HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-01-28, Page 5• 1 'MIRY 28, 1876. well stipplied with all the apple. money for the accommodation of wholesale license will be strictly , ted to persons selling wholesale, or broken packagee. ,nufe,eturers of native wines, sold in titles a not len than three gallons, e dozen bottles, are exempted from in duty. e following are to be the license, fees: Leh, wholesale Memo—. • ,, . S150 icenses in eities...— Licenses in towns...L., ... se licenses in other nraniclesiitiefi...., .. 430 n licensesin c1Ue — ...... 100 ulicenses in towns... — . en' a Moine* in other ninniipelities..... 60 to Council of any municipality may eelaw require a larger duty to be for tavern or shop licenses therein,, not in excess of $130 in the whole, ie the by-law has been approved by lector s under the 23d. section of the Ise act. 1 fees, penalties and costs are to be into a chattered- bank by the in - ';or, and after charging the fund thus ed with the salary and expenses of nspector, the expenses of the board tther payments necessary for carry. he law into effect; the residue is to [ed, one-half being, paid over to the lucid Treasurer, and the other half to treasurer of the municipality in h the licensed Premises are respee- tituated. e office of commissioner is to be an rary one. the, course of his speech the Tieu- incidentally mentioned, as illustrat- he effect of the proposed change in umber of licensed taverns, that in eto the reduction would be from y 300 at the present time to a little 170; in Hamilton, from 111 to .11 Ottawa, from 125 to 55; in Lon - from. 9.t., to 41; and in Kingston, 86 to 32. JANUARY 28, 876. Elopement in High Lire. iniderable excitement has been al in Montreal by the elopement of Williana McKenzie, danghter of ew Allan, niece of the notorious Sir 1. Allem, and sister-in-law of Mr, ick McKenzie, late M. P., for real West, with Mr. Fredrick H. nee, eldest sou of C. J. Brydges. etiltv pair left Momtreal for Is ew . on Thursday of last week, Mrs. anzie taking with her two of her -en aged reepectively five and three . They were followed to New York ends of the lady, and at their in. she wes arrested and detained in ly in that city. On Saturday ev-en- he promised her friends to return ritreal with them, and they accord - procured her release. After the ;al of the ease in the court .room 1 it A quite apparent to all concerned are, Mckenzie had become convifie- the error into which she had allow- rself to fail in leaving her husband's in Montreal and cowing to New with Brydgee, but her subsequent nents proved an unaccountable in - ton for the nimi with whom she t to joie. On leaving the Tombs, tpanied by her comfit', W. tVl. Bryan, Lithfully promised she would return home at once. Mrs. McKenzie -scorted to the Windsor Hotel, she was assigned a room adjoining partment of Mr, qtryan and her ae Mr John C. .Allan. Throughout terecton she repeatedly signified her ion to go back to Canada, and was eatly mortified at the remembrance rash step she had taked in leaving ,me. About 1:30 o'clock her -tem- r guardians, Messrs. Allan and , who- were momentarily expecting frorn. Montreal of Sir Andrew and wife—the father and mother of IcKenzie—left their room, and pro. L to the office of the hotel to make ies as to th.e arrival of trains, leav- rs. lk-IcKenzie in her room, in min- vith herttwo children. Instantly he departure of the gentlemen the wife and mother hurriedly left the leaving, th e children behind, and L carriage to take her to the Hoff - louse, where Brydges was stopping. iir, it appears, immediately after rival of the lady at the Hoffman left it together, and s eiccessfully- pursuit. The erring pair has )een seen in Philadelphia, but no; )-t has been made to recapture them their second elopement. Young la a prepossessing young man in 41e; unmarried, and one whose and application to business bade nake him a leading eitizetn. Ile, ely, and in fact at present, is un-! d to be connected with a large building -firm at Phamixville, :where he was temporarily resid- he came home to spench his as and New Year's: holidays. , ir has produced a feeling of wide-; sympathy for the members of the rallies who are connected with the :parties and regret that such a ble step thouhl have been taken 'elements Ac quitted. at scene in the Davie-Gihnour u case was closed in Toronto on. ay, by the jury acquitting Clem - ho was accused of beim,athe of the girlGilmeur, and the per - ho sent here to be operated upon is On the assembling ot the n Saturday mottling, it was an - 1 that there were no more wit - be called in the elements case. H. Cameron then addressed the the prisoner, winding up his re - which were, listengl to with. is silence, with an earnest ap- he jury that he might be acquit out their leaving the box. As the ! gentleman resumed his seat a murmur a admiration buzzed the court room. ritton then addressed the jury rosecution in a speech for which :terwards complimented by Mr. an it moderation. istice Galt commenced hie y explaining to the jury that in Davis to become a witness he any means admit his credibil- vas far them to decide. He ttrongest doubts as to his cern- to giN u evidence at all, but that int for hira (the Judge) to de- na for them. It was point if necessity arose, heintended opinion of hiabrother Judges.• for the fury to understand was ri vent to , Davis for pilis and li the advice at the prisoner but ly went to have the operation, used her death,performed, then t acquit the prisoner. There tittle of corroboration of Davis' and. on the testimony of that ma,n the whole case. , Another point if a week did not intervene be- • tween the prisoner going to Davis' office in reference to the girl being able tb stay at his (Davis') house and the girl herself going there, then the whole tory mutt be a lie. His Lordship's advice to the jury was to acquit the prisoner. The jury then, without -leaving the box,consulted with eaeh other for a minute,- and the foreman 'rose on being asked if they had agreed, and said "nest guilty." His Lordship at once tohl the prisoner he was _discharge the announce- ment being received with considerable applause mingled with a few hissee. Cle- ments then left the Court amidst the con- gratulations of his friends. The 0ounty Council. The County Council met at Goderieh on Tuesday last, pursuant to Statute. The Clerk took the chair and the several rept esentatives filed their certificates and , took their seats. , 1 ELECTION OF WARDEN. • The first business before the Council was the election of a Warden. It was moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Black, that Wm. Young, Esq.., Reeve of Colborne, be Warden. Moved in amend- ment by Mr. P. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Tho. Straehan, that John Leckie, Esq., Reeve of Brussels? be Warden. Mr. Young thanked his mover and seconder for bringing his name before the Ceuucil for 80 honorable a position once more. He had occupied the position to the best of his ability for two years. The first time, he was elected, was by adtlaination, and. the second time by a large majority. This° was as much honor as he dare expect at • the hands of colleagues lathe Council, especially as there were .so many more competent to fill the position than he felt he Was. He had every confidence that Mr. Leckie would fill the position i with credit to himself and honer to the County, and with the consent of his mover and seconder he would beg to withdraw his name, and he trusted Mr. Leckie would be elected by acclamation. Mr. Yeungti mover and seconder having consented to -withdraw his nomination, Mr. Leckie was elected Warden by acclamation. Mr. Leckie,in a few words, ,returned thanks to the Council for the honor done him, and assured them that he would endeavor to perform the duties which might de - Volvo on him - fairly and impartially and lk to their satisfaction. ' STANDING COMMITTEES. A committee of five, consisting of Messrs. Cresswell, Hunter, Girvin, Mon- teith and Kelly were appointed by ballot to select the several standing committees for the current year. ' ' THE AUDITORS. On motion of Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Simpson, Mr. Watson, of Seaforth, wasi , apponted auditor I for the current 1 year. The Warden appointed Mr, Ar- chibald Dielalon, of Go erich, the Second auditor. , , The Council adjourn d to meet at 10 o'clock on Wednesday. DAY. Jan. 26 1876. journe give that gent excellent epre was one which places of attic Brumfield, an of were loud i The number w as large as .doubtless, to t The tables Wer Grepr and M whom perform full justice h party repaire where several posing Wiwi' a Wenee The Couocil met pur uant to ad ment, the Warden in Itie chair. . i BRUCE BOUNDAR BRIDGES. Moved by Mr. Girvin, seconded y Mr. Gaunt, that Mr. James Somerville be ap- pointed,ber1the Councilj as arbitrator in the matterlof the bridges on the 'bound- ary between Kinloss and WawanOsh. 1 , Molted by Mr. Gatint, second'ed by Mr. Girvini that the County Clerk be iia- sttucted to telegraph t the CountY of Bruce, that this Council have Aire To the Editor SIR As a s out among our you kindly pe marks, not on not think complicate° tion of the told baker's dozen 'oppose them; set forth by " asks if Young necessary to practical life school. We a all that the c do is to give t educational ti as oppertuitie Such schemes proposes shou encoura,gemen available shou laudable pei properly come two sides to a others, for on wish to parti and have you of the school - for which we ing us an wishes, any his magic la after your m perhaps even with mud by who need edu this -pools of there a quid ment some of iu the arts of the peculiar slates and ev for which tro would no dou door if he amount of s library. ' Can then blame rooms, bullt for which h et 't for the really had got up, in fact, it ld not be excelled by eater pretensions than ose Who partook there- eir prites of his skill. at do n to it was not e anticipated, owing, ad" state of the roads. on by Miss Mee tledge, both of rts well. AftA the edibles, the joiningroom, i spent n pro - g thereto. , ny the Warden of instructing hint ppointed an ar- b4rator in the matter of the boundary bridges between Kinloss and Waveanosh, - and request the Council of Bruceto do the same if they do not see fit to appro- priate an equivalent sum with the Couh- tyof Huron for the repair of these bridges, as they have been reported by the En- gineer to be unsafe. AMENDMENTS TO THE SSE5SMEN1 Moved by Mr. Black, seconded unt that the Warden and Cler G , tien the Local Legislature to amend the Assessment Act so that persons Ot on the Assessment Roll halve• but one day's statute labor to perforin. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mi. Keine, that this Council appoint County Assessors; After considerable discussion, in1which it -wets made ,evident that a ma- jority of. the Council were not favorably disposed to the proposition, it was moved in amendment by Mr. Simpson, seconded by Mr. C. Wilson, that County Assessors be not appointed, but that the Warden and Clerk petition the Legislature to change the time of assessing, so t1at the i property in municipaliSes can be assess- ed during the months Of September and Oetober of each year, was carried ,on a divisi of 19., It was moved f in nt to the amendme seconded by Mr. Malone, that the further consideration of the question of appoint- . ing County Assessors be left over until the report from the registry office of the es of lands in the County, ordered a former session,- be brought down. is amendment was c rried. 1 1 The Council on moti The remainder of t compelled to leave ove ACT. . by Mre peti- The amendment n by a Majority Aber in - amend - t by Mr. Hay's, • s at TI n adjourned. I e report we aee until our next. Huron Farmers' a d Mechanics' Associa ion. 1 The annual meeting i f the members of this association, for the electoin of offi- cers, &c., was held at MeGregor's hotel, Brucefield, on Thursday, 20th. Present, R. Maiordie, :President. W. Westcott, Vice -President ; _ R. Mellie, Secretary; and several other mem ers of the Society. 1VIinutes of last meeting Were adopted. The report of the Secretary, which show- ed that the receipts of the past year h d been $74.41, a,ncl the expenditures $81. e,5. On motion, a committee was appointed to investigate the decision of the judges at the last mowing match. Considerable - discussion took - place on this point. The only change in offi- cers was in the appointment of J. Young, Field. Officer, in the place of J. Cooper. It was then naoved anul carried, that the judges for the respective matches be ap- pointed by ythe Society's officers, and that their decision in all cases be final. In future, ten pounds lwill be considered a , point, instead of fi e. Messrs. Mc- Mordie Mellis and ahaffey were ap- pointed a committee to revise and con- struct a‘list of point for the ensuing year, the former one Leing too low. 1It was decided to hold a trial of drills, the same as last year. After some discus- sion. it was also agree4 to hold a trial iof farming implements, such as : plows, gang plows, harrows, rollers, &c., some time in the spring; the entrance ; fee for " each implement is to be $1. A 'vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the officers of the Society, for the satisfac- tory manner in which they bad. fulfilled their duties during the past year, after Which the meeting adj urned. 1 1An oyster supper hd been prepared bY Mr. McGregor, for which , we must as far as ,poss tion, or fOr ea have you ekee the powors wl keeping ?- creature& he tees" I have Once in a 'gr what was rig ed for his tro warn others s could, consid cernel them bore. The few noble accommodat respondiogly invested. inspection ea were enabled off their sh made man how bad testify. Jrjt ent Board wi reform wher At the seethe heads won d clubs to nt bark less, cerned. in fr,.IICKERSUIT 1 1 1 seta Hints. it HurcnExposUor.' , biing niania has broken cker ith friends,: will; me t4 offer a few re- nomination, for I do, y suspects that gravel arise out of the 'elec-1 anal), or more than a ld have turned out 0 t n some of the ideas vet of justice." He have all the training hem for the ditties o they leave the commo er, most certainly not, on 800°1 professes to erest elements of a ng to be supplomented cur, till the end of life "A' Lover of ,Justice" eet veith the warmest nd any public ibuilding gladly' be given' for euc if the meetings wer But there are alwayfi estion, and I and many on dr another, do no te in those -meetings, ight to the special us and its surrounding ped te pay without giv valent, or against our .• than! the stroller with n. The next ' morning ng the floor, seats, an desks will be plasterecl feet' Of those gentlemen mg, or in the absence of co petit and here and attet4 to the advance - em have' already made ilization, not to mention wine found on desks, n the children's bookie el "A. Lover of Justiee' kick the artist from WI d tcHexereise the same, n his !private rooms or y"Lover of Justice" for reviring tjhat those a seeedal purpose, and ed to1tsay, sha1 be kept, freo from s ch pollu- g to: the trustees, why d or neglected to exercise ti we tentrusted to 'Toni- egarde those mythical "These efficient True- er beei able to find them. while one would try to do and the abuse he receiv,- e seriled as a beacon t� hey 1t things jog as they guod.oubt that it cont. more than their neiglie eral result (there were 4 tions,) was poor schodl poorl teachers, and co - or returns for the morte.? n the present system f in. Jrogue, the trustees shift the responsibility dere and co sequeritl h nee ed imp ovement ded the Ins ector can rely tlrust that the pre ave ebough backb*ie to ✓ reformation is needeci. me if some of he old tr e at th4r ncy, and all con - E liECA.EICETS. sEA.FORTn, 3(42, 27, 1876. ... O. 88 to 001 Pall 'Wheat 002 080 Pets per bushe . .... 0; 65 to 0 66 Barley per btu; 1 • OI; 59 to o 60 Butter, No. 1, oose.. 0° 114° t600 00 1155e Egg', Flour, per ban. 1. s 6 00 to 0 00 Ear 8 00 to 9 po Hideo.. • . a • • • .• . • .. a i • • ..... t• • 8180 to 4 00 Sheep shins. • . f • • • • • 0180 to Spring Wheat, or bushel' 0; 80 to Oats per bnehe . .. . • . 0 AO to Salt (retail) pe barrel. . Salt (wholesal4) per barrel. : Potatoes, new, per bushel.. 0 25 to Oatmealbrl Wood Beef • Pork e their eloque n order and de id belbetter f &c. t TEPANER an. 25 11876. On Frida Hullett, Far .Geo. MeKa, auctioneer. On Satrud Hotel, Seafo Property.j J. P. Bane, On Friday 12, at Rober Seaforth, a Robertson. auctioneer On Monda 1 Stanley, F aim Sales. eb. 4,1 on Lot S, Cen. 1 Stock.; and Implement . proprietor; J., Bullar ' ,..4 Feb. 4, at the Commercial Redd Eittate and' other Ma, oni, proprietress ; tionee . f td Sat rday, Eeb. 11 and n's Furniture Wareroome, tock ' f Furniture. M. oprie r ; J. 'P. Brine, , N.2. Feb. 14, on Lot 20, Co m -Stoat and iniplement David Payne, propr etor ; J, P. Brin auctioneer. ! • PRocron.2,-, Wife of. mg .TAcicsoN.41-: • the wife son., ' TIMMIN n I wife of vale, of a HEALD. wife O ter. IRTHS. Huilett, on Jan. 23, the _tree. Proctor, of twin son. Egmondville, on Jan. 17, Mr. flpnry Jacks1 ni of a Montreal, on Jan. 4. 'e Jas. Timmins, of pi I r , roxe r, on Jan. 20, the Wm. JIeald, of a claugll 1. MILLER -7 A the bride's Geo. BroW • bank, ti daughter SLATER --IV the bride' • 3. Philip, daughter Blyth. BERG — Parsonage • Berg, of — Morris. DicKso.. Thomaett. Dieksoo, months1 MILLEN. ter an a ration Mr. ration,. raonths. AR IED. D.—AV. the residence of ther, n Jan. 26, by Rev. Mr. Geo. Milier, Morris- s' Elizabeth Beard, elde t r. Robt. Baird, Howie. HT.—At the, residence f ther„ n Jan. 25, by Re Slater, to Jane, youngest f F. Wright, both f j. -- At the Methodist lyth,, on Jan. 21, Martin yth, to Mary Kruse, of 1.00 080 0 70 080 (1,00 to 550 200 to 2 50 ...... . 400 to 6 00 ' II 7 1100 to 725 .. , , Ceannon, Jain 27, 1876. . Fall Wheat, por bushel, .. .. °Ifni 0 0 92 Spring Whestikerbushel 0'182 0 0 90 Ostseper bash 080 0 0 82 0 - Barley, per bus el 0 50 0 56 0 Peas, per bushel 0 00 8 66 Butter ; , .. 0117 0 0 18 Potatoes. .. ' 0:80 0 0 86 Egg!, i' 016 0 017 Hay, per tone.4... ..... . . . . .. - . . it 00.0 10 00 Deef 'I : , 450@ 600 Titiordw .r . 4 , 4 0i 10 to 0 12 . 6; 50 0 7 00 Pork . 1. ;._ 4: 6 to 0 .7 _ , 1 Loenoet, Jan. 27, 1876. . White Diehl wheat, per 100 lbs, $1 60 toll 70; Treadwell, $1 60! to $1 70; red winter, $1 50, to $1 55; spring, *beat, $1 05 to $1:60; oafs, $80 to 90c; peas, $1 01 ;. to .$11 14 ; -barley, ;$1 10 to $1 50; egg i; store lots, per dozen, 20e; farmers' lote'22c to 25c; hater, crock, 18e to 20ei bitter, rolls, 20c to 23c; butter, firkin, 18c to 20e. Pork, per 100 pounds, $7 .to $7 10, DEATHS. 1 ,Tottencro, Jan. 27, 1876. Theremete in to -day about 200 bush- els of wheat at $1 to $1 01 Or fall, 99c for Treadwell, and 97c to 990:for spring; 1,500 bushels of ;barley at 60c to 88c; 600 bushels of peas at 74c; and 100 bu shel, of oats at 34e to 35c. Hay wild at $12 to $17 50. Dressed hogs were in fair supply, but there Was ifle good de- mand, and, while 'a few heavy sold as lo w as $7, , $7 50 was „paid I for a good many, while choice small ones brought as high as $7 75. Butter and eggs were without cheep. Gotts.---ithe price of gold in New York is quoted at nn. 1 -ri Mel(' lop, on Jan. 4 li 1 ari, yoimgest son Of John! ag d 5 year and 9' It I Wroxe er, on Yam 2,1, p.f. s of ab ut thirty hours' di- e Oruth, beloved wife 1 of Ellen, ged. 23 Years and 8 TRY NI. Pounds l'Oeit Bright Sager MA7. OK c (Upd EXPOSIT Under an o CRRISON'S 70 Cent Tea; 10 d, $1. 3ngar fot $1; 11 Fords Good GE LICE CE 1871LI,IFICATB8e o new Aide) issued at be OFFICE, SEAFORTH of mei Lieutenant -G enle Of Ont rio. M 0 IT A.I _ HURON NtANIKMILL. rr HE nnd reigned hereby inlonn their many custom es and the public; generally of the Re- moval of th ir Factory andlinmben Yard to new and more ei1mrnodiout prenlises NOR11H MAIN, •STREET, • Where, wft4 increased facilities end some new machinery the beat make, theywill continue to minute° re and fill all orders for ogaq' hes, oors, Blinds, Mouldwrig. s, - And 11 kirda; of ! ; PLA ED LU'MBIgR , A Prices to Suit the Times. Fanit ates, Hay 1?acks, Cheese Boxes, &Or A.- Lange Stria of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. .LATA AND SHINpLES. PO I TO THE FLOR NCE w Np m cAINE FORTH .HAR IT LASTS LONGER, WORKS BETTERil AND KU NS, LIIIHTER T an any other Machine in the Market. 3 TIMES. Jitt8 Enquire of a4 Pel.son who has Used One, nd Loirn • what they say oft, a fired B311 E et jig Sallying and 'Custom /Anteing will Reteiye Prompt A-ttOntion. ' • 1 The subscribers hereby thank their numerous customers for the liberal. patronage extended to 1 c them duringthe past, and hope, by strict integ- I ritrand el se attention to business, to merit a continuane and increase of the seine. To all thOee whose accounts aro Overdue we give a cordial in :itation to pay up. I . GRAY 8a SCOTT. P. S.—Plaus and Specifications for Buildings furnished on application. i 424 SPRIG SEED SHOW. THE Inn al Show, under the auspices of the -a- Tucker ith Branch Agricultural Society, for Grain, Peedi and Roots, will be bald at the So- ciety's Groiiuds. in the TOWN OF SEAFORTH, on FRIDA , FED. 25, 1876: when the following prizes will e awarded :le Il , 1 1st. Pd. 8d. Best 6 bush is Spring Wheat, Fife,.... ....... . . . . . . ..... $8 00 $2 00 $1 00 Best 6 bus els King Wheat, 81'00 200 100 Club, ' Bose 6 bus els Spring Wheat, any other variety.. ; .. . . .. . 8100 2 00 1 00 Best 6 bush le Barleye 2 -rowed, 2100 1 50 1 00 66 6 " &rowed200 1 50 1 00_ " " Large White Oats 2' CO 1 09 "I Common "1 2,00 1 00 4 " " Black ; 4 200 11 00 " " SmallPeas 200 11 00 " - " . Large reas...12t 00 1 00 Best 2 bush ls Timothy Seed2:00 1 00 " "1 Clover Seed.. 2 00 .1. 00 Best 11 brie els EarlyPotatoes2 00 1 00 " " Late Plotatoes2,100 1 00 Hulce anal Ilegulatiloves. ' , 1. All articles shown mint ' be. the growth of 1785, and produced on the farm of the exhibitor. 2. No per on will be entitled to more than one prize for G in, Seed or Rode of the sem° kind. 8. The S ciety reserve the tight to purebase the prize grain seeds and roote, at 20 nentS per bushel above the curreut market ratas. I 4. No person allowed to how kir sell on the ground without first becomi g a reeniber of the Society. 1 , • 1 ' 5. No exhibitor allowed to exporie his name on the bags. 6. All art cles for exhibition to be on the ground by 10 o'cloo A. M. 7. All p zes awarded must be lifted before the let day of -J unary, 1877, otherwise tney will be fort sited. . JOHL IIItNNA1I, Secretary. JAMES L DSBOROUGH President. 425-8 HANGER Of Real Atomic, Siam ed in the Town- ; SALE ship f Huy, Cou ty oir Huron. ..---.-1. I • PIIRSU T to the Decree made in the cause of Cm. 7 vs. Curry, and bearing date the 15th day ofNoviimber, A. D. 1875 there will be sold by Public Ane ion with the approbation of Henry MaciDermo t, Esquire, Master of this Court at Goderich, on TUESDAY, he EIGHTH day of FEBRUARY, A. D. 1876, atf 12 o'clock noon, by the said M4.sler, at MeGR GOA'S HOTEL, for- merly Batt nbury's, in the Village ,of BRUCE - FIELD, in one lot, the following vabeable farm propertyey z.: Lot No.26, ii the 6th Concession of the Township of Hay, in the COunty of Huron, containing One Hundred Acrcs. ' Fifty acres are cleared an under eultivati n and fenced. 1- The remainder s a good hardWoo4 bush. The soilis a good clay; on it ere a frame house one story high and sixLcei feet by twenty-two, a log barn and a log stable. The land is; situate Within four miles of the Vill ge of Zurich, an3 within four miles of the Loudo4 Gravel Road, O.ud is convenient to ! dumb and school house. he tifle to the land is indisput ble. The pnre ser moot pay down at the time of sale a deposit of 10 per cent. of his purchase money to the Vendors or their Solicitors, and the ba once within one inonth into Coast to the credit of this Cause, Mout interest; on payment 01 which balance 11c will be entitled to a cenvoyancu and to possession of the land. The property will be put up at ai upset price of $40G0, _The other onditione of the sale are the standing conditions of the Court 01 Chancery. Further parUculars may be learned iln the meantime at the offices 01i•T. Garrow, Esquire, W. R. Seeder, Esquire, d Messrs. Cameron ez McFadden, Ven- dors' Solicitors, and of the said !Oster. Dated the 80th day of December, ne D. 1 H. llacDERMOTT, Master it Goderich. • CAMERON & MerADDEN, _ . . Vendors' salter& 422 Si EFER NO . T. Golasniith, Peaforth; lames Davey ames Smillie, Tuchersmith; Arise LJ. King, r; elliebert Broadfoot, Morri , and them ld; Robeet Morrison, Osborn Dr. Moore, of others. ; • , Pa ti ex wishing to Pnrchane Sew ng Machines loud go to an e* tablishment where they can have FULIL STOCK OF ALL, THE FIRST-CLASS MACHINES -MADE To ele,et from, ani [not vibe e only one or two are o hliged to tell you they aro have no better., , VV I L. • to establishments kept, and they are he best becanee they ILSQ 1 "1 / WE, WEBSTER, SINGERS, R --In Four and a Few SEAFORIr in Stock the FLOR tread and New YAL, GARDINER, ertint Styles, 00 mmon Machines, Or NZ RN, Any f which wit1 be snid Cheap f • Short Creli t. r Cash or on TO rHE LA S. In he je.geth big 3famine ' • 1 i Department 1 . il mIss SLON . ! ' ep a full stook 1 Buttenek's PiOterne and 8 If- Ming Charts. All the latet and newest #316,10s and fashions. The lateet and most popular Shea Mule and Music Books. - la .31448ie 9. O. WILLSON. C- i\)sEtTSIC.. TH SEAFI:IfiTH i • • MUSICAi. RU E T EMPORIUM. WI L S & s orr, Late O. b. W LLS N, Proprietors of this well 1 _ • and If avorably knowi establishmentkeep nothing bat ; TAW RES1T.. The MATHUSHEIG, LlaBEL class Ilestrumults aiw ;el .1 1 i 0 RG1 ANS.; The VOGEL it LN0L Organ. . i 1 This Organ is imported d ect ,r-om the Manu- facturer and is now being i4troduced into Can- ada1 by essrs WILLSON S.: COT, who are the . 1 SOLE AGENTS FOR 1HE DOMINION. E, d other first - y� hand. RGA N S. • To this Organ we invite attention We have no boasting but amply ask yoa to test it. If your ability if not adec nate tothis,4get help from thoire wher can supply ponr deficit ey. We invite HE101-0SE6T CRUTINY I' e The keenest.eriticisr138 from mettle and the purest mu however, trust your own ju fe tive; than that of one wh hi . own unceit to I , FIT HIM FOR Such hid ment we neprecate. and thor tight); by your ab s licit at ention to the NEIIir GOODS, •EW GOODS, • SUITABLE 0 FOR THE SEASON. itisrr bP•maNiTmr• THIS WEEK AT OFFMAN • BROTHER CHEAP STOP.r/ SEAFORTH, HE FOLLOWING NEW AND SEA- SONABLE GOODS r ;#.1 eans, !Camirrics, Laces, iButtons ' IBelts, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Lace Cwrtans, Collairs and Oafs, Yak Laces, 11(611r Braids, Silk Ties, • AND SIVIALLVVAR ES. :ALSO THE BALANCE 1 thejoundest judg- cal este. Better, I gment, though de- g has little beyond'i TIE TASK. Test us' clitieally est musicians. We AT NT MANIFfOLD PIPE, he on17 suedessful method to obtain the Pipe 1 Organ tcjne. We b eg attention, also, to the PAT NT PIANO ATTACHMENT., It is no too costly for g1enerai use, and it NEVE t O N GIIIT UT OF TUNE. It; It gives sof yet ringing, 1Je1I4i1e tone, impart- ing a spa kiln , vivacious eh raet r to the music. mhis Ins rument has many.° her P MILLINE 1 MPOR'1'4NT IM1 ROVEMENTS OF OUR WINTER GOOD LARGE AT A REDUCTION, SUCH AS ' W 5 OS NAZE OR TO LET. QT0 HOUSE, TO RENT.—To Bent, a Grain 616.1' store ilionsei adjoining the BallWay Freigle Tioelse. Apply to STRONG &FAIRIXY. . 416 i j....0B,SE POD SALE.—For Sale Chc working horse18 event old, 8011 WIll beleold °heap. Apply at U. MO Ciatelocxyl, Seaforth, late Strong &nine,' a lots on and ev STP P PS gooa en& tine. ISON'S $ 42344234OUSE TO L T. --To Let, 1tifet inoStcomfort- 1 le end we 1 eituated leriek bonse, and four Huron str1 et, With, hard end ft water, convenience necessary. ly to 2. EliS, British Hotel, Seth. ,• 421 Tei) noire o aud th It hims ply to T.—Te Rent fora ter in of years, Bonn - Op, Main Street, Seaforth, steitable for Shop. Theintildingis not yet finished, tenant can have the privilege of finishing if crr it will be finished to eta ,him, Ap- . MeNA.IIGHT.1 1 420 I FOB ALE.—Entire Heavy Draught Colt, come Xing o the Dominion, ovnted by . LIFulher, of theiTo nship of Colborne; 'dam by the imported hello, ay lifalaeo; pedigree will oe inodueed. This colt Is of a rIch bny, stande 16i bands, and terries, Apply to DUNCAN MeLAUCHLIN, Lot girds 6 feet 6 inches. Will be sold on reasonable 4,. runGsserelys:Biussels P.O., or to JOHN NOT% AWCIPION SALES. OR GAGE SALE.—Undereind by virtue of a ewer of 84e contained in a moetwig•e, (list- ed the tith day of Januai7, 1874, made by Chrie- tht B -and Bannehe his wife, who Joined to ba her dower, to the Dominion Savings and lu- res m t Stretety,Idefatilt having been made in the, pa ent thereof, there will be sold, by Public Au tio at P. C. 13A.RNARD'S Auction Boerne, In he City of LONDON, on TUESDAY, the 15th de of EBRUARY, at the hour of o'clock P. the southerly 'Fifty Acres of Lot 6, n the 18th mCoateestionvinnfotutedsTyonorgashlop, teol tTiorsto t mo Ogees or the undersigired. E. TONES PA R VendorS' Solicitor. London, Ian, 13, 424-4 11 2 year!! old, sired by the im eted • -en- AUC ON SALE 00 FA1131 STOCK AND •L'At I PLEME TS.—Mie J. 15,1311114E will sell by pub Auction, for Mr. D. PAYNE,' on Lot 20, , Con. 1, Stanley, on MONDAY, rob. 14, 1876, the follow •g valuable property, viz,: 1 sp xt of oged. hp see, 1 span of colts coming 4, 7 cows supporred to be i , calf, 1 heifer 2 years old, 7 spring pigs, 1 vs on .. only new, 1 iron axle wagon,11 mowing • • •., 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 sA of iron o harrows ne rly .. ew, 1 set Of wooden lenrows, In strawcut- te ne ly:new, 1 : set of double harness, 1 set of plow li mess, 1 riet of single harnese, 1 thistle cn ter • low, 1 wonden flow, Hill's patent, 1 cross- cut. sa , 1 watering trough, 1 wagon rank," new set of • obs, 1 Ion 4 sleigh, 1 fanning Mill, 1 set of vial° scales, 1 horse rake, 2 dozen bap, 1 milk can,1 • ow wheelbarrow, a quantity of !potatoes, 1 login chain, and a (insanity of hey. Sale to co» menet; at 12 o'clock nacre. TERMS—All sums of $5 and. under cosh, over that amount 11 months' cr=. t wi ' be given. DAVID PAYNE,1Proprietor. JL • . BR E, Atietioneer. i 425+2 1 IP RTANT PUBLIC A.UCTIOIC,--Mre J. P. BE p has beeninstructed to sell for the sub- -130 ibe , on SATURDAY, FEB. 5, 1876, at the C MAL !HOTEL, SF, PORTA, the fol - 'Oldie • valuableproperty, viz.: 5 driving and dr u t horses, 2 pairs of bob sleighs, 1 8-spring- edwagon, 1 lumber wagon and hay rack, 2 sets of do bl barneas, 1 straw cutter, 1 good oat bin, beside umerons other articles, Also, 2 vain - able least situated on thellfarketSquarte Seaforth, with a largo 2 -story frame building, suitable for a- boarhouse or for any public buOiness, there ale a good frame barn' and a fame ratable. Sale t� minence at 12 o'clock, hoop. TERMS OF 13 —PereOel Effects—Alt earns of $10 and under h, over that amount 12 -months' credit will b4 givon on furntshing approvedljoint notes. A discount of 8 Per cent, will be allowed f or cash. al Est ette—One-tenth. of the inn:ebase money to b paid onthe day of sale, and thp diiisrenee be- t ecu that sumand one-third of the purchase en ney, with interest at 8 per cent. tlfiereon, to be p14 within six; Teopths after the city of rode; a whlch a dad will be giver., Audis mortgage bt soi:tingiroinsteotrethetelaport Sopterasc:nint,op%r twheo rbeemet,eienepit nayable one-thled in two years and t e r nining third in three leers liter date of an rig . M. MALCOM, People .ress ; I. P. IN Auctioneer. 424 .1111114C1C14LA.NESITO. IS,S BORLAND, Dress and. Mantle Maker Ito ins over;the Bank, Seaforth. 1 N. B.—Ap-1 1 p enti 408 wanted. , 0711 E TO FARMERS and others Who want td imp ove their stock of Pigs, now is their timel SCIS BOOTHE has bought of W. S. RobertJ ., a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, which! in Harpuriley, at Dr. Gottinlookhr ol I 1 414'lg QRAFORTH CHAPTEllt, No. 66, o h-/ Royal Arch Manona, Regular Con- vocation at the MASONIC HALL Seaforth,: on FRIDAY, FEB. 4, 1876 at 7:80 P. M. H. W. 'C. MEYER, . Seaforth, Jan. 24, 1875. 435-1 1 the erect prop e4. ep a be 118 WANTED.—Tendere will be receive ntil FEB. 15, for the Carpenter Work and klayingland Plastering of a house to be in the Village of Blyth. • Security lot r jerformanoe of contract to be given if require P ans and Specifications, drawn by Akin uri, Stratford, to be seen ne the office of the ri er. DR. SLOAN, Blyth, • • 425+4 L.A.1\T M TS, SerIAWLS, Flannels, • Tweeds • W}INCEYS, OLOU PSI FU RS Ove other Organe, and is the '3E7 ND, In the Caudill 1 THE TRADE LIBERAL HEAPEST Market. Y DEALT WITH Besidee the abov e the foil wing will be etepplied . Prince, orge Mason & Harlan, Bell, of elPh A to e nd-hend Thtrnml Inds for sa1e cheap. WI LSON are on bond or Woods, Eaten, and others. nts of various SiCOTT, $EAnfrni. Y AND MANTLES. REMEMBER THE P1.7A0p HOFFMAN BROTH EBS CHEAP CASH STORE, SEA,FORTH6 MID' OF TANKS—T� the President and Directors o the Howlek Mutual Fire Lunn; ce C mpanyi-Messrse Being unfortunate tti g my barn consumed by lire, on the .9.5t an f June lest, I hereby tender my *sincere t a s for the prompt manner in vehicle my amnia liave e n met, and can recommend it to the farot iers liowlek and surrounding country, -and here • y wish that it may continue to proeper. 0 :II sBMMI1LL, 8r. • eet 1 E INGa-eNotiee is hereby given to the ambers of the Hay Township Farmers' 31u - nal Fire Insurance Company, and othens, tin* be nnual Meeting of the Rad Company will be held inI the TOWN HAIL, ZLitICH, on MON- DAFEB. 7, 1876, at Da o'clock A. M., for elect- ing 11)1 tors and for other business. As this i° intexjdad to be the best and cheapest Conipeny in he 1rcuvince, and as a full explanation wlll b giveh at thenneeting, a large attendance is 1ooed tot. I Come ye 'fanners, see, Mar and judge for frontiselves, U. V. DIRSTEM Secretary. thankful to a 4244, 1 Illw13.06 PI rY• any person who would WANTED.—The undersigned • el bovery give h such information as would - lead to the i a, b ' Icl man. i He left his horne-e-Blnevale-- discovery of her husbandoWilliam Sheppard, vie August: last, and promised to retiree in a few days, but has net been leard of since. He is in the habit of selling poetry, eongs, &e., on the ears, and maker; considerable money in this waya His fie and fa-Mily are in great need of part el 8 earnings, us they are in altn086 a destitute State 1 ANNIE SHEPPARD, Blievale P. 041 nt. • 1 1 1 4211 ..E 1: G MACHINE NEEDLES at Wholesal Prices tor Whirty Days. The best quality cif SewiugMackinc Needles'suita.bie for any kind of rail° in°. will he furnished by the underaigned at the fioliowing prices: Florence Dna ether curved needles 40 cents per dozen ; Singer, Howe, and all other kinds, only 85 cents ner dozen, Enclos the raoney and ;needles will be bent post Lree o othe L3e:d , as esired. Arldreas or apply to ALE . F W. WelBSTER, Box. 2F, Seaforth, 0i4. N. B —A complete stock of Shntnes and Attar iv- ent s fpr any kind of Sewing alachine always on hand_ ' i , ; , 4211 Tirss LUTION.—Notice Is herehy given that es-' the Partnership heretofore subeieting between the iindersigued, at the Village of Zurich, in the County f Huron, as Flax Mat Ilatturers, under the Ira e, style and Arm of INIESERS, ERNST CO* Y, was this day dissolved by mutual co sent and that all debts owing be the said Le will be paid by the undersigned, Cheistian Ernst, who intends to continue the sail brisiness in his own Paine and on his own behalf. and to whom ail claims owing to the said Lira Must bopai . Dated this 71h day of Jannarv, 1$76, CERT - . IAN ERNST; ABRAHAM B. SHANTZ, Wil. IAtel IC. ALPERSON. Wituess1 — 310BER SIILX13 I . 42413 I M U SICg M USI C I • IP °MINS' New American Methel d, Ind -actin i JA' full instructions in Harmony and Thorou Li , Bona, taught by intro. J. 0. VC-UNGAR . ,Thi 4 new method advances natiche more rapidly : thin:lat. alixen°111thseas13pirteet °eoefliPtilereseemillOenelef a 'thpettpPliciaPnil's ee 1 such a knowledge of the principles oe the- scienee to lartyhenlYeaTsirae lififIr erwxteieardf5t naithlgeort tPhuerasuideotfhea tsetaut411- . cr. 'This method is Itarbegfeetners, Uwe"' as be- ing o greatailiantage4o sdnancedpupile. MRS. a. ll.W'RIGHT Ina; taught thik!,- ay ton snceese- I for the letrit Ave years, and e produce tlie bes of references. $16 A TERM for lull thstruo- tlons, 'teeing less than the original price, which Fancy Store, ne M. E. Wrightes xt door outhf s was (120. Tor further particulars enquire at Mis Campbell's Taring Estatidebrie___ lent, Scaforth ()Li. 41;