HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-09-24, Page 6• Poll:. d"battle. :''''; The time in con ing when stock -raisers will of ject an m ch to horns upon their cattle as they W old now `tai lir upon horses, Horne uepon cattle ate of no value. They areworse than valueless; they a a mere fig' ting i;m lerncnt; We are no- barbarian ; we want no fightin among our rata The . horns are used for northing brit mischief. In a yard where horned ca tie are kept, scarcely a day ',mess in which there is not some in- jury done by he use of the horns. Scarcely a wont . passes in which we ado not he r of a ma i killed or seriously its blured, by the h roti of a tierce bull or ulloe c, Polled cattle seldom fight, and et as sheep They may to a stable wi they t the oir injuring each other. ;d shed room required arm. l r are us ally as cl ri be tarried loose i least danger of t Half he aril for ho :lee cattl is satlicient for po The ex use of growing, w ing, rid keeps' ; g in repair the b upon lar a he d amounts to some coma( crab e, th ugh for a single an it is i, it tailing, As soon as stook -gr ere rir{ able to see the advantages raisin , polled ca tle rather than hor the horns will be rejected at once the, polled cattle demanded. T .never has been any objection rare polled cattle which will bear exam' tion. Some say cattle look better .horns ----'t they do not look finished out them." This arises from mere h We have seen horses and hogs with horns, and all ; would consider horns upon, them a cat blemish, We have seen sheep wit and without borne and like the looks f pealed sheep the beat. If we' had seen s many polled as horded cattle we shout like the 'coined polled cattle, the best Many will object to throwing away he =pivoted breeds taking up a nscw race of 'cattle, ' T objection is :.readily answered;. by s ingithat it ie neither necessary nor irai.ic to throw away these improv choice, well-bred b rolled breed, and bre ort -horn cows', and tilled bull; breed li orn cows, and eo remanents fro wools' faa to y it -sow _. listing of .an 0 tided color make a nice stripe and, rcgni o little sewing, Do net put too ms; ch bl .k into a kitchon'carpet, 777 as it is no a tr ng color and�shows the chest more h n Other colors. A stripe 7/77 $ E A FO RTH of severfd s tiof rete brightens up a; . ! e r ifBy--and w t objoeta to 777 I 77; pet woli+le a Iiisle:Sri lit it the ben ? VThited i , woolen ra frtake 'a nice co•h ndat red, ( j i ' fr white cot a a durable' green from fustic I AIlU�i lel IIEPAR MEI T and logwo cl se , with blue vitriol. A cinnamon olor ay be dyed with cop- peras. S.. eet'a coarse strung warty of somedarkcalor brown andslatccolorsare 1. good—all F ing One pound warp for every • 34 yards • Ttearlreting ' .Keep the exact 1 weight of ag and warp to compare with weight of arpet when' returned and. ern Weaver any refer a •_, t_ Out down . w h alts, as.. ,e easily taken up and shaken. 1 eptember, 777 777 }p�ie! a g kitchen cl it can thin! oiled. ,.,crib ze Orn$ thing ani r' n En ea, of natura of utilizetio Wed, Among th and herd d to ina- with with- abit. out thee direct who has partietilat� testing thla tlernau in alive and toy cart. three -qua stone uta pounds. With! .saw many spec drawing s ought tot draught, and be left st his for any r. ay. peering u des- probability t ved take place in Mole Can Do. s1t� ji. per says ;. ;s Theprogtess cien� a fiastof *ale- to the f hitherto unsuspected forces. Meat curious discoveries in on, that of a Scotch naturalist, t an;Eole in harness, deserves n' tice. Being desirous of rength of the "little gen la k velvet," he, caught ` one ies it by the tail to a child's T e mole !weighed two and ounces, and the cart with n o it weighed in all sixteen h the° lrt�tlo�. creatural,drew - n ; :ease in the. ;presence of ators. An animal capable of many times its ow weight e ,valuable for purposes of t - ': a team' of moles could not d' +g outside a public house io able time without disap- d:r ; ground, there is little eat any improvement will he race through association .of n." .. Oa Impelled � by inpresssed Air. f he Scott-Moncrieff tram- sults this .y t'ee%c. . to sults of some importance. h ie impelled by compressed !ger and heavier than an or - .ay car, and can be driven at r hour, but its usual%speed in h `' ohly,si r!• ,At this' rate the i en up and down the steepest Te come by'the usual tram- ps no noise, and costs for Only lone and a half pencea Oen. penes per mile when horses, a saving which will those who use it, a monopoly of . I The invention, if really Its a egged;`. will be ; mat useful try railways, and oirghtho- e applied' to all threshing other,reav�y engines which he lietsess ah leountry roads', 8 a hope that at Biome future et be able -to dispense with tg•of draught. Theis}niwals r' a aiient disacf'va itagie in any + ecbinery—they eat when at work --London Spec- breeds. Take of the Norfolk him to choice s from this cross to choice shor all In the lit ed get A Tra rm on,11(1 TI So bay car a have ahoy of The car, the air, is ratite u' dinary trap r- den Miles as ed towi,s is .to r` car can be t n gradients o re' way Care, until you get stock without horns, as. practically full-bloodefd short -horn of all the other races,' tire peculiarities which it is desirable to perpetuate th ins no difficulty about having within a fe years hornless .Durban's, Devons Ay shires, Holsteins, &e. The Norfolk 'pol cattle are not ea Banti al°ly i nforior to the D u hares, Devonss,. and Herefords in the este tial characteristics of beef makers, and a fully equal es milkers to the avers holstein, Aidcrileys, and Ayrshire& The Wray be used to breed the horns off fro Ball the valuable hreeds,svithoat deprecia ing thos=e breeds bThat the Borns are to tired 0f ' from, all the cattle at some tem thaw who observe and think. know of certainty. They -see that cattle of a ce thin value, without horns, can be raised and kept cheaper than horned cattle. If the cis heretics is but fifty cents a head, that fettles the quevtion in favor of the polled cattle, Compute the expense .of repairing the injury clone by means of the kerns of cattle,tlheadditionalshed and stablf TOrequired by- horned cattle, ares the expense . of growing, warning, and carrying around the horns, (the horns ' are mere dead weight,) end the expense of -borne upon -full-growti.cattle will be found to be not a fraction of a dollar but dopers for each head. The polled cattle are deal.. tless valuable stock, to be kept and propagated as. a distinct breed ; hitt they are more valuable to he crooned:upon other breeds, for the par'poee of working off.the horns from those breeds, Work- ing off the horns from the horned breedsis Winch lents difficult than might be sup- posed. ' The progeny of a polled bull and horned cows are likelyto be more than three-fourths hornless, in case the bull Iran no, near horned ancestry and pos- Leeses good vitality, The progeny of polled bulls and horned cows have gener- ally been more than. half hornless, where the bull has had but a single line of hornless ancestry. I have known a polled bull which. served about to the ex- tent of his rapacity for three years, and only two or three of his numerous progeny ever had borne, though he had but one line of hornless ancestry, and 01 cows he served were all horned.— Correspond- ence of Count? TJ-Centlr.•?Yen. ge motive power; roils, against t`i' drawn b t- soon give e the trafir e, r - A VIciouse Horse Cured by Kind- �ess. President .Ely, tat a recent meetingof the Farmers' C1ii of the American In- stitute, New York City, read the follow- ing : " A horse in Farmington, formerly driven in a treat cart, was bought by . its present owner at very low price, le- cause reputed vicious. He would bite, rear, kick, run away, and was utterly un- contrullialjle. Soon after ebanging masters the people, who had called the purchase a foolish one, were surprised at the dif- LAMP ference in the arse's .conduct. He would o slow as desired, stop instantly at " W oa," folio his master, come at' his call and rub is head on his shoulder. e change ? Not force d been beaten, kicked, and grew iraore and o 114 was'. well 'fed, cheap as iss l for cross -coo fore long to machines ar. now frighten while it eceit date we may horses as b have one p� contest wit they are rio Won Loiw K after Mr, bench and a neighbors: found him assisting to el enclosure, �. impatience ti dinner. s+ XTe have truly pray let me a gain by that year' ?'" "h plied the eta the value of will venttfra is capable o ever dere -The granted a forthcomi MS AS FARMER. --Soon tree was advanced to the k th ttitle of Lord . Kamess, laird coming to visit him, the fields hard at work, ail the stones from a new is . neighbor waited with summoned by the bell to I,my lord," Said he "you ought for your meal ; and k you how much you will and Iaborl at the end of the T, really,lhmy good sir," re - e .. • " I nver did calculate y labor ;' but one thing I t. assert, hat no man who eking that question will t•ename of a farmer," Council of Ottawa have m • f $10,000' in aid of the Prolvincial Exhibition GALL l'Jiat ad orale t The poor horse h and starved befol� more etubborn, well bedded, we 11 watered ; ,,,not over- driven or o : erlo- ded ; newewhipped, kicked, or scolds Rind words were gisreti hinr, and now and then an apple or a lump of sugar. No gentler, safer, or marc faithful horse went on the road. But, Indian, f ishiori. he forgot neither benefit; or injury. Occasionally, when in harness, lte•saw hi former master. Then; invariably, all th fire of his nature was arou (eel, His ey rolled, he champed* his bit, and showed a intense desire to get hold of his enemy Only the voice and his kind new owner "That a power ie kind - at the Almighty loves caressing hand. of 'could duet hien,: nesse-the power.t best to use." How tb Ma _ e Ra; Carpets, If you `want Sort, thing for your kitchen floor, firm, warm a d durable, from which spots can be cash removed, which can be shaken, tome( , and be as good as newagain forties er:1 years, usserag earpets. `l`hev crate g'enerall be obtained of carpet da alc're set from � r to $1 per yard ; but often a smoother rrcl handsomer Article can be made at home, at least ready for the loom.' Icor thle purpose gave the old clothes ---old flannel, sheets, ts, and under g.arment%old dre assess, --•in feet, everything which will make Icing strips, Old clothes of gor»l color are d ruJ;ly valuable, Cali - COOS, not tor, much warn, are exCellent mate? ial. Cat into strips, about an inch wide, sew end to a d, and wind smoothly into balls about on pound weight, Allow from J to 1 pori ds of rags to a square Yard of. Carpeting Collect all odd pieces, of any color, for t e mosaic or hit-ar d- miss stripe.` Cut a d mix these thorough- ly before sewing, sti as to make this stripe as uniform as possfible. A few pounds of L HAL IMPO The Celcbra elan, Itfnera. of Englund, the United tfs of Oanadarwijt. Frotcsssfonali line/Way, S I 8URZ'ASSf. S ALL o2. ERs t --POR ID'S" IMMENSE MENTI; A.SSORT- E ARG1 TH4 ' ,in moat til the !otherorses Own- sem' limed, 2ad---FOii, SELLING- 600 8; LOWER THAN •OTH lu ' � SGA b FORt"1 e( BY BUYING CHEAPER and making Larger Sales we caul' afford to sell for Lower Erofits, 3 d --FOR MA MA 4fh--FOR TEM IS ,T r S BSTAANTIAL, ?HONEST ERIAL- AND REFULa i?S'F is 4EP °CAREFUL wr�toh *11,;the waking and Sponging, nd guaranteesat- i,afactioi 'with` every Gar- ment 1 THE E ITABLE E SYS SON WEICH EIJ'SINEiSiS ANSAdTEDr s, ' ONE . P ICE-. 'o Devic- " Lion. ; CASH PAYME.T s"T--Avoi- eg dingCredit Losses, 8IGNEP GUARANTEE' given with each pirchasse. resp t r. r I EMBRACES THE tack ST DEStNs I> FRENC WOR TEDS, ENVH CA MEP,,1;, SC Tt;H C ECK T WEEDS, CAN DIAN :TWEEDS, GOLDEN LI '0 N Once more we bring sur Stock of FALL GOODS before the iicc n of the EErosi roe readers,with and this time with site a$sirr- a tie that our Stock careful attention will, be found in every respect well worth. of buyers of all kinds of DRY GOODS, OTS an SHOES, HATS and "CAPS, GROOERiE s; kc. re are ssht wing a Splendid Lot of DRESS GOODS in all the 14I+i%V SHADES and PABBIC'S, and trust the Ludic of Sea - 1 f. rth and vicinity w II favor us with a call, 'when we shall be p eased to show the our assortment of all kinds of Gt. -BCK .-VELV' "ENS can't be beat, and prices are con- s3ilerably lower this year than, even:b ore. ,aS$4 5. a e showing a' large jassortment. WJNCE ''S are tip top;just ep in and sed or 124c. liner SHIRTING WI1'CFYS, ANNELS, UIOE , MADE; FLANNELS, SCARLET, rH1,.8 O . .GIE, GREEN and PINK LARNE'S, D BLA.NEETS, MORSE BLANK TS, 'COUN —we have a Fine Stock, I+'AUTO11.f COT.'TON COTTONS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, 8 F LLOW COTTONS, LACE CURTAINS, we TWEFLS, COAT; tl$, &e., our Stock is v r' 14 I a ti i7. L an ever before, and we have opened some very; .. q.. ITS we guarantee RS, TIES, H.� ATS, CAPS., &c., ices. BOOTS an R t3ES; BEACH EETINGS, re A. .I in. munh larger Ode, the fit of or no sale.! In GL r VES, COL. 3 _ NDKERCHIEF,S, . BRACE SOCKS, /save them right both for Styles and j F SHOES --A Goad Assortment in Ladies, ana Boys. 6-ROCERIES-Good And Cheap; { LO►GAN & JAMIESON. . B. --A Large Lot of our darned 31aCk Luatres to hand, from 20e to 85e. e pard. ; 1'i isses' W e !rev worth. a but THE MOST POPULAR STYLES for us. Har JUJST haft AR e F tat Doulb :Brea, t Frock Pattern dassimeKre Suits, air Luce Suits, ur Diago, - . • Coats, ENQTTIRE 0lur Black Ogvr Fin. 10 yr Basket Patter' Suits, 0 ur Fancy C7keck Ca88imere Suits OiiriScotc1i Tweed ,;wits, Orir Tweed Sivas, THE rams OF THOSE LAMPS AND TERINTS AT PAVEY'S, a EAFORTH, T TO THE SICK MMcCULLOVGH, t% ropcan and American Fhysif t j t sc HOepitrfts of the Chief Cities# 4, Scotland, France, :3ormaryj of America,,asnd the Dominioe,) tonally,'" " AFORTH. n I may be cosissulted at the COM- ICIAL ROTEL, from t 244, until Tuesday, rt.i ti, 1 S ,j, 11e sfIering from C1RBONZC LIN- Lfi such asConsumptfob, Bron- rterrh. and all affections of the !' rt„ en'tnj5 Debility, Scrofula,Rheumatism,plaint, Rheuatism, Skin Dia- 44;114�tct r -how Jong 'standing, aCanevre of the worst stage the knite. rAnd all 131oo4Dfs;-,1 Dyedepssle, Epiletic Fits, or tsoplectilco Fits, or lostu of Aerrse: IH, Netiralgfa, Chorea or St.' Goltrie, or Thick Neck, Ab - If Dhoevieresss of the Bre . suceesrsrfour. TheDfs oroinfuney to Adult age treat impale pleintst of "ell .kinds ther Aer#tc or Chronic, will useeringt Ora any of the above lay, but visit the Doctor at ay leave the benefit of hiss care d be reelored to beeith.the posted hills, 406.2'1 Py all who are GEEING DIiik chins, Asthma, Chest, Throat,: i illeerss, Liver C easacss of all k rl Dropsy, Cho •u ithosrt the rt eases, Salt ll Ifallfng Sickn ands motion,1?a Vltun Dance, ozone,Tura, arrdarTA' .ra eiISes of Children, eel successfully, and desiccripticisass, be treated success you ar diseases, do not once, so that you and treatment a soSoo oner. etenls a al Cao I At he following prices; { $12, $15, $18, $20l $22, $24 $28, $30, $33, 36 and 440 a Suit. EVERYBODit' D TO INSPECT RUST BEST I CHEAPEST- i r � ..j STOCK OF CLOTHS I ; ER EKH BITEDI IN SEAI'ORTH. HIS DEPARTMENT I { H Is under the Maga gement of I KAinderson, GENT ' FUR 1i fSHIN i'.S, ATS A WEEI LY A.R IVAL$ Of The I ,fewest tyle8 Out. GALL &Co. , FELLOW CITI ZEiV;� -erne tu the kOirklushun that we haykayo in in the blowing lfno4 We kan't blow we kalkulate it paya by tex to allow our kaistorueta to do the b'o'wing ng kome tu the above konldushun, wo will merely intimate that we keep en hand n; moreover, as sued a w 11 selected Stock' of Family Groceries, comprising Tema, Sugars,' Colleen, To CO mutts, Raisins, Rice, Nano, Tapioca, Pickles, Vi regars, Canned G oder, � E tracts, &e. Also Provisions,. G'reen Grocericw s ftou'r nod Z+'eed„ F nit . 1n in Glassware and' - I fti f3�oneware� ',Market Basket;., Clothe* Bt'.kctss, Chaff dBrtsrboo one aril►w.._1.....f-.'� Baskets, Coal, 011 ittstss. d Retail. Also a. few thousand of the Best Bricks for sale either s,t the kiln or de All Gools Purchased from 918 Delivered Promptly cend Free of Charge. A -WIL8ON & YOUNG _ ARE SEL LNG nig CHEAPEST AND BEST TEA EVER BOLD IN SEA- • LIION eh were Stock UGAR, SUGAR. & yoli;pia have now on herd a Large Steck of , consisting i11 pArt el BratEr copygE, BRIGHT YELLOW and DARK SUGAR, 1:bought before the advance, and will be sold at old prices, Famiy- Groceries, Ales, Wines, Lipors, & . 1 CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ria Endless Weide end.Oheaper Than E;er. WILSON 4Sz zings OUNGI BEET, SEAFORTIL IP YOU ANT Tti.) GET GOOD GOODS AND CHEI.P t(rOODS GO TO 'FLOIVR AND SEED Si RE. Presene Jar8 ef all Undo, 041;1 very ViElt CASTE fi:int'ECTC48, Give 148 a Trial and be ronvincal of the Pticti THOMAS LEE, flii011 AN IRMA gpity—F—OR SOF° T ;Pay Watt for a Foundry ID. a W1LLSbN, Joh Ton with the Beat Irn /aunts reads a the Out Plowei yvith Wrought Ir beau Itlie good fe.litures.of the el Ulna mere dUrable, It- la Mane et trja felt and satinfactien guaranteed, All kinds cddd , the original manufacture s et 1 the Gang Plows ever Introanced to the Wills, A ST :AW,, Ut:JRTITTEsii81:1ERAsNI), lir Crux re from Nowell, of Paris, altraYU tn nand. The Implements have leen veil tried, and hive stood, the test of time, AO -those of !no other nate 31( 31/ Wolf's Iwo,' four, idi ;old teri-liotso $'0itirs diva a on band. geelhinpi ada mrrege2e 11;!12.!-$6 Est nie e gli,: It is human feeling them to end cen4 Irrras.eaironikoim.he'tr.G.sv:::51:11111,0 bak, 'With rii4eityna4" ly rti int h my 4 O the eon heleo hold im THE FLOUNCE INC MAMIE sicre Ts now turlierfetiliYaanlit‘T to be t BEST an& / ;the market. This is 'tiro only maebitur in the 1 market having -a. reversible leader, an4 it la the I only maehin4 that_makes more than one Mode/ a fI atitsh. Thalia machines are sold_ on trial, and if the purchaser Is not batished with it can rethaz it Iand get any other maehina in the niertet, A. trial of 3t le all that le required tog* satisfaetion, Emporium in SEAFOUTH. AlsO all the other leading inachinOs, 80 that purchasers can bare XITS'ICAL, INSTRUMENTS. 0., e. Wilit$011 keep* the la est: era Uest Selected stoelc of Musical Inst cute west et 'I, Toronto, consisting of that eelein ted!)tathusek ) Estay, and Oinada'Or arta and Ste &teens, any of w iell he can sell as e cap as the anufacturers. ;y Self-Eitting Oharts. All the 10.04 and lurked Sheet. Made and AusieBooks. ; CAitRIA6.E' - iTt)RY. 16"c4)118-ituteral°14 ine 11:nentIED° 2,1 31ro' riS min' 1,9 PILLMAN Iv ILE, returning thinks for t busb4ess in Seaferth, would state now 'lamed te furnish oppiLE Skil DE MGOR 1Whiell, tor etyle an sue nee of And materiel, eAnnot be. StirpAS !establishment the Province. They -are praetica,_,__I =workmen, d ,senal attention to their business 'make light work seeeleuts, they, 'al‘liE THEM A "REPAIRING P1101IPTEY ,A2 AND CHARGES MODER PILLMAN /THE HURON Co., corameneing that! they are workuudiship by any theft per - ami as they tie, m fore of y weapon t the captiv tireit -Bur eon's ia for that f die physic li account t 0 big wars of the ‘‘ilglit of prIva of noble birth, and Squabbles ,it seema oddl en Id sted of a gen It's life b the preju of hIs. hors servanee of the laws 0 led on the head at a 't is well.k ed e,ordlicts :11 311kt hi lie :Fr: mlastai 10 the perio an alliance famous of ED* cies which s nshave sham I imitation one fo ands of atients thin of e otemy gether'e--- and the at e tap or bandages us arm. ; both pole And tap times g up outside t as done tOaaptionn au virlooda:7- The fei PanY date as lie nip). I von, but bBeati:btztrrair it ad lto ph GITLeorsand le b. on the barbers very weli together, 001Te70 assoc ear a CARRIAGE FA TO:RY Ts -An' now on bandana eourseo construction DEMOCRAT AGONS, shed and warrented to nin .eas,'„ an via' he old Graptie:sa Id, ubnii„ Pern Wilorns. ris Rehire a number of lits best on band now, I Remember Weld -stande Buren Beed, oPP0- site Knovs Hotel, Scoot -Mu I WILLIAM SEA.FORTH PLANING- MILL. ASO, DOOR MID BLIND A ORY fillhaeriberbegs kayo to thank bisnunteroua-, customers for theliberal, *nag txttridedt* since toranieneing. Soforth, and the saw, .Partkaintendingtobuild*ould4o well tis es k ofallkinda et e -DAY PINE WMBE 001 JOHN H, BROAITOOT. vs ile reach of cid -WI Tbielk BY Matti