The Huron Expositor, 1876-01-14, Page 7c AND' A Y 14, 1876. GE. WOODS Co.'s ORGANS.. quailed 'Reputation Which these re- le Instruments hew achieved is the ad natural resat, of the determine,- makers to produce a grade of work - it amnia excel anything ever before their line of business.. eetemplate purchasing should, before -let upon examining the interior con- any Organ offered theta, and compar :heft et 'George Woods & Co.'s-. The BORATE. RINSH to every detail, of Acton and Cabinet auxins{, All should remember that a expended in scouring ' really fine in tat wilt lust a• lifetime ie ECONOMY, taw dollars retained in purchasing to inferior one is EXTRAVAGANCE. RAVAGANCE. reify fcr Variety of Musical Effects, awing to their beautiful 11WON SOLO S7'OPS, As breath' to their Value. ,britt of the: trade, profession, and all. ae what is progressive in Music is called KtR ROW & 00. .tents, 93 one Street, Toronto— the 2hrlber;,Meshal& Wendell, 91111 Pianos. INTER IS COMING off • beery person should prepare for it by Purchasing a D S T Q M AT Ew WHITNEY'S,. sTREEt - SE AFORTI._ fe-eived, a r.arge Stock of Hooking, r,Bose and Coal Stoves, of the oved pattern,and from the- best maker&. be sold at Bottom Prices for caste or line. are= of all kinds in stock or made to .hart not ee. Repairing promptly at 1 011.—Ort and, .- huge r<app1y o1 the crest Coal Oil in the market, At hich will hole -sale or retail. Special inducements meal ettreh. arra. err Log & damiwson's 014Stand, set, Seaforth.' MRS. E WHITNEY, -R6[4 LIVERY, Elf: RO.T.II. ,RGE WHITELEY, - G purchased the State L and Trade of the arnercial Livery, formerly Bell's, from : orri;;on & 'b., begs to ;tato that he in - r iii on ti. business in the old stand, 4:s1 d se ver 'valuable horscs and vehicles. i erlylayg sten°k, tone but 4,18 e r wt f rtcble-Veliielee anti Good '.liable FI reed );l<'ill be Ifept.- raa open Ru;;gies and. Carriages, and d Singes: 1; 'ogees A.1we s heady for tree. /Lemma Fast calls: with (o nmere e .a -i Ilene i ft at the .'tables or any of the Hotels emptier sett •neicd to. FORTH PLANING MILL, [DOOR ND BUD FACTORY ecriberbte leave to thank hiannmerone eersfr r the liberal patronage extended to connoenei ag Inteirress in Seafforth, and t he may b favored with a continuance. intending t t, build wonid do well to give as he will continue to keeps on hand a r;. of all kinds s f - HK:Y PINE LUMBER, se- et seiiEt , IS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, MINGLES, LATH, ETC. cozxftdertt of giving satisfaction to those favou,rhim with their patronage, ae none lass :vorkrr, est are employed. :ictiiarattuetion paid to Custom Planing. .JUAN H. T JWADFOOT. R WALTON. tS4a.jrl t .f fol:.it xa SEW, Tel offers Special Bargains I*RY L ODS and GROCERIES. In 'We clothing and Roots and Shoes he tter value than can be got elsewhere- Send see fort yourselves. PAINTk AND VARNISHES •st brands (always on hand, Special In- cs tr,Ca`lt ties WNW Led to set be rut int ?urehMer€t- €,ver-dne notes r.n€�aeeoantP. le the same at once # othei i e other hands for c lett - ] ARQU11Alt SMITH IMPORTANT ;EOM z IT MAY Ga2ECBRN.. relera-iguee'-., after doing bueine a for over nearer in 4ealurth, finds himself compell- te first thee to call in all parties indebted ' fee prompt eyrnent of their aceoants, lurm them that all tateounte for 1815 not nee First of February will be chargedwith float fGret of January without fail. THOMAS COVENTRY. Y. :A11 aceoanta of longer etanding will be other haucli for coileetion. 418.6 WSE eTM-EAL MILLS.. r IN FULL. OPERATION. teal; Split J'eag, Pot Ba'rley,- 1 oe`,€ :Veal Chopped in of 31111 Iced Con,tantly on Sand, de. ne Tuesdaye and Fridays. Oatmeal ,r rata. highest price paid for Oats, - (:UI.ltIE & THOMSON. THE: i --OItTZ - I M DER YARD. BEE & 1\1 ACDO ALD ;0 inform the public that they have re- ad tater Ltuulrt•r Yard to the lot between _:tut . Salt Centpatty'a Works and iilar- €ix, , vial keep constantly on hand a goodassort tz.LL KINDS (.t1' LUMBER, LR, dressed and .;=1. Alae, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of eey arc Impaled aled to se11t a the lowest post- s, ter Caeh. Ale ., on hated any quantity ats' TION LIME. . tee aid others will find it to their advert- - Ei 1 to e.ur steel:, and asecrtain our prices nrcheeittgelsewhere, aswe are in aposition mincrtnents to cash watchmen. MABEE & MACDONALD. THE PJ -I NIX. INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON,. ENGLAND N. WATSON,; =T AT SEAFORTH. This old standard— townie- waft established in 1782; does busi rail baits e,f the world, does the second - esed testi in the United litingdom, pays its promptitude end liberality. Its rates ;urate. 827-26 - I'RICIE OF STOCK. IN THE CANADA VER MINING 00 OF LONDON, ONT.,. been in€sreased to $12 5p per share. Should initabe equal to present indications, each Ow costing only $IL 50 will be worth iron-. '15(i. For prospectus, &o., apply to A. AIRMITAGE. Director for Sesforth. JANUARY 14, 1876. THEHJRON Keep tour Sheep Dry. The merciful man s merciful to his beast, and the virtue i one which genet. - ally pays for itself. a thinks theisheep- breeder . who writes ' o the Litje Stock Journal as follows : "The ideahat the' wool is a sufficient pr Notion against the stories of our norther November is en- tirely disproved by the experience of sheep owners. Whit some breeds will endure neglect better han others, there are none generally ke t in this country which are not serious y injured by it. In a dry atmosphere the wool would doubt- less be a sufficient protection, but our heavy rains, added to the cold,ake too severe demands upon Ithe. vitalit of the, animals which are c nstantly - xposed. The wool hold's quite a quantity o water, and when it passes off by evapoeqation it carries off a great deal pf the animal heat. Colds, coughs, chills, and lung col plaints are among the maladies induce by ex- posure to cold stroms.: And thi expos- ure maintains a constant course f losses and disappointments. In some cases .it cuts off all hope of profit, and h rdly al- lows aman to keep his flock oak e. And as all such losses can be readily voided, there is not the slightest need of having them occur. For many years my prac- tice has been to got the sheep into a •lot near the barn, early in October, shut there up every night, and during cold raius keep them sheltered from the storms." and be thio substance counterfeit -Ho of you humble, be tation. A Tho Ro have often human bei since notic young girl, would bark many res had `barky along din has a case man some McDonald strange an fours like liarities "n mimics, t n some peopl has been t and there i the troubh The Way gid is IViade. Heavy "kid" leather is usually made from the skins of sheep and lambs. The flesh side is Boated with a paste of think lime -water and rolled up until the wool can be removed, when the skinsare sub- jected to -.a bran bath. When taken thence and thoroughly cleansed they are - put into what is called the "white bath," composed of one pound of alum and one gallon of water, and about one quarter of a pound of salt. This solution is made boiling hot, and the skins ar passed through it successively; afterwl rd. they are immersed and left in it for.en min- utes. A paste is then made by radual- ly adding to this solution—constantly. stirring the while—one and one-quarter. pounds of wheat flour for each gallon of the solution, gently heated,' and next the yolks of five eggs. The ' skins ,are put into this paste and left twenty -four - hours, after which they are bung oe. poles aad:left to dry for a week or more, as may be necessary. They are then softened by being drawn across a "stak- ing iron "—the 'edge of a shovel will answer --and may be polished with a smooth flat iron. They will become soft and as white as snow. Color may be imparted with dye stuffs. If the skins are wanted for rusts, robes, or furs, the liming and branning are omitted and the alum and paste baths begin the process. Tpe whole operation is called " taming." • Sympathies and Antipathies. The subject of sympathies and anti- pathies is cxtrenlelycurious. ,Boyle faint- ed when. he heard the splashing of water; Scaliger turned pale at the sight 'of water tresses ; Erasmus became _ feverish when he saw a fish. A curious story is told of a clergyman, that he always fainted when. he heard a certain verso in .Jeremiah read. Zimmerman tells of a lady who could not endure the feeling of silk pr stin, and shuddered when touching the velvety skin of a peach. Mr. Julian Y ng tells the story of an officer who cowl not en- dure the sound of a drum, and u timately fell- dead when compelled to hear it There are whole families who ntartain a horror of cheese ; on the of er hand, there was a physician, Dr. S4arke, of Edinburgh, who lost Phis life by subsist- ing almost eetirely upon it. Some peo- ple have been. unable to take mutton, even when administered in the micro- scepieforrn of pills. There is the case of a man falling down at the smell sof mut- ton, as i.f bereft of,Life, and in strong - convulsions. Sir Jmes Eyre iin his well-known little book, mentiojns three curious instances of idiosyncrasies : The case of a gentleman who could not eat a . single strawberry with impun ty ; the case of another, whose bead ould be- come frightfully swijallen if he touched the smallest particle of hare ; tl a case of a third, who would ;inevitably have an attack of gout a few hours after eat- ing fish, _ A Long Prayer. Many of our readers may remember the story of the little boy 4.$ ho thought his father might save time by, asking his morning; blessing while he we, getting dressed, so ho would not keep them all waiting by talking while they were all ready to eat. This seems to ave bean the plan lately adopted at_ a p blie din- ner, in Providence, when a liar agansett preacher, called the Regul r Pacer," because in his prayers he had habit of standing behind a chair, stepping back- ward and hitching it.after him, was call- ed on to ask a blessing. He stood up in his usual style and began a leng er. There was an open door be and he soon unwittingly baeke' thy pray- -Iliad him, into an adjoining room, taking his ch it along; when some one softly closed he. door, and the hungry guests proceeds to cline, when the petition was finished t leisure by the abstracted minister. Origin of Mahogany Fu! About the eighteenth centur India captain brought some logs as ballast for his ship, and to his brother, D . Gibbons, an physician, who was then builclin, The wood was thrown aside as for the -workmen's 'tools. Sc afterwards his wife wanted a ca The doctor thought of the We wood, and out of _that the box v Its color and polish temptecl tl to have a bureau made of the s aerial, and this was thought eo that it was shown to all his frie Duchess of Buckingham, who car at it, begged wood enough to r other bureau for herself. Then the demand arose for more, and Honduras mahogany became a common, article of trade. - a West aye them eminent a house. too hard me time dle-box. t Indian as made. e doctor me ma - beautiful nds, The e to look ake an - Shun Affectation, haclow of a 1 sound,; the et the ab - h ever so Shun arec- I1 '11:. ys r !."We f nature in reat w°rile nduct of a ard, who and act in pman' ster • Uiti tired re ks and n t the strange in the Eighth t times, bite like a dog she could The Thir ich surpasses sty years f a venue, psi or s, runnin a og. There a .t that auim:1; hakes herself and disgusts .af licted for oft much -gees i Permanent." s 'W hen e heard enth W is. -t: residi. some and o other which curiosit thers. long ti n but n p SP BF MIS cough is co fling affair, came, and 14 cd until a s ,. vested into The more p cold should ly use "Bry have sustai 30 years.— and exert a all the bre Sold by all ers. Price I'AL NOT ES. 'Coo often a c ld or sl dared a very o Binary, st as well, left to. go a nee ssteinatically negi ple cu able affetion is serious pulmo dent, aware the, ver be trifled w 's Pulmonic \E d thei reputat: ey ar always host b neficial 'nflueece hial a d pulmo nary erg ruggis s end c untry 2 cents per bolt., ary dise to coug nth, pro fers, w on fir effic4ci VERY NA 1'URAL.—When proved an a isle and fount answering t 7 purp se for tended, he' V 11 not eadily one of doub f 1 repo ation, which he k tl ws not lin ,. make these t marks owing t always pur a cl by those Soh that celebr t d and truly T: rnedecine k cru as " Darla Powders a »cI Arabian Meier All are so c 1 pleased with will not us • ny of er ; man ed several elks u til th obtain a he t silppl . Ther equal to it 1 .a condition me complaints ecting the w Remember he name, the signet'. of Hurd & package. tif' rthro + & y Ont., props. feitors fo C: na medicine d-alere. a 0 There is nothing more beautiful in the; young than simpheity of character. It is honest, fra.uk and attractive. How different is affectation. The simple- minded are always natural. As for originality, if they ever had it, they have crushed. it oat awl buried it from sight, utterly. Be yourself, then, your friend. To attempt to be anybody else is woree than folly. It is an impossibility to at- tain it. it is contemptible to 'try it. But suppose you could succeed in imitating the greatest man that ever figured in his- tory, would that make you any better ? By no means. You would always suffer in comparison. with the imitated one, Epps' Co "By a natural la of digest() fol applied well-seleC vided ou b ly flavor d. many he j udiciou a constit until str dency to maladies a attack h We may e keeping su blood, aid G'izul Ber le ets labe mcepath' Street, nc CONTE a wa and other• of Manho after unit= trailed Ir. velopo. Box 158, UTE HA. le person t good, ich it is andoni tourer e are le the co have 1 luable h s Condi Reme it that have s agent is not icine or d of" ho d see o. is on n, Toro Sold b iivA,—G atefnl 1not hich .- overn ncl nu riti=on, n of he fine ocoa 11�r. r .kfcat bre zeraog doctor of sur, 1inay Anoug ase. floatin ver t ape -m elves rope crette hemis 170, Pi condo dge of e opera dbya roperti s has h a deli whir may sa bills. It , is b antic of diet be i,radu< lly bui to; re is t every Hund e s of s arou us re ere: is eek p ny a f al shaf ell fort fi d with ly lou i:hed fra oldnnly in es 1 Ep & .0o., s, +48, hreadn cacilly ondou. ,s OF .diad ion stiffer f om giving mg Much .uff 'rcQeivin: a •rs$ NAI` re rya, N. VIICTI - Publisrh the' ben flit of you ns Debility b s r les of Self - ring and eepens ost• mid dire•et N EL' MAYFAIlI, 'ern she for ard Vo- ry all he to �hee. at ht ri- it et• on- e. or ch er s. on 8. al- as nal in - for ng to re sed rse ion. ��vy•,, liey ld ng for es. at to, all he 118 re - of ro- te- us he at up en- tle to nt. byn e." o- che ns en ons ere, and en- 0. 4-26 'L•"ZEN SE LING R. WHEEL WS tr ► Com rot: Elixir f Pl osp etas and Call aye, for three ea , r acid" Ir m onr p rronal kno 1:dgo of its mer'as,'Vo mu h pleasu e in recornra �nd- ing it as a th ughly�r.liable a scientific i rep- aration. t i. eld in . igh esti n tion by I 1 pee. eiaus and her bile, ar d the de nd is eon ant - /MAN S. CLA1 & Co., ole= Iqutro I. ly 'tierces! g, sale Drug istj '1111E G EA Peri di unfailing ; in dangcrou tion is en moves all relied on. It will, riosl with taken by of Pregra a ey dare Inge, nt, all cases --of pains; int e a ertion, p illi whites, t• ese means 12 remedy, c or anyth' diretion. whieb eb • New Yor for poste: insure 0 • , will ratun rail, Co., J. f3m. fie ieeb To a rc Fe ye' n: in; uld rho o e lotted t eneral 1;bottle gold in •ta, and FEMA t E 1111 Pills—. 'his inv a cure of ell t ares to hied th It m. era! cs etions,nd h s a,ried1 -dies, it • Y.—Job 11 ble medic o painln male eon Ii Cxeoss a dy cure p culiarlys; rt time bring o' t c month arit.. These pi 1 should e three m are sure -o bring on er time • hey are fief sad pp_nal Affee imbs, fa2e on ell the hon t hysteric !feet a c, r: when all nd, alt o igh a po -iron, c I mel, anti the c. r Mutton. lot - roue d each pa are! ' lly *toe .v . Job tore $ 0 and. 121 NOthr p & Lyme, ents for the Dom ontrlini n • ver 50 p Seaforth b E. - Hick R. Teum:d n. less dartg the 11 s :they, lily of Nervon ek and tion of ly Ile will 'led; contai rf fel t op amp e Prop iI "(p EAI) TH hin TWIC eared eetore afan:gbiteioravieteki a Foe the Mu any ot ;clot trf:iiP pest m It is othing but ono. Why not buy teak o two Ma d , be fore bare °Di er oath if you sv 5 Cent TIIRO 0E01e, ell. il et Oren y-foar to Brofichi • ar the oie n in all it s ny ABC discrete eles it er pain, t po Ear dies an Maine e because tompesed en year mile' 11 e used ha 1 thirty dr comrn It will of eight in three here the five year ores of p or been Lame B f the Spit nequalle appl e and th al togeth offered tikes so 1 six eV 10 wo go 1 wos m in the ly suffere bean co a bottle. is in one We hay as given ch con2ple t A sat - Ont., etrie by 18. e is and be ted. t be the lig- ex- and Sher dui Full nes onto To- a by 97 s of rsCorae n or ores: nAori nFxsj, k or and In tion pain the ca) t le to best t its eiz• ed ead, Af- nine lete- Mal- never 0 rn H td P:1 tl 0 noon td td td td MMMM 0 0000 r4 Go tri Cg 0-1 tal tse 0. 0,0 tel Lee es. ee 1-3 c4 0000000 noc000n t41-- ttt4t4t4 wwwwwww Go. I:frti- txJ ppwrnwcnw 02 Cie Lmt vfenwww wwWwwww 00000 ^1M7-1 MMM 0 Leel Pas Ise Ca •4:1 minion S. • Robe eToront In Seale and R. 41 • MR. WELLS, URI lie gene lly that e has rna a great in went in Idols op, an is now pared to Larger fated n' hart of every h ng pertai attention * be paid to Horse lothing, Robes, Tani , Valises, Satzhe tor Lad Gentlemen., Choice lot of Li ht and call before rehash* elsewhe e Bement 418-8 pnb- rove- ep a ng to cuter alo and ving Fit ptly me a r the LLS. • 4 LOiJDS, SCA GLOVES, CORSETS AT /0/1§71•11,k': 0 0 rn • tld ss HERS', LUMBER. E have risavi en hand for sale, at our SSW Mills, near Gray, Young & Sperling's Salt rka, a large quantity of HEMLOCK LUMBER, eh we new offer st $7 50 per*. arties favoring us with their orders will have ')IOOl VdiN]B1O XPOSITO R. L TWEIEDS WHITE FLAN E LS AT T E GOLDEN LION. ELS AT THE GOLDEN LION. SPLENDID VALILIE IN OSII RY Ai- THE GOLDEN LIOksl. Extra Good Value in all inds oi GROCERIES at the Golden Lion. THE )3ST VALUE IN BUFFALO ROB S, HOR CANADIAN BL E BLANKETS, NKETS, IS TO BE HAD AT THE FAR IERS' STORE. GRAY, Have YOUNG Sc. SPARLIN eceived This Day 11 Expr ss One Case of Which Will be Sol at Prices that Defy Compeiitlon. GRAY, YO NG & SPARL NG. WHAT NEXT? E, ndersignod, hove purchaeed Mr. W. T T 011 an extensive Harness BusineSs, both and by hen We also keep owhand A LARGE 'ASSORT And eve 71. ing pertaining' to the BusLiess. *let rend o Asso iat ion Prices here. Give us a Call 'bet re purehasi holesale a EW MEN. stabliebment, where we int d to carry d Retail, manufacturing by hinery ENT OF TRU KS AND VALISES, G. E, HENDERSON Co, HO NTS GOOD AND S ilptEGS Stock o d eC GH < Trun 73 ways on Repair N. B. Bente qommer WARD, Seaforth form his hien& and the public i is that he has a Large and. Complet ba rn Cee SINGLE HARNESS?' RSE CLO HING, gkr. and ;V ises, hips, hing appertain,kng to the Trade Ai- d, cheap as any in the trade, for eash. oilers a Speel lity. Colinas of every' on made to order n iirst-elass style. la Hotel, Seafort JOHN WARD. KI ARMITAGE, CARTER GRAY. OH 4A 'S HARDW T RE EIV RE A LARGE f3TOCR, OF ing Hardwares Which will be sold as AS ANY I 1j0WI\i. NC WIRE A SPECIALITY. tiQHN IDD. Har <4 1-1 Whips, Be on ha Chug the t ARGg H. LIVER, ss, Sad le and Coll IN -ST., SEA.FOli OF THE SCOTCH coLpAn. e,Horse Clething, Are.. kept (sonata Repairing promptly attended to' ad rate. Remember the place's of Collar. IL OL s AISONIC HALL BLOCK, AND cn A F9UNORY FOR FOR SALE. BY Watchmaker 1141 Jeweler, Seaiorth. Before Taking. Was Cures all NerVOUS Difseases, such. as Tiemors, De- bility, P_ ositration &c., which, in -many eafies, are produces-, by over indulgence in the use of ,obssee is more specially recommended as aie un Ding cure for Seminal Weakness, Sperrnatorrhete, len- Potency, and all diseases that fpllow as a sequence of Self Abuse, as Loss of Memory, lin iversal tassi- mature Old Age, and man, other diseased that lead to Insanity or Consn ption and a Prema- ture Gralve, all of which, as a rule, are het caused by deviating from the path of nalnr and over iv dulgenee The Specific 3fedicine i the result of a life stndy and many years of experience in treating these echo. diseases. Full partienlars n our pampb1 t, which we desire to send free by ail to every 0 e. The 8 ecifie Medicine is sold by all D at $1 pe package, or (packages fox $5, or sent by id onreceipt of the money, by ing Sold Seaforth by E. Inekeon & Co. 1. S. Robertsk R. Lnmsden and by all Druggists . Dealers. Meow Why Voralti for a Faun • EAFORTH oP THE PLEIIIENT ;EMPORIUM Lo est Manstfactu •ers' Price*. Tint Received, Stock of the Improved Thist e utter Plows, iwith Wrought ;roll Beam. T s all the gooi! features of the old plow, and Itch more at able. It et manufactured. hy t e ld firm, the otiginal nal tee rare of the Thi ort Perry and London Gan Plows, the be t 'al gimp andisatiefact 011 gaara•nteed. All kin a STRAW OUTTE S ND GRAIN CRUS ER The old Favorite Straw Cutters and Graf inshers from Maxwell, of Paria, always on lean laese Implements have been well tried, and ha tood the test Of time, as thosei of no other ma e maxweirs ter°, four, isle and ten -horse Powe lways on hand. Ci 0 THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHIN dm..i he market. This is he only machine in rket having' a revers ble feeder, and it is t titeh. These, machine are s ld. on trial, and if fit is all tha is reg ' alto ve satisfaction. as an abundant supply alwa SON s on hand st Also all the ot er chasers can b e otonto, constisting of that celebratsnl Math ek Piano, and ether Piano", Prin ass, George Woo si, &day, And Canada Organs are- Melodeons, any of ill. .hich he can Sell as elreep as_ . he manufacture TO THE LADIES. -2 -In t . Sewing Mae eepa a full Stock of 'Buttes. Self -Fitting Charts. All the styles and fashions. T elate Sheet Mnsie and Music ceke. 10. C, WILLSON. WHAT PAYS ? IT, PAYS TO GC TO TIM To get yattr Orbiting dove, a 1 Farmers will in all caves get their own Wheat around, end. geed Paeties wishing to get th 1:-.Ixeelsior CELEBRATE FLOUllt Can do so at Mill Prices, from the following chante. of Seal ;rat Win. Allan- A. G. Ault, JaraCs C. Laidlaw, Ja is Pavey, George Murray, A. I Carib:to—Baker, P. Any qrantity of Chopped PEAS, OATS BARLF,Y, and other Feed, on hand always. Mi. CHARLES WORTH & B.—Agente for the Gatden City Middling Parieter. 417 ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. DOM IN ION El OOK, MAIN-ST4j- Draft* en Nen Vas* Payable a any ' Bank in the United Stetee. oC Exchange en London pay..010 at all Chief Cities 'of the United Ringdom. INTEREST. PAID OV DEPOS1 AL HAYES, SAW LOGS ANTE ill be dress - SA THE ZURICH MBER ON HA rp HIE ubseriber lute now on hand a f of Hemlock and Hardwood L sizes. Bills Filled -to Order on the tie°. umber from $5 to $7 per iho Grist ng done in theMill as usital, tic)* ranteed. ut ,000 mbar of all :deist NO- nd tisfae- NW CS. Messrs. COLEMAN GOUINLO K 1 SAW LOGS OF 4L.1.; 'KIND AlE0 enantity of ELM LOGS suitable for 'the I 417 Seale be MUF PS, Suita4e'for ray Preientef SE4?0RIII. SLIPIPER ,PATTERN 1 OTTOMANS, Linen C Mars Trusings,