caused by th careles ness S4 di sea I IF - Ce it prepares the pool in can Ireductiou was mad ik InAoi I said V e op into the causes of the d Ttession of trade carrying an open lioht, i sea in erealt in the system of scIiiiol t Pech con ned ple for eater Improvements., Any.sVII s 9 g, at' ff�aam etc. (1111 'depres iciA to be a —A Catholic aetE - sectioDs, 0 little not :in i.l� the fati A RZLIGIOUS Ri&,r. or rom both, is a questj n tern at and for.the benefit of these wealthy corn. , having stateo the -�l he present, however good, iv h IOpposi 110 admitW on all handsi. k r. 12T, 1; sug- onstration occurre4� at M�lstue r, Gel. e I ,]on uld 'er no resistcnc6 to ill which few Poo le unde#ake positiveN to r or;! if patues, and that I uch abused bat onary, -the length of its exi. al;oat; Aaaa)ii W L to II pa f failures, in te as many, last Sunday, which reshted. iii nswer. It i; no wonder theref its Pa f9 l $t d'' But it was! not -gested that the num r'O EnLeme safely beprediet.-A Progress e me lgay�w Iall trade 'and -the class several thi 11Q1 or I I people.sought a remedy fol 8 state',l of sId fated t e debait i should end ther a as traders amon 0 1A 'a, law ally well paid class, the legal profes. riotous disturbancesiduring whic� thp est indication of Vit r or v 0 bly wo, d ha 'hich these disasters 0 mostly occur- people were severely injured, ihings and wb' ed g Wages w, v T4e polic any scheme deaLtin-. Un. h ion, and at the expense of the Poo it very, e done had not thosei tqwuships which elm' to the airy. lie e. vere obliged to interven od to set,at re an evi,1 %hich became VA Th Ron, A r, Aton i mbe, for Chat, ed was a fit subject chang:a�le, May, like th�_.Modes and flaoses. e la in this respect, at dir' (y then asome length, 43sed the effect A TUIBUTETO CAADA.—In theiT-Tnite almost tolorable. A township is, it is Wry school III I il Lterrogate h ay d! r e, laws, )Zeml I his Iwo with re Of hig duties on 1111W Ita,tions, the bal- Monday Mr. Conklin -*bO al itio I he people w4 least, if in ub other, oald be amended the P finaT Pers' with thei unalferalal Ily F P( gart . StatesSenate on (I to be tile only le� b6 remegibered but not initi4ed. a introd#ced a bill to facilitate th trafli and. the questiciii wa .the no IN il ol, brated! funt rngton spe, �0h, an9o� of e, and cogn tte,` questions,, ar- JAMES AaCDOXALD. 9 resirictions there I it Ing that there were e( e im redu�tw*n in the i elivei rgeAl ill c n the occadon gal the Domi ion c subm (I to d I A mpenoating influ. of merchandise from ind app.�oved of by the, Shop Licenses. of the P;JeC4 io Lecla nation of Rr. en6e8 it1wairk which v ctified the appar. Canada through the tefritor f thi people- According to, the School act' n �Vo. US y auLthority to Christ to' ipport� e Go ent loiw' sustained by ho, country that United States, which was referre to th every toi malli Council ba ald zdisdai It During the present week petitions drt 'tie Omnge Questiolay, t "alance of trade 4'gainst it, refer. Comm�ttee on Finance. Mr. C n abolish Ic Cal s('Ctiolls, and th-fe this sl HiI I in in usged 1'�po. had th� nklin i nay establish curto,of whoA IL .5 gt( been circulated in Seafortli, and Ithe Et 11.1 ;peaki' people of the P o ing osia�cially to the carkiing trade as said he introduced the bill at. the ties township schoo 4 laaards, providing a Mal, To the Of tie I is folt thro�holtt, Ibeen signed by quit6 a number of. ince o I le 0 t 0 d i f iticaRy Zh one Of, these operating calises. irJohn f a responsible gentleman who uch jority of he el wtor8 in two -thirds of the S1R orne time C PA adth4 or fair Poi ago you, ote an -at- I 10 atopayers, as�ing the Town lCouncil the Li tl rtio tile Frech Can6di- A. Macdonald wante& 14ear f rom: the fo,r its merits. sections �Pres a a desire th it such sec -1 ticle opun: e Grange oirdlr,which app 0 rah "U'r- -OsPerl r pr Ftou so allbeabolih the t.r Mind eon rality f their support toith GoverniAeiltl claimin h# a 1MILLS B URN 9D. —Last Fridai, tion , h is ed, ustees ed M io Pa -so a by-law li shop, liquor Ii. &no In 'dl glVi e 9 t this was clusirve, o far as it laliting "alo"a I more t"Mn on motion to eliquire into night the flour Mills of Voight, Ortmad of the'sections or. the inspector wenc I re e orl tane p, state of the here was alsot the AIII Arty reply, by a It ]Aber lista ­Penri thori zed to C NINTO " , censes in Seaforthl to two, and Prevent- which f pl Med t every nation, �ud �hat abe d�ng to- British & $preen, South Pittsburg, were is an eet 8 forthat Granger, which, in ion, W-Asot Voyle _y_ I'Purpose. My "'Pla i;ng other articles than liquors to be gold form. r. Rol precede t such a in Int totally burned with ai'large It al, 3o pro ex r e electi for exaple, -that ton 5ove ly' Condemned oti was equivale stock Df flou on conclusive. Take, �ythese two licensed shops. i of th 3'. ?ost i to, one of want of C ell Mi. Young The flames communicated U of ffve trustees and investv ein with all part of his aTtiele wh ferns to. the advald n 08 po�l 9 Ustifie'd the ap ommit- Pitt In other the utto o no If ster Genqa4 and ere lie tells you and in I in Inner denuind. t -of the 0 the Birmingham depot of the sburg, the powers and subject to.all the daties, that before you n been and. words the conned are to be asked to � Ire-- ed- of 1N. Mi tee H(. woul e g1aA -to see such � an Pincinuati and St, Louis Railway jadjoin. and obli ions Las truitees In cities and orderf YOU a d aiis Ckenzw! bother the e Gran � is iathe i join them, ri UVI SUPPU Us. t nukes no rov or lie !1repu oA ustment of t e tari asi would correct Ing, w tow ge use lqu enses to grocers. Had -the ment deepted. or' diated th' m. hich was also destroyed; losis, 550" ision for the so that', vu could write from xperience. trier. Victory is Vor of -the line Of .41censeBill passed by the Lejislatdrie The raqui payment also' C berk OppIcsition express to� some extent the in arjous effect of 000, partly insured;, f trustees. rol 181011 arryin$ out that rgumet, he I fultimstely King A 10 im 'CA Sir �tafford the property woua tA It you that, before onlice with tl')e on porterI f the Cabinet ithe Americah rtations at iacrifice prices, SUZZ, NAT. PURCHA89.— made for ;he nation of all d �*nfined -to gon-tained a clause to this effect so that Iun tust join hopto b sed as a me( surprii Ill that it was one of the latter ho b inst e Mug a Northeote has submitted his sch e flat -of each se Aion, and the act defines the or Mormonism, �he same rule 111 In 1 W�Stl 1� rot t ighlt prevai in every sho Id'y. recii, eh a Ong Ion U 0 t e refit of home,,rnanufactur�e$_: the payment of the Suez Canal ishares, d u ty of ti o Cc, lucil in this respect, who their er, build a hatem an 4 fill it u town and villagd in the Province, and all '004e. �No on g, as repre .4 manu- an of the vAI- with w' the, ft. be'sid Mr ft n,. Me. Iry sentaUve of d it is evident from big remarks that are to de u)on theepor th w' :eS that, beh you del, he s uators in uch nannerii tb tile grocers be put on flin equal footing in it is uxi �.rst 'o'd ha I I hte f4pturin constituenoylpiefierred to throw it is the intention of the British Govrn. may deem nonace rime of mu r u your I t -to become sole propri just and uit, tble. For -edge of!"'I he c W -ft gen Coma the who onsibil.4 oi eters !of thq Lrther infor- unins, y must kill sornebo- �his respect, we could most heartily ment to Canal. . Arrangements are now tion I at refer y' Ind was, creforre, errin the q0es a peding Ma oar.'r( e i appeas, to ed:to 11rollueo h ike a com- me that would the time qommend such legisl�tioii But, we do Ilap Ill thander i I L clear sky that !the mittee, orkraIlin escribed the �for the admission of three representa-I. school al the above 4 but mere- 'When you would a -.not about it, ly an outl ne of its prov ontreal, and rd managing irsi Ins. Town- which I -think MY rZ tize N, ifor 4 alp, rI[ot think that in the absence of this gen- subjecti Cam dow upon the Chamber, depressed. state of trad,qI in tives of England on the Boa is tile I Iwith the $1V. owing Ivitig I ]a it would la' the Canal. ship Councils ba top Iw 0 r any AY soile it -18 sai.. ;Ihat the honorI urged the Government o t4ke prompt go. �o dect: de questions Grange r r—their mouth* are nsequen. u -se I lte U nay waoprom qaember of the. Tunkisit AitrAI",—The. Turkish Gov. of this intricaU nature in w a me Unicipal council to enact a restritive mbelk fori 6 tion, M % Dymond, asi neh perhap by wo *fta hegravel roads A (I to met on foot the a dozen of sections are conet rued naire stand in Vs 11. iron I b to the 4f tac proposed Committee, w )ul4 not prej I 1i hiw= y p ona, ea ings io is u ice It$ you do loft to tile, Pat w of this kind,. operating, as it believe to,111 ntert4it agaii at r. Hunt- the case t bat would com C, b6fore tbem, but reforms specified in Count Ant"Usy'a degree of assurance, if I ot of ability, in relation othe am n the g nieipalili;y ill vry-0 Id, only on lectedl certain 11111135 - to O exeep one ause - a e 13 1 ey expee give at t at libe Vf oil rocers of that par- ington, i Ak, e O t naste r G ir oGuer I Corr Ion on Ire is on, on y i I - L - 9 d s U e In M i lar municipality, It is a well known &tread nadd cleari i nd satisfactory x- John a6donald,"and r, r ed to the dif. therevenues from Bosnia and Herzeogo- Theres o ibil ty at z the equal. to drawp I ail in a ro- e in 0 UI, right e- n among- pro.. can find out abot 1; an -oath. oil It planati I ad badsA himelf feronces cif opinion exii vina should be employed for the develop. ization of schoo I. property an c1the variety outsider f b that the liquor'departmont of a gro. Men Ob U fore to inch it is thoughtt at tectionists as needing u Ott y means t of these Provinces. L The moo that of interest i inv( Ived &rantil-a thorough bound and Secret And here I n. t qu ticitI d Jia 4. out'� the at- can be extorted on this point is that the knowledgi � of Lhe -h. e 's business is lay -Jar the most profit- M r, 11 I tog of an enq ail its will that I AM Oppo actidn' was not 'urgen y Wry, an pi es In sed to I oat 'Fronior to de. sum k bearings, 5o t1jiat no inju.. Ice e v Take away this branch, and he Cal led f 'hough, a )me C f the speak Bra tempts df the lato ipent for public works in these Pro. 'u., ice is done bon d d ret orders, I t r o �,infla 'beli at], lude thei manufacture ey. vin th Gra -want. is is ries ongly In it r. Huntington �n orderto to the Most ive do must either raise the price of b " groce ces sbouI6 be increased, which pr iden e and forelhought can liev 0 di I, they heart- WTumcEy Rum—The whiskey rifig avert. Some schoine, must I be adopted objecticingLble fk p"ce aim III ni ing he I their in e �631 Tothis class fo or he m ust abandoii Mi business entirely, i1v -a at heart. M the a`100' te -na rion. One of 11 o er to. $Pee socie �oi I -a uot allow if�. hie raises the price of his groceries, the the e present se, I W showed te operation inue to startle th6pablic, Highffieials can be discoveAd it sho'lild �lbe honestly cieti g -I' bar a eAing Fierell es are act a ro re igious y at ey -are stre to do u in New Orleans have been implica" in and feadessly appliel `nciple convictio is, or beev- dealers of neighboring and competing Cana(U Or, Minister ait, was perhaps tariff on vario branch, o tr e. Mr. e, pri a large si it of I u rstand ,Vuleet. ex W towns or villages who are allowed I 6ok th.3 4rouud that wIdle Kirk a C f lie tone and mat. ese frauds, including ex-Congressinen adopted in Tuakeromith not be the olence an i with to to all connected t Ir ter a hould r Oy tri k criticiied mber A'hesviinghto ord I mirx the speech of I e in(' for in Ir, ea LL all e d a customs collector. best, but Dne thing is e n that no the' in time of sielin keep and a liquors, will undersell him pos,so ir e the mtteri n eitize In, Nort cin I the ri �of h)�or'k, Mr. ad. )ee discovered in Springfield, other has I, I ted, and trouble, and their families after- it was hot in thiair thomip� .in Con. as yet been ev ougges and as a 'consequence trade is directly pro vine i, vocated; free trade, free,, oniey, and direct iection with which 50 individuals have Land very f 3w even of those ho dislike their dah the Grangevrderl is actuated t pulpitf 0 leal i heir 0h in drawn from one town to the other. On atbrs; tr ion 1 e. taxation. 'Mr. John Ma - lo;mld,Toronto, eenindicted. Thusd estheliqu -traf. a- township sclool. board Cation the by a so 'd selfishness, agraispi L after e duct' Ill Ing Ion -of ymrhumbile ser, fe LL t at )us into the political r e mea I the extinction e engen( broughout every,; correctuesof the principle oftbe a III Rupp to Cilitog 3 dilarecatad, as very unfor. of 6 wnf the other hand Ose -a uffi a �nx deolarO frd� trad " the* roo, b of all evil. I do I not riolfoluie-S.%ol Ier corruptionot Iwas to �1 e 'awtfdian manufactur He assert. -ank of American society. ization car 7ied c ui in this sihil aPent number of grocers retire from the Granger's" epis Irl in MY tu a ate Might be an dered ed thatIcin. cotton goodIf the American AR RF -13T OF A LNVYzit, —Gilford I Vhite, ay perlIaps, explaintithe Manner in minit there is nothing in it.. bu b I n He Elm -The PWIhaTmc Ibusiness to leave roola for those who are held fa I manufactures had c wh ch the I eqULa Hzation W ej, a rillernber of the Parti. eri, d0y not made Boston lawyer, has been arrested and as, made more ly look at the social aspect of th r IIaLWaugh arlil et,,i`, an C ads, the detec- by Isuppasing a case .4 �s an exam- question. To start with, I t.ke it o,� i. im.. of the 1 left, the town is injured by the suspen- Nationi i n a's a Lerall that the j�ct Canada ter that th laced under $10,000 bo clearly C pl Ariddf we ives having traced to his p suppose a awnship to an oath-b�und order, and that it 'a ube 8 AU -greater atholi sicin of these establiabtonts. The that a 4: x r ate W" a Rman C ightering, as it was td!m0d, was chief- 08 sion Oder 30, 000 of Go of threech or a P r o ti., t was tic guarantee that he ly on tb.�6 part of Great Britain, not the vernment bonds stole from cosiA 0 ool i ftfious our versive -of family. tics. Aini where I whom., pro 6e number of a 4 .ge 'Ohier to tb tores of any kind there was an , 10ai 4 or adafrabLe man. He United. States, He adw: tte, ntleman in New York about illustration will be less diffict It to under- Ask) can iou find a greater.. ii than the - e thoughl d there wete 2, year is in a place tile . -more attraction there claimed A is it- other causes at work to, e4eck the coln. onste et a wife and Is see no, to iione in In lgo. White purchased them for �Oc, on stand. 'If we presume that i4ections No. M r � Juit comes b ween e a )esides a low C dollar, and bad put them - up 49col,l 1, 2 and 31, pectiveily at family a;t is'for people to Con 0 to deal in that taclim6lit lieRomanca olieChur(h mercialp'rg'greas of Cana arc assessed res i her husban d, or between a -.0riA abot toibe, disorA an and tha, memb&rt of tariff. ateral for a lo of $20,006 q00,000, *Ao and $-7,0(0 and that man amd'he wife of his place. Decreage the number of store is party wi th Mr, Cartwright a 34 a few words He 41aims; bO6OnL? and this tbat e is' -no and himself 0 �ed th6 r pe , esteem a A in reply 10 Sir ohn Ala donalA, and ;o have had no knowledge of their true, their school pr)perty IS w ined in the I Purpose to show from -working -of rtepnort youatonce decrease the attraction- r - der, Iour orting the mo oin e or fo obedience toil he Romll A C oUc cler while 8 ion for It. Coal- ,haracter. same orderl, at 000, $640 an d $"o the. the iorder. I j h ae toti ai& UPP I Solemn ustomers,and consequently the trade. which *1 1 T I I Firbue A oft hi ly merit �rqment 'would ra are solema mittee, ded-Ared the Gov, CUBAN AvFA7R,4— Cuban affai' chool Property each is therefore equal linust. take an oath, or ma4 a sol-ema, Ms in the doVar of their h duiolis as bind- 41re We i,611 take Seaforth for example. if and whl�, las eir o n likely to form the a0ject of so promise, i vbic In, my ol� eq lly g4 them 6 not shirk th i oper �hare � of the me'defin- to 10, 8 and 7 y )w r( �hthsl the menR e rs thel ongWva i�,e party responsibility. Sir )ohn.94edonald said itive action on the part of the Am respective 'assestments, i No in order in thesightof God as an oath, to the by-law Which is to be petitioned for Zrican ssP 'h to equalize 1 n� and place Nos, It not only the in 819114 zone be of Quelad(.. �e alosod a ver a le 8 ee n nt inteneted to oiiect to the Congress now in Session. Claptai en- those sectio kee eer Pass- L calt ed and put in, force, the number by remap l ersely t at ile he could Comnitteti. On the motio' of the Pre- 4ral Jov ellar has no b yet been able to ,es. 2 and .3 o the a ame footing as No, 1, it worl 09 -yine. pa he s timents u It p receive y stra geral but 4blish order out of the cha that a, t as to be .1 but the price of ever r arti�le, I of rocars in eaforth will be decreased not but a 11rove f is Mier the 'House then djourned, the is evident b in not oal 4nd social, which reigns on that un Imposed m hich ill. bring 0. e minimum mc ered b ter :General debate standing over till7fitirsday. lappy re that, I cannot te, I my own by at least one half. This is admitted t he re was bOU111d, t( Say ; ey w re pro. lisland. Vhe native Cubans favor t ie ear value )a, 2 i 3 up 0 e maximum wife the: 'cef the smallest arti H ::0 some But, in Olin- I't e of N, cle she i1r, U of the petitiners. �alalishment of a free colony like CE nada value of No. 1, the�' fore neces- juing my Conduct 0 Vbe Conserva-_ Tho Public Acco�4nts.' uses in house, voked K th4 is -e- wed tha the grocers are allo asino, compt sa to go on as tiv Par an, its Press in constantly while the C sing the &I istoc r to impofe a rate of 2 mil a onNio. 2, souL toiI souL .1 can take any 0 woman, wi: I o usual. Seaforth wA half The report of the Public 4ccoutits laid ey and royalists sternly insist upon the ard 3 mills, on 1\1 o. 3, thus fPP e eA. the nuraber draggin Ai 'Ong qu"Pions Jnto political tile rate Mid th I I who isl a ember of e into my before Pa nis- the er y tol �tber are liscusii i rhament by thelli�anee Mi lasolute submission of the insurgents, ge Of grocers will not o&r as great an attra., st; 4ad he! i was satisfied th it Prop e confide' ore than that, she is Al- ter a few days go contain!� a Most ex. I ter h�:s eta I WeVrHFP. dispatch property of No, 1. Th boeaseile had the V :wAter of the Qu 3' haustive e atafl:l ant, in this �oady in this' MY confiden -have Itj a for buyers by one haff in comparison statement. of th� Domin' lee, wNle I iWroxeter Or. - ])cc Opp�'.' �ti i i leade rl � been'observed �y ion finances.. It gives a 0 "an Francisco, California, of the way, contri bI � by Nos. 2 x id 3 will be sworn to keep my wife, and 1fa first aunnal ob bsnow. 16 maybe the moin vely all $370. Wi h Clinton ag it do� tabula d statement the IJth inst., says that recent $160 and 2110 r 3specti tirely oxc lude at this is 09 d, th fin his Pa y, no such spec4h A 'T - rAday of the lialaffitics-and asset f oin the yeaIr ocially n e ONt f and'inora, ly wrong,. few men- 4)f average 'At [Ares"is w�ill he give d that goods CailL be pukehased as would h a11 t5m()Hf of snow and wind were very se. If we again premise that .4 deli red. Ry!: 1867 until 1875, the latter 1 ye tr end tug 1 at 4ere all over the State, In -08 Auelo maintenance of eich school aout the tl with a spark, of manliness chIiamp from grocers who do not sell liquors Honeft J, I made one'( appears in)f his of J�ly laitJ,' From the-stltt�m, 311tit dounty ill communication isi cutoff ex. same, it is evid-lat that e in qwh will get abcut angla" Iin ro the wu deny, o�c ,were no les, 'from-tho-se who 6. This we admit, 0 , that the funded debt payable London 6ept with the coast, Tw '138els ILY11 one-third returned, or .,say $' 2-3t, tp if usual pu: hich 11 d But , It,( ef 8 I01 Ig us fe ad l. ter, t t will tell Me mw an Join them. too, teasnas in Witigh rder'to enablee eM to Cdmpote atlid be at tl�e timo'� the fiscal year 41of ed was $19,'. at Wilmington and one at Port Oford diminishiq: the actual amOunt Of tho I admit that ut I have to leam but; in o the viewil Dx '8801 466,666,67':- 'payabl Q'd $127'- Gieat �eotri Mr, untin stern, in �his Vhth th stranded total lose crews 03aved, In Tate impose d. on No. 2 47 00JUSa, le oe I ufl ei; w is e were not' the !al ca of th e violent a ions w I way hi k y selling to and on that two wrong act 11. make vae misce .22,�21,7 v broke by a dood in the No. 3,to about ppear at 19D,901,39; ljei: hbors they he tack upe V 7. 1his May right one;' There is another aspect of I mall i Mai! the members f 92, Bav'ki'ug. wcounts7—Loddon agents, first Sight tD favorNo. s lt�-_d ioeitber -case. Sacramento river, and the whole country I but not npees- p It W I to e foun the Case ich I believe is common to the Op tior d i One'ofthetr JM thoir grocery business flour, feed, grain 0 2,0P6,471,47; raiscellaneou�, 44,280, i Ia the vicinAiy is under water!; much lose sarily so, as the general rat4,- levied on all oath- IIaction 14 ree years R a an d Bxuee was the rnem� i a 10I I th und -societies, bat which is MeI and many other branches 84 1mak' a total of ba;iki�g ac4ou for which nts of stock has occurred, but noiie of human the whole of ti ,e township for Be, in Pa icularly Ge 061 objectionable Mi ' Pa r tear Euter, ago by 0e. P expendLitun -1 under the new a tem. nia* stmasto eral, which -of liabilities life reported. It is still no4ing ou the h 0 e 2,15 �;2,31 the to t b t is only a limited local demand, A had, as il Ile ults, -consignment L I as- Mountains and northern por�ion of the, possibly equal oi Grange order, - I refer to tl e unity 0 Ibeing $151,663,461.62, �The tota I th the brothe i0i ip le r 'was r o ig r assessment interest i not live in the co t; 0 nwws e r v ives 1) tood iich must an in rate on be at to the welfare C f a MSU!f sets are 1=1 ised y pure, and simple, can $3,5,655,023,60, 1 and they are t,,tte, I of No. I the spee ial an Ilaru nantpu to: e Col. i I paramo, ition with a gr'ocery ia'which hades of r"de up -of investments "in various raij- EU1t0pE-,&N, GtALq buying at i ho KET.-�-The the lower qsaesment f 2 and & own fain For instance, ife. Ing a ove, i vh Co L won rb#d Inks, Cana,da, X&1* Lane, Bxprm8 has the W14 Fronithe ich is -only illustrative so artic Iare cild. The experiment has re 8, bonds of savings ba, tion, wh O� trus they me ;e to sell T. main for we e had N"v Scotiho, New Brunswick and Mon. its regular weekly review of esent, N1 nup frF n e in broth or sister 0-0 pet iq or's U L the British of the princ i PAe f equali am be,69 tried, 'and has failed in Seaforth heard in ors hat .,r. ic�mes alo, wed n' 6 in n tieve r tr al barboi bonds, and sundjry securities corn trade, Apart from t e question. in Tuckest uh� your Me pr at, at the time, a havti reasag to a to teres err sU. t�at the C44 be had T Staule Ma Uri [e Council of Seaforth,or litic e -L Under th' derate rea ion, as� data on eAa elsewhere, I hoU that I am fira!i that the.town vowe e ent mly to P aggr gate tb 811,787,302.09.!" o Mo et may be re nably hap find a u ffic , " P "ty! al d ;h,", tich Oif all in 1ch wit4in, the past year. We therefore af. to fO iv M III I a an r bai I of a similaef nature, TheY amount in the of, improvement in prices later on soe pondent an I others in Pr iscel there is a lodked for now, in of the a calculatioi i of h 3w it WLOU14 go th eY hei&4 of in' laneous ao4ets of il,iny other town oi village, will,, by in consequence the J4 bound by ��e very nature of e Order to oat desiftc d. ived t4at te 3urri haI-in � i e total of $13,405,135,08. 1 e baliking' low prices ruling, the recent colder school sections of. their o=imicipali,, tell my br ther or sister so, arid paI such -a by-law, d� the municipal- Mr, 'Ma4 Aesired thail. siE 9 kof #e, fr. Hol. accoints show a total of $1 462,586,13, weather, and the fact that owing to the ties. Equal. taxation is certail y not tho wife"s inte must ko to the wxil� ,if I ly 1 U 'I' as le by P. C,� ity direct and permanI injuryunleas ton, said h4 de I Vecated the ihtroduct* These figures are compiled,Jr�in the cora- hopelessness induced by long coutiutied least recomx�ienda don in favor of a town Ipreserve, Violate- My Obligat Ij(�Ug to tbo James Swillie, TPA IIIIIIIIan ;T III Th '�i grk sp�te Vo om In d '4tl le MO rospo go I T1 Iire Vor y yl I �ge OC AX t Ou 4e a r thiii e we K vl�l 3keeo d Y_R RO n a, as th a r gel of f on ra r iIIIIIIIII IIIIIIf iIIII it the discussion parative statement given in th ment e. ftd tr&Oe,,m ere have n kept up It r iship Z111001 D00I and a ON, NEW, ADVE ISEMENTS. co-oI n with ipg and Om, of ielilpone vestions in e abI gh nee that h t. e �sum an Mccull c tan Ie now runni 4 or re of polffical Issues, and ted Mr.' ment of the report, the details being givI m nd &I )therh6oil, 9 icips ti a be C re p6tin I' Huntin mada h a speech on big at length in various carefully mpiled firmness of the Par's et, in and ot hers, who I ave de their �tt, t _11)f 'the C4Me W1n'j6hL New Barber Shop eorge Forsyth. n SeaforA iii s least, I aho at th pr sent Of lar etc eks an scouragirlIg to allesti 091 anc�. he order I OU Stpi e to Let—Th Foster, own Iusibility, i n without thei tables, The subject f4avin Ban is of' d o I tentio, nt oft re is Mal rect th 'lit is for 8 too 0 ufft 111 is significant. The a"s e Pliop Busines i for 8 —John -Holland. to -tr tn uch angerous know 0 Of his 01311 gues in th and their financial, Condit' Of A advicets'l n n ttix vie of signs, �&c., mig ICabinet. f the r' 11 g f t i The di 'ch liisparity ExecuorsNotice-3ohn McLennan. exper 1 ken as th�s )ropc sed interference large portion o eport,&,ffd a tements average 1 rise, A twofran on all g of t- bing to peace :o _my Farm for Sale—John MoLen*n. Mr. antington- defended himself in are given of their transiactiot 9 in all of floor, exists n the rates neco"alr to be levied of er -or A de of It ie p we would be. ri -by me ion trus with 1,1 �t an abl and manly i L thO tke Provinces. The statemen; of the -T to m4i current ex. Farm fof SAle—M a. William Papple. He sak A WrcxE D STATE OMC-TAL. y my housI I see no Iu 1111ingelli; made without in' he had- mad6 no rel il h in I Ar revenue &I from the custon s duties committee he official pensel are eA nsi red unjust COU1406 IIA6tion Sale of Valivable Propertyd Ispeec i vestigatirig t a site IMa y not carry 0 'Auction Sale—Jam Le I .1 es Jurin Inde of the own. by gi ing genteui but had is. v ed one there shows d healthy state of affairs, e ipecially duct of !Card a, the State Sup UMMO Watt. e erine no g.but th, werLand prej. d- My 'ties co Id OrientalCream—III S. Roberts. which ad. opened u 4 at ject which he in the Maritime Provinces, the total ent of Education for Mssburi, re the ajon our n 9, inI advantage over no- re, rent their hn xw nothing But 3111 fing from that source of the that th�y �i id him guil by of ri e , I , under -the sy.g. New Grocery Store —John I had n intention Of' acurseing here. amount aris ur moval In Tucke we is] I chee f it, but The a mislappropriapon o tSeaforth Cheese-Yactor Turnbull pc�ech was'one wh ch he had pre. revenuf6be-ing$105,35j,011,56. Thestate- f public moneys, tem of local sectio is, the jr-a* impoia it WRO I t r in 3 9.10 when' re f that it can not, we Would Noticeto Patrons—W. S. rtson. pared ll� -AE y-, mself, which he I ad himself �,pro- in eat 6f. receipts and expendituro for the embezzlement, specula ion, bribery- and by trustees frequej tly variW. o - fail i ou; dutyi did we n t and that ienqnciated .'xiewe mine some to 8 mills iii the dollar On Good Second -Hand Piano for Sale. o pi�otest nouticeA year 1874-5, is as follows : Consolidated forkery. Iills on Iwhich 1�e held then all I eld to -da an other tions ere= agaiiiii b. it is every way proI that Fund,i $24,648,715.04; loans, $23,889,- hZKISIC OF A DrsI T$ifEl) AMEN wl 4 1 -'20 in teprepantati es I which lie had a perf e A light to e res 525.2i; open accounts, $3,498,377.1i - cAx.—The lion.. Reverd Johnson, Ae the: -of tie sithId year, if levied at th, nex; session of the Legislatu 3: y , ment the in his own native Pro, "o, -852,036,617-38. Exp�iiditur� : distingn' bed American tatesman a d on in regard TI ad on It whole f the township, w mportant subj fo - ad dead on Thursday At -have lawyer, was u X 47 -ill' 0 Uor Of Ruch -estri c tions ieral, It is onl r by appeal to his own (Op e, an red he was demption, $14,324,751.22; premium and Annapolis, with marks of physical grega of thatimposed hy he section 9 r Youreadt not as -awed of it, B' he- deeplv regret- I'll . is chief -a, As to ti e enoes 0 45' t account, $2,21-2,796 Goveni 16 twill prel.ared to make an i ect.� 1; was simply a Consolidated Fund, $23,713,0711I.04; ze- d an amount, e 1:0 I . _qual to -the ag* the �%ri t these c angem can In discount loan .81) ; violence upon his body. trusie� thewo, a"re ratlierto juSt, bel ted that it re rn SWORTH, FRIDAY, PER. 18, 1876, should III �Icaused pain tc vpien accounts, $11,1W2A5.111L Detail to renown , vas the Pa -t he took, as systems I cannot a W te p ble office a M anyne. 8 _at. American Mi nister to.Eng and, in draw- diffeence can xis 8, 11 'if t state es of t ra 13, . be sa ly &del roper steps merits of the salari' exis osalaries Irati ents are ven, so i are will ifficuft to con- lag up along ar The'Postal Law. 'Ot be d in tile, various departm &I with Lord 8 anley a basis: ter d where to to quite satI y co mIanted a to be desired, The becaus Theouse has not cc C I ha I ody t� the ye; Krly isettl ' the pehnions gr ad Opera nuatio as for the settlei nen�t of the A labarna, a ed Se changes are iciien�-y the 0 e menithe s, < 'The postal law Canada contains vin g -the pas by the pe?p e. o soon down tO business, and. as,,, yet made durin t years. which drafthowever, was rejected by townslip clerk is not ri�eeessarily the ferum�nt, for oessio w equally desir. as they �some, very strange, and not a fe of importance have cci nel up foi cooid the Americsri Senate. At &time when wrota ry-treasurer of the! school board - MeInbi 000 tlierefore. areL all( wn't his th dar( not refuse Ili' Ish bitter against but bas been elected in Iun is may come just, provi ions. One which erationl! The blow api' on Friday i American feding wasverS Tuckeramith News of the WeeX. a's - chosten th it 'by ,pe o 'old la,ll wisdoin oa4he still 1 h': general topi( �f conversation, England he did all in his po wer to re- one' of the trustees and was e me.in e; I under -this latter class is that which al- otl L -Ria.—Henry F. Reid b be OL, Ip I 'il _ ca e Pr part o inun" ' al. 'alet a to ve 'and likely remain 4o putil somethint HF,xvy Aws is move the Causes -of irritition between the Ix ard to fill that f6sition. 'The notice. lows the transmission of written doeu mor ntis tioe obtained a verdict for $tO,000 damag n the twd' con Itries, and Im ever been school bolas". an other:'Propo Positiojas. th i n 1: t 'oy. aref if th law, Iportant cor -are 'e as it now ri ofth o, lakor CAUCUS OF GOVZI1NXVN'4,8UPPO11'rF1k8. flogaln"t a- New York Street Railroad, for underthe control e boardof 0 i Iments, such as deode and mortpges, ly -drifdrecd known as a friend and adihirer of Gre a!t directlIv is, be! jgtri�' by those �hose inj uries 4eceived th rough the carelesone s through the mail a� the absurdly low Iled by' the It The Ministerial caueuO c, Britain. tmste�s. Eaweh t steel owever, eu- Ve -severing baxing 1 be to- Wmin rat I I I the of a driver. c1ses a spftlu ver nost, reedives remai ent fo every four ounces, -duty w fiterit, the 1111111- Premier was held 0 *onday, i it sup-.rvisi 0 one or ',)mmittee o6pi, The meet. -Right two set vols in the ilit f pr the tat, I Railway Dmiir OF JUIXYZ COLFn1DGF_ cip -be liqt or sell all, I ,on to Townelft School, Boards me �y in which he 15m* to *trice sa may be said of insun 9 i eng iget %jespee The e doI awa 9 go. 0 Honorable': John, Taylor Cole fo r- lle4 of teacherz, ticerjea Merly'one of the judgei oro the of the Rvr6 n E-xpo8itor. the am J'ant of thei in 1. course, pri irate, bat it is an resides, policies and docuents of' that. -class. yWith and even derat 0 that the att.,n4ance was very a of the 1 ng is i sal matters o se, sm theca - f ed. 9f the 4th shou no, t be A; s strictly, find large, ind that the prOceedings iverfe Co*ur:�of Queen's Bench, '.and a rwai your 188UC " vemen OTRICerve. Prior to the anlendni, mt act of Post,mas - 'not' permanen 1, ImP, t, and, eiitw Vern efficie ly Iminisito red ii shoul(i be, marked"by the utmost; pdosible unabim- editor of the Quaoterly Revielv,j died at correso ident asks for sot: ie information in tiong -ter ii�g the go -General Macdonald, which, upon the deeA %1I q: twq Ile London, England, last Friday, skged 86 respectil g t �e working: of Township 'Play it is bel ment :( f the schod B are tran n t D bear� far a, while a 1,�oer IV- It was already k aown that wh' Fon THE HEjazwovINT n and the Mi Inner in which whole, is one of the w)rst abortio a which Aums School I 10 r F -ard. At the: ithem as stat6d by the First Ministe on stated I lieetings of - the bol vil t f incur Ifor al I time a reiater re w� Was -up to, e Canadian day ening, the Goverlithent diociLabyied P Ihag ev'er been placed. upon t1i 9 An trian paper reports that an EngI h they are cond acted. Tucl �ersmith being timei t ie townshi school board r pay all r sponsibility for Mi. 11untington a veo:el has landed at GravoI Austri i, the only ratin.cipality with, in this Conn III 0 istatute book, docilI of the kind re adoped a considerable -SMonat Of oppo' standi f, El-bingsil ot�awa. leech at Argenteuil, the" im., fourteen thousand breech -loading rifts ty in which t. ie- system h,, a been tested op were unan I I I I sition I misted in ROMe tions and n of Doi Iferred to could only �e sent by parcel or Ong in refusing to allow r. Huntigton and two field pieces for the Herzogovin. other townships are, no ]JOubt, eagerly . t, o. ps� I ZBVrK 0, T 11.� A D 1) I I R.13 8, Jus lee to tho ti ho O ihould' re"ced from lletter post, and whak would then t T - watohin -a i access or failure with some , Be' par leg � w PPOR On IF r af ?on the U, who haA'plaeed himsel tinreservedly in.1 it L -it is on y fal 01 P uiet to suppose �uketh4r_s la ' t their ob a nes Pr q COUNTJERFEITI D. -The t 1probably 15 cents will now cost onlya'bout ly pre the hands of his CoIes, to be pre -1 :R SENTENCYj 11TIPP degree anlibity, and as the infomal, - ti tbi nk the preset asset 1,', pr ared f6i very formal Jec ont were hoes entertained. The correspondeDt asks for willi, I landab, 3 f li of Nelson Driggs, the tion you. judico&,., by uttrancesl delivered in his, notorious,! Illino wo Cents. Thousands of dollars are itting, as i was �nj erst�ood the 0 posil, ee n 'has, ever xisited �Out sufficimt inducemer te it to -ion vo to the priva ic 6apacitv. and e4lained "in' his Counterfeiter, 'terminated' think, p -ove in resti to a number of. in ermith fu �o deak $he pool On' usannuAlly lost t) the country, and -t ful takpi e�copbion in his conviction, R ast Satur the readers of Tyip, aubMi e W, sentenced Speech, the ly Would, th ibliiI -letter in termi calculated 10 ereifore Put) P)SrrORl may the decisiciaf the ajority A contest tiducoment ii placed in the coffers of wealthy insur- lich di reti,oVe any ju4 cause The 15 years in penitentiary ai Pay a to Perhaps be allowed suffi4 ient space in )c car scussioni. and of Offenc all, ciaes tionis of a p i c naI up -on their ttliat there s Iloaning of $5,000. your colimus to re mat -ter U ancLe compan� I y ivision, M hie nee lent of this I elf, mo ey Institu- certai;­ ithoub! h annou . n eberrainatiom has i -merits contrib tesi ot a little -to the ar.6 redl -in some ew I I gal - briefly aj pos , 19. i rg 18 '10 Case�! but ith verial satisfaction PO STA Bualyl 58.—The, e - harmony wbieb exists. All tions and laye the general pub. latter, M t e. opinions w : order 'and in at,&H hazards. J of PoStageL stamps a afAs . I by the friends of the Mitil'stry, and it is i the I Jnited St There no question s< prominently matters affecting priogress in scheme of I Ion regar I t I a disedsk ioa were of the fricist L luduce,ment �ealter.: antlary amou I -MIS aracte'r. h-. Address was express irt this sense won greater � Martin L Us to I lic. received the ben fit of the reduct, stated- Oat an for the month of IT ted o pressed th, .' ittefitio of the people in ,ducatI are tiecessarily of islow growth. ithere would not be so 'much cause 'for I as Aiel the unll;sual sum of $3,5W,000, which which a reat4 III diversity -a- r greater ani-, It is n was O.F go much by observing present Ou wbula attempt S-, move i )y I r. Cam; y, of ( ntario, andi w from the e4ing, members d reviv ts n/ that of educa sp tiv At time ree in plaint. But they' do not. Although secon d I Mr. thfe� s�me taken as an indication of a: apec mosity �fi ;,a Quebec, dt MAI all,, of in,dicatimsas by'a;ietro view Carrie - 00ar un I 's auim as to its vilue and import-. V ege the ri ht of holding '91 eir own: opinions try, y insurance comp en ba -v e bad pr- �t a main. who, with any in the country Both Utle prey I of trile throughout the coda qy that we discover the real ions GEN41LE AND MonXO,-,f MAI. '—,k allCe, an to bhe best mode is pro- ab aid 4"d as to tho in ency Or other� 11 diverbity as b le t mt -the b "erita fe;c �cdi arlianien ex cc effect ari annual Saving Of Both r#em- plished, It i4sort to several eat i grand aughter of Brighaifi ung Ing of its, ap Us P n p to the varied wants of gers, jib a �youn &cqui ted th M841ves wise'pf 1 the speech ji. i �,Iaestion. r YO educational. minds,6f the ( ourity autici e bonest by giving I 'we have not heard so as (1) )bati n of th e caucus, and: le peo Ae. This feeliE g existed, at pated It ie expansion f on: school no handreds of dollars, wijn he p r e House, Roitoh �Was pr made 2, bid forfame by marrying a Gel - - th e to tateTent al th tile, fr)m Whom, it s alleged, she wa 8 least, in Tuckersmith for to f one which no do�l�t is there:- a6 lie I as done e ive be has reduced its rates and and wlej a clead r of any years tem �nt) township -if not into Cotinty 'eted tog yDnd ? plim. 5rited y th 1, I W 45 I no, an an si 0 bas he tact of ay. e sew j etc, cordially a 0 61though each la )6 " on, w I h that he forcibly detained by her t�relati d notwithstanding the successive efl y�r, conveyancer and the Op boards, but very wifloly. refrained to thaa. other People urging i hese refornis, which,are rA �6" ing lit, 6 81 e Of you niesced in the: deci ion of the Gov. the cai e is now in the Courts. ul s �noney loaner in the ]Dominion will plac- t ixise ager en q; aI6ow,, to we -b h ie�at, So ends the :iff4ir for the pes- i Ray ExpLosicis.— a CP F-10 11 periods to reconstruct old sect' pecial unse 0, live ventured OT An. ion flo - L iatc the ernal I an(' begin�i#g to attract atten lan at a me Olin y in I a Mi:, ie �nea r Ofae ion and new Ilot a Snug annual 11 wance by this de trou us.. na of olitics, As Sir e 1 occurred on Stiarda form new ones, dissatipfac, when the CountV Ild g g asunex 'was not prepared, I rAms u a. NAkCIAL )KE1414ION. Pittston, Pa., whic killed. four I ien,and difficulti, 0 wo spri u Z, decrease has beetif 'MacdoO&I to frame so T_RZ*F1.,N ect. their,'iniroduction. Success in edue 041 Crease in postage n I . . h bje6 of -discusin a; U the'ma 6t ar in'the Addre a as The,`iarinci an on ill fatally injured seven more. The works edly as the eruptioni' ol a voleaho, made either in.the rite of interest or in howe To on: -one object as iti, other things, cannot howe be ter to j.a tif: 11 9 a I 4 up the time f a the H46e- on WedneFod ty �`was Mr.. Mills, are badly damaged. The accident was Whether this resulted froi a the Peculiar =ve in a dalbut grad�ally, as the legal fees. The fact is, the aOf a Miner I in aquire ffs , eL iou 4f the to ;hip or fro very- 0 II 11 )use he attemp da r6solution for a Coramittee to e caused by th careles ness S4 di sea I IF - Ce it prepares the pool in can Ireductiou was mad ik InAoi I said V e op into the causes of the d Ttession of trade carrying an open lioht, i sea in erealt in the system of scIiiiol t Pech con ned ple for eater Improvements., Any.sVII s 9 g, at' ff�aam etc. (1111 'depres iciA to be a —A Catholic aetE - sectioDs, 0 little not :in i.l� the fati A RZLIGIOUS Ri&,r. or rom both, is a questj n tern at and for.the benefit of these wealthy corn. , having stateo the -�l he present, however good, iv h IOpposi 110 admitW on all handsi. k r. 12T, 1; sug- onstration occurre4� at M�lstue r, Gel. e I ,]on uld 'er no resistcnc6 to ill which few Poo le unde#ake positiveN to r or;! if patues, and that I uch abused bat onary, -the length of its exi. al;oat; Aaaa)ii W L to II pa f failures, in te as many, last Sunday, which reshted. iii nswer. It i; no wonder theref its Pa f9 l $t d'' But it was! not -gested that the num r'O EnLeme safely beprediet.-A Progress e me lgay�w Iall trade 'and -the class several thi 11Q1 or I I people.sought a remedy fol 8 state',l of sId fated t e debait i should end ther a as traders amon 0 1A 'a, law ally well paid class, the legal profes. riotous disturbancesiduring whic� thp est indication of Vit r or v 0 bly wo, d ha 'hich these disasters 0 mostly occur- people were severely injured, ihings and wb' ed g Wages w, v T4e polic any scheme deaLtin-. Un. h ion, and at the expense of the Poo it very, e done had not thosei tqwuships which elm' to the airy. lie e. vere obliged to interven od to set,at re an evi,1 %hich became VA Th Ron, A r, Aton i mbe, for Chat, ed was a fit subject chang:a�le, May, like th�_.Modes and flaoses. e la in this respect, at dir' (y then asome length, 43sed the effect A TUIBUTETO CAADA.—In theiT-Tnite almost tolorable. A township is, it is Wry school III I il Lterrogate h ay d! r e, laws, )Zeml I his Iwo with re Of hig duties on 1111W Ita,tions, the bal- Monday Mr. Conklin -*bO al itio I he people w4 least, if in ub other, oald be amended the P finaT Pers' with thei unalferalal Ily F P( gart . StatesSenate on (I to be tile only le� b6 remegibered but not initi4ed. a introd#ced a bill to facilitate th trafli and. the questiciii wa .the no IN il ol, brated! funt rngton spe, �0h, an9o� of e, and cogn tte,` questions,, ar- JAMES AaCDOXALD. 9 resirictions there I it Ing that there were e( e im redu�tw*n in the i elivei rgeAl ill c n the occadon gal the Domi ion c subm (I to d I A mpenoating influ. of merchandise from ind app.�oved of by the, Shop Licenses. of the P;JeC4 io Lecla nation of Rr. en6e8 it1wairk which v ctified the appar. Canada through the tefritor f thi people- According to, the School act' n �Vo. US y auLthority to Christ to' ipport� e Go ent loiw' sustained by ho, country that United States, which was referre to th every toi malli Council ba ald zdisdai It During the present week petitions drt 'tie Omnge Questiolay, t "alance of trade 4'gainst it, refer. Comm�ttee on Finance. Mr. C n abolish Ic Cal s('Ctiolls, and th-fe this sl HiI I in in usged 1'�po. had th� nklin i nay establish curto,of whoA IL .5 gt( been circulated in Seafortli, and Ithe Et 11.1 ;peaki' people of the P o ing osia�cially to the carkiing trade as said he introduced the bill at. the ties township schoo 4 laaards, providing a Mal, To the Of tie I is folt thro�holtt, Ibeen signed by quit6 a number of. ince o I le 0 t 0 d i f iticaRy Zh one Of, these operating calises. irJohn f a responsible gentleman who uch jority of he el wtor8 in two -thirds of the S1R orne time C PA adth4 or fair Poi ago you, ote an -at- I 10 atopayers, as�ing the Town lCouncil the Li tl rtio tile Frech Can6di- A. Macdonald wante& 14ear f rom: the fo,r its merits. sections �Pres a a desire th it such sec -1 ticle opun: e Grange oirdlr,which app 0 rah "U'r- -OsPerl r pr Ftou so allbeabolih the t.r Mind eon rality f their support toith GoverniAeiltl claimin h# a 1MILLS B URN 9D. —Last Fridai, tion , h is ed, ustees ed M io Pa -so a by-law li shop, liquor Ii. &no In 'dl glVi e 9 t this was clusirve, o far as it laliting "alo"a I more t"Mn on motion to eliquire into night the flour Mills of Voight, Ortmad of the'sections or. the inspector wenc I re e orl tane p, state of the here was alsot the AIII Arty reply, by a It ]Aber lista ­Penri thori zed to C NINTO " , censes in Seaforthl to two, and Prevent- which f pl Med t every nation, �ud �hat abe d�ng to- British & $preen, South Pittsburg, were is an eet 8 forthat Granger, which, in ion, W-Asot Voyle _y_ I'Purpose. My "'Pla i;ng other articles than liquors to be gold form. r. Rol precede t such a in Int totally burned with ai'large It al, 3o pro ex r e electi for exaple, -that ton 5ove ly' Condemned oti was equivale stock Df flou on conclusive. Take, �ythese two licensed shops. i of th 3'. ?ost i to, one of want of C ell Mi. Young The flames communicated U of ffve trustees and investv ein with all part of his aTtiele wh ferns to. the advald n 08 po�l 9 Ustifie'd the ap ommit- Pitt In other the utto o no If ster Genqa4 and ere lie tells you and in I in Inner denuind. t -of the 0 the Birmingham depot of the sburg, the powers and subject to.all the daties, that before you n been and. words the conned are to be asked to � Ire-- ed- of 1N. Mi tee H(. woul e g1aA -to see such � an Pincinuati and St, Louis Railway jadjoin. and obli ions Las truitees In cities and orderf YOU a d aiis Ckenzw! bother the e Gran � is iathe i join them, ri UVI SUPPU Us. t nukes no rov or lie !1repu oA ustment of t e tari asi would correct Ing, w tow ge use lqu enses to grocers. Had -the ment deepted. or' diated th' m. hich was also destroyed; losis, 550" ision for the so that', vu could write from xperience. trier. Victory is Vor of -the line Of .41censeBill passed by the Lejislatdrie The raqui payment also' C berk OppIcsition express to� some extent the in arjous effect of 000, partly insured;, f trustees. rol 181011 arryin$ out that rgumet, he I fultimstely King A 10 im 'CA Sir �tafford the property woua tA It you that, before onlice with tl')e on porterI f the Cabinet ithe Americah rtations at iacrifice prices, SUZZ, NAT. PURCHA89.— made for ;he nation of all d �*nfined -to gon-tained a clause to this effect so that Iun tust join hopto b sed as a me( surprii Ill that it was one of the latter ho b inst e Mug a Northeote has submitted his sch e flat -of each se Aion, and the act defines the or Mormonism, �he same rule 111 In 1 W�Stl 1� rot t ighlt prevai in every sho Id'y. recii, eh a Ong Ion U 0 t e refit of home,,rnanufactur�e$_: the payment of the Suez Canal ishares, d u ty of ti o Cc, lucil in this respect, who their er, build a hatem an 4 fill it u town and villagd in the Province, and all '004e. �No on g, as repre .4 manu- an of the vAI- with w' the, ft. be'sid Mr ft n,. Me. Iry sentaUve of d it is evident from big remarks that are to de u)on theepor th w' :eS that, beh you del, he s uators in uch nannerii tb tile grocers be put on flin equal footing in it is uxi �.rst 'o'd ha I I hte f4pturin constituenoylpiefierred to throw it is the intention of the British Govrn. may deem nonace rime of mu r u your I t -to become sole propri just and uit, tble. For -edge of!"'I he c W -ft gen Coma the who onsibil.4 oi eters !of thq Lrther infor- unins, y must kill sornebo- �his respect, we could most heartily ment to Canal. . Arrangements are now tion I at refer y' Ind was, creforre, errin the q0es a peding Ma oar.'r( e i appeas, to ed:to 11rollueo h ike a com- me that would the time qommend such legisl�tioii But, we do Ilap Ill thander i I L clear sky that !the mittee, orkraIlin escribed the �for the admission of three representa-I. school al the above 4 but mere- 'When you would a -.not about it, ly an outl ne of its prov ontreal, and rd managing irsi Ins. Town- which I -think MY rZ tize N, ifor 4 alp, rI[ot think that in the absence of this gen- subjecti Cam dow upon the Chamber, depressed. state of trad,qI in tives of England on the Boa is tile I Iwith the $1V. owing Ivitig I ]a it would la' the Canal. ship Councils ba top Iw 0 r any AY soile it -18 sai.. ;Ihat the honorI urged the Government o t4ke prompt go. �o dect: de questions Grange r r—their mouth* are nsequen. u -se I lte U nay waoprom qaember of the. Tunkisit AitrAI",—The. Turkish Gov. of this intricaU nature in w a me Unicipal council to enact a restritive mbelk fori 6 tion, M % Dymond, asi neh perhap by wo *fta hegravel roads A (I to met on foot the a dozen of sections are conet rued naire stand in Vs 11. iron I b to the 4f tac proposed Committee, w )ul4 not prej I 1i hiw= y p ona, ea ings io is u ice It$ you do loft to tile, Pat w of this kind,. operating, as it believe to,111 ntert4it agaii at r. Hunt- the case t bat would com C, b6fore tbem, but reforms specified in Count Ant"Usy'a degree of assurance, if I ot of ability, in relation othe am n the g nieipalili;y ill vry-0 Id, only on lectedl certain 11111135 - to O exeep one ause - a e 13 1 ey expee give at t at libe Vf oil rocers of that par- ington, i Ak, e O t naste r G ir oGuer I Corr Ion on Ire is on, on y i I - L - 9 d s U e In M i lar municipality, It is a well known &tread nadd cleari i nd satisfactory x- John a6donald,"and r, r ed to the dif. therevenues from Bosnia and Herzeogo- Theres o ibil ty at z the equal. to drawp I ail in a ro- e in 0 UI, right e- n among- pro.. can find out abot 1; an -oath. oil It planati I ad badsA himelf feronces cif opinion exii vina should be employed for the develop. ization of schoo I. property an c1the variety outsider f b that the liquor'departmont of a gro. Men Ob U fore to inch it is thoughtt at tectionists as needing u Ott y means t of these Provinces. L The moo that of interest i inv( Ived &rantil-a thorough bound and Secret And here I n. t qu ticitI d Jia 4. out'� the at- can be extorted on this point is that the knowledgi � of Lhe -h. e 's business is lay -Jar the most profit- M r, 11 I tog of an enq ail its will that I AM Oppo actidn' was not 'urgen y Wry, an pi es In sed to I oat 'Fronior to de. sum k bearings, 5o t1jiat no inju.. Ice e v Take away this branch, and he Cal led f 'hough, a )me C f the speak Bra tempts df the lato ipent for public works in these Pro. 'u., ice is done bon d d ret orders, I t r o �,infla 'beli at], lude thei manufacture ey. vin th Gra -want. is is ries ongly In it r. Huntington �n orderto to the Most ive do must either raise the price of b " groce ces sbouI6 be increased, which pr iden e and forelhought can liev 0 di I, they heart- WTumcEy Rum—The whiskey rifig avert. Some schoine, must I be adopted objecticingLble fk p"ce aim III ni ing he I their in e �631 Tothis class fo or he m ust abandoii Mi business entirely, i1v -a at heart. M the a`100' te -na rion. One of 11 o er to. $Pee socie �oi I -a uot allow if�. hie raises the price of his groceries, the the e present se, I W showed te operation inue to startle th6pablic, Highffieials can be discoveAd it sho'lild �lbe honestly cieti g -I' bar a eAing Fierell es are act a ro re igious y at ey -are stre to do u in New Orleans have been implica" in and feadessly appliel `nciple convictio is, or beev- dealers of neighboring and competing Cana(U Or, Minister ait, was perhaps tariff on vario branch, o tr e. Mr. e, pri a large si it of I u rstand ,Vuleet. ex W towns or villages who are allowed I 6ok th.3 4rouud that wIdle Kirk a C f lie tone and mat. ese frauds, including ex-Congressinen adopted in Tuakeromith not be the olence an i with to to all connected t Ir ter a hould r Oy tri k criticiied mber A'hesviinghto ord I mirx the speech of I e in(' for in Ir, ea LL all e d a customs collector. best, but Dne thing is e n that no the' in time of sielin keep and a liquors, will undersell him pos,so ir e the mtteri n eitize In, Nort cin I the ri �of h)�or'k, Mr. ad. )ee discovered in Springfield, other has I, I ted, and trouble, and their families after- it was hot in thiair thomip� .in Con. as yet been ev ougges and as a 'consequence trade is directly pro vine i, vocated; free trade, free,, oniey, and direct iection with which 50 individuals have Land very f 3w even of those ho dislike their dah the Grangevrderl is actuated t pulpitf 0 leal i heir 0h in drawn from one town to the other. On atbrs; tr ion 1 e. taxation. 'Mr. John Ma - lo;mld,Toronto, eenindicted. Thusd estheliqu -traf. a- township sclool. board Cation the by a so 'd selfishness, agraispi L after e duct' Ill Ing Ion -of ymrhumbile ser, fe LL t at )us into the political r e mea I the extinction e engen( broughout every,; correctuesof the principle oftbe a III Rupp to Cilitog 3 dilarecatad, as very unfor. of 6 wnf the other hand Ose -a uffi a �nx deolarO frd� trad " the* roo, b of all evil. I do I not riolfoluie-S.%ol Ier corruptionot Iwas to �1 e 'awtfdian manufactur He assert. -ank of American society. ization car 7ied c ui in this sihil aPent number of grocers retire from the Granger's" epis Irl in MY tu a ate Might be an dered ed thatIcin. cotton goodIf the American AR RF -13T OF A LNVYzit, —Gilford I Vhite, ay perlIaps, explaintithe Manner in minit there is nothing in it.. bu b I n He Elm -The PWIhaTmc Ibusiness to leave roola for those who are held fa I manufactures had c wh ch the I eqULa Hzation W ej, a rillernber of the Parti. eri, d0y not made Boston lawyer, has been arrested and as, made more ly look at the social aspect of th r IIaLWaugh arlil et,,i`, an C ads, the detec- by Isuppasing a case .4 �s an exam- question. To start with, I t.ke it o,� i. im.. of the 1 left, the town is injured by the suspen- Nationi i n a's a Lerall that the j�ct Canada ter that th laced under $10,000 bo clearly C pl Ariddf we ives having traced to his p suppose a awnship to an oath-b�und order, and that it 'a ube 8 AU -greater atholi sicin of these establiabtonts. The that a 4: x r ate W" a Rman C ightering, as it was td!m0d, was chief- 08 sion Oder 30, 000 of Go of threech or a P r o ti., t was tic guarantee that he ly on tb.�6 part of Great Britain, not the vernment bonds stole from cosiA 0 ool i ftfious our versive -of family. tics. Aini where I whom., pro 6e number of a 4 .ge 'Ohier to tb tores of any kind there was an , 10ai 4 or adafrabLe man. He United. States, He adw: tte, ntleman in New York about illustration will be less diffict It to under- Ask) can iou find a greater.. ii than the - e thoughl d there wete 2, year is in a place tile . -more attraction there claimed A is it- other causes at work to, e4eck the coln. onste et a wife and Is see no, to iione in In lgo. White purchased them for �Oc, on stand. 'If we presume that i4ections No. M r � Juit comes b ween e a )esides a low C dollar, and bad put them - up 49col,l 1, 2 and 31, pectiveily at family a;t is'for people to Con 0 to deal in that taclim6lit lieRomanca olieChur(h mercialp'rg'greas of Cana arc assessed res i her husban d, or between a -.0riA abot toibe, disorA an and tha, memb&rt of tariff. ateral for a lo of $20,006 q00,000, *Ao and $-7,0(0 and that man amd'he wife of his place. Decreage the number of store is party wi th Mr, Cartwright a 34 a few words He 41aims; bO6OnL? and this tbat e is' -no and himself 0 �ed th6 r pe , esteem a A in reply 10 Sir ohn Ala donalA, and ;o have had no knowledge of their true, their school pr)perty IS w ined in the I Purpose to show from -working -of rtepnort youatonce decrease the attraction- r - der, Iour orting the mo oin e or fo obedience toil he Romll A C oUc cler while 8 ion for It. Coal- ,haracter. same orderl, at 000, $640 an d $"o the. the iorder. I j h ae toti ai& UPP I Solemn ustomers,and consequently the trade. which *1 1 T I I Firbue A oft hi ly merit �rqment 'would ra are solema mittee, ded-Ared the Gov, CUBAN AvFA7R,4— Cuban affai' chool Property each is therefore equal linust. take an oath, or ma4 a sol-ema, Ms in the doVar of their h duiolis as bind- 41re We i,611 take Seaforth for example. if and whl�, las eir o n likely to form the a0ject of so promise, i vbic In, my ol� eq lly g4 them 6 not shirk th i oper �hare � of the me'defin- to 10, 8 and 7 y )w r( �hthsl the menR e rs thel ongWva i�,e party responsibility. Sir )ohn.94edonald said itive action on the part of the Am respective 'assestments, i No in order in thesightof God as an oath, to the by-law Which is to be petitioned for Zrican ssP 'h to equalize 1 n� and place Nos, It not only the in 819114 zone be of Quelad(.. �e alosod a ver a le 8 ee n nt inteneted to oiiect to the Congress now in Session. Claptai en- those sectio kee eer Pass- L calt ed and put in, force, the number by remap l ersely t at ile he could Comnitteti. On the motio' of the Pre- 4ral Jov ellar has no b yet been able to ,es. 2 and .3 o the a ame footing as No, 1, it worl 09 -yine. pa he s timents u It p receive y stra geral but 4blish order out of the cha that a, t as to be .1 but the price of ever r arti�le, I of rocars in eaforth will be decreased not but a 11rove f is Mier the 'House then djourned, the is evident b in not oal 4nd social, which reigns on that un Imposed m hich ill. bring 0. e minimum mc ered b ter :General debate standing over till7fitirsday. lappy re that, I cannot te, I my own by at least one half. This is admitted t he re was bOU111d, t( Say ; ey w re pro. lisland. Vhe native Cubans favor t ie ear value )a, 2 i 3 up 0 e maximum wife the: 'cef the smallest arti H ::0 some But, in Olin- I't e of N, cle she i1r, U of the petitiners. �alalishment of a free colony like CE nada value of No. 1, the�' fore neces- juing my Conduct 0 Vbe Conserva-_ Tho Public Acco�4nts.' uses in house, voked K th4 is -e- wed tha the grocers are allo asino, compt sa to go on as tiv Par an, its Press in constantly while the C sing the &I istoc r to impofe a rate of 2 mil a onNio. 2, souL toiI souL .1 can take any 0 woman, wi: I o usual. Seaforth wA half The report of the Public 4ccoutits laid ey and royalists sternly insist upon the ard 3 mills, on 1\1 o. 3, thus fPP e eA. the nuraber draggin Ai 'Ong qu"Pions Jnto political tile rate Mid th I I who isl a ember of e into my before Pa nis- the er y tol �tber are liscusii i rhament by thelli�anee Mi lasolute submission of the insurgents, ge Of grocers will not o&r as great an attra., st; 4ad he! i was satisfied th it Prop e confide' ore than that, she is Al- ter a few days go contain!� a Most ex. I ter h�:s eta I WeVrHFP. dispatch property of No, 1. Th boeaseile had the V :wAter of the Qu 3' haustive e atafl:l ant, in this �oady in this' MY confiden -have Itj a for buyers by one haff in comparison statement. of th� Domin' lee, wNle I iWroxeter Or. - ])cc Opp�'.' �ti i i leade rl � been'observed �y ion finances.. It gives a 0 "an Francisco, California, of the way, contri bI � by Nos. 2 x id 3 will be sworn to keep my wife, and 1fa first aunnal ob bsnow. 16 maybe the moin vely all $370. Wi h Clinton ag it do� tabula d statement the IJth inst., says that recent $160 and 2110 r 3specti tirely oxc lude at this is 09 d, th fin his Pa y, no such spec4h A 'T - rAday of the lialaffitics-and asset f oin the yeaIr ocially n e ONt f and'inora, ly wrong,. few men- 4)f average 'At [Ares"is w�ill he give d that goods CailL be pukehased as would h a11 t5m()Hf of snow and wind were very se. If we again premise that .4 deli red. Ry!: 1867 until 1875, the latter 1 ye tr end tug 1 at 4ere all over the State, In -08 Auelo maintenance of eich school aout the tl with a spark, of manliness chIiamp from grocers who do not sell liquors Honeft J, I made one'( appears in)f his of J�ly laitJ,' From the-stltt�m, 311tit dounty ill communication isi cutoff ex. same, it is evid-lat that e in qwh will get abcut angla" Iin ro the wu deny, o�c ,were no les, 'from-tho-se who 6. This we admit, 0 , that the funded debt payable London 6ept with the coast, Tw '138els ILY11 one-third returned, or .,say $' 2-3t, tp if usual pu: hich 11 d But , It,( ef 8 I01 Ig us fe ad l. ter, t t will tell Me mw an Join them. too, teasnas in Witigh rder'to enablee eM to Cdmpote atlid be at tl�e timo'� the fiscal year 41of ed was $19,'. at Wilmington and one at Port Oford diminishiq: the actual amOunt Of tho I admit that ut I have to leam but; in o the viewil Dx '8801 466,666,67':- 'payabl Q'd $127'- Gieat �eotri Mr, untin stern, in �his Vhth th stranded total lose crews 03aved, In Tate impose d. on No. 2 47 00JUSa, le oe I ufl ei; w is e were not' the !al ca of th e violent a ions w I way hi k y selling to and on that two wrong act 11. make vae misce .22,�21,7 v broke by a dood in the No. 3,to about ppear at 19D,901,39; ljei: hbors they he tack upe V 7. 1his May right one;' There is another aspect of I mall i Mai! the members f 92, Bav'ki'ug. wcounts7—Loddon agents, first Sight tD favorNo. s lt�-_d ioeitber -case. Sacramento river, and the whole country I but not npees- p It W I to e foun the Case ich I believe is common to the Op tior d i One'ofthetr JM thoir grocery business flour, feed, grain 0 2,0P6,471,47; raiscellaneou�, 44,280, i Ia the vicinAiy is under water!; much lose sarily so, as the general rat4,- levied on all oath- IIaction 14 ree years R a an d Bxuee was the rnem� i a 10I I th und -societies, bat which is MeI and many other branches 84 1mak' a total of ba;iki�g ac4ou for which nts of stock has occurred, but noiie of human the whole of ti ,e township for Be, in Pa icularly Ge 061 objectionable Mi ' Pa r tear Euter, ago by 0e. P expendLitun -1 under the new a tem. nia* stmasto eral, which -of liabilities life reported. It is still no4ing ou the h 0 e 2,15 �;2,31 the to t b t is only a limited local demand, A had, as il Ile ults, -consignment L I as- Mountains and northern por�ion of the, possibly equal oi Grange order, - I refer to tl e unity 0 Ibeing $151,663,461.62, �The tota I th the brothe i0i ip le r 'was r o ig r assessment interest i not live in the co t; 0 nwws e r v ives 1) tood iich must an in rate on be at to the welfare C f a MSU!f sets are 1=1 ised y pure, and simple, can $3,5,655,023,60, 1 and they are t,,tte, I of No. I the spee ial an Ilaru nantpu to: e Col. i I paramo, ition with a gr'ocery ia'which hades of r"de up -of investments "in various raij- EU1t0pE-,&N, GtALq buying at i ho KET.-�-The the lower qsaesment f 2 and & own fain For instance, ife. Ing a ove, i vh Co L won rb#d Inks, Cana,da, X&1* Lane, Bxprm8 has the W14 Fronithe ich is -only illustrative so artic Iare cild. The experiment has re 8, bonds of savings ba, tion, wh O� trus they me ;e to sell T. main for we e had N"v Scotiho, New Brunswick and Mon. its regular weekly review of esent, N1 nup frF n e in broth or sister 0-0 pet iq or's U L the British of the princ i PAe f equali am be,69 tried, 'and has failed in Seaforth heard in ors hat .,r. ic�mes alo, wed n' 6 in n tieve r tr al barboi bonds, and sundjry securities corn trade, Apart from t e question. in Tuckest uh� your Me pr at, at the time, a havti reasag to a to teres err sU. t�at the C44 be had T Staule Ma Uri [e Council of Seaforth,or litic e -L Under th' derate rea ion, as� data on eAa elsewhere, I hoU that I am fira!i that the.town vowe e ent mly to P aggr gate tb 811,787,302.09.!" o Mo et may be re nably hap find a u ffic , " P "ty! al d ;h,", tich Oif all in 1ch wit4in, the past year. We therefore af. to fO iv M III I a an r bai I of a similaef nature, TheY amount in the of, improvement in prices later on soe pondent an I others in Pr iscel there is a lodked for now, in of the a calculatioi i of h 3w it WLOU14 go th eY hei&4 of in' laneous ao4ets of il,iny other town oi village, will,, by in consequence the J4 bound by ��e very nature of e Order to oat desiftc d. ived t4at te 3urri haI-in � i e total of $13,405,135,08. 1 e baliking' low prices ruling, the recent colder school sections of. their o=imicipali,, tell my br ther or sister so, arid paI such -a by-law, d� the municipal- Mr, 'Ma4 Aesired thail. siE 9 kof #e, fr. Hol. accoints show a total of $1 462,586,13, weather, and the fact that owing to the ties. Equal. taxation is certail y not tho wife"s inte must ko to the wxil� ,if I ly 1 U 'I' as le by P. C,� ity direct and permanI injuryunleas ton, said h4 de I Vecated the ihtroduct* These figures are compiled,Jr�in the cora- hopelessness induced by long coutiutied least recomx�ienda don in favor of a town Ipreserve, Violate- My Obligat Ij(�Ug to tbo James Swillie, TPA IIIIIIIIan ;T III Th '�i grk sp�te Vo om In d '4tl le MO rospo go I T1 Iire Vor y yl I �ge OC AX t Ou 4e a r thiii e we K vl�l 3keeo d Y_R RO n a, as th a r gel of f on ra r iIIIIIIIII