HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-04, Page 8TH HURON OR. ••••••••e..* nvon trp:loitor DISTRICT MATTERS. IF YOU want a perfect picture of your- self go to A. °Armpit's New Gallery, opposite the Mansion Hotel. Pidures taken in all Istylos. Copying and enlarging done to perfeatton-the best make of instruments need, With S knowledge of how. to use them. Give him a call. Alwayei at home andin good humor. THE Apt Auction Sale at DENT'S Of Dry Goods, Furs, Millinery, &c., which was post- poned on account of the weather, will positively take place on Saturday, Fob. 5, when the whole stock will be pushed off if possible. Sale both day and evening. Look out for baigains. John Bullard, auctioneer. IF YOU want a good picture go to C. Mooitz's Studio -ho is now prepared to furnish first-class work,;better thanE heretofore ; give hi m a call and see his work before going elsewhere. AviENTION its directed to the immense stock of Overcoats, Pea Jaokets and Readymado Clothing, whieh must bo cleared out.-GitAr, YOUNG &SPARLISh. IT WILL Pay You to see and Pelee J. C. LAIDLAw's Goods before purohasing elsewhere. He sells awful cheap and only good articles. A LARGE Lot of Lamps from 25e. up- wards, and another instalment of that Famous Thread Light Oil at HroicsoN's. TRY yI. MORRISON'S 70 Cent Tea; 10 Pounds White Sugar for $1; 11 Pounds Good Bright Seger for Si. • CLASSICS.--REY. W. CRAIG will take a limited number of Pupils in Latin and Greek for a few hours every day. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. -A great variety of Shawls, at reduced prices, at the Farmers' Store. WARRANTED Clocks, of, ell makes, and • at prices to suit the hard times Eat Ilicicsow's. jeer Received, another Large Stock of Elgin and WalthaniWatehes at HroKsow's. IT is astonishing how very cheap 3. C. T,ATnI.Aw sells his Goods. Go and see. • FINE Gold Jewelry of every description nt Ilics.sox's. COUNCIL MEETING. -At the meeting of the Town Council held on Tuesday even- ing last, the only business of importance trans aeted was the reappointing of the care- taker, Mr. Dorrence, and the policeman, Mr. Dolmage, at the same eateries as paid •last year. PERsoNAL, -Ws. A. Armitage and her brother; Mr. A. Atkinson, left Seaforth on Wednesday morning last for licirida. Mrs. Armitage has been in ill health for sonic time and expects to be benefitted by the change of climate. Mr. A. Armitage accompanied them as far aaNew York, and will return to Seaforth via Montreal. THE HOTEL6.-The new License Law, now under consideration by the Ontario Legislature will make a considerable thin- ning oat in the hotels in this town. There are now 13 licensed hotels, and under the new law we can only have. at most seven and probably six. Hotel property will, therefore, be ate discount about the 1st of March next. • BAND CONCERT. -The concert given by the Seaforth Philharmonic Band on Wednesday evening last was fairly pat- ronized. All who were present, expressed- their satisfactiOn of the entertainment. Miss Maggie Foster and Messrs. G. W. and Jas. Ohne, J. Scott, D. J. 'Foster, Fred Foster end F. LeGoffic contributed to the vocal part of the, en- tertainment, and Miss ;McDonald, the Misses Meyer, Messrs. Holland and lfe- - Goilic and the Band, to tte instrumental. Much amusement was derived from the comic pe rformances in character of Messrs. H. Giving, B. Thomas and R. Carmich- ael, Sr. • COUNTY DIRECTORY: Curry, for- merly Depaty Sherriff, of Huron, is now engaged in getting up a directory for this • Comity. This work will be composed of about 300 pages, and. Will contain the • names of all the freeholders and house- holclers'in each municipality in the Coun- • ty, the names of each resident of the towns and villages over the age of 18, and a history of each town and incorporated village. Besides • this, it will contain the Insolvent act of 1875, the postal laws and regula- tions and niuch other useful information. The subscription price of this work will • be $2.50, ana it will be published not later than the let of May. This directory will be of vast service to business men generally, and a large subsciiption list for it should be got. Mr. Curry is now can Seaforth, and we trust our busi ness men will give him liberal encourage. ment. of 7 and 12 n The trustees e 241 55, and the to the present over and, ab $866 24. MECHANICS' hanies' dancing as usual in 'th evening next. Holland's pop who wish to s should attend. Tao Warinex's Sueeen.-On Thurs- day evening of last week Mr. Leckie, the newly elected Warden of the County of Huron, entertained the members of the County Council and a number of friends at a complimentary supper at the British • Exchange Hotel, Goderie.h. The spread • was got up in the best style, and reflect- ed credit on the genial host Captain Cox. The compapy numbered over 60. Among' those present, besides the members of the County Council, we noticed Thomas Greeaway, Esq, M. P. ' South Huron; Horace Horton,- Esq., M P. Centre Hur- 1 1• on; A. M. Ross, Esq., M. P. P. West Huron; M. 0, Owner ii, •Esq., Dr. Thompson, American Co . sul, Mr. Find- lay, Mayor of Goderich, Mr. MeDermid, Mater in Chancery, Mr. Lewis, County Attorney, Mr. Adamson, County Clerk, Mr. Dickson, Postmaster, Goderich, Mr. Danie1cDonald, and many others of more or less note whose names we did not obtain. A few ho rs were very pleasantly spent in toast, sentiment and • song, and at an early ho r the company • separated, each feeling no doubt that he had done his duty to himself and to the newly elected Warden. • Oen PUBLIC SCHOOLS. -No better in- dex of the progress Seaforth is makin• g care be given than the continuous aud. rapid increase of the children in attend- ance at the public school. As we notice • by the annual report of the trustees, the • attendance has more than doubled with- in the past five years. 'Fite years ago • there were only three teachers employed, this year there are 80'4, and still some of the departments axe; over crowded, The school building, which has been al- • ready twice enlarged, has again become too small, -and in order to afford the -necessary accommodation the trustees are forced. to secure the erection of an- other wing during the coming summer. There are now two male and five female teach ere employ -ed. The salaries paid are as follows : First, $650, 2d, $450, 3d, 8340 ; 4th, $300; 5th, $250; 6th, $250; 7th, $225; making a total for salaries of $2,435 per annum. During the tLx half -of 1875 the average daily attendance of pupils was 336, and during the last six Months of the year the aver- age was 315. Aceordipg, to the census recently taken there are 592 children be- tween the ages of 5 and 16 attending school, and only three between the ages THE LITERA of the Town Ha the meeting of held in the roo stitute. The the room fcould ject, " ReSolve tion was Justi both by the ne sides. The audience, was tive. The sub debate is "Res Charles I was McMillan an chosen le erg lowing ar� the McMillan/ W bell John 11 negative It. Jamieson, C. man. 0 Mo will be a ep readings, ecit the Town Ha society in id o The hall, on crowded. Asi ofit obje t, th of the mo t in that has oeen mission as b figure of 5 se en ing -any soh I. last year ed over a ba aixc t e amount al e expenditure lo re ELMecHall Tilde .w-oniTulTihhe , blies e held sic will be given h ad *lie band. Al a leasant e erini -S .---On -4,0e(In bei'go hetwise tin! e e ry Society s of th Mechani is' end nett was as e 1 co in te. Th, tha th French • ble, ably die nSse tiv an the affi e. tiv isio s ing left h en n favor of the !leg t c osen for th itex 1 ed hat the Execu ion o sti abl ." Messrs Jell Ro ert Lumsden on th $ bject. T des A irmative Ca pb 11, H. J. amp nah a d G. W time um de S. Hicks, R mat on, and Dr. Cole Lay evening next tli rtai ment consistin ons and. music give the auspices of echanics Instit nda evening, shout • fr m the coasid rat'o nte taihment willbe: rest ng and p1easante en his season. The ad pi ced at the n m a er te GLEAN' GS), Friday n ght cher, has sold Toronto. • REM0V L. -- editor of the , ceived t e the Dunn ille of $600 p r an attend to t e 'TIME Mr. Rob of last w Helens, the hand last sum friends is MEETI School B Mr. Leet Mr. Ha Miss Col salary schools f CHEEs patrons o will be h o'clock to eQnsi in conne make ar son. expected FUNER ing lezt preached Londesb late Han of Hulle week sin'e ing,- and ton. Mr. Jam and was knew- he GRAN G was held, i on Mond organizing some talk and saw. to bob er; prep New Or EAL. rt C ek d c orne •er. rapi G 0 ard was a in Bee Mr. t to nap. e' Bell Rin er o Janhes McKa a party from a r. A. 0. Osbornie, inghan Ti, las intmei of priuc p entral p hool at a sa m. 11 has rem ve -Wes of is situati n. Our fi llow to yn wa on We rried to lMiss Orr, menced housekeeji4 it sidenco twhich he 4repte e listlof our b4chel ly de realsing. iSogooL,I BOARD. Th et on Monday nig t as e -elected Chairma. Secretary - Tre linton, *as appoi te to teach drawing in ext six months. Be in r , t ah t w L5 l ea Br igl : • 'deeb_orough. n'i. -A meeting f h ondesb ro cheese fac t Mon ay, Feb.. 7, t tee temperance e important naa with the factor nts for the comi endance of the pa MO .-on Sunda . Mr Brock, of C he Methodist fu eral sermon haw, vife of Mr. S. d at Toronto about e se rno» was veryaffec ene to with deep atte WAS a daughtcri hwaite, township clr ly esteei ecl by ail wh 'CITEME T. --A em s 11 tel, Lond ing for1 the pu tenger club. T :bui1di1g a Grang • The thangest Mr. oodman's s are going on 1 MARK TO. very unf vbra rapidly. les Perkihs r d Toronto, ey Cern FA fair was ld Monday, J.p,n. good and quit sold at far pr as to the th • DISTRI '"11 M of East uro Independ et will take pilac Feb. 21, 876 full atteh an located wli vision of ed to at every te Temples. to promo perance c well as g be discus ing will ing at 7: will be f a good ti th se n ra ed, e hel 0 P rnish e is 1 1 lth tigh the wea h the groin is com ng s. Leecl and Mr. Ja shipping it away 1.4 t d Bene Railway -The monthly c Mrs. Days ho el 1. The attendance number of cattl we s. We are not in °thee pri es. TIN. -The next , e District Temple N j. tie, on Monc a der of Good Temp fr at Gor t 10 o'clock A. M. from all the Ten - he eastern electoriai d' nty of Huron is req. es ne delegate allowecll.fo ibership in Subordipat repared to devise mean dvancemene of the t geberal, also the lo ' 1 Prohibition questio public temperance n tl e evening comin . A good progra m A full house andi els ticipated. 1 I tt I k.; elmore Sciiooi Tit TEE. -Mr. A. I-TuS was elect d tri pe at the annual ineetin SNOW. Th haabeen a limited ni ply of sn w so r, and many dissapOin ments ha 6 ed from contracts'mai which co- ld n be fulfilled. SELLIN party from List() e dealing ji dry bode, came here a for night sin •e'en by. practising their mot -small p ofit nd quick returns-- a doing a li ely • 'nsin ss.1 • BALL. --Pii' to leaving, Mr. Ande son gave a ba f whicheome forty clop took advaintag to ti ip the light fantb,st toe till dr se u erring heralds gave nOti. of approa hinc. • ore. HOTEL iitj E. Me. _Anderson, 1113 asolandlor s uccessfully catered tot public for seve 1 years', has given up h wonted a ocat ri and retired to priva life. Hi suc essor,Mr. Cullidon, Mildmay, by aping n first-class leus will ende leer ti 'merit a continuance public patron e. . CuNCERT.- 1 0011 eri was given by t Good Texnplar n Tues lay evening, ja 25. The atter cc w s not so large might have be n expe tea, consideti the attractions 'tiered. Therc were e‘ro songs, recitations, dial gues, Ste., give in genuine artistic Style, all being inte laced with Strains of sweetest melody b Misses Laurie ¶pd Anderson on the orga and occesional Siflec‘iOns by the brass band. We but give eicpreinnoit to public opiniony saying that he whole perform.; &nee W a s ccees.- ox. Bruss ls. iAs14,, . Panama wishing to •et anything in the PhotogrOhlo lino would d well to call on the photographer, for ho makes all the style and sizes, and finishes them in the latest , style gi tho art. Old pictures copied and entrged. Ga ory- Stretton's Block, Brussels. , NEARLY , A..FIRE.-On Monday evening last, the premises of Mr. Themes Lead-- beater had a narrow escape from fire. Miss McKenzieedres maker, Who has rooms directly above eadbeater's shop, in arranging some bei ding pieced a tick against a stove pipe w iichpasSes through the room. The tick ok fire; and, had it not beenfor the, timely assistance from the Pot printing o Ce, which is 'on the sameflat, there is no knowing what the damages might aye' been. ie Dowon Bieueribs. ' At; a meeting of Council. o Tuesday eveninglast, the following pe Awn, signed by 60 ratepay- ers, was pre ented : We, thesundermen- ed, havingarned that el billiard room is in operati n in Brussels, and belitivin- g as we do th t such an ins itation is car- d to e ect injuriously the morals of the c�»' unity, and more especially of our yo')ii g en, we would humbly ap- proach our honorable body With the fol- lowing etit on : 1. That. you pass such such a -1aw anent such inetitution as will prey : 'tits opetation without a li- cense. 2. hat the regullitions in such license be s eh as if .possible to prevent the abuseofueh an institution. 3. That as your peti ioners would like to abolish such an lust tutiou altogether, we would humbly -sub it that the license be put at $100 per able. The Ateli re' report was also ret eieed and passed. The re- port showe that the receipts for the year from all sources, including. balance of $400 in hind at last audit, was $7,099. The whole amount had been expended except $125, and the outstanding ac- counts were $575,-1eaving the corporation $450 in debt. The indebtedness occurs from extras and furniture for the mar- ket house and the hall, which were not fully taken into the estimates. • 1 Clinton. , [num TEE NEW ERA,1 ACCIDENT. -On Saturday last„ a man named Moorehead was driving a span of horses through town, when a:suddett jolt caused the board. he was riding on to break, and he fell beneath th wheels of the wagon, -which passed ove , his head,' severely cutting it. He is, however, in a fair way of recovery. ,, 1 , , GRATIFYING SUCCESS.- vs es are pleases' to be able to state that the passenger traffic of the London, Huron' and Bruce Railway has increased so mu company have been compell another coach on the regular accommodation of travelers. traffic is also working up very welh The addition of a freight house tothe station at Clinton s been completa House 13 RNED. -At abo t 2 o'clock on Thursda morning of las week, the house of Iylr. John Plew s, situated about a mile down the Ba field road, Was discovered to be on fi e, and had made such headway that il could not be saved. Iost of the furni ure was re- moved, how ver. The fire ts supposed to have or 'nated , througha defective stovepipe. SEVERE •ACCIDENT. -On Monday last, while Several' men were retur ing to their homes on a lorry, on the Lo don Huron and Bruce Railway near Lon esborough, a crowbar h id gradually wked down till one end aught in the tie, and as the lofty was g mg at a _good speed, it in- stantly thre v one of them ferward, the lorry lassie over him. Upqn the lorry was conaid rable Weight, the unfortu- nate man w s therefore dreatlfully man- gled, so MU h so that his life is d.espair- ed of. He is a young man, and had only been marrie 1 about two months. . , Grey:• . AN ANCI .NT SCHOOL Bo*. -- In these days of progress we think the attention of the County School inspeetor should be drawn tothe tact of the existence of such a building,' called. a school house, which is sitnated on Lot 6, gon. 6, Grey -we can't give the number of section; in fact, it ought not to have a number. It is an olid dilapidated log building, with ceiling about seven feet high ; very cold in winter and close and disagreeable in summer no water fit to use nearer than 20 rods. This building is sur- rounded by some of the best farms and farmers in the township, and how is it that such building is allowed to be used for a school house ? Is it because • the ratenayeas in the section do not wish , to vacatethlis antique relic df a country school house, or is it the cost of the erec- tion of such a building as the section should have ? . Be what it maiy, the mat- ter ought to be looked into.--1-Com. shl la of tai of th 4. in ga th ping God, as as their wont, waaun- 3. That the elders and managere he congregatioi be enjoined to ewer - the party .or p rties holding the keys he Church, and demand the same an name of the Se ion and congregation. That on the eve it of finch derand be - refused, the m nagete of th eongre- len be advised t make application to Chancellor of C. ;Aerie for an ' injone- 1 to oblige said parties to give up ion dell property belonging to the fi' gregation St. Andrew's Churl', yeld. 1 1 Idprrits. ENV SCHOOL IousE. --The trustees of chool Section o. 9, Morris, intend er cting in that section a- new frame se ool house. The contract for the new bulling will be let on the 23d inst. PI ns of the propped building can be se n at the residence of Mr. Thomas elton, on the Eighth Concession. of er ne -ti se be h that thee d to place ) rain for the The fteight Hibbert. SERIOUS RUNAWAY. -On 'Monday after- noon of last week Mrs. 'Aim* Huron road, Hibbert, was in Mitchell with a span of horses attached to a putter. The lady had occasion to go into pilr. Thomp- son's, weaver, and left the leorses untied at the door. Her son, p iittle lad of about five years of age, was sitting in the cutter. During her absence, the animals became frightened and liaide towards • hotne, running at a furious Tate. The child was greatly frightened and Cried loudly for help, which caused the horses to run still faster. After running *bout a mile and a half the pddr little fellow was thrown . from the cutter, and was taken up in an ttlICOUSCi0118 state: He was badly • cut on the head, but we are,glad to hear that his injuries are not sepous. The hases - reached'hothe about four miles distant, before being ;topped), Ba THE CiiURCH DIF ICITLTY.HA meeting of: Session of St Andrew's Church, Bayfield, was held on Chiirsday, 20th ult., in the Canada Meth dist Church. The assessors appointed y the Presbytery Of Huron, Messrs. Ur, McOuaig and Siev- right, ministers ; ani Messrs. Shaw and, Scott, elders, were resent.- . After due consideration of various protests and ap- peals, the following resolutions, moved by Mr. T..Trey and secOndecl by Mr. Mc- Cuaig, were unaninionsly agreed. to: The Session having takeie into cOnsideration all matters referredto it by the Presby- tery of Huron, in view of the whole cir- cumstance, resolve, 1. That the alleged 'fleeting of the congregation of Bayfield, held on Dec. 13, last, was illegally called, illegally constituted, and, therefore, null and, Void. p. That the action of certain parties in 'taking possession of St. Andrew's Ohurch, Bayfield, Of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada, and thus preventing the congregation: from wor- HO n'w Sonooe School section cting during t school house. ma of the prop n at the resi hie, secretary e contract for t let on the 15th OUSE. -The trustees o. 10 Hdwick intend e coniing summe , a Plans and specii'ca- sed building can be ence ofr'James of the achool Board. e new building will net. St nley. ATE. -We, the mem- y Maple Leaf Debat- y challenge the pres- he Stanley Township ly debate, at any con - on any subject hat HALLENGE DE be s of the " Stanl in Society," here en members of. Council for a frien ve ient time, and y be agreed upo by the two oppoeing les., Any oth r information can be d by communi ling with James Sinn- , Secretary .of t e Society. • Mc ACCIDENT. -On e Abraham Bro r. Aodrew Go p inful accideut 'tr e which in its o another tree, in, struck the a m, breaking the How Fenreens S mtiei Scarlett, b stand most ent a ow which last li ter of 10 pigs. o these pigs w $ ; he fed six of t is winter, and t o pork, which he t e remaining t l625. Thus t so w realized in ab T e sow was ki ighing 488 pou 5 16, making s w and 10 pigs h w farmers mak 1 ""op. Monday, a man nam - m, in the employ of enlock, met with a He was chopping a all broke a (lead limb his inadttteon lt i the b headdescend- an and r. Men MONEY. -Mr. McKillopone of Our rprising farmers, had spring gave birth to a Mr. Scarlett sold two en six weeks old for theni and killed them ey made 1,500 pounds old for $109 ; he keeps o, which are Werth e progeny of this one ut six months $181 25. led a few days ago, ds, and was sold for i. total return for the of $216 50. This is money. Bru °field. Cox'GagGATIoN e Meutnee.-e-The fol- lowing report of the proceedings at a meeting of the Pr sbyterian congregation of Brucefield, held in the Towp Hall on the 26th ult., sho ld -have ap eared last week, but was no received in tiine. The meeting was large y attended. Mr. Jas. i flier was appoin ecl chairman, and Mr. J me,s McDonald ecretery. he report o the building co mittee was read,' and it showed that the sum of $2,682 had heen 81 bscribed for bui ding purposes. It was oved by Mr. Jo nMcDonald' seconded b Mr. Harte,and carried,thatithe build - it g committee be directed to purchase Robert Ferguson' house and the ground attached thereto or a manse and a site for building a c urch. Mov d by Mr. Jas. Macdonald, econded by Mr. Geo: Ilarte, and carrie „that Mr. Wm. West- cOtt purchase M Ferguson's property for $700, and sell he same to the congre- gation at the sa e amount, payable in three years with nterest at 7 per cent. per annum, and gi e a bond for a deed to be legally made i o favor of the congrega- tion when the abo ,e sum shall have been fully paid. Mo ed by Mr. Harte, sec- onded by Mr. rchibald MeNeil, and carried, that a b *ck church be built the me as the Kipp u church, with the ad- dition of two feet to the width. Moved by Mr. Kitchen, econded by Mr. Harte, and carried, that hereas the call for sub- scriptions for buil ing a church has been 88 liberally respo ded to, be it resolved and decided by his meeting that the building, commit e be heartily recom- mended to take tive steps in the mat- ter at once. Cr the Editor of nbrook. ILC Huron :Expositor. ' DEAR, SIR : certain indescribable feelieg, both inde cribable and to me un- accountable, has ately possessed Me to write to the ne spapors, and to you I send my first epis le. I have no glaring o itrage to lay ba D.0 municipal cotzup- ton to show up o, we in Grey have no need of that ki d of thing -et corrupt n L minations, as you in Tuckersmith have y is eccording to woe is person, or rather some dis- a pointed office seeker. There is an a ount of hypoc isy and humbug about the average new paper brawler which I have no sympat y with, and. if John Stuart Mill is correct in his definition of liberty to the a bject, editors of news- papers would be perfectly julstifialile in giving them less • pace in their col tuna he plan I propeee in this epistle is to give you a state,. ent of facts, items of news and slight inipses of. present; past and future. Cr: nbrook, better known a the Town Plo of Grey, is pleasantly s tuated on th Maitlancl river,; five Miles from Bruss :Is and three miles ;from Ethel station, o the Southern Eaten - s on of the Great Western Railway, and ha capabilities a d natural resources for becoming quite a. important place. A splendid farmin . country surrounds it, a d underneath . fine a limestone quar- ry for building p rposes as can be. 1 The stone is of the b et quality for lime, and iS about to be uti ized for that purpose by the Brothers cNicol from Innerkip, -Who have alread commenced operations i fel-the erection of an extensive draw kiln, which will be in operation before the building season commences in the Billtnihmeerer. was a grange in connection with the order of Patrons of Husbandry estab- li hedlherelast August, and itnovvtun- biers about 50 members, among are scene of the niest substantial o the vhom ii f toting communt-y. They have been eeting in the house of Mr. Sohn O&M - e on, Cranbrook, and on last Thursday ght, which WAS to be their lest meeting t ere, they presented Mr. Canteron with a very fitting address, as a token of their appreciation of the kindness they had received from hini while meeting in his house. They als° presented Mrs. Cam- . # i • I I I • I FEBituARy 41 1$76. ......i_____ ignoble ciirCal, sign themselves "Lov- ;# . ell of Justice.." They will also see how Tuckieremith honors the Man Who, hav- ing accepted an office, faithfully dia. charges its duties, and how She 8puei out those who only do the service of the lip and, notwithstanding the intense diesatisfactioni which is said to -exist, only ten men could be found to vote for a 1 andidate Opposed to the township bo rd. Yours, ' WILLIAM McConienr.t. EDITOR'S N'TOTE. -Each of the prinei- , pa; ' contestants engaged in thiS contro- -ve sy having had an equalhow_, we. sh uld like the controversy to end here, AS We do not see that anythingcan be ga tied by continuing it.] - e with a beautiful set of china ware, d also several beautiful presents to iss Cameron. Owing to the secret c araoter of the Society, I am unable to we you the names of the principals en the presentatiion, the subject of the ad- dress or the rleply. They will henceforth eesw' newe rt hhasnl I . Therefivediffaerree, Tilt e:veinTo , n: V granges in existence and in course of for- ation in Grey, which will . constitute hat is called a Division Grange, which will likely meet at this place. M. Dailies new hall was opened on ednesday last with a grand shooting etch through the day and a ball night, The rucefield string band fur- nished the n isic for the occasion. The all is quite an addition telo our place; it is 24x48 f et, two stories high. The asement, is be used as a store by the ranger* The Broth re Garrow are running their aw mill and shingle mill constantly, nd have got large quantities of both 1 imber and shingles on hand, which they re selling at reduced prices for cash. hey have also reduced the price of their ustom sawing price, c to $2 50 for cash, being rged for large quantities. mong theot h er business carried on ere there a two first-class country he- els, two si oe shops, two blacksmith hops, two v ry good stores, e post office end several carpenter shops. There is also an insurance agent, trust and loan 4gent, issuer of marriage licenses, auc- tioneer and Justicc of the Peace all com- bined in the one person. More anon. •• CRANBROOK. • Township School Boards. MR. EDIT0R, : As THE EXPOSITOR is the medium through which we look for information regarding the workings of ouncils and School Boards in our own ounty, I would wish to see something iiegarding the workings of township Boards of school trustees. The system has been tried for one year in some town - hips. The enjoinder and rebuttals on he Tuc ' ninth nomination gave us no 'nformat on On the school Board question. r. Bish p states in the House he has ever heard of a township once electing Beard vishing .section trustees again. think township Boards are cheaper to the ratepayers than the various section Boards are. If I am correctly informed the clerk eon§ as secretary,and the one treasurcr1 does in the township. Now, the Various t wnships pay about $8 a year for postage, sorne trustees charging near- ly $2postage.ilThe township treasurer receives bout $60 a year for salary, some Trustees ch rge $10 and the township poard woulci not need all these expenses which woul4 be a considerable saving to s township with a dozen sections. Then the sections ban be divided so if one is Smaller than another it has no more taxes and they be divided so as to shorten the istance for a greater number of children. do not un Board look there are a appoint the to look afte Wishing to f towns man I[Ewa ce any o Lauch inf irect t pector n be f they ieve, th ost beneficially, and to the entire Bathe action of &large majority of the rate- ayers. It will be noticed by Mr. Dewar's eport t4 the County Council that he akes a similar view of the working of the yetem in Tnekeesmith.] erstand how the township after the fahool houses if y repairs needed. Do they teacher or some other' person the repairs ot each house? ee a synopsis of the working ip Boards, I am yours, McK. eb. 2,1876. . R'S NOTE. -If our correspondent her person desiring to obtain rmation as is sought above will eir enquiries to the School In - f their respective districts, they rnished with such information esire. In Tuckersnaith, we be - township Board system works le te sp we fro ha ne be Huron Notes. son of Mr. Logan, of Grey, broke his while wrestling recently. A ewe belonging to Mr. Henry But - of Grey, gave birth to a large ightly lamb on Jan. 24. Mr. Patrick Moore one day last k purchased Let 33, Con. 13 Grey, Mr. Bobert Moore for $1,640. The Brussels Good Tempters will e an open ledge - on Tuesday evening t. The entertainment will, no doubt, a pleasing one. The Wintsham brass. band gave a, co cert in the hall hall connected with the een's hotel, .ui that village, �n Wed -- day evening last. 1 Efforts are being made in Brussela- e-esta,blish the penny reading enter- ments which were so successfully -car-- • on in fernier years. A few days since while a brother of . . W. Holt, of Exeter, was squaring so e timber with a companion the axe of he latter slipped and eut Mr. Holt gerously in the left thigh. - The Pioneer fire and hook de companie-s. of Clinton have their resignations to the Council disbanded. Their doing so, stand, leaves Clinton without teetion against fire. +-Mr. Charles Wheeler, from near Bqdmin, township of Morris, told three goial his mil the Brussels market the ot 36 w $8 Methodist Church in Brussels finally let to Messrs. Burns Brantford, for $6,300. This Jude the furnishing of t 18 ,to • ta rie Tu ke smith Nomination. To the di r of the IluronExpositor. SIR: other letter 'from a " Lever of Justi e" appears in your issue of the 21st ult., and, although he says he will confine himeelf to the Returning Officer, there is very little in his effusion affect- ing tha to call ceive tli part the functionary, whose ditty it is he meeting, to attend and re - e nominations, buCto take no rein, and he can neither nomin- ate nor second a candidate; nor can he vote at an election except in the case of a tie. He is the only qualified elector who is disqiialified by the act. In his first letter your correspondent says he dons that not one-half of the Ow that any nominations had e,1 but in his last he is more n his assertions, and the one-half died down to several, who were or the Reeve to make a state - he transections of the past year. eve does not know much of the f political economy, he has evi- ot 4 little good sense, and knew ail to interrupt the proceedings our set apart for the nomin- he Returning Officer, in not was con electors been m modest has dwi waiting ment of If our 11 science dently better t during te tions, ind and. lad - tendered and have e under. any pro. er week which weighed 526 370 and pounds respectively, an average ight of 41$ pounds, They realized. 33. 1 The contract for the erection of the has been Sone, of does not e stones, in 1 bricks and glass. It is esti ated that the total cost bf the church will be about -Mr. Johnilizell, of Clintoia says he teed the following produce last season. oijalittle incite than a quarter of an re : Potatoes, 150 bushels ; cabbage, heads, Onions, 10 bushels, beets, 10 bushels, peas, 2 bushels, celery, 50. hOids ; besides a quantity cif melons, . lettuce,. &e• • -Mr Walter Scott. of Scott & Bella; furniture factory, Wingham, an accident at the factory the by which he will be deprived of two of his finger13. M. • met with ether day " f the use Scott wait - working at ' the moulding machine, and some part of ;the machine getting mis- placed, his left hand was caught Mit and. two of his fingers badly lacera -Miss E. J. Henry, of Win• gbam, slipped on an icy door -step at the school house in that village one evepenn btuising her head severely. When &La- yered she Was in an unconscious state, d her head was bleeding profusely. Tjhe lady was taken home and medical assistance promptly received, and she is nitw recoveriog. 1 -Mr. Wm. Gordon met with an wel- 1 hdceonetkla, hteylywahtiehGaornreoveof's inhis gerserwatiaa- cPt off. Mr. Thomas Graham received a serious injury some days ago while work- ing in Dauncey's saw mill, on the Fifth C ocession of Grey. While endeavoring t slip the belt on the pulley of the e ger, his arm came in contact with the s w, and was, badly cut immediately be - 1 w the elbow. He is under careful edical treatinent and doing as well as. --slliclobmeeeexxP:ictetectment has beenIcansecl. by a ease of child stealing from a fainter who li res a few miles south of Exeter, the issing boy being a bright little fellow of t ree or four years of age, ion of Mr. us:loon. During the construction of the ✓ ilway a laborer employed thereon waa b arding near the farmstead, and. the child was a frequent visitor at his house: The man has since disappeared, no one knows where, and with him the child. Search has been made in every direction, but no trace of the boy can be found. u -A runaway and smash p occurred on Monday evening of last week near the. residence of Mr. R Fralick, e few miles nbrth of Brussels. Mr. MeCO, of BM - Ors, had. occaeion to see that Igentleman on court business, and tied uto the horse and entered the residence. The horse suddenly became frightened, broke the ✓ pe which held it, and started wildly calling on 11.m or any other person 'dine ,d ing that hour to make expleptions, did d his duty, his whole duty, and nothing 1 g but his duty. 1` That functionary," as a your correspondent is pleased to term e your humble servant, forms one of the obnoxious School Board. When, there- fore, your correspondent says that "our young men have enjoyed the privilege of meeting in the school houses ever since !they settle these m n meet in Ithe school ur things whi knows tb b ago these y use of this miscenduct meetings in ni the bush till now, when tep in and say you shall not e school houses, they are for oses alone," he states two ire not true, and which he untrue. Some three years ung men were refused the mile school house for some and for a while held their a priate house, that of the late W.illiam Alexander, and not until a eonimittee became responsible for any damage do e to the school property were they allow d by the then trustees the !use of it a ai , and when a committee came to eting of the township School Board, weeks ago, and wanted te get the of the school house, they wereoff it on condition that they would done to the vation of o eetinga b een grossl flier. Our against an conducted, in which once, in 8 townships, as a model, will see our schools improv- their peace with God before .it was dar- ed, our att ndance increased, our teach- naily too late. A missionary meeting as held in the church lately. Mr. right'oceupied the chair. Rev, Messrs. Milligan and 'Maitland, and Me.ssrs. P. paiiing and Posstm addressed the gath- ering.t The amount realized was double at of last year. s rn fe US re a wit the gratel road. The s tached from the cutter be ne far, and gave a fresh imp afts were ore it . had tus to the 's speed. The horse was finally pped in its mad career, when it was en ascertained that serious injuries ha& riking the , I be some do active en inflicted,by the shafts s inial on the heels. It wi me before -the poor brute ca rvice. •i 1 -An exciting runaway opeurred in. Ingham on Sunday evening, Jan. 23. r. N. Griffin, of that village, neo0Ill- nied by Miss Dora Griffinl and Mis& ayton, was driving Mr, - . Kent's irited team around the v age, and. hen near the cemetery the horses be - me unmanageable, upset the cutter and me vacant on a little . near the e previous . riving one when the t away, They ran across s ts and 'smashed the cutter b ech tree on Minnie street residence of Mr. Griffin. On t Sunday Miss 'Sheppard was o Pettypiece's livery rigs, horse got away from her and smashed' the cutter almost beyond repair. No - - betty was injured in either c e -The religious revival stilil continues at Whitfield's Church, on the Twelfth . esponsible for any damage Concession of Grey. A correspondent ' •roperty, and for the preser- says that Mouclay night of last week was er and decency during their the most remarkable time of the six of which conditions had 1Weeks' proceedings, by reason of an v- iolated during the sum- I peal made, as it were, from the grave. . SacItier, slowly dying from an incurs le disease and. having the appearance' one risen from the dead, rallied suf. iently to attend the naeeting and in pulehtal tones called. upon sinners to ee from the wrath to come, and make chlool houses are not closed. • hseful meetings properly i a s witness Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 9, o eetings are held in • some fi me twice a week. Other • ho are eagerly watching us 11 ers more.e nomically follow in o con to guid school -boar who, drawi eient, our funds more eco - ministered, and when they r footsteps we, will be a bea- them against allowing their s -to be composed, of men, g the lion's skin over the . 1 NINTU 11//14-011E NO 427* AL ESTATE INIkl VCR SALE. --A. Weed. Lot, t,023, A: lege than 100 sores of land ; the to*,nship o MoRitilop; soil timber 'heavy, will he sold Chet_ A, LE$GETT, Exeter P,0.- VAliMS FOR SALE. -East hal 12,13ifoltillop ; and West half MeKillop ; also South SO acres Con, 101 Morris, **loin the VI Forparicu]:Lrs appiyto McCA.1301 STED, parristers, Seaforth. '10PI IJILDING LOTS US' BEAP011 -LI CoLtiarAVhavinglaid. recently -occupied AS a Rriving 3 ing Lote, to prepared :to disposeof able terMs to any whOrnay desire .de-shingto purchasashould mokil plit4tion. V'ALItrABLE FARNE FORsA Ulf oi Lot 18, Con, 1, Hay, Bodger+Ille. tOood orchard., well fortable buildings, Also t lots house in the Village of Exeter. enquireat tb.e farni or to the' alai ter. D.] OTTON. ' ATALUABLE PrtoYERTY 047i • FOR SALE, --Pox Sale in Hi from Seaforth, a lave frame Dwil taining 7 rooms with a stone large cellar, a gok well and puni of good land, more or less, For 1 lars entire to the proprietor oxl itop$ „HANDCOCTi. • volt property of Copelond„ being composed Of 31 Town 20 t_of tont/draw16 of ion , and well cultivate& frame hOuse and bar ia on the prop will be SoldOn easy terms. For late apPly to BART WSLL SPE1 P.O.,.Grey, or to C. U. COOPER, VOA AVE.-441=AM Chance "a: wishiugto otart business ii the principal points on the Lori Rruee hallway. Good brick sten overhead, alsotraine dwelling hou ard, and everything convenient 10 business. 14 establishxd stand, Reasena for se proprietor apply perlionallY or by .GRIGG1, Merchant Tailor, Exeter., VALLIABLE PROPERTY IN FA ' FAR SAVR.-Ifor Sete Qiesi able and pleasantlysituatearetide ville, feibneriy occupied by lii-r, 1 and no by Rev. Mr, Scott, with 0 attached, -which is filled with bear of the c oieest kinds. There lash and wood:shad, and all Atter conv4 SeSSion given on )1001. 16, 187 Apply ar, the EXPOSITOR Office, , A LAIIGE plwzmais VITJ 4-3- for Sale or to hent. -For sAle pleasantly situated andtommo house, owned by mx, S. Powell. rs tains lailge parlor, -dining-room, 3 comfortable bed rooms, together good cellar, hard and ; soft water shed, 4N. There are two las lilt bearing Fruit trees. -Nosession gi Apply td S. POWELL,:i N. 13. -Ab tity of skuare timber for sale. :;QAW likLL AND FARM OF 10 SALE. -The -subsdribers offer :gew IAili and farm, Lot -85, Com .nosh. The Mill ,contains saw, butting saw, shingle saw, odg all in geed order. There are on the -m1114 tiro frame dwelling hoi stable. !There Is also,on the iota .usbie thiabor, consisting of pint, - hemlocki and other hardwood, wit In the Abinity to last u number of factory neasons ,given for -Selling- X' at any tiMe. :FOr further -portico] by letter4aost paid, of W. G. HD aels P.p., or to B. T. 11ThWIST0N Westdeld P. 0. -Warattelltine laTANTED.-A. -.Xonrneymon 1 " medattely. Apn1>r-to Mr. nu Egniondviite. BLAC SMITH WANTED..---Wa ate4Y. a SeOd JOunieyrnart ; whom good;wages will he given. UEL 1/41.1)„14)a,olock,. - 1110 0ONTIIACTORS,+--Tenders -A- by the undersigned until TIM for the Oeetiou of -Sheds at the Chureh.Witithrop, Specifications the ,ofilee of Mr. Andre* ,Govonlocl tenders will ha noticed.I GOVE: FIRE if .*URANCE.4-AGENTS Sea orth,Clinton, and a -tow/ in Huron County, for 1he4onads, Insurange Company, , Speeial ir rirSt-Clahs live men. .41:11744 t'xic Box42,-Ooderithi. TENDERS WANTED. --Tenders ottuntil VEB-15, for the Came. the Bricklaying and Plaistering of erected tm.1 the Village lot Blytb, proper performance ofeentract to /3 Flaini SPezilleathUm, Hepbrtnal, StratfOrd, to .lielieetx t subscnber. TENDERS WANTED.- Tenders ed for the building ef ft Briek :Village of Bruodield, Until noon, o Feb. 15. :PlansandSPeelfications _meths shaionist sotf. ilifiro.raJamevbsoulifittilleyr,vtliker can be obtained, The tom:tate, themselves to .accept the lowest .1 WM. GRAI TIAX,:Seerotary Corvalt1 ti'ENDERS WANTED.-4endera ed b the Trustees a School S Menlo, uP to 11 O'clock, 'noon, on FEB. Bsein211, 137t1, IsteetYleonzie;Hrelatin°1; l'atn41 Hou eTahnebi oe e4epp.t - tzt txh:yrteneeldridernetteotolutehee ed. THOMAS -agyvroN, sacral Lot 17, Ohn.-8, Norris, Walton TNFOIUkATION WANTED—Th, would be very thenhfultoany per give her snch.inforinagon as worai discoveryl of her .intsband, Wilhiom is a b1ifr1.14not. ile left- bis home:. August last, and prenrisc . to ret days,‘bnthas not been IteurdoT eii the habit !of iselling poetry, songs tars, and Onakes Considerable mow His wire and family are in great)* bis eatnbigs as they are in *Im ' o *tate. ' Nk/M SIMPRI1113, 131 Ont. illENDEkt8 WANTED. --Tenders ed,.eot bektilt the.E ()gird. of Sc iaddresS to, the ,Beeretary, until Feb. 16, kt nOen, for the erection „1 the Sc' .01 Imildlog iniSeaforth. received .'r the -whole work, or fort Wood 1Tseparately; elso for And for t VOntnteter lOt the Vs : l furnish t o materiel and withentl any ea e,:,,ftleirwontract.4): for thefoa 1 satti n*torlaL 0 wale 14'18 1 ion* to be teen. st Seeretary, tio, And j 12e. Ifitriz, TAGeneeA imeta • --empty ,of Onr00.11 __ Bales 41* 42 parts et the County. DiderS I "Sin% *ffitre be 'promptly at $20 above rei ,xitid Witty - pers -- farniskencliinformation, wilfies conviction 14 thepsrty 9.1' Duties the d stoi'1ThIAgenistrojrper ter* In 1ySheet Formo1itte&N0V.13-. sank. to b�s. tabriestod. falsehood my ebaracterand serve -their twnem ANDERSON. Stanley,Zan.10,-187