HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-10-01, Page 2• TEE LOST WAGER. T e trunks were packed and corded, jand,the carpet bags wen) piled up in the teortier of the capseigus old-fashioned hall. .. How melancholy they looked, those emblems of .parting and. adieux. Not even the merry laughter of the two or threeyoung girls, who were gathered. around. a etalwart, handsome fellow of about 25, could entirely banish. an hut "superphosph ea," , palpable sometbint of sadnese from the when a tie nt4it brcaght lum a ear and scene, Cousin Jack was going away, 1 a letter. . the 'general taiechiefemalter, torment and ' 6.61The ottoman is in the p rlor, tease of the svhole family, and Mr. Olies- ter, sitting by the distant Window, wiped ! Jabez T to e laid aside his ne his spectacles every five minittes, aud de- I per, gine 4 at the ,card. which bo dared, pettishly, that the type of the 1 simple int aription 4 4 Sohn Lacy" evening paper Wit8 a terrible trial to his ; at the let ' which purported to h old eyes. 1 introduci° y to that individual, " You'll co 0 beet. soort (Teak, ktear," I " How ha -from my old c coaxed :Mitt us Cheister, the prettiest ; eh um, 0 natert as I live., Berner ah ti handwriting, but ti on aven't heard from h ti -hal:n l what is this requea upon my iir e and has hear -has lots of n him with My in such in chairinan of all the ricultural *nee ngs for tett miles around. , It was no soh lar- ly-looking library, ilike that of his aneient comrade, "tester, but a 0 are light tdoint with fou uneurtained in - dome and Orname ted with num ous blaek-fritated, engra ingssif prite c ttle and giant turnip.• e wes seated n leather cushioned e air, looking overthe filee of an agricult ral jourp.al, to find 150M6 et013.' in fon/ talon on the su ject Of " phosp ',rites" &DC Pe t collection:611er bro w n cut le bonging , I possess (tau ghte about her round face, nd. her eyes - wants u e to aid sparkling with a, curious lixture of fuu known c perience and tears. Wleit doe the rascal mean?" ejac " Pm not at all certitio of that, Miss Jabez th fringe Ot gray hair tha Minnie.1 said Jack, deo ieely, " if rounded his bald head standing abs su ed f tiding a lo c ation to suit ly erect Alt indignation. " I'll m, probably de ide to settle Jeffers t kick the impudent y ca, and- turn t scamp ati of the hOuse." ny own ac - I .But wt a moment's reflection calmnese, t a gentleman I Well after all, l don't see innie, appeal- there is matter to make o, very ridienl- Mary say . An eicellent family, foolishly ngry. Guess I'll see ad the young Chesters and .this letter- is just hester-he always was s notions. Rather. unlik ethod of coming to an u n such matters, but th 'most roguish of all cOusine, and. ; change n who kept up a peace fire of . place , tars us al 1 jokes and girliab. tricks a his ex- I SO years,' 1.1 pretty 66 1 here she aft oh the b ggest trunk of I nephew W min a wi 13. eye - the hen the liege able in in in Pe lo,t CO ananently at • Thorns/ ded pro rietor Only ini gine our Jae of property ! ' laughed iv ing to her sisterea 61 don't e anything ous in the i lea," renter man, rather iqued at the amusement of I Zebedee his relatives'. "At all °Vents there is lar in hs me incalculable advantag that will re- ordinat salt from my departure." • standing And what is that, Mr ()reale ?" nothing like a, dash of originality in "The fac that you 'v- played your world, an if the boy is rich and laat freak o me, you to 'molting little don't obj et At all -events I'll see rnnx !" ," Dont' be so certain. • .Jitek !" said] Minnie, sh earls. “ What will you 111 1 havetet settled with ou. for several little piece of impe pay don't inagine they sir !" "My dia ond sleeve 1 coral neckla e that you me within t e next thre said ck, gaily. t" Done !" said Minni a I hear the vager, don't c veted. Jae on this 4 ct." . if that, Cousin And b z Thorpe thrust the king her long into his p et, and strode deter venture I don't. ly- into parlorwhere young bestow a parting trick oncv You yet ? was- qui The old ge with einl ar pond to be self-posesic "1 ha vicinity; Thorne," said Jack menee ; but are forgotten, uttons to your on't impose, on . months, Min- • . "Girls, you on? . I always 's diamonds. " But yoa won't haee them, made- oiselle 1 ow dark. it s getting in this cavernous ld• hall. S all 1. ring for lights, Uncle Chester? a id, by the way, have you written that le ter of introdue-- i ip teen to Mr. Thorne ?" " All in ood time, y boy -all in od time," said the olc gentleman, de - °siting his huge, silver- ound spectacles i their cas . " You young men are in s eh a desperate hurry, Tell Betsy to - carry the temp into t e library; girls. And, Minn e, where is my gold pen? I won't be - ery long oh ut it, and then we will haV a nice long evening to gos- sip over Jae 's prospects.” While Mt Chester sa in'his cosy, red cartained, .library, rev'sing ;the leiter - Which he lied been writing to hie old friend, Jabez Thorne, bf Thonivile, to the effect that his nephew, john Lacy. Nirt18 in search of an eligible piece of land, and wished to settle down in that viciu- ity, and requested Mr. Thorne's aid and • co-operation in the selection of the Bailie, Minnie opened the door. • " Papa. there is some 0110 down stairs •who wishes to see you immediately for one minute. -"Very annoying," said the old gen- tleman, "just as I was finishing this latter of Jade's. However, 1 eau seal it a terward. Minnie, suppose you glance • over it and dot the i'e and arose the Cs ; - I m not SO much of a penman as I used t be." . • And old Mr. Chester pushed back 1 is chair . sad rose froni the - antique , tOble to attend the dohs of • his urgent est. - Olive Chester wee bruehing out the h avy braids of her lexuriant hair, be - fire the ch cssing mirror of fice own a artmen8, two hours later, when Min- nie ran in, with a coil titan:an CC co ilia. ally divided between dicimay and -de- lght. " My dear Minnie; what ha. happen - e ?" excleimed the elder eister, drop - p ng her hair -brush and letting all her ✓ yen tresses ripple down unheeded. over her.shouldela.. I "I've woh the diamond sleeve -button 8 •Olive ! but,' 0, I didn't mean to. What Would pope, say If he only knew it---orrd Cousin het, too ?" • I " Sit down, you wild. little elf," said Olive, gently forcing her sister ibtO a chair, ' aud explain this mysterious r &He." cl" Well, you know papa left me to look ver his letter to Mr. Thorne -and. he was detained tonger • then he expected, almost an heur, in fact,— ' and I couldn't help arnitei g rayselfly vniang a parody on the tette s" • . . et Yes-ty u remembet somebody was telling us hat a beautiful daughter Mr. Thorne hadl-so I 1-ircitc that Jack was in search Of a wife, and. had heard of Milos Thopie, and wanted to settle in life, and alt that sort of wherever papa had wri tate, I wrote wife. : N: ejaculated the little n dancing with diabterie. biog. In short, ten land or ace 'asn't it fun ?" eider), eyee But you know never once thought of Handing the J.& - tor; I only wanted to read it to lack when T went down stairs. Well, 1 . signed it, with a great flourieh of trump - eta and just then .who ehould conic , in but papa, and the 'Amager. •Of • cOurse I ficid-aahl when 1 came back . the letter Wa8 scaled and. safe in Jack's pocket, and, Olive, it was the wrong letter 1" : "It was rather a dim light, and papo,'s eyes are not 80 keen asathey were wont to be, and my impertinent miesive was gone while the real bona file letter lay :there amongst a heap of discarded pa - Pers. And I hadn't courage to con- fess my misdemeaner, papa is so epposed to iny innocent l'ittle jokes -and Jack is off with that ihdeseribable Jet - ter' 1 :ball certainly win the sleeve - buttons, Olive, but hat a tornado there will wheu in mischief leak•s out." - I And tile looked so bewitchingly lively in her alternate taroxysms of ter- ror and latighter, that Olive, grave old sister thou'di she wa , had not. -the heart to le,o ure her as reundly as she de- served. - The criraton tamed of the very next evening shone radiantlyinto the, special ea;netum a the worthy Id JabepzeweTh,oranned of Thornville, juttiee f the - ti rd - that ney ell - tars, ated sur- lute - send • ung AMC hat e so hat hese like ngu- the der - re is this ary him etter ined- Lacy awaiting his appeal ance. ntleman's face was to arlet assmeat ; he was hal die- ngry, With his guest' coo hought of settling the ceremo les of greeting had exchanged, 16 and understood fro uncle that you had a desirable pi property you might, be disposed with." "Piec of property !" thought gentlenia , beginning to fire up again but he entreated his emotion, and, onl answered," Really, sir, this is a ver strange r attest. One can hardly be ex pected t answer definitely upon ab vela short no , ce, " Cert) inly not, Mr. Thorne. I hay no wish o hurry yOu," said Jack 'elite thi afte bee ce o par Le ol ly ; "b t am rather anxious for myse f, and if you will favor m a brief d sceiption of the promme tures of But . Thorne Was fidgeting u OD his their! , I t [do you; mean, sir ?" wrathfUlly. at36 rather perplexed at thi tion, butI he answered, a 1)o -risible I: , of cOurse ; it is not eeirtate On a matter of ce. 3 is is a fait specirneu of the ii." thought the ind they are about as impin kanapes as I want to see. mething to my long frie- Zel:ieclee Chester -I won y out of doors quite yet." ipose it ie healthy ?" aakec " Wit Jack Mier re0 teously' " Wh, be too P importhe generati J abet, set of Jo I owe s with old the pup t zi blandly. „ " Yola low gain anci-"I "Doe fever an t: is healthy ?" property. Sometimes i cis diseases are apt to p 1 hci expeet my Mary h s t I ague ?' thought olcl T tome leapiug 1 riskly out of 'his chair, as if at insect d dung him. " T'll set d ,m daughte to you, Young man-th t wi settle tl businessat once." . Aiicl efore Lacy could expre s hi surprise, his choleric • host had hong ed the dote' behind him ancl lisap nested. • Mary 'home's astonishment wa ev ;reciter t her father's had been. vas attired; in white muslin, with bong net f etheson moss rosebuds in he bocsom, cl a spray of the same exi uisit fitment, i her hair, for sonie rural part or pic-nit. Ond at lint abeolately 3011183 to enter he parlor, " Wh t an idea !" she excl blushing to the ‘Pery tips of these tin shell -Ilk eare. "To b put on exhi tion like one of your prize cattle I N. indeed Let the young man go bac where h came from A pretty pre Sion ust have of he ladies i thi quarter f the globe !" But, my love; Zebedee Che ter one of ti oldest friendk, and the oun man r lly a very fine looking ello and ric into the bargain- Go a talk to him 11. little , while, there's good ei ! I coal stOnd it a tin longer." And o d, jalvz wiped his forehe which e perspiration Was stand ng big bead . And Mary !burst into n ti control's. ble fit of laughter. " T,he whole affair is so ridicu ous ! she cub imed. But e odjuSted the moss rose net ertheles and tripped demurely into th parlor. Now, etermined poll) in Jack it was hs A to'ral ; and i thei was any one thing on ,which he wide himself, it was his decide/1 olcl ba hel6 ism, lniagine his vexation and &sine-) therefor , Nit1/011, after a formal inttocht tient olcl o se wit t fea easil e ex cav cour est t suc risill gnan ent Bu dshi t tur L thes evail f there wa,s a Jecy'e chareete women in gen Mt. Thorne withdrew, 1 Ann him tete-J.44-1e with the pretty creat media and -rotes. It !as e g etiouish, particularly as Ma .very time he looked at her, an n exceedingly great disp sitio ," thought Jack, " the m• ripe OMB of this ideality are ant; ay the least of it. I came an old man about purchasin lin), and he bounces out f the id sends his daughter, What ttln I to say to her, I'd 1 ke to in whit baerassi blushed evinchd to laugh " Wel and. eus odd, to consult land of room, a oh oat know?" 1, the coneequeuces ott e °seep° incontinently through the open Ft milt window. Pat wo a not be a v .41,0140d proceeding, however, so he . ignedlieeself to ,f,ite by iaking some o nal remark on the weat er. - it had theinuoh,desired effect of reaking the i , however, and he was a, reeably sur- • pr sed by the melt same of Miss Thorne,. - Only °nee did. she; seem con- • futed ; tvas whon, she lied been de- scribing a line grove of cedars that be- loaged to her father's land, regretting at the eame time that, he conteinplated the sale of it. 1" I believe I ehenid like te become the ptirehaser," seitl 4eck. " Your father 1 Itir told you that '''. had some idea of set- tl ng here ?" _ ti. Mary grew scarlet, an murmured some sentence or other, he conversa- tion was effectual y check d, and Jack, !telexed at the effect, f r which he c uld perceive no visible cause, rose to take leave, i T RON EX livere he to selfri, path" t, The as 01 P' ett, 1. • • And alty, glancing shyly in t rection f her companion, come conclesi rt that he had beautiful ish eyes, and a mustache decided y eu e • tb43 Spen perior ir tyle to the hirsute adoen rnents, ojf the younger gentlemen at Mr. L coy Icoked up at the ceiling an down at he carpet, and wondered wh Thorrivil e. , " Will you mention to your -father, ise Thorne, that I shall c al to see him out this matter to-morro y morning V, Aa,18e 1kt,(11; moss roses in M r. Thorne's e garden could ,not have rivalled the Tw out of the roomwithout a .word of they hot glow on Mary's cheeke as she fled laVndhyitin reply. I.' Very singular 'family this," mutter- al ap ed Jaek, slowly drawing on his glove " J3ry and walking down the broad garden when path. " But,. sh is an =Iuncommouly the t pretty girl -and L shall certainly take a ch ,at grove of them, •••• t -tet OS TO 11.100,10•10, ilk Cousin Jack sprang up the 4enk Mary, Wereabsent a long time -in faet, abei thought, an unreasonable lout inie, before, he discerned them through the dense foliage of the acacia lie4gei their advaucieg forms. Mr. Lacy looked exceedinglyproud and self- satisfied and Mary leaning on his arm, with bet pretty cheeksflushed and her lips Wirt', ithed in timid *miles. Whet does she say'?" roared the pa- ter fain il ias. i " She says she'll consider it I" answer- ed Jack, deinurelye 1 A we sik or two afterwards, Minnie Chester received neat little package containiog the diit mond sleeve buttons, and the following bilieti : "Theta Mientet-I'Ve lost my wager, but J. elicaerfully deliver over the for- feited stakes, for 1 have won something of infinitely more intim, . From which we may result c f ni.ary's " e favorabl e. e SPEOLit.II, NOTICES. 4.----.4.-. II Esi'rf ONS :JA,' LY A.NSWERED. ---- 11 ould mem wear beard.? Because a greet protection to the throat is, and ada much to their person. ratio°. Why should< we use Pulmonic Wafers ?" Because ed for coughs, colds, tickling in at, Imam ciiess, ,&c. ; they net like , Ministers ! and lawyers use 4-5ic:Sans recothmend them, and rid public, speakers say they are y best inedieine in existence cure of finch complaints. all Drumsts end country dealt ice 2r, cents per box. t i SENSIBLE,- Horse dealers are se 1 to know' what effeots their in - teres, , purchase 1 "DarleY's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" by the doetn, and feed it to their horses for pose of =improving their condi- hich it always does- others profit by their examplet-t er the name, and see that iature of Hurd. & Co. is on each . - Northrop &I Lyman'Toronto; oprietors for Canada. Sold by all e dealers. I ! -a wife ! COUSIN JAex." conclude that the nsid.oration" was iii early walk through ti: cedars to-anorrow nnorning fast." He dteamed of bine-eyed that night, and a, Win decidedlyleased that he should. have a reosona, le ex- cuse for calling ati her father's house so soon. I certainly can't be in love," quoth he, mentally, " how Minnie would tease me if she thoeght I was in dang- er of ening not oaly for 4 farm but a innipping Old riping the d'eacl ' soff his pet ,Jabez Thotne was busily engaged laurastmus, with:a giganti pair of gar. den scissors, that me ning, when young Lacy spraitg over t hedge and saluted- him with a buoyant "good morning." 0 Well, sir," 4 went `tin gaily, " have seen'the prolperty, am periect- 1§ delighted. A fine, healthy invest- ent-no diseate about it, I'm con - 8. 1 p1 `tefore break- singers the e tiny Thorne for Sold) ers. VS sup' linc vb esi 'Tidy°. .111" , !" said. !Mt. Thorne, rather du- " And I would like to t le a second, more thorough inepeetion i :your society, sir, if you pleatie:" "Really, Mr. Lae -y," said the old man sharply, " my daughter has not yet come down stairs, and-" " What in. the mischief has his daugh- ter to do with the 'natter ?" thought Lacy, but he said: very. politely : "Of couree I 'vill awaitany time that may be convenient to y�, sir. I. ob- served a good d =4 of nat :ve roughness, but I cannot doe it that there is a very great auseeptibilitty to imptbvement. A little judicious ilfettivatioet will accom- plish wonders." 1= "Let me tell you, young man,„ began Mr. Thorne, he a towering rage, but Lacy saw that lid bad utipenisciously colamitted some arch blunder), and hastened. to say : "in short, isit, I am fl'etermined to sistec;:re t.his iftrit1 gern #t any price. What is the' sum that voU demand for • Mr._ Thorne feirly sat down on the gravel walk, 4.ivetpowered With the ava- lanche of -wrath twhich het found it im- possible to shape iuto word*. . ” Upon--eny-loviirci-sirli" he began, "you talk as itJirAyes o ;mere matter of business." Jack was puzzled etiouOli. • " Tt is the way in wbih I have al- ways heretofore:Seen accue aimed to treat such affairs, sir.t "Heretofore- you have, accustomed ! And pray, sir, how many such little af- fairs have you 'tool ou your hands ?" shrieked old Thorne, growing purple in the face. , " Oil, several, ir 1 earl not so inex- perienced as you eflppuse," replied Jack, smiling. Are • you n it .t811/ttniad to confess this?' "No, why shosild 1 he • "Get out of fey ;garden, you young reprobate I" So1'.111641 Jabez, leaping -up h • Y: the tion, shout Rem M the s'g pack4g rnedi C°N a and ot of Ma after m aile velepe Bei 1 IN an lair of and N been years, io the treatmerst of those "oldlingering com- plaint " known ea "Chronic Wasting Diseases," with t e most satisfaetary results. It meets all the in alone we heves toitreat in every form of debili y, and owing to its xtraordinnry action as an ex it nt of nutrition and in augmenting nerve power it will be found to cure and benefit a larger propo n of eases than any combinatiou hitherto inven e 11 A SSIONS OFA ICTIM.--Published as suing and' for th benefit of young men s who suffer from Nervous Debility, Loss od, &e., gieing itis rules ot Self -Cure, ergoing mueli suffering and expense, and co on receiving a ipost-paid directed en- • &trete; NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, P. 0. Breeislysa, N, Y. • 404-26 LING ATTENTION Or PHYSICIANS he public to Dr. 'Wheeler's Compound El- hoshates and Calieaya, a Chemical Food 1 ive °Tonle, it is svell to state that it hese se in privates practice for more than 15 prepa the i great Eclec vince Q., tv for t dies Eelec of it. Hote have oral with leetrl afoul offeet tried and t lama gilt a the b done thro dene write Inc three like 1 bene 41 Fol. ankle of th befor moot deale N.Y. Sole -Sel B.13.1 ' THEY SAY OF IT. A FEW FACTS It' THE PEOPLE. -There are but few a ions of medicines which have withstood artial judgment 01 the people for any 61 gth of time.; 0110 of these isDr.Thoreas ri Oil. Read the following and be eon- : Thos. Robertson, Farnham Centre, P. t s, " I have been at letedwit h rheumatism ast ten years, and have tried many reme- lt out any rellef, until I tried Dr. Thomas' ri Oil, aud since then have had no attack would recommend ft to H. Earl, ecper, West Shelrord, P. Q., writes, "1 e n troubled with liver complaint for ser- o re, and. have tried different medicines it le or no bona ti, nitil I tried Thomas' Es- 11, which gave me immediate relief, and I 3' that 1 have used it since with the best No one should Ise without it. I have n my horses in eaees of cuts, wounds, &e., h kit equally as good for horse as for man." le bee, Merchant, Warkworth, writeo, "1 41 some hundreds of bottles of Eclectrie W is pronounced by the public 'one of s inedieines they have ever used,' it has w nders in healing and relieving pain, sore 1s1 &c.aund is worthy of the greatest cella- .' Joseph Husain Township of Percy, I was persuaded to try Thomas'Eclec- 11 for a lame knee which troubled me for O fouryears and I never found anything r curing lameness. It is a great public 1. -A, M. Hamilton, Warkworth, writes. w eke I have been troubled with a swelled NV ieh annoyed me very much. Mr.Maybee g lace induced me to try Eel -acts -le Oil, and se bottle was used I WILS cured. It is a arkable medicine. Sold by all medicine H. Price 25 Conte. 8. N. THOMAS, Punta's, n N ORTHROP & TaY31ANa Toronto, Ont., 10./1 for the Dorninfor. Nema-s-Eleetric o ed and Electrized. Sold in Setsferth by k on & Co and R. Luinsden. S COMMERCIAL LIVERY: • 1 •t • 1 EAFORTH. with :lightning rapidity. "To come indersined, in rea1/1g from the Livery • blue in Settforth, begs to thank his nu - ere and offer to buy my' daughter, as if she wete a patch of potatoes. Go, I • drone for theh liberal patronage, and to TR mar° state t THE V and run t mans addit paid remit paet t be has disposed of it to Meresrs. MAT - say !" • MORRISON and DAVID MeNAUGHT, Your dough tee, Mr. Thorne ?" he new ',rot's -Ireton ore fully coMpeteet to s e bnoinesteas it ehould be run, and in a yes, my cittugh,ter, i you Jack -a- a to give entire satitsfectien, he would, in dandy !" , • o to recommeoding his successers to the "But I am flc1 liatga,ining for , your e, espeak for them the same e'en:crone pat - daughter. 1 ans bargaiaing for that • vhich hese been extended to °him for the • years. piece of land aci Oili the riVer." 1I1031A.S BELL, " .Don.'t tell Inc I" laculated Mr. 1. U11 CO.' I 777 777 777 TAILORING DEPARTMEift SEAFORT113 SURPASSES ALL OTHERS. lst-FOR ITS ENSII.1 ASSORT; iyENT. Oat LARGER -THAN in most tar- all the otter Houses Corn- ea' bined. , LBO A I/ SQUIEI1, Barrieter,Attorney Goderich, Ont. i 0111w -oval, Detior & Co.'s Emporium, Market Square. riablERON & lleVADDEN Batristers Nei Rolicitore in Chaneery, Goderich. cAnEnow. n. merADInnn. l'ATILLIAM SMALL, Oonveyaneer and Comas. sioneritn IJ. R.; Virroxef en: Anetleneer mot Appraiser. Aecounts and notes collected on, reasonable terms. 606 • L. 130YLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor la • Chancery, &c., eloderieh and Seaforth. Oa Pc, over Jordon's Drug St-olt, -Godeliels, ma • Solleitore in Chancery, &la 10111e4 on %stilt IC(•ZAiddli'lif.1:017;;:e::Ar:1:1;Its 'Barr, lerteri, .:Atztleya 35$ it .....-7.---;-....-..s....................„ oppootte the Post Offiee, Ooderleh, .7, T. GAttitoW, aZQUIEll & 3IeDONALD, Boalleters, Attorneass, 27Wils' SCITRGEolide' rich. DANIEL Itel)(YNBALrusi)se'ls. 1 Okjfflee--8°11w4lot°drosoliann60111ii alp:Title Il'besA 013511111:7114 ---.-- ' --- - ---- .N.A.TA1n-4030113,1SsOoNiie&itorl"AinTficOhaNn, ot! Bust; 'i,,,sote„.rsc, Atter. . Ont: Office -First dor east *1 the new Ileyst Canadian Bank building. Money ter lost; On farm • prs°,13setia'tnYco' atsene. 1 - 404 i a. A, WAT)19$, - ; 1-AT, cals.ITGLIBY f... IloLMESTED,13arristerie At -L7-as torneys at Law, ,Solicitor in Cheneesa an 2ndFORSELLING 000 DS L_ OWER I ISTlitlivteonereYier -the R. Calank, Sea -forth, Agentafte Notaries ; Public and Colima/wan: THAN OTHER, 0-.11: AFFORD,' th,Ne C. Ban_adea8Lo,ivfooe Astosuiritannace.stitorn8 ",p)rcenry,cent• Fillies os Houses and Lots for sole. - - - - - - - . - - , • - - a.---.-- - . a TaElsISON' & MEYER, Barristere and Mtorneys . II' at Law, Solicitors; in Chaucenyand Insolvency, Coinveyancere, Notation Public,1 ete.; Ofticesa-eaca. Itttidfit at once, at Eight per con :, Interest, potable forth and Wroxeter. $23,0000filP:::::::::t0 yearly. •Olg. FL BZXSON. bli , i i Thorne, tugging away at he fastenings uning proprietorsiiip of Bell's Commercial of his pocket -bo ,k ; ‘• yotir Uncle's let- • y in Seaforth, the subscribers Weald state ter has informed ine of your atrocious in- h y intend keeping nothlog but first-class tention," ii ble horses, and good • Terms reasonable. Regular comfortle, ustomers stylish " Will you allow me to see the letter, menial Travelets liberally dealt with. sir ?" • a left at the stables or at any of the romptly attended, to. Office and Stables Theme jeelted 't, out of the comport- t 0. C. Willson's Agricultural Implement inent %Orem It lay and tossed it angrily. m, Main Street. ' towards Lacy, f!e oponed it, and, in ' MORRISON & CO. spite of his annoy:ince and. mortification, THE SEAFOBTLI MP FACTORY IN Li that andr vehi e and All o note oppo Beep 391 burst into laughte ' at the sight of. Min-- nie's dainty hanil- writing: " It's nothine ft, laugh at, sir," ex- ,-, claimed Thorne, /t , U " My dear Mr.. Thorne we are all the , ILlebL MS LIALUVI? VidtilllF3 of a ridi iiilous mistake " said pn IETORS of the Sen.forth Punt Faetinle Lacy, .. '' My until : never wrote t'his let- Lured by t hem are hosed with Porter 0 h to inform the public that au he prunps ter ; itis the woi k of my mischievous ollow Augur, which bores a perfectly Copan) Minnie, l'he genuine document hole, fine consequently the Snickers of nup can be taken put of the top whether mutt have been t behind." . the np is in deep or shallow svelte. In their wif"erAnd you di II; Icome to look for a I puslij a hey use only Quartered Timber, and the ; punt 9 se warranted not to Crack or Cheek when 1 l came to pike:hose real estate," . ""°H (1to the sun. i " Wrione-w-w l'',. old i jabez Thorne o t Water plsterns and Tanks deseription =Wei to order on the shortent WEI ietled ' loud to (1 long, then offered ()f tv his hand to his guest \kith a hearty VI% nd at the very 101Y6e Ht reseuneratIve . laugh, priee, es, c sterno are tile best in ne, ming warrant- • ed toll t from 20 to 25 years, aid the frost dOes " Well, my 1)0Y, 1 am heartily sorry I not inj re them. The preprierors of the Seaforth called you 80 nieny opprobrious names, PUMP 'actory have alwavs endeavored to keep theinw k up with the titn0F, and they are deter - but ,MOry.and 1 enpposed You were after mined 1 ot to be outdone by any other establish - her. I neust go end tell the little minx inent id the country. All work warranted, and what a blueW'e ade" zriceo Elow as /MY in the bnsiness.drvmo WILLIAMS & CLUFF, it ri man fa Pate t strel h every p 11 le Stay a mortal:a, sir," Said .Jack, lay- ing a detaining .14 id on the old gentle- man's arm, as hit quick eye detected the distant flutter Of Miss Thorne's light dress among the trees ; " will you allow me to make the u-ecessary explanation myself ? I arn - t at all certain that, after I have selected a hoe*, F shall not enter int:Thusinigs.-like negotiations for a charming pqate wite to preside over it." , "As you please, my lad," said the old gentleman, chile ding. 4* give my consent, if only to atone for - my vil- lainous treatment of you n little while ago," He resumed hit gardening operations, occasionally pau rig to laugh all to him- THE SEAVOILTII • LIji‘IBR YARD. '.41.BEE & Al.A.ODOIN ALD HATS AND CAP BEG, to inform tlie public that they have re- ,nosr their Lumber Yard to the lot between the Mer haute Salt Company's Works and 31ar- shall'e ill, They keep constantly on hand a goodassort- WEEKLY AtativALs mer,t ALL KINDS OF'LUMBER, &closed and undtess d. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of ;. ; tatt BY BUYING CHEAPER, at' and making Larger Sa14 fir we can afford to sell for na* Lower Profits. • I I 3rd -FOR SUBSTANTIAL,' HONEST MATERIAL AND CAREFITI., MAKE. Or WE ICEEP CAREFUL ter watchi on the making ancl • sponging, and guarantee sat- isfaetion with every Ger- Aar mentt 4th -FOR THE EQUITABLE SYS- TEM ON P.HICH BUSINESS IS TRANSACTED. Or ONE PRICE -No Deva - tion. ter 0AS1 PAYMENT-AvIoi- aw- ding redit Losses. tar SIGNED GUARANTEE Or given with each purchase Our Present Stock EMBR CES THE NEWEST DESIGNS In FRENCH WOIRSTEDS, • ENGLISH CASSIMERES, SCOTCH CHECK TWEED3, ADIAN TWEE S. THE MOST POPULAR STYLE JUST .NO*7- ARE Our Diagonal Coats, Our Black Patt rib Or Fine Hair Our Basket Pat Our Fancy Cite — R. CAMPBELL, Seaforth," Coroner for the County, Office and rest' nee. Main Street - S uth near the Statien,• $ 7 't T G. SCOTT, M. D.; &c., Physician, Surgeonana u • Ae.coucheur, SeCforth, Ont. Office and reel - d' nee south side of Goderich.1 Street, first, -doer st of Presbyterian Chuts.e. : , : L. TERCOE, b IL, O. PhYakials, Sure • geon'etc., Coronerfor t eComity ol Buren. Office and Itesielence,, corner o Market andlligli streets, next to the Planing M41 OHN A. BURGESS, M.D 6 M.aGraduate of McGill University, Montreal, Member of the College of Physiants: and Suageons, Ont., Physi. elan, Surgeon and AsScauelleuis Seofortli. First Door West of ;Mr. Lunisden's Drae-eteta Residence, fourth haulm west ef the Pxesbyterleis Church. Night calls 'attended :to at residences. :r B. PHELAN, D., C.Mk flak of the &m- u • of Shaver & Phelan, Str tfordaGraduate MeGill University, Physician, Surgeon :and Ac- conchenr, Seaforth, Ontatio. Office -Rooms In: Meyer's Block, fOrmerly °coupled by the late Di. King. Residence-Cemmereial Hotel. Will at- tend at Carronbrook rn Tuesdays and Fridays. 393 •i- 11 DOWSLEY, M. D.,1 L. R. C. P. S. K,, -a-' • Member of College of T'hysiciaits and Sur- geons of Ontario. Labe House Surgeon of Kings- ton General and LYing-in Hospital, Physdelan, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Offsee-Albert Street) opposite Fees Steens M -Ms. Residence-Thiron Street, opposite Conimereial Hada Clinton, -Ont. Professional calls punctually *Levied to bothin town and country. -886 T El.. BULL, tl• D. SA, SUrgeon, u • bentistate.,Seaforth, Ontario Plate; work, latest styles, en executed. All isurgical operations - performed svitheare and promastitnde. Fees:aglow as can be obtained elsewhere.; 0111e,e hours Irma 8 A. M. to 5 P. M, Rooms -Over Mr, .A. G. Mc- Dougall's )3 bore, Main-st. 1 • 270 ----1 DMeNAITGHT, Veterlitary Surgeon, than- • ate of Ontario 'Veterinary College Seafintle Ont. Office and Reeidence in rear of killer= A Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or eay. A stoek of veteriaary naedielnes on band. Charges reamonable,Horses eXamiued as to sound- ness and certificatesgiven if ilequired. Set A• M. CAMPBELL, Y. S., Meentiate and Prize- -1-..,• man of Cornell University, Ithaca., N.Y., end Graduate of Ontario Veterin ry College, Toronto, ns .has settled permaneatly in V ,wherehe wilibe found ready and willhig to attend to ell kinds ,of diseases, iu all kinds! of animela _Oman excepted}, In all kinds of 'weather, and it all hours. Red- denee and °face two 1, doors east of Cook's Tem- perance Hall. 319 VICTORIA HOTEL, WAL ,ONs-john Winter, V PrOPrietOr This hotel is situated on the G 1 Road 10 miles north of Seaforth =apes - MVO I I SCSIi0S every accommodation and comfort for trav- elers. The best brands of liqisors and cigars kept in the bar, and a careful and attentive hostlerin 024.7 Ta' Breast Frock aoette hnodat:je.e. Goeti Otabliog an connection nowith , fassirrtelw Suits, 2)7,, &zits, 0271: Smits, C M98191161'13 Suits, Our Scotch Tweed &tits, Our Canadian, Tweed &tits, At the following prime: $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $22, $24, $33, $36 and $40 a Suit. - EVERYBODY INVITED TO INSPECit THE LARGEST! BESTU CHEAPESTA STOCK OF CLOTHS! EVER EXHIBITED SEAFORTIEL THIS DEPA!tTMENT' Is under the Management of Mr. T• K. Anderson. GENTS' FURNISHINGS, wrbi0h t y are prepared to sell at the lowest pos. Rage pnl. 308, for Coat. Also. on hand any quantity of the b otACTON LIME. Bni1dirs and others will find it to their advan- tege 10 haspect our stock, and aseertain ourprlcew before pli reins oin gel ffewherie, as we are in a poi tiou offer go a I inducements to teals purchaaers. 1,60 MABEE & MACDONALD, Of The ...Vewest Styles Out, A G, MoDOTJGALL & .14.1. VI! trIV. C03131ElICIAL LIVERY, Seafortn, Ont. T. SHARP, Proprietor. Comfortable and elegant carriages, and firsteclass reliable horses alwill ready. Charges Moderate. (Alice and stables on Binon street, second door east of Main street Orders; left at any of the hotels promptly attiesd• •ed to. J711 214Elititi414113 OVA* .JOIIN STRUTIIIMS, Woe] Carder and -oak 7-7 Dresser, Woolen Factsny, Bayfield, Wit JP. BRELi IN, c.eneed Auetioneer for tbe • County of Mixon. S4es attended in ill parts of the County. All ostdcre left at tile21- POBITO! Office will be promatly ettendeatos A LEX. CAMERON, Practical Watchmaker -sad. -LI- Jeweler, Mitchell. Cus 'mem will Audit ig their interest to deal with rue, as, they will ban the benefit of ray bong practien.1 cxperienee in the j trade. 4°1 WIDEMAN'S. .HARNESS SHOP, ,zuRzext. THE- undersigned, inretirink from the Haines '•.:. making business in Zurich, begs to thank* numeroris patrons for their liberal ssupptotaand to state that he has disposed ;of his Istunneseta Mr. William Klopp, who ha» been working kg him for some time. He has no heeitation is recommending Mr. Klopp to the public gen as being a first-class workman, and one who eve entire eatiafaction' and In thus recommend- ing his successor to thepublic, bespeak for blat the samo generous patronage Which has been ;41K• tended to him for the last sev n years. •i 104.11- -C, WIDEMA.N. 1 4 'LEAVING purchaaed from1 Mr. Wideman la j-jwo;_ldliastrnateessthaSthire ainnatenSdthes kitlefphinegstiorenbilthos4 nothing but a first-class St-oek of Heavy and Harneesand everything generally kept In businos. Partieular attention paid to Collars. ,All kinds of Roe gproroptly ed to, and all work *ssnsnte&i Charges libelist . 402 • W31. OPP, Zurial,iOnt. HOUSE AND LOT iN KIP—Pirl i . To be ISoicl b9j Auctim ijrWin, v, 1 jiti.;Ps.r.BR. ZE will sal by TublicAuetians nKippen, saw etipleaW On the prendaes, on 3I0td and oceDAY, OCT. la_ ibS House ad Lot in ___ pthuTorcEiroseAlSri.:--Oati6e,n_pteu-erth41,enradiato,lifierftletoretkopstfiljtatitasee tomsta°12quill sol• irdhaetEtrieHessilirstdteirte.e,tsta°1pla*,e:,15,sivii,h,rwin 111° bil 403-6 W BLA kovieta' THli PH(ENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, • OT' LONDON, ENGLAND. • W. N. WATSON, A OBtiT AT SEAFORTH, Tido old 4-16- Company was aotablielied In 1782s lloga ness in all parts of the world, does the larg,est busineos the United Tfl dehls dams with promptitude and Abe 7, are moderate, tar PetI for inauYYF4 alUlaIl onace�ic:tir:ei08...!:11:0evasp,5easdset4.7egl; t partaktrigof Inc hospita g1tp tIni lr.ittt,girlalhoa, ter rooal lispleasa:tirJan 4•esiiea tariafteprezi t New Lond'on and • quite au old man, Aarte( :mv I:En-1d%. fyr:anandhi4m,,,sbaiy: fa' iliof his errand. In exist*, and the little gi MeI-- new the young lad 'leo resided saVtr the b ..,oiettani.:oltiopilidfoa:1;1:14;t1:61.1wotiltuthhuhseeit!toilacwealeloricloolirtararing:ndtuTii of tiesuite`,whe bad'aecepte4b WhiCbii ag., e;rtizree:eanutd j : few pe it, liable ta-de. As won asthe Igagebtaixttroldneedtheparty e sisid : " Now, Mary, I war these gentlenien into the laza to show thein what a, good , talist,nooltilguinetig itteleestmaninhastueghoeu nattosid of ii; lin hat: t ii ii al tr i despair ne ibilgrase2d ls:cothe j. ffe an lardy was era% eceptairiatiaoitashaswtstliy i, waytti e duaing-roon e beilouts Ingwas .laid, h d, the aandttheti oy out the muddy coffee =4 /1 to be #uest ,aIl of when'm mewl ief it ettoent CoL Andrew J. Don*son road eutfs npt1eW and. private lie& viiwirf, acriaankl 4:14'elitwhibrelitelitleP ehl att*witli 1 ' :hostels, ii,nd. en passing it to her, .`"iitis -, you f &Tor me -with' an p of your xcelleut coffee," be filled i for him and aa she ba i , 1' it tO Ijini!Zaid in al0W tone : "Col, i elson,i yon a a trite gentleman and made a young girl grateful to you fel and I pr�lniie youmni:offietalmy wthatiti you 1 esu pu. eball be ast for yon."- The no onellbowed in acknowledge the party Was then on the eve a urte land the noting lady never agate; biit years after, when A : Instrlitsa 'lady' and mothet; Where ii Presidential campaign of I553.„ -lament liM-htel*Feailiereilatiteckeitr shVe--:4ti realer promise, and, though anal Republican, Was strenuous that her band. i -A:101d vote the electoral .i that )30T -p the " Fihnore and Done) , beading. Gorrespondencc tgprin pubikan), n, 10 many ti tele, owned, ansioue at, and wbos 01 s-oldier, 1 ItiOnkpy *Stories - On iboard. herajestytt ship Eur : there was .a Jar iblaek monkey li tail for whomt the master had a part aversion! ; he i was! convinced that it i some; day get at and injure the ehtc eter Of which he Was in -gar -A and way si kept his too= fast locked. day, however, the monkey crept it ried Off .:-the Chronometer, and rash( the rigging with 0 in his hand, the master Tolio- 'lig iwith teats in his i while ali the sailors in the ship we to try and 'catch the thief. llighe higher they Climinaii, but still the' ey tent ;above theM, and when the ifithlii an inch of him he dtopped one part of the rigging to another • only -a glancing labld of theropes, nothltigibut a Rine -armed beast i prehensile tailcould follow. Athisti thee I fellow -climbed Closer awl 4 i -there Was no outlet light or left, or below, his band was ahrmet -i the creature's ;leg, when suddeti - tseieilgOhe,'wasbr):thti°14 ed the ehrneteter viciously head, iraising j his arm.' all hi possible, and then flung it as far voulll into the sea; A moakeyon another Queen's .ship fell everlioai , vers bid weather; the sea Was * that the Captain redused to allow to be lowered ; but the feeling - sail* ifor their pet was so great 1 • hat; he !gave way. They rowed. Ten ron4d in vain, and were•returiini up 'the ship's side, when they N true ' . toe:who bad climbed up .1te. zke of the rudder,imocking and -grim. them for their:useless pains: the; figure -head. , Another ,helteai On board the -------, by Tile sailors was exessswely viol ihii cliveui7b.rd-gtkireii,1.14;.wiatilltieherOLliveenejartainedgyti rot i , ,_ .,.. ; . _ round to where the kitten isk at thetteettin4 ;I Suddenly. be `streto his ;hand and amok& her oveilx • afebrio4 ba4oasytt:70 :.43.3.eioi nkiniad. interfere. re.' :: saitl the =rata angrily "Was- MU used to get j Atm& and play tricks; still he was not alt.ogel A Mpaniel On tea -pa -bad h, joeko; was extreme - 7 -$tI 1the mother, however, 'Iv , i , 4 , " nothing to Say to him, and woulA Iovi' him to enter her den. r0 - however, he had left her chiidr for *moment, locl corning bacl Jookel sittip-gmursing all the *IT 4.e:teherritilinihsi:sp:::,ligfreat, the hi sliclifP'::rttlyallYnsri3atalv:nedg Ose good lilten 'in his charge, Joeko seeming to, -mother used to ngi GOO iltn:figps,'which he -co. a , 1 I o . '1 a dta e 0 January 4,abattoirs,eiriaae,itri 4 41 andlla dtfeitoe$:' ' :°. 1 1 4:::duringlurnae 8i II lopii.. deal-,,,u143a:4°.7i3 .lr ethn°:horse,.setT 11iti::I :11 °be at. e difoili ihOnt 350; maids, The eh* 1 , t4lefrainsi ir adren?i4nrboasn4es tri hf,eabout ea bhk eye sa comb, t li rt 09 o_ezii 170: 114,:,41:24./toinc: dtooPrilcessisunts, 1):1u hone i le tiOst*es nd nYpa.wert:y rsits3r0,'.0 til?)4,:tbe vtgrP°1400arlea:74:eput f ry and fcrt u,ters,i ty °?4,, *hie beese svtoz._ Into Lida !alit