The Huron Expositor, 1875-09-24, Page 22
4 I commenced my medical -Career witb„
exceptional disadvantages. My parents
were dead, and I had not a friend or
rdatwe willing or able to help Me ; I
was cast entirely on my own' resources,
whieh were a diploma, a tespeetable
wardrobe and twenty pounds in cash. -
the! firdance of the capital which had
stiteed for my ecluctitioir, Feeline des-
perately the necessity of e ertion, I ap- artitici
. plied to all eorts of 1 peoplei rushing into impose I upon me rarely at first, an
'the Presence of bigwigs, s ho ought not as I was getting up to their dodg
to be approached v;ithout proper intro- passed the Viquatur, and. th4e s
duction, and outraging them with de- good d al of ;real sloline$8, Whiall
ma, ids for surgical employment. I them he advantaee again. As
sho ld say I sometimes received as many . went ,ii .1 became Amiliarized wit
. as 've 8n abs1 and rebufth in a morning. rogues,l, and leitrned to look npon
At last I fairly 'broke down in the pres: as felIow-men. who ha,d gone
ence of a haught y young admiralty clerk, rather thaa as wild beaste. I. -fel
who was perturbed and Melted by my 1 them frTely. loaned many of thei
dis ress. when on my aeking him to tell 1 tories.--eit leest their own veraio
me bow 1 could. get into the navy, he re-. them -and ta ok considerable!intei.
pli' (1 : 80ine Ot the! narrators. Moat of
" Su ) tefe •ou ap Ay on a, pwopper were i ynorant debased creatures,
the Atlantic I had a week's Seasick
during rhich "„NlacNisb had the be
me at e less, a0d after I, waaawell .
gan to 1 ash, Schhe trouble with the
viets. hat s'ehemers they were
emigre t objeet WAS to get ••0 ,,gla
grog or w ine, ! which could only, be
by my Order, and they reguloat et
storm, to remain on deck
the complaints for which I prese
Such medics:I coinforts,, an either s the freshneas of the air to 1.
lated r nianaged. ' W. frodeee them t ful to breathe ; but fatiguo 4
Ily. Greenhorn -as I was, they else, and r Was glad to talc , MaeNab's
advice, Itiikine what ;I. had gone
through that week in stieh a climate,
with patients dying by dozens in my
youthful 11(4)6, many of 'whom , I felt
could have beeu saved with better num,
ing, and you will not wonder at my
prostration; '
As I repelled the cabin stairs the rain " I
ca,me down1in sheets ; there was a boom- diess m
ing, roaring sound' ; the ship heeled over eau see
and raced 'through the water as the I saw
storm came down upon her, A flash of " I'v
lightnin I showed the that the sea was al- want to
with foam, vate wa
loW, made a hearty meal of vicious.
cid and biscuit I found on the head on.
table, dranlc a iitiff glass of vain and was saw sot
t of
con -
s of
d one
i bed
min -
e bo
witiO m
inViy s
the stor
eel was
do with
tiVer, to
ship wa,
the Friel
the inn
been hu
11, M Glover, lad,0 he said,
sstes '''Pre lull, came, " are ye there ?
better just go belhw4 Tour
mirk is done. and ours beginning.
There will CO blew the
feVer away will be in
the ay,"
I had oft here were a
d see it ;
as delight.
e breeze eriow
resently, and
n determined, i
s we
as a
ed to
his -
is of
,st in
i t her
through the pwopper diannel. Look born aid tires to prey on; their fellow-
e, he said, calling mel oh- " ' • creatures, or reernited from the
tr. name and addreis. Surgeons neglected ranka of society ; but
wanted for things sometimes in a were one r tWo etieptionse,nota,
hurry." man who pasted un( er t e name o
Two da,ys afterwards I keeeived a. lete Hams, who was gifted with rare abilities,
to:, informing me that a surgeon was re- and ht41 the. en:tuners and addree of a
red foe the Alecto, whi(Ai was to sail gentleman, l Ls face would have alfford-
n the following Sunday,
of convicts, and that if I
min at a place and hour
answered' certain ones-
tio is satisfactorily, there there was ht- forgery of
tic doubt but' What I should get the aps cond.escen
the other
po tment, . '
There wag 730 medical employment on some • of
ens th that I lirould not have jumped at -protest hi
blindfold just then, so I Ulade my appli- the mils
' • somewhat
of my leo
the tempt
tune its to,
was Estate
Though a
spaired of
that with
be a free
coleny, a
ability to
if he had
the connt
as enjnya
would iie
by all hi
he eoeld,
' Platieib
I mistrus
the o her nvietfe. and conatantly sur-
prised, hini speaking .earnestly in corner
to grenps of five or six of them. Oa my
•e these conferences bro ' e up,
told all affectation of ix differ
s ertaithon mere than One oc
t ail xiety was falest T about
new, without beattg a 10 to
that secret signs were exlehang
en Williams and at lea
I could have pointed
.. .1
()livid! who evidently
With his fellows was Lloy
er who had stabbed anothe
and tarrciwly escaPed th
natural enough that an ex
dor should obta n the hem.
h a cargo
nied pe
ed, and
ed au interesting stddy to a phys ogno-
mist, the upper pairt being .high y• in-
tellecttial, the lower part betekeni eg un-
bounded ensualityr His erim was
bank notes. This man never
led to try and, trick e, as
did ; neither did he sulk lilce
civ il,
cation, was accepted wit]
culty-with rather an ow
ira eed- and, after such.
lout any chlh.
Moils alaerity, •
poor. prepara-
ti ns in the vay of outfit, as my ignor-
an e suggested, and ley slender means
co la afford, JI went on board the Alecto-,
svl ich was lying off Greenwich, and found
myself in medical charge of a captain,
o mates, a lieutenant of the Royal
' N vy, in some mysterious capacity that
. I ever rightly comprehended ; 20 sail-
or , an officer of marmea and his men,
and 250 eonvicte.
The naval lieutenant was the only
ino,n on the quarter deck when I went up
the side, • . ,
" 1 arn the eurgeon," I began, ad-
vaneing towards him • but before I
could say another wora he asked me
abruptly : !
"Can you 'play at chess ?"
" Yes -a little," I replied,
" I'm thankful, very thankful for
b dy, Mr. Phippo, no cares for the
lat. Shake hands, sir. The marine ,
game ; and how Should we surveeve such
a !protracted and. tedious voyage without
chess ? My name is Mac)Tan, and I hope
w shall be friends, sir." -
I Said that I hoped so, too, and we en-
gaged in a conversation that was the re-
verse 'of inspiriting. I gathered froel'
Mr. MacNab that the skipper had been
unfortunate lin former voya res ; that his
ates were ruffians ; that t le erew were
ry poor types indeed of the British
ilor ; that the ship herself was a rotten
d hulk that ought to have been broken
u ) years before.
I went down to my cabin, which seem•
absurdly small and. low and dark ;
get my portmanteau there, and tried to
Make arringenients for future comfort.
1 hen I studied the prin te d in structious
I had received as to how often I was to
Mspect the convicts, &e. and wondered
what was to be done if tiley were ref rex-
Vary, and who had authority ever me to
pievent me shirking my duties ; for I
lihd sole command, it Seemed, in my par-
t cular department!.
When I Leturned on deck I found the
• captain and Mr: Phipps there. The forth -
e • had a ied nose and watery eyes,
N ,Irich explained, perhaps, why he had
been unfor
li tter was
but despent
unate with his ships ; the
gentlemanly fellow enough,
ing and taciturn, his silence
being of tit . less impoit• nee that when
h e did talk le generally g n mbled, which
did not add to the che rfulness of 80
sthall a party. 'His oely solace was in
making pen -and -ink sketehes, at which
-he was , very clever ; landscapes, with
chiaroscuro effects, invdiving an im-
meisse amount of time and. la,bor, being
his principal fin*. Bott he and Mac-
Nab were disappointed ion ; but the
Scotehman was the better :philosopher of
tile two. . .
'We four upped, togetlkr and in due
time I wont to. my berth tui found out
how to' get into it. 1 fel like a toy put
aivay on a 'shelf in a ei Ooard, for- fit
Was my firs: experience f ehip accent-
odation, When you h ve learned to
3 on your !bads andelot want to move
1 night -to take anon /h, oxygen into
t ie lunge while on deck o last for the
time you ate below, and g be indifferent
to coak- roaches . Jinni -lig over you, you
get on a great deal better, •
he bettee-elass convict
innocence, svhieli was I
vial, custom. - 'He was
subdued in mann r, an I glad
veisation. Ile ha yielded to
titm of tryirfg to make his for:
great a hurry, had failed, and
it to pay the penaltY, he said.
" he by no meaus de.
Itthlfuture, He was informed
goe'd conduct he would soon
man within the lituite Pi the
dhadlperfeet confidence in his
earn #, comfortable' livelihood
that' chance. And what did
atter ? Life could be made
ale in ttie' place as another. Ile
g hack to England to be cut
✓ lationa and former friends if
0 Williams always talked,
him, I noticed that he had
considerable influence ove
and in sp
ence, 1 w
easion th
have cat gh ; sonic word in paf3sing.
prove it,
ed. haw
score, w o
some Pos
a Welsh
ia a. qua
But it
ing of la ds nea during a, tosLge of •eue
lengt1 , ted 'ham, o
striving them w
any sinis rtairily di(
fever, a
were , u
'Soon ,the
eral sea
with it.
• A than
-s 1
the servi
ready w tit
I went b
some salt b
ter, iind tu lied into irly berth to renew that'k
my nap, W arineSs drowning -the sense ef land of
danger. " , sir. T1
HOW g tack or what happened knows i
(lu not kuoa . When lower f
the po
We me
fall, an
later su
and roas
in the tint
awoke, the! ship was rolliag teavily, and
there:was continuellS ominous sound,
thud, thtid, thud, thud, 'accompanied
'with the pouring; ef ,water, which caused
me to hurt on deck, where a scene of
terrible co fttsion tnet my:: eyes, for it
was broad daylight. A tasSit had gene,
the dedt Was littered withicorda,ge and
broken. woodwork. All \vim confusion,
authority in abeyance ; conviete, sailors
and mariners were mixed hp together,
hurrying to and fro, or working at the
pumps. The gale had abated -was
dying out, fact,: but there was a leak
which coalld not ite discovered, though,
in consequence of ' the number of hands
to relieve One another ia Pumping, the
water did not gain upon uS. Finding I
was not wanted there, I. 1; latent below
again to ,attend apon Phipps, who had
been leftl.kneW: not how Ong, and was
too weak Ito help himself much. The
fever had, left him, but he was low and
desponding, and asked me to read the
Bible for: him, which I did.
After a time I heard MiscNab come
down, and went into the ealoon, out of
which our private eabins opened,. to
speak to him. I ;found hint, loading his.
pistols. ,
" The -leak has , been found and step-
ped," he said, ", but 1 <liana like the
look of the conviets ; seine ef them hae
got arms, I fear rae."
While he was speaki4 *outs and
shots were heard above, 44fr. he rushed
to the cabin stairs I fol o'.4wing him,
Directly we reaehed'the d ick we eaw a
body of convicts coining
by %Williams, who had a
hands. ;
" The game is up, lie
cried • "you had better su
aft,. headed
sket .in his
tenant," he
MacNab's answer was , - pistol shot ;
Williams staggered but re overed him-
self, leveled. his musket, !pod, and, Mae -
Nab fell dead in rny. aro*. In. a mo -
moment I was knocked, down,- bound,
and thrust aside to be a h Ipless specta-
tor of crimes I could. not eove a linger
to preveitt. Some of the s Yffians rushed.
I never matte down the cabin • stairs 1 and. returned,
influenee the dragging poor Phipps with them, With
designs, as I c Ist•uttiA jesto they bore hini _to- the lee hul-
. Warks, one took his 8114 ders, and an -
had no time fo idle specu- other his feet, and they toi sad him alive
d uspicion -; the icknelss, a, into the sea. All. the sail rs or marines
tot ded by symp oms which' who were sick, ca: had. been wounded -in
ifa iiliar to ine, increased, in the struggle,- were in,' like manner
ere a score of c nvicts, sev- thi•own overboard ; the Mainder were
s down gathered together in a dy, and Wil-
liams, wlio--had. evidentl been elected
chief, made them a speee 'offering them
their lives if they w Id join him
heartily. Most of then ,I shrank from of wli
the horrible death ebe ate them, and. of the
acceded, but a corporal 6 !marines stood C'as8er
sea is as
and 1 ea -
night Ira
Foi a
snloOth. s
sight to
so f
that i
t c
1 1
o t
and one of the 1 arm c
,d, Wa8 sewn up in his ham
hitched frem the gangwa
t his feet,lMacNab readin
ier them. ; During the cere
ft those phenol] enas whiel
ore superstitious os: •urred.
toluclied the wat r the win(
iv hal f an hour here was
rim. In many minds a calm a.
edited. with' all that is peacefu
tif 11 in mine it 'is a orribl
t•e. 'I ' ,• ,
Ns e,e3r, We laY. on the broad
eet of glass, without a speak it
at wa
t s Tou d 'seethe. The sun seeme
like a m ss ef white•hot frost close a.bov
us, a d the itch oozed : and. boilled b
tweet V e i'lanks.- Poor Phipp coul
not o s with his aketching, or_ th
persp ra io dropping 'froth, hi hea
blot d is worke and oven 111 cNab'
eh sse relaxed. • But I ad li
o ;day -With lihn undhr sue
'11g eanditions the fehea Taged,,
we h of ' daily, ing for it. ‘Ve will ma
B inditrie8 ' 1 these, land everything ot
oe erreuce • Wn S on tad t .) . ow ship,. and oiee se
bo Rea oeerIboard With t cer - have . made me your
i appoint Lloyd . y ehief
Lill:day the captain nd on
sidkened, and . 40 0 attere 1 sailor and know where
and how to reae them
of the former caused hin ihe shlph,
Oilcan Then Phipps too Louq acclamatiens g •
and, though it svas a mil 1 ' dress, and the a sembly,
ae so ;eeebleas ts be ynfit fi r grog tuba, ..
1 was not long; left
he convicts as, escaped sth ' knot of fellows! gathered
to hold their , heads wee
t fnll ie the eyee as they pas
th NY
Neak the monotony,
ilvhe, rather, for the h
1 iat I sometimes
ardor foi
tle time
cast he
. mon
On reaehhig the deck next morning, I of,Ofilliortlni)
. .
to s'nk
the ev r
attac - 1 e
d uty,
Sudi f
fever be
and look
ed; as tl
The si
obireaatt, :
I w tk
detoesidn w,
me ; I
awnj g (., n
state' of
I Wag
f 1
gave eertai I sharp, short orders the re- self in dht:1".. les 5. 'hit only for a moment
foiled that we were under sad and . drop-
ping down the -river, which had sgrown
ery wide. -
It was not long before we were ..fairly
i s the Channel, and the,' spilot got into
his boat and. left us,
Thee° was a nibe breeee, but the sea
was perfectly smooth and, the ship glided
through the water wi'th a delightful glib-
nefei ; so th st felb ought to be doing
eomething ,owards learning my duties
while I We, able, and confided to Mac-
Nab that hould like to,hold an inspec-
tion of the einiviets, ho were all gath.
sled on the main ded: cleirge of their
warders an( the mari,nes, who .mounted
ntry, oval, them with Yowled muskets
nd fixed b iyonets. .
-T. found that libh1H made an of.
rein], appli ation ithe right quarter
1:y accidena for MaeNab immediately
s id :
At whs.
And wile
I 4
t tialP ? onee ?"
T -replied the. affirmative, crash
I vived, might bring the
lyipf reseals to justice,
.hundeffitd the tenetre npon
life Was held in spite f
ausible speeches. Thor . were
and fix:vent' svounded both b
1, and i the fight when t ves-
iz,ed, ndjthey needa 7 ser -
hen ley thought they could
t me should be siloac a for -
'titer With every other probabl
agains them. Mean h le th
kept on her course toward
dly Is ands, under Llo d s man -
and the third day and waS
and think it equally a good for horsiniaelor nasal
Oil, anti ta is ,preno ee Aty thefAnylki
-A ;May bee, AI eralin 3t1,40nattaraltsvevloloolit iinintvitifIzit,04! 0
have Hold Home htmd edit of bottler; of .1Le
b beet medicines t alf hair/ ever, need ;f it 0
o miooflor0 "fn he' e
t ogle, 4e., and is • patsy of t -greases eaa
d nee." - Joimph II gait, Townahip of Peke
tog, "I ties pore ailed to trinOmitte Bele .
tide'Oil- for a lame ee vellichnineubled anerf e
three or four years Ali never 'found annth a
like it, for Millen lii eireng. It is, a., great t ubl c
benefit." -A. M. Ha »Merl, Warktrorth, write . i
" For weeks I bave 1 een troriblean with ,
ankits,whieh ann °yet me rely raneli; -
of Luis place belueet me to try Ecleetrie Oil, nee
before 013e 1)0 tt1 a 1+. 11 nsed I WaS cured, It is a
naost remarkable me lichee. Sold by all nredieine
dealers. Priee 2.5 Cy e. S. N. THOMA S , Pis eare,
N.Y. And a OR fit P & LYMAN, Toronto, tint.,
Sole ken In for the 3)rnu ini on . Noan.-Eleetz ie
ized. Bola in Seaferth by
venni a Sailor, who h (I joined, eesefeet.seana meat
neere on compulaion a4d had 10. Hickson & Co and 110 Linteden.
t, camp te ine and. saitIl :•
g passion!, sir but would you
would. on deck where everyone sjAh' n. SQUIER, arrister, Attorney in Cloule-
t ,
" • ery, &c., God rich, Out. Onice-over.J.
Dealor & Co.'s Erepoliuria MarketSlittare, 2
a reason, aiisl. consented - - - -- -
s ?"
he ha
be see
, for
the lo
Litt to say, sir, arid don't c.A.VIT2hON & nIeVADDEN,
Ay, it: tic:n=1M
Battistero d
ear of making them- tittlet caeferroa.
WILLIAM SMALL, Cop veaaneer and Commr,
talkiug to you in a prie .sonsitore in Chaneeey, Goderieb. 848
Illeks was at the mastt
k-dut last watch* and he
ethins did not rep rt, and
ritish frigate, reund the heads
that t
, and
t aid
n to I
h as
for th
ter° Island. Don t BOA,
mly us of the old creW
we've had a boat ready te
days, It's that one oa
, next thb mizzen -mast
wer that, quickly at vight1
it ,tow behind ; mid the
will get into it, cast o
frigate. If you like, sir
you ha bette • lie ,aown in the boat awl.
be low ed ith it, Say you hvant a
quiet r ad. o sleey or something, if
you're a OIL here s a risk, of , eourse
but not a big one, Lloyd's half-drunk
now, a wil bo quite -after a Int, and
so wil most of the others, ior now
they 1 aye ot to the islands they
think i s all rieht. There's only that
‘Villian B."
41 c n manage him," said I, and. we
parted. !
Willi ins' wound was painful and. hi
pulse f erish ; sa he gladly swallowed
soporifi which would keep hitri quiet fo
some urs.
At t proper time I got into the to
indieat d, the only -men who COUid, po
sibly s • me being those at the whee ,
who w e both old inembers of the ere.%
and we e prepar ,iyhen they knew th
Lloyd as quite
, to alter the emirs
for the eadland
been s en. All
even b ,en antici
been s wed awa
Was lo ered, and in a very little while
three I led stole i to it, cut the rope by
which e were towing and when the
ship h d forgeG far enough ahead
to pr went th phosplierelacence f
the oa clipt, at meting attention, b
gall to row in th direction of the he
In t% *ours' time we thrilled it, a
saw tl e lights of the frigate, again t
the si es of which in another hour the
boat gr 'tea.
" W to goes .tiere ?" challenged a
sen"trArYI clical offie r escaped from a cell_
viet sh p which lias rautinied. '
I wi not dwell on the joy with whi
I aim- upon the !deck, or on the hear
ness of my recetton. when I had ma e
my rer ort.
The rigate weighed, and steod. out o
sea at once, and, in the early morni g
came p with' the convict ship, boarde 1,
and to k her without resietanee.
r the se
en fore
with V
also so
verpovvered y &in
of the ship and ste r
viiere the f igate had
ent easier than h
ate& When I had
Isalf an hou the boat
My •vidence spfficed to cle
men a d marines who had. b
'into preteuded complianc
projee a of the mutineers, as
month afterWards, to secure
tion o those who had ta,k
inent art in the murder o
friend , MacNabt and Phipps
nn Suffered the extre
AW at Sydney,-Leitis
" You will all' be taken and hanged
within a month," lie boldly said,
" and I had sooner down with honest
men. than swing witiv thieves and
The words were hardl out of his
mouth when he was shotif -cad.
" Arid now lads," r led Williams,
" I know whal you are thinking of -
the ruin: !" (Cheers.) Well, every
man shall have a, tot, am few at a time
shall have as skillful. I t most of us
must keep sober to man re the ship, so
1 hahe set a guard over 1 e spirit room,
and any rnan ivlao tries force it will
have his brains blown -oil I will tell
you what I propose to del if you agree.
There are some islands n ar where we
are with the best dim: te, the finest
fruit, and plenty of foo ' vithout work-
-e for one of
of this rotten
ttle her. You
•aptain, and
cer. He is a
hese islands are;
se he will sail
eted this ad-
journed to the
ninolteted ; a'
!round me, and
, discussed what they sl ortld do to me,
and one at, laet soggest that I should
ou et they felt that de
118 all to an equality.
th day was the most op
t as literaly diffiqult.
ral though I escaped -V
Joe k6a up for the first time. T
ork amongst the djiihng and th
. phYsical impOssibi ity f
p w mysel f down tin( ei t e hat a re y 0 Ur doing 'with the d.oe-
8 be made to sWallOw th ntents of my
medicine chest, which Waft _forthwith
)ressi• e brought up for the pu pee, and. some
O draw calomel -pills were flail, y forced into
e feve , my mouth. How wis
been a lionnepath
-While I was struggli
• •
al that: I had
, e, man dame
fling a
earn e,
ase "
have s
30 ere
bad m
thin k
that t
ei r
di tion
the si
and 60
of Bien
after u
Box 15
he quarterdeck, and . tor ?" he, asked 'exciteitb:1; " didn't the Till?'
captain. say he Nvasn't trl be touched ? sacra
'fit; Prebably
loet a
ig in
UV., ever heard, at d found m
or /or fur' I) ours.
seil by the mosil -brat cabin," he added civily to me. - • 1/10-nt
110 Wan t8 tO see you,' (Uri, down 'in the neer
_ , . .
, minutes, a %•arder cathe up to me, touch -
e, tit of whk h was that, in less than ten' the eex , I a, fay and shit wey lit u
ed. hiS cap, and reported f ,
. " All met ly, Air." •
And folio h-ing hitn, 11- found. the con-
s iets &alai up in linets, bare-footed.
My inspect on of them Wan a mere form,
fr., of 60tif se, they Were eent on board
lound and. (Jean, but I made certain sug-
gestione with regard to the sanitary ar-
rangementstbetween decks, where *their
itatrunecka were slung, and these were
j ram] tly attended to where practicable,
1- \%rliteon aIgiltinalael. 0(1E0 netesi\sl,ameNnda,bfocrhtistilnlaetnelgeyd,
3, (3 proved to -be very evenly Matched.
I e was quite right in relying so much
pan it as a resource; how we should
hate got hrough the Weeks without
it 1 canna imagine ; we played. at
li3asS six hours -daily out of the twenty -
1 ur.
When wc got into the broad swell of
- -.the nth
My persecutors slunk off, grumbling,1 „f dein
and Illy deli verellr Oa my bonds and led less or
me - William's,. who bad been shot ileum
by a .eio cc glare, while 11, ,igza , line cr • n t le s um c eri am wan tec i s woun raisin
fire, .80 1 .te nee that 'the eye ach ,..d. at i , , atteaded to. II manes! ed to extract ity ad.
flash:0d, an 1 left the glom i mere pr - , the bullet, and,1 when h was easier, he how en
foun4 ti an ever. _And aga n ea no' th, t I said : .
awful tl ma ler, compared with w lid) the ;. "I am sorry fey' all these horrors, doc- nesse,
loudast ive heard m Etn•o ie is a whi - , tor, I swear I am. . Bu ., you know the and th
at inernei t f fi 1 1 t (I 1 fili lit
per, T
areal6(1. t
in tlie
cateli tl
will pie
nae Mor
/knot] er
which d
..:;inen I have to deal 'wit
, my hold ig upon Own.
kindto Many of !them, a
sides, so I intended to s
; when I said a Word for
s I would not listeu. A.8
th•cd at ine fii•st,, or he w
, an iow g
o etc() g r •
men in the riegireJ takin
, ..You have been NV
ail which -had bern ell are useful be- pre
e lightest breeze, and. a sp il e., your life, but the
aWkwardly and all awry. A I t le others they . V":1
i 4
Mill d the niate, Who now acted a MacNab, he vin
st rulings near me. uld never have Q.,
001 never ,.be able to maims e fallen by my hand."
at 1
he. p, we are so te Tibls uncle - S:ott are responsible to God and the net
i i •
' said the latter. taw not to me, ' I replied of i
I, then," replied .IS acNab " si e I'dught I to have refused to tend his It
alf a dozen o the ;cl'eceil , wound ? Was it my (lets, to bear and erio
One f ken has been a sailo upbraid him ! I do not know ; life - is with
flash and chi, feniiig. yeah, serve it, excusing my pitsillanimity at ge
sweet, and I , wiiihed an tried to pre- lee.
tied hifi voice, the time by the thought that ray testi- tale
t, -
a i
• ,
the exeen-
111a pro ;-
ray po r
sevente n
e penal y
noicoh 5n.
filmier in B. R., Wtorteter. Auctioueer a d
Appraiger. Accomitg tend noteg collected
reasonable tering. 8
Ta L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, 'Mid -tor
J. -J. Chancery, &e.,i Goderieh and Seaforth.
nee. over Jordan' Dreg Store, Godericb,
eiore, Senior la 85
jrn_ARBOW & KEE, Benisters, Attorneys,
N -n Solicitors in Cb neery, &c. °Mee on West St.,
apposite the Post 0 lice, Goderich. ' 6
T-0.1naow. IP. 3vALKEn.
niniQUIER & hleD0 Banigters, Attonte s,
k-/ Solicitors in C aneery, &e., Brussels, 0 t„
Ofnee-two dooren it's old the POst Offiee.
A71 Goderiel Brueselsi. I
naa .......-----____-_-_
00MS TO LET. ---The 1:101 orrnerlyeet',Uplea
by tne Odd Fellonts, Sea orth, Over Meta
IN rites) re Store, ig to let, App y to Mr. JOHN
1:Cli-e-V6''''. C3trIn!‘10-fIn7SetAtTreil?le;TinSiattig'ilrteeil' ii,nte.tHe lio3f., eIrroittili
rj)10)1.11,°SEr 1:0117:1AT1,137,0-71ForP6S° l'e Cheap, asixei
J. MettINNIS, -Grocee, Seflf0111 .
geed to work, either -donate or single. Appb-44
AtTrup i y; °t:-retilliatillilira, riril'alitli)tutrirld(inin f -t: '3-4... ealti0raeL) 17:31 wifilte)r,sendi
-l- young Horse, n yeerg old, p efectly sound ape
-4W:IT',1..1.1.11:Ce°ERII);Ijnlit;i1,gT:1"'niitTle II'I.041:781,3 in Beneath
-En. lor Stile or to Rent. -For rade or to tent, tare,
pleaeantly gituated end eommodions devellieg
house at present oecupied be- Mr, A. Beatty, see
attired by Mr. S. Powell. The house containe
large parlor, dining -room, kitchen, lend 10 comfor-
table bee-roome, togetber lei: la closets, &good
cellar, hard and, eoft water, ideate, woodshed, 40,
Tliere are two lots Weil vita eboice beating fruit
tPreleigiELPL°.'"ne.;.bBil).-31 AltIO' 0 allliiO4e1-splia. ntAitly)PolY1 stqPnliSre.
timber for sale. 404
ALCOMSON 4; WATSON, Barrigters, Att r- i
neys, Solicit re iu Chancery, &e„, Clint '
nt. Oftice-Firet door east of the new Ro„ itlii 1
anadian.Bank bui ding. ahmey to loan on farm ,
9. NALCO3t80.71. 404 • G. A.. wiatiOis
.afehauGHEY IIOLMESTED, Barristers, .A.t.
-45, torneys Laty, SeBeitore in Chancery nt
1nsolveney, Notarine Public and Conveyan re.
$011017,03$ for the E, lc. Bank, Seafortlo Agents or
the Canada Lffe ASS Irallee C01311203y,
VI% 13.--00,000 tO 11014 at 8 per cent. Fat s,
Homes and Lots fo sato.
niskeENSON & MEY R, L'arristere and Attorn se
-L.' at Law, Solieito er in Chancery and Insolve cy,
Conveyaucers, Note lee Public, ete. Offices- ea -
forth awl, Wroxeter. re28,000 of Private Funds! to
invest a t onee, at Ei net per cente Interest payable
yearly. . r -,
i • ,
me Too often a cold or slig it .
elered a very or Unary t •i-
st as well left o :go as it
ce systematically neglect d
8 C01181
fair, j
uni he
a seri
ryan s
s, -T1
art a
'rice 2: cents per box.
curable affectim
us pulnionary d
aware that a co
be trifled with
Pelmonie Waf
sease. T e
igh or c
romp ly
" whi h
their ieputati n for o
ey are always ellicacio
oat beneficial i flnenee
ial and pulinon ry orga s.
ruggists and e untry de 1 -
OOD 0 Van. -" Ther is mnch
and rofit in the servi e of a g od
and b t very little of ither i a
e ;" n person from ch ice will e -
bad ho se ; many, how ver, are in
ion pf uch who need n t be. e
hefe re few herses o bad 1 ut
cm. dibion can be proved nd
ed m re yalua,ble and useful or
owner, to effect whic I, there is
g equal to "Dar ey'e 0 n-
1 owders and Arab an He ve
ly ; t has effecte astoni h-
esults thousands of cas s.
nber the name,. an I see t at
manta, of Hurd & C . is on e eh
e. N rthrop layman Toron 0,
)ropri tors for Cama,da. '8old by all
ne de lers.
,111 te itai tali, .
---- ------ - .1- ------- - ----
TIR. CAMPBELL .150aforth, Coroner for be
'2-• County. 011iee end teeidenee. Main St t
South, near the Station,
x d-, SCOTT, 31. D. &o., Physician, Surgeon
" • Aecouchento S ferth, Out„ °Ince and r
donee Routh side o GOderielt Street, first d Or
east of Presbyteria Church. n42
----e- ------ { ---
T_T se VERCOE, M. Ig, CoM., Phymiciten, ur-
-I-1- • geon, etc., Cotouer for the County of II no
Office and Residence cornet of Market and Higna
*nets, next to the planing tall.
JOHN A. BURGESS, M. D., C. M., Gaaduate of
," McGill University, Montreal, Member of the
College of Physiairs and Surgeorus, Ont., Ph ol-
den, fiurgeon and Aceoucheur, Seafortb, Offi °-
First Door West 4-.4 Mr. Lumsden'a Drug St re,
P.esidence, fourth bone° wot of the Presbyte :an
Church, Night calls attended to at residence.
oh I
ES_SIO 'S OF A VICT13L-Publishe ali
varnin aun lor the benefit of young r en
erg wh Huffer from Nervous nobility, cos
need, & ., giving- hie tides of Self -Ci e,
idergoi g much iniffeiing and dapense, nd
free on receiviog a post-paid nireeted en -
Add mg NATHANIEL 11 YiintIlt, P 0.
, Brook ya, hl. Y. 40' 26
mi cur ,o hits establiithed b ,yond a doubt '
arkable eineeey of Dr. Wheeler'e Conner Ind
of l'ho pirates and Calisayit in the tr -at-
f disear es iti the lungs. 0 rneumptio i ia
ority o cages ig umnistake bly tlie re ;nit
wed nu rhion nee poor bloo . There g a
eppetite, feeble ingot( i on, in pelfeet as Ira -
of foo 1, au consequent failure of rve
o main ain. tile vital forces. `The co
of phl gm, right sweats Dna general d
irom glow starvation, t inatters
telt matter if; taken if the is came& ca
it for ustaining tbe CODS itution. 'he
untedi tely oupplies the was e brain. nil
nvigc,ra ing the stomach, liv r and kidn nrs,
reby esting decline.
T E PEOPLE. --Ther are but tee
Lions medicines atich eve withe ood
partial judgment of the People for
eigth o time. One of therm is DiaTho
ie Oil. Read tbe followin and be
Tbos liabertgon, Farnbi m Centre
eri, " taye been afflicted wi h rhetimat
last to years, and have tin d many re
theut ny relief, 'mull tri d Dr, Tbo
ie Oil, nd ginee then have hed no at aek
wont reedentneml it to an." --h. Lail,
Keeper, West Shefford, P. , writes, "1
:en trlbled, with liver cam taint for ev-
.0re, d Wive trled differ nt neg
Thomas' e-
d I
T II. PHELAN, M. D., C. 3L, (late of the,
" • of Shaver & Tibetan., Stratford) Gradua
McGill Univeroity, Pliysiei n, Surgeon and
coneheur, Seaforth Ontan Ofnee-Rooms
nleyer's Block formerly ocettpied. by the late Dr
King. Residence-Corinnercial Hotel. Will
tend at Carronbrook on, TueSdays and Fridays.
Ta 11. DOWSLE,Y, 31. L. E, C. P. S. R.
-1--/ • Member of College of Physicians and . ur
geons ef Ontario. 1...e.f,e House Surgeon of Mega
tou General and , yina-balllospital, Physician
Surgeon and Acco thriur. Office -Albert Staieet
opposite Fair s Ste ra 311Ils. Eesideuce-H o
Street, opposite Co _racreial Hotel„ clinton, t
Professional calls unetually attended. to bot
town. and country.
T 3-. BULL, L. D. 8., Surg
ns • eutist,&e.,Seaforth, Ont rinoc.
Plat Work, !latest kyles, It tit
me- itea. All surgicul eperat °Ili
performed with care and promptitudea Fees as loet
as maim obtained Nowhere. 011iee hours froan
8 A. M. to 5 P. 3 . Rooms over Mr. A. G. Me-
Doi:Tall% Stela, 11 in -et. 2to
V eterinary Surgeou , Or du -
Veterinary College, fIeaforth,
sidenee in rear of KU lor n
lit13 attendul to, nigh or
twittery medicines on nd.
Hors eis cxa mined as to so ea -
given if required, 407
L,1/. S., Licentiate and P ize-
1-Univereitta Ithaca, N.Y., and
o leterinary College, Toro to,
ut y irt rarna, where he w
ling to ttend to ail Itind of
s of an mats (rutin excep ,ed ,
her, ant at all .houre. 1 s -
doors east of Cook's awn -
• ate of Oaten
Ont. Oillee and R
Ryan'a . Calle pro
lay.. A stock of v
Chare,eg reasonable
nos and certili eate
j- man of Conie
Graduate of ()War
has settled permau
found ready and wi
diseiteenn» all kin
in an kinds of welt
denee,ana °nice tw
peranee Hall.
CaTtn: L fn.
v Proprietor. This hotel is situated on the
Gravel lioad, 10 m jes north of Seaferth, and,poo-
sesses every seem odation and comfort for trav-
elers. The best b ands of liquors and cigars kart
in the bar, and a e aud atteutis c bostler
attendant e. Good stablioo in conpeCtion with
the hotel. 0 50
. _
TIAVdre' ,HALF VAY 008E. - Tble
enn is enuated hell hay' between Sell-
and' Innstels, ba -big bee thoroughly ren
tel and refitte.d, it now affords 112 good
eommodation as ana eo ntry tavern in
County. Liquots and ei Tars of the eho
brande. Good Ot Wipe, t; od driving sheds,
enclosed yard and shods r tho aceounnod
of drovers, and pl ty of li y always on ban
good and attentiv hi -ratter always ready. No
C DAVIS, Proprie
Me to water hone
ot 1
(-1,011MERCIAL LIVEI111, Seaforth, Ont.
SIIABP, Prop eter. Comfortable eud etc a t
carriages, and 11 at-elass reliable homes al a
ready. Cbeepe °Orate. 011iesi ena etabl U
Huron street, see na door east of Mein sin
Orders left at apy of the tele promptly at on
od to;
NI101 1, iLitsigo US.
nr,01IN sriluT ERS, Vrool Carder and no h
" Dresser, Wool n Faetory, Bayfaeln. 3 2
) Rent, for o»o or -more yearn, a Store and Dwen„
ittfc situated in the Tevniehip (if Mel -11110p, Lee
No.11, Con, 1, 3 reilee earn fitaferth, along -the
(navel roan, now eccupied as a fvtoke by Mr, Rent
IL Tilley. There is on tbe premises a good oreh.
ant with vatione beatiog fruit tierce. `fetus nett-
mann- Poesesulon glaair after the fiest of October
next. For further paiticulrei apple' to 31r,
PleTER O'SULLIVAN, ITuron toad, 'firenCiliop, ee
if by letter, prepaid, to the proprietor, :Ir. JOHN
13. CAISITAIN, Stratford, Coroer Main and Jobn
Streete, Iiiast, Lot 82a. den
nj P. BRINE, Lieeneet
.. • .
Auctioneer fo t
Sales attended ih
parts of the Co nty .1 All ordere left at th E
POSIT° 11 Opiee 11' 11 lie premptly attended t
A LEX.. CAME ON, Prartical Watehroake a
-Len Jeweler, Customere win find it
their intermit to eal with me as they will ha '0
the bee:fit of rny ion* practical experience t e
on -
e -
ale or no bepetit, nntil I trie
Oil, wElch gave me immediate relief, a
say that I have used it Mime v,ith the
No one should be withont it. I
on my homes in eases of cot wounde,
THE undersign
71111:L133g b1181
AUTO e11.-11 Waren
tO state that he
Mr. 'William Kb
11110 for some
as being it first -el
give entire satigl
big his succeseor
the same general
tended to him fo
reti ing from the Hatne
.ss Zu eh, begs to thank h s
for the r sueporn d
as diepoe d of his butinese o
or, who !has been working r
01e. He hair no basitati n n
r. lopp to the paint eel; rat y
ction, d in thue rt.:Wm Cu
es workrittn, and oat w
to the pane, besneak for hi
patrona' e which has bee e
the last even years.
jt TIN C. WIDE31, N
l_fAVING pur haearl friem Mr, Widema
would etate the be intends- keepiog d
-nen Harnese Step and Seock, tbe subec ib r
nothing but a first-elaes Stink of Heavy and g t
Harneirs. and enerything generally kept the
business. Partienist at lion paid to Id
Collars. All kinds of Wog promptly at en
ed to, awl all work werran ad. Charges libe al.
402 1VM KLOPP, Zurich, 013
ISS43131 WANTED. -a -Wanted, a Vann to Rent
Apply to Dr. CAMPBELL, ISeafartb- 484*4
- • -a-
PPRENTIC,E WANTED.- boy from 16 to
18 years old, to leant the B itentoonhing ban-
ness. Apply to W31, GRASSI e00
meniately, a good Tommie au CabineValaker
end -an Apprentice. Apply to T, JOHNS &.-00,,
Staforth. 405
ANTED -A Mene Teethe holding a second. -
els es certificate for Sehoo Section No. 2, and
a -Female Teacher bolding a seeene-eless eertffe
tate for Sebool SeetiOn No -7, Tuckersmith.
gest° eornmenee Jan .1.1876. Applieations to be
addreseed toWh1. 3lecoseNset, , Seer-efary School
Board, Seafortn P, O. 400
jedlthtzo DjolTurEILNDBBriloaSti-foSolaaToenrtr,r411"1 (ibteer8e-b.
calved on behalf of the Corpo alien of g-eaforth,
until SA.TURDAY, Sepa 25, 187n, at 3 o'clock P,
for the emotion of a, Frarne Addition to the :
Town Hall Building. _Plans and apeeilieittions-ean
be seen at the oillee:of Mr. Ian Btoadfoot,
The loweet or any tender need not be accepted
Melees satisfae,tory. D. WILSON, Reeve. 490.2
L°P1. -On the gravel road
ond Brusselit, leist week, s
Any /tenon leaving i t at the EXPOSMOrl-Oftlee
be Suitably rewarded.
between Seaforta
Steel Butter Trier,
VSTRAY HEIFEE..--Came iinto
-i-:-' the undersigned, Lot leo
1_'uckergraitb, about tne 12th
old red and -white Helfer. Tb
to prove property, pat charges
the premisesof
o, Con. .4, H. 11.8,,
f July last, a year-
owner ig requestept
and take heraway,
4-'1 the undersigned1; in Hinpurtiey,
tor part of July hist,2 Ewes -and
two Ewes have a tin mark in
name 011, and one of the Ewe/shad
pereon giving such information
their recovery will be suitably
from the 110tel of
about theist -
2 Lambe. The
the ear -with Malts
a bell ons Any
ss will lead to
rewarded.. JOHN
--1/ merit of all debta Atte to t
requested by the underfignef
MARY COLE. Clinton, Sept
n immediatesetne,
e late DR, COLE is
8, 1875, 4054
rylly. LAST NOTICE, --All
-41- J01111 Oneenloca by note ,rr
no tilled thatindese some settlemeet
ni ade tbeir noteg Or ateon
p lazed in otber hands for
p ositively the het, watniu
parties indebtedto
book aenount are',
is at once
ts will be at once
collection. Tins is
' 400
0 AUTION,--As pay wife,
GARD, bas left rny bed
just cause or prevocalion, I
ilrarties against barboring he
thing without a written ende
1100GARD, Township of 31trrie,
ron. Monis, Aug. 81,1875.
arid board -without
hereby outlet-. all
or giving her any-
from me. JAMES
County of Hu-
/THE undersigned bes a fe
'ri- aud Cotswold dr_We and 11
AR out of Imported Stock
Scotch Coolie Pups,14 pure ,
Pups, at reaeonablenrieee-a
ported by no self in 9.371 and
Sr.. Townline Hay and Stant
Ripper), Hills Green, P. 0,
pure hied Leicester
rei. Lambs for SON-
Also 5 pure bted
red Scotch Terrier
1 out of stock im-
n 1873, II. LOVE,
y, 0 miles wot from
-4", and Mentle Maker, Se
from the rocarts over iiidd's
over the etore of Meters, Stro
She will be glad to reeetve th,
- may favor her, Particular
+tutting and , fitting. EP
Street. , ,
• NDERSON, Dress
forth, has emnoved
tore„ to tbe recces
g & Faliley where
patronage dell wlx)
attention green to
ranee from Main
• 40443
-1- of Roxboro, Moliillop,
A:gent for the eale of " Raga {
Cement," for the Toewn Of Se
ehips of Tueltersrugh and Mel
is the beat ever ncea for
China, Eartheaware, &e. P
'cure this excellent tottele sh
Mr, Jonts Wanes,
is 133 :been uppointea
s' Improved Crystal
forth and the Towle
" lop. This Cement
epairing Glaeswere,
ies deshing te pro'
uld anply to JOHN
1 _
,.S E A.7 0
T II .
g from the laliqui
gs to thanking nu,
a) patrenege,-aud ta
it to nieresre. MAT-
0 fully eoropeteal, ts
be run, and in s
alert, he woUld#11
suceessore to the
Settle genemus *
a to him for the
of Ben Compacts'
eeribers would Oat°
hing but firsacIsme
comfortable, stela
ilogular austOnserf
iberally dealt with.
s or at any of tbs
Office and. stales
,. Rural Imelernerd
ronrasoN ,L4 co.
forth Pump Factor'',
e -that all the pure
bored with POrterg
h bores a perfeetkr
ntly the suckers *
Of the top whetba, a_
flow walla. In inege _
O Timber, and we
eek or Cheek when
,. and Tanks
1)rrearertiricgireeathetr, Pvleiftee'
. rise, :ming tvaroult-
, and tbe frost ,
eters of the..
endeavored to keeP
, and they are de ester
other astabliot
tettnente ,
____.,,,, _
& alit**
trin„TE undersigned; in retu" i
.- Business in Seafortb, b
Inerous patrons for theft Jib/.
Otate tkat he has il4sposed o
and as the new proprietors 2
nun tire businese as, it shen
an anner to give entire satisf
addition to recomniencling h's
public, bespeak for them the
Ironage which has been extent
not four years.
T N a02111111ng proprietorehi
-a- Livery in Seaforth, the ine
that they int-ena _keeping no
and reliable hones, nun good
vehicles. Terms reasonable
;Und Commerelal Travelers
All ordero left at the stab
; .Idotels promptly atteuded t
•opposite 0. C. WilIson'fi A„
Emporium, Main Street.
0391 A
111MOPIlrETOES of tbe Se
-2- wieh to ipfenn the tab
nianufaetured by linen are
Patent Hollow Aueur, wbi
etraight bole, and consequ
e,vetor pump can betaken 011
the pump iS 171 deep or g
Pumps they use only Quaete
pumps ale -warranted not to
exposed tO the sun.
Sort Water Clete i
1, tTiteile-ee*, a'midebsetrittia:ltrlynttillowel:
: Theee eisterne are the begt i
i ea to lust from 20 tO 25 yew
mot injure tliern. The prop
Pump Factory hate 213VATS
their work up with the timt
mined not to be outdone by
meat, in the country. All vont
maces as low se aoy Intim basineee.
14 R. CORBEY, late of Fe
• having placed his aeeo
colleetion, all patties are
settle their itee01131t8 vith
will be steed, If. gorz
Imo ' MoC ,
' UP, _
a Store, 88a1cfLibl
rate in nlY beintis 11
ueste4 to tan _114;'
o at once, 40 mg
, sTED, ,
ughey & 11011neAnn
---------1 1 13. ''''ai to his as
reed that he -thought the, a
infrii:e;:-kg,:;$.irltlailifielntlaitgiilliiine:°hen:ee I ,e1:4 ti;16)i.0,9'1, 3 rarar:ae;v: o'v:niei eatr Yi k.'''t enhs:,:eltgCr va.1 e al a a.
hie heaa_ Aehe- " No, Sir,
but when it doesn't to
l'utioshjeirie tifigreOtrirlunorta,abalnyd ofr,
e herse,ii . Is civilization
I ' -
, afh the eenSe we put into i
0 Ithejtilkv: 0° eb a re48117,1; oilti;:ie0174:::.4t,,{11 1 4aili awr 73hicaotee a di aci:ti:owiloia%Tari:s1 II:taut:1r ti'P'ill3:11.31httahte"tf)nileiltearlirlitIblhb;"irati lt' 1
sissoinittl:4)ifthilisi::.ffnusItzt;tellip:es.:08k,t10alleil,sin." dbiyvid
uhtosilWylli;gWaiS8441.1eagieliwilorbzearrd 4
I :
-r-- r. Is" f "What is the ma
71' e hvateae efetoti'n.geenerliistdis_shavisfaedea4111;g, aPgaYin4laPilnepedPeawtilhitetr°7101
.iritk you ?" inquired the ama.zed pare
4x -- 13Amil
' inusn't feel so y 2,
ipreatiogA-7. ace- i
yen 4 4
I 4
°mad" In-S,Y1;4:':1-issatvifilifleenilelletearIPattilsatlahger)mw3:1;asi
sympathetic lpy 334. had
/0 related. of ' a Farisian pot
' ter that having recently, painted- t
it of a la4.y, a oritie, who had '
in to see what Was go.
lislvi,lillisted:dmoded:;:biu:?6.',711swe'lrtilintdheillIm' IrYy4:7.,:uthoi:bc,,ke,pr,a:i'aocaon,
a times," front critic, in
ei:efesion. l" 'Yon are rigkt ; I on
• perceived it, i She reSemb/
'thenellia-Periete4 NpVaihYretus.'yi,lina‘ 1 Trdeciare:a,jah143xVit'ehhau
-ler of the Eiehequei. Liowz., at a
irordly goods I thee ho., kiwi" aith
Wait a shilling in,the world,"
Aiwa in ithe wife, "yen had ' o
41avikl- knowtailidellidt'st"endi4oYw"yo' un'l.wlith the
e right honorable gentleinaufs
: , 1
-An. -old *etch patson, o
y a preacher but a ' parson, and.
en week -days returned; the Visits
people made him at the 'kirk on Su
s, onee came to the hous4 of a pa -
*Der where !linen* It/locking could-
. heard. for the noise witilin,„ Upon
b. -lifted the latch aMI !waled in,
'11;sse4w3111-avih6ostiiseatihelf4117::d" To cfEith14nlis 1 '1i)
44 Wiel. Sir,!' said Sa ' y, ‘i if ye bld
wee will maybe be ttaBle to . tell y
Iimet and I ,re just try:logs-6, settle
' t." i i i '
- • ; i
Bating ifloree.i.
I have just left, neither sink nor 80
*great 4. holse, ini4, and ass " bawl
*the GranCllotel. 1 -It was the t -
*by far th..e most coMplete and impo
Jut dinner given by the ParisSociety
,phagi. About 70 people eat do
re were four ladies, of whom one
e. Blatin, widowl of the lateT)r. B
10, who founded the-soCiety. The ch
Was taken by Mr. Ai 8. Bieknell, a
eas English 1 hippophagist. 'I have ne
io my knowIedge testi horte-flesh ha
ihis day, I say ail isedly to my Itia
Willgoem.robecauldirpreetelleudn141ktut a Wbi 11: 1.8
jumposition of LyOns, Arles, or -
ihnsages. I certifytat once that
d11111 was very _good. In no,_ one
ere anything disagreeable in the sli
fat degree either in tute or smelt.
itVe thing contrall ito anticipation
'the absence 'of any t*ins like a neW fla
Had I not . known beforehand I sh-
111113 supposed thOrighout the -X
isb;11.fe made from bake
1 n motaalil 11 illi4kwe:jeati ythspr :en", ar uetetra 'f°teatriU:e.gI :a vsS 83 're' -1i4n: r: lasr 1 In' cuP:1 ee
lia donkey -there v seived o," 07
Yy anticipation. Instead. of asoup of
'three discredited ones "—horse,
AU ordinar* fiest-ra
*Indy as good a so#
were made in the bill ef fare publ
Awns of rbeef---1. I don't say' mut
/ion 'crime, tss
,e- ,
orse Alone. It
as -ever I
ristic ,differing
ot '40 4, •
eltuugh, sblit rathet insipid, a
sausage from Beantaire, Whieh
could, distinguish. from the
"iced pork sausage from the
lug -team of Arles.
Which would have
ate dish of fiah, w
. turbot, upon which
e were. any, mi
*fliers wae then ho
Instead of sea -
more appr
some eh,
t e wealc breth
Irt regale theme
fillet rOaSted.
WAS tootimme and:tender ; not so
as the very hest eihloin I have
-bat far better ht 4 the aver'
served m restaura
like the donkey's
ale tather atronge
am and mule serte
mid not be distill
beeves, Muttonsi
PFageneent to th.
Piques su truffles "Ito fay that
the 'truffles the best part of
Again, there was 4 diSh for fain
ests, to insure alsOoa 'Mune
ac There were, ruffled exports,
t was a salad said to be prepared
ree-oil, which, notwithstanihr
sunyundings calculated to overeo
Prejudiee, I eould net briul
ITY- The Chairniau, =Dick
• livered in Englisb.! a roost able ,h
tuder the disaAvatitage of not be,,
unriaeod By the greater part of h
ree,,-who, were Fr-boo-14nel).
to the question, which Ire said 'dr
I. did not
which sewn
tongues of,
ith. different e
ished from to
' goats, it
Filets de In
Asked, liow Iiingi has horaelleih
thefIght fit for f4)0a,1 be said, fro
, carhest history!' 111Pr°et'at"$
liable he observed, seemed made,.
"nize a hippopha‘ie society, had
that theuni hone :was inoTe
_ g Than that of the ox. in to
*gal -4:1f ebristexidoM horseflesh Iv
111.,,011- Bouifiee 114 written
?x1 aceount of; certain bone
Which he Iodked von as
the eftversion of Barbarians
and: thereupon the Pope
t e use -of it. Hence the