The Huron Expositor, 1876-01-14, Page 3WARY 14, 1876. C}llRE AL ENLARGEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Alffele TENDERS added to the under- . • signed, endorsed." Tender fox Lachine Canal," 11 be received. et this °Moe for the eniergereent this Canal, consisting Of the widening ;aid Tpening from 4 short distence itbove Look; No. or St. Gabriel Loa, upwards to the River St. xwreuce at Lacitirte; erebraeing the construetion ra new Lock at Cote St.Paulk taking down 'and building the upper portions of the presentlook that place, construction of regulating VT,111114 elverte, bridge piers, and a. new entrance leek at atehine, and tee formation of it channel , and asin on the south or river side of the ex1stin4 ma- mma. The works will bo let in eeetions of the cepective lengths ineicated on a map of the, line, tegetlaer with plans and specieeations of he various works,can he seen at this °Ince, and Lt the Lachine Ofttutl Oflice, Montreal at either 1 which piacee printed forras of tender can be thteince. Tenders for Section No 9, or whet ift •r.,11edthe ie Rook Oat," and Section No. 10, fit Leohine, will be received until tee arrival Of the ern and Western mails on 'Wednesday, the. ley of Ianttery nett, plants ittalepeciecations le men be seen at the placee above mention - el Mood atter Weenestley. the kbday of Saran- ary.next. For other parts of the works-, tenders Will be regeivea until Tueeday, the 2.1tet day of March next, itua for whielt plane and seefsifica- lona eau be seen et the respective plaees above 'mentioned, on and after Tuesday, the 7th day of arch. COntractorae are requeeted to boar In lind that Tenders; will not be considered. nnleas oade strictly in accordance with the -printed ems, ante-ein the case of firms-- except. there Ire attached the aetual signatures, the nature of tee occapatiou and place- of residence of each tember of the same ; and furteer, art accepted eolk cleave, or other available aecturity, for the int of from Ono to Three l'honeand Dollars, ae- -ording to the extent of work on the seetiononnat ttecomeany each Tender, whieh shall be forfeited te the party tendering declines or fails to enter 'etocontraet for the worka when called upon to do e0-, at the rates stated in the offer submitted. The amount reepeired in each case wilt be stated on the terra of tender.. The cheque or naoney thus sent v.ill be returned to the respective parties whose 'renelcas are not. accepted. For the due fuldlment of the contract, satiefitetory seenrity will be re - on real estate or by depoeie of rummy,. pub- - or municipal securities, OT bank stoelc to the .atuount of five per cent. on the bulk sure of the 'contract, of whichthe sum sent in with the ten - „ler will be cousiderect it pert. Ninety Per cent. etelv of the progress estimates will be paid until o completion -1 of the werke. To each Tender 'rettet be attached the actual eignatures of two tesponeible end et:Fief:a persons,residents of the ifominion, willing to become eareties for the taltrrying out of these conditions, as well as the eq,le performance of works embraced in the con- tanet. This department dace not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order, - F. BRAUN, Secretary. epartmeat of Public 'Works, 1. tattawe, Lee, .-...1. AUCTION SALE f a TraiztaUe Farm, in Me tpunt. ship of Stanley. 1.31STIANT to an. order of soda, dated. the 18th Day of December A. D. 1.1$75 made by the Xutuor Judge of the County Conre of the County ; cif Itu.rori, in the matter of partition. between nine* efenry Duncan, Plaintiff, against Villirtatt Dantean end others, Defendants, idtere will be sula by publie Anetion, by GEORGE 211. TletelteeleeN, Auetioneer, Morgan/4 tei., in the Village of ',Hayfield, ISrate ttrday, the 15 tit Day of ',larch, A. Ilia I ti76, at 12 o'clock noon, the following veluable farm. property tamely ; Lot number 11, south of the Bayileidlload concession, in the Township of Stimley, in the Cotulty of Ifuron, containing S5 Ares at Land, more or less. The soil is the beet they loam. About 70 sues ime deem& well fenced, and in a high. state of caltivation, the'. balence is well wooded with the best hardwoods. There is upon the land a. large brick house, with brick kitchen, aud outbuildinge, large franee barn, hmedi0ele eleede# etabIes, outhouse i', and excel- lent orchard, consisting partly of batwing treee ; and partly of young trees lately- ranted. The lend is on the pesel road loading from Dayfield to SeafOitil, 111011t84, miles froM Bayileld, and 5 mike front Briteeflehl, and is! In all respecte 0. moet eesirable and valuable preperty. The title ! indieputable end free from all ineumbraneee. ' TEilms—io per cent. on day of ffrtle to the Ven- dor or his Solicitor, belance to make one-third of purchase money in one month, remaining two - hires, et option of purchaser, to remain on mort- gage on the Iamb; bearing 7 per cent. interest, and payable in twoequal aramal inatalmente, the pur- chaser to be let into immediate poesession. in °titer reepecte the conditions of attic will be Lite standing contlitione ef sale of the Court of Chan- ! eery, For further partienlare apply to elegers. DA.VISON & JOHNSTON, or j. T. GARROW, Solicitots, Goderich, Or tO the plaintiff on the I Fantle, Dated Goderich, December 20, 1875. ISAAC1 F. TOMS, junior Judge Coenty Court, Heron. S. 'I'. GARROW, Vendors' Solieltor. 420 CHANCERY SALE 4.,fire' cal Estatc, tlittrated in the Town - twhip of County of Huron. TiUrvSUANT to the leecree made in the Oallge el- of Curly Vft. Curry, and bearing date the 15th <ley ofNOvember, A. D.1875, there will be soId by Bublie Auction, with die approbation of Henry MaeDermott, Esquire, Mastex of this Court at Godetich, on TUESDAY, the EIGHTH day of t FEBRUARY, A. D. 1e76, at 12 o'clock noon, by the said Master, at McGREG011eS HOTEL, for- • raerly Ilattenburfs, in tbe Village of BRUCE- -. FIELD, in one lot, the followiug valuable -farm r r roperty, vie,: Lot N0,29, in the eth. Conceeeion I of tee Township of Hey, in. the County of Huron, •containing One Ituriered Acres. Fifty acres are ' cleared and under cultivation and fenced. The renutinder is it good hardwood bush. The foil la al good cley ; on it are a frame house one story Welt and sieteen feet by twenty-two, a log barn and a° ; Jug stable. The land fit situate within four rallee of tbe Village of Zntich, and within four 'ranee of • the Lender" Grave" Load, 1111(1 is convenient to church art -1 echool house. The titic. to the laud le inilieputablc. The purchager must pay down at the time of sale a. deposit of 10 per cent. of hie ' r urchamt money to the Vendors or their Solicitors, 1- awl the balimee within one month into Court to 11 the credit of this cause, without in.tinest - 011 : rayiffellt; ot which balanee lie will be entitled'to * eenveyance and to posseseion of the land. The; property will be put up at an upeet priee of $40(.0.! The other cent-lithe:ix; of the sale are the standingi cenditiona of the Court of Chancery.- Further particula may be learned in the meantime st the ofl:ces of J. T, Gatrow, Esquire, W. 11. Spier, liequire and elesere. Cameron & McFadden, Yen - dove So'Ilcitors, and of the Baia Maater. Dated the 130th day of December, A. D.1875. MseDELMOTT, Master at Goderiele CAMERON & McFADDEN, Vendore` Solicitors'. -12;ee ! SSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 7 TUE Partecrehip heretofore subelating between -I- the nee'crsigeed, under the firm name of WM- ' Li 31'1 CLUFF, bite been diseolved by mutual couecut. 1he buemees will hereafter be carried 11 an by J, B. All debts contracted by the late firm will be liquidated by Jr. IL Williams. end all e a is due the late firm -will be coiled- , 4 ed by hint. J. WILLIAMS, NOBLE MUFF. IS' connection with the above the undersigried deelree to state to hie nurneroas customers and friende than he intende to continue the manufare tare of firet-eittee pump; and cisterne so hereto- fore, at the old stand. He hes- now etieh facilities RI will enable him to turn out a better article for 'fee money than any other establishment of the kixel ixt this eection, To those indebted to hint he would say that au immediate settlement is desired, vat he is urgent- ly in need of money, letleeneher the old established. and well-known Seafurth Pump Factory, .11;"! J. R. WILLIAMS. TIIE LONDON, 11151tON AND BRUCE BAIL -WAY HAS COME. CLEAR THE TRACK1 uneereigned, in thanking the. pablfe for the -hey liberal support accordeel him la the heete eakee the etleagure of informing Man- i, the bats ratted the ehop foenterly occupied hY • ; ohn Cooper, and that helms !teetered the Ker - et, vi. ea of it firefeciaggIeleteksreith in the pore= 01. 74 Mr. TIfOMAS M1 Id late of Seaforth, who is- • , €11 known in thie eeGtion as a eteady and ae- cornextotlatieg mart and lirst-ttlafos horeeeduaer, one d- of the requisite' seldom found in our blackeraith Peeve. 1/0 le now prepared to fill all ordere W131011 -4 ; he may be favored with. He hat; now on hand and is still manufacturing fileighe and Cutters', which for material, style and price defy canape' tee titi014 aft nothing bathe very,best of at. used. Ali those in want of any of the 00vewUl pt do well to Ore him a, call before panellising fti where All work warranted. jobbing done with mamas and dispatch. 415 W14. EDGAR, iiippeit• JANUARY 14, 1876. The Cure for 00000. kverybody ninit talk about Hornet ing, The poor fellow who Was told not to talk for the fear that peoplewouldfin out that he VMS a fool mottle nothing b the experiment. lie was c nsidered a fool because he did not talk. n some su jed or another, everybody nlust have orne- thing to say, or give ub sooiety. Of course, the topics of cony Nation w 1 re. late to the subjects of knpwlcdge. If a man is interested in sole ce, he wil talk about science. If be is an enthusi t in art, he will talk about ar . If he is fam- iliar with literature, and is an intel igent and persistent reader, he will nat rally pat forward literary topi a in his co ver. sation. So with social qu stions, po Weal questions, religious queetans. Out if the abundance of the heart t e mouth s eak- eth. That of which the mind is ull— that with Ithich it is furnished- will come out in expression. The very simple row why the orld is full of gossip, is; tha those w o in- dulge in it havje nothin else in hem. They must interest the selves in ome- thing. They know no hing but what they learn from day to d y in inter ourse with, and oboe vation of, their neigl bore. What these noighbors • o,—what they say, -...what ha pens to” t em in th ir so - (island busine ei affairs, what the wear --these becoino the ques ions of ea reme interest. The personal and sod 1 life around them this is th book rind con- stant perusal, nd out o this come that pestiferous c nversation which w call gossip. The world is full of ; and in a million houses, all over this country, no- ilaingis talked of but the personal affairs of neighbors. 1 All perSonal and social movements and concerns are arr igaed before this high court of gossip, 'o, e re- tailed at every fireside, are swe tened with approval or embittered by spite, and are gathered up as the common stock. of conversation by the :bankrupt brains that have nothing to busy the selves with but tittle-tattle. The moral aspects are bad e It is a constant infraction of the Rule ; it is full of unch ritriblenes man or woman of sensibi ity likes t his or her personal c about and talked about engage in this work busybodies who are not age to others -j --are not o most unneighiciorly offic ing a great damage Thet sow the seeds of a ity and soda - discord. moral result thoroughly im worse and mo ough. olden No have ncerns h wked and those who . ernccldlers and only doin dam- ly engage in a —but are nflict-- on them elves. ger and a imos- Not on good ver comes out of it. It is a moral pra tice, and vhat is st hopeles about it *, that those who are engaged in it do iot see that it is innatioral and . etestable. To go into a man's house, stea thily, wh 11 he is away, from home, and a erhaul his j,apers, or in a lady's wardrobe and exami e her dresses, would be deem d a very ishon- oratile thing i, but to ta te up a ma 's or, a : woman's name, arid s '. with gossip—to handle of a neighbor around a h why this is nothing ! I tion. It furnishes a to wheels of society going. Unhappily for public morals th for personal gossip has been seize as the basis of a thrifty traffic. e are newspapers that sling to me popular demand. Whave agri papers, scientific papers, literary sporting papers„ religioUs papers, papers, and papers dev ted to ev cial interest,Igreat and small, tha be 'named, and, among them, papers de- voted to personal gossip. The way in whichich the narnes of prii vato men rind wo- men are handled by ea erers fortthe pub- latc press, the way in Nhich their move- ments and affairs are Ihcraliecl and dis- cussed, would be supremely disgusting were it not more disgusting that these pa - the pig.pen depopulated* afternoon Mr were priparin i ram e use tiled ing to get mit fat show in I seized a heat' driving wedg up an axo. the pen, follo menced an at on to -the ,pigs of the woman became too m on its assaila crushed it to blows with t bear,when su With.one sw her axe flyin pressed her i seeing her and although the fury 4 h embrace, d material inju the mother. now slippery from the Ywon had struck with the edge of buried it 'some{ here in the a time. When he bear tui mother, she utkd to her run to the bo and -get the Jennie was g her mother keeping the to her, but , with the rifle and was figh the bear was disarmed he the gun thro fired. The fore shmilde and died in time before strength- eno closure, and that had over,the lat and it was t get about a ly all torn the bear, bu tained any s walked out work and to he returnedl and dressed, 300 pounds.' 4 e Butlers has twice been ut five 'cloak, Shuday utter and her daughter feed the pigs when an 1 ear was d cov red try - tie inelos re with a fine e mbrace. r Butier i wooden n all t u ed i and her lau 1 te too 3r ran ano. ji peel into d by the dog, inl! em- elt on the boai. It held awever, until the blow h for him, when d the bites f .the do it urne It seized the dog an .t. The 'gir 'tuned iii xe on ,the head f th enly Bruin in e f r her. .of his great w e sen t of -the en au e and one corner. e other hter's Idairge iucreased eault with e allet he bear got th irl. in 11' ped herbefo e do ng he •to ward off th attack el floor o/ t e pen ve th blood that as flowin de of the bear, f r the gir ,axe, an • i • •al_ ever d an th ugliter t e. Whil ulcceeded i r from getti g top dos he was! about exh uste ;nthe daught rrrn ng from a corne into whic sing her clo dy, havin 1Jennie pint t e barrel h chink in tie logs an entered behin the hear is ' and he fell o the fiodr bort time. It was a lo 1g is. Butler co 1 sumo) n h to climb ou of the i • s. goon as t itciteme t tailned the d ter w !fell fainting t e groun o hours befor: she could in. Her clothii in ier by the t : neither of the ousinjury. M where her fa iin of the ad me with her e bear. It 1 Della Corre8P a uteh it all over he private affairs ridred tire ides— makes co versa- ic. It ke ps the greed upon There t every ultural papers oh tic al rY sPe- cannot pers find greedy reax ere enough the traffic profitable. 1 The re thing about these papers is that rarely malicious except when very low down—that they seas 'doses with flattery. They find their re- ward in ministering to personal vanity. What is the cure for gossip? Simply culture. There is a great deal gossip that has no malignity in it. Goo -natur- ed people talk about their neigh ors be- eatise and only becaase, they ha e noth- ing else to talk about. As e write, there comes to. us the picture_ of'• family of young ladies. We have seen them at home, we have met them in ga leries of art, we have caught glimpses of hem go - "ng from a bookstore or a libra with a • hen we at they rimming •onversa- ' tion is dropped only to give place to an- ' other, in which they are interested. We have left them after a delightful hour, make Leeming hey are hey are n their real volume in their meet them, they are • have seen and read. with questions. One hands. lull of They arc, topic of 11 • stimulated and refreshed ; and d whole hour not a neighbor's gar oiled by so much as a _touch. soinething 1 to talk *about. T something and wanted to km They could listen as well as t talk. To speak freely•Tif a - doings and belonging e would ha an impertinence to t ern, and, an impropriety. Tl4ey had. n tion to gossip, becau e the doin neighbors formed a s bject very much less imteresting than tho e which gijew out of their knowledge andj their cul ire. A.nd this tells thel whole s ry. The confirmed gossip is i1wavs eitl4er malici- ous or ignorant. TI a change of heart an of pasture. Gossip confession either of ring the ent was hey bad ey knew w more. ey could eighbor's e seemed f course, tempta- s of their A Ma A cobble land, work till night. or . powers solving , pr rivalled. himself by exhibiting blackboard one who. give him a The cobble write dew For a. shil tions for a long rowe L parently w dealing as fractions with integ equivalent Dumber of had. read t lis. Md. t replied nil be a rema4 the figure answ r," je i his fi gera No th chbbler's ed to hay means :by at any ra able to g, He was 1 meeho,nte0 metie, and cept the in cent, semi with his l' Most aston in the cal audience one marve by close it could ther of the pro Lily in h'i tion to g for him to himse queation's' irritation; contradic rn was nea - claws f onien s•day Jen' Jen ie er was t e t4e,wh n aid iskinn d ighed o er ei.z.e 141 . . n t , e one variety needs - the other a change always .personal malice or cility, and the young shou d not onl shun it, but by the most tho ough culture relieve themselves from all ternptation in it. It is low, fri olous, and a dirty business. There ar neighborhoods in which it ra pest. J1iurc1ies are split in pieces by it. Neighbors are made' " In many tiersons it disease, which is Let the yrung cure to indulge too often country res like a nemies degenera tactically 't while th Woraa vs. Bea The head waters f the Del' are about thirty mi es northw in a wildI and unfre dented po Catli skill ountains in Sehoha There ar • very fe settleine region, hot about a ear ago a Jonas Bultler put u a cabin ii mountain tributari s of the $ in a contract wi h parties minty to peel bark and cut r /fie wife and two children, o 16 and the other an infant, cabin with him. Butler g woods smetimes several mil home, a d often does not ret or three flays. On Sunday 1 eut to his work, leaving hi their cabin. The eetion is n wild game, deer and bear bei but for the present seam' been unueually numerous an it for life. es into a incurable. =y may. ware river t of here, tion of the `e county. ts in the an named one of the ream, hear - in Greece ilroad ties. e a girl—of cenpy the s into the s from his rn for two t he went family in ted for its g plentiful, ra have atical o lived in a his trade was a man 1 respects s in figure ade his tal ting a m t a pleat) of nd in v himrthree pioble in fi auld take t he solution o he would r. He, w glues by eac t a moment' une 10 ho }4p dly and, fractions of raotionS •nd winild down 4 simple fraction of impeund ones momen ih.1 Being as e how m 1'01 Were in ;E 0 987,353, ed ately, " W 11, there er so much, W iting do d them s the figures as fast 1 nd p, E m 1morni Very inf t: one he rwas ts Oof use charge is 1 stall c enee mi u es he cho chalk he insta steer q u d !multi 1 ether, reflecti tingly w g- in n - to or a ny ht e. • t. es- ly n, th th as he ny he ny he ill vn or g them do d move. t ‘curious fe ture in he as the fact t ak he se m• intelligible' notion of he he procured his results• he had, he Was quite n- ny explamati n of th m. d to give a 1 cture • a a n.rid enough h Was to P C• titute n rentg ar th- tion. , He wct, I fitted in 8. frl = nd apparel nd he went blackboards• and °ha 'ks. h'n* things- h ertainly id n • ting way, rtaining he a late hour, a e perfor ed a ter another. But nei, er n ion or exac g questi ns gained th east ink ing tbat were ssing so ap- nd. He h ne-infor s- it was ut y impose ble s breathing. is re lie to. h ()there w was as asy u not only rays g eat u were vagu onfused and as 1 EW G 0 Is iNTT ItECEIVED AM HI I_ LIS. N FL.L‘ITNELS, EV COT RILL' ID M 1\T-1 FiTINGS iNG PURCHASD UNDER V 1 Owl g Ito, the pressure of ilia • to offer the 1 1 Pr ees piat Wilt 4 ord to VI Mothers ak kindly They cat'h tones quicke and they become p in them. • en mother s you will 4 cely hear a among t ildren in the each othe et the disci 1 expect ju much scol do anythi they are bid the low a home N e decided 1 0 fl mother, ey always eye, is 1 ence, eit much to is more comman ade. If the mis little on helpto makes also. 1 the hea o cannot ve lighten them o own, as to spea tone w So, too and an leave ONS GS, RPETS. ese GOODS LUE im a, I am enabled ati ish Buyers. WINTER GODS need to -such Low Fi clear the REMEMBER Tap NIULLIAM little • nes. s. han pa ots, anent h bits the kample leasant word r plays wi▪ th ne of chi ren g before they dine in any tone o the ofher s ady int of bedi- es that must I'LACE : ILL'S, Opposite the Commercial Hotel, SEAFORTH., 1 1 or out of s g It is worth t vate a low 6 tie voic • It rful in eme neies than the voice of a 6 eral of a brig - 1 1 are ever so Itch tri by us or will pranki3 o the ak low. I illbe a great o even try be patient and You cam.lot 'med. Anger retched a your children •tent, angry 1108 never did d, but len of evil. You them th4 they n burden at 1 ; they make the excuse f teti times, he ! er, For your 1 as your chi] • len's sake, learn . They w' 1 remember that our head is rider th turf, will reme er harsh and ne. Whichlegacy w 11 you children?, s WisceiNsi s' Paou ile (Wis.) G ice says: "Mr. en, of Lake oshkonong, h rs, strong, oat lasses, who d of wor ,a can do as much! two girls in qie country. ln orhood Illy s,an old b dielo ently hasn't k faith n wo-1 ' He Mad bet of wit itis that the Yo could hop d in six day. . The girls wer outdone by a acbelor, and the the bet. Th went to work the tree* an in sevenhou whi and corded o cord of elor, who pro t t" The igirs k the mon fro tIthereare so cwomen who ca who have pi *and energy." TEE The Ja 'Sanwa two da are not of it as their n who ev man's the Wee cord of not to aceep cut do chop oak w Mr, 13 thinks bold, and I work 1_30 131STMA SALE AVING BOUG T A: LARGE •LOT OF WINTER OODS AT A 0-V./MAT' MORRISON DURINGTHE 1,0 GE, Us HOL CHRISTMAS AND itIEW FRESH CURR,ANTS, RATS NS, LEM NS, ORA I AT ROOER DAYS AR'S CROCERIE, GE and CITRON PE4S, 1. BLACK ANC! RED CUR ANT JAM, Blaelt and. 14d Currant Jelly, also Dundee 'Marmal e Canned Peaches, berries, fte. Cranherriem—a ice lot. Bncisv Ft AT DISCI) NT OFF Wif CANFZ Straw - at Flour, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Flour, Feed, AND PROVISIONS ALWAYS 61S. [HAND. ,GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY REE OF CHARGE. DECI SME SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ADIES' FUR SEIM, HILDRENIS FUR SETS; RESS GOODS, INCEYS, EAL CLOAKINGS, CLOUDS, WOOL SHA LS, • BLANKETS; WOOL QUIL S, FLANNELS; SHIRTS AND OVERCOAT TWEEDSAN HATS AND AND A FULL SOCK OF ALL KINDS OF FITRNISHIN GOODS. MOI1RISON, SEAFORTII. 13 ,A, -11" 00.. HAVE DED TO REMIIN. IN SEAFORTH. THEY HAVE THE EFORE IIAID IN A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF ALL CLIASSES OF D WHICH EY ARE DET RMINED TO OFF EST RICES. Y -GOODS, It AT THE VERY LOW THEIR S OCK OF ROCEitIES, VINES ;/‘ ugutoRs VERY IOMPLE E. An E BA GAINS rly Sol icited.. EATT & Co Carmichael's Blo SalETTiING THA SHOULD THE PrELIC NOW. JOHN H; BOIOADFOOT TftlC s eonstently on hand, at 108 Warerooms and actoree oppoeite the Momket, 1.ARg STOCK .FURNITURE OF EVERY DE CRIPTION, ch he is prepared to sell etprices to -suit the the. Imes. In feet he won't be tmderaold. As he tifactures alt he sells purchtteets can rely upe getting the' , III ii BEST 'AitTivit,E FOR TIRE R.E_RS_LT. MONE. .Fierreitit{re lifanufalwred to Order. , , -QAMFBE;LL'S D7kWERS, CLOTHS, APS, -,•1,11•Z R. P RO EPS, Noted" for P Woole A s and Gent BAR AIN T CLOTH! ARGE SToc ero,en s Cloth THAT MUST BE SOLI1 OFF A WILL BE CERTAIN TO PLE No time should be lost to avai yourselves OVE COATS FOR THE MILLI N, AND HA. S ID FOR THIS SEASON OF THE: YEAR Call Immediately and See for Yrrselves • 1 WI air )5oto Priem 1\TOT HE UNDERSIGNE WILL OPEN A INISHINGi ND MA,C1171 NE SHOP N SEAFORTH, A OUT THE 20TH ' OF DECE BER, When contracts will be entered into for t 1 ENGINES, BcOILERS, FLOURING AND SAW MILLS.' BARGAINS, EMPORIUM OF ng and Furnishinq PRICES THAT ' SE PURCHASER, of &hi BABE OFFER. CLOTHING FOR MOEE. 1 CAPS N (MEAT VARIETY. Remember the place to buy Furneture Ches:p Is at tile Factory opposite the Market, Sesforth, JOHN H. BROA.DFOOT. SOMETHING NEW. TO THE PEOPTX r SE.A.FORTH. OAT EV RY PERSON WANTS. GEO GE l'ORSYTH LIAM CAMP ELL. VT,T12,1\TITTSIZM,i kinds of RepairtedOne on Short Not*, anti all kin 0.A.ST i Will be supplied, fend: a BARS, k Oesforth, Nov, 25, 1475. • .1 of — IsTa-E3 oodt Stook of GRATE t oz band. RUNCIMAA 416 1 RE D THE PUFFS 1OF OTHER DEALE TOGS to info ra the people of fie.aforth and vicinity tha he has opened a . _EMPORIUM IVIA Inthe Store firat door north of the 'Contemn -it Hotel, where ho keeps lconstantly on hand .chOice supply o i! Cured Meat of E4;ery Kind,- O'l 1 c. g .A:i3: Anild,:ve: its:Bair ,00,N, A,..-7 1' FRESH PORK aa. ALL KINDS, , 4 1 POULTRY AND FISH, 1 1 SausagelFre4).• -and Good, _ :A Quantity cl No. 1 LARD For Sale. - No. 1 BUTTER always ,onhand; shim Cheese Cheesehead. Those wishing . pnrchas ' tatty will 11n4 it to their :advantage to cello erie # tas I sell nothing bnt a first-olass ..attict I1I cleaned an1 ready fOr the pot or the oven. 2 ,'GEORGE FORSYTH pt.J.A.cE, .111N COME TO M*' WAREROOMS AND SHOW YOUR MONEY AND TF1E FUR tLY ITU E IS YOURS. TTITEVir ROBERTSON ST ARRIVED AT McINTYRE-& A LARGE CONSINMEW/F OF CIERMAN FELT Men I§, OOTS ver Shoes and Rubbe' - NAN EVER Foil CAW Just he Thing ifor the 'old Weather. ALSO :FULL L E OF WomeD.'s and Chilaren's WHICH WILL OE SOLD CilE4PER INTYRE & WILLI bOMINIION 3300KS'IOR. Dotn4on Blrock,,Seaforth,. WILL AM ELLIOTT tEGS inf‘lm the publie generally that has opened a Book , and 'Stationery Store lie front of the 1 DOMiniOn. Telegraph Offit6, 11 *here an esse4ment Goods in the above vrill be kept emistantly on hancL Sellii0Oli BOOKS, LANKB;Lp OKS, ! wpERI W NDOW BLINDS, MAGAZINE. WSP t'ERS, •Stc, WM. ELLIOT ESS GOOD IND 6 IF Just 1%.IT'OTTOM U WANT TO GET G0413 GOO LEE'S FLOUR AND 'mixed, a 7re87i Swppky of Gro Pres e Jars ofj all FLU AND FEED DO STANTLY ON NA S GARS VERY 4KEAP. Givu8aTriai4Ztki FRINGES 0 MATCH Suitable for 0 FFMAN SEA oliday Presents, AT BROTHER oRTH. MINK FUR SETS, Muffs, Ruffs,Caps tke AND CHEAP GOODS GO TO SEED STORE, erio, Glassware and Crocke4, awl. very SUITABLE FOB, HOLIDAY PRESENT4, AT ' HOFFMAN, B.ROTHERSII SE. FORTH. 0 AND DELIVERED AS OMR FOR EGGS, 'need of thi Fact THOMAS 'IiEr EGG E PORI U The anbeiriber customers (merchant patronage &ring th by strietintegrity an to merit their coati eby thanks lab, num one and others) for their li 1 past seven years, and «s close attention to hus nee -and trade in thefu Baying greatly e larged his premises, the winter, he is no prepared to pay tbe HIGHEST CASH PRI E For any quantity o good fresh eggs, deli ered st the GG EMPORIUM, Main Street,13 orth Wantegy the sn "her 25 ions of go dry clean W AT STRAW. D. D. WILS N. MANTLES, SHAWLS, SKI DERCLOTHING, Ste, Suita le for Holiday Pres AT OFFISTAN BROTHE SIEJOBTR. SILK TIESMO GEMS & MITTS, Sui le for Holiday Presetivs, HOFIVIA BROTH4IS" AT S ANO TH. TT R TUB$ - SAM Eli TROTT 011 , uneasy of (whine Tu Pae =vibe baatAn uses ipatbefaatioa. st .he Saaforth ia uweliand looribil setory Btdter '1) es, wul UMMENTS TO PURCHASER13, in* vlsort ibii ofilfaskTnixt011it SAMUEL TROTT. eeee