HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-10-01, Page 71 OCT. Th cEAFORTN r, Foundry e orth, 1". hILLSON, or Tao Nflitici-LTITRAL - qr EM PORI ne - II the Beat Inet,lement$ Made a.t the tot7tre,re Price ING NEW E CUTTERS, ii e Improved Thistle ;,,ht Iron. Ream. Tlift the old plow, and is factored by the • manufacturers of the 'fhb. .. zrifaeturing Company, The .€ (infix Plows,. the best oe.need to the public, A. 'loction guarar;tecd. All Mods A Always on Band. AND GRAIN RS. Cutt a and Grain Pat ie, alwaye on, hand. awu well tried, and hare Jhose of no other make and tan-horire Powers SEWi MACH 1E -a&ini:ted to be the HEST anti pest ,_!e se the hest—in the only machine in the eder, and it tN the, a es ore than one kind of a ,trine4 ale still On and. .fii.a seth. it can retain it .hinc in Ur: market. A trial. to give satisfaction, WILLSON elwaye on hand at his Artriall. Ale° all the other *hat eurchasere can have - : -.NSI kt.e 1,1,A the largest and best Instruments west of f tl.et culeheated Mathinielr Prince's, George lAroodif ., iiiefere, and Melodeons, any of -, eh, pp IV; the manufacturers F4. -In the Si -wing Maehiug• tx-P-I-t MISS SLOAN ' of IlittttfilWA rAtterlIN and Ali the latest and newest Thelattbt and most popular n sic Books. O. C. UILLSON. EA PEST Whr;"' SPOT Tag NEW BLOCK, si the Poet Office. "V'NELL ang,thcr FujAill of that 150 a sit di good satisfaction fi re-sder Ta, worth Sc.,8 1 So a let of Fie Sugars very zile Paid in Cash for Butter BROVIMIIELL, Lomitzen Block, Seaforth- SEED SOU . „ Ni C EAP, STORE; sEArowrg. 1::R. TUBS - 'EL TIWTT at the Seafort Tub rsetemY weli and fasotablyknowa tez.1 Batter !Packagett. are the best ire use, and WIIi .4)15CEMENTS TO URCHASERS. In a short time to correnatr-te • Wash Tube ora Large scale- SAMUEI. TROTT, eforttr Tholloles Carlyle at HOMO. Down comes Thermal Carlyle from his soleeeen Into the hallway --a 'gray -whis- kered old man, with eyes half-closed, as if pouderfrig over some metal abstrac- tion and shutting out the external world, lee placed upon the table a longclay' Ore, from whiefe he had been raising a cloud of emokeel and took up one of half e dozen felt hats, with 88 broad a brim - as you see on a Colored() ranchman's eeed. His clothing was of the coareest Scotch twill, and, like a Qua twee suit, was gray . and of one color. Ills coat rescued below his knees. " Umph ! Who are you V' he at length said, when his brother remarked ti nit • somebody was standing near by. t: " Sir, 1 ant ore of a multitude in Am- erica who, having read a few of your works, have long had a desire to 04 "AVcair."the usual cour tee ics, 1 ex plain ed ! . to him that my whet in iseeing him had eow been gratified, and that I would most respeetfillly hidim gond there 14 nOon, AnOther grunt ,fam the only re- ply, While hawing ley way out he stopped me- with the rilnnark : I am going to walk ;,i come with me," I went, He started oft at m redl. pace, with hie hands behind 1dm and hie headelighay inclined, , When, after a few moments, I ventured a cjttestioui, he answered it in the old Socratic fashion, by asking a dozen. He wished to know about the United States, our ehurches, our col- leges, our public men, geee greet men, when .you enter their presence, inspire you with their greatneree and either by word or intimation reveal their virtues, Thomas Carlyle is a contspieuous excep- tion. It was with difficulty that I could get him to talk of himself, or get his views on questions of the day; Ger- many, he at length said, was in a state of theological . transition. Dogma WAS Yielding to fact, The Christianchurch was changing, but the grand truths of Christianity were unalterable. In the bands of Bismarck, the ehiefest states- man of the age, its progress was as mi. t.iiri as the rising of to -morrow's 8Un. Nothing was to be feared, With Eng- land there was more smoke than fire in the air, By Carlyle'a plain Seotchman, reared in the good old Presbyterian fash- ion, the new movements in the ritualistic party of the Established Church were re- garded with dislike ; but the points in dispute Were trivial and should.. vanish when weightier problems, remain unsolv- ed. He voice, somewhat slightingly of Gladstone and his recently published pamphlets. He had watched him as he changed from a high Tory to a most out- spoken Radical, GladStone's gravest fault, thought Carlyle, witt8 that he look - i ed exclusively at the side issues of great - questions, He recognized the bearings and appearances, not the underlying fact; ; and a fact, he continued'was a divine --revelation, and he who actedted contrary to it sinned against God.. I I " Is Gladstone, then!, only a poli- tician ?" I asked, "; Much . worse," was the answer, "r he always act's the politician with thq wisdone of it statesman," Here we approached a, street crossing. . When half way over, Mr. Carlyle mid- -delay stopped, and stooling down kick- ed something out of the Mud, at the lie , of being run over by oti a of the . man carriages in the streets, , With his bare hands he brushed the innd off, and plae- ed the white substance in a clean spclt oc the curbstone, " That," said he, i a tone as sweet and in words as beaut ful OA 1 have ever heard, " is only a cru4t of bread. Yet I was taught ley mnly mother never to waste, and, above al bread, more precious than gold, the su stance that is the same ti the bodY theft the mind is to the soul. I am, sure the little sparrows or a hungry dog will get • nourishment from that .iit of bread,"-r- Olarence W. BOUJell in. Oa Independent. jr . An Argument :for. eliftious Tol eraric o. The following is a characteristic inc. dent in the life of • Deacon Bolles, who. 'was an eminent type of Oa age in which he lived, for personal ar.d private wort both as a man cud a Obriptian. When the Baptists of Hartford began to bold public, services, an o ver -Fal ens member of l)'. Strong's :•iociaty) ealleyl upon him and asked him if he knew tha john BDIles had stainsi an uppositio i meeting. " No,'' said. lie, " when,where ?" " Why, at the old court house." " Oh-, yes, I -know it." he Doctor care- lessly replied ; " but it is not an opposi- tion meeting. They are Baptists, to be sure, but they preach the same doctrine trthat I do. You had bet r go and hear them," "No!' said. the man, ' I am a. byte byterian." "Se am 1,!" rejdine Dr, Strong!; "bat that need not prevent us frore wishing them well. You had better ,g,o,i' "No," said the man 4,4 ith energy, ' I shan't go newt them. Dr. Strong, ain't you going to do Borne thin- i about it?" 1 "Stop it, ea1 't you ?" "My friend ' said the . , ly, " John Bolles is a goo surely go to heaven. If there we shat meet him, ter, therefore, cultivate euainta,nee with him her - - _ IA. Pleasant Kitchen. Considering that so marry women �f the middle dame are obliged to pass a great portion of their time in the n%ITV kite ( , li not make it an attractive s partm, nt, rath- er than stow it; away in the basenicht, or Ii! some dark °mei. of he house, :ii is now too frequently done die day pleasant sitting -r judge the conveniences a aptness of the; kitchen by the rooms in the front of th'r. house, We find in many instances, we ntterly fait in our conjec- turee, To rnalf-e a little show in [corn- -pony rooms, how many _• actual kitchen comforts are denied in many households ! It is surely better to begin one bone. furnishingat the kitchen, mut work tow- ard the frit as we are Able, Let the Jute -hen closet bewail docked even though the parlor euflere a littl;, Surely the heath a the houeehold, end the comfort of the wormnface Rh OM be placed above all Otherl coneideratione, Recreation for the Brain Weary. Riding on horeeback is prceeribed by armee authorities as the !most refreshing recreation 1 for one who is brain -weary. The constant diversion olf the mind re- quired to dircht the horse,and the change at every step, 1 break u� the trains of thought that are wearisome, while the physical exercise draws the blood from the head and promotes uniferm circula- tion in all parts of the bed*. Next to horseback. riding there IS perhaps nothing better than a scroll saw, especially if the Doctor, seriou I man, and wi you and I get , ncl we had b0- a pleasant 1 .11 , Most houses ems; but if -eve d general picas. ...1w•role••/000.0••1••••./.., patient has anything of a in chanicae turn. The movement of the feet to keep the treadle in motion, and of the Arms to adjust the work, give gentle but vigorous exercise, quickening 1 the ciculatioii, while the forms of beauty tihat row from the tiny saw deligat the realm ic caste and win the dreary mind from that which has burdened it. Many who fo • varioue reasons could not indulgein a horse, might find great comforti ln a gig saw. . A. business man of ourjuaintance rec- ornmends this as Ole f he as ever tried of restoring his mind to ( the beet means ..e.e h , its wonted tone and vigor when exhaust - cd by the fatiguesand excitements of a ' heavy banking houae, i Rev, John Todd I thought mit his e mew while at the turning lathe, and rested from his ex- cessive labors while working at the same instrument. The scroll saw has this ad- vantage over the liorae --that one has something to show for the -bouts spent in refit', rig, 7 e • A Base Ba I f3eneatl n, The first game of Jasci ball eve'played in public for pee m mey, between femin- ine ball tossers, tool pleee at Sp tingtielde III., on Sept, 11, etWeen the Bennie club, of Springfieh , and the Brunette club. of Decatur. Ihe party 1410 posed this " latest sensation " in the base ball arena mel dela selected troupe of gills of reputabl shown some degre playing, and the sr as to include spedi the game they play, play on, inasmuch the bat smaller, an in size, the Vases b mond-shaped field, are but fifty bide_ base to base. The pretty fair players, the attraction . the girls, prettily attire playing in a game character, who have of aptitude in ball angements ere such I bats and balls for and a speci4 field' to the ball i lighter, the field is reduced lug located on a da - the sides Of whieh of ninety feet from roupe conta iiS some ut as a gene al thing novelty of s ,eing 18 in gymnas c dress, f base ball In the game at Springfield ,the Blonde won, as the appended score shows; b at Ile- catur the Brunette won by to 21, only six innings bei &played ; Blonde 13 10 7 4 8 9-42 Brunette 4 6" 9 e 5 (3-88 The Dangers bf Tainte • At- mospheres. While we know, thus.' far, • mpara- tively little of the exact causes of dis- ease our knowledge at least oints to certain perfectly we 1-establishe imam. One of these is thatKlan calm live in an atmosphere that s tainted by exhala- tions from putref ing organic matter, without danger of hing made si lea -sick unto death. It is true that re t all of those who live in itch an atmosphere either fall sick or 4ie from its effects; but it is also true hat not all who go into battle are shot clown. - In bath cases they expose themselves to dangers, from which their escape is.. a matter f good fortune. Fewer wotnld be shot if none went into battle, ani fewer would die of disease if none were exposed to Poisoned air, Our adaptabil ty is great',I and we accustom ourselves to withstand the at- tacks of an infected atmosphere wonder- fully well ; but for all that, we arc con- stantly in the pres nee of the danger, and though izrscnsilly resisting, are too often insensibly yielding to it,! Some, with less power to resist, or ex osed to a stronger poison, ir finally weakened by long aposure fall ickswith typhoid fever or some similar disease, that springs directly from putrid infec- tion, Of these, a portion die; he corn - tenuity loses their erviees, and it sym- pathizes with thcii friends in mourn- ing that " in the wisdom of a kind but inscrutable Provid lice, it has been found necessary to r move them from our midst." , In this way we blandly impose upon Divine Providence Ihc respoesi ility of our own short -comings. The vi tims of typhoid fever die, n t by the act of God, but by the act of mum ; they are poison- ed to .cleath by infeceions that are clue to man's ignorance or neglect.—At/antic Monthly. • Ashes Good for Fruit Trees. The Scientific Am rican says : "The point to which we now call attemition that otir farmers and fruit -groves have. ignored, or rather have been ign ant of, the importance of wood ashes as vege- table etimulent and a leading constituent of plants. Even coal ashes, now thtown away as useless, hay e been she% n both by experience and a alysis to p sow; a fair share of alkaline value. We will re- late only one experi ient. Sorn,e -5 years ago we treated an oil pippin apple tree as follows :, 'The bol ow; to the height of eight feet, was filled and rat -name_ with a composite of wood shire /seder,n mould and a little waste Iin e (carbonate). The filling was securely f tened in by boards. The next year the cr p of sound fruit was 10 bushels from an o d shell of a tree that had borne nothing of ny account for some time, and for 17 ye re after filling the old tree continued t flourish and bear well." Politeness to During a musical er vocal or instrume is shown by attenti part of the heare whether the parlor o the scene of the mu No person of deli refinement will turn indulge in confirm loud laughter, while going on. Beethov idols, was playing wi a duet, and two of t carry on a loud and Beethoverif made ind knee them, and who denly lifted hie, corn the keys, jumped up I don ie play for s and walked off, and emitted to return to t swum who has soffe will riot think Beet out of the way. usieal Perfor- ra wh gathe • the a beautiful, a del , r rut tire. Man would direct i. reason, and support Ine t d flavor, and brig tness, and taS less food; but Go as given and perfumes, t� enliven he f man's pilgrimage, nd to charm ed steps over the burning marL A MON SALZ OF A PoR, gNT OF THEbb. WATCHES • ONSTAI TLy ON HA 100 VILLAGE LOTS rik,IIEW VILLAGE ON THE I L nd Huron, and Bruce Railway. A/ 23, 1Y NO fey fif21,14:' o'clock TUE HODGSON, Auctioneer, lute been in - °tea by Messrs, 0.1: J. PETTY to 0, er on, oPnulllie Auction, at 'Hensel!, 12 DAY, OCTOBER 5TH. 100 VILLAGE LOTS. M IV S ...A.. 1-$ 14 . , 34 Um n'4nc of the first station On the London, JO,:, .,11 es I tirtice Railway, north of Exeter; from wh ch it 1 distant Of miles;- 0,milee from Zurich, 32 rola Intonaud Seaforth, There is no liter op( ninii i Canada for an one lotting to Om- nie ace rt buss or settle dewn lii a' new vilbige, wh ! eh ea4inot help, owing to its ilittiation in4one of the beat fanning sections of Canada, becoming in i short time, a plaza of considerable cojnmei-- cliii impo tame, On one of the hest gravel *ads in f.hePrqvinco, which is the only channel of •Out- let the re Monts in the back of Iay and Stanley and thoad along the I.oke Sher have, and On - mo tion ljr rail with the principn eitiee beingin- ti ate, nb more suitable place culd be selected in which to nettle. The peoprie 001 being desir- otis to /0 a village, will give every inducerdent as o t 0, and assist purchasers every wa• in the r power, and will Hell the lots regardle a of price. I efreshanenta 0111 the Groat - l'o !E.14.1 110-10 per cent, at the time of #ur- cl SO+ on eh to make 0320-balf thirtyadays ttl4Pree eft r,.the alance in 12 months ring in (West at per e t. Plans will be ni.,o the ground on da of sel . For further particulars -apply -to W. in oP sdi, UiTifLePozfl.41°eftrfit xiPPen*°. , . & , ;1407 - AUCTION SAL;,'X 1" OF -- • ` : RED FARM -STOOK 4 IMPLEMENTS. , OMAS KING has reecivied instruct -ions fr. JOHN MeCONNELL to Bell by Pub - n, on Lot 50, Con.. 7,• Hibbert, on y,.0et. 1', ISIS,the following vela- ty, vie,: I span of working home; One ther 4 years old; 1 breeding;uinut2 noroi h8 / span of yearling tilli hs,njoin;einitrhctedobyc w and the other by in of of the Do- colt U. . from lie Audi Ti far abl prope 8 and the yea s old ; Lo d Had4 red ioli Lord Haddow spring co all i calf to a thoreu bred bre Dar bull; 8 yearling heifers, well-bred; 4 erring e I me ; 1 two-year old heifer, in calf 1;125 (meg and elambevall well-bred; 1 aged Moron Lot bred Le star ram, from imported stock; 7 ram Iambs, 2 I tuber wagons, One &Prize wagon- de by r. Al on, late of •Cromarty; T1 pair of liob. idet hs ;I long sleigh; 1 cutter 1 set double ' tea • ba ens; 1 mowing mac Inc; 1 faun ng pl ; 1 at aw cutter; 1 home lower; gang phew ; ea i i ; 1 instal lane roller; 1 thintlia cutter plOw; 2 8 ts of 'oodeu harrows, 1 horse rake; 2 grain er len ; anger kettle, rakes, forks, scythes, oho els, p sins, and many other articles. There will also b sold about two acres of turnips NA collets in be ground. The above gook Is of Ithe . ver best enoription, and such as its very rarely offe ed at Auction,Sales, Parties desiring to Phr- cha goo stock should not fail to attend the . eel . '1'I, whole will poeitively he sold without res rye, aS Mr. McConnell Is retiring from farm- ing Sal: to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. • 'I RM —All some of $5 and wider cash, over tha rime nt 18 menthe' credit Iv ll be .givene on Lu • iship approved Joint notes. A discount Of 8 per cent ill be allowed for cas on all credit am nts . JOHN 3IeCONNELii, Proprietor. T4MAi3 KING, Auctioneer. 97 T -E GENUINE H9WE ING MApHINIE IS STILL AI1E+1).- 30 D 101W. N. WATSON, ISEAFORTH„ Ient for the County of germ Iv you witnt to know the true qUalities of ;Ida 0elebrited Sewing Machine- cal i a my ollic . in Seaforth • 'nd beware of going to whore onenly is kept o hand, and pukpomety Out of Or.. litti to fbo compared to infeWir machines to its abut vantage. A ter a iloniod of more than ten yearn expxrIomcO in the fleiving Machine Btteinese I have fond that the GENUINE HOWE MACHINE 1. Ts t ie onl faction to in i e mov pew cooed 1tladbine,l repitunente best meta ma5, aim out jnl,iaiiui clueing a will BCW IV same ease Cat 1.t serutialou lug ,Machi trio Howe the one th intend to alertof th trti ee re - TI. rp Gre hosen tHdct, and the Piano erfortnance,,wheth- mo*ei, L ital, true politeness tared with e listening on the THE . It matters not the concert room is lord entertainment. y of feeling or real he leaves of books, us conversation or inging or playing is n iipon one ,occo,- 11 one of his pupils e audience otiose to merry conversation. igient efforts to si- these failed be sud- anion's hands from and saying loudly, mc," turned away would not be per - e piano. Any mu - cd like an oyane,e veree (pointed a bit Mennteee.—Do rut be no anxious to get married wholly • ud solely for love, that you ask the firs young foolish girl you meet, fresh fledged from the gam], room. It is a mistake. A couple of years' experience n the world does a woman no harm ; s e then has learned the value of a wo by man, and has also time to unders and her own feel- ings, exercise her wn judgment, and make a selection of a husband accord- -Genuine and innocent wit, when combined with sense and infornia- tion—when it is sof ed by benevolence and restrained by p nciple—when it is in the bands of atha4i who loves honor, justice, decency, god.inature, religion, ten thousand times*rel than wit—wit T. • one which has given p rmanent satin- urchaners, as never p eying defective monis, nor being returned for repair • It 1 the qualities of a serviceable Sewing is strong, durable, not noisy as falsely , and all its parts ate made of the and perfectly 'fitted together. 'Lou o it from fine work to heavy work with- ngit and -rendering it Unfit for repro - eat and perfeet stitch on fine work, ' It th heavy black linen arced with ithe s with a fine cotton epee'. ION.—Don% ho imposed on by un - dealers and the Agent* of other Am- es, offering to Supply you with a g - Technic., if you are not satisfied to keci, are trying to sell you, ,as they only inpose upon you *scuba wr,rthless Malta - /Iowa, or pethaps an old second-hand arnisbed to look like a new machine. I I KN ABE PIAN • t Piano of America and Europe. The to grace the Salons of the wealthy erie to charm the circles rAf the cultured there, leaving the not di Apostles of snob. as Thalberg, 0 ttschalk, sr- cca,, Kellogg, lintinste e ap- these superb inetrumentsi • • _ !! STODART PIANO. ERE fiever was a moor Stodart piano made, nd none was ever known to 'be returnedior ere • anged for any other, becanee they have al way- been, bought by diecriniinati g buyers, and in t e histnry of Piano Making St dart is knoWn as ne of the greatest workmen iniventore that ' O'er ived,'',,--31.notrtro. AqSHALL, & WENDELL PIANO/j .1 I MARICA.BLE for standing in tune. ny 4., remelt of darabili4e. Beautiful touch. diuri Med, Low in riea Pr4hlY warranttd Mat •hlests one, L it & grnst, Rogers, Heintzman, Ste., On hand Or to order IN --- IM1 OHS & CfOUCH plICANS.; y the pretti st organ lin the Unhled but the BEST, all things.; considered. Ggm, T on Staten fSICA CERCI p DIAL AA' • • gh vari sty oi and 'fano. -IIE L 07 52. WOODS & CO.'S ORGANS.! • ABLE for ti4eir parity of tone. Tlior- ork and Finish, and great beauty and heir Solo St am Eolinl, Vox lTninitur CtNAlJA ORGA/l'i CO.'f5 , In Stock in Variety, SKIRROW SMITR- 98 Yonee Sexed ToreJeto, soix Acts7i6. 4. 1 AT - 1110 ESOT- csr BARGAI NEW 't NEW F NEW C NEW P NEW S NEW H NEW S ALL A E THIS WEEK SHOW 0.4 5 S IN NEW DRESS GOODS 0 txJ INCEYS, ANNELS, TTONS, LINTS, 'ARFS, TS, IRTS, NEW BLACK SILKS, NEW SKIRTS, NEW MEETINGS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW COLLARS NEW CAPS, NEW DRAWES, UR POPULAR LOW PRICES. IR, 1R.,001-MIR,S., The Gode STEAM ENGIN STAVE, IIEA IRON AND TEES, &c. COMM'S IRON AND BOILERS • All orders A. HODGE, Sc ODE RICH FOUNDRY. ich Fpundr& ManufacturingCo. Beg to infomnr1 the public that they are prepared to furnish f S AND BOILERS, FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS 'NG AND SIIINGLE MACHINES, HOOP MACHINES, eco. VOODEN PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -OUT - SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRA'TE-BAES, ac. PARLOR, AIND BOX STOVES, of various kinds, LT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, RAsa CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK ND ENGINES AND GENERAL REPAIRS DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Idrersed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention..„ Tetary and Treasurer. , IL HOB,TON, President, B. RUNCIMAN, General Manager. THOMSON AGRICUL TO? EN AllIMANOM.AA• WILLIAMS, TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. L IMPUMEN'TS, W. H. OLIVER, 1 N E 4 Harness, 'Saddle and Collar EN E WORK, MITCH L I, ONTARIO. Two -Horse TVo has been thoroughly t isfaction. It is euppl driving a straw eat( machinery, -witheut e -ATRIA ALL FARMING IJR &wool Machine j • feed, and gives entire sat- ed with a band wheel for , grain crueher, or other ra expense for the belt. •OffFEIFID. kept cons BOILER SHOP I Engines of all REPAIRS PRO ADDRESS, THOMSO Mitchell, 1878. GREAT EN INDS OF IMPLEMENTS airily on hand. PULL OPERATION. Before Taking, SPECIFIC Cures all Nervous Disc batty, PrOstration oke, produced by over indul co andd-alcoholie spiritr Is more especially reeo cure for Seminal 1Vea potency, and all &seas of Self Abuse, as LOM tude, Pain in the Bac mature Old Age, and lead to Insanity or Cs Wm.:Ira-ye, all of whie by deviating from the indulgence. The Specific Medici Ludy and many years thee special disc -axes pamphlet, which we d everyone. The Specific Medi eh at $1 per package, or i sent by mail on receipt lug VILLI Sold in Sea/oral b Roberts, B.Lnmeden, NORTHROP & LY Dealers. zea Made to Order TLY ATTENDED TO. & WILLIAMS, LIN MEDI% Aft4r Taking, 1 MEDICINE .0es, such as Tremors; De. which, in many cases, are ewe in the Iwo of What- ; but the Speeific Medicine nreended an an unfailing ness, Spermatorrhea, !Im- o that follow ea a neenence I nerocery, Univenal Lined- , Dimness of Vision, Pro- geny other diseases that tiburoption and a Prema- , as a rule, are first capee,d path of nature and pver 0 is the non* (if a life of experience in treating Fall particulars in, our nire to send free by mail to e is sold by all Dingariste packages for $5, or inn be of the money, by addrees- AM GRAY & Co, Windsor, Snt. B. ifickeon & Co., j". 8, .1 by all Druggists, ne AN, Toronto, Wholesale w I MANUFACTURER, • MALY-ST., sEAPoRgyi. con 4:4 0 0 SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choiceassortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells,Horse Clothing, <tc., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Remember theplace SUM of the Scotch Collar, W. H. OLiVt11, THE PRICE OF STOCK IN THE 0 gj - z 'SILVER MINING 00. OF LONDON, ONT„ 1 .411 TTAS been increased to $11 per ithare. Sblonld results be opal to present hulicatiOna, 'each shale now costing only 511 will be worth from 1..3 $100 to $150. For Wen/Vane tveth. applY to ; MS I A. AJIMIAGE ; cez, rn ava...3Ni 1 ON HiV 3 HS e3 31.11 3 AtmVH rn to rn Co 'SV3d DNIJLS AHY ..Elad 3sn MOM 1 0 C CANADA Director feriSeaforth OANAPIN OOMMIPSION4 1;d Intern tional Exhibition of IS/6. 0) — XTOTI is hereby given, that the 'expense of Cj-Icettentrnaiall wbonTheebry t ed by reVagpeltleir rtstion of articles transmitted tothe . Exhibition at Philadelphia will be Canadian Commission; and that they v 1111110 itomslirsb)eTheyi"3"IrYwIllrall:r1"UnIri:ileafir at; ters, Shelving, 4ko,, and will provide the AM power fror sbacerenmte thel"Matebbeinielrinst15.1°Anrtaie Bbii-C4kftf, .'45n clee for E Millen, will be free of duty pulens told Martin, si for use in the United States, Articles sold to be sashe,8, shipped to other: countries will he free of duty. Entries close on 1st November next. Articles to be deliveredin the different Provinces not later ALSO `, OLt zJtrO z ILZ . SVS ti4 t•"`; than 1st of March, 1878. Exhibition of animals In Scpteini and October, 1878. Immediate ap- plication necosary to secure space, such OP- rlication o be forwarded to Mr. W. If, FRAZER, Secretary sf Advisory Board, 87 Scott Street, To- ronto. P. NeD0 GAM, Berlin, . elesioner, Ontario, , j, PERRAULT, Secretory. , Ottawa, epterober,1$75. -407-5 PLANING '8.1a, GRAY k S TT neotwee that they bve ,yyrovanizfol N in the, Shop lately Olt :ed hr Mr. are 13.07/ preparedto eal orders for Dow*, ml ak kinds of planed LATH AND .SHINGLEiS, CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS F ilif GAzZli, HAT RACE:1„ 11••••••••1•M•1101•• A. geed tock oi seamed Lumber -an hand. I Fartraniastreet. 7.ard etreht, nestr Jig Sew and CadenPlaning le -done GRA scozz. • 1 7 '411