The Huron Expositor, 1875-12-10, Page 84
10t 1876"
mared that! Prout owed 13ismtt h2t slid
on leighs, either
7 st boyfl I an
ith our Teimple, general Bigaett gav a note to Prou t for the bal.
'led w
ur st.,ahi it woul give
oxe er. i
lomned, or unloa'dleTng
ing the Bi
I bj`oct ShOlL un, ri,approved himself tO the 11i would- further suggest once of $201 Since, -thury allpears to 0 f Th satisfatiolu. 6
d bate whe'at '90c to 931 'Jetilous and the 'goo another note of the um 0 .520 of the
ishment be Abolishod?" ?ei d MARKET!. re 0 parenta d
,Of those bDys houl
I e a,- the
same d te which Dissett denieditie
(N 110 chosen & d the Res vea opy of those proceedings th L, a
Good sides have been' jl most BI rin't $00 t) 900 flour. 5, atch o their movem ents
Exro.gfrtoi have at striCterV was that Prout wa;
13 one of t t"; 65c cat9, 30c to 35c pe L Irl-ly, HuAw, i f d cc. The result
I P Ale en
deb 4
ate will, no doubt,. e f rnished to ditaining and curb their inclinatioo i fpr =Ise ail for trial, i
a.), 0 50; hay, 8 to,510 tvir- , f committed to Goderih j A
NvIlich ba et take 4ace rk $6 t 91; for publicati6a, and a paper cc )a.sueh
interestin eth ' 12 1:60 wtter iric ded to each of the gig- a little moretfort if they are AJIOW4
)ys, 50 to 7d ; eggst ten
the game be forwar —St. Andrewls.Day was not forgot
T MATTE The meeting will be oven to all, k liberties, it
is very easy 0 guess What I
DISTRIC ig the cor- to be At Wingliam.
er inembers or a et U Is, ters of the deceased as expressu
on -m ber. the eveniag, about,2W
share4 they will be when they grol*# UP
he Royal Hotel -to d
'of boy personsass
W NTRU eri 9 dial sympathies of this Lodge men. nd as for that tre"berous embled at t
SE,%,vorra. Dec. 8, 1875.9— )neclt iing lHuror to be held in: the with them in their sad affliction. lhave , a very partake of the tiaditionary haggis nd
PFRso -AL,—The I 11)ers f( are a f
nel: the stick. at me
lid ille )a,ties who threw
mt)ro to say the alose of I , 15 A vn,placeo tll( J()UN SN'LEY,W S. es not 40 honor to Scotland't Patron Saint. 'Mr.
in the D -gislatu have bei OWIL Hal.. during the intei
Lt Wilson, & YOUU9'Sl Whle Will )ca Lo good idea who he is, and it lie do
sale of CrOckor I I alz commiAe(,,,s 0 t he will fin4'himself in 13. Fisher, President of the %villigham! St.
Iwingprioea; 20 Toildt et%,S on the followinfy stand,,, tikirg pla,,e on.tbe 17th inst. A Airing mend his eonduc NJUNT11i vie Xa.
be gold at thO f0lIC linton- I 'a Society,
piceg!s ott 8115 per act, 25 Toilet Sets, 9 pieeQ the House : Mr. Bishoi: y On tb e ailw` I and is to be in attendance, and those lock-up one of these cold nights. Andrew occupied the chairand the
nao: % 1_10 illdul ye THE NEW BRA
per set ; Gold hand'Sets, 11 Ideas", $6 Omm [ OROD .1 tf ally, JAxF_4 BuLGDR. an sentiment in "the guid ant
at $ - 25 nets Vhita and Standing Orders 1: in trippingthe light f4litt's Yours respee
15Tos f3oti;,44 rieces for $2, asant
at 63 old pria ibso and as on tho' Public tic too wil:' 10 doubt, spend a plo D SOCTAL.—L r ton ue 11 were freelyinduWL in.
crent pattornsp 0 AN uaxiLor, Doo. 7,1875. 9
a mmet, three (lift
t onizi g the f Clinton, in- Songs were vie in good st le by Alesars. 'WOVATE
" nglish China, a vtul efty f d in pa r FOR MA
$3 50 20 Set of I . , intnittee. everlLnglicivan again The Lo(
,,5, old price ts Igo of 04d.fellows', 0 110 1 Robert to the ReScU0.
.-ns 1vt, $0 and $6 50; CeOula social in the Aerbert, Ritabie,
.45 Lrd $, Robertson
tot , . i 110p, drifle I I
old Of *Ki Vinga o6neert and
ca.vy gold band, for $10 60, —Mr. Andrew Comi. tend gi OTS IN SE
ay oes Town Hall, On Frid
F ranch China, h Vast sets in heavy gold ba d hOM3 a farmin ay, Jan. 14 n Brpo ilor. and otb6' Mr. James Mitchell of
price $1,4 00 ; D ran with. b is family, i eft' f r th ei r Ile* 'Mi. F IT C A! .71 X, 0 S TO t7le Witor of the Huro. groum
from $14 og2& in Glassware, Bets from Wed qsday lag tabor of farmers, residiDg T AGED Honsx.—Tbe paul Bluevale, was there and charmed the oocugea as A D4VIA9 Par into
nay ? Ant,
%Vine Glasses$l in -Illinois, On not 1*TE1 01? 4, It does not requirO Much
50c to $1, Gobletssl per dozen, Turn -berry, with his far -f amed ighland
0 rioi 8, eneract between aith- I : . ill be sold at b t- Cowan is an- indust mar on e Wundary well-known ol& grey ponythatso f MI' to discover from: wh6m the company
per dozen—ft full gtoek which v Pryis )ipeg. Messr. Malcolmson., -of0linton, any whoi may a
the vogetable
well wbe,41 -er ho7g a. We Grey, within a distance 1 of d r 6 =ke torn priceR. We have also a Large StOrk Of and will do or ria an I fill und with communications signed Robbrt -desidug to putabuse
-17rnits just arrived, all of tho OhOicegt, kinds;whieh val f rom Huror,. we miles, baving sold their fat cattle, ade be- and T. Farrow, M. P'L, mi Blu*vale, were
er house in town'. much regret big re wa;on of Mrs. ad the an gestion In
will be gold as how as at any Oth For nay come, a;.
the ch ge may bd to b t 3 ship them in one herd for Iis industrious -mistress in this matter -. present.
that At t9a at 850-, but we h6pe "ro eeded er fore may be repeatell
aqz1nt[ty Of f services --------------- SALZ.-t-A BInUmith and C
We still bav it 46e. * _yotl to give us k'v*th him' 4 nun,* he %nimals. rjin number—they iecoiv- O d Dwt
and that 50c tea I NVe invit ge. He too the last 25 years, has at last succumb Keep your ow Rod, further, 01UNG, team op rage of' about old servants, a d a call flnd gee for y shipa f odl.2,100 it cash ' cc o the public that the -4 ber of an avei 1. u don .t int
ourselves.. WILSO' cattle and to time, like ther rude matters on
er .be was The
'Scotts Block, Seaforth' cad; an exceptiori all good caree ripe old age of The several benetiolent gocieties Of Slid :Brnee Ritilway., A Splendid pe, 10i
His broth alter, $45 per h Closed big r at the- will not bear strict inirestigation,-
cKillc P -,onsidering the most effeient i A'AtisfaciOiT M80iisgive
HOTF-114 SBAXO TH.— visiting among his. fi, ends in nee when t is,taken into consic 30 years. not the Toronto are A
for com ercial. em ranged aslo,* as quantity f cheese made Was as to be'.0;dopted for the relief of the oelling. For tarthorpartietilars upply, to G, A
TWI s house if; the best inSeAforth for com 'for a few days, accompanied hi. that a nu inber of th fyRjox.&L._W. Whitehead, Esq., and BROOKS, Exeter. 4V
travelers and farmers, as its accomodation is point in questift, (although the very ear- me&
as lO%v as the ohe ap* iwo years o . There are 25 head itill A last nest manner in which it i ingii d on poor in that city during the winter.
family return d from the Northwe qte
jirq.t class, while its prices are f uruished E17011TH CHFR14H PAUr he an- shipped willi-in the same ;says the
frem aining t D left Winnipeg on the morn- -VARX FOR 6ALE, --For Sale Chen
egt hotels. The rooms are arge, well . w ek, He may give occasion for grave' doubts as to —A Widder correspondent I P, a rb
of the; Xtrbls of! the Se t- 9 1 that faimers in that I I di -e the Coun, 'es cless Farm in t1teltownship of Wamijosh, I
U is ting Aistancey 1% 1 its correctness,) but did, the manager scheme proposed to biid ti
and perfectly clean, while the best attentiO nual mee W, JmLr of the 25th of November, arriving at TAeie is n We wilo Irom Luetmow, vhee th n
.4vau to tai who patronize tha house. so FactoT we in turning iL good pait of. Clinton on ening of the 2d inst. advanced Therelatimberenough.fti
tivp host- forth Chee section beli ithe ev sell the cheese to himself at: an of iddlesex Lambton and Haven, and:'
Mr. Ja, cted it i
large stabling in Connection, and atten , ies Scott reduce into. live stock.' I than when he left, and *Pland Js a rich loain, And
roprietor. i nesday last. the x fart I H looks hettioir rate, and then announce the sall , as rn- make-& new County., is not being receiv )r A. Th
P io.t to PS3, fi
chairman, and Mr. V inLogan* , Beer - no! It, I on the same'! ist improved. a good neighborlioc,
lya r be d I t t hi5 health'seems Somewl dicative of the superior quality of the ed with much favor there. W- IL
one a so la
a rea
Now18 THE Yell wut a life' tary. The auditors ieport ware 60 days'thr bing.j Tilese the journey ETT Dayfield P, 0;
'Is 'ne he so and.
flind thers, %No regret to learn that on article manufactured? MY 3120wer —The Grand Trunkls .ngi u
likenoturo, go tt) CIIAJILF.4 MOOREtH Old citab 'was Opte . I or themselves, gut th iiqfer- shall ive
Scott's Bloo*k Ntlhere and, proving satisfaw Ory, facts ape, 1k f i Whitehead met with a severe ac-
1.11shad Photograph Gallery, , , , I I is farmill hen yes, and, if compelled to do 00, shed at Bellevillewith nineengines ther - W -Olt SALE OR TO LETI-That wm%ortl
& Proposition, ormai n of a ' , & )y were riding in e e e adjoining,the tovu of Eftfol
you will alwa5 to of ence Is ciaent. in and a large amount -of Oth find him at home and gla to see f or. f at not only The stage th( at even the liager wl er prop'..
o paid (;op-,, ag and be:::: Me fitable 0001 pa, ion authority th w;ned amd. *eOnplOd present by J461m Zmt
you. partieLiar.attenti joint stock companyl r t roperly pursued, a pro trien Winnipeg to Moorhead, overturn- No better Oviaeiiee Of a was destroyed by fire on Monday ni t,
enlarging. 0. from bei t- Eut, that the capabilities 4nd resources' lhe ground, satisfied with' WnWhis 10 rooms Aild tellar. and soft vater-
g the fact t be found
-I in arkument c4n
e4, r head strik weak cause of last week. oss about -81-50, Y)Uu.g and thrivinfr orclu
1 Groceries -arrived purchasin ad -before tie meetln All or of this part Of the country are Wc eed ing- a7nd, he the preinises0ind a
son was she was badly- bruised, - nkhile she still ured. JON (as Wr=s, New ralsins, than the loss of temper, abuse, or raising
r, Jo a of the in Rob, NOV.
t, At. Alorrigan*s. xaw durrautso BI. Blor. explanations from I ho ly good, r4aing, the' ma jury inflicted, side issues to bluff an o . t —From Ottawa it is reported that the' Appl7y to the undersigne& 40).
New, Figs just arrived at'X. 1101-Ason's, --F! . rking PpOgent
son,g is, the .Inv, to buy oho e-_ ;o she is able to it stqden-t of BEATIE,
ap for cash. relativ to the satiifact Goderich. wo are pleased to note tha ert appears to be a fur market is unprecedently dull thiw
eat the Kinburn compal t y; anz tatemc nt
'ut, and we hope Will soon recover
ts of natural history, and is eladeavoiing to Be
'T.4 NF.Nv!Fr(xits, Buckkd irROM THE SIONAL.1 W o ason, and prime skinB are uncommonly i .—Th*t: Shingle Rea= 18
Ncw FRri IcUrtson as to the of the accident situaw
Ls TeAR—ickn i P entirely from the effects copy the mode of defence made Ise of'by o FO S4T`E iM,,
owi. I from Mr. ast argest, cirt io ; gal"
Mour,111yrups, Tom,. Tet aroe. One of the! y dealers.' it Bi atheliverM
Best I the factory for th yea stc ek PtIMIC S(,,.HOOL, The Overage — --------- ii closely land, -and nehr
edged by all who have tried them them he an& . the ot4flo Of theLondon,,n1i
nd , im Ana basswood.
s6ar of 50 rich pnblic sel Looh i - nnea
—J. 01, L-AMLXW- Eat was opened, ani W6 att endar, ce at the G6de Usborrie, some of the' lower animals whe ays he has seen but one bear skin, Value in Town. The cattle fish, for instance,
)t, As t4,e factory du- ing the month of November, Was 710. pursued. two beaverkina in seven weeks. -to be had lu -027 V1111titiell In W Immediate
ATTENTION iS directed to th i ene each taken on the BI Ing the water cluity. 31&eVery iis all br Ard-clars m&b
e cc m_ -Hi,-,-v,,--Tlle beautiful sleighing ejectingan inky fluid fouE _Mr. Rockwell, the horse traineri
Be 'ma I Audigmearlyliew, TheTatOrywillb soldv
s and V d ),will no doubt, be c, nducte4 TOrP?,D WORKING.— The 'Harboi SLFi(,
Stock, of Oyer coatsy Fes Joket n arrangem th( to facilitate its escape, or th e little animal
O t __r next season, to w ire [drigo owing to f last week I ed by the art
Clothing, which Must pan Mi Us ha e stopped worl 0 s been, destroy' who was through this p of the coultal, orwitbout the Tard Yor terms, A
)?e cleared I he
xt seaso a opera! 1
ma y a ed neow ngt putinlarget'boilerf ry a year or two a o. was ,on board the, spply to 1H. ITALU, Ciinto,or to _R,,Um Spbl
YOUNG &S11A11L1-N'0- de r4ins of unday and Monday last. inhabiting our forests, whid,h when Close,
for tie essity of havi 0 e
ere high i i
plitrons general ple ' P.,grURNNED.-F—Mr. Richard Downie and IV chased emits a matter so; fetid that th len it was lost.' All—
greatvarietv of ly into the engine room. steamship Pacific r ch d most ardent. pursuef will'. retire in dis-
mann r
Shawls, st red Varmera'Stoie. with the satisfacto - A SCHOOL A Mr George iCrAwford have retui ne his trained horses and ther animalal,
cad prices, at the by gust. FACTORY. pn-OFERTY IN B FIELD FOR SAM
th6 factory had beei bon(A'uOto onventipil will an absence of about also on board, or sale phes
County Sa bath --school c f rem Californi , after ere 011, 1 hat deArablepropart mi
erstand Robertson duri y --b and a half. ote . - r
HOT PURCHS .—Wo und ng tb past e held at Goderich on Thurs aY three years ail d Huron ydges is reported to ha
nhens has 1. urclias-. M d ion in *esba of a ladyahoemaker.1 fargason. There to
that Mr. Thomas Ste ler day, Jan. 6 and 7. r. Josiall. SteacY an Bonsai i
3 p3st There formation fxAme bouge,--with obablei 'Well a U
Tym WV,,Vrff&R,---Duri4 fho although it
1 aforth, a nd that niBmtLos.—During the storni oil Bolton were, on Wedues -t of St. Crispin, ence Alw a good orchard. The Undii
ed the Downie Rotelp e Miga Susannai e Ont?.'rio 11atrous of The Kai coivant s;,
tl 20th in3t., week there has I bedi quite is ariety in brace of of a new lodge of th tired in the same abiliments as his (her), urronudeA 'by -a new b
har i
he takes posgesion ol io th 28th lt., Messrs. Moore & Co., 1 in the em underarained: and
the way of weather The suo ille + r iade one fece. Forlt(ther 1-ra - to Xt.j
and at the Husbandry in the township of Hay APP13
bo, cofitrabtors, lost about 3,000 fe in yi They were married sh?pmat6s is said to be a woman ia dis
f .1 - I e YOUNG, Druicefield, or to he proprietor at
nd. Saturqay , i re after her.
el I —MeseT Brothers hav sold
&0b) residence o 9
square tim gu towel. RO33tRT warm epst wind o ber, it having been car e bride's father, by Rev. aSmith Be ana the boys a
be preachecl in the e86Y, 8: Oyed toisleighiag- concession
V last, completely de T r sa,%v mill, on the Fifth
sermons wil th, -, lake. 4r. Beer, aflev which the bridal pair, thei' —One thousand. barrels f white fixi
unday inday and 114011 ay,.w el,joyed the MI, followed by retinue weat of fo I terian eburehin this town on On St V118811, &Ry. ftnvlms. of friends, qrey, toMr. T Daancy' r $2 700. and salmon trout were. seized at 'Owe ;Dwm 'Na
f(*)renoon by Rev. Mi-, Seive- luxury of it steady own Olt of rain, M . cott, f has 4isposed Afor Sale jot- tO next, in the G( Idsmitb Seaforth, and Rev M or a bridal tour as far as the village of : of hig Sound last week, in pursuance of orderi 4tuat —Mr. H. Lerame- by ile. Mr. -irl fast a ary ser.
right, and in the evening which froze nearly E j mend vi lie, will preach mis;io Ueter, maki 19 a grand display of ve- wagon and blacksmith aho ps -in Wing- -rem Ottawa for having been exagh4 house, owneAby ZI s. rowll. The lonse
Ure, of God6rich. Ing the sidewalks Is 1*sltplxry as glass.
as in 1(nox Church, Goderich OnSab' bieles. Mr. Steacy purposes moving to ham to Mr. McClymont' for'.,$I 500. eseasou. Thefishwer-eint tains large parlor, diniWoom kitchen$ aui
i Tuesday t as a IiA -oksmithing 0 during the clog comfortable bed rooms, togofha with clod
Oil here . 4 fall Of MI g and eveni Xissouri,t to get u in the bla He'aives iip possession n 1876.
01-1 it the a*igha b ;h next mornizi Ug
I tended for the Toronto market,
e a good, eUar, hard d soft 'water, stable V4.0
The convention Of allow, which br Is.—A good deal of ickn business. We wish Mr. Steacy and his at -$14 -
d merry 3118 onoelnore late A tea nice held' at the —Sev6n head -of cattle valued:
ting was shed,,&c Theraz . t"lots filled trees. -Possess' i atAnyt)
cheese f actorymen, to be held in Oe Town cutters an 6annon is[ir-12.0vel" bride much prosperity in their new 1rui Ion iven
Hall, 90af1-th, on Monday nextwill ineat isition. . oil VVAnesdav:i' 7 afternoon pr vails ii town. Dr. 81 Methodist church on We Twelfth Con- 260, have just been lande(i at Torouto b) bearing
fro 6 1 very dangerous illn as all I sphere of life. Mr. J. 4. Craig, of Edmonton, from the P, i , listead of 1 0161 -k as r U in cession of Grey—Whittield!s—on Wed
thier fall of,
evening, there tiq of squozo timbei for sale.
at 3 OVOck -it rran.has beeii confined ifor IsoWe iw
A 1 rg repre, allow, and
stated by uA last week. we hay, low sable ale gli- M 8- 131iiiakersmith. nesday. A large number' ere in atten- States. This gentleman has lately shippei.
time, at o ie time with %,cry litiie 1'10 i
8 - sBveral $ads of cattle into this Provincei ARM F04 SALZ-' Being Lot -6 ' Con. 13, 1
1 4119. IFRVTI, so-,a,tatiou of factorymen is desire . we er 1,been so i a dance, and an agreeable tiind wa spent
The t e Mos of recovery. Mr. Joseph Wright, We RoW, LE CiiEF-sF, FAcroF.Y. —A with tho.' view of improving the live Flett; 100 a1cres. 1i
changeable this f ory ill w4h f ille —Division Courts for the County of
cuitivttion, the rem
4ining Nis well timterea
to bear, isy, feve t- the Rodgery i3ew, frme bam also son y Mee in of the patrong-o
et ca 1140)t forc tell
Ex- I fav 9ther pr )
H U- n ored we ac. Huron will be held as Olows during stock.
hole )bat they may soon be hal!e an 0heeselactory will be held at the f ition having been eirculateil i*
thabp ere;: We A pet
d Toronto Weekly Globe will what a day may 1A. g fort mouth of December At NV inghata otablesndemeath, shed -000, and other
f the
rosrrell F 9Y of our l Marty tgaiti. ory on Friday, Dec. 24, at the hour o Stratfor4 asking the Council to abolis;4 buildings ; isituatea- 11 miles fromSeaforth)"
ers for 1876 for this reaches the e e of Ith; Dungannon, 127th Exeter,
be furftished to subgdrib I lowing INFAI IT '.CfDF,.—011 Monday lag tm O'cloeltin the afternoon, . on the U allsaloon and shop licenses, -and to reduct the aami Aistance from -Clinton and Brussels
xposiT and t - may a ain -7in: T4e Courts will ell ehools and m
I fanticide ere invest
Ti-iz E, oip We8l"r)l 1 rc ders, we by easou?a business. 29611; Baytield, -v convanie)at tie c1hurche,
'Advertiser arid, Weekly Liberal for $2 65 ; dfid or the therm. oter iay be 21" or! cases o' OSe of windi pg up lasts at 10 A. M the number of botel licer-ses, the hote I This is an excellent oppotunit:
-C)roners' jury in Ooderich_ —Mr. Tohn open Term--, T.
The!' first MC-
BLIZ ' ,e suppose FARm P0 keepers iave formed a " Licensed Victili- any personismg to seenre a
-ii,VORII]ld'C!ct?zacic6Fci7*71'e?' for. 30 degrees below I Mr. Alex, Strichan,lof thefirm of
Tiaz Exio. ill have tot ii. as t 6mes, ease wasthat of Maria Elliott who h2 d o a short time ago sold his 'ban & Smi left on Mon- aler' A;sociation," and areL-determina For further lyo the premisaj
I L/andless, wh particalsv app
$2.25. Postage free for all. we w ben en aged as a ,servant at Marti a r. Robert, Elgie, th, Brugge a results my fio* if by letter to arlock -Post Office. 4AXI
should be thakfu 0e get. It,' arni in Tuck rsmith to M
F Otel. 'hi fessed to have the day of last. week for th Pacific lope to couin;er whatever WAT T.
a person con ias purchase I a fram of 120 acres in r. frm thepetitiou.
Cry Acoptabl. t6 ea.—Accprdin'to would, however, b in the mild climate of that fa0
kablo-NDVILLEGaup a the -where
9 ih to, g ven bir h to a child on end Elgin, within: six miles of
OA!h a Y Iounty of ATALUABL-0
-y of lmot every per 0
ts made by the Pre ytei I and b6heflcia ats, Zing ed,portion of the contineh't, he hopes to —It has b n decided that the case 4 For le -and beautifully loco
arrangemen .6ave t: iree,, 11 gy in bh back yard, an ourio'hing town of St. Thomas - Mr. Me. Robbing, under sentence of death for the
Huronfor exchange of pulpits oaabath buiiness, if we coild no ruit his failing health. i I In 3eaforth,l
a e k f)r Fw3n, cLab t Ili =i1es fro I
ti d a ha dkerchief around it andleas 'fill ends disposing of his farm rec
months of 'good ste ?Y sielghip g rs. R. Mexilist8r, 8r.5 of the See- marde under circumstances of peculb r
p. tl f tranglin g d will remove to his 16 -Con. 0 faun first, Rev. Mr. Sieveright will r.ech at to pulopose 01 ie, de d I
Liesudand. in
2 olefock P IV and ill tb e even in cy a t took by auc ion and end Concessiour of Grey while visiting atrocity, of his wife, at Bear RiverY Ne A C r, a a, 7.5 A, DI a
ond in tie , r. -order, thP 11gooilwood; theho
body of t ie child Was fo f ' weeks. Br1inaw,'.6k, wiU not be interfered wit IL ga
ww farm in ew the week efore I Is 1L good stonael
6,30, A missionary m eeting wd'l be ffow is Man- itus 9—The Bru. sels an some f riends in Buffalo b ts nearly new, _;i dere
The girl was committed to': st h w 1 0
i epartment Of Justice atid th#t S good barn
held on Wediiesday, at 11, A. vhich st of last we7ei nforms uj that on tha Ol WingCAa n. last, fell and broke. her arm near the ^nA 1arn dug house, '2 -!Afl
I PO ti The second case was a g rl will be addressed bv Itev. Mssrs. Ure, -a -f rmer from wrilit. We understand the injured limb the law must take its- course. wells of good -wourl dbo &'Young Thursday, the 25tl, I ult mimed A an Thompson, who gave bir 1 T farm. For Itather
a wi hin SINGING Ward's am rapidly' —Mr , James Wilsoui formerly a reii- there is a 10A
h and Scott. the township of G. ey, w ho el' e me moruill , at tie 9 is healing ticulfirslapli tope ipr
Sieveright., GoldsmitJ I to a child on the on 9 rlin, died at Sarnia, last week. -pator on the Vremi
ut th Seao g classes or if by le r tot, Viliallrop z4 0. -WILTA
four miles of Bruss Bi llwu rth, foul Ld in are orga nized, and well at- —Mr. A. W. Thompson, lately of Or- dent of
Tichborn.- Hotel. - The child was for practi6e is us- Mr. W, n came to -Canada 40 years 10,
LFCTUnE,—Mr. Igengcugli, lie 'a tended. e evening 'Ilia, has opened a jewelry store at Br a dis4rice of thirte I! and a"f m "es, dead in te bed, but the evidence Justifi- and wil; be remembered as ome of Vie
talented Canadian cartoonist, and pub. with a load of barl. V and sprimg wheat, he Yriday. sale, in StrettotiIa blocki Having had
el the ju.-y in returning a verdict to t
lisher of Grip, has been engafEd by the. had. read atnral causes. BP.F)-1TrFM —Kennedy is to be here on b to -most enthusiastic cricketers- 'in -VAU31 FOR AL11-FOr We, Ut N -'D- 11, 1
onion f r In what 0 several years' experience as a practical eat _U 4) _, ning100 scresabont 8
1 being of op eFfect that it died from n -of t4e
comaiittee of 'Management o the Sea- I i Miss Mustard, teacher of the Pr vince. He was a brother
the 19th watchmaker and -which 04
in the new er fithe marhot in: that jeweler, he will no the 'a in good -,cu1av1oft,_
-are a d
late General Sir Archda1w -Wilson, t4e
forth Mechanics' 1latitute t6 deliver a 11 ripewniild be paid second depatment of the public schoolp doubtao Ood business$ hadplace, th icr Kinburn.
I i 7 he track. a captor of Delhi. OXISJV _4isto
lecture in the Town Hall, S6forth, on lo: e obtaine -tion.—T e, goo I
there tha 0 -d knBrw eels has resigned her sta —Mr. Win., Somervill formerly of Clit 9 FACTORY MEFTxxc,. --A, me 3t- will be made at the frzme barns Vith *b
Tuesday evening next. All -%vho possibly On arriving atSeafk,rtli he#a iinterviewi' laying of the railway is to be finished SeAforth, but more receotly of the Do ahouft-On he larin suit
can should make it a point to attend this i 3g of Wh 3 pitrons of the KinburIch tMs week.—It is reported that A.C. present session of the Ontario LegislAull"re sood;oreharAiol g
bov'glif the b r1eyP lee, Brussels, has
IV-r,s re
doubtedl y be well ed b Mr. B (he minion telegraph ofli Yoffered just 60 icents a bushel fo*r ftictor3 was beld in. Kinburn oil Mond London, llur6n. lecture, as they will un 'y Osborne, of th-e Tigims, is about to sell been engaged as operator: at the Norwich for A to impower the ita, I
repaid for their tim e and frouble. Mr. 1 1 tst. 11 ie patrons were well revresented. t to a Mr Ellis. an( ce Railway to unite or amal water. The lei -mi 10 --At gooagmyel
the wheat, The I i iyer coul(t not be in ' Ou station,a on the Woodstock and -Port 0 isWolth- rof
"he at & tors' report showed t:l;),t tffie af - mate with the Great Western Railway
oung . rarni he
Bengough'is lecture and cartoons, are -new,' duded to give more, and at laot the i ellek Dover Railroad. We wish our y to +,u :propne .!):raw
I on no I intol, V, ,
and fresh, b&ag to fiim at that f ars o! -he factory had been eL Exeter. I Compai lIy, to otherwise extend itspowers raddre
disposed of thret friend every success. lip
the past masdn, and
On Taegdwr last the 104ine former I atisfa Anily during r. Masson, chief engineer of the and to axtend the time for the construe -
Ing on
rice. 141 Plea ed BuiLD1N;o, operations aretill go'
S(,9100L EXA_N11_ AT1o.v.--4he 'Christ- P I lie pa xims generally seemed ti an I completion of its railway, a -ad SAW WLTJ ID
ion I
t ' B '4els = rke nd *uce Railwav le
")lie thought he woulc. . ry rul! ' W London, Huron SALE' e;o*ribers offer for sa
mais examinations of the Saaforth p Mr. J)ha Mar. briskly in Exeter.
than ll vith tic'managemont. for oth r purposes. J=m Lot '35, C on, -5, FAs tv
and` I 13T ATIoN. —The kate- while at Brucefield som t, saw nall jLnd
%cc if he coul not olbbeiter q days ago, .1;
school will commence on Wi dnesday ay, the cheese maker, had giv 6 ini. RAILWAY DENTON, -it —III the township 4 Brantford County
'his arr 9
xt. The epartments of Miss trohli. had done at Sea irtli.- On [. cAed the station on the 6orth'side of the opJL The ',mill roffm Ins UVe 4
eld a
.ne vemal:si tisfaction to both pa rops and payers of I he village of Exeter h' "With a lead of th same sam- yfield gravel road a gi4ant of two acres of rant) the interest accruing from the savr,b
russ&l y night last, and de- Ba All in good, order. There orio On talOtbe
and iss Hargan 6,n Wednesday, &t'B1 h rs, aft' stock ho,ders and was re-engag f r n ixt meeting oil Frid ty, a n -A e r - I -
son P ot oull er -amou', i awarded that municipah mill, -two irain
ple of. wl16at,- one'. of land having been offijr6d, providedaid the AwallighouSes -4ud f
MisslMeKenzie olders cided to hold a grand, demonstration at
Mrs. Coulterou Thursda ear. I t a meeting of the all re' the setlement of -the Mume I LOIAU -There is Also Dn he Iota
in it of
examiningthe w ieat and( cted. 'The building of Stable. vAutity 0.
Friday, Mr. Hielcs on, A10' day, and A tb e I actory company held lip, sme tbetimd 'of theopeningof theLondon, si e would be sele uable timber. -00V Wring Df 'plud bftwk A b
:ai&tv1vL' go tation will go on iminediately. Fund ins been devoted to so eel pitr-
M- r. McFwril on Tuesday and 'ednes- good quality, immE nIa4 -,ent e following gentlemen w re clee bed Huron, andBruce Railway. Itis,sup- t XU4 41thq. xrAwe - d, ZW_ 1k4e4
a T
e hel for 'it, <hou & llo ;eri l -aY,-t 0—The men at the tv o! railway bridges poses. Inconsequenceof this no 10 1 h
It is hoped that as many. of the ng year I W S. uosed the mad will be opened about the Inthe vicinity to'Wt & nuinber of :yesrs,
day. ensui tax hai been necesa y during e pl g -pas"Wiloul
chr%Ze had occurmol in tFie, ket ates V ear Mliugbam colll leted'tbeir work th t factory reassou
-4 nuary. n .1 Foqn!
arents of the children and others inter- r . th of J and in one secti6n there is
p lober s9n, E. Hickson, A tro 9, partioulan
since the preViou rhursolayli The arm- Just, eight weeks from year,
ali? it -Go,n- Frid&y night I
-ested in the school as ca m, ohn IbMillan and Wm. Lo dge on,han fafter paying all expenses.
venient will attend these exam, atlons. or in -question an a. number 6.f his neigh Zurich. starting. The engine crossed the bri HMOSTON-A mov,
licks t -was elected Presidei:I0 "'he clock factory in. th
bors dee cefor lli eaforth etr e town of
are tha hen acklayers crossed I on Thnnqday, and th
omp u: r this year eclare a divi end of H. Wells,
f them until it can at Whi.tb ( caught fire on the evening of the
a, Golleys line on Ffiday evening. They
A iNTISUAP.—ORThuraday ast .5 a shall see no more pf r ,ent, in favor of the shareholders.- of Zuri' and improved ]I is its.
How is ch, as enlarged Wedding party from ille. township of leastcompete with, Brussels .' are expected to meet th, side of Blyth 2ad in t, A fire engine was speedily pa To St-
Fhis dii idend is available after d6fraying saddler sb and is now better prepared 'rd
ill till I.. -kentlemoft of thi Sea' hand ndoonfirmed the fire to the 1h1
Grey were coming to Seaforth to have this thus ? W in a day or two. - stro vlllta
the gordian knot tied, the drivers of forth market pleise e It oult all worl ig*and organizing expenO It than ever give satisfaction to his on,%- _IN7-hilp
xplaia:? ;ca. a team b to Mr. d root, which were de Ranni-6 the -service V
atifyitig to the manage Wells speaks to the pub n Ist a gw mvst bE gr merit n
w Brugge's got toirters. g , town. 100 nay. S, U0
tW 9 ninienced to race I do to let the litth to' n Of x. Cameron., of Gro gBend Th R nd second';stories were _o of thd vehicle co I I WILY. c haN e a h factory has been C."Onduo7ted so I he throilgh our advertising columns this A le and a ot of ei-y and stock
tht I Machin
barges. Ifie front team bocamle nman. i ahead of us in'thi . I i ship of Stephen, -was b ing driven be. 'blfort I asia satisf W1 orily both to he Pa tr a and i week, a d ;it wO lild be well for those in. 4DT-1 RSAUiL vtbm
shing wong they ways taken great1pride in tween that place and rewster, one of out -in a damaged state. The buildi. i.0) go nowlstlwh
an t k are iusured Ifr tmk 131 P1
ageable, , d while da
i lould lik. "' o see iis share io ders. the habit of doing bu iness in Zurich to thetr
r :,ocl pile which was on the markot, and we the horses stumbled and,broke one of its machin ry ana stoq
an over a wo _1 TR IF 9RAINCE R RADF_—On thp af ter- I advertisement, bxvboQ9i pt W. 6
3d -at any ji ost. son sqo -A j3el ShW Bour,
I day su6c(eding the' V
I hiiid legs. Although ihe horse was a $10,000. thol'ougAb,
eon o in
aide of the rod, upsettin, e vehicle reputation sustai the secoll; I valuable one, it bad to e 9h9t. This i's I —T wo Ameiican gantlemen - ade their t to the iTep's Ila hal*zhey-,
and throwing the 0 nee Isud n ieath of Thomas Robbi oys on Sleighs.
ground. The horses took flilit nd left Kx-,iNEDY 4 -C C( appeatance a few days since in t1le quier,
in your issue of the 26th ulf er5 the second horse which Cameron
oa Expositor. village of Beachville and bought a
Party to hoid. their T Seaforth give7 by. the Ken r e fatpil' on Eridst a or of the JIm
yi y-1 terest in g, though solemn, seem topk place: To the E has ]eat this yea To STOdK RAI
ing,, last ed nmande'd: 1be largest a piqce of ground near the railway - tralclL . hK
0 1 . i with berries were gathered oi Gor. a to
even ad beat they could. One young lady 8 1 u, - I hope you will favor me Ripe straw bar
connect A with thel.burial of tb a d6cemed. r a a Uly, d:. A:ll -audience which i4s ever ,graced the rhey then hired 50 or 60 men and I set Fig,
TI few t e farm of Mr
severely but not seriously injure kiell, space m Exposrropt to make R. C' -Armstrong, U -he -low ke4p. i4or seryl
The Grood Tei .1 ng -
Town Hall. T1 eveping. was most mplar of this place Of w] I them to work delvi in the eafth. hthe others escl)ed iiijur remarks in regard to boys running after '13, Con. 22, Stephen, About. the begin- _$1,,WJthXiVilW6 -01
order the deceased was a wo7thy mm ;! . seasou. T:
pleasant, and thc.- was a l. ,rge number Strange to say they re -age to tell w rat
i and- hangir g on aleighs. I think 174peak ning of November. They were as n e if necessf,111-
dance. The ber, 4 Ill tied out almost unanimor 81 de. P
f country peo'Dl' yy gath in brane4 of rid
1*)UR_N.kL1STTU.__ Alle notice that the 0 an& the senti ments of every person that comes nd plum as those us tally ered business they inte - to c4rry
e peop e
their —OTIC
SeSto the aiiinot, ever Spite tle storm, nd slushy roals, I havebeen put to
hall was crow y T* _ \ I
blisher of tlIe'Br;tish Amp ioan Preq- I eam when ;I say July, an grew on tlXe ordinary wild E! To 7 0MR.
I I ken lip, and all Mie stil oding fallinor Into line about a quar r of a ile in to Seafoirth with a t 011, - kupt -for ser4ce.
Etllil,!rtan Toronto offer a very handsome seat beina ta I I ar nuisance besides the danger. bual;es. The bushes had been noticed wis, ol, conjecturing the cause of. this - A
y (. I I I e grave yard 'headed e prc Des-! vhldbre $red tk a, a the best lmrOrUd vi
a3e avail'bl and a 4"umbet went from Z stran e proeeeding.. i
room In arIiest season, aii premium to all subscribers, old and new, i"g P Ontarlo',also,
home again for I ack of geos, go great sion to the Late, and there )Ile wed thol. Abou six year ago h little boy, of 5 or i blossom late in the ha mdacholyaccident occurred i I
re the fin t of Janu- who rernit $2.30 bef6 uful.cortege to the grave, wl icb, It 6 was hanlflDg On the aide of; ln sleigh; but no one who saw the blossoms im. as the rush to , e4r once diore e -to- mour fr dsolfo ST
,.try next, 'if he prem, ium is n only val- w pped off and the hind'bobs pass- ed they would matare into ripe ber. mile om Mr. T.. Ednio tnecessxm
Ir ad di- after tl Le f u n oral rite -5 by the ly] eth distl he dro i Con, .1, d
fj Scotlan A man op an
In I nowned Son s e
ti a; at such a season. near Orillia, on Dee. 2. uman.
Uable, but very appropriate, bQing g is y.there;e ere bis three ministEr had been pe ey sur -1 overhih, Hadtherebeep ad on ries -son, -while ve. ,at*
. I rforme(1, t 11 ed 11 - I
tion to Mr.' -A public m eting I rd. Samuel Robin ex %v% Ing
ener- c as heldat Fo
bewatiful pbotograph of theUiiion G In Id have been killed.
sons and two I ters on f he p1q.forin, roundel, and read the beautiful and im-1 ost likely be well , 1 . bank, was buried beneath the fa#ing tbiapre"UtSes
0 1 f e bee wich on Friday evenig, Nov. 26, for Vervic .1
presBive ceremony prescribed by the In! Ihnis,- re ]lot al Assernbly of the Pr sbyterian Church all of whom 1 .1 ed parts Since that time I hav more par he purpose of forming a joint stock com-; earth., aulp isreml
held at M(intreal in June last, ewitaining keeping both boys and prls I,* TFR' IN
'ood Templars fo ticular in, Tie was warned by Mr. R$ IS
well. Mr. Kenn d4y is n6t ly ur orquin . depeild ent Order of G 3! qriat nd flouring Reeve of Orilha to beware. - Mr. R-%xn, inith's, ark
nearly 700 portrxit,3 of minEters e 1 t Frid pany to erect a steal bi, paid the t of seivi", V101*6 r
ay -
and el xe
ttigh ongs, )ut is, such occasions. At theclose, Df the pere from. g tti .19 On MY aleigh.
i ed as a vocalist C I Sco bad a 3arcelygone a hundred yards'Wou tumi if ne ders. The price of the pictureis-$;'2, Our lien coming up ain 'Street mill in the, village of i Fordwich, town of re
also an able nar"a-tor Of Oottish anee- monir And, since, th6 higheit en,lomium evening 'W r was hea d. Tne bank h4d 1ree OWS, b Dth ith pi g- PETER
Presbyterian readers Nvlio subscribe nOw f S tti ien passed on me proceedings, an ;b1out 16 o'clook I saw, oopollaiie the g1 of Howick. Messrs. Hyde, Earnest a c tore &0
cc '0' 8 0 sh court. have, b W r1u.
dotes. His an eetman, Brown, Driver, MeLxtighli on Z B unfortunate mail, ki
-eekly secure. th' y thoseho erto cc a
for their own e-huch ii ship and marrie"I'tle, es%picially, wore that to) b have hithirto Iabout a dozon boys, be deceased leaves a e picture practically for nothing The pa- ofa 10 to 14 years old. I Th;y and several others ad4ressed the meet. stan T E R
e po inta in I tha ; n, and k( t accustomed stoutly to in, parently fi ves wi even children 'is 1080. liumor6us and fil P e to moam To llitseff recluires no Avords 01 COM111011- 'Com Out o on -ere actir ber of boys wi or
pei It ood thing could possibl -,v i g as the same num' ing, and all present expressed. themselves to iutimasto r y
audience in con'418ions of; ught' r. y t
dation at our hands. Addr ss. drawer ther. in favor of the scheme. A com t is rumored that Ron. George vice -of rpess
lace berb, generally do act wben they get toge mittee i sOWV
Nyouhl be- out of 'to colament Eire th. By their fruil ye hal Berkshire Boati ;ht tat Xr,- '110
2484 Toronto. - , I - saing them they. tr)'qd to gret on was formed. to solicit subscribers to. the Brown intends to have arrested -33
ihem." A good alll'glLry, When px, oir, on Ut '71
on the worth of- i tle severa l` historic, lo. know I at 4n f * inal libel 9,11 those e:: also. ;7j te- X&k
eetifig adjourried'. to char e o crim Irn"11511:1.7
e last me8tic: and patri itic 6 ngs Scotland as rate is that at earch ubsequent ecting my slel'gh I ordered them Off and they tock, and the m Rullett, 'Terms
TaE L(TERak, OCtr-fY.—Th 0 a to on then couldienced to yell and One of them meet again on Dee. 7. and ropiietors of newspapers whofair- -attue rdo. Wit'h the ",PAT
'i it toAa t lat we IlmI =NRY TA.YLO,
all were done so 11 ell, su c had valuable acquisitio4 I ell, ed 11 imeeting of the Seaforth Literary Society, ic poemi," "The ni numbers, —CO -m. 1 picited a stick and thre,, it A Me,. —Mr. . Burchill, of Turnberry near the report -that he had dis
Mon(ay eve i -a the D'I t hi a recital of the I yi r' U str kin M -large an ohel 1, ning, v 1, Zetland, met with a sad and nea;4 fatal of w Park' Far; for a
ukeunder the comer'of' the eye,
th FARJ1EjRS.,J?;i rk PAYB if-IOu "s go
and inost interes ity, fat!] ble; 1 ,l an(i eli. Xted ry an English company, anil -at
ng L dge.,"
which ls yet been held. ItAgratifyng largely attended 11 The regulr session of Constance Had it stil uck me -on the eye i it ice!rtainly. accident a few weeks since. He was in men y to To <Ie tbla your sovy"to _13-11
lause. arch 'o ;Alie C1 in n insinuated that! the- M and, two e arn
wouldhafekneAeolitout. V)lenpass- th mow of his b when by some the. a &me time has
0m, " by Mr. D.1 6 Vid Kenal ay and "he Indep nolent Order of Good "empl 8 0 ca ne, OW aua
i forServim
to note that an increasing-int,,rest is e- action was not a legitimate StrO..
Goulden Vanite ",by Mr. 11, -am ienj th Ing down't few momenta af tery going to means he fell to the floor, and so bruised trana
ing mnifested in the pcieby and its (I ca I 'en ie. Wedn . day evening, Dee.., I whenj th -It t Berkshirt. Th(Ir a are two
h -unable to move, of business, comparing A0 X VAt -
the INI Pyol -'a office in' search of the! pogee- is hip and side as to be n all agedL
dy, were rendere I in exe l t sty] y he subj a of the sad fate of our 1 rou ng ft en the v havie talexi I XSb Ze$ V
'a thought his hip was smashed. sale of bil lands by him sonTe years ago, mg_ Your
proceedings by the people of: the town. m n, the game gang were in the; act 9f and it was 11 71'ftaxd to bi-W. or - YXnlr - -
ame D*1 len, be and brotber, Thomas Robbi. is, of whic hthese papers hinted was
be Presfolent, Mr. humorous trio, ad two doe. whie of a 4ues- pii uegojf ret
In the absence of t a ve a, very respectful pc tic n. our snow-baffing a man going put in alcutter, He was taken to the h6use a
Messrs. Konned1r, was well do e. you T)AV1 F
airman. 9
Edwa? d Cash wa appoint6di ch, I they.snow-biled a lady pass- tors from Wingliam. wete called to attend tionable character. i
iss Helen Kefteoysa ' WillYe, o issuq of last week,was brought P. and I bea,
Mr. Campbell, of the Royl Canadian it was f on b'dil that althou. _2rwo brothers named Robillso-
ome 13ack 3!jp and aiss A.,[arj)ry som uitable allusions hadbo on mad ingon the sidewalk afew minutes be- him and gh no LACK XPR
critic, and filled C a he A
Aga erecti it
Bank, vvai appointed h 'boneiwere broken,10 was Bo smashed work on use in course of dersil ped keep uring tu
fore. By ;his time my e eek had swollen
wan Tfeo, .' in an affiet. themto it was moved by Blro eir T Ompl- I I?Clol
the position with credit to hiniself and Kennedy " Oy 'R .. I we t a k or Stra fell from the scaffoldiu to- On Lot i 0: A*. -b.1
nga More in- son Be(onded by Brother Williams, 'tb c -a I n Ong to Mr. and crippled asto be unable to wal
ingy manner. TI several at so I 6uk see it a r.o the saifaction'of t1le- meeting. E. e of 30 feet On 1 - Ol. 11oberts' inig store to iet die - blood he clown. He has iuffered considerabl the round, a distanic .6. 1 . i-6 months
arks r. Kelin Ir whe o q it hath pleased the ' eat Disi yy Volta- *. -
it us y at
ev. Mr. tersperied wth, I Y sy. One of them is very sen Is one:01 tk gig ot the,
ellunt re(idings werd given by I? When I 'and has been obliged to maintain a near- Satu c ttish cl ar cter ai I'd a- poser to remove fro n our midat Wasbed of and a plaster on. even 1h.
the fan
Oraig, r)r. Campbell, Mr. McFaul Mr. illustrativ _Of S ly este me4 came bobYe I found in my sleigh the ily upright position in 0,chair evet since. d, the board displaced in taken rxtnflums
toms, and remin.: ed the Scdts' presen; of and fr)m our ,mple our bi 00'auti .ismd bits the V131
Jamiegon W, B I I . Porter and Mr. struck with. It was over two Ae is progressing very 'favorably. stnk g him on the head as he Tern* 1,1011ulkin. The e iticisms of the sev. the.days'of therl (Outh, and heland t le and weffl belov(d,' brother, 101 )as b stick I w 69 h -
y ground. Vice, wAtli the.0 .11 f
e wholo. coteluded bins and tot* f r him, as we hu ly feet in le: i.gth and two inches thick at day last week Mr. James Prout the The other suce iiL ROB - ege:o
oral readings were numerous andgevere love so well. 7' hold the
SyneT; be audience hopi and tru To pl 01
Auld Lai r7t o the Supreme the Wg nd wbich was saw4 The 'was brought before t o Exeter magis. -br ing his fall by oatchin
itics. by ist, 1 t n
h ntal brwe -to the
and, no doubt, both readers and er police al being sick that. afterno?n and 'trates, charged with ging a promis
n. joining in, and presse thei 3sel ves abol C, th ereforel * resolved, t1 at w1bi e we
as well as listeners, were edified and i a ;ex r sory note for $20, pu rting to T)e drawn Thomas Harris waA seriously W
ek from next Mon. well pleased wit their w1a Hours at wowd bow with 01 to attend to his busmaess, .,_Irwtuf$
structed. On -one we becoming reverence unri no a Ile IT
that accou 1by Jabez Binett. Ttooppumed in evi- -the 'woods near
tiedy Aft ba,bly on at 'the young,
Mr. Ki his in. der h afflictie, dispeusatio I, e woul lads the clay evening readings will be given by Hamle. hey could d D as they pleased. idence -that Prout aind-13issett had a fi atapee f S th, ivi4r 0
$eAfottl in p- at t e same time record our b(art3 a thought t
Mrs. Coulter, Miss Emma Johnson, Dr. tention of visitilD town 'transaction of sole of a horse, catter and fall a tree, o ni hews e iwith6at I
0 L entire pre a OW pr L esteem or pre tion of and f hi i me no N 'Sir, I consider that if the en,
Bmrgess, Mr. Thomas Burnot and Mr. ril, next, when hi,1 aauthoritil a would enact strie ru ell 'barness, which came to $42, when it I his were
.P of e departed, wb o, lace e (anu in M. Hayden. Oil next Ao ay even- change of prograr ime.