HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-01-28, Page 8_ nimemoW -itron.t rpo:ot e ISTRICT ATTE St, rRES1I No. 1 Christmas Goods at Wte- itee YO NU. • k large lot Of prime ne4( Fruit consisting ot ilne LaYerRe.isins,Valerieia Raisins, Sultana and Seedless Raisins, New Currants Or - ange, Lemon and Citron P els, and everything reqnired for making a 11rst.c1as cake and Pudding at ‘ViLigni & YOUNG'S • ' -I • IF You want, a perfectl jricture of your A - self go to . CALDEE'S New allery, opposite the Mansion Hotel. Pictures taken in all styles. Com ing and enlarging done to perfeetion—the best make of inetruments used, with a knowledge of how to use tb,em. Give him g cell. Always at home and in good humor. Tint Great Auction Sale at DENT'S of Dry Goods, Furs, Millinery, &c., which was post- poned on account of the weather, will positively take place on Saturday, Feb. 5, when the whole stock will be pushed oft if possible. Salo both clay and evening. Look out for balgains. John Builard, auctioneer. IF YOU want a good picture go; to C. Moonz's Studb—he is now 'prepared to furnish first-olass work, better than heretofore; give him a 411 and see his work before going elsewhere. TRY Ira TRY I. —Patent Dried Gran- ulated Wheat. Physicians recommend it. All t use it like it. Sold only by J. C. LAinraAw. Te4 Pounds White Sugar for al. reateittos is directed to the immense eteek of Overcoats, Pea Jaekets and Readynutde Clothing, which must be cleared out.-011AY, Yolimo & SPIELING. gVERYTIIIIIG to be found in a first - elate Grocery Store and as cheap as at any house in the County. Mi Goods guaranteed to give eatisfaction at WrLsox & YOUNG'S. . .14. LARGE Lot of Glass Lamps, and the beslt and cheapest Stock of Knives and Forks, Spoons and all Cutlery in Tewn, at HuncsoNts. CoMFLETE Stock of Crockery and Glassware of the best quality, cheaper than at any place in the County, at WiLsox & YOUNG'. A FRESH Lot of Carling's Celebrated Pale and Amber Ale in and bbls., for family use, at WILSON LiF YOUNG'S. CLASSICS.—REV. W. Onaro will take a limited number of Pupils in Latin and Gregk for a faw hours every day. , SHAWLS, SHAWLS,—A great variety of Shawls, kt reduced prices, at the Farmers' Store. ANOTHER Lotofthose Good Tea Sets at $2, and Toilet Sets at $1 50, at Hiersozes. TIIF.. brightest and best flavored Syrups n town aro at WILSON & Youlo's. ANOTHER CONCERT. --i- We understand that the Seaforth Fireman' t Cornet Band intend- giving a Concert in about a month the arrangements far which have not yet been completed. • I Triasics,—A communication was re. ceived some time since from the manager of the News Boys' Home in Toronto, thanking the ladies of Seaforth for their generous donations of clothing sent to that institution by Mrs. Hill. • TICE BAND CO-NOERT—e would again remind our readers of the band concert . to he given on Wednesdey evening next. The concert i promised to be one of the best of the season, and should be largely patronized, Let every person ettencl. . • gURNrelTRE SALE.—M,. M. Robertson will have an 'auction sale of furniture at his warerooms in Senior* on Friday and Saturday, Feb. Ilth and 12th. Be has an immense stock to dispose of, ancl par- ties wishing articles in the, furniture line shduld not feil to attend. TUCKERSMITH NOMINATIVN.--We have on ,hand two lengthy conimunica,- Coes on the above subject, in reply to that by a "Lover of Justice," which ap • peated last week, but on account of not having received them in time, and their extreme length, we are ui&b1e to publish them this week. • TEA.CTIERS-, iestertere, the Seaforth Teachers' Institute wilY be held on Saturday, Feb. 5, in the school houie, Seaforth, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. All the neighboring teachers are , as an. election n on subjects �f e to teachers A meeting. of. cordially invited to atten of officers and a diseussi great practical import= will take place,, M. CUL DR. STOWE'S LECTURE.—The lect re delivered on Wednesday evening last, under the auspices of the Mechan- ics' Institute by Mrs. Dr. Stowe, on " Woman, her Influence and Sphere," was largely attended, and gave good satisfaction. Mrs. Stowel has a pleasing delivery, and h.er leetiir was both in- structive and interesting. • CLINE'S •TUYENILe Creees.—The juven- ile singing class under th tuition of Mr. George W. Ohne, underwent an ex- a,mination in presence of a 'number of the parents of the chiltlre , on Wednes- day afternoon last. The class proved. to have made rapid and efficient progress, and all seem to possess a knowledge of musie scarcely to be exp cted from Ones o young. The singing o the chits was excellent and delighted ti ose who heard it. The proficency of th class is credit- able to the teacher and m ist be pleating to the parents. 1 council meet- ing held on Tuesday ev. fling last the committees and officers for the ensuing year were !appointed. James Hatt was 'Tows Couseee.—At th appointed Collector for this year at a salary of $85; Edward CJah was appoint - cal Assessor at a salary of I$5; J. Dan - can, Treasurer, salary $50 Wm. White- sid es was appointed—Poui d -keeper, and John Wilson' Thos. Adam e and Samuel 1 • Kennedy, fence -viewers. The several comneittees are composcd as follows : Fire and Water—Messrs, 1 Beattie, Mc- Naught and Campbell ; Fin me—Messrs. Wilsen, Strong and Bro dfoot ; Stied corn niittee--Messrs. Gray, Williams and Stewart. The Policemax. and Market Clerk will be appointed at the next mw. ti • Tiri Lip:NARY SOCIEM.--The regular meeting of) the Seaforth Literary Society, hold in tht Town Hall on Alonday even. ing, last, wee much more largely attend- ed than ueital. Rev. Jr. ttoldsmith was appointed chairman and Dr. Vereoe act- ed as critic. Readings were given by Messrs. IL "Lumsden'E. j., Campbell, C. Armstrong, J. R. Aitchison and Dr., -Vercoe. Preliminary arrangements were made fixing Monday eveningafter next, Feb. 7, for an entertainment for the bene- fit of the Mechanics' Institute. The en- tertainment will. consist of readings, re- citations and vocal and instrumental music by local amateurs, and will be held in the Town _Hall. 4 committee, composed of Drs. Vercoe land Burgess and W, N. tVatson, have been appoint. ed to select the .readers and singers and make other arrangements. We feel AS - mired that the committee will spare no pains in securing first-class talent for the occasion. The novel and pleasing nature of such an entertainment, together with the low price of admission, Which has been fixed at 15 cents, we believe, apart from the object for which it is intended, 1 shcfu d draw day vening, be nducte Roge and John Wilma Mulltin and to read on again remin on Monday 0 Hall. The the French Dr. Vercoe side and Dr. the Seaforth in this issue introducing t We have se monis and they are all resentedto b pearance and and o'onalider' the instrurne est in the m purchase an o & Lincoln. delighted wi first to iiitrod Canada, and agents. large audience. On. eb. 21, ithe readingsi_w as usual. Misses Nel ma Johnson, and Mess C. H. j oun, JAMS m, Mobtley were choai at evening. We won our readers of the d ba ening .itext in the o Neat le, "Resolved' th blo volutio ading urgese Urea two re, ow or the attention of and ,heard th assail° our re d more than they alit re They are elegant n f sweet and powerful to' g the ',style and 'finish j are deiandedly t e chea art'es ishi he was Justifi 11 the aflLrx n the negati Moon poriurn,1 ad v an whit th e p eee 11 era e. 1 • it cl ket. P an should see eare ure they woul e his firrn Ur e thee instruments e, we understand, th - THE EW IRE GINE.—NE. new fire engine arrived in • wn on Thu ads °fleet Week, nd WAS hOr011ig41y t ste by the fieme ; in the presenco of a Iarge number if ens, oo rids , At first, owing ti the'. notion hose being chbked with ice the engine, Much to the dis- gust of he s Potators, refused to work. After th hos was thawed out, howeve ' and the nisei Lee put in proper order, t worked sple clidly, ad to the (Mg e satisfact on o all who Witnessed the tee The en 'ne ie[a handsme looking pie i3 of macliie ery works easily and throws large vo ume water! Our fire prlete tion app rat is now complete, and o citizens an eet satisfied, for should a fire unf rtuti tely occur, we will n ,t be utter y at bp mercy of the elements as forme 1 'tit will have efficient Merolla combat it. The cost, too, pparatus is moderato,- an ,our meh,ns. The engie placed !where it pa b 0; in effi ient work at an min Wh c of the wole is quite ithi • should n w b kept wa a der and eady(for actio If it is not p perly a not be,ilwor ing orde is most ieed But for and work,, there a fire °catkin , forth tion with the ther a quench. . i; I 41: , ,., ADDRESS *ND rRESENTA.TION. --uri Sunday last, lo 23d hist. the teachers Of the und tt 'Schee of St. James' Roman atheeic Chur h, of this town, present Mute Carroll, one of their number, ho is about leaving SeafcirtW with an ddre /4, accompanied by a VerY handsoro ly biniud book entitled, " The Life and oet I Works of Oliver old - smith." The preseuta ion Was made, on behalf o tthe eachers by Mr. P. M. Hayden, Pr s'dent f the Sunday School, ho, a few well chosenl re- marks, e press d the si rrow the Su &St School felt atier lea mg, and, at the 1 1 ing of- ier to a4eep of th esteem .ancl he is he d by thim a or ent tended Ito, it may if the very time it properly care cl a not likely to b hich it,in conne paratus, will not same ti this arnali gard in teacher, parture. neuch tak in a few present that she memorial that had and the ni since her here rem ing, the Snndit best and and that fore they to fill th ably and ,Com. • e:be tok hich •nd Mis n b ey Wou re it uvr a of t ft good will and friendship alw s existedbetween her emb4 s of th Sunday, School onn tion with it. to k t t Miss Carroll leave bu loses one' ,of ita L mo eking teachers, 1 be it long while be hi will e able to get a peont an pos on left vacant tut ere it -II m 5 efri ,tently as she has done,--- in re 8 their regret at ;her de/ k Carroll; who Was'ery ,surpris , thanked them, marks, for the beautiful ad made her, and said trees THE J41,1tRO their peig bore and do US Material ser. vice. But, Were we to publish the dozen lengthy, communications that we have now on hand we -do nothe icy° that any single tin ividual . Would, aifter reading them all, have clearer or InOFO correct ideas on P edestinetion or Prayer than ! he had • before, aricl -consequently a great deal of veined le space would be i Wasted, and not a few of out readers dis- gusted. , r Tuoker8mlth. FA.111i1 SOLD.—Mr. Richard Carter sold his farm, East half of Lot 33, Con. 1, H, S., to Mr. Samuel Wise, of th same township. The farm contains - acres. The. price obtained for it w $3,100 L Varna. TEACHERS', INSTITUTE. —Ategular meet ing of the Varna District Teachers' In- stitute will be held in the sbhool house, Varna'on 'Saturday, Feb. 5k at 10 A. M. Several teachers are to tzliseuss subjects Connected . with education, and a pod time is anticipated. A large attendance is respectfully requested. EARLY LAMB. —Mr. Aleirl. Gardner, of the Fourteenth Concession of McKillop, has A ewe which gave birth to A lamb on Sunday last, 23d inst. The lamb' is 'get- ting along well, notwithsdanding— the unseasonable time of the year at which it was born. Last year the same ewe cast w lambon the 29th of January. _Morris. NEW Gnetrez.—On the evening of Tuesday, the 18th inst., the Patrons of Husbandry; (male and female)* the north- ern part of Morris, td a considerable num- ber, repaired to the school bone° in School Section No. 7, for the purpose of organ- izing a Gnome. Mr. Minden King, of the Turnbetry Grange, installedthe offi- cers of the new Grange, entitled Morris Grange. The new Grangers are to meet in the schoel h�usci in the meantime, I The foliowing are the officers; J. Salter, , Master; IL Warwick, Observer; J. El- I sten,' Lecturer; A. McLean, ,Steward; J. Brandon, Assistant Steward; J. Roe, Chaplain; W. labiate, Treasurer; W. B. Mills, 'Secretary; H. Perdue, Gate Keep- er ; Mrs. Warwick, Ceres; ',Mrs. Bran- don, Pomona; Mrs. Mills, Flora; Mrs. McLean, Lady Agent tant Steward. , Oratib ook. , i, Rum SOLD. —Mr. Chalice Doan. has sold his farm, Lot t4, on the Twelfth COncessiont to Mr. Clarnochan, of Tuck- ersmith, for $3,500. 1 TUE GRANGERS.-4The Grangers are fast increasing in nuMbers. New mem- bers are being initiated at eaeh Monthly meeting. They propose , holding a Grangers' social in their new ball on Thursday, rob. 3. A' big time is ex- -pected. • • Cotresirr,—A -vocal and instrumental concert will be giveaby Mies Mooney, music teacher, in Tuck's Hall, Crane brook, on Thursday evenizett Feb. 10. Miss ,Itloon y will be assisted by her class, which has attained to cplite a degree of proficie n . cy; also several amateurs - from adjoining, villages will take part in the programme. , , Wroxeter. 1 MARKETS1—Fa11 wheat, 85c to 879 ; spring, 80c to 85c ;our'$4 50; oats, ' 30c to 35e. Peas, 62c to 63c ; pork, $6 75 to 47 ; butter, tter 16c; t*gs, 15c; barley, 50 to 60c; cordwood, In. :, BUSINESS. —In consequence of the late fall of snow, farmers have been enabled reduce to market, making School pains 1 be a get their Innen of all kinds a good deal brisker. ergo quantities of pork and grain have en coming in, and buyers ;have dealt rgely in these as well as in' live stock d, other articles of farm produce. oasts. Clar , of the mills, hada been buy - g all the heat they can get, and find their storing rooms not large ; enough to hold all they buy, although the pull is running night and. day. San °rap and Millen are d ing a isrge busm ss an farm ey shipped one day lately by Grey and Bald° Railway a of grain, live Istock, &c. eed no comment but they show that Wroxeter offers a. good and ready market for grain and all kinds of marketable produce. f • Brusniels. Bawans.—eConstable Angut is watch- ing for the first farmer or 'grain buyer who violates, the marleet by-law. , Both seller and buyer are liable tb a fine, LARGE SIIIPMENTS,4-1.12 the months of November lied, December last there were shipped bushels Januar amount, PERS that the election Leckie, leofngthaen Council able pos ed by hi TM/MERANO CONVENTION.— Meet- ing of the die riot lodge of th West Riding of Hue tr, Independent rdet of Good Te #lar I, was held in th Tem- perance all, eaferth, on Thursdayof st week, T 'several ledges w re rep- resented b ' de gates t� the, nu beral of 75. The lodge after transacting its ey- eletl orclart of nsiness, adjourn A 6 P. M., to Meet Blyth, Thu ed y, the 30th of Ma 4 next, at 11 AM. --In the eve publie meeting 'was held in th To Halt presided er by Mayor Ar , when , a very stirring address on he bject of prohibitilen!was delivered by Knowlton, Esq.; Lion- I don, followed Revds. G. Buggihiand 'T. Goldsmith. trhe lodge choir enliebn-. ed the proceedii wit162usie appre date to the oceisie The attendanc was yery large, the ell being well .fille A motion was In e by john .Beattie, sec- onded by Dr. =Then, to the effect that in view of e alarming evil arising out of intempe ce, the meeting pledges itself to use all pgitimEte means to barig about -prohibi n ; arid, furthermore, to abstain fro the use of alcoholic drinks personal . This motion WAS put to the meeting iid carried unanimously, after which , w sung the doxology, and there was brou t close one of the most succeesfu temperance 'gatherings ever held in Se forth. Ili produce. T the Toronto, t five car lei i These facts RELIGIous Some few, -wee oerselves, we ad communication -pendent in Bri Predestinetio lowing week, p to be a reply Since then we I communication jects, and we h cient supply of Ton from the be though we do ti a secular paper for the discussi would not obje pithy, and °en° occasionally. the shortest of on hand would our space, we that our readers publishing them. Mlle of whom a rect and terse w are the very rev we are sorry to d cannot see that either to - thetas ourselves, were cussion of the s only devote their abilities to furnis itehis of interest neighborhoods, 0 on subjects °floc improve then:Welt, • CONTROYERSTALIST,I8. — ,ago, ntifortunately r itted Into our colum s a om an esteemed per , s - els, on the alibied of k We 4180, on , el. lished what. purpor ed this communicati n, 'V° been deluged with on this and kindred Bub- o now on hand a 'Riffl- es° to fill Tina EXPOSI- ning to the end. Al- k that the columns of not the -proper place ri of such subjeete, e to inserting: a short, e letter of this tat re t whgi iwe state that e dozen we have ndw eupy over a column Of have very confidence ill forgive us for n t oureorresponden evide tly fluent, co ters, a d some of who ee, we would say th t t them, hilt we etye goped public.would or er s u t Ito co nue the di ject. I the woul are time an literar mg us with such loc 1 occur in their setter 1 writing short articles 1 interest they woul s indeed arid enlighte from the Brussels station 54,000 'of grain. The shipMents for alone . are likely to exceedthis NAL, —It was with great pleasure people of Brussels learnedof the of their worthy Reeve, John Esq, to the position of Warden aunty of Huron. Mr. Leckie's valuable services in the County fully entitled him to the honor - tion to which he has 'teen w Councilors. Soltoda iirrEnsAt a Meeting of the Brussels I School Board, ,held last Monday; the contract for 40 cords of green stove wood was awardedto Arthur Hingston'at 98 cents per cord, ready for the stoves. The Board 'hate decided to build a frame addition 30x70 feet to the present building, which will make room for five divisions. A resolution was carried, moved by D. Scott, second- ed by I.'. G. [Hingston, that the schools iu all di miens be opened every morning by the p eyelet appointed for that put', pose, an that each teacher read a por- tion of S ripture to the scholars. Isom LATION OF OFFICER5.-4-The fol- lowing officers of Western Star Lodge, No, 149, I. O. O. F., _Brussels, were in- stalled l3T Brother Hayward; D. D. G. M., from Win ham, on Monday evening, 20th ins.:nether John Nott, P. G.; Brother .' Scott, N. G.; Brother F. S. Scott, V. G.; Brother Smalet R. S.; Brother A. Duncan, P. S.; Brother Moss, T.; Brother C. R. Coo er V.; Brother Tilson, C.; Brother ayhurst, R. S. £4.; Brother Wright, R. 8, N. G., Brother homson, L. S. N. G. ;' Brother mith, R S. V. G.; Brother Taylor, L. . V. G.: Brother T. Smith, 0., Or. ANNUA MEETING.—The annttal meet. ng of th East Riding of HuroteAgricul- ural SOC - ty was held at Armstrong's Hotel, on Friday last. Considering the ad state u f the roads there was a very good att ndance, there being over 50 members present, The Treastaterts re- port was ead, showing that the amount Of receipt from all sources sincethe last annual m-eting was $1,216% The total expenditu e, including prlze list of spring end fall shows, WAS 8981, leaving a ba .XPOSI.T.Oft; on hand of Ocl many prize tf, will consi a ance, It w of Bruise' Lauchlin, of report he y James ed by Joh t W. G. B.in Moved by ended by Jo t John R. e-Preeid n lson, of B tt, of B ssel Wroxe r, b a led. eve ooper, of rue r'adfoot, f M McKillo be ote bein ta ed elec d b t officer to Treasu er. advisal le t ed. pay th o herder° •ove sods, se ond rris, tha D. retary a d --80aCio,afrri th n W meletteu;, D Brown, 7 Joh eeler, sods, a Presid ted as re r1 and..A • • 1. a r EJP.17ve. pitel, Clin ut relentin urehased a t e same. NNUAL INN nnectio wi g cultural Soci e e ing of eb. M . Jo he is farno s as eld, of t e iothers are. e pec liVet addres es. Wilt be inte estin 114 at Cteanst. t ollowin f r he ceech ay turn ou ahort ti gather) tlie. ish erm o nwehigahtb- • o eer a e, and o a me stra a Di oxe vid owi rz orris nt, res s A (6235 - but there were al unpaid,ab yewdlingrelhthifeCacaollehd moved u by James Wit. ded by Donald, rey, that the Treaeir- lo ted ariied. Moir - i nI Broad°�t, , of Morris, f Brussels, tee- ston President—Car- hos. rachan, of Grey, n Aro foot ' of Moms, iller, o Morris, be ist Carrie Moved by Jas. eels, ' econded by D. , that lex,' L. Gibson, 2c1 ice-President,— in ame duient by C. R. els, seconded by John rris, that Wm. Grieve, d Vie° President. On a 171110 'ty of 16. The en, r. Grieve was de. electe were Secretary The meeting thought it • combine these officers Cia A !salary. . It was by Yohn , Lead°, of d by Alex. Forsyth, of i tewart, of Brussels, be reasure at a salary of he fol owing are the ectors lected : Alex. , •r ; J hn Cinnming; Wier j owtek ; Wm. k; S. S (minion, Grey ; Alex: bomson, Turn- kie, Brussels ; Charles Auditors, ' D. Scott m. Lawrie, Wroxeter, . Cr. Ilingston, was tative to the Agricul- sociation, I • • s C intora note HE NEW ERA.] 4WD, oss, on, of b d wi Of f 4fcsr t h weeksneeo f 'Walesene' ispos of the same, s bar ain, he has again 1 con ieue to conduct 1 R.-- be annoal dinne twhieillIbuellheettd Bouranthc ty 10, at Ktiotc's hote n Sne14 of Edmonton a stook raiser, Mr. W mare' Advocate, an d to be present,to de No donbt the affa and profitable to a I . F I) TITUTION.— vv as urnished us,'but ho of t town that the pictur not as bad as represented e si co (daring the col wif of a recently arrive ant was confined. Som rs, earing of it, went in sist nee they could at sue oun the poor woman lyin wi hout a particle of fire d not a mouthf 1 to eat in the house it that sisterly indness and sympath which chaeacte the female sex, th •vir s of the one , were t once supplie a everything one her comfort T e Council lave, we believe, also give s cl assistance to the sufferers. Usborne. 01.1NCIL PROCEEDiNGS.i—The Counci m t on Jan. The following gentle m n having been duly elected, and hav in made and subscribed thedeclara ti of qualification and office, took thei se at the Council Board, viz.: Leonar H r Reeve ; Janne Halls, Council° fo ou'th West Ward; David Millar fo North Weet Ward; Robt. Monteith fo North East Ward; Jonathan Shier fo South E t 'lard. Moved by Mr 1.1 lls, second d b Mr. Shier, that -D M 11 r be De uty Reeve or 1876—Car ri d. Moved by r. Monteith, second - by Mr. Mi len, hat Thos. ttoates be on of the di • re for 1876—Carried. T e Reeve appoi ted A. Bishop, M. riP., as the other Auditor. Moved by Shier, second d by r. Halle, that M oars. John un, an W. Powell be mT vve:dn bIyn.bis !tour utfeoirthI,t807eq6—unCdaerdriebdy. • Millar, that e Clerk's 'salary for te 8 be $120—Car 'ed. Moved by Mr. • ija seconded y Mr, I Millar, that T os, Heywood be Asseseer fel, 1876, at a alary Of ,-.3'5-5arriedi The Council ad ourned un t e first Saturday in ruary, S. P. HAL,LS, CLERK. hen. , 1 : 11111 • • St OUNCIL M :,ETIN 4.—The newly elect- ed Council met on an. 17. All present and duly sworn in. Moved by Mr. Year- ly, seconded sy r. Baker, that C. Pr uty be cler du mg pleasure of Coun- eil. Moved bh M . Schnell., seconded by Mr. Yearly tha application for as- ses or be receved until next meeting. Co lector to . e t xes coil eted by Feb. 1. Mr. Fmkp ner o have harge of hall, Vo urnish wotd a d oil, for $6 50 per an um. Mr. "eh rr and Mr. Eilber to ha e charge of ren ing hall. Moved by Mr 1Baker, sec s nde by Mr. Either, that H. oyle be a dito . Moved in amend- inc t by Mr. ear y, seed ded by Mr. Se narr, that 1, T. M Douga I be aoditer— pra n motion c rrie . Ree ie appointed . Valroncl fo the other auditor. The e iurer to p epar detailed statement of xpenditute for 1 75, for next meet - Mg Mrs. Mc ach n and [Mrs. McLel. lain each to rec ive 5 charity, and that Mr Eilber enq ire to their condition. Ur Finkpiner • w od for I hall, $1 25. o ncil adjou ed t meet on the first o day in Fe uar . • PROUTY, Clerk. C UNCIL fq ET(IIN eY: t‘ Tu k's hotel, C anb s a t to statu . me having subecri qua ifieation and ofli e, took their seats as the ouncilfor the cu rent ye r,viz,: Thos. Str chan, Reeve; Samuel leminon, De - put Reeve • John 4iiaiop, Jacob Keifer, and Walter Oliver, Councilors. Alex. Ste art and Jas. L vingstone were ap- poi ted Auditors. A oved by Mr. Hislop, seco ded by Mt. Slimmon', that William Bis op. be appcinte Assessor. Moved in a endment by r. Oliver, seconded by1r.. Keifer, that ohn Corer be ap- po. ed Assgssor— otion carried. - Peti- tion of ' Ambros E gler and 29 others prayiug that a orti s n of side line 6, be- tween Lots 30 i nil 3 Con, 11, be open- ed. Mr. Oliver app inted t9 inspect and repot at next t eeti g. Lewis McDonald appl ed to be re iev of paying taxes on Lot 19, Con. 17 as e had gold the Lot pre elle to Court of • °vision.. The Reeve was instructed to ob ,ain legal advice in the Matter. TIie su ;I. of $10was granted as charity to ; widow Lindall, she being in indigent &curies nces With a large family, the eldest •f whom is insane. Petition of Noble 0 ver, . Ji: I W. Dobson } .---Coencil inet at ook, on Jan. 17,pur. he follOwing- gentle. ed the declarations of 1 and others, prayino to be daatched tom Union School Section with Wallace, nd to hap a new section formed of parts o Cons. 1, 2 and 3, the Reeve to notify In- spector of receip.t of petition, and to await his action therein, The Collector's time was extended td Feb. 151 Petition of Richard Ross and 50 others, praying that a portion of Con. 1, ibetween Lots 50 and 51 be improved as riaid part is in a bad state. Left over for consideration. Petition Of Jae. Livings ne, praying that the drain on Con. 6 be divide into beats, and that each ratepayer clean out a port.en of the drai . Alexander Stewart d john Stewart applied to have a portion of their Lots detached from S. S. No. 8, and added to S. S. No. 2, L. McNeil applied to have west trail 'of 17, Coni 14, detached from S. S. No. 8, and added to S. S. No. 7. Left over for further consideration and trustees to be notified, The following accounts were preeented and ordered to be paid, viz.: Printing ballots, 87; Thos. Gatenby, covering crossway, on side road between Lots 20 and 21, Con. 4, 831.20; J. M. Davies, luaiber for culverts 82.34;- :D. McDonald,. A. Turnbull, A. Hunter, W. Spence and Jas. McNair, returning offi- cers, $4 each. Council adjourned to ineet again at Dame's hotel, Cianbrocik, on firit Friday in Feb, next. A. 'HUNTER, Clerk. JANF,A4y 28,18. fp i itio at Ames' hotel, Lower Winth-a41 • on. Monday,' Jan, 14, at 2 o'clock . M: f Plan and specification to be seen at, the le k's -office on and after Feb. 1. The a ac of 1 West Wawanosh. Donfos IN COUNCIL.—At the meeting of the municipal Council of West Wa- wanosh, held on the 19th inst., an agree- ment was submitted to and sanctioned by the Council between the township and the village qf Lucknow, whereby the lat- ter municipality is absolved from all re- sponaibilitye for any share of the liabilities cf West Wawanosh, contracted while Lucknow formed a portion of that town- ship, on payment by thatcorporation to West Wawanoshof $90. The collector was allowed an an extension of time until Jan. pi to collect the taxes. • Officials salaries for 1876 were fixed at the folowing sumo : Clerk, $110Assessor, 1 l 7o511;ecor, 0;Auditors, • T;i3aseaeur4er; License Inspector, $2 for each certifica e ranted. The following officials for 1876 Robert Murray, Clerk ; Donald ere appointed: Wm. Durnion, Treas- urer; McDonald, License Inspector. Hay. 1 Couscee itlErriso.--The newly elect - d Council met, according to statute, On he third Monday in January, 1876. The eve, Mr. R. Brown, Deputy Reeve, . B. Geiger'and Councilors, Meagre. aniel McColl and John C. Kalbfleisch resent. After taking the prescrib 1 aths of office and qualification the' new ouncil was organized, all being present ut Wm. Wilson. The Reeve having aken the chair, the minutes of the pre- ious meeting were read and approved. oved by J. C. Kalbfleisch, seconded by • aniel McColl, that Wm. Wilson, Tans - e, be appointed Auditor for the cur- ent year; the Reeve' appointed Daniel aust the second Auditor. Moved by D. cColl, seconded': by J. CtKalbfleisel hat the report of committee appointed tt; evise the assessment on the swamp lands rained under by-law No. 10 be adopted, nd that the treasurer be furnished with 4 lid of the 1 same, and he is hereby authorized to pay the difference to the mieveral parties named therein from sums lready paid by them, and also that the &lector be furnished with a list of those ot sufficiently assessed for the drain on th10 collector's roll, and of all those liable to pay for the same. Moved by John B. eiger, seconded by Daniel McColl, that e following be the salaries of the several dfficers for the current year, viz.: Clerk, 110; treasurer, $70; assessor, 885; col, dor, 860; tavern inspector, 812; hall eeper, $8 ; selectors of jurors, each, 84; t gistrar of births, marriages and deaths,{ e eh entry, 16 cents. ' Moved by J. 0.1 Kalbflcisch, seconded by Daniel McColl,, hat Mr. Samuel Foster be appointed clerk of this Council, and that a by-law h prepared at next meeting confirming is motion. Moved , by S. B. Geiger, eonded by Daniel McColl,, that Michael Bar be re -appointed treasurer. Aloved b J. C. Kalbfleisch, seconded. by Daniel • eColl, that the following be appointed the several offices, viz.: James Bon - t ron assessor ;' Charles Bauer, collec- r ; itobert Delroderick, tavern inspec- tor; Mrs. Keinhardt, hall keeper. Mov- by:J. C. Kalbfieisch, seconded by J. $ Geiger, that Hugh Love, Esq., late clerk, be requested to hand over all ,books, papers, &c., belonging to the mu- nicipality, now in his possession, to Mr. S4mue1 Foster, his successor in office, Moved by J. C. Kalbfleisch, seconded by J1 B. Geiger, that the following accounts paid, viz.; Hugh Love, clerk, expenses '1 o election for 1876, 3G;$Trustees of 8use at time of election, $2 ; Wm. Pum - 00°1 section No. 12, for use of school I, repairing scraper, $1 50. Moved by 3. B. Kalbfleisch, seconded by Daniel McColl, that all persons requiring tavern oif shop licences will apply to the inspec- i tdr before thel2th day of February next. oved by J. B. Geiger, seconded by J, Cij Kaltaleiseli, that this Council do now *mum to meet again • on' Saturday, the leth day of February, 1876. SAMUEL FOSTER, Clerk, getting the -contract to give satis- ry security, to be produced at time tting the contract—Carried. Moved by Mr. Henning,seconded by Mr. Litth3, that the Collector be instructed to finish he collection of taxes immediately4-- ied. Moved by Mr. Little, second. y Mr. Hots, that the election ex - s, amounting to $47.80, be paidt— ar ed.. Communication from A. Broad - foot, teacher, asking to have the =mut of ha taxes refunded; no action taken. Mo ed by Mr. Henning, seconded by Mr. Litt e, that Mr. T. Goy be refunded $2, eve harged by the collector in mistake 4-0 Tried. Council adjourned until Feb. 4, then to meet at James' hotel, Lower in ham. up Ca Huron Notes. It is rumored that a gentleman from 'ari hill 'contemplates instituting a pei- ate banking business in Brussels. I ward! Lee, of Grand Bend, the 10 oan who assaulted his neighbor with la ng chain, was the first occupant Of he ew lock-up at Exeter. I Ir. D. Patton has sold his farm Of es, being Lot 17, Con. 7, Goderich o • hip, ,to Mr. James Duncan; of South, On rio, for $3,500, ' —1 he following are the number of hirt s, marriages, and deaths registered in C inton for the year 1875: Births, 96; 5, 38 • iaa.-- etas Wdeaths, 28. Ward & Tate, of Seaforth, en formed in Brussels in connection ave leased harness shop of Messrs', a salon about the middle of February , e r Bros.. in Brussels. They will take — Young People's Aid Society has with the,, Canada Methodist Church of that___illage. r. David Dobson, of Bruesels, one ay ately, purchased from Mr. Robert xto tiy, of Grey, a huge hog, which; t ou h but 16 months old, brought down the s ales at 465 pounds. 1 - - 1 — he Sacrament of the Lord's Suppe will e administered in Knox Church, Brim els, on Sunday next Jan. 30. Rev. Geer .° Brown, of Wroxeter, Will assist the • astor, Rev. Mr. Jones, on the oc-i .casio _ II. ivision Courts will be held in thel .Coun y of Huron, during February,as fol- lows Goderich, on the 1st; Wingheni, 24th Exeter, 25th; Bayfield, 28th; Dung: u non, 29th. The Courts will opert at 10 A. M. ' — he contract for the building }A a large two-story pork -Packing house hi Hens 11, for the Messrs. Petty has been' let to Mr. John Sanders, of Exeter. Mr. T J. Vilsou is going to build a large grain torehouse at the same place. , soiree will be held in the Presby-, tetian Church, Bayfield road, Stanley, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 9. Tea to he seved at 7 o'clock. As the congregation is not&1 for successful entertainments of ti is k d a good time is expected. Rev. J. C. Denby, of Varna, was m de ithe recipient of a purse containing a rg sum of money on the evening of - 1, ednlesclay, 12th inst. The purse was v n Py those who have- attended Mr.. nbY s monthly prayer meethig in the - se ool house of Section No. 4, as a token of the esteem in which they regard his in - de ti able labors in that place. T e new Union Church, Goderiek towns ip, will be opened on Sunday next, 30 n ' st. Sermons will be preached by v. C. Smith, M. A., of Hamilton, and f sv. Mr. Sieveright, of Goderich. On thi following Monday evening a tea - meeting will be held in the church. Ad- drssea will be given by Rev. Messrs. Go ds ith, Goodspeed, and others. —0 the forenoon of &lid y, 16th inst., a large hardwood limb was discov- ered by Mr. E. Deer's son, laid acroas tha 1 the track of the London, Huron and. Bruce 'Railway in the neighborhood of , Mrs. Campbell's farm, Second Concession 1. of Morris. As the obstruction could not 1 ha e ben blown across, the track, it was 1 ' eviu en ly placed there by some resat ' se wi h a view to throwing off the rain. A two-yearold heifer, belonging to Mr - A. McGuire, Con, 1, Morris,choked its If i trying to swallow a pie -of tur- nip everal efforts were mad to re - mo e t ie turnip, but were ins ecessfuL Mr K Id, veterinary surgabn' albino, sen fo , and tried the usualmethods, wh ch proved ineffective. Befinally su eeded by cutting through the hide, pa, mg the muscles of the neck, and op - em Vie tesophagus, into which he in - his on gricultural Society w held in : se fingers and broke tlii41 turnip • , = the pie going down and re vin4 the hei er t once. The animal had entirely re ver and was as well as usual in a fe day.. T e annual meeting of the West the To n Hall, Smith's Hill, on Welines. da of ast week.- As the crowd was dra n gether to elect directors, either n vo of Goderich orDungann�n,there W a zunderable amount of ca vassin,g thr ug out the day, and a pretty strong , exc tsr ent during polling hours. Wm. Ymor. 14 Esq., was re-elected P sident, - Ilwain, lst Vice -President; . H. Sne 1, dI Vice -President. Directors: J. . F her, J., McDonagh, P. Carrot, a , Thanntnderson Wm. Mallough, E. E., Ma in Wm. Vurreo in, G. Coi and. E. 1 . ) —Th annual'meeting of the Turn - be gricultural Society was held at Wingh 1 on the: 13th inst. Mr. McLar, en i nd Thos. Agnew were appointed to aud t t e last year's aec,ounts, ffie fol- low ng officers were elected for the curt ren ye r: Chas. Henderson, President; Joh C late, Vice -President ;I Eadie, • Sec eta ; A. Fisher, Treasurer; Geo. Me ay and John Farrow, A ditors ; Tho pew,' Wm, Smith, Jag, Clow, Jr., i . Anderson, R. O. Boyd, John Litt e . McKay, R. Richards?* and G. Har Directors. . —Th following is the time -table of the on on Huron and Bruce Railway: o' g "outh —Wingham, depart, 6;30 1' a. in.; Belgrave, 7:051 a. m., 7:50a. .; Blyth, 7:35a. m., 8:35a. m.; Loncles oro, 7;55 a. m., 9;10 a. nr,; Clin- ton, 81 a. m., 10:45a. m,; Brncefiekl, 9 a. m., 11:20 a. m.;. Kippen, 0:15 a. m., 11:50 a. m., Exeter, 9;50 a. m,, 1:10 P- m.; Lo don, arrive, 11:30 a. ni,, 4;15 1.1: Going Noith—London, depart, p. . 51. - a7'Bni :3r0u6e.ai fiKeimi dP. , 7 p ;P eExeter, -' 13P1'1.125°a t .PP P: am 0 ta:n y 7:35 p. 111,, 1;45 p, m.; es oro, 8:05 p. m., 2,35_ la m.; ' 125 p. m. 3:10 p. m.; Belgrevere . 3:55 It.m; Wingham, arrive, ., 4:45 p. m. The figures first tions are mail trains and the d ixed trains. Mixed trains, run on Monday, Wednesday and Fri - Shah on Tuesday, Thursday And . , y. Mail, every day. : • 'Purnberry. , DOINGS IN Comforu—The -Turnberry council met at Bluevale, on Jan. 17. The Members elect made the mecessary de. clirations of qualification and of office, the clerk in the chair. The Reeve then took the chair; Minutes of last meeting Were read and l approved. Moved by Mr. Hogg, seconded by Mr. Henning, that t Great Western Railway Company be n tified to hay" crossings made on the - re; way track nn all the streets in Lower 11 ingham crossed by said Railway Com- p 'y—Ca;ried. Mr. J. Henning -report- ; e he had inspected the job let to Mr. E . Phair and found it finished according contract, and recommended that he be p d in full $345, also, had let a job of cutting floodwood at Bolt's bridge to Mr. L S. Langle . Moved by Mr. Henning, G s oncled by T. Goy,that Alex. Thdmp- a. soi be el the sum of $8—Carried: Moved by Mr. Hogg, seconded, by Mr. J. !Little, that Alex. Thompson be ap- pointedInspector of Licenses for the pres- ent year—Carried. Moved by Mr. Goy, Blended by Mr. Henning, that Mr. Thos. E die be auditor for the current year— Carried. The Reeve appointed Mr. W. S. 'Miff as the other auditor. Moved by Mt. Henning, seconded by Mr. Little, that Mr. Jas, Johnston be Clerk and Treasurer for the present year—Carried. *teed by Mr. Hogg, seconded by Mr. Little that a committee be ,appointed consisting of the Reeve and Councilor Little, to examine Grey's bridge, as it re- qu res to be rebuilt, and that said com- mitee have plan and specifications drawn up by a competentperson, the contract . . 5, p. 4,30 m., 11:5 m.; Lon Blyt 8:55 9;30 aftei seco nett day. or g the bridge to be let by anc- SAW - 4 p. ' ill YE LE NO. 410, C • . The evonnoil met on — -8111114 tO adjournment from pre The ush 1 formal business through ith. , -con 71J- TBEASIZ,RWS PrX The fel' wing letter from -t) Treasurer was reed and. refert Finance nennttee 1 To the If r4en, and V ountv col GENTL a : Administratie tice sho an increase of et overthe e timate of $1,014. A this excess, $400, is for grants 1 at Brussels and Exeter, charge account, for which no prol made in -the estimates. Ti financial depression existing A past year, and the resulting i in alike ches of industry and airthtellette tialbeenr,!4; ) as e 1.011 51! ig Of crime and a consequent incr expenses �onneoted with the ai tion -of jlistice. , The expens purposes 189 been nearly $960 of 1874, ad has exceeded the by $700,t The remarks in r administr tion of justice will ble to so e extent to this inc the exces of expenditure is ing gonovir to the receive$1$ 4111°11".'50nee 'Tad: of $1 as teirmerly. In Jannar, called the attention -of the Com necessity ' or a more economic& and I am still of the opinion t alit amencJments are much nee direction. Stationery and pri exceeded ilic estimate by $237, aims and Oouncil fees by $218 the other hand the expendit inquests has been -$111., jail $0 geneies $1390 and lunatics an $133, less than estimated, --Th balance of ditteount and intere has been $00J as .agaiust $450 a Much -smatter amount of advi the bank roeing required in IS; 1874, In tile former years v much at $34,000 under rdiseou timetwielie in 1875 $20,000 was This latter stun was the amm discount at of the yea new all paid up: The expert roads and, bridges has been lea eetimate by $1,174. Altogeth . nditure of the year has bee leas than the aR3011/4 tailn • 141 which I introdueed bathe. Assembly autliorizio'g the issue new debentures to redeem] road issoeenaturing in Englin next, has passed through all th the House and 1114 4)13.15I t211 Royal assent to beconie law. that swat the Council tannO it, and pass the by-law for thel unleea that assent can be praett the-Conteeti adjourn, which is -1 a speciat meeting of the Couneil to be called to pass the by4 hill gives the Council power to debenturee payable either * B Canada,: and the Council wil considerhieh will be most in est of t ' Comity, In Aug wrote to osenethet, Salt te 0 ing thorn of the Intention of ft to makes new issue of debenti deemthos mauling on the'ffn 4 and givin theni' some statistto alleeatid orieduri 7. lunecia'611plomsett-toPern4se* kii advise me of the prospeZts of favorable hale of our new deber the price likely to be realized. letter received from them ands Sept, 25th I think the,43roN favorable *ale are as enctouragit be expectod. I think there is. but that We will be able at lei ;changenoett ut n:wpredetniberannt78Frt at i 1 have made lately at Toronti brokers there 1 ani afraid WO ‘: -Mint 111304 realizing more tli 98 for our idebentures in Cana the stringenoy in the Money in times, could not -depentinpoul whole amount within the time hese figintes. Other nsidets ikniontelynisvi,:wantaer: exceptat a re t that if a adamittwinge "tit: tihriete'eereset- have then: at the present of- exchange in the :remitta whole amount to redeem th -due, The cost of brokerage would; 1:, think, be nearly th either case, as-thengh Messrs. 1 Stitt flit eCoLowliartseule v:acenrta.yilf4- i°n1d. '-tahlia: t ilase seal3Bw°: -iiirthpeultli new ha could be done at i per cent., Bosanquet the other fc per eon iiy4 off -the ,olkl alone. Ta circumstances bit° consider e, the risk we tun if payable in not being lable to dispose of sbe umnilandealmliy7xibuitedriAlint;filim:onoss.mge marritev ;T tlemm, your obedient servant uotatione, f would recomine _ The following report of the; Committee was read :; ElthrS2itrtathnaajn,W,,ieblptesor'n- tei well, lionte'r, Taylor, Gaunt, von, Find. Brown, Kane, H RAI:inGinateibrneso, G:i_crvinh, alCeitylly, and 1). Wilson, Castle, Hogarth, B School mid Printing.—Lan Buchanan, Hodgson, Gariew Elliott, iRemmon, Geiger, NeVr,alirwiliaekr";11GrusaParnecietopar;:il,a.„ 'El i nan g 41 1 iRW::::caie' ' SaMillar, n.' rr148 ( Co Strachan, .ei t te e ,13. ' ! ' Taylor°—Ho —Webster' Proctor„ Simpson, Castle; KejilYisi4741241gOtter9114:11and 1 —Jaall MI; Ford, ;Slemmori, Gei Mentally Warwick, 11