The Huron Expositor, 1875-09-17, Page 6OSIT'OR. • a SEPT. 17, 1875. Fl 'he Missis establish a co -A Morin cuts open a ho iron Matters irpi Grangers are going to 1:e. ethel township farmer Vs : nest, just to examine r `the inside arr ngement.. He says he thi iks he will a able to see his barn in ab ut two wee . �s. 1 Several 1 o see in a stable at Lancas- ter Penn., were- made deaf by lightning reeptly, j just cl sed at Angenuln- m st Ariz , a gold medal, an Am rican harvester. instuace of the cheapness dearness of provender at s given by an English *far - co k.Lank ikepresi, as having i s own ndtiee. A farmer t rroown on one field for £56, The gree e t reape i• trial ever held in Germany l a. aert•. The h was awarded —A curiou of wheat an the same tam met in- the M cone under 1 sod the whey but for the staw which produced this red £G0. ason of the year, farm ed to work very hard, and it is not oily right and just, but for the pecuniary to see that the ought not oner plenty of it, b them wet, A wheat he obta —At this € s horses are obi ;interest of their owners are well fed. And they to have good. food and itit should be given to great many horses are per- manently inju ed by being kept in the summer, when hay and. oats. Recently nine along the of Mission St. er by some nue hurled..down t rest of the flo of 800, or, as to 1,500 head. All that fell were in- stantly killed —There isle ;vast difference in the fla- vor of eggs. liens fed. on clear, sound grain and kep + on a clean grass run, give much finer fia ored eggs than hens. that have access to ;stable and manure heaps, and eat all ki ds of filthy food. Hens feeding on fis and onions flavor their eggs according y, the same as cows eat- ing onions or sive water, im milk and butt the higher the • and corn give feeding on be less, renderiix they work, upon dry band of sheep were run- , of , a precipice back lose, Cal., when the lead- s lost his footing and was le steep . declivity. The followed to the number stimated by others, 1,200 abbage, or drinking offen- arts a bad taste to the r. The richer the food, color of the eggs. Wheat eggs the best color, while kwheat makes them color - them unfit for some con- fectionery purposes. —When blinds and doors do not close sn'ugiy, but Ic drafts enter, t mended by M missioner in ' - Place astrip 1oputty all along the jambs:— cover the edg of the blind or door with chalk and slut it. The putty would then fill all spaces which would remain open and be ''ressed where itis not need- ed, while tri 1 excess is removed with a knife. . The! halk rubbed on the edges prevents the€ adhesion of the putty to the blind or doot,� which then can be opened without adhes ion, and the putty is left in place, whe a it soon dries and leaves a perfectly fitti g jamb. 'I he value of the quail as an exter- na.lnator of insects is well known by those who, have st tclied the habits of these birds. But the evidence of an Ohio far- mer who observed -a flock foraging over his corn -field in a methodical and thor- oi gh manner, and -who shot and examined one, is- -. interesting. On opening the bird's crop there were found one cut worm 21 striped vine bugs, and over 100 chinch bilge. 13ya!Id-by the absolute necessity of, prows ing almost every bird that flies arid encoura in. those which are the ave cracks through which he simplest remedy recom- Schuetse, Building Com- resden, Germany, is this , men are less able to bear th of thele e.•citiug causes than that the e otional nature of more ar !l,5 (ieveloped, and exposed t; the action. of sucl directly a ` ect it. if 1 am ri we would otional fo excess of just what lyse the t to these number o ber of me yet there among then women to 832 in fessor Matkdsleydefines this sanity as ' great oppression (f the - s feeling, with corresponding gl on , m bid ideas.'—Popular• S'cience landau.. operati * n men ; b t women is thu mire ea see as ;ht iths, xpeet to see=in women the e ,- ms of insanity develo} ed' in he sante in then ; and his is • o find. Cfontinuiiig ti ar a- bies of Die, Kirkbride r lati .g e cases as above, we find lie women to be 3,220, th nu exceeding them by 45 ; aid re. X,032 cases of Meta cho is nen. 1 .o- orm of SI ow to Prospe The Ti troi-t Weekly 1'; ibuJle gages he' followinl� deice to those wl o w uld be successfu in business : " It i all imp r - tent to st4rt right, whatever ins of life tempt to pursue, w ieth r it be e, mechanical art o trade. ; A not only be indu trio is n to business, abut he mu t. h vs, of doing business whi 1;1 ill g certain results. ` Thr w the � ing of cro-rs aud cattle does n t co stgat t -Bole o_ f the b o farming . the - erection o g and othe structures does i k man a business mechanic ; s df and tying them.up does not r- chant of any man. ' Anyb do this labor. There is' someth all these detajls which is the n - r .we may al agric ultu man must attentive a method: surely bri sines b ildi of A !lin go ak ea,m dy can ng aelt } mai pr to success in i any pursuit, 4nd that system. Well, what is system ? Ir. limited view, it consists of a set of ru in business, which, if strictly obeyed lived up to, will enable a maze to lay a surplus every year. Starting in with few wants, every youn men frame for himself and adhere to mays which will enable him to do age and self denial he must beginning, to carry him thro I years ; after that the course will be e his, ave ghf -0 at r a „ most useful in -gradually dawn .upon farmers and fait -growers, , I another $1, .—The Oahfornia squirrels have entered balance is to into competition with the Grangers _of Here is an il. that State in the business of carrying system in- business, a system e grain. Mr; ICallenbach informs the opted at the beginning of a basin Nt ektoit 1,u { mule et that an army of + when the waists of a: family are 0 n i le .n• lif4 ay e ur 8 and freed from those temptations and obi structions which at first made it ifh *u1 to pursue steadily, There is yo n .y farmer near ' Quincy, Branch Cunt Michigan, who began farming witl young wife five or six years ago. We rel frain from giving hie name, as we cas all ly picked; up these facts from a f -lei the young man. He began on a fjarin longing to his father, but he was to hey, all he could raise. He procured tf i e good cows, and he and his young ifcl agreed that they would make the c w furnish the groceries and slip ily1 er'p r sonal.wants. 'That was rale first,, ' lig has been strictly lived up ; and h cows have, by good 'mane ement ; an care, - furnished- the groceri: , supllie the wants of the wife, and s eh s loin ed the husband d $40 cash besi es, I In her arrangement the wife -was o hive uyl surplus that accrued from his sou ce Then it was established that th h gs - the fruit, potatoes and other sprig crop must run he farm, buy tools, &c '1hi was rule second. Then the sr ed go i 0 e the sale of wool and wheat aiusl the bank, This• was rule thiir d . n these three ales constitute the sys_er under which this young tna r is pros er in .in his business.. Theyre dhe ei to with the strictest integre y, sin i sacred compact entered into with him el at the outset Of his business life. H is a very indus rioms, and avoids eed es expenses. est. year hepurchased farm near hi' , paying $1,000 d wn n IO within a few Mont s. 'h fee paid in easy nista line is ustration of the woi kin o sily : (1 ss1 fe. ew • nc there are no �incumbering debts and n palsying interest to pay. I Ne.irly al working en can adopt some such sys as this a: d be prosperous." 0 these active la borers is engaged in mov- ing his crop. Each one is able to carry G62 grains at viae load hi its cheek—which is putting its cheek" to profitable pur- pose—and. makes its trips so - frequently that a family of able-bodied ones will carry off e' .ry day a ton of wheat, worth at ; present rates $42. As these laborers .. Mr. Ar do: not stop Work to discuss politics, the ! tic dealer prospect of an early removal of the crop well -time ice favorable.. cattle at edand 0 Jumping Out of Bed. the same mends " A clever medical writer dope not ap- prove of the old doctrine whic,li was for reedy instilled into the minds of chiiclrcn -a- that they should spring out of bed the inetanti they are awake in the morning. He says up to eighteen years • old every child should be allowed to rest in bed, aftaer the sleep is _over, until they feel as if they would] rather get up than not. It • is very great mistake for persons, old or yo ing--espeuial'ly children or sedentary lse,°sons o bounce out of -bed at the mdment they wake up ; all the instincts shrink from it, and fiercely kick against it.; .fifteen. or twenty minutes spent in gradually waking up, after the eyes ars - -opened, and in turning over and stretch- ing the. limbs,; do as much as good sound sleep, because the operations set the bled. in metiet:i by degrees; tending to eel ralize the I ii�rculation ; for (luring sleep • the blood tends to ,stagnation; the .heart bents feebly -and slowly, and to shock the- Hy he sy +tem by boor ting up in an instant and. se ding the blond in an over -whelming quantity to the heart, causing it t as- • su lie a galla , -here the instant before it was a trees;; is the greatest absurr ity. '.l'1}is instant nous bouncing out of bed as soon as the, eyes are opened wi 1 be' • followed by Weariness long befr re neon. • • Oauses of Insanity. We obtained an idea of love diff tially1 as it exists in the sexes by ob ing the degree'. to which it affects and women as a probablecause of i ity. In the same manner I thin can gain a knowledge of the compar intensity with which emotions and s of conacieusne's, common to both s exist in intellection, by observing tl fe+:t to which they react as a prof cause of mental alienation. For my polis I shall -use Dr. Kirkbricle's r.port fo • the Pennsylvania 'Hospital for the Inane. The analysis is based upon the an`1)I3osed causes of _ insanity in ,899 ca es. Domestic dif!ieulties are the pr-bable causes of mental disease i 47 men and 86 wornen. < Nearly two to one exresses the difference in intensit the action of this cause. Fright re ed ai1 insanity in 16 men and 36 woi en ; day, and. gri of affecte07 hen and 236 worn' , a State. difference of More than three to one ; ed by the religious excitement acts as this clause in conclusioi 7l')- ;len and 27 women, a differ nee of ly carne f. fig er cent.; nostalgia, 7 women and no his coat, menfrom mental anxiety th re 164 There wa meand 261 ; women insane. These ear(ses, which present such dissi ilarityy, have one bond of union ; they ;a ect the emotional part of the pyschical nature. From this I would not conclude t ren- erv• men san- we Live ates Judging Stock. eh, Speers, the well-kliiwn at has sent a very sens ble an 't letter to the Globe on "udgin hows. With regard to import- rnadian bred stock beim- pu i claws in competition he res m' Ghat the directors of exl ibiti n should gili-e a special prize to ani ' als m ported the first season and al'. er 't a either show them in a class of ii po stock or ],et it be understood th a t th r will be no reference shown to th m 'o er Canadian bred animals. When Hien r appointed judges their judg' nen t she 1 be based on the quality of tl a an mal well asthe pedigree. I l ave kno i very superior animals that ad ,a sh pt.digredes isecl and inferior : ni al. w .th a lonfg p digree prefcr-rec and awa d e the prize. 1 confess as -a gene al 1 1' ould give the . animal with he b s p cliggree the preference, but we 1 t ust re m miber that it is not the peck • ree w ar called, to judge but the anim ls. I w are to give prizes to pedigrees, let h directors of the exhibition say si." the decision ofnudges on _ fat c• ttlelh says : " Very often the judges "ve th prize to animals that are cushier ed ou with fat --what is generally ter .eft b butchers 'patchey'--when an ani aljtha has put on the fat evenly and is reall fatter, is overlooked, because the forme animal is presented in patches. butch er in purchasing -prize beef' will alvei give the preference to an even, . moo weal -proportioned animal and it i wo more money'; such an animal ill b+ fatterthan the patcbey one, though e ing equally ', proportioned lie des o' show it so much.;' n 1 ,y. ;h. Washington's Strength. A writer a Arlington House, i 18 asked M Custis if Washington con like Mars, hal Saxe, break a' lie sesh and the reply he received was, he had xes, doubt be could had he tried,or e ef= hands were the largest and the for able est he had ever seen. Mr. Cust s tl pur- gave him several. instances of tl G eral's strong h, of whi i h he ree lls following': W"hen.Wa Kington 1 as a3'pung m he was Pres lit on on • oc asiozi, a looker on, at wrestling games, then fashion ii'1 i ginia. 'fired of the sport; he had retired to the .hade of a tree in ' where hesat perusing a pamphlet, til] ult- challenged to a bout by the; strongest Issuingg ton de remark that s iththe gl +rward, and, rappled wit a herce stru space of .:time, when t hurled to the, ground mendous force as to jar of his bones. Another 41l ld ire 11 g e n 1i n4 h the hero of th wrestler in th lined, till taunt ae fearedto tr diator, h ca lin ithout reino n his antagonist gle for brie e champion with such , treJ he very rrnarr w instance of ; his is throwing; the, at wo + prodigious power was stone across the Rap Frederielcsburgh—�-a feat been performed since. number of young gentle Vernon were -contending of throwing the bar. • Wa time w looking on some, saying, " Allow rile i to tr ing the bar, sent the iron the air, 20 feet beyond it Still later. in his career whose age was 'like a frosty yet kindly," obse his workmen at Mount endeavoring to raise a lar tired of witnessingtheir u tempts, he put tem asic it in his iron -like grasp, place, remounted his hors t h innock at 1 T E at has never 1 atter in -life a en at Mount nidi - ie exercise hili ton, after �g forward, , ! and, grasp- - fljYing through 'iival limits. Washington, 1 Sty winter, ti ug three of i}non vainly tone, when, ccessful at- 1NILS e, and, taking iftted • it to its jig and rode on. A, WILSON EA 8c. YOU ARE SELLING THE CHEAPEST AND BEST TEA FORTH PRICES FROM 25e. 1 Extraordinary Budd: Death of a Yoting L = 4 A Miss Robinson, of th : �, venth Con- cession of the township o { el, died re- cently in a very sudden mi Auer. On the night previous to her dea h she attended a party held in connectio ( with a barn raising in the vicinity. + or some time previously she. had been u i er the care of a physician, who warnedher against engaging in the practice,' of dancing. However, she heeded not 1 ie; admonitions, but indulged her passion for this amuse- ment without restraint. It is stated that during one month of the past winter she attended about twenty of these par- ties, distance being no obstacle. On the evening of the party above referred to heir mother and sister endeav r c1 to dissuade her from going, but in va n'.' She went, and was always constant y 'on the floor until after midnight, wh u ip the midst of the giddy whirl slie fai t 1. - Shortly ncinbut he u dancing,but recovering s res c after c , with the same g' suit. - i,is took place three times ; and on bein requested not to dance, she replied she would, suppos- ing she should:die. Wh n startinn for home in company with a other lady and gentleman she was appa gently as well as usual, but before reaching home her body became so badly swollen as to necessitate the loosing of her clothingby her com- panions. When at ho ale her friends talked of death, and pro sed sending for for a minister, but she re and. During her remaining hours het ; chief anxiety seemed to be the fear tha �a1 a would not be better in time to atten !a other party. on Friday evening. S' a emained in this frame of mind until • � o clock in the morning, when, uttering t i ee piercing shrieks, her soul took its f ii ht to meet sits Creatar. _ She Cured At last she completely months she had patient pangs so many thousand are compelled to suffer. morning at breakfast the band exppressed the hope see the (ky when he shoal as he used to get at hom+ bread as his mother was and bake, At dinner th baked_ in the range. ' mother used to roast the fashioned ;Dutch tin ove was always done to a tur of the revolving spit. Tl .forever gone. But he mi to get such a green appl cheese, as his mother us At length, the long-suffe her wrath, unset the to dishes and their .content carpet, then strided over ed husband, gave him a which knocked him off h marked : There's a cli. for you such as your mot you when you was a bo there was'domestic�peace that house, with never e the maternal cookery an bygone days, slaved him. For Y endured the Of oung wires most every helartl1ss bus- t)]* he might 1c t such coffee 114 • such - corn - nt to make at was over - be sure his at in an old- , and the piece 14 the last turn 164 clays were t.• and ought ic, with new give him. wife arose in 1 T'ending the hing on the he astonish- 1on the ear cair, and re ver the head • used to give Thereafter ad, quietness in alai allusion to ebmforts of the 4i KID YS HAR JUST REO A LARGE STO IVED, K 01r Building Hardware Which will bo 8 11 ug CHEAP AS ANY IN TOWN. FENCING WIRE. A JOH CIALITY. KIDD. LADIES" AM KID. BOOTS AND AT MCINTY'RE & %(IAN LIPPERS ILLIS'. THE CHEAPEST FINE GOODS EVER OFFERED ?S'EAFOR TR. ALSO T>=T BEST FREN 171 KID, Beth in Button a cl: ;Lace, From KING & BROWN, t • e Best. and Most Fashionable makers of Ladle:' Boots in the Do- minion. 408 NIcIll TYRE M d� WILLIS, Street, Seaforth. N & Y1 ,l'E, BRIG Which w re 'all bought i Stoc1 of Far UGAR SUGA r UN (; have ndw on hand a Large Stock :T COFFEE, t BRIGHT YELLOW ofore the advance, and will bo sold at old A . COMPLETE ily Groceries, Ales, Wi CONSTANTLY ON HAND. TEA A -FOUNDRY FOR Sl'AFDOT VER SOLD IN SEA - Why Wait for a Foundry in Sea -forth, lvHEx 0. 0. WILLSON, or THF SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL I. PLEMENp L M OI UM f Sugar, consisting in part of Can incl DARK SUGAR; esLiquors, ,& CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE In Endless variety and Cheaper Than E er. WILSON & YOUNG, DI. N STREET, SEAFORTH, ASar prei A GOOD INDICATI N. salt of Good Business, the subscriber has recently been ob gcd to very much enlarge his led with very large Stock of the mos desirable grades of rises, which are ow filled iti ry E# NEW TEAS1,; INCLUDING JAPANS, YOUNG HYSONS, GUNPOWDER, I SUGARS. Sctpteh Reined, Liverpool Refined, Cuba and Demerara, White TOBACCOS. • ALL HE BEST BRANDS IN SMOKING AND I LIQUORS. ANADIAN whiskey and all Imported Jdgnoks;urchased in Bond nd sold erre as usual. A. lull Supply of General G ocerieis and Provisional, al of which will be s ld at vary small profit. Xi OVER, TIi1IOT IL r nndl OTHER FIELD 8 EDS IN MEAf3ON. LACI AND COLOGNE, Ground and Block Lump. CHEWING. JAMES MURPHY, Chequered Store, 8eaiortli. `B M. ROBERTSO In Y CARRIAGES ' NOW ON rX IIBITION AT 'S NITURE THE FII ND WI EV LL order that the Infanti INE s N ca lib the Cot in all t V ESI' ASSORT W .REROOVl. MENT ER, BRC UG IT TO SEAFORTH, BF, OFFERED VE 0 elation m ay have a good time RY CHEAP, raring the coning summer. M. ROBERTSON.. BOOKSTORE OPENED IN SEAFORTH. D. BVI tioners, Book Sailers GR GOR & Book Binders and Blank lingi your attention to our • ew Dookst rat patronage a d universal chess ray ,o Huron fo the last 2 cars, `1 gat as a relation to paper a t c its vari First -lass And from dar experieic ont optima we render therefore, sir look for an ALL jBOOK Not in: ones toe k will be fa ite Printi'nq rooks fold ALL; PAP O 01f Manufacturers, re wo beg tint to rete our sincere thanks for the very xperienced from the F rmers, Merchants and others of e intend strictly to iol ow our own business, and deal s rises, and also ove thing that is to be .found in a ook. nd Station in first-cla • c shops to the last 45 years, bot] eaforth secsato no hell' town in this Prop extended a, • generos sdpport from our toi OF ITER TUBE, OR lobed or or , e hi a fe' hanrs' notice, as we l Raw Material. in Gol +, ,Suer and Bronze N heese and Butter Factories Kept R and WINDOW BLINDS can .D, MCGIIEGO 8eaforth.° the Mansion Hotel, Min Street, ry Store. in Europe and America, with- ineoat our own business/ and, nspeople and numerous friends, BLANK BOOKO eop on hand a Large Steep of ally Executed. onstantiy on Hand, always be found at & SON'S Bookstore, FOR THE W,e1RM W PAR Tis Sun SOLS, ATHE RI SHADES, LINEN DRESSES, FRENCH MUSL INS, GREI' UE SHAWLS, GltNADIIITE Hats, ' Dolly CAR LIST, arde ADINES,_ SHAWLS, &C. Riverside, Opera, Rustic, BLANCH E. ALBERTA. At WILLI M HILL'S, �{ r urnish you. with the Best Implement made, at the . THISTLE ITEM. Suet Received, a Stock of the Improved Thistle Cntter Plows, with Wrought Iron Beam. This lib s all the good features a the old plow and is -uch more durable. It is manufactured by the o d firm, the original rnannfacturers of the Ilia. t e Cutter, Massey Manufacturing Company,. The ort Perry and London Gang Plows, the best ang Plows ever introduced to tbe public, & Vial given and satiefection guaranteed. Allitinde of General Puratose Plows .AlwaYs on Hand. STRAW CUTTERS AND GRAIN The old Favorite Straw Cutters and Grate rushers from Maxwell, of Paris always on hand. hese Implemente have been well tried, and Jim s ood the test of time, as those of no other make have done, HORSE POWERS. _ maxweirs two, four, six and ten -horse Powers always on hand. THE FLORENCE SEY/ING MACHINE s now universally admitted to be the BEST and HEAPEST—the cheapest because the beet—in e market, This is tho only machine in the rket having a reversible feeder, and it fa the nly machine that makes more than one kind of titeh. These maehines are sold on trial, anti if purchaser is not satisfied with it tau retain it and get any other machine in the marl:et, Atrial Of it is all that is required to ONE satisfaction. 0. C. WILLSON Has an abundant supply always on hand at his imperil= in SEAFORTH. Also all the other I ding machines, eo that purchasers can Ins heir clatiee. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 0. C. 1VILLSON keeps the largest and beet elected stock of Musical Instrumento wed ef monk), consisting of that celebrated Mathusek Jane, and other Pianos, Biinee's, George Woods', stay, and Canada Organs and -Melodeons, any of Inch he can sell as cheap as the manufacturers, TO TH5 LADIES.—In the Sewing Machine . Department MISS SLOAN elf -Fitting Charts. All the latest and Mired V tylds and fashions. The latest and meet popular beet Music and Musiel3ooks. C, WILLSON, THE SEAFORTH bpposite 0. C. 1FILLSON'S Agri- cultural Implement Emporium/. WHILE returning thanks for the liberal DA- T Y renege they hint received since commencing Miaow; in Seafoith, would ;state that they are ow prepared to famish DOUBLE AND SOIOLE BUGGIES AND EMOO Vhich, for style end excelle nd material, cannot be on stablishment in tbe Province They are practieal worlcme onal attention to their bu ake light work a speciality, IVE THEM IMPAIRING- PROMPTLY AND CHARGES PILLM seed by any other , devote their per- iness, and as they hey can guarantee ATTENDED TO, THE HUB SEAFO AS now on hand and in c a number of handsome an DEMOCR AN These vehicles are well shed and warranted to run e eap for cash or on short tim &re too well and favorably Ina ng. He has a nnmber of his nd they will be sold cheap. OTORY RASSIE rise of construetimi ubstantiallyballt T WAGONS, handsomely ne- se, and will bora r Wagons to require puff - est On band ttOws# EPAIRING DON AS USUAL, Remember the cad stand : urim Road, ono' WILL AM GRASSIB NOTICE *9 CON RAC'TORS. letting a the -works fo the inlargement$ enders will be received until IVErevzonav, . the th day of September neat. The plane and 'fith day of September next. By Order • Ottawa,Aue, 74180. • nd Hoyt writes to card given you by some hone ber, or tborugb uiionation of the honorable poneerne otab mbe ant ta :01 tf tolasucs comwr enthhowiNailvgi Or or oapugh that X entered. yew. see when at last the steanger's gallery open for yo in;the shape of a parallel() big table the -centre, 7 better, Ivith eashioried bench ,Iong lines either side, and end. of the table, a -pnlpit-1 npied seat, winch is Mr. and -under a perfectly bt alining, setting upright, are tbe 1/onorable mend in' the gallery a.bove sits:: th Higher up lead back from hind 2. wire railing, as theug be protected from them e ladies from their gallery.' look much like female euffrag all countries, is the most h -titled to female suffrage, He ,Qeeen, -and not only that, and the same time is the I -churches-a-Viet of England land. if one wOreau eau b ost hnoidnp okA jet eheel irocona: itthAte s edv go sat eoll e,mb, trej e h dies and a the reporters are. in whieh yon must break y straining to see and where; tempt to ; stand,' inexorable e compel you to sit -down, 0.1.3 hand of the great table from, erte, ehair sit the Government are the Opposition. The spea Howe of .COnerions is not sot ing as conversation. Yon s hear __anything like erator3,i every one drawls, and etanune Englishmen I can noticed. tha it was readiest au most fin . mot commanded the a 'House, It was the man et -h know the 11108t AbOAt the Mat to whom the Rouse most qui ed, however poorly be mig himself. ! unpopular hard time in. the House of Go notorious Tichborrteeleimarl festly a very unpopular Mena due to hio. to say that lie t - land strong, his words are mantter quite not** when lie tese to speak yop. thnoughotit the ;entire peed intposeible. except now .anid. a word, tun Dr, Kenealer dismayed, and the I -10118e kept If Had Leleare If I had teisur0, wood weak place in the fenee," *aid' He had hone, however, and w ing eider with a neighbor,: brake ill and injured aprinier had leisure then but it Aid bat* the cloth. I" If I nad leisure, Baia Awl last winter, "I Would alter in for I knov it is not safe,'1! not find thee end when his al fire and biariled. dOW11-, he font build another. The man thinks his time ha eccupied, but, lie was 110t A after sum ise he ilia ijuit__,w spent two hours on the str immense With an idler, i 44 If I had leieure," said p, 'w odd paY more attention t, to -- the matter than you do nqw.- you would probably pay 14ss ati ihtchenhegfasanrolei ts:: nvinhyhouoin dmr seore en:;s, lieftty6f ruf, resolution—the spirit to db --1 weak condition would 0;44' how nmcii might be =vied. among neighbors that in a they are worth -to pay the. ow e er ei'wen11.14atlititreWd, t*yo. with her hair always dig* clothes banging abont her as from a prop, is Away -8 repuleit is written Upon,. her Tiered crown of her' heaa to the soles land if she wins a husband W- in all probability, either Ito fool or a drunken ruffian, TI up of daughters to be able to and aet like honest, eensi women, is the .speeial task, of and. in the induetrial rankl imposed also the prime o ten:gro,nwtivuangs hsri, lik,,ger:2; al :dies IC:tohnhe:el 17:1 Ifao:rht: neSs bring in the RAO but it is 'necessary work, aiV tiitt t°thtelliernietaploilleat their mouths ; and eterely obligatory, it is better that 4 =el tynliaay11 ciLdieN14,13, enla:liouswiM attention 'to these usefull Anti A Wise Plan. To those sensible pet)* comider -eating and drinking bueiness ef life, the French A Paris lady will bid guests and provide them with mental eatertainment to; be, tea and sponge ealre are p physical needs, In minim very the entertainment glees of syrup and. consider herself as utterly financial -Joint- of view ai.# s, that an assemblage of soini ;thirty wnuld require anythin scale, ices: coffee, sandwiches tiety of small eakes are ha