HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-10-01, Page 5OCT. EXPO fives in Welland, a the village, their a tally collided with another tg in an opposite direction, in was thrown out on his he ek was broken by the 8 oath ensued almost immedit.��. bout 200 Icelanders, who have 1g en the Cr -edit Valley Rai 1 at Toronto on Friday, etc ro eba, where they intend to are receiving ass ataace from ument of that Province. • Postal Changes ray not he utifiss to itnforf s that on October 1, there wig 1 changes in the -payment of .etterfi in Canada. It is wei_ er that the single 3 cent stain D: a letter riot exceeding half are 4 li:t tt; all parts of the Dom .a.tes,a very great itiil}rd)venlen :d system. On and after l tors posted for the United tiefully iffepzioi or they will no t all. Canadian letters dest livery in the Dominion riles rel, else they will not be fvrwat tt<1nps at all are affixed the sent to the Dead Letter 0, •a and fromm thence be return. ticler who will be charged 3 c •e thereon. If letters are tt_ watidrlfq prepaid (that is if one ae is paid} but two or more wt it is takers for granted that_ f es- intention was to pay it fhl will be forwarded, Inds the pos for nothing and the receiver '. to pay double the autount it Erol coat the writer. Letters to G> 'n will be charged only five fief ounce—a new 5e. stamp has rally issued. --but if not fully pts the receiver will have to pay don, 6e before it will 1>e delivered. -Dr s for delivery in the place who 1`i niiist be prepaid according 1t. sss: Auction Sales. nrsday, Oct.. 7, on Lot 30, Con, art, Farm Stock and Intplemen McConnell, : proprietor ; T. Kisg1 tracer. arta' y, Oct. 2, on Lot 4, Con- l dlop, Farm Stock and Irnpleiriev Fisher, proprietor J. P. Brie, sneer. ;urday, Oct. 9, at Shaffer's Hots en,Well-Bred Lambs. Blair . er, proprietors: ; J. P: Brine, er, esday, Oct. 5, at Powell's Hots., Orth, Household Furniture. J. auctioneer. BI RTHS. U1l;.—At Egmondville, on Sept. 26,. wife of Mr. David Ritchie of s Lighter. Eginondville, on Sept. 21, e wife of Mr. Itobt. Fulton of a on. Seaforth, on Sept. 24, the fe of Mr. Wm. Logan of a sou. .oR.—In prey, on Sept. 11, the Mr. 7)unean Taylor of a son. AuGnu:.---In McKillop, on: Se , the wife of 11r.. David McLangb a daughter. ai sa.—,In Grey, on Sept. 22, fe of Mr.' Walter Burgess of a sou. E.v.—Ili Hay, on Sept. 24, the wife Mr. Wm. Carry of a son, i.—In McKillop, on Sept. 29, the rre of Mr. John Crich of a son. e MARRIED. 411wara„ — CLARK. — In Blyth, pt. 27, by•Rev. A. McLean, Jercf' ashwill, of Morris, to Mary _ ark, of Blyth. AN—EDEN.— At the residence of the ide's father, on Sept. 24, byRev, l Lmerou, of- Kippen, , Mr. Andrew )wan, teacher, of Morris, tat rah Eden, of Harpurhey. tILTON— MeT. VI' H.—On Sept. 21, the rcidence of the bride's father, - Rev, George Brown, Mr. David amilton, of Wroxeter, to Miss Eliza :th McTavish, of Ilowiek. D—Me KEN/ 1n.—At the residence .e bride's, brother-in-law, Stanley, t :pt. 22, byltev. Mr. .;Loss, Mr. Geon surd_' to Miss Catherine MciCelizi >th of Stanley, rDELLso --ST:x -.0 i•. --At the rest. ;rice of the bride's mother, townah East Zorra, County of Oxford, c+>1 pt. '28, Mr. John B. Henderson, 1okemith, to Agnes, third danger' r of the late George Stewart, Esa. DEATHS. tKSE —Iii Stanley, on Sept, 28,. d nsurkrptidrn, George Clarke, aged ars. °liIbe}.—Ii1 McKillop, on Sept. 29; len, 'only ehild of Mr. John tchison, aged. 5 weeks. o Th K1tit.--•-In Morris, on Sept. 24, alker, aged 43 years. si n' —In Usborne, on Sept. rah Ann, daughter of Mr ,Ja e nlee, aged 19 years, 7 moth cl 14 days- ox.—In Exeter, one Sept.. 18, L mitis, infant child of Mr. 'ilha' tton. cetaa-1n Stanley, on Sept. 22 uncan, widow of the late Rev. Jam uncan," of Bayfield, aged 55 yea THE MARKETS. SEAFORTII: Sept. 80,157 Vheat....... . ... .. o 90 to 100 Eg Wheat, per bushel.. .... 0 20 to 1 80 0.81„, rerbushel ........ .. ... 0 .per bushel..... , ..... , ... 0 fif? to to fl • per bushel., r,No.1, Loose......„ 0 to 0 PI 0 16 to 0 R4 t�l)er barrel ... ..... .... , 6 50 to 0¢ `flktn ......,.;. 0 80 00 l0 to chi (.retail) per bi?<rre],...... • • • • 0; Lwhu1esaIe) icer barrel. 10 toes, new, per 'bushel.. . • • 0 00 4# kcal o br1......r....... . 200: to r 4 00' t 5: cameos, 85 at 8opt.80,1$ Oma; Wheata.l>or bushel..... 0 $5 l O 95 g'Wheat, per bushel. .... et l uslacl. . • 050 @ 0 fl y, per bueh1!. .. ... • • 0 per bushel 0 682 187 Q I perr . 0 25 0 g ood+..:...... lsi ton,..... ..... ........10 00 1 ItATFORD CHEESE, MARS: t the 5tratfordcheese rnarketou ay, offerings were 6,729 boxes, 9 boxes at 9e for Jtily ; 9e to uggust ; and lOc for Septa but . erMat balance of the season. es were represented. LONDON, Sept, 30, 1 oduce of every kind was re bundance. There is very tt at now offering. The quality wheat offering is touch irapro. • First.olasS3cih1 '.,Mali, sells ft ely .at $1 75 per dental ; ! medium qu lity at 55 to $1 70; Poor,: $1 55 to $1> 60. Treadwell fall, good, sells freely t $167 to $1 70 ; medium. $1.60 ; poo , from $1 45 to $1 55., Sp ing :wheat good, scarce and wanted a ;1 55 tot 57 ; medium, 1, $1 45 to 1.- i0 ; poor, $1 40 to $1 43. Peas in good demand, shipping. samples selling freely t $i 15, to $1 23 ; 1 10 t poor o $10 12. for I3arle anti od chopping om $1 50' to $1 6s5 ; extra, I ; poor, for feed and chopping, ,'1 to $l '.0 ; oats, in good supply and demand, a 90c to 95c ; corn, none Hay, in good supply. at $12 to $14 per ton. Butter, 170 to 22c. Eggs, 13c to 15c. A BIG WAR IS N AMONG THE DRY OW THOMAS KIDD'S Tottos'to, Sept. 30, 1875. Receipts were 600 bushels of wheat, which sold at $1 05 to $1 08 for white; Treadwell and spring+ brought $1 03 to $1 06. .Receipts of 1.►arley were 25,000 bushels, and sold at 80c to 93c. Oats, to the extent of 100 bushels, realized 38c. Peas, of which the receipts were 200 bushels, sold at 72c to 77e. Hay • was abundant, and prices ranged from $11 to 920. Butter, 25c. ,ggs, 15c to lac. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. VxGi a Ceerma MARKET, Sept. 29. Therh was a very small market to -day. there being very few sellers and almost no buyers. There were no extra milch COWS offered for sale, and but few" good country cows ; the highest price paid. to= day was $45 for a cow and calf ;: another was sold at $40 without the calf ; two others Fere sold at $35 each ;. one small - sized cow was sold at $25. There were blot many "beef critturs" offered to -day, and of those offered none were first or second quality; a few third-class cattle were sold at about $3 per 100 lbs live weight ; a lot of : zigrasshoppers" were also sold, but the buyers and sellers re- • fused to tell the price paid. There were about a dozen calves ; two of these were sold at $10 50 ; the others would- sell from $3 50 to $4 50 each. There were but few 'sheep and lambs, and there was scarcely any demand for them ; for a very good lot $3 25 was asked without securing a purchaser ; a lot of inferior lambs were sold at $1 80 eaeh, and an- other lot of better quality at $2 25 each. There was fa good supply of old lean hogs, but there was not much demand for them two of them wesold at $10 each. Two dollars .apiece as asked for e a lot of young pigs; but t ey were -not eold up to twelve. o'clock. GONG GOODS AT EMPORIUM. THE .IklII 'E IO PLUNGED '1'O THE HILT, And Goods acre bei SLAUGHTERD WITHOU1 MERCY. The QUICK Are p amps of High Price and Long Credit Are ron4od and have taken SALES ANDS flight while the enemy, SHORT PROFITS, rsuiug in hot haulte Shouting t10 ery of VICTORY t VICTORY iI HEAR WHAT THE TTORIOUS SIE 1 PRI ES TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. BEgvEs.—The receipts at the new cart•: tle market durinz the week have- been 751 head,. which shows that .there are sufficient coming in to meet all imme- diate demands. There is a good demand for first and second quantities. First- class: are - quoted unsh ed, at $4 50 ; second-class, at $4, and- third-class at $3 50. Among the sales we note one car averaging about 1,000 lbs., at $35. each. One car of the same average brought $33 each; One car averaging 950 lbs. sold at $29 each. Another car brought $37. A car avor€tging 1,050 lbs. sold ae$33, and eight head. averaging 1,000 lbs, at. $38 . Sneachasr.—The receipt of sheep and lambs during the week at the new cattle market were 1,170 head, Sheep are in good Bernaud, and all offered 'are readily taken at $5 for first-class, $4 for second, and $3 for third . A lot of 76 sheep and lambs mixed changed hands.ai,t $4 each. Another lot of 30 head brought $3 each, and three droves, one of 90, -one of 70, and one of 60 head, mixed Sheep and lambs, changed hands at - $3 75 each, All offered find ready purchasers at $4 for first-class, $3 far second, and $2 to $2 30 for third. CALVES.—Sufficient are effei+cd for all demands, and are taken at $10 to $12 for first-class, .$8 for second, and •$5 to 96 for third. —2—Hons.—The receipts at the new mark- et were 38 head They are changing. hands at 7o live tight. VOTERS LIST. VILLAGE OR? WROX cq'1 R. TOTICE is hereby given that the 1 at of all per- sons err laringon the last revise Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Villn, e of- Wroxe- ter,in the County of Huron, to bo entitled to vote in the said xuunieipality1orthe election of Mem- bers to serve in the Legislative Asse4hly was first posted up in my oflico, in said mu icipalitf, on the 1st day of July, 1lj75. Any pars n complain- ing of any error in sai(i list must deliver to me, at once, a written notice of his intentio to apply to the Judge of the said pounty in rasp et thereof. 40.1 WM. SMA! L, Clerk. CLINTON. PUBLIC AUCTIN OF HO LOT. WILL be sold by . DAY, October 9, 1876, by TAME' Auctioneer, at LSO o'eloek P.141., on 1 Princess street, Clinton, that 2•sto3 Garden, occupied by.Mr. John Stec there is a first-class Orchard. Also time,. acre Lot wits fruit trees, above premised, Princess street. knowia at time of sale, or by epplyin HOWSON, Auetioncer, Clinton, o EVANS & Co., Merchants, Toronto. • We giie 12 yards oVHeaay recto Price (in time of pea Fast Colored Prints, only Oe pet (Price when quietnel Fine Black Lustros, Reversible, (Price in time of lett Beautiful Dross Goads, New, ( Price that made M4 Black 8 ilks, Good, 70e per yard. (Who would b with d Drees Silks, only 1. (Send for Sa pies.) Double Shawls, $8 - (Last Season' Pric Heavy Blankets, on y $$ (Cold Weath r is co . Goo Henry All Wool Tw+ (Warranted Caxp1ts frorp 20e up. (Improve the FANCY GOODS JSE AND 'ublic Auction GQ TQ M. R. gOliNl ;, colt FINE GOLD JEWS, Go To M. R.1 CO UN7 AS GOT TO SAY 1 WARLIKE J Cotton for $L a) loo a yard. yard. e roigaed)1fio and 14c per yard. inly 25e per ytird. Profits), 87 a per yard._. per yea. ehants rich) 40e -per yard, gut a Dress?) )$5. er pair. Bing on.) oda, o 50e per yard. o Shclddy.) comfart of your homes.) HOSIER DRESS, TRIMMING And a host of othelr Goods, all conibinipg to make ed at Ste, on SATU5t- S,HOWSON, bo promisee y House and d, on whieh at the same adjoining the Terms made g to JAMES WALgER, -. 408 ER'S LR Y, R'S For • Read for year when yr. can bn, MORE F;A wn interest the best 1 Y,' kLOVES, OORSETS, FRINGES,LACES, HILL �n extieneive assortment to choogo from, and mark- t1ing Prices. MERS! , -ARMERS d and'learn wisdom. Don'tapay $4 50 per dozen for (RAIN ,,'BAGS oaneti grain bag at Kidd's Emporium for $4 per dozgn. ES1VS A GREAT REVOLVTIdN HAS COMMENCED IN THE MIL,LINERY IEraARTMENT. New Goods, N w Styles, :liew People, Now Eve thin—Nothing Old. Trimme+ Felt Hato from 25o s "lie or made to oa der. ploudid Ladies' Mantles, $1 50 ; tip. Trimmed B Bust yes, Ith lse, bine Quality, tiD22; Bob.' Seal and Astrachan M>tintles, $25. atheri, Hat Ornaments, Velvets Hair Goods, Flus, oriurr ifou want Quality, Qua City or Price. Mantle baking and Dices Makig. THOMAS KIDD. Mantles, $2 ; Re Also an immen Clouds, Breaking Study your int N. B.—Appren� Go to M. It, COUN 'ER'S for Si1v i r Plated Ware. Go to 11.12. COUNT ER'S for Bus ell Watches. Go to M.R. COUNTER'S -for Jot ewelry. Go to M. R. COUNTER'S fog C 00KB. Go to U. R. COU? ER'S for Laz rns & Monis' Speetaclos. Go to M. It. COUNTER'S for . Black & Co.'s Sp'ectaelee. Go to M. R. COUNTER'S to get y.ur Watches, Clocks and Jewelry epaired. 1 Seal Man to stock of Shawls, S. creat and d ices Wand ibbons, Flowers, Fc mtags, Xe, nit pass Kidd's Em d to learn Millinery, f W. HIL advantage that FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF FRESH EIS GOODS AT CAMPBELL'$ CL . My Stoek this F ALL WORK WARRANTED 10 GIVE SAT- IPACTION. M. R. COU TER, M . , nie Sail Block. S3 all is fully qua ?rice W ORTEDIS Ranging in Prieee from ftird.'s a suit to $32 at snit. For 528 I will give. Worsted Suit worth at least $3O, and sold in this town elsewhere for f3 :3. I will give a suit for 832, worth $3S, as I have a large stock of these Goods on hand. A. F ANNI A HOUSE, SEA.'ORT+ ..A.LS:D 1•_ 1875. FALL. 1815. In PBBT i TING the Fall Cirenlar for the Seavon of 1`c+75, desireb to notice that the 1400. 14 row e•ri;lplvt.. w -1) .1+sort(91 en.1 large, nmi u:tYing pnrehased with the dullness of nets a,asri.4 + giv,:e t,u ties buyer, eau uffar some special advantages to CASH CUSTOMERS, FR ONE WEEK ON THE GREAT SALE And confidently +viten a visit from the public, particularly noting as worthy of attention ih New titoctk of CO CNS, SHE INGS, PRIN IRrSH NGS, DRES GOODS, LUS CLOUDS, SILK WARP FANCIES, SHAWLS, MANTLES, WINOEYS, FURS, &C. Tilt IN THE IVIIL.LINERY ROOM Are t THE e Newest Styles of Straw, Silk, Velvet and Felt Hats, 1n great variety. QF NEW G.OD CLOTH DEPARTMENT 15 WELL SUPPLIED WITH BROAD ' G LO TILS, TWEEDS, PLAIN AND SILK MIXED FAN- CIES FOR SUITS. OVMRCO.A_TII\TC31.6 P. RIUM 1 IN PIL9T, PRESIDENT BEAVER, BEAVERS AND THING EMPORIUM, � MELTONS IN ALL THE NEW SHADES. 0ETI to anything I Over sowed before for Variety, Style, Quality and . I would drat attention to my Stock of OF THE FINEST --GRADES, The Prue of all Other rarments is Much Reduced FOR THIS *EASON, a So as to meet t ae regnirement>i of those who eo;inplaiti of "Tight, Times," and to establish a cash business, which" i$ thee ly safe business.. MY S`TO K OF OVEROOAT1NGS IS !WELL ASSORTED, SO IS MY SOCK OF Under Shirts and Drawelis, Shirts, Oxfo HATS Large Varlet )utside Shirts,; Fine White d Shirts. of thIi Latest Styles of GENTS' FUR CAPS, SCARFS, COLLARS, CUFFS, SO KS, GLOVES, &c. OVEROdATS ANS UNDERCOAT$, 1 And Boy end Youtiti's Clotlany Warra AsI have no a heavy tax • Every Snit ted to Give -Satin 1 ent or Cutter's wages to pay I the profile of the buoinese. Readymacle at Moderate Prices. that get up will be etipn in Style, Fit and duality. an aft Flannels, White and Grey Blankets, Rugs, Druggets, rd to sell much lower than I could it 1 had each While tendering my sincere thanks to rho a who doing bat ine s in these parts, now about 18 care, SE AY0U, September, 1875. have so liberally patronized me while I have been still solicit a eentinnanre.of their favors. WILLIAM 'CAMPBELL. HOUSE RUGS, CARPETS, FLOOR; OIL CLOTHS, TOWELINGS, DAMASKS, &C. HOSIERY alga GLOVES, of which there is almost an unlimited variety. THE 'TAILORING - AT BANUPTPRIC;S Will Last Another Week at HOFFMAN BROTH IIS' { CHEAP CASH' STORE,, Is made a Sp e `biality, under the management of an experieneed practical man, and the $nccese already H obtained is evidence of the satisfaction given. Every Article G1.cartunteed as to both, Workrfazsfiip and Fit. A Full iuppiy of Fashionable Materiel for the Season's Trade. THE • ' GENT'S' FURNISHI{G DEPARTMENT IS VERY COMPLETE. SEAPORT' J sT OP Z\T'103 A. WORD TO CliISTOMERS. Considerable! alteration and addition to the premises have been made this a ear, giving increased facilities for bneinsas. The Uf st Care has been Exercised in Pzurc� both as to Wyle cvnd Valu . i Cont-tesy in attention to the wanta of buyersfand $ 'constant DET4RMINATION TO GIVE FULL VALUE Will continue to be the Leading Feature at SIX CASES MORE NEW FALL AND WINTER COLDS* W LLIA. tale ,W S.. all Early 1 Secuire Bar_gain_s As the Goods are Going Fact, GOODS TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Prices Lower Than Ever.- MILLINERY ver,- MILLINERY A SPECIALITY AND A FULL ASSORTMENT In all the Lei Bty REMEMBER 1i-tE PLACE 'HOFFMAN BROTE' CIIEAP CASH SY amAttix -047.100,000.000-00. RS;