HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-11-26, Page 7r IE SETH M Sasforth and at /MUM thff comtserda intly on band a - try Kiwi,. ACOS Also LL KINDS, ion of > FISH nd Good. _ i Salt. nde also Cheese kw to purchaaa rO.zte= t or the arm. RSYTH. ,._ _ PUBLIO • WFOOT .w. Varkete FURNITURE tIPTION, prises to mit the =demi& Aa he enhasere csm .rely g FOR THE WY. !-ed te rurnitare cusp "kat, Seaforth. RROADFOOT. 3K.STORE Seafarth. _LIOTT generally that, he tationery Store- in aph Office, it, the above lin r on hand, DOKS W BLINDS, MAGAZINES, &p. Emorr, atOTORY TH. RASSIE use of construction isubstantially built T WAGONS, PHAETON& le, handsomely &t - y, and will be sold T Wagons ear to require pull - seat on hand- Ditrify AS USUAL. nron Roads oppee- AM (AUSSIE dng the rosA000. virgiuis Leaf. drd of a Portia. gh of a Pound to eommott lest T. & g, oa 41148 ALTO -N. argil in DRY kCERI:ES. airs and Shoes h zm got elsewhere. VARNISHES hand. SpctiIn- otes and aceounts- B at once, otherwise Edo for collection. (41;11AR SMITH TUBS. torr Ltorth Tab Factory favorably known ter Package& 4 in flee, and will MENTS TO LASERS. time to wzr.menory 5e On a large sieale- k TROTT, Seafortia - - " v. 26, 1875. A Singular Story. etkirjaasin Franklin and his Son in the Revolution. Some 20 years since, Itev. Dr. Hawks, rector of Calvary Church, New York, .wea sippointaA historian to the Protest. ant Episcopal Church in the United Stites, by the General Convention of the Church In his o eial capacity, ,Dr. gawks had access to the paper$ of tthe deceased Bishops of the Church, mid in the journal or diary of Bishop White, of Pennsylvania, he found the following bit of curious private history, which the Hartford Oourant publishes, he having imparted it to a resident of that city : The good, Bishop, while mi a visite- tion not long after the close of the Re- volutionary War, stopped at a tavern in a remote country parish. About mid- night he was awakened by a loud and excited conversation in the next room, which was separated from his by a thin board partition. Not wishing to over- hear a private conversation, the Bishop contrived to inform his neighbors of his presence. The voices sunk into a whis- per, but soon broke out again under vio- lent excitement. The Bishop coughed again, but was obliged to listen to a fam- ily quarrel, the cause and substance of which WM in effect as follows: The parties in dispute were father and son, andboth were large real estate holders. It appeared that on the breaking out of the Revolutionary War, the two had deededeach to the other all the property standing in his name, with the under- standing that the deeds were to be sur- rendered at the close of the war. The son was to go to England as a Royalist, the father to remain and support the popular cause, in this way each hoping to escape loss. The war had now been closed for some time. The son had re- turned from England, where he had re- ceived a royal grant of land for his loyalty, and had met his father by ap- pointment to demand the restitution of the property as agreed. The father, who was a prudent man, concluded to keep the property, and hence the quarrel. The next morning Bishop White asked the landlord of the hotel the names of the two gentlemen, and was informed that they were Benjamin Franklin and his son ! emit' e too much caution in them, since it would entir influence of the reptiles if 0 saw you handle them feari body would csre two centi if any oharitir boy might hi impun tyi below the belt. troubled with duns or will be a very good plan to your door -knocker; and -the water rite ; w by you without molestation. you not keep them yourself, 1 but be visiting at a snake-msnl h very careful not to try on is pick up anything like a pi cord you may see bin can't want it, and you ,it may turn out to be. d *ling wit destroy* r pe �r s beI Lhni 11 you a la ions snal McDOUGM-I & CO', COQ R WARD. CLO7 HIERS, Orae41 Faslikiwthie Ckating Made t° 3 Neo ita, Ma! and -Boyd Fur A RI I N G SIGN F THE -777. ivo Ifouse Can„ No gouse Shall Give 33 u RI 0. r..0 A. ivy - a Better Article for the I& I COMMITTED! THE COLDEN LION STORE Bismarek's Cane. en Should sh df wh. Omit. Y knew w SPECIAL NOW TwZNTY years' ex n gr Bryan's Pubnonic afers" them to be the most effectu cough', and irritation of th ed bycold or unwind exert' cal organs; .public speak ers will find them most entire freedom from all &le dients renders " Bryan's P fern," or Cough and V ice safe remedy for the mist de and has caused them to esteem by all who have Sold bit all druggists' and Col. M. Richards Muckle, business manager of the Philadelphia Publk Ledg- er, sent to Prince Bismarck a few months ago a handsomely mounted cane, made from the original timbers taken from In- dependence Hall during the recent neces- sary repairs to that time-honored struc- ture. The cane bore a simple plate tell- ing its little story. The gift was sent to Berlin through the German Consul at this port, whence it was taken by the German Ambassador to the United States, Baron Von Schloezer, to Prince Bismarck at Varzin. The German Chan- cellor has written, with his own hand, a letter to Col. Muckle, dated, most ap- propriately, on the Fourth of July. The latter is written in a tone that one would scarcely expect to see in the stern Ger- man Prince. It is as follows, literally "translated: VAI July 4, 1875.. Col. M. Richards Muckle, Philadelphia. DretitISIR : You have had the kindness to send me as a support in my olden days a cane cut from the timber of the belfry from th heights of which ninety-nine years a o today the old bell first rang in honor of the grand commonwealth whose Ship-belLs to -day give full and wel- come sound in all the waters of the globe. I beg you will accept my heartfelt thanks for this historical reminiscence, which I shall honor and carefully pre- serve and hand down to my children with other relicts of remarkable years; This day is one which never fails to recall to my mind the happy hours which I spent on many a Fourth of July with Ameri- can friends—first, with John . Lothrop Motley in Goettingen, in 1832; again, with Mitchell C. King and Amory Coffin. Would that you, my dear Colonel, and I might always be as healthy and content- ed as we four young fellows were forty- three years ago, at Goettingen, celebrat- ing the Fourth of July. . V. BISMARCK. po• bav4enprui:viliged 1 remsdY for csu throat the va- cand ia 1141f; rwusI ingre Wn- 'LeFenges; a 'este person, in high th ry I ers. rice 25 cents pit. boi. Loss oP APPICITIR I Horses lose their appetit causes, but most frequei proach of some disease, t 'ought not to be overlook own hones, but should be attended to as by so doin be checked and the life saved. To do which We there is nothing equal to" dition Powders and Arabia edy ;" it purifies the bi derangements of the dig and as a necessary co petite is restored, conies soft, and the e soft and shinii Remember the name the signature of Hurd rekage. Northrop & medicine dealers. PROP'ESSORS O'CONNOB .1- Detroit Medical College, Dr. Wheeler's Compound E Callum' with, great satiated accomplish that for which ft have exhibitedit to our mut, in other ways have bum a large number of physicis thing, we are pleased to do tom to lesrn its virtues others." nt.1 proprietors for Ca t g .1 Hoes rem vari • ,by the ape Circumstance' •y those who imnediatOly the disease hehorse re positiee arley's Con - (lave Reap- ! corrects Al tiv ii organs, enc the kin I 40 oat assUrnes aripeara '-, d see tbat o. is on. ' h n, Tormito„ Sold bYl all f AN 7. LYONS, 01 : -the "We have timed f Phosphate-6*nd on sud think it will s menended. We y of lidedieine, t t to the not* Of s. It being a good or than is our out. ethibit theta to 0 0 THE GREAT FEMALE 1 Periodical Pills—This i unfailing in the cure of dangerous diseases to whfts tion is subject. It modem moves all obtractions, and relied on. To marled ladies It will, in a short time, riod with regularite. T taken by Females during t of Fragrancy, as they see nre earrisge, but at any othenti all cane of Nervous pains in the back and lira ertion, palpitation of the white“, these pills will effee means have failed; ndI al remedy, do not contain n, or anything hurtful to the directions in the pamphlet which should be carefully p New York, Sole Proprietor for postage enclosed to No ronto, Ont., general agen will insure s bottle con return mil. Sold in Sea Co., and R. Lumsden. 11 t t Y Job )gimes' blo edlolne is ese painlal and enTakeeoriatitu. •excou sad re - 111 cure y be ily ted. the monthly ye - should net be rat three Months e In Sons, t ex- stid tether Werful el, antiMony, ution. i Full soh pi zee ed, Job 1 00 and 12 fhtoP & Lym or the Do Jinni, ining oVer 50 pais by orth y R. Hickson ring area ti 1 on.HJi ysteri hen e a at t g s ti fJ JUST ARRIVED AT MeThITYRE & WILLIS', SM.A.VOB*1-1, A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF CERMAN FELT BOOTS, lust the Thing for the bold -Weather. 1..••••••••••••••••••• ALSO A FULL LINE OF Men's, Women's nd Children's Over Shoes and Rubbers, WHIO WILL SE SOLD CHEAPER 'THAN EVER FOR CASH. MipINTYRE-& WILLIS. 1 NOTICE "TI -TIS- . ---- . IF YOU WANT TO GET GOOD GOODS AND CHEAP GOODS GO TO • LEE'S FLOUR AND SEED STORE. just Arrived, a Fresh, Supvty of Groceries, Glassware and Crockery,. Preserve' Jars of all kind, and pery cheap. FLOUR AND FEED CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND DELIVERED AS USI/AL. SUGARS VERY CTIVAP, CASH FOR EGGS. Give vs a Trial and be conrineal of the Fact. THOMAS LEE. 8e. ,oses, Oente tes To - c "PEAD THIS TWICE.— ive •a"4/ Thomme Electric Oil 'till Throat. It never fails in Cr Cold or Cough in twenty-foar One bottle has cured Bone standing.' recent cases ate days. Ithas restored the vol had not spoken above a wh an outward appliction' ID lanaeness, nothing like it ha One bottle will cure an Crick in the Back. For Contraction of the Muscle Rheumatic or any other iloes you gOod It stop of a Burman three mints* Derivation of Loafer. Lour or Lowr, and Loaver, are all vul- gar terms for money, and e,ombine two Gypsy words, the one /ow or lovey, and the other lam, to steaL The reason for the combination or confusion is obvious. The author of the Slang Dictionary, in order to explain this word, goes as usual to the Wallaehian Gypsies, for what he might have learned from the first tinker in the streets of London. I ishould re- mark on the word loure, that Mr. Bor- row has shown its original identity with loot, the Hindustansa 'for plunder or booty. I believe that . the American word loafer owes something to this Gypsy root, as well as to the German (Iaullaufer iand Mexican Spanish galeofax, and for this reason, that when the term first began. to be popular in 1834 or 1835, I eau distinctly remember that it meant to pilfer. Such, at least, is my earliest recollection, and of hear- ing school boys ask one another in jest, of their acquisitions or gifts, ".Where did. you loaf that from V' A petty pil- ferer was a loafer, but in a very short time all the tribe of loungers in the sun, and disreputable pickers up of uneon.- sidered trifles, now known as bummers, were called loafers. On this point my memory is positive, and I call attention to it, since the word in question has been the subject of much conjecture in Am- eriea.—.Leleners English, Gypsies. Y &Oa laf e011119100; Bore p twill Is f Bela o o ed •t where the enrol a hours. years to six person er r n live yeare. As ases cd Pain or er been inorna. I Lame Back or is of the Spine and it Is unequalled. In In the first SO tion r Ache and t pain d tie her the to the llttle to be best tth fts A- B. kavil le o seized tis in t I head, tent y suffered. Al- lectrie Oil' fpr nine have been tete- * bottle on I wisi4u—' ri : "Dr. tisinol ‘f We nah coin all MAS, best and cheapest medic e ever offer bee".iia alteige angle it takes so Of six of is y it to -day te, h 1 w people—the cheapest, do you good. It is coMpo oils known, nothing but ' oil wei0t in gold. Why n b DesRochersetssistant P. Q., writes "Thirteen by Is severe attack of r from which I have nearly ter having need ' Th days, bathing the fore ly cured, and have only u can certify tinder oath if lorey, of Wycrming, N. w te Electric Oil cured me of Dealers all over the e,oun sold a medicine that hos sg isfaction as this. St Id dealers, Price 25 Cents. S. N N .Y. And NORTHROP re SoleAgentsfor the Do —Selected end Electrize , litelcoon le Co and THE County Connell A. ROOM, in the T EDNSDAY, the Fl next. PETER Goderieh, Nov. l, ma 11 11 wn Est 0, his I ' Mal- onias I /WK. ie never hate sat dicing tries, Tor to, Ont., Ofin.-41setric n See artla by 14-18. • OTICE TO DEBTORS, Dr.VEliCOE are regne Ace ounte over a year (We w 1; 1876, Without further not 'PAY UP, PAS VP. L. Farmers Store Ski Or accounts in my hands' rir are requested to call ncl with me at once; or' ath 110L3IE8TED, McCatighe Volano March 18, 1874. ; OTICE TO FARM S -LI improve their stock of FRANCIS BOOTHE htias b eon, Esq., a' thoroughbred he keeps in Harpterhe Store. TOAR, FOR SENVT , Thoroughbred BeOsh will be kept for servie4 t Lake Shore Road, Stan eye months old, and took frst ron Show held this74 Clinton Show. TERM of returning if inter HALE, Proprietor. Snakes. Tame snakes are not generally fancied. I or appreciated as pets, but this is because they are not properly understood ; they serve, however, a variety of 'useful pin.- _ poses. For instance, if you are in lodg- ings, and have reason to suspect that the cat habitually resorts to your brandy flask and tea-caddy, a couple of lively young cobras, turned loose in the cup- board, will soon settle the question be- yond a doubt. When it is desired to re- move the reptiles you must proceed as fellows Get a dummy-hand—a glover's or a spirit -rapper's will do—and having encased it in a lady's delicate kid gkore, affix to it a handle about the length of the room, and, establishing yourself at the farther end of it, open the cupboard door with the hand, and gently prod the ser- pent in the stomach. it will instantly jump up and fasten its fangs into the hand, when it can be lifted out and shaken into the receptacle— a box or otherwise--prepaeed for it, which must be properly closed. It is best to have somebody else to close it. If your snakes are venemous you need not proceed s0 eiretunpectly, unless anybody else is looking on, in wth ease you cannot ex 1na lee ted o call I be sued ca. 13 1; COURT 1011, on EMBER, ty Clerk, ; 415-2 ebted to rtel settlei fler Jan. 414 JAU When y CORSE e late of ving laced hie tion, all pertiee e their itecounte I be sited. F. Holmested., Sze - 888 not Ps can bay WI 0 here w 0 want to ow is heir time. of W. H. Robert - hire c*, whie GrOtli oeit's old 414* A UCTION SALE 0 -LI- MENTS AND IL —Mr. J. 1'. BRINE WI for Messrs. TROIKA Lot 25, Con. 2, II, R. ., NESDA.Y, DEC. 1, the lo ty, viz.: 1 span of wctrn mare 5 years old, 1 br ad old, 1 colt 8 years; old, a d b Robi 4 , 1, 1 colt 2 years old, sired by Cern ridge Lad, 1 J-sesr old colt, sired by Young Com Inman le eo k corning i year old, sired by Pride f Eagle:id, 8, cows w th calf, 11 ewes with la b, 8 breed* Ow , Oa el store pig,1 thorough te netishira boar, To nng Samba, 1 iron axle w g0 ,• 2 pair of knee bob- sleighs new, J; Der ey, Maker, 1 of 4 = oeh bob -40100 ew1orijZ s eigh; 2 co Wn d r P- ere, 2 new thistle &itteT view , Also ey , 1 i3 Patterson plow, set btill herr s Milk '0 ultivator, 1 lend roll , hor e hay rke, 1 Ciin- ton fanning mill, a et of double barii01414,l005 tuge, 2 sugar kettlee, 2 l rge pits of earl rose Ipo- tatoese E0 bunches of; 'Orst-cla so shin es, Ind a quantity of other artiele too mimeo'ifs to nien- tion. Sale to co' eco et 12 0'10ek n000, , I TERMS—All, emus • 5 and under cash, over that amount 12 months' awl t Will, le given. on tarnishing approved hai i 0 e. A a seonut of 6 per cnt. win be a11oWi I lor etigh o,i all Credit amounts. THOMAS a 'JOHN fORP, Pro- pritors a. 1'. rui., , AuctIonor, -,414 e B ar„ he " sitLoPtio,1417: s aeon 14ne *nth's' Iio Chain is 16 z stt. SuutblJu- ud first WO .at the ith theprlvilege 111084.1iD PE - 414*4 STOC1S-IMPL ruupiTtrut. 1311,1 T b JOHN rnblieionAtipetoionn ersinithe!!on WED owing 1%11010 proper- bor�l?l 6 yeara old, 1 ratwi,with 12 y rs a 0-4 TO FARME $4 to $4 60 for your 1\T M3A.C4r fist -close article for er dozn, at IAM te the commeretai Tiote‘ SE 013, H. 76 1-1.11LIZI•TSS ? WHAT NEXT? NEW BUSINESS, NEW MEN. WE, the tin °refined, have purchased Ur. W. 11. MAY'S Establishment, where we intend to carry Ty on an ex ensive Harnees Business, both Wholesale snd Retail, manufacturing by Machinery end by had. e also keep on hand A LARE ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS AND VALISES, rioaAilexgorl raigeirtiOctibiOre 113511=0.befloreiglaa samt Prig wins Harness a Speciality. If G. E. HENDERSON & Co, ENTERED Ekr BURGLARS Between Saturd4 Night anti Mnde/11 Mlting, ALL OUR BLAK SILKS, SILK FRINGES, &c, TAKEN. WHO WA TS GOOD MW STYLISH JOHN WARD, Seaforth, -was to in orm his friends and the public in -1-• general hat he has a Large and Complete Stock of osinagoia iO (1) NFEs y S ONS OF A VICT 'Ing la for the - eat o other wbo suffer from /46 one anh. U„ giving his riles r: .ing mach ostifferi*and ilea e ,n receiving a tq Paid' epe. • rem NATTAEL IA 148 WA, N. X. LIGHT SINGLE HARNESS, LOHO SE C THING, Ice. Trunks and Vilises Whips, Brtie8, Com,b, Snaps, ic., Ing appertaining to the Trade A1- 41, chesp as any in the trade, for cash. ted with Neatness and Despatch, N. B liars a Speciality. Conant of every description to order in first-clas ail& Remembe the Place Two doors north of the Conememlia Hotel, Seaforth. JOHN WARD. TO TR PUBLIC AT LARGE In fact anyt wisps on ha Vi. H. OLIVER, Harnes, Saddle and Collar M.ANU FACTURER, MAIIN-ST., SEAFORTII. P4 01 KIDD'S HARbWARE, JUST RECEIVED, 4 LARGE STOCK OF THE above Reward ill be paid to any person -1' or persons giving uch information as will lead to the recovery o THE STOLEN GOODS And the detection of he gnfity ipartiee. At the ;same time, we may taste that, although we have met with A SERI US LOSS, We are still ill 11 IViti011 to give all who may Building Hardware, Favor us' with a Call Good Vat in all kinds; of STAPLE MM jANOt DRY GOODS, HATS AND t...APS, Which will be sold as CHEAP AS ANY IN TOWN. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choiceassortraent ()flight and heavy Harnese, Whips, Belltellorme Clothing, dm, kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges derete. Remember the placessign o the Scotch. Collar. W. H. OLIVER. I DIAyLOND SPECTACLE TRES Cry their na • ! FENCING WIRE A SPECIAUTV. BOOTS ANO SHOES, And 'Extra Good Vittie in all kinds of JOHN KIDD. prilciiar1y TEAS, UOARS,.SLO. 1—'7— LOGAN & JAMIESON, Ulm of film Golden Lion, MAIN ST... EET, SEAFORTIL THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. FOUNDR FOR SEAFORTH Why Wait for a Foundry in Seatorth, wnn 0. a WILLSON, OF VIE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL IM- PLEMENT EMPORIUM Can furnish you with the Best Implements made at the Lowest illiratfacturers' Prie.,es. , .-- SOMETHING NEW 17 THISTLE CUTTERS. Just Received, a Stook of the Improved Thistle Cutter Plows, with Wrought' Iron Baum This has all good featurps of the old plow, and is much, more durabe. It is manufactured bylias old firm, the original Manufacturers of the This - tae Cutter, Massey, Manufacturing Company. The Port Perry and London Gang Plows, the best Gang PlowLevpeoleintreduced to the public. A. trial given and pa isfaction guaranteed. All kinds of Gerneael Flews Alwaye on Hand. STRAW CUTTERS AND GRAIN CRUSHERS. The old Favcitite iatraw Caters and Graia Crushers from Mxwell, of Paris, always on head. These Implements have been well tried, and have doted the test of itinic4 as those of no other make have done. HORS EIOWERS. maxweirs two, lours faz an4 ten -horse Powers alwaye on hand. Lenses are manufactured from Minute tal Pebbles, united by fusion, and derive Diamond on account of their har ness and, brilliancy. he seientifie which they are constructed prevents all Glimmer- ing and Wavering of Sight, Dizziness fee., pecu- liar to all °there in use. Superior to Scotch and Pebbles at lase than half the price. nuine unless stamped with our Trade on every pair. Manufactured by neer Optical Manufacturing Co. N 'W YORK AND- MOUNT KISCO, le by E. MONSON6 Co., SefOrth, Sole 313 Before Taking. E After Takings SPECIFIC MEDICINE Cures all Nervous Diseases such MI Tremors, De- bility, Prostration dee which, in manyeases are produced by over indu1genee in the use of Once co and alcoholic spirits; but the Specific Medieine Is more especially recommended as an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spetenatorrhes, Im- potency, and all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self Abuse, sToss of -Memory, Universal Las -sl - ili None Mark „ For agents, THE FLOR Is now univ CHEAPEST - NCR SEWING MACHINE nr lll:flitted to be the BEST arA Dine of Vision, Pre - because the beet— mature Old Age, and many other diseases Ole markete cheapest in. lead to Insanity or Consumption snd a, Prams,- . fa the only mschine in the tare Grave, all of which, as a tale, are first caused only machimarket having reversible feeder, atul it hi the by deviating from the path of nature and over titch. These Machines are sold on trial, and if np t makes more than one kindof a the purchazer t tisfied with it min tete= it ea get any machine intb.e market, A. trial of it is all that'll; required to give malefsetion. itAulgence. The Specific Medicine is the resultel a life study and Irani years of experience in treating these special disesees. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold 1.4 511ugglita at $1 per paekge, or packages sent by mail onreceipt of the Lenity, by addressfor $5, or w be o. wiu.sos BAB an abliq4nt supyly always on hand et his Eta Aura SEArFORT11. Also ell the other Ing1 'WILLIAM GRAY & Co., raachtnes, So that purchasers can have eutnesee ono, 1 their 0 Ice. I Roberte, R. Lumsden, and by all DruggistsOP . 1 MUSI4AL INSTRUMENTS. NORTHR& LYMAN, Wholesale Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickeon Co., J. S. Dealers. Toronto, 88eow0 C. WILLSON keeps the largest and beet MARRIAGE LICENCEigp” TSeoleceerontod st000nock stofi usi ietbstal Instrutabrawentssithe westustkei o ceie Peno,ral otner Pisoos, Princes, George Woods', (Under the new Acts) isen4 at the 1 anTd°1dTtYst 4"DepalEtt8;—enint Mildth6;158elvInglar ik01424121"' ° It CERTIFICATE * Zata lireuloaZuree afs): a_p as the manufacturers. AN keeps * stock of 's Piaterna and . felfVitting herein All the lama 0,131 Wrest EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTN t le The t, szta I by s and f hionie le mod Polne6r Sheet Muffle, sad MtieleBeat. WILLSON. anterio. rOuder authority of the Lientenant-Goiernol of . 4. 1:7 rr.