The Huron Expositor, 1875-10-08, Page 1jt
t#et?tekt...jet,eprffer,..4.4....9ePpet.,,,pe —Ptteer P,",--,..ettsteetri.Peet
„ e ,
a uteri who would take
rork wefl, aud not Bend
grain out into the straw
01.P Tnentaten.
-• aoe.
ea. at the Western.
(pert the horse de-
tve aern Vain held. at
k, eve iiud the following
f teee a remark -
Malty in draughts, and
trit ie very large -4 -00'1 -
mm of thoee at previous
irejerity f the best
sleasei are from the
▪ end Huron—the
eingaielling itself by
iraaenet 1Ll neral pun-
t'ittiborne township,
arnatehed team of bap',
est aeats of the heavy
the ground le a three -
Lid mare, Itninie dean,
welt- known breeder,
(if Hay aed Stanley,
\Viu. Love, of Bieth,
'gel, and imported two
in lie et (ie. r, the ex-
eeight is I, te3 pounds..
:shed herself at the va-
44ia1 dnieriet and county,
iin this country.
ao,oke, of the township
• that well-known kn.
le at tilioli Lord Haddo
a weighing ta 200 pouna.
;have, ant Canadian bred,
,o years old, ehosvo by
f stanley. That he does
ustrious linda.gei mani-
: number of ;first prizes
youngster, he has taken,
proel'eciat, tlistriet and
weighs 1,700 pounds,
Brooks showilmoid Din -
41d, eta II i on, cif Clydesdale
tti by that well-known
; limes, of Stanley. He is
compectly nu& animal,
i•etion the characteristics
Fa, of Colborne, shows an -
41 the Old Lord Haddo
ach man, thrk: e -years-old,
Bright., of Stirlingshiree
k 1,y Mr. Mt )ugh Last
brieht bay sith heavy
1.apaet frame, his we.ght
amts. He hen Laken a
nrizea at Torente, Guelph,
fuare el Exeter, shows a
:roe, got 14 Old Lord
L England's Glory mare.
titan, of Exeter, ehows a
!tit..,: -.•pt. ire old, firn1ylimb-
zn general apperanee, He
earling et itlhon, very large
yeariteg filly, both bred
t the Inanimen.'
.!ter's Voting teechman"
iibition, and is likely to
the twenty six. first prize.
-,leh hie stall jideeorated.
t the Provienial and .
aulerich tewuship,
bts naiIiun feur year
elreadt- taken ten prizes,
er first at it year's West -
Using Sitoes Made
MeCoraber Last,
Lee are the reameis give -a
uner why hie bats ahould
sreneti to
mde to fit the feet,
ei,14 to the old plan, the
the littLk bot.# and bhoes,
ontr#,Its aid pernicious
bas made plrtird or corn
on(. -half cif the human
+#.! anatomy (,f the lower
Uiru.LcIt3,joints 0.1.4
well 1,4 fli- feet, being
hel by Mr. itlneriber, bt
i iteiplet ion foot -gear
nuderel tr,wa1k forth with
la, awl eenlieeece and dig -
ea.: with e }Lih the human
btf,•ll bi) eikdOWed
'11 1,3) rethlesely robbed, by
vageries of unfiCielitifiG
the Wn; end gimes are
L., Iv frt,ji fte lir-t the la.t
ic behr the brunt of
tit fet, thmeelves,
at last, tleeteli the latter
si in V, "Ile ant itej
cruelty of lvItih-
I which often revies the
(.1 the Veritable ancient
•, (4
of peNecrition.
they are twice ae durable,
iiving equal at all pointe,
e old boot, or .,hoe friction
of prel,sure caused COrng
wear and tear at 'adiu-
ale° eurnaneered the feet
ing nataire the model ig
▪ elegant and eynonetrical ;
4,1 seine,i ef shoemakers
tile yen..rabic dame was DO
but a trial (4 McCoin
ii. show that fur the first
ei of gravity in boot and.
;:ou bettlect by trim so pre-
wearir an now keep his
or walkng.
; easy - titting boots. and
[Jew:able ;to health and
ad it may be added., to the
emelt of leant:ie. It ig
Army le Iader" would
esnumandnient, " ThoU
better f Joel 2IcUom
s 1. theta with boots and.
beniime etc, are un
warer of thm.
the :Mc( 'ornlir '.)c.ot tends
weli ae cure the manifest
:lub feet, a terrible ditor
e on the increae, and
phyeiologists declare pow
4alle.1 by hereditary trans
whn artiioiallyrtginated
ads and sic.
(111.41: of e'vetY peroD. Mint
the above ason;Ire eo
m ot be gal ueaye d. i\iea-
ith,Inleaforh, have
ed are preeated to JJ.I1 orders
bootmid:AloeI made oil
tiH sante as 'el. other work.
•••••;•,••••Plki•••.•401.5. • • • •
OW WI A I # of the
Athol, Pritice Edararti,
the follewi eg productions
f land : 31 loads of barley,
13 tirade la wheat, 100
ads of ()at, land 31 of hay
bushels ; 3 acres of corn,
e fallow; two acres of buck
tatos, and three acres of
besides buildings, yard -s,
re creeks; crossing through
01111111.1!„..„ -14"tret""7"ftwolee
syjiii0111E NO. 409.- C
„cog FOR SALE.—Sitinited in Ray, t 11,
.E 011,1; 07 sors, in o, good etate of col Iva -
oat orcherd end buildinge good; wen watered.
rifir to"(;titradegeorrszotr, sromisa,
%we of Niobrara Hallett Township. 7.'he
oawirty formerly owned by the late Walter Wil.
poa, tidier. All itiformation concerning the
saam be obtained by applying to the u der -
d either pereonally or by letter. R. THiMp.
ION, Condance P. 0.
-gass VOR SALE,—Lot 11, Cor. 4, Mo in,
.1.! WO ares, about 70 cleared, and in a goad tate
of cultivation, tho remainder hest of hard ood
bash, There is a good- briek houffearidnice ng
craw& Situated 6 miles from Brussels, 7 rom
wi o4bani and21 froutBelgave, For furt, e par-
tionlre apply on the premieee, or by _pa t, to
YREDERICX HOOD, Belgreate, ' - 401
x sie, that beautifully situated farm, on the
Nfon Rena, adjoining the farm of Mr. L.
*ler, containing 101 saes, 80 of whieh are -clear-
d in a state of good cultivation. Th bal-
1 aloe in well thribered, There are eight are un
der fall whesi. For further partienlare tip ly to
Llis-YRi, or to BENSON 1EYER, 13 rris-
ter, Seaforth.
VAR)/ Fon BALE,--,eor Sale, a firsticlaes arm,.
x situated in Taekersmith, Lot 2, Con. 1 near
post Office and Presbyterian Chure, ab at a
railefroin station of London, Huron end race
ailwy. House twe stories, belek; outbuil Inge
rt-elass, 2 wail, good orchard with a vart ty of
fruit &nd ornamental trees, well drained, In a
state of cultivation. For term a ly to
JOHN LOGIE, Rodgerville P. 0, 890
'CM Olt SALE.—For Sale, Lot 9,
J London Road Stanley, 100 acres, 80 c
and under fence, the balanee timbered with
lasshardwood.; frame barn 60140. frame
i840, Jog bonne, Rood bearing orehard, well
end ; situated within 7 ranee of Seaforth
like distance from Clinton, Farm well
drained and in firt-class cultivation, Ap
the premise& or to the proprietor at Braced
n. 1,
first -
lad a
ly on
ld P.
"VOX FOR SALE.—Being Lot 11, Con.
liillop ; 100 acres, 90 acres of whieh are
gond in a good state of cultivation, Ther
the farm a good substantial log house and
clear -
is on
a log
arn, The farm is well watered, has good tnces,
and a thriving orchard. 1e situated -6 mile/ from
&depth, and- is convenient to ichoole and
churches. For further particulars apply to the
proprietor ou the premises, or if by letter to Sea-
forthr. 0. MICHAEL MADD1GAN. 408.4
PAM FOR sant.—nor Sale, the west half of
x Lot No. 8, Con. 14, Hallett, contairang 80
acres,- 55 of which are eleared and in a state of
good cultivation, and first-elaes in every respeet,
the balance is well timbered with hardwood.
There are good frame buildings, ale° a young
orehard. There is abuntlanee of water. Is with.
in miles of the Blyth station, and is eel,
situated for all the other markete. Apply
proprietor on the premises, or to Blyth 1', 0
The annual fall show of ti e East Hur
on Agricultural Society, as held at
Brussels. On the grounds f the Grey
Branch Agricultural Sodet on Thurs-
day an Friday of last Week This was
the firs show held under th a.uspices of
the Eas Riding Society, T ursday .was
not a favorable day, the w ether being
very wet and cold, but Fr day was as
pleasant as could be desire i, As a re-
sult of this, some depart*, entti in the
hall portion of the show we not as well
filled, as they would otherwi e have been,
while the attendance was exceedingly
large. In the afternoon of 1 'riday there
could not have been fewer than 3,000
persons on the show gro/nid
Erected this season by the
eiety, is a capacious and ha
ing. It is round in shape
after the •Provincial Exhibi
although, of course, some
The light is admitted thro
surroundings of the upper
building. The building w
a cost of about WO. On t
show the interior of the
handsomely decorated by
other Ornamental articles
hung around the walls.
many handsome pictures
which were thus used fo
was a large sized and well
trait of Hon, Alexander
Premier of the Dominion,
many others, had been loan
casion by that genuine
true hearted and genial go
J. W. Kerr.
The display in the hall w
In wheat there was a large
display, the grain being ren
and plump. There was no
of oats, but the samples s
good quality. In barley a
the competition was not
samples, especially of the
good. Ili fruit there was a
play. In appes, especia
an excellent show. There
collections of good plums
VARA FOR SALE.—Lot 4, Coil, 2, „St -nley ;
1. 100 acres; 70 elared, the remainder good
hardwood bind& ; 10 miles from SeatOrth and
mien ;
er 100
r out-
houses, quarter of a mile from good school conve-
Olidon, 4 frora Braetfield and 2 frrina
young orehard commeneing to bear, with o
fruit trees; flame barn 40x60, frame eheep
Senn, good otesee, cow houses end•otb
nient to church and post office; nver-faill ig well
of water, well lewd, and under a %food s
etiltivaticm, For !tardier particulars a
BLAIre, Jr., 1Cippen P. 0.
rams FOR SALE, --Being Lot, 6, Conk 1
•`: lett; 150 eree 100 cleared and in agood
I..., honfien neariy new, frame barn 116 (6 w ed many aitielpif of beauty
ato ol
ly to
Branch So -
01110 build -
nal modeled
ion Palaces,
hat smaller.
gh the glass
part: of the
s erected. at
e day of the
uilding was
pictures and
which were
Among the
d paintings
touted por-
which, with
d for the oc/
anadian and
tleman, Mr
s -very good.
Lid excellen
arkably c1Ca
a large shim
own were of
d peas, alio,
cen, but the
latter, were
splendid din -
there wee
were a few
a,nd, to our
surprise, some very hne eaches. The
pears were very fair, an
equally good. In home -in
was considerable COM peti
being a- judge of this artic
speak as to its merits, T
-roots was not . large. The
turnips, however, were ve
the carrots and rnangolde
ably above the average.
fair collection of vegetab
mammoth carpus and. goo
dairy produce there was
There was butter in abun
parently of excellent qual
good cheese. There was v
petition in home-made bre
side department excelled i
partment, the ladies are e
tate of credit for this super exc
cultivation, tho conanining 501u well timb ad 2 department was well filled
. •
. •
Ftables underneath, shed ()WV, and ot
buildings ; is situated 11 miles from Sesfor
the same distance from Clinton and Brass
Very convenient to churhe, schools and
Terms caws., This is an exeellent opportu
any pereon wishing to secure a firt-elas
For farther particulars apply on the prembuse or ment were some specimen
if by letter to Harloek Poet Office. ,TAM'ES tal needle work, which we
WA1T.895 some. There was a bea
r oat-
h, o,ndwhich speaks volumes for
le .; le and industry of the wives
Plug. of Brussels and vicinity.
ity to
Amu more noticeable articles i
VARII FOR SALE.—For Sale, the North half wreath, handsome hair an
'.1. of Lot No. 21, Con, 1, London Road, Hay, con- er wreaths, while the Be
taming 481 acre, 40 0,03'es cleared and undpr good bead work were really
cultivation, the balantie well timbered, There is
frame house and barn, also i good bearing naiad bead wreath and a couple
of grafted frut, and abundance of nate . The flower wreaths were much
Loudon, Huron and ranee itailway torts t hrongh raised Berlin wool 'work
theism, and a ntation of this railway wi 1 be on '...,„,.4.4. - ' •
could il/.0tii.Y. A c.rochet quilt,
the lot. A•ecnisidereble portion of the fan
be &imaged of for village lots, The farm wilnbe winch must nave caused
sold cheap. Apply to the undersigned
premises or to Rodgerville Post Office,
FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot No,
-I- Hallett, containing 100 acres, (thou
which are cleared and. In good eultivati
balance is timbered with hardwood. There is a
good frame house, with stone cellar underneatigh2
frame berm with elieds and other orab ldings.
There is another wxxl house on the irara 'ratable photographs, which were
fora hired man. There fa a good orehard graft-
ed fruit, There is abundance of neve f 1 tile photographic skill of Mr, D. a4
ed. • well e e-
eil drawin s,
ersen & o.
gold mounted
harness was
Messrs. Hn-
rness in this
effect by this
are informed,
harness about
mess made iin
be sola.
a substan
and line looking set of h avy team h r -
n the required an expenditure
A401`,T,,A4 patience, was very pretty,
and deservedly admired.
eee, quilts was, as ueualslarge,
86 of many handsome specime
n, the made cloth, blanets, s
tens, there was not a larg
noticed a collection of"
the grapes
e wine there
ion, but not
e, we caimet
e display of
potatoes and.
good, while
ere consider -
There was a
es, and some
melons. In
good] -show.
twee, and 'ap-
ty, and some
ry light coin-
'. If the M-
any one de -
titled to the
Renee. This
• nd excellence
he taste, skill
ncl daughters
Among the
this depart
of orziarnen-
e really hand-
tiful farmers'
feather flow -
lin wool and
f Berlin wool
admired. The
as also very
the work on
uch labor, mid
f considerable
and was much
The displayof
and ein braced
. lii home
elcs and mit-
display. We
well executed
creditable to
so largely rept'
good show of si
this departinciit
ber of really h
Mr, James Joh
which were sho
showed good bre
some as pietur
hard limbs. Th
now be bred wi
they must, in
mend good fig
has of late years
ing of heavy h
good drivers ha
hausted, The
equal to that
were some very
several very inf
the grades. It
mors of the East
more attention
very good to ha
are as profitabl
but mbre profit
than horses.,
Grey, was • the
thoroughbred ,s
was a splendid s
cated that there
in the East Rid
not a large sho
good animal..
fair show of
is the
water, The farm is on a good. gravel roa
midway between_ Olintoo and Seaforth.
ticulars apply to the proprietor on the p
or address Clinton P.0, HUGH B1GG.A3
and is art. There were also sev
or par- cuted paintings and e
Messrs George E. en
. 409t1.8 '
showed their handsome
FARM FOR BALE—For Sale, part of Lot 23, carriage harness. This
and in a state of good cultivation, the b since is derson & Co. are the only
well tirabered. The whole farm is well ced -
there is a good dwelling house, and frai
and stables, oleo a goo(' young orchard
frnit; there a never -failing sti•cam
running through. the farm and an exceller
at the bonne. Is situated, within mile
Bayfield Road, is within 2/ miles of the
Finron and. Bruce Railway, is 6 mile& froi
and 10 from Seatorth. For further pa
aPPIY to the proprietor on the wends
Con. 5, Stanley; 704 acres, 60 acre cleared all made by machinery.
e, barn in Ontario who make h
• ,
bearing way, aud the saving they
wa" mode. of munufactare, we
of the enables them to sell their
ondon, one-third cheaper than h
elinton the ordinary way can
ticulare .1-1 f Brussels, .,_
0, or to tillDeall, U. ha
ness, and a couple of ve fine collo,
VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR ALE.— also a set of tastely got u silver mou t
' For Sle, a:desirable awl beautiful' located ed. single harness, which displayed ex
ams, eituated about 11 milee from B oee,fteld,
and 5 miles from Secforth, Lot 28, Con 8, L. R. cellent workmanship. , ' trange to say
8,, Tnekeremith, The., farm contains 1)0 iterea, there • was but oue se ing machie,
8001 which are cleared and in liret-ela if order, 'filere weiv two organ' s, a 4 the delight-.
the balance being all hardwood timber 00 well
preferred. The house in briek, 14 fitar )14 high, ful straine of music path ced on one of
with good ellar; barns and autballdln all that them b the aecPmplishe performer, fit
could be desired, there is also an orehard of 3 a considerable
acres. in good bmiring order, and. fL nev r -failing
spriegs. Terms eu.y. Apply by post to E 14KINE
sNeiaefoOrtithl.yingharn, or to JAMES BON 9111°N THE 1.1101`N hi
lionsE— H
mare,'lst Jas.,
Spring foal, cal
2d Jas. Anderscin, 3d Jas. Simson.
year old filly, J. Broadfoot. Two
old gelding, 1st Jas. Clennan, 24
Ferguson. Yearling filly, 1st da
derson, 2d R. Brown'3d A. Fo
Yearhng D. McLean.
D. McLean. Yearling entire colt,
can MeLanghliii.
J. Cameron'241).. R '
obertson ad
Dougall, Sprni foal, colt or fill
Wni. Norton, 2d D. Robertson, 3d
Thompson, Two year old fiJly, Is
Armstrong, 24 . McLean, T
gelding, 1st A.
,Jas, Clenn an .1
Campbell, 2d
Yearling geldin
tiented. There was a 1 Conrad Bernath,2d Mars&
gle buggy horses.;In
c may mention a ilum
ndsome colts, bred by
ton's roadster Warrior,
n. These ittnimalS all
ding. Theyavere hnd-
s, and had nice dean
s kind of stockniight
h profit by fanners, as
very short, trine, eom
s. So much atteution
been paid to the breed -
ties, that the stock of
now become nearly ex -
how of cattle was: not
horses. While there
ood animals, there Were
rior ones, especially in
night be well if the far -
Riding were to devote
cattle breeding. it is
e fire hors* but cattle
and we do not kn w
hie, if properly bred,
r. Robert,. Brown, of
principal -exhibit/Or of
ek. In sheep there
ow, which clearly indi-
are neauy sheep fanciers
ng. In pigs there was
, but there were many
There was, also, a very
oultry. The, following
nderson, 2c1 R. B 'ownor filly, 1st R. B own
A n-
Dun -
traeted the attention of
crowd through the ' day.
1 .
which were used fat sho purposes for
SALE—The nabscribers offer for ale their edfor the purpose, being of a convenient
rst time on Fra ay, aro well adapt
Saw 311LL AND FARM OF 100 ICI ES FOR the fi
saw mill and farm, Lot 85, Con. 15, Ea t wawa- shape, ample in size an I well fenced.
nosh. The mill contains large circula
, e gnat, ,....•
sawbutting eavt, shingle saw, edger and packer— .12he ground ISVet • i0 £%
all in good order, mem are on the lc t besides fol' showing stock on, bu
stable. There le also on the lot a (want ty'of val- in due course of time,. pro
the mill, two frarne dwelling honsee and frame
hemlock and other loa.wood, with a large steek 1. the outs' depart
rutble timber, consintinu of pine Week ash, and next how, bewellwell level
in the vicinity to last a, number of Teal*. Satin- very good display of i
factory reaSOne given for selling. Ponsminion given , 0, willson, of scab
at any time. F�r further particalars enquire, if 1j
by letter pc4 paid, of W G. HINGSI ON, Brims- cellent horse hay rake a
gAig p, 0,01- to R. T. straasroN ez nnoTsFan Messrs. Thomson & Wi
%nr. O. 1 580
pint Mit SALF.—The subscriber freni fel" the Oshawa Manufaeturi
several implements on
being Lot No. 28. Con. i, krllett,Cou 51of Hu- Brussels Foundry, had
sale a firt-clasn farm containing 10 soes, a, good display, Mr.
reu; there in 100 acres leared, welifene d, and in
a high state of eultivation; the land is 1 the bent
que11t70 spring ereek rune through he farm ;
therein a good frame dwelling house ith stone
cellar, a frame barn 40x60 feet, with fra e stainee
attached; the buildings are all nearly u w; there
le also a thriving young orchard of e oleo fruit
trees on the prernieee, and. a good ;mho I situated
on the lot Opposite the fem. Any pers n wishing
purchase a good farrn will find th a a gond
chance for so doing, as it is situated at 1 mile
from. the London, Huron and Bruce Ra way, and
Only 2! miles from the Londesborough station.
Terms eftee. For further particulars aPply to the
subscriber on the premises, or if by letWr address-
ed to MRS. HANNAH STIYER, Londesborough
P. 0, 403-6
excellent implements. t
on:which did him eredi
small display of buggie
er, rather ro
will, no do
ably before
ent there w
plements. Ir.
th, had an lex-
d a gang plow.
hams had also
Vilson, the
iso numh4' of
e workmanship
There was a
dud =iris es.
Mr. Thomas English, cf Brussels, who
usually figures conspieu usly and credit-
ably in this department, had a couple of
very handsome vehicles hich he intend-
ed exhibiting in this epantineate but
vvhich, owing to pressur of bueinesin he
was unable to finish in me. In horses
there was an excellent show, especially
in colts of various ages nd, brood mares.
The team and carriage horses were not
audit= (Tu
Yearling filly
Shiels, W
1st D. Tayl
. N
Johnston. Span carriage horses,
Campbell (Melifillop), 2d- lie Bro
Wm. Ingram. - ' Team' 1st Ja. Fer
2d. N. Richer n, 3d,R. Martin,
gy horse, lst 8 Rathwell, 2d T.
THOR0110.11BI ED CATTLE,--Milel
ist, 2d and 3d R. Brown. Two y
heifer, it, Brown. One year old
let and 24 R. rown, 3c1 Jas. Joh
Bull calf, lst
ston, Heifer
Brown.- Herd
3 females, 1st
NA -rival on
Jas. Johnston,
Johnston. On
Johnstoe', 241
W ra . S heddeu,
Pe. Brown, 24
old steer, let Jas. Johnston, 2d
McLeod. • Fat'
iox steer or heifer,
Pipe, 2d Wm, 4‘.1.cLeod. Yoke of
ing oxen, 1st net known, 2d J,
bell (McKillop). ,,
—Aged. ram, tit J. Simson, 2d J. S
3d It. Martin.
Martin, 2d A.•
Ram lamb, lsli
bull, 3d 6 . Si
raised lambs #1 1875, 1st T. Cal
J. Sample, 3dA, Forsyth. Pair
ling ewes, lst J. Simson, 24 R,
3d T. Mcjeaeh an, Pair ewe la
J. Simson, 2cit Sample, 3d Re M
ram, W. G,1tingston. Ram la
24 and 3d, W. G. Hingston.
dwarfing ewci, M. Smith. . Pair
ewes or wethets, 1st and 24 Jas.
3d, J Baeke.1
s a
R. Brown, 24 Jas.
calf, lst, 24 and 34 R.
coneieting. of .1 e and
d 2c1 Brown,
nava Cerriez.--0 w, lst
24 W. Shiels, D.
wo year old heifer, Ames
year old. heifer, 1 t Jas.
m, McLeod. Bul - calf,
Two year old ste r, lst
as. Johnston. 0 e year
st D.
, 1st'
, lat
ar old
y), 2d
st J.
n, 3d.
Bug -
ar old
Shearling ram,
Hislop, 3d J. Pat
R. Martin, 2d A.
on. Pair of ewes,
year, John Roertson.
at M. Cardiff, 24
er 1 year, C. Davi
in 1875, C. Davis.
ttered in 1875, J.
over 1 year, 1
lor. Boar, un
having littere
Sow, hosing I
SOIL Sow, under 1 year, 1st' an
Po CleraY. Guinea fowls,
Brown, n(1 R. Tindall. • (Alec
fowls'C, Bernath. Fowls °I a
proved breed, ;1st and. 24 Wm.
l)ark Brahma, IL Brown. Nee
ish, It. Brown. Turkeys tst
dell, 2d It. Brown, Geese:1st R.
24 IL Tind.41. Ducks, 1st W
Leod, 24 Wi;i. Armstrong. I
canaries, ist IP. Patterson, 24 ID. Mc-
Dougall. Canadianbred canaries, 1st
ellen &
st R.
er, 2d
8, lst
b, 1st,
air of
of fat
Inkels large peas, Mande
'SIAN UrAer allan, —Ten
mate cloth, 1st Rbt, T'
Sheik. Pair home-made
Jan, Sharpe 24 Robt. Ma
set farm harness, John. Du
buggy harness John D
he Itly collars, Yohn Dunce,
hotographs, ll, Stewar
abinet ware, Wm. A
les of grape wine,
ns, Hariis.
of pl
of 4
made bread, lst Robert Br,,
ArgGETABLES.—Bushel o
variety, 1st Robert Broad
Canipbell (IsIcK,), 3d R.
headi winter cabbage, 1st
tin: 24 W. H. MeCrack
beets, 1st W. 1-1, MeCrac
Stalwart, - Sr. Six mangol
WH. McCracken, 24 W
Swede turnips, 1st Rob
Conrad. Bernath. Six tu
valeter Wm. Rands
Mi. ter. ' Six long field c
He McCracken, 24 A, Ste
Pe k of onions, 1st W. H.
Jr. 'ampbell,(McK): Tare
ls ; Robert Martin, 24
Thie,e water melons, ist
Jnii 24 John Zimmer. T
on sii John Zimmer. Four
floarer, 1st W. H. MeCra
Deimits, Twelve tome
V al, 24 Conrad Berne
Jo n Zimmer. Squash,
SWels, 24 John Zimmer.
butter, 1st Robert Mar
Sanson, 3d Win. Ingram.
table butter, lst Robert
Taylor, 3d G. Lynn. Twe
'hip) butter, 1st Win. 8
Vaguson, 3c1 Robert M
chese, not kw than 5
IttCartney, -Ten - pow
chese, Alex. Hamilton,
, Tay-
, Sow,
W. II. McCracken, 24
Bead work, lst and 24
Fancy knitting, wool, is
fg. Veal, Fancy knit
In:Thompson, 24 Mr. V
(Ida, 1st P. Thompson, 2
Feather flowers, Robt,
fir wers, 1st Peter Thoroi
Tindall Wax flowers, ! Wm. Moodie,
Bizlin wool work, flat, list H. Copper,
24 c, Re Cooper. Berlin wool work,
raised, 1st H. Coopr, 24' F. C. Rogers,
*aiding, lat H. Cooper24 John Cor-
mack. Pencil drawing, 1st and 24 Peter
Thompson. Water colon drawing, Miss
Waterbury. Pair of Woolen socks. 1st
W. H. McCracken, 24 Go. Lynn. Pair
of1 woolen mitts. 1st Rob . Broadfoot, 2/1
W. II, McCracken, Lo cabin quilt, lst
John Cormack, 24 Chas, Ritchie.
Smith. Two
24 John
kets, let
nean. Pair
• ollectiou
ley. Three
ohn Zimmer.
oaf of home-
wn, Wm.
potaoes, any
oot, James
a-rtia. Four
Robert Mar -
n. Six blood
en, Pd Alex,
wurtzels, lst
• Rands. Six -
rt *own, 24
ips, any other
24 John K.
rrots ist W.
art, AMorris).
cOesteken, 24.
vnears of cern,
ohn: Zimmer.
ex.l Stewart,
ree musk mel
heade of cauli-
ken,' 2c1 'Wm,
es, 1 lat Mrs,
h, Purnpkin
1st Johu W.
pounds fresh
in, 24 Andrew
Mire pounds
art,n, 2d A.
ty-five pounds
itb, 24 James
rtine Factory
poondp, Mr
ds homemade
et work, 1st
C. Rogers.
ter Thompson,
H. Cooper, 24
ing, cotton, 1st
1, Patchwork
Donald Carrie.
indall, Hair
SOU, 2d. Robert
MCLEAN ano*Fueus, Publishe.
l. 50 a Year, in advance.
The whole of this large quantity of stuff
has been taken off little more than 100
razes of clearance, a part of which was
—Wm. Waddell, an old farmer of Lou-
don township, sold bis farm lately, and
was one night last week sin company
with a number of young men, drinking
as Schwartz's Rote, .etersville. Dur-
ing the night he was robbed of $800,
mainly consisting of promissory notes.
The parties with whom he had been
drinking are suspected.
—Lut Friday morning while loading
a vessel at Leamington, with wheat a
team of horses belonging to Mr. IL
Quinn with a wagon and fifty bushels of
wheat backed off the dock and all went
to the bottom drowning the horses. An
effort will be ;node to recover the wagon
and a little part of the wheat. The
team is valued at one hundred and
seventy five dollars.
—The news of a most atrocious mur-
der near Fort Ellice Manitoba, has been
received. On Monday of last week,
Roderick McIver shot dead a trader,
named George Ormond, and seriously
wounded Francois Charette. 'The offen-
der was arrested by the Mounted Pollee
and. brought to Winnipeg. The affray
was the result of an old. grudge. It is
thoughe that Charette will recover.
—The by-law, for $100.000, in favor
of the Huron and Quebec Railway, John
Fowler's scheme, was carried in Peter-
borough last week. Only seven votes
were cast against it, The County of
Peterborough by-lasv for $150,000, will
be voted on the 20th of October next,
and will also be sustained, as it is favor-
ably received. Patience and persever-
ance work wonders.
—.When the Aylmer people opened
their new church, some one proposed
that they shotild wipe off a little debt
still remaining on that fine building, and
in half an hour it was done. That little
debt was just $9,000. Aylmer has a
population of 1,500 people, but boasts of
having two of the finest churches in a
village in Canada. One cost $15,0
and the other $20,000.
—Mr. Erastus Howard, sheriff's bail-
iff, went to bed on Saturday night in his
house, Whitby, having upwards of $500,
received during the 6,y, in the pockets
of his tousers. He awoke in the middle
of the night, finding a bad suffocating
smell in his bedroom. The trousers
were missing, but were found in an ad-
joining room, minus the funds. An en-
trance door was found to have opened.
No clue to the thief,
—A pntlernan in St. John, N. B., re
cently purchased a pair of socks, striped
yellow an purple, and was surprised after
wearing them two or three days, to find.
portions of the top of his feet and his
anklese Witched b the yellow stripes,
st R.
ion of
y im-
Span -
t. Tin-
Wm. Armstr
Fancy pigeo
& Sims.
2d 0. 0.
0. C. illso
turing C ,
B. Bele
thern s
Jas. Fe
Baldvvi s, J. Ferguson. Fall
J. Sharpe. Three named vari
winter pear R. Brown. TW
ums, 1st IL Tindal
ng, 2d Strachan
1st and. V. fitr
1ETk-0ne horse bug
Gatig plow, lst Wm..
Wi on. Horse hey r
24 Joseph Hall
ooden aode lumber
rooden plow, W.
llection of, apples,
J. Zimmer, 3d R.
ssets, J. Broadfoo
1. Dickson, Sziow
Monmouth pip
hocle Island Gree
itzenbergs, A. Ste
Ice, 1st
lst A, treland village about eight o'clock on the
iekson. 4vening of the 30th ult, the large barn of
, Nor- Mr, John Flannigan b ing entirely de -
apples, strayed, together with i s contents, which
ms, j, 3:icluded some 1,500 I ushels of grain.
j How the fire oriainate is not known.
art, Sr. The loss will not fall sl ort of .$4, 00,
ippins, —Some days ago a an named Lobed
ties of Evans, of &arbor°, w s brought, before
named Col. Norris. J. p., at slievile, eharged
2d A. with running a thresh ng machin
6zorao Pnizas,---Spe 1 by the Sec -
r ary, most neatly darn d soak or stock
in Andrew Simeon, Special J.
Di, Pennington, most lbeautiful 'child
under two years, Mrs. Moxley, Special
b James Jobusou,E for best four
springeapy ,foalsi 1 sitgarthaemneas
Alex. Forsythe.. Specie.
sq., for best colleetion
ExxiiePnizes.—Knitlied quilt, 0. it.
h Robert, Tin -
F. C. Rogers,
s. Veal Horse
oney in comb,
Wm. Wilson.
m. Wilson, 24
ern Mrs.' Ber-
nath. Early horn cm rots, lst ; Mrs,
Veal, 24 W. G. Rings n. Citrons, P.
Thompson. Carriage harness, G. E.
Henderson & Co. Ligl t horse cllars,
Janson, 2d 'Wrn.
cCallum, 4th
by James Vick,
flowers, Mrs.
Cooper. Farmers' svre
dall. Point lace, Mrs.
Netting and darning, M
blankets, uot known.
lt$t John Zimmer, 24
Honey, strained, 1st 1,
Alm Zimmer, Cut flo
jlohn Backer,
JUDGES. —Cattle —W
T elsersmith ; Peter Fo
mes J. jolly, Mone
• iteep—J. Johnston,
thynne, Biuevale s Jam
J1lorses-11. McMiehael,
Piompon, Wroxeter. ;
Neverye Grain and Ro
1onckton; John Gem
ttobert McMichael, If
Week—Mrs, John Gem
YlisS McKenzie, Brus
Strachan, Brussels.
lliam Charters,
Winnham ;
ton. Pigs and
elmore ; John
s Logan Blyth,
Jr. Hullett ; A.
Henry Smith,
—J. W. Jolly,
llett. Ladies'
ill, Wroxeter ;
els; Mrs. A.
who were most conspicuous in the dis-
graceful cutrag
witnesses were
giving the most
donee against
were found agaiz
—A railway
Sorel, Province
night of la,st
Drummond an
a rail having
aeross the track.
ed and twenty-
one of thelatter
AR inquest has
lieved that the
supposed to be
refused work o
covered. The
1y at Sord and
of Sept. 2, Fifteen
xamined, some of them
direct and positive evi-
e accused, yet no hing
Itihdeennii occurred near
of Quebec, on Tuesday
eek, on the Richmond,
Arthabaska Railway,
ecu maliciously placed
Ten laborers were kill-
ve paasengers jured ;
is reported to be dying.
been held, and it is be -
guilty parties, who are
eertain pen who were
the road, will be dis-
borers killed killed lived chief -
t. Robert.
—The adjou ed. meeting of the On-
tario Ladies College at Whitby was held
on Friday last. Twenty-ote directors
were elected for the ensuing year. The
progiess of the eollege is very satisfac-
tory, and it is 1
this year. Air
il!ncung. e frTvheen taYdt
given the stock
tended, and th
well-known abi
crease the patro
confidence and
—Despite t
gatherings in T
one week, the
financially sue
foot up to $2,
over last year's
railway coupon
counted; and
county associa
credit in the h
$4,000. Alr
One firm in Toronto is said to have
eold no less than 150 revolvers to differ-
ent parties during last week,
—The work on the Wellington branch
Of the Credit Valley 5Railway has been
entirely stopped, and
charged. i5 not exp
ork will be proceeded
ompany have succee
itional funds.
—About 2,500 men a
011 Sifton & Ward's see
he laborers (la-
ded that further
with, until the
ed in raising ad -
e now employed
ion of the Canada
exilic railroad. The grading of eiehty-
ve miles has already teen nearly cam-
35 to $40 per
aechanics', from
fire took place at
leted b, various
abourers wages are
inith, ;with board;
—A very destructive
kely to be quite filled
y sixty boarders and
day pupilis are attend-
onal kepregentation now
oldn, as originally in -
election of gentlemen of
ity is calculated to in-
ge and insure continued
e competition of other
ronto and London, all in
milton Fair has been
sisful, The gate receipts
6.85, which is somethin
figures . independent o
, which have not yet been
the combined city And
ons have now at their
a " rest exceeding
dy the prospects for the
Provincial Fair next year are being "dis-
counted," and i is confidently anticipated
that 1876 will itness the best Provin-
cial Fair seen since the time of the
hinee's visit i 1860.-
-Last Fri nilt a man =TUC& John
Maher went in 14 rtelis furniture store
on Yonge str t Toronto, and catching a
glimpse of the refieution of his face in a
looking-glas, deliberately raised fist
and shivered t
placed in cuss
for his strange
cited to it b
e glass in pieces. Ile was
y, and gave as a reason
conduct that he was in-
-eeing in the mirror what
a haggard, e nical-looking creature he
had become, he pollee doubted this,
however, belie "ng that his real oblect
was to get in jail, from which he ad
just about two days before been liberated,
—A most ring robbery was eom-
initted at the esidence of Wm. Pitman,
of Hamilton a Wednesday night of la,st
week. Five n masked and armed
effected au en ranee through the kitehen
door, whereup n Mr. Filmen's dog being
the first to sa ate, was silenced by the
break out in pimp e sores, and. his whole
system became affected as if by some
then rendered.
The in
powerful poison, The yellow stripes; were bead'
MU' e charged with some poisonous
I t b
interedient introduced of
co °ring, come, in the a at their h
ance was offer
• JP threat to shoo
—The Mitchell Advocate says that Astely ransao
during the past few weeks, Mr. Lewis 4-5 -as to be
Bennett, of that town, missed on several
occasions, bills from his till. He could
not account for their disappearance, and
WS inclined to put the blame on an in-
nocent party, but, to his surprise and
pleasure, he discovered on Monday last
that the money had been carried away
by mice, some of the remnants of the
bills having been found under -the
—Detective Murray, of the Ontario
force on Friday passed east with the
noed. forger, John C. Bond, of Toronto,
who was taken near Chicago, This
character has beenwanted in Toronto
for s011le time, but could not be found
f f bull4 which was lodged in his
• ates of the house were
powerless by pistols aim-
s, aecompamed with the
them dead if any reit-
. The b.ouse was coin -
4, but fortunately- only
found which the thieves
took possession of and decamped, .
—A genuine burglar was eapt cell last
Friday night at the private res nee of
.Dr. Stone, North -street, London. The
doctor being absent the door was left
unlocked for him as usual, and on his re-
turn at 11,30 o'clock he found if wide
open. Slope ting eomething wrong he
examined th house up stairs and on
coming down gain heard the door slam.
Pursuing bast y he overtook a ma* on.
the sidewalk ' his stockings, and with a
large butcher' knife iu his hand. The
doctor, howe er, collared him wrenched
the knife awa and tdragged 'the fellow
into the hous , where, calling his son,
until Murray was pat on his track. He both eismin their prisoner, and found
was run down near Chicago, He will
which he had taken from a
in his pockets a considerable lot of pro-
be tried in Toronto for issuing a forged perty
toor IN htoiteh'isabome a little boy
Fr deticton Reporter says:
Queensbury, some
whom he ado- ted, and who is now about
eight years 0 age, This child is pos-
sessed of a t,e "ble tempers which mani-
fests itself on the most trifling occaeion.
A few days a o he was -Veld to rock the
cradle, and, ot liking the occupation,
while the goo wife's back was turned,
he seized a rd of 'matches, ran over to
the barn, set it on fire, and was back
again at his at without being missed.
The fire cons toed the barn and its con
tents -30 to
he°efrobpayof °the fla)urilthelswhielt
deesedted, up to that date. He
committees from Belle -
county of Hastings, ape
wider the question. of an
net and County Poor House,
a report rather favorable
t. They recommend it to
end careful" consideration
yers and though they do
the idea tlaat much can be
ay of return from the labor
they are persuaded that
public cha,rity will be rens
• i
ehe,ck and passing it at a bank in that
city, and also for other very serious
—Quite a number of bogus $5 bills on
the Dominion bank of Canada were
passed on unsuspecting persons at the
Hamilton Central Fair. There is no
such a thing as a five dollar bill on the
Dominion of Canada Bank, which only
issues twos and three,s, The bills look
as natural as possible, and would be ac -
accepted by parties unacquainted -with
the run of the bank. Look out for them;
they look like old bills greasy with tirae
and should be carefully guarded against'.
S tewar
of p
Sr. follection of open-ai
. Zimmer. Yellow era
Red crabs, Wm.
anted varieties of peadi
s, Robb:
s, John
GEA.I —en bushels fall whea
well, lit Rol t. Tindall, 24 John
3d Rob. Martin. Two bushel
wheat, Fife, lst Wm, Rands,
1ngrarn T o bushels spring w
other variet , 1st Alex. Stewa
W. G. Hington. Two bushe
lat Alx. Forsythe, 24 Wm,
Two buehels hite oats, Alt Wm.
24. Robt. Br adfoot. Two bush
oats, list m. S Rands, 24
Smith. T o bushels small
s of the t
out having the knuckl
shaft and platform of the horse: power
mitered as required by law. He was eon-
victed and fined $20 an costs,
—A very heavy hail storm passed over
,Tread- the vicinity of Listow 1, on the evening
Crerar, of Sept. 30, breaking indows and doing
spring considerable damage.: The streets of
Wm. Listowel were covered with hail stones
eat, any to *the depth of three inches. great
Sr, 2d. till out, and was
la black
as, lot
amount of grain was
damaged to a great e
—On a farm a few
ley there has this seas
wagon loads of whea
iles east, of Pais -
n been raised 100
18 stooks to the
—Hon. David Reesor, of Markham,
Ont, has got into the banks through his oats, and all
cheese speculations, to the extent of had been bar
70000, and has had a private meeting confesses the
of his creditors. The statement of affairs _Te ani
shows assets nil. He has asked them
lose his position in the Senate, A bank- ville and th
ndustrial F
not to make him bankrupt, a$ he should tilted to
rupt Senator is a novelty in the worst of have presen
times, and. we hope the honorable gen-
tleman is not as bankrupt of friends as to the proj
the "earnest
he is of the wherewithal, of the ratep
—Mr- James Goldie, of Guelph, lately not hold out
shipped for New Brunswick a car load of expected by
fine sheep, principally Leicesters, which of the irons,
he purchased for the New Brunswick imposeeeee 0
oared almost impossible. The sum pro -
Government at the request of a number of
gentlemen who recently visited Guelph, posed to be expended in the purchase
and who are engaged at present in pur- and equipme t of the tam is g20,000,
lated that the annual cost
chasing stock for that far-off maritime and it is cal
province. Mr. Goldie selected the sheep to each mirth ipality will be about one -
from the flocks of Messrs. L. Parkinson, half of the expense entailed by thepres-
G & E. Tolton, and other well-known ent system,
• e
1 6
sheep breeders in Erin and EraMOBIL
• t
—The leading members of 'the Insti-
-Mr. William Wood, of Bosanquet, tut Canadien decided on Saturday last
left a few days ago for North Carolina to proceed immediately withtheneces-
sary preparations preliminary to the bnr-
with a well selected carload of thorough-
ial of Guibord's remains. Measures are
bred Cotswold and LeicesWr sheep, pur-
bein taken to prevent the body from be-
ingchsd rincipally from the flocks of ounterred after theyare buried, and
to this end, resource is being had to the
most effectual means; known in science,
so that any attempt to disinter the re-
mains will prove not only utterly Swale,
but in the highest degree dangerous to•
thoseavho maymake theattempt. It isex-
pected that the preparations will be com-
plete in about a week or ten days. A
requisition will be made upon the civil
and military authorities for such an ae-
companiment of armed force as will pre -
elude all possibility oranother successful
attempt to resist the carrying ont in due,
form of the decree of the Privy COuncila
Messrs. wlinga, who have always car»
ried away the lion's share of prizes at the
exhibitions, Mr. Wood hopes to get his
load there in time to exhibit at the state
fair at Raleigh, on the nth of OcWher.
The flock will do credit to Canada and
we wish Mr. Wood every success in his
—The failure of the Grand. Jury to
find a true bill against the Montreal
cemetery rioters is a great disappoint-
ment to the loversoflawand.order, and
. . • • . •
ves rise to se u.s as to
load; 100 wagon loads of oats, 35 tons tare peace of the city. Indictine
and th were laid ag,ainst about a dozen perso
of hay, besides peas o er grain.