HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-09-24, Page 5SEPT. 24, 1-875, Early Rose potatoes, 10 e Coates. —iloreee--john Corrie, Squirein Wi ant ; L. reo, Sglis Stratford; ringhatn ; Grai Vm. Mallough, Dungan Coe, Mitchell ; J. O. leo r. d 1mph-wilt8—Thee Cour, 4zthlI ; . Hingston, Brawn wirtSeal() th. thet a 1 reu, 41,4 -- Jas. Scott Grieves, M -Mop. ...__ ,'errfbIesurgical OperatIO a wonderful surgical operation el ozi the person , of Olara 11 -known New York aetrete, 1.scribed in a letter from t lady. Mist Morrie, er curvature of the spine. n ' ago it could, probably, have tEd, but it was a crisis in her pro, ih and upon success in surmountin bstachea her whole future ee pen 1, and she could not spare ti aedical treatmentek. see ea, l entirely to Vallee any .chanire !("tter, and he fiat of the hi h 1 authoriti abroad confirrae ears and co idennied her to a operation, th same to which C inner eubin tted to for the cure , UlS isease. Its main feature is ne of the fie Ii of elle back from th l' down to the waist with red hee 'Thelope tion was performed r the prese ice of Mrs. Worthin Miss Gabri Ile Greeley and [am Behnore, the attendingephys liss Gabrielle Greeley also ten to the Sere Ycott-er, in which she "Poor Clapa was obliged to sit - chair with ber ba.ek bared, and through the operation with her f , . end rigid assrnrble, Dr. Belena h.omace, and the roaring of the'flanue _:%vas to heat the iron to a white heat ._ low seconds was dreadful to hear, 'while this 4as going on Professor marked wit a peneir- the line was to follcn on either side oft e Every tench of the pencil sent I through t us, frame of the poor but the PPofessor had scarcely making tic pencil marks„ w , a flash th iron was applied, dreadful, T e white point seemed nk an inch into the quivering font, it was all over. The doctor said it wonderful ixhibit Of nerve. "—B 'ournal, Brook Trout. r A. Palmer, of Boscobel, the following instruction s in tru They o Ily, althon they don't produce g re easily bred and aieh spawn 4 some fish, yet a. mit. at amount to trouble the breeder water to r i e the fish in, each fa , producing from five to eight hua. . spawn at two years old, and about lie that amount at three years old; they -cannot be raised to any advice in any other than spring or brook .x. This may be either hard or soft, Let largely i i preguated with miner. Trout, in t, eir natural state, prefer water or even temperature, but they do well in pond water if then eontitutecl supply of fresh water nue ; into it, and will stand a tempers of 65' or 70 ; but water which rine le a high temperature will not refs iany trout as that of more even tem Lture, The same applies to still er. They 4,re great consumers gen, and cold water contains m 1 warm- water, and running 1V8 k than pawl water. In building ds we try to ;lave a fall from one pond ip.ther to carry this propertyinto -tin P.L. We find in transporting trout t, ae long ai the cars are moving I.- need littlO attention, but if they a short tinie the water must be at* 1. They are cheaply raised. Be wild blooded, they waste no food in pi"*.4 up the heat of the _body, and Lds which have been built a few years, LveIl as broets, produce a large gra it of insects and nearly enough to fell at trout the water will bear. I an line about 50,000, ranging from tiss -„ghteen ine es in length, the larger portion sma , and they will not eats f fieer a da. Milk curds, any kW Lt that is fresh, or other kinds Of do, ce ;food food for them." _ dimio.rimmirri, ,.. hat -ArtiOng the cattle livetlatel Lipped from Montreal to Englan rove of 1W steers', averaging 1,30 nda weight each, were sold in tbs ;lisle market for i'.27 a head. The totil it on the drove is estimated st 9, '... -mr. Thomas Jackson, of Lot 6, idon Road, Ilympton, has this Yell( cal, en 40 aeeekt of land, 2,270 bilk- erain, consisting of spring whesk kee, e cai; awl wait. The gram is all very. best quality* . a Lumbe mans' Conventioa he Iticago lately, one of the speake0 : t eanad Ft could, drive Almeria! ,eim.cn out Of the eastern marketeff (led to do so. A conunittee fe. red against r proeity with (analL .1 )u ii a rccnt thunder storm, rig leify, liviiW in St, John, N. le; ecated at icr Rowing machillee Tutio,nt wa- struck by lighttur hoe. i he op rator's arms were pti f mivzti 3. Site has net yet recover° h. ii‘e . Int ft( rill'e work, " Letter' si }bell Latitudetn" 1$ being trzgf A int, I. ren 41 for publication, IA '•. .ay 6 tl at ltishopi rineonnee _.e.e Lime', he work,lancl. tleelsrLi it eoutains nothing . contrarY morals, and that, in emote` i: can be given ae Is Prize 111 -The 1. atenay IT of ifartiston, c'j'n e.. voted on a by-law t° Pur' Not Lomeli interest was uetter, 4itil about holf-pali -,ani a-fee'irtained that the . ' tl "Joint 10 votes* A met fie "f he mei at the close of the poi ..- • " . reins' vOt,,I• V.',V5 dee area a tie, o.f• ieer gave t a; casting vote in folf by. law, -Mr. frauk Donnelly 5iliPI*41 fre°1 ton ri el, ip of Booangtiet, lad treeeekt * 1,e -e:: el titian ughbred sheepto 'lila' ita. The eb( ep were purehasedfr00 el - beret of Mr. Stone, of lodsci.. of Sylvan ; Miller, of __, , WKey, or Adelaide, and 11 see ✓ are iirst-class animals, G rare prices in that Western re were 60 head altogether. --The County of Lanibton heea 0 . 0 0 y tunperane people. . en nbers of the County Councii 4e: Wee a by-Jawat its next ees:510,0 ' suppression �f the liquor trali0 ,..„.4.. aty. At a temperance mass SEPT. .24, . 1875. ing, held in Forrest last week, the spi ers with one accord u ged the submis t of the Dunkin Aethe people of the county at an early day. —Mr. G. Tisdale, day. Brantford, has a snowball shrub in hitt garden, which for the last two weeks hes continued to put forth muncrous flower*. This is anoth- er of the" freaks f nature," we sup- pose. —Mr. Jetteph Kenynon, of Colorado, visited Guelph Central Fair, and was so well pleased with what he saw, that he made qui ' extensive purchases of prize animals in the sheep Glass, among them being two 2 hearling rams and four ram lambs, frc'm James Russell, Richmond gill, and Borne Lincolns and Cotswolds from Richard Gibson and George Doug- las, London. 11 senteneesemmennemennumaemmenmeni. - Auction Sales. Saturday, Sept. 25, on Lot 20, Cott. 9, Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements. George Clark, proprietor; J. P. Brine, suctioneer - Thurs y, Oct. 7, on Lot 30, don. 7, Hibbert, arm Stock and Implements. Sohn McConnell, proprietor, T. King, auctionee Satardabi, Oct, 2; on Lot 4, Con. 13, McKillop, Farm Steck and Implements. Peter Fieher, proPeietor ; J. P. Brine, auetioueer. DE.TH8. Moesoe.--rIn Stanle , on Sept, 17, Thos. Mossop1aged 46 y ars, ' Regent,...,In Usbo e'on Sept, 8, Eliza- bethi r liet of t late Wm, Dowry, aged 63 years and 10 months, BOULTON. in Elie •r, on Sept 13, Anne, second daughter o Mr. II. C. Boulton, aged 3 rears. I , Seleneneee-In Exet r, on Sept. 13, Geo. Nelson, youngest son of Mr. Samuel saneleeS, aged 5 i. • nths and 9 days. , Moonz. In Wings .m, on. Sept, 10, of consum tion, i •, beloved wife of Win Moore, aged ; years. NICHOL, In Turns Try, on Sept. 9,-J. Nichol, aged 68 y vs. Rooaogo,-.-At ifolneesville, on Sept. 19, John Holmes Esq., late M. P. , for - Huron and Bruce aged 71 years. JONES.- in Colborne, on Sept. 21, Mrs. Oeorge Jones, aged 80 years. oAs HILL'S BITtANNIA HOUSE sm.A.troEvri-T. ESTAB ISHED 18615. W HILL, in • the seas the etoek is now and has lug pure dulineets of the offer some spec touters. and e n partietila 1 the New Stook o ii Cottons, Meetings, - Prints, Shirtings, IN TR 1875. smiting the Fall Circular for of 18 i59 desires to notice that lets, well assorted and large, with the advanattge that, the ✓ et gives to the buyer, eats vantages to Cash Cosi. tly invite a visit from the fee as worthy of attention Are the Newest Felt THE CL Is well supplied tv and Silk Mixed In Pilot, Presid in the New 14 Blankets, Hug Floor Oil Cloth . Hosiery and unlimited varlet. -THE Is made a Spec a experienced pr ready ohtaine given, Every srt manship and ft. materialfor t The Gatti; A WORO Coneiderahle Alt premises have bee creased faciliti s fa II has been °zero sed. and value. Co ft buyers, and a ons value will out nue 1 i Goods, Shawls, yes; Mantles, de,• Wineeys, arpFancies, Ftire,Sce. • I LLI NERY ROOM a of Straw, Silk, Velvet and , in great eariete, DEPARTMENT „. Breed Cloths, Tweeale, Plain ies for suits. Overcoatinge (aver, , Beavers, and Meltons Flannels, White and Grey ggets, House Rugs, Carpets, wellings, Damasks, ie. , of ;which there is almost an A: 0.m1tut 11.0R0 I Ng G It 4ex ' emontof an it nman, and the success &I- s evidence of the satisfaction el guaranteed as to both worir. full supply of fashionable nitt trade. Mrrenarei,—JouNieroie.--On Sept, 14, by WI, Rev, G. A. Mitchell, A. kr, at the Methodist church, Winglisen, ‘. John Mitchell, Of Turiiberry, to Anne Jane Johnston, of Easti Wawanosh. . MeFente---Gettoo. At the residence -of the bride's father- Exeter, on Sept. 16, Mr. R. MeFauldof Seaforth2 to Miss . Sarah Grigg. eldest daughter of Mr. W. Grigg, Exeter. CAItTER,- .1...AYL011., in Blyth, On Sept. 8, by *eV A. McLean, Joseph Carter, to Mary H. Tayl r, all of Blyth. BI FLTH13. HAMDLETON, —in Brussels, on Sept. 6, the wife of Mr. Alford Hambleton, of a daughter.. r.n MoDoet e. --In Talton, on Sept. 13, the wife of Mr. wis McDonald, of a daughter. MITCHELL, —In M rris, on Sept. 15, the wife of Mr. Aleeander 'Mitt:hell, of a daughter, i Seteutee-In Brussels, on ,Sept. 12, the wife Of Mr, James Smart, of twin daughters. HASSAH1?,—In St rton, on Sept. 8, the wife of ReV. It. Haasard, of It SOIL WATSONr' —In Bay eld, on Sept, 17, the 'wife of Rev. Mr, Watson, of a son. ROURKE, —in MoKillop, on Sept. 4, the wife of Mr. Jas. 'Rourke, of a Brian, LAX131Z11.—In. Seeforth, on Sept. 9, the wife Of Mr, Thomas Latimer, of a , daughter. 1 MARsu.4--In Hullett, on Sept. 16, the wife of Mr, Peter Marsh; of seen, 01:548AC ' —In M Kill'op, on Sept. 19, the wife of Mt, James CaSSZO 1 of a daughter, Cox.—In Hibbert on Sept. 22, the wife of M6 john Co of a daughter. 1 , THE ARICETS. 1• SiAFOUTH, Sept. 28,1875. Business on th market is beceming brisk again. -Wh at is corning forward in rod quantities although deliveries of other opting gram are as yet light. The quantity of wheat arid barley is generally i uferior, and buyersslook ,closely at , sample, as will e, seen by -quotations, prices take a wide range, and nothing but a superior article will secure the highest price. • We quote: Fall Whe t....,, .. , , ... . ..... , 0 00 'to 105 • Spring Wheat, per bttehel......... 0 90 to -1.011 Oats per luheI I . 0.82 to 0 82 Peas per ushel„ , .-.i .... , ........ 0 60 to 0 66 Barley pr bushel.... . „ . ... ..... 46 to 0 70 Butter, to 1, Loose, 0.18 to 0,17 „ .000 to 034 Flour, i.see barrel- , , - • , _ , . _ , . 0 50 to 600 Hay. „ , . , . , .-• . ...... ............ 7 00 to 10 00 Hides. . 13 00 to 4 00 SheepSalt (rot Ill per barrel, 0 80 skrs .... ... i ... — .. ,0 80 to 0 66 Salt (wholestale) per barrel, ... , 4, 010 Potatoeg new, per bushel.... ', , 0 00 -to 0 80 Oatmeal ,O)' bri.. , ... . .... , P 00 to 0 00 Wood...-- . „,....., o r s • ..... • 2 00 to 250 Beef.. .. . , I 400 to 000 auserois, Sept, 23, 1875. Fall Wheat, per busbel....,....„ . 85 @ 1.05 Sprittg Wheat, per busthel, .„ P 90 1 00 Oatts, pe bushel- , 0 02 «0 0 00 Barley, ecrr bushel 0 00 «0 0 70 Peas, per bulthel- , , „ 0 08 0 0 66 10 r OA 01. Potatoes . „ „ „ 025 (4 085 0 18 0 011 i-10 00 0 11. 00 Eggs, , Ilay, pee toe Pt' cents tablis cents • 20e p fall Iv t tot whoa tot =din ping, 51 12 butte -.4----- - i LuNnON, Sept, 23, 1875, es are weal er. A reduction of 15 ere cental n the week has been co- ed on all inds of wheat, and five n peas an oats,- An advance of cental 0 all No, 1 barley. Deihl emeat, old, , 'I 80 toeil 90 ; new, $1 '1 80 ; Treadwell fall, old, $1 70 ; new, , 1 50 to $1 ; spring old, ,51 to- $1 65; new, $1 45 '0 ; bane good, $1 05 to $1 80 ; $1 30 to $1 50 ; poor, for chop- ]. to $1 ; ; peas, good, eell at $1 15; poor, $1 06 to $1 10 ; 22.e to 2 • eggs, 12e to 156, ((crashing Department - ery complete. 0 CUSTOMERS. ration and addition to the made this year, giving in- businese. The utmost care, n purchasing both as to Style Ii attention to the wants of tit deterruloation to give full to be the leading features at I RS' §TORE, FORTH, 1\T strocir AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT' GENE# To sNTO, SePt, 23, 1,876._ ipts were 1,000 bushels of wheat at $1 iJ3 to $1 0 for white, and $1 03 to $1 06 rot. Tre well, Spring tiold at $1 03 to $1 O. gBarley, of which ithe receie tn were 15,000 bushels, ranged from '5 to 96e. Of peas 200 bushels sold at 75c. There were 100 buh. of oats veld a 38e to aec. The receipts of hay were lodlerate and ranged from $16 00 to $2' 00. But r, 25c to 28e. Eggs, 15c ti 16c. — ---e Sc Ansi. ,o--ru 1 lines and close prices at Luz s Grocery. INS OF 1 L DRY GOOD Q-ROOER CTION INVITED. 01EAT lCLEARING GRAY,).701ING & SPA LINO. CANA IAN COMM =SION. Internal' illonni Exhibition o I Stili. OTICE IA hereby given that the expense Of transportation of articles transmitted to tiflo Centennial ixhibition at Philadelphia will he borne by the Canadian Commission, and thatthWy will be resp risible for any loss or damage motile - L ed by exitib tore. They will also furnish all sho elutes, eoun re, elteiving,Ice„ and will provide the requisite :.convoniences for the transmission of power from thefts in the Maehinery Nall. Arti. chit; for Exhibition will be free of duty unlese sold torus° Inthe United States. Artieles sold to be shipped to other countries will be free of duty. Entries clo� on 1 ti November next. Articles to be delivered in the different Provinces not later than 1st of reb isle. ExhibUion of animals in Septem 6 aod Qetober, 1870, Immediate ap- plication i moiety to secure space, snob op- plicatiou t he forwarded to Mr. W. R. FRAZER, Secretary i f Advisory Board, 87 Scott Street, To. re latrine . 1.1 I 1 ronto, 1), menou a f resehodoner, Ontario, 1 x, nittetutii, secrets' Ottawa, epteihilier, 1876, -6 -1; of Let 21., C011, 1, London Board, Hay, etin- . "'WARM l' ft SALE. -For ' Sale., the North hall tabling 48 es, 40 acme cleared and under geod cultivation, the 'nonce well timbered. There 10 a frame ICOn and barn, also & good bearing ore hard of grafted ruit, and abundance of water. iVie Loudon, II on and! Bruce Railway roue thritigb the fano, d a station of this railway will beton the lot. anaiderable portion of the farm could be diepo ..1-- of for Village lots. The farm will be old cites Apply to the undersigned on the Premises i to EadgervillO Post Oillee. ALVA BASE401*4 L ONLY. FA FA L. 1875, SALE OF DRY. G CHEAP CAS i3ROTHE TORE IR, COND IMPOR VE 112titt DECIDED T TAPLE AND FA Polzi ALL TH. SE ARE EAFORTH. Ttolom Pon QLTR • ./1.111 0 MORE HARD TIMES4. F L GOODS ALL IN AT DENT'S, And at p ces that will 'bring good Times Beek. •••••••••• Mr. D NT would my that he. now buys beet from th Makers has bought tiouenalir heavy, and g ing to sell at prices Lower than the Low- est. In cos Goods, Double the usual stock. In Shawls nd Jackets, 400 to thoore frets'Ho has bought ut the entire stock of a ; marafac nrer of Clouds, hoois, Mainers, fee., 1 • • T HALF PRIGE.1 Yon cn buy Wineeye at Deetis as you :can buy them nowhere else. In Blankets, Flannels, trlrgOds an Cottons he has secured A 'lave supply, at 75 cents on the dollar, and will. give ptirehaSers the heneht of it. Covets and Lse.e Curtains i cheap. 3111Just landed to -day, t SETS OF LADIES' F All enalities, unusually cheap.- Uoderelotbing. - bothifaulies7 and Gentlemen's. Lovely Felt Sklrts. The Col breltd Prineess Meek LbstresIr ahort, ever* 11 pertinent is 1111e4 to the ottnoet, Pur - confer a favorboth on themselves and ent, by inspectinglais stook, es he meano , and won't be undereceil Cheap Dry Goode Estab,,shment. Chagerg en busines THIS gALL, AUCTION SALE. OF ER THE WHOLE OF OUR STOCK OF -�Y DRY GOODS AT COST, And mod of them have been Opened 0 t within SONABLE he past week. Such as • PLAT ANb FiGuR D BLACK T.JU TRES Good Valu PLAI AND FIGUR D COLORED L STRES—New Sha PAI AN STRIPE'', SERGES--All tvool and Silk and .,BLACK AND COLO ED DRES SIJ4S—Best Makes. PLAIN, COECKED 4ND STROED WINCEYS—For Dr and 4ti4'ts, New atterns. CHECKED, GREY, Wool, Union an1 Co ton. ED AND WHIT DAR CORSETS HQSIERY CUFFS AND 0 140K FRILLIN TEACH ED. -For School Section No. etec p a Male Teacher, holding a second - .c1400 cent Ate Duties to commence on Jan. 1, 1876. Ap. at outs to be made personally or by letter, stating salary expected, to CHAS. Socretary10 School Trustees, Seaforth P.O. 40714 PRINTS AN HITE COTT LLARS RU HINGS TIE BE S HAV BRAIDS k, Duchesse, Va1encirne idths. FRINGE so 6 Bale of tho WILL BE oFFERE Reniernber this is not a ALE OF NEW GOO _ And Custonter8 will Find it to . N EXMVI NATION IS RES GO DS SHO FLANNELS—hi NS -4n Best Ma SWITCHES BUTTONS VELVET & SIL Of all . OF VALEA13LE MILL PROPE IN THE VILLAGE OF WINGH TN1conseqnence of the diesotution of of -A- HALLANTYNE *FOWLEH, Saw MOILrS and Stave Manufactorerst there will be sold bly Public Auction, on the premises, on SAt1311111A3r, OCTOJIE'll.-1,01i IS175, _ At I o'clock in the afternoon, by C.-TAIT SCOTT, Auctioneer, the following valuable prop Ity,i.viz.: That portion of farm lot No. 2, originall in. the Ant concession of the Township of T rnherty, th lying north of and adjoining e Wiiug,hsun station grounds, on the Wellington, Grey and Bruce_ 'gal - way, containing about 7 acme, Upon the prOper- erty Is erected a two-story frame 13111141474/x52, conaluing a 55 -horse power _engine, and a 40- horsepower boiler, made by Goldie, WC Hop. & we slab in 'blue, all con- e whole in first Seam order MA nearlynew. The e is also upon the premises a et. shop (fray ) Mafia, 1 1 story, containing stave obiter4- furnace &e., also etave shed about 800 feet Itnig, also t oo frame dwelling houses 22x62 and 28486 re* tively, 1/ steryshigh, with wood sheds, well one primp, and other appurtenances, a frame 04de 10x4.0. The buildings have all -been created Within the mill poet two years and arc in -good. repair, ' The land Hest along , the Wellington, Grey anti 13 - ee Hall- way, and arrangements have been ado for a switch for the use of the Mill, which can at any time be laiA. A large and paying business has been done, and A still Inger business may yet be done on the premises. The onlyreatem for selling is for the purpose of enabling the effairs . of the partnerslop to be wound up. The land WIII be sold subject to &mortgage for $4,500 to Goldie, McCulloch & Co toad subject Also to the 'payment of 000 or thereabout* for unpaid purchase looney due On 13_ Wee thereof. There wilt also be sold at the same time and place the, following personal property belonging to the firm, vie.; A quantity of umber, loge, staves, heading, slabs, *e., Ivan. of rex, 1 yoke Of oxen, 2 wagons, 1 pair trucks, 1 air boh-sleighs, log tracks, le0 wheelbarrows, he sleights, and other articles itt use prbout the mill. Also the pine timber mi about 65 acres of Lot 80, Con. 12, Wawanosh, subject to the pay- ment of unpaid purchase money, amounting to about 4500. TERMS OF SALE -Fell the land anti fixtures 10 per cent. of the pureliaseimoney on the day agate, ft sum. sufficient to make up (with the 10 per cent.) one-third of the purchao money within 80 days from the (lay of male, the balance in three equal annual installments with interest at S per cent, per annum, to be secured by mortgage, with coveslant for Insurance for the property other than the land end fixtures. All vounsinnder $50 cash on the day of sale, balance in 3 moitha, to be secured ter good approved eadoreee notes. For further Particulars apply to the medicos of the firm, at Winghaxo, to Benjamin Wilson, Beeve of Wingham, and to i.be Auctiotteer, W. BALLTYNE, 497 W. 0, FOWLER. 1 THy i Coq 2 Ofrotalar ewe, eapers, batting I Is, gummer, shingle via hbie e . 4 stave 001)S, nee °Ilse iing tautnere,,ttiela=ndts colent titlals.o1,1 771 es. ses K RIBBONS Shades end Colors, 11:oniton and Clugney Laces in all all Colors and Widths. wn Dundas 'Cottons EIR RE Sal A heir Adv EC Bankru EXT tage to Cal OUR F ILLY S WIT UCE 12 COST PRICE. t Stock, hut a ONUINE EMELY LO Eaffly in Order to (Jet J PRICES, 'WI Chao, 00 DS AND PRICES Minh PLEAS BE. N. B.—Ont Show' Room will be Opeped in a few days with all the ates IEIats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feath &rs, 4e. SEAFORTII 'September 10, 187'5. HOFFMAN Ab -CTI -ON 100 VILLAGE LOTS NEW ViILILAG. Hwfonand $ruee nailway. HODGSON, Anotloneer, has be in- • strneted by Messrs. G. L PETTY to offer for sal4 by Public Auction, at JIeauU, at 12 olelock meoxt, on TUE DAY, OCTOBER 8TH. 100 VILLAGE LOTS,1 sissioso•SirIO. S.Aii,T., IS the me of the first station ,On tli; London, 1.T -_ .. Huronnd Bruce hallway, north Of E eter, from which it Is distant Oi miles; 6.milee freou Zurich, 12 from 'Clinton and Seaforth. There in no better opening; In Canada for any 000 -wisnbig to cow - Menne business or settle down in aoshewNillage, mu whcannot help, owing to its situation in one of the best farming sections of Ca , bdooinbag In a stunt time, a plate of considerable cominer- mal importanee, On one of the best gravel roads in theBrovinee, which is the only channel of ma- lt t the lesittents inn the back of _Hay and fitsnley and those along the Like 0=0 ha*, and con- nection by railwith the principal eitlef 'being In- timate, no more suitable j0s4e could be selected in wide to settle. The preprieters being dear - Ono to ; form s village, will give every d..tmeinent 44 to e, azut amidst purchasers every -testy in their wer, and will sell the lots r endless of price.illefreeleneente on the 6 alma. :11!E 210-10per cent. at the time lot per - chase, 412011gh to MAkO one half thirty flaps there- after, the ;Wawa in 12 months beaming interest at 6 par cent. Plans will be n ion the ground on ility a le, For further particulare apply to I C. SI, PETTY, Proprietors, Eippeta.0. W, ii a a e a N, Attetioneero .507 AUCTION, SALE OF WELL-BRED FARM STOCK AND I IMPLEMENTS, Wt. Tgoleas =NO lass received i ostmctionts .4I -L from Mr. JOHN MeCONNELL to sell by Pub - Ike Auction, on Lot A, eon, 7, phbcrfs on Thitrinlity, eel' T,10204 the fol owing van. 4)1eprOpeity, viz; 1 spatt of working ,hoisof, one 3 and the other 4 years old; 1 Breeding Smog 8 years-Tag:an Di VarliOg ,iiiiitY, One Sired by L,L,-'1aond the other ba• Elea, of the Do- minion; 1 Lord hisaldowt irlog cell; ; 12 rellen 40w2, all In calf to* thor bra 1)4 ; thorit, bredDarbana bull; 3 yearling beifete, wtOnbred ; 4 qui ealse4q 1 tlfOlear 014 heifer, in ,ail; 0 . eweicsubc,allweinbred; 3. ng4 aooraeo„. 14s:ester rani, from boportea g; 7 rue bs, 2 lumber warns, ono a prism 'AVM made fr. Allen, late Of Cromarty; i flair 1 of bab- e , 1 lons4 ieleirenaoitii ilnitiraztter, 114 4oulAs team harne; 04441' cutter;elstiwreftsiiner 01 ihierOrriptwowfertiv; eul'1451::;; = 2 Hot* d -*oaten harrows I. horse raa , aToln 1 erfillie ,;l chains, sugaramid i di4c164; otherrakes, leek' gi,mclilnere" irwIrrgia be sold about two. acres of turnip* mut ! WIT in the ground. The above stack is of the description, amid such es is, very rarely at Auction Saco, tartlet ilesitin4 tUjuir , i od stock should tot fail tO et n' the iliouTheng:::tvvrorA1112°:::::rmeawiendillsioPint17°:$4etieptlY1417171iteni:11441goost4lbr61411,041440- :::411147:111i ,as Mr, McConnell is retiring front farm - e. wig1 be allowed for emelt on JO Wdit JOHN xecolirini 0 AS EING, Aoclionter. 'very is 1 ; offer I chase ' sale. Styles of I That turn Per a