HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-11-26, Page 526r All -tOVt1*fi%1Pd- within k post olticia,and ths: n. �on the BaWd aina kwy iintaedijiti at thii iidet I -". I wer -in ,cry that, I 1104 ud 40-0 in and, wword-ainect. ii, 554,'now 2-1 Voan, �$O. .sud commerulzu in. uch the c0i ot An(I limkie piwitt9l, I was flixtv , WTI" i4, p 40ed a I td thol,easkof th .1netion, 44e Orrivell, also. the Tomxi. of SZ. i n lhe*ereetlon of t4� L, caurchin 9urmidit. if thq Free A�cl United chm fu 1861, two stio, been forme4' and sup'.- I M.% Ubomot -Your as- .,I into 8epir�te ,chir 1 over -whi4h, R#,V. Tho'* T4 t11 other or. of the4p,.Are I !SurelY#J4 vaa-4ter ot s G to: that th-6 a -%Yb ich the4e- four jatbL. directly or indiretl-k Iv_ives fho.itruggles�qf �n advai in, prioi.. aber of its i aern-her, 4* not behind the m6it nit all that t M. liii.�tjaai schames, of the 6z the p�esont year in Q11 ill V,, T -or. throug44 yi "%iLeenip 01 in, -qurely wP have rea� (I'hat hath God wrought Aess Him who hathe­' meray In of Bar;, �v'hom you- are ize. in this e�,%resslou p �bors,i I much of m y use- p�stor, od, ae. ir yam. aur.siucere and 1YO.0 might have come ts about -w o )s or lack- of prudence, MaLner'6f doing.Dur . is. of yotir. refusal to,.tik� ssioa ot esteem, 0e be. X rs had. not, or because sulted, or did ,i first CPU Part youisolves, but the I L1 re ectful man-ner in come encontages no, _u . mvcgr to be more fait4iyal p. the NOrk, aWgrxed us. that 'rou are eudea the - ;xcelleincies, rather of y9ar follow. Chrii- ith7 us, in v"ou are one wi -,,- build aj Christ cause rha�ildiil for every kind - our faults, rather than idge of them should rest a, barrier to the eeep- which A Is 0e, Wall claim, Thraiii.- pro ,,h yew a our oincere thanks to a for this and -the many ,f their eateeni.and, affbc­ � them that *e shall nevver ,at God's choicest bl�S.L- e'�t 'lp"B 40n. and theiraj. hi3 Vurrmta have been me -we may, have an, enmit tered unto !us inta Rig ing,ly homei where tbare it ful.ness ofjoy. ing of the rich repMt pro,vided, tud discourifed . agey having wade th dy at hom,6, hod enjoyidd, %eir hearrs conte&hr large niad joYful L11 ,,everal of the members 1-t .horgan & Montreal, '6 atrPet,' 4,t4 the obj��et of gaining ie, silks of wtiieh they Wera, I weuks ago. On - try-in le house tbay,(Iiscover (1, and in or4eir to. gain 8�- es, whi64 were u7iPpoi obliged t. climb over,A k and tte4k in the win., " the Acting ws wbia1v they had been le Vetilig for the thievesp "eceded to a certain Part t� , hi h i illtended for raising a Couple Of -iscovered, a: large portiou Qkwd�for ail4s and laces, wrappers. Al, ege, from,%rilare they were y procei-dod. up -stairs, iund three �owptIy trunks, rtl with Bilk& of t iie a and laces aniqunta taia-bout $11,000. were taken ar" rgeeived injury, �! damp, but the ggea-W- pieces ar-4 totally unin- are t1l , crumpled, such 1110od C adition as thel C7 use in which the discove-5 rsons. rented th� pemiSell mer, -the lest" exi,)iring 'on slim paid Vy Mr. Morgan y of th goods is0,000 in coves all oX:- are ;till ailks to flie v _1i 000 mi�ed ad it 40 the tbiev(87 tKrough their' eut, will negctiate, for the! IGredit SY of A rCviVA1 f we hope ru-ay be reali*d. 61i(,uld not revive -Wf-, our thav have. been gather- Ct()Od, V11(1 the de- Eveu the Sevege 11naliew blown in alpa*rst evqry plart uprooted good deal Of un-' t111,1bj.r,b t - tbated and" u ( )11.ly, and true. Ishbtho fivanoial Still) elftcy Ganada. has, A should lie ma(lo to'bring. t"; largely curtail, Xhiere nevey bag been. 4unity 2 ;ail the Profsent to t11e direetioa irtust Push hie; eIITho country otore-4eepe" I Ikir. T �SW I ir A_, Ift, 4-ovi,- ;2 i -47 5. 44 �tl - V �111. r I -71 t 177 ; -oil -8A oft- T, 0 L- %IwA-_iNA ' , - I 1, T. IT17 lip %he f irm,i Imft f ar. 7T 5 i5o At nd 'e n In PNY- u- -he- 10808 Y not 2 i876. 1 Fill Vftoat.. i 09; a -h Sprlug Wheat, per bushel..-, to! 0,9P ".Xg; I ef bt 0 PE V. T, 1; N AS.GXF x fartner friend 311 a illustration of t1iie fondnes*­of some Of Oats par bush tOi-O N -T1 IF, U 0 1ne Poss pot bushel .............. 0 to' 0 up ID Otasking dredit ca RT Ir,-mr notwe 11-2 per bushel ............. .. 0 1* 0: 0 68 Arg 0. , Loose ............ . "16 t 0 r AP- ........................ t! O so a ap fo F I N I D 0 G IJ credit for certain goods, went away T1011 to in r I 0 IP. I or FA -GY OC gJL,vvhe'ti'6r6(XRt was.re vo luilicl HT i LOT irrowing I 11� � 13 31i, fused. That .............. wy,!fqmerbo*ti litiggI,Awaif unused 'Sheep skins .......... I ......... 0 .0 0 ist"bod. "f h* i. MAJO H 1 4 fi A, 811Vi bank in A oney o is ere &H (retail) per barrel ......... o J4 UX LJL 3 At". A It' t C14 L e, r 0 25 t Y A HO ttAW*,. �xqo I ad maide. a - Salt (wholosale)-per 0 I 414 Potatoes, n pFsgtA*SL suit 1. .1 , n I Ila o OLW, per bushel ........ ORTHj AV QUT V3]@ 2�T K ist very, %minvion I f 0 0 t 0 logelil; QdI. -,o e, of no w d 2 0) t 8, eed tQ ask ........... - * wly oaupied T 4 LAZT sfortll,-over Xidd's Of un )F D�BQEABER rk I -to 87 JOUlb entered in O `Al�b I I sore �T . Illingneap,tq pay cash inZwP;i,,c 4ad ................... o ... d, -4 0 Turkeys, per .... .... 0 t 0 )8 C 1AR11Y1 MAS- v i 4 When oth '10 or he �4 w Had-,,Ue bought an -_ i Goose, per 10) t 0 )O I'li, efpsid-the .10 W 0 10 Aide, the retailer- Would dhickono, per pair ........ ...... S TH L L vhoI&AIer W%W�olessler i4d or B .,No wi �e jb4potr Lot 00, Con. 18, .1 0 n�l so.on, everybody feeling the benefit. FJ t proent 0 t Graft. I .... I �; t k 7 mesiion Vo do not, wagb"gu, Spring Wheat, orb 7 Mr. TJ Idt"', 0, of 38 *15 Oats, per bushe&.. I .1 11: 0 on -aW, 005: st Of9AW41Y- 0 nird hd r Barley, per bu&i::::_*.:: 0 0 D SAare againot'dredit.-"i 'ist pe� - 0 m FLOU' ING AN MT Of H U,. 0 expei,b I r e ooe, 01184 Rho ] L I I I C bqud,- -for FRINGE&TO & b sipopq of' ous who. really.need it, and I here are 00 Pons, per bushel, ..... . 0 2 V 0 64 AN 3-1 to tal L6 11 DRESS GOODS i Z � w.h - �h`e 18 asions when it is eQual1v wi a to ask and 0 @ For tortbe to 'WH. i a '0reWtVJA90Q1_4ould Potatoes--.# ........ I ........... WILoe _P &JijA it 414*4 ..... . oil t ge... f.1 .. reduced by at least 75 per cent. to the I kirkdl I nW, Cint §h�A I X)tio 01� 14d �ep� lu io 12 PRESENTS. , 04 I kind a of' WAALF, FJOIR HOL IDAY f an qip 0 lt#ed. Beef.... ............. T 7 0 ED. 4roollit Pork .... ........... ........ II'I's of 20 goo9l ILONDON; 0�i- 59 87 No —WantwkMimlattly, C & 9 ettii4savini thop lloboyversai nximab The receipts of grain: . in, the - ast wa",4 NV.hen ftoi)d, -at- Leslie; d iihe' Locial Government ...J&eut JIto Xiii week were limited iiee T- i ba, ley 41�� t L the Old Gotintry'for oftitjl I -to, 1111 're. fromithere f6 SeaforV4 oil! 0 m e.T 5 Hotel, M which sold from.$1 10 _t) i nLt- I VUHI be pplI64 �o., ker t on d. fur Sets) - J&P and a Good Stock f G�A ll13 ipot iblo'positiond in, the �Vfb ol' Xink F i&I. peas, s i 12I oN 1 jinil Ltinatic Asylum, inabis I of apoint- $1 65 to 1 75 ""ipridg.' a !$,I 61�j to qo fqr US 'WAN. -�Ten4orsgi, 1,4 ff WaldrA69aed, to 'Auk - tlie,�q`Tdi)r pr as - �g. ]RUN TEN caorth R. will'be re- §579y0ailadi $1 65 ; onto, 90c to 916 d F4 :'i It e '&Ade n era ed ati ion �0. w; common cituse with th I d endent and Ater fkom $7 to $7 25'Per 100. p i rAivi d il #AIDA: r, V r �16 �" 25 1875. zew Caps Sea- so bumiliat. lob tio to a Q914a b & r------------- taking exception *WIL 1AI %91 ing to nationl -sentimen nd insulting 1870 th,04erate df �`thli tit 6f iW1;,;j6JJ_1�ijlsI in l8e:to 2(* eggs"Wto�:L 6 tGROXTO,� E&OHE ed foy to riativdtalent,aud. ability. The prea- There were in to -day at out 460 biah- rx R WAN: Pr,,D. Want Isure thuaL brought to bear upon the Mii 19Pr,3M'E NT els of Aeutj. 1% AL A( ICU Iremal; JAU_ 0 comitton" 1., er. _ftlt 70 fo idillf" -ed diff 81 01 02 r trea 1.1 for 81 ra�s, rd&40- -Ditiog T, d ty, &M ress- IFu Sets, muffs, nuf pring AMA 6 rip ins"statifig pal ent'and rwre­ enlfghteiie& iy, . * 4 .11 10 opl4lq 4 hig t 10) r i PA SC I I t I,deferen n, Dr. Clark 0 being the zh. I " , * *% . I 8 7,000 b t1b 'r St ice 10 Ipubl* t 80 0 -BOIL a HE! NV(� for 415*2 polp e t1b t U) EKG viedicall- 'rWtAd- the close; 800 bushelg' a 'Pe I � i ), At 364 te hatic '6Y ot91 �79- an ent of the oront6 Lu um- 1 72c- 200 bushels of rr dl Ha sold at $12 to al a ra, V TT L, ONTARIO. -wd: te, I &-Mgle Teacher 10140ttg A stead of giving the Gove merit- credit t at Ckoets, 'i ti Dtitift to- emlfifteO lu Iy 00J8, scaf8j Glo As $9 to W. i A on an is not necessarily cA f 0 ally to -411-111 a in ignoramus ALET I;r: If b.v letter -U;it, ail OR coo E On t the Af ond o i or two, TORONTO LIV E CK- A int AW10C JOD he othii, -W 2inistry BEEvEs. —The recei T 8 E Tory organs bei iwer) fair dur- - to .7 ing the Past week thingl &C -o p iig, rselectibri. BUQwing lainly 4at Ynder V -0 I or thei Rowv I T Ick hold- It - head but the majority 'of he art ivals HT YE sformex objeotions - to I e. hopor a t& 9, na tit, Ia second 0 d-clais corfficate- 'K gi q it� YeL , _:in ticali tire on *dqy 0 drs, fX, ed a free as h ly tested, and Ov '944. ppliestlidius-to tion system were ihmill eye , a1hd: 1i -not were inferior as re,86740-, n no class stock.,was not 1111 lut least prompted. by Wish to ad ancb'thV'-i 0. %14 911WML I "I tl- 6 IVutido to eomin� Uti at LA vh I fat id latk A. fit ipplied wi h a ib t aatmr s.utain W10, d� Mity the wanted. Prices or otho� be aoo to e with an upward tendel)C'� bt t low g a crust er, P4 --n-try, but y vecause, they esir i 'I I U�11 961X ense for th 3 be] t. r -Palt-teiks, 0 I e, t e ly 2 t I 0 carp fif th OGoverument. �46 it -sole, m 11 Policy of th't ric lower. 1'e The cliaregard of even the appearance of class 84 -50 to$4 65'; seq6nd, $3 75 to $4 were ful quote fif6i- TRIAL �10 FEREDN tabp,f62, florift, �re q*8- JOILIC,wing I 4d Stituency is manifest that. their and third, $2 50 to 6 s n-atraived'1ito the .cons Killcip, onelhughts- can carry were the ptiucipal sales epo ted One lunders, all � jrjt" � I The OWU 4jensialeas and.,,0upid. 0 or is To k 1 225 b 't $56 1our 1�0( hey latel� attacked the - car, averaM ALL RINDS OF 8 Kic I maxemeo andtalre weight.' T lk Ties, Kid Glow to r�j �lropert-,-, a 4"*4 aghng Government because they looked abroad cars, aver it $14 two I -a nts they attack c ,vieTa4in 4,9 1 Ineies now ' i -PesO t1io prembels _6L fill 01110ifil Vaes F� �4 'T table f0i H044 . OV RSTTAY ,bb u coxomoluuott, 1,310 lb at $ theni beciaiiise they appoint resident '6ar, averagi I the "d6rsigned, I I 00 W., at I4 � * i'L ca-rs of oxenp averagn Y On IiLaul I, 151d -There is no I ept constantl tib out- the middl# 61 Sully, A, T4 me stee a, 'agingi luested to ProIr pri)perty,iyal Th e� owner is . re, $62 one car of pri Flowers, a-17tersy fortqrnatoi alo -reason why Hate, W_AT- Bo* wts, ag BOI k S110P in Full PkitAT X. - 1,400 lbs., at $4 75 ti iee ara, aver expin V �de.to do SQ.— see and t1*8 deamr shoufd'be m' ,pny en int 1, 000 lbs, r,*t W.: Preent. SON4i Tpronto -1d into the�vrav*,eo*of Ithe la& iedur-- H P0 68 or (411 Si,,,,,e8 3fade to', Orde 1V SIBAY PIG:* ing theLast week, I& which moniigned, Lot 1 corl. 1�; Hvillott, About _f _ SepLt a) US44DW J The —In Berlin a charge- i of fraudulent th 0 _fti 4 t about 60 lbs., sold at 1$ 'at d the 'Othert "I'll d I a B� Pairs rowlp�tlly Atle eilL c6i have t referred.. ag' P, bankruptcy, has been p sins dressing 64 lbs., at i.: I L. p aying -exrenses Dr.. strousburg, tl Ale e ROMSON Is in ap ae great railway con. LAMBS.—The receiptl 4A T & V FIBLI 41 lei arpst * I 1 tjagtor who continues un1 lit i - I i , , , x STEM g,�_Cgrno ltrto-tfio enclosure 01, tf 4e qitcho 0itarlo. 'AMVB 00.01) 8 BTU,& % E 4- nited �ljigh orit*. *fool he exp,=Rture Is Id at and 416 the undersik years -old, On� car, to dress WIN A CHEAPER AND BFTTER A' states postal Service for 'the past Jhcal if potqer, eerr 1?4 or 0ont thelst 4 T IAN 19VBAi AT Owner to r0- olii� bac15., T)iq red colort of 3(", was $35,000) ited to-Orii PrbP- Y; PaY0 iLrges and take que roHn .wo"000 in excess ofthe ievdliub,f!O�a & '-MA- DUNN. IL 4ri M b, r. 249* ------- MON same source. ST. GABRIEL, I1pf.1#Tj -04 4tkorney- Geneira. HEII Tloads f cat- iv± AV- STRAT ?,ER&��gtriiy6d'or Stolen from There were sevent,oei cai Crol�mbid 11� ordered si ifrLi6t' inquiry The cc a of thd�undbrsikned; MOCK0 I tle an this A yp d=Nov-224 Yatrliirig� 9 market to 2 mship 74cifxep tb6p oter alight iintiothe los of the Btel. was moderately activip. t bo�it las 0 -used by-tbe tiotsdi 0101114 Saq which ib now seems, Was us week's quotations. hir e sto"rs, o z E Fr(M—TH ! . 0"E rz.StORZ. A, ityt w 4 so RO PL, BIT ot -Aich ran EAP Q j A ! 7 . , ­ ' lox d to th ir bo sniffblY T capto _the ship Orpep%,ly each 0 first*class qual I fl -f st4 lds M Bd stexi�Ot- 3vers ,the 41 or Vout or, 1( -V STRAY UZI O ubscriber, IVI o-0, t i our painLf al d t this week �o J ( -461 : lu 6t. d6o(, arecord the death of Mi_ -10, or, of "m It 13. pounds #,nd bekd roan A of e ai�year old Rel whi Jac C & as, enthabornaiwWoh, �Grey [ell took P 1e ci� Nov. Ac I a Lto LLPM Doti d in the- each. spottedt IIf le, av,,ra in M atign concerning iig4lor was tighly eiitdewe ar P ; ; are shorti 4nd Cl 10 of fit $37 per h k. Anyinf�w and his ReNC is- kooil, where be "TeBided, en thi doe ass JILEY ifet *101 I o -by CHR the he! 1,000 lbs. eaeoh t 1! SOP T.. FA ne,i orl - a SUCCES Iny. The TIAN Arft iositeld. be lainent6d b e y mg cattle at wai no a e or ears,,been eo w1d. #as; for auumber of y g, There wet a )Elk F lambs O e -t U.' 13.5 a ie 'dwhi :E� ifl - 'an of KnOX Church, (Jone td' W, dou� 4 rn'jrki q t tweli, I'm &rp, 4, TRA [6nthg A keramitho eq 94 mar's yarfo Brus4 of hogs o t ngol of 111 E ly ho CHASBI) E -old. Tbe,owner is r U69t of ;qralg,.�bu G'PUR Reiter, co Aug I Years in consequeii�e of the iti ptibes 5 Party, charges, and t-Ske av . H Ito Jy0;W vi d "thig ear 0 I 011 for a reduction fr' e' se�Kon has hi i LA closed t: is ?0 v rk, fine hogs . were h 0 d at OF Y. z , L o an juw Inays earlier 0, balance of the taeg -'ri �riB i it $9 t7Jy,;4T?_ e, - 0�! L STRAY P�_Stroyed from tho promises year port of Mo E r�wcrth'fro OIL te% 18,40A. lot -the. uf,� I 50. Dressed hogs a le, time) pa o owe -per lie 14he f.she 'bb 5 'ROCER a tonruage -, ,, � .1. treal 590 vessefs, r6pr6senting 100 pounds Be I to $9 IES, ED7 R.OYS0111% iwbiai5dlai� 3 heyWen 19 nibs, There d fandabove vor )mpare� Nyxtll last year, ar d this year, as 0( left.. An 'Son ntF dd the harbor, I SALE DONALJ$ when 667- vessels )irriv beri0ablyr of 413 060. iwer of -Palo 60 2- GNP 0. M*4 of an asgre %te tonnap UNDER and by virt�0 C z SE DS ed. li� Da-dd Log -77 tained in a mOrtg tego, ad on ai in payM0131 there IT ]JE 11C IRS]@& ­St�A doo premis- i yeg- default having be AN ndwsigned� Lou toad, _St&nl", T* Atlqs�auing ihe u( D HAVI d#33"'. past of will be go I R, WgIkRONG F) f,them Id by Pnblic ( P dwbt; 6 r BELO GING �djy, Oat 20- a 8-yag O)d her twielii" hton, General Mall�g TEL, SBAFORTH, o (,mvims OF Ioil )Tc blood faJ1,,of rr. 13roug Vestern Ra�lwayt-taq Vfn o'clock noo t e fc1lowitiv ropor d dar on the Great %�b 'ro Joll of 0 .1.1i 1875 at 12 nes To r tsil we:1 cuf tqns-xv, k #0,,t �rri i the erm� 04 Lot lo. 11, In tho I 6, i0d aore6; 60 c: 5 Inforiintion r county -myVerom, lead W itJa abovej Animals instructions tc ship of Greyy for any, Person od a e !of ol aI Y, Cft cleared, and in A. not to �a5,a M -0-40.Q- f% - , 1� ot to n un , t i . I . will be suit 'Wo roiid,�r I i fr6m � no r 413.4 Lrurtng the Uose seaso 0 TF LOt, qb ly rowardA t 0. X f � oA conductor paid at t I e er 'emalty of dismissal. rDar or p Lt. 'Orey -to ftT&i I - I dusted for the pr it fe ar PA' 1; . .1V ei I have great Plftflmlo� naM atingementi the Itusir eog Will Ve'eov rally, that th frota thepremideff un, 'b o goi oy will re- TRAT 0).TTLZ,Stra7ed er hose In' to an the C itenlal inke6ui A pe last, 41 harr6l,of ild gustolhero of the late Am, Bud the Pu now of the ku bocriber, Lot $1, 10011- 1, Turnber.ff, haa, in stati ttentlimn plil(d be isM JK0;Z01Fab1y ]Dealt with U1910ir the and 'Bruce f inst, Mr. a to? 15,11401, O as 0 me time lit. Yu. zogrijinigs-2heifers and 01 Daey, on t46 We s"aply to sit. 41&2Y ceiv so fish at G the old Arm. i biA* with a -white on the 18th re. 11 management lie tboy Vero by 2, steers. Or3ofthebeiferils Set -hens; Tweetor. f)f I.Fihlrii "U 401 f AND ,BLRT e, thiether rtd v spot intho fac IBTHELONDO tied joid &A4.white n I]l[AS A other s; rot. A no steer orpot Y astion as win S ( - . - , Any �e: on Ov ofi6n1i t6 pro Ing imcb infolm the, N.04aei)l Ril- otolor. oidV64nimalo will the dhip�ers, an LARGE- le ad'to 1116 M bim of tht, ( bAM, '10 lwgy for -6 R -H-F I TUVE ADDED Irry'r A-BOVF, _V�SliiES'S i 14 d Trunk Rai PURCHASING THE itably re*8 D-U�-,-G 4 i F way and Gran, INCI Ot r4oid. 'AN XMG, Bluevale iver theirjoad, The American - I K OF :VA3MY GROC , &a. 4 4 bile for WE$ I inj the fisb c undersigned, in ankimg� tile VA ITO THF, STOC 0. c or ed it a do Ure - . kon ro cpresii ompany THEthe vql- �_Coa 00, y liberal finp) UNDRY WFG Ifrom carr ing fish during the st, now V_ 0 skes the p 6, otf ) ' -0 6rly- y a their agerito p 50 that he ha's rented th ! 11 jerreag, -COMMOU 4 th b e has! aeou" ed the 4.81" that �oy are -prepared W13 een4 injured) at tb4e$ .close season, to� in �oj mibe public � % II � t. i I -L W 'rool - f T ­Ht MARKET CAN PRO VOE9 b 4ib t 4 E OESTP vices of a. Arot-610,80 Mr. TAO&W 3ftTjDJ 13, W to fdrni It aguAj chool hours, A117 Pe of Seal 60i ot her 4 i 'A Iion Sales. al a Is 082 to ul the sc):WO� ground§ out �of i to; Auct sedtl( 3L 1Z 4nd OA per ad g a pouni up to SL prootout6d -socoVid- per, no R141non ftom. e gular school man a i. A (I law-. ox#er ottUe School o r in g to 2'9" 71 _ � �ti L well known in this - Dpard, 410-4 t 0, Von. 110, commodating th Monday� N PledlentS. of the-, requioitel; SO Mills, rs ch FiDurt G Hot, it e-Killop, Farm MOCK a 'J. Bullard shops� Heig now 4 firom Fie Pomdg M H has W*r n d 11g, and Shiroo Machines# iHOOi ffy, pr tre Give,�l to Purckag 4,_MISS, oprie he maybe favore V C d 8, Machines, A Zi� iqyal iscoui Maker 5dtjorth has removed Mrs,- P. Du g S eighs a ufao A fy co and is still man - Is a ti, toyst _Ptr*,W �eit- and i UpWFd8q 'Over Rod'a rWW auctioneer. Lu a ly 1113 f Price do and aim Irom the ate is- 410 �lows, ion, wh1ehfol""ter' yjbos�,, _ - to 0i the arm, Q'Y; ag.nothi b f a of over T 4 JU receiv� the pa#onage Oi 0 NOV MOO Lbdv she Vill 6 e lj�? arm vK, B - , r $6 'P�t s"h j,l(- �rat,e Baisr 410'$ Ion giveni -to tW& 0�gar an, 1 A favor, . Ray U, and I -All 6120 i a ti . Mafavor' In to gly oi iomsikinds- particular Attelltl OWL vat Ing r cc -frola. X* N ting 4WIS ]309aerib eer. do Well no x. Spove 1, ot evvy, sucti . o I n T D 40 Parlor, and B All w W nwhere, BEST; IN T —T neatness and Patc ------- AA cc. WARS AJJ U EDG fliftf 0, iON ASIJUE SA�Jt ?0�4 4,16 i�x. X01"OP i- I LE . I - DS ALWAYS,' Ilm "A Rt, 11OSITORY S]l LOMIES 0 ALL KIN Of Tfickersmith, on 0 as, do Shehard, of i AND S CASTIPGSI FAMILy G1, aastiten =4e in the -V&y%da n AND BRAS VATMA NT8D GOOD. Ldoni Of mort- of Mr. John 01 09 his moeys du 12 the u and.Agr date tho Oth wer bear gage made b ;�644 3 rf And Blacksmith Work- %r a haughter A -e wife PEL wife, to b wtortgftge JV11 -be Grey, On of rely, ICON 0( theip M&dl I ir8 _Tfiekson, of a lie. B40. if, dit- C u d at 0 t Dowers of of Mr ANTLY FOR SALE tolent th t TO oilvmtr il ttt u -der And by there will'be-, n on NOV. 131 Efflim,01, OvIsIONS1 r ST IrWid, alto ith a combinifl' W tac� a I,0113M ROXAL I lie , A -no on i at V In PJ sold by Pul `W6 fouri'll t8811 EEO AND PR ggle in the, w Id mOrt go co of a son. elflow tnd In Iffly ii F a. Fultor ffe-of Mr. Ja to IQn. e the 61 Ito to me con be on th almost ey4ilthing nomisgry for 'ROTBL 701 eO M n Nov. 2,19 W91 jflPh4n -11 cccKillop" 0 1ho-orgall of pilied vi chi dren es entragbi. IT9 Order� y _fh _ tbeb lit," a Large ATURDA, the 4th f th ljoggi.for 11 el ybungi tM00 hoiks s; I parce.11 '11,11 AN N O.N ton t6l - I ; siddirossed to the (loraPsnY Or 130cre" 7 dozf-n �Iag and preoit,4, that usil 0 - rricresto get lour grow tw ,,if e of iq r Ap I - All ore er el of rely member 0 the �,' t at e4i tpn. ekeepingg no neC( otty iot reo, to Xf Pei 0 PXOMX e Towli of S b) nal a son. r the Lry w V e 9 val9fitY, to slupply of Af - 0 18, the by drolLl and pr In en, noked on a plan 1A 1) n-pl%tf11 for the �hlli ron's land being by its fft�51310 rn 'or( tary an hotste,izuid: pabt IGE of ScafortU madt lie mi by it, Onions .0 the Thomas rof a son, VavAdent eets I — I tol lfi"Is� INA r illsiby lital deo%ts` 0 pr(sidtnt, - t red,` trwh ch'osta parcel Or wl eig, to Puratd 0 ON., P s, T�rnips;: B Uve f e of w I regiate on- Nov, cloth ad I uxul o�s dr6sing-9 wng- t �to.e ithen'OrtgAgO I - . I .- N, pa k_ is U14 Lodesbomu I oidered slippers a e4ora: )nore tile 1'�al % e AAZA1 OVpr& UNCIMA ioped. TeMS And on . t. Of a br of f' -eff ft delmown, `�a fhe Wif on day Of fig-je. . ot went e But the reading mat tet, utther -1),xToculars V�PPl to .), � � . e.y.cellon�e. the 1ULTRY AND FISH OF ALL K-1 N DS,;! 13F of. great it if. E I egorm son. fire PI&Iiii .. I i PPLE80( Dpularlty fo! ti ore is A e EN, � _. - . - . "e, wide pq ))St. in Its! way of _N y. Fivem I 9i v4virnshiiii F.RIED. fords.- 4d- L trust a , Wol!th [60 it. Fr Y ftfortb, joy, 23J 1875' nothing. 0- ootiry th131 residence fashio 1. ide, its i tor 6 and 06604, its I al terxi Aeliber- n gu d. and $(I come to the co cluslo of:, tj�4ng from bioi of the present uibsp are RM! 0 Fish, __fiA8 FAT PC 'ing to�; tho,T TrOt. MW SHOW. in foral, o!a ffither­ Tutnberry. ira hite. CHRIS ot ot ake Hu�on If the bir Chicago Evening J(url U sei Tide at the ex A L X O all of; utir Istiag to you ibf the .! Mite -hill; nal Sbdw-lund 110 att --PUC� bv Rer. Ternloo.--postf -go roe ea :ethio f vortu to -a ,sirg i to tender to Ab L ycar, tiff k1 fWiety for Nov miss lis AZ R, ind*a:t b On= n- �T=-,T=ko Smith Arfi![IOU LiBrtoWel, to be twid ia W. oie, ex ibiti on REGE1 13, I . rr G,eo. Th 8011 0 ()anada — HITR� i -of oi;tsge uy the P, bllish- his twanks fO2 the 101 g colitlimed 00 I VF.I)r. F4 to �f L nraberry. $4 includd p"OPILY 3201 'Irglea MAGAZINNt., 'Ou m5 ressud In by''01eating me AND HERIN Mary Aul.1 . t re ubseriptiO110 fq�on esr two 70 r;, a sent the folww- i , . iderigo 'lip, R, 10 a e WLeBjLyp and 13AZ, � to 0 TUBSD� .z —At the si- ors, S # n4dr ;Prtbe last two 1by I b "as, the i5 wh, NOIT—Mc 'Xz1 - rf d fuship and COu AY CO:1110i es. ia; u IMoKnq, her,, 0AXO­v 2�3 rs Ib coiiivetitici IT a riz den cc of the, bridO'S 54 $IV; Or, two Of 4t u wars I ha�, 0, culg4vorAt perforha to '4 I duties 5i vh1eh U; tal lug c&v1) of In 2d. Mc- �'_ clinilu , �TT F1_ GraWk, 3 drei tar one year, $4 �, P b0AW Q - C_ copy of either the MA OAZI ZITYPr, f My- abillit.T. �ALW t4 00 $8 00 -$2 H. IL "R Ox or Stee A119S Jane ',3. M Su- - tilk 661 t fq the AYS IN, STOCK. �oq.,or r - f Moole,,to 'for orrol i f , friends I desir to C 40) 3 XinnoD, o -will be supplied 94 tAl m A sFa mpni d I, Xblilag me to ance I have re seribers at $4 ea, and as I Co of Tjsborne, In O 6 reiniftue free. v( Ino dr t the fa w posts Tbot I � 0 10 - .100 t X, is vovy�. a ntics Of & t f 6n in the collies for $209 0 v Ia In ilea at aby,i t of my neigh to 911,60AY 8.111 rt to Lumborg CRIJ t Pa p F U F 4offit' ' I 'r ATHSII! IIm 'A'$ 1�0 and also req 911I)POr! 16 Annual 'Volumes: Of so, Iree of ex- d I MAY- �fi eit1w in B01wzd ODi 1. W sent bY ey-Pl L su or, tibilkt, wizz 10mptlY 'N v cloth bi6diligiVill b( at, 60i 40 ret Pu rc&ued fromm be, Deljwred P1 .... 0 All �Afl ar e for $7 01 t'V, ffl 111 re my co best AS 5 261�ler� I fmm at I6ngo if FW- "to "' I RU ILL t P0'ULTR I M,bFART,,&N on ONr, bofird, tot, the eor Whey Or -1 McFarland, 'Wife of', Mr. - Us it the cc Q ��"rlk I". - w) OUT est, P1 ir Qla I on -MsAar7of the sbiow. peon- inter 11 f yj iov�, electorsp its to 6 A, TAYLUU may n -ELCOAT-, Presfdorwt+ 1H �A I still be ma�'j. the Be I ,volut of t :atte ticinfV0 li� u of Usborne to enjoy Farland, )Robert ohs I s ProlnlUi. 6f,rt to en, 0 Grey, on NV,,, -130' the towushi Y. Von FExpbsibiOlt as ce and good fiR Taylo (I 65 nternatil 124 I ere the Co. adidate for 2 y bid them ar el 18 SE"ORT ]ff JOHN ff.ojqAB� Secrii -RRISON BVi,GER ". 3 Ihonors. LUM, I 0 aro not t 416 Mt. Nio �1, er -.0 Up oBrothe's ass oider of th N on 11 T Z S� 22 1875 'FOWZJ,i� ToiontO, 1i �UP'JO York, ]In] let Ann, wite f Mr. Silholft 416 '�111%6.fortb, iged 45 yars Iilio to II