HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-01-14, Page 6!t 3 rot t Farm A slow -walking tural nuisance. —64 Be asked for ed a stone." He wa boys did not like hi —A thin coat of f apolieetion to the r Leached ashes may cellar of the tree in —We neglect the day life to reach for, asked 854 different spokes there were it not one could tell —No fruit show manuring more than wish for large fruit, otes. orae is an agricul- read and ',„te receiv- e trampand the • THE URON 1 E Ltttit.01,4,01k"..110 44. -4.01Lyeit4i. POSITOR. esh ashes is a good ots of pe oh trees. e filled around the he fall. a ittle things of every - fame. A. Detroiter people how many a buggy wheel, and the effect's of high the currant. • If you thin out t e bushes and cover the surface with mai tire. --Missouri has 410,000 dogs which de. stroy sheep valued t $5,000,q00. The cost of keeping, a 25 cent a week, amounts to $5,200, 100 a year, ded to the value of the sheep makes the nice sum nearly $ the cost of keeping he clogs of —Making land d 7 by draw of beginning farm o erations pursuing them lata It pr land being flooded by heavy rains, and, there is less time 1st in waitingfor the oil to become dry fter heavyl ra-ins. which ad - destroyed contann 0,250,000, salt. ' one State. during ing allows the cue bottles, arlier and vents the use for Made fr vinegar become though table pt; mcne tht vinega speet, Clicumb will lie and. wil after anuantit flower a country market. ported' the adv cheapne tion to as to yi the leas With t attenti as good —Amer are Coal)' ers sort tl• small, me# havefiv medium, different would 11 5,000 of 1,400 of large. at their the farm they are Most of few mile the fresh ta.tion. own salt separate scale, tb salters. from the is, they' ", lot me ur e eumbe in it and I rg i, 8, Viz.: ve 4g and v ry 'te 5,000 of au 'ordinar t mall ; 2 1 rge, an 1 ucumberd, of gro the sal' ved to he alting-hbus 'here the *ill not be °Ugh some in most eas nese, condu nufacturer e pickl .s, ie, are ' fres ut into lar• leash w ter ater is hr eshenin pr rs are ac sale. The ing in this o western fromv and est and po eel, will ;)1month ma'e from l hat frot rs •sickled i to an al oat p le out go t rval of ev ii f3 o very fin cu e • ported fro i ewise up T e pickl e sively-i o labor a re of lo ir fine qn; he best ount of rou quisite mo e can in th kle as c b Grocer.. . The arm• threee the faceiries arge.b. flina111 Ofe aelsie e Ivory all I be ey belt rel ; ( 00 are brteo ient gma take of the nhouses,svl p Ale fact s are wit nt is gro long tra f rulers do s the latte ed on <te, !buying oh being oiled up, Gooden extra'e ach es -after d ui ca best'vine c untry i rhwines. .ic pickl cider -vi wholeso eserve the ar ?iailro espe in t igh ine vi indefinite 4 atilat•the n years. mber and Holland, ,lijes the s brie are t to his ?punt p es, due re, d, a d, in lit , ar -prep °so le sampl le at the f t of ea s country ade in L —Whatever nit be said o the value of hay for stock di ring ‘vinte . it is not indispensable ; wit roots, an with corn, • oats and barley g ound together. and -stalks, all nd may be d in good es for seed,. many experiments have bee instituted to settle the matte , and gen rally they prove this fact—t a t too much seed is used. A small ex eriment uffices for this time. On a lot of goid soil, all drills, of -sized pp - de of sante ✓ of three ; d, lastly, a • plot treat - the row of er of large , the great - nes ; while est. The second row yielded nearly tvo bushels, the most. —The farmer's increase is s ing somewhat, it is true, but remarkably uniform. Now, farmer lays up •a surplus of b it $300 an- nually, and adds yearly inter st at seven per cent., (a ---moderate aver ge for the country at large,) and he willhave in a life of 40 years, or from 30 t 70,athe bfol- lowing sums : In 0 years he would_ have $4,140 ; in 20 years, $12, 00 ; in 30 _ years, $28,335 ; n 40 years, $59,880. If, as some formers could -do, he • should lay up $1,000 aunt ally and add4h the in- terest, he would have ii\ 49/ years, or when he becomes ld, no less than $199, 000 as a fortune. If be had made this by trade --and not lost it again—he would be held up as a numphant proof the great superiority f other t siness over that of the farm. ---A correspond ut of the ra:rie Far- mer says : " Whle writing I will just ' give my method for protecting sheep against clogs. I have kept a flock of sheep for several years, varrying from 100 to over 2,000 head, and for the last eight years have not lost a sheep killed by dogs. 1 keep my sheep arcled nights, and oc- jr casionally, varyi g from once in two weeks to once a onth, I go out at bed- time and place around the outside of the pen bits of meat containing strychnine, which 1 take up again early ;n the morn- ina if not eaten (hiring the night. Result, immunity from d gs, and an old well on the farm has race ved. a layer of dog and a laver of dirt uni1 it is about full. I have never killed a marei3 dog through malice, or anywh re except on my own premises and in roteetion of my own property, and hav not, to my knowledge, received any inju y in retaliation for the death of any dog. The plan is just and right, and every fairaninded man must acknowledge it. —Joseph Ham says : "In periods of general depression like the present, some people seem to t ink that the world is corning to an end Be that as it may, it is wise in u to continue plowing . . . and sowing. It i a great teing to feed and clothe the w rld. We have had a - good breakfast an shall soon want a good dinner, and will at want o go to bed ; -without slipper, nd. to -mor •ow we shall want another bre kfast, din aer, and sup- per, and so on du ing all the days of the week and the. month, and the year. There are 3651 d ye in the year.l. Sup- pose we should f rget that one-quarter of a day,and the wo ld on Jan. 1 next should wake up and fin no :breakfast. There would be a fine found that it ha dinner on an emp need a farmer f never go out of ashion. read, milk, butter, cheese, b ef, mutton por' k, poul- try, eggs, fruit and potatoes will' be wanted every do until the end of time. And it is caw dut and our interest to see that the world dos not co e to an end for want ot food. • Pi ekles--110 Grown nd 1Vietnu- f ctured. wheat tran, cut st aw or cor animals of the ox ai growing, fattening flow of milk. —In regard to cu d horse k even, a tingpotat alike 100 hills were planted one eye each, cut rorn media tatoes. Another row by the s number, of two eyes; anoth then another of ono -half, a row of whole ones. The who -1 ed. exactly alike. At digging one eye had the largest nuro potatoes ; the row pf two eye est number of mer6hantable the row of whole onese.the- I 111 eady; vary - n the whole, suppose the The The "Iiidi most O some fa accomp prefer mixed ity Olt • ley,' t the B with a reincle smoke othei. Johnso Scotch countri flankec equal rweaspi pa stand. umsil fk eul digestt 11 and be, gelatin, 1 thus b the mi from t cooli n jelly. nutrit ishi g but, h thati eree,' • fish, l a smal stewp thoro of b • add t give 0 Thi inoiik say r teat for tim spr ac ng I b g the early _and c out what bushe at was not s old. It w fk( et pi b en cell Fiv w Eike la m e, we ept on apewaso ea, Ow. W 2pe1118 1 h n th: g oun that r, a' d there In 1 at t at me s p sed heul reii lnd plied houl ev u ed by i could tell dis Inc ly mature was a .phed, corcIofthe do. es On spr a# and t e circ wast al re t de 1 of sa I mar ed- par icularl the la a had 1 in ft fo coveri g vhat ve side o stri 8110 next it. .e ante 8•e e n 1 a • b eo d th Nere mel e Thin f 011 Agricult using of brea he list stand * the porridg I lent of swee f butteemil Sir Walter matters,. te bile •the Braclwa.rd bread, to -h m, mu to s Imo a ar acies, _ hi sel to ext kfast above mess silver j t re Of crea d tor the IBal o Bilious aubje e richness df find the ba r etive. Po , should be d for at least s pro rties o ✓ ugh out, e, o being n a liq uiring the de thus, it nd digesti the savans, in. A goo littleknow is m de thu ith two fo es, elt a and to la •t warm. 11 ce nd twc tote fish rn vet t a favorite old, and ha se nUing t." Brew alCeti e ast dishe 'Scotia' bowl, w th its ilk, or, some or of Al two ott, an uthor- I us, in aver - ✓ akfast t ble o e was oadec e her wit eggs, nd bee ditto, lade, a d all induce even 1 the luxu y of a. that of a other %meal p ridge, which eld an nd butt rmilki it share of the. ts, who cannot the un urne o 's admi ture dge, to b easily lade rath thin, alf an Ito r ; the the oatm al will will Ise en by ished up, owing id sta,te, nd o0 cousisten y of one of t e.most le of food , nour not only t e body d breakfa dish, is calle Keg - Take so e cold lis flake off in it of but er in a he fish i it till yereadycupful -aoft boil eggs season t'taste, e: tire, an( 8C1V0. dish amo g the lost non of the gastrouo ers de - um; ery ked by nee ries. 113. n, as por- heir is a arge the aken that vats the aged hioh 8 OT ✓ in that In a soon egar, o for ckles ficial re - jelly. egar time, first, arge cauli- hich ndon s im- have • the addl- ed so with tory. and make ndon. wet. says , fore. hale- r 118 t so pre apted t and s to wor usel w to The pa tired by nature a,s to bo readily the infant or the adult stom- freighted With human virtues a cure when drugs are worm 8.. ke Pancakes in a Hat cakes, of course, must be niade revionsly. The apparatus used for per. orming t nsisting d a tin with t both entity. eviousl t, whic to the gs, etc. ving d e hat, ously d ie jar d n pot, d bri iiving t fry da ing-Ea 11 Dr pon nt eard of fr a 1 is trick are extremely simple, of a jar or doctor's galli-pot, ot, made straight all the way e bottom half way down, so ends contain exactly the same The readyniade pancakes are put into the one end of this Mid be dexterously slipped at. Then take your milk, flour, and mix them up in the jar • ne so, deliberately pour it in king care that the pot pre - posited there receives it. .Put wn into the hat, press it op the hich fits exactly inside the jar; gs away the batter and pot, e pancakes, which you pretend r the candle, using the hat as Turn out the pancakes, and ow t e hat unsoiled., SEA ORTH AHEAD. • AND SUCCESS. JOH VINDIN busin tlarniined t Being in IiVint r- ent w lies to th Bart - Last vtinter for the first a greatdeal a out the sh in re in the winter. art of th wintos had—peripa 100 re thaa hree or s quite i •sh (we ir trodden y pigs.) r Nvf 0 ea ted out i that ro tine. It had mo,osionally I was pnti ely bare ere dlryi winds. .clow this pring II nd certa n strips tie rnanu e, upon ✓ see mu'h effect d marks, s that 'I here eac lot of ndI also ad a re. hich each lot was instances. There d in this manure. otie stri where t ight wit out anyl lay rigb along - that as cove ed with ilay af e the man re was I coul ee no si n there inhe low th of egraas; dIfe e ice betw en that epos e to thos drying t which had bee imine- - with wavy sn w, that ed and ashed an lacalied ot e r und." =pus when the world had to wait s x hours for- wh 1 y stomach Why, then, whi ar? His producta will pro ., Not many_year agoewhei nearly every appIie country family g ea- and m de their own of a d pickles, in West bester Ochinty, N. Ie., I c ti1 that now yields he largest juantity, not wh ell a,000,000 cue= ers a year were produc- winds ed. ; at the prese t time, w en the mann- dia el *•Ie facture of pickle for sale h s become an aft II 4( immense busines: . Westche ter averages the nt au - 1 yearly yield of from 70,0 ,000 to 80, 000,000, and th produet f other sec- tions has 'twee ecl in like proportion. 1 # by Thus a large qua itity are grown in Illi- Ch pinan " ti nois for the Chi.ago markt, the yearly not only food estimate being fr . m 30,000,000 to 50,000,- per o all life, 000.- Massachus tts produdes from 60,- as is t1 -c, . ase:' 000,000 to 70,00q,0®, and New Jersey dig s da and from 18,000,000 t 20,000,000. Baltimore 0118 y, iiii does not do niUc1 in pickles the quality glu ta I y, ot the southern rowth ranking low ; a fla e lb small business is lonc in the vicinity of or qth c Cincinnati and Pittsburg. :Within the sho 0 b past five years the trade in the West has ant u ; ci•ii wonderfully increased., and 'beaper labor tt3i• # nd has enabled the Chicago n annfaaturers do it :le to extend their business to the entire -lime t Western coast, and even seriously to milk, 4. compete with Ne1w York. The bulk of eva r hia tbe pickles growi in this ou aryl con- any, fs mimed here, the nly expo of any im- pla n t pertance having taken place !some twenty- the st I five years ago, in consequence of a failure • and 11 of the European rop. For pickling pur- afford so poses the cucum r in all tages of its have growth' is used, from the large vegetable cases, IT which is cut into slices andsold to the weak, th ' cheap grocery stores, to the smallest size defe e, or gherkin, which is preserved entire. In ph)* an buying and selling and estimating quanti. mon as t ties, cucumbers, Whether large or small, wa • aire irrit ale ise u the feve geti r an hich e b • h dle ch w • di rith posi 9 bl nu and has e ai -nit It ilk D et. Csays r..E. N. arl ir1 1Me c vater an milk ;is and ine icine- at u early but als at a lat r, when, • f i.nfaii the fun tions of ssiniilaiti n have een A s omach axed by tea by improper food, la - hot, e f ebled b disease, fitted Ifor its du iee, as ,ie rarious Symptom attend- estion diarrhce dysen- will r sume its N ark, and lly on ap exclusi -e diet of milk. 1 A goblet of •cow's four t lespoonfu s of lime lad ed, will a ree with owever objection hIe the ay be Will be f endly to en othet food is o pressive ested 'hon all el e fails to ent. Of this at tement I ive proof :in ve y many •od ben rit'on xcletipi 11 it 3.11 Ld thin, t or, the insuffi remedy s chap, entente of e nerVes secretion ient, the as COM - 08t, a utritio 14NU. Hithert -TOR or vario e ean S & ROWCLIFyE, their Great Sale an 4 their Furniturei ss generally a grand success, have de - embark in the ACTURE OF FURNITURE IN SEAFORTH. we have been compelled tol send to NTO AND ELSEWHERE s lines of our stock, hut believing that Male as Good awl as Cheap TT i•T1 T TJ 11,3 IN StAFORr other place, we have determina to IVE IT A TRIAL. ITR 60M ith N AND Lead I I NEV FCTORY IS NOW IN LETE WORKING ORDER. Machinery, Sound. Dry Material FIRST-cLASS WORKMEN,, We Are Determined to do the ng Furwture Busines Co OF SEAFORTH. AREROOMS, As Usual, in the old -stand of ij. JOHNS & - Where the . GREAT BAR AINS Stiu cantonal to Attrao Attention. • REMErER WE11.A7 THE FINEST HEARSE - ! IN WESTERN ONTARIO. JOHNS & ROWCLIFFE. CHRISTMAS -IS, COMING E J. BROWNELL HAS JUST GOT IN HIS FIRST ORDER F OHRISTMA GROCERIEP BEAUTIFUL Currants and= Raisins • I • NICELY CLENED. Also a Fresh Supply of TEAS and SUGARB. DR DR, Teas in Caddies of Five and Ten Pounds to Snit the Buer. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSLVE. BROWNELte DU PEOPLE ARE FINDING Wilt A SM Call BON Suit Svi THAT THEr IS 1-1-CT4E3T.76- • RAORDI NARY GOODS. GOODS lig GOODS # - GOODS GOODS GOODS kill GOODS GOODS ig GOOPS GOODS GOODS W CL THI C L THI CL THI CLOTIII CL TH1 CL THI CL THI CL TH1 CL THI CL THI CL THI ar . dkc, A. CAN & DU CA Pla i nd- Fancy 1r888 Go0418, Nalinery coul ,ShaNsls at Bket tit Flannels and Wne4 Vary N TH . KERV AND GLASSWARE SALEAT ALL & PAVEY'S. oFFE,RINGS G MILLINER G MILLINO G 0 MILLINER G 5 MILLINER G MILLINER G tg MILLINER G MILLINER G 4 MILLINER MILLINER G MILLINER MILLINER' • SEAFORir Colored and 1 -lac 6'reat 0.9a,crce, heap, , • 3 . Cotton Prits, Linens, at .Greatly Reclue d Price I I Clouds and Breakfait Sluitals at Less Than Cost. Silks, -- 0R,SE1\T IC M Special Drives in Greys mei Browns rom $1 50 to $3 per pm CLOTHINGr MEN'S and BO CLTHING. CLOT S OVERCOAT and PEA JACKETS T GREATLY REDUCED PRI ES. GE LOT OF GOODS SUSTABLE OR THE PRESENT SEAN UFFALO ROBES AND URS VERY CHEAP. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, eafort, OR TE TE TE TE TE TE LL AMOUNT 1, ET ON HAND,' if You 117., ant to Get Goocls at Cost Price. HALL & PANTY. ATE TETS, HATS, FLOWEIS, THEIr, ORNAMENTS, &c, ble Fr Holiday Pre8en4, t HOFFNIAN Spaiorth. RIUD FT,JR SETS,1 Bluffs, Ruff*, tqaPst ble for Holi.ly .Presentif, FFMAN BROTHERS', Seaforth. I S 15Z- S M IS CONE WHERE THE WO DBINE TWINETH. PER CENT. PER CENT. PER CENT. PER CENT. PER CENT. PER CENT. PER CENT. PER CENT. PER CENT. N PER CENT. N PER CENT. N PER CENT. X PER CENT. N PER CENT. N PER CENT. TEN PER C NT. Z TTEE 111 TE PER C 4NT. TE1 PER NT. PPEERR CC NT. 0 TEN- PER C PNT. TEN PER 0 NT. CC . TEN PER C NT. W TER PER 0 NT. TE PER 0 NT. ▪ TE PER C 'NT. TE PER C NT. TE PER C NT. 12 TTEE PpEtt Cc NNTT: ALLOWED 0 ALL TEN PER CENT. TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN TEN SH BUYE S 1 DRY G CLOTilING 13OOT. AND SHOE WEANS" ER CET. ER CENT. ER CENT. ER CEN ER. CE ER CE T, ER CE T. ER CE T. ER CENir CE T. • ER CE T. ER CE T. ER CW T. ER CE T. ER CET. GrE0 14, .jiobDS & Cf.sf5 'T'HE u Kilauea , Sept ion whieli these re - St 1- makable Ind. o pt 'have aehfevod is the legitimate and tat i ad r alb of the 4810mins. thin. of their nieee to -peados a grade of work. Manship tlist sho • e,cel anything ever before produced in their] lie of b slimes. All who ntempnip e basing should, before deciding, insist u # # # °twinning the interior eon- stanalon qf any Or an offered them. and compar- ing it wit-li that of r cone Woods * Co.'a. The 451120 , . ELABORATE FINISH Is extended to eve detail of Action and Cabneti Vork andiTuning. All should remember that a few dollars erpend d in securing a really tine in- strument that will eat all:Patna is TRUE .ECONOMY, And thattic few do s retained in purchasing es ordinary r inferio one is MERE E TRAVAGAN E. Their capacity fo Variety of Musical Effect, owing t i. o their beautiful CO,MBINAT ON BOLO. STI9PS, Lads grektly to their Value. The attention of the trade, profession and an atterestad in what is progressive in Musiesnicalled to them. LESLIE,. 8 IRROW & -bi-.) . General Agents, 98 Yonge Street, Toronto. Also for the Tberg, Marshall & Wendell, Miele, Pianos. - : 418 COLO WIN ER tSCOMING ON - A.ndevery De on should prepare tor it bYmrc1141m1. a ..11 0 V- B AT MS. E. VVHITNEY S., MAIN $TREET, - SEAFOTIL. :Tufa Riceived, a Large Stock of Cookiag, " Parlier, Box and Coal Stove, of the most improved pa tern, and from the bestinakers, which ivili be sold t 13ottora Prices for sen or on short time. Tisaware of 411kind in stock or iide to order onln short tice. Repairing prom tly I at- tended to. _ . . . . Coal 00.-0 bend,, a large uppIy Of the best and purest Coid 011 in the market, w loll will be sold wholesale 4,)r retal. f3pecia1 indu exaents given to Aarge punhasers., . liemeniber Logan & Jamieson's -0 s stand, Main Street, Seaforth: 412 AVE CON1 KEN C D TO SEL AL MY ST CS OF ry Goods Cloth lag, BOOTS AND SI.10ES, EMEMBER THE 10 THOMAS K NOW IS THE TIM 11111111441•0 INPEC OFF illinery, ntleso OR CASH ONL ER ENT. DISCOU AT DD EMPORI FO " GOOD BA ION INVITED. THOMAS KIDD, T SALE M. GAI 4s. Seaforth. JAMES RISTMAS AND NEW YEA COMPLIMENTS THE MUNICIPALITIES OF THE COUl4.TY LL WIL ENJOY A MERRY TIME. LL THE' PEOPLE OF AL OF HURON, HOPING URPIIY, being anxio W FRUII, 181, TE , PRUNES, AN GEN:ERAL GI?OCERIES. All will, as usual, be sold off for very small profi s to d his part a Fresh S ck of toward their enjoyme t • 2 IaiI L GOODS ARE NEW, EXCEPT THE L WHICH ARE OLD, PT.IYEE AND CHEAP. JAMES MURPHY, UGA it8 SI LVER MINING ..1. OF LO DON, ONT., Hbeen inereesed to $12 50 per results be equal 0 /wean* Indic . abate, now costhig out $12.50 willbe • IWO to $150. Perp . # - ,, , , &col, A. ARMITA THE COMMEFiCIAL LIVE Y1 T GEORGE WHITELEY, HAVING purchased the Stoe k and Trade of the - 't Commercial Livery, 1 ormerly Ben's; from, . . Messrs. Morrison & Co., begs to state that he in- tends carrying on the business in the old stand, a rid has dded seVeral valuable horses and vehicles to the f erly la i ge stock. None but Firat-Ciaas Cong,forta le -Vehicles and Good Reliable flor8 Will be Keg. Covered 1 and Open Buggies and Carriges, and Double and Single Wagons Always Beady for Use.. :- 'Special Arrangements with Coaralier. cirri Plea. t • Orders left at the Stables or any of t llotel will be Promptlytended to. 418e . , .,, -- f SEAFOR H P ANING MILL, SASH)D00 AN BLIND FACTORY THE sibscriber egs le ve to Wank Iiisrkumerous 4' austere for he lib ralpstronage extended to him sin comroeacing usinees in Seafertb, and trusts that he ma be Is ored with a continuance of rthe sierinet. arten g to b • lid wonld do well to give him s call, as he II co thine to keep on hand, a largest:eel: of all de e • DRY PIN LUMBER,' AM 3 E , DOORS, B IND, MOULDINGS, RING ES, LATH, ETO. He feels confid t of iving sstisfactionto those who mai favour # ## wit theirpatronage, as none butfirst classwo ## en reemployed. ;sr Particular ; enti • n paid to Custom!). Planing 201 1 JOHN .. BROADFOOT. HO I F R WALTON. BOHR THING NET. dal Bargains inilekRy GROCERIES. in rid Boots tend Shoes he n can be, -got elsewhere. naves. 1;1 SMITH offersSp- .1..• GOODS and itatayaisade Clo g glees better -value t Jost call and see for yo OILS, .PAINTS AND VARNISHES Of the beat brands alw ys on hand. Special In- ducements to Ca It Purrlhasers, • All parties ha ng over -due notes and amounts are requested to settle e sameat once, °Megrim they will be put to ot er hands for cojeettlea. 897-52- . FARQUHAR SMITX - -; IMPORTANT TO WIIOM IT .1711-21ir CON ERN. rI'iIEnudersi ed, after doing busine s for over l• el t years Sea,fcirth, finds himself !compell- ed for the first time tol call in all parties indebted to himfor pronipt payment of their account's, and to orm them that all accounts for 1875 not paid by the First of February will be charged with interesti from ftrst of January without fail. THOMAS COVENTRY. N. B0—All imprints of longer standing will be placed pi other hands for collection. 418-8 ECLIPSE OATMEAL MILLS, NOW- IN FULL OPERATION.' Barley, n Tuna, Oat a) plit Peas, .Pot Con Meal Choped; d 4 Kinds of M111 Feed Constantly 1 MO ping done Tueslays and Fridays Oetmeed lacha gall for Oats. Highest price pai for Oats, Peas and Barley. 419 j cunBIE & TH MSON. THE =SEAORTB MBER, YA ABEE & *ACDOIN RE to inform the 'public that th =AL'moved their Lumber Yard to -the the Merchants Salt Cempany's Work 'F3hTillh'4311wilijikeep constantly on handTa. went of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, undreesed. Also, LATH AND SHIN Which ithey are ,prepared to sellt a the sible prices, for -Cash. Also, on hand a teagfBtatetiledbeienersstpAseeneTtd6ONHpurtheti!aiviandasiect trtoati before purchasingelseWhere, aswe are offergond indunementis to cash viva!' 168 ABBE & MA. THE PIKENIX FIRE INSURANCE COM OF LONDON, ENGLAND y bane re - between. and Ku- oodassort- embed and ZS, all of wriest re - y quantity eir &dun. our prices aposition °NAM. W. N. WATSO A GENT AT 'MAP 11TH. This 4-4.Oompauy Was established in 178 S- nese In all parte of the world, does be second largest business in the United Icingdo 4. •1 pays its claim with promptitude and liberalit Its rates are m derate. 88746 ANY -d standard does buti- E PRICE CtP STOCK CANADA h.888 Director THE 00, e. Should Om, ea& orth from kt° Seafortk a t Iteep mereifet beast, and the vi ally -pays for iteel breeder who we. Journal as follow wool is a suffialen storms of our no tirely disproved. sheep owners, - endure neglect be are none generall which are not II a dry atiiaosphere less be a suffiet heavy rains, add severe -demands Animals wheeh a The wool bolds q and when it pass carries off a great Colds, cough s, CII are among them posure to cold st tire maintains A 0 and disappointm o uts off all hope lows a man to Ire as all such losses there is not the s them occur. Pei tee has been to near the barn, them' up every rajas keep then storms." The Was Heavy "kid" from the skint of flesh side is eisatea lime -water and To can be removed, jeeted to a bra thence and there put into what Is composed of one gallonsif water, a a pound of salt. boiling hot, and through. it suecei are immersed MO utes, A paste is ly adding to ail stirrhtg the whil pounds of wheat the solution, gent yolks of five egg into this paste hours, after whi, poles Via left to as may be nece softened by beinp, ing iron' —the answer—and zn vitae.* flat iron. and as white as as imparted with A are wanted. for 11 liming andbran alum and. paste The whole opera Sympathies The subject c) pathies is extreM ad when he hear< Settliger -turnd. creases, EraamiS he aaav fiela a. 'clergyman, tha he Ilea:Mace _Zimmerman tells endure the fee shuddered -.vhe skin of a Peach. the story of an dnae the sound fell dead when There are whol I , , a horror of the' there was a .p Edinburgh, whit, ---- I : iiig almost antitt • I *have beenasi • even when -Mini I : scopic form. of pil a man falliug de $00.; as if beret' convulsions; Si - , wejl-knovvn littl : enrions =statial -' I case of La gentleb ' single etraWberJ easeofanother; came fiaightfull' the 'smallest par ! I a tb.itd, who aas attatek -of gout il ing fish, -- . AL. Many ofsour the story of the his father might • . morning blessin drssed, so he waiting by talk ready -to eat, athe plau lately ner, in. Freak" preacher, ea muse In his pi, standing behind 'ward and. hiteh' ed on te ask a hi' Igsual style er„ There wits, and he toon. adjoining ro0133, wheieoeme one' and. the hungry • when the petit by the abstrae V 4 About the ei India oaptaul. logs as bai to his brother, *Olean, who he wood *as for the wor afterwards his The doctor the wood, and out Its r,olor ami to have a bur feria], and this that it was alio Dttehess of Buc At other bureau demand arose mahogany trade. There is no young than is honest, ft -a different is minded are otighiality, if crushed it out, utterly, 13e y TO -attempt to than foll. Wu it. itis e suppose you the greate4 tory, would th By' zio mean. compasisa rt