HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-02-04, Page 1, UARY 28, 1876. jiotel, Lower Wingham, rn 14 at 2 o'clock r. fication to be seen at the n and after Feb. 1. The 1.0 contract to give satis- T, to be produced at time entraef—Carried. Moved „e„seeonded by Mr, Little. !tor be instructed to finish on of taxes immediately— - fed by Mr. Little, secon(L )gg, that the election ex- tting, to 47.80, bo paid— =emotion from A. Broad - asking to have the amount funded, na action taken. Henning, seconded by Mr. r. T. Goy be refunded $2, y the colleetor in mistake `ouneil adjourned until Feb. set at James' hotel, Lovleete =ors Notes. red.that a gentleman from =plates instituting a pri- business in Brussels. Lee, of Grand Bend, the 'tilted his neighbor with a was the first occupant of -up at Exeter. 'atton has aold his farm of ig Lot 17, Con. 7, Goderich, Mr. James Duncan, of South t3 500 t• lowing are the number of is, and deaths registered ; the year 1875 ; Births, 90; ; deaths, 28. Varil & Tate, of Seaforth, LL 1iarries3 shop of Messrs. in Brussels. They will take alit the middle of February. .4 People's Aid Society has in Brussels in connection lade. Methodist Church of id Dobson, of Brussels, one urchased from Mr. Robert 11-rey, a huge hog, which, [i months old, brought down 465- pounds, ;ament of the Lord's Supper, nistered in Knox Church,' iunday next Jan, 30. Rev. ;n, of Wroxeter, will assist Mr. Jones, on the oc- Courts will be held in the r on d u ring February, as fol.; eh, on the lst ; Winghain, r, 25t1i ; Bayfield, 28th ; 2.9th. The Courts will open tract for the building of a rry pork -packing house in the Messrs. Petty has been in Sanders, of Exeter. Mr. is going to build a large ase at the same place. will be held in the Presby- „ Bayfield road, Stanley, on :vening, Feb. 9, Tea to be qlock. As the congregation ,uccessful entertainments of )0(1 time is expected, C. Danby, of Varna, was ipient of a purse containing f money on the evening of 2th. inst. The purse was e who have attended. Mr- qily prayer meethig in the Section No. 4, as a token in which they regardhis in- bors in that place, Union Church, Goclerich be opened on Sunday next, ennons will be preached by mitb, M. A., of Hamilton, Sievmight, of Goderich. ring Monday evening a tea; be held in the church. Ad - be given by Rev. Messrs. oodspeed, and others, forenoon of Sunday, 16th hardwood limb was disco v. • Deer's son, bid across the the London. Huron oncl ly in the neighborhood of 1I's farm, Second Concession. 3 the obstruction could not vii across the track, it wax td, there 1)3r some miscreant o throwing off the train. ear -old heifer, belonging to ire, Con, 1, Monis-, chokect. e; to swallow a piece of tur- efforts were made to re - 2i13, Int were jin.successful. termary surgefon, wasithert tried the usual methods, ineffeetive. lie finally -tatting through the hide, soles of the neck, and op- lizagna, into which he in- er s and broke the turnip, g down and relieving the. - The animal had entirely was as well as usual in a NINTH stiLteg. WHOLE NO. 426. nth Palaiishers. rotas advance. al meeting of the West tural Society was held. in , Smith's Hill, on Wednes. ek..- As the crowd was r to elect directors-, either erieh. or Dungannon, there able amount of canvassing s day, and a pretty strong -ring polhng honrs. Win. as re-elected President ; 1st Vice -President; H. ee-President. Directors McDonagh, Carrol, n, Wm. Mallough, E. E. Durnin, Geo. Cox, and E. !a•I Meeting of the Turn-, tural Society was held at he 13th inst. . Mr, MeLaor- signew were appointed to ;ear's accounts. The fol - were elected for the cure s. Henderson, President; lee -President ; R. Lathe, • Fisher, Treasurer ; Geo. John Farrow-, Auditors ; Win, Smith, Jae, Clow, ersou, R. 0. Boyd, John , R. Richardson and G. it“t is the time -table of the • es in and Bruce Railway Wingham, depart, 6;30 " Belgrave, 7:05 a. xn,, , 7:35 a. nt, 8:35a. m.; a. in., 9:10 a. m.; Olip- 1045 rn, ; Brucelield, t. m.; Kippen, 0:15 a. m., :xeter, 9:50 a. in., 1:10 0- .rrive, 11:30 a. in., 4:15 North—London, depart, I a. m.; Exeter, 6.10 aa - - Kippeno 6 A5 p. m., rucefield, 7 P.. roi., 1;25 p. 7:35 p. in., 1:45 p. m.; :05 p. m., 2,35 p. 3;10 p. - Belgrave, ; Wingh"am, arrive, - • m. The figures first rare mail trains, and. the trams. Mixed trains run ay,. Wednesday and his Tuesday, Thursday and , everyday. 1 HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Concludedl From, Last Week.. The Council met on Wednesday, pur- suant to adjournment from previous day. The usual formal business was gone through with. COUNTY TREASURER'S lawn:it, The following letter from the County Treasurer was read and. referred to the Finance Committee: To the Warden and County Council. GENTLEMEN ; Administration of Jus- tiee shows an ineresse of expenditure over the ,estimate of $1,014. A part of this excess, $400, is for grants to lockups at Brussels and Exeter, charged to this account; for which no provision was made in the estimates. The severe financial depression existing during the past year, and the resulting stagnation in all branches of industry and labor has had the effect _here as in all other parts of the Dominion, of causing an increase of crime and a consequent increase in the expenses conneCted with the administra- tion of justice. The expense for jury purposes has been nearly $900 over that of 1874, and has exceeded the estimates by $700. The remarks in tuference to administration of justice will be applica- ble to some extent to this increase, but the excess of expenditure is mainly ow- ing to -the extra Allowance made to jurors, who now receive $1 50 per day instead of $1. as tormerly. In January, 1874, I called the attention of the Couneillo the necessity for a more economical jury laws, and I am still of the opinion that import- ant amendments are much needed in this direction. Stationery and printing have exceeded the estimate by $237, and sal- aries and Council fees by $218 ; while on the other hand the expenditure under inquests has been $111, Jail. $233, contin- gencies $139, and lunatics and charities $133, less than estimated. The net debit balance of discount and interest account .has been $99, as against $450 estimated,. a ranch smaller amount of advances from the bank being required in 1875 thari in 1874. In the former years we had as much as $34,000 under discount at lone time, while in 1875 $20,000 was suffici nt .- This lattersum was the amount u der discount at the close of the year, but 't is now all paid. up. The expenditure for roads and bridges has been kss than the estimate by $1,174. Altogether the ex- penditure of the year has . been $36 27 less han the amount.. estimated. rhe bill which I introduced in the Prose eial Assembly authorizing the Counci to issue new debentures to redeem the gr vel road. issue maturing in England in ly next, has passed through all .the stag in the House and. now only requires the Royal assent to become law. Wit out that assent the Council cannot act u on it, and pass the by-law for the new is ue, unless that assent can be procured be "ore the Council adjourn, which is doubtful, apeoial meeting of the Council will ve to be called to pass the by-law. The bill. gives the Council power to make the debentures payable either in Englan or Canada and the Council will hav to consider which will be most in the in er- est of the County. In August la t I wrote to Bosanquet, Salt & Co., inform- ing therct of the intention of the Con cil re. ly, the ty .to to make a new issue of debentures to deem those maturing on the first of J and giving them some statistics as to assessed value of property in the Cou and our financial position, asking the advise me of the prospects of making a favorable sale of our new debentures and the price likely to be realized. Frointhe letter received from them under date of Sept. 25th I think the prospects of a favorable sale are as encouraging as could be expected. I think there is no doubt but that we will be able at least to ex- change our new debentures for the old at par if not at a premium. From enquiries I have made lately at Toronto of stook brokers there 1 am afraid we could not count upon realizing more than 971 or 98 for our debentures in Canada, and if '.• satisfactory settlement ; by whom the work wa the were, six piles driven in , the cross pieces put in, and se on the floor, for which $1 these figures. Other considerations to be I could have had the w ktpt in view are that if payable in Can- where for $70, and in no oda we save the cost of exchange in re- Ogila,$80. Moreover, th porating the village of - W nutting the interest half -yearly, butwe the river at this particul have then at the present time to pay ost of exchange in the remittance of the township of Howick, and corporation of Wroxeter. the -stream j ust below measure 100 feet, its gene ever, is rather less. A respeetfully submitted. A. BAY, COU I Walker, Black, Hennin Gibson. . Special.—Watson, Bro Kelly, D. D. Wilson, Gi . Gibson. Salaries.—Chidley Ford, Kane, Proctor, Moyed in amendm Mr. Garrow, -sewn that the name of D. P. t� the Equalization Co motion was carried And cordingly amended, COUNTY ENGINEER'S The following report Engineer was read and Road and Bridge Committ To the Warden and Count GENTLEMEN : In item atructions received t t meeting I have advertised dere for the construe ion at Egmondville, with foto Howe truss superstflietu where it here crosses the into two separate streams apart, which at a trifling turned into one channel, the expense of two extra s excavation, ;hosvever,; for t and filling up the old wi able. ' This alteration • recommended to the Di twenty-five years ago- by of Tuckersmith, but was r the perversity of some party. The first bridge o gravel road, two and , a trom'Seaforth, is greatly repairs to its abutments, ing to pieces. It would advisable to have theni re timber before the emb away. The bridge, how shortened 20 feet. If th building bridge piers an of good quality snd Pelle well tarred before it is p will stand forty yea s, i split from intense frost, a ways, preferable to lirne-s bridge on the same line five miles north of Brussel cedar abutments. It had pier about two years ago best possible condition. ments are _rebuilt during son the superstructure, N about eight years, will no fectly safe for two years on the gravel road betive Ti9berry - and within t Blao; nt d b Potter and le Mon ith, Davi and ng, Hodgson, 1 nd Gaunt. e report by Mr. Black, on be added Mee, r The li report ac - 1 *PoRT, f the Colunty ferred t the e , .&.01.1112411. ;once in - ?Jost Council 4 of Wiroxeter, spanning w the north branch of the much the same .00n itio 1 quire one pier, anil al ab bent at the south e d i spring freshet is low; en the workmen to put in foundation. On the line Clinton to Wingha Londesborough, in t lett, ' needs a bent abutment would be a tive but would be m and cannot be easily put water be let out of the m miller worfid, no doubt, and I would rather not p if the repairs can be other of the bridges on the AV crossing the main branc will, before the end of t son, want a pier and two another year, when the will necessarily require re under structure to a brit vine; on the London ro pleter worn away that port whatever except fro front of the original ab some temporary repairs fall, just sufficient to kee until the ensuing sprin part of the bridge, built a ago, is still quite good, a floor and some trifling perfectly safe for a nuns reference to the matter the Wroxeter bridge I co the stringency in the money market thaws, could. not depend. upon selling whole amount within the time which money is wanted except at a reductio whole amount to redeem those falling due. The cost of brokerage On the. sale would, I think, be nearly the same in either case, as though Messrs. Bosanquet, 'Salt & Co, charge 1 per cent. for negotia- ting the new issue and paying off the old, and the sale of the. new in Can da GRAHAM'S BRIDGE 0 could be done at .1 per cent. yet I doubt A Mr, Hutton, of Turn in that case we would. :have to ay before the Council corn Bosanquet the other i per cent. for Pay- injustice done a portion ing off the old alone. Taking 'all the ers of that township int circunistances into consideration, and bridge on account of its , the risk we run if payable in Caaacla of moved. . It was moved not being able to dispose of so large a seconded by Mr. Ellio sum in a limited time ' at even -present heard the statement of quotations, 1 would recommend that they regard to Graham's bridg be made payable in England. I am, en- be instructed to have the Memel], your obedient servant, A. M. Ross, Treasuret. sar,Ectrree eoseurrrEE. The following report 'of the Selec ing Algae/Lotion. —VI ehster, Young, Mon- and Colborne requesting , teith, -, Straehan, Simpson, Cresswell, rebuild the Ben Miller. b Hunter, Gitlin, Kelly and D. D. Wilson. and referred to the Ro Conithittee. FinancP.----Chidley, Garrow, D. Wat- cam- BRIDG son, Ford, Brown, Kane, Hays, D. D. Moved by Mr.' Strac Wilson Castle, Hogarth, Black, Cress- Mr. i Slemmon, that the well, Hunter, Taylor, Gaunt, IDavis and twelfth concession of G A. Gibson. I, • '. ; ,,1 Cranbrook from the Seek School and Printing, ----Lane, ChitileY, be aSsumed by the Count Buchanan, Hodgson, Garrow, Watson, of Grey having paid a Elliott, Skmmon, Geiger C. Wilson, towOrds the -erection and Warwick, Hays, Proctor, Yearly, 17tirlak- grarl roads and bridges -soon as practicable. Road. and Bridge Commi I BEN MILLER I31 Alpetition from a large Committee was read : ratepayers of the townsh er, Millar, Gaunt and Davis. -'Road and Bridge.—Webster, Hod Elliott, Strachan, :Brown, Kane, Ma some equivalent as a co son, the large amount contri one, tow ship to the genera Proctor, Simpson' Castle, Hogarth, en- County. Referred to rungs, Millar, T. H. Taylor and Po,r. Bridge Committee, BoARD OF EXAMI Moved by Mr. Hodge° Mr. Hunter, and earned Halls, of Usborne, Stran and Turnbull, of Clinton, Wardyn' Committee. --YoungAa, ow, Kelly, 'Wilson, Cresswell and Girvin " and Court "louse, —Lane, Bac an - an, Ford, Slemmon, Geiger, 0. Wilson, Monteith, Warwick, Malone, Yea,rly, 1 on the Beard of aunty Examiners for the examination if "sphool teachers for the current year. 13 UNDARY LINE APPROPRIATION. Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by ?lir. Elliott, that the sum of $3,000 be raised ' by the l County for iniproving the bound- ary es of the respectivo municipalities, the Reid sum to be Principle as here division by a majo A GUIDE 11 Moved by Mr. expended on the same fore Carried on a ity of twenty-one. EQUALIZING. iogarth, sec° ded by Mr. Hodgson, that the Reeves • of the respe tive municipalities be s pplied with se edules of sales a land to e used in equalizing the assessment male of the curre t year so that they may enquire into th circumstances under which those miles have been effected, and that the r be requested to allow the Clerk a copy of the sales films. the book for this purpose—Carried. it d taken ten- to gitasktr new bridge reeister piers aptl a - b.. The river 'ad is divided eighteen rods xpense can be h cbwillisave e piers. The 'new bridge e ..consider- s strongly t jet Coimeil then Reeve sed through isinterested he MeKillo miles nod, eed of some ch are fall - herefore, be t with cedar meat slides r, might be dar used in. butmerits is sound, and together, it ot liable to is in Mans . Anbth er road, about Iso requires new 'centre ch is iii the the but- sea- tood per- • idge - and ation n as presii has bt b Ab owic corpo is kno itland„ is in nd win. re- nt or heavy ediately the to enable satisfabtory road from bridge at hip of Hul- end. An r more effec- e expensive, unlesti the pond. Th - the niatter done.) One am prairies the river, t!‘ resent sea- cou ASO SMENT Ole PERSONAL PROPERTY. Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mrs li o g, that the Warden an Clerk be a t onzed, on behalf of this Council, to in orialize the Legislature to see amen he Assessment ,act as cause personalproperty to be assessed w erever It is f0 d without any pxemptio what- ever, he Councilfornied into, ommit- tee oil he whole, Mr. R. D. W Non in the chair, to consider the motion. After conin4e able discussion the Co mittee approved of the motion in a v e by a majorityof 18. The Committ e rose and t Council resumed, when he mo- tion was finally carried, on t same , d ivisi I I THE REEVE OF BAYFIELD. • Mr. a W. Connors, Reeve if Bay- field, fi ed his certificate; as havi g been duly 1 cted, and took his seat. ' ; ed the of Clint n Northern, Gravel Road Seaforth ;Road northw arid 'southwards to Kippi in St ley, Bayfield It tow hip, Hay and Roo nd the Huron 1 labo n Wally appertai shal pen ro this in to s per fro of e of s .afor spec Mo Mr. old und be e ties a Bt to t inee T LE COUNTY GRAVEL ROM* i d by Mr. D. D. Wilson, second - r. Hays, that in order to • keep wing reads 4ii. an efficient state ir, viz., the Loudon Road, the Road northwards to Bruce, AshfieldRoad, e rds to lmor'e, n, Bayfield Road ad in Goderich tephen I Gravel oad, thoil statute int to said roads utilized, and for every dollar ex - by each municipality On said addition to th ocil will grant s and villages,- te labor, they before receivin Ceunty. The municipality to mount has-been aid roads situated within their te- ve municipalitiee. 1 I ed by Mr. Simpson, seconded by 'astle, that the County assume the es of tolled gravel roads, with the standing that t ended on them b joining. h the above niotio eii Road and Bridge Council on moti on Veiday mornin 11 e statutet labor„ an equivalent,' s an eqiiivalent hall spend $30 any eqt valent Reeve an Clerk certify that all expended on the A utmen s for 421 hole bridge ,'"`" 1diig. e at o is so as no ph e be lent. to if i in its The u t ten ‘vith a irs w years ected 1 come to no the- parties one. There ree or four J.plank laid is cha done e sho The ger- coin- sup- t in had ri the lace pper years new 11 be In with ged. else- ld it I plow incor- . eter laces oint in the t within the he width of bridg will el idth, how - f which is Engineer,. MORE.1 ry, appeared ning of the he ratepay- ted in that ng been re - Mr. Davis, that having utton with he engineer ie rebnilt as rred. to the E. . ber Of the of Goclerich Council to e was read and Bridge econded by dges on the leading to gravel road, he toWnship rge amount ' ntenance of entitled to eratien for ed by that nds Of the Road and as. seconded by bat Messrs. f Goderich, reappointed _ T And rem Mit e statute labosi the municipali- • s were referred, Conimittee. n adjourned toi at 10 o'Clock. NG, Jan. 213,1876. a number of ac-, ents were read', respective com-1 ti' REPORTS. from Mr. DeWor Inspectors, were, e School Come FRIDAY Mom; tee routine busin tis 4nd other docu referred to their 'ees. I SCINOOL INSPECTOR e fillowing reports Mr. Miller, School land referred to t C : To 1 . G srab of t insp MR. DEWAR'S REPORT. Warden arul Council. TLEMEN : It affords me pleasure to to you Once more a brief report c condition Of the schools under my cip ption, more especially,. as in say opi in, the sohoIs .upon the whole are in a tate of reas nable efficiency, and man of them doi ng work with which no one n fiud fault j It is not to be sup- pos for a moment that where the num-, Icier sch fact evit tea° erto too still 45 e wit teac dati too to a for ear and of t doi ask nev wh who ily v id io I sh a are d ing good w fail t - some extent. It may not be amiss , to s te that the teacher alone is not th- sistant teach vari ly responsible for the low condi- trouble now tion if a school. It is gratifying that so ing rigidly e. man Of our young teachers betake the Departni 1 theelves to school when preparing for beg to state t a s. oncl-classe certificate, for, aithough enacted by in it is possible to obtain a second-class cer- struction tific te without going to ° school, yet to granting cert attendwhere they can come in contact'' made more wi a lasting benefit. The nurnber of this subjonly reaffirm ect, with cultivated minds; is accompanied Proyincial second-class certificates, not port, I wish Council and t out the distri ation in con still crave it at large. It schools is .so great, there is n 1 that does not fail to attain; a sags! y state of efficiency. ICUS is in were held. in Colborne, Go I abandoned s hool secti ns and 1 al trustees for township boar of trus- tees. It mini be admitted th t the new board and township Council ad a great deal to do, but so far iiii I can udge both dealt with the difficulties b fore them very judicio al and succes fully too. There is littl doubt that so e sensible men may not agree with the foregoing statement, ye 11 am convince with the truth of it, aid,. besides, I ha e now the merit hopeful. xpectations of he suecess of the towneh p board system in Tucker - smith. It w 11, of course, ta e a little time for all p dies to become reconciled to the new or et of things, a d for , per - baps not a fe to divest th elves of the idea that he whole thing s not axe- trogade move e er t. Six out f the nine teachers in T e ersmith hold Provincial certificates. I I - remaining •hree have 1144 taught t eir; three years, and it : is not a little to their credit the their ser- vices were ret hied by the Bo rd. I ARCHIBALD DEWAR. MR. ILLER'S REPOW . To the W code iviul County C mei& , GENTLEME : /I have the ho or to pre- sent my fifth annual report o the state of education in; the western diserict of Huron Count for the year 1. 75. As I entered very Ul y into details in last re- port, I shall not enter so full into sta- tistical tables on this occasio although I have similar material from which to give a bird's-eye view of the ork done during the year. ; The work of inspection has been quite is thorough and very much more setiefaotory to 1113 than on any previous occasion. The general work both regards correctness and neatness was ever better. The teachers as a class ar steadily improving, and taking more i terest in ever thing per- taining to the profession, and altbgether there is abun ant roost' for s'neere con- gratulations i the rapid progress the cause of educ tier' is making throughout i the entire fiel '. 1The followin statement shows the ata ding of the several schools in my district in 1875 Ex el. ,I Mid- Very 1 t. Good. &ling. Bad. Bad. Ashiield....... 2 9 1 0 1 Colborne 1 8 2 0 1 Goderich0 7 2 0 , 1 Hsy 3 5 1 1 ' e 8 8 5 0 t lo Stanley. Stephen. -1 . 8 1 2 0 ., 8 I 8 I 2 0 0 Treborne .... '. W. Wawanosn. • 1 1 8 1 0 Exeter Village. 0 i o o 1 0 , 1 — Total....; 6 89 1 17 4 ' 8 The deman a for exPerience teachers - has been gte the almost u 'venal cry being we will ot have boys nd girle to take charge flour schools. This is a good sign of t e times„ and w trust t at the feeling wi I grow every ye re I have to report seve al lichee* ruin d by S e thoughtless b • y or girl accepti g a cha r that many an Old and exnerie cd te er would shri ' k from e4erin on, 1 he teacher is not to be blamed or this so much as is th trustees, who a e placed in a very respo Bible position, a position which he olio 14 not alecept u ess he in- tends to fulfil the duties i sep rable *Om the • office. , oe freqne tly the cheap teacher is th populat tach r. He is. engaged and works ac ordi ig to his wages, not ' d ing much Igor) in many cases, but ifr silently innich nd serious injury. I ha e Mueh pleasur in report- ing the ere tion of Well nt school houses in Se *ma 1 , and 1 Stanl both frame; good bilck in o. 12 8 - borne, and a s rick addition io No. 4 in the same tow ship. Additior al aeon's - ti modation Was also provided i I 13- A h - field and 4 1, Test Waivanesh The at- tendance has • en good notw thstand ng the severe wi ter, and I thin will c m - pare most fa orably with an previus year. The n Ober of aeconderlass teach- ers is consid rably increase and he status of the profession 1 as whole is quite satisfac ry. The insti utes estab- lished in the everal districts are doing an excellent ork, although ery many who should a tend do not, or so irregu- larly that the r interest in t e asso ia- tion dies mit. Competitive ex minati ns the townships o Ashfield, etich, Hay, St phen and r my superviiii n, during May and. June One was Wawanosh in 0 tober, un- einent of a el mmittee of t township tao these oc- . to; the value of $440 were The stimulous ffeet of; all tions has been ost bene- nds were supp ied by the cils, and in the ase of Col- ouncil and, W. oung. The ed from trust:es plainly erY large numb r of c il- ake advantage of school es: The Educ tional Do; king vigorous teps to se- ce with the re uirements ,D174, in so far compul- n is conceipted, and with view a special report has from trustees I n the sub- rity of th* re urns have a very mc mpl te and un - ate. I hope for better ear. The ques ion of as- rs 1 is the caus of more an ever. The rule is be - ted from Ins I ectors by t. In this cos nection I at the regulation was re - e Council of I' ublic In - 75, and the cr nditions of fidates to such assistants cult than bef re. I can my previous r marks on Before conclud ng this re - thank the embers of le from the taco frequent change of rs. Constant changing is had, h in itself, but when.combined with uch inequality in attendance, it is Usborne und the months o held in West der the man (gee. During 1875 there were over teachers of th • ges, and the present year begins casions books distributed. nearly 40. Many of. our young ro deserved the heartiest commen- these examin for their pushing energy, but aret ticial. The f ady to leave their echoers and. go township Cou this is bad policy, borne by the reports redei show that a dren do not room privhe pertinent is. cure compile of the law of sory educati that object in been require ject. A mai reached me satisfactory things next ther. To d lasting repu d by floating is e.s-sually stees to dis good work few dollars 11 been tried, they know ails' cannot, spensed with s on my par I refrain fro ation hardl to be, f rom' school td school, ‘1 ad policy on t)he part iss a teacher who is ecasise he haPpens to ore than one who has or, perhaps, one of nothing. A teacher owever, -be too speed - As it _would be in- to make is distinction stating what schoolse rk and what schools1 1. • Io 01 including those of Clinton and Seaforth, e many frien through - t, for their hea y co-oper- noW in my inspectorate, is 211 Three ection with m work. I teiiel ers, holding Provincial certificates, f you and the =unity her" left this County'. In the Matter of hall be my end aver in the -pro,y'ding a,ccommoda ion, consWerahle has Lbeen done during the past year. An s future as in t e past to do all I can for additional room . has lseen added to the, the welfare o the rising ge eration of din view I 8641 house in Union No. 5, Hullett, our country, n4 with this e and i o that in No. 7 Grey, while new make the above appeal for yo r influence schdol henries have been built in the fol- and assistan ; , lowing sections: No. 0 Hullett No. 6 . R. MILLER, • peetor. . , Mo is No. 10 Grey; Union NO. 13, N. A GRANT, 3 an 'No. 18 Hosnck. A. ehu eh hasi Moved by r. D. D. W. seconded bell converted into a: school ouse in by Mr. Hayeathat Mr. McLea y be grant - No. Turnbe and an Addit" nal sece ed $100 as c rity, as he had his tion °ruled in orris. Tuckers ith has feet frozen s me seven years which is no and consequ in any rem ferred to the TR Moved by Yearl that yet healed, or likely to heal, 'ntly he is unable to eugage nerative 'employment—Re- Fimmce Committee. NEW LICENSE ACT. r. Gibson, seconded by Mi. Ithe Warden and Cleric, in behal of this Council, memorialize the Ontario Legi lature to have three-fourths' of the inone instead of one half as ro-' vided by the reposed aet,'resulting rom the operatio of this act now passing through Pa lament, refunded to the munimpaliti —Carried. THE Moved by Taylor, that to) have the chester brid mt very uns the new brid spring fresh cured—Refe Committtee. REPORT OF The follow Bridge Com The Comni ders receive bridge at E that the cod Fox, of Mc factory secu of the work and, if he fa be given to der IS the n mend that the McKillo of Brussels, and Turnbe borough, W CHESTER BRIDGE. ' I is Young; seconded by Mr.' the engineer be inetructed' set approach to the Man- e repaired, as it ie at pres- ' 1fe and there is danger Of obeing swept away by the ti if it be not previously see red to the Road and Bridge' ILE ROAD AND BRIDGE COM- MITTEE. g report of the Road and ittee was read: ittee have ,examined 13 ten, for the constractimeof the, ondville, and recommendtract be given to Thomas illop, on his furnishing satie- ty for the proper completion ithin one week of this date to do so, that the contract William Wise, whose ten - at lowest. We also recom- e repairs on the bridge on gravel road, the bridge- north he bridge between Howick Ty, the bridges at Londes- figham and ]Rodgerville be proceeded w Ith. The Committee recom- mend that the Wroxeter 'bridge be not as- sumed by this County as there'is some doubts whe ;her it is in the village of Wroxeter or in Howick. The Committee recommend that no action be taken at Present in the erection of iron bridges; The Committee cannot recommend the aham's bridge, as asked for of Mr. Davis. The COIli- mend that the motion of Mr. - &Bourne two bridges in Grey uilding of m the motio inittee reco -Strachan, to be not granted. With reference to the petition fronthe inhabitants of Colborne - ix? and Goderic townships, requesting the the Council rebuild the bridge at Ben- ' miller, the Cisminittee recommend the ena, gineer to pro said bridge, not exceed not recomm gravel roads of Mr, D. D ance is give Mr. Simpso The Commit gineer atter] chester brid f erred to in with the erection of the that the expense shall ,000. The can- nd the granting of aid to as asked' for by the motion Wilson. The same deliver. in regard to the motion of to assume the old toll roads. e recommend that the en. to the matter of the Man - ;e as soon as possible as re - r. Young's motion. ROBERT BRowN, Chairman. Moved in amendment to the report by $1r. Gibson, Seconded by Mr. Kelly, that the contract for the Egmondville bridge e not awarded until some more investi- ations as to; the cost of: an iron super - i structure for 1 the same place be made— Losta on a division by a ajority of 35. Moved in amendment to the report hy teously recei showed them ments, which er and well kept, an 14 prisoners, 2 They have ale to made A special would call the the case of a who has been June last, having hives, would have count of ,her insni been taken to a pr eons earlier. The fore, recommendi the asylum as mittee'fnrtherlre man, 17 years ,sanity, be sent tention ofthe the 'cooking tc ciaoked an b recommend thi and if it cant stove be pr du d iy tbe Governor, Nvho- ro gh the various depart- . fotiud perfectly clehn that there were found le and two female. tate that the governor eq est .that the committee tte tion of the Council to unfortunate woman, t e jail since the 1st of been ptit there on aco ity, and who, he be been cured if she had per place for such per- mtuittee would,there- at she be removed to as possible. The com- minent1 that a young f a e, also ,confined for in- to he asyluni. The at. )o.. ittee was directed to hieh was found to be oke., and the committee t it be repaired if possible, t s repaired, that a new t loneoeS. Gnse, Chairman. AN'E REPORT. g e ort ,of the Finance re end 'adopted : C mniittne reported rec. pa ment of a number of ng hich was one from • k Co., for repairing a e r, and, which was left •D cember session. The 'lig received explanations, the payment of the ac- rth recommended that n 1 tting contracts, shall, lea le, make written con- istinetly work to be be paid. With ref- ryfrecommend that him as charity, and e placed in the hands to be distributed is- erence to the issue of replace those now as the gravel road ommittee recommend assed autherizing the tu es of the County for 5,1 1 or such less sum as to meet those expiring .Ynehti tf°11ri Comitew The Finance ommending th accounts, Bi aatG bridge efraot over Wrc m th Committee ha recommended eountesand f the Engineer, Wherever prac s donetracts a ndp eac f inount erence to Wm Mc $100 begrant that the amo of Mr. P. A new d eeesw saerYbintai outstanding, debentures, that a bficlaw, issue o idebe the sum of $ may be requir debentures, and t • at the new debentures be made tnegotiab e in England, as we think much b tte terms can be obtained in selling said d bentures in England than in Canrda, and that kr. Boss, County Treasurer be authorized to pro- ceed to England assist in negotiating said debentures; he Committee further recommend tintsinking fund of 2 per cent. be Provi ed early'for the redemp- tion of said debe tures, as provided by special set,.and that the interest be made payable.i-annually on the first days of Febru and August, if this can be done leg . WiLsole, Chairman. The Gnaw journed, to meet at 9 o'clock on Satur. y morning. a ali SATuaneyjan. 29,1876. The Ceunci met, and after prelimin- ai7 %business passed the reports of the School Committee and a e report the Print - r commended that the un y printing be given to Son; of the Exeter r being the lowest— & a portion of the Printing and f'431,1:1; •,accocoxactim, nit;. -conetterrtwii acs. ;!or.0 Messrs i Mr. Gaunt,4econded by Mr. Brown, that Times, their that part of the report referring to the they agreeing to Wroxeter bridge be not Odopted,but that work for nothing, the said bridge be assumed as a County GR. bridge--Carilied on a division by a ma. The follow jority of mei Moved in) amendment to the amend-, Ment by Mr !Simpson, Seconded by Mr. Taylor, that the ()crunch do not assume the Wroxeteribridge, but that a grant of • !towards d fraying the exs .ring said bridge, according er's estimate of the value of te—Lost by a majority of was amended in accordance nt's motion and was passed $80 be mad penSe Of rep to the engin the work d nine. The repori with Mr. G- as amended. Moved Mlamendment to that art of the report r ferring to Oraliam's bridge, by Mr. Gamow, seconded by MT. Kelly, that this Connell do appoint a committee Messrs. Davis, Strachan, r and Garrow to ascertain this Couneil at the present er it would. be most advis- eomposed o !Kelly, Froc and report t session whe able to pass a by-law dosing Graham's bridge weer and mainta' carried on a to 15. Moved by Mr. C. Wilson, seconded by Simpson, that that portion of the report recommendieg the building of Benmiller bridge be not granted. On a division the amendment toots lost by it majority of 37.; Moved by Mr: D. D. Wilson, seconded by Mx. Kelly, that that portion of the repoit, recommending that the motion of D. D. \Vilso1i in reference to the County roads be amended in accordance with the motion. Lest on a division by a Majority of 21. 'ng to by-law, or to rebuild the same. The motion was division by a majority of 27 The repori With Mr. G passed. Moved b 1r. Gervin, he Local ieenses, an enses to ranted to aesses or ca number of li licenses be ;with power ;duce such to grant an was amended in accordance prow's motion, and finally TEMPERANCE. . Mr. Garrow, seconded by that this Council do petition gislature to abolish all saloon to enact that 'no shop lii 11 intoxicating liquors be rsons engaged in other busi- gs, and that the maximum enses in the matter of shop limited by the Legislature to each municipality to re - maximum =Fisher or to refuse such licenses.—Carried. THE DOG TAL - Mr. Hodgson, seconded by that a tat ofone dollar be h dog and 1 two dollars on the Count* of Huron, that for sheep killed by dogs be th, a,nd that the Clerk be ini a by-law in accordance of eight. m? "on—Carried by a majority f REPORT OF THE JAIL AND COURT HOUSE The folloi incrimireporrrt o. fthe jail and. court houe committee was read and Moved b Mr. Hunter Levied on each bitch i the paymen dispensed structed to Committee on was rend: The Commi the Graham's recommend t dosed by by - instructed to law for such of $600 be gra property]will bti p closing the bridge tion, ptoksidin the County a Moved in a Mr. Simpson, son, that the ed to those pa ing up of G division, Moved by Mr. Hays, th ed—Lost on 27. The repo out amendment. istiq BA Mr. Bay's Sala fixed at $900, The by-law accordance wi tion was read Moved b Mr. Kane, tha as every farmer keep one dog fr was loist on a div 5, when the by -la The Council on Wednesday, F of passing th b issue of new debe 'S BRIDGE, report • of the Special t e Graham's bridge...affair SARY. was, by resolution, as formerly. HE DOG TAX. ing the dog tax, in. th Mr. Hodgson's' rescdu- . tee brid at yr, pre appointed to report on ge matter beg leave to he bridge be legally nd that the Clerk be are the neceasary by - se, and that the sum to the persons whose ejuclicially effected by byway of coinpensa- h persons execute to r release of all claims. Chairman. Meta to the report by uded by•Mrs C. Wil - f $400 only be grant - aggrieved by the dos- s ridge—Lost on a 11 80 • I rb T. en se um r. reessiell, seconded by t report be not adopt - di 'Skin by a majority of as then adopted with - �r, Simpson, seconded by t t e by-law do not pass, hould be allowed to of tax—The motion ion by a Majority of was finally passed owned, to meet again b. 23, for the purpose - law authorizing the turns. STATEMENT The folio -amounts colle icipalities for ilst of May to Lng ted on he Goderieh Towmslijp, Grey.................. Haze .. .. Morrie........., Maillop ........- Stanley Stephen 1 he co tee beg to report that they tedthe jail, and were vety cour- ago, one of thave vie/ • • 4e. Turnberry. Tnekerendth.... East Wawanoab Goderin.ehTown...... obito ON-RESIDENT TAXES. statement shows the from the several =p- resident taxes from the lst of.December : -$848 49 8'7 00 26609 89 78 57 04 .▪ ................ 2605 •• . ...• 296 48 721 2376 2549 87 45 .0A. . 0.“.4411.040.0 00.0404.0elre,10.0:1, filesdirtb• . .. • . Brum* ...... ..... ...... . Wingham 0 aro o Wroxeter 44 85 129:92 178 87 26 60 880 17 78 —80 22 11 61 653 1.,9891 43- -The =mho* of oinadiAn poet offices has increased onedointean the past five years, but thenumbaeof letttrs and lost cards used in the lame- period bowl In.: creased sixty per cent. ij