The Huron Expositor, 1875-12-17, Page 7SEAF NTH, N WANTS. 271 aforth and OR UM sif the Commercial tautly on hand a 2' tcI, Nil ,. FISH. C Good. For Sale. hand; islxo Cheese chins to purehas3 tdvantage to call on first-class • articl: pot or the oven. FORSYTH. DS & Co.'s S loll Whirl( tliego re (taro achieves its flee r • of the determine Ems st grade of work - n :tiring ever before )mess.. cuing should,herora smug the interior con - them, and c.rinipar- oods eti.'s. 'iha FINISH f Actis,ii and Cabinet rlci remember that a eying s really trine in - time is 1/40 Y1 sed in purchasing an �VA.Vi! NOE F` of 3fusical Effect?, beautiful SOLO STOP,,s' Value, ieE profession, and all imse in 'guide is called Oil & CO., -e Street, Toronto. Iiarsliall W Wendell, 41' E SYSTEM 1 eration at BOLEN MILLS. reg to inform the in - a surrounding country above Mills, and is NVOIRJEr in the beat possible ler his own persona • 1$75. is is now complete in a'1 is been taken in the: ,which ha ye been mad : bracinfiIicavy Tweed,, rlet, Grey and. White 'ancy Shirfllag'+, Union L variety, all of which CHEAP, 4esp is aceounted for manufacturer of the ciril retail profits with tossup con sequels tly he out of good laying to give hater value at 50c per yard. D. If. %YU AN. ENG f .;K ala prepare for it aims a > O +CT E "'ITNjE*V'S, SEAL: OItTH. Stack of C'ookin Vont Steyr//, oft o id from the best makers;, i' lees for eaau o: in stock or .wade to i ' iiairiiiq promptly itt- a largo i itpislt of the the rsiarket, which will V. Special inducement,' 'ainiesou'st Old Stared, i1i.S. 1!.. WIiITNE ,. Nilie MILLr F & SC rTT they have commence' lately osteupied by 51r. led to 1111 orders for 'itcr8/ .Mouldings, i=l wi;sl lumber. ` AJH XG'L L',S l SETTER, AY ItACZ,S, &e. • Lu wr on hand. Crodcrieh street, laiiii:g neatly stone. W. IL seerT. W LTO N so NE W. i1 Bargains in DRY '1300,1E RIES.. In J. Boot. :brei Shoes hog e ix' be got elsewhere. lT VARNISRE., on hand. Special In - i. reg. s Dotes and secants . smut: i•t ounce, otherwise hands for collection. ".st 1.(t.`l:'kAIt SMITH :TOCK IN THE 1IDI. NINE CO p {, ONT., per share. Should resent indications, each f ik will be worth from. pros, &c., apply to A1t3II' A(E, Director for Seafortk 4 Career of a Villain Checked. The Scoundrel in eau after Afarryi);y Pour Young Ladies, burning. Mice Other's, and Swii#Ltin, all who: !'reek) HIM with Money, In,1805 Matthew B. Van Ostrand, 'a yQJng roan of good family and education residing in Deekertown 1\T. J., was mar. rigid to Ella Penney, the daughter of a wealthy farmer residing in the vicinity of Warwick, Orange County, N. Some time afterward Van °strand failed in business, wlicli failure. was accompanied with circumstances so suspicious that Van ()strand fled to Canada before investigation could be made. He was followed by his wife, who remained two years with. hien in the provinces. During that.time he was repeatedly started iii business 'Ly his friends in this state and in Orange Coun- ty. He io shamefully abused this kind- ness, however, by squandering thou- sands of dollars thus advanced him, and taxing the resouarccs of his friends to re- lieve him from the consequences of ille- ' gal and criminal transactions, that they finally withdrew their support. His treatment of his family became suchthat his wife left hen, returning to her fath- er's in 1863, with her two children. Shortly after this Van Ostrand was forced to leave (Canada to escape arrest, on charge of forgery, and went to Leek - port, N. Y. Being a man of fine appear- ance, high culture, and winning address, he was not long in getting into the best society of the place, . and gaining tie confidence of leading business men, 'se. cured. a position of great trust and res- SPECIAL ponsibility. Taking advantage of his position,he formed the acquaintance of A COMMON cough o cold a Miss Tucker, an accomplished Young be trifled with,w often en n lady of Lockport, and subsequently converted into a serious a married her. Not long afterward ru- fatal pulmonary disease,' T/mors of Van Ostrand's past career reached Lockport. The rumors being investigated and found true, Van Os- trand was again forced to leave the city • to escape justice, leaving different par ties minus several thousand dollars,. which had been intrusted to his caro. From New York State Vane Ostrand went to Ohio, springing up in Columbus. As in other places, his manners and as- surance evere s.surancee'ere not long=in gaining him the confidence of business cireles. At Colum- bus he won the affections of a young lady named hiss Georgie Vail, the daughter of a gentleman who was Van Ostrand's financial backer in certiiin speculations to a large amount. The marriage of Miss Vail and Van' ()strand was looked forward. to as one of the great events in Columbus society., A short time before the wedding day, how- ever, a business associate of Van Os- trancd's discovered the existence of ne- gotiated notes to the amount of $5,000, to which the former's name was forged, The passing of the notes was traced back directly to Van Ostrend, and he was charged with the crime by his .partner, and subsequently arrested. He stoutly denied the crime, and was supported by many friends, among them the father of his betrothed, who went his bail for, ap- pearance at court. . Shortly before Ithe trial it was ascertained that Van Ostrand `. ri.p HON. J. LYMAN t LK was preparing to leave the city, which 11. Y., says : "I have uKcc:. Dr. caused his bondsman to deliver him ttlp = pound Elixir of Phosphates and Found practice for two years, ansl to the authorities. He was tried and thcrgis no pre 7aration. of rho kin in pare with it. With feeble anosmic Home-made For fon; pounds of tall take two pounds of soda ed lime,half an ounceof of an ounce of rosin, half of borax. Put the lime vessel with six quarts of well, and allow the liqu clear ; then pour off and s,tra lye, and pour into the Bine gallon of water ; when d,lear, smother vessel. Melt the when it is boiling hot, pour lye, a capful at a time, till t saponified. Continue . to bo the strong lye till the whole boiling and stirring till thick that the spoon wil middle without hoiding. rosin and borax pulverized, well and pour the soap in from which cakes can when it is cold. From th any kind of perfttmed sou and adding honey, oil of r monde, lavender, and other in the manufacture of toilt Mason. o. i. To CURE THE EAIa•AAC 1E, brandy in a tablespoon, add pepper, heat the mixture ov the fire, clip a bit of sotto place the saturated cotton, e borne, in the ear ; cover bandage. Repeat if neceeso, into the ear one drop! f� a equal parts of chlorofor an and put in a bit of cot; i to fumes of the chlorofornij 0 w, �►ine i b $ t h pe 8 pb or lard 11118lack ,quarte spoonfu da in *etxr the tittle til 'the Clea d soda train int ease, ane the wea whole .., and ad if ; kee ap ie 8 nd ; in th add th r them i is moul t to sui be triad Melting i bitter' a umes 118 ps.—Mr Put a lit'tl it blas Jr lamp o n it, ui of as :ca it a flannel Or dro, mixture in ;sweet oily, Wine the dent, aware of this "Bryan's Pulmonic W which has sustained it over 20 years—they are'alwa' and exert a mc,at beneficial all the bronchial and . pulmo Sold by all druggists' and cc u ere. Price 25 cents per box PooR HORMEL—aged fir of poor horses dragging outia existence, suffering ,from diseases, rendering then all less, that would be restore( and healthy condition, and to them of which th dreamed, would they' within their reach. Fi packages of "Darley's and Arabian Heave' all cases produce a .si hundreds have testi Remember the naine the signature of Hur package. Northrop 4' Ont., .proprietors for0 medicine dealers. pr fells s re ould never gloated it ts d general) e more pri- ptly use curatiVr Cation fctr s efileaciow n uence oil ry organs. ntry deaf - . ea - thousanc'ts miserable variety f pet well o a sous alue giv ers. nev the mea to thr n'Powde " will ry resul the fa' see 'th is on e.. Toren Sold by it 'lo ut n ora ondi 11 ern tisf ed & na a CONFESSIONS OF A VICTI a warning and for the ben and others who suffer from Nervot of .Manhood, &c., giving his rel after undergoing much st Hering mailed free ou receiving ref - Boxvelope. Address NATHANIEL Box 158,Brooklyn, N. Y. Published 1 young Debility, L of Self -Cu expense, s directed YFAIR, P. 4s. M. D. of heeler's Co+t • slisaya larg„ly f . my judgm #it that eat co< amen, of i wh j m convalesei 3g hardly `knisw pepsia it alto ong lust; of px- convicted, and sentenced to four years. the Ohio Penitentiary. The yo}1ng lady to whom he was to have been mar- ried died during the first year of Van °strand's imprisonment, it is said of grief, and shame. Van Ostrati on, when he was for some reason par- dangerous diseases to whi Boned out. Soon afterward he apper4.red tion is snbjeet. It modeia in the Village of Delaware, Ohio, under moves- all obtractions, and g , relied on. To ma.riadladle n shorte Mod with regularit:. e taken b Females daring Pre ane as the are carriage, any I cages of Nemo a pains in the book and M we have so many, and in cases from prostrating diseases, I shoe how to got along without it.. In. like a charm—in fact, in any of t haustive diseases-, it is THE rem 'PHE GREAT FEMALE ItEME J . Periodical Pills—This nval, served two years in psis- unfailing in the cure of al rho toe all a s e}p ,itis the name of Ryerson. Professing .pro- It will, i a time, 1 it 8 to �e 11 t, h =11 ftH 8s .ed g on f d "ety, he took an active and lad- •tt Th a pii11 in �art in church affairs there, anc� in ere � part 1374 pied to the (laugh- ware, laugl• °f � y' they t e titin pi , y 1 ci i � he fir' October, , " as.mar but at o a1 N cl S beautiful young lady but i8 li b,fat ter of the Presbyterian minister of Dela- years of age. The couple lived togeth- it s' these pi nwileffec a cr er to all outward appearances happily, means have failed; and, alth but rumor said that Van Ostrand lovas remedy, do not contain it n, ca or anything hurtful .to i o cot unkind to his innocent victim, 'which was -directions in rho pamphlet roan given fcnindation by the fact that in which should be carefully reser August last she returned, to her father's New York, Solo Proprietor $1 for postage enclosed to Ndrthro house with a child three weeks old. Al, roue, Ont., general agents for most simultaneously with this three will insure a bottle centtini young ladies, ofthebest families of the return �:3 it Sold and Tl. . me place charged Van Ostrand with having , •.—Job Modes-' le medicintii is painful ,And ale coustitu- coos and e- enre luny he wifely snit d. monthly e- hotildnot'; e three moniihs 'ing on d- are Hale. an al Aff etio;s, on slight isx• ysteiies, clod hen all other h a powe#Kul el, antimony tution.' Tall ash pee e, . Job Mo and 124 courts Lyman, e Domini'n, ger 50 ilia ;by E. Hike) & ss, 'o- accomplished their ruin To escape the READ THIS TWICE.—Five t Electric oil Will ea Throat: It never fails in Cold or Cough in twenty-fo One bottle lots cured. Bro indignation of the _ eople he fled the Thomas Elect place in the night. 'rho story .received ¢ here of this affair states that one of ! the above unfortunate victims of Van Ostand-standin ; recent cases a died in giving birth to his child, and that day notte hoe above attic voice another, deserted her home and is leading an outward application in all a life of sharpie in Cincinnati. ' an nothing like it has Ono bottle will cera to 'ease From Delaware Vane Ostrand we .t to Crick in the Back. For diseases Springfield, Ohio, and .at once laid his Contraction of the lausele alit E plans to ensnare a new victim. He Itheumatie or any other p does on good. It stops Ear As formed the acquaintance of a young, of a Barn in throe minutes, and wealthy, and accomplished widow' of boot and cheapest rnedic no ov that place, and so infatuated. her that people -the cheapest, bee use i do you good. It is tom used she eloped with and married hind on the ails- mown, nothing cont oils. it 27th of September last. They returned weight in gold. Why not bay to Springfield, and were living in style DDo�' ehhit s,ass� Thirtnt een years- ote there when an officer arrived in the P. • b a severe attack of rhsnmat pace a aware, of (October, for the arrest of the t h ithi used forehead, le a been gip for ne' roup ar to achiti e cur. liirty drop' of common �.1'e It will, carp a 1 y -eight hot of eight years in thr d to 4six hero the pe on five y e rs. Ao Hes of fpai�k�� or or been] kno'tvn... Lame,L'ac or 1 the Spine and nequalled. . In first applies ion s and thepain altogether the r offered tore takes on littto t six of tihe: r est It is worth its today ? A., B. Artahbaaskavl lle, go I was se zed sm in the L,jcaci, I fromDelaware, about the middle from which I have nearly ton(alit)y suffered (; Af • ty���N EF"" 000 0 coo .et 000 OO O 1%r gr 0o o 4 IMP EE 000000 yye_ yyViCOCPWW': M� 0A0000 0 •O : EXPO 1 1' ORr 1:1 It it POIt 8i S00 O 00 wrocnoDrAw noc000 1'11'� ►� %gm r4r� PV-) U pa scowl.- tor aY n n m to- -days ba ng ' iabottle,, Thio1 t;'—soul X.11101.- "Dr. Phobias' itis in one week." "We have never ch completoi sat- all ed e1no OMAS, ▪ vs, , Toronto, nt., NoTfi E ' uric in Seafartl by s, and 11. LuntH- 114-48. dreg, Van Ostrancl, he having been traces to Springfield. He mnanaged to escape the officer, and fled from the place, and no trace of him could be found. The friends of his Springfield victim and of his luckless dupes in Delaware, now de- termined to bring hien to justice, if pos- sible, and employed detectives to take hold. of the case. They followed him to Canada, and found him in the early part of the present month snugly ensconced in thevillage of Windsor. Although he had been therc.but a few days, it was found that he had already 'formed the acquaintance of a handsome French mil- liner named Jean Dubeis. Being satis- fied by inquiry that the girl did not look with favor on the advances of Van Os-. trand, the detectives determined to take her into their confidence, and make her if possible a decoy to bring Van Ostrand into their power. She readily consent- ed to aid in trapping the villain, and played her part so artfully that the plan. worked to perfection. It seems that )palm Ustrand. had repeatedly solicited her to grant him interviews at a rendez- vous appointed by himself, but she had steadily refused. When she fell into the plan of the detectives she replied to a note received from Van Ostrand that she could not meet him anywhere in Windsor, as her people were watching her,but that she was going to Gleve- and lanon the 20th of ovember, would Meet him at the tTnited States Van Hotel in that city on the 22d. )strand agreed to the proposal, and on Monday of last week appeared at the hotel in Cleveland, where officers were in waiting, and where he was arrested at once. He WAS taken to Springfield, and is now in jail awaiting trial for his crimes. lycured, and have only used ha can certify under oath if you wi lorey, of Wyoming, N, Y., write. Electric oil cared me of Drone Dealers all over the country on sold a medicine that has given isfaetion as this. Sold dealers. Price 25 Cents. 9, N. T N.Y. And NORTHROP k LYMA Sole Agents for the Dominion —Selected and Eleetrized, Soil E. Hickson & Co., J. S. 1Lberf don. ROYAL CANADI SEAFORTH B DOMINION BLOCK SEAPORT 1 Drafts on Now . York Bank in the United States.I g3i1114 of ExchnniLe o at all Chief Citics of the 'Unite INTEREST PAID 0 M. P 411 $A,W LOGS Messrs. COLEMAN & ;Y. ggg OO te•�Gd M 00 LO bS, GLOVES, S'vitcable ` for ia� ��y�� 0000000 ;g;ga' o?C/2COwc, W 6 OC/PCC, ,, !'0°4 , • • 0%00% hi+ ks+ HcI PTI �d 1yy�y W yy �Jss1M►,J►x/ 0010000 pimyewm fr- t4 71 tt :4• C4c4c4C4c4 b dbrobbro Nr'h M -]H1 -39H -3H 0000000 nnonocop SCARFS, ORSETS, &c., Holiday Presents. AT BR® HEMS', p'1.r IT Fit AD THE PUF TIS pUT'RTITTR: 8 � OTHER :N COME DEALERS PLACE, TO MY NTARtROOIViB AND SW0 W YOUR MONEY AND THE FURNITURE IS YOURS. i g MATTHEW ROBERTSO . THE BEST VALUE IN I S, HORSE BLANKET, BLANKETS, BUFF/4.0 ROBI CANADIAN IS TO BE HAT) AT THE FARMERS' STORE. 1 A FOUNDRY l'uR SEAFORTH Why Wait for Foundry in $cafartl, WJJEN O. 0. VVILLSON, or Tun SEAFOETH. AGRICULTURAL DI- - PLEMENT EMPORIUM can furnish you with the Bat Implements made at the Lowest Manufacturers' Prices. GRAY, YOPNG 81.• SPARLING Have Received This Day by Express One 'Case of Furs, Which Will Sol at Prices that Defy Compeiitlon. GRAY YOUNG & SIIARLIN4G. INTOTICM 11'1-11.S. IF YOU' WANT TO GET GOOD- GOODS AND CHEAP GOODS GO TO LEE'S FLOUR AND SEED STORE. Just Arrived, a Fred's Supply of GrOC&ria, Glasswarre, and Crockery, Preserve Jars of a kinds, awl very gaup. FLOUR AND FEED CONSTANTLf ON HAND, AND DELIVERED AS USUAL. CASH FOR EGGS. SUGARS VERY CHEAP Give 1.1•9 a Trial and be convinced of the Fact. THOMAS L E. JUST ARRIVED AT MoINTYRE & A LANE CONSIGNMENT OF °EWAN FELT BOOTS, fug the Thing for the Cold Weather. Men's Women's and WHICH WILL BE S MAI -3T. • Payabl at` any London paablo Ifingdoin DEPOSITS. HAYES,F! ANTED. GO UITL 0 will pay the Higifest C { B 1 PA for ti SAW LOGS OF A L KINC B. Also a quantity of EL* 14 Manufacture of. Eoops. COLEMAN. & 417 5 eui UIN i:it hie for th NI 4 8 fort c m LI have now Mills, near fi Woiko, a:one c1 REM Which we loos o Parties fsvorin it promptly at 401 AB `DNI)I000 30 UOZilyd `ZTO'I icy d 0 0 ry z 0 0 4 V JMBER. in hand for sale, at iig'r Saw . Salt tray, Young orli tity of 1 OK LUMBER, at i 5o per`• M. ea with their orders will have ed ITA(E, CARTER & GRAY. NEW B AVE, the undersigned, have pureho on an extensive Harness Busi and by hand', We 111140keep on hand 0 A FULL LINE OF LD CHEAPER THAN EVER FOR CASH. SOMETHING NEW '17 271ISTLE CUTTERS._ Just Received, a Stock of the Improved Thistle Cutter Plows, with -Wrought Iron Beam. This has all the good features of the old plow, ankis much more durable. It is manufactured by the cld firm, the original manufacturers of the This- tle Cutter, Masoey Manufacturing Company. The Port Perry and London Gang Plows, the best Gang Plows ever introduced to the pnblie. A trial given and oatisfaction guaranteed. All kin& 7_ oi General Purpose Plows Always on Hand. STRAW CU'XTERS A.ND GRAIN The old Favorite Straw Cutters sta Chain Crushere from )/axwell, of Paris, always on hand. These Implements have , been welltried, and have stood the teot of time, aa those of no othtt make . have done, HORSE POWERS. alwayo on hand. gS31OV-I 3141 "311 UIOAVI THE FLORENCE SEwINC MACHINE Is now univeroally admitted to be the iEST and CHEAPEST—the cheapest because the best—ht the market, This is the only machine in the market having a reversible feeder and it Is the only machine that makes JI10113thiln one land of a stitch. These -machines are mold on trial; and if the purchaoer is not oatislied with it eafi retain it and get any other machine intim market, A trial of it is all that is requireatogive satisfaction. V. C. WILLSON Has an abundant supply always on band at his Emporium in SEAVOUTH. Also all the ether leading =chines, so that purebasers can have their eholee. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 0. C. WILLSON keeps the largest and best Selected stock of Musical Instnnuents west of Piano, and other Pianos, Prince's, George Woods.; Estay, and Canada Organs and Melodeons, any el which he can sell as cheap as the manufactttrers. - TO THE LADIES.—In the Sewing Machine and Music Depo.rtment MISS SLOAN keeps a full stock of Butterick's Patterns and Self-Vitting Charts. All the latest and newest styles and fashions, Thelatest and most popular Sheet Music and MuskBooks. WHO WANTS CND AND STYLISH JOIN WARD, Seaforth, llt• BOB to in form his friends and the public In .1-'1 general that he has a Large and Complete Stoelt of T NEXT? ed Mr. W. II. MAY'S Establishment, w ere we intend 080, both Wholesale and Retail, niannf during by M A LARGE ASSOR' MENT OF TRUNKS AND VALISES, And everything pertaining to the •B sines& Light and Driwisss n fOpeci No A.ssociation Prices here. Give US Call before purchasing elsewhere. cam binery • • QUESTION—My A.nxious Individual) SAY ! WHY ARE T4E PEOPLE ALL RUSHING TO DENT'S STORE JUST NOW. ? ANSWER— (By Fa y with Satisfied Countenance,) WHY ! VOHERE DID YOU COME FROM, THAT Y011 DON'T KNOW ALL ABOU IT ? 0 cn 0 DINT IS RUNNING OFF HIS DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, JACKETS, &G., At Prices that may well ake people run after them I don't oee wbere he buys them, to be able to sell them oo cheap. y, I was there on Saturday and bought a Paha Splendid All -Wool B make& for $8 50, and a Nice al jacket for my ivife for $2, and he Ind a very good one for 51 50,1 yards Wincey-for 51, and a Si it of the Best Ileavy Tweed for 75e per yard,Ibongnt a Set of Furs reach of the Girls for 52 a set less than I could get, them elsewhere, and was so nom that I ha their Shawls bought, for I co ld have saved $5on the thiee by buying them at DENT'S, and then he huo 5 011 TREMENDOUS PILES OF GOOD!3, g he hasn't got, and just at ouch prices—that's why the people are all rash.: Yon can't ask for anythi INTO ICM.. THE UNDERSIO ED WILL OPEN A FINISHING AND MAC INE SHOP IN SEAFORTH, ABOUI THE 20'm OF DE 'EMBER, When contracts wi ENGINES, FLOURING AN I be entered into for BOILERS, SAW - MILLS. All kindo of Repairo ne on Short Notice, and Will be enpplied, and- a Gilled. Stock of GRATE BARS, &c., kept on. band. SeafOrth, Nov. 250 1075. R. RUNCIMAN. 416 SEA,14,'ORTIE. DOMINION BooxsT9RE • Dominion Block, .Seafortlb, WILLIAM I ELLIOTT EGS to inform the pnblie generally that he 1ms opened a Book land Stationery Store in he front of the Dominion Teliagraph 0 ee, will he kept eonStantly on hand. I SCHOOLi BOOKS BLANK BOOKS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW BLINDS, 1 Pei HORSE CLOTHING, &o. , TrunkS and Valises, Whips, Brush,es, Combs, Snaps, ce•c., In fact anything appertainirq to the Trade Al- ways on hand, cheep as any in the trade, for cash. Repairs Executed with Neatness and. N. B. --Collars a Speciality. Collars of every -description made to order In first-class style. Remember the Place ; Two doors north of the Commercial Hotel, Seaford'. JOHN WARD; MANTLES, SHAWLS SKIRTS • UNDERCLOTHING, &c. Suitable for Holulay Presents, • BUTTER T UB SAMUEL TROTT HAS now on hand at the Seaforth Tub Factory a number of his weh and favorably known lifachiro Turned Butter Packages. Tb.ese Packages are the best in use, and Will give satisfaction. Mr. Trott entects in a short time to commence .7.TEWSPAPERS, &e. :•4 KEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY WM. ELLIOiT, -SLIPPER PATTERNS, Linen 0004 Colizare, ace., Suitable for oliday Pre+nts, IN SEAFORTIL A. ALDER Ts now better pr Tana than eTer to furnish his J.= patrOns with a real, genuine life -like Give himPh4st4tagliralulPhtly°11:11mAs:a'bir:xfollbn:rfectly satisfied he won't askra to come again. A few of those sa nor Sewing MachineskuOIrn ao the Osborn, on and for sale cheap. Remen2ber place, 'nearly opposite the Vox - Mon Hotel, MaineStreet, Seafort.h. A CALDER. •