HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-11-26, Page 4H F, iq Nb 26r 181 JW_ U rriehl terianvof bAh- tonship# within t th "farinii, V .0 lip a tit eirr office.; aria Ime ow muoh he oses by' ties to t0fi iodwbieh r v _% tb the c or kne 4ya e Y Use 111! I rnmw* . I nt' &I romv 14' it to b4tar lark U in 0 Z4410 il ips ca WOQ T1 I U ni da4mmer, the --wholm 019i Opt T sh u ]tie gW . he to no ne- :wAdl& 'Ohl, resent timo at a ZaILWAy 14 Its 11 .i AhVBR SE the p leg to theL, 'be u or habitatio, nei and t ousands of a( roe 0 1 1 laid 1 in th .4isiollilliV"t sine, brilwry, 7 eu 3OU A70 illugL 6K hIMA84* Vii 0%00 gre in the ration arper is Baizi -- cessity forffeits to raj4 'immignt Ily wi 1 pro b&llly Vet Jain under b, pradticef;j Will -of e fondness `13 am Eagar. in I bf eci gifionla history that I hid to M diii - 1 *0 1 - ourfrmer friends forsking or< in t the: wi . W­ asisted O; 'Oe wat r Ur reditild4- in B -t' Those wh 3 cedit to be im 6 in arts' -direi eonsr( -bow—J. Hann* 'On '—The mard y 1 50ftbj that OffiWWid his;* bonor to x0cleive aud;weyt 14 M =der Pur notice fW, APY-8 J a ited, as wd have "AORS Christmas Fat Cattle too GIRAI EL l I -a ng t -e h come are not w wg, thir g6ods's,116' the Cliffle QT norc a 'u _C, ev46tors at The ax- ined i cl*ko 0. ad credit for certan Lods, "W4 Sale of 1 and rerar & Nfuir id Razard Ind oandidai if $pit, now ,YpapN: In 6 Ireal now the, e ponwg, a md txi elsior gral i I alid7donstituendes. Debtors-iiiiiii.Tohn Coope y otthe aw fie(r raAal or S.. 'd in-,gj _cIp& apa dommei it loss t- F parlita Ietiti shd ,Seaftliri hoolBdair orrowing" when ere& was roft 461 a who i I tension of th Take Noticeiii; ly Notice to -pal it isU CO 1011 thousand -6tir tuatedin in 'I 'ich the e hg Thii 6 viliting., on I by- A-iien4o s ",oyer noir, gat' very 4 f armer has -a lai stili I if they think it n pul e ectii N, tray He th vi, i belto thei' advantage i atra nee $71f t Offfis and' wfffilai -now one Y, the had'6t eot 'And lim% -,nony to his credit ii o Bric ihif ament of! NewFaucy Good i Ellie s of iii in the f ormoi'r elevator t Je $to ato do so, Fra loco. a ii lway sf %56r was fina* Groceries and Provi Xis—M. Morrison, t re Lestroyed !5,500 I uflhel.4 of: which mallea -Vactoriv N1 ;ter '.the very fumman He 1119 n anec. _T_ etin — W_ M& i '( e -1 . 0 1 * and cjtain dmendments- heile a of gai There is anotb a his co insured for $7,001) i tl Western, of 1%spe6fAjig*6tArsf4i8d drd a quart4r' to th m ob tion. Ic (I tlie' ragWay ni to ask William I a 11 it Mig tit 0( it be er ay of Tdronto --a tei 0 Ur the junction Mai Prince---lMri Alois$ to ri I(MP Thii fq- , of aid Tail, sit, e to Alich 6 maou & ex. whi P. ant have STRANGE SUICIDE-W. R. davey he. Dominitin zoverom f the autum- way to T , i V01 p offl e , w—Mui to pay cash into whf, 0 1 TO f 'itid. ith thea ndr MiainUf9At1rfV`06-' inent defi poitely Go CarrqAton,, Ill., wj` pro ra, vhieh 4uAte- pi6visioiv does. was PIAO fSJkJJ,,, flifid he, b -lit and px. 130 11 in their at toy blew nat ih% ingF %il d bttt fbt 'I Adits bonsin so psi ,Otic ---:_Vine.& om n k 3lffiyL f t: of hp, vImp WQc 0 a tinued r eftilten of the Jow.11, itiot exist p fnf ander thij D 4p ri st 0 Apo art Imigriitiou Agent un on conditi ed ig.Und thp,churcl, cons Jtui tbe -retailer- wouia hi g title -puri war cin r a are a.. shii T p 5-y w FAray; Heifer, yior. whom the Of i b nearly off witl A, sl ot g ale In ]a- a lit g he fij6eral cere- large for ai 0 Nrlls 149 W, the Xow ,a Uporfs man his durig a of ochem wjiiilatller the wholesaler his ga e ale be iiist, f nerl has bee u' best Mad. T 9 C!rld to lia ad th a bI Machine 11 P 66 bhb*T-, bbhV nbe M- ion *t, everybo -1aul Wrigh b, ho, 010. he Domin ,u ima 1 t hHid f6lrf fe iing fl - Shop ma enjoys fr on G4, vern. ni(S of 1 5115 . -2 IoWi rai a an f or i fuiithr-4 Ibljiuglth new and 'tbird. Pres vtarian i chuia& in go, MI waga a isoree 4a a, and to ce t 0 ow 41 pies E If t&dtory of th I 'i N: Af ter _116i as Tho'nibon, meni syery-4 rg salfilry, It .. I T1 d Tend&s sinte widie ta, ae I i : i rohOfon, IQ Whoti f0*i %1)1' iiiDn_0f thV.Fi66aWXnited far against'creft Therearel t iltffllk2; inee Illy Wo & noi e as oon they mi jyd t r6 pald.- ft ft 'hurepea fil. 1i two sti i Shm I've ii e forinier home, for bt ri yteri4n c sons who reallyn ns #a z' exte" i' 'a sf ul ork eted it, andhi detach- b r tral1d-&t%bio&;ret5t1 244 Ices 4 lic4 o form nd _Slin. tul d it a con der cosions ovilin it isequally oGrid Of ihimigyAtile offices are si enien, per- Tim TF,%A'X'FjROVT1 M. which ri ee Aiii It,-APPe %ythe4MUOU01461 pur,p wise At T I Unitea States troOP01 FI.reonob. ado 4th edneert Nvith ed' i U ze it _M 1he tredit "i AThis Agent rr eat PI systArma ai pli, torilio, tion of Londo E, np I and. rt#,ioh%Ve:b4)ft,11ob f rab 6. ! 01 +ossea'the boider, oi Toxas for ing lit inlidis tor, -were ci-ntl ( I . OVLL Mehi be reduced by ateast 75 por 0 L' numt-i ome di S, . the ui ptini Ls to& Vbe p -HWI tt over wic Genera has unler him 2 shing so the 6, le, in ?, for remai %Aya - ft ,so P hv "'Of IL,60 in subject Jul T has b ardanaC to, the P,'ul)l T01i pl) Wlu lye. a- an We: Aieves, lave. eeo defeat- ic gX4 M Xnla clerks and as 5 iqexlIa ca isits';6f hiii r A6 ough'Ai is Thie-v Th H. FAIDAY1 d tile Mex- Pai, is And tll p &Qvinoe HA rihovitia lbrWed 'a ioilL no Th6s, a li 0 t ex- ns Jf thil' whole, th ient is : a in s ad ai 0 co inpelled to retur a; I., Olin, el ii itAlutio RM40:4 3 eaper.- %-p4ni- later, AA4, 41 -An with oa luties 'f the Agent 'icall aidu I Cortina is 1 eientirating a -got i6what ch f 6;3eA *1 er or. WeVi#V Se VIE&Zd- f era IoPio, for Tiefeirid" *1 1ch- was flecilo W I pensivo affair. a, I f llon=,i r, wi th the -are fifih- still in Hoi J th the Lzai jF0r0i'indVegt of these -the Local Goverrimer mmigreti- largeforoebtitheTex lleeoid 'an iWouse Vae hen; in the fi -at! de f inivadin t ISIOD, fof - thb W49f7sl tiping" *e Old CountTy for officiri pola, to look rii L - - I Aed b General are Geiri is tti ed obj e6t o a State . _4tei 'of lugh a thake further -po A -great deal has been spoken and P dnei undbalug'"edlo'i'si d1taiikfulncils to_ Orodf"thit jh M the INTJ rnr p;i, agent caftelik 'eat, and during the tevana. nstKuct ;ha i 1 40 if A t -edmmo Written on thi subj. Ports- zig's Viellua, a ng4r dktion of Iun#iCS!dn(1'idit4, f6r r.-gAtion, friom. w iZlb thes at four,6%. nd i the secor il place to ! Iarhow round !iwat AI tested Some ti, ne -*hbin waforthnati - it -appetTs tal,i be. qngr Divatie Asylum, insi A a in r. be' i I 'he live spran irectly or indireptf partiiifew cars immense snals-3f p rtouth, Ohio, on a oba ge 01 counterfeit- 1W The cnsolidation -of M W y Flu" 110 thedes"t Y, Crinadians who Jalou -and do. the agreeable to took in rikets Shol , -ic Dom' Last Friday i notbi ily still gi the 1ndep sive been expended -both by,t] Fridaynig tieM I I.-itatutes bas it 'w4"hutioundea, The bjec Of the last 40 yeari bvit' i's deir t offices I.t _­ I I I de hte 4 -theReformi: -am visit London. !ihe ebarl of tl ic pris a:- and' St rted for erable pftri but the! Oli, agt'01110 L u r q. j!nIA ter's salat mcial-Governments in, and vor- very congi i a vi London ma near hei A A . c USX n f tb t wotk will bard- -y ix 2110 to oeurse s and Provi city Carter I is that Canad' itinllz y Oi no ri: lati. is I mportan ing i I to promote immigration to Q01111t in e over- the iiiIX; bei of its moiiih to nationil sentiment an( Ag and a seie ilife' n 3 111 1 ly, t is beiWWd to ' -the i p6ri to'' uitab a p a0e fiesort, 1 k. I e. WW 8 ;eq III I "I", as be f6li. T -ho iCoin- I a, r a tA of, A d em 11 rm - - eached befo iAbehind, t le most siThat opme th 1 9 so tvy. assuppos I thii third! dlose of th f 4elit 6 ativietaletaud ability - a wts I 'ri deA fl.64r]i4iiig bf 6z Aurches, and isurethus brought to bear upc -n Fco_ ioth"irig'mor f eeXl. 0 EWe"iovldr, bave reWitime'd is mouej h t h Inior. b04 X. tit "i first siessiOn of Parlia-' f III, m af- ad, e ju-& c-ioiisly e-.%,pciided and has bu I in 4)aWed-- -missioners 5 mation respec. it:ig t a cit as tl i ey de- Dllg 011t 'ill th 1 thi iw 4111 ay afternoon.. usual there stati, and riting Oil sire, No 0' an. mit t at til late is in- Bills embodying th'ifr, recomendafions en6oleut all( r).itraes of tho,. se. -A -and mott o fear that the country t 9 a, to ev, -a io opinion, now no n I hAgent y morn 111 18 r r INIOndo nourliced duotivie, of benefl ci,,X1 rag it I s theorp is no ter -A air Is, 1 1 - itSL'to - O.N,. — ne d last, As amesidmer ulted f1h Ithe ad,44iO doubt, but w MT3 t e a. re 1,ptomifledL the Session. A 'PresbytefJ eare beniefit Lqriloi aces . 4-1 1 r o, ga ones odfor the?i6reatiOn Of Xas bem. in81 insity 6 il during deference to yu e ived- bjAb loath of V ilE On" Vice-Preident itribil dming the ypar in Los. ..'ree pensiv aVartments, th. of the 1) 611 gPeL or for his ei ecurred numb 01 io of gauerl nhi' h o or of 1"i416 th The fW14 n of Kaoi College, tor. re f what as of the Unite, Sta qf,thepeeta vety Urge hi6gton, 0 as smaller than io now U work and Goverav nion (lovern- NV 114use w simili;ir prev A Noll cheeri an d as a frien d of tl to Doml lie - ) lCtedly it lonto fbroug y rat:h r I i7Atioiii the judicial in this The work has I cen. i over- tho14*04* in di 0 giv Z_ -tl Sident's oug occagions, illd ith a ial : tou. Mor day imnoyr ing. Tic I judges is also!.oaid substanti ment, we av cil te ffie diswissa. of the lelbii the of the C un't 0-0 a matter of tfafi affection surely we'hae ve a olibiol f tb There f 11 dress, Shortly be or I -sult is that c "fia" \ - 3 0 don , l'ucl the re ews for the U 1 01 lch if ss bad lieen Field Battory, u er ,a XX=d to."have i attention -of an iin. necessarily one and the al i I In h ath G -WrDUJht he Jf0A L I to b*, Rig s0n'UexdAi"_, ilation than wo know 10 b 9 olits conse- Tdroqto ri floating prpi I pri io.nal w.1, bit n irl alidLas of erred A WOQUnt t ese vlajoi Gray, took tip sition dit the Cabinet, , - -1 is no room in 'hisdoun ar looked imme- ffiadingAlle action fbr,us to bleas j ar of If Rim -Yho hot and -h ohe ry ;j%ani bemi t at9VIll.lend of tbq Irli imen '6 la behaft. what to do with Every city, town or me qnchices W, -gretutid, Hbnor tw h Aubji!ct e I I T r imuligranti, and, conse. f 1i apoplexy. 11 lor theireloc W1491 TJ time f diatD ause his death to the membered in mel wee -alluding sho village ill the an detAm6rit fr6i the Oueens On of the'Legislaturei ountry is full. to overe tV, d oil, bf mysie If (I 'Migii Bai i)ioln Y 1 His bra' rhed 419 J. oun( s. an . W, J - neatly, the ser, 11,13,11RE of thd Agent Ge%eriiI, pressi. In weig phartics and laborers'who (I flep )arilllelcf. d9wn to: the illuildiogs bountiful, liarvegt)" 'a Ydithe. 6x formerliotious flowing tne;ftt. Aii OUT 1) 17 T11 f, f th S peAer a an- lba' hope that the P ad to reco.gill. iti'm system were blaince, with me' dt reqaIlloilli - OUBLE.—The (I I A f r o n o riovince would, ere a I ize m j s Ito Statei -1 1promi 1by 0, -wish -to -Avw 4 and nl es= aro- ,utaible tv. taiia employmertizat-any trouble between the n' I lot' be era .,of st I as 4­ ,guard of bojj jr Ito t ,o Lieti- 6ni in, id on wlItoe usi d ht, = even 11 ad and se 9 1 0 W_ "Ve Or laibor'-S; M'lae I a fam 0 pain seems 0 halie, lli e r His txcell ests Or Sustain the, ilies are vVe.4-o-not.thi li . tAust we (k who with t as pro ency ex, ]?to tv ap4 . a as y 1, Ste of yers I -as tail _our bu price, a, wb her overnor, AfeF minute t 3 1 pastor, utider'6a- &J I i li 4 P adhe o1oly be _6 even now on, the verge of sta alo.n,. and t 'le battery 'comm, enceU t1d vikit W( ns u. our since su, tryi n 'to houlest'lilthat theo p ribgililt Ofo- Aihr,611 ican ciii b court-martial party a lendeit Yet re an4l right of tetiopt atiof fire -4 h d0tiOil an should be' ti P1 rY,, aii ShoWn by tb e large P thaa _y 4f this is the case now!who.can imag- I wh I as bhom t 3e Advantag and afterwirds His ffou he Y u MiLrht eom I in.Cqul. 1 butconced i 1 14 as The Alarogar'of even the V__ porting- i 11dence an fficial wh s ' , i Fq-o*. I I o le -must 0 3c. v 4 6U vith 16 & J of ; c6*LVj -Ut ing wit- SiLti applicableAlo, sneth Pu iWtS ibo ine th suffe aid ard, com- finsy promote the interesTof to 'Y so ,ring which these p-, of having cates a nd thlB manifest only dnty is to gtr(duce a few Chni li GSv'ei;or" 6oneral's. Bod C$S, S L.PS -constituency -or lack nessee.on. y r iudimee i i e. be Ar' oil p - I I endure before the cloe of the ci lminig tb n tilinfliivas re- aW onslog is truly alL -OUT. MaL arming. 'Speech and or c h-, ttlet weig t They lately -a a, Wb v WWI Londo t6 "Lt a 4 for 6, Itlie, bhlk ma doing,,Q nabob' hittle 40 fthat ad e ladA pyll CAptaiu, Dan f ter the deli.Very of the ner U , I _ " h - winter The situation t 1111,919, fnat ad pri 3ived y the illard bf );61 p eienting ;y dr ref usal to 94 Gov e, society. Not, is' it rigift ttiat thill. honest' suri n vileges ational, s6M a the Houseladidurn- wbrkp or telling us of at ns, and thip band plai t -he -at' eosuile they 16 te of been much I he ar a of anoth r eqnit 11f suich'exi a --Of ppun',' rjr Uove 116 KU affizial Vacancies now ve presiomo of This sta aggral to the large id ve dfi I I cause Some others had;not -rated by 07 f t'i and Mr. ause, they 4J4,' ant or hai d- antit:F riday., - I a A ithem, -TheLieuten' T ditions which ba, f1i di' d ke bi them bec noliiiU 4; 13 All' bu , I "i t - i . I Q; Po ,Akeq try shoul&bel N ))I Ai F D. -Ill ad not been first oasW;d iand '-Presentatio a,, t6 you recently been mftc VI ood, r vincial 'ecre a f6ly",.but fie le to oir. opulation by 0 'he justifies -05 ri Von. w 'Rev., Mr. Barr,* forturtately no uxurious4oafi ce fo those Carla-diii! Un i to I Attorney immigration, ut we (to not think that and, explained th onor there rgE of Bri' All not'd -very it lzli t, ;i;lecii 0ho bz' in buig, on*tbe J * and, ' - manni endeatr r s who visit L d' anadi ans vis the ffilicha of ummoniii, i b re ula be =ad eclare the ca, se V.A inst. a u either of the overnments are solely Oil the 11 yiOl OYL on have come encoulagesnal nto sh, eve ti ini I let tb am' 44PAre until, h b L lip e -lTeAsant a it thereAdende vor to V more fai able,. Fo 44 g Lo w ni te.,I'-- ai to' 6utes fn ato endea seVeral Years past Jho III ndon g aBarr, Vresbyterian ana self aied in i wo ew . _d _r T I 111404gilill UL eniselves, nthe,46 -a i avail tev, he k pay for them I le 00, a t$polcr. His He or t have pei[ in an ling press and te p7ople ft the Cham er, n t j116 Qai Berlin a -bar il,igii* t 8 us Oat- . I bidowai( and I klnp er Ot M. ai ;large w $a of her wr _p. te people herl Ong, Jr It al so'show Y6U aiii eiagay6r- -?f , nuhiber of Mr. has bee prA ,ohould 1141 tax, th, I i insane, cry ll3r imwigrAtion, No Govern- ri -a 10 i s . Bible elms r*# to aiscover or oil. 1 ; it ,irAthe indull. hani Ing the exceRe I axis -unless it w Oui the Iiialles, nithy Por, Stiouiburg, -the great I inent coulc tli p imply foil t t t h ni i to i eill. to big h6use lflly provid6di thAn the fai of y9ur W10W..'ehri pr In once, df I e Tll diwUsal o After short I of tilille, whioll-thilde I - , cam t jr,- qi s things othitg life andboviriki taken tW Ue0 uno a %"a augli at her an 1 is that YOU are one ter, whoc6nf possession, Oil the floo Ho 0 t in donver- r: Iii;bert cott step edfor- Lo ezDie zdi, ure w a I ; il toL contribute 11i erally in endeavoring to 9 tians, and with us n! 044 -Agent G ', i(ril find f4e 4bo ifion of ho niaflk in wa t )f I of tht O,.0 ourendeavors to build lip Chi , Vs einuse ell Gill L or, -took Sut ostil larvice for th age the Clerk, L incre' the flow, and the Strongest po- a di6titict and eloquent-Wai ieu - C vard; and in L a rejK Y, satio L, sp hisi- would 11 GREAT POWJK1 S- in o jr midst. Tli n l fpr ver lu xu rious !a poarl ments,! be on e, a ir, a an spirant for'-politioal 6ve t nd called the Asse fi) or - M1 CA card that! I n d, tlld'C' Le4 fQ OWIn at of the itog`t , d Wall 1.8 in Thi -04ne8, of Lond:lon ner read t14 ly discovery of Our fiuhi rather ths r in I mli I I I iXowat, thein V0 aadp'aid-th I iii, excess tie ast; foreshad- , , 0 same tim hopois could pl o bolore the pQople was it g article on Pr da th a Mr. Jo9nWfis6nvri lea( tbai,*he hinowiolf them qhOuld reatl the Gover"Lm lit cc Uld, n aike, Bv hetwnow-the'dutyto Jul6f ro a with` ': ele- p ! 01 W T rend"getitleman I An, t )eri yea even owed the ii tinti## 'ad the to I ! - , I o member of this He se S Ceti i k a pr6mis to 08 pport lil' 00 1 Cofftinibg 07, as ;v Mar in ay mind as a barier ti, iprel,ma 9 i g, nt pullg( tion of tl4at tru 4 t4 NvMah it. ostit 915 GQ&we.,should pkoolaiw. Tli 86' di plews a ver 7 by 3i iting that T r is I S foliowin m 8 vou -sue o 6f their as am. fort w j4 heu garit, ond6dragamento i1nmigr! , *J h S, I Id " laud h i rre LARvably over r wi ii the B n h few, but the; INPP I igh y0i the steavii tic an was 100 tion. The Government were thus forced teLp Pric A eS, L d that a on y plan L that Rupert Mearse ells Esqulte, ii nd, v4p, beg, to return 'our sincere thank.&. 14 i 0 toward qt, at a tim 3 416 if twud6, a' it nowseemir was b vision line er for th&South, 90 T6mpteci yleel ee, n soper aw e the by the p 'pie to put-fortli the exer.tioni; ti up "o th aInd congregation for and the mmy, econdmy at d' take the chhi ' f -Woti he as the i J XX , go of rdsliebt A, 'a e libari Jorn Pit 'n of -he _4hip jbxpb I tion when rere c&en't ier t6kens,,of theik eateemiand. affw.' they hae done o increase t ulaion, a6di'theii falte a ie ofthesitua- 0 7a k, he pop lTw e4ra 4; fn! e'lixi eiaried me i _111derstanding. Sp*p r ti 1 " tAhat 'de jO! for tfi, largely from most :4011 ajl come, -to 0) 1 atweshallneve ck,the.. untry lloy-dralw4:11, required.: h . mb tii nd assure-them.th Lir painful + 9 nor bi me . er was iosen! j8peaker Ll i6ii bibalf the If tt 6- Ti firis bi an 211SPIried by the III,- at eviiide 'O that Go(Va choicest blesi 'V gener the overcrowded. European cities slid 0 his Hooll, will ne 4gceptance on r ve to tok place I people, how. 1[4) 31 est u ey which Gover Mani -riews, MFQA=t. fneinbe is of your lUble' e ask, recor the death notice i that U4 I I , poo them; and theirs, f'b tfi '&as. ' ince that time 0 090dir,gs fin Bank- t part o o 81 aeet #ith , you- on t I 8de tha, _wbon is purposes 1 have. bow contras of population. The ith tli 11 had.9shown ihat t -*11 h I 'ba'VY to in oral y, : -was tario Governm('thayecoA)lied wi 014mr, ic, h but bighly V -Ste e may have an eni ever alre now ginning to see the follyof Z1, y hA,c beduJit I dn ag tLin the abo- serived,-by us here, w. Jty I I WITIn- -to' expri r1lot on)y the 'ino'l biT,,was a worthy., one. !QIiibly; our e- rhoo, h suggestions hat i Will. mah as 1114 oyqur a v- -ere he of sthein ou in U -B. I or be lo:)np-otea by their the GoveAlin guai lial it g firm of . P, pr omo q on ministered ew fr m)tlle 'ery fi)r4t be roved himself a T in ndei n joui in refe, d mng d4gly o a_,th,3 tw, )L -h wher depe Rofor 0 =t efforts th Yo -W publishers of le clo beavenly at) me, ifig, co CgI t ..in B butifulness oj yl. rrectly public Sentiment, havd 6adii-ii-Biplealreri = edgilb i a acquaintand ith IM--fori erii Y, 11. J, T'. - I YnoX 40hw f0fd -th4 i 6ffice -.*- Ar, erence to t - bad - i are a -f i he ent!of a a4 wjiliaws, xn h hW year - ai an ;Pf I n- in divine trittill, " as you, e ab oneffoo sideratly their efforts., ul t( beini so b do , e 'in ti dui ter- her,--pirtiliting -of the, flch re d tqg:deh r -,t1*` r -04 4toinstruct ug, frpul thb 'have, _e in tJ or I a oreigni ng fam fo f 4ct, th a- we rk of immi ration has been f chi rge of the mi ong.tbe names . I , ne wu elk tliey haa pXdvi--4ed1j- and discon 11, in e0i 9 th taini t1jereto, and liarized himself irst of )Irs are'l ose of Iiiste b a unseAred cre lit b. i4v and it would bo just ad of aL f the 'louse 16 iii 6ri i4va 1`6d allot ibusic,- -aving- ibade it 'C' - - allmost snsfmadlpd, t( Cai li, ith the rules 0 At the _SOi _SW c le Arn wells 4ks, a gentleman a -es thorough)y, at i -i iind onjoy or for the positipil'i46 ir have Igelec. d AE ni y War(03ee h c hundred ;41 for the gountry if it be not again aa time 'Ur. "'tit the young learn st two day'. arli lball adiau practitio elr rso: d tbrgqh ig Vjl aw itgb 06'&oir year I . of D ri 1 dolrirs;u ' Irs, H. W' of knon and recoguize6 bonofacl hon- I . . - - the se ­tfieir "heavit's * cotil ­JU __ itivived. So far as Ota !li least, is drodand thventy-two r lit to Xan Ives to ay tliere e4411 %W t f Oxfori I, Bdic 3 or the joYfUTL _,P%14 F 0 nin bet Clark,- f - P:" Ji ity 0 f o ront hun elsty, a character which had always be . M and iiioul g ti!n . twh, hou concerned- immigrants are not required. t do la rs. T pe tota. I 41bi itiep e tw f6ui in S!inq .1 , .. t 1C. U( - Dr. Clark -is a Zende minently qua accep eat feeling, t*6 t their Yent A . L ( du be"pleoilba a OW 0 16nged.to hidgin all the felati4s. of life,' leave, minifesting, 114 i x1 aiij t I bpugsuddo opulation, together with t 411 a politics, inLbuaineSS or social. 1 existing p Aptx- fi T I fi d hi whether in 'I tokei, 1 this in 1, he .,w8setif", oft in ified `(V' tj 6, ?Osi i ei ren of this draone asai the nAtaral increase -ad more U d 1 . TheeboiceofaSpeakerw s notone is Jhougbi y? t iiiion ;Will gi e Iiiii er a itisfa Eion. I'sevei I hun d r Cid doi "d our appreciatibn Vf Y6 x wheti 661 I all cy depend guide V y `an also lof X()rgaW,& OWs Silks F43006 ate tourt Thl dn which question c f poli d&9 as, 0, . -i nough to. supply our wants. -4-The Bur- Ui fmithful *U ai th an aI )nr,, TROUBLk IN IND IA. a was on. of Vei mosif ll vo Pet ti the les- d. The legislation of this Ifouse li t .er row P( stae of t4en Wei` ,-indl teei *a p*ard' PT present seriously ov 0 d I aP PATp Y 'a ected bi Aest Xoi4 -R; . y. -Of .3ti wa§ Dt inhe bor mark is proof of this, There soil of"the' lite. 1,11 er,3 negotiations Tt. n ina- ion received several of tlTe me NT. - -In the billia, d 0 00" the IA -4-16116+01rfeftt Tb foli *` IN Mr. 11rolIg CANADA TVU &M Itch to heart, as ot just boon a of Idorx-4XIA may 0 1 tb in PI wasl wh6 of r 4 Rd -A, e a mont ment wbilch c osed at N w Yo k "'AR "Dwar pr N vt -he Great Or tw in , e summer tourn - L I ol he Air anal and burn 4 '1 A I t r he fu Ile Of $1%- es the' chair. oine'di culfy tiolj$ to tL e --i season c a lab yni st pele I - haA ;y T*'s' ii' C p., 'o, Apri occopi m a rieldp6A gh I 1 $1, a -ga, rd,to the si , end war consc h sod eig 6fit"ostee 11 when wbol i 0 tal ipreaglionZ ho.object Of, OIr supply of i last Tylonda th town I f Ran oon, he' capital of in, Iiiat wit t instrue and won by -quently resulted with re qiAte unexp6ated. ej_th- i h&- , to paii w. ito fiev 500 the, is very acco otib%- and, ch they othbll roviuce,6 beutittile(I aitisonlik Brit. sh Burmaill, a I evil Ind a. Tok session esilkso-twhi a two- 'Goa 9' 1 j, e eeiL- Q16 is as- It c6lls for t1l6ilisgiving to Ve d durii 111 arriest selection of a gentleman to oqcupy the di an(I his, V :t I _. I! ave t .1. j YOR irolbed everal A - eks 'go. I 1 .1 , hy : eA . 4 . I Mail tj ,e for a short eri d, and the tarider of ecause there' ere seyeral honiii, VIn. evapena I enter bep b6- house, they- 00YOrl I p 01 Me reE pe tiv ly. tonif in that small pc shoulc jr behalf.. Noi broth Cyr t1osition, b tei 'a .,a year re i a greate crowd than brable Mpm N, competent to botIll i maw(. th tke is 0. N.Vo me. C1 spiritual df ',a cii ingf they wer,4D and in pulex- it 0, gooL A baiety, on T EAii ii. --T o me. name, in 10 ly Illriiig d Fnozr,,N o me. a olley which Ow on p n hll it, - -The 0oxini lbadprbowever, In aggri ltura, dis- 0: brighter -future pr It and. "Pll Y, 'ces'tio the premises, Which were UPPM 'he there Cha,se;ani or e harm, Aristook pu t iem a to make a selection, at wa part of ril ua fish d it eali liar 1, a Burmese 'On in its ipl, it I ato -at GoAt on t tricts especially, is this the cai Far. Co iii§l Mel, 1f6zQ death last wi dl E liv, ly c6 aj rati. they"were,'obliged. climb over ties the, duty which bi d to t era—and pa, t Of its They started I g throu -,,b th WOO gedl the pl Xfid matetift. intetidsts 'on the a the, 1 -11 U And l;l=4 inIng 't e. harvest,, call give am. an ori have enecilm 'u idii that, Doe at the ba ot, they -had come t6 %he. doridu k ott Str&ff6ns to pro thr, d a0d ere found i e y tbought they kteit. 14 such, ill Will dowledding ini ibi be mi. a -,It le ss So co+ertly tl at tb c unf me out, Ao 1:ffe numb it s an& also the oyment to a atiL 0103DO fil, lie er cf hands for his Air. lVells had lidd exppriepcei- as after, dead! wonidesi detector], toe eain'the kind of O'VpO 4the directii w'We4i, th6iad bleta 't _')or a large ;peaker, and as such liad v6i ith, 'in endeaToring ance way aiia CMinaTmuk - f or y FRy The th I a vi- short et od,. but w Lea harvest THir, WF,.1ETL' he operai gI, ten by toe a ting "the thievaillo, Thir, WHITHCUA?EJ, neasure- 6f Satisfactiol, hi her I 111. ming, n th a Paci. c 4ain hty ey Christ's cause, akid, also experillei Ulf- -to apertain. p Jithe fishver theirroat is ended these hands Are out- Of* at Evansto tr al of Henry aad Thi wrig sproccede(I Lth epoilted On egging, .- a power by Which all a cow tbzqe murder, 'derH -a ijitenaea Zr ould, in accordance w British usage, r )repose that jo.1ill th' s I Ole upoi !i O . Ihe t* - flock to the town x the c1lar li bold 66 offie­64'for an- n a, l'you work and *still Bnowiri' itchen, an4. rdmii a cou* their ageou f6et AhAA h 'at d -bbe 6 lother term, Mr. Goii iof Wellington, sue), oppositio is Qverc iiiiii. th k ther alk at cc ssor,y after the er 0 104esessou, - and cit 8 f snow go ies, and fire forced eithe:r, to starve but I#dW stebnger a 'It tw fe 'at' Green W fl bo'r4s, they dis overi6A. a Urge IV an last Monda po#i, I Coi ith C I se ided the motion of Mr. Mowai whichiis th at' a 4br silks Or steal nd vr - have, no doubt but many r e"F effo ts- . Where' r 6 how 41141 g, 0, Al -sue P1 the ong-loo 0 T Mr. M.'C, Cameron, leader of the Op. f b 4 Uisicanie -corivered with black WrapoLperso u =,Thre6, rPA Xpen ef ald eviek your lo lma 0 casi "a' i ere ucnado both. To o r inducements to poor 0*. his dissatis- -Aueltipli 4 an I Wur, is- 9 5 miIiisters. 'h yy VT - `­ " I 'on be 4. -,Ott - U Renry" V T aij ed I tor removing th4se from wher they rig :18 . b - L o' L the 0. A Country to acti;ii'lioiith - V_ 2W ilbe clioxpe *6f thb Govern- 7 -- __ - - - f at i6, f 0 r t b a' ,people in occasion c4 nkf U the W Tm;st ;k. up (U13g oir a 9) w York Stato., n iliamed Har- "-a boro',Sullivain o u n 'It killing a y pai prock*ded to this country t the prosbrit tim is rient, and expressing 1, belid. that an- half the -con -egato, of w ich you 'are t qP are out of e nt 1) the Buspen 11 fouaa three -el _0 Ineg Operi riot Lane, in f !apt be r, 1$74, in t 4re n wl Mrs. L. Pkiffy. _P 0; chap 1 rot d, be niang-led remains am o o9m arit I by a Bost)n I 'i ite tlier lierson might - In ve beeri chosen iemberi "We congrejalion'of Tuck- simpty inducin e here either of several, t anot or on pai fille; with sillm er. Fliose, selection WoUld and I firm. ive much better mith and p is"the oldost Pres- 0 to the'silks and I alletiolle vo or to be a but ell"upon- the Thelsti )en noti wqs calls A by t he era 9f d i beii 01 ItisfiLctiouto,ibotIX's esvof. .Houseo bytorian nthi4 06si L' 6.b I V, to, star founcl in Iiis p ;ses ioii a year af- TaJu depressioa ii I Y, d pi to A Ut $11,000. 1 a leather inar ke;. congegai L ered tl rec -,trust that tervrapd,. The Spy-eral of the piqces wl4i w country, and wb sincerely , 1 4 le said 'it was not ntention of the ii organ, 4, rdore than _P - I ized in,181 Will! halref eat SPA RO, _ a 11 Z bpe every immigrat io a agent in the. employ -Its* bersibip aberl. Y, ad., i0ppositioni pro a a persqn forthe of p ce, fridii 0 the rea est- excitem 117,1111 over the i D. "of thbasenignithave pain ndSanta c 'as e ari line, c mmer( position. 4? qTigra, o f I c m "T'at atid:,'Aan the g t Y19110 f C firdit Rox- of either of th a -to will be dis- ri oil and extradilio' cuatry. -a Governm n b tween 1pi but The motion was then put and caTriec Vkshire, 86oi Two of t a -piece ar ed and th. 'not on go a de' lead a b rouig Aria' number th a - e totally u charg -nd tb. .4a ce.t will be Domin proy ce of tl 'Mrr ifts FATb Coo'L i—,Tohn Clark, M1%,XV0e11s,b*e yft*k0,thei,rqeWberg b f'113'Alfist iesibj h ofid 6dir "rum Tilevi wa f 14 al as ad, n inem ers o '-I'll a Was are badly c in s ihurd rer of Jcih hung for thei boli& aneJ A -i fa;pilies tiriglAl d Uader the' phati e- for the curren 17laced in the eA'mat t Island o le ja -yard risur etit len IhAS-4 een -su" in'ti -c e not inuch good condition sat a -,V Mr. Cubarl Boc ester, t Il. 30 on 4pid"Ibai year for immig -ai purposes, Let 16lo r lim to the position of Spepii and 9f tt na Dr- --silks. 'The frous'le, inwhich the di'7 1-2 th 0 ised and h(' he C;J jener He rnarebed to t1je scaffold ,ptain- Ir t in w 6orrup r U, re Rob —Bien UTM Inlo a ey _ i r I to* 0 ndeavo'r to 'a-- istated. that be would di b itj flypt a ag4 0 qongre- -augbte Government'lex pond iu the i re ow in he filed. La *son: we a. made is IMPT"OvUlniefit eadquart w Ld L Ste y step.. sinol in, cigar. He I I . J, A I . f tbe I charge his duties. to the best of his gation may be' kegarde(l as one 5'. top, throw away ;w country ncl in pu-blic woks -the MIRED.- -Mab e dtinisome persons 'rented 64 prelft it dis Of mr COUNTE If at the d -heabors 0( th in of the CAI 6n sE at d hi nse I abilities. The House than, on motion, iniany fruits of t the sitimmetij,the n ithe 6igar f #d h la,tiong h have hithe as to, 11 # to! I in, Vfimb al . i r `of 06d., 11aving F appropr bic rt6 gone 33oj4 tinguighed se tiliVint pai warrant 1`h iaye adjourned. rday,' -ge( iwithib oin a bea.'y little death d thlaiipi ""r of 16. The,si A by,'M 9 T, Zas for tho feeing ! a S iu On - Thursdqy.i QW -)2 crossed thoi tio.swdsetti im the thia, ge- gentsartiltbeencoura it moni [a had 11 I clergman ;ithout b trai a sign of > U" : rart TeCOVOXI goods is$34 dealer in co D ;erf e MAW -the Tnckn+. rif immi l'aCon V so(Joi Lnore look -for' the pimp Tf --the godbilern br -9-th and, ' in Pentin-iiiiii w ich -sum covershis possession flioul 1 114 DOgus Q0 and it, ii : U I eInc oil. VJ I 1 -1 & V P V UP 51 I eutenant Governor's Speech.: The, at- spihiof his. pen eo. There 4re sVill -silks' to the VA uc c bills. Boyd is oil( of' thelmon an I. mwaqlpr stru I I Ma tiev,and theirs, they pi will be co mp tA to bneourago such h ggei wer3 vi In 8 sib] r and ladies was d,*hoir -ArSt Sabbath school in one of it is immi ats as the country wants, than Iii the money pri ited by Neliab d -brig S, ai balf an 1 on-,- In 3 was 1pro unced t ndauce of spectato -of $2,000 to ""'00 mirjs ea and Howi k obable -that rion w promus their auld. ,1,heir fir'st JPg t air gr recently capRixed in 11 'inois, by Chief, ll%L lar made n),c(nfes'sio of his, ullijargerithaill t day, %e ;biev s, &0i tb. Thomas thousand britirveling agents call do, i -the aron. -i 1,w - York -uge for e wife . . . 1 pi but addr assi d x: iR I ten- LF3 crilriles'l note, to the and the thbri *a r'nibire"Imposing. churehoi three m Its henic% on I . "It. f or to W neLfotiate O;t ])a so -ra Du_,,wii S IER lrIAN, & Co. — Roebli 1 0 Trev)r s yin f t. at he h- re. Urnof t vvherp, ai w may i pid but ic w ad _g ti hesee' 40 Wasbburni 1 At the appointed hou His Excellency Road, . at 0 a POW4,- onaos o life, in a4e I entered the House and took his seat. on then spaIrse-Pribsbyterian population, Di - quality will belliach improved, and the 'Brothers, thei 3r Al I ridge contra a, w ip'd f 0 r tbv, 4,Tn I at wit : `, I I , , thwThrofie. -Afthr iusual if orn-ii1ities ordinances.. opuld be . maintainod. cif It -Sys a pea0p, The 'Pie cl son. c otintry will no bbeburdened, ais it is noiliv, ors, have R t" t i 'With God, ai d her for- em. V ne j u da n an were gone througli belli a clear, distinct tmion. with their Chr.is,4i#ujb-fpbhrMJ in ihe y I ri..'Butler Sher- g voness. It ai st lof A ications l'of P, revivia t preme Co rb gai read th& Speech from the Thron nith , -with a surplus po voice, a. lhat lftrt iofJ,%akei pqptiguoi Ti are J pulaition NvIlioll. 16 a I man, of the 81 3pe dEd bi nking firm, or QbN FI E l CIE OFERAT Ius. A New may be T0111111AL M the mercy of c on staneek, or ch thi I This document, as ;is,.,uSual. in' th a hope r m whi ex chpp e o k- pa ii g history a first themselves, they applied to bdiiine the. resby- pop which, w bAl. o: 11 Lo p: )er gives tb,-.,follov A o ment, wasi not very t4rii of HamAton, W; h the 11y.bqq aiessa, -of the bride,15 fat] $4,000 op, IL g j S Ioul _-1 'e, t for a few days will The aer ii, . (i b4k -`araine I aslo, iis 0, wo COnf Idenco op abirs, ladding that; session f a Parlia" ionj lack of enip I I lengthy, and co - I Mete bur ntained about iis littl6 as .,fS ii,iqlaurch in, Callai 114 it',, igiagm "y is pler t4l )10; th 11 leffor 1las us :49 0, ma 0. t 0 ecessio elo, I 1,15, by Rev; Xx-1 prgam cit ops !Lye Ai Want ad beggary. It may .'be as4ets,0134Y. ll ' ', I qt t land in a Alt., a i -,- 'I it posi Id At. Ja w P t iyAtion avie, hopen, gatt Or' ed .0 inan so land had fp eo. Thou 1g. i6m 0 igb me Obarles B. G W pr ees ri ind Dex A, ed tw6 their pripai rs, are good a d th kTTir] PC Ar b?il I I 14 o I tr. 13 hy it s tb at these people i 10fist place t1leir- prayerm.t a- ec 1011; yea evit, Asked b aged Ovens, iigo(U 1A V TheS' C-Alreferrid n 3,fary Ann Dili - 20, an i arr u, 61 S1 -T mq -T -R V, Juex -1 A I evore fins,11, 4tiop of (10 1 lices, to Jah I all who can Ivil'i employment bound appier a Y. Bri a ill bardwbody, )cc a No. to tb e lamented death c f the late Lieuten- 1 tion and in the ordin 0 Mid, active. veA tile 9 awo * Vvry f" at _'Y o halve ab - and qettle on tho Free Grim' 'Ihila_ [P ant -Governor, and flis Honor reforred t AlcKenzie, -of Nova t 5alilo t Lands? colored shceriakdr, i.of R ntre street, N v 0 ScotiA, as t eir pas- 9. .16 Nybich hap -0 he bri dielphia, t. 62'Oe' Zen. eof Wa as a S In h y;witbi tbe, wonderful 11 t 4W W014 hag bli, Ieaving i eb S, e a I'the fact of the present wing the first Op- tor. 0, The.'reason is, no.- doubt, that they, very te'49*&O Ii. isoll tb eirfl m*V x. on a a, Ide4 .9 - : pri of ipeikti ji , -*x whole ha p.. Itlwm pkootediagoo Nkey, bins ha a aracte of M—Wlel. in 181h i stil$y put a .,$100 0. 1 wi which, .0, evening of I ( I rizes our d deal Of the centre of nit Inch, re- so Xlq b4lior buto- lytestei sensibly prefer starivinig ii, Lf h: 0 'e,. of uBborn rlig is an old iv in o1r -few ye4rs ro ting , ic acid in his I i Cgitlattire-,insuch ai dpaicify.7,an miniou the Tookersmith bxa ab a to,94s Ain or- pt a ind true.: ,vi tirting in tbe wilderi -rest he feels e vqa sw_ III. trf .0- B) in i 4P shoul& be ed to Arer, thei Selves a Thaw is one J resui 1V4 ci cpressed the deep int, garding th, lization to g t, oij J llps el he Me a Yc he d f Fi fidiprizig r on wbi We have long been of the opinion, and ichn QWgif $I: Is' be A it., ios AMilt,iin the affairs ind'prity of his native -dinani n4 -A I y 1%v.4,n i- a to follo, 13 Fluf i , the f t I ei ley, a natte pot I ansas lands. to -de- the Free ChurchYresbytery, o London, mad W-1 zi ssed that opin. co io a bi I s cat bu Viess how.- Province, and bis -de rMination we have frequently exp IPP111.90U efue li_or,.gani*IoXi At Egnoadville, tfirq4i which Qanada lib-oll Pai AN Cc a as to ad eiHW ly"piqpqrs in' a ai vote his boat, eipergienl,to to enfor a, me sure in Me., co e rer, lw i#ies of Jor qepv#r4jK r On in,% his highii. offibe. ]H'e congratulat6a the o T—Ti *+ 60, to- 800:ei -' 4 deto Ome Grant Lapds of Ontario red in- ir anizatit 4et a be XTO. X ion,thatthel seems liol Ud', ui hp Governir i at for s cle4 wit a 404 wqxq Ap*wq -pratipied. yt 4houl -if am la'riii 'd4' 'or at leaO V14 Vax f a t to l4gely land, of usbo are a Spare and a delusion, Th V Milli proof that they I i Dk a loyed all pe ola ring ailikh arai L6 RfV 4, the ogidjuation of. -- 'p, 0 fact Of have alre.&O gislature on the successful Working o 4. 7 . Wki0b. an tor, . : otm i 'here, A-everhmas 11r_Jyr_7 AV VVi "VoRan to the m, atter is, there are no Free Grant 'not coiriri g( ioi -refilori as of iis I I -V I I PT4NO YPUI iV )AIrinity. ti Orab ami, A; tuleiii)as system. h" o 6 tl n a ei ti on I ",t4uTnd@_erVts litr)- 'Slone, Aim*utiowf 17,10 a kind. notes for t eii 1 ftioaftetWirds th Ons"M Jug thel,gri a a M -Chicago for been condpated, and )rded 01 t e. opgrV -up k I( jl t, .4 on 21ilill. th chi -he! 't ton Land 0 ta, which ariii worth setti OvI )us'. attempt in the UNJ-IiAl Le proo am bers- by this Wgq o s K —There. is Aw I -a prtx- firdic If qh9ii; k-pres#0i t -10i of the absen me dan I !C41 t th his ing upon. A Jpe so without capital, so , I , V. i e. ered into thd even by the election als 4iou built 00 8 it' 1-Ul f6t ow g he SOMT-ki a Atfi. T, takiiiif a free gailt farm,would stai on od in 1glo a *trict in Bri I t whardwood bpai go a -9 cqm dAsioin in to a very large exte t of th e.Jatter V#U#1 ,J)u J10 osser framo - bui for, oil ,'tlxous lind pe. ilT, pii nu w i eh -A 0-4 an- t t Oe Tbo ry stioreir 0 e'N aftion,.' I it, said immigritnts _pU ui' y the. I elur0b, with capital can b in i h I a cityr of form 9 bribeiry' ind" 20, - I a Nb 26r 181 JW_ U rriehl terianvof bAh- tonship# within t th "farinii, V .0 lip a tit eirr office.; aria Ime ow muoh he oses by' ties to t0fi iodwbieh r v _% tb the c or kne 4ya e Y Use 111! I rnmw* . I nt' &I romv 14' it to b4tar lark U in 0 Z4410 il ips ca WOQ T1 I U ni da4mmer, the --wholm 019i Opt T sh u ]tie gW . he to no ne- :wAdl& 'Ohl, resent timo at a ZaILWAy 14 Its 11 .i AhVBR SE the p leg to theL, 'be u or habitatio, nei and t ousands of a( roe 0 1 1 laid 1 in th .4isiollilliV"t sine, brilwry, 7 eu 3OU A70 illugL 6K hIMA84* Vii 0%00 gre in the ration arper is Baizi -- cessity forffeits to raj4 'immignt Ily wi 1 pro b&llly Vet Jain under b, pradticef;j Will -of e fondness `13 am Eagar. in I bf eci gifionla history that I hid to M diii - 1 *0 1 - ourfrmer friends forsking or< in t the: wi . W­ asisted O; 'Oe wat r Ur reditild4- in B -t' Those wh 3 cedit to be im 6 in arts' -direi eonsr( -bow—J. Hann* 'On '—The mard y 1 50ftbj that OffiWWid his;* bonor to x0cleive aud;weyt 14 M =der Pur notice fW, APY-8 J a ited, as wd have "AORS Christmas Fat Cattle too GIRAI EL l I -a ng t -e h come are not w wg, thir g6ods's,116' the Cliffle QT norc a 'u _C, ev46tors at The ax- ined i cl*ko 0. ad credit for certan Lods, "W4 Sale of 1 and rerar & Nfuir id Razard Ind oandidai if $pit, now ,YpapN: In 6 Ireal now the, e ponwg, a md txi elsior gral i I alid7donstituendes. Debtors-iiiiiii.Tohn Coope y otthe aw fie(r raAal or S.. 'd in-,gj _cIp& apa dommei it loss t- F parlita Ietiti shd ,Seaftliri hoolBdair orrowing" when ere& was roft 461 a who i I tension of th Take Noticeiii; ly Notice to -pal it isU CO 1011 thousand -6tir tuatedin in 'I 'ich the e hg Thii 6 viliting., on I by- A-iien4o s ",oyer noir, gat' very 4 f armer has -a lai stili I if they think it n pul e ectii N, tray He th vi, i belto thei' advantage i atra nee $71f t Offfis and' wfffilai -now one Y, the had'6t eot 'And lim% -,nony to his credit ii o Bric ihif ament of! NewFaucy Good i Ellie s of iii in the f ormoi'r elevator t Je $to ato do so, Fra loco. a ii lway sf %56r was fina* Groceries and Provi Xis—M. Morrison, t re Lestroyed !5,500 I uflhel.4 of: which mallea -Vactoriv N1 ;ter '.the very fumman He 1119 n anec. _T_ etin — W_ M& i '( e -1 . 0 1 * and cjtain dmendments- heile a of gai There is anotb a his co insured for $7,001) i tl Western, of 1%spe6fAjig*6tArsf4i8d drd a quart4r' to th m ob tion. Ic (I tlie' ragWay ni to ask William I a 11 it Mig tit 0( it be er ay of Tdronto --a tei 0 Ur the junction Mai Prince---lMri Alois$ to ri I(MP Thii fq- , of aid Tail, sit, e to Alich 6 maou & ex. whi P. ant have STEANGE SUICIDE-8vii. Aed )ui he. Dominitin zoverom f the autum- way to T , i V01 p offl e , w—Mui to pay cash into whf, 0 1 TO f 'itid. ith thea ndr MiainUf9At1rfV`06-' inent defi poitely Go CarrqAton,, Ill., wj` pro ra, vhieh 4uAte- pi6visioiv does. was PIAO fSJkJJ,,, flifid he, b -lit and px. 130 11 in their at toy blew nat ih% ingF %il d bttt fbt 'I Adits bonsin so psi ,Otic ---:_Vine.& om n k 3lffiyL f t: of hp, vImp WQc 0 a tinued r eftilten of the Jow.11, itiot exist p fnf ander thij D 4p ri st 0 Apo art Imigriitiou Agent un on conditi ed ig.Und thp,churcl, cons Jtui tbe -retailer- wouia hi g title -puri war cin r a are a.. shii T p 5-y w FAray; Heifer, yior. whom the Of i b nearly off witl A, sl ot g ale In ]a- a lit g he fij6eral cere- large for ai 0 Nrlls 149 W, the Xow ,a Uporfs man his durig a of ochem wjiiilatller the wholesaler his ga e ale be iiist, f nerl has bee u' best Mad. T 9 C!rld to lia ad th a bI Machine 11 P 66 bhb*T-, bbhV nbe M- ion *t, everybo -1aul Wrigh b, ho, 010. he Domin ,u ima 1 t hHid f6lrf fe iing fl - Shop ma enjoys fr on G4, vern. ni(S of 1 5115 . -2 IoWi rai a an f or i fuiithr-4 Ibljiuglth new and 'tbird. Pres vtarian i chuia& in go, MI waga a isoree 4a a, and to ce t 0 ow 41 pies E If t&dtory of th I 'i N: Af ter _116i as Tho'nibon, meni syery-4 rg salfilry, It .. I T1 d Tend&s sinte widie ta, ae I i : i rohOfon, IQ Whoti f0*i %1)1' iiiDn_0f thV.Fi66aWXnited far against'creft Therearel t iltffllk2; inee Illy Wo & noi e as oon they mi jyd t r6 pald.- ft ft 'hurepea fil. 1i two sti i Shm I've ii e forinier home, for bt ri yteri4n c sons who reallyn ns #a z' exte" i' 'a sf ul ork eted it, andhi detach- b r tral1d-&t%bio&;ret5t1 244 Ices 4 lic4 o form nd _Slin. tul d it a con der cosions ovilin it isequally oGrid Of ihimigyAtile offices are si enien, per- Tim TF,%A'X'FjROVT1 M. which ri ee Aiii It,-APPe %ythe4MUOU01461 pur,p wise At T I Unitea States troOP01 FI.reonob. ado 4th edneert Nvith ed' i U ze it _M 1he tredit "i AThis Agent rr eat PI systArma ai pli, torilio, tion of Londo E, np I and. rt#,ioh%Ve:b4)ft,11ob f rab 6. ! 01 +ossea'the boider, oi Toxas for ing lit inlidis tor, -were ci-ntl ( I . OVLL Mehi be reduced by ateast 75 por 0 L' numt-i ome di S, . the ui ptini Ls to& Vbe p -HWI tt over wic Genera has unler him 2 shing so the 6, le, in ?, for remai %Aya - ft ,so P hv "'Of IL,60 in subject Jul T has b ardanaC to, the P,'ul)l T01i pl) Wlu lye. a- an We: Aieves, lave. eeo defeat- ic gX4 M Xnla clerks and as 5 iqexlIa ca isits';6f hiii r A6 ough'Ai is Thie-v Th H. FAIDAY1 d tile Mex- Pai, is And tll p &Qvinoe HA rihovitia lbrWed 'a ioilL no Th6s, a li 0 t ex- ns Jf thil' whole, th ient is : a in s ad ai 0 co inpelled to retur a; I., Olin, el ii itAlutio RM40:4 3 eaper.- %-p4ni- later, AA4, 41 -An with oa luties 'f the Agent 'icall aidu I Cortina is 1 eientirating a -got i6what ch f 6;3eA *1 er or. WeVi#V Se VIE&Zd- f era IoPio, for Tiefeirid" *1 1ch- was flecilo W I pensivo affair. a, I f llon=,i r, wi th the -are fifih- still in Hoi J th the Lzai jF0r0i'indVegt of these -the Local Goverrimer mmigreti- largeforoebtitheTex lleeoid 'an iWouse Vae hen; in the fi -at! de f inivadin t ISIOD, fof - thb W49f7sl tiping" *e Old CountTy for officiri pola, to look rii L - - I Aed b General are Geiri is tti ed obj e6t o a State . _4tei 'of lugh a thake further -po A -great deal has been spoken and P dnei undbalug'"edlo'i'si d1taiikfulncils to_ Orodf"thit jh M the INTJ rnr p;i, agent caftelik 'eat, and during the tevana. nstKuct ;ha i 1 40 if A t -edmmo Written on thi subj. Ports- zig's Viellua, a ng4r dktion of Iun#iCS!dn(1'idit4, f6r r.-gAtion, friom. w iZlb thes at four,6%. nd i the secor il place to ! Iarhow round !iwat AI tested Some ti, ne -*hbin waforthnati - it -appetTs tal,i be. qngr Divatie Asylum, insi A a in r. be' i I 'he live spran irectly or indireptf partiiifew cars immense snals-3f p rtouth, Ohio, on a oba ge 01 counterfeit- 1W The cnsolidation -of M W y Flu" 110 thedes"t Y, Crinadians who Jalou -and do. the agreeable to took in rikets Shol , -ic Dom' Last Friday i notbi ily still gi the 1ndep sive been expended -both by,t] Fridaynig tieM I I.-itatutes bas it 'w4"hutioundea, The bjec Of the last 40 yeari bvit' i's deir t offices I.t _­ I I I de hte 4 -theReformi: -am visit London. !ihe ebarl of tl ic pris a:- and' St rted for erable pftri but the! Oli, agt'01110 L u r q. j!nIA ter's salat mcial-Governments in, and vor- very congi i a vi London ma near hei A A . c USX n f tb t wotk will bard- -y ix 2110 to oeurse s and Provi city Carter I is that Canad' itinllz y Oi no ri: lati. is I mportan ing i I to promote immigration to Q01111t in e over- the iiiIX; bei of its moiiih to nationil sentiment an( Ag and a seie ilife' n 3 111 1 ly, t is beiWWd to ' -the i p6ri to'' uitab a p a0e fiesort, 1 k. I e. WW 8 ;eq III I "I", as be f6li. T -ho iCoin- I a, r a tA of, A d em 11 rm - - eached befo iAbehind, t le most siThat opme th 1 9 so tvy. assuppos I thii third! dlose of th f 4elit 6 ativietaletaud ability - a wts I 'ri deA fl.64r]i4iiig bf 6z Aurches, and isurethus brought to bear upc -n Fco_ ioth"irig'mor f eeXl. 0 EWe"iovldr, bave reWitime'd is mouej h t h Inior. b04 X. tit "i first siessiOn of Parlia-' f III, m af- ad, e ju-& c-ioiisly e-.%,pciided and has bu I in 4)aWed-- -missioners 5 mation respec. it:ig t a cit as tl i ey de- Dllg 011t 'ill th 1 thi iw 4111 ay afternoon.. usual there stati, and riting Oil sire, No 0' an. mit t at til late is in- Bills embodying th'ifr, recomendafions en6oleut all( r).itraes of tho,. se. -A -and mott o fear that the country t 9 a, to ev, -a io opinion, now no n I hAgent y morn 111 18 r r INIOndo nourliced duotivie, of benefl ci,,X1 rag it I s theorp is no ter -A air Is, 1 1 - itSL'to - O.N,. — ne d last, As amesidmer ulted f1h Ithe ad,44iO doubt, but w MT3 t e a. re 1,ptomifledL the Session. A 'PresbytefJ eare beniefit Lqriloi aces . 4-1 1 r o, ga ones odfor the?i6reatiOn Of Xas bem. in81 insity 6 il during deference to yu e ived- bjAb loath of V ilE On" Vice-Preident itribil dming the ypar in Los. ..'ree pensiv aVartments, th. of the 1) 611 gPeL or for his ei ecurred numb 01 io of gauerl nhi' h o or of 1"i416 th The fW14 n of Kaoi College, tor. re f what as of the Unite, Sta qf,thepeeta vety Urge hi6gton, 0 as smaller than io now U work and Goverav nion (lovern- NV 114use w simili;ir prev A Noll cheeri an d as a frien d of tl to Doml lie - ) lCtedly it lonto fbroug y rat:h r I i7Atioiii the judicial in this The work has I cen. i over- tho14*04* in di 0 giv Z_ -tl Sident's oug occagions, illd ith a ial : tou. Mor day imnoyr ing. Tic I judges is also!.oaid substanti ment, we av cil te ffie diswissa. of the lelbii the of the C un't 0-0 a matter of tfafi affection surely we'hae ve a olibiol f tb There f 11 dress, Shortly be or I -sult is that c "fia" \ - 3 0 don , l'ucl the re ews for the U 1 01 lch if ss bad lieen Field Battory, u er ,a XX=d to."have i attention -of an iin. necessarily one and the al i I In h ath G -WrDUJht he Jf0A L I to b*, Rig s0n'UexdAi"_, ilation than wo know 10 b 9 olits conse- Tdroqto ri floating prpi I pri io.nal w.1, bit n irl alidLas of erred A WOQUnt t ese vlajoi Gray, took tip sition dit the Cabinet, , - -1 is no room in 'hisdoun ar looked imme- ffiadingAlle action fbr,us to bleas j ar of If Rim -Yho hot and -h ohe ry ;j%ani bemi t at9VIll.lend of tbq Irli imen '6 la behaft. what to do with Every city, town or me qnchices W, -gretutid, Hbnor tw h Aubji!ct e I I T r imuligranti, and, conse. f 1i apoplexy. 11 lor theireloc W1491 TJ time f diatD ause his death to the membered in mel wee -alluding sho village ill the an detAm6rit fr6i the Oueens On of the'Legislaturei ountry is full. to overe tV, d oil, bf mysie If (I 'Migii Bai i)ioln Y 1 His bra' rhed 419 J. oun( s. an . W, J - neatly, the ser, 11,13,11RE of thd Agent Ge%eriiI, pressi. In weig phartics and laborers'who (I flep )arilllelcf. d9wn to: the illuildiogs bountiful, liarvegt)" 'a Ydithe. 6x formerliotious flowing tne;ftt. Aii OUT 1) 17 T11 f, f th S peAer a an- lba' hope that the P ad to reco.gill. iti'm system were blaince, with me' dt reqaIlloilli - OUBLE.—The (I I A f r o n o riovince would, ere a I ize m j s Ito Statei -1 1promi 1by 0, -wish -to -Avw 4 and nl es= aro- ,utaible tv. taiia employmertizat-any trouble between the n' I lot' be era .,of st I as 4­ ,guard of bojj jr Ito t ,o Lieti- 6ni in, id on wlItoe usi d ht, = even 11 ad and se 9 1 0 W_ "Ve Or laibor'-S; M'lae I a fam 0 pain seems 0 halie, lli e r His txcell ests Or Sustain the, ilies are vVe.4-o-not.thi li . tAust we (k who with t as pro ency ex, ]?to tv ap4 . a as y 1, Ste of yers I -as tail _our bu price, a, wb her overnor, AfeF minute t 3 1 pastor, utider'6a- &J I i li 4 P adhe o1oly be _6 even now on, the verge of sta alo.n,. and t 'le battery 'comm, enceU t1d vikit W( ns u. our since su, tryi n 'to houlest'lilthat theo p ribgililt Ofo- Aihr,611 ican ciii b court-martial party a lendeit Yet re an4l right of tetiopt atiof fire -4 h d0tiOil an should be' ti P1 rY,, aii ShoWn by tb e large P thaa _y 4f this is the case now!who.can imag- I wh I as bhom t 3e Advantag and afterwirds His ffou he Y u MiLrht eom I in.Cqul. 1 butconced i 1 14 as The Alarogar'of even the V__ porting- i 11dence an fficial wh s ' , i Fq-o*. I I o le -must 0 3c. v 4 6U vith 16 & J of ; c6*LVj -Ut ing wit- SiLti applicableAlo, sneth Pu iWtS ibo ine th suffe aid ard, com- finsy promote the interesTof to 'Y so ,ring which these p-, of having cates a nd thlB manifest only dnty is to gtr(duce a few Chni li GSv'ei;or" 6oneral's. Bod C$S, S L.PS -constituency -or lack nessee.on. y r iudimee i i e. be Ar' oil p - I I endure before the cloe of the ci lminig tb n tilinfliivas re- aW onslog is truly alL -OUT. MaL arming. 'Speech and or c h-, ttlet weig t They lately -a a, Wb v WWI Londo t6 "Lt a 4 for 6, Itlie, bhlk ma doing,,Q nabob' hittle 40 fthat ad e ladA pyll CAptaiu, Dan f ter the deli.Very of the ner U , I _ " h - winter The situation t 1111,919, fnat ad pri 3ived y the illard bf );61 p eienting ;y dr ref usal to 94 Gov e, society. Not, is' it rigift ttiat thill. honest' suri n vileges ational, s6M a the Houseladidurn- wbrkp or telling us of at ns, and thip band plai t -he -at' eosuile they 16 te of been much I he ar a of anoth r eqnit 11f suich'exi a --Of ppun',' rjr Uove 116 KU affizial Vacancies now ve presiomo of This sta aggral to the large id ve dfi I I cause Some others had;not -rated by 07 f t'i and Mr. ause, they 4J4,' ant or hai d- antit:F riday., - I a A ithem, -TheLieuten' T ditions which ba, f1i di' d ke bi them bec noliiiU 4; 13 All' bu , I "i t - i . I Q; Po ,Akeq try shoul&bel N ))I Ai F D. -Ill ad not been first oasW;d iand '-Presentatio a,, t6 you recently been mftc VI ood, r vincial 'ecre a f6ly",.but fie le to oir. opulation by 0 'he justifies -05 ri Von. w 'Rev., Mr. Barr,* forturtately no uxurious4oafi ce fo those Carla-diii! Un i to I Attorney immigration, ut we (to not think that and, explained th onor there rgE of Bri' All not'd -very it lzli t, ;i;lecii 0ho bz' in buig, on*tbe J * and, ' - manni endeatr r s who visit L d' anadi ans vis the ffilicha of ummoniii, i b re ula be =ad eclare the ca, se V.A inst. a u either of the overnments are solely Oil the 11 yiOl OYL on have come encoulagesnal nto sh, eve ti ini I let tb am' 44PAre until, h b L lip e -lTeAsant a it thereAdende vor to V more fai able,. Fo 44 g Lo w ni te.,I'-- ai to' 6utes fn ato endea seVeral Years past Jho III ndon g aBarr, Vresbyterian ana self aied in i wo ew . _d _r T I 111404gilill UL eniselves, nthe,46 -a i avail tev, he k pay for them I le 00, a t$polcr. His He or t have pei[ in an ling press and te p7ople ft the Cham er, n t j116 Qai Berlin a -bar il,igii* t 8 us Oat- . I bidowai( and I klnp er Ot M. ai ;large w $a of her wr _p. te people herl Ong, Jr It al so'show Y6U aiii eiagay6r- -?f , nuhiber of Mr. has bee prA ,ohould 1141 tax, th, I i insane, cry ll3r imwigrAtion, No Govern- ri -a 10 i s . Bible elms r*# to aiscover or oil. 1 ; it ,irAthe indull. hani Ing the exceRe I axis -unless it w Oui the Iiialles, nithy Por, Stiouiburg, -the great I inent coulc tli p imply foil t t t h ni i to i eill. to big h6use lflly provid6di thAn the fai of y9ur W10W..'ehri pr In once, df I e Tll diwUsal o After short I of tilille, whioll-thilde I - , cam t jr,- qi s things othitg life andboviriki taken tW Ue0 uno a %"a augli at her an 1 is that YOU are one ter, whoc6nf possession, Oil the floo Ho 0 t in donver- r: Iii;bert cott step edfor- Lo ezDie zdi, ure w a I ; il toL contribute 11i erally in endeavoring to 9 tians, and with us n! 044 -Agent G ', i(ril find f4e 4bo ifion of ho niaflk in wa t )f I of tht O,.0 ourendeavors to build lip Chi , Vs einuse ell Gill L or, -took Sut ostil larvice for th age the Clerk, L incre' the flow, and the Strongest po- a di6titict and eloquent-Wai ieu - C vard; and in L a rejK Y, satio L, sp hisi- would 11 GREAT POWJK1 S- in o jr midst. Tli n l fpr ver lu xu rious !a poarl ments,! be on e, a ir, a an spirant for'-politioal 6ve t nd called the Asse fi) or - M1 CA card that! I n d, tlld'C' Le4 fQ OWIn at of the itog`t , d Wall 1.8 in Thi -04ne8, of Lond:lon ner read t14 ly discovery of Our fiuhi rather ths r in I mli I I I iXowat, thein V0 aadp'aid-th I iii, excess tie ast; foreshad- , , 0 same tim hopois could pl o bolore the pQople was it g article on Pr da th a Mr. Jo9nWfis6nvri lea( tbai,*he hinowiolf them qhOuld reatl the Gover"Lm lit cc Uld, n aike, Bv hetwnow-the'dutyto Jul6f ro a with` ': ele- p ! 01 W T rend"getitleman I An, t )eri yea even owed the ii tinti## 'ad the to I ! - , I o member of this He se S Ceti i k a pr6mis to 08 pport lil' 00 1 Cofftinibg 07, as ;v Mar in ay mind as a barier ti, iprel,ma 9 i g, nt pullg( tion of tl4at tru 4 t4 NvMah it. ostit 915 GQ&we.,should pkoolaiw. Tli 86' di plews a ver 7 by 3i iting that T r is I S foliowin m 8 vou -sue o 6f their as am. fort w j4 heu garit, ond6dragamento i1nmigr! , *J h S, I Id " laud h i rre LARvably over r wi ii the B n h few, but the; INPP I igh y0i the steavii tic an was 100 tion. The Government were thus forced teLp Pric A eS, L d that a on y plan L that Rupert Mearse ells Esqulte, ii nd, v4p, beg, to return 'our sincere thank.&. 14 i 0 toward qt, at a tim 3 416 if twud6, a' it nowseemir was b vision line er for th&South, 90 T6mpteci yleel ee, n soper aw e the by the p 'pie to put-fortli the exer.tioni; ti up "o th aInd congregation for and the mmy, econdmy at d' take the chhi ' f -Woti he as the i J XX , go of rdsliebt A, 'a e libari Jorn Pit 'n of -he _4hip jbxpb I tion when rere c&en't ier t6kens,,of theik eateemiand. affw.' they hae done o increase t ulaion, a6di'theii falte a ie ofthesitua- 0 7a k, he pop lTw e4ra 4; fn! e'lixi eiaried me i _111derstanding. Sp*p r ti 1 " tAhat 'de jO! for tfi, largely from most :4011 ajl come, -to 0) 1 atweshallneve ck,the.. untry lloy-dralw4:11, required.: h . mb tii nd assure-them.th Lir painful + 9 nor bi me . er was iosen! j8peaker Ll i6ii bibalf the If tt 6- Ti firis bi an 211SPIried by the III,- at eviiide 'O that Go(Va choicest blesi 'V gener the overcrowded. European cities slid 0 his Hooll, will ne 4gceptance on r ve to tok place I people, how. 1[4) 31 est u ey which Gover Mani -riews, MFQA=t. fneinbe is of your lUble' e ask, recor the death notice i that U4 I I , poo them; and theirs, f'b tfi '&as. ' ince that time 0 090dir,gs fin Bank- t part o o 81 aeet #ith , you- on t I 8de tha, _wbon is purposes 1 have. bow contras of population. The ith tli 11 had.9shown ihat t -*11 h I 'ba'VY to in oral y, : -was tario Governm('thayecoA)lied wi 014mr, ic, h but bighly V -Ste e may have an eni ever alre now ginning to see the follyof Z1, y hA,c beduJit I dn ag tLin the abo- serived,-by us here, w. Jty I I WITIn- -to' expri r1lot on)y the 'ino'l biT,,was a worthy., one. !QIiibly; our e- rhoo, h suggestions hat i Will. mah as 1114 oyqur a v- -ere he of sthein ou in U -B. I or be lo:)np-otea by their the GoveAlin guai lial it g firm of . P, pr omo q on ministered ew fr m)tlle 'ery fi)r4t be roved himself a T in ndei n joui in refe, d mng d4gly o a_,th,3 tw, )L -h wher depe Rofor 0 =t efforts th Yo -W publishers of le clo beavenly at) me, ifig, co CgI t ..in B butifulness oj yl. rrectly public Sentiment, havd 6adii-ii-Biplealreri = edgilb i a acquaintand ith IM--fori erii Y, 11. J, T'. - I YnoX 40hw f0fd -th4 i 6ffice -.*- Ar, erence to t - bad - i are a -f i he ent!of a a4 wjiliaws, xn h hW year - ai an ;Pf I n- in divine trittill, " as you, e ab oneffoo sideratly their efforts., ul t( beini so b do , e 'in ti dui ter- her,--pirtiliting -of the, flch re d tqg:deh r -,t1*` r -04 4toinstruct ug, frpul thb 'have, _e in tJ or I a oreigni ng fam fo f 4ct, th a- we rk of immi ration has been f chi rge of the mi ong.tbe names . I , ne wu elk tliey haa pXdvi--4ed1j- and discon 11, in e0i 9 th taini t1jereto, and liarized himself irst of )Irs are'l ose of Iiiste b a unseAred cre lit b. i4v and it would bo just ad of aL f the 'louse 16 iii 6ri i4va 1`6d allot ibusic,- -aving- ibade it 'C' - - allmost snsfmadlpd, t( Cai li, ith the rules 0 At the _SOi _SW c le Arn wells 4ks, a gentleman a -es thorough)y, at i -i iind onjoy or for the positipil'i46 ir have Igelec. d AE ni y War(03ee h c hundred ;41 for the gountry if it be not again aa time 'Ur. "'tit the young learn st two day'. arli lball adiau practitio elr rso: d tbrgqh ig Vjl aw itgb 06'&oir year I . of D ri 1 dolrirs;u ' Irs, H. W' of knon and recoguize6 bonofacl hon- I . . - - the se ­tfieir "heavit's * cotil ­JU __ itivived. So far as Ota !li least, is drodand thventy-two r lit to Xan Ives to ay tliere e4411 %W t f Oxfori I, Bdic 3 or the joYfUTL _,P%14 F 0 nin bet Clark,- f - P:" Ji ity 0 f o ront hun elsty, a character which had always be . M and iiioul g ti!n . twh, hou concerned- immigrants are not required. t do la rs. T pe tota. I 41bi itiep e tw f6ui in S!inq .1 , .. t 1C. U( - Dr. Clark -is a Zende minently qua accep eat feeling, t*6 t their Yent A . L ( du be"pleoilba a OW 0 16nged.to hidgin all the felati4s. of life,' leave, minifesting, 114 i x1 aiij t I bpugsuddo opulation, together with t 411 a politics, inLbuaineSS or social. 1 existing p Aptx- fi T I fi d hi whether in 'I tokei, 1 this in 1, he .,w8setif", oft in ified `(V' tj 6, ?Osi i ei ren of this draone asai the nAtaral increase -ad more U d 1 . TheeboiceofaSpeakerw s notone is Jhougbi y? t iiiion ;Will gi e Iiiii er a itisfa Eion. I'sevei I hun d r Cid doi "d our appreciatibn Vf Y6 x wheti 661 I all cy depend guide V y `an also lof X()rgaW,& OWs Silks F43006 ate tourt Thl dn which question c f poli d&9 as, 0, . -i nough to. supply our wants. -4-The Bur- Ui fmithful *U ai th an aI )nr,, TROUBLk IN IND IA. a was on. of Vei mosif ll vo Pet ti the les- d. The legislation of this Ifouse li t .er row P( stae of t4en Wei` ,-indl teei *a p*ard' PT present seriously ov 0 d I aP PATp Y 'a ected bi Aest Xoi4 -R; . y. -Of .3ti wa§ Dt inhe bor mark is proof of this, There soil of"the' lite. 1,11 er,3 negotiations Tt. n ina- ion received several of tlTe me NT. - -In the billia, d 0 00" the IA -4-16116+01rfeftt Tb foli *` IN Mr. 11rolIg CANADA TVU &M Itch to heart, as ot just boon a of Idorx-4XIA may 0 1 tb in PI wasl wh6 of r 4 Rd -A, e a mont ment wbilch c osed at N w Yo k "'AR "Dwar pr N vt -he Great Or tw in , e summer tourn - L I ol he Air anal and burn 4 '1 A I t r he fu Ile Of $1%- es the' chair. oine'di culfy tiolj$ to tL e --i season c a lab yni st pele I - haA ;y T*'s' ii' C p., 'o, Apri occopi m a rieldp6A gh I 1 $1, a -ga, rd,to the si , end war consc h sod eig 6fit"ostee 11 when wbol i 0 tal ipreaglionZ ho.object Of, OIr supply of i last Tylonda th town I f Ran oon, he' capital of in, Iiiat wit t instrue and won by -quently resulted with re qiAte unexp6ated. ej_th- i h&- , to paii w. ito fiev 500 the, is very acco otib%- and, ch they othbll roviuce,6 beutittile(I aitisonlik Brit. sh Burmaill, a I evil Ind a. Tok session esilkso-twhi a two- 'Goa 9' 1 j, e eeiL- Q16 is as- It c6lls for t1l6ilisgiving to Ve d durii 111 arriest selection of a gentleman to oqcupy the di an(I his, V :t I _. I! ave t .1. j YOR irolbed everal A - eks 'go. I 1 .1 , hy : eA . 4 . I Mail tj ,e for a short eri d, and the tarider of ecause there' ere seyeral honiii, VIn. evapena I enter bep b6- house, they- 00YOrl I p 01 Me reE pe tiv ly. tonif in that small pc shoulc jr behalf.. Noi broth Cyr t1osition, b tei 'a .,a year re i a greate crowd than brable Mpm N, competent to botIll i maw(. th tke is 0. N.Vo me. C1 spiritual df ',a cii ingf they wer,4D and in pulex- it 0, gooL A baiety, on T EAii ii. --T o me. name, in 10 ly Illriiig d Fnozr,,N o me. a olley which Ow on p n hll it, - -The 0oxini lbadprbowever, In aggri ltura, dis- 0: brighter -future pr It and. "Pll Y, 'ces'tio the premises, Which were UPPM 'he there Cha,se;ani or e harm, Aristook pu t iem a to make a selection, at wa part of ril ua fish d it eali liar 1, a Burmese 'On in its ipl, it I ato -at GoAt on t tricts especially, is this the cai Far. Co iii§l Mel, 1f6zQ death last wi dl E liv, ly c6 aj rati. they"were,'obliged. climb over ties the, duty which bi d to t era—and pa, t Of its They started I g throu -,,b th WOO gedl the pl Xfid matetift. intetidsts 'on the a the, 1 -11 U And l;l=4 inIng 't e. harvest,, call give am. an ori have enecilm 'u idii that, Doe at the ba ot, they -had come t6 %he. doridu k ott Str&ff6ns to pro thr, d a0d ere found i e y tbought they kteit. 14 such, ill Will dowledding ini ibi be mi. a -,It le ss So co+ertly tl at tb c unf me out, Ao 1:ffe numb it s an& also the oyment to a atiL 0103DO fil, lie er cf hands for his Air. lVells had lidd exppriepcei- as after, dead! wonidesi detector], toe eain'the kind of O'VpO 4the directii w'We4i, th6iad bleta 't _')or a large ;peaker, and as such liad v6i ith, 'in endeaToring ance way aiia CMinaTmuk - f or y FRy The th I a vi- short et od,. but w Lea harvest THir, WF,.1ETL' he operai gI, ten by toe a ting "the thievaillo, Thir, WHITHCUA?EJ, neasure- 6f Satisfactiol, hi her I 111. ming, n th a Paci. c 4ain hty ey Christ's cause, akid, also experillei Ulf- -to apertain. p Jithe fishver theirroat is ended these hands Are out- Of* at Evansto tr al of Henry aad Thi wrig sproccede(I Lth epoilted On egging, .- a power by Which all a cow tbzqe murder, 'derH -a ijitenaea Zr ould, in accordance w British usage, r )repose that jo.1ill th' s I Ole upoi !i O . Ihe t* - flock to the town x the c1lar li bold 66 offie­64'for an- n a, l'you work and *still Bnowiri' itchen, an4. rdmii a cou* their ageou f6et AhAA h 'at d -bbe 6 lother term, Mr. Goii iof Wellington, sue), oppositio is Qverc iiiiii. th k ther alk at cc ssor,y after the er 0 104esessou, - and cit 8 f snow go ies, and fire forced eithe:r, to starve but I#dW stebnger a 'It tw fe 'at' Green W fl bo'r4s, they dis overi6A. a Urge IV an last Monda po#i, I Coi ith C I se ided the motion of Mr. Mowai whichiis th at' a 4br silks Or steal nd vr - have, no doubt but many r e"F effo ts- . Where' r 6 how 41141 g, 0, Al -sue P1 the ong-loo 0 T Mr. M.'C, Cameron, leader of the Op. f b 4 Uisicanie -corivered with black WrapoLperso u =,Thre6, rPA Xpen ef ald eviek your lo lma 0 casi "a' i ere ucnado both. To o r inducements to poor 0*. his dissatis- -Aueltipli 4 an I Wur, is- 9 5 miIiisters. 'h yy VT - `­ " I 'on be 4. -,Ott - U Renry" V T aij ed I tor removing th4se from wher they rig :18 . b - L o' L the 0. A Country to acti;ii'lioiith - V_ 2W ilbe clioxpe *6f thb Govern- 7 -- __ - - - f at i6, f 0 r t b a' ,people in occasion c4 nkf U the W Tm;st ;k. up (U13g oir a 9) w York Stato., n iliamed Har- "-a boro',Sullivain o u n 'It killing a y pai prock*ded to this country t the prosbrit tim is rient, and expressing 1, belid. that an- half the -con -egato, of w ich you 'are t qP are out of e nt 1) the Buspen 11 fouaa three -el _0 Ineg Operi riot Lane, in f !apt be r, 1$74, in t 4re n wl Mrs. L. Pkiffy. _P 0; chap 1 rot d, be niang-led remains am o o9m arit I by a Bost)n I 'i ite tlier lierson might - In ve beeri chosen iemberi "We congrejalion'of Tuck- simpty inducin e here either of several, t anot or on pai fille; with sillm er. Fliose, selection WoUld and I firm. ive much better mith and p is"the oldost Pres- 0 to the'silks and I alletiolle vo or to be a but ell"upon- the Thelsti )en noti wqs calls A by t he era 9f d i beii 01 ItisfiLctiouto,ibotIX's esvof. .Houseo bytorian nthi4 06si L' 6.b I V, to, star founcl in Iiis p ;ses ioii a year af- TaJu depressioa ii I Y, d pi to A Ut $11,000. 1 a leather inar ke;. congegai L ered tl rec -,trust that tervrapd,. The Spy-eral of the piqces wl4i w country, and wb sincerely , 1 4 le said 'it was not ntention of the ii organ, 4, rdore than _P - I ized in,181 Will! halref eat SPA RO, _ a 11 Z bpe every immigrat io a agent in the. employ -Its* bersibip aberl. Y, ad., i0ppositioni pro a a persqn forthe of p ce, fridii 0 the rea est- excitem 117,1111 over the i D. "of thbasenignithave pain ndSanta c 'as e ari line, c mmer( position. 4? qTigra, o f I c m "T'at atid:,'Aan the g t Y19110 f C firdit Rox- of either of th a -to will be dis- ri oil and extradilio' cuatry. -a Governm n b tween 1pi but The motion was then put and caTriec Vkshire, 86oi Two of t a -piece ar ed and th. 'not on go a de' lead a b rouig Aria' number th a - e totally u charg -nd tb. .4a ce.t will be Domin proy ce of tl 'Mrr ifts FATb Coo'L i—,Tohn Clark, M1%,XV0e11s,b*e yft*k0,thei,rqeWberg b f'113'Alfist iesibj h ofid 6dir "rum Tilevi wa f 14 al as ad, n inem ers o '-I'll a Was are badly c in s ihurd rer of Jcih hung for thei boli& aneJ A -i fa;pilies tiriglAl d Uader the' phati e- for the curren 17laced in the eA'mat t Island o le ja -yard risur etit len IhAS-4 een -su" in'ti -c e not inuch good condition sat a -,V Mr. Cubarl Boc ester, t Il. 30 on 4pid"Ibai year for immig -ai purposes, Let 16lo r lim to the position of Spepii and 9f tt na Dr- --silks. 'The frous'le, inwhich the di'7 1-2 th 0 ised and h(' he C;J jener He rnarebed to t1je scaffold ,ptain- Ir t in w 6orrup r U, re Rob —Bien UTM Inlo a ey _ i r I to* 0 ndeavo'r to 'a-- istated. that be would di b itj flypt a ag4 0 qongre- -augbte Government'lex pond iu the i re ow in he filed. La *son: we a. made is IMPT"OvUlniefit eadquart w Ld L Ste y step.. sinol in, cigar. He I I . J, A I . f tbe I charge his duties. to the best of his gation may be' kegarde(l as one 5'. top, throw away ;w country ncl in pu-blic woks -the MIRED.- -Mab e dtinisome persons 'rented 64 prelft it dis Of mr COUNTE If at the d -heabors 0( th in of the CAI 6n sE at d hi nse I abilities. The House than, on motion, iniany fruits of t the sitimmetij,the n ithe 6igar f #d h la,tiong h have hithe as to, 11 # to! I in, Vfimb al . i r `of 06d., 11aving F appropr bic rt6 gone 33oj4 tinguighed se tiliVint pai warrant 1`h iaye adjourned. rday,' -ge( iwithib oin a bea.'y little death d thlaiipi ""r of 16. The,si A by,'M 9 T, Zas for tho feeing ! a S iu On - Thursdqy.i QW -)2 crossed thoi tio.swdsetti im the thia, ge- gentsartiltbeencoura it moni [a had 11 I clergman ;ithout b trai a sign of > U" : rart TeCOVOXI goods is$34 dealer in co D ;erf e MAW -the Tnckn+. rif immi l'aCon V so(Joi Lnore look -for' the pimp Tf --the godbilern br -9-th and, ' in Pentin-iiiiii w ich -sum covershis possession flioul 1 114 DOgus Q0 and it, ii : U I eInc oil. VJ I 1 -1 & V P V UP 51 I eutenant Governor's Speech.: The, at- spihiof his. pen eo. There 4re sVill -silks' to the VA uc c bills. Boyd is oil( of' thelmon an I. mwaqlpr stru I I Ma tiev,and theirs, they pi will be co mp tA to bneourago such h ggei wer3 vi In 8 sib] r and ladies was d,*hoir -ArSt Sabbath school in one of it is immi ats as the country wants, than Iii the money pri ited by Neliab d -brig S, ai balf an 1 on-,- In 3 was 1pro unced t ndauce of spectato -of $2,000 to ""'00 mirjs ea and Howi k obable -that rion w promus their auld. ,1,heir fir'st JPg t air gr recently capRixed in 11 'inois, by Chief, ll%L lar made n),c(nfes'sio of his, ullijargerithaill t day, %e ;biev s, &0i tb. Thomas thousand britirveling agents call do, i -the aron. -i 1,w - York -uge for e wife . . . 1 pi but addr assi d x: iR I ten- LF3 crilriles'l note, to the and the thbri *a r'nibire"Imposing. churehoi three m Its henic% on I . "It. f or to W neLfotiate O;t ])a so -ra Du_,,wii S IER lrIAN, & Co. — Roebli 1 0 Trev)r s yin f t. at he h- re. Urnof t vvherp, ai w may i pid but ic w ad _g ti hesee' 40 Wasbburni 1 At the appointed hou His Excellency Road, . at 0 a POW4,- onaos o life, in a4e I entered the House and took his seat. on then spaIrse-Pribsbyterian population, Di - quality will belliach improved, and the 'Brothers, thei 3r Al I ridge contra a, w ip'd f 0 r tbv, 4,Tn I at wit : `, I I , , thwThrofie. -Afthr iusual if orn-ii1ities ordinances.. opuld be . maintainod. cif It -Sys a pea0p, The 'Pie cl son. c otintry will no bbeburdened, ais it is noiliv, ors, have R t" t i 'With God, ai d her for- em. V ne j u da n an were gone througli belli a clear, distinct tmion. with their Chr.is,4i#ujb-fpbhrMJ in ihe y I ri..'Butler Sher- g voness. It ai st lof A ications l'of P, revivia t preme Co rb gai read th& Speech from the Thron nith , -with a surplus po voice, a. lhat lftrt iofJ,%akei pqptiguoi Ti are J pulaition NvIlioll. 16 a I man, of the 81 3pe dEd bi nking firm, or QbN FI E l CIE OFERAT Ius. A New may be T0111111AL M the mercy of c on staneek, or ch thi I This document, as ;is,.,uSual. in' th a hope r m whi ex chpp e o k- pa ii g history a first themselves, they applied to bdiiine the. resby- pop which, w bAl. o: 11 Lo p: )er gives tb,-.,follov A o ment, wasi not very t4rii of HamAton, W; h the 11y.bqq aiessa, -of the bride,15 fat] $4,000 op, IL g j S Ioul _-1 'e, t for a few days will The aer ii, . (i b4k -`araine I aslo, iis 0, wo COnf Idenco op abirs, ladding that; session f a Parlia" ionj lack of enip I I lengthy, and co - I Mete bur ntained about iis littl6 as .,fS ii,iqlaurch in, Callai 114 it',, igiagm "y is pler t4l )10; th 11 leffor 1las us :49 0, ma 0. t 0 ecessio elo, I 1,15, by Rev; Xx-1 prgam cit ops !Lye Ai Want ad beggary. It may .'be as4ets,0134Y. ll ' ', I qt t land in a Alt., a i -,- 'I it posi Id At. Ja w P t iyAtion avie, hopen, gatt Or' ed .0 inan so land had fp eo. Thou 1g. i6m 0 igb me Obarles B. G W pr ees ri ind Dex A, ed tw6 their pripai rs, are good a d th kTTir] PC Ar b?il I I 14 o I tr. 13 hy it s tb at these people i 10fist place t1leir- prayerm.t a- ec 1011; yea evit, Asked b aged Ovens, iigo(U 1A V TheS' C-Alreferrid n 3,fary Ann Dili - 20, an i arr u, 61 S1 -T mq -T -R V, Juex -1 A I evore fins,11, 4tiop of (10 1 lices, to Jah I all who can Ivil'i employment bound appier a Y. Bri a ill bardwbody, )cc a No. to tb e lamented death c f the late Lieuten- 1 tion and in the ordin 0 Mid, active. veA tile 9 awo * Vvry f" at _'Y o halve ab - and qettle on tho Free Grim' 'Ihila_ [P ant -Governor, and flis Honor reforred t AlcKenzie, -of Nova t 5alilo t Lands? colored shceriakdr, i.of R ntre street, N v 0 ScotiA, as t eir pas- 9. .16 Nybich hap -0 he bri dielphia, t. 62'Oe' Zen. eof Wa as a S In h y;witbi tbe, wonderful 11 t 4W W014 hag bli, Ieaving i eb S, e a I'the fact of the present wing the first Op- tor. 0, The.'reason is, no.- doubt, that they, very te'49*&O Ii. isoll tb eirfl m*V x. on a a, Ide4 .9 - : pri of ipeikti ji , -*x whole ha p.. Itlwm pkootediagoo Nkey, bins ha a aracte of M—Wlel. in 181h i stil$y put a .,$100 0. 1 wi which, .0, evening of I ( I rizes our d deal Of the centre of nit Inch, re- so Xlq b4lior buto- lytestei sensibly prefer starivinig ii, Lf h: 0 'e,. of uBborn rlig is an old iv in o1r -few ye4rs ro ting , ic acid in his I i Cgitlattire-,insuch ai dpaicify.7,an miniou the Tookersmith bxa ab a to,94s Ain or- pt a ind true.: ,vi tirting in tbe wilderi -rest he feels e vqa sw_ III. trf .0- B) in i 4P shoul& be ed to Arer, thei Selves a Thaw is one J resui 1V4 ci cpressed the deep int, garding th, lization to g t, oij J llps el he Me a Yc he d f Fi fidiprizig r on wbi We have long been of the opinion, and ichn QWgif $I: Is' be A it., ios AMilt,iin the affairs ind'prity of his native -dinani n4 -A I y 1%v.4,n i- a to follo, 13 Fluf i , the f t I ei ley, a natte pot I ansas lands. to -de- the Free ChurchYresbytery, o London, mad W-1 zi ssed that opin. co io a bi I s cat bu Viess how.- Province, and bis -de rMination we have frequently exp IPP111.90U efue li_or,.gani*IoXi At Egnoadville, tfirq4i which Qanada lib-oll Pai AN Cc a as to ad eiHW ly"piqpqrs in' a ai vote his boat, eipergienl,to to enfor a, me sure in Me., co e rer, lw i#ies of Jor qepv#r4jK r On in,% his highii. offibe. ]H'e congratulat6a the o T—Ti *+ 60, to- 800:ei -' 4 deto Ome Grant Lapds of Ontario red in- ir anizatit 4et a be XTO. X ion,thatthel seems liol Ud', ui hp Governir i at for s cle4 wit a 404 wqxq Ap*wq -pratipied. yt 4houl -if am la'riii 'd4' 'or at leaO V14 Vax f a t to l4gely land, of usbo are a Spare and a delusion, Th V Milli proof that they I i Dk a loyed all pe ola ring ailikh arai L6 RfV 4, the ogidjuation of. -- 'p, 0 fact Of have alre.&O gislature on the successful Working o 4. 7 . Wki0b. an tor, . : otm i 'here, A-everhmas 11r_Jyr_7 AV VVi "VoRan to the m, atter is, there are no Free Grant 'not coiriri g( ioi -refilori as of iis I I -V I I PT4NO YPUI iV )AIrinity. ti Orab ami, A; tuleiii)as system. h" o 6 tl n a ei ti on I ",t4uTnd@_erVts litr)- 'Slone, Aim*utiowf 17,10 a kind. notes for t eii 1 ftioaftetWirds th Ons"M Jug thel,gri a a M -Chicago for been condpated, and )rded 01 t e. opgrV -up k I( jl t, .4 on 21ilill. th chi -he! 't ton Land 0 ta, which ariii worth setti OvI )us'. attempt in the UNJ-IiAl Le proo am bers- by this Wgq o s K —There. is Aw I -a prtx- firdic If qh9ii; k-pres#0i t -10i of the absen me dan I !C41 t th his ing upon. A Jpe so without capital, so , I , V. i e. ered into thd even by the election als 4iou built 00 8 it' 1-Ul f6t ow g he SOMT-ki a Atfi. T, takiiiif a free gailt farm,would stai on od in 1glo a *trict in Bri I t whardwood bpai go a -9 cqm dAsioin in to a very large exte t of th e.Jatter V#U#1 ,J)u J10 osser framo - bui for, oil ,'tlxous lind pe. ilT, pii nu w i eh -A 0-4 an- t t Oe Tbo ry stioreir 0 e'N aftion,.' I it, said immigritnts _pU ui' y the. I elur0b, with capital can b in i h I a cityr of form 9 bribeiry' ind" 20, - I