HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-10-08, Page 8THE HURON EXPO TOA. xjoto. --- DISTRICT MATTERS. of the Scottish Amer,'ca Stewart although be has sident of New York, is st ed, j ovial, and gen1Yin Se been as he deserves, r Ana in the journalistic ick' AVE nu EI :NAND 'HAT A. G. MGDoU- while in Seaforth Was tl ( elan Menkes at the (ire; t ale of he Cornsen he was a.schooltn4ste is t G. ,j. i`4 Co. lar(. hTLBe I la gel of All Woo' Cana- townsman, Mr. G eo, l w hlanafactUr ng Compan , held at. oronte, on He is row in Coticr1C Sept. 20, th whole stock of 10,000 pedis were sold. Hutchinson of the firm at auction far below mil prices, The Company' find it unpr fitable, and are not- going to make who is his b Cher -in -la any in(lrc. The Lnglish hoddy blankets so large- ly inverted destroys the demand for the better. qualities of anadian B1a trots. 0401133- teffAL H EL, SEAFoRTIL--- This ouse s the best in Seaforth for commoreial AN travelersENT a .d farmers, a its accommodation is first lass, ‘ bile its prie s arias low as the cheap- Daniels' Con est hotels. The rooms re largo, well furnished tainmen.t in he To and-perfoe ly clean, wh'le• the best attention is The eutertainmeyt given to altt who patronize the house. `Them is II large stabling in connect -ion, and attentive host- dancing, singing, et ers.—ALEXANDEnDAVI SON, Proprietor, preciated by tho.e TILE 'kR- v STOCK of eDry Goods, tertain]nent will be a c o a T n h the op ri may enjoy his visit to. through the influence journal, he has n: any w e. RTAINilf ENP edy: Compa lteadyma lothing, ats, Capp., &e., at Messrs. 1 when all who whh are tinily acid oft BEATTY B, Soafort , being j time should latte d: cost prie here still remains a large and beep- , tiful asso cat on hap( , and the public will do well to p ase at on'e, as on the First of Sep- tember t then all at cost p Orn; will be ortunities w a. J. C. LAIDL.tw e fidence of :the public selling a really good art price. All aro woleom to come and judge for themselves and none a'e pressed to buy unless quite stale Fed each article is well Worth the price *ked DL J.' . LAIAw.. • WiLs & Your (f never blow about their Goo' s, but theyeve the Best and Largest Stook of recedes, NY nes, Liquors, Provisions, &o., in To vn, which thy are selling cheaper than ever. Cal and see their teas, they.aro extra value. WILS N & YOUNG have the best and largest Stock otFrench and English China, Crock- ery and (f nsswaro to bo found in the County. They hav just receive i a lot of new and very handsome China and lass Sets, Breakfast Sets, &:e. Call -nd'examino hem. etiring from business, and be lost of baying goods pects to gain the con- no other way than by ole at the lowest possible NILS N & YouNcl have just received a Fresh Lot of Extra. Fin Young Hysbn, Black and Japan Tet:s, all new an of the best quality. Par- ties wanting quantities will get bettor bargainS from them than from a y other house in Town. A1'rm-smuts WANTED.—'\ ,anted, 6 or 7 Apprentices to learn Dressmaking. Apply to Robertson,. obertson,. over Hoffman Brothers Store, Seaforth, . LUMI]it.—Good Hemlock Lumber for :7 50 per thousand, at Armitage, Carter &s Gray's flaw Mill, Seaforth. Seo advertisement. NEW 1 EAS at 50-. 75c., 80c. and 90c. Hysou, G ' npowder, Blank or Japan, "Too strong for the money,,, at AL EN'S Grocery,.. CA SII FOR BU R.—WILLIAM ALLEN is paying he highest 1 rico in cash for any quan- tity of relly good Roll Butter, atAilon's Grocery. O ltLA 'D rias just returned from Miss Toronto 1 ith new Patterns for Drehses and Man- tles, Casts FOR- EGGS.—Fifteen .cents cash for Eggs t ALLEN'S G4'oeoi7. CoFPi r.—Pure J'resh Ground and very fine; at A LEN'S Groee TEN ?OUNDS of ALLEN'S Grocer3. ii • Trite Sugar for $1 at RUSI Esti . NOTI will be Liven fro of January,1&76, `strictly in advane FOR THE -CEN stand t at Messrs the Sea orth Plow up . an iron beam plow f$ r the Oe be held at Philacl enterprise is•com T. — The EXPOSITOR this date to the first -for 25 ,cents, payable NNIAL.—We under Monroe & Hogan, of Works, intend getting and wooden handle tennial Exhibition. to 1phia in 1876. Such end abl:e. • DIRT.: IMES' ME iiIN(1.—A meeting o f the directors of he South Huron and Tuckeraniith Bra] eh Agricultural Soci- eties will be heldft the Mansion Hotel, Seaforth, on Monday next at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of winding lip the busi- ness connected with the late show. B [C. R. COOrrlt, resrroa Newspaper THE AGRICUL close #;)f the Eas eels, pn Friday members of the i sat down to; a prepared for t Parker's hotel.. by Mr. Leckie, acted at the' req W. G. Hin Ston Mr. J. R. Miller, of the Society. and patriotic t toast, song and other in rand on such o casionsj ina eluent speeches 'wee e number of exeell at everybody enjoyed hit ant comppany b oke u hour. Before s ,parati ty of holding a lowing tion with• the as t Ri fall was, discu: seI decided not to hod a auspices of the SLS iety be the:general I pi io n ent affair hour 1 b el doubt, be done. .o1. Mr. ong been a re. 1 ''a whole soul- tchman, and has kablysuccessful . Mr. Stewart e ;guest of our rig,_ with whom eir young lays. visiting' Mr. i Ogilvie_ & Co., We hope he Canada, where, .f his excellent in friends. 1— Gardner & gave an enter- I a l last evening. ed of farces, wa well ap- nother en th s evening# id a pleasant :91 us=e r s4eis gent for the Mt- n .pb 't nting Office.] R.—At the dhow, at Brus- sst, about 150 d their friends ificent spread, r. .Harker, of air was taken Brussels, who President, Mr. vice chair by vicePresident he usual loyal e disposed of, -followed each As is usual able and elo- l4-livered, and a wigs sung,, and self. The pleas -- at a seasonable g the advlsabili- rpatch in connec- ng Society this was ultimately itch under the ut it seemed to at an independ- This will, no u REVISION OF NO ing of appeals, Aga ters' list, took }la 1 d on Saturday. Thf ordered to be plat ties having, becein f. since the list weep Thomas Gledhill, Troy, A. Wiley, Hicks, Robt. :T The names of Ben C. Simmons we e ordered to be aid CAPSIZED. —( John Mathesor others, started in a fishing boa ins: stiff from the the north pier the short, and the co set, turning a m aids. „ Th c on the boa , AL.] 1ST. —The hear - e Goderich yo- re Judge Toms ting names were ►e list, the par- aders or tenants : James Yates, 1 Gibson, Thos. Reid, E. J. ' d. G. Tupper. i Wilson and A. ake omitted and i sdayS last, Mr. party of three pishing Islands, and in rounding Wind was blow- end jibbed too ice was she np- pietely bottom naged to scram- esently the tug ay were on the p, damaged only gy king went. The the harbor and tackle was allW wining it having scree, from Mr. Wm. Phillips, for $2,800. We understand it is Mr.Phillips' inten- tion to remove to the vicinity of Chat- ham. As an evidence of the suttees* that attends good farming we might state that . about .18 years ago Mr; Dinsdale ; came o this township and settled on a rented arm. In a few years he . purchased the east half of the above lin, and row he owns the whole,190 acres, a property es- timated to be worth $6,000. A Sunrarse.--One night last week the amily of Mr.. Malcolm CampbS11, of 'tanley, were astbniehed at, receiving a isit at a late hour from a numbers of of- icers of the law) It seems that iluring arvest Mr. Campbell' had working for I im '.or a month l a man Who gave his rune as Peter Bower, but; whose real name was, as was,afterwards learned, Al- exander Gordon. This mans had com- 1 itted a murder in thevicinity of. Clif- ford,. County of Welling n, and had es- caped from justice. he nut authorities traced him ds far as Mr. Campbell's. The 'Man had, however, left Mr. Clamp - bell's employ a few days before the ar- rival of his pursuers, ands had gone to the township of Stephen, whither the con- hiin, and 'them. Camp- bell, he did not notice anything wrong with the man. He was:a. good Worker, and gave general =satisfaction. The first intiation Mr. Ga rnpbell received ;of the dangerous character of the man he had been harboring was-froin the co tables when. they arrived to arrest him. TI:RESSINc .—MR. Enj rOR : F r the information of your Hulett torr spond- ent and your other numerous rea lers,. I n 1ianVed d a fox{ the The Bast, boa sequ st c ew ble Mildred and M scene and pick is far as a thor boat was tow righted. The aaved, the bo -floated, but Ms To PPIZK Tar EPS. —Mr. Cresswell, treasitrer of tbe ith Huron Agricultur- al Soeiety, attend at the Mansion Hotel, Seaforth, on -Saturday, Oct. 16, and each succeeding Saturday, until fur- thet° notice, for the purpose of settling with tive who obtained prizes at the late shoi at Seaforth. all, on Tuesdayj _ evening last, were, I notwithstanding the unfavorable weath- er, largely attended and all were delight- ed win). the enterlainment. Mr. Bell is certainly an eloautionist of rare merit, and his selections on Tuesday evening were most happy. We are sure that should he again visit Seaforth, he will have a still largersandience. OMISSIONii. —In the published prize list of the South` Huron show, the name of Miss Lanclsborough- as a prize taker for a crochet quilt was, by some means, omitted. The first prize for a Cotswad ram lamb was awarded to Wm. Blair, in- stead of to James Blair, Jr., as published. Mr. John McIver, of Hibbert, obtained the first and second. prizes for Leicester lambs, instead of Messrs. Penhale and H._ Love, Sr. Mr. Wm. Bell also obtained the -first prize for spring wheat, other than Fife or Club, instead of Mr. Wm. A StseeesseuvAterisn.—We have great pleasure in again noticing Mr. Cress - well's success at the Provincial and Western -Exhibitions. We find. that he took ten prizes 1.„itih ten pictures at Ot- tawa, eight of the being firsts. At Lon- don, with six pictures, he took six prizes, five of them being firsts. For many . years he has bee acknowledged by his art companions as their leader, and each succeeding one, se MS to strengthen his powers.. The pro f is this : that every year's Competition. is much keener and more trying, espeeially as our friend only competes in the higher branches—oil and water. We trust that he ma,y live long to cilia), the fruits of his talents. SUNDAY SCHOOL' EXAMINATION. —An examination of a number of the scholars of the Preshyteria,n Sabbath School was held in the basement of the church, on the elvening of Sept. 28. A set of ques- tions; selected from the lessons of the previous six months, was- placed before the competitors% about twenty in num- ber. The examination was open to any of the scholars who chose to 'avail them- selveS of this opportunity of testing their knowledge of Bible history. .By the gen- erous liberality of one or two individuals interestedin the Sabbath School the Su- perintendent was enable to award six prize's. Ithe first prize . was obtained by Master John Ballantyne, 2d John .1. Duncan 3d Charles McKay, 4th A. Dewar, '5th Mary Crawford, 6th Maggie Brine PERSONAL. — Mr. David -Stoddart, teacher, left on Tuesday last, on a tour to North Carolina. Mr. Stoddart goes South with a view to recruiting his health in a warm climate. We join with his many friends- in this viemity in wishing that the change of chalet° will have the desired effect. —On Wednesday last we had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. A.. M. Stewart, fi CS 1 IV du to ing ODD FELLOWS' eveniug of last 'wee their Order in Win Dinsley's Hotel. is celebrated for and the occasio a spread as the but seldom sew were the order " wee short -the brethren s happy and soci are graveling station to op G. McKay has at the station. brick block on Mr. Isbister,w are laying a ne ri.---On Thursday d he foundation of ha by a supper at Ir. lbingley is justly ility in this respect, co any eat clown td is .rig; speech and toast of nti our,. and at the ou biyont the twal," par tit lhaving passed a '1 e 'v-ilage corporation hii. e street from the osi is Wilson's.—Mr. b alage freight house lie street is, about emed townsman, est week,a-They at the station. i stables ollowed and art.ested took him back to OliffPrd with During his employment With Mr. Mr. James i Concession of re aSs'ated by another ga 1 on the Fourth TOWEriday last, WHO CA14 young man and a trod yoke of o en logged and brinde three acres of 1 nd? house commeneed. Smite time ago is get- ting well nigh comple4d. —Mr. Grant's house has so fair progrdseed as soon to be fit for habitat on busily engage fo a cellar on tl ground, for t e new dwelling Mra Patton has been he Vast week digginai ffe of erecting would beg to state that Mr. Troyer did thresh this fall for bushels of wheat iu one day, bushels the next. In the secon threshing there Were on y 200 bu oats, the balancekeing 1 wheat truth, and the g in wise well threshed. prise Honsors. FARIst SOLD has sold his far to Mr. Robert El $5,000. The ari SCHOOL ENT teraplation to the red school ho early day. T1 e ly consist of m &c. The proceec chase prises for t Centers will be g 100 THE FIRST Lo emotive entered and the event w. joicing or_ the pa engine was atta cars, carrying rm will not be' read Masted. This with on the Eiou but it will be s work is finaly Exeter. ith. 9, Tuckersmith, ined 100 acres. ntertainment in 'Uckersmith, at an ainment will like - (lading, speeches,' o be used to pur-1 1. Further par us—The first lo on Monday -last, ree of great re t e citizens. The to a train of „fiat for traffic until it i$ being proceeded end of the road, eeks yet ere the pleted as far, Era SCHOOL CH N 1 The trustees: school section ' 4, Stanley, have en gaged as a tea h r a the next year Mr J . Smiley, wh PO hes on the Par Line. Mr. Sm. le ;IF yOung masa goo ability, and an x t teacher, and will no doubt, give gr atisfaction to th Elm Ptractra4maa-Mr. T. Dinsdale, of Stanley, h purchased the west hal of Lot 5, Con. 2, Statley, containing 50 e 600 rid 645 day's hels of With Mr. a tie. It watt settle ed by connent for nominal damage 'costs of actiOn. Mr. Sinclair for tiff. AlcCaue e ANOTHER GRANGE.—On Friday evens , ing last, a new Grange as organized at School Section No. 1, a d the following officere were elected e James Laing, overseer ; S. Manning, worthy le turer ; George Low, worthy eteward ;1;; bed Laing, worthy Insistent stewed'''. Wm. worthy hy gate - Mrs, Thomas Cornish, pomona ; Mrs. James Elder, flora ; Mies 3Dorot y Man- CDUI•ICIL MEETING. —Council met on al Oct, 2, pursuant to journme t. All the members present except c uncilor Brock. Minutes of fit meeti g con- firmed. Moved by Mr. Hal s, sec- oeconded by Mr. Monteith, t at W, Stoneman, wort ty chaplain ; J. worthy treasuret ; James Elder, keeper ; Mrs. Mary Ann Oke, Cook receive $6 , for 'relief — Moved by Mr. Millar, eeconded by Mr. Monteith, that the Reelve and Treasurer( meet the Directors of the Great -11;Vestern' Railway with a view tO purcharling_ our debnitures, issued in favor of the Lon- don, Huron and 13ruce Railway—Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Monteith, second- ed by Mr. Millar, that the Reeve and Mr. Halls inspect the ditch running through Lots 9 -and. 1(4 Con. 7, to see that the work is done aecorcling to profile and' specifications-nOatried. lilbved by Mr. Halls, seconded byLaIr. Millar, that by-law No. 8, for 187e, as now read a thitd. time be passed—K.Jarried. 'Moved by Mr. Halls, sesonded :by Mr. that the Clerk procure a fire -p for the use of the corToration— Connell adjourned to the first in November. nteith, of safe arried, sturdily THE NEW Vtinarse.-1-1The aue ion sale of village lots at the prospective of HensalLcome off pn Tuesday was largely attended and very ful. Lots sold off -lively at e ormous prizes. Several fifth of ars. acre ots sold at prices ranging from. $200 o $265. Most of the lots sold were purchased for speeulation. If the expectationis of the purchafiers of lots be realized, ittis like- ly we will have before long, in t e flour-. date fox the County se t. Huron Fall Assize% • village last and success - The Fall Assizes for ron opened at Goderic fore David John Hug Judge of Elgin, in t Oh ef Justice. Mr, Loudon, conducted th The docket was very five criminal indictm than nineteen civil cas wese of an important Grand. Jury was comp in gentlemen : Wm. he Coun of Hu - on Septs 28, be- es, Esq., County e absence of the Varren -Reek, of Crown' business. eavy consisting of nts, and no less s, some of which character. The sed of the follow - D. Allen, Jas. Caldwell, II, Chem - Evans, G. Forest, Wm. Gray, H. Jackson, Russel, J. Synaington, and W. Tipla,cly. Coming to the illness and death kif John Y. Elwood, Esq.., late Clerk of the Crown, Mr. Wade, of Messrs. Sinclair, Seeger & Wade, acted as Clerk a the Assize. His Lordship addressed the Grand jury at considerable length, ekslaniing very care- fully and clearly the riature of the differ- ent charges coming ander their notice, an I theiraluty in reg as the general duties a ia the province of sue usual demand upon o Cooper v4. seduction. 'e and verdict xi'. Cameron & Malcomson Queen. vs. saw logs. case. The elvide the Crown, trotve on the close of t tion, His It ,s acquit the riso the evidence fer nothing in the e guilt of the riso Sinclair for en Queen VS prisoner wa ly in a Divi was intereste by the Griric placed upo fended the exceedingly some time. ed the jur minutes, ret guilty." 11 senteneed to Prison at ,Tio Thomas Na h spoke in ser His Lordship sponsible for between- this formed the p was lighter tl for the sake, o dependent ju ground that and convicte ing no proper the witness al w for defendant. ,c1 between the p el by consent for Cameron for pl dden, attorneys. be- ter - and lain- ttor- of rties, Actin - 1 ntiff; la Mr. or defendant; IVIalc mson win.--Aation for stealing ru bill was found in this ce offered in behalf of era wae so weak I that, c case for the pr secu- er, without goin into e defence. The e was idenee pointing o the er more than an other ck for Crown Mr, The false - found isoner- Id; to each as well r space this week, occasioned by the reports of !the fall shows, prevents us fawn giving a report of all the cases disposed of. The follow- ing are the rnost impoitant Queen. VS. PrOVt andn'impsoa.—Assault- ing peace officer. The Grirand Jury for nd a true bill, and the plisopers not beng ready to go into thejr defence, case was traversed to next assizes.; Mr. Rock for Crown ; Mr. Cameron for prisoners. Crawford V8. BeattiO. —Action: against a magistrate ler false iniprisonment. This case occupied a ,djay and a half, the witnesses being exarinned very, closely; and the addresses tc# :the jury being lengthy. Theslearned judge summed up to the jury at great length, and in the CO se Co in ou Co fiv ca of ne ro rse of his remarks animadverted erely on the condition of the Court use and the cond4uct •the County ncil in allowing it. to remain so, and mating the ! probability of the Gov- ment taking County builclingthrough- Ontario out of ;the handS of the nty Council. The jury were over hours in consultation, and finally e in with a verdict for the, plaintiff 350 dama,ges. Mr. Sinclair fa plain- & Walkers; attorneys. ,rawford Strong,—This Was a simi- le action to the last, ny the same plain - ti against the other magistrate sitting 11 G2 iesly. -- Perjury, dieted for swearing n Court snit wl A true bill was ury, and the p is trial. Mr. Squier de - SO er. The evideo4e was he af rn Crown counsel an unnsually el ter retiring for d with a ver months in the on o. The learned terms of the con one of the witness skid appeared. to reat deal of the ner that his s ai he might have his wife and farnil g Mot the verdict, tppointed Clerk swear dress- quent a few ict of entral Judge uct of be re - rouble ntence ade it, being ier in - on the t tried ere be- Titt0Ma8 Gt. H0117 as found against t d the creditors of Imes, by makin ta ned by him fro ilton; Prisoner ade application averse the cas ea e for which wa inst prisoner for tradesmen and fry.—An action or use and oc Queen er, Richer away with goods o pwithaodleed- sale men in hrough not guilty an to the his counsel t gran t - next assizes, after - others. biought Brown v • Be upation to recover 00 of premises in Clintoo in w ich the jury brought; in a verdict for laintiff, with $30 darnanes. Mr. Ga row for neys. Mr. Sine air for defendant ; Sin - Boland 8 . 31 Carroll.—Action for se - *Auction of lain iff's daughter. Defend- ; agreement for the set - atter, made betWeen the up by an equi ble plea. the jay on he othet defendant at $ 5, if the ot support th Judges' itable plea. 11 r. Doyle for plaintiff, M . Doyle, Sinclair for d fendant, hich verdict as enter - r $367 50, subj et to the tor Judge of t e County Cameron for plaintiff, dant, *dein Seeger & a warrant fo etealing sequently, ho ever, on he magrstrate she was charge, and t is action the purpose o recover - the wrongful rrest and After hearing the plain - he Judge non- .uited the ant relied en an tlement of the parties and/ set A verdict was f edj pleas agents tith ruling on the eq and Mr. Gro Attorney ; Mr. Detlor mon court*, in ed by consent f award of Mie ju of Huron. Mr Cameroni& Mc Sinclair for defe fondant on ages assess been arres defendant' house. ed o Su ber trial b fore was brought fo ing damages for imprisonmenn -tee evidence, plaintiff. Mr. oyle arid M for plaintiff ; A r. Sinclair. for defendant. Sinclair, Seeger & Wade Attorneys. / Two cages re not being tinse nosh Agricult BelgraVe Oil For the lollowi arid prize liet kindness of the ance at the sho directors ;mina morning Very distante epee out, still here classes. Some shown, blit the strong. The resented, and 1 represented. very good 'b si Potatoes, bugs, was no need to Om 8, 1845, Heifer calf, let Thomas Wilkerson, 2d John Cionts. 'Yoke four ear old steers, Thomas Ross. Yoke t Tee Year ad steern 2t1 Charles Procton 3d Robert Currie. Beeve,. 1st Thomas Ross, 2d C. Ross.' Yoke of - oxen, lst Alex. Broad - burn, 2d jelm Coultise. tiger, 2c1 James Potter. Item lamb, lst Janes Shobrook, 2d Dunean Robertson. Fair aged ewern 1st Johri Coultiae, 2d John Robertson. Pair shearling ewes, Parr ewe lambg, lst John; Coultise, 2d Janes Shobroolt. „; 1 Oonsworn StOssis.—Aged rain, Joseph StPbbs. Shearling ram, 1st and 2d Jas. Potter. Ram lamb, ist Janies Aciley, 2d Charles Proctor'. Pair aged ewes, 1st Joieph Stubbs, 12d John Coutts, Shearl- ing ewes, 1st 14bert Currie, 2d Duncan Robertson. Pair ewe lamhs, lst and 2d Jo eph Stubbs, I Fat sheep, lst C. Free- ; Ins—Lawn; BREED.—Aged boar, lst George Gibson,‘, 2d Thos. McLauchlin. Boar pig, lst RPbt. Currie 2d Thos. Mc - 24T, MeLatich in. ; ' AiALL Bros .—Brood sow, lst John 11 R bertson, 2d James Oweris. Boar pig, SON pig, lst J Ain Robtson 2d John -C°Puoitsjannv.—Pair geese, I antes Owens. Pair turkies, tet Robert teurrie, 2d T. Lind Pair chicks, 1st nd 2d John agon, 1st and 2 ng box, Thom - ained on the lists, there o bear them. lgrave Shays. ow of the Eaht Wawa- ral Society wa hursday of 1 we are indebt Secretary T was not as g ate& owing weather. The t and stormy nprotnieing, re le. for people li ily, to think was affair co rses was very competition w ade cattle wer ade a very go nd pigs also he indoor depa g fully up to t ing ever thin into nongide directors' coneratulate the their -alto and feel grateful cess atti ding their efforts. ing is the mare, Ja es Anderson. Y son, 2d J Ini Duncan Rob sr foal, 1st Wm. Two year old year old gel, George Dolga Thomas Anti John Agnew. McLeod, 26. Morrison, Span ef carriage Thomas Lind, "2d Thomas Bl Nichol. 1 Cep, Thomas, Ross. Two heifer, 1st Robt. Riley, -2d Ro 4hn DEVONS.— ileh cow, Jo Heifer calf, Jo ' Salter. Currie, 2d T $ omas Ross, 3d 't alter Alli- son. Two year eld heifer, Est and 2d Thomas ROS 3. One year old. heifer, 1st Thomas McCartney, 2c1 Ro so & Williams. Farm gate, James nry. Pump, Robert Aikune Model of fince, James Henry. 1 GRAIN,—Fall wheat, ist Thomas Mc- Laughlin, 2d John Robertson. Tread.- wt11 wheat, 1.st Wm. Rosin 2d Archibald Nickleson. Spring wheat, lst John Wm. Ross, 2d Thomas Anderson. Oats, 1st Sohn Robertson, 2d1Win. Ross. Peas, 1St James Henry, 2d james Owens. Timothy seed, lst Thornas Lind, 2d Rbbert Currie. held at t week. the show d to the od as the o the in - night pre - and the dering it ing at a f coming petition. fine in all ttle were s not very well rep - d appear - ere well tment was' e average. Colorado t there is ther, tak- ation, the selves on he follow - 0 1 ;Frturr.—Winter apples, 1st Alfred Carr, 2d George Stewart, Fall apples, 1St George Gibson, 2d James Henery, P' ars, 1st George Stewart', 2dWm. Ross. G apes John McRae. °tab apples, lst AVY DRAUG T. --Brood clerson. Spring -foal, J, ar old. filly, lst J. Anders; oultise. -nrosna—Brood mare, 1st son, 2d Wm. Ross. Spring Ross, 2d D. Robertson. elding, John Couts. One ng, 1st Robt. Currie, 2d o. Span farmihorses, lst , 2d John Denham, 3d Buggy horse, 1st Wm. amuel Rathw 11. Hack William orses, 1st ck, 3d W. — Milch year old t. Currie. n Salter. urns, 1st John tRobertson, 2d Charles ellen Collection of frnit, 1st -Robert cRae, 2d john RobertsOn. MANUFACTURES .—UP1OP flannel, John IsIeRan Pair of blanketn- Thomas An- dersen. Set double harness, Henry Guest. Set single harnesi, Henry Guest. Three bottles wine, honsemade, James AND VEGETABLES.— Potatoes, lid James Wilkeson, 2a1 John Bone,' 3d Jana Robertson. Cabbage, ist James Owens, 2d George Burrows. Cauliflow- et, lst George Burrows, 24 Lance Taker. Blood beets, let Robert Riley, 2d George Burrows. Mangold Wurtzels, lst Robert 22 Walter Nickle. Swede tur- rt ps, 1st John Agnew, 2d joseph Stubbs. elgtan field earrote, 1st ;Robert Currie, 2 john Salter. -Orange field carrots, 1st Archibald Nicideson, 2d Robert Currie. ohn Robertson. Onions, 1st George Gibson, 2d George Burrovirs. Corn, Jas. Brandon. Water melon, Lanee Tasker. Citron, Lance Tasker. , Squash, John outts. Tomatoes, Thos, Anderson. DAIRY PROliUCE.—Tub: butter, 1st W. ninon, 2d J. ;Robertson, 3d C. Proctor. resh butter, 1st A. Proctor, 2d A. Carr. oMe made cheese, lst T, Anderson, 2d 61 LADIES' DEFARTHENT#—Crochet work, . Naylor. Bead work, ,T# Naylor, Patch ork on quilt, 1st J. Wilkison, 2d J. allagher. Gent's lineo shirt, J. Gal - r. Braiding; j. Denham. Pair woolen tockings, J. Gallagher. 1 Pair socks, J. on. Woolen mitts, J. Dennam. Log a in quilt, j. Denham. Patch quilt, - o 1 work, 1st and 2d Mary Welsh. iludges.--ignrsea, Swine and Intple- Bla,ck, Turnberry. Cattle, Sheep and Vawanosh. :indoor De rtnient—John Whiteman and John Couts, East Wawan- arknent—Mrs. *m. ;Shane Blyth ; Aire. Wm. Young, Colborne ; -ilia. Wm. senemsollools calrloicwar. Wy jainkufines141-annoptlhleryjmo%eGi loerine, Wm Herbison -Clinton tweed - ter, one piece, d Wm. H rbison, ton. Mr. Croft well; Seafo h, took ral prizes in the .fine arta c se, anst Cfi se Mi pri lif ap ph ha ses in lo da ut no da Co Huron at the Western Fair. he following exhibitors fronts the 'o ttty of Huron and immediate vicinity e eived prizes as follows at the Western a r held. in London last week : horough-bred blood stallion, 1st A. n age, A. 1 Innen Clinton, diploma ; amage stallion, . any age, L. Hunter, Exeter, di loma ; Sin le roadster, gelding or mare, eneral p rpose stallion, four year old, 1st L. Hunter, Exeter ; filly, ist John Avery, Chn- • HurOu Nth:st-Pers°,t*ant Or. Goderich, bag been, yers Will t 'is year on the Mks. of as- ussels, fell from a Acids arm* Tues - a for Hur ela- rsday of las week. the new b idge ey, being pushed The work iIi being vision of MT. Xames 8,all'Inbeitcruonireacistisfst at the raie ot $39 100, for this purpoen- bas been given The opening of the Elimville Bible Haien Church will take place on Suns and Monday next. Air. Webber I lecture on the " Scottish ovenan- Mrs. Barnes, of anted matron of ns' Home at Lon Wingham rate e to pay 15 mills rnent, as its tax he vicinity of' ed wagon, and b of last week, The death of J. Clerk of the Cro need to have tak s' illness on Th The sto'nework do e under the supe The new Town be seated with chai SU plying 324 chai an th th st Hien, an diploma ; br Jain Glen, Heavy dr and upward upwar ee-year-ol 1. stallion, 2d Henry Beadle, bum ; tw -year-old stallion 1st Mat - w Kellar 1, Exeter ; genera'l purpose age, L. Hunter, Exeter, od mare, with foal by side, , Carlow, 2d Wm. Taylor, lin Glen, Carlow ; foal, lst- arlow. ght four-year-old, ree-year-old 1st pe to 0 da te Jas. McDonagh, Colborne, 2d Charles E. ls John Avery, Clinton, 2d John Blain, C rlow ; yeactling colt, 1st Alex. Done, draught stallion, any age, lhos. Coign- lic.,in, Mitchell, diploma ; brood. mare, wrth foal Jai,- side, heavy draught, 1st J. McDonagh, Colborne, 3d D; H. Me - Robert, Granton ; three-year-old filly, II. Love, Sr., Hills Green ; two -year - filly, l.st Thos. Colquhon, Mitchell, James Loadman, Exeter ; span ull, three Cotswold 24 -John Onmming, Londesboro, 3d. H. ol dr' years old and upwards, 3d , Brucefield. ram, two shears and over, Snell, Clint° Clinton. Tw and over, 241 Carliage Exeter a rt Riley. Clinton. Leicester ewes, two shears H. Snell, Clinton. mess, 2d. Wm. Pearson. harness, 1st 3. Twitchell, of 12th inst. number q buyers 11:be present, and no doubt large sales incumben of the iecopaI Church, pointed by his Huron, Rural D an for the aunty of ron. The right to ga her tbe mdiket fees y a they were sold —A few days ag rdue, of Turnbary:, ram rket for the ensuing Lased by kr. Wm. id WaS $206. Last a severe k on the lowe jaw fro a horse s not seriously in urea, and able to about again. —Five members f the And family, Brussels, challen e any other 'e mem- rs of the Brussel volunteer ' mpany, h is to of 0e - le ge should be grs en, the ma ke place on or a out the 15t; —Mr. Joseph cRinney, A r. Daniel Hugh and Mr left Bluer Andrew ay, of Turnberry e station ej day lately on a trip to Eu one.- Mi. ay goes to Scotl d, Mr. M siinneyto eland, and Mr. Hughes to E gland. icing from Ethel oCrannroo to attend. last week, his orse, stumb ed at the ilway crossing, a $ ("fell, throwing him d spraining his A fist, —A man named Wm. Burt svsls brought fore Judge Toms at Goderich on Mon - y of last week, haged w-th. haying en caught in the act of stns. rris chick- s from the stable of the Albion HoteL ntenced to three months' at hard labor the County jail. —Mr. Jas. Knox hae been I appointed_ hector of taxes a Brussels fa the en- ing year. He is ta, be given a salary of less than $35. He was required to ter into bonds to he amount of $4,000, eh bonds to be approved of by the ouncil, as secmit for the dile fulfill- ent of the work. a 1 DiStortion Hall's Journal o 1 t maker for. ove e have long feit ve never yet bee the matter of A ore than twenty- uman frame is so ride to clothe, pr the feet. If t love created corn f om year to year f rmed boots and eforming the ten t e foundation of i the more vital dge, and. we hay reciate the fact a of the eet. good deal our spaces this subj t by Joel thirty yearS, because that the lilnian. race properly dealt with lothing forj the feet. other por inn of the e fashiona hat in - if the Ipse-fitting , or if the ravat pro- w quicldy Would the breaking in„ our illy - shoes, cripteling and er feet of out children, suffering, and, laying multitude,of diseases nd to compel them to WilliOLE NO. AIL 1:t7:11011):otoztFoolTtiN3 2:aeurittlapi:rti 1,:01: 10113 d. :I 11 3: e:rr v.:Insini itli itiAegoi ' hA 7z:4:o: 1 .04 19:1:: ri.1 # -'.:Ifol j). 4 sa eg i dPv::::n 4: Bt °.tf 1K1 Lt. en j U aYI : wsl :1 40:1 lE :1 II Is 17Tdd "Ynt at IFI .1 gOeeBi linn'il .8' A I:: . 1171:010: X- Ainu t:iitia, 110:: Teneirnooei rOperty formerly cd. the leis NV _SON, Constance P, 0, upply us with appropriate foot -gear.' quarter of a century has passed, and. he facts are exactly the sathe to -day. he world has, meantimei learned a good eal about hygiene and diet od tem er- ake up the sum of human Itilowledge nd contribute to human hap inef38. We ave learned that knit eyes and eara aud eth and digesti n must have certain reatruent and. ce in care, or; they will ail us early ; bu we' have bt learned hat thousands an thousan !of men are etively engaged ay after d rand year ur feet which ar certain to give us dis- omfort, certain cripple u if our feet re not already di torted, an Which will ,nfailingly keep ,t) the die ion which d. What is the eraedy for 11 this visi- ation of misery ? Properly naped boots nd shoes, and of urse, pro Hy shaped ts to make the on. ember, no breaking -in ' pr cess will eannplish. he desited result You -ma Ibrnak in a rang in the out et, rt will eliuwtroifndit Ant ou can ;manage hough the miser may be le apparent. very step you t ke forces Ire foot still further over the s le outwardly, dragging the upper leather 'th. itaan forcing the great toe still fu t,haeiridoutsoof line with the rest of the fo club -foot and o her pedal deformities have been occasio ed 'by b shoes, and we wish to press up parents he necessity f having :the ten- der feet -of children proper! „ cared for. Mr. McComber is an enth last in hill profession, an honest and vrorthy man, and we commend him and his graud im- rovement, with earnestness, to the con - 'deuce of our readers," Boots and. hoes on the DIeComber principle are manufactured by Mantyre & Willis, of Seaforth. 11 , and soft Co i 1:°bwititaill.PeartOnliirufeja:sie$71,1)443a, ng iand -tarrgini P: !F:-;:th a, . 1 fl i 04;obEationg! tlitt:vievir;0.601;tecit4370101 3:13„pe.):;s: Nov. 15. Apply tt.1 the ' tinders .. 'I BefElalTn.:Inand'. . wei 1.1 '.0.1.-11'vatedl . There . 1.71 ; Town '' lot -.of Grey, icentelOing 30 sires: . frame house land barn on iteprope#y. ! 4, of cultivation, the I:remainder best of .. hula.. ingsh.14.'T:Iter,71-eals2lie., „igrombied,Bb::31:770:7.rd ezill Truro 0,a, ad hang. the farm `awe IS well tirabei-03, There Are eigh aortal wheat. FOr further macula 1011kirinaBO:Eofit:raYeie:47:teCry oieguEr-aapie4;:i:::1 -l- . For sale eheapi, that desirable Fergugon, There are foot village* , frame! house, with ;slable# well 111:I fence.„.: Forfurtherparticalars apply/. YOUNG-, Brucefieldslor to the prop towel; ROBERT FEBGI,l8031. and &large frame' house iv4th a. get# stabling, It acres I Ihilidi ft bEilttitnt 50 choice fruit tr es, and 2 riever-fal The property 18 a well /Mick& It IS ; viTiralIPS,:rYt.o VI:Erl:SAVII: Xl*El::::11:1136 asOli 1;111411. FOR SA .—FOr Sale, Xio - and under fenee, the balance timberc 18x40, log 110115e5 good bearing orehnx ored ; situated within 7 Miles of Sea like distance from Clintbm Farm drained and ia fitst-elass cultivation the premises or to the prOprietor at 0, 0, ANDREW golCriNZIE tVed'Ajhe"-611111146,1:1177-alg:otifffs": s 5119 8131t gIrltieovr:41:443thlti°owli: barn. The Au= le well watered, has and 'thriving „orshati. situs,teeL proprietor oatheiremiata, or if by le vAird FOR SA 411,—Vor Sale, the I acres, 55 of VilizIllere Oleiltrea 1111,1.1111 good cultivation, and first-class e the . balance is iven timbered witl There are good frame timildings, orchard. There* alitmdance of watA in -8 miles of the Blyth Station, and i .pcsiro:Rupsorite:etoz;r°.rosn8301$111:e14gpre,rtniglettelr snlar, or til.1311 VA1111 FOR SALE.--if-ot 4, Con. -4; 100aeret; 70 Cleared, the roma hardwood bush ; 10 -miles from •youlag orchard eommending to bear fruit trees ; frame barn 4000, fram'e 2040, good stables) -coif houses in houses, -quarter a a mile from good Of water, well fenced and. under g cultivation. For farther particab VA= FOR SALE,—Being Lot 0, lett-; semi, 100 cleared andiu cultivation, the remaining 50 is frame houses nearly new, frame bar '• Terms on,or,. 'This is an -excellent e For further parties:1111,010ply on It if by letter to Barb* Post 01 :wirtilebsTletTnaT:iesmtarn:lifirsollemaC1115:73°1-41:1; any *Ilion wishing to Isecure a fir buildings; Is situated 0.inilestroin forth F. 0. litIC LEL 141ADDIGAN of Lot No, 24 Con. il, London 11, tabling 481 scree, 40 -acres -cleared a cultivation, the balancevolitimberi of grafted fruit, and abundance the Urn, itfla 10111Jon-of the lot. A considerable portion 43f be disposed *110 'Wimp lots, Th sold. cheap. Apply $he tam premises or to Bodgerville Post VARII FOR SALE --For -$ale, which. are cleared and in 4004 -c good frame bouee, with stoneeellm frame barns withshedS 'and other There Is another good honse t for a hired man. Therein a good. Et ed.' fruit, There is abundance water. The lean is en 4 gond icrg mId-way between Clinten. and Beal - titulars apply tp the proprietor on or address Clintion FA. HUGH IV jia,TrmAL,Iriir33tusir stmaLE., CatEr4iiitoyntZtonal] -and 5 miles trete. Seafartb., .Lot 2f the balance beiag all bardwood speareservf:' The'llousels 13401c$ Zrrillesgslu.44T° le rambrerne ;11- 711174b 11 couldbe -desired; there IS 21SO with good -cellar, barnsli.ud onth gAW Iffitt AND FAR OF istalaeir blittie:rebititt.:17xclessensinmelngbt::0;aer,4011:41,3:18°_'41roesisahe:Lio!,:mg:fte: it114.enxtocwagttuae,,,klds:id.t:-o:toheruskzrdt a uumwooter atseisanpy.timeo., 4:7:11070;,fwarther; =407: by letterpost Paid, of W. G-. 111