HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-01-07, Page 86 • - 1 yooitor. ATTERS. . DIST ICT FRE5411 NO, i,l. Chris,. s Goods at Wul,; - solo es rot:eel. IA large lo of prime new Fruit I consisting of flue Layer Hai In „Valencia Haisinii, Sultana and Sc.11�i Rats ns, New Ourrante, Or- ange, Lemon nd Citron eels, and • overythin g required for tkings ilnitlasipeake and pudding at WILSON & mm0'8 IF YOU w tit a perf t pictu▪ re of your self go to A. 0 u.nzieli No Gallery, opposite to Mansion Hof I. Picture taken in all style. Coming and larging o to perfeation—t e best make of i trumenta n ed, with a knowledge of how to use hem. Give him a ins11. - Always at home and in !ood humor. '-• IF 'YOU w nt a good. P',icture go to C. ttoone's shut o—ho is now prepared to Iurnlah first -clams wor '', bettor tha heretofore, give hi scall and see hi work bolo e going elsewhere. AI -riser s is direct d to the imine imrncn4e stock of Overc ats, Pea- J ' kets and Headynea e Clothing, which must b cleared ont.—Gua YpuNG & Bra] Lixo. • 1 EVERYTH ING to be found in a firs class Grocery . ore, and as pheap as at any bons in the Count ,. Ail Gooc3s guaranteed to gi e satisfaction al Mixon & Y Imo's. 1A LARGE Lot of GIas Lamps, and t e best and cheapest Stock f KniVOS and Fork, •Spoons and al Cutlery in T wn, at Hroxsores. A COMPLiTE Stock of Crockery and • Glassware of V e best (giant , cheaper than at a y place in the Co4inty, at Wm, ON & -news's. A FRESH Iot of Ca ling's Celebrate • Pale and Amb r Ale in # ai di, bbls., for Serail use, at WILSO ' & Yopio's. • SHAWLS, SILAWLS. Alreat variety f Ramos, at redt ced prices, af the Farmers' Store. ANOTHER1 Lot of those Good Tea Se s • at $2, and Toilet Sets at $1 50, at Monson's. • - 1 THE brightest and best flavored Syru s in town aro at WILSON & YliIIINO'S. ! , i BUSINESS NOTICE.—TILE HURON Ex- • rosrroit and Toronto Weekly Globe will be _furnished to subscribers for 1876 for • $3 ; THE FXPOSITOR and the Ireatern t. Advertiser eid Weekly Liberal for $2 65-; THE EXPOS TOR and Canada Farmer f'! $2 25. Postage free fpr all. •, I SEAsolerf FITLE B11 GADE.—The me • bets of the Seaforth Fire Brigade shou • bear in mind that at the next regul r meeting which will be on Monday eve irig, the 10th inst., the officers for th: next year will be elected. A full atter 1 anee of members is desired. FORESTERS, —At the regular meeting Sherwood Forest, No, 606, Seaforth, o Dec. 22, 1875,the following brethre were elected omcers : Brothers Willie,' Shaw, Chief Langer; A. Calder, Su Chief Ranger; Thos. McCauley, Seer tory, E. Dawson,, Treasurer ; WiLtian Newman, 8, Woodward ; J. Clark, Woodward; A. McLennan, S. Beadle G. French, 3. Beadle. il PERSON-AL.—We le rn with pleasur that Mr. Hugh MeE ing, formerly Tuckersmith, and well known in this vi cinity, but now of the village of Palme eton, has been elected Reeve of that lieu fishing village. We co people of Palmerston tone in securing the s • lent a municipal repre f gratulate the goo n their good fo rvices of so e%ee entative as we ark enure Mr. MeEwing wi 1 be. , • A HANDSOME PRE ENT. —During th occasion of the recenta niversaryserviee of the Presbyterian eh rch of this tow Mr. John H, Broadfoot. took advantag of the occasion to preset to the coegrega tibn a handsome and valuable °koala table for use in front of the pulpit plat ferm. Such an article was much needed atid we are sure the co4gregationiwill ful I appreciate Mr. Bro foot's generosit in gratuitously supplying the want, • 1 ANNUAL MEETING. -1 -The annual mee ing of the Members of the Tuekersmit Branch Agricultural Society for the pur pose of electing officer and directors fo e held on Wednes the Mansion Ho It is to be hope ns the ensuig Year, will day, the 12th inst., at tel at 2 o'clock, P. M. that the farmers in the District will mani fest their interest in he welfare of th society by attending i. larger number than they hOve hither'o been in the hab. it of doing. MzenoDe't ANNIYE SARI-. —The anni versary sem ices, in c� nection with th Seaforth M�thodist 11, issionary Society will he preaehed in the Methodist Chitral on Sanday !next. P v. A. Sutherland of Toront6,1 will preac in the forenoon and Rev. 3 Caswell, of Lucknow,. in th eening A public o issionary meetiu Will be held in the ch rch on the follow ing Tuesday evening when addresse will be given by Rev. essrs. Sutherland Caswell and others, in the interest of th society. • OURIthill'i 6 OF THE SEA140.li", —Darin the past we k several fanners in this vi cinity have keen plowing. • During th first days o this year the weather was warm and p eaaant as it usually is in th latter part cf April. We also learn tha during last freek Mr. Thomas 0-ovenlock of McKillop was 1busiIr engaged in mak ing Maple stigae. The sap ran as well as in spring, aid was con idered equally as good. Plo Mg and sugar making in, th first week of January is something so un •usual in thi section of the country tha anything sin ilar is not Within the remem- btarice of th' oldest in ebitant. i KIDD's 5,11 Wore—We regret to • learn that t rough au accident at Mr. J6seph Kid( 's salt Wel, one and a quer- e ter miles east of Seafo th, the manufac- ture of salt at the wor s in Carronbrook, which has been carrie on pretty exten- ! 0 sively lately has been eriously inipeded, ! •1.1 broke a a point n arly three-fourths i [ b About three weeks ago the tube in the ' b • the distance jbetween t e sarface and the 101 - bottom -61 the well. a Consequence, , v the4whole tubing will J ave to be taken out, and men have -be II engaged night i /a _ and day at this work s nee the accident, . h- and we understandt ere is . still the. si portion of it below the teak in the well. ' a . . drawback upon . u . Kidd has hat: I difficulties, This is an n the enterpris tied with me nfortun ate e which. M ler so man: • • THE LITE,' AIRY Soca rv. —At the reg- i t nlar meeting of the Seaf1orh Literary So- i '• ciety, held of Monday i veiling iast,there : s • was an unus ially. larg attendance, the j hall being w:11 filled1he stibject "Re- 1t solved that t ie passage of a Prohibitory t ar • Liquor Law i Canada 1 ould be benefici- a al at the pre ent time, was ably: dis- el • cussed, The chair was occupied by Mr. „ 1 Edward Cash The de ision, which was f ra • cwi left to the a dience, w given in favor t 3, of the negati e. The s beet chosen for th • the next deba e is one Inch has already tr been discusse but wh eh some desired to have redisc ssed viz. "Resolved.that ex • Muni" Pr rty s ould be Taxed." The th leaders are ssrs: John Beattie and W. s M. Gray, Mie Beattie t king the affirm- P alive and Mr' Gray th negative. Mr. ed Ili ttie will be ayes, John 1Dr. Vercoe. e, has Messrs esW°110'1WDoituli d the readin lid ay evening UE EL-EUTIO, th, on Mond etly. All t ncil Dave b ing is a sestet nom% wAnn. ttio pbell eolm... USINESS IN nding thef s far, has bee 1 ydull owing consequent forth, las sho argely in erre nts from the eek ending Ja . ng $2,736,95 i the correspon o shipments an. 4, amounte ents for the m ere $1,527 in the name mo prove coni Oettforth haen ays to the no all untoward ally increasing. ECHANIC8' sting of the cmmittee of t Istitute Was h Tuesday • ev thorizing the phase a num the meeting, ss was appoin the Managin e resignation ereoe read a n the constitut etitute, , As i ue, the ineetin meet again a Filly droning, e adjourned m crcoe's notice o • the privileg nts or modific lesired that a 8 'be present. rted y Mes rs. M. Man, . D. ikon Gra , on t nega- Y, 1V1 Lean, rt o 1100n and Ja t- remi d our earl rs ich take p o n t. .. • •I . • • he °lotions in IS lest, p sed off it Membe s of he Id a return a. T 1- nt of the votes lie a. 1 • SO TIL WA Stews Broaelf ot.... 4 !Strong . , . . . .. ...•• • Mabee ' ... • • . • ,1 19 70 62 56 E I,FORTII — N o ttti ha derider • unprol :, e t- he lack° sleig ng nd reads, he busnes of latethe f eight etu lo s of ast y .ar. The eh; afo th station for ti - 1, foot u to $4,239. 7, x ss ofh sh me ts e eek of' la t ye r. re day this w 52,045 Th sh p- tehoofofDte eemebeh. ,m1e8058, lin 187 • These fig 4f ly that the inesa ennijo ed by he rail - of us, us, bei in t t spite •cionstafn .es it gr - TUTE• A , ene al ers a ol Mit ng eat° Mechanics' 1 o inthe! eading i m •ing lest A mot on lanaging Committeeto e o - books approved of s carried. Dr. Bur - to fill, the vacancy Coinmit cawed y of Wm. M Grayl j r. #t ee of &In tion niodi- ort and b -laws of the had now each a late on moti a, ad ourned the read ng r om •n 3 n.114, he o j t of eating is disc r. • motion, ; Any r of prop sing ni d. tions. It sisneepa e fullatten f ussels. B TUE POPULATION. e! -The russets, as tak I last week in eng an 'tierces s t us taken in A LAROE TUE I• declaration n for sch eceinber,, of 147 as; he same m • n Monda •k place in the town hall, ruing ' officer and anot re the only persons prose HE GliEy Eezorrotr. ted Council f r Grey ni Reeve, D. S1 mnion De ,ity Red, 1 Iter Oliver, J 1 n Hysle and iJ er, Council°1s, T. Stra .han's over A. Mel) mild was 4, ' NOTHER, NEVCOMER. Mr. the p of o in ood' out it llowii ived ing c and sday Vilba A. opula, ol pie 875, hown nth i the r$ju last, w at noon, t er ratepay t. The lflCW : T. Straw 5 t of e, le i j. i h �. r ly ; r- 08 age ry- t- e oit n- rrnell ft shoemaker, fro e townsh fed the' s ining A. o alt opene Y.—The 1 s have rec to t e ops Ifollerd, in t ough, has Ten s block, adj have a new si weeks. IPLIMENTA en in &nose tary tickets of tlie Lon on, Huro 'Way t Lon on, n Ta Leckie F. 01 Ik ers, eken, D. icudd Cott a d 0,. taper, CENERO S.—T tepay rs of hank ul to shout ever ly, the newt d eeve nahip of Mor :, or his libera log into the t e stiry of orris a the amoun , warded • gainst at the sett e i ent of the r t, at the time ben Br sail porated, on ac omit of the L iron and Brae Lailway'y-La' ch Brussels •uldhav& had et road had e n, built i aceo :the by-law. 1 , ss 1 Time MIGHT • VE fiEE,„ .--e0 afternoon la as we ere wn a side etre in the vi lege, veil a pipe thr gh the r of of usc in rear of # d attach d to r large frame res), Fr m th ich was a pie I f ,eeve tr ugh re i was a gr .Volum -of apng. ! Thiuk • g the p pe w . e our way to ifteueudildfin ,sathadv 13 kind genera a the hildl•genef ,oto boys a d tw or 14 y ars, iron stove, i titir on thesto oheir wer into which n ity of pap • and ot lei , if it had een allow h -have resul ed n so The consta lo has 13.0 of the "iti u1ng offen Iaught in. an &uch wor not be allow d to oescap iTI,NTERWEAT s .8oine ifarme flllOWi1g.I T E PER/INCE. adieu GOV ranee! leetu 9, t6 a. larg ER.—St. te by a suppe in inhere and, f t) go, '13 leasaDt cvei E LODGE 1 t, (1 0. 1 ix Fanson's b on Jan. 1, Lfl supper al ND CONCERT a grand e evening„a • the house The entert faetioel ndon Huro eu at Exoter geamo nt of f ts of t is place Tho baildi ly apiiroachi Governmen oad, and in ti 1 will be ru 11 E ELEiTIONS. ng time at th r. The co ted the m r. George sin te e er. For this v • 1 ok8 li a well, liver e lijii Dr n apple o ps Da he M ds of P F. & 1. was s o —Ex ve le o and are go o he 1 - xet er ✓ inane ad e eiig cro it nt ga 11 • 35 vil 8 a le PI O Br ftle it 11 Bu as i n o )ay e , Te 118 1 e o pp e g go id rl ti a 05 pufl er ru d to o ethin a put n e ers, agai t a he p einityht e e wine. he cel b a one �f h w'e, hall cn iative audi- was 1 eel nsion IjIop rest b . M., a d a at, ter • o e, sed ew °sok os•e. ng to h v e th of J brass bit t haonndeNo ded to e exc ll fi t frei ht tie n oi ad Bru e R iday I t hri ht fo the a.fI sure uudin s tt the 3tatio pled n. 0 3 I ispecto ins w day pass n er w unicip I el tio for he Ree • teres The la lis, ha ng &din - gate, he contest •14 was between two nicipal honors Mr. Willis has ter long and f tative in the Deputy Beeve Reeve of Eire fills his positio payers will jnot complaint. j 11 missed by Man the County Co best of friends contest! on t between Mr. D. Johne, bot however, won ed 135 votes, ed 68. Th� C ity, L. Hardy, ntlemen new e may say he ser the people ; ithf lly as their re (1 Co nty Council, f sborne, and 1 and if his s creditably th has e any just O illiswill b his old i wild& but we, sup part some ti resent decasio a Hodgson, men. Mr. If sy, he haying his opponent unc lots are W. E. 1 rew and J. Pi er, r. ne. us MARKETS,— spring, 80c to peas, 60c; ix) 16c; eggs, 15 50 to 600. s Rom SOLD — r. Tnotnas 11rrshal has sold his f rm, Lot 3, Con, 3 Turn - berry, berey, consisti o g f 100 acres, to Mr. Hugh Cum in o ha i, for $5,000 and a years's use f e f rm. i Festive — f Alva ill connection ", with the Pr sb te • n Sabbath School ' to be held n 'ri# . y, the 14th hist, n the public ha 1. ts there are evera1 good speak s present, and plenty of gOod thii s pre ared, a pleasapt and enjoyable ti ne ma be anticipated. ' RENTED. less Gibson have rented their new s w m , for a term of five years, to a Ir. Sli hter from the County of Waterl , Ont The mill, which stands on the 'gh bank of the Mait- land a little d' tan 6 from the vil age, is 1 one of the, beet in t ie a/icinity. T e ma- chitery, of ts ra style, is all n w and from the fo no ry f Goldie, McCulloch & Co., Galt. fi iture of the miti is the engine and boi er room which is at one side, and bi ilt entirely of brick, so that there is s rce y any possibility of fire originatin , in that quarte Mr. ' Sliehter, who is young man, comes well reeommen • ed, and will, doubtless, prove an aequ' • itio to the basin* men of the plaee, 'ibi n Brothers intend to erect an oat u' • -1 n411 next summer, the r machinery and dryjkiln for which they , have already p rehawd, r all 0 • k, et° tnihe4t. fEexset • r first as tely ccesa r rat se f nmuues e. nd Mr; WitS dgsot recei recei, . Ve kar 14 ar _n xeter. wheat, 88c to 90c; flour, $5 ; oats, 30c; 6 to $6 60 ;!butter, rdwood, $2 ; belie • ta , Tut AGING =URAL SOCIETY. 1-- The annual meetieo of the Stanley Branch Agricultural SI cicty for the election of officers and dir ctors for the yea t 1876' will be held Friday, Jan. 14, at Mc- Cann's Hotel, ayfield, commencing at 2 o'clock P. M. An abstract of the af- fairs of the 000i ty for the past year will be laid before t e meeting. Mtesicarm, ?ezerreer.—The election passed' off pita as Reuel. The follow- ing are the i:ui hers polled for each, and the Majorities : For Deputy Reevd, Geo. Castle, 191; ti 'lliam keys, l80—major- ty.for Castle, 1, For Councilors, Dr. Woods, 242, lliam Grahaui, 186 ; Dr, Woods' majo ty ov r Grahani, 56.. Thomas Keys, 70; rahatn's majority over Keys, 6, Wm. Campbell, J671; Keys' majority ver Campbell'3, Gelr Anderson, 148 ; Campbell's majority ove Andersen, 19. The Connell for 1876 wi 1 be Thomas Sim son, Reeve '• Geo, 9astI, Deputy Reeve; Dr. Woods, Thos. Keyr and. William Gr ham. 1 I . lueva1e. I , , THE FIRST AY.—New Year's Day passed off very quietly here, On ac- count of the ab eneP of snow the young smen had no eh nee whatever of ftying their dear ones round, and, consequent- ly, had to stay at home and take tea with pa and ma ! ELECTIO.r— he Turnbetry election passed off very quietly. The ,godd old days of open v oting being done away with, the electo s seemed careless about coming out to record their vote—not over or.e-half of the votes in the Muni- cipality were po led. At the close of the poll the vote s ood ; Little'149 ; Hogg, 116 ; Goy, 99, ; cott, 74; Fisher) 68 ; Elliott, 59; Wa ker, 44. The first three are elected, the being the told C61111101 - ors, and the vee S. Black, and the Deputy Reeve, J. !Henning, bbing re- turned unoPpos d, leaves the township °tilde's the sam as last year. , iproen. I ' SOIREE.—The soiree in the Presby- terian church o Wednesday evening of last week was grand 'success, notwith- standing the ba roods and the donbtful state of the wea her. There was a very large and att.= we audience. The re- freshments were of the first order, and were served UC: tlyand tastely.1 The speaking and m ie was equal with the rest of the pro :, • # ings.1 Rev. Mr. Cam- eron, pastor' of the , congregation, occu- pied the chair, nd,; in ; his !usual ,pleats Mg manner, did much towards the suc- cess of the meet ng. ; An address Was de- livered by Rev Mr. Tyler, after which Rev. Mr, Eaki of Parkhill, delivered in his usual' w a very excellent ad- dress, which w s broth instructive and humorous, and as heartily applande . The Seaford' c oir was in attendane and gave an ex tient selection of rnusicl. Mia a M. Poste presided at the ;organ and sang a' solo ery sweetly. ; Th amount realied was about $100. 1 ' a,yflelel. PRESENTATION • —Miss Hall, late o Goderich toWns ip, near Bayfield, an now Mrs. Gov nloi k, Winthrop, wa agreeably s rp isecl on her weddin morning by I p ese t of a set of hand some vases nd a 1 eautiful lette) case from the Sal bath e ass which she had long taught i i conne •tion with the Pre- byterian chu eh in layfieldl4 The gifts . were accom )an ea by an affeet °nate farewell ad 'es. rs. GoVenloc dclr sires in this wa to returns her hearty thanks to th ge rons donors for thei kindness, an to ass re them that thei gifts are hig ly valned by her, on aer count both oi t o eir nit insie value an of the Chris taa friendship evincecl b them. —CON. i 1 sborne. 10 s.—There Was only c i Ioa3,1111. eI Mill. and Mr. II. two rmN0was.Vmi.inlim3rodsln,tetihit: raajority of 4, Ihe having orthEast ward there es, viz: Robert Mon - THE. ELEC contest for year. In t were two ea teith and was elected b received 36 the South were nominated went to the Routly havin was, therefo Delbridge a elected by a e ward 1 four eandtdate but only two of theni 11, Messrs, Nagle and Ihdrawn, The centest between Messrs. John J Shier. Mr. Shiee was rity of 1 he having re ceived 61 votes rina his o ponent The Council for e current ear will composed as folk) • L. Hu r Rev Messrs. j. }JAIN . er, and J: Shier, The township ed into wards, 4he Deputy 11 ve will chosen at the 4irst meeting f the ne Council, tederloh- [VBOM tTUE szometal NEW YEAR'S AY.—The first day of the year was remarkable for the mildnees of the tetnperatur , and in th afternoon. when the weather was very pleasant, nu- merous callers presented the c mpliments of the season to their friends and enjoy ed the usual hospitalities. Amongst t • e refreshments furnished to callers, w ie was the exception, the • beverages be" principally tea and coffee. Up tte o'clock this social custom was contina but still there was not the lad e num r of visits of previous years. As an i stance of the unusual mildness of t e weather, we might state thatione lady n town presented 1r callers with boque s of pansies plucked from the' garden that day., MONTHLY DJ E1,rN0T e regal r monthly meetiug in connection with t i e Young Men's Ohristiau Association too place on Thursday evening, the roo s being well filled by an interested and ence. From the reports read, it is e dent that the society is in a healthy an vigorous conditio4. The reading roo is supplied with all the lea 'tag pape regularly, and is rgely patronized. T mission Sabbath chool held every Sa bath afternoon in he rooms is prosperin and doing a good ork among the po r children. Jail ser ices are regularly hel and tract distribution • is carried o After the reports had been reiid, Mes • Strang, Miller and Donald favored t • I 10 audience with some excellent reading . Captain Gibson was called to the pia form and disposed of ,the papers by au ui don in a very amusing ma er. T music of the evening was given by the choir of Knox Church, and •elicited ex- pressions of warm admiration, their ren- dition of 'one or two of- the pieces ben]. specially mentions(' by many, as excee ingly beautiful. • ENTERTAINMENT. -- A very pleaaa affair took place at the Dancing Academy on Victoria street on New ear's Eve, under the auspices of- the Goderich Foun- dry Company. The room w4 tastefully decorated with evergreens, flags an banners, and the mOttoes "ilndustry, "Labor is Honorable" and "A /Tapp ew Year," octet ied prominent p n the walls. Thiec large tables occur • : he centre of the room, and Were gr: • ii with a splendid sapper, prepared by_th • rthar Bros., in a very creditable man er. Boast fowl, cold and hot meats egetables, pastries, fruits, eoffee, tea swelled the hill of fare, and the fees • as done ample justice by about 20 croons. After the repast was conclud is R. Runcinian was called to the chair nd in a few app o elate remarks, spok •f the pleasure it gave him to meet unde he present circ itistances thd employe f the Foundry, nd their friends, an e hoped that oo oy more sulch gather ogs would take lace. Short speech ere also deliver o by several other gen emen. The ta I es were then remov rad the floor pre pared for dancing. T he inspiring stra ns discoursed by Duck tam's string ba 4 the large eompan need "the old ear out and the ne • ear in," and c ntinued the bestiriti ell into the "wel sma' hours," . . • rey: THE Wawa. !EesonoNsa—The mu O cipal electidus n Grey resulted eturn of the old Reeve and Deputy, Mr 'home's Strada and Mr. Si Slevamon he Councilors eturned are John His op, Jacob Keff r and Walter Oliver verything pass over very quietly, an here was but lit le excitement &WOOL EXAM NitTION,—The examin- • don of the pup Is attending school iii section No. 8, Gr y, took place on Wed- nesday, the 22d. i It., commencing at 12 'clock noon, anc reflected mtich credit n their respeete 1 teacher, Miss King. goodly nutnbe of parents and others the section w re present. ' After the xamination close:l, the visitors were en- ertained by the upils with seine recite, ions, enlivened by choice pieces of usio, which w re well rendered. A pe,cial prize was awarded to; the best riter among th boys and one among he girls, The former was Carried off y James Shielstr m the latter by Sarah McNair. A gelling ateh, which as well canto d, resulted in Miss J. yle coming offv'etorious. A number f little girls pre exited theit teacher, iss King, With a pretty concertina as a ken of their affection and esteem. iss King /erotica with a suitable ad- . ress to her much loved pnp , A vote f thanks by thole present wa then ten- ered to Miss King for the s tisfactory anner tn which she had disclarged her uties as teacher for the past five years. iss King has been nearly six years caching in this section, and. carries the .0', wishes and respects of m ny in the neighborhood.--Oom, _ Me illop. LECTURE AT IRIS TOVVN.— v. Father 'Shea, of Godexic , will dela er a lec- ure in the lrishto rn Church, on Sun - ay evening, Jan. 16. The subject of he lecture is "TiLiterary a cl. Chris- t= Aspect of Ireli nd." The Reverend entleqian is an a 1 and eloquent speak - r, and the proposed lecture will, no oubt, be one of 'Mich interesti` COUNCIL MEETIN '. —The Cooncil met ursuant to adjournment at Davis' Ho - el. Members all resent. The fotow- io g accounts were resented and passed, z.: 0.! Armstrong, station,ary, $11.45 ; ohn Thompson, lu ber, $25. 5 ; Daniel ecker, gravel, $4. ; Widow Kennedy nd Stewart, $5 e h ; John 4itchison, rood and 23 perelies of land n Sideline and 31, Con; 2, $24; John Shine, re - airs to bridge on Sideline 1 and 16, on. 3, $8 ; John McFadde, , gravel, 45; A. ilumber ton, filling culvert on ideline 25 and 6, Con, h, $6; A. ovenlock, lumber, $18.07. Widows obinson and Duff's taxes were remit - d. The Council rs were ea4 allowe is . 40 for their servic and lettik and in- specting jobs, and , 10 extra wis allowed to the Reeve for attending IT on Sehoo , eetion. meetings. The Clerk as allow ed $100 for his services, and 20 ex for attending tO the Munici al Loa und affair and other matters of im- portance. Jose- O'StieetvAN Clerk. Tete EiEertoNss—The eleetions for Councilors in this township created. con- derable interest on Monday last. I etch of the three wards there 'as a clo�i d exciting contest. In Werd No. Ir. John Malone was eleeted iby a ma j rity of 42 over Mr. Bell; in No, 3 War r, Alex. Kerr was elected by a major ity 3 over Mr. Wm. ltforrison anA in / No. 4 Ward Mr, Wm, Grieve secured a majority of 17 overMr. laleCI re. The Council for present year I, there- fore, be composed as follows Tho E. Hays, Reeve, and essr Ev ns, Malone, Kerr and Grieve, Canneitors. The DeputyReeve will be elee new Coumil at its first meet' what we can learn Mr. Alexa will likely be Deputy Reeve, sure the Council could not nia hoice or one that would be ed by! the g. From der Kerr We are a better Ore se - cord with the wishes of the peo le. Mr. Kerr has had long experience in muni and reliable man, and ut eipal matters, is a thorough y njiteuninegteionin with the Reeve would feithf y guard the interests of the townshi County Council. PRESENTATION.—The pupils attendirtg school in Section No. 4, Mc op, prior to dispersing for the Christmas holiday's, presented their teacher, Mr. . G. Mc Lachlan, with a complimentar address accompanied with a handsome and valu- able family Bible. Mr. McLachlan, who has had charge of this. echool for two years, resigned his charge and the presentation was made as a meek of ap- preciation and affection on th part of his pupils, on the eve of his severing his connection with the school as it teacher. The address, which was signed by Sarah Henderson, Lizzie Kerr, US Cowan, Euphernia Grieve, Agnes Grieve, and Janet Hogg, on behalf of the other schol- ars of the school, was couched- in the most flattering and affectionateterms. Mr. McLachlan made a suitable reply. Mr. • McLachlan has proven =self a most efficient teacher, and has "yen un- bounded satisfaction to the people of the section, and all, both old and young. deeply- regret his retireMent from the school and from the professidn. Mr. ,James Bartley has been engaged as Mr. McLachlan's succesor, and. will, no doubt, efficieotly fill the position he has vacated. in the Hay. ! AGRICULTURAL MEEreteo.---- ested in the Hay Agriculture should bear in mind the annual which takes place. in the To Zurich, on Monday next, at M. There should be a large at The officers and directors forth year will be elected at this mee TILE MuerierrAr., ErmereoNs. be seen by the following ret Reeve and all the old Cunei: been returned for Hay, 'fbe is a statement of the votes polle —Robert Rrown, 182 • Ra Councilors —Kalbfliesh, 184; 159; McColl, 146; Cook, 96 72; Hostettler,. 63. The Court current year will, therefore, lows : Reeve Robert Brown Reeve, J. 13. Geiger. Council K.albfliesch, Wm. Wilson an Comic:re MEETING.—The Co in the town hall, pursuant to meut on Friday, Dec, 31. All bets present. The Beeve havi the chair, and the minutes 11 inter - Society meeting Hall, 'clock P. • ndance, ensuing ing. • As will rns the ors 'have ollowing Reeve ale, 152.. Wilson, Geiger, il for the as fol - Deputy 3. G. Daniel nd correctness of the answere to the JANUARY 7 Best had been in the weeks and were found dea fortunate comrades which out, endured their privati weeks. A strange circturst with. the affair is that alt therecOvered =minis we dition when missed, wh their appearance one wear alinost to a skeleton, and in firstlass condition. k nearly * • Their more ade their:way ns for -three nce•connected - - °ugh both of e fair ton - o they made uced in fleah he other was ACCIbENT.—Mrs. Stub of Mon - met .svitk & severe weld. i t on Sun - . ;last, While on her way , . church,s stepped on a rail and 411# # • g, , breaking the splinter bone and waiving her ankle. i Dr. Graham, of ussels, set it, and she is slowly receive ' , ANNUAL MEETING.—Th annual meet- ing of 'the Morris Branch.Agricultural Societi will be held in the temperance hall, Blyth, on Tuesday, Jan 11 at 1 • / o'clock, for the election f officers for the matting year, and the transaction of other business. A full ttendanee is requested. "STALLATION OY OM ERS—The iik• stalling of the officers of glyth Lodge, No. 303, A. F. and A. M., took place on Tuesday, Dec. 28. C. g . milton, -W. M. elect, was installed a Seaforth 6n Monday evening, by Mr. 1 -nson, D. T. G. M. The following are he officers in- stalled by O. Hamilton: W. Sloan, S. W.; I. Emigh, J. W• J e Rath, S. 0; 11. X. Pollock, J. D.; W. ' ikon, Chap- lain; D. 13. McKinnon, D of C.; James !Potter, Treasurer; Jas. :.• derson, Sec- retary; A. Tayalor, L G.; John Cleric, Tyler. After the new o ll eers viers * stalled, , Messrs, Hamilton and licKin. - non, on° behalf of the me.. o • rs„ present- ed Mr. !Wilson with a P. M. apron, ac- companied. with a very i attering ad- dress, speaking in high te 'is of the effi- cient manner in which he o . o conducted. the lodge, Mr. Wilson o . 'e an. appro- priate reply, thanking the oo for their con- fidence in and kindness hm. The lodge was then closed, an o the members repaired to an oyster auk) at Ernigh's hotel, which was get up A good style. ter doing ample justice the spread, he usual loyalandMasonic toasts were drunk, and the assembly dispersed at an rly hour. East Wawast sh. EXAMINATION AND ,,PR The regular quarterly exa ihoot in section 12, Eas aught by Mr. Lockert, Wednesday, the 22d iti tandiug the unfavorable oads quite a large numb nil fhends of education earance,at an early hour nation, which cominen, A. /tL and lasted until ndueted chiefly by Mest nd Odium, teachers. Th ENTATIf/L---- inatimt of the Wawanosh, ok lace on • otwith- state of the ✓ of scholars out in an ac - Tree eiCalil?, at 10 o'clock P, M., was s. Anderson promptness met j ourn- e mem- , take of the pre - vious meeting been read and approved of, it was moved by Mr. MeColit, seeond- ed by Mr. Wilson, that Noah Alenstrong be allowed $4 of statute hbor charged against the north half 12, Con. 5, as he has performed an equivalent statute • labor --Carried. Move& by hfr Geiger, seconded by Mr. Kalbfleisch, hat the treasurer pay Mrs. May $16, e being in indigent circumstances, with, numer- ous family of small children arried. Moved by Mr. McColl secon by Mr. , Kalbfleisch, that the statement of Samuel Carlisle, pathmaster, be filed, nd that the Clerk notify the pasth r of the same division for .1876 of the circiim- stances—Carried. Moved by r.Wil son seconded b3roMr Geilter th t a core- hY mitiee of this' uncil meetion next at 10 o'clock A. M., to re colleetor's roll in relation to the assess- ment for drainage under by-law t No. 10, 1874, said committee to consist of the members of the Council-aCarried. Mov- ed by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the following accounts be paid for councilors' fees and officer/ salaries for 1875, viz.: H. Love, Sr, Clerk, 5140; M. Zeller, Treasurer, 570; 2 ; 0- ve, er, D. C. •in It. D. Brodrick, tavern inspector, $ Mrs. S. Reinhardt, hall keeper, 58; Balmer, collector, $60 • R. Brown re o councilor' S fees, 518; J. B. 1 Gei deputy reeve, councilor's fees, 520, McColl, councilor's fees, $18; J. Kalbfleiseh, councilor's fees, $18 ; Wilson, councilor's fees, 520; Brown, reeve selecting jurors $4 ; Love r, clerk, .selecting jurors, --$4 ; Ralph Brown, assessor, selecting jurrs, $4; H. Love, Sr., clerk, registering 'births, deaths, &e., 57; R. Brown, reeve, in- specting jobs and going to Goderioh, 514; J. B. Geiger, inspecting jobs, 511; 3. C. Kalbfleisch, inspecting jobs, $ Wm. Wilson, inspecting jobs, 58; D. 1 ceell, inspecting jobs, 56; Love,Sr,., clerk, postage and stationary? $10 0; R. Brown, reeve, postage, and stationary, $2 50; M. Zeller, treasurer, postage and stationary, $5 50; H. Love, Sr. ing officer for 1875, 54; A. McLaren, re- turning officer for 1875, M Zeller, returning officer for 1875, fter ex- amining and passing large n tuber of other accounts, the Council adj rned. H. LOVE, Sr. lerk Hullett. THE ELIMON.—TheReeve uty Reeve, Messrs. Monteith a wick, having been elected by tion; there was only a contest f d Dep- War - edema r Co' n- cilors. The following is -a stateme4of the number of votes polled by ea& can- didate : Britton, 123, liowso 110, ng, 50; Howson idates, e town- • Mason, 103; Cornish, 59; Own Govier, 20. Messrs. Britton, and Mason are the successful ea STE.A.NGE OCCURRENCE.— T • ship of Hullett bats long held a 6 precedence in producing sensed() • 1 • 'm for 1 items for the newspapers. A elm mstanee which was brought to light a 1 w days since by no means depreciates t 's honor. A f tb M 1 ew mou s ago r Robert T ylor, of Lot 9, Con. 6, missed. two head ' f cattle from his herd. Shortly aftervs rd two ' more disappeared. Believing them to have been stolen, the owner advertised in THE EXPOSITOR. for informatio regard ing their whereabouts. Not any clue towards their recov Taylor had given upmhopes of ev his cattle again, lcr , surprise be imagined when, on Tuesday, he noticed two of -the animals adjoining his own ban yard, through tha field, anti indulgi manner of frolicsome antics. him to examine his own prep,'" other two and the fact was rev all of the miming cattle had 46 be& hal" in the inner rtthaseeing .1ni nguAlitr. n wen. a field i m areeriz . rfhisor the ed that keeping • of a straw stack. The two whit& were missod any questions •given, fully attest r. Locker's ability as a teacher. The pu- lls are well up to the standard in all branches, but they excel in arithmetic. OUrSe Of 'tea- room to en - by the Bohol - one of the ry address, w ith a, hand- . Lockett, to d children of rge, and this school in the ' In the evening a large din CIe assembled in the sehoo joy an entertainment given ars, at the close of whic and a cow ime nd presented Mr. kert some book and album. M he regret of the parents a he section, resigned his ear will have charge of a icinity of Seaforth.—Com. The County po ell. ' The County Council for the year 11376 ill be Composed as follows: D. D: Wil - )n, Seaforth; J. Chidley Clinton; J. . harrow and Dixie '1Va n Goddiehe . Davie, Wing -ham ; John Leckie, Brus- sels; A. L. Gibson, Wroxe r; Wharton Hodgson,Exeter ; W. Con rs, Bayfielda Cresswell and D. W Iker, Tucker - smith; L. Hunter, Usbo ; 8:Hogartiv and T. Yearley, Stephen: bert Brown. nd J. 13. Geiger, Hay ;1 hoinas Simp- sonv and George Castle, Sta ley; Meiisre, ord and Elliott, Goderi h township; Wm. Young and John it chanan, Col- borne; • Robert Webster and Walter Lane, Ashfield - Charles -"rvin and E. 'aunt, West Wawanosb ; Thomas It Taylor and James Potter, t Wawa- osh ; , S. Black and J. H tIllin , Turn - berry; iP. Kelly and Ch ries ' rector, Morris; IA. Monteith and J. Warwick, IlulletThomas Straehan and S. Stem- Mon, Grey; Thomas E. Ha s, McKillop. The following are the mes of those Who were not in the Count Council last year: Chidle; Clinto ; H. Davi.s, ingha*; S. Howarth and T. Yearley, tephen t; George Castle, Stanley; John nehmen, Colborne; j. Warwick, Hut - 1 ; Robert Webster and alter Lane, f. Ashfieldi ; Hibbert. THE ELECTION„—The f correct statement of the close of the poll in Hibbert Gardiner, 274; Bell, 20. De Hopwood, 199; Oliver; 1 --Harburn 221; Campbe neaux, 159% Gerry, 133; Hotharn 16, The Co= fore be composed of Re4re ; ' Hopwood, Dem Harburn, Campbell and Councilors. dlowing is a gures at the For Reeve-- uty Reeve -- 208 ; Moly- Balfour, 70 ; will, there- rs. Gardiner, eeve, and lyneux, 01)EN MUTING.—Thq cpen meeting Ot the Co Good TemPlars will be held at Kinburn, on the eveumg day, Jan. 12, 1876. A ful of interesting and instructiv be confidently anticipated. bona lodge have been invi Part in the entertainment 10 cents, the proceeds to the erection of a temperan nal ninthly nce Me -of inthee hall, of Wednes programme' • ;natter may The Lnds*, to take Admission applied in Tuckerszttit NEW GEANGE.—At a m Vednesday evening last ouse in section :No. 2, T range - in connection with usbandry was formed Wit ing amid Smillie, secretary- emabes officers: Robt, Mc --Mr. <lama .W. Bide ille, at the recent semi -an ions of the Ontario Vete fluted very ereditab warded a diploma by the 'cultural and Arts A proficiency in his professio —A short time ago, al Thomas Ching, the to Wats driving his father and and while crossing the S the horses became !lighten. theea , throwing its hurtin. g , Ching ting held on t the school ckersmith, a e Patrons of the folloeS- rdie, master; There are II) ot nal examin- College, and WILS eil of the sedation for son of Mr, p of Hay, r home e_ bridge, pants out, bly. it NW& ITEA111. OLE NO. 443' irnsAl:p.-071:00:1101.0: less than 100 seres of iheavy, will be sold q:IGETT, Exeter P0.. tipreto- LOTS IN SE —Dr„,COLEMAN, ha * °emitted as a 33r1 LA, is prepared to terms to any who may d to pureinsee shoula FOE SALE;. --For annn thetowns rt. 12, 1 toile from lin, ay staion. There is to Pay for it, - The neihborhod.-, Te 1�T, Bayfreld 1', ' POE SALE.—For 15, Township of Grey, a thaw farm, veil gs And all necessary a:tinnier. Terms reu PrOPiietOr MI the pre on P. O. .10EN SEL rli,1 aitt OE TO LE welling house •adjoirting arid occupied at p us 10 rooms and to raises, andyoung .1## • — I **roan ha vi easy A ly to the I 13TA.—Te prope land, beingoompo • lot -of Groyieontal lad, and weli zultiv )1011Se Sad barn. -en beaola on easy terms. aPply to EMIT WELL rey, or to Z. 0,0)0 ALUABLE PROPE FOR SALE For end pleasantlysit , formerly occupied Iter.Xr.Seete,, lied, *Web. is Medal, heithOleest kinds. 'V bed, and all given on Mara attbezXrograeu ron HATYlz---For- riot 19, Con. S, MILS.; aeres-, about40 &e agasitaiiso , 4 good fret* *good young Worth 5rollea, and Mad. For fur WILLIAM P.A.PL ntottdville Pest 01 fpSa1eorto an V - e - i ble be roolus, eliar, hard slid sof *'S.70W43EllreLL711 g Itnituaretreeg:timberfor - 'FOE SALE. --Yo Let 17, North Thames serer, 40 of wbieh • ova fenced/ *-114 ;s good frame Urn stable log house, -- , siso a Tering bead read, within 13 nal O ana1teholmstrandly opuroildis Yop r"P.4110„e13110 13,ABLE FAUN P For Hale, desirable Situated, shout 11 8, 75 of *Well sttr ,tbebalanee beuij rlynew, 82x22; - ham and driving gooa watr, also a is a sehooi on the apply to0204 if by letter to TR- wA 7:: ALE. --The subseri The rnilI eon eed ,orilore frgramsisevtinw ., 'Therare, Fhe timber,: oek and. ether yvitinmeinityrtooriLt reasons givenfor ti tter.60,141)°Pers:oto7r. LOST 0 VSTRAT STEES.--V the . undersigned, Lot. film. 1, '2 Steers nested to prove ere them away. JOHN AB,CEL y, 33ec.ao, owner eau have Ole: :IttrSITOR '<Me 40' ESTRAY HEIFR. - the undersigned, '-' alio Oct, 1,s, red Keit rroes is ted to prove telt it away. ALEX. , TRAY C!TT undersigned, 80noliths sgo,S head, WS and, 1 railL -Theo POParti," Pay charfies THOMAS COLEY. *TRU STOH.-15 of W4s01#74 rdstoers; also 2 2 -year-, the otter white, with Meek, Any persongi jei4 to their reeov eL W�. WILSON, I TO -147rOC ,olmTIprcE717:077.01stoeltlEt tore. 1300T1IE OWNERS.— during this season 14 Con, 35, MeHillop BOAT.. Tenns—$1, to Vide, with the privilege 1)ATID SCOTT, DLACK Punier— atrepled-wiliket6 &I., Lot No. 23, Con, g Improved Berkshire • portedstoar. ThLs of the best country, and he has Shown. Term—;$1# *ee with the =privilege EOBE UP„—Fartaetli ' - L -wral do well to la 1670. STE° P.BRINE, County -of f the County. • resrrea °files Win