HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-01-07, Page 44 • • AT T ADVERTIS 1ME;NTS. Lachine ch a Carial 1;nla rgeme it= - F BLtn. The Credit System --Thomas K dd, New Goods—William Bill. Chancer Sale---Catiieron & Mc Farm forSale—RichardI Downie Far for Sale ' in Grey—John Severs. Fire Ins urance•--Agents WVante f Spe ial R once -e -James Epps &Co. Pro erty for Sale—Hartwell Sp ira G t Offering —Duncan & Dun an Wa tches and locks --M. i►.. Co nt :. Closing O Sale— . g M. itacey, , Glass Lamps—E. Hickson & Co, How e Sewing g D xachnie----W; N. Wet n. Photographing—Andrew Calder Boilers and +'n g in — f es Thomson & ; liants, Mitch e 11.:'. axon 1` r0 k ji: • • SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, AN. 7, 18 ,_,H1 Who Will be Warden ? I This is a question which evil doubt, between this and the fi.rtt. ing of the new y elected County r 0 ell, agitate the minds of a good r For several yea s it seemed to b at derstood thug that the honora: Ie tion .nf Warden of Huron should be ferrel only upo . one individual, an cordingly, year• fter year, the sa e tieman was se ected for the poli This rule, for i had almost beco. rule, was at length broken up, ad s that time the I honor has bee round. This is, in our opinion, he per way:. There are many me ber the County Council who are equa ly q petent to fill the position, and ths he, i the case, there no reason why my I+ individual mein er should enjoy a ni opoly of the honor. The present ince bent has filled t e position ereciitablyy two years, and under the new eye adopted, a sue essor should be ch( when the Coun it meets. ` Who tat tunate individu l will be it is, of cou impossible for us to predict, Th however, certain :members of the Council who, from their long exI in the Council and from the pr m' positions *they I ave taken, have a r to expect that their claims will e sidered. We refer more particul rl Mr. Cresswell, 'Reeve of Tucke sin Mr. Brown, Reeve of Hay, Mr. Lee Reeve of Brussels, and Mr. Gib Reeve of W roiceter. Either of t gentlemen would den, and it is di of them has sup 4 Co cil would notgp nia which of them make an excellen cuit•to saywhi h rior claims. Th far _ astray, no e ' selected, ; We s of these gentle have claims up position which 1, and. should eii we•. are sure the du pertaining to the position will be fa fully and efficie , tly discharged; alnd selection will gi a the highest satis tion to the pee le ' of the • Coun erally. The Ballot i The municip are the first whic submit the name we believe they Council for the. not be overlooke them be selected) n Municipal E tions. 1 elections )ust have been held the ballot system. The impro over the old syst in is,even more than the most a dent advocates ballot Hoped for. All who have part in the recen elections are I their praises of t e ballot system: simple, and easil understood, and result, so. far as a have been a learn, very few ista.kes have oc All the bustle, excitement and t usually connected with the open 'of voting is avoided, and each has now the priiilege of recordi - vote .as his conscience dictates, no ing to make him afraid. No electo now fear giving oence to a neigh incurring the dis:. Leasure of an em by voting as heconscientiously b he should vote. The result will b a better class of men, especially i and towns, will b found in our mu councils. As an uxiliary to the we now want a 1, w providing fo pulsory 'voting in municipal as. Parliamentary elections. If such were in force it would prevent the sity to a very great extent of can degrading thews ' l ves by going from door to door soliciting votes.. matters now ar ; the candidatef makes a personal eanvass is almost secure his electionover another wl not degrade himslf by so doing, • n ter how inferior the first named m This very fact prevents many goon from. occupying or desiring to 0 public positions. Any man with a ofself respect or pride would eat; hrink front so de!rading an ord button -haling every elector and b nd praying thein to vote for himto se em in a petty municipal office, the man with more brass than brain greater desire fo off%cethan for hi honor and dignity would undertak degrading task wi hout a shudder, ii e ,would rather li a it. To such a ent has; this evil rownunder th ystem,;that in so a municipalities it 'most impossible to get an efficient respectable person pens to be in to fill a public p ion which hap p.1 - the gift e people.:- The ballot will, of c a certain extent remedy this evil make pefsonal canvassing Ieas nece the kart of candidates, but it _. my effept a partial remedy. In 4rc e entirely eradicate the evil we ti ve compulsory voting, and the s o have it the better, s a th a h 't a s t. th to on to ud as le urr rm y$te let g l e da n: or loy liev th citi ici alt co ell 1St tie( ids r'ou w pre ow rna y spa loll al! . on to ha we + C.rNA m Clore e) eted R ilroatl. HIP51 an .Oft ea les w E rope 'ARIA? AI i A bP hav efix 8P itchc. per war: A Di Pending w h req ret rail st Iitino IAMER t w ns l!MeV, , r ie an was pe pbun Tri Lonrl race -1 or racer Pr .t thoulex .. cl to )i.i, ° Lon( n. the grea ands it de the .n LLL ]lifle as ccep ed arioe'ati small 'bo State du MA ,AT . D vis Was i ar Mem his Adiso do al rI germ n. ati g , th' a oat of a d. Bldg p epa ati latter ry IMI' as isho of the ix rdst e to e 'e of he 'Weeic.. SouT1I1 N RAILROA0.i--Coin- nderbilt was en Fridy, last sidont of the Canada Southern f OF S CIE. no hundred t iotisan dollars ! in I double re hipped from i New York to r r I I y, ELEGR Pill , can 1 ate g r ti tariffe for g n shit eo• ing, fen Tett — The m a phi . Company nee I news de- en s,gold, Rarew i ',--Negotia ions are b tween "urkey a r !toy the onstruet ,betwery Vienna ler MEAT N ENG z.A4 fst i ► a , sp pped front - r- dLon on in goo lc l at an verage of d Austria n of a di- ati l Con. Forty- .. York codition, pence ence is" tut k ITN - FORS CRTs, er n,. Engle d, of t celbratecl alopin, and th A :erica!) ess, co ing ge her for the nlllate in ay. O,F A WEA ANY Lt -- it An. riichild di d on "ue da last in Ile siyag o e of he a vers of bei king h use f atl'naine, t le late . atoll nt ian Meyer hili, Ica , ACCEPTED. Ti e N tional ci, tion of Great Britain have } e challen e of the New York n, to take part i a match for to be eld i i the 'United g the Ce tenni 1 celebration. E LST 0II L x; ri, I' Maggie ughter of J fferson Davis, i d at St Lazaru's ehurch. n New ear's mor ing, t cashi r of the '. tate AND ernmen. tliolic ottation .I It is for the er. zen au Poze it itly convicted of tical la s, an .0ndem lig' Myr sonment, bag b gent to prison to gerve his sentence. • anager of a Ger an: daily nown as the Stoats Zeitumg, ominent men of that city, onnectio . wit the whiskey I{E •is (it ULE iet clary, bet e r Gtr uppo ed indi abso pt on of for Ituc trad iti them speoul or lend ng f urge sums of money ou e s. canoed II,E. danger OUT n ki de ault as he heti made t; n treaty with Great Britain o t entedy. Heavy real tionl,and the reckless givin mee Bre six 1 to n A s own .R Itr:'i late et; —.0 urer of Bu ilo, who tibscon.,e+ heal y lila ter to the city, ha. fr ' S C ariues and given 1 r tcgte u f thorities, 13 LE D 0 Wawa --Th unem of ;Alb. evaded the st Beets on ne da ny de needay ending bread r woi' k. may r told them a new reservoir pro, ab y b c mmenced, and wor vicled f r r t `:1s wanting it, I Aire.Iw I TIM/W. .Afl'ai Turns ar vidently approac crisi , Co nt Andras' y's project forin'n th abuses a cisti suir et ona y provinc 's -h€ appr t r 1 of the French ar ern en s. It is L• elie ed ters th : t Austrian accu1 provpnc 8 in rebellion is de un :R e ex- taehed to the tr i sins at the pre nt time. gives The following g win gentlemen ha 1 estate cin g have been ap- p g along the ine, and formerly held by line has unit , ars mentioned as, iia ' peed an cera is losses. . and persons b w o the public vi 11 fin Lx•tlileen Is belle of Spain,d courtous and is obligtrrg in all their dealings wit, them tidy ill with easels, Brecon station, yt ti au for g erly re- F•3LIi!L0 X X11IE Z. --Five hundred levit g agent on main line ; Cen rails, J. ave ben discharged fro the Knox, formerly of Al nbur h n Nam Yard, enc ont Y fi J nation ; , 'j 5a irday a Liet ' ► ell w Il be thrown oat y ' sheet, for r erly of t f e m Glen and 7 M Donald, crater the Charlestown Navy ard. Toro J perator, -i, naafi, W. Dench, S Brucefiel , Chas. G. SV, ialton, rn agent at Buf- on, actin • agent,- nt fent, nt on m in lice, n, opera or, for - station agents ents the positions we believe this nt ,staff of o away from with- them m tong effici r r, W. Hayden, to unction • reas- form rly of fVinona b ing a Deane, --- ; Clinton ret rued formerly Great West r m,elf up .fele, (11, R.. Thomp formerly relieving age toyed London,) J. E. Johns A ci nisntor LEDO I/O bishop edochowski's rn men ends on the 3d f 1 The, ratholi s of all germ coleb ate th day in ad ap e n a ioI s fro' nen D p t" f andl.a dtag will wait and then ler their eongra .bishop edo hchvski p fusel to o a, the new Na. ityvf hi, I the Gov Tits ' the Bis concili- Earp cjui rumo abouts many' still a s este A,r o t e the' ►re hit 45th e. Tile India in any, outn 1; tion turn on_ ned Zriceroy sen expei•en out em>7assi r is CAPTAI GE neral tint an e d to r, the 'newly for Cuba has all abnseg in irrespective f person and 14 all off riders to f Se d luring f De and I ere The tracts of owed to alarm- ing on {banks d to sto Itz Cr Tr AR. The and he Bi ing- ter s ati e the and li e ul He ex ores ed a in the 008 his rt A. t legrain from atm, pprehe ding n, and eScupying an. he bamfaign o es It in th the ar d ys rive is lien, lanc at d Lo Per h s ver IT E Fn iTESLA new F gi Slave the tis dtniralt the a ion ,A XPE last Frid dv mg. NGeuiikY rk ci ental teg,hu g. placed and pu ti is head to deat Berlin sa e Russ crosO the S Dari will plebe in a January, a I !pro ably made by t ri ce of Mont ne o, to. be allowed to dr nto action it urkey, Russia as totted him on o , ount to The Plane h wen enure ces that h ii Montenegr d aised. a lo n i c7itra dieted. • in busines wheat ex wily prate in the sia. The etition of Amen which has' the ad v t ge of superior tr nsitl new, soil and m scientific agricu t re', has checked th tension of the port of wheat fro ease. Besi les big, the banks ha been careless in lending money, an dded to the p esent strin- gency. TRADE 8 1ST CS. --The ndon Time states that t e mom' t of bullion! de - the past ye r, on bale ce, is thh largest holds 432 00. 'The e !lefts of sugar into '00. d al owed an increase of 22,000 t s. The exp rts f ;iron 000 tong. i TIEE POP ilF D T vQizilif To HE INT good offices iv th he C tholid xi surgents in Herzegeti a ith vie , peace. Cardinal Fr to in uire i to the con- dition of a ere. The Ta jean wilt take no acti il t e rep rt of the; TEE CUB minister fin GovernMen Govern views re pe of Euro a The Britis answering' d is asserted t a European b AN OFFIC/ the Buffalo p eity treasure 000. He k neighbor are en nd, i the ame of; his addr sed he British 4 collective intervention owers, ttlith thh object of nt h deferred the re ent. It their nded, $250,- a d Cur ntied that ernm pain e discovered t r. Bork, had ab nee mo re time atiro the a' nople 1868 he in ti tufa rsis ask owledge: the j ecclesiastical tour , or the alid- deposition. It is xpectecl that rnnient will inter him as i did op o' Paderborn, u less 'be pre ting. the country, I Thew ere - if the archbishopf Colo Ile is n of his y of sent' re- new atic t+ the aris, nti• In ego sen: over arge road own, ith. the I 1 sh- om- r of his de - no r to to the wn ian Wed- ed- ,merly at Windsor, and W. Kew, Tho Tlraniesville, warehoiisemau; Londes- vould boro, W. Mylne, . formerly at yline • ; pro- Blyth, M. Steinhoff, formerly of 'ayug'a; Belgrave, J. Gilles, of. Komoka. s in - Invitations have be sent to all the Bing a business and promine t men al ng the f rr re- line of the road, for t e opening celebaa d other ri some of imp bruary rop nate Reic tion in hi risdicti par- calling at all stations. It 1 the will leave Witigham op thatalay at 7 A. Gov- M., and return on the following day, the ' To the Editor of the liztron Frx 1 ;IR : It appears fro the publ c print fse to I that the Reeves and Co neilors of 'twice by ac- rch- man_ smith have been aga elected stag shop rch- re- n of cret plac cco has 8 at ue, ervi slew England and two ino ths reputati as to the rar He W' s ffer buTgle, nunlike Go vern clared means d req uire Cuba, al latter re up fbv iter and s been ap of Lord. nd who n sta swan, i Nor th brooke, ow desires t of overWork. .The ad considerable diplo eying been attache eshington, Morel) St. Petembur , Cone Athen,s, Lis ssfully coedit, Austtia, 111 he was the 873, !for arts. He hal also g a writer, and :s best k world asi Owen Mere d, but declined, in 1875 of Madra0. FFIkAL NOTES. Mr. W mencan Anibass or, has d to M. De Cazes, Minis fairs at Par* the note o ent n relation to Cuba. H hat the United States b sire to annex the Antilles orm effected.. IThel note dr 'ount Andrassy, the Aust Premier, rela ive to the refotms in key h s tecei ed the approval of Ru note equality of all ith ligio nations and the intro tion ncial and c•ammunal gove of the inces by t abolit on 11/04 -grain tra proved a ybeieieldw so gen maitin have bee are bele are paid the defec the av size an fered to Whateive for aIperi will ctop up as the seasoi adven es. Time ur- tell- oges he d nom lie - m nt and that !the Iirstqres lts li 11 be the impoitio of texa ion e Pro 'laces. the *hes and the ne Btxpress, in its review of the year of general gocieney , nd th average . but its color has een urpdses is greatly reduced, er- uality. The wheat Crop as uf- t to en shillings per qr. S les unu ually dull. Oats an b us the average,, but . better pr ces ra e, 4, e am it a) gr e 8CtOfflae8ridectragbrleytatbie oiwn . dul ne,ss now prevails. and may The f lent bit o for th cOnditi their p de to Business M neta ITimes gives! this ex ice to businegs me cannot be better ob er ing it : NOW that our b e about closin4 their bo Ltainieg meens ad ear s ar ear, and are asce n of their business ofit and los account books, it' eeras a, fitting time tif nes it o cu Id their bal nee There is thi of bad er ou ialetely ex austed and after debtors h main re led left tit count y. So long as the fi to the a id t .e tartly honest ay of d ing wit them is to write off everyth bad an cat d wn to a half gure eve thing t at is a ail doubtful.3 The el- nd ed si- ks he of ck rge honest de • with the ' matter. V ry many us men, of goodi repirtat on, sheets and consigned to h profit and loss accot nt. g go deceptive as a Mass thil debts allowed to re• er after an estate is o ve res ed al - ng Owin the delay occasioned by re- pairing a elect in one of thel, bridges on the LO do Huron and Bruo Railw near L e n, the public opening of rie road emonstration Arranged for he train 'b in composed of ten cars, ut there ot inueh freight board or Clinton The freight train' will le ve The tra n coml. g north will have H de Park 1J n Con at 7:50 ; Ilderton, 8. train south will leave Wingham at ; Kippen, 12:10 P. M.; E e- 9:201; Clinton, 11 ; Brit ter, 1:3 nd arrive in London at 4 30 m. senger cars will not be t - claination, and- from his circumstance I people unaequainted with th facts I would be led to belieVe that t ey are unhappilY, is not the ease, as any of their acts during the p t year a e very questionable. pass over the , how ever, et present to ma e a few emark about the last nominat on. ha e .been thirty ye rs 'and ur late la ented to nomi te can- didates fot municipal offices. But under our present functiona this is not done, as witness' our last n nation. enter- ed the place of rneetin between 12 and 1 o'clock., The atte dance was very small, The presiding 'officer was in the out the centre of 1 • 'Spreach in the morning and Rena Mr, tafford in the evening, On the follow- ing Tuesday evening.a public missionary meeting will be , held, when,addresses v, T. tar k, of Laird, of i Ba Bay - will .be delivered! by Clinton; and Rest. Mr, field, —Mr. Th rr' o in ton h sold hid tan- nery in Wfnghatn to M . G. McKenzie of Goderich. Mr John ton, late. o the , ' Queen's has purchase Mr, Sq ler s interest in the Royal tel in the, vil- lage. $e• --Rev. Mr Roeeamp, to of En and, preached m the Method' t church, .Min.- Min- nie street, Winghain, o Sunday morn- ing, Dee. 26, and in the i rimitive Meth- odist church Victoria s reet in t e _af- ternoon. —The new Presbyterian church, near h n- ow wo ship e corn - outside e "East will be an theunion nice $drool house ' Goderic ship, will be opened for public on Jan. 30. ',Phe build , g will b pleted with the exceptio , of the painting. The annual ineeti • g of th Wawanosh Agricultural Society held °at Belgrave, on M, nday, Ja Branch, at' Wingha Tuesday, Jan, II, eo 6 meeting o'clock in the afternoon,' bIr. Henry Howell, , f Goderie i, on Thursday plucked in hi : garden a full blown. pansy. This is s+methinq pecu- 'iar at this season of the' ear. We were Iso shown a perfect rown dais; on New Year's Day, which had bloom' in he open air. —Mr. J. W. Ross, o Wales Hotel, Clinton, awe t:. Mr. C. Mason, o nd we understand that ented the hotel to the ho have for some tint otel in ,Seaforth. —The Young Men's G ion at Brussels hold S ray er meetings, in thei ommencing at 4 o'clock. re well attended. A p' ehalf of the Associatio Knox Church, on an: ;14. —The anniversary teat rimitive Methodist eh as held:on Christmas owler was called to'th esses were delivered by Lidstone, C. S. Will mp, late of England, eman spoke very eloaue s subject, " The prope, d•is man.". —On the evening of th flowing were installed' asonic lodge at +Godes H. Smith, W. M,.; H:: .; Stephen Yates, C.; ; V4'"m. Dickson, S.; James McKay, J. D. I. G.; M. McPhail m. J. Somerville and H. Cook, Director H. Smith, Organist. --Mr, Thomas Welsh, n. 0, Goderieh townsh easuring 5 feet 4 inc A ARIL readers to state tlia speaker referred : to tdistricts o ppeet sem hae time only the lines, be intownships, beeing nd concession or si He rode the first Ji township :of E11ma, can, indeed, testi place has become a -Mr, T., ? .. Moi Engineer, made an the line ne of the Railroad, on Tile companied by Mr Manager, arici sta -citizens of London John Carling, She reit J. Atkinson, Churcher. The pa in about 2P:: e e evening, , was missionary years ago, At separating the neigie,' had been siirveyed; e line could be fo rse that. -entered ',Linty of Perth. that the soli garden. sworth, Govan= official inspection ef 034.11/11.011 Ana Brass y of last week, as. Broughton, Ge and several of the ty arrived at Wink . and returned the press William him w eroism idiaCe E132130118. —H. Fairburne, 10 ; bdIre7oPedn Tudeesaddayvitileo on wee the cause of d t is said that t tion foremen in the Trunk Railway Co a a a dr hi kin IL T. bel IL Co ano bar casionelly for the last I under the auspices of township clerk, ample always given to elector chair, I was sitting a the room, and yet I person nominated for seemed. waiting for the stateMent to the ratep action$ of the past y and read ver the nam and seeon ers of Roy and deplar d them du payerslin he room kne that there had been any andidates iilominated.; Poor rapidl . With her secret nominations, a sch.o I board with a policy undefined and un efinable, a tow ship formed into one se tion and yet n it one se4tion, cedent or parallel in 'a . enlighten d com- TucKeesUrrii, Jan. 5, lig 'd hot hear any ny office, but all eeve to make a ers of the trans - a Judge, of my e clerk steed up s of the preposers s and Councilors, elected, While I The !following is le result f the elections in municipalit es where c took place,: I , SeafTriki'—The old members of LiMenzies an rew's ward E. Clint Joseph Dean ilors, St. nry Shea e's ward, D. Buc A. Barto ward, Jamieson, A. johnsten Erwin. I &eve, Dixie Watson. Olark, inale and Sande eon. aud S. Pickard. ters man Mae apa ntests the am' hay clot ohm's to s and a baker of Liz at the 13reakfast tee ing. Heart ditiess• th. e wages of the see. mploy ad the Grant pany have been re- duced from $1,50 to $1.40 per day. , —A Montreal CO espondent says thst the weather in thet city continues to be the exciting topic of conversation, mildness for this son being without * , parallel within the recolle,ction of the nee of oldest inhabitant. nythe —A fire broke on new residence at Ot n has Tuesday night, caus dtpoe Fan Tucker r. Maso been ke in Hon. Mr. Blake's waabout 11 o'clock. a by the -overheating • of the furnace used for dryintopurposes. lienYi The loss will be in he neigh rhood relloociann. *1-:--511The Great Wes rn Railway earned for the week ending Dec. 3, 1875, X16,- -070 againet Rig -,077 for the correspond - held week this year isst re f41,900, against ted on suspicion of ted one of the ser- lann and had the , an originalpoem. on nted by his Eitel- odious. It is 4iiiite Dufferin's hearty ristian As day afte reading The me blic meet will be riday eve reh, Wing evening. Dr, chair, and ad - and Mr. Ros- he latter gen- tly, takingfor study of an - 27th ult., the officers Of the rcrhy; olirt oo tn esr James Robin - T.; Stewards, r., of Lot 38, p, shot an owl' es across the Friday, r. ncession, hot inches, which goose inihis re nncomnion- d white 'and upposed to be ly a few fa MS Might cars on RailWay robbed, and so -arty were the robbe 'es committed t for a time the Compa.y were unable discover the perpeti tors. A Agatha, Manitoba, fl the ha ing outrage a onl nine years of a the proprietor of th Th child's eries attr vents, who gave the maxi arrested. --I-We learn that t ua , number of the 7 leney, the Earl of though slight in elm very pleasing and zn in eeping with Lor in rest in Canadian fairs that he should . use his graceful pen to honor Canada" n lite ature. The emit 'bution will be look- ed for with interest. '—lt seems that Francis EVAns Cornish, formerly of London, but now of Winnipeg, , Manitoba, has n t yet forgotten his rowdy ways. He, company with, one on islonday evening e of one of the re - municipal elections, an him t.he poll book. In -the melee which k place the stove was thrown down, t lamp broken and the returning efficer' wife badly injured. - Cornish and one of hie assnciates were arrested and. placed i jail, but were re- leased -upon giving bin in $2,000 to ap- pear for trial when called en. . —On Monday evening last about o'cl k a young man unknown, entered jewelry store of 'Mr. Taylot, Iltunit- . n and requested look at Seale gold hes, stating that he -wanted to e one to present to one of the elit- es at Messrs. Wanzer 4 Co.'s. watches were placed before him, after examining ne be said it would out a bag of fine ew the contents in ok up -two of the tfeotrhie itep..1, Ta day Lot llisvoetinttrEktfutheehie3 tovbeeee.xi, 13&r:fiiislicac013.1 ill ttbereet se mi uhi at Ya si 7.its :vfes;: I..:. a him James Billie, a, On Tu Moses berry, a PARLIEL 4* wife wife o John of coGoIde or bro tu o other rowdies e into the hou mg officers at th forcibly took fro • weeks ago a package of oi dered clothing to for Mr. T. Jackson, Clin n, which had been shipped at Montreal was robbed of 'awes; aboat $80 worth of its con nts, and about the same time an Exeter rill suffered nd similar loss. Clever clete tives were en- gaged to work up the ca,se, and last w ek • Fin" seveial employes were arr ted at Te on- elmitY to, on suspicion of being he guilty ar- ties. They were tried, found. gu ty, lack, and sentenced. I C .—A correspondent in a ondon paper continues te church mat - hath the nIon- 4 event the en- ne young lady, door. Seine nd. as the hnur Payfiekl.-F-Reeve, W, eilors, Messrs. Keys, and Routledge. Robert Monteith ; Bout' R eve, Thomas Yearle Baker, 0. Eilber and W Hay.—Reeve, Robe McColl. Itaantey.—Deputy `Reeve, G. Castle , Qouncilors, Dr. Woods, Ilhos. Ke a and. liVm. Graham. ' Co/Genie, Reeve, Nirilliam ung Deputy Reeve, John BUchanan ; Conn Asteie/d.—Reeve, R. Webster ; Harris, Patrick Clare a d Robert East ,Wa•zeanoslt.—De uty Reeve, Jas. Potter ; Councilors, Ro a Reilly, Thos. Brown and James Clow. Connor ; sson, Mc north eas east wit that bad feeling stil ifest itself in regard t C°a11,- Union party, thinking tha tcall intended holding service, to guard the church and p trance of the Unionists. Uf tr • who went to teach in the they turned away from th of them cFried revolvers, for service approached, said to his followers exci try to force an entrance w niust shot." the his thei od this or eir ok he ol th wife r? her EL luso C. e the ed. MeC stomazh, and divers o was prostrate. He wiped the blood from sleeve, and coolly wa Smith and Detective in pursuit hitn an his house. • Upon be wanted to teach. have himself. Upo knife and a revolver is little -hope of Mr. • Councillors, J. • epu- Thos. Hain- wa the plo Th an suit, and then pulle powdered iron dust, t wa hes-and ran out, ped. , The accident w eh liappened at Jor- dan the other day, whereby two metz were run over b A - Great Wes- tern railway tr,el and killed, - exciting a good deal of ' '' Jordan station and o*ly two returned., very singular cireu,n4sitance is that botit had their heads tak clean nA, ,leav-' one to suppose that they had been nil on t e track. - 'tie artily possible would lay the elves downao t_ heads would be taken off, and - fact that is drawing attention, ine t and an old and respected citizen of mar et. AleConnell is a tenant of Mr.a Mill , and was in a ears for rent. A Ian load's warrant as issued and axe, elite by Bailiff Sinith. AfeConnea went down to the market and tog he said that he ould fix him ; at the lame tnne he sha ned his knife, the blad of which is 11 inches, put it up his slees e and drove up Mr. !Ville honse (nil rge street. he latter came to the ont gate to se him, and, after * emarks, McColl ell stabbed him in , houlder and fa . Mr. Mills turn- onnell thou bbed him in the then deli ra the knife ed 'away, Bai MaePherso went arrested tin in r. Mills how to be- hig person- the erd found. There No Unionists, however, a tempted t and the Laing -Burn t party sto le over the church til the hour If ng passed, when they tired to t4 A very successful examination to in the school in Section 3, Grey, day, 16th ult. It wes largely a d by parents and site's, indic f the interest taken in it by t c. The pupils a uitted th s in. a manner credit ble to th of the day was in rspersed wi gs and recitations which we urnished by the ladles of the ge towards whieh all seemed to vie i of valor., The examinations Wei ted by Mr. Archibald Ta lor an xi-113er of prizes were 'warded to th feat, meeti homes place Tues tende selve selves work singin highl was f tion, deeds assis Misse tle Hogg and Goy. liforris.—Reeve, P. Re, eve, Pharles Proctor , J. Johnston, David Vs Howson and J., Mason. Kelly ; Deputy Councilots, W. 3. Brittoii, A. r. AleKillop. —Councilor*, A. Kerr, Malone and Wm. Grieve. uncilors, J. Ris- John guron Notes. Great interest is takenin reviva meet- ings, which are being he d at Whi field's church; Con. 12, Grey. —Mr. J. S. Sinclair, Godenc has been appointed to con net the Crown business at the assizes i Hamiltdn, be- ginning on the 1.7th inst ture, " Courtship and arriage," at the Methodist Church at Ho ovine, on the evening Iof the 21st ult. ---The new bell, purch ed a sho time ago by the town of Exeter, ha* got cracked, and so is usel 0. The people there think the bell et ed. itself sPon- taneously. ,—On 'Thursday even g, Dee, g3, a number of the friends t Rev. J1. W. Holmes, of Exeter, met at his resi ence, and had the pleasttre f making that gentleman the recipient f a purse con- taining $103. Huron District, Lodge, of the met in the village of Ford ich, on. Men - District Chief Templar. he remaintng la er E. W. Leech, Diztrict 'hief Temp r, occupied the chair. The various e in - part of the forenoon was s ent in hearing reports of delegates from ifferent parts of the district, which ebe ed the 01 rder to be in a healthy, and, most plaos, in a thriving state. The ifferent cem mittees handed in their re orts. It %has resolved that the members of the Order in their different municip Mies petition their council 130t to grant any shop , or saloon licenses, and to li t the number of hotel licenses to one fo every 1,000 inhabitants in townships, and villages one for every 500 inhabita ts. ! London, and Stafford, of Brussels, and )[ I ---A very successful ,te meeting vtas held at Roe's church, Thi d Concession of Greye on Christmas Da . AddresSes were given hy Rev. M rs. Case of Mr. Maitland, ot Brussels read an aitti- ele which was arousing 11.12 instructing. The Brussels ehoir rend red some , of their best selections. Tho as Strachin, Esq., occupied the chair in his ustial nd efficient manlier The church comfortably seated nd fitted Op handsome little tructure. 'It be uninteresting many of our --Sernions in behalf of the Met °dist happy a Missionary Society willibe preac ed in is DOW the Methodist church, St Brugge on and is a Sunday 'next. Rev, M* Mait1an will may not A,. uropean newly per -gives the fol-„ low" g thrilling lucid nt, -which recently oecu red in Prussia : A railway sty -itch - tend r had. just taken is place to change was n sight, so as to prevent a collision • reotion. At this criti I moment he dis- covered his little= b y playing en the track of - the advan ing engine„ ., He rnig spring to Ai escue and remove - him safely, but t n he would not have time -to turn the switch, and- Lun eed,giees otf. Iiinvesananitn•attabentloshtiathrerosoneu. as taken, "Li down I" he shout - his boy, and th: child, happily ace. If on the grou d, and the whole tion ed 'to etre hints train 25, b Eades GOVEN the b Ache ug ard Brie chore to grove • to mama ten e unpro iside of the Sp• in Peas Van Mears HAY - Balt • Balt Beef Turk Pell Bat• ley Butter po • w tread els o 20 sup Vire doliv from liv Oa ra