HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-01-14, Page 5.. s : A 14, 1876.. ad been great, but would, no doubt, bo 'Oh more so in the future. A. number of volunteer toasts, among rhieh was The Agricultural Interests, sttouded to by Mr. Lave, of Hay, were ivcn and responded to. These toasts retie intersperated by sotsgs by Mr. Gib - M, P. ErMr. Thos. King, of Carron- rook, and. others. The banquet broke 7 at an early hour in the morniag after in ng " Auld Lang Syne" in right regal: tyle. The guests returned by special trains,- srovided for their acconicnodation by they E ..oxnpany, on Wednesday morning and 'cached their several destinations with- tut chap or accident having occurred o mar the pleasures of the trnj, and all otxd`in their praises of the kind' treat - tient they had received at the hands of 1e people, of London . and fa lin .con- vinced -that railway banqueting is not tush a bad business after all. Pen and Ink Sketcher Reviewed To the Editor of the Huron Expositor, SIR : The New Year, the Sabbath,; the municipal election and the current day by day work of a profession: combined, so occu=pied: me that I could not sooner getan opportunity to take passing notice of a long article signed " A Ratepayer- of atanley,'' which appeared in your issue crf the 31st of 1>ecenxber. "Ratepayer" takes on himself to reply to a fly sheet,. and had he confined himself to doing so, for one, would have passed his re- unarka by, because I ani in no way eon- neeted with said sheet, whoever may be the author or authors of it. Having been told of it I wanted to see it, and an op Isortunity offering, on the Wednesday be- fore nomination day, through a friend E £: from the eastern side of the township, 1 took advantage and read it ; and I did not by any means approve of some of itee contents, still less do I approve of the left-handed compliments paid to ` Mr, eirfpsori and Mr. Anderson by "Rate 22 payer," one would, suppose merely for the purpose of glossing over the matey. Stabs: made at these gentlemen. This ntnd of• cut-my-head-and-then-buy.-m:e-a- pla,ster work, to say the least, is too puerile, If "Ratepayer' meant to be friendly, well might those gentlemen exclaim, From my friends protect me." " Ratepayer" could not damage the Reeve this year, because by some mien hap or miscarriage of a letter, Mr. Secord failed to procure his nomination as Reeve of Stanley ; but the founelatiAn is laid for his future overthrow, which is most 1. plainly hinted at and foreshadowed I dare say ",Ratepayer's" lettere to: some extent, told. against Mr. A.udersone it was well timed ; no chance to reply per- sonally, because nomination is past ; neither through public print, because the election was on the eve of coming off. There was only time left to read the beautiful sketch. . " Ratepayer" asks where was Dr. ". Woods and where was Mr. Simpson when the voting for tavern licenses came up at the Council board ? I reply that I was at the Council; and, as the number of ap- plicants was less than the law warrant ed,' I voted for every one, of course, sub t< j ect to inse ection and report thereon, and, I think, lir, Simpson dial likewise. The other three members of Council did, v' in one sense at least, as1 e did. They exercised their right of judgment, and very properly toted as they pleased.. Touching the townlino of Hay and Stanley . Whilst the County had charge of it, I do not recollect ever having toted township funds to it, except last year, when I voted $50 towards improving the east end of it, This line, nine miles long, gets of Stanley money annually about $180 to $200, and if Hay does its share should get as much more from that township ,• _. whilst, save in exceptional;; cases of sudden breech by flood; no line, in Stanley got over $100 a year, not eve .the Sauble line, until the past two years, when it was found that $100 a year was insufficient to keep culverts in repair, .150 has Been granted to the Sauble line. for each of the past two years ; once 11r Johnson, then 1Zeeve of Stanley, by con sent: of the County Council, spent $100 on the Saubie line, and a great many years ago, when. I was in the Count_ Council, I obtained a grant of $200 from that body for the Saubie. Iine, bat this money I did not take from the boundary line fund ; it was a special grant. The factis this, that whilst other lines get each $100 a year, and the Sauble line for the past two years only gets $150 a year, the to-wall/le has been, or should have been, getting between $350 and $400 a year, that is if Hay has paid its share, and this is over and above special .o. grants from the County Council. Touching assessment : There may be errors on the roll ; most probably there are suich. The Court of Revision sit to, correct such as are connplained of, and takes notice of more usually than aro on the appeal lists. The law provides that all parties, who feel aggrieved, shall -haver ample opportunity of having their frnev- ancca investigated. The Court of Appeal examines the rolls, and, as seen necessary,' sets wrong right,—but that Court doe; stat takeeaclt lot separately, and after- wards compare each lot with all the oth- ers. In short, that is the assessor's work. :We do not keep a dog and ourselves do the barking. Doubtless, the Stanley people would Hat stand our having some 10 or 12 days (;ourt,of Appeal. No. Did the do so, then " Ratepayer "would have his wish, aiid the old Council wovldbekick- ed Dint to make room for him and others mayhap neither so cute nor so oily.: " Ratepayer " says that I am a most ,iellislt man, interested only for the San- ble Line, and for Bayfield. I ask, who {it at moved in Council for a $10,000 grant to the London, Huron and Psruce Rail- road % Who seconded the motion ? I an- . ver two western hien did. I moved,. :end Mr. Castle seconded, and the motion passed, but ',the Company,. who were then projectiag the road, on three several oee;rsions, aliread over a period of 17 ifxuietlrs, refected our offer on every ocea- i,eit, wanting $1.5,000. I thought I had done enough and fairly for the township. Awl at the nominations of 1573 or A874, l publicly stated what I hail done, and at else same: time stated niy determination riot again to offer $10,000. Mr. Castle still held on to our unflinching course. Ile voted the 10,00(1 and no more, and tele ataiid taken ay us, and afterwards .trrice' out by Mr. Castle when the east- • rn men, as a whole, were almost rabid tea:aye $15,000. It will easily be seen that a clear $ 5,000 was secured to the ✓ ate:paycrs. `t`his, they now know well, Staid on : Iouclay last Mr, Castle and I :reaped some of the reward justly due to uuss for faithful services done and perform- ed, - The Stamey ratepayers know also that they have the line just as soon as the l f ay people have it although they voted a bonus, I think, two years before Stanley. " Ratepayer" first couples me with Mr. 'Simpson and then proceeds in a sort of thwv.AitY 14, 1878. a ambled way to tempting to Tient the suppO of each on the sb, alders of orifi;' dodge, no , osnbt, but hold water. It is ell and pu that for some ye could scarcely stir out having hrstco " Ratepayer,," an that this great ,1 warm feeling towa Mr. Anderson, em two years ago, to ern the Stanley this cue up, and from Stanley for t to the Stanley Co spring. Then onl from his dream A. backed down, unkind do ng and the amiabl horror of horrors ! my countrymen, internal ve loud but deep toned. Vengea on one victim already, the staving. off the evil _day. ] was bad taste of t e people, c jest the proffere services overflowing talen coupled decision of character and a f board mode of progression. dealing there, no artful dod{ gammon. No, sir, no such 1 mess the disinterested way i Reeve is dealt with. See hot THS HURO itas both, thereby at - offences both. An it does not rhely known rs past r. Simpson in pgublic tters with- su ted wit his darling Dame .':tumor says timacy coupled with ds him bye third party ldened Ratepayer" aythat he would ov- g ouncil, add following • tinting a large grant t e Townlin , he applied ncil for th t grant lust , he wak d up rudely tually to behold, Mr, • 11 far as but feelin The h lost. —A lowi which; the to villag : ago M young time of tak 80 W to ha his c who, nd Mr. S in a quan- trates t cut of a Dr. Woods Mr. C - and ' voting D $50. . Oh, appea there was a falling off, taken ngeance, not Quee ice wreaked other only )oubtless, it •f Hay to re- ed so much with a rare eeriest; over- No double ung, no oily hinds, Wit- ; shoulc n which the sum." v plainly the eave me ins. ructe to 1 Stanley people are t at home, and observe how' romptly and willing'they have obeyed and replied to this Solon, •- I- ell, I give the Stanley people credit for ore sense of decency . and a better feeli g for their -own con- stituency than to take a cast off, ` would- be Councilor, rest ent in another town- ship. I think th y are so far selfish as to want a Reeve all their own, acid to give a preference such a one over any that may atttemp to push l imself on to them out of Hay, -hich township has al- ready two veryefficient representatives at the County Co Heil. " Ratepayer " ays, " In natural and acquired ability Dr. Woods stands head and shoulders above his fe lows." He therefore, recommends that I should be left at home to attend to y patients, Sound advice, I admit, but cannot com- prehend the logic. If wort anything, it is that natural and acc9u" ed abilities should not be tol rated ;ina municipal g Councilor. - In g. od faith, this is a new idea of the matte . Well, (tis said ,the • longer we live th : more we learn. It may be that in p 1 reliance o this course of reasoning "R tem er wishes to be elected Reeve, • 1 / thus el cted to the post of head and chief of • the incapables. This may also be- a clue to the desire to have Mr. Anders n and myself out of the Council, as he ad 11 its that wee have some brains. I can te-1 him thattif he had his wish, ho might a 1 ake the discovery that there were still eft in theouncil three men, any of who ' could favorably com- pare with himself in intellec ual capacity, honesty of purpo e, and goo 1 sound busi- ness habits. "Ra epayerlls of a board broken in a culve t. Well, the aggrieved party has had his satisfaction. fie brought his ease into Cou t, and there brought out the acts that . ue care and diligence on the art of the Council had been excercised. Judgnien for the de- fendants was ren Bred and the plaintiff departed a sadde and a poorer man, and let us hope a wis: r one also. again fore h cause ed a grave this to, bu him, and a lergy cant less they hchwouldc signifcan espondent i f rmatior re ted ,consi tipp of Ha of Exeter an It will be re G 11, a cons a named Pr k gat Zuri im pristine 1 th assaulted by 'aim b fore Mr R conjunction n, he bench, I far assault. 4 against by or trial bef Bench at G r. Gill wiehe ✓ ldtake lito so d ingg , a t hat a had ssau t on one he too ju gment wa igistrates t ' e costs i fal s, which l lat r th prop reOuts try them and ma f rnishes a ive to a rabic in and also urich, so smbered le, appro ut, who w for the and whi latter ge He, Pro Ment Brow th ; othe a fl its: • decis "o w c ha 1 and rile 1 rhe the ou of "ch. F o here take it b t be - 'e had to sho c, t`ercfo e, se mmnitted a a - Prout. 'Vhe 1 "s suit oro !adored a ainsst inion s s fine , f g on r was r, Gill s n' rivi l nether not he fo aw cane rest i in th etim hat las ed t th p rites e coin terra t too ,P, tgi - eo The Sauble lin culvert was not need• ed, is not need d ; because there is a large creek withi eight rods of it, with culvert across t e road, ar d level land between the tw . Both dulverts have the one outlet ; therefore, they are not necessary in eight rods of roadway. What is required is a ditch on the east side of -the road, Those who know the position which " Ratepayer" occupies with regard to the townline'between Hay and Stanley, can judge what small bene- fit a first-class gravel road,on that line to Kipper would be to him yet he most disinterestedly u ed his beat influence to. obtain from the tanley Council a grant of $2,000 in aid 1 a like grant to be giv- en by the Hay Council, to make this gravel;road. In the face jof this fact, should any one are to a; ruse " Rate- payer" of selfish ess ? The person who would might wel be set •d wn as "de- vsrid of natural and u red ability." " Ratepayer" as , " Wl►.o shall be en- trusted with the's3managein nt of town- ship affairs." Da a Rumor replies :. Not a non-resident - Not the an so modest as voluntarily to ecome th self -appoint-. ed instructer an dictator t lots Qf men far and. away hi superior in intellect, and the practice application of it ; not the man who all ws his ki dly feelings and the ties of fr endship.t trammel the free expression 1 f his open ons of those whose hands he . as so recently been ac- customed. warml y to clap, and into whose willing el rs he poured honied words of wisdo . Thus d" d the serpent of yore—stop goil dame ou run on too fast ; please, do stop. he old lady, finding her goes"p cut shoe , hobbled off :inging— " Ah. Tam., ah Tani, thou wilt ge thy fare in, In hell they'll roa t thee like an herrin ; And when in hell, th • t thou art r -fist, Why, then, they'll serve thee n en feast." -Yours, ly, N1NILN WOODS. STANLEY, Jan. 6, 870. [ErzroR's No "i .—As botlh•of our cor- tespoiidents see to be pre ty long wind- ed, and as we do not think it would be either profitable or not' to our read- ers to have the controver y continued, we have taken t e liberty f expunging from the above 1 tter such ortions of it as did not direct y refer t matter con- tained in the on to whit, it is a reply. Having done thi ., we now say the con• troversy must e a d so far' a our columns are concerned. Each side as placed its case before the ublic. L t the public judge between -t Lem.] Mis ellaneogs. Thirty yearn ago the city of New York blushed at her ,debt of $14,000,000, but to -day she - oans undo liabilities to the extent of $1 2,000,000, after deduct- ing the sinking unds. The people are terrified. and the Legislature is corning to their relief by t e enactment of a :Bill which will tie the hands of the -City • Council and officials in such a way that there will be in future fa less ease in incurring rash ibdebtedne s. The other cities in the State which owe but $60,- 000,000 are likewise anxio s tor such a law. —With a vie to reduci g the expen- diture at furter ls, sixty lergy of the city of Birmingham. Engle, d, have sign- • ed the followim declaratio : " tire, the undersigned ole gy of the town of Bir- mingham, with " view to reducing the expenses connec .d with f nerals, would respectfully su ' gest that Ino hatbands, scarves, or glov hens forth present- ed to us on sue (tcions`" This is as A San veget sgppl city g traces, alway Ja Peas a Febru matoe April, same atmos found portio. ers, p ley, soler cress, and s vated black whort flouris year ed in dish a articl suppl: pinea pears Ines, Ph " Mr. has a from old, s hurti this .h ly, an nine 1 to arr head and 2 head body age enou child': or pl seem rapid healt head pres ture 1 Onl ?-tote' Mose berry] Oa 1, L. and Ti for ; .' r of 4n ad. a n r adise 'for Vegetari : ns. cisco inns ilk a par s, to judge yanaccou the ve eta 1 markets by a Calif r ian pap shes, cabb g s, and o eason. Ne • potatoes ntil mi 1 : I 1 y and last beans make, and linger u ✓ in the jma 4 are a drug t be said of c all kinds lof n the markets !of the year. n ps, 3'arus t eh, cabling paragus, atoes, mus of other v thrive w es, raspber e cries, curra 'There is sc n strawberri Enarket, and ristmas din ers. Besies these s e market onstantly affords a oranges, gs, lemons, !lime#s, m grapes ban nes, poe ' nates rries,peach a apricots' eci ar- :s, and elm: tr ll kinds' o nuts. v 4 e- for t of t e fn th t r. L iorsae came i umin eir appearance fII,Jecem er. T et an Mac an 3r month 3 Ti :umbers ; i n fac getables c n wring the grea arrots, eau iflow nips, be 'tspar sorrel, h barb, ichokes, nions, ooms, a gplant, gletables a e' cult - 1)t. Stra berrie , es, goon berries, s and othe berries rcely a da in the s cannot b obtain/. they fo r o rare e e r insular urling€on ( V 1 H. Hasel tle girl, four ed when a ng on the b er severely ead. began 1 three ;mo. s in circum; the growth measures 2 e other! 7 s to be! ab out the size well form rength to c to be held, n the floor, j possess inte hen put; to d has a g rd like i all ea not gro d have it. formit ) Free Prean sari s nl, of Gr nsbaro, ears old, ho fall out three months k of her end and Very s n after ► row qui rapid- s had i creased }'ence. 11 efforts sroved futi e) The }a inches nye way he expansionof the a a the eyesThe Of childre f that , but it as n t y the he 1 sot e lies in i s cri t as it w s es. t ligence, a d learns e test.; i is qui d appeti e T e. ends, -an for t e faster than na- A.uo'io, =ales. day, Jai. 1:, atthe Laky Vi w y, Farm, Stock and Im le ends. franier, proprietor ;u E. . osseln- tioneer. ay, Jan. 2 , ori Lot 22, Con. Tuckers j ith Farm Stock Iements. D ald Ross, proprie- P. Brine, auctioneer. DAY1 the so Tito th da Kia of Dn BRY. Beall bre" Bli of If SACK. of It�a� No; of REs of Ja Re bol Lum or, 1 BIsTRt3.. r.—In Tuekersmith, o an. 8, ifs of Mrf. Pet r .Daym , of a ON.—In !Blue ale, on J n. , wife of Mr. . Thorn o , of a r. n Bluevale, o Jan. 5, t e w fe R. King, of on. In Blyth, o ail, 1, tileif a of an, of a peon - E In Grey, or Dee. 31, the wife Bryan, of a non I MAR LEY.—At t s father, pn ldest son of warship of toMiss! Li Bley, of `Sty R—MORRO bride's i fat . 4Brock, M h' to Elize Morrow, MORTON, e bride's uncl by IieV. 1, to Miss ] o Seaforth. r --G TUR1.E an. 7, by Re rt Lu sden, of Sea orth. • ItE . - c residence of the ec.j 22, air. Thos. aures Blair, Esq., o 'ick, County'of eie1Bley, daughh r unton, Illinois. v—Atthe reside ce er, on Jan. 12, by e C. Sac rider, of T-, eldest augh r of Clinton. - At theresidence Mr. St, ohn, n lr. Craig, i. `r lizabeth • •gh n, -I-In Ge rgetos n, . Mr. E ing, Mr. o Miss E. Guthrie, TT quo _is a tion vane more{ f rath �o in g ply, ' •Lit They : is brine, fa Fall Vic eat Spria Wh Oats p rbu Peas . 'r b Bayle Bette Zggs. "Fleur,] r Hay. 1Tldee . ,.....,. Shoo i s........................0 Salt ai ) per barrel, . Salt ` bol Hale) per bare'', ...... ... . Potat p ew, per bias • � .... e... 0 .5 Oatm" brl. .,.i... .,......0 0 ByeeeiL..b( ...r`::,I:::: :▪ ::}. . 4 Pork, I.�r. • {...j... ...... • . 6 "'0 i e io. d f v ar 'o THE IIIti ETSJ 1 SE : • OIIITH, Jan. iE is not mus change "n ss this wee except t ai e lower, ;wi II b>ut slig t anything li'. 4 a; perm n fork, now hat I+the w a gable, is fire ern pri e eking up. 1 o d and lemand. B titer is in remains 11 11 d at old q very little eef offerin it prices, quote. s .... 0 9; sat, per bogie . ..... 0 ; 0 shot 0 ishol .,... 0 bushel ...4... 0 1,L ose .• ..- 0 . •.p•• ... 0 Barre ... 4— ti ..,........ 9 0 6 6 0 0 0 , 187 mar wh indi ent thee and hay • 0 to 0 to • 0 to 0 55 to 0 16 to 0 18 to 0 00 to 10 00 0 80 0 70 to 0 SO to 5 50 to 2 50 to 6 00 to 7 16 • at s. 5 e xr , Jan, 111,1874. Fail Most, per 090 a' 0 90 Spring wheat, per bushel a .,.. :.. 0 86 6 0 00 Oats, per bushel—,„ ... M ...080 6 0 81 Barley, per bushel.; . ,. . 0 50 C 0 b Peas, per bushel—, , .. ......• 0 60.0 Butter 7 0 17 0 0 Potatoes • .. " • , . 080 0 gum.. .. ..,x...016(' 0 'day per .1on,.... .... ., ..,... 9 00 10 Beef 450 0 6 Pork....,...:... 1 685 0 7 EXPOSITOR. FtRE 0W N r= AD'E. oNoPo M. MORRISON IS ELLI' C GROC RIES AT FAMINE P ICES. Toxon iio, Ian. 13, 1876. There were in to -day about 200 bush is of wheat, at $1 01 forhite and; 97hc for springe 300 bushelsof barley, t 68e to 87c ; 800 bushels of peas, it 7 , and 200 bushels of ; a , at 340 to 3 c. a sold at 12 to $17 , . Pork brow t Hy �6 5� g from 75 to $7 5. fr � S Loi ai an. 13, 1876. Good Deihl fall w e at arceat 1 70 medium sells at $1 (10 $1 65 loads at $1 50_ per 100 pounds. Tr well scarce and wanted at $1 67 ; te ggeneral price paid is $1 00 to $1 63 fqr fair ; some lots of thin wheat sell at $4 50. Red fall in gold demand at ','$1 a10 to '158.. Spring scarce and'wanted"; � 55 sells at $1to $1 58 ; medium at $1 50. Barley At $1 50 to $1 60. Oats in go' demand at 90c for all good loads.. Pe in good demand at $1 20. Butter and eggs -se rce and in good demand. Hay and str w very plentiful; TORO TO LIVE STOCK MARKET. BEE as. —There were fair arrivalsf cattle • wring the peat week, the receipts being 6'3 head, agaist 377 head there vious eek, and 289 the week before. The pr i portion of strictly first -clans was not large, but equal; to the present de- mand, nd the price on the average are a turn asier. We not first-class $4 50 to $5, s cond-class 8 to , 25, and third- class $ to $3 50. Th following sage were eported': Four cars, averaging 1,200, bs, at 560;' on car, averaging 1,300 l ►s, at $65 ; six steers, averaging 1,410 bs, and eightheifers, averaging 1,260. bs, at $5 ; •54 head, averaging 1,2001 +" ., at $53 ; two cars, averaging 1,150 1 , s, at $49 ; four cars, averaging 1,1001 1 , at $40 ; . three cars, averaging 1,000 las, at $38 ; one car oxen, averaging s 1,600 1 s, at $72; three cars. averaging 1,000 bs, at $37 ; 128 dead, averaging 1,169 1. s, at $41. Siu P AND LA1►ins.—The receipts' at this •, • rket during the past week were insigni l cant, amounting to only 38 head sggaino 112 the previous week. We: quote heep t $3 to $8, and iambs at $2 to $5. r Bu T ens T1 N Your GROCERIES -.Fr THESE IHARD 45c. per Ili. Te , .rc, per Best Black Tea, 90c, per ib, w' POUNDS WHITE GRAN N TEN CENTS PER POU m Me and Say Money TIME . LOOK HER? b,, worth worth $1 %LATED TD, and o se, Teas at 70c. pr lb4, worth e.?e. Sugars—best, value in town. 'UGAR FOR $1. NEN T, SI$S herGroceries equally- ualy r l c a. GR IS G FRI As he 0 1 Air AUCT ON SALE OF R. DENT ING TO SELL BY AUCTIO1C, AT HIS STORE, ON, 1. AY AND SATURD1Y, ND 22nd, t NUARY 2!. t hole of His Stock of dry I Goods his is a Good Opp lenity to get DS AT YOUR OWN PRIC, ntends to Clear Ont the Whole Stoek in Two Days if Pessible. ENT, Seafoi•th. INSURANCE AND LND ACENCV. 18 aAja 'e ed to t Also Also ent for othe sale ang purchase of Fririn and V ago property. RONG NT for Seveeal Fl et -Class Stock, !Fire ke risks on the gent for several of the best Loan ro- OFFI Seafort OVED FARMS POR SALA! —Over at. Merrier's Store, Main -Ste 421 PORK, PORK. Pa king and Curing Is now done in the most flourishing Villeg the West, PARKHILL, In the atest and most imp oved order, sticli as Spice Rolls, Sugar Ou ed Hams-4Smok. ed or Pale, Ole r Middles,: Br ee,kf da nee, Ch oice will b mail or 421-18 st Bacon and Cumb rland Cuts in alum - Wholesale and Bet il. No. 1 LARD—a Joie. To whom al orders intrust? to carefully atte ded to personally, i by UNCEY, Parkhill. SO ETHING THAT HAS BEEN VANTING THIS G OD WHILE. EG vic Opposi Main Facto be gua beaten of fan other any ki at re th ank Christ FLQtTR I; FEmD Thle b st in the Market. Flour, $2 50 pHundred Ponnds---warranted Good Largo Stock 4f Provision: always on hand. Pay Long Prices When You C Purchase Goods Ch Give me a 'Trial and Con ince Yoursel es that the above is no bIow. No Sale. A Or Caet. OODS DELIVERED PROM LY FREE OF OfrIARGE fOucceesOr to Strong && Fairley. GROW F.15a. THE MERRy SEASpN IS COWIN Intim WILLIAM ALLEN tee to his many Friends that his Stock ef Christmas GROCERIES 18 Vbre, ComPle Prime Tetta, New Currant's, Orange Peel, Menton Biscuit, Town Biscuit, Pickles, Sauces, Bright Sugars, New B Icimig Sugars Lemon Citron Peel, Wine Fre* Miscall , Dutierin Bis nit, ; Candiesr dir.c. _ LBS. BROWN BUG R FOR Oyster Sardine eel, trackers 13S. WHITE SUGAR FOR $L Also Potatoes, Carrots, Ilurnips, OniOns, Appl e, Fish, Lard, Butter, Cheese, ems, &e. flow. and Feed as Usual. Goods Delivered P omptly. WILLIA:M ALLEN, EAT AUCTION SAL OF DRY 1.1*. 3D NT OING TO SELL BY 0000, • N FRIDAY AND S1ATUR A,Y, JAN. 21 AND 221 THE WHOLE OF1 HIS ST CK OF DRY GOODS. is a Good Opportunit?) to get Goods at Your Own Prices, as CLEAR OU THE WHOLE STOCK IN THE TWO DAYS IF POSSIBLE. to inform the inhabitants of Seeiorth end nity that he had opened -AUSAGE AND MEAT SHOP e the Farmers' Store, on the Eaet side of reet, next door to Mt Robertsonie Cabinet . Any onapurchasing Sausage there will anteed fresh, and fer quality defy t° be Any orders loft at the shop for any kind y &hes such ae Fre eh Tripe, Jete, et any ehes for large e s, or any o dere for d of Freshmeats be promptly and orate prices. Mr, eyer also Wishes to the people of Seafort and vicinity for the patroesge they hem bestowed on1hiM and - they may continue, and wish all a as and Heppy New Year. 1 ING to trade being duller than usial dur- g the Solid ay Season we have a large stock NCY GOODS not sold, such as i .Yancy China Goods, Ladies' Pearl ,Cavd Cas V" a868 Plated Ware, Ladies' Pencil Cases, Gold Pens Jewelry, 11 such Go ods we will sell for On CHEAPEST PLACE TO BPI( GR.00 RI S AT FROM REGULAR FRIO S. oth Housekeepers and others to et ball Ireful and ornamental goods under v 4 ve an an ce wi 0 CLOSING SALE OF TY BELONGING TO THE ATE OF THE LATE J. B. RACEY. ST-13T011E, with DWELLING over it, nate on Albert Street, opposite ai s Mills; tment, bringing in a good rental, uarterly monthly. ABLE, adjoining the above. Large rontage yard. Well adapted for a General or Gro: IUD—COAL YARD and STORE- OUSE, h a large, splendid Stone Cellar fo storing tter, Pork ,&c., situate on the tra k of the nd Trunk Railway. IMO—HURON FLOUR and 0 LLS, well established, and dole fitness. Situate on the track of TMEAL a large e Greta increasing in ventilation and enanufacturies being situate on two lines of Railwae, viz.; HE GRAND TRUND AND d-REAT WESTERN, d in the centre Of one of the Anent agrieultn- 1 Countiet in the Dominion, makes a most treble Shipping Point, -and rapidly i reasing of impedance. The abOve pr y must ld in Order to eettle the estate. I' Torah'. Terms will be given. A 1 to 18 B. 11 e ItACIEY, Executer Clinton. TTAVING no extra expense, it placts him in a position to give oilstone s the advairtage. Cs11 an examine for yourselvein Teas bye the quantity at reduced rates. A Fresh Supply of General Groce Cojee, Rice, New Currainte, Spiced Apples, Sago, Spic08, Castor Oil, Hair Oil, Olive Oil, Wash Boar Wash Tubeii Lab. Herrilg, White Fish; Cod Fish, Oat _geal, Corm Meal, CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWii THE GENUINE HOWE SEWING MACHINE 119 STILL AllE,41.1). SOLD BY W. N. WATSON, SEAFORTN, Agent for the County of Huron. TF You want to know the tme qualities o -1- Celebrated Sewing Machine call at my cell eaforth, and beware of going to where one is kept on hand, and purposely out ot order, compared to inferior maehinee to its dis tage. Alter a period Of more than ten yee e erience in the Sewing Machine Buidness found that the GENUINE HOWE MACHINE t he only one which has given perManent sae - faction to pnechasers. as never proveng def rive in its movementie nor being returned for air. It possesses all the qualities of sere/male Machine, it is strong, durable, got SA f ly represented, and all its parte ere of t best metal and perfectly fittod together. You ay change it from fine work to' heavy work th. O t straining le and ren0.ering unfit for pro- w sew wlth heavy black linen thread the d eing a nest end perfect stitch on 11ne WO It Me assess with a fine cotton ispool.! s rapid -pus dealers and tho Ago °the Sor- g Machines, offer* to supply you with A genu - i Howe Machine If yon are not taloned imp t ono they ars trying to sell you, AA only .s. a to ittispose upon you some violable*, t op of the soya, or AU old satentutband • fele te.varnishoil loo She nett . this only o van- sex - have TOR SALE OR TO jr4 QT0B7,410.1;f3E TO RENT. -To GlAb3 House.1 Andy to STRONG & FAIRLE 416 ITotois TO .LET.—Nearly finished re ately, Apply to WM. 'LIOTT. 414 peowS TO LET.—Th formerly emptied -2-1!. by; the Odd Fell s, Seitiotth, over Kidd's Ifardwere Storeeil to let. Apply to Mt. JOHN KIDI), or to 10111; THOMPSON. 887 Will be eold 01184. Apply at 3L MORRISON'S n WELLING atm TO RENT, --The houm lee rented on reasonable tones, Peseession be givere at cncei Apply to II, I;UMSDEN, 417 TT OU E TO tmgr.—To Let, that reosteenifort- J-A- a de and well situated briele houge,, tried four lots on emu oft' t, With hard -and gat water, and eq.* ry conve fence :necessary. Andy to T. STEP ENS, British Bote4 Seaforth. 421 TO LET.—To Rent for a tom of yea , Build - -a- ing on Main Street, "Seafortin imitable for Store or Shop. The building is not yet nished, and the tenant can have the privilege of linisbieg ft hinis If or it will be fmished cult Ap- ply to D lifeNAUGHT. 420 MISS BORLAND, Dress and MAW° Maker. Ro ms over the Bank, Seaforth. NeB.—Av- prenticos wanted. 468 MOTICE.--The County Council of lIttron will •A-1 meet in the Court BOOM, in the T ' of God - PETER. ADAMSION-, County Clerk. odericla, MOTIOE TO DEBTORS. ---All pazties indebted -J-1 to the undersigned, either by note or book at - count, tire requested te call -and settle at once or their accounts will be placed in -Court fer cellee- FIRE INSURANCE.—AGENTS W TED in S forth, C ' ton, and all towns an villages in gar n County for the Canada Fire end Marine Ins ce Corn ny. Special indutetets to n. Apply at owe, MACAGER, First. clues live in Fa ere Sto e, Ssaforth, leseing pi cod his acconnti3 in my tide for collection, partie.s are req ested to, call and settle their accounts with m ---at once or they WIII be sued. F.- roirrne-March lei. 1874. 888 TO THE LADT ,S.—MRS. GRIEVE and MRS. "A" CO WELL re now prepared to do Over Felt and 8 raw Hat , Genelonen's Hats, end Curl Feathers. /laving juse reeeived sal the latest styles, 'every satrefaction can be guaranteed. Roomsinlinro4 Street, opposite the residence $20 REWAlie ..—The above reward will ,be ; paid to ny person or "Demons ho will fa rnislestich inf relation as will lead- to be legal co /eviction of th ,, party Or parties who r ublishea the defernatory I bet against my personal charae- te r, in Fly Sheet Form, dated Nov.1, knowing the same te be a fabricated falsehood only4t) injure my ch acter an serve their own ends. EORGE AN DE SON. Stanley; Jan. 10, 1876, 423 MORTGAGE *ALE OF VALUAB TOWN ."-a- PROPERTY.—Whereas, default as been made in the payilaent of moneys due nu& r a cer- tain indenture of mortgage made by NV, A.. Y. Roy, a Margaret, his wife, to bar dower, and bearin date the 28th day of September, A. D. 1874, hich mortgage will be produced at the time of 1 sale. Notice is hereby given that under and by Virtne of the powers of side in the said lc mortgage conteined. there will be sold y Publie on MONDAY, JAN. 24, at 11 o'clock 'A. -M,, the following lands end premises, that le to say : Lot Noi. 4, on the north side of Queen etteet, Pat - ten's survey, in the Village of Wroxeter, and which gad parcel or tract of kindle raor particu- Terms and cond tions made known on t e day of & ME Elt Vendors' Solicitors, Seale th—efieee MORTGAGE 9ALE OF VALUABL TOWN -0-a- .F. OPERTY,—Whereas, default s been Menne and NV1 lam Potts, and their respeetive wivee, bar doWer, and heeling dateithe 22d day of Jun , 1875, whieh mortgage will be prOduced at the tinie of sale. Notice is hereby gillren that under end by virtue of the powers of . sa e in the said mortgage outsized, there will b sold -by JAN. 1 , 187 , the following lends and eternizes, that is to say: 4 portion of Lot No. 167, in the Town of Seeforth, said parcel of hind bang, mark- ed on plan of elie Town of Seafortb, made ler the 6 ninloek estate,- and regietered, in which said paired or tract of land is more pertieulaily For 'Other paTticulars apply to B NSON -6:. MEYER, Vendors' Solicitors, Scaforth. Thfs Sale has bean Postpots d until Saturday, Jan, 22, ISTO. 428 I PLEMENTS,—Mr. J. P. BRINE has been instrueted by Mr. DONALD ROSS to sell by PubliceAuction, on Lot 22, Con 1, L. R. 8„ Tuck- :ersinitla, on FRIDAY, TAN. 28, 1876, the follow- ing valuable property, viz.: 1 horse rising 9, 1 horseising 6, A horse rising 5, 1 horS(1 rising 8, 1 mar rising 5, 5 cows in calf, 8 heifers rising 4 in calf, 2 lacers rising 8, 2 heifers rising 2, 2 1 -year old hetfere, 1 Derham. bull rising 8, 1 sheep, 1 combined strawcutter and grain cru her with horse power an everything complete, 1 °rabble& axle wagon, 1 w gon reek, 1 double b ggy with pole and shafts,1 long sleigh, 1 bob -01e h, 1 cut- ter, 1 lion plowel thistle tatter plow, - cultiva- tor, litldrollei, 1 set of double harrow's, 1 get of light rroves, horse reke, 1 tinnier cutter, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 set of double harness 2 lets of plow harness, sadclle cross -cut saw, 8 sets -whiffle- ral boiler, 1 grind stone, 8 ladders, 2 gozen eap table, eheeseepr s milk can,2 dozen ilk pans, mention. All ill be sold without reee e, as the proprietor has old his fann. Salo to prurience $6 arid under cloth ; over tieet amount 11 months' credit Will be gilven on furnishing approved joint notes, A discoimt of 8 cents -on the dollar will he allowed fer cash on ail credit amoeuts. DON- ALD ItOPS, Proprietor ; J. P. BRINE Auction- -4.1- IMPLE3.15INTS,—Mr, J. P. BRINE will Bell on M NDAY, AN. 17, 1876, at the hour ot 10 mut -o'clock A.. M., harp, the following peoperty ; 1 horse o years ol , I iron exle wagon, 1 .1:et -of bob buggy; took all ehe prizes at the shows est fall, 1 reaper—Woods'rake, 1 pew straw cutter, 1. fan- ning mill, 1 Wagon rack, 1 iron plOw—Gray's make, 1 thistle cutter plow, 1 set of hILTIONVB, 42 cross -Out saws, 1 agriculteral furnace, 11 water butse-holds fro 90 to 100 palls, 1 lo ag ladder, chaire6 cane bdttom -chairs and rocking -chair, 2 get drawers—all the above furniture ie black wal- an• d bedding, 2. wash band etands, 4 rpets--2 Wo• lff, 1. clock a quantity of crockery nd glass- ware, # large n ber of valuable boOko, 4 looking glassee, 1 rifle, double barrel shot ge . 1.single barrel shot gun, 2 buffalo robes, and -a, thousand and one other rticlese All to he sOld witheut- reservO, 11B the !proprieter has rented his farra„ Refreehments Will be provided at 12 *leek, sharp, TERMS—Ail sirens of $10 and under Icesh, over that amount 12 menthe' credit -will be given on furniehing approved Joint note& A. diseennt of 10 pee, -out. will be Allowed for cash on ell -credit, P. • 1314NE, AuCtioneer, 421 0* ctveicx„figricATE04, ; Mader the lie* iLom lintel a tile •