HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-01-28, Page 1t ANDA Y 21, 1876. NEW GOODS, E.\ G0tODS., SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON.. r-: NINTH ILEA K. WHOLE NO. 425. C.TS'r OPE; ED THIS WEEK AT F A N J3.1301-(K.:ERS CHEAP L 5 STORI , SEAFORTH, LOWINGNEWNEW AND SEA- SONABLE EA-SONABLE GOODS •tntt,. anie tntbrlcs tees, rittOlS, Grey Cottons, Witte site Cottons, Lace Curtains, Collars and C',f'e, Yak Laces, Bair Braids, Silk Ties, AND SMA LLWA;R ES. LLSO THE BALANCE OF OUR -ERGO AT A LARGE REDUCTION, SUCH AS NKETS,,, .SHAW L:S, Flannels, Tweeds, TV 'OE S FL O FURS, NIILLINER' AND MANTLES. MEMBER' THE PLACE FF AN BROTHERS' EAP CASH STORE, S AFORTH,, SEA ORTH FRAY, JA A4# 28, 1 REAL -ESTATE FOR MALE. F OR SALE: A Wood 'Lot, containing a little less than I00 awes of land ; well situated in the township of MoK :11op; soil most ex. ellent ; timber heavy, will be sold cheap. Appy to R. A. LEGGETTTExetsr P. O. 420 ARMS FOR SALE. -East half Lot 11, Con, 12, Maliillop; and West half Lot 19,'Oon. 12 McKillop; also South 50 acres of Lots 1 and 2 ' Con. 10, Morris, adjoining the Villa' a of Blyth For particulars apply to MoCAUGHE & HOLME.1 STED, Barristers, &o., Seaforth. . 425' BUILDING LOTS IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE ' -Dr. COLEMAN, having laid out the grounds recently occupied as a Driving Park into Baid. ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of tots on reason, able terms to any who may desire them. -Partici desiring to purchase should make immediate ap- plication. .. 864 V - ARM FOR SALE. -For Sale. Cheep, a first class Farm in the township of Wawanosh, Lot 14, Con. 12, 1 mile from Lueknow, where there is s railway istation. 'There is timber enough on the lot to pay for it. The land is a rieh loam, and in a good neighborhood. Terms easy. WILLIAM PLUNKETT, Bayfield P. O. 1 414 VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot No. 4, Con. . 15, Township of Grey, containing 100 acres this is a choke farm, well situated, with good buildings and all necessary conveniences and le in good order. Terms very reasonable. pply to the proprietor on the premises, or 3,'f by. 'etter to Walton P. O. JOHN SELLERS.: 422-4 VALUABLE PROPERTY IN 1 AR RHE f FOR SALE. --For Sale in Haipnrhe ,1 mile from Seaforth, a large franio Dwelling Ho.: a cod- taming 7 rooms, with a stone founds ion and large cellar. ; a good well and pump, and 5 scree of good land, more or less. For farther particu- lars enquire to the proprietor on 'the c em Ise . ROBERT HANDOOCK. 425* VOR SALE OR TO LET. -That co ortable - dwelling honso adjoining the town of eaforth, sen byJohn Beatti led at present owned and Occup p contains 10 rooms and cellar, and soft ster o the premises, and a young and thriving orchard. Purchaser can have easy terms. 1'ossessi n about Nov. 15. Apply to the undersigned. JOHN BEATTIE. 409 '' OR SALE. `The property of the 1 Copeland, being composed of 3 park to Town Plot of Grey, containing 16 acres of of land, and well cultivated. There i frame house and barn on the property. T will be sold on easy terms. For further Jars apply to HARTWELL SPEIRAN, P.O., Grey, or to C.R. COOPER, Brussel to J. O. s, In the the best s good e above partien- oncrieff • 422 VALUABLE PROPERTY IN EGMON . VILLE FOR SALE. -For Sale Choalt, that •mfor't- able and pleasantly situated residence in ' gmon ff • - vine, formerly occupied by Mr. David IRunoajl, and now by Rev. Mr. Scott, with ono acr • of land. attached, which is filled with bearing fr it traits of the choicest kinds. There is also a go u d stabllo and woudshod, and all other convcn nc ie s. Pos. session given on March 16, .1876. Terms easy. Apply at the EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 4 8 -ARM 1'0°R SALE. -For Sale, the East half of Lot 18, Con. 8, H.R.S., Tnckersmith, oontai ing 52 stereo, about 40 of which ale cleared and a state of good cultivation balance well timbere . There is a good frame house and log outbuil - tugs ; a good youngbearing orchard; is dista 't from Seaforth 5 miles, and is situated on a gold ggrraavel road. For farther particulars apply to =&S. WILLIAM PAPPLE, on tile premises, or to Egmondville Post Office. 4281 4A I.aRGE DWELLING H'1USE in. Seaforth i for Sale or to Rent.-Poreale or to rent, that pleasantly situated and commodious dwelling house, owned by Mr. S. Powell. The house cob - tains large parlor, diningjroom, kitchen, and 10 comfortable bed rooms, together with closets, a good cellar, hard and soft water, stable, wood-_ shed, &c,. There are two lots filled with choice bearing fruit trees. Possession glen at any time. Apply to S. POWELL. N, B. -Also a large qua - tity of square timber for sale. ! 4 5 --ARM FOR SALE. For Sale, the East half of Lot 17, Worth Thames Road, Usborne, contain- ing 50 acres, 40 of which are cleared, free from stumps, well fenced, and free from all nor.iot!s weeds; a good frame. barn with stable attached, comfortable log house, good spring well with pump', also a young bearing orchard. On a good gravel road, within 6 miles of Exeter, 15 of Sea- forth, and nearly equal distance from St. Mar s and Mitchell, and adjoining the Village of.Farqu- bar.. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, or to Farquhar P. 0, RICHARD DOWNIE. 422*4 VALU FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE.)-- Fo Sale, a desirable and beautifully located Farm, si uated abont7I miles from Seaforth, Lot 16, Con.' 8, McKillop ; .the farm contains 100 sores, 75 of which are e leered and in first- claim; order, the balance being all good wood ;' theliouse is nearly new, 82x22 ; there is a good stone cel lair,• a good barn and: driving house, 2 never -failing wells of good water, also a youug orchard bearinlg; there is school en the farm. For further ppai- tionlars apply to the proprietor on the prorate s, or if by 'letter to Winthrop P. 0. WILLIA SMITH.I 4 8 SSSV MILL AND FARM OF 100 ACRES FOR ` SALLA. -Tho subscribers offer for sale their saw mill and farm, Lot 85, Con. 5, East Wawa - nosh. The mill contains large circular, edging saw, butting saw, shingle saw, edger and packer - all in good order. There are on ;the lot besides the mill, i two frame dwelling houses and frame stable. There is also on the lot a quantity of val- uable Wilber, consisting of pineblack ash, and hemlock ;and other hardwood, with a large stack in the vicinity to last a number of years. Satis- factory reasons given for selling. Possession given at any time. For further particulars enquire, if by letter post said, of W. G. HIr GSTON, Brus- sels F. 0., or R. T. IIINGSTON & BROTHER, WestfieldP. 0. 880 STOCKRAI IN SoutJtern 0 Next to mini g, in this western co The system un er is entirely diffe ;en Canada and the of deavor in- this le idea of the wa c In the first plat , little attention ai stock produced t to secure the ea Generally speakin kinds of cattle i and 'texas.: T e the common gr de the States, and h Texas cattle hhv Texas where e herds, on much th ed here -in fact, t keeping cattle ha the Texans, wh i rowed it fromth America. The description ; t eir seen in every fa m Texans are sma 1, great tendency t bone and ho less food and at travel further i 't terter endure t. e weather and p • or steer, as he st wide spreading . o hind quarters • d a splendid loo ng ing his cluisi: a can relative, b t, his inferiority is from two to three er weight. T to the stockmen cattle with sho and thus prod the hardy natu beef- reducing b :eed. For tl "s p ohibiting the pl t e. public range o the cattle new s ended from co driven up fro' ofAmerican Many stockm bred Texas .cat 'le believing that l tl better, and th t ton better wh n 1 COL RADO.. A I:ANsAs VALLE , a o, January,187.. e grea st busi e s try is stockraisin . hi h it is carried o fr m that known in 1 totes, I will en- er to, convey sdme 1: are 'raised re. ✓ is comparati ,elk o the quality ofd the at Object b ing ossible quan ity. t ere are Out two ountry, Amer can ericarn cattle are a tle brought rosin escendants. The b:enou -ht rots a e reed in oat a ' e plan as fo' ow- oloredo syste •. of e n borrowed'rom1 t rn, probably .'r-. aniards in' S•uth_ ri au Fettle nee, no eo nterp-'arts ca • be ar. in Ontario. The. Cay ai inlals, wi h a h: d velopme t of ek w subsis on lit an he American, at fatigue, and' bet - 1 ations of severe pa tare.; The Texas ie • the :prairie, ith. t, igh Withers, light metrical Jim s, is quite mal, q to e hp i • ore beefy A . et a ed in the sole ale , esu ckly apparen n {inred pounds 1 gh - cinstant endeav' r f ade p the texas ii or A erican u11ss, .n ani al reta nitig Itl a Texan, wit the lit .es of the ettcr ii . ose there is r law of Texas b is en he great majority he country e de - e which have been xa crossed ley' bulls hort horn • lood. ✓ half or q arter he pure Ame lean, stand the w' titers keep their 'ondi- asshis poor. the cattle bu ti' on a streai• u'at r. He erects his The fewer` ewer cattle b ity ,t a bette ere e will years, whir of Grass wi rds:, is fort t he takes hi The meth le is to run r " hoot, • very 'corral. d enough to al and o narr nd. A num 1 ref o' A man enga in ' in usually seeks to ' ti 6 by a living s 'n.:of secures a clai i gold stables and e, bors he has a his own in t he can find a plat tirely alone fol} cattle will have p mixing with of as good as made. tle and brands branding grown into a narrow la Ili which is attached b "shoot " is just cow to pass thro permit her turnip cattle having,' 'b "shoot" so c, hardly move, is burning cl heating the br ly red-hot, th the rails of th side of the an m struggles for lib "shoot" holds burns through the skin: If done, the anis long as it lives, ed,. they are being passed other around in opposite dire falls on its side applied. Gen with one or inre name, but oft ed, according to outline of a arrowhead,'`' a brands used b r borhood. Witen''vle hands it is brt;,nd especially old, c viva brought from Te -; erect with diff ;re be al lis ar she r ra be 'hi to ns it will be at its be knee hig , and in s +h to a ho se. ' In Se 1'dry, ieta'fling Iits nu mains so all winter. It experienced stockinen t area of ten acres of •this one head of cattle, and thin this proportion ,of overstocked. Even at t no; more th one thi,ids. of the su. country is veiled w h grass of any kid,great tract's f sage brush, patches of alkali and ;w ous kinds taking up the rem .Aboutithee May, the spring ''round -ups " for,the purpose of branding calves begin! They are carried on some- • thing after t is fashion . A large cattle owner sends out n outfit, consisting of a wagon to c rry provisi ns, a cook, and from one to hr rider for every thous- and cattle h m own. Sometimes two, or three ow ers club to ether in a joint outfit. Eae rider is s p lied with two or three hos es which he rides alternately. A number o thecie outfi will get togeth= r er, ` comprise h 30 or 40 'riders, m and scour a dozen iles around, ga 1 the cattle they see. At ni attic, numbering thousands p driven to , camp, making one easing thebrands owners, ' Next orrned in t bunch s on hors$eback. owner represent - turn, enter the e such ig it is at are st. Then it will ome place belly tember it begins triment, a d re - is estima d by hat it to es an rasa to maintain that with'more- cattle on it it is his rate, perhaps -half or two face of the iness i or e he ouse, eigh- Aides e en- his hout ne is cat - d of them ne of This ow a w to er of the can fire se of near- ough ed to and the iron scars pei�ly rk las rand - rope td an - tilled soon tidally ended vner's do t- he an re h !es e, en iv - ds ng or ed ng • t. ai- as- for i- as- ifAtWC OR FOUND. ' are registers all the cattle 1 ESTRAY DOG. -Cama into the Store of the mortgaged lik undersigned, on Monday night, Jan. 17, a large I3laok Dog.. The owner can. have the same The cattle by proving property and paying expenses. WM. loose on the r HILL, Soaforth. 424 - man's range immediately • But cattle, w to bo eolning 2 years old. The owner is reclue st rie, roam abo may drive th tore and wat term range b may cover is r direction fro quarters. T shall accompp loose. As th all mix toget went, for th high-priced. benefit the in Lich greats er. After ea reggive no f spying when the winter is if in the pr amount of ra water holes a not dr'ied.up, condition, an profit to the poor, water s vere,the cattl all. will be 'in the old and spring. the cr and the ran ESTRAY RAM. -Came into the premises of the sabsfcriber, about Dec. 20. a Ram, supposed • ed to prove property, pay charges may. JAMES ALLEN, Lot 15 lott. j and take hi m Con. -9, Hul- 425*4 '. I1IISCELLANE1IFilt3. �AY UP. -Parties indebted to S will do well to have the same Jan. 15, 1876. STRONG & FAIR Tong & Fair le y settled before EY. 410 TP. BRINE, Licenced Alio - County of Huron. Sales parts of the county. All ordore PosITO8: Office will be promptly ioneer for the attended in all left at the Ex- ttended to. 1 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. -A11 to the undersigned, either by count, are requested to•call and•sottle their accounts will be placed in Court tion. JOHN DUNCAN, Saddler, arties indebted -oto or book ac- at once or for collec- Brussels. 428*4 WANTED in and villages Fire and Marine nduoements to co, MANAGItiR, VIRE' INSURANCE.-AGENTIS Seaforth, Clinton, and all towns; in Huron County, for the Canada Insurance Company. Special First•elass lire men, Apply at o • Box 7:3, Goderich.'422 SE0 WHEAT. -Mr. John Cameron, 80, Mill ltoad,'ruokorsmith, quantity of First -Class Wheat of variety for spring sowing. As h 70 bushels left those wanting wh application at once. A sam io 09n ExrosiTon Office. JOHN CAhi ' Lot No' has on' hand a the Red dial has only about at should make bo seen at' the RON. 424-4 $20 ` REWARD, Tho ,above paid to any persoreor parsons furnish ouch information as will conviction of the party or parties the defamatory libel against my- tor, in Fly Sheet Form_, dated No same to be a fabricated falsehood award will! be idle will end to the legal who published arsenal, aha rap- .1, knowing the -only to injure E my ebarecter and serre-thei, own ends. 4EOIitC+ ANDERSON. Stanley, Jan. 10,1876. 428 6s for ed int ther hat the en c osed. • or t e puip ions. When is usher! th t "and appl hich bellow: but in vain tight and th it and deeply nding be pr carry the n calves are thrown, one thehead ai legs, and . The calf e brand is qt attle are br, ialsof the o bands are , for instars e, , la i nous , rse.track, & men -,in this an animal c an new. Some at which hav b will be almost c rands. All bra a brand, includ it, I may be sold Cher property'. • P n. • op ei b *ending are Strictly spec 1 ublic :domain o' his water ed loose on th eir will as s the aear-ch f carr them, o the ery indefini$e, and 100 miles in every rancheman's head - a bull tithed wirers wirers urage- red or Iny ! v cle er, €t e u bu pu d tle rt al i-1 vi n d he w wn ar e wl kin ly ep ito >r . • eeds of va aindeti. middle of p ops t e count eri hesse a ht e,, are vast herd, ifferen tle are herde of eac 1 -up," i -out " ant. s cows an The anima rd ogethe d,. rd nd ' wi d to se. 11 the quare, sty in ecurires that ry 25 cows of ' different e is little enc as they would ie generally g time! comes n, If as fallen, so t att the rings in the pr iri are attle will keep oad Butj if the resS be nd the weat er se- ra before th storm, condition, any of, nesitill die. XIII the wi think he has er of ;a hundred morning, th ca surrounded by Then the bder edi in the " oun heed and " cul a cattle as t Y e nearly alwa " cut-out." pit in a Ii = are brand again turn d after a a haps 100 m les " round -up will often b at, a time, ranches. tirely in th are in the a hearty r which awai season of c teears fi h p and lay th sky and st life and a r -follow it b al ost pro becomes a else after. looks well range over a n - ley ext At best, t e grows in bun c separated by h 115 ut for a ithout ever this time open air, addle, comi ► ish for the s them. g ands' ley un Ives d . u affin e, t mss rs Jverhea ther hard ne, but those who examinations, has come attar ' ed to it, and it is Board of School erba1.that when a man once -Thirty head erder he is good for nothing St. Jelin; N. R . ✓ separat n the spri calves t o Is cut-out" are then ishe calves' h their mothers his is continued ole range, Per- s hunted over, A the sum er time oath or six weeks going back to the the men live en - All day long they g in at night with rough camp fare f ter supper and a ory-telling around all their bedding . .- Iev. H wn with only the Schools, at Ottaw Itis a rough ism in connection money { ` • and ove pends up n -the ra on a` range where tle, if such could mak' their owner' a hu drecl cows, 1 they are fifty or cattle would be so needle in a hay s stars es Where larg made in a 'few'ye: nese, but these' ar quires capital, ,e ancc the same es TO give an idea business sometie hands, I (will pia largest herds: M cattle on the.Sont ern Colorado clai theplest fall Colorado, dal ed to $150,000. Mexico, claimed, a he sold o t a few The' are of me men and since th, at $30 a n onth; vicinity among the Jones family; said . PP • fist." Much also de- ge. A hundred cows here are. nq other cat - .e found, would soon fortune, but to turn ose on a *nge where :ixt thousand other ething like losing a ack. Th re are in- t have been; t rs in the cattle busi- exception41. It re- erience an persever- ther occnp tions. f the extent which the successful few of the keeps his r, in north- attains cularize a Iliff, wh Platte riv s 26,000 head ; during of beef cattleamount- ohn Chisiim, in New . ut 30,000 head, which u veeks ago for $240,000. all 'Brothers, northern New Mexico, aid to have l ,000 head ; their sales of cattle last all were 3;000 ; the bets; of the las named firm are young war• engaged in exits n this'more imnie�diate lar est owners a the ead.; swell to have. 30,000 Reynolds Bros., 6,000 ; Henry, Cre (brother of the Tu kersmith Cress ells), 6,000, and. a -doze others reputed to have from. 2,000 to . A. M L. • nada. ' " A man named split,and piled, ons 49 `ni� ties a few Coil. 16, I township The Jewish penecl on th ies were ve essor De S la moist web mo Pre. ienry Leas: cord of h 'r days. ago; f Logan. - ynagogue 20th inst. y - impress' was officialt - --Thea non- ;�i nist mem noon ha hurch o James � , to obey the Gran ellor's inj intend hiring al ha 1 in which- services. --The of Agin a each received Government ai tent of $6,000 for improvin Elgin jail improv menta we two ears ago , an cost $21, o orthwick, t, charged with schoo been dism 'rustees. f beef cats rail from The int ;I• ntario pro e+ ni •. . • fteri his ea tle will h nt the such cattle from ii!, wo or thre times, so hat not 1 large this yeat, a calf will escape bim. In the , brands 1 -Mr.:George hes the only distinction between t , 8 cattle 1 consigned 500 ba o;t a bran lost to its 114 4unding Steers an driven to het° they or St. Lou e marketed ' and ref f th' se Sta -g will p for bee cattle ! r, the catt e are at I old cows aregath- month he shippe their best. Ontario Scho 1 ered up an est station, BUCCOBSOT. Kansas Cit -Fifty fou food for t Montreal wer the cattle week by the arket the near- 1 re taken bY rail to and con vetted into A good Many of ere early in , the tted with the sur- e general; round - comprise several ore than a thous - an army of City- ays elected who many men rately number of work - eve small owners keeping Ocm to- t this can :Ionly be er, and el:len then ne on horise-back. almost ais wild es foot will frighten s used ar nearly feeft8On are Andrew s Ho as " feede have received plus corn In some up in the hundred o and riders, directs the work toge ancomplus close -herd dane with cattle clo peon All the The prairi buffaloes, and stem thing else. all " Bron Make bett age Ame more har on less foo ttained an running c highly pri requires b part of th sense" great de known them to be rid in a day, and come u after two or three da eoon tells on them, h ever ra eheman wit ass is Very thin. - It alf a RIO to a foots art are, dry earth. It be- lly a ut the first of the loe tfits with loo ing lik ptain is al work, but s er to adva ed when th less. A heir cattle, sheep. B small nu cattle are nd A man o edelgthem The hors r saddle -ho can iorse, ridi g, an ome 0 11 11 • 11 de re ha e. • els- of fl y lately. over 1, Farm Ma rown, of titute Sco ieved one 'table Co A great s stance fro -Quite ah exc tement ha ed in Ottawa by the arrest man respectaly connected mother and 1 door step. -The Ott wa motives for t e Railway. That pany being, on t vantageoms, has -The] first an the estate of S that the creditor dollar. The exp • winding up the a third of the asset -Mr. J. T. section No. 3, Lo • chopped' wo: in t 33', • . Toronto The Gere e. Rev. ng clergy- rs of St. resolved tion, and hold their t have e ex - jails. leted spec or of th f vorit- tegchers' sed y the arri ed at ppe Prov- rtaton of ises Ito be Tavistock, ✓ to Glas- uring last i barrels to o was re - ger of the re, has re- illia, is his h people in ►ening last tittee of St. ny families his source. been creat- f a young, n the city, Ker to heir corn d from its four narrow gaugeloco- rince Ed f the Kin e whole, th • rd Island ston -Com- most ad- d sheet of . 1/jcLEA8 BROTHERS, Pnblis e ..e. el. 50 a Yeariin advance. mand es trumpet, probably to a phantom crew. True or not, a dozen of men are ready to swear to having seen tee yacht's sails hoisted by the aforesaid_, ghost, and s db bt their statement appears ,Ist least - e night lately a Hoek of sheep num ring 17, the property of Mr. Swin- ton, Beverly, were destroyed by dogs. In th morning they were found lying about he Adds in every direction, horri- bly m ngled. Some of the sheep were still et ive,1 but their wounds were such tthheamt r. iSwinton was obliged to kill - few days ago a veri valuable horse belon mg to Mr. Jos. Swantz of Nith- burg, ell down dead at his sable door. The orse was a noble animal, of the " Me enger" breed, and being one of an excel nt and well matched team, is a heav loss.. Mr. Svvantz we believe, woul not have accepted '$400 for the tea attempt WaS made last week to burn brook of buildings on the Main stree of Listowel. The fire had made consi erable headway. The block is situa d near the river, and the abund- ant a d convenient supply of water re - vent the flames from extending. is is the third attempt to set fire to the same lock. Mon foal, has addressed a challenge to the act of that city, asking him to choo supporters and meet him in a disp ite op the vaccination question. In case he Mayor is vanquished in the dis- pute e ies to give up his vaccination view and measures and if the doctor is vanq ished he ie te'lay down the arms of rebe ratford saddler' shows get two cents on the noes of the assignee, in cern, amounted to one- ood, tea° er in school o, Count of Middle - he present es the •22d been eng ed in that close of 1 t year the 1 1 ses' than the aver- year that he has are able ta stand keep in cOndition them are highly knew mor about driving and -At a .fire n ttle than h If of the herders. on Wednesda S, ed y his wner. To " cut- eight horses, fro a he d, and do it well, two stores a th gpod ho semanshio on the rider, and speed, bottom and the horse. These horses have 1 of hard ri ing to do,: I have en 60 and '70 miles as good , as ever, s on the grass. It Me Gas Woks wever, and nearly Williams' *a any conaiderable shops. section. At the pupils presented al hoboes were also estimated at $12 ford to hold a that town in ho Pqrt Dover and numter o cattle Use up two - or three oney ea be procured for fro to 60, so t ey are easily replaced. The manner o using both cattle and horses is very r ugh. It wyld astonish some of your 0 tario farme s, who treat their cattle onl with less incliiess than their - childien, o see how hey are used here. The cattl are eram ed in corrals, run down, ro ed and thto , the horses over- ridden a d poorly f d, but these things are insep table from This y ar has bee one for ei We.. The prices hi. h, and near have ma e meney. the price was from 2 ut most of the bee et the go .d prices. for Ame I can Stock cattle av rage much East ; t lee and fou 1,200 is hought hea As to he ptofit of The lets r the busin Three th usand hea with ver lit le mor r of is man are, faivorable the own he system, and in. I able. I a, very favorable ass has been good, all the cattle men early all 1 the fall ice is doWn now, es were cleared out The general price ows is from $20 to ligAter then at the year old 'steers do r 1,000 pounds, and y. the cattle !business, that of a newspaper. ss the better it pays. of cattle cen be run expense than four an with few'hun- niggle along, while thousanctis making • ark wort last week, ght, the st le in con- s hotel, ether with e consume The hotel, two priv e dwelling Total loss consumed 000. are being rand dem or of the o Lake Hu and the ufacturing L. -Counterfeit notes of British North America ar er Provinces: I lithograp John has been i uing large adv ertising note which i so have been aceep ed by ignor as genuine lien y. -The Presb terian con, Molesworth des res-separat,' towel and union with the i ed at the late rn eting of t of Stratford, en the 28th u t is every probabi ity that t e be effected. -In the villa e of Dun v of Haldimadd, they kno with a splen, id gold welt° course in th vi lege coun past year, t's worth while councilor in uel. a village ly eensatiorf. The Stan I rd. ing to this mun ne spher , and • ing his time wi h carrying • t which he perfo ed when The gentleman when no n dark nights th sails of now be seen ho ted, and heard issuing om the stration, in ning of the o 'Railway, ompson & Company's • e Bank of still in eir- of the low - firm in St. uantities of e instances nt farmers 11 last with of flt • he distress among the poor in ton is daily' increasing. Dnring eek 92 families have been stipplied. fooct at tbe soup kitchen. Many ni have not before known the pres- ence of hunger. The number of meals ied during ,the week is 840, while ersons were accommodated with gs et the dormitory. ome sensation has been caused in on, by the the discovery that a I ke er in that city named Baldie, itherto enjoyed an honest re - supp 140 lodg Lon hote who puta ion,' is alleged to have been living fot any years with a woman, the wife of a erchant in Scotland, with whom he el ped. The merchant has sued for a divo ce, and the papers have been served upon the woman in question. throughout all, points in the Do and bee'Cles domg the business ab comm ters of. cated will $100 ea English grans dealere. • -Onj 'Friday evening, a man WM. GikInt,, 45 yeats of age, was to he MOntreal General Hospital in from the tht day, an cession the dee went in in on, xe re - o, will con, uct a genera g ain ion busines so fat as veil be de - o their inte est. The h el ar- e Company will probabl 10- ontreal. The proposed ca tal $200,000, in 2,000 shares of . I The enterprise is sta by et. His mother died on Friday when the 'funer as starting rom the resi ed the wo Id -be self -d 0 the house ndgoingop to of the rooms, took a razor and infli the woonds which ciune near costing his lifed IA member of the family o g in to call him founcl him ,standin in room W th the blood flowing c o from hi throat and mouth. named taken suffer - 8 It 11 Th en tr -A sad story COIttieff from the to of Garefraxa. Mos. McBride, laflY ag a 77, who lived With band on the Twelfth Concession Of hat ' be,' in rfect health, and did. n t com- plain o Pain er ilhiess of any disc "ption. - a larg fire race, end cern° very near being tj rned up, is her husband, who matism had great difficult in drag ing her out -.-I, week, as the workmen wer gaged exca'Fating in Hamilton, at Corner ughson and King streets, of the wi something glitter at point 'spade, and on his ma _guinea. he, coins look ing th at the the go through a years age, them. ro- yer ne ted im ing the sly hip old -Ile body of an unknown man, ils. wea ng e light tweed suit of clothes and calls in ;boots, was found -on the sand bank near Wellington, Prince Edward Cou ty, on Friday, His pockets con- tain d a pen knife and a ten cent piece. He i supposed to be a suicide, as a re- volv r 'as in one hand. Nothing def- inite ea ba ascertained, as the body is very in h•decomposed. - g ntleman writing from Muskoka says : " here is plenty of wild land here for a the settlers who may wish to come for s me time. We, are expecting the railway ta be built in a short time from Torento to join the Pacific railway. It is surveyed within a mile of us, in the' toWnship of Perry. If some of the peoplei prouhd the cities were to come here they' coul get a living for themselves better the working by the day, that is, if they Ming to work." are olves, half-statLved and gaunt -look- ing, ith the result of -starvation deptet- edintheit very gait, have been bold enoug to enter the thickly settled. pahs of th dati ns. Recently 4 couple of these un- iortenate swamp loiterers visited the farm of r. Peter Graham, Lot 23; Con. 7,1 and lied four fine sheep, one of which was lmost completely devoured, fully atte tins the strait to which they are driven for food.. . -A Man named John Jamieson was in- stantly killed4bout three miles from Ren- fre tens ing at h ped ly ; Jamieson, not waiting for it to stop, jumped, and owing to ice being on the edge of the track, be slipped and fell be- tween the cars, and seven cars passed over his head. teiniat was made to cause an accident on the 'Grand Trunk railway, by sawing awii-V the supports -.of the bridge neat Loon village. The outrage was dis- covered early in the morning, and rectifi- egation at. sion station was discuss - Presbytery , and there change will lle, County how to ap- n presented y his friends du ing the a ghost- ys the return- occupy - e duties e flesh. a bona, and on 01:1 may ang shouts tom com- on the Canada Centred:Railway ere, on, on Friday, by a ballast train pasa ver his head.. He was getting off boarding house, and the train stop o far down aud moved again quick- ed wi the hav BUT wh nig efore the express train arnved,othet- a ternble calamity would have been esult, The perpetrators of the villainy not yet been discovered, but it is ised that they are the same partiee cut the stage coach in pieces a fe ts ego. The following changes,it is rumore wil be Made on the Grand Trunk Rai - way forthwith : Mr. Moody, station agent, Brantford, will be transferred to Totonto. S. S. McGrew, formerly agent at F,rie street, Buffalo, to be agent at Buffalo alid Black Rock. Malcolm Col- clengh, agent, International Bridge, o be agent at Fort Erie, as well. S. . Robinsoni formerly agent at Black Rock, to be night agent at Fort Erie and Black Roek. Mr. Hume late agent at Fo Erie, to be agent at'Paris. Mr. Jas. Meore, late agent at Paris, to be travel- ing freight agent. Mr. Richardson, 6f Stratford, is to have Mr. Moocly'e plaee. Mr David Mortice, of Mr. Larmou s office, to take ,Stratford. -I-Application is about to be made the Canadian Legislature for a eha to establish a new enterprise bearing t name of the St. Lawrence Grain .Co pany. The -ostensible business of t concern is to construct, purchase, se own, lease, hire and cliarter float grain .elevators, land, boats, berg steam boats,' cars, &c.; in short, to h a ,direct interest in handling grain every form after coming from the fann and to build and generally deal in all non of storing, warehousing and warding cereals and other farm produ The Company will extend their busin en - the one the rise and a gold ery ancient. superintend - re ises mentioned, thinks that d pieces bust have droPped rack or hole in pie floor some and the owner, may be, did. worth • while Searching for aturday :morning an accident of a ho mounts, near Hanailton. It seems that Mr. Ef Fitzpatrick was engaged with an wagon m, tea g dirt and over the moun ain side. ' He the loadtoo close to the edge, load, horse aril all were pre - ver the precipiee. Mr. Fitz - the horse -by the head at the hen. he found hat the hind he_ wagon had g ou ly to save the a vet the bank. a valuable one, 1 murder was fternoon about a hors dunipi back and w eipita parick time and • vig efforts dra which killed Saturday Lynedech hushi • tb cont time a( them was bl g. With soni suspicion what had happened they went to the house and found Mrs. Hopkins lying life- less on he face on the flear in a horribly mu tilated condition, . It Was evident that she had n stabbed with a t.'oteher knife d hoe. 8 it re at ne, he stritggl- imal, but his himself near - The horse, as instantly en to atoms. ommitted last wo miles from aa killed, it is supposed by her attmel Hopkins. Hopkins had diuner he came own whete the s he had a cut o his neck and as to -A Montr day Of his: nrevie gleY the e that o Search Iengt The they Fecal best 'e Gove not pr eolleg on one Jew, repre Stand mod princi 'der f gigue whet then geed teller good ly off he r forge her skull broke in with a grub kins is ander a est. er fro St. A drew's town - al hief of Police, while in the ay last *eek, th t the remains had be n stole about a week tom the churchyard in Which been interred. The Chief placed the ds of a detectivel, and r, in co pany with the farmer, veral Medical colleges, and. at nd the body on a dissecting up by the student's knives. er , claimed the remains, and er given u by the Dean of the yo ho w not, however, * the in nt was eglectiug its duty in vi ing subleets for the use of the of the ban at Port Hope by a nting him elf ' as agent for the td. Oil Co any of Cleveland. His randi i to call, on one of -the coal oil ealers end take his or - car -load, thus obtaining his re and then* retiring to his hotel, he praotis4 on the signature and t on the Cleveland house. The sea to cash it , without some endorsement, which he willing - furnish. In a few minutes s with the merchant's name nd obt ins the money. Mr. u y, whoee name was forged, has receivedndvices from Cleveland repudiat- ing t agent aid pronouncing inni -a he generos ty of ereditors is not prov rbial, but once and a --while their bette nature is shown to the un fortunate hisol lent. A c c of this kind has occur - John c atter ho had been ha. business for s e years in the St, Lawrenee Ar- cade, To mit°, c lied a meeting .of his ten and twelve thous- • and, wi li 'assets between five and six thou* dollars. An offer wee; 'made to lie pay thi y centis on the dollar, extending over et riod of two years,__T credit= were he opinion that much could no* was ea -ed preisenting McCarter with \ Jed. t ise i ytatikpwasprenevmaloliortgtofw:inci,orkdis.;uittnatownssu I. wha w e not at the meeting. The