The Huron Expositor, 1875-09-24, Page 1n- 1 • , 010041.#00 -0 --- • SEPT. f7, 875. isxmosalminowas", m0oreter. # GOODS )1R, ak-cr-ct 0- 00,0 ; 0.,..0.•00...,01,1000•••••••••••• 0,000•••••••••;-•00,01 0..00 •000...emo erriatesicE NO. /07. " Tit V BA B. 1••• SE FOitTH; FRIDAY • 1111111111111111.1110111100, SEPTEMBER ‘2 4, 1875, IlleLEAN BB , Pa 1)1 frohersw. /01. 50 a iirear, niiranec. FALL K. OF AT COST aataf ow SIrlde- --- t - f and Wool. CS, -70-P Dresses 1./S— n st Makes. 1,14E.S )NS 84 SILK RIBBONS Of an Shades. aad Colors. ey Laces in aii Vidths das CottoiiS -7r PRI14Ea aGFUiNE- LOW PRICES, oft Fiigt Choice. a lir the Latest Styles of ROTHERS. LOU tin LE. .........-------- i)r/r,PINO 'JOTS' IN liEAFOTITII li;30* Say. sop —Dr, COLMIAN , havang laid out t e grounds /away occupied as a D 'lying Park into Bald- ing Das, is propored to It pose of lots on reitS0u- terms to any who MA; desire them. - Parties agetA1-4-irk to purchase shotill„ mike fr,0004iiito ap.- plicstloo- I i 804 ......-------..r. Igo oregl ab -0051 FOR E1/11,1r,,-4, ,t, 11, Con. , forris ; gat 76 etc red,aral in a good ettitto of cultivation, the renutit der best of kardwood esse, not a a good bri lc house au niee young orchard. Situated 6 milt. from firmer Is, 74 from whoever and 21 frOrn Bel4rave. For urther par- ticigars apply on the prerrtures, or 1,)' post, , 10 yggrtEBIOR FiALE mTrtAwavo Ti.L.O' HOO. P,13:14rave• . ....vor-401, ----lip FIlie that beautifull/ situated. farm, on the !foam Bold, aclioining, the farm of Mr, L. Contitiaing VA acres, 80 of whielc aro clear - ,d lies ilia state Of good cultivation The hal:. too is weil timbered. Thire aro eight ttereS un- der foil wheat. For fartlier porticnigrs orpply to 1„31Eqlf, or to DENS( N & MBYZ11, 'Parris - tea, Sesteritg___ —......-- violet FOB SALE,—/or Sale, a first-elass term, a: situated in Tuckersnith, Lot 2, Con. 1, near post Office and Presbytradan Chureh, aliont a - failefromstittb,n of toinflou, Huron land Bruce Daiwa:4 House tv/0 dor es, buiek ; ontimildings urst..dass,2 wells, good or duird with a vartety of it fruit and ornatuental tr co, well drained, in a good State of ettitivatio , For ternis apply to liev, VON LOG1E, Bod amine P. O. 890 .00.00.for 0••••••••........10 ita..u11 Tog S tLE.—Leing Lot No, 8, Con. hig. octets cleared, nearly bosh hardwood, good log ard commencing to bear ; 11 11; 6 miles from Sectior,. beat quality, anci will be 14 particulars apply to the proprietor on the prem- ises, McCANDLE. IfIgraonaville Post Oniee. 887 THE WAITS' OP BIMI DiumiXosfA.)r, Engle _ilair:ng visit of some -da t a. friend in Birmingham, I naade ing iiry aoncern- ing the agencieo in Birrning at for the prevention and repression rime, I Ives planed. to find liberal Ari ion made for these objects, tiartiettla ly he firet which is the mostamportan ice, hovve altar needful it may be to br ng he fallen to a better mina and a bet! er • do, it is a far Moreanecessal y art ftective pro- tection to society to save th young from a first fall --a truth, however, which so- ciety io but too slow inelearning, Dur— ing my brief stay, I vielted the Girls' Reformatory, the Birmingham Certified Industriel School for Boy, he Free Peegistrt and. Temporary II me for Des- titute Girls, and the, Calla ens .lamigrae an lone -for Bi raingham g -o it" work 8 v ey inter - ere fter give scat, EstltArri, 1870. tion Homes—one for lgeys 'girls. There is also in what is called a " boOdi for pauper children, w1.4011 eating, and of which I may you some, amount. , THE TRAINING OF THE Th (11 work of saving the criminal career by means aticl reformatory agencies • YO NO. oung from a if titireventive k e.g. 9, Tuckeramith `Towtratship ; 100 aeres; ganized, more effectively condi eted and elegr 6umPtl productive of larger results. in Great buildings, young orelr-, tsro woo with pumps ; Jammu. than any 11 er, country , 'the hula is of the within my knowledge. 1011m:ilea has old cheap. For further enacted a general law authorizing, pri- vate citizens to found. indu formatory SC110018 W116110V6 ever such may, in thcir needed. When an establis kind is deemed. by its pro choice in the tie for occupancy, it must be elm/mined by a by secured, duly authorized government insectaria A TRAINING HOW and by him . certiied as at place 'suitable connection with the for the purposes intended, 'thereupon tn the State guarantees a certain eum, faced tte heititution eived and eared stitutiott by due dustrial School is r, while er of a manentlir ia th them, t ie thi well in ne pl mantlai, thy ar ly tea partyr a creel itablY h opt months p izes at suing Ohr gimes vieitorn a, e kept tation of du, gii by tbe Herne b a month, unle the mistreat objects, whisk is not often the calif°, This is found to stabil hia most desirable link between the gi island what to many of theta is their only home. The kind words spoken et d wise counsels given on these Vittit8 boot ic many a g ief and pre- vent many a r sh or thou htlees act. ;The 'visaor" i looked upoi as in every ' sense a friend, and often i rovee anew the truth of the wise man's' saying, " a word spokeu in season, howigood is Theee " visitors ' prove helpful, also, in another way, bdth to the inatitution and its proteges, eine° they s rve as an efficient agency in collectin the money due for board a d clothing, it being con- sidered mast de irable to instil hato the ' d f th frrls an honest riiie in 8ituations found for : When girls have done of servlee for fsiX inivitect1 to a half -year - *.o thew who have their platten' for twelve e dintributed at the en - gathering, TWo salaried. busy in a constant vioi- Is, each one placed out ing visited at least once 8 0 8 [„itt a, 'n al that obli ations am to ex. s etter or P 5"; g , cite in them th spirit of self-help and independ nce. ome idea of the breadth and loatnef cence of this charity is afford- ed by the• fact that during the last ithree years more that 1,800 girls have passed through the Home, while the number of unstresse ceeded t a state ly satisf PAID/ FOR S.A.LE.,---For Sole, Lot 9, Con. 1, -1; London Road Ste -1110,400 acres, 80 Cleared and under fence, the balance timbered With first- class -hardwood ; frame barn 6040, franie citable 18x40, log hens°, good bearing orehard, wet - urea ; situated_ within 7 Miles of Seaforth and a distance from Clinton. Farm well under - drained. (main first -duo cultivation. Apply on the premises or to titu proprietor at Brocade' 1', 862 0, ANDREW MeKENZTE, by law, to be paid trial and re - and. where- udgMent. be meta of this eaters ready applYing for servants has ex - at fieteure by a , full third; of things regarded as high - tory, since a considerable ection of places is there, pEOPERTY IN BRUCEFIELD F IR BALE.— weekly for each child r For sale eheap, that deslrirbie pro arty in the of ErneefieLd, lately °coupled b Mr. Bold. Ferguson. There are far village lots, aloe a good frame base, with stable, well and all necessary 0000010.110(4G Also good orchard. The Landis all imaerdrained and ourrandral by at new board fence, For further particulars apply te JOHN YOUNG, Brucefield, or to the proprietor at Lis- towel. ROBLIti FERGUSON- for when placed in the i process of law. Tact it properly of a prevehtiv the reformatory seleto durative type; togetheT whole field of delinque made It is easy to ee such a law must ,be t pROPEIITY FOIL SAWN EGMONDVILLE,— and, in point of fact, i For Sitio in Egmonclville, a fine iniek house whole lilted Kingdo and a haw, frame house', with a good barn and i.V8 and reformatory stabling, ttereS of land, beautiful' orchard of f•O choice fruit trees', and 2 never -failing wells, WbiCil both element% ri The property is all well fenced. It is a desirable instruction are imparte property. Poe further particulars apply ou the , preraises to TO FIN C.A.BMICHAEL, Egrnond- THE GIRLS TVA 0 Ville, or to BENSON & MOYER, Ballads, sea- The aliels' Reformat() 15 th -t j tact rail y cover the tire ipstitution, in both its departnients, tend° treat- seems admiral4y managed,' and is eer- • . 1 "41 , 11 inStitatiOH above described, there is also, in another part of the GUY a Training Home,' de: signed for the 'benefit of these who ap- ply at the Free Registry without the re- quieite amount ef expenencein the duties of domestic service—a matt useful de-- partment of the general work. The en- what a etimulus 1° tainly fulfilling a inOst useful purpose. private effort ; It adds out helping hand to .the (II has dotted the. hurnblest and 1 west young Servant girls, With tirevent- it offers a home to the homeless and sup- inntittitione, in pliee friends to the friendless. No depth a id industrial of Poverty diserilifies the applicant for its kindly shatter ; crime alone is a Taint bar to its frienlly doors, and hi thepre- volition of this las it is a true and a po. n the exa,ra. - 1391 ination of which, in c p y 'th tent agency. THE 310YS' lINDCH3TRIAL . (moot,. ' • Hill honorary secretarii and tre tsurer I i ArtA.1 FOR 8 AL1,. -17 r Sale, the west half of ' I • Lot No. 8, Con. 14, nullettr c ntaining 80 passed two hours, is 81 • , , yen formed to superinten t at country. It was a su 1 vista that more childre ankf ally through the omes than through all bolo of Birmingham at ral together, 1:81f,FUL LIF Ill's great work is sup treied forward by youi n ore himitelf ; he 18 the 1 t -Whole of it. Every n an;early hour for Eaglis eaten breakfast and be re hetie at the Boys' Home, ains two or three hours ani passes an hour or tw 1 eine ; and thus, Atm between the two, he o ordinarily, the whole day of May each year be take neent of ehildren to Caned SOPCIlly auperiatending tion ; visite those who viousilly placed out there • 0 a ed et a place On another ay we paid a visit to the I wick, two ar Birmingham C rtified Industrial School Biroaingham. for Boys, havin at the Clete 130 inmate& a long magnifi. Mr. Wal er M , the superintendent, by WO of centuaies, whom we were taken through the estab- resideoce of an lishment, seemed. to me ,to be a man le an," but is eminently sui d to his place—kind, led !ter buildings genial, hearty; sennpatheac, earnest, firm and sagacions, A number of tbe larger beys---8Orne 30, I think—go out daily to work a factories or in trades- men's workshop from $3 to $3 5 sum about thrc liattnent, and weekly to the selves. The. oi whi eh revenue working up old acres, 55 of whith are de nal and in 0, state of called the Coppice, Se ea good cultivation, and Lust -class m e ery respeet, three miles from the cit of the balance is wen ti obered with hardwood. There are good frame buildings, MO a young It i8 a fine °1(1 mansion orchard. There hs ohm -Ammo of water. Is with= cent shade trees, the gr B miles of the Myth titation and is centrallY and was formerly the purietor on the prerais er to lily P. situated for all the oaten maric!ets. Apply to the English " country go c, oaaasoee Sr, B#J4.4* 'WO C1088137- surroun/ to be used for such a purpose So it ri.RM FOB SALE.—Lot 4, Con. 2, Stanley ; now serves the nobler e d of redeeming leo acres; 70 cleared, the remainder a good VICIOUS and. eriminal girts, nd restoring oo 1, in the ae- a Tears to have ful Io affords nineties witlt ed 30 on the at which girls ea 71 arid 14 to remain at stablishment. laten Asylum some of the at laundry °Duca from . I, although a b needlework, ehe ry, healthful towards both hardwood bosh ; 10 miled from . cst r an Oiluton, 4 frora Bracefield and '2 from liopen ; them to a tru, e worna, ri young orehard eornrounoins to bear, with over WIT complishinent of WhiCh fruit trees; Irani° barn 40x60, /rang sheep house 'been eminently succee 20-430, good stablcts, cow houses and other ont- irteco. .mmodations for houses, quartitr of a mile from good school, eonve- nieut to church hnta post office; never -failing well tame guardians, and 90i of %rater, well fenced and. under a good state a 1 day of my visit. The si cultivation. For further particulars apply tO AILTAili imint, 3.-r•Licippen .1, 0, - - 808 are fultilissible range b ,w years and ail are required least two years in the 3 Villa' FOR SALE.—Lot 13, Con. 6, ullett; r 1 100 acres; 75 Aftreff eleared. in a good state of 03.888 Saitable ter the Mag cultivation; the remaining 25 tcares are v ell Um - here with hardwood Is g miles' from thir village are not received.. We Oa of Kinburn , 6,i from. " Clirnton crud orl thp gravel girls in school and other read leading to Seafortll '7 miles distant There work, the principal chip 14 11 ff00(1 balk' barn 38x60, goocl dwelling house, good well and younre I caring orchard oa the which revenue is roe( — premises. Ie convenient to schools andelturches, moderate sum iobeeah.nec tai Fermis easy. For farther particulars apply °a the they wore a rig a premises, or if icy letter to Coustauc SOHN KYLE, 1?A1iM FOIL 941,,—I3 lett; 150 acre -A, 100 eic . . — dug Lot 6, dote area and in a goof x nativist -ion, the remain:It g 50 is -vfall tim era ; '2 frame houses nearly new? frame barn 110 Ilfl with - -.1 1 , e look, and their dunce or 400.4e visitors and officers was re 18, Hui- est and pleasing. We he, examieed. their copy br ok to ehort reeitatione it 80x80, and ot er out- 131 ) e leseons, -.in all of s, earning by their labor 0 a week each, of which c.fourths go to the estab- be remainder is placed edit of the boys them- ly other industry, from is received, is that of wood--wornout railway tiee, &c.a-into kindling& The moriey earned. in these two ways forms a by no means inconsid regAired to me stittition, whic excellent work tue and indueti and exposed el wise certainly pectful, mod- ranks of erinie., rd. them read, THE ilsionaTio...N. Hostas., , and. listened To the salmi category of preventive g( ()gra)ity and vvork, in a still more einoninit de ree, be- -hi AI they allow. long the Childr ,n's Emigratiou onus ; table item of the amount ,t the expellees of the in - seems to be doing an n leading to a life of vir- multitudes of neglected ildren who would other- ro in the ova to swell the buildings ; 10 sit,trated. 11 miles from Sort trth, and 04 the results "of careful tr, Ow mul-.# ail ttaicto from Mutton fold 13131 wow l„iii Proiress--their lieninateli voyeenveta let. to 81411 w:';, sehools 'II 4 miL18, 4.4„„ 1 , ,,,t :h. ao ttp. tam erne. Tea a al excellent oppor unit y tO 'mei& ar,y C,rcuel,ft fl)G. ar Ittl' r tsetisleireg to secure a lira -atm ham. able are required, to le y i weekly sum purely voluntai y work, fouodea and 131.13- f/or forth( r luirliallutrHaPPIY-011 the pre rases, or towards tbe support of itheir darighters— to,iited by private benevolence alone, weta, a prinei le universally enfc reed ill 13t101 . it ii$ na wbat 6 called a "'certified" if - if by letter , to Harlock EOHt °Moe, JA -11•486 FAUX non ;ALE.-1er Sole, par of Lot 28, - thoroughly just ; :tile, iiri the major- aid; and, proe res its inmates without sue a 0. eats' of good e titivation, tic balance is soniething woraee lute been the Oceasion the wity.of tritl or sentence,. They_ are itlieg and foie • °tailor boys, cm a . being, par- 100; inmates, eits whn. are with accommor pable of aceommodating nd the other for girlie aliens for 40. This is a at ... _ . .... ... - ___ .. _ establisEmente - la ifl gland, and stitation at all receives no government , Cote 6, StumloY i 10/ 'tar", 6° 1 el" ek"'"a ity of cases, parentel 71 elcet, if; not any inteipositi n of the magistrates in well timbered. The whole farm is ell fenced ; „ , , hill. either (Metre without homes, 1 mere / there is a good dwelling I house, and frame barn Of teem . . . , and stables, also a goodi1. young ord. ard bearing THE HOME FOR DESTITLTE e_ ',It% visited a- 8041101 frtlit; there Ift a neve -felling stream of water running through the farm and an exec:110rd spring at the house, Is situated within 1:1 roam; of the -WU" 16/5 rthy and utefu 1' 11 Road, is within hrii.CH Of thO London, uated in the heart; of Bir Huron and 151ace itail VII V. ft5 rft.110.44 rOtil enet;)ii called the Free ltegistry and 10 from lierdortie, 'For furthe pitrtienlar8 klogle for Destitute Gale. waifs Ipieked in the streets, or the hat nova as ehddren of poo _and vicious patenta who elep•ity, sit- sueeender all parental rights, through, iingltameand papers duly, et4ceute.d, into the hands of id Temporary theHorne, Tae institution was founded. '11.'heobject of three years agio, as I understand, by a an c ective suptrintepd tine wotk, both at hoate a 1873, he took out.. 30 chi 50 • and he has now gone or 170 -more, The success AL C nada with rare exceif co pia°. In his latest dlernore says that he had the children, for whom Ii ly provided places, and f futtpy in their new home , they 'were receiving education ; were atten end Sunday schools ; and thed to their adoete turn, seemed equally "These children, lie 80,3 f benevolent eeultation, f happiness and hope, rout Nuttier and rime it fter eating extra >ts fro 1 tters, reeeived roni t i children in 'anada, he adds, in a sin ilar strain and with a feeling of pride # t once natural aad pardonable : "The elight I have felt in receiving these le ters can hard- ly,' 'be . described, for 1 have known the children who wro = them waen they were living in sq alor, ignorance rtY14 vaicateifri:idletriore has it in his heart to eeta,blish a Lodging and Mission House for the Poor, the necessi .y for which he considers urgent—a de ign thus far I iadered only by his in tbility to pro - Ore suitable premises for the work. He onclietes'his last report a these words : ',It is not the will of ou Father who ie in Heaven that one of . ti ese little °Des. eliould perish. Ile has raised up the Emigration Homes as a mats of seving thern. i• ---May He con inue this His arn work when we, V e frail instru- eats of the moment, h ve been with- eawn from it," i, What a noble exampl of self-denial ad -self-conteeration i one born to ealtli and luxurious eas ! • A CANADIAN a the work in , A strotig feelin of insecurity has taken rprise to inc to i possession of the people living lathe sub - 1 are passing I urbs, A new writ of mandamus in the Emigration Gnibord ease was applied for on Friday. 1 the igdustrial The date of the burial has not yet been a its neigbix,r- made public. —The marriage of D. Hingston, Ma , - or of Montreal,i to Miss Margaret M Th rintended and donald seeond Laughter of Lieut.(' g Mr. afirldlee nor Macdonald, was celebrated 0 fe and soul of 16th inst., in a very imposing inant tenting at ' 8-- St. aliehael's Cathedral, Toronto, amen to have —Henry Eastern and John y for work— quarrelled at Tavisteck on Friday, where he re- inst. the former splitting the la he then visits head' o ea With a brick, from whic di in the Ghia' died 0 the' following Tuesday, ing his visits stem i awaiting. trial for manelaugh uptes himself, Woo took jail. On the first —Manta, Birrell & Johnston, of out an inetel- himself,' per - heir distribu- ave been pre - and thus gives co to the en- d abroad.. In dren ; in 1874, with some 60 f the work in ions, has been sport Mr. Mid. isited most of had previous- nd them very , ctinscientious Mg both day were much at - parents, who, fond of them. a witn a sort " now so full were rescued Birmingham." n a, number of • C- ✓ r- t e or at in the city of . some watches, raal a,nd one of t. 10th three and ran o ter's ly pursued he he but escaped with the one. There is no Eck- possibility of identifying the thief. An - r in other volunteer, passing Boyills tailor short, seized a air of pants expoeed for 'hit- sale, and wen up a stairway and put them on. The going down in the rear he walked through the store by mistake, in order to gaiu tae street, and was ar rested, , —While a gentleman and two ladies were returning from Kincardine, at a late hour one e ening, a few days, age, a was high, and north-east all graph poles we munication int afternoon. M to fruit and iloiviag a egale from the the time, Several tele - e tihrewn down, and 00111.4 - rt upted until Saturday oh daroage boo resulfred rnamental trees, which were broken riclven by the fillOW and the wind. --On Friday evening, three or four volunteers went, 410 Groslight stare, n:don, and asked to see A tray kill were ehown e volunteers grabbed up with them. Being hot - trapped two of tbe three, by, Ont., h'avre imported 53 very fine Cotswold sheep. from England, inchicliag several which carried off first prizes at this year's sho of the Royal Agricultural Society, of! England. —00e day st Mr, Sutherlan , of Brander& oust ined a most ainful cei- dent, was breaking a ew pieces of wood w en one of them flew n and struck hint in the eye, completely des- troying and, possibly, renderin the ffer- other Oomparat ings have been —The Peolii ly in session in ask P rliamen law w lea is to ple al o'er t upon nder the Ballot box syst the majority isor it, it will be enfo if not, it will, f or the present, be i ed. At last he temperance advo a liave sltruck a seneible plan, and, in the o ly fair orie. Let the people d this qi estian, —Tae resid nce of Col. Wonha 'tiger all was entered by burgle Wednla sdat ev ning of last week. Colon I was a the camp in Lond the time, and wOmat, fired t and ti.e itoicals in anything, cowed a terrib scious for som firing On the seals is worthy o bighent praise and emulation. —T e stelegriam , from Manitoba, lished inion, Gove cash correc sons. ment ly sta ect, but not any of it will ttibut d • in castle It will be gi seed gal, and where absolutely sary, n food, t vely useless. His s ntense. ition Convention, re Moutreal, has decal to enact a prohib be submitted to th e Dominion, and a to tory 0 - If 1; p - es e d, eide , of , on The at •e housekeeper, aming res shots from a rev Deer, deeamped without s The young woma e fright, and was u time. Her brave through to the e ent o the gr , and h The air act eons ut ,the press of the re et that the Do area a loan of no 1sshopper sufferers misled. a number o ouit which the G te to advance is co ---On Monday' afternoon, of last as GeorgeWebber and son, of East were on iag dawn a steep hill in Easthd with a load of lumber, th IN ENGLAND. wheelig t into a dee rut and thre Canada 'Rev. S. W. Curtiss, has left for Chili, where koveral years as a missioi —Mr. D. Allen, of Ca iral a number of high br r i tent Province of Mani 1-14n John B. Conb 1 heession of Caleclon, ha 18 straw of whicli meas lc la hes. 1—Arrangements are be eaening and dedication of w hall in, Mitchell of Woodstock, e is to spend ary. It, lately ellip- Q fowls, to the oba. y, of the 10th produced oats, red feet 10. ng Made for the the Oddfellows' on the 15th of ub- om- nion in in- per- veen- eet- ea in ems - bear suddenly in the Greene Black Horse a, ahead �f the front, heedin driver or the s chased from swamp to a c when it turned the driver turn drove past it. , The furious animal then ran after the buggy, and made several springs at the Occupants, but by forcing the horse through they soon left it far behind. st week a number of the ect in Welland jail made t escape. The jailer corridor alone, and. after oners out of the cells into was immediately pounced r thrown into his eyes. s in his hand, one of the the other of the gate„ he • ndoisr to throw them out. door luckily went out, but struck a bar and glanced then bound and his revol- ver taken from himi while one was try- ing to open the door, but the key being the wrong one, that was frustrated. The turnkey, heatIng the noise, rushed up and presented' a carbine through the op- ening in the door, 'compellibg them to unloose the jailer. The key was then found and the doer opened, and the pris- oners locked in their cells again. —A few nights since, a woman called at a private -dwelling in Westminster, and representing -herself to be greatly fatigued aud. t avel worn begged admit- , ppea.red beside the bu k ;swamp, between tbe d Itiveralale, It ran up orse, and kept close in net the calling of the eed of the horse. It -was bout, the centre of the_ nsiderable distance out, a little to one side, and ed to the other side and —One day 1 prisoners confi a daring attern went into the letting tbe pri the corridor, h on and. pep Having two prison door an 'rushed to the The key of th the gate key back. He wa twice. The g o lady of the 'louse took week compassion ou the stranger and showed era, her to a bed The W0311,1”, when part- ntth ing with the rtistreos of the house, said blud she was so very tired that she would both likely amp la next morning, and ask- ed. not to be d atarbed. Some time after kfast hour next day, an e to arouse the stranger, se being given, the door of penal, ana tbe discovery wearied traveler of thp had levanted, carrying st Of the clothing and rtieleit that attracted her ple cannot tie too mu- the men off the boad, the wheels p ssing over both of them, breaking both the the usual bre the old man so th • t he ffort was ma 11. thigh -bones of bones protrucl disloceted, an ternal injaries paired of. — On iMond cit e . Thesonhashishi j int and, no repo has sustained 8CV re in- the room\vas The lives of both vale made that th night previou y night of last w , a with her the aniel several other and a cupidity, Pe team of horses belonging to Mr. Dillon, df the Township of Downie, lumber wagon were stolen. The had been working all day and put in their tall, the wagon, wheat iii sheaves, having been left barn. In the morning the horse found, t� have been stolen, togethe )iitober. the wagon, fr .--1--Several flakes of anoy fell in Sutton, ' ' been unloaded Jaunty of York on the 22nd of August, rly in the morning. The follosving have goite to i ht there was a heavy frost. _ ----TheInstitut, Canadien of .—Mr. ,J. W. 13engoug , of Toronto, purpOse celeb ting 'the :31st De a t, on a six Month& lecturing trait' irlp's cartoonist, started,. on Monarty next, :the one 1 undredth ennivers the termination of the seige of Que it north and West. He lias a new sabjecti the battle under its walls, and the ei titled "Heads and Tales." of Gen,' Mont ornery, commandi i --The shareholders o ' the City Penk Americo/no, when the Canadian cif' Montreal app ove cf the proposed rendered. such flieient service, an at algarnetion with the 1,30Y9/1 Canadian served the country to British nide, t is expected that he observing of thi event Beak. The union will be effected ae soon e the neemeary Jegislattai ig paned.. light many documents in comic:die with by a trliterary institution will bring to 1 '-r-A farmer named Townsend was driving a cow to his hon e in Brantford the history of this continent. TOWnship when his cheep t became unman- —The propnetoes of the Brantford ffei. have lately received a. notice feom ageable andhe became angry. The reoult Poitor Was a stone thrown with violence. The Mr, F. F. Pole' , solicitor, in which they oo)s,' a skin sold for $4 and Mr. Town- are threatened with an action, unless sei d has an orphan calf . o feed. they evithdrave a certain article, claimed A number of gentlemen from lthila- delphia, New Orleans ai d other Aimeri- ea cities are iti Ottias o, on a proOpect- in tour. From what n be gathered f in their 'Illation, it is believed a large nigration from the I tilted States to t Ottawa district may be expected be - f et t along. —A number of none missioned offl- Violet P. O. TI{OMAS MILLS. 1 898 the institution is to rescue young destie young man of the name of John T. Mid - apply to the Twelfth:ter on the pronisos, or to , . ,. , tate girls, whether residen s or, strangers, i dletinore, whoiai father is a wealthy Bir- atiatileis FAII.M P tOPERTY r on SALE.— who have comet° town to ticeic - employ. iniughani main facturer, with the aid of farm, gituattql shout 1 erafie#4 fror, 331.fcilehi, m_ents, and shield. thetai f oro the many Means fernisheil mainly by the family, ' For Salo, tt clesira le and beeut fully located h, Lot 28, Con, It, I,. H. snares and perils to which they are .ex- and is, n gre t part, supported in the • ' the way 1 of sante way. M. Mitldlemore is A rare dothrbstie spr- -example of a y Utah born toe, wealth and cleitigned for bleary 'aunt rily surrendering these 3g eince yione ad vanta es, aa cl giving time, streegth, and 5 miles from 8:scf01- .1Tuskeityteitn, 11.1P cane contai s 100 acres, posed, 1)y putt ng t le ,n 1 40 at *hide are cleared and ite firsf-closs order, earning honeet bread I E141- 4 the baift;ftm h6iftg n11 lifi-vdwerpil Man JI r and well — . i -Preserved, The Louse fH briek, li toreys high, teats. Tbe Horne is %Itti good ,./-iller ; Lerm rind orttbul ding all that servants of the higher' ci_ ,,,eetraeise lin; et,z(ti,#::11 !bet 1 there IH RIP() an °Y61111 -rd '''f :3 sgperafficifgrsth. ..f(t 1 / 41 eCI't 41t.illi;!..‘ 41.1: Lail; ,b)$"11-11(01 ii. t'1)1(3: ''t IPt1;411(tiliNiLli'114 NICOL, WI:4;11mo , or tea ;1,t1tIES DONTIEltON. 1396 SAW MILL AND FA 01 OF 100 i.C.III;$ F011 ' - SALE, -The sitbsekibers offer f saw mill end farm; f.15, Con. 5 nnalt, The mill contains: large eli Nam,butting flaW, shingle yaw, edger 41 In good nrder. There are OH t the mill, two frame dWellit 1101th Htftble. There iH rdro on the lot et . taws timber, consistil4 of pine, bl hemlock and other lyrdwood, with indict vicinity to last ! li Ogg of factory rea,,ens given to • belling. Po -51 any time_ For Curti] partieula by letter post paid, of W. G. ILIN Reis V. 0., or to R. T. ILINGSTON Westfield P, 0, TABiL POE SALE.--tThe subseril ,r solo their Itlagt Wawa- ; nelari e4Iging arta peek e r— lin besides _ .s. and creme antity of sal - )Mk ash, awl a large st*sek eters, rklettis- I vession given 14 enquire, if STON, Bras- - BROTHER, 980 ' er offers fbr sale a tirst,clatis trio, contain ug 150 acres, being Lot Ne, 28, Con 13, Hallett, County of Hu - nal ; there is Inn acres tleared, well fenced, and ; elita attie 01; eultivath)n ; the land 15' of the best quality, a itpring creek rttilif through are registersal who eels more' than 1.:8 energy, ($40) a year, which is about one half the of ben average wages paid to tit 4.; servants ; end znistresses must not keep more than —the greater number Every applicant must be incan • anything to a Work directed to the elevaa olence better sort of tion anc salvaition of the very deer of Attie register society. t4W , servants The `hilarn's • Emigration Homes ep but . one, were eisteblislicid in 1872, and were in. eble to gi've a tended, as th reference concerning her virtue and hon. •move fr.= Bi esty ; and the first care o lac ladies in • moophere tho charge is to verify tlie r ifet• ieices thus were not likel given. Girls front the co gray, or have svotnen among mg no parents or resptet' ble homes in which they we town, are taken into tire I 01114.: till situa. mary traming in the Birmingham Homes tions are found for them ; midi girls leav- • the children ate taken to Canada, to be ing their situations, and li iv Lig no suit- pieced out it private families. ;The Art of the younger children are able place to go, are perm and for the elder places till they have found otl rnis, where they work in. cases they are required to fid eat a,t the same table board eight pence a day ; payment is not demo/tided if they have with ther and his family. They ao money iu pocket, alth ugh they are ha4e thee the wofold advantage—a very 4 4 celiar, a- II 111 ,thereiN ft cp #,,t. fr tom dwelling house with stone in!. Such debts are, as a ale, honor- pat ions idea awl of family life. expected to pay out ri th ir first earn i great on'ie to t em—ef respecriable corn- . 'Nee() cuai, with frame stablcS Ai dischargeu. , tit this ork, ough still in its infancy, t:t(11, OIL prib le la' n gs aro all marl , hew ; there ' I 41/111e.r : friendless 1 . team flit: pre•migeg, a 11‘, rig young orchard o choice fruit __ and a good school situated suitable clothiug on enter 134 theit first Thteet-thundre children have men re- am destitute girls ate in Plied with hai already gr wn to large profortions. , an in 160 have been taken to ced in Christian homes chance for so doing, ftH, it is situat d belt 1 mile je) ir name imports, to re- rningham to a purer at- e outcast children who • to become good men and he vicious assoeiatioas in e born. After a prelim- tted to return greater era. In both there a pay for their ,are folio .Yut immediate tb sam opted, on f field farm fteriva,rds ob, ned in the. Birmingham uu the lot opposite the farm. Arty p mon wishin situation, and they may tsin additional clothing at debts, hi such cases, bele ducting the amount fro through arraugernent ,wi tresses. An admirable in 408-0 out tei induce the giros t 1 PTP(1 cost price, the Homes, paid by de. Canada their wages there ; h their ns- been built in entive is held and distributt remain per- lished i Can d tr of wh nd. p home t'r Purchase a CeGo#1 farm will find this .a goof{ 1. front the London, Huron and 13ruce Railway, and for 4 hundred boys has only 2 miles frirn th4 toudesbor ugh station. subscriber en the premises, or if by letter address. Birmingham ; a receivieg home has been estate - Tenet easy. For further particulars apply' to the F. 0. a, and a conamittee has ea te Mit8. HANNAH Ifondesborough • 1 44 • orses tious in adm ttt eg 1 strangers to their been dwellings. full of ---Mr. And in the County of We were in the neighb with --being welt po m which the gram had tle and horses by the thieves, wh must difficult oper ork very deliberat which he wa wabee Ca8C in questi ember Mr. Robert ry of which, being c by Laing was cal death seeing the ani g the that she wile ilitia had advanced re- der remedies c operate upon saving her, nide and als thereat eig weighed -153 stitched up a kept in the_ st 11 cites, and aoldiere belong g to the ,100th t Rival Canadian Regim t, whoee 'term o 'service will shortly e pire, are apply - I lit 4 to the 1)ominion ;overitment for giants otland, they ha ing determined 1.4 return to Canada an settle in emcee elieible place in a body. - i —The "United Killed 0 GI eat Britain, purpose s ilavitation to Geo, W. N -cut Middlesex, to visi ,xt year, to ;attend sp nnection with their pi pulous cities in Englae ilt i'a---laOnnd• Wednesday, t eases. Elisio, - and IN threshed for R. and J. d'en Reservation, Sarni 0 , oats by tally. They at, the usual time, and fu Deducting the stoppage otiaer causea, reduced t the machine was runnin a half hours, The aS„the oats are fit forma -` a—About 9 o'clock on ing of last veeek, Cons Montreal, was ascendin eiluie on his way to join vault where the rernai stationed, The night w when in -the closest par be was fired on from the whistling past his ears. two shots from his -re fired at again he ran an w Laing, of Natisagaweya, lingtan, who is well kaewn Amor-it where he resides as ted i the diseases of cat - recently recei tly performed a very tion inpon an animal, in highisIy successful. The n was a cow, belonging to Jairil) of that township, taken suddenly ill, Mr, ed 't•in a,ttendance. 'Upon al, he was eaiiily oatiiified ored, and, as the trouble to iimeh a stage as to ren - fl, f no veil, he coueluded to het, e the only means of e than opened the cow's the 'stomach, and t,00k it 'pa Hula of food, which paha . The side was f; am, and the animal was ble fr r a couple of weeks, and now she is u on the pasture as well a48 ever. i -i--A notorious seeunclrelt named leek to bar libellouls and defamotory, which O'Donnell, hao 1 ttely been the cause of appeared in tae AcroRitor, copied from considerable exci textile among the peo- the Mitchell i delocatee The ExPoeitor pie of Berlin, Guelph 'tad other placee in. opologisee by ublishing the notice metered that vicinity. On several oceasious he tthhetyhf'wmitihndfirallWL and itahrtRiirelreePilnY' question, i bee his perfotman in 'Willa Ailtd effeeted n areel In the solicitor's notice, it is stated that i were broil het war his cl - Su fro n Berlin jail, be wan- Ilth inst., t the country in the eapae- looking characters, were observed to be I. ity of a tramp and eontrived, by begging making an insPection of the bank build- ; and etealio*, to keep himself in exist- ing izi alitchell, and a remark from one 1 epee. in Ins tram s -through the mull- WaS overheard by Mr. Flagg which made I try, he Waste tha he had escaped from it clear enough that they ititended a rob- several jails, andihed figured both as a a robber. He wae little i at Arthur, on the Fri - hie eecape, and was taken conetable from that town, of what jail there. Here, also. he started down the Stratford road I made an atte pt to get out, and had were not .seen or heard pf after- I made consideirable progress in working ward.e. # I out the mortar, towel Inc grating of the an action has prietora of the —At about °Trammed. against the pro. the public y Advocate, . I Berlin jail o usk on Saturday evening After his esca reet strangers, suspicious dered throug us escapes from jails, el in this particular prominently before ver escape from the day, the 12th inst. 1 ••,-; A m Alliance," of bery. Their Movements were watched, . Tourderer an ables called out to make a mately captur cause their arrest if pos- day following fellows must have got to Guelph by as going on, for they sud- ; and lodged in nding an urgent and four eons toss, M. P. for reconnitre, an the parent -land sible, but th ial meetings in wind eat men the denly d. Scotland and and ie 14th inst.,1 —2i few evenings ago Mr.M. Shilling, 1 cal with a table spoon, before he was iiliam 'Milliken of Inoerkip, was awakened by hearing a I discovered by the jailor. On Saturday eed, Lot 15, In- noise in the cellar, and and. on going to . afternoon Jacls. wee taken from Guelph , 1,200 bushels ascertain what was the eause, he met a I and safely lodged in Berlin jail; to stand ommenced work man coining out of the cellar, lovingly , his itial for breaking jail. It was not ished at 7 P. M. earryingtwo jars of preserves in his D,r111S, ' long until he b cc inure brought his in - for meale and three others having previously been ; gentuty into uisition, to aad him in a time to which I brought, out and set carefully dow out- ' final struggle for Liberty. He had sue - to about nine , side the door. Seeing Mr. Skilli g the I ceeded in ma ing a' considerable breach ork is first-class; i thief at oncei took to his heels. Mr. i in the Avail, by removing the -bricks and ket, I Skillingegave phaseand followed so close- i mortat his only implement being a 1 hursdey even- 11,y that the w uldebe thief was obli ed to i spool), and but one layer of bricke re- ble Walker, of I drop the preserves in order to g CelMetlery Av- the fence in time to save hinuiel ,beinuaaght, he guar ls at the pitch rk; and. 1 Itiviere DU —.There w a heavy fall of s s of G ibord is i Lo of the avenue, i from 6:30 A. bushes, thishot It on Saturday, He replied with 1 12 to 15 inc lver, aiid being °Pai°u had t escaped injury. two feet could be measured. The over mainea to p from was disturbe d.ered to the ow at other half would have given im the liberty he so zealously 80 elence, the J years' confi Penitentiary be more strictly' up, Province of Q ebee, . on Friday, till 7 M. ailing to a depth of front es, and many are t the e ground. been hard fully wind. event his egress, when he in his work by being or- 'oart Room for trial. An- lotirti undisturbed labor ght. After hearing evi- eige senteiiced him to three enae t in the Provincial where be will, 11Q doubts ded. ;s4;