The Huron Expositor, 1875-12-10, Page 3IY SA rat its • s of the Court ei Man. Twenty -Seventh. Day of s > certain callus thus. .eche, and with . the. soo net 3faste ' of the solo showing aaln able farm r sale by Public. Aue. tit the 41'Q}s ner-'reefrif neeitny, the 'Is fr ° ? • , :it 2 o'clock : in Lot number Two, u, Rroad. Survey, rasnith, in the Gouty of ea of land more or left. =bout two ruiresfrotn the %%wit of Setforth, and. ;aid town, the nearest tee rciiles, from -tits Fit- acres ere cleated, and 'eh about 511 acres aro ince of the Int ix coves•- rarer. There is a core- ▪ Fy log do riling house, is thcc1 and lrlrF teres%, a 'oh stone fouudl ion and att1e below, and a lea t easier, upon the lot. hort3 £f hearing trees, Too the lot. T11e lana: tote of cultivation, well no well smiled. with Lhi--1,ne property will kaet j,rirf' 5 Q( O. kale obeli pay to the ,+ :t deptere, in the pro- ot} ea Lin pt<'rc1hase r bh1 ure: of his phtrebeee rt. tet, sett within one ie. In all other lea a etc bethestaudizig south. livery. Fart hoe particu- a may be obtained on al,- a4 a .ghcy Holeoested,. to J. T. barrow, Esti,. '►;itCie:toiiet,this 25th MOTT, Maetet' ut Goelet eh. IIOL3tUST1:17, - ,t"lt, 1 eih.tori,` Solicitorrc. PARTNERSHIP. ('fere sttbsi;etingbetweci erthee=flame ofWIL- t Tt diwsolveti by =Anal 6 t t lase( i(ter be carried E" 1 tlt•Lt•: contracted by `.e:tt.i by J. 1: 'Williams, ',le firm v. ill be collect- na \%"Ir.taaeIS NO LI: CU:FF.. :above the tnrlersiguocl nee.<<:t::c:h fol' els and `" coot inee the rnana>fai;- and cisteroe as hereto le hoe now !such faeilhtie.. 't out a letter:talchhfor . E stabl_ dim. nt of tho oni he -would say that all deairecl, as be is argcut- tb1iahe'_1 aril well-known J. D. WILLLa L. ARKESS SHOP, P11. otirino from the Harness ,`.oriel:, begs to thank Lie. e•ir liheret support, and t .,:. d of his lftisine-s to let has been working for fir bas no hesitation in c, to the public generally 7r.t>"2 i told one who will er'1 in thus recommend- I ubile, be,tl,ctik for him nage which has been e(x- €1J11N C. • - ADEM tN, from Mr.alt man his r al brook, the subscriber eats t.e.., kc€.•I.i! .i ou hand Steel; of 1 [ .. vy aril Light .1T; generally kept in the atEl den void to making .t p.tti'ing 1 i•ewooly- attend - 't.tc 1. C hergr A liberal.. ser ,ri:', Zurich, t1/nt. r- OAND AD BRUCE HAS 4E TRACK, thanking the public" for rrl,ort accorded :zine in the ..._.ire sfi hike mint" them hvl, fi,iiuerly occupied by, :hot he has secured the ser -- 'a mith ill the person of ;;, lots of 14eaforth, who is area ifs a greedy and ac- last-cl:h ss holes-ehoer, one t found la our blaekamith n- l to fell all orders which o. Ire haft now on hand ing :Niel she e n'l Cntterfr, ' oral 1'':e° tr fy cornpe- ,te very best of material le .• c•f a: y of tike above will on ln-fohe ourchetrin cam - anted. Jo iii .; etono wirit BWA%, EtpPe3II. PlOIAL LIVERY,. 0,14 T11 I uTi 1.E-.YI. idle i- u ' r rill Trade of the €rt', fe nierly Ilcll`,t, from to that he ill- - rtrfx In the old (stand, ttlnalile Iicirftes owl vehicles 4ucli. Non ebat fr,fife l e1ric'feeitii'i (roof s ll't£t fit Kett. :. "ghf°K slid Carnage e, and ;era, A losaye Measly fer'Cee. atetrfe vera. (-`o neffer s4 7.; era. Ek a to, rev of the 1Ivtc•ls sig Y RD. l A 01>0 N 1 } r 1 l>tit that they have rt- r Yong to the lot between F ipeoy':t Voila mod 3ittr- ntivc,t hat cit goo dassort rl' . 11i1r I es ell :tnel kl AND SitINGLLS, all of ErHe.11 at thelnweet pox ort hand limy quantity 1 ..d it to their advan- :_ 1,,ai'e:t•r t`.ein Mir priced :• rri• in a j,ti,:,it i (. il. =_'1' 1.ure1 e eia, A131:1.., M A °DONALD. RY SALE, jI IN 1 V c ,L:ERSMI S. i1, e 1 1=v the; ur dt rain cot til lit f l::ali:ls t,1s7 3,, tor - :t I;aif e•f Lot 13, in the t:,l Lei containing 4 cl't.h red. Good ,iog Itet;ha•,'*,f):cal ortbarel • (. tl.'• lett Jose 1;h hilly— it. Voll partieularr, may • h to tine undersigned, -.%a . 1- x cc IrOL?:17: 4 ED, Plhiut:ii`.s Attorneys it'011,:lail NOT 1_C"E oaf oh Riley,' Iota of the ..ttit4i,farm e deceased, alay, le71, 1 •A are retitle:st- t «_:t cif iicctiju,er,1h75, to tie.urtcbrrsignr.el; Solich- :.lte,r •f the do cawed , their ,n-1,:,reosie:saUI 41t':,eription, Li.!r cl;oini;s,and the nature t;r v, li LI by, there. After of the said estate will be 1':4rtie: s (math:: thereto, Atlrninietr'tttor shall their >� .S UUOT.MESTEDr uliritere for Administrator. e.1,ism. 417-4 '1)E -c. 10 187o. T3. -why did Mrs Bulgruddery Down Stairs ? " Guntlelnen of the jury," he yesterday, it has been asked b apposing. counsel why my client down stairs. That the blush Of , did not mantle the cheek of my le friend while putting auch an ipquiry tees a heart whose sensibilities are wholly deadened. The astonis ment Which is depicted uponyourcounter ►aces, gentlemen-, is sufficient to assure me that you appreciate the position which this jure. wife and delicate woman was ply. (The i. w. a. d. w. weighed 170 at least, and had a very red face of. un- even surface.) why did she go down stairs, gentlemen ? The question has been asked, and I answer. Turn your gaze upon this beast this monster in the semblance o -f a man; this demon in Wien . form ; this devil who Insults (,god's image ! Let him speak ! (The feast, &c., evinced signs of rising wrath.) Take his (sworn testimony. Here is the question : • Why did Mrs. Bulgruddery go downstairs ?' Answer—`I h'isted her.' " Gentlemen of the jury, he h'isted her ! Great Heavens ! he h'isted her ! Ile the brute, once, perhaps aman, raised his foot and applied it to the form of her whom, at the holy altar, he had OW= to love and cherish. She, a blush- ing bride, standing before the Man of OA " breathing timidly the vow ,I, which --bound her forever to 13ulgruddery. Then a happy mother., holding to her i breast the pledges of love which heaven had granted. And yet he h'isted hers ! Not only did he hist her, gentlemen .of the jury, but it is in evidence that he -took. a flat iron from her hand, andcomm-' panned his -kick with a blow fr in that useful domestic utensil. And et the learned gentlemen has the audacity to ask why Mrs. Bulgruddery weut down- stairs At this point the excited attorney gave a wild. laugh and was ordered to sit down. Bulgruddery was convictetl.— J'irrjin ire, Nev., Chronicle. go said, the went hams arned his to a rapid tosh open that tiguii the h am, -with, ticus The German Woman's Pride o -f Birth. - 1t has somewhere been rashly ; sserted ot born by some one that every woman an Englishwoman, could she have had a >dy erect, carried your , et of with his chin, and'; g short shake:" Sir John' A ffected the sepulchral, "lay nd fiat' on your palm, ou were hardly aware of y." The digitory, in fano igh clergy, Was adopted by rho used to put forth his fo "How are you ?" The sb a wss having " your handse in an iron grasp, betokening rude aKa trop whe finge aloft 8 it a kin - ug coldly con - with ugh- finger is ruse; d as ealth, na. heart and distance from o me- lis, but producing a sense o relief your hand is relaxed w th the s unbroken." .All the Year 'ound. Matrimonial Mistake Ai pleton's Journal says : The to abou prin tion time men love saki her cha suit mat mon wanlitthe Episcopal service, is 1 e hold cler que to b ner e laoice in the matter, would have 1 to be so born. �To _ greater erro be made as regards the German She, taking her all sound, is ab contented with her lot, and su - disregar. --fel of the estate of ot er wo- men. o . men. ` he day of small things hot only suffices or her, .but is to'her as a crown of glory ; she despises the frivolity of the French, the freedom of the English, of the fearless strides and absolute inde- pendence of the American woman. Do th not believe that you will be able tof it long in the seat of the scornful ; you will of have to come down and o out, for tow- eying high above you, on her pedestal of horne-baked virtues, and looking down upon your orname*rtalness and usefulness with the fear and dislike virtue assumes in• gazing upon vice, stunils the tradition- al lfctuefr'tttt. Thnt she' should have anything; to learn of her neighbors—out- side the Fabler laud- is impossible ; there is only one country -in the world, and that is. Germany ; there is only one woman, and that is the German' woman. In the face of such convictions as these, it would be -daring to hint at the state of rnincl that has been characterized as a. mean satisfaction with a mean 'position. The " c.aming woman " as yet casts no shadow across the dead Ievel of German home- life. The "platform woman" and the " medical woman"are still only known by evil report ; beings that cause the virtuous matron to draw het imagin- ary skirts shnddertngly around her ample form, and to pass - by, with mentally averted eyes, on the other side.-'•-Fr�aser's Magazine. seems a strange atmosphere of n takes the wedding service. E :n the rs join in this. An Engl .li edi- f the Prayer Book came o i some; ago with the following splace- of a singgle letter : thou honor,_ ch iuh," &c.,&c , `` , d, for - g all others, keep thee or y unto as long as yo both shall ike" a ge from " live " to " like ' well to the changing,habits at resent monial life ! Another ve , coin - mistake among ignorant peo le,wbo' the al- tive sentence, "To have i and to from this day forwaard." I now a yman who assures- me he ry fre- tly has it rendered, "To h M ve and bold from this day forward The ousness of the parties to be cried often accounts for these n stakes.` on one brave elating boldly to the th this man ?" nother in the smaide in the estion, be thy em'all r not to ve A plretty well frightened` groom occasion, feeling that he must and speak up well when the o cler yman asked any questio rep led to the question addresse fat er of,the bride, " Who gi tr)an to be married .to this y sponsors i$ Baptism !" fri pre. the ord " Wilt thou have this woman wedded wife ?" " I renounce anir, by God's help, will, endeav folliow nor be led by them'?" stoned youth, rememberin ence of some beautiful bri answer to one of the questio er of baptism, replied to the • A German I eade (' c osen r could Berlin correbpondent writes res des in the offices of the Gr olutely of the -army, .The room in remelt' works is large and well lighted. _ large windows fronting on Kin The tablearound which the st blas in council is heaped wi bopks, pamphlets, and journals. shell is the Generals favori ight. The frescoes on the ent some of the events of th hero himself is depicted u costumes. His bedroom a monastic severity. Moltk th n, slightly stooping ; he st •aightened up on horseback, to s re n a m at • ks like a man of thirty. even face is very wrinkled ; alls vaguely Caesar's; his se. indicates will, persevere e, his lips are thin and exp lancboly, his chin sharp, e d brilliant, neck long. ci ilian clothes, and regards t indispensable to his person. g eat worker and an early ri s s metimes as much as - nine ho, d sk without taking anything s of Bordeaux and a biscuit, din and sups at eight. He is alwa_ a in Parliament, where hie s yle' him the " Great Silent e ptain of genius than an ad g 1'nrzer, he is as cold -bloods as the gods that dwell on Oly a usernent is to walk in the T ith his hands behind his .b o d Napoleonic style. A Dan 1 e married a young English gi f lien violently in love with h1 Good Advice. On Marriages. 1 ew things in orur social life, says the !ley. Dr. Allan, in the Quiver,, are more serious than the reluctance of young,peo- pie to marry because they cannot at once set up expensive or stylish housekeep- ing.. They with to begin whete fathers leave off, and of instead the eeonomioal expenditure and the modest Household, which are the surest and wisest way to - wealth, they refuse to marry at all ; hence years of unsettled, uneasy, "un- blest single life, sometimes leading to. vice, sometimes to sic ha; piness, always to doss of both of manly completeness of character, and of the truest aid highest good of life. When, for reasons of set- fsh prudence, a man will not starry un- til the verge of middle life, he ,inverts the law of nature and the purposes of God ; his children are born at an incon- gruous period of his life, when he is less qualifieo mould their character, and when their settlement in life may be .se• riously d amaged by his loss. He suffers, they suffer, society sufi'ets. 'The moral. and religious aspect of this q estion of late marriages are becoming iso largely . characteristic of our social,economy, that raocietS as a whole, and religioue life _ in particular, are seriously damaged. If Wan has gained a position that enables him to marry with ordinary prudence, let him marry, ancl let.not the prudence we, if true struggle. has found happy, let e, the lov- e will be better for it, and his fortunes too, be pressed too -hard young 1 and godly, will make earl; wholesome and joyous. If he a woman who will make him him take her to a modest hon in wife of his youth, His li Hand Shaking Who is he that will strike bands undetstanding strikes hande, -and be- friends," saith the wise Kin in this ohl-world custom hands, hand. shakine, no dot ated, for, before it ammo a- eepted as a pledge. When and. Miranda.strike their tender barges!), he says, " Here is my hand," and she replies " And mine with my heart on it." Dunbar, Lord Tr6asu r r of SSA - la lid, congratulating Yelverto upon hav- ing made his peace at Court, aid to lima " I Will desire your friendship as you do mine, and I will promise told() you my beat ; whereupon, as Pledge, f4ive you ver to rt farew el 1. haed May ng at all. of Israel. i 'striking ii, ierafriend- nd, was ac - Ferdinand a Moltke d Staff hich he by three 's place, assem maps, A piece letter a11s rep- eat., and er vari- (lining is is tall, is only nd then is close is profile ominent'! ce, tour- essive of I es black detests ,± sa g uniform , lie isa;:' r, passes, rs at his Yea glass i at two, E IN s punctu-' olleagues Less it irable or -I in battle' us. His' iergarteri etc m the by birth, 1 who had J. iAS IB UST 0 HRISTMA B l urrant NICE .4180 a- Fred 13 nits in Caddies s FALL AND EX. IIN QW ELL OT Tl' HIS i'IP.S' DER OF G AUTI an YC 0CEF#E UL .i Raisin, L'' AHED. Supp 'UG4 f Fi it th T 'PAYS ! i"tho WH'T I .11 ''o get your X11 oases get Meld. PA L of TEAS ((ad S' e nd Ten Pounds to Beyer. 3OU YOUBSZLVES. 1. BROWNELL. lir PAYS ! ! PAYS ? l•TD SEE S TO 0 10 VIL. TO THE • MILLS, E, ONT., xrist ng do e, and Farmers *111 ift heir own Wheat ground, and geed Parties ' ishi CEI ,Ic7an'do eeieGin Al vey, H,: ' Any BA1iL €j r N.13 9Pnrifie €1 ii 1,1 THE .EB io a % Mil e Ian- . is, ose Geo ge obb,' Ha na tity Y, a' do 1. Agents g to get the Excelsior Milli A =D FLOUR Pri . fats 0 Ault, Bro lugs egare nrhoy 1 in the following Mor- s aforth : a r es 0. Laidlaw, la es 11, Wm. Sill, Iia 1 tt Cardno—Baker P. ker. vBa. Scott, Brri cef10 of . Oh er ire AT MBELL.. CLQ THING - EMPORIUM. A LARGE STOC OF WoO n's Clothing ens and Gen�l;eme g and Furnishin THAT bit)* BE SOLD OFF AT PRICES THAT 1' L BE CERTAIN TO PLEA;3E PURCHASERS. ed PEAS, OATS tin ou Land always. HA L S W O1ITI & jCo. for t e Garden. City Mid', ling 41 EAFO 0 1 FL IN All iki ds All the young *omen t e countrY ould de welt. to heed th words of iiship Foster, addressed hat ,igraduat'T e present, and prepare year. elf for that great future before yoa, teign brain -has come. Though Y it' may not!! a be found on the battle held; or the ball* box,.. you caa build up the future lsta, • building. up the. men. You. ey. ionu a xmewnho,laitle By yo hem. fr•onii our hearT4i trritleirneell my hand ?" And so, .shalcin by the hand, she bad.e 11' Nowadatt, a shake of the nicer)! eery mach, or noth The strong, hearty grip for grip of two ship another. Sydney Smith attempted to classify hand -shakes, cliNliding them into the high official, the sepulchral, the digitory, the ehakus rusticut apd the re- tentive. The first was practiced. by. th then Archbishop of York, ticularly exciting time whe placed in opposition to you greatest -vices,- and you Conquer, if all those of your s teal women will combine. oxcombs and libertines. Th whether they know it or no conduct toward them send your presence; Reserve nd love for men. Be not wh s fashionable' woman. ailing so foolish as such a ione but fools admire her." To -morrow may never com do not live in to -morrow. find it in any title deeds. ' owns whole blocks of refill great ships on the sea does' single minute ef to-niotro mysterious possibility not lies under the seal of mid the veil of glittering constell Enjoy the present, whatet and be not solicitous for th if you take your foot from standing,. and thrust it for morrow s event, you are condition. It is like refush your present' thirst by fear want to drink the next day row you should want, -your come time enough, thougl hasten it. Let your troubl .own day conies. Enjor day, if God. sends them, an it- bear patiently and swe day is- ours. 'We are dead and not yet born to to -mor A Reserve. " Now go and learnt a Stephen Girard to a clerk served him. faithfully fiat went to him on his 21st pecting promotion. WI ,Good barrels' and butts 1 mand while you live. Go cooper's trade, and when y a perfect barrel bring it young man went away, an4 trade, and in time brougl master a splendid barre make. Girard examined the maker $2,000 for it, an counting room but hence not be dependent° upo of Stephen Girard. I come, you have e good tr " who keptl reserve, o itcm. SIG 0 D WILL OPE AND 1NE SH A TH, BOUT THE O•rir acts ill be entered into 16 ES BOILERS, SAW MILLS. f Be a rs 4 ni) on Short Notice and ds of ppli BA (1, an Good Stock of GBATE It. RUNCIN AN. URON GRASSIE in conrse of construction me and Substantially built THE A EST STYLES. alleles are w 11 made, handeornely Un- warranted to run easy, and will No time sheald be lost to avail yourselves of this RARE OFFER. 0 E COATS FOR THE MILLION, AND CLOTHING FOR MORE. F R THIS SEASON 6F THE YEAR Ili GREAT VARIETY. . Can ediately` and See for Yourselves. WILtIAM CAMPBELL. TH ILLIA El 0 ishe an ehe 10 tO 1N. We e man w 111} Are not own and a It is t born. ht, behi he pres c.rd to restl to que ig you If to-rn trow you de tarry till W. w on hand n ber of hands HS A 00 on and ittx ra Ile hag somnibet they will be sole. c 11 me site Kn 41 the 1101. T • rade," said who., haviOg la ust be io e - learned. ie to his his it, and then Bea you in ld ve t what ill I HR Tu exhi gh Pri TL est est est EE est GS est est 11 c or t • BOB SLEI bly known to 'requ of his best On ha be sold HS re puff - d now, 3E3 M*.T T "Y. C O. HAVE EOIDED TO REMAIN IN SEAFORTI-1. THEY HAVE THEREFORE LAID IN A ERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF ALL CLASSES OF ,IRY OOODS, CH THEY D TERMINED TO OFFER. AT THE VERY LOW -1 EST PRICESa UESTION Now Ready, at,X. COM* WS Jewelry -Store, for those contenlilating ugagement and Wedding IOngs, Large Stock, Clocks, Watches mil Chains, Ciold an4 Silvek Jewelry _ In great variety, a Large Choice Stock of Silver Plated Ware, consis ing in part of t Stands, Cake a4 Gard Bask- ets, Berry D hes, Buttlr DAM, Tea Sets, Celery Stands, Vases, Knives and Forki, ,&o. Ipolutla aud WhatnOt iflini Careful attention paid t4t, : toMen' work in i Watling, Clocks and Jewelry. 1. Satisfaction guar - Parties will know the right iplace hy the Large Tree of Silver Ware in the window, ! if *Aeon* Ilan .Block. IR TOOK Oik, GROCERIES,`WINES 1161.1.QUOR,S IS VERY COMPLETE. IPING ONE A,,S' USUAL. her the old gland Huron Boa , oppe- nnual Slicer under the axis* keromith 13r eh Agricultural 8 Rion of F t took will .be hel Decern`30 14 1875, when t es wil be cff ed for competitio s of tile lety in Mr. TH, on e follow — 4;' Ise. 24 . d air Fatte lheop. ... 3 00 2 00 1 011 tai C 5 must be made with the Secrets* no A. ELCOAT, Presi en ITANNAH, Secretary. CSS COLD, AN & GOUI -LOC 'tail pay t e ishest Cash Price for S W Loas OF ALL KI DS. Ala eavaantite o ELM LOGS suit le for t e An Early Call S'plicited. Ra•T±qT1R/M, FTTIZNITITIZZ. SFtAFORTH CARRIAGE iNORKS. Is the plsee tot get s S YLISH SLEIGH! OR GUTTER or Busineso or Pleasurellaidingin Winter. Hawing Recently nlairged their Premises and eased THEIR STAFF 'WORKMEN AD THE PUFFS OF OTHER DEALERS EN COME TO MY WAREROOMS I AND SHOW YOUR ;MONEY AND TIIE FURNITURE IS YOURS. DON'T FORGi-M±' RmArs MAS ON THE 7TH AND 24TH OF DECEMBER.' DON'T FOROET TO READ KIDD'S ADVERTISEMENT 44HOMAS ON THE They are now in a better po*tion than ever to do Goo&Work st A number of Hands= SWELL BODIED, RO PORTLAND CU ALL AND. Wert made of the Best - Finished, and w i3OTTOM FIGURE REPAI Promptly Attendcl st Notice. land Substantial ND BACK AND Now Ready. El THEM. Mateirial and Neatly be "old at FOR CASH. THE PUBLIC METHING SHOULD JOHN 11, BOOADFOOT Noes constantly on hand; at hie Wsrerooms and taiXactory, opposi the Market, A LARGE STOcK OF flURNITURE OF EVERY, pit ciitTiox, . Which he is prepared to ij, 11 t prices to suit the Cho times. In fact he won; t beanndersold. As he manufactures all he se , purel,uteers. esn .rely -upon getting the TUE .1111CST ART LE *Olt TILE Bemenaber the place to 'bay Furniture °howls at the Factory opposite the Market, sestorth. EGG EM The subscriber hereb customers (raerchazas patronage during the by strict integrity an el to merit their eonfulence Having greatly enlar the winter, he is now pr IGH EST For sne quantity of g at the thanks bis numerous theirs) for their liberal seven rare, and hopes, e attention to busbies', nd trade in the ittture. d hie premises, during ared to pay the PRIOE d fresh eggs, delivered EMPORIUM, Main Street, Scaforth. Wanted by the subs° her 25 tons of good dry clean WHEAT f3TBAWi. 1-10 FOR WAL7TON, SallIETHING NEW. SMITH offers Sper Bingeing in DR's, -I:0 GOODS and RocamEs. Beady-mede Clothing d -fleets and shoes he gime better value tha can be got elsewhere. :ABS. eat and see for you eelves, OILS, PAINTS Of the best brands elw e on hand. Special In- dueenlents to Cash Faro sers. All -parties having met -due notes and Recounts 1.7TH AND 24Tn. OF DECEMBER are requestedto Settle the eameat ottee, otherwise they will be put into other halide for eolleetion. UFFALO N E BEST VALUE IN ROBES BUTTEtt TUBS. _SAMUEL TROTT Fid-RSE BLANKET' S TTAS now on hand ati the Seaforth Tub Factory , 4 —I -LI- a number of his Well and favorably known, These Packages tireithe best in use, and will SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LARGE PURCHASERS. Mr. Trott expects ins abort Umtata commence FIRE INSIIANCjE. COMPANY; - • IS TO BE HAD AT THE FARMERS' STORE. ve, Recelved This Day by Express One Case of Furs, Whiph Trill be Sold at Pricee that Defy Compeiitlon. OF LONDON, ENGLAND. A GENT AT 0 4 -Ls Company was nets in all parte of la est business in t Etre moderate. tide and liberality. ts Tates .391-26