HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-09-24, Page 7SEPT, 24, 1875, Y FOR E -PITH • a xons1(1f i 'V Tiie. AGRIct LTURAL Ili. NT EMPORIUM ith the Beet Ireplementa made • at the vitcMter Prt ee: 1-11NG NEW ',TLE C 'TT RS. szth h- of the Improved Thistle Er • rtittglr --Ixon Beam. Thisr 34nra•e- of the old plow, and is It is manufactured b1 the .l rrl9tiufaetnrere of the lhias- ,1sa •£faaimin; Ctram;iny. The .7rafl€aa Gari Mew, the beat era.€o,iraed E to the iinblie. A f�fafc timed f,8=a rairiteeri. AU kited e 'lfw.s Atwsiys on ILarui,. AND GRAIN tike etc 4trarxv Cutters and Grain .wer1, of Paris;, always wn band. have been well tried, and' have ime, as those of no other make E POWERS six and tea -horse Powers a 0 CE SEWI C MACHINE admitted to be the BEST arid. cheapest because the best—in • is err only machine in the Eversilsle°;eerier, and it is the inaketi more than one kind of a Chime -are sold on trial, and if u satisfied with it can retain it =Seams in the market. A trial egrired to gi r € satisfaction, WILLSON ;il,l,ly aiway ai on hand at his • FORTH. Also_ all the other , so that purchasers can have -- INSTRUMENTS. `. keeps the largest and best lurge:al Instruments west of o: that celebrated Mathusek 'Janos, Prince's, George Woods', Organa and Melodeons-, any of chief, r-. the manufacturers. TH.—In tire i Sewing Maachine .3 trm:7it MISS SLOAN k of Butterie e l'iitterne, and -. All the latest- and newest S. The lateet site meet popular :uric Boot.:, WILISON. SEAPORTH GE FACTORY. '. TJ ILLS Q_PS Agri- rrple ncizt E4li q ioriunt. I r A Co,, tf thanks for the liberal pat- ;,•ave received since eommancing •.•th, would state • that they are harsh. filiCLE, ROCCO ORATS, Ed excellence of workmanshie set be surpassed: by airy other ea= Povists, a l workmen,. devote their per - e their business, and as they ceiality, they can guarantee IEI A, TRIAL. 1131 T.' LY ATTENDRD TO,. t1tGES 310DI RATE. LLIA: & Co. [E HURON E FAOTORY It fit TIt. G.ItASSIE 1 awl in eoureeof conetrtaetion rodeo/tie and substantially built .7;MOG f I.S.T'7(F il+T'A{(G/O`NS, AND . . AD ley i I ETO A N S. i vrcll made, handsomely '1in.- e tE. suit easy, and will be sold burr time. [wwnl :er Wagons known to require puff• Syr of 1::=s best on Land now/ I cheap. DaiVE4f8 CrSUAL. stand : Huron Load; oppo- eaafuith. 'WILLIAM GRASSIE PLANING MILL, NOS I IND FACTORY r•* leave to thank hie numerous a liberal petronage extended to zFg bussr=rasa irx teoaforth, and : favored: with a continuance build woad do well to give continue to keep on hand a ts [NE LUMBER, a41' ES, t DS, MOULDINGS, FIS, LATH,, ETC. of giving satisfaction to those with their patronage; as now en are employed. altiou paid to Custom Peeing IL BROADFOOT. SEPT. 24, 1875, The Loudon Hum n Hair Mar- ket, For, Ane1 time nat ral product the amisscries of 'ash on nt t go to Mincing lane. Judgi g from t e quantities in which it is it ported, th article blest rue ni corssidera le denial ci, • The " lot " with which we are ti ore immediately ,,concerned is lying rill 4:ross lane, and weighs some five thousa td pounds --a tol. erattly large # consignor nt of an article which is—well 1-- •not.n cessary, perhaps, but apparently uncle customers readily enough. It s human hair. The great bulk of it cones from China, is black as coal and coarse Fps cocoa -nut Libre, but of magnificent lergth. Many a Chinese head has been shorn to produce these tons of material, to be zolcl only in lots of two caries (of about 4.00 pounds) each, and expected to realize about half a crown a pound in the wholesale transac- tion. Skilled experts re weighing and feeling the 1 a nte tresse , but soon leave them -to investigate th various shades and qualities of one hal of choice Euro- n times as much tee comes this ? from I ussiaand pearl,worth ten or dee as the . oluneee. `V he From Germany mainly from France sometimes. • Here lies a heap of samples culled from this valuable bale, is ith the weights of each color care- fully attached... With what variety and richness of hues glow these loco, fine silky tresses; ranting from the ,deepest brown, through evet,;y shade of ruddy auburn and. sunny -chestnut, to thejturest gold and fairest flaxen, What a monu- ment of €elf -abnegation is hero' what a picture of teff -sacrifice ! for whe wo- man parts with her hair, she pe�•foins an act far more trying' than. when ala parts with her jewels. That maiden. must be Poor indeed who partsith her crewning charm for a few shillilgs, Legions to the contrary notwithstanding, how can. she get more than. a ;pitiful auto, When a choice baleeafter'.passing through the hands of the shearer, i and the importer; and transport, will fetch n arid. -twenty shillings ORTMENT OF T TAN TLY 01% he local merchant paying.the cost of morethhanjseven- er pound ?- The blonde madehen, whose superb tresses I hold in my hand, did not, Iapprehend, get much far theist,_ ; ,Perhaps: a fatw flor- ins ; little enough, according to our es- timate of money, but yet sufl'ic ent to keep the wolf .from her mother'sdoor for a little space. But this silken crown, which brought its original owner so lit- tle, must pass through many hands be- fore it adorns the still handsam a head of Lady Barepoles, who is not.q`uite the woman she was. when BarepoleS became the captive of her bow and spear in her e first season -t -but is yet a leaner f fash- ion. --All thee. Year I•?ozuncl. Barbers and. ,Surgeon. It must be recollected that early times there was plenty of nee( of the surgeon's art, and comparative little for that of the physi�iau. Taking into account the big wars and littl wars, crusades an rebellions, the free xereise of the " rig t of -private war ";by parsons of noble birth, and ordinety br svls and squabbles, it seems to have been long odds on cold Steel against all other ail - meats wha il-meatswhatoevcr, and there was 1.' ale fear of a gentle an's life being protracted to the prejudice of his heirs by a co rect ob- servance o the Ia% a; of f ly geia. The chances we •e all in favor of being knock- ed on the head at a comparatively early age ; but it is well-lnown tha. in the hand- to-haind conflicts with s' ord and buckler, for instance, many enc re were hurt than killed. The wounded sought either the monks or the Jews, who em- ployed as their assistants the barbers of the period,' an alliance whence Lose the famous Company of Barber -Surgeons. How closely the two callings were at one time knit together ie shown by the sign which surgeons have abandoned altogeth- er, and which barbers nowadays 1)ut.rare- ly hang out, The well-known pole is an imitation of one formerly held in the bands of patients during the opera- tion of. phlebotomy --snow abolished alto- gether - and the stripes represent - the tap or bandages used for ,fastening the arm ; both pole and tap, being , in olden times hung up outside trate shop as soon. as clone with, to announce that there was a vacancy .for a patient wishing to be = blooded." Thu foundation of phe Com- pany of Lari,ers is ascribed to as early a elate as thu rein of . Edward of C arnar- rant- AT E_ 2C O - .ate di:O_'S. E THIS WEE SI -10W O-Rm.A.° BARGAINS IN NEW DRESS , G9OD von, but the iirast royal charter ss as ed to the Barber Surgeons by Edward IV. and his amiable brother the, Duke of Gloucester.. For some unexplained reas- on the barbers and surgeons did not pull very well together, and the surgeons sev-' ered the connective ; but so much incon venience arose from the jealousy of the two con palsies that they were reunited by Act 32, Henry VIIL, under the name of Masters or Governors of the Mystery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeons of London. This, document bound "the associated craft firmly_together till the year 1745, when the surgeons finally de- parted to the Oldl Bailey, and subsequent- ly, in 1800, formed the body now well known as the Royal College of Surgeons hi Lincoln's inn -fields.— 111 the Year Round. 4 NEW • NEW NEW, NEW NEW NEW NEW ALL: Al Cure Leucorrbe34 of tion, Ulceration P iii Absent Mensstruii' idn Female Weaknes greatest care, un Physician who ha • Ya study for many '.% ar which MARBLE ; L hour and time o nee VINCEYS,. .. LA.Iti NEt , +OTT01.11k, i .a PRINTS, I ? SCARFS, HATS, SHIRTS, NEW BLACK ; SILKS, NEW SKIRTS,, r j NEW SHIETINGS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW COLLAIII S, • NEW.. CAPS, NEW DRAWES. UR POPULAR LOW, PRICEIS. ez! t ,f. .44 1�ites), Pi.infnl MIoo struiv Uterus, Ovarian Diseases, a sal all dideases known as he are prepared with the 1 e i,er0onal-Supervision of a de female diseases a special ,arid they are a Medicine on DIES can depend " in the, 1" as ars unfailing • REGULATOR. Sold by all D;'.tag std everywhere. Prise, one box,. ;1; six boxes, „5 , serlt,by mail free of post- frorri 'observation. For full lir pamphlet, which we will ope to any address on re - to prepay' return postage. •irarnplilets or pills to IAM GRAY & Co., Windsor, Ont.' y E. Hielccon & Co., I, £t. ' , and by all Ziruggiste. YUAN. Toronto,' Wholesale Lia -cow age iseeurely sealed particaiara writ toe send in a sealed, nye ceipt of post et iu Address all letter' fo W 1,T Sold in Seaforth Roberts, It. Lumsite NORTHROP ¶.gents, SEAFOI1T MARBLI Gleanings. Character is t e diamond which - scratches every oth �r Mone.—Bartel. --A man cannot change his opinion when he will; therefore, while force may make a hypocrite it can never makea believer. ! —An honest reputation is within the reach of all mon ; they obtsin it by so- cial virtues and by doing, their duty. This kind of repu ation, it lis true, is neither hi. illiant normstartling, but it is often the. most usef 1 for happiness. • BY'rimE SJUN„)l~ s.E'S Teem -When one makes a narro °scale:, it is usual to say- that he saved himself " by the skin of his teeth." in the most splendid of all compositions (see Book of Job, cha ter xix, verse 20), it is written : " i y bone cleavetii to my skin and to my flesh, and I am (icaped With the skin of my teethe" ,. --What is this world :? A dream with- in a dream. As we grow older each step has an inward awaken- ing. The youth awakes, as he thinks, from c -JO dlicod—t11c fat grown III all despises the pursuits of youth as visional.) --the old man looks . on man- hood as a feverish dream, Is. death the last sleep ? No- -it is - the last final art' kening.--.tr. Walter Scott. { y infinitel y unlike DEAtI .—Death is , wecontemplatet our r` sleep in that as , sense o the emptiness of the casket wgrows rover instant while we gaze,. hereas, while as we watch One whom we love in slumber we feel drawn nearer to him momentler moment, The living, sleeping friend isour friend indeed. The dead, form is onlyhe garment which he has left 'behind our keeping. AND HURON WORKS.. H.'H,S$ELT; (Late of Hamilton,) Would intimate to their nurner, ns friends and the general public 614614they are prepared to fill all orders for (7' I Monuments, ` Headstones., Table Tops Mantles, Graroite Mon'unzen.tts Imported to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this pat def Qutaiio. A callrespectfully seiteited. Calder's old Stain, opposite McCallum's Hotel, Main Street, Soafor;h. i TH'. FIRE !NSU II ENIX AN,CE COMPANY, OF LON t ON, EN LAND., I W. ; N WATSON, GENT AT SEAFORTE.• This old standard A Company was established in 1782{ three busi- ness in all pars of the world does the second largest busines in` he United 7fiagdpm i, pays its claims with pr mptitudte,and 1' • erali . Ito rates are moderate: 897.28 HOUSE AND OT To be SI 1 by RirB. J. P. Blt 1' on the preen House and Lot in Wm. Blair, Sr. TERMS.—Ono- the day of sale, the purchaser at 6 per c The Household e' sold at the same ti 403-6 ea, N KIPPEN Auction. will self by Public Auction, on MO`xtDAY, OCT. 11, the ip en, owned and Occupied by of the pnrchase money on ance on time 4.0 suit the t, interest. ects :of Mr. Blair gill also. be e and place. BLAIR., Sr., Proprietor. it b WP., have now Mills, near Works, a large qua HEM B R. en hand f r sale, at our Saw a Young6c Sparling's Sant lily of . 00K LUMBER Which (AD'S HARDWARE. • 4JST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOO1 `OF - I H a dwae u�ldxng pr , 1. H Which we now off rat $7 50 per M. Parties favoring ue with their orders will have a it promptly attended to. 401 _ A$LIT GE, CARTER I & ORLY. FI 402 Whieh'will bo sold as .AP AS ANY IN TOWN. NCINC WIRE A SPECIALITY. i _JOH`N KIIbD. MOTHYi SEED 1 FOR FALL SOWiVJNG1 ST -CLASS AN CHEAP, .AT WARD (ASH' BUTTER ND SEED STORE, SEAT OATH. HU �B b Marti aSas% AL' C THE ON PLANINO MILL. E,SSBS.- GRAY S: SCV T T to announce that they have commenced Incas In the Shop latly occupied, by Mr. , and are now prepared o.fi11. order* f or 8, Doors Blinds, Mouldings, And all kin s of planed lumber. 0 'LATH AED SHINGLES. EESE BOX -S . APD SETTERS, I/ FARM GATES, HAY RACES,': . A eod stock of Seasoned Lan Fa ory and Lumber Yard in near lain street. Jig Sawing andCn,tom Plapii A. a. RAY. UTT R Tb give t he 887 so SAMUEL TRoTT now on hand at the S.s prth Tubbii`Factory a number of his well antil a� vorably l nova > By t h e8. Rine .Pwr'ned• �r land- : e Packages are the hest in nsiea,. atissfaction. ' .; ECIAL INDUCEME.NTS11, TO LARGE PURC' SER j . Trott expects in a short time to eponmenee anufacture of Wash Tuba on a; ase. scale:. SAMUEL ITROTT,: Seaforth fiber on hsgnd. Goderlch street, ag neatly done. W. H. SCOTT. J, UBS. SPL FAC FEN • For the Fall Tracie. NDIT rto TS, only 19e per yard. ORY CO )N, onlee;Sc per yerd. BLACI f LUSTRESi only 23e prr yard. DR SS GOODS, New and Cheap, PAI LEY SHA.WL,S, from'ii up. AL WOOL TARTANS, 400. DR '5S WINCES S, 124c. AL WOOL TWEEDS, ;vile. LA )IES' FELT . HII'cTjs, $2, EL 't NTKETS, . Hearty, 3001 pair, a - CO EON YARN,' best, $1 50. Th Leading Topic of the Season will be the MI LINERY DEPARTME SU m asses anything I with. all the *ewest Myles of (¢ode erbref�uI1i selected, $ y �, SNOLLIIIaDS3CE 0 z MA DAM E 1I in Seaforth. NE V TRIMMED HITS, NE 'iT TRIMMED BONNETS, NE JACKETS, NEVFLUti'f7ER.S, NE '6T FEATHERS, NE I1IBT NS, Au all the Latest Nofvelties of the times. Sea REST'S Reliable Dress Patterns kept constntly on hand. First-class Milliner in Attendance. C Co., Main Street, Seaforth. "S3MY . HI -II LTOS C 0 4 • z 0 t X 2 0 Ed H 1.4 Li 2 H TI-HOM S KIDD, LW ---Apprentie s Wanted'. to learn Millinery, Mantle and Dressmaking. Le. S a csult of Go pr ises, whit NCLUDIN cotch Refin AN ADIAN Wh Supply of Ge. CLOVER d 13u3 arc. Gc OD ' DacAT ON epees, 4be ss4bsscriber has recently been obliged to ver• much enlarge his row filled with a very Barge Stock of the most desirable;.rrades of l\iEW TEAS JAPANS, YOUNG HYSOI S, GUNPOWDER, BLACK SUC;ARS. AND CO OGNE. and Demerara,White Ground an I Blocs L 1.d, Liverpool Relined, Cuba a TOBACCOS. L THE BEST BRANDS jIN SMOKING AND OING. skey ndallImpottedLigno',r'spurchassedinBondandsold pare a mull. .Afall be sal G oceriex and I'rovieionsk all df which will'sold 1 at very sextan root. lei wrIZV rind OT*IEI FIELD BEEID4 I'V S. _tlf4ON. LIQyORS. ;rep, JAMES M RPRv, Che`gnered BtOre, $eafrrth. PA FO THE EATHER WARM w RASiLS, SUNSHADES, LINEN. CO2 DRESSES, f--+ ENCH MUSLINS, GRENADINES, TIS SU SHAWLS,' GRENADINE SHA 'L,S, &:C Sm D ollyYarclefse f Riverside, Opera, Rustic, ARLIST, BLANCHE. ALBERTA. At WILLIAM HILLL'S, Opposite Commerdisi Ho$el, Seaforth. , the and ' 73- ext and b hand. A ARG And carer.y�-tthine No A ° sedation NEW BUSINESS, NEW MEN. signed, have purchased Ur. W.3 ; MAY'SEstablisbnudnt,,where we intend to carry Five Eamese E sines, both -Wholesale and Betel!, manufacturing by Machinery e also keep on liquid y E ASSORTMENT CF TRUNKS AND VALIES, staining to the ' Business, Light stoma •DriariI Ha cea here. ; Give us a Call before purchasing elsewhere. fypeciallity. G, B. HEN EllS011 & Go, 0 mri 0 Fri z p AO AiIiNgnb v 'V X C) be ;h 1 Ste -- 1 tti AZi • 0 { rt, O z 0 0 z C) 0 I 1 FOR WALT N. St7 TIETHING W TT 5M1'f offers Special ].afgsins in • •. GOODS and GROCERIE -' B y*laud* Clothing and Sa is sun bilii c be ;gieco better value' then tan be got elaewherei J call cud see for yourselves,'; us, 01 A, PAINTS AND sA1 fSi :s Oi t, = hest brands" always on land. Sptelalln, ante -to Cali Purchasers. • . All partied bearing over -tine note Ana irevettrits are tequested to nettle therolorneitt o t -C, utlie Jae tom; will le panto other hands for toll io a. 357-' ; yitSgtirtAU