HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-11, Page 5JURY 117 1876. five Imitate will he deprived Inge, or pressure put upon der In favor of a 'Grit nomine cess of remedial legislation is. ens and difficult, and me likes t power of a Demesthenett or a 'deal with it, more especially mportant.subject as the one in and I think, Mr. Editor, when e is passed upon the most au. ad reliable data, and by men of knd administrative experience, di all who are free from bi )flounce to be a conscientious tical legislative effort, that a uni. ,teling of satisfaction should p e - all political animosity silenced. ✓ party rules, surely it is pos. ecrforrn such a duty as this con- tely and effectively, and without tieing their due independence eiples. Why then are there so tlitical hucksters whose sole aim ts0 any Government entertaining ()pillions not identical with n, and to decry every step taken nd corrupt.? If these are pr liberality and justice I think the t of Parliament that could be could be one repealing the Whore Bo( da tot knew if the prohibition code the use of tobacco, if so, there t scope for our temperance friends v their energies to a vigorous against the growth and con- fi of this article. It might be a quixotic proceeding but sonic ate are never daunted even in the a 1 insurmountable difficulties. I is conceded that Canada follows in the heels of her brother across hr in her fondness for the " -.- 1:et1," in all its forms, and we --- = the authority of the United o.vernment that their two chief if revenue are the customs and venue taxes ; the inland taxes ast fiscal year were $80,0,00 more tliepreceding year, and these re alniost entirety raised from nadt• liquor and tobacco and the taxes alone yielded during the •r thirty-sevenn millions, and in ['facture and sale of tobacco and 0,00 persons were being engag- t is estimated that nine milli ns L. in that country are -consuiners ted, being at least twotthirds of t male population, and the an suraption of each user averages led tobacco and 248 cigars or s. • ears of unprecedented industrial in has affected theDorrdnion, and ts, and is now being felt severe - s immediate locality. It is not e to find fault, but f do think it is fact does not stimulate our ars to consider it attentively ancl ; effort to establish some factory tering works to promote the wel- d! classes, the farmer and the t as well as the artisan and 1. It is difficult to reconcile the arnest desire of our Town Conn - Jet this desirable object with the tarren results, but adopting that of couduct, to interpret what is in the actions and conduct of wlies and privatc individuals by .hvious- and certain, and apply - dile here I feel sure the Council longer delay the matter, but tut a speedy consummation of ersaI wish of ; the inhabitants of ad and growing district. Id be sorry to think that relig- y, has got to matter only t 11„ has done s much to elevatee a roversialists and Ititualiste, but at the columns of our public clearly demonstrates that there tses of faith, which attracts many, 'oliclusion is forced upon us that 41 can With truth assert itself to utreh of any one class holding opinion. I am glad to think intellect of a man adopting the istian faith, -which is the parest Test faith of the world, will pro against the apeeions reasonings ontroversinliste however . subtle tuntentative, ,and enable him to arough the veils of ritual and y, however elaborate and how- reous, to the life and teachings author of the "Sermon on the that one infallible creed of ay. •ONE WIN) Trireacs. It, Feb. 2, I876. kersmith Nomination. ilter cif the Huron Exposi4 In your issue of the 21st ult., second communication from a f Justice,' in, which he attempts nrincipally, as he professes, to Lures of the _Returning., Officer:on ertide ; but so dilated as te in- argee of incapacity, and even vonst the Council. • If your cor- at had confined himself to his is of hostility to the manner in e late nominations had been con - would be under no necessity to 4: objections of "A Laver of But as your correspondent lit to drag into the discussion or which the returning officer is ,)risilyIe and extraneous to the at issue, and indulged in insinna- ieh nothing short of the purest mild suggest, silence, under the ances, would be Unjust bath to RAI and the public. Your cor- nt speaks of rings" and, " pre- 1- schemes " in the language of jar with doing business in these dile respects. If he means that ell were, individually or col ect- aity to, or that any such a thing makes a mistake that few it OW11 particular ring will be inlorse. r Reeve," he goes • "complains of rings in the iitiaiteil,"` and at oncelconcludes titem nearer home, but stops eating whether they exist with - until or outside of it If he e former,. his charge is distinct - if the latter, his word May be ly reliable, in the one case, he it ie true at this possibility, the other he perhaps epeaks :eiy of this existence, "tA reetice now arrives at a point infession is deemed necessary. lie goes on to say, :avurably impressed with the Township School Board," Our tpector is accordingly informed nression with this convenient tied, that, "if properly carried night prove satisfactory• h. The t, equalization, however, had n his mind, " grave doubts," moxious system must at onee be notwithstanding the support :ceived, even at the first, the the best men in a majority_ef ens, and enjoys at the present -with the exception of a few hnally dissatisfied individuals, • FEBRUARY 11, 4876. the support of s lirge-and i creasing jerk. Not in some section only is this e true, but even in the one fro which your 1- correspondent writes, a test ote, if taken to -morrow, would sustain, b a consider- able majority the Township chool Beard. It requires ,no great per ceptio to see that the -equalization of the sectio s is the real cause of the rancorous state of mind into which your correspondenthas allowed his ordinary good sense to betray him, and his dissatisfaction - with thel, nomination sing• led out as a vantage ground from which to hurl insinuations about "rings," " preconcerted schemes," charges of in- capacity and. unpopularity ;against the Council, ignorance • and. officiousness against the Clerk, an undefinable hostil- ity to the . Township School Board. As "A Lover of Justice" makes the admi8- sion that he favorably entertained the ides of a Township School Board, his ob- jection now must rest entirely against the equalization. He admits the "intricate and perplexing nature of the task ;" he kindly volunteers the information "that the Council not having studied political economy" the result is, of course, intense dissatisfaction.. I regret that your Coe - respondent in his attempts to become log- ical only impresses the reader with the want of it in his conclusions. Political economy is, perhaps, as well understood by the Council as by this amateur critic in whose ears the words may have a cer- tain musical ring, bat whose knowledge of political economy as a science probably begins and terminates with the •-name. I would ask this " Lover of Justice" to lay aside his eccentric mode of contro- versy and state plainly to the ipublic what his real objections are. It is !neither new nor edifying to learn from your corre- spondent that his dissatisfaction is in- tense, perhaps he concludes that its in- tensity, where it exists locally, will com- pensate for its absence generally. Is the scheme of equalization, which the Coun- • cil has adopted, unjust to the whole of the sections concerned, or only unjust to some, and, if so, to which of the sections is the injusticedone ? These are the ques- tions to which a candid " Lover of Jus- tice would, have devoted his attentions, and a legitimate discussion on- these points would have earned fpr your cor- respondent, in some degree. at least, a right to the name he fictitiously assumes. The man,- w -ho judges the whole by a peat and jumps at hasty and ill digested conclusions without giving the matter any consideration beyond the limit which sub. serves his own interest, is certainly run- ning the risk of his sincerity, being.ques- toned and his judgment considered un- reliable. Ne evidence, which could be adduced, could more completely- refute *the charges, made by " A Lover of :Jus- tice," against the Council .and the School Board than the fact that not a single person could be found at the late nomina- tion to assail the acts of the Council or to condemn the School Board. Where then, I ask, are the indications of the unpop- ularity of the Council, or the intense dis- satisfaction of which we hear so much ? Even, " A Lover of Justice," with his _ tendency to fault finding did not even venture to nominate a candhlate, but en- deavors now to cover the weakness of the party of which he is the figare head by thrusting on the public what he professes to believe, that a secret nomination thrusted his design. The senseless at- tacks which your correspondent has hurl- ed against the Council, the Clerk and the School Board shows dearly that persist- ency is his highest if not his only qualifi- cation for the task he has undertaken. Persistency certainly has its merits, but he in whom it becomes a morbid pro- pensity, and who continues vigorously turning the crank after the last vestige of the grindstone has disappeared, is sure- ly wanting energy, which, it devoted tp something more useful would indicate more wisdom. I must, luiwever, in dos- • ing this correspondence, as far as I ani concerned, do your correspondent the justice to admit that he appears to under- : stand the maxim that Eternal vigil- ance is the price of liberty,' and that the aggregate vigilance of the municipality has by some right, divine or otherwise, been entrusted to him as his share of the public respoesibility. The trust is, in- deed, as important as the truetee, and, on the manner in which it is 'exercised will entirely depend, whether pesterity will consign his name to oblivion, or in their • excess of gratitude erect to lis memory _ a tablet of -snow. It MAYER. TucnEnsurns, Jan. 25, 1876. [En. Norna-.The above comm nication we have had on hand for two weeks, au1 we now pub- lish it witb the distinet understand ng that it will be the last on this subject) Ontario Dairymen's .A.e ooiation. •The ninth annual Convention of the Dairymen's Association of Ontario as- sembled at Ingersoll on Wednesday, and will continue until this Friday evening. Though there is a very large attendance of members and others interested in the manufacture of cheese and butter the ex- ceedingly inclement weather of Tuesday and Wednesday has had 'the effect of keeping away many in . theimmediate district, who would otherwise attend. A considerable number of these present are from the cheese -making districts in. the eastern part of the Province, especial- ly in the neighborhood. of 1 Bell eville, Among the _American gentlemen who are present and intend taking part in the proceedings by delivering addresses and_ otherwise, are Hon. Harris Lewis, - of Frankfort, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Mr.'. L. B. Arnold, of Rochester, N. Y., of the American Dairymen's Association, Prof. . Wetherell, of Boston ; Mr. B. IH. Burrell. Little Falls, N. Y.; and Mre' M, Peters, •of New .York City.' The As- sociation was organized in Ihgersoll, in July, 1867, and_ since that, time it has in- creased its membership and its influence in a large degree. About 70 members were enrolled at the first meeting, while its present membership is about 400. A Novel Dodge • A new feature in the catalogue of swin- dles has lately come to light in Dundas and Hamilton. A green looking Scotch boy, apparently just from the old coupe try, appears at the house of a person known to be of Scotch descent or nativ- ity, and tells a pitiful story of how his - father had sent him to Canada from the Old Country, paying his passage and giv ing hixn some money, but not enough to pay his railway fare to Goderich, where he professes to have an uncle or aunt. • After a few rninutes!conversation, during which he speaks nothing but the broadest Scoth, thus bringing up :remembrances of Auld Scotia in the good Wife's mind, and quite softening her heart awards him he pulls out a gold (?) chain a1nd offers it for sale, saying that his father sent it by him as a present to his aunt in Goderich, but that he will sell it for $39r 84 itt or- der to get to his destination, and will then send the money back and redeem tho chaiii. Re worth from locket to die Many kind. touched by t • plausible sto fraud, will b of sheer pity. be worth abo the victim ns' This is the c be a paying b can manage day, 'as be v making from Banner. I h Johin to be a . has also a e me manner. k ill be- quite sin le and very cr uspeeting a t locket out Iry turns out tee , d, of cohnie, fr4nn Goderiah. t et, and mist i the sharper or four articles a i ; he will be Pandas Trite I; • • • r i :I • • L - e M The provis is in such an ally that the ar cit to be care u o "wound up.' -A ewe :1 of Con. 8, H 11 of lambs last but notwiths --The Sha pleas at Bel dition. Notw ous oppositio to prosper an of temperan meets every at room above . h shop. 1 -The Man t rogued last F i days, in Whic Governor has abolishing th O'Donnell, a is said, will Legislature t "Supreme Co --h-The pros lishment of are . most pr been corresp Detroit, who o tions of the on large iron wo ks corporation ea him for the bonus. - -Amadbiillc tion on the st ets ing last week T Tully, and ha -it sistance the ; g ntl have been kt e d pistol shots at he furiated hini, nti an Enfield rifle br first shot. -A sad mei e about 12 ycars of Chambers, of vat of boiling town. His ,c1r once, and he w aid sent for. and legs were places the skin entertained of -The Chief Supreme Court with His Exc official robes, with ermine, by the Judge Westminster, It is CXpCCtCd Judges of the present in th opening of th ---On Tut twelve Poland been out of1ye from Wingha was one of th and they suffer effects. They M., on Wedne of their num,be Mr. T. Cooper and explained kindly got up, could for their their way to D ing on the 1L Railway. s• b 1 1 • aneous. unty of Haliburton reseed State financi- n warned the Cour.- it woull have to be g to Mr. J. Proctor, ave birth to a couple Th sli pretty early, t) th ta,de flourishing. aide of Good Tem. a flo trishing con - din thmost strenu- inst tut on continues t wo k in the cause ng • one. The Lodge day ev ning in the ht an blacksmith afte 'ills ;his iati r o the ieh t for fou' g. wit to b here ter ent latere was pro- alsession of 18 ere passed. The assOnt to the hill e (found'. Dr. the Council, it uthority of the e Council in the he early estab. dr.) in Mitchell he Mayor has a gentleman in ccept the condi- daw, and start as soon as the nte bonds with of i the $10, 00 sed gre t conster a- d Ingerdoll one ev n - e bull at acked a Mr. fi t been or timely es - man wo ld certainly persons fired hich only in- odcock with down at the 1 happteit d to e loy gee a sem of Mr. J hn ph, by filling into a tea listilteryin that rought assistance at en out,- and medical %/her pat of his body 1ply burned; in some ,•• ed off. Hopes are 0covery. ce aul 4udges of the anada hive complied '.15 re pie t by ordering t and black, trimmed r ' to theism now worn ‘r Majeity's Courtat gland, in term time, he Chief Justice and *court ' will be tume at the 'lament. , last week, pear to have ney, walked The night tPeveral Mr. W ght hiti It I : of en art mil D the es d y re t rk • d tot da ,1 mornin st PPed at a 'eke tha hei, cmidit it fire an co ort. tr i ,and ha nd n, Huro I - • reme icial co ion of Pa night o who ap , and . m Clinton ldest of ithis twinter, donsi ler bly from its C1intoi about 3 A. and three e house; of gentlemen, on when 1he did w hat he ey were Ion d been work - and Bruce 4.0 ti , I On Friday' a d 12, at Robert Seaforth, a, 8 oc Robertson, pr. pr auctioneer. On Monde : Fel 1, Stanley, FA _David Payne, auctioneer. On Tuesda,y, 8, H. R. S.; and Implenient etor ; J. P. Bri On Monday, 13, McKillop, and Househol Sta9zel, propri tioneer. Wednesday, Hullett, Farm James Watt, auctioneer. ' , On Thursday 6, 11:11,. S,, T and Implemen s. rietor ; J. P. B in Saturday, Fe Hotel, Seafort McCaughey- ol P. Brine, au° ione On Wednesday, lage of Brucefield, Swan, ,proprietor; On hursd y, Con. 17, (.re F ments. Jas. ohn Brine, exotic. eer. 1_ • il Friday, M ch Ion Lo It. S., Tucke mitl, Farm ments, &c. 1, en. t biteh J. 1'. Brine. '1 *I 1l ro 11 nSaic •turday urnitur • • •• • AItED. Nicnoesox-B Rennie -A 1 e Presby- terian Chur h, Wingham •• n ' Feb. 1, by Rev. J. ritchard, Mr. Archibald Nicholson, r Miss Alice 1ichc1J.. McKeit-WA D. -At 1the re8idence of the bride's father, Tucke srelith, on Feb. 2, by v. G. 'Buggin; Mr. Hugh McKay, of e rey, to Miss rah Ward, of Tuckeran,th. GREEN - $ N Y. -At tho Exchange Hotel, Seafojtb, on Feb. 2, by [Rev. G. Buggin, Mr.IThomas Oreen, to Miss Margaret Hai1y, all of Gckrch Town- ship. MELLIS--KL. 0 --In Stratfor1d, On Feb. 2, by Rev. A Benson, Mr. ITliomas Menlo, of lc ppen, to Mitt Elizabeth Ann Xing, of Howick. BLAIR-COOP -At the rsidence of the bride's fa hea'on Feb. - by Rev. H. Cameron Mr. Benjami Blair, of Harwich, to Eliza Jane; youngest daughter of Mr. William' 1o�per, of Kippen. ' O'Leatta---McDormaea.-At t. [ Peter's Church, God rich, on Feb. :,by Rev. P. J. O'Shea, L. T. O'Loah $ • Stratford, to Mary Flora 1 zsaLf th eldest daughter2 of the late P. A. Mc- Dougall, M. to. 1 1 , Gennow-LacaTE.---hAt the re I once of the bride's father, on Feb. 0, by Rev. J. Ferguson, Mr. Edward Garrow, of Grey, to Marion, youngest clauhler of Robt. Leckie, Esq. EATHS. LAMONT.-In Grey, on Feb. 3, Donald Lamont, aged 73 years, Cox. -In Winghana on Jan. 30, Grazella Frances, infant daughter of 1 Mr. S. G. Cox, aged 8 months. 1 • LOGAN. -In Goderich Towns• ip, at the residence of his son-in-law r. James Cox, Mr. WTm. Logan, age 80 years. Deceased was an old and re caul resi- dent of Huron. He was fat r of Mr. Chs. Logan, and uncle of Mr. as Logan, of the township of Stanley. E MARKET SEAFORTH, F Fall Wheat. • Spring Wheat, per bindle' . . . Oats per bushel. .. J •• • Posts per bushel; Barley per bushel Butter, No. 1, Loos. Eggs Flour, per barrel. -Hay Hides.... Salt (retail) per barrel, Sheep skins Salt (wholesale) per barrel Potatoes new, per bushel atmeal brl. J. Wood.• • OOOOOOOOO Beef .. . . . . .. , . . .... Pork Lard Tallow • . . 13, 1876. 90 to 000 80 to 000 80 to 080 60to 061 53 to 0 57 15to 0 16 14o 0 15 0010 000 00 to 800 00 to 850 80 ;to [00 080 070 25 to 080 004o 5 50 00to 2 50 00 te 6 00 , 80 "to 745 0 1Oto 0.12 0 06to 0 06f Crazed'on, Fe'. 10,1876. Beall Wheat, per buhel.. . • 0 85 a • 0 9Q Spring Wheat, perbushel,. I • ci 86 fa 0 88 Oats, per bushel.. ' 0 30 kg 0 82 Barley, per bushel. .. .• 0 45 Kg. 0 55 mg, per bushel ...... . .... 0 58 a 060 utter 0 17 'beg 0 18 • otatoes • 0 30 1@0 85 ggs „ 0 16 1 0 17 ay, per ton,. .. ..... ..... 9 00I@ 10 00 eef 4 50 a 600 ork . 6 50 a 700 1 • TDRONTO,! Feb. 0,:1876. There were in today about f wheat, at 98c for white and •r spring; 1,500 bushels of 8c to 82c • zod bushels of pe 2c; and 100 bushels of oats 5c. Hay bronght $13 to $18 - as firm, Belling at $7 50 to $ ad, single hogs bringing as utter, if good, would comma ac for pound rolls. Eggs w re easier, • 'ling at 20c to 21c for new 'aye& by the asket." • ' boanota Fe . 10, .1876. The delivery of all kinds of dein and rm produce on the market fel. the past eek has been limited, with the excep- on of last Sa urclay, Which was very (lied, and, no oubt, would ued. pod if the sleighing ued. No change in the ri 00 bushels 97e to 98c brley, at at 70c to at 34c to Pork by the gh as $8. ch 23c to 1* atm con - had con- e Of grain • on the week. The only c antge! was in reseed bogs, w, hich are scare, and. warmer,"- •ave advanced 175 cents pei hundred of Fueniture. M. etor ;• J. P. • Brine, 14, on. Lot 20, Con. ock end Implements.. 'etor ; J. P. Brine, Feb. 11 aahl o the week Choice loads of Deihl heat are scarce, and in good de - e and, at $1 70. The bulk of the Deihl heat is only medium, andi sells from 1 60 to $1 65: Choice samples Of tread - ell wheat are in very good d mand,and ould sell freely at $1 60 to $l 65. The neral price -paid is $1 55 tol $1 60 for edium quality. Spring wheat, the de very has improved, and th demand od at $1 55, end as high as e, 1 60 was id for best sa ples. Peas' in fair sup - y and demand at 8110 t o $1 14. arley, no change in pri es, The • nand is very good. I Oats The sup - y is good, and sell freely at Pork, 50 to $7 60. Fe '15, on Lot 8, Con. tic rem th, Farm Stock ohe C wan, propri- ctione r. 21, on ot 16, Con. ath Stock Implements g rniture. Mary E. tre' • ti. Bullard, auc- es 23$ on Lot 6,Con. 13, St. k a d Implements. rop ieto •;1 J. P. Brine, 24 oL bot 11, Oon.-- ram' th, Farm Stock avid - Sproat, prop- ; auc io eer. at th Commercial Far ie McKillop. sted, elicitors; J. arch 1 0 Villa P.Brin rch 2 in Stec r, prOp AVIDSO • wife of Mr., keeper; of a HARR1. -In wife of Mr. S Littex, d au S 3af Jos. a at the vil- e Lots, A. auctioner, n Et Lot 7, and Imple- etore J. P. , Con. 8, H. took, Imple- , proprietor; THS. orth, der D ter. h, o • Feb. 7, the dson, hot 1 - Feb. 9, t arris,o a son. Aneeis.-In :McK Mop, on Feb. 5, the wife of Mrejohn Adams; �f a son. FRASER. -In Seafo h,on Fe. 3, the wife of Mr. Alex. Fra de of i ton. SMITIL-In Gey, it Jan. , the wife of Mr. Jas. Smith, * a son. HINDS. -In Brass s, on Jan. 27, the wife of Mr, Seen el Hinds of a son. POIshARD. -In 'Gre on Jan. 30, the wife ofMr Wm Po1iard,of.4ton. Jan. 24, the - tt of a deligh- t. Weecorr.---let Eater, on wife of Mr, John West ter. am, o Jan. 31, the • Tay oa of a TAYLOR. -In Win wife of rho ter. DAL -EY, Seaf wife of Mr, Pete R 013RTS 0 le. Leeln 8 _ wife of Mr. daughter. rith, DI tran. 28, the Daley; el a son.. forth, on Feb. 4, the • 8. Robertson, of a I ' 11 ORONTO LIVE 8TOCK $ARKET.. • BEEVES.-Thc arrivals last eek were li ht, amounting to only 51. head, a ainst 534 last [week. The de and,how- e er, continuind: light, the sup ly'proved a ple to meet threquiremen s both of 1 cal butchers and shippers, ng prices ere, if anything, the tarn e ier. • We ote first-class $4 25 td $4 50; Second - ass $3 50 to 1$3 75; , and hi d -class 50 to $2 75. We note a sale of one c r averaging l,200 lbet-, at $4; one r, averaging 1,050 lbs., at $36 ; three had, averaging ! 1,150 lbs., at $ 5 ; ten h ad, averaging 1,170 lb., at e 3 5; 12 h ad, mixed oxii, cows and $ e rs, ay- e aging 1,200 lb at $40. • SHEEP 4ND LAMBS. -The r celipts at arket were 119 head, whic old at •$ ) 50 to $6 50 for sheep, a,ncl t 4 to $5 f I r lambs. Theireported sales w4re of a r t of 88 shee, averaging 10 a 4e per lb., live ueight ; aid a car of 1 albs, averaging 120 lbs,, at 6 lc par lb., li e weight. 1 Hos.-e-Thrd have not bee many in. leshave been, at $5 85 to $6 l5perlOO s,, live weight. TO LT. IlSE TO LET. -To Let, thar mosteomfort- aWand Well itun ed brick housend four lots on Enron street, wit hard and solt water, si arid avr), coneninceecesary. Apply to T. STE-PI ENS, B ti& 110 01, Seaforth. • 921 TO Te -Tel nt for Store o Shop. The buil in on Mare Street and tI4oj tenant can have it Uwe lf or it *ill be fin ply to D McNAUGHT. tem of years, Build- Seaforth, suitable far ing is not yet finished, o privilege of finishing shed to unit Ap- : 420 hn Cameron, Lot NP. pith, has on hand a eat of the Red Chaff ing -wheat shouhl mat As lee has only abot ple can be seen at the CAMERON. 4244 MEDIATE POSSES - s on the ground toot, at newly erected‘bric c Lot 2, Con. 1, Hullet, Thompson, the owner, f half thegarden, half es, and stable room foe enters on application he premises. • 426 R EEC) WHEAT. -Mr. 1 "-' 00, Mf1i Road, Tneke quantity of First-Cless W variety for spring sowing. 70 bus ele left those wan bush o1 time at once. A Ext -os non otnee. 'to ---i- To i LET, WITH I A- ION -Two good roo and 4 good chambers in t dwelling'. hone°, situate o in the occupation of Fell with pH Rego, if aesired, the pred ce of the fruit ti one hose. Rent and par to Me. 'THOMPSON, on sTALLIONS FOR sArap.—For Sale on reason able tering, two Arst,-c ass Roadster Stallion, one 7, the other 8 years ole. The 7 -year old is Of Royal George stock, and c n trot under 8 min;- utes, no record; the othe bred, from Sir Arch' and a troteing mare, good. ubstance and thorough- ly traieed, and supposed o be the best Sir Archy colt In the County. • Appl , personally or by let- ter, to MeNAUGHT, eterinary Surgeon, Seal forth. 427*4 VOR SALE. -Entire 11 avy Dianght Colt, cone- -m-• in 2 years old, sired y the imported llors, King 1 the Dominion, o ed by J. J. Fisher, of the T I " ship of Colleorn ;dam by the irapo horse, Bay Walace; ped • ee will De produee4. This olt is of a rich bay, stands 16i hands, and girts 6 feet 6 inches. Wi 1 be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to DUNCA McLA.UCHLIN, Lot 1, Con Grey, Brussels .0., or to .JOHN NOTT, V. S., russeis. 4244c iv CIE OoT DEBTORS. PAY UP. -Parties ,nde -L• will lo well to have t Ian. 15, 1876. STRONG ted to Strong & FairleY he same settled before & FAIRLEY. 413 TAKE NOTICE. -A11 a be settled this raont' in court for collection. LIS, Seaferth. mounts owing us must a, or they will be placed McINTIRE & WIL- 427 1- AST WARNING. -Th '1"4 settle up their aecoun •before the 15th of the pr look out for sqnalls. Can' have business wound up FAIRLEy. oso entities who do ndt Gs with Strong & Fairley sent month had better t wait any longer, intuit at once. STRONG & 426 MOTICE TO THE PU 'LI deleted to the nacre book a' con nt are hereby 'zed any person to no' must be paid MARTIN, Sr. autho debts TAME 1876. • BLIC.-All parties in- igned either by note or notified that he has not collect such debts. All to himself personally. eaforth, February 10th, 427-4 AUCTION SALES. coma SALE OF A accordanee wi Mr. J.IP. BRINE, Ancti by Public Auction, at the T wn of Seaforth, o t 1 o'clock P. M., s t Half of Lot No of the Township of Land. The there is some S -Cash, or half go at 8 per cent., , Perfect Titlegu s and conditions on the day Of 13a meantime from t & HOLMES ors. 1876, The cessio .50 .Acr ty, an • TER • Mortg chase ticula know in th CAUG• Solici FARM IN McKILLOp. instructions recived, neer, will offer foF sale e Commercial Hotel, In SATURDAY FEB. 2, he following lamb, viz 11, in the Twelfth Con and is of the best qual of Mellillop, eontainin od Timber on the Lot. Cash, and balance on t the option of the pu ranteed. Further par - of Sale will be made e, and !nay be obtained he tuidersigned. - life - ED, Seaforth, Vendorti' 427-4 111 tyro TGAGE SALE- -1"-°- a ower of sale cont ed the 16th day of Janne. tian 13 rth, and Fineman bar he dower, to the Do vestm4nt Society, default the payment theeof, the An °than, at P. C. BARN in the City of LONDON, o day of FEBRUARY, at th M., th southerly Fifty Ac Come Blond! the Towns made nown on (My of se the m rtgagees or then PARK, Vendors' Belief 1876. nder and by thine of ined in a mortgage, date -, 1874, made by Ohne- his wife, who joined to inlon Savings and In - having been made in e will be sold by Public D'S Auction Rooms, TUESDAY, the 15th hour of 1 o'clock P. es of Lot 6, in the 18th p of McKillop. Terme e, or on application ti) idersigned. E. JONES or. London, Jan. 18 4244 • VALUABLE STORE WINGHAM to be • under igned has been ins Audi n, a rough-cst Victor a Street, Wingha the bn Mess part of the t for era kind of business. most ijistug towns in Can store i ment, here. o'cloc Tenns sale, o under busin Don't tirstechiss oppo )rfor any person Sale will t eiplac P. M., on tlES and particulars in can be ascertaine geed. Such eche s location not et this chance pass Anetio ar. • D DWELLiNG th old by Auction. The nicted to sell by Public tore and Dwelling ott 15 is in the centre of wn, and well adap Wingham is one of th da, and the sale of thi tnnity for a geed invest. lishing to do busbies on the premises, at AY, Febnutry 15, 187 de known on the day of on application to the ce of getting &valuable likely to offer epee. • THOMAS HOLMES, • 426 ji UCTiON SALE 0 4-3" STOCK AND IMPL SPROAT, having sold his the whole of his Farm Sto Public Auction, on THU meneitgat 12 o'crbek, oh 11.B.84 Tuckeremithe T the pr perty to be dispose ing hoilsos, one 5 and the cows w th call, 1 farrow c heifers(2 years old in cal uambs4 heifer ea11,4 ewes ° wagon Lloyd's =ke, 1 cutter, -l1 set double teai. , whiilletrees and thistle cutter and 1 harrows, 1 wheel also ratkes, forks, cradles, artielet . • TERMS -All cash, over that amount 12 given on furnishing app discount of 8 per cent. wil all credit amounts. DA tor. J. P. BRINE, Audi harms mill 1 woode VALUABLE FARM MUNI'S -31r. DAVID farm, will dispose of k and Implements, bes SDAY, FEB. 24, come rp, on Lot 11, Con. 6, e following is a list of of : 1 span of works other 7; 9 good mill w, 1 yearling heifer, 2 8 ewes, 8 yearling ewe th lamb,1 ram,1 lumber pair of bobsleighs, 1 harnese, 1 set single neckyoke, 1 fanning wooden plow, 1 pair of arrow, 1 straw cuttexi, cythes and tunny othef nms of $5 and tinder months' creditwill be oved joint notes. A. be allowed for caeh oxi SPROAT, Prolific - neer. • 427 1tilSteE1.14 NEOU. MISS •BORL D, Dre Rooins over the Bank pren.tieles wanted. s and Mantle Maker Seaforth. N. B.-Ap 40 KE 5 FOUND.-Ftun , near the market, Bunch of Small Keys. The owner can have the same upon proving property and paying foe this ad.eertiseinent by applying at THE EXPosrron • Seaforth. 426 It GOLD, -The price of gold in ew York is quoted at 112. musiC, musi OBBINS' New 'American Metho ncluding full instructionsin Harmony a rat ¶Ihorough ass, taught by Mie. J. B. WjEt , WIT . his new method advances much nori rapidly t • an the old, as it Occupies more of th pupll's t e. In the space of three montheo pipits get is ich a knowledge of the principles of 5h4 science t • at they are afterwards able to purs e he study t • any d.esirable extent without then d of a teach- . This method is for beinners, iii well as be- g is great advantage to advanced p s ell . MRS. J R. WRIGHT has taught this sys m success - f lly for the last five years, and . can r duce the best of references: ' $15 A TERM for nil instrac- t ons, being less than the original ricle, which as $20. For further particulars en nir at Mists . E. Wright's Paticy Store, next do r ; south of. C mpbell's Tailoring Establishinet, eaforth, se t, sid".0 4 ' mNOEY FOUND. --Found, on She Gravel Road Ma of Seeforth, a small sum of Money. Th e o Der can have the same on proving property an d pa -ing chargea. Api ly to THOMAS SIMPL, SO N,_liot 18 Con. 10 McKillop. 427-4 EST AY RAM .--Carne i to the premises of the • su scriber, abont Dec. 20, a Ram, suppoeed to be ming 2 y ears old. The owner is request. ed to pi ove prop erty, pay charges and take hine away. JAMES ALLEN, Lot 15, Con. 9, Huh lett.• 4251 CARDOF THANKS. -To the President and Di] ectors of the Hovick Mutual Fire 'nen ance Compn-Messrse Being unfortunate hi getting my barn conimmed by fire on the 25tli. thanks June last, I herby tender my sincere • ctilt*t: for the prompt manner in which myclaime have been met, and an re eoxernend it to the far+ • rn ere ofHow1k and smeoundieg country, and hereby wish that it .may centime to prosper. JOHN GEMMILL, Sr. • 425 TO BUILDERS. -Notice is hereby given that Sea ed Tenders will be received by the salmicr4 ber, at is offic, tip to Feb. 22, 1876. at 2 o'clock P. M., or tbe erection ole bridge on Con. Road • 2-8, Lot 2, Township of Hallett. Plansand epeci ficatio s can be Keen at the said office. Satisfac- tory security will be requieed for the due perform- ance of said work. The Cpuncil- do not bind theins lves to accept the lowest or any tender. JAME BRAITHWAITE, 'Clerk, Hallett. 427 8 QEW NG MACHINE NZEDLES at Wholesale P 'ems tor Thirty Day. The best quality of Sewin Machine Needles, Suitable for any kind of mach 0. will be furnished by the undersigned at the fol owing prices: Flounce and other carved • needlee, 40 cents per dozen; Singer, Howe, and all other kinds, only $5 cents per dozen, Enclose • the money and needles will be sent post free or otherwise, as desired. Address or apply t4 - ALEX, W. WEBSTER, Box. 28, Seaforth, Ont. N.B.-A complete stock of Shuttles and Attac1i. ments for any kind of Sewing Machine always on nerd. 424 GREAT SALE JI 03I ITIT. ROBERTS N DETER k IMED TO 0FFEt THE WHOLE OF HIS IM ERSE BY PUB OCK OF FURN TURE IC AUCTIO Or FRIDA AND SATUDAY, FEB. 11 AND 12,1876, AT WHA TE VER PRICE THEY WILL PECII. THE STOO Buireaus, Tables, hairs, edsteads, • ofas Lou CONSIST4 OF Parlor Set, Bedrooni Sets, Looking 9lasses, Pictures, Whatnots, AN • VARIOUS OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES FOR HOUSEKEEPING. PARTIES IN WANT OF 1'URNI- TU E SBUOLD N t Fail to Attend this Sale Pr AS THE 70LE WILL BE SOLD ithout art)/ Be8erVe Wha ever. D LNG THESALE HE WIL SELL PRIVATELY AT COST. Sail to Conn mete nt 10 ck A. KJi ret, -Each Day. ERMS, CASH. •M. R BERTSON, Pr. pretor. J. P. BRINE, uctioneer. A RARE C VESTMJ •FIFTY VI tea he Muria to be Sold '1D0.11PE.BWEE‘W on I ednetadny, 11 o' lock A. M. 0 lage eta Th se Lots are acre oath, are bea pnrp se, and are 1 tion in Brucefield. villa,c on the in Bran h br the Grea cent of one of tlhe ada, nd is likel , to mere 1 importaii erect :tore house. LoTts5Rme asdr2oiranby • erlte p d on the day to fin t the purcha.s 3. P. BRIN, Atte NCE FOR T111 M- T OF CAPITAL. LAGE LOTS g Village of Erricefield by Public Auctir has been instructed by Mr. AN to sell by Publie Auction, ffilearele let, at the hour of THE GROUND, FiftyVII. mpoised of one-fourth of an tifull y situated for 1uu1ding °idol near the Rail ay Ste,- Brucefield is a floiirishing Of the London and Huron Western Railway; is in the best fanning, district in Can- ] rn increase in value a d •co - very ;rapidly. Sonae of the dapted as sites on laich to th of ; the purchase money to ,:fsale. The balance On time r, with interest at 7 per cent. DREW SWAN, Proprietor. oneer. • 428-2 W LO Mes rs, COLE • Will pay 8 W LO( Al 0 a quantity man acture of So Ci esteem Sail and s cheap as et • L miser of tv Litt i and Picketa lo we 5 market price 50'O CEDAR COLE 417 WANTiED. IAN & G0UIN1fOOK Higliddt Cash Frieof r OF ALL KINDS. f ELM LOGS suitab4 for the sag attended to pomptly, ny other mill. ry description, else Shingles, ays on hand, and at theevery POSTS FOR. SALE. GOUZLOCK, •getiforth. LE CHEAP. RSA NUMBER IF BENCH AND KNEE Bob Sleighs, gon, Iron Harrows clad h,eelbcerrows, For Sale Chen , or will be ExChein- ed for Wood. poly to D. IcNAUGHT, Seaforth. SO 1ETHING THAT HAS BEEN WANTING 1118 GOOD WHILE. R F. A. MEYiR 5 to inform t e inhabitants of Seaforth and cirtity that he has opened BE A SAUSAG1 AN MEAT 80P ' Sto e, on the Eas to 11. Robertson's Oppo Main Fac be beat of fa othe any at than liber ' hope Chris, e as and Happy New.Year. • 420 1 F. A. x YEE. 11100 GEBVILLE CHEESE FACTORY -A meet- eg of the Stcabolders in the Bodgervine Chee e Factory will be held at the Factory, on TUE DAY, Feb. 15, at 1 O'clock, for the purpooe' °for anizing. A full meeting is particularly re- ques A. MALCOLM. 427-1 ite the Fame street, next d 5 issorma 01.08iNG SALE OF VA!.1,1ABlE PROP E RTI BELONGING TO THE 135TATE THE LATE J B EACEY. „FIRST -STORE, with DWELLING ever 15, Batuate on Albert Street, opposite Fair'Mills; eased for a term of years. This is is good in- nd eest*onthlyent, bInging in a good rental, . quarterly SECOND -STORE, STORE - HOUSE: AND STABLE, adjoining the above. Large frontage end Yard. Well adapted for aGeneral, or Gro - dory business, THID-COAL YARD and STORE -HOUSE, with a large, splendid Stone Cellar fpr storing Butter, Pork,&6, situate on the track of the Grand. Trunk Railway. FOIITII-SURON FLOUR and OATMEAL S, well establishes', and doing a largo busies. Situate on the traeli of the Grand Tru Railway. Is iner asing iti population and manufaeturies and be g situate on mire lines of Railway, Viz.: THE 'RAND TRUND AND GREAT WESTERN, And in rat Con desirab place o be sold Paero 422-18 She zentre of one of the finest ft cultu- ties in the Dinninion, makes it 4 most e Shipping Point, and rapidly ineileasing importance. The above property must itt order to setele the estate. bIe Terris will be given. Apply tO, R. M .RACEY, Executor, Clinton. . . AUCTION SALE Of a Valuable Farm in the Town- shp of Stanley. Pand others, Defen UR UANT to an order of sale, dated the 1801. ll- " ta 111. DingePi ms D y a December A. D. 1875, made y the jtmio udge of the County Court of the ounty of H on hi the matter of partition b tween ileury Demensa, Plaintiff, a.jams II be sold by public Auction, by GE KHAN, Anctieneer, at Pier atel nine Willi there w M. TR lel, ii sulfa' I 676 farnipi the Ba Statile Acres clay fenced, balana There, brick • comm' lent o and P land i to Sea 5m11 most is indi TER dor or 'meth thirds, at option of purchaser, to remam on mort- • gage so payab• chaser other, stand' RGE Ho- the Village: of Ilnyiletd, on Sax- , the 25 th -Day of March, A. D. • at 12 o'clock noon, the following velnable operty namely : Lot number 11, seuth of rfie)d Road concession, in the Towntiliip of in the County of H-nron, containing $5 Land, more dr Iess. The soil is the best •am. About 70 acres are clearede 'well and in a high state of cultivation, the • is well -wooded with the best hail:Woods. s upon the land a large brick bouse, with tchen and ontlenildings, large frame barn, dions sheds, sables, outhansey, and. excel - chard, consisting partly of bearing trees rtly of young trees lately planted. The on the gravel road leading from Bayneld ortb, is about 4 miles froM 13ayileld, and fromBrucefietd, ande is in all respects a esbable and valuable property. The title pntable and free from. all incuenbrances. 8-10 per cent:on day of sale to the Ten- s Solicitor, balance to eanke one-third of se 'money in one ertonth remaining two - the lands bearing 7 per emit. interest,and in two espial annual instalments, the pur- to be lee into iminediate poesession. In espects he conditions of sale will ;be the g bonditiens ef sale of the Court of Chan cery. For further perticulars apply to Messrs. DAVISON & JOHNfiTON, or J. T. GARROWe Solientrs, G'oderich, or to the plaintiff on the Ian ds. Dated Golerith, December 20, 1875. • ISAAC F. TOMS, Junior ndge Ccnnty Court, Thum. J. T. CABBOW, Ven ors Solieitore 420 SP 1NG EED SHOW. THE— nal Show, 'under the auspices of the Tu kkeremith Braneh Agricultural Society, for Grain, eed and Booth, will be held at the So- • ciety'srotads in the TOWN OF SEAPORTS, on FRIe AYI, FEB. 251: 1876, when the following prizeb:: ill be aarded:: lst. 2d. 311. Best 6 ushels 5pr Mee Wheat, Fife; . I $3 00 :$2 00 $1 00 Best 6 • ushels Spring Wheat, Club, , s 3 00 2 00 I 00 Best 6 1 tuthels Sprin Wheat, any o her varike... ..... 200 200 1 00 ushelsB,arley, rowed.. 2 00 1 50 I. 00 :" 6 -rowed. _ 2 00 1 50 1 00 " Large White Oats 2 ( 0 1 00 commot 200 100 Black ‘' 2 00 1 00 11 Small Pas.. , 2 00 1 00 " Large Pew........200 100 usheis TianotirSeed.. 2 00 1 00 Clever Sed...... 2 00 1 00 usbels EarlyPotatoes.. 2 00 1 00 Isete Potatoes.- 2 00 100 Best 6 14 11 Si Best 2 • ss Best Bultne anti Regulations. 1. articles' hown must be the groWth of 1785, and preduced on the faun of vhe exhibitor. ' 2. No person will be entitled to more tban one prize fot Grain, :Sed .be Roots of the same kind. . T. e Society reserve the right to purebasethe prize grain, ;teas and roots, at -20 cents perbushei above tzic current, market rates. 4. No person allowed to show or sell on the mind without drst becoming a member of the ')eietY 5. N0 eenebetee anetted to expose his name on the bags. ; 6, All artleies ,fr exhibition to be on the grotuad by 10 oclock A. M. 7. All prizes !Mar* must be lifted before the 1st day: cif January, 1877, otherwise they Will be forfei TOHL HANNAH, Secretary. .JAMES LA.NDEBOROUGH, President. 425-8 CA TER'S STEAM 'SAW /MILL T HE tag GO Cut an and F Also a Sheetin price of CUSt, Last ye and for pectfull SEAFORTH, ndersigned, encoessor to Messrs. Armi- , Carter & Gray, lues on hand over 1,000,000 FEET OF' D HEMLOCK LUMBER Worted, enitttble for Building, Draining ging, whieh he offers at $7 50 per M. nantity of inferior qcality suitable for ,at $3 50 per M., and has placed the M SAWING AT $2 75 per M. es prices will be paid for HardwoodLoge Hemlock, li cut long. Patronage is res - solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. • JAMES I. CARTER. N. 11 The price for custom sawing is lees than what is charged by any other mill, and units:inn thickne s guaranteed, 426 DIS OLUTION OF PARTHERSHIP. THE artn,:rship heretolon szbFisting between the • nderSigned, under the nrm eameof WIL. LIAM.: & CLUFF, has been dison-ed by tiantual e onsen . The brismess will hereafter be carried on by 3 Re. Williams. 4.11 debts eontracted by the late firm will be liquidated by J. E. Williams, and all eb ts due the late J.A.rm.4 bLetLet4ollscee e , t- d by ca . NO tZLE CLITFF. Neo desk side of friends &billet Lure of y. Any one] archesate Sausage there will fore at aranteed fresh, and for quality defy to be as will n. Any orders left at, the shop for any kind less mo cy dishes Meli as French Tripe, Jete, or any kind in, diehesfor Meg suppers, or any or ers for To th ind of Freehli ate will bepromptly ,and immed oderate prices. Mr Meyer &lo w shoe to le „ the people of Seaforth and vicinity for the n- 1 patronage they have bestowed on 14im,and they may continu, and wish all a Merry 415 • election with the abOVe the. -undersigned s to state to his nuinerOns. mutton:Kato and hattbe intends to continue ebenitemfae- rst-claeS pumps and el:sten:1H as hereto - be reld straid. Ile has now snob. faellities 11eble hili to turn out a better -Retitle for ey than any other e,eealuiehment ef the his ection. se indebted to him he werald say -that an to settle.ment is desired, ae, he is tagent- d of money. ber the old established- and well Ptrean Factory. X. R. WILLIAMS. TRA ELER$, ATTENTION -1-uh iNn°enTiliP btnfaryn faetnring Cpm own ea the NESAV, Feb, 16, Or ation of the • rang cuts for t bus a F. FO -A tneeting of UI4 Share- trons of the WestEnl Cheese any ill be held at 4be Fee - es nd Factory, 04 WED - at 1 'clock P. -M.,l for the repay and for inking ar- coz4dnet of next Won's 427.1 If yen re traveling on the Seaforth Nceetherti Grve' Road STOPAT VIE HALF.WAY HOUSE, That is the place lei Good Fires, Geod Ciger, Good Liquors Good Ilamilton Ale and Porter, Good Cider, Good Meals, Good33e-de, Good &Oleo, Sheds and Yards for cattle. Good hayandosts, and a good hostler, and infect everything tba iteeeesory for the comfort .iff -the traveling Stile in -a conntry tavrn. ; eta asd 80. 1110 • D.AVIS, Proprietor. WANTED, 200 Steak Steers frem 800 to1,001 lbs. hhab,est =rat price Will be paid. ! 4118