The Huron Expositor, 1875-12-03, Page 8N7,
Kennedy avel with mu�
ing grea iil and lingual
eR 0. it 110
Kennedy's reputation ao I
high that we could not pos
artilialar remarkk
by any 1)
say that his rendering of
deared "S f scotl4n,
f Iti s. The other -me
fOTF SglieORTII 0,11 as
L I Mp omiiii fai flloo oL Yreat. al
scri for c how a 9
TW9,110118013 the Itest In 0(lai is
ad fa,1-.uor9, as its accomm ty, the a' ng Of Mr. D
travelers is,
low its the Clio aP-
lit 'h of theL
$8, while itil prices are as
first-olft 1 in d Th ar
est hotolfi. The room,; are large, well f t1ruish0c ilarly poiVerfu
ectly cloftu, while the best being particu
and port
Ivan to all who patronize the honoo. enuedy bag a sweet b
etion,flud attent-
ra;ge. stabling in coune .
Dso-.4, Proprietor. and her songs were much 1
tai ment was
a r a A 6 T, F, x A X 1) r I '. DA N1 010i
coo for the enter n
ALTAr.S'S Grocery announ m
if am, rnre coffees. Bright $h- Lang Syne, and we are
liondap: Prime TP Me
Currants. lein sagdrs whose Scottish has
Now Raising, Clean
Wes, gardines: fo'r a Canadian dwellingo
7a" Spices, Lemons, Pit-
claied Poelff,
canal'is, &a. viour, reed ith their
Lobsters, Nut9i Plas. be delighted w
al.. comeaud. see.
and Provisio.As, as u8u
Y611L Want a life -
&W 1. ur"
�Vg MOOILF"M Old 05tab-
like Picture, go 0 cil-kni A 001,D S-,4Ar. -On S v
look, where
ott's U
lalled Pboto Cable wy Wa.
graphGallork Sc a u of the couill
11 ,
You will always fia
copying and oheavy fall of allow, W
t, ul.wr at cation paid,to
yon. I
during the day. The'all-
ng. t ceries arrived
0 of now ro ever, was quite warm and
A un
Slorrisoi Now Currai Now Raldnis, ing Sunday night the
at u, morrpon'Kii X- 5101 ed from the
jujit arli
1 and proceed
fif" the plaeo tO buy 01
leap �or cauh,
Dk blew a
N-mv Fruitis, Buckwheat about 12 O'0IOC
cane, The atmosphere
Tonitij Teas, Tosif
Mour, Syrups, the Best I ly cold and frost &U4 a'
I who have tried thomi them,
ed ed by &I
a L.�IDLAW, 1 - I . I of the yrevious d was
Valaule In Town.—J. C
directed to the immense of: )va
M.-ritnin-ION is able ruesday, a so
Since then the weather.]
Jackets ana
Stock of Overcoats, I
ast be cleavil out,�GUAYs
Crated, and we ArO 11OW
Clothing, Which ma
ant winter weather and
SmiWLS,-A geat variety
We notice that on Men&
coo, at the varmors' Store,
theL Cold WAS even more
F,,x. plac�s than it was here'
the Cold Wo
-F 0i
Globe m 1 Tuesday,
110SIT011 and Toronto ior 1876.,for it had ever been in,Nove
rn In Obtal Mond I
be furnished to subscriber
*a, on
$3 ; Tim EXV0
SIT011 an - the f 8te
dotered 20 degrees )bel
ffeeii Lib(wal for $2 o5 reg
Advertise anitaba, �on
nd iya ada riarmer for Winn'ipeg, M
Tim E xpotai a n I to ed 33 degree,
it regis r
ostage free"forall.
$2 25, P enough here, but no�hi
as at either of the po
F. FiLarouY,-As
Tuy, SYAT'i Claws
elsewhere, I tioned.
will be seen b advertisement
eeting of 1he patrons -Pf
there will be a, ini Tnz LiTFIRAii Socur"
8 factory in the Town
the Seaforth alice e meeting of the Seaforth
on Wednesday next at I o clock.
Hall) was held oil Monday C
I or iely attended notwith
NTy Couxem. --�-The December
Trul, Cou ang stormy state of th,
entity Council
session of the Huron abairwas occupied by.M
act- at Goderioll on
'Wednesday last.
any account and the subject,
�Ipheelrle -was no business Of be Taxed was a'
done on VVednesday, A full report of erk, ni. gentlemer,
the followi
11 be iiiven next week.
Proceedings wi mative-U. Amodeb,
--------------- rip
P. Hayes, Win,
ATEETING OP 011"EsF, AU.N. -.A meeting. Watson ; for the negati,
be held in
of cheese manufacturers will Goo. Jackson Thos, K
on Monday,
t46 Town flall, Seaforth, and Dr, Burgess, The.
mi 13tll' at 10 o'clock A. M.
D e a,,,, decision it) favor of the
the meet-nis to i
The object Oi i subject for discussion oE
of interest to men
discuss matters Moliday evening is
and. it is hoped there will be a large at.
Capital Punishment sb
T I tendance.of thoie ed," The leaders at
and Di. Vercoe, thefor.
FUI.%�incs' Ass firat of ifirmative and the latt
the.. winter seiiic-s of the Mechanics' As -
The affirmative willbe h
ommenced on F *day evening I
Mr. Cuttler A. G, M4
last, an4 was highly succe Jamieson, Hugh Chesil(
'Assembil-i is. to be beld in the Town
next son. s On, the negative a
Ifai On Friday �' 6venillg, Dee, 10, , - I
J, L Carter, Jas, Beatl
Holland's I
Music :ill be
W, nell and B dwarA Cash
Qaadrillo Band, evening, readings will
penso','%IALL.-Mr, John'Eades, Who has Mr. Crai gi, Dr, CoME
ering buziness in Seaforth. Porter, Mr. M cFaul, Mi
been in t1he barb Mr. McMulkin, Wes
for some _tjola, I'Las gone to Lu eknow where
11 L has purichased the harboring business large attendance on
e ings will comi
deg Is a goo The read
Mr. Hyslop, d I t,
(if a 7-30,
-Workman and a straight -forward, honory I
need, i
will, we are convii
able,man, and Brusse
Merit the f till con ad ence and liberal pat- I
-A team
ronage Of the good People �f Lacknow. jam Stretton ran a,
Jolill, oil as
m his trip to tiOn Monday. last,
on I
-,N21 r of Silver Greek,
near SeAlorth, returned fra
and very little da0age
Minnes to on Saturday evening last. We
Plfor=rlm Sol
are glad,'to learn that Mr.- �Vilson returns
rence, of Lot 3, Con. I
materially improved in lleai _1B
his farm for $6,000.
of Lot 3, Con - 6, rey
-On Tues. ay last a man I
Akcerrj F �IT,
100 acres to JohnSawl
mail na ed Folland met. with a Painful
accident: in the-saNs, mill of Messrs. Cole -
the new proprietor
-it in this town. - F olland
mail & (I'l-ouinlicle
House, has got Moved
ciroi'ulax saw, when
was Wo Icing with. a
-run a, firstaclasif; bousil
came in contact with the re.
dly sha
nto, th -two for him -a goo
VolVit-Ig iiMplellit, niall!Zlit3g e
lie fingers e -
if hLis right hand in so so- I r nag
vere a manner that they'bad to be MMLPU- I PUJILIC
What makes i7he matter still tog of the Young Men
ing is the fact that Folland i ciatio , it) the Toi
I n
;�Jjd his -was ver w
family were (mitirely dependent eveningi, 3ry. w
for subsistence, cring the disagrecal.1
upon h s daily earningg
and -no ii thathe will be 'ticapaciated for were about 250 pro
'this they will of all the different. i
work fo r at least two m
have, nothing but the 904 rosity of a kin,1 upon' the platform i
meeting, rhe pali
lie t depend on. 114
n last Saturday t
ft T
it. -Q- Tuesday i he Asaoc
D�i,c molts, *'Urpx n iation �.roj n
evening last, the bachelors of the to wn, tended during tile W I
tothe ic umber of about 40, entertained
Mi% James Thomas at a Complimentary
11, o a e'sHotel. The sup. I MARKETS, -Fall IV
Oyster ki ppor at
a sort of parting, token I
per wasi given as spring, 80c, to 900,
oif este&u to the, guest, Oil the eve of his 1 4-c to
a DOC, ; Oats, !9
(1cuerticin from tfic ranks of his enter, ' rk, $6 to $",
a.; po
and assum 180, - tail
taineri il)-the responsibilities l6c,; butter,
of married life. . The I
ai PlOasurefs XcICII)EXT.—We r
chall, iii Occupied by Mr. Hicks, and I dord 61 melancholy
-c st; of Ham Carried on No . 27,
the vice ;hair by fr, L v
buirg. few hours werei pleasantly ape was, return on ]it!!
health of the Boon -to- gr
dul village of oo fie, V
be Bo4dolict; -and his I fair bride, Was night, -and when ab
c I
ly drank, and many wishes exii, I quarter from home J
f r Itleil
and hap. 'I
1:108e: I for their fut welfare
P his, horse stumbled dii
in ti
ie road an
hed hea'ollon,
f CClf_,KFrr1-VG,-At the meet
'ing of
Co ileck died almost ich
oil y
the toviin Council, held TuosdAy last,
son, who wal a Shop
ng t
the _Ir(; limits by-lawl Ii finally read ran up on heari
awl, pwil$ed. A tel from
sistance could bol,
w, of Pariz, Stating, that his en -
Cst lishment
ti r-: n Paris had been de
oycitby fire, an(twithdravvin frornne'
eSlfectingf the estatli,311MOUt
A 8,rivrto.N.-Foi
Of a mall6hicto-Ty in �Seaforth was read.
I been a doubt in the.
Moved,by J, Be seconded by Xni.
I ple of Kippen and A
G.rassi and �-Iarried, that the offer cf the
er or not there won'('
(;odvri,,1h Mwm-,facturing ("oinpany in re.
fere to the manufactor, -in S th station of the Londel
lice! vafor
lviio, belie
-Mayor Ene -e Railway
be tuccii and that the'
"JU.1 0,041IGiIii ftrong and Nlci t be iihas been set al
Ilelit autho
-o complete ents upon,exce
ager of the Great 8V
W y. Nfoval by J,'Be,
'ted his aligill
tic, fe(, oiltled, 1, G raisio, and Carr
"'a -station Simi],=
Ifensall. 'rhis
ti, c Clerl� 1�e autliorlze(l to ir,,, the , P,
be at
V 7 bonii of 01)
by�_ L �for gki a
InIblis"hed, Af-
(i be gladly
slii a ra%nufai..: )ry legal.15
li al
people of Kip 1.
the ("C UnCil
ter IMS811`19 a �iii
AUr ('11,
coxcrmrr, - We would
TI'u.11 F Exf;m; 1�,
t C L.,l r .6 , _ , ,
a 11 1� TJ.Ji' 01! Choi eollel�rt
from Gorrie, has bm
y nedy, the. cot -
to If, er for the SchoUl ill
tile Town. 11all., this
f(illop, for the year
The Bratitfi Ci I.
Fri, !,LA(i. r. NJ cKay
3 1
Njr, Kojilne,ly'ji entertaitL-
th-U-1 iri aks (,; ,
aud. iii no 41t61
M I., Kennelly thii:ish sin�4_ L
faction to tile poople
8 bed by his talulltv a ftv�
"nling at 1, 11'r
a -it o, tj.
ith an arig;--cratic Tiu-, ]'Ali
ft W_?
sll()t't t
W1. Dame r Kell inic ap, t
tuiliciunt to draivr. Mr, the township of Ilay
die. -amouiit (It
Ke�mcl"Cly wt `oiii tbe reputatiou e Ltd,19 I f"(411
the gr,at'-"i of "icotell vocali!ft�,,' - Ilecolkint of the Muni
aiii li, 11licys of tfic, purpose, f p3'r
t1le Int"t
inily w1hr) are jJo%jwi.w, nobly in dubt. corres Ider
rt -which opcied
th tile Gre
h i" fui;�gt�'1)14, lie g1vv;3 -a V
d it
,ro,-! f [illy wttisficd witib, all.14' sets vii authorities, an
"i Co -. t i I f railway'del
-III heart 'Jeatill"t Nivitil delight Tile the
elillig iii reat.y in- Chased for 98 centi
li)`A(_1.119� Ile Of ti,e V
am f rcctuelltlY III a Clark, went; t
(wcawll by the apit,
E of baving
explanatio- of I pu 0 0
Mr, Upon. mo,
-scot-ti!4I lifo atiol ew, totils, will w
unt to Such a A 4voini bi, IeMlliii U10111111111im"T 01 the
'hespelst-, and
Win. Q e bad debts did not amo 10'extv 4,
$3 50 .. 1. one might sapPom ; for, Im"t lone#-�Spsl# Vantilly Paper im
F go sum as V the VJ1i01i I
ldfoi 0 ` be, a man doing a buginef' s of 5
for re- 0,()00 a year, it would. requive !a very
ount of bad debts t* coi to ope
lyloved large am HARPEATS WEEKLY,
nd 'in hio expoxieni it hod
vViliker, Pbr Cent., a,
1.11 t. As
be : ro. il�ver reache oll anything like 10
-larried. f 0-
J pr the farmers shipping their Own Pr Notirms 4
'ablout %.ud =o6b poworfal illustraw
James Mee, I do not think The Grangeirs hai LY is tlIo
bough, Iodio4l publUedluthioevoilutry, Itsaditi hop
limits be Oken it into consideration yet, I 1r,
i - Ivirs. perhaps, sometbilig Could be, sai in I Tiltin are sabolarly i Ua convincing, And carry much
for i.11. veight,� Its laudratl6lI4 of current eventsare,
4 M, r is. that way also ; for, take,
fall'and tr�esh, ai are, prepared by *ur best As.
in Seaforth, tjtere Are I ibout I a With & 41rettlation of 15,0,000*0 NVZZK-
ind Dr.
by As. (lozen buyers where one could do Oe i jy ii read by at 10st halla milliou persons, and: M9
:ilot, that business P, auji, if you get o0o bid on , its lutluence as an Organ of Opinion is simply tre -
'I!he WYMICLY, maintains a posit A
and ox as a4&JbJ6
ve it mordon as decided viewson political
to the Your load, you can take it or lea pobitio=
onisville Courferii
present just as You choose ; but, to keep up that und soc probl sa. I
-0 a models of-itigh-tonedfaisoi
respectable class in the commuilitY, we Xts tick
;a aicto- 61 1111tstratioum are often cor.
've, $30 ion, an It
to tell A 4.
0 argn
Moved must, forsoci have a dozen Toborat I of no 0mall force,—i Y. JILRALIG 39AVATU FOR XAXLE.
Walker, the poor ignorant farmer that eat, is x%AmJnor and "Its rapers upon 01.
A -------------
nd its inimitable cartoons kelp a SA Vood Lot icio
,to meet .93 cents to -day. Again, as fdr destrpy- Intent q ofitions I At Ift
1, on Fri-, ing the local trade Contras, and building to woul the Beni iments of the conutry,14tts- -V Ums tha-lu I of land; Veil �dtaaw
ommem a.... x**Arzies Avzli stands J011 '=0A a"elim
the wholiessle and distant.cit ies, t do
at the ad of illustrated! journals In the Unfita bie soid
Cleric. oat see how you can draw that' iferi States, fol c1i01114 on, edii ablUty, and ple-
It, I illustratio .—Ladjosl Ropositoty, Cladin.
would result in exactly the iippoi Pci illustratlo
-1XI e fal ale, are not nen vvho
I rmers, as a r
11!erpasei tags free to all milibscribers in Ujkoi ro-i
heard Up t1l r money. They n Z
t finer Canada i- ffitnrl uo� one year, $4. empiedi a Drd paik
no, finer bliAll spre 44. on T-41"
.n. enter.. prepaymentotpostagebythopu I "Wdito'Ai"
Louses, finer furniture," finer b $4 indqdes: �of lots
V school fluer ov; rything,i era. Sulin'711libloas to HAU11SWO MAOAZINE, sible terms to imnym 1 0 Mal AeSim them, Pat
Wy KL_V and'U'A.7
bu gies, liner harne 'An, to one address for one year, to parobiaite AwW milke lmmefttel
the buil 'y polio 10,
up 'Of e
F, George ang it would just too 9 HaMor's dies Zo on 44
$10; Oro twoof
'ening of ilgo free. A* extra
--�honest and honorab e men, an would drool; foi one ye f.47 ; poste
tainittent copy of alithet tOh Id AGA7,11i Vrymxvi or DAZAU Stle Zhtap,
vo- only cai the dispersion Of lose Who I I tfs fore�ery 0ub Of Mira Sub. towmillp -
gues, y of theii fellow- will be oupi) fed FAWA "OR "t
seribers, fit ach, f u Que xemittamice -, Or, -Six
prey On the simplicit
A small . men, 4biall 'instead of being �a, curse, go free. U,
coi foi ithout extra copy, posts TWO -0 1
loor. would be a great blessing. ftow the j3aek numb 0 a be sappued at any time. The -UO A=
.usek numb r It',
(4rangers derive benefits siocially,in'tol- Annual,: Vol WMA
lothbindingi 'be sent by -express, fr-go of ex.
lectually and financially, those 4ho are " 6 1 -c U. A complete set, OoM rising TT�,B old
Ulf 0, for
t ion rcoapt of ea raw
imembers of the Order know, ati before Jr. 41trit Pon S-LTZ'i sau"
t; t1d oi rj, r) oil a, fteight at expeni 01 Pur -
it r A
I with the 1you write again on that subjec wq be given In 4, 001 101�11i 4t Grq1,o*nW11
Chaser., Pro cut i.attontion will V=es - t1iff Um _111; viultaproviod, -in �Ai
lastisolue "orrongly advise you tb becomie, mom er HAUPWO y to the IllustrJuaions Q1 the
iof some Grange. I najWnal:Expos1tfou. Newspi
vbo'styles oft'lLi AU4 i-claurcho, aa vjil be ooU
UsliouNm, Nov. 23,1870, fol gavertisoment vitbout thO
are not to copy, tb e. vr4m
which I A I �0ntbcVremW__**ih
'M -L
%,press order of Elarr."er A Brothers, w 7 P. o, SO sEL
am Addreso lfiUnit & 131110MUERS, for#
who be- The C12eese Sale Squobblei- 411 Now York.
7VOR ft= 00 1" UIT—Thd tomfort
it peifect A: Awi lionoe Adjoining -the to" of Seatid
To the Bi of the 11uron Exp081to'
'11 .0HANCERY $ALE o"ed and oici pXeseni .1.0hu 1W
f religion SIR: "Factory," in his last prodi leenuill a 10toi Una vellar, and SOZ-. mri
W"emwo, Sails young and tbriTum *rd,
tion, says I bad no ri4ht to A�n$WeT hi5 of Jra in L74W TIOW4- the I
noAples of hoible. � Fv�t
bxiiiie My, term. Possession Al
ronba"r Zan
-,ivil or re. letter, I differ with him, as vo person ship of'I'Voker8mit7t. Nov. U5. AppJy to the niadagigne& A
he law can I knew better than I did the quai f
in. If this I cheese made, and that is all 11 reE too, Mau -
p purimauce of a 4ecree of the 00i X FOR
-socation " 'rho truth is, 11 Factory" is Jea ous, be. eery, boalirlF date the Twenty -Seventh Diny *f tAL _For We. Lot NO. it
12, u4mlop, lug
manager of the 'West End Fai October, 1875, find made In a certain cause More -
laws by, cause the t 13teele vs."13 teele, and -vlth fho ar- e4- and UnZw -460a 4ml
A are the tory got a higher price for his choose in Pending 0 Ithe -v"
.the undersigned 31ai of the Bald IS Melt Un
Holder" than li,e* got, and that is one reason, Why probation of rivi valuable U = There, is L -s large tbalkUm with stal
Vourb �b ftoledch, the folk , VX&rae&thw.i%nj'141oghoui Therek-Awell
lows, tll;�t be hides hits name, from the public. He :tywiUbe-offered for silo by Public Anic-
propel )d loaxig a4baid. VOr 1aAh0r 11,111i
.qh of, this boldly states that the West E d cheese t16, bi the said -Ualsteri the Commercial go( v rietor on the premiw, ror
e. lietel, lleaorlih, on Tuemdn y, the 20th -Apply to fuev_w
purchased by the manag and r "ter to TH15m4is ORIEV73, seaJi F.0" I
iecessitous was Day pr iii1peclanber; A 107.5v at, 2 o'clock iu
ly I board of fers to another factoryman he new, who afWlmoon, that is to say: Lot number Two,
th 1 tou, Huron Rosol Survey.,
of limited bought his own cheose at *a over marki io uw Alevouti - Condon FOR SAL atillyth ONMOUtbe_Mi
isbi itbo fn'theCkmiaty of ymi I � -
of thei tDwl p 0� Tuckersm 4 -the Landon, H
ien follows rates, -and sold again at a lo a of 2le, land.,
1 6 1 Paul Huron, c6ntaiui 100 acres of laud more, Or low.
iieb, taken 1 Aeco�rding ta'tbis, 11 Factory o" ani:149-i Pint,*Inland basswom
ThIsliroperty Is sltniatc4 about two mileafrom, tba to be holdju- , gu� quattitio In the imme"
;iseraont of pryism" is of standing, evidently- pavoil road le -iii 0 the Town of soaforth, -And
"Ong wri, the nearest 3iUchio'm is All by Arst-WAU Jai
chronic, No -doubt the facticiri in abouteight milleg from said to ry vUl be s0K
rinines its market town, god abort live miles from the xg.
,d pimple, question, instead of snubbing him, told ip, Ui Aboutl5acres are cleared, ai Fvr *iermiiii,
L 4UAL$ 0 An Qi 10 U_
took _J I , 0 _ SASSO
Lotti him of a heavy loss that .- ever utider"Cult vati 0, wilic-11 about 0 Acres are i Ipply to J
1, in Wbich I ,a to get rid . of him, You now, Mr. irde frioul 9; the lot Is way.
11141 stilm ' e bAIJIU00 40f
o chat.-- bf Utor, it is not usual for b inesis men ed with good w a timlier. There is a zom-
fortable one a shalistorylog d-velifug houso, -numanwo _RRUCMELT) FOR sm
to tell who they sell to. or bu -from, or X 'bap" thatitegrablepoVolql
iortiledge the lower,part which is intheii and plastered, a For sale *
on' with stionclottudation sud livulag e avm_p�ft-eia, lawly,00cupi6i mr. --I
blanks by what is made or lost moilless traing- large frame ba, a 86%&
that I can, action,%, and it is time I I Facti Icnew stablit3i; for b roes ana cattle below, and a log verguom. VU ir10 $Our 41111119810ts. 11111110
jiihei house, 11 in goi ori upon the lot. f Mme 'hoh0iiitell 'Stabliel wou and -all lafto
demoraliz- this. R. Mce"ilITNBy. There is &ISO good 01,011fira of bearing -tiaes, oony2alenwo, AUo A voiM Drelmid. The jaiA
0— ; I . I _ & j&fo"da lyy� A new
take place about flu Bete U extent upon the lot. 'rho land and nAdr -a
a gooy statc :of enitivai *eU 'V--- � -
M Forl.
fa a clAy loam" fen PS
is the Im. Huron Notes. �, a, sruncwtoialortto the
1 fence(I with Tall fences -t and Wfoll surpli With YOUN,
I hich it; ,VLeU*,15 00 SALE --The roperty will
y W Mr. A. Sbiells, of East Nl'rawanosi lost watcr� t0i ----------
an Only a fine mare four years old, last week. be put ul) for gale at the upsot r ce of �$O,i
The purchaser4it the time of sale Shall pay to the LARGE OVIMLLIXG WU89 in &A.
She call lit her hind foot in a 1, rope that vendors or th fr solicitors a delmalt In the Y." foi
an OW an 1 1 was tieT arouod her neck, thri her- 0 for ever lee ocuons dw
portion of Al . y $100 of his purcha 404" IWA CO=
I pay the balance of his purchase The Uoi
arch, and' self into the manger. The animal lived- money, And m I So. _0,1�aedlbl,y Mr. IL Powell -
into c6art, witbont interest within *no
p to, this
two daysafter she was found.' Mane
0 10 moutJfyomth�(UyOf sale. Inallotlitir comfortablo lied i '60-mis, f0vther -Wub am
,attempt tanding coudi- 00f$i WAteri -A&ble4l
n —The pulpit of the Presbyterian 1� the c4inditioliff'of ii will be -the im, good celkii, UiA � and - Ek vith
wall. " I I tions of �L� Court of Chancery. Falther pwrtka. -two lots,
slw �stre,
rostegglon givemst -any.
saction the church, Exeter, vacated by the retire- lars and conditiono of osle may be obtained onap- b" A large
thank ment of Rev. INI r. Logie, will be, filled plication to messri mccaughey Holme#W 17 to s,
ful to icitors,Sedi aud to J, T. GarrowX-Mv ell
Lot Holder" �every alternate Sunday by Rev, Mr. Sol; tayof l
fiallehor, Cruda-dah. Dated at Goderict, this
f Bayfield, for a short time.
a other lot. Jamieson., 0 or, 187,5.
day of NOvelub ARM J19ALRiiiiii
I IL M&ODER310TT, Flett; -xi lotleareA auaiu*g
,f individul —The regular semi-annual ir!;.eetin Of �'Afaxter at Croderich. Is Up.11
annoticed.11 the Huron Teachers' Associationwill be
Messrs, 31oCA GHEY & ROLBIESTED, Uew famel-
before bai held ini the Central School, 011intou, On 417-4; seaftorth, Vendor a, 8011clors. io # Old
ry,�Ppe Friday and Saturday, 3rd Ind 4th of U
are bnUdings ; At Is
r, in whic December. The programme will, be an 1U(,pUTQAGX 110AXX I -tbe same
10116619 Aud
figured a interesting one. OPERTY.--i
,he canvass ---r As, defalilt hu been made in the paymeni
.rhe only representatives; from Hin y on tu.
as .90 itl ron at the Brantford pigeo* shooting monqys due under: a certain Indenture of toort-
XOMAtInns and Agnes, his it by. le U:
our odee t last week were iMesors. R. gisge made by and 'daY
tonrinamen wife to bar dowert bearing date the 9th WAT T,
'Ospol wan if�
and T. Bissett, of Exeter. 1 One of, these of ja;nuflry, A. D. I.Mf which niortgage will be
or to door� tlemeu, succeeded in takiing the see- produceirl at the tinlei of sale. Notice is herebY VAL AD it ITAUK Pump -
I goo. I es"J&Aaa 1
eek sell und prize in the consolation giveo that un der -sud� by virtne of the POW00 Of For $AX, a 4 11 1 ign -1 .
`W r sale in the 0iiia mortgage contained, there will be 5itU&W:1%Wuti'74 mile-
Aan Tinninp I AT; a iLY-V411nn itlic � Ji
defend th6 I
- etty thefts are becoming &-common
saii y Pntille Auction, diD L C
no Y'L, SE.,�FOUTH -at 11 o'clock A. X -o DU
E, H.
occurrence in AN, In ham, Ono night last
week 'ece of port, weighing 40 pounds,
1 9 bdn, I __A w
_all, KA -wood
order, I thebilthicie __ , 'I
-is nosily mew. 2XV;
Adwing bouse,
effect ovi lind an
to'ring into
f teres,
& Goutniock) 1%
cin$, Culvert Oil )[urm
A 'T -78
Abet 3 .
Tv"I 004ft oadl,
jo o' I Or. Wi ci,,rt4iii
w r, t1l Viell
�inger is '10t) 01 dm4d' b tile
amount In
n 1was dispu d by Mr
Wr . Dust6O, r0f;�!
it t Bra
it Love, as
b,ly add W i and
I, win promise, 10 lattor
Jownship, o4eired, 97 for
bri es $21 ; Alex,
)f pocir, $31, 44,
lief 0
sufficient flo ori bellalf Of
1090 tinle in. Q i o oi e I I t a r ( .,, I
l �, After considering th
time, - the "Milwa
by fr. Sproat secot
th,% Myo- C. Whitchead's
ded by D.
I was ainjost- mattdr a
nbers of the offiel, '18 (ollsentoid,
to the comprom-001
Mis ed, fop the currenit
wt C
Njo -ad by 34r, Long
seconded 1),
JOU.I.It Of a; li- 41 LI 410 d ebc
dy, i(wilship is nwv,�
Urle Nvero secilred.
therefore, free fromi
'M donald that the
11 M
,vid Kenr
meron Men I r, i1w , 4y dobt,
and, after expendioll;
all Mrs.
air in arity
$4; Afr3i,
Ahlborn, I
Miss H . ien, $ ., 00 of the
It: it
AtLulcipal Loan Fund stir.
nvoments,� there is Sti
, aXamari
.1 1 Do g, $5 MM MDKqy,
1;d-fike v Af, e, P us in Cal
(1 -mired lie the credit
ot the township,. in ti-
e 0rc -Carl,ijol.
Macdonald seconde
by Mr, Spr
with '*Old lmn4p of the 0
( a ' L 111
X01vernmeni a � balance c
'�+ ng the rail-
tJUS liqUidat
the following sala,
ies be
648 8.
re tb:at t &I 1
been chal way ilebt, the
C uincilhiiiii a ted wiscily,
Ile3ve an d Coanciers
Reeve, .1i'40
De )uty Re'
I U'Id not The , vay.deb3otureo
tbe the ha (I
08 a
a Coiincil r e all, $
I Twa BOurs illber st, wh"
J� � worn
c f tile G
I m6ney
c nt only retqrned'5 per
1) if r. Sproat secai
b N
tZ, this council. do
ded by Mr.
now jidjour,
v enU on the
I day last, this I an�omc a t mado
a, Ital amo atilt. a
with the Wli tiii
r- it
ag' 6in -at Elliot's hotel,
P. 31
favored *ith t horiti es, also,
i I most favort
do r, Dec, 17, at 2 O'clock
L ich Conti ed
leasapt, ur- [r)
turood r nd
tol I Tily, bizw minAd
TOOIX—A number of cli
Tour OF
orthwastj 1,,'and nterb' too
s, belonging to men: ej
ni tallument will be given
in the ni
1, Stai
perfect I 4irrii
in ed 611 thil
weame intaboo- 10
� London, Ho ii slid Bru
3o one night last woo
vo house, in section
it, Bairi Sr., teachei,
on the Cil
I t or the wa I to th ait Woy , Wer
ins or- here 31prears
3 s oh nia � ste%li
tA i be an epidet in
F 'day, Doe, 10,
w, 11 ist of recitations,
The entei
nearly az 'i old, n in t1lis seption
just now. � an !of
S'aturday, a sp .
C and instrumental
will be Coll L ected
at the
Is much od-
orgies, Ittreched
to a wai and, to
of, charge
njoying pleas-
I raw, r 3,11 ai
lood vleij 11ing.
I scattering �ha straw au&
' in dir
and Tuc ,iM�run; parts
b4ai joi , the
- all
Of the wagon. -
w1wels struck � post of b
',a- T, 7 the Vitor of 0
te Ea
Cither Is
#vere in L arva's veral
idi it and A b
, 1, smashing'
Lr, pyAn A cc
Xt Toren on rel bf stilt.
it love heading appeared
in youi
re intense AL510i A
F mm.—This t6wn re"n,
4 over thio signature
of some one I
Iber since
eter hadi a harrow
iie thermo 'd been A,
4 scope from i what
ery disastri fire,.
himself "Tricket
A� beg leave to make
Holder," to
a brief repl,
iiiii zero, a in
ligh d lamp
W 9 left in a barn a few i
i0j. 01 ie Of these in tbi
I communit,
the same day, ments, and I
. 0
rh: lethe owl' eki Was Oil
ai� ive, andirejoice
the fact till
was 1'cold kicked ov or
L& COW. It! instantly
so r4 Or y a
gl 'Lt ib tv i
enjoyed by I
ig like 04;�
i� fire to I ome
00i straw, bi4 was fort,
in a Id it is only who
ministers c,
above [men-
Ately discovered
i had gai
before iC
10 Churches viol
som 0 pr
in h adwayi
1i GE OF
r.,—The re Q11A
ral interfere
gio�s; iberf ies of
with the,
others that t
Mier be: ma e to
t e pre sent o0sollon- of
5ht i.
Be into arrest aiti1punisli.
. the
. 11 la mre
=119, ano Legjs
of ntario forithe power
"London' Huron
and 1 3 t a, the above
01-Y 0 f 14 Pe,
libel t
iianding tl i cold i am4iga note
ii nothing less
a oil
weather. �, The Bruce. Raill
with �
an s bich we are gov
ernod, Wb
M.Y.'i Poit Stanle,
r'a taiiway, and, to desIgE
'I b
at f atis of this cas
? Tickei
-I Chur ell, I rop- th�` said am
d amated ral �wftvik
St. Rom
t lis us, and of
ourse he k
ly diseuss A by name d ti
�l of the Brio,
ilway. i
t, to TvIethodiot Episcopal
For the 118flir. ai Huron
R i
town, being place,
I in certain I
am b M, U L't R
a I ory Ut
XC1DF,,qT. -i sborC
Dwe, belougiitig to Mr.
a rcumstances,
W. decided
Me quarter
on a kind
11 an o
i —Dr, Cot Iman, 71-1: W(ymou
th, df HnIlett# got Cast;
it ae church
Oil I ability sale of an
orgai TI
id, Dr, Vjtl�rcocp its . ac c, froln
Which position it was
ul" B presentment: of
tho - case, w'.
ie the a a t) extricate
ffirmative "gThe mo: rnit g of
itself, on
:h( day folIOWi6 whic
ii connection with
I it tion, i
the transae
the adver
t once date
t week fro next woo In aged,
it was found; ith a large
character as a to
tery pure
Resolved that he C Caton I
Ito its oidel a6d still al
done by
vic, that is accoriling .
o Worcester,
ild be A SuPpoi to
h ve been a
lie sa ys, is "a, game
of hazan
I ev. Mr. TI a zi re wit
is 11 once ol alligh tered
emall-sumis are ventured
or taking Hro miyrt
mirwity, ---lone evening
obtaining a grea,
value; a,
r the tie ive. welok,a man,
who was a stranger in tcwn,
distribution of
rizes and
ipported b Rev. wo I a stopped
Victoriaii street near
the hanee," The oy
I (
y difference
I aII . . . . obert o4tior , by .
I c ouple of men, who proc
L -O( -I
see between thi
and the
I autf Mr, tkin- edi to]) him
at oace.j They cut
big i
ing Icitteries,thot
o frequentli
do is Dri Viorcole, P3_LL to [)oekcts
out, and in the scuflie
li (In the other side
of the lines,
I's, Win, *,Xon- Veot was to
Tb robbers
a frili"' ' ' L
so- inense proportion
of blankol
Next Monday , caret %smi:
11 sum of Toone 51, with.which
s distinguished --m-349
jiven bi�,�� Roy, y decam
)ed, There seems to
of hard chariii
go me ptize, and this,
i 1�,biliby
we are -i
I M r. V, B, u usuil, r
cinof, of limited
sale 01
11, Jamie ' n and a, und Clii
toil just now, and all persoxW,
I 'or the benefit of
a "weak cl
A hope tx�see a wiiiIuld do well
to be on their guard,
: :
-he determination
to put a st
onday e 64ning,
mce putiotually I
ind, of thing, we
�o. push a weak c
are told, is a
h urch to th
�Act fT)r,.%L--On
Thursday afternoon
f - hould think after
o .
such a trot
last week, ii
11, 3 oung lad, about 14 year,$
A 11 weak chut -all "
ought to be
I named
J OseP11*, Riley, BOB of
lArs, 11ave the wall to go
to, I 'Tiel
clonging �,o Mr. la"
t7cyl of Tic
kersmi met with a
I WIP ieminds us that
ly from I
#e sta, full ac-iiii
He was ridill aloll
-tile ries for e private
!To one iiii hurt. r6ji (in hot
so ack, and While Pool
bee allt
g a Is have It
wed to pass
0'as done, te"amone 0!
e horses of the bean I I
ick- 'his is admitted.
But novi
Mr. John'i Tor- e4, strikiV
� him on the leg and fratitur.
i a advertisement
of a lotte
a s- gold I
Grey, ]I inig it,
iider medical treatmentL
le n the 61om"s of
V 0
your papi
t, in Ed ards,
jam la d is prog-
Coating favor ably.
ine minister of �
the G
Olt, his f rm of 11U.5AWAY
Jr., for, 5,00(). Oesuey, o
luia) Accwr,,NT,-141�1 'Win.
f 1'ruckeromith, met -vi
;he treasur er ano]
th a agen , and n
another as I
wer. before I
Thoii I pitinful, aecid
0i the- I us*sels
nt on Wednesday of
b e a spea e
is i
men seen 01
iter of the 4
, Week M
it, . Mr. Iadl can i f,
ont Seafortli,
was returni g
and while c rossi.
the er ng wi. I is
bag, from oli
and we - koliat
11 Of3pub 14 --Pat.
horse took fr1g
it at , after day, a
him in tickets for a I
d week afte
ottery and i
t 0 e igil io
0 fto[ the
and ran away, throwing
)u egy near McBride'is Rotol.
stra d with, tiiiii1ertaking
lie publi meet, 'lie tlini
Chriatia: Asso.
ontinued, on its f lighm
t lie of Mr, I
ai business, (to use
John U tin), " mathein
lils own pe,
tically, Shil
ii new
fall, last Oriday go 11 90'
away from the bug
J)"Ut scientifically, le
y, an 84
attended, �onsi was (aligh
i att the Egliloadville 1
idge. 16 was this that
certain individt
shocked t
als," and al
evening. 17,Thore 01legn
The i0nistert. " `_
aind. i iedic
�ylwaa iii conveyed llorr.,
11, 11 - procured, When' it
iiii in a deternii
on, (even al
11lomina-i wer fi)ull(. tha
ree of his ribs were In
)keu, starting thea
f 1, Persecal
ul addrehOd. th
d th begid as s
st ining -other injuries,
NVe a stop to4he d
Ticket Holde
aceful seei
' by this 4
i eading ri w a are gad to
1 trettion' block favorably
I -arn that be is progr
as could be expected,
ssi ng
bl 'sibly secure sym
pathy and di
18 a's
k es to be ell -at the I
11 Uil"ll te
will -be confined to lbed
'I " weak church
I to them,—no doubt,
it is perfeel
i ar. 1� some time.
1. il __
Cow -'en.
M_Zffrn-,- ricii.
' 46
1i Perhaps, the
end may
n N)v, 2
, Pursuant to adjournin
t, at means. Yours,
�ato 900, jib 9.3c, t Ile I Ouse
I IOUT, %arley, it It t) a me
f1mr, Jobn Dill, L Hari
nber resent iNlinuties; of
rbey, I
to peas, 11)Cet,ng,r(ac,p�riTappro,'vt,�(I.,
�; -egas Mr. lati
bides, $4 1
dol seconded by Mr. IS
by An Usborne
Pr�a t, PO 014 Editor
6w, 6c.; larill, 12,�c.. that he p-atition
of John Bannali.;1ohn
I iiet to. ha re- 11amsey and
129 dithers praying thit
in Charlesworth. & (:o,,;in
the Sin : in your
rather severe criticism
last issue
on tb
,ident, which o6 mill of
dr, Witt-Atueston e I illage
c, ville 'be exenpl;ed
1, Bgmoud -
gloil�a tiou, and
t is to corrc
eback fr tIm , the rom
f r a term of. 5 years! I
e not takes a OtItai C
I in it, whic
)iii o'clock A 'ran oed, but
that the said pro erty''be
apt to lead thos
3 - unacquain
ht a mile.' and I on pted
f rem taxes for the pres 1)
". year. Working.of the
)rder to for
is suppos d that C rried
10.ove promi s
d by M r, S
imp " sions concerning
cond. res
r some,in ualit it d Iii M
tile 8
ang that - John You
Lin of $12 foe repairingy- (ulvert
rig be you this, You.
say that
UnfL n, Mai aid
-ort 0214 tv, ' n Loi
ank br ULY h s e ee
1 25 and 26, Con. 1,
R 8 tioned into sm-iller
` " I
jwtaneOu a] iind thatDa
id Walker Jr., 1) e Pf
) for culverts,
'id fle of such apporti
�ne the selves- will
liment by I
equal ti
1, distance� lbehinc luir. of $1
all, but b �fora as- It L A 3 1,
C on. 2, one at Lot 31 4
0 profilts and thA
'/'on� 4,
ball che prol
Aa,ined I:: fe Iia 9 11.
)q, at Lot 12 Con. 4, -
ap, Chesne. Jr. , ])a aid
retailer has is
�be the goods into'l
the expenn
all quantil
U"i of $
for ditching and a 1%
Ort' at I contend, that not
in. t 8, Co
a. 4, H. S. _�Carrie
Mov- if it was a reasonable
ere s 'd Ii Mr,
ine time t b,
Bang, secoindcu by Mr
Mae- they charged us,
we would
of! 0 PC londolthitDonald
nindfi 0 a - r
t, iium of'
A.1cKinnon 'be
15 for j�b 1\ o. 20, $2
L paid mit to it, but
being froto 2.5 ) to 500
. en we or
per cent., it
11 it I
Y, as t i whet] I
be at tha- iplace ai ledlated
I I fillon
tit account of job not
-, TbelGrangers"priticiples
theit constiituti�n,
S w
show thi
Hare, -,accoi-(Iin,�ioijl)e�ificatious,—�
1 194 2 Brui e
that th 1; doul t No, led b,
. b
y Mr, Lang, seconrled ty
1. to Capital,
TvIn' cner�ites
but tb
rest,_ as! leari 8 )at that
9 pit
ity, that I li Nlai Jag, HousVui
the petition of John
and 102 Others pray�ngltha
Doi wago inces sant
oheo, An4 I can
warfare agi
coli a ret,
tern h4s 0' fficial y i council not
tavern late]
to grant a, licenise
oc�,apied I)V,-Nlr, IN'hi:eliead,
�o !the si a percentage
huge monopol�,,
- nothin
I -to mai, c !at Ki )o
T an
110 - thot Jich, is ;0 d Icnown
as the Ilea Twiv t �
n(Utbe avel, that comrotit'
ion baisf
i it nouncem imt wi� 1, lice -Ise Of
tile said tavern having
t) law ani I
lapsed cut down their
siblo� figTres,
Tnicts to tl]
vVilen we p
:Welcome J)y the 7acc(rdiiDi�
V101i �Co.Nl. lhavmg no
powel to ad but'
warinly oursti toapportion
''Syn patbi
zii i g -with the prayer of
V 'tl not�call him
a midollpmai
1 �tior ers won
1�1 recom' d tbitt th is
qr a does not and cannot
slinilar petition
be presented to tlia.
Oew pleases, butL114"
gf"to a re,
k. 'A oun,.�il b?f6re
certificatep, of lice i
ISO are andw'eare a g
0-11 lfaffedl; is teac ",I- L, grAted for
1876.—Carrietl. , Moveoll
WeL b
1) that. a
eve 111 pay)
S, n, N Or NJ C rj�'lr Sproat
seeonde(T by., Mr. Langy
that according, to the
labor don
$76, at it 'alary. 0 followi
f the
g accounts ibe 1%id, -
Auqh had been all t
at- was aske
NVOII re( mmeu a Chesney,
g 7avel f0i * tat#te; labor,
�23: 58; would have bmli
i o need'o
i flive
t, 0, (1 sat -8- 1), K-dravi
ill, t -I 'mi f statilitc,
lax or, tion. Again'.
if t he s a (I R), �2 4.0 ; I
Vi n, Brdl� gr viel. fok,
sta e Gralageti-8 wou'd
devote th,
labor, l,,,1.2
02 ; Jno. Alexandc-Ir
fe-, r 'el inditice the far
elS to pay
for statute
labor, �'20 70 J1101
I Be) mereband 4e t
icy purchasi
PArD, Ovi,,—TA i'gravel ficit'
Btfiltate labor, $3 11
Ulm taif dealer' t
icy would
unlepal ( buncil of McParlalle
vel for statute lit',or,
selves and their
follows to
atermindi I to drisr NVI n. MX'i
Ii for statlii.(
la 0 r,' ey extent
bv cliterin
ULU LIV1,T)f-7111)) .7 7,4 ;
Francis I Se, gravel fo ; r
tta'�Ute sale market tbetlizelves.
for that flito
ance, if
110anil Loali'vi'and, for :,labDr $11
58 Pet r (,art itim
V el say
&' railway '!�stautc labor,
lig ( I
iligravel forptatutc
5�1 C o n INlic!"adden
I r,
f can be called,
to the Merch
in a j
its themsel
N" was 4144ordingly
I i I[,
11ailwity "("'Ovenlook
it N1 esteral; 1�'
184 - V'm; Cnoli -$1.
f * I r
'80 great many intances
I "i
is ascertali I ed t at 7bos, .2;
Z , Jaso Dave
'r n, 90 cen , ,
y 1 90 8( -)1 on 6redLit than
for cash
I Ii 'Coul be r :Cellts ; GeO,
sproat, $3 60 ; Roi
sation wit h a
Jetail merch
Lot veek inoclian.
811 710 ; Jas. D I, $14�(`,;r,
ails ,
—, clay, I caguall�
obterved i
I flamfftoliv� for the! 1.1obt, Fulton,
38 be, better for overy
one to
mAtti[,4 fl ally �CbAgi,
ffiio J in I
ArinstrOD2, 0 -08
$9 06; the good customer
Were negligent,
bad to
ing the raAwav au. An Irew
0 Ulock,lu�nber,$l
Ole who
unt to Such a A 4voini bi, IeMlliii U10111111111im"T 01 the
'hespelst-, and
Win. Q e bad debts did not amo 10'extv 4,
$3 50 .. 1. one might sapPom ; for, Im"t lone#-�Spsl# Vantilly Paper im
F go sum as V the VJ1i01i I
ldfoi 0 ` be, a man doing a buginef' s of 5
for re- 0,()00 a year, it would. requive !a very
ount of bad debts t* coi to ope
lyloved large am HARPEATS WEEKLY,
nd 'in hio expoxieni it hod
vViliker, Pbr Cent., a,
1.11 t. As
be : ro. il�ver reache oll anything like 10
-larried. f 0-
J pr the farmers shipping their Own Pr Notirms 4
'ablout %.ud =o6b poworfal illustraw
James Mee, I do not think The Grangeirs hai LY is tlIo
bough, Iodio4l publUedluthioevoilutry, Itsaditi hop
limits be Oken it into consideration yet, I 1r,
i - Ivirs. perhaps, sometbilig Could be, sai in I Tiltin are sabolarly i Ua convincing, And carry much
for i.11. veight,� Its laudratl6lI4 of current eventsare,
4 M, r is. that way also ; for, take,
fall'and tr�esh, ai are, prepared by *ur best As.
in Seaforth, tjtere Are I ibout I a With & 41rettlation of 15,0,000*0 NVZZK-
ind Dr.
by As. (lozen buyers where one could do Oe i jy ii read by at 10st halla milliou persons, and: M9
:ilot, that business P, auji, if you get o0o bid on , its lutluence as an Organ of Opinion is simply tre -
'I!he WYMICLY, maintains a posit A
and ox as a4&JbJ6
ve it mordon as decided viewson political
to the Your load, you can take it or lea pobitio=
onisville Courferii
present just as You choose ; but, to keep up that und soc probl sa. I
-0 a models of-itigh-tonedfaisoi
respectable class in the commuilitY, we Xts tick
;a aicto- 61 1111tstratioum are often cor.
've, $30 ion, an It
to tell A 4.
0 argn
Moved must, forsoci have a dozen Toborat I of no 0mall force,—i Y. JILRALIG 39AVATU FOR XAXLE.
Walker, the poor ignorant farmer that eat, is x%AmJnor and "Its rapers upon 01.
A -------------
nd its inimitable cartoons kelp a SA Vood Lot icio
,to meet .93 cents to -day. Again, as fdr destrpy- Intent q ofitions I At Ift
1, on Fri-, ing the local trade Contras, and building to woul the Beni iments of the conutry,14tts- -V Ums tha-lu I of land; Veil �dtaaw
ommem a.... x**Arzies Avzli stands J011 '=0A a"elim
the wholiessle and distant.cit ies, t do
at the ad of illustrated! journals In the Unfita bie soid
Cleric. oat see how you can draw that' iferi States, fol c1i01114 on, edii ablUty, and ple-
It, I illustratio .—Ladjosl Ropositoty, Cladin.
would result in exactly the iippoi Pci illustratlo
-1XI e fal ale, are not nen vvho
I rmers, as a r
11!erpasei tags free to all milibscribers in Ujkoi ro-i
heard Up t1l r money. They n Z
t finer Canada i- ffitnrl uo� one year, $4. empiedi a Drd paik
no, finer bliAll spre 44. on T-41"
.n. enter.. prepaymentotpostagebythopu I "Wdito'Ai"
Louses, finer furniture," finer b $4 indqdes: �of lots
V school fluer ov; rything,i era. Sulin'711libloas to HAU11SWO MAOAZINE, sible terms to imnym 1 0 Mal AeSim them, Pat
Wy KL_V and'U'A.7
bu gies, liner harne 'An, to one address for one year, to parobiaite AwW milke lmmefttel
the buil 'y polio 10,
up 'Of e
F, George ang it would just too 9 HaMor's dies Zo on 44
$10; Oro twoof
'ening of ilgo free. A* extra
--�honest and honorab e men, an would drool; foi one ye f.47 ; poste
tainittent copy of alithet tOh Id AGA7,11i Vrymxvi or DAZAU Stle Zhtap,
vo- only cai the dispersion Of lose Who I I tfs fore�ery 0ub Of Mira Sub. towmillp -
gues, y of theii fellow- will be oupi) fed FAWA "OR "t
seribers, fit ach, f u Que xemittamice -, Or, -Six
prey On the simplicit
A small . men, 4biall 'instead of being �a, curse, go free. U,
coi foi ithout extra copy, posts TWO -0 1
loor. would be a great blessing. ftow the j3aek numb 0 a be sappued at any time. The -UO A=
.usek numb r It',
(4rangers derive benefits siocially,in'tol- Annual,: Vol WMA
lothbindingi 'be sent by -express, fr-go of ex.
lectually and financially, those 4ho are " 6 1 -c U. A complete set, OoM rising TT�,B old
Ulf 0, for
t ion rcoapt of ea raw
imembers of the Order know, ati before Jr. 41trit Pon S-LTZ'i sau"
t; t1d oi rj, r) oil a, fteight at expeni 01 Pur -
it r A
I with the 1you write again on that subjec wq be given In 4, 001 101�11i 4t Grq1,o*nW11
Chaser., Pro cut i.attontion will V=es - t1iff Um _111; viultaproviod, -in �Ai
lastisolue "orrongly advise you tb becomie, mom er HAUPWO y to the IllustrJuaions Q1 the
iof some Grange. I najWnal:Expos1tfou. Newspi
vbo'styles oft'lLi AU4 i-claurcho, aa vjil be ooU
UsliouNm, Nov. 23,1870, fol gavertisoment vitbout thO
are not to copy, tb e. vr4m
which I A I �0ntbcVremW__**ih
'M -L
%,press order of Elarr."er A Brothers, w 7 P. o, SO sEL
am Addreso lfiUnit & 131110MUERS, for#
who be- The C12eese Sale Squobblei- 411 Now York.
7VOR ft= 00 1" UIT—Thd tomfort
it peifect A: Awi lionoe Adjoining -the to" of Seatid
To the Bi of the 11uron Exp081to'
'11 .0HANCERY $ALE o"ed and oici pXeseni .1.0hu 1W
f religion SIR: "Factory," in his last prodi leenuill a 10toi Una vellar, and SOZ-. mri
W"emwo, Sails young and tbriTum *rd,
tion, says I bad no ri4ht to A�n$WeT hi5 of Jra in L74W TIOW4- the I
noAples of hoible. � Fv�t
bxiiiie My, term. Possession Al
ronba"r Zan
-,ivil or re. letter, I differ with him, as vo person ship of'I'Voker8mit7t. Nov. U5. AppJy to the niadagigne& A
he law can I knew better than I did the quai f
in. If this I cheese made, and that is all 11 reE too, Mau -
p purimauce of a 4ecree of the 00i X FOR
-socation " 'rho truth is, 11 Factory" is Jea ous, be. eery, boalirlF date the Twenty -Seventh Diny *f tAL _For We. Lot NO. it
12, u4mlop, lug
manager of the 'West End Fai October, 1875, find made In a certain cause More -
laws by, cause the t 13teele vs."13 teele, and -vlth fho ar- e4- and UnZw -460a 4ml
A are the tory got a higher price for his choose in Pending 0 Ithe -v"
.the undersigned 31ai of the Bald IS Melt Un
Holder" than li,e* got, and that is one reason, Why probation of rivi valuable U = There, is L -s large tbalkUm with stal
Vourb �b ftoledch, the folk , VX&rae&thw.i%nj'141oghoui Therek-Awell
lows, tll;�t be hides hits name, from the public. He :tywiUbe-offered for silo by Public Anic-
propel )d loaxig a4baid. VOr 1aAh0r 11,111i
.qh of, this boldly states that the West E d cheese t16, bi the said -Ualsteri the Commercial go( v rietor on the premiw, ror
e. lietel, lleaorlih, on Tuemdn y, the 20th -Apply to fuev_w
purchased by the manag and r "ter to TH15m4is ORIEV73, seaJi F.0" I
iecessitous was Day pr iii1peclanber; A 107.5v at, 2 o'clock iu
ly I board of fers to another factoryman he new, who afWlmoon, that is to say: Lot number Two,
th 1 tou, Huron Rosol Survey.,
of limited bought his own cheose at *a over marki io uw Alevouti - Condon FOR SAL atillyth ONMOUtbe_Mi
isbi itbo fn'theCkmiaty of ymi I � -
of thei tDwl p 0� Tuckersm 4 -the Landon, H
ien follows rates, -and sold again at a lo a of 2le, land.,
1 6 1 Paul Huron, c6ntaiui 100 acres of laud more, Or low.
iieb, taken 1 Aeco�rding ta'tbis, 11 Factory o" ani:149-i Pint,*Inland basswom
ThIsliroperty Is sltniatc4 about two mileafrom, tba to be holdju- , gu� quattitio In the imme"
;iseraont of pryism" is of standing, evidently- pavoil road le -iii 0 the Town of soaforth, -And
"Ong wri, the nearest 3iUchio'm is All by Arst-WAU Jai
chronic, No -doubt the facticiri in abouteight milleg from said to ry vUl be s0K
rinines its market town, god abort live miles from the xg.
,d pimple, question, instead of snubbing him, told ip, Ui Aboutl5acres are cleared, ai Fvr *iermiiii,
L 4UAL$ 0 An Qi 10 U_
took _J I , 0 _ SASSO
Lotti him of a heavy loss that .- ever utider"Cult vati 0, wilic-11 about 0 Acres are i Ipply to J
1, in Wbich I ,a to get rid . of him, You now, Mr. irde frioul 9; the lot Is way.
11141 stilm ' e bAIJIU00 40f
o chat.-- bf Utor, it is not usual for b inesis men ed with good w a timlier. There is a zom-
fortable one a shalistorylog d-velifug houso, -numanwo _RRUCMELT) FOR sm
to tell who they sell to. or bu -from, or X 'bap" thatitegrablepoVolql
iortiledge the lower,part which is intheii and plastered, a For sale *
on' with stionclottudation sud livulag e avm_p�ft-eia, lawly,00cupi6i mr. --I
blanks by what is made or lost moilless traing- large frame ba, a 86%&
that I can, action,%, and it is time I I Facti Icnew stablit3i; for b roes ana cattle below, and a log verguom. VU ir10 $Our 41111119810ts. 11111110
jiihei house, 11 in goi ori upon the lot. f Mme 'hoh0iiitell 'Stabliel wou and -all lafto
demoraliz- this. R. Mce"ilITNBy. There is &ISO good 01,011fira of bearing -tiaes, oony2alenwo, AUo A voiM Drelmid. The jaiA
0— ; I . I _ & j&fo"da lyy� A new
take place about flu Bete U extent upon the lot. 'rho land and nAdr -a
a gooy statc :of enitivai *eU 'V--- � -
M Forl.
fa a clAy loam" fen PS
is the Im. Huron Notes. �, a, sruncwtoialortto the
1 fence(I with Tall fences -t and Wfoll surpli With YOUN,
I hich it; ,VLeU*,15 00 SALE --The roperty will
y W Mr. A. Sbiells, of East Nl'rawanosi lost watcr� t0i ----------
an Only a fine mare four years old, last week. be put ul) for gale at the upsot r ce of �$O,i
The purchaser4it the time of sale Shall pay to the LARGE OVIMLLIXG WU89 in &A.
She call lit her hind foot in a 1, rope that vendors or th fr solicitors a delmalt In the Y." foi
an OW an 1 1 was tieT arouod her neck, thri her- 0 for ever lee ocuons dw
portion of Al . y $100 of his purcha 404" IWA CO=
I pay the balance of his purchase The Uoi
arch, and' self into the manger. The animal lived- money, And m I So. _0,1�aedlbl,y Mr. IL Powell -
into c6art, witbont interest within *no
p to, this
two daysafter she was found.' Mane
0 10 moutJfyomth�(UyOf sale. Inallotlitir comfortablo lied i '60-mis, f0vther -Wub am
,attempt tanding coudi- 00f$i WAteri -A&ble4l
n —The pulpit of the Presbyterian 1� the c4inditioliff'of ii will be -the im, good celkii, UiA � and - Ek vith
wall. " I I tions of �L� Court of Chancery. Falther pwrtka. -two lots,
slw �stre,
rostegglon givemst -any.
saction the church, Exeter, vacated by the retire- lars and conditiono of osle may be obtained onap- b" A large
thank ment of Rev. INI r. Logie, will be, filled plication to messri mccaughey Holme#W 17 to s,
ful to icitors,Sedi aud to J, T. GarrowX-Mv ell
Lot Holder" �every alternate Sunday by Rev, Mr. Sol; tayof l
fiallehor, Cruda-dah. Dated at Goderict, this
f Bayfield, for a short time.
a other lot. Jamieson., 0 or, 187,5.
day of NOvelub ARM J19ALRiiiiii
I IL M&ODER310TT, Flett; -xi lotleareA auaiu*g
,f individul —The regular semi-annual ir!;.eetin Of �'Afaxter at Croderich. Is Up.11
annoticed.11 the Huron Teachers' Associationwill be
Messrs, 31oCA GHEY & ROLBIESTED, Uew famel-
before bai held ini the Central School, 011intou, On 417-4; seaftorth, Vendor a, 8011clors. io # Old
ry,�Ppe Friday and Saturday, 3rd Ind 4th of U
are bnUdings ; At Is
r, in whic December. The programme will, be an 1U(,pUTQAGX 110AXX I -tbe same
10116619 Aud
figured a interesting one. OPERTY.--i
,he canvass ---r As, defalilt hu been made in the paymeni
.rhe only representatives; from Hin y on tu.
as .90 itl ron at the Brantford pigeo* shooting monqys due under: a certain Indenture of toort-
XOMAtInns and Agnes, his it by. le U:
our odee t last week were iMesors. R. gisge made by and 'daY
tonrinamen wife to bar dowert bearing date the 9th WAT T,
'Ospol wan if�
and T. Bissett, of Exeter. 1 One of, these of ja;nuflry, A. D. I.Mf which niortgage will be
or to door� tlemeu, succeeded in takiing the see- produceirl at the tinlei of sale. Notice is herebY VAL AD it ITAUK Pump -
I goo. I es"J&Aaa 1
eek sell und prize in the consolation giveo that un der -sud� by virtne of the POW00 Of For $AX, a 4 11 1 ign -1 .
`W r sale in the 0iiia mortgage contained, there will be 5itU&W:1%Wuti'74 mile-
Aan Tinninp I AT; a iLY-V411nn itlic � Ji
defend th6 I
- etty thefts are becoming &-common
saii y Pntille Auction, diD L C
no Y'L, SE.,�FOUTH -at 11 o'clock A. X -o DU
le von, s
so rej '75L ibf *Wh aro Ole" tna in
,uliar hifial'
occurrence in AN, In ham, Ono night last
week 'ece of port, weighing 40 pounds,
SATURI)AY, the 11th day of Docember, 18751 the
f and lilremises that is to 01i
ollowing lan4y.
1 9 bdn, I __A w
_all, KA -wood
order, I thebilthicie __ , 'I
-is nosily mew. 2XV;
Adwing bouse,
mipturall Y,11
was en from Mr. Ada�nsi` wai
-own of Seat
I;lc tAe T o�th, said,parcel of
Ian Tk& A on & of 1) artof the Town
=of I ;004 waar, *U0 indb*rd
lie minds o
while it was istanding on the' treet. The
missing article WAS afterwardib found in a
of 864101 wiide for thie Goufulock estate, an&
ti In which said parcel ortraeoof limi" is
tune is &,schwl -*n the Im= For
h-effioprietor -on tkile
ly-tot !A?_
oused them
the risk a
potato pit close by, On the same even-
1110 It culi rity &scribed infthemottpge above-
*erjns conditionx mitUe knOwu
.*r if by 1 re#a -to ft;*0V
ing a large fish was taken out, of ai bari
men oned. and
iote'), toga
An if
standing in front of a grocery, store.
On yofsalaii, For farthe�particulaxsappIrto
7404 261e, 1rop
A -.1. 4-A 4iU. 1-amma+"Tun
'Vendors' Solicitors, efdorth.
FAR41M 4
:ry can pop - - Vviiiiiiiiiiiii, "b
4 lars for the ndence of the Brubselsi the people 134fortb, Nov, 2$,1:875. wi 1V
mbich.40 IV
ly Welconie of that lace want a mill veri badly,and Apia a
ji 31 "TIVIE. oi inoe Use, wult Aanatollslr
a "'tt ihods -Ana niti _VU
them. botli offer a Free site to any euterpristni Cap. 1 .0
justify italist who will erect such ��& Creditors of joseplii Elley" lAte Of, the ;w& house the Um
1building -There U A r4
Towush�lp ofTackorsmithp far�ier, deceased, Thm Is,-* good orclii
there. There is no doubt but a fit or whol blre& A *-4.
I Itu" is libui Of DO"
grl Aied on, fho 9th day of May, M, are request- *d frinitlit
HOLDER. saw mill business would be ii profitable e the 81st -day of December, M5, to is I I A,
ed on or befor ned 8011ol- _-any I
one to any practical man wbo venture$ send by post, prepaid, to the underi Vda-waybeWOORG1112
eitors of the Adrainistratior of the deceased, their the, 'on -
4Jamcistown, and 4 great con, and description, 51,
r SpeakS. to locate in chrli and wirialLmes.adZiresoes
venience to the people. 'I I the fall PaLrdionlars of -their cla ims, and thonature
ng g -re of the securities, if any, bold by thom. After SAW. '100
-A dog has been playi at' havoc UUfx A$D 'FARX
which date the assets of the said extate be Imucribm i&_er im
Ut $5
,40ri One
I notice la, among the sheep of Con. distributed among, the parties entitled thereto, -ftw . aa 1 4311 Con. B VAU
4 six ad�of wholl Ul 40OUJUS lame arol"
o Grange 0 night lately, Mr. Jar Kipg hot eclaimitheAdministrai shall t1m 0'Jib le
heep, killed, and an equal nuilmhe' badi havO notice. 41aw, thing fAw, Owtn-a
1.45krl T Jawllbuttli An 4in them
at some mi 0 r
I liec,&UGHEY & no 5'", op
h would e I abused. Mr. Alex, Forest ano MT. Alex. 1 00,111 ,
immi dwalling hOnS06 -
Led with t1I e Cowan have also been stifeiers in this Dated Seaforth, Dec. 1, 1875. 4174 _00 -,the 16ta
'IV) 2
m erroneous Way by the ravages of thiz caltillie., It is r4do�101; 4f T
ik:&U4. t
that .1 serd said that the dog ha lire 1 the course IiFOR SALE OR T-10 �LET
to lwaa,
whou goods oLthegarnmer killed four s eep, and. a i
n appo "LLING HOUSE TO RENT. -The honge N0011's- 16yealor semn,
the yeari heifer belonging to is ON ner. - r1witber "Itl
T I DIfermerly occupied by Rev. 31T.&DIdsm! -111 At Auly
Galley .01 W_
noin was be x1lented on ift
,ies, the co;t -A man ed Byron roxsonabU :terms. Po9sessioli wiU twx
04, tAD
he Gran e,,,s found dead on Fr ai in David Nf6COU. be �fvei cace. Apply to U. Liu XISDEN.
ie retaE 8 nell. s field, near Blyth. ' Be left Hot -
its which the I -VOR SAM -A Firstiiielass Car -
land's Hotel, Bushfield, on I.Wednesi
f -1: . riage.Buidnest; and DivellingRouse, in ihe ST10"
0 dividi g Oak iliten 0 oto thriving village of Exeter, on the London, 11urion.
ht about, 9 o'cl Railway. splendid opening for a Beef
ies.11 Nei J, �Ii`;'bf and not having air v t ere, an Bxuee ows at ib-Urnes,
good trade6ma
Satisfactory reasons gii for the Or.
the case, f:)r s arch, was made for him, �,Nwv :he WAS sel4ug. F -pr furtherparticalars Upply to 0, ACOU.
centage th t found by Robert Reed aus ab) Whig.
DRO.Oxs., Ex-ete
f I
quietly I'll k-eyis suppased to be the fca Mr. TO TAUmL
14's, =Ow-
-To -Let, -for A i
in*rpiro their ii
taxed too, jof age
Galley -was a laborer, 50 P 4 1 OF W ACRES TO LET.
is ontrageo s. term of years
North. J of Lot 61 Con .61 Tack-
and unmari F
laid dew eromith, 41 miles from Scaforth. A tenan, #00,
n in
-The town Of Listowel ir tbe,County wiALbuildonand improve property in Harovili At 341
Pay, keCTS
it they are iio ad. For parti-culars apply to
of Perth, has caught that dire',disease, meilt of rent -preferr ROM -
or by let. 'I
,It they will J�A�IES D.LWMAY, on the premises,
the county town fever. plication is 417*4 1
terlo Egmon4yIN P. O� new, il" -15,
tinst Mo"'P_ to be made to the Local treat
Lil trade wAh biriA 17 % -
ito present seattion a keep for VU
short of a cm
I towns and townSiLlips fr the Counties 1
tanding CALVES, -Came iUt-0 tl%-e promises of'
Y)a of Wellington and Perth a id thetown- 'I ESTBAY
)reed them to L L I i theun`derjdW*d, Lot. 9, Coi urnberry,on'
. ! hi x of Grey, Howick ai Tntiliberry, or�about flie -month of Ottober last, 2 Spring:
e lowest p g I
ncF the vili of Brussig Wingbam iijalves, red ci The owuer is Mquesteil tO: i for 4
it in one of a
,I, , uoity of Hn arges and talko ibem-swAi
and IVroxetoi from the C . - if- prove yropertly, Iny eb 'a
fortni 'ALEX. HAXXV�WN. 'Whiiii 1.fii bred from
goods, we 0 inao]!S "01 Mnlani'
Ton, such muDicipalitii to be' Ontario, aw ti -
jif)� e
1, because he into a new county, L to 11�oi named the I t_h� go
STRAT STE3$Ri;-StM-yf4fr-om the V jS130 I_
romls8g j.L ST . VUX, - I
necesim ;L, _4 43 1 i
or 11J, - 1wai i
vvh4tev he County Of Maitland* with Ulistowel as of the und6signed, Lot 14, �Gon. 9, Morris,
Von., -I, Lo*40111:
rist(n Will inak d Octobe
air I u� 'r, a dar3k re ings
,,nable pay, ab�nttbecn d6tecrris
County town. 11 3 Yearsl old. - Any pers,
ive, any inan 11 t. on giving snell Inf
n. I ' L
- A -
nal*ii reeb"rY wil nor, mj%V I
ng every man an a p ica, ion of a Simi] mature, I. RS �Vill lead Lt�o tho anh I be ffalt iL
whicE the township of Howick, in the abij rewarded. ROBEW"B. LILIDLAWBlythi to Intimat'o,
if 41104 01
and, tilat �O
I County of Huron, ba wailted, to is�ep in.
1 of us, th re Beziooi %loughtl
this assio
e days ago a fariiner from -the 't
it township of Grey s6ld a load of wheat in
hat fie e.
4r eneri to Brus-Aels, to Mr, John T,,eeckie. The yorIcsi Boar will stilud lor. "=Z it% Jim,-
-lie "'irvi of Hows, AtUallaie's 31ills, Lot 121
cash for file sample 8, own for sale -wati of i a good a. NLE, llroprWtor.
I tau
from tile �,p_ ality, but it wa' disicoverod, --wafAl
average qu p f— �Ur 00'"
Xv, '10 , . I I W
Iii,enclit tbeln- When emptying the grain it to tl�e store� . 1 2.11 V) And two
%,-The law tna of C;arrOvr
house, that a bf it was very wom I Sff,3k,_Aua
a. -much grreat- great his day-,Ar1b5qr,,,lv-e11by=ut;1M1 Wa-�
coiIi be' O's -UL, ow
g, tile Ii inferior. Upon this diA �ng made, I iii Goile,iob, Nov. 2J), -U75, J. T Thw 4" W
I woul st Mr, Leckie revroved the m4 very severe, 11 17, WALKED! ba-YeWizu -fag
Sie pAril tie
grievance i iii ly, and let him go with. a brorqlise that -- f ruing -4400
L' 7 OT110B T10, PATRO'Ns.-A jnceffu,-'P�f the mith Vivil 'I
rat 30--1
,rC,at measure he would never mpt Jrai agai I TN roJOIS $Cafoi Chec
�es, 9 for i a i The culprit has good reasou� to bp thai qr4ested fit, the own Ifiall, f3worth on Uredi
I o!0l0i 11, 'U" to oettle up the i
I r, Dec, 8, at Y,, rurwm
woli ratl er f al that lie was so leniently de4t with. b s "is Of this Season- All ]ilre rmrt1cuJZr17-rc`�
The Brussels Po;4t in refe ng' to the EL IL 1K6
voted to atti a as -very important bushwss 28,000, 2, -H�
*0 I -at
wt the Ot6er affair, very j.-ingeatly re arks: 'We brought up, regard to the bnsluesg In fu-. Tva 3krulbin 1�0"J
-W t
01 of facti Ut be mado:to
hat it woifld b0i this wilfbe a warnin toalf othe it re, an offer m #tpek. I
173, . hic a
7, aj� U One best III
rdtrol�win the of a joint oirock compAn Mob Vt!
Cash!, as W to may be dighoni ;P0
sea, fl, ggiogted li�y tile commitice, bofore diopo.sing 01; Its hUl
pay in! At.
pay for those vain to hnpe to escape detection,alld eX- it, to any outsidt parties, By Order of the 00
replied that posurcin such casi�s. 04