HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-04, Page 7MUMMY , 1876mommirmitTmormemmft. )RTH AHEAD, SUCCESS -L, :ir Great Salo arse their 1urnturc enerally a grand success, have, de. bark teihe FEBRUARY 4. Tl,'`RyE� �1y OqAFOF. FURNITURE, N SETH! have been compelled to- send to 7 AND ELSEWHERE eeof our stock, but believing that s Good and as Cheap I' t7 E. N SEtOB.TI r place, We have determined to E IT A TRIAL NIT FACTORY Is sow lti KINC; ORDER. haehinerve Sound Dry Msterial ST -CLASS W ORE.MXN,_ ire Determined to do the lFu 'nitu e Business SEAFORTH. REROO- Si_ i old stand of T. JOHNS & Co., whore the EAT BAi(GAINS- thine- to Attract Attention. a1EM ER wE HAVE '.NEST HEARSE. ESTE:RN ONTARIO. JOHNS & {ajCF FE. S IS &OMINC.. 'LlltOWNELL COT IN HIS FIRST CORDER OF S GROCERIES SEA TIFUL, is and Raisinl ELY CLEANED.. SIL Supply of TEAS and R of Five and Ten Pounds ei Suit the Buyer FOR YOURSELVES, J. BROWNELL. OTIOM ttAGNED WILL °PE1 A NG AND kOHINE SHOP TH,: ABOUT T THE 2OTE DECEMBER, t will be entered into for ZS,, BOILERS, AND SAW MILLS. is done on Short Notice,and ill kinds of and a Good gtoek of GRATE e., kept can hand. It. Iti VTNLJIM A1... 41: T THERE IS IN THE _AND GLASSWARE LASS1t AIt TALE AT Ey :;. )(,-.NT SET ON .HAND. Want to jet Good. Jost Price. HALL & 1AVEY. AT E L MILLS. L=L1, OPERATION. t Peas, Pot Gt+%aG ey, Teal Chopped, 1 Feed Constantly on Hand. oedays and Fridays, Oatmeal Highest � ppriee paid pfor Oats,. CUR Il & THO=MSON. r Educational Grw'th*Ontario.; The following 'tales (piaclingthe year* 1842 -the commencement of the Ontaino school system -1851, 1861 -census years ---and 1874 in comparison), will be inter- esting'to those whp appreciate therow- ing importance of the count y and;. de- , sire that the schools shall keep pace therewith. The progress of Ontario luau been rapid and never more so than row : 1842 - Population of Onterio... G .... ...... 486,055 Population between 5 said 16 yearn of age 141,148 Colleges in operation...... 5 County High Schools.. a , . 25 Aoademies and Private Schools-44 Normal and Model Schools 0 Total Public Schoolit...1,721 Total Educational establishment 1,705 No. of Pupils at School 65,978 Salaries; paid Teachers.......... s $166,000 Amount paid for repair, or erect on of . Public ,Schools, &c.,....... -High School Maetcrs' Salaries, ... Grand Total plaid for education par- poses.- ur poses ............. Public School Teachers. • Roman Catholic Separate Schools Boman Catholic Pupils attending 1851 - Population pi Ontario 050,551 Population between 5 and 16 yearsofage 258,607 Colleges in operation . . ; 7 ComityUigh Schools a.. ...., ; 54 Academies and Private Schools.. . • • • • • 175 Normal and Yodel Schools 2 Total Public Sehoo. ls.......... : .. 2,985 Total Educational establishments 8,289 No. of Pupils at - School...... - 168,159 Salaries paid Teachers$891,808 Amount paid for repair, or _erection of - Public School*, &c...$77,886 High School blasters' Salaries Grand Total paid for Educational pur- poses 11599,980 Public School Toacbers8,277 Roman Catholic Separate Schools - 16 Raman Catholic Pupils attending • 1861- • Population of Ontario.:.... ... 1,890,091 Population between 5 and 16 nets of age 884,980 Colleges in operation 18 County- High Schools Academies; and Private Schools........ Normal and Model Scho ls.......a.. , Public Scifools Total Educational establishments 86 887 4 8,910 4,459 No. of Pupils at School 81(3,287 Salaries paid Teachers..:. $918,118 Amonnt pea for repair, or erection of Public Sehools. &c . ,.... 273;805 High Sehool Masters' Salaries.... 71,084 Grand Total paid for Educational p • ur- poses ... .. 1,476,107 Public -School Teachers . . • . 4,836 Boman Catholic Separate Schools f , 109 Boman Catholic Pupils Attending e13,681 1875 - Population of Ontario .1620 851' Population between 5 and 16 years of age 511,608 Colleges in operation. 16 Comity High Schools...... 108 Academies and Private Sehools 280 Normal and Model schools. 8 Total Public Srshools...... . ' `4,592 Total Educational establishments ; 5,165 No. of Pupils at Sehool 441,261 Salaries paid Teachers $1,647,750 Amount paid for repair, or erection of Public Sehoole, dc..... 1,217,582 High: Sehool Masters' Salaries179,946 Grand Total paid for educational pur- poses.; .... .$8,587,951 Public School Teachers..... 5,736 Roman Catholic Separate Schools 166 Roman Catholic Pupils attending 22,786 For various causes, there were no re- ports in those cases where figures are not given. - Morris. COUNCIL MEETING. -The Council elect of the township of Morris, met at the township hall, on Jan. 17. Moved by W. J. Johnston, seconded by C. Proctor, that W. Clegg be re -appointed clerk, salary- $130 -Carried. Mo ed by Mr. Laidlaw, seconded by C. Proctor, that John Watson be appointed assessor, sal- ary $80 -Carried. - Moved by C. Proc- tor, seconded by W. J Johnston, that W. Armstrong be tavern inspector sal- ary $3 for each tavern -Carred. Moved by W. J. Johnston, seconded by C.Proc- tor, that the petition of S. Walker and others be Inicl over for further considera- tion -Carred ; Laidlaw voting nay. Moved by 'J. Laidlaw, seconded by D. Vanalstine, that the clerk be instructed to take legal advice in relation to the transfer of a certain agreement between the Hon. John Carling and this muni- . pality-Carried. The clerk w.s instruct - eel to send copies of minutes for publica- tion to the several local papers, and also to communicate with S. Love concerning I right of way of road. The returning officers were ordered to be paid $8 each, and the constables +1 50 for their Servi- ces at the last election. The trustees of the several school houses where a volt was held were allolwecl $4for use of school house. Sohn Truim's and widow Heff ron's taxes were remitted, they being in indigent circuinstan ees. Huth McDon- ald was remitted $3 75 of his taxes, the same being mistake in assess ent. An order was granted in favor of J. G. Ament for $34' 50, charity t Halliday. The Reeve was appointed to tit on the Brussels and Grey Councils i relation to the support of Halliday, an indigent liv- ing on the gravel road. Moved by C. Proctor, seconded by W. J.j Johnston, that an order be granted. to L McCrea for $14, the same being lost to the late treasurer, "through the Council of 1873 taking James Lynn for the taxes due on the south half of Lot 13, CO. 6- Carl ried. Moved by W. J. Johnston, sec; onded by C. Proctor, that the clerk notify George Forsyth to return municipal man- ual which he received last year -Car- ried. By-law No. 1, 1876, for extending the time for the return of the collector's roll was duly read and passd. James Newcombe and James Johnston were appointed auditors for 1876. • The Conn.: cal then adjourned to meet again on the fourth Saturday in February ' next,when certificates for tavern and shop liebnces wild be granted. W. CLEOG, uG, Clerk. 1 • How ck. i COUNCLE, MEETING. -The new munici, pal Council of Howick met on Jan. 17; :pursuant. to . statute, in Gilmore's hotel, Gerrie, the Clerk presiding, when the following gentlemen made and subscribed the oaths of office and qualification, viz.: John Haines, Reeve ; Charles Wilson, Deputy Reeve ; Thos. J. C. Boddy, Jas. Mitchell and Ezekiel -Phair, Councilors. They then took their seats at the Coun- - - cil board, the Reeve in the chair, when the urinates of last meeting were eread and signed. Moved by Mr.eddy, sec- onded by Mr. Phair, that Th mas Noice be paid $4 for house rent for i omination and election, and that $2 be p id for each. of the rolling booths for de tion -Car ried. 'loved by Mr. Boddy, seconded. by Mr. Mitchell, that Riehar Jain.es be paid $5 50 for scraper taken by Samuel Farrell, pathmasteron Con. --Carried. Moved: by Mr. Wilson, seem( ed by Mr. Phair, that James Foster 'b removed from the office of Assesso -Carried. ' Moved by Mr. Boddy, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that this Council go i ito a Com- mittee of the whole, to appo nt officers and state their salaries -Carr ed. Mov- ed. by Mr. Mitchell, - second by Mr. Wilson, that Mr. Bodily tak the chair -Carried. The Committee rose and -the Reeve took the chair, wh n they re ported as follows Treasure 's salary, $90 ; Assessor, $90 ; Collector for the west division, $65, and for the east divi- sion $-o5 ; - License Inspectors, $10 each ; - Auditors, -$8 each'; Clerk, $180, with usualulsitio be' -altd . Ge Strong • be' Ti x urea.' , George a field, Assessor ; heiwar .Cooper n James (amble, 'ern In Mors; P to Repinstall and hurE M tchell,- Au i' or, and. William 1 ane, rk = Mo e b . M r. Wilson, . minded ; y Mr. y 3*, that said repox. be ado ted --Carr Moved by Mr. B 44, need by t'. Mitchell, that t • arris n 'I'ribui b paid $70, being- c f ntract • rice for pr n ing .for 1871--C - ed. oved by .. Boddy, .seconded t y Mr. itchell, t a thMitchell Ad 1 e paid $3 for wo * debenture books ` Carries Moved by Mr. Buddy, seen' ded by l Mr. Wile n1 .that $8 89 . be los•ed to school section No. 17, until the aces of.1876 are • olt Iected, ;wh'en it is Ito be refundeda--- ar ried. Moved by 1Lr. Soddy, seconds by Mr.- Phair, th i alltavern keepe send antheir_peti ons for -license to he Clerk before the oth of February next -Carried. Mov by Mr. Boddy, sect onded by Mr. Wi on, that Mr. 'Mitchel nave the . emban n ent raised at he bridge on sidelin - . • 10 n 11, (ion. Carried. Moved y, r. Wilson, s`. onded by Mr. 1 • • c y, ;t at ; ohn Rush be paid $20 on his'Mntraet n sidelines 1 and 6; Con. 11 �1Garried Moved by Mr. Nilson, sec 0 ded b Mr. Phair, that we, as a Co R ail, having duly x- amiued the assesoi ent roll of 1874, in .the matter of `M 1 J J. Sweetman's sessment, find tha theroll has been in nowise tampered h, the tter simply being a revision °o i u gures y the Assess- or; and we, as a 0 'uncil, d ly exonerate the Clerk of this rwnsh-ip, and all ofer parties, from' the Charge' made through the°Harristol 1' ne of Dec; 23 las Carried; Moved` 'y Mr. ' Wilson, s c- oncied by Mr. M Wien., that the Cl rk procure all nccess- 1 ' blank forms -Car- ried. Moved by: Mr. Boddy, second by Mr. Wilson, th t this Council do n w adjourn, to meet i :Bell & Smith's ho 1, Fordwich, on the third Wednesday in February, next. Wiz. DAN1i, Clerk. W lO' WA y T GOOD AMD STYLISH JOHN ARA Seaforth, eo SPEC IA. EPPS' COCOA.- -" By a th rou natu roll laws hic of digestion a d n f al applicationof well -selected coeo vided our breakfas ly flavored bevera many heavy docto judicious' use of su a constitution nnay until strong eiioug dency to disease. maladies are floati attack wherever t We may escape in keeping ourselves blood, and a ,prope Civil Service Gazett ets labelled- "Jo Ja mcepathic Chemie St. ,and 170, Picea( 110T10ES. la d con.forting ledge of the he operations nd by a care properties of E' ps has pro- e - 6 e at kilo' e g11:overn ration, e fine Mr ablewith a delica e, ;Iv is may save ' bil s. It as by t ar Voles of diet t' e g adually built i to - esist every tdan- Hu clrerls of sub le ar and us ready to re i : a weak poi t. Ay a f tal shaft• y 011ie of ed with p re . n . uri hed frame�." e.S. d only in pack- .?es ppie & Co., Hlo- 1, 4$, hreadneedle filly, Lo don." 421 2 CONFESSIONS OF e' VICTIM. -Published as a warning and fo the benefit of young . �n and others who stiffer f f �`` ' Nelms ns Debility,L ss of Manhood, &c., givi his )roles of Self -C. e, after undergoing much ;ifTering and capons°, d mailed free on receitin • ua poste/aid directed a n- velope. Address NAT KIEL MAYFAIR, P. 0. ]3o 158, Brooklyn, N. . 1 4' 26 SIX WEEKS AGO, A THE3 SUGGESTION ' a friend, I bean to g D$. WHEELER'S- co pound Elixir of P rospit 4es and 0alisaya for D s- pepsia, which had troud me` for Rome time, a d had unpaired my gene i health. Under its u ° e, improvmeut was rapi•, h.nd I am happy to et to that I have entirely rervcred. ALEX. MeG B - BON, Italian Warehou, Montreal e. . 'rHE GREAT FEMA Periodical Pills-' unfailing in tha cure dangerons diseases to tion is subject.. It mo moves all obtrurtions, relied an. To waded 1 It will, in a short time riod with regulaiit; . taken by Fomaley dari of Pregraney, as they carriage, but at a4iyot all cases 'of Ner'o*i pains in the back and ertion, palpitati n of whites, these pill will means hove fai ed; remedy, do not c ntai or - anything ha fult directions in the amp which should bo arofn New York, Sole' repri for postage endo cd to ronto, Ont., gen ral a will insure a bottle c return mail. Sold in Co., J. S. Boberte and iJ REMEDY. -Job Mos - s' is invalnable medicine is f all those painful a . d 1 Bich • . e /male condi •. - rates •a11E - excess and e- d a pearly cure may ' e es, itis ,poculitrr ly suit d. ring 'n the monthly ere • 1114 should not the firs throe mont s Ci sur: to bring on M s - time th y are safe. n and Sp nal Afieetio•s, bs, f tie e on slight e - he h art hysterics, at d est a in: when all other rid, al ho gh a power#.1 iron, al inel, antimon , 1the • on itution. F 11 it around each pucka lr p resory d. Job Mos s, Goa. ,1 0 and 12, sen s orth..op & . Lyman, ' is for the Dominic jhtaining over 50 pills y raforte by E. Hickson & Lun;sdep. - 197 o- 0 DEAD THIS TWICE. Thomas' Eelectrio Throat. It never fails Cold or Cough in twent One bottle has cured standing; recent ease days. It has res ored had not spoken a ove a an outward appl catio lorneness. nothin like Ono bottle will c +e Crick in the Back. For Contraction of the Mus Rheumatic, or an; othe does you good. I stoi of a Barn in three minu best and eheape:t me people -the chow, rest, do you good. I' is cc oily known, noth'ng b weight in gold. .- Vhy De8RZochers,ab'Mist• nt p P. (., writes : "'J: hirte by a severe ottaet of fro- n which I have noarl ter having used Tho days, bathing the-oreh ly cured, end have only can certify under - ath i lorey, of Wyoming, N. Y Electric Oil cured oof Dealers all over t o eon sold a medicine t • at he isfaction as ' 1' s. dealers. Price 25 sones. N.Y. And NORTH I (OP c Sole Agents for t•0 Do -Selected and El etriz E.B.icicson -& Co. J. S den. TH SAW AN rive- to thirty drops will cur common so e 4 Croup. It will cure a -four te fo ty-eighthou onehlis of eight, ye s re cured in three to s x he voice where the pers n n all cases of pain hns evtr been kno ease of Lame Back r !diseases o/ the Spine a d les it is unequalled. n Etat. Ache and the pa n es, alai is altogether t e 'eine ver offered to t e 'cause it t kes so little of six of the t ipose 1 0118 mast yea cum tis in the hea 3ron 11 in one week iven sue complete sa • N. HO MAS, Peteneir ILY111 N Toronto, On ., olio •ts, and ft. Lumla 414-13. LUMB F? HE Subscriber has ; feet of Ramie k and si ,es. Bills Mlle to 0 ti . Lumber fro $5 risti ug done the tion guartrinteed. 419-13 AND. on .ics.nd about 500,0(o or on the Shortest N $7 per thousand. RECDIVED AT M HILL ilitIGE1 to in onni his friends and th. 3 bile in CANTO 4.41,XNEL COYTONS, LUNGS 9REir DR HIRTINGS, CARPETS. • These 'GOODS wing to the pres ure of the ti es, I ant enabled to offer thorn t eices That Wilt 44,4 nish wore WIN ER d ODS Reduced to itch Low Figures tha t rims tear thetilin REMEM ER THE PLACE : Opposite the Commercial Hotel, SEAFORTEL THE CO ME GEORGE -LI- Commercial Live Messrs. Morrison l& Co. tends carrying on the bt a nd has added several v First -Class (Joni/04 Reliable Hors IAL LIVERY, • Covered and Ope Double and Singl Special, Arran Orders left at t will be promptly Wag CM Ste 1 tteed d Trage of tine °tenor y Bell's, from hems to at te that he in - illness in the old sten ck. Non hat Vehicles and Go Will b Kept. les and Canines, a 'd ifs *Wit Contuse . s or any of the Ho A ID HRISTMA SAL HAVING . OUGE4 A LARGE LOT Op WINTER G AT A oObs REAT DISCOUNT OFF WE CAN 0 SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIES FUR ETS), CHILDREN'S FO 'SETS; DRESS 600De, SEAL ClrOAKINGS, CLOUD?, WOOL SHAWLS, WOOL QUILTS, SHIRTS AND DRAWtRS, TWEED AND CLOTHS, HATS 1•ID CAPS ND A FULL STOCK OF ALL KINDS oF it GOODS. 'Voted for Popular Low .4.,rices. OLD WINTtR IS ,C by =chasing AT i MRS. E. WHIT IN STREE Parlor, Box and Con t improved putt rn, and fro w ph will be sold; al Bottom I' Tinware 'of all kinds in , s b old. whoIefiale or retail. Sp n to large purchtisers. Remember Logan & jamie tin Street, Seat° miNg ON of CoOking, Stored, of the the best tnakers, cos for 4sh or ock or Made ten ng promptly at- ge supply of the ket, which will Cxf Mrd • P E te taJ MO 00 0 td tD C/2 ggp P"P cow meow er td Ear tqw hi tri t5i tt t°4 404 VI 17. 0 4g 1 Eficl tt el 51' flril 10 : tdo?xicecl 9,t.1,1 t-4 w 0 a. ttttnil wwwwwww onc0000 tThl 0000000 0003000 t-1 rt ri tn no It it it sittitnealtaimtt towwwwww taVaitaiittalltioal wwwwwww oon000n ttmttmmmtt HAS UTTER TUBS. SAMUEL MOTT ow on hand at the Seafoith Tub Factory umber of his well nd favorably known Mach'ne Turned utter Package& give sa ideation. t he ma ufacture of Wash nbs on. a large scale.. 1- Laa Cal N. O s N H O r S'[HZOU[ 0 2 SELECTED FROM THE BEST PATTERNS - OF THE BEST MANUFACTURERS IN TILE DOMINION tri SD LIOHT HOR Trtimks Brud In fact anythi way on hand, Repair's Ex N. 13. -con s sl Speciality. Collars of every Re ember t e Place t Two doors north of the Co crcial Ho 1, eaforth. ZIN ati Le nd Valises, Whips, eteenertainine to the Trade AI - 'hear ao any in the trade, foresail. uted :with Neatness and JOHN WARD, TO THE co MAC AT LokRGE Fik OLIVER, Saddle and Collar ST., SRAFORTH. . SIGN OP Whip on h 14 0 T SCOTCH COLLAR.. eiceassor merit of light and heavyllarnees, ud. Rep iring promptly attended to' and chart; s modern ,e. -Remember the adacead of EIL RE 11 COU 131 tt o td 0 47.1 1-3 CD ig 0 VI cn CD M.R. 0UNTER MASO IC HALL BLOCK, LLI AND 0 Buildi It 'SALE BY VitaLchniaker and Jeweler, Seaforth. HARDWARE. WEIR) ye now en hand le, near Gray, Yo Worksea large quantity of HEMLOCK L Which we now offer at $7 Pattie favoring us with it prOmptly attended to. 401 ARMITAGE, or sale, at our Saw Per lit -F• eir orders will have CHEAP A FitICINC h E STOCK OF ill be sold as It\NY IN TOWN. JOHN KIDD. IT 1 PA1YS IT P4S WHAT PAYS 7 all cat. Pa IT ?SYS TO GO TO THE 1 C'Elit*I0 R. MI LS, Tour Giristinidone and Farmers will in es get their own Wheat ground, good es wise, . get the Excelsior ills 'rout the followi Mar. Can do so at Mill PlitOort 1- forth ; Any rantitY, of -Chopped PEAS, OAT Vul BABIE , and Other Feed, on hand .alwaye, N.B; AgentS for 4ie Garden City Middling Purifier • 1' 414 SOAFORTII LONIZQ STRONG TS AO NT for •Severel First -Class fitock,1 Tire 4- and le Insurance Companies, and Is p vow - M ST FA.VORABLE TERMS Also Also and gent for sere* of the best Loan So- ent for the ;:iale and purebast3 of Farm MBER OF FIRST-CLASS Mt; VED PONS FOR SAL .OFFI -Over AI, Morrison's Store, F!OYAL QANADIAli BA K. DO 10114 134.00Kg MAIN -SM. on iNew York Payable' at any Bank e United States. • * Dill Exchange OH London pa1yable at all Chief Cities of the United Kiegdont. INTEREST PAIp ON DEPOSITS. 411 Pa PORK, PORK. MI* p.nd Curing IA now one In ithethnieolevtesfit,ouriiihing Village -of rn the 1 test and most improved order, sulh as Spiced oils, SUgar Ctupd. Hams -Smok- ed or Pale, Clear .Mid.dles, ' Breakfas Bacon and Cumberland Cuts in abun- dance, holesale and 'Retail. No. 1 LAIID-a Choice tele. To whom all orders intrusted. to will be carefully attended to personally, If _ mail or herwlse. HO I FOR WALTON. SOMETHING NEW. I ta, RI TR offers Special 13argains ORy Beady- de Clothing Snd Boots and -Shoes he gives be ter value than can be got elsewhere. Just call and see for yourselves. OILS, PAINTS -AN -D VARNISHES Of the beet brands always. on hand. Speelid In- ducemen 'to Cash Purchasers a) All parties having over -due notes and accOunts are requ 'sited to settle thee -ante at once, otlaerwise they will be put Into otlaeirrhasalluanfoArncoslleuetTioHn. 397-52 SE FORTH PLANING MILL, SASH D001 BLIND FACTORY THE su. seliberbegs leave to thank his ninnerons -I- mato erslor the liberal patronage extended to trusts t he may be favored silth a continuance °ft -1:461:s neiending to build avonld do well to: give him cal acts he will continue to keep on hand a largestoe of allidnds e$ DRY PINE LUMBER, He feel eonfident of givingeetisfattionto /lose who may avour him with their patronage, as none but Arst-c ussworkinen aro employed. Par *Oar attention paid toCustom Planing 2Q1 JOHN li. BROADFOOP TEM SEAFOItTEL LUMBER YARp. o REG to inforra the pitblic that they have re- -" move their Luniber, Yard to the lot between the Merchants Salt Conipany's Works and Mar- shilTs Min. They w 1I keep constantly on hand a goodaesort.- ment of ALI, KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which Ithcy aro propared to edit a the lowest pos. eible pri s, for Cash. /lisp. on hand any pia.utity of the bee ,ACTO.N LIME. Builder and others -win dud it to their van - all tag° to in pcct our stock, and ascertain rale p ea offer gond. ndu cements te cash purehasers. Abeent M estrus. ion, and all disenees known an Female gaknes They are praepred with the greatest c re, nn er the pastime supervision of s Physici ho ha made female diseases a special study for many y ars,attel they are a Medicine on. which 1, IiIEDI LAD S can depend " in the hotir :nd trete of -need" e an unfailing FEMALE Ts, GULATOB Sold by all D iggistie everywhere. Price/ box, $1 ; ix boxe , Sp; -kat by mail free of age 800111dy sealed. frona observation. For ceipt of post stomp to, prepay retie= pookege. Address a'.1 letters fOrp phlets or pills to Secilorth by E. Hickson/ & Co., • Lumsden, and by all druggists. OP. e.: LIMAN, Toronto, Wholesale Bold in