HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-01-14, Page 102 4 HURON NATURAL SET ACTION. I. His name was Wil iam Wright. I could have wished that : for purposesof euphony, his people ad named him Clarence Courtenay iinitead, St: Clair Seymour, Achilles Grandville, Or somb- ` thing of the sort, high-toned and sonor- ous, but they did nothing of the kind, and' am forced to state the fact. It is grief to me tbatt 1 can no more create a character than -1 eau invent a vessel to navigate the air. Even if I could have congtructed uch an ethereal person, 1 would be as dreadfully at a lose to keep her or him going during a series of advcntures as I would have been to have kept up my si rial machine in the air, even had I succ eded in launch- ing it from some hous -top. Owing to something painfully realistic in my own training, or in the style land sort of per- son intended let the time I was myself invented, I can do nothing more than tell of men ahd women whom I have:ac- tually known; as well as narrate simply what befell them. It is the more eager'- tial that I el ould confine myself rigidly 1 to the facts o the case in this instance, because I int nd this to be a scientific etatenaent in reference to Natural Selec- tion. 1 This is the one reason which causes me to make it at all, and we all know that in reasoning across the wide and swift , stream of everiliwing phenomena, from the bank, so to speak, pf the known to the shores of the unknown, facts -thor- oughly ascot ained facts -aro as indis- pensable as t<1 a bridge are the iron links by which it is suspended, or the :solid arches of rock upon wh•ch it is support - e(1. Not Comte, Joh i Stuart Mill, Buckle, Dr. Draper, nor any other scientist ishall be mor accurate than myself in what folio vs, which you will please °milder 1 enceforth to be not a story, but a c refully worded anon og rank - "William Wright, M. D," --I copy from the sign beside the door' Of his little office in Jack on -was the son of a very plain pair of pld eo le, who were held all their uneven ul Iifo in the rift of a mountain belonging to East Tennessee, as a brace of robins are held to their nest . in the forks of an oak.. Shakespeare him- self could never have made anything nut of the desert island which he has lashed with his fl'empe8t if he had not _placed a Miranda there, to say nothing of an Ariel or Caliban, and there was no one on that rocky farm who -Could have been ethe- realized by the most imaginative poet, unlesi, indeed, he had dropped his pen, and, grasping a club instead, had spirit- nalized by slayinthern. I Mr. and Mrs. %Vright lived in a dou- ble log cabin, and died there, and that was all, because there is nothing what- ever to say of them beyond that, except that she cooked, spun. wove, made rag carpets and clothing,while her tall and gaunt husband plowed„ chopped wood, planted and gathered corn, according to the season of ,the year. But for the fact that the days were born 24 hours apart, all the 366 days of the year were twins -a slight variation on Sundays of going to hear the circuit rider preach at the cross-roads. ' Husband and wife were so thoroughly the same as to each day and as to themselves that Sunday was only like another sort of night's rest which started them again, when it was over, that much more thoroughly the same peo- ple over again. I . Beyond the matter of color, there was not a cent's worth of difference between the couple and Luke ard Suite; the negro man and his wife whom . Mr. . Wright had bought, as you buy a pair of fowls, at the cross roads 'with 14 hundred hard dollars, the hard savings of his wife and himself, with this distinct object in view, from the day they married and took possession of their farm. I dare say all four grew more and more alike during all the years they labored and lived together, the blacks contributing almost as. much as the whites to the common fun of sameness, no perceptible 1‘ difference in hohsing, dressing, food, work or gen attl infer- ation. I doubt whether a soul of the four cared a clod of dirt for t-isi rustling of the growing cone or the beautiful dawning upon them of summer in the blooms of apple -tree and peach -any more, in fact, than they did for the breaking of day or the glori- ous sunsets, to say nothing of the storms which dashed their thunders into frag- ments against the mountains to roll away among the valleys. Like :Luke and Suke, _ Mr. and Mrs. Wright were good Chris- tian people, but dull to a degree that sautes as inconsistent with piety as it is with genius.; ! I 1 have no !doubt that all four went to heaven wheri they ceased to live -to say that they did anything so tragic as to die seems out of keeping with lives so vegeta- ble. And, with ut oat reverence be it said, surely, the ot Let world must be graded and adapted to us when we get there as well as this. Could Mr. and Mrs. Wright have he • seized upon in the stagnation of 01er nd-like life and pet down instantly r, Broadway, New York, nothing but 4.N ilderment toa pitch of agony could li v resulted; and heaven itself would, e cannot but think, be a world th very reverse of heaven were such peo de, ceasing to live here, to find themselve suddenly amidst the magnitude and mu titude and music, in the centre of the nrapturing gran- deur and unceasing splendor of that eter- nal state. I had not the least dea of saying all this, but dullness be ones sensational • when it reaches such e -cess thereof as in the case of the parent of Dr. Wright; and I am sure, so far 8 the other world is concerned, thet t e Creator who adapts the rush of ligh from the sun to the fragile eye can nd does adjust heaven to each of us ho arrives there, as He does earth to Mi who are born therein. The one solitary bi of romance dur- ing all the life of thes people was their one child, the William Wright of whom I am trying to speak. But -and I make haste to say it -there was no romance whatever in this child, beyond the fact that he waiita child. Those dull eyes which never noticecl star any more than they did a wild r se could not help observing the babe. To say nothing of the wonder of anything so new among things which had been always as they were forever, the babe awoke springs of love in the bosoms of Luke and Suke, as well as of the parentswhich surprised them as much as if the rocks against which their plows otrnek in the corn field had suddenly gushed out with wa- ter, or rather honey. I But "Billy," as he grew up, took his place in the round of the eternal same- ness of the farm -a practical sameness which saturated the boy through and through. Yet there must have been an anc stOr, * mebody possibly the Revd tion o '76, who thi g d what tal d a ut, torn so' t in. or other ' rk, 0:,14 kn • w, will o ly di " in is li it 81 a dis t1at ce4ain planet, no kn a kna hi horfo, snpst be in a co p c n th sk es a4 the causeof ce eff e ise nnaccoun able, a th e va� such a, planet. And • th we e trai s ib thi eharac er of, W, ight 9i ounta,b1 for onl upon, hy es' of such .n ancest r. The ter t, ve s sport neelus gi aeration th a e 9, at loast the l soul pf the d to ; a d I tun 180 re 1listic that I can col e if a st e m with ut a fo tai h ad th ngh it be ii measura wa • as nxioustp get don with th se prdl minar es as the reader can be, or s ient fic disc esi0 of N turalSel lc. tio lis t; ae exclusively w th. the 1 t- te d. ys f arn Wrigl t. Beca se th1 f ct as ma heni pleat relation to th fte -ho re, I am, pompelled to say t1 V a a hild he was in no acnsse eitl er be iiti ul ir intercsting His head, m un d ith a shock of undisciplii ed Int r, was so eWh t of the shape- s - pe 1 y of th spec le col r -of a t ir- ke iegg se on end be ween his vigor us sh • 11 n or before said somo- his s genera ly e. progedit�r who ,did iu fact was some - 1 do not assert, because I ut 1 am, convinced there nie person out of the or - ea ; but 1 'am convinced ingushed surgeon. The er in in id re r. he 1 - in c- ot 10 le erg. Yet, m rely as a %.‘pli 'Id, blow n,g he ubl les u1pon the foaming pail 11. Kin ,ti e to gt a good dri k ; i g ii to xis weay mother, at ter r 8 vm, w.itlh a hand ul of dan e- • ero vcliu g hi 8 If into the fat and t arn 8 0 Sti e, restin upon ber ub and de nding a story or it . making sduK tionfor 1 eeks by the 1 ing f clip or )OW1; a rkening the er to i thrilled .er es Of the house- unti they re, g espo sive to his s f sin some burn, or fall, or cut, kk frim the a,g d horse hat did not et ta i ichildre -" runt ' of a child' e was "Billy ' as at le st the near - pr eh to a bit of oetry ever o thc clr ary old farm. But en 18 eing abl a te rciv, write and end ca e. I led by t e very 81 adow of the nt, hots d before the terrible r, an Mrs. N right died , war bet een the North and eg n. 'he farm was left' in Luke an his wife, and Wil- htt•was wept o and away jet's, life Toil the Confederate plesely a d as naturally as any before the storm The last tats ni his will that be was his life by the spirit of his e-althoughe one would sup- af er Waterloo, that uncle e shnL frern guiding in the f S da; and it Would seem intent eestor whom I have theo • e uidedi the youth. ery outslt o the war. From firstli ur he became associat- e surgeon of an East Tennes- nt, and t11 the end of the war amidstE all theovernents of il nt, healv diiither and thither illows of blood, now here, now dive SLricai employment un- . • orkifor which ho was born, ii been cast The out litu nt .end t ste'and ever-growing layi- in that direction, and in 1 I 1 thisl, gr e est of novices was in. 1 le ning, - sharpening and y or se the arsenal of im- sed by be surgeon, as well as andihol Luig the patients dur- rations and 'in bandaging and in afte ward. izing with the cagerncss of ssistan , and app eciating the quickness with which, as 'by• lilt e seize utter' eve y new et, eon -iii -chief uude whom he the rapidchair es of war im with all instruction by pre, tical illustrat on, as well eh ibook as life in camp al - het, th its if ki co int e4 tei,s pest, W en the th outh ch elia trof ri in p9 sol BS he ot ier eaf N pol on gu ded al gr at unc po e tha w uld ha di ention as f the b ve tured fr the al s ostth ed -with t se re hi to in all en no ha Pi in in hi in. ea 811 wi asi loi an regi • ed, regim the rp,; the' en at his tal 1 uSias Other.. first eyed ng re ents acing he op Ming th impa t young lerful ition, h sur e in plied rd and With s 'I nev Harri r saw h a fell w," Ferclin- said to hirn one day. "When th ire is n» battle qr e idernie on hand, yo i are reading those alf-covered bo s as if your •ife depe ded on it • a, as 80 111 es there coma work to 'do you o into that as if you were g g tit a wedding 1 am not like you on. bit." Whi 1 you are not," y ung Wright re 1 ed, ith renergy. Y u are rich, an 1 1 o 50 acros anong the rocks tl e in ./ ast; Teri es ee, too poor nd fu of bla ed trees to be worked._ I s Lp- P0 You • wn a hundred bandit, and LI ke an Suke there on the pace, if t ey he n't run away, are old. Beaides, ou ai air= -- Took he whole course at the I, ni- ve ittr of Vi gini ," Ferdinatid La ris in jeetec . 11Whil I never had ally show, living at the ol place like a pill in a bo - ra er iik a specinten in 'a jar," said his fri d. Enoq t that ti ere{ was no alch d hi comph ion; who could tri fully have seeded the same hi elf.- he rfact s, Ferdinand Ha lull been shot th ough, the lungs, h been ached, p and u wearyin ed b young Vright uutil it ti to go back into the ranks -if he b thong t so; bnt all the first fins th war h 1 been long over with Fer an not t tat e objected a all to " n" of qBvt t lained o hours lure w noth rching or tit ave a • good fight. u bother of it is, to Wright, "" tha • egu1ar battle ole months of rl ng of tb and., cou mud. ellow i • • he had of for one one has ket duty ousands of Miles termaehing in orse than all i h shoulder straps Before the wa d ng you abo n't de. a p nt not todi-die ic•aotuhretr. ht to til I a • too, elping g nie Yeilo. k 0 the wr he right f quipi teerdbearist, ie al m° wh a: d. You smoke 11 the hOspital Arnie. I will ed to report you to -morrow uty." ' u won't, 'Doc. If there W98' to t, I wouldn't wait to be re- 01 4r,I'm guslu 8.81 °11 oht•opini pi and Help' ght. y under al ys gi m of spil iiiful J; , a y m Iniac -t li e miad. yo when st dr be re swo up owe for o, y a fig t. 1 ot of ris nd ly as ad of in - he en Or to to of he is or- o (lb whatever I was nd here, if I don't rtialed.i No, Sir. now about my own perfectly well, in ny prefer staying in os - u." ha vengeance 1" id dead Asleep when up with a patie t ; oo ea - el ng medicine, or ne. It was a e you gave Colo had hiin a raving ingint in his had unified I he had hit ed at you with that 1 the cigars, ported, and you know it. But as it is only to dodge up and down the river try- ing to get a shot 'nt the gunboat. -'--and at geed does it do When you hit , hem ? I believe not. We like eachother too ell, Doc." I ' ' " Atacid does alkali -because We are xactly the opposite of each. other" re- liedis companion, who wad very busy leaning a set of surgical knives and pin- rs and oasts at a table in the eritem- orized hospital of the hour,. he instru- • ents having a look of scientific ruelty in their silver mounting and azor-like steel, in comparison With ,which evolvers and sabres were but toy.. "Yes, certainly,: I am; for instance, ery good lo9king," Ferdinend Harris muted, taki g an easier position in his tunniock, sw hg:upon one side of the int, and stro ing his mustache. "My wound, you s e, makes me pile and in- teresting. while you pre-' - "Ugly," his companion said, proruptly. Were it notlathentific paper Which I am preparing, ill s fact would have been crirefully ktp Mit of these pages. I 1 know it will strike 'every lady reader like a blow,' but I cannot help if, even if the blow killed whom it hits. - ' i William Wright was ugly. Perhaps the gifted progenitor, whose talent had alighted upon WM as by a Oleg leap over the heads, literally, of _ generations intervening, was beautiful; but the vola- tile intellect irtil left all loveliness of form among the dust of the dead in de- scending to him. : Not for nothing had his father toiled Winter and slimmer on his sterile farm, bowed of back, bronzed of brow, hardened of hand, 'wh tened doWn to the very roots of his hair 1y the premature age of hard work. 1 Mrs. Wright could never have been 'a !reality even in the eyes of her bridegroom, and Working at the loom, sewing at the cloth- ing, hardening her face and hinds over the cooking and the washing,had left her during all the years her Pon 'knew her a .small, thin," red -eyed, furrowed - faced old lady, °somewhat leathery, if the phrase may be allowed. With such par- ents, it was impossible for the son to be other than homely, and very homely indeed. I , "1 lived among those rough moun- tains," De. Wright used often to say af- terward, "stumbling, until I was :near- ly 20 years Of old, over the boulders: in field -and pasture, until I grew to be as rough and rocky as all my surroundings were. Luke and Seim, with me all the time,. Were, I do know, the very blackest as well_as homeliest of colored folks; 1 am bled( from long association with them." For he was so decidedly ugly that he had got used to it as one does to a birth -mark upon the face, a terrible scar from forehead to chin, or even, I dare say, to an artificial nose. You are hairy and black and rough as anybody I ever saw in my life. Doc,' Ferdinand Harris remarked on the occa- sion in question; "but this military life has made a man of you, not only in your surgieal knowledge, although ' you have had ten times the chance at that in camp you would have had during years in Paris under the best teachers. Your practice may not have been lucrative, but it - certainly is ' as extensive arid varied as you could wish. What I 1110911 is, the drill has made you straight as an Indian, and the pressure upon yon has made you 'quick, decided, self-reliant, energetic, beyond any fellow I , ever knew. ! I like you, Doc, and :about the only thing I regret in you is that you are so very, vert-" 1 And the invalided soldier lighted an- other Cigar from the breast pocket of his friend's coat; hanging near him from the tent pole, and, took an easier position in his hammock. no very, what ?" the other replied, pushing- back his exceedingly tangled mass (if jet-black hair from his !ample fcrehead, p8,118111g, saw in one hand and chamois -skin in the other. 1'WT1I1 you pardon me ?" said. his com- panion, in the softest of -modula ions,con- trasted with the rasping of his f "end's harsh voice. "But you are Oars so exceedingly coarse ! I wohldn t tell you, but know you do not care Be- sides, 1 like you. And then what does it matter, when everybody says you are gding to make ithe most splendid sur- geon in the world ? But, the hand- some young soldier added after a pause, I ',wonder what Bell would think ? ' , "13e11?. Colonel Bell? VIiit do you think 1 care?" • • " Pshaw' ! it is another ell than aughed Ferdinand Harris. "Did tell' you about my sister. Doc? that," I neve You are the only man in thie camp I would hame her to, and 1 didn't 'intend to,do it to you. I was thinking of how you loolked the day I was shot. It re- minded me of hog -killing time at home i'enthcicy. You know what fun the boys Shooting the hogs down mornings, sousing them in a tilt - hogshead of water boiling from in old it is to of cold ed -up red-hot rocks thrown in, scraping them, hanging them up by the heels from a pole between two trees: I :hover ate anything in my life as goodis the tails we aged to split. and -salt, and roast On the coals by the big firm ;And then the bladd-ers ! We never have any fun like that afterward. But I was talking of the day of the battle. You km)* how you stood there by the stable door laid over two mess barrels, exactly is they did at: hog -time, except that they were living men placecl there, bleeding, groam ing, dying. i believe you Vole actual pleasure in it, with the other doctors that. day, ripping up pante, or sleeves, or coats; probing, sawing off legaland arms. You corded thoee arms and legs, Doc, as fast as • you cut them off, ljust as our hands used to do logs of woo1. Ah yah I if Bell could but have seen you , You hadn't slept or washed for days, standt mg there, bloody from heaJ1 to foot reeking with gore, the most horrible cannibals I ever saw --more like devil incarnate." I don't think you were 89 very, love ly just then, shot through, expeetmg t� die, leaving charges" I I "13y -the -by, and I'll be shot I" ex, claimed the other, rousing up. "It ii- a shame, butJ never thought of it from that Moment to this. What did you de with that photograph ?" ' AMong my "traps somewhere," said the other, indiffeently. "But what was it.you were going to say ?" "Hand it to me, old fellow, whenever you can think of it, I'm so forgetful, The d fference between us,", continued Harris was that I hated it; while you aetuall loved it." "What do you mean ?" asked the °till er, his swarthy face almost ashen with astonishment in contrast with his black and disordered hair. Mean ? 'What am I talking about ?' replied l his companion, with the irritabil ity of in invalid. "No man not a mon- • ---) 0 icould stand it; but there y u stood, happy as you were t irty, all full of e thusiamn, hacking an liewitig atn011g t ose poor 'fellhurs„ keg hag anl talkhig if it -was fuii alivle, f I -did 't know u never driwk,./ wo ild II* at. twhZ u were half tight. I, was hein w ic. I can just imagine it,1' rrible trait Of it; yotti• enjoyingthe in - such tr ✓ lid continued, after a long pause-- 4 0Bell coming in upon you the b lieve it would, have killed ir. r. a ellow a gigue of port, Doc." And the young 8oldie sett1eL himself b k after hip wineand ook a good nap, ti e tent being pitched ',tong it grove of st oaks off to itself fr in can* all the en except the guard. aving tgone be - f re day upon a raid i orthwalra. The y uung surgeon cleaned steadily away at h s instruments for some morttents, but s eing how soundly his cornpanion slept, h unlooked a camp chest, tdok out a edical book, and sat dawn Upon the ound, his back again t the I chest, to ✓ id. One would have upposer1 that he h condensed the wh le vol rne into emoranda upon a card, whichlals° serv- e as a marker in his 1. ok, so intently d d he gaze upon it. At last he arose, an , card in hand, 800(1 looking from it to the sle per. An a e aziug contrast between the two men, f • r you could hardly hope to find a band- ' s • mer youth t an the 01 30 sleep ng in the h rainock, no a homdi r one :than the o her, gazing somewhat sul1•3hly upon h m. The on . was fair-haired) with de- li': te features slight mustache p rpose in his face than in th petals of no more a flower t • the ther tall, defiantly erect, ith dark, ai gular face, abuntlant hair a d beard, eycs strong, clear aid direct, t e eyes au bearing and man er of the e an in keeping with hi + way if speech a d actien, which wa prompt and de - c ded enougl • , L "Queer, but I dre ined pelt was 0 ending overe "Ferdinand ghid, ;wen- t g his eyes 0 denly. " What's o'olock, ' " Twelve, 1 ring which the surgeon had t e book and the bc c tercd upon the m a t in a complicate cf his owe'he ccd • at thee pie of when 370fl dy was not ve he seemet to be As ! 1 do Give 1 II 11 , • And after a 1oig silence, replaced ok in the ending of surgical added at ure, you gave it strong, very gen- laughed muscle, 'hing but • 8 11 a 5 8 8 e t ti 0 a a 0 e card in th est, and ce broken rive nirivance lo st, "1 gla. ere speakrn me. The as she? but "Sensible e other. ' • sinew in ryes. Sh lpless bab old aunt hool, and e only chi th of us e negroes as r. AA she ces and. m nse general e is a splen oking, or sh • added, st e pets do the most et. Ther e brother You see, urch at al tend chur 16 -was a go with Bell n do nothi id. I tel int, too nukc c up sort ot know her ere,' the e back age wine, Do ankees ag ape vine aded neg atom. $h e question oc, before n." "Ask aw t looking ntinued : i " Yon're at don't d drink, id the like by ?" "`I told o id, soinewl ar broke o rut among 6 cross-ro O never ea g in the b lieve ther that far y or a car e old. to t spise it. •ake, and. "You ta llows tak ded for hi u must ha ? Not a bi of it, Bell hasn't a bon r whole body -no lever was anythi g but a She is o in France' with ours, or in Genially, at uch she'll learn., We are en. Our parent:Slave dead. 0 8 re petted by the long back as I ca ares about is p y, flower and onFihine rd - id music an, an couldn't be m king his fnustae nd cats and ea minateWoman another t ing ab a ded, afterquite ur father lever ntered a , o that our mod4r had to enough for both of them. o Christian,you bet! And I'm a hard ease and she with m ; but she tries her she i too r uch of a li of a good thing. A mix - lady, isnt she? One has understand her. Listen I t amp of hoofs. 'rhe boys ii • and I'll bet yo a bottle • e've beer trick d by the It's th� old st ry of the egrapb, and the e thick - o 0 sheet hemp ar the op - if thy ain't! B Lt there's I would lie to k you, h fellows corne ine gaps- ," the ot er re lied, but assual f and 1 is friend b ut the only ma in camp etnae and swear gamble fpol with the ye ow girls What I want t know is, and by remem- etry and ell, non. the like. is good - sister," e, "and. ary-birds you ever ut Bell," a pause. I I 1 • 0, "It does e, loo pon it," th; lied, " hole life t ere was more tha Ing, and it was heave , I a out such things, Fr d, to b t every ernin and venin 1 r as the cl e -Luke and Suke i , and my atherLread a charer from t e Bible n co rse ith prayer, :I was ex- ttly t e sa e prayer, and I now it by eart. So with t e Bible. t • e other "It's a • ght+lid undat on Doc," • °rail ed ; " deep and dull hat's all. • d hard; but yon can afford build a 1.4 od deal o it, and to wild pretty high. tut we wereraised different, Bell and. I, e• cept that Bell goes in for religion ; we of thatsort, and ou m st excuse s. What row those fellow are mak- g ! just 1 s en to th ir curing. As • re as you live, it is he ne oes who ,• etrayed us " You ca came in e e " Dr. Wright s •d, at this ncture, a party of offi- . O rs about aging in, hiefly in hopes of c rtain res atives fr in the medicine c est of th rgeon. is ow parents ould not h e known im a he filled t e 1door of he nt, erect, pe emptory, 'nal', the ve sou of decision and com- and pe n and voice. No an,could ave so de loped. in three years had ot the ea been in fact but the eon - t nuance of e hard life of the farm go- - g before. " Oli, D ' ‘11 Wh , 'Dec," " Now oc," "Co Doe," "Yon know your o va uncle, c," was t e cho outside, • ut not a m even tried to enter. You w at a gla cc that the fear in which e surgeon Was held was equa ed by his Ipularity, or the hearty affection for on the art of Ferdinand arris was t the feel g of every man lin camp, • m the co nel commanding clown. In a sneaking ort of 'way the lettest bum - /I $AN SMW 21 i87 mer was only too glad "Doc" the degraded turkeyor d reput- able pig which ,.came somehow to the possession of the humme , and much without possibility of e pl atie there- for as if the turkey and wet nnate ideaa generated in the dept of is, the bununerls, inner cOnficionsn "Thank you, Doc; and tiler '8 one more thing I will tell 'you, for eeping those greedy fellows mit," said the tans quid invalid-invalidedias Much by his life-long dandyism as by the shot through his lungs. "I'm a fool o o it, tina it's part of my illness. w s speaking about my sister Bell. It's no secret, even in the army ; but she's to e Married, when the war is over, to Ge Mal —,; and the brother named one of the most dis- tinguished of the Confederate leaders - quite proud of it, too. " What ? She is ?" hiS companion exclaimed, and with itteh roughness that the other could not help replying.; "You cut with your' tones as you do with your saws Doi e so :coarse, Doe ; be a little more e Itu, ed. lCocertre is the word." 1 (CONCLUDF,D NE. _FMK. TWO QUESTIONS EAS)Lv RED. --- Why should men wear beards? ' al appearance. Why, should person. nt they are a great protection to tb throat and lungs and add much to their "Bryan's Pulmonic WI fers ?" Because when used. for coughs, !ds, tickling in the throat, hoarseness, c, they they act like a charm. Ministers nd law ers use them, physicians reeom end in, and singers and publie, spea erri say hey are the very best medicine in nee for the cure of all such co Plaints. Sold by all druggists and nutty deal- ers. Price 25 cents per box. Atli: with I NOT QUITE SO.-" it i am g the most savage and debasedtr bes only that ,je the condition and cornfort of t ' horse have been neglected,"but w belie ,e there are many in civilized corm ries :wlio are are guilty of the same negl t ar a with- out the excuse of the form r ; 1 here all may avail themselves of the use of an ar- ticle which has done more than a ything else heretofore known to improve e con- dition and relieve the surferin# of the horse. Those who will inot use I will be avoid both use "Darley'a C nditi n Pow- dersthe losers, their horses the suffer s ; to and Arabian Heave item ,," and you will be satisfied with th result. Remeniber the , name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyman Toronto, Ont., proprietors for Canada. 'so a by all medicine dealers. LEGAL a•al tr T. GABROW, Banter, Attorney, Solicitor, u &c. Office in McLean's new blo k, corner Market Square and Waterloo street, Goderich. 417 rt,AMERON & MeFADDEN, j Barris ere and Solicitors in Chancery, Gode 'eh. 848 L 0. Opt -EROS:. W. •. X MIX. WILLIAM SMALL, Cenveyan er an v'T sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Audi Appraiser. Accounte and notes co reasonable terms. !Commis - neer and 'Wed on 866 hotter in rth. Of - and 854 IDS L. DOYLE, Barrister, ttorney, S Clumcmy, &c., Godeiie and Seal fice, over Jordan's Drag tore? God ICidd's Store; Seaforth. QUIER & McCOLL, Banisteut, Aft •iaeys-at- L7 Law, Solicitors in Chancery. Neter ds &e., Goderich and 13russels. Sq • rt, God - or Joh; A . a. MeConn, Brussels, 415 VT" A1COMSON lic WATSON, anis is, Atter- 4v-a- neys, Solicitors in Chancery, &C. i Clinton, Ont. Office -First door casit o the '• w Royal Canadian Bank building. one3 to loa on farm property. s. MALCOXSON. 404 o. .t. MoCAUGHE17 & HOLMESTEip, Ban titers, At torneys at Law, Solicitors n Chit ! ery and Insolvency, Notaries Public an Cep 4anecre, Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, Seat Ali. exits fot the Canada Life Assurance Company, . N. B.--$130,000 to lend at 8 per pen .1 Farm!, House* and Lots for sale. • 58 -----r- TItENSON & MEYER, Banisters and ttorneys "" ' at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and I solvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, e en 0 es--Sea- forth and Wroxeter. $28,000 of rivate ands to Invest at once, at Eight per ce t. ntere , payable yearly. f 58 JAS. 11. BENSON. 11. W. C. IltEYXli. MEDICAL _Tees t etli.pSrCeOsbTyTte,oMs.riDc.h&ner.e,hP.hysiciant SP goonand dence south side of Goderieh Street, 'rt door u • Accoucheur, seaserni, Ont. Oftle and red- , 1 , , . I taw L. VERCOE, M. D., ci,. M. Phys elan, Sur - 1"2" • geon,. eta., Coroner forthe County etHeren. Office and Residence, corner of Market and High streets, next to the Planing Mill. ' r T R. PHELAN, 31. D., C. U., late 0 the firm . u • of Shaver & Phelan, Stratford) 0 aduatelof McGill University, Physician, Fitirgeo and 4o- coneheu r, Seaforth, Ontario. Office-- ozne in Meyerni Block, formerly occupied by th late Dr, King. Residenee--Commer al Hotel. Will at- tend at Canonbrook on Tue dart and!? ida, ye. 898 i pone of Ontario. Late Ho , ton General and Lying-in Hos n H. Dowstry, M. ., II Rita; JO, . 01 Kings. Kiii•uggs.r. -1-/ • Member of College of Phybician and Sur. S goo hysicien, 1 Surgeon and Accoucheur. Me --Alb rt Street, opposite Fair's Steam Mill , n. gem S--iitOon Street, opposite Cotamercia liotel„ Cli ton, Ont. Professional calls punctual)), attended to hot in town and country. 1 6 before, an," he other t s vagely. " lJntil the I li. ed on our ittle old LO mountains. Except at once or twice month, of nyliody. It w like liv- re of -a well; b t I don't as such a thing s an oath uch less a bottl of whim- smee God. made it. -I am to ,auch ionsen e flow; I sides, I'v my fortune to to AS soine to he other , 11 dog's life e had d, wasn't Pt se ing back loth as if my AU hour on't talk nybody ; as regu- your drink .But of it in to r rep urger ng, ' hat a -stup • li 8 I t 1 T or. BULL, L. . SI, iSargoim, u • Dentist,&c.,Seafort ,Ontario Plate work, latent tall in neatly executed. All surgical perstions performed with care'and prompti tu de. ties as low as eau be obtained elsewheee. 0,ffice . 8 A. M. to 5 P. 31.. BOOnli!‘ over Mr. . Ets.friro- . . Bengali's Store, Main-st. i 270 D• ate of Ontario Veterinary College eaforte, -- -1- - -__ .___,_......_ MeNAUGHT,I Veterinary urge0 0 i adri- Ont. ' Office and Residence ' in rear of Lilloratt & Ryan's. Calls prom1.t13 attended 10 night 1 or day. A stock of li terinary mtdieineit pn hand. Charges reasonable. Horses examined Oslo Sound- ness and certificate given if reqUired.' 407 i I _1 ' A K. CAMPBEr L, V. fg.„Lic ntiateand Priize- -4.-1-• man of Cornell University, theca N.Y.,elnd G(lradnate of Onta o Veterinary College,ITorouto , has wattled permanently in Varna, wher he w"ilbe found ready and willing to attendto allkinds,iof diseases, in all kinds of ardinale manexcepted) in an kinds of weather, and at 11 he ts. Itesi. , deuce and office two doors east or Cook's Tr - peruke° Hall. 19 MI PI L LA NE 011114. -LA- Jeweler, Customfars wi ; find itto A LEX. CAMERON, Practical Watc aker aind Mitche their interest to deal with rae as the Will have the benefit of my leng Practical expert ace in the trade. 408 INLTOTICE.--The County Council of uron will -1.1 meet in the Court Berm, in the TO of God- erieln on TUESDAY, the 25th di Jan.ay, inst PETER ADA3ISON, County Clerk. oderich, Jan. 10, ine. 428-2 00MM:ERCIAL LIVERY, Settforth, • • t. T. A. v.' SHARP, Proprietor. Co Sortable ad elegant carriages, and first-class r liable hor s always ready. Charges moderate. Offl e and tab1es on Huron street, second door east of Men street. Orders left at any of the hotels rompt y attend- ed to. 899 "VICTORIA HOTEL, WALT04.-70 Winter, Proprietor. This hotel is Altus on the Gravel Road, 10 miles north of Seafort and pos- sesses every accommodation and /comic, for trav- elers. The best brands of liquorand, gars kept in the b,ar; and a careful and attentive • ogler in attendance. Good stabling in Oonne t on with the hate]. 850 LAN N TO :CONTRA ORS. CEMENT. • i-•=' ALED TENDEJIS addressed w .eiill begnaeaced,-,vndadoarsedt titi4:T,0.-eneerideriofrorth ardargenitatt of' this 'Canal, consisting of the :widening and tide4erpsenit.nagaSroonAatter? adipwetaarnacactotibothVan Liteeivitersot,,. to Lawrence, .14.Litelaine ; embrocing t e constreetion fof new Leek at COteSt,Pettl, taking down and „to, VO tuiding .the upper portions of t . preeentlotk .81 'that plate, .construetien Of r bating webs, ca vorts, bridge piers, and it 120W ;0 tram leek at Iii bine, antee formation of d .chennel mul basin on tbe south iv river side of t existiagarn trance. 'The •wor wilt be let in . Monis of the reSpeetive lengths indicated on a • p Of the line, wbich, together wi In la ' d-. ' . Ifieations of, t various !world!, en be .seert at 1.in .Dillee, and at the Lachine Zonal 011iee, 'Mont eat; at either of. which places printed. forms .of . ender can be obtlned. Tenders for lice,tionl,to 9, or what ie es ed the '"Rock Cut," and Beet 011 NO. 11.1, at Lacbtie, rn will be r ived -until tee arrival of •the fl E steon . Wein -In Titans on driesday, the 12th.day of Xenia next, plans an vecinetitions fo ,which c n be a n atthe places: bovementien. ea .o17 unattant! stoer.roWt rupesarlattay.ottheth51: odrIcaya,otaf .Tuandliirs- w be •receiveil n til Tuesday, the 21ist day -of March next, and i r *Well plans end epecificsn. tions OSA be 110011. -t the respective places 111:10V0 10 riti011etil Oil aut after Tuesdays tihe 7th day et March. COUtrile 'YR are requested to bear in mind that Tenders will not be ,e0 idered prates mades.strie ly in faccordance vi the minted i. th M form, and , in OO of ALIAS exeept there •arn attaeheMelt ata :signatures- the nature of the occupation and place el nee dence of each inerriber of thosarle ; rind further, an accepted bank cheque, Or other *Venable nednnitY, for the :sem ot fro 000 fto Vitae Thoneand Donato, ac- cording to, e ,eic t of work on ftla - seetion,must a mpany oach Tender, which:fill be forfene-d if he party tend g ,.dietline8 -Ur Ittil8 tO -entOr in centred fortha works when cafled -upon to a() SO, at the rates st d In the Offer sabmitted, The anaonnt req Ind ineach ease will be stated ornate fontn of tetider. The -cheque or r13 ney thug sent In , will be r turned !to the respective -parties who Tenders are not acCCjted. For the ne fulfilment of ;the contr el, satiShantory neeiwity will be re- quired on rod estate or by deposit of inonory, pub- lic or municipal .seettrities, or bnnk gook to the amount of Ave per tent. on the balk gnu of the tract, of iy/ ch . he sum sent in witli. the ten- d will be onside ed It pert, III ety per cent, only of the rogressestimates will I be paid until the coraple ion of the _works- To each Tender i mast be at ached the, raetual Si tures ef two 'responsible nd _so vent persono, r ideas of the Dominion, willin to become Is eties for the carrying on of 'th lie conditions, as well as the due patio ince o trorks embrace 1 in the con. truct. 'Di dela merit deo; not, however, bind itself to se ept the 10W0St Or any tender. By Order, ! . i . F. 1111A.U. , Secretary. Departmeirpf Public Worlon 1 . Ottawa Dec. :_. ,,,,t- 'il . c the under - thine Canal " I a4UOTION SALE Of 0 Vdlvabie Farm in. the Tow- - , ' Bitil of Sta .17,1ey - , • I , PtIRSITAtT to en order of dale, da atthe 18th !,.. Day of Dece bet A. D. 1875, made by the r l Janier In e of t e County Court of the County en, Huron, in th matter of partition between Jnnses cagey Dunes's', P initiff, again William Duncan and othe s, Defender' there will he sold y publie Audio , y-GEORG lit TRUEMAN. Auctioneer, at Mon oafs NI Id, ht the Village of Iirtyffic d, on Sat. terdsty, the 23,th Day Oflarch, Al.... 1476, at 12 o'clock noon, the fol owing valuable farm property nanaely : Lot num er 11,, soutkOf the J3ayftel4 Read conceision, in the Township pi Stanley, in . he County of Huron containing $A Aeree of Land, more or less. Thie: oil is the beet t clay loam. Abort 70 acres are -cleared, will fenced-, and in a "gh state of itivation, the balance is well wooded with the b st hardwoods. There is upf n the land a large brick house, wi t brick kitchen and ,titbroldings, large frame b cornmeal° s shed- , Atables, outhe sernand exe 1 t orchard, coneisting partly o betning trees and partly of young -trees lately planted. The I na is on he gra el road leading from Bayfield to Sealarth, is ab ut 81 miles fro Bayteld, and chaser to b let Ito immediate possession. yia 5 Miles from Bruc field, and Is in all reit ts Most desirable an • valuable prop rty. e 1.iUe is indisputeble an free from MI hicurabrances TEI13/8-10 per c nt, on day a sa e to the Ten - oilier rasp to, the -conditions of sale will be -the der or his olicito , -balance to ma one.third -pf pri:schase money 1 one month, ! emaining twO- thinle, at o tion o purchaser, to r -U 011 aunt - gage on the,lands earing 7 per ce t.intereat, pnyable inwoequ 1 manual instal mats, the p standing condi ti • . e of stile of theiConn of Chan- cdiy, 'For Ifnrthe ! pat,tieulars ap ly to Mean*. DAVISON ez Jo NSTON„ or 3.2'. GAI1ROW, SOlicitor3 a, Goderi •h, or to the lahatiff on the lands. Da ed Go erich, Decenabm 20, 1875, ISAAC P. TOMS, Jun or Judge Conn :Coart,linron., I T. GARIIOW, Vendors' Solicit° 429 1 HA .0ERY 8 -LE - Of Beni Elitist , Shunted in the TOwn• whip ilf If y,,, Vounty ef Huron. - , , y of Nov tuber, . D. 1875, there will be sold by -! URSIJA 'T to f he Decree made in the comae - of Ca y vs. •urry, fina bearing dote the 15th d Public Auction, *ith the approb tion of Henry MacDermott, Bog ire, Master of this Combat Gbderich, Mi TU SDA.Y, the EIGHTH day of FEBRUARY, A. i. 1870, at 12 olelock noon, by the said Master, t MeGREGOW HOTEL for- merly Rattenbury' , in the Vil1e. e of BE , CE- F/ELD, Inoue lo , the following valuable fann property, viz.: Lo NO.26, In the 1t1I Concession of the Township •f Hay, in the Co inty of Huron, containing One : undred Acres. Fifty acne AM cieared and nude cultivation an fenced.' Tke remainder isa good hardwood bus . The seill * geed clay; on It -are it frame hens one story high _ and sixteen feet by twenty-two, a eg barn Alai* log stable. The land is eituate wi Inn four rat* of the Village of Z rich, and withi 1 four nallOi Of tlie London Gravel Road, and is convenient to climb and sehool beta°. -The-tin to the lnall he purchaser Must pay 'down a deposit of 10 er cent, of his I> the:Vendere or beir$01kitOrill thin 0110 month into Court to a cause, without interest; n balance he will e entitled to -it t up at an upee prle,e of $4900, . -possession of . hieeve.ryln.an. yurtil,squTiillne e the stending hs a:sr : larY: :aft: ti:Te 1 leo „dbaa 1 itz ill' te i 2: Is indhiputable. at the time of sal purchase nioneyt and the balance W the eredit of thi payment of which c011Veyillietr and- to property will be p T e other eondlticns of the sale a conditions ' of may b learneth Court ol Cho 1 particulars d in the offices of J. T. G ITOW, Eton:tire Ei3qtdre, and Messrs, Cameron & dors' Solicitors, and of -the said theliOth day of December A. D. 1 H. MaeDE ' 14 CAMERON dr AleFADBEN, ' Vend ts' Solicitors. '.."'D I SSO Lull: N OF- PARTNERSHIP. : TIM Ponerabi heretofore sub the undersigned, Under theflrn LIA31S d:, , bee been disse consent. The iru ineSs will herea o n by 3. RI Will' ma. All debts the late tirni will be liquidated by and all deb ts duel the late firm ed by Idea. T. R. isting betw name of ved by ran ter be 'carried connected by . R. Williana, 11 becollect- ILLIAMS, F. E CLUF N eonn tion w th the above tJe undersigned desires o state to his numeron customer:mad II friiends.than be in . nds to eontinn thernanufsg- tme of 'het -class umps and nist rue as beret*. Mire, at the old at d. Hahne! no stela fivellities ait -will enable him to turn out a b tterarticle for less money thane y other estabhshntent of the kind in thie se.er n. - i To those indeb d to him how° Id saythat an immediate settle en t is desired, as be is n ly in need of money. ' Seaforth Pomp F ctory. I Remember the c,}irl established and well-knovitt 4/5 S. B. WILLIAMS. THE LONDO HURON D BRUCE1 Ax HAS COME. i [01..:All THE TRACK. , THE undersigned, in thanking the public for the vary liberal support accorded him in the past, now takes tho pleasure of iuforming them that he has rcntcci the lihop form 3y occupied by Mr. John cooper, and that he has - eenred the stn. - vices of a first. -class Blacksmith in the person et Mr. THOMAS MELLIS, late of S &forth, who is well :known- in this section as it !steady and an- cOramodating man and:first-doss .orse-shoer, -one a the reqaisites, idem freind in our blacksilith shops. He is new prepaicd to fill.aul orders which - he maybe favored with. He has now on band and is stUlanufactun1ng Sleighs and :Caters, which for mute 1, style and priCe defy con3PB- talon:, as not • .butthe very heat of nutterlin is Wad. All'thoie • want of any of Ithe above will de well to give a eall before •.rehaeing .e.l*n where An work arranted, .Jobbingdonewith neatness and kiln , . • 4113 : WM. EDGAR, Kipp= J4• ART o wtt forftilpir is n'ugo t•Cial:w tiiiie loll angint at his own joll -4---weAhmoT)wraoae".EleytdAibtfor, --What a compli , cation of Scotian one says is the true 4.81E him to rope Ps: slmeoP -tsma, if he u, -A. young Wart SU itary gout" Bald he A ,.hs::ilaaticoilt,m4:17,"saluu id,1 lixarmliftehoilsaparneeerltera bet : -An undertaker, nhiwilgonillePuiLha-e sta coffin, I was f31. replied, "1 two in4the ath tehll neeaxIa.70; one a; in meelAinng jan is oP 111 Itilie:' w ila l. - . . 110, "1 say iny AI yon goillg toput yot , service V' -"Not until 'out the civil list,'', wa .---A 'foolish , old bav men keep elear of 4-.1 de anything great inititution. A pair, waist, and the Liman 'wille,ta:hath muehe ate.en . rnars, -,---That Was A Are .void of sense tither, other girls were mak 'skirts, nna affected i :at the exhibition the ‘ilialralleeirshelyWPuirletb-upd be as short as mit !, tri_UtietaitonnyI more.. mI hat 1 dote on * qn old bachelor. ‘ m l :adkniringly Chorus the roo" Not a ,bachelot, " because, 'brat begins to 14u ifrom the room !" sooner delivered hi took himself fro ' IlL(*.--eaAdtbSyccolnatatepahter,:nlew:g5lh ' lone day said to Mr 'blessed with it f ,?:,Y.,;:itoh7Hfaaeoxratoni latsha"ont: Sb ;tile startled elergyln 'Islietlier his son liv wise man ; but bait 'sure that our sons : : Troubles of Et, Pil • The Troy Pros t< of the vexatious :41)ettufes: la ,T,e&ettotrg%'•Mvii.,,,! Monroe County, and lone just before Chrh started on a i reaciihrYedwrarattil:giar e 'groom found it nem; just opposite the dc blooming bride in,ti 'be back in a minuts looking through the train started off de continued her e groom went dm] like a Inadanan to g. :that train and brnam :lhially burst into to lon the street. Cox volunteered to tO Asa' itnauble. A dispatl RthatsheenlYfwrtallsgo e. brtitei tome back after be train and the doa When the former bridegroom boa away northwa. -drew up to t rd the wife, riled" and Mr. €4.' ith a neNt!Inide o sworn; Mor enivinol°ritir attheed. ainsi 'band took the next* he was, Half way 1 l'prt Henry the tra,i ot it aiding, the oth, this particular - poi wife passed 'unbekz When the groom gun& his wife had reached on the last "rwhen she reached Ji an puler was sent .t:u_rily requiring tbi she was till the Ir By observing this isether at last, anal iucliitiing Officer Sociability4 For golf is an -eniz and it Could never. Jar 98 11. is, had no i eminently sociable 1 i is the fashion ama l'tlisiettilyrisePserligolltdtobesmimfet-nt41iiq li p en in net preeipit 1 t e arms of -silky I ; they consent to beS their acquaintance; . rattle, with a goot hospf4rtniitliatbYleasA * Butabli !dime to their gat i recommendation. 1. i lige hotels and elle 1 introduction passed house over the the land. His wor in whatly entertainers.ltearingoppressive-hlnslifmA7 i the Scotch have tai cee 0,4vi s, c'te.. illth2snai:tylony comalptaetnywasat wriToutinigi, 'part, they _dm own liospita tappit hens at Lail a le Change house. Istories of Scottish 1 ' tsrawhire Iairas,.zeN edto .m they were doing -ea oi their thoiceet bin stable's Memiors, "M, T. Hunter's bawl -the same convivial excessively wet wet nig .and eisewhem Pe with ethisoetheFrench la ilaedueatiaii try,as it supplied tA