The Huron Expositor, 1875-09-03, Page 6• En= Her Ownrn,. One moing MeGoeehen bee breakfast table o formed him that discharge the hir ba the 11011Beheld1 ,--- 0010 whieli,maer be the speediest return, Mrs MeCieoehen D'id. 1 An investment which is paid 'n the first ti blandly acerose the ! ; crop costs nothing exceptm Vie use a re i the money for ae few months, In many eaees an investment thus made' will fur. 1 ..ARRIAGE Fik.C1 , erk, bout two weeks ago, n her husbahd, and in- i ni sh capital for stiliftirtherint roe ements, I h I 1 1 ded to - w.iereas, if made in eomethin ; nnt bring- r i krtiz }Ili THE SEAFORTH 8O nit cone u ., . d ' 1 ancl do her own , iog an immediate return, it wiH be only work. This announcement startled Mr, ' so much Addition to the lcatl. cepital a AlbGooehen abnost as much as if she had 1 the farm. It does not pay generally to declared.- her determination to moonlit ! make improvements which meke e mod - suicide, He had long known that hired . I • erate return for the investment, unlecte help was a heavy dramn. npon i his meagre , capital is to be had n wilimited quanti4 salary, but his wife educated him to re- ty ; a moderately profitableimpr vement gen]. it as indispensible, and he had made 'mat° the deai' against °there *hi h "eitl' up his mind to endure it forever. That t be far better.. So long au 4• rifler she should voluntarily offer to dispenee ' cramped by lack of capital, imet not with the services of a girl was something I only ask what will pay, buti hat will for which he was not 'prepared, edoomog ; pay best and qitickest. If al gi d Ifence at her with an ex prevent manurii 0 01! drainin a mid, its an ou d d bt painfully P m ngled, 11 so dreligion in which ho - cost may be a clear waste ot noyp se You—why—you can't di) t, Etiza; far al Prelebt Pre" i8 emeara " (Wet do it, indeed i I'd like to know feet, one of the strongest evil! Ads for what'a the reason? Lots of wonien in this soiling is that it unlocks capital thing of it. Our family's small,—just - was mich impressed by an id profitabl town do a great deal more and think ing and allows it mare you and me and Henry Ward,—and if I of your correspondents, that on, can't do the work for us three, rd better i of hui acquaintance enriched -his go to a hospital and done with it," - i filled his barns,1while his net " What put you in the notiorl ?" asked, came poor, by clearing off the w her husband, hardly yet revevered from t stones from his fields, In the farmer who devoted his skill and his sui rise. vie , in, a t'ender, self -reproving tone, ' I'llte 1 . . t you. :I've been thinking lately how hard yOU have to work, and how little I have done to assist you, in comparison with what I might and ought to do, and it ap- peara to me that I should try and reduce our expenses as much as possible, and the best way I know die to do my own house- work. We are poor, just making a be- ginning in life, 'coed it is my duty to help you." I With a voice ahnost choked with emo- tion at -this unexketed evidence of his wife's devotion and energy, he feebly es- sayed to break her resolution, saying that he didn't want her to be a slave for him, that she was too delicate for the task she contemplated, that all he asked of her was edntineed love and sympathy— " Ob, that's all romance,"- interrupted Mrs. MeGooehea. "It's high time my love and sympathy was assunii g a prac- tical form. I'llIdischarge the girl this very day. But there is one ndition, 1, Peter. ' " N me it, my boble wife." 1, ell, Peterr" she replied, speaking enrich the soil can easily surpas n iarrn, itse, of one farmer rm and ors be4 ter and lid the labor te all (Mei ers in every style of .improvemea , Th moral is to begin With those nethods which pay bestuntil you get e ital to everything which Pays. After that, it will be safe and pleasant to mak a gool many other improvernents merel for ap pearanees and without regard to pecuni ary cOmpensation.—Coantry Gen lemma. rs. "That new carpet you thought we were unable to get. Now, if I do My O%% n work it will Save at least hundred dollars a year, and you can eer ainly af- ford the carpet," "Of course, my love, if you are satis- fied yOu are not undertaking more than you can perform." She was satisfied,and so it.w Mack lugged the carpet home and found the girl gone. His gone, too, but she returned sho s 'settled. at been, wife Was tly, hav- ing only been areund telling the neigh- bors that she was now doing her own work. Dinner was late, but then it Was the first Meal by her fair fingeis, and he could make alloWance for. the ' r ovelty of the position in which she found herself placed. 1 ' Acting on her suggestion Mack brought home a new rook ng -chair when he came to supper. They were savingl.a hundred - dollars a year, and could well afford such little things. ivhen bis wife ,returned from her visit to the rest of the neigh- bors, -whom she had been informing that abe was now doilig her own wink, she was delighted with the new chair, and declar- ed that they must have a full set of fur- . oniture to roateh it. " You know, Peter, that I will more thee save the cost of it in a year, and I will feel so proud to know that my labor has secured it," This was said so! beseechingly, ;and she hung so lovinglyrn ihistine& the while that Mack could i II reit the appeal. The furniture Was down the next day, ' About three days after, Mrs. MeGoodi- en coaxed Peter into: baying her a silk dress, and the next day she wheedled him out of a set of jewelry. It was the same old plea she was lightening the ex- penses so much by doing her own Work that she felt she wasi entitled to some- thing extra. It. wduld amount to no more, she reasoned, than the hire of a girl, and Peter could Well afford: to givelit to her. e ; 3,1ack began toet uneasy. Was there, after all, any saving in doing without a hired girl? Wouldn't that sort of econ- omy bankrupt him in less thana year ? _ He got a piece of paper and a pencil and ' figured ; 1 Expenses one week without help : Carpet. ' .1.. , , $20 00 Furniture . , , .. . 50 00 Dress at a jewelryr— . ,.. — .. _ _ 80 00 , ......„ Cost of help One NV . • ...... . ... $150 00 ..eic 200 Balance in favor olt a doniestio . a 148 60 MeGooehen was astounded. (steeping the paper and. his hat, he made rapid stirides her home. Opening the door, the -t first object that met his frenzied gaze was the hired girl. • Improving the Farm. 1 believe in farMers living well; no class better deserv s the fat of the land. j I lin fine fine e rriages, houses, and h generou4 scale of ersonal expenses—ndt at the cost of the friii, but as the result of profitable investments Ina& on the, farm itself. It is mpossible for the far- mer to live like an' independent prince, but only by stimulating the farm to its utmost ; productiveness. High living with ant, other programme, tends only to debt anci poverty. But no farmer who is making his land MOM prOduetire can fail of securing a profitable result provided he uses ibis money with any degree o Ontario lwhere.$100 to $1,000 could e .13, diseretidn. There is no farm in Wester used in -livays that 'ould be perfectly cer- tain to ..eturn froM 20 to 50 per cent. On many farms it would be a job of u if- derdraining ; and. 'lin my experience'an i under a Tilting will always return cost ie four croiis, and. sonic times in two. There is an awirage retu n in draining all the land that needs t fully, 33 per cent. Al anure can often be bought at ratee which will pay 100 per cent. more in the first crop, and another 100 Per cents i - the inerirase va,hie lof :the farm. Some. times by hiring an pxtra hand at $200 $800 or $900 may be produced on thi, farm. lp requires x»ore thought and abil its to ke4p,capital iit a farm properly em- ployed than is given4o any other kind o • business, and yet t iere is no occupitien wherein urp1us ea itel can le us d wit 'rester p o t and e itite1y safe fi on loss, That far ing pays is the:teStimony o hundreds of ±arrner who know how to use their capital pr fitably ; that It does not pay is the testiropny of millions more who demOnstrate their position more con- clusively. Both are right—each riecOrd- ing to the] method h 1 adopts, In. making fermi proventents for profit a -good de4l of judgiient is needed to de- • ---4-' , 1 • Dogs as neep Protect I used to breed cattle, but having a nat- ural fondness for sheep, and an or ortute, ity to purchase a couple of Scot° coney' shepherd dogs removing my fear on the', score of deetruetion_ by mongr 1 curs," which deter so many from keepin sheep, I concluded to try the experimen which has resulted so satisfactorily. In my Kock of 100:ewes I hav half a dozen bells, and in case of da er the sheep all run to the dogs for pr :eiion. This familiarity ljetween the d igs and . sheep, with watchful care exer ised, is. one of the prettiest sights in th world. These faithful guardians of the ock are ever on the alert day and nigh'. . The rapid tinkling of the bells at once arouses the dogs ; and about three weeks ago,- in, the middle of the *gilt, I heard a u unus- ual disturbance aiming the she p, but was so Confident that the dogs me uld bc equal to the emergency, that I id not come down stairs. In the month)! I had; the satisfaction of seeing one of th worth- less ears which go prowling' a out at night, lying stone dead along th 'fence ' with marks on him of, aedesperat I should !say, however, that I in de one C1!088 by putting my shepherd d g to a - Newfoundland slut, and kept the hoicest .of the litter. He has proved a ti , large dog, about twice the weight of ether of the shepherds, and though never i terfer- r ready their ing in what- he 886M8 te • eonsid especial duty, is always on ham for service. It is enrious to observe how when strange (legs cross the place, the ts o shep- herd dogs will take a survey, and if they gee much businesi, (they are the iselves great fighters), by; a kind of silent under- standing and arrangement the thr e dogs go together; and although we n this. country are overran with all Wilds of dogs, there seems!to be a general fear of my three dogs, and ,we are seldo dis- turbed. I recohiniend the Pure ase of one or two goodl shepherd dogs 8 the very first step tdevard keeping s Practical Farme? Locating Farm Buildin s. The location of farm buildings should be carefully considered. In some parts. when the counrry was new, road were not laid out, and as a road had to cad to the house, the track remained s first made, being altogether too- ne r the dwelling, while, to make matters worse, the barn was located directly acro:s the road. Others located at springs a quite a distance from the road, which as al - Moet as biad, because in such loe careless habits are likely to be as •pted, and as children see stran.gers but s ldoin they are apt to have a scared link. A house to be locanid properly Owing stand a little over one hundred feet fro Is' the road, so that tree e of various kin s can be planted in fron through which a drive- way may be laid, and so that dus from the road will not 'ffend the family. It important,' too, hat the houeo hould stand back a lit le, because som times there is loud talking, or one of the oune- stars .gets haule1 over the coal., and passers by have no business to be isten- ing. Nor should the house be s near the road that pasing people can lo k into the window, it the curtain is not doWn, and see what is ginrig on, both dow n and up -stairs. A hoase should have a an acre and a half of land to itself d to trees, eihruberyl, and small fruit there should be a lawn of half a well kept, where elothes can h`c,.spr blaaching. ; ' Prices or Barley. )(mite 0. 0. WILLS0.1 pultural Implement Ev ON xx)c)s frc)R. -g1, i8Th. Om' Agri - ME or PILLMAN ,•, IMF, returning thanks for Melt era pat- , romp they have reeeived since -Co ruencing bizSineas in Seaforth, would state, Oa they are now prepared to furnish pOUBLE AND SINCLE CIES Arm EMOORA S 14, hid*, foe style and audience of wor manahip and material, cannot be surpassed by ny other e tabliahment in the Province. Tia..7 are practical workman,fdevote heir per- • SttetltiOlt to their basinesa, ay as they site light work a apeciality, they can rantce • *faction. ' VE THEM A 14 IAL, Bp AIRING PROMPTLY ATTE `DLED TO, AND CHARG-Efil MODERA. PILLMAN- Co. E KNAPE .P1/NO. Great Plano of Anierica and tur pc, The chosen to grae,e the SsIona of thawe 'thy and ti led, and to charm tbe circles of the 1 cultured w gather there, loavingi the noted ; Appotlea of t = Piano, such as Thailberg, Gottachalk, Mar- in ntel, Lucca, Kellogg, Rubinstein, &c., enrap- t red with these superb histrumenta. irHE STODAIRT PIANO. HERE never wise a poOr Stodart Piano made, and none was ever known to be re umed or e hanged for any other, because they have al - s been bought by discriminating ha, ere and in! the history of Piano making Stodart s known a one of the greatest workmen' invest re that evje*Iivod 11A.R811AILI. & WEliDELL RI NO. EILIVRABLE for atanding ft t e. Any =Mint of durability. Beautiful tou h. Me- di size. Low in price. Fully w minted. chless tone. L bt & Ernst, Rogers, Heint On kind or to order. IMMON8 & CLOUCH ORO 8 • lJPT only the prettiest organ in th United States, but the BEST, all things co isidered. — usiOAL va an encE wows & CO.'8. OR ANS. EMARKABLE for their purity of toile. Thor- ough Work and Finish, and great 'brze uty and iety of their Solo Stops Bonne, Vox Umtata Piano, TUE CANADA ORGAN C - In Stook in Variety. L ,SLIE, SICIRROW 98 :Yong° Street Toronto, ' 712.52 SOLE AG 14TS, 1TH ISEAFORTH PLANING MI L, S SH, DOOR AND BLIND .F1 TORY 3 _ .E subscriberbegs leave to thank h siu umeros _ eustomera for the liberal patronage lex ended to hir4i Once commending buisiness in Seaf rth, and tru ts that he may be favored with a o binuanca of lie same. adios intend g to build wonld do *eilt to give hith a call, as he wiU continue to keep Oli hand a lart„estoek of all icinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, $ 11,E , DOORS, BLINDS,' MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, E d. e feels confident of giving satisfae on to those may favour him with their patronage,' as none first-class workmenftro employed. ; Partienlar attention paid to eastern Planing 2 I JOHN H. BROADE OT. wh bit GG EMpOR1 M. he subsCriber hereby thanks his 4tmerons cn4omers(niorehaiits and others) for their liberal pat onage during tho past seven years and hopes, - by trict integrityand close attention if business, tomerit their confidence andtrade in- he future. Hexing' greatly enlarged his promLies, during the -winter, he is now prepared to pay thel H GH,EST CASH "PRICE Fo any quantity of 'good fresh .eggs delivered at t - -• EGG EilP011,1 Sbrooli, Seaforth. 1 'anted by the subscriber 28 tons o good dry ole n WHEAT STRAW. • • D D.JWi. ISON. PUTTER, SAMUEL TROTT 9 now on hand at the Seaforth Tt b Factory least it ntuuber of his weli and favorabl k own oatoeg ilfochine 712tMe acre, T ese Packages aro ad for giv satisfaction. A prominent produce dealer in ' oron- to has received a otter from a large bar- ley importing tirn in Oswego, from Iwhich we quote the foll wing, which will 11)0 in- teresting, althou 11 not very pi sant reading fov bothi farmers and d alers. 1 The firm states : "Itbeing well s ttled thatthe crop of ba 'ley in_NewYork 'tate, in Canada and the Northwest, is a oun- tiful one, and (aside from exceptim al in, stances of its being stained bythe rains at harvest titne) 0 fine quality, the opin- ion is general and firmly entertainec that 'prices must inevitably rule low. This opinion is strenet 'Jelled by stances of dull ti es in all depart th e ei eetizInts. 86:tvi of business, but ore especially iji the ' A various branches f industrial enter rise. 1:13,, It is well known hat a large port on of sio-72 the working class s are uneniploye , and that they are Con equently in no itua- tion as formerly t patronize the brewers, T and so increase tbp consumption of malt. 'This state of thin s not only exists at the present time, nit there appears to be no good reaseu for, believing that anjy im. al provement will.ta e place until it Isilall 401 be brought abont ly natural and ge dual . influences." • i H —Commercial i epression presiai s in sbai England and on the Continent wing am partly to fears of ar, but principa ly to ass mere absence of bi siness. —The other day at Bear River, . S.,' a man murdered If wife and then took to the wooda. Tu sday night the anis of the murdered -omen were bu necl, es and the murderer is suspected of the crime. A ,large party is scouring the With woods in search of him, but so far un- successfully. When he left he to k a box of biscuits wibh him. t he 1/57 Putter P the best in 118 PECIAL JNIUOEMENT,, LARGE P1JEC11AbE r, Trott expects inIli short time to manufacture of W eh Tubs on & la S haws TROTT 'e?cage8. ,ilndwlli TO o memo 'g4 scale.. eaforth Is T X-11-1.1 IN -PHOTOGRAPH GAL IN SEAFORTII. LEAY A. CA.LDER Ow better prepared than ever to 1 rnish his bions with a real, genuine life -like -Photograph or Ambrotvd. him a call and try him, and if not p rfoetly tied he won't sal:you to come again.' ew of those superior Sewing Maehines known e Osborn, on band and for sale dic p. ember the place, nearly opposite he Man - otel, Main Street, Sea -forth. A. CAL R. E PRICE OF STOCK IN CANADA VER MININP e._ 800 OF ONDON, ONT., 9 been increa ed $11 per share. Should esults be equ 1 to present indieati ns,each now costing nly $1.1 will be wo hi from to 8150. For prospectus, &c., appl tO A. ARMITAGE ' Director for eaforth. TO UILDERS. OS ANI SPECIFICATI , Detailed Dra ing, got up to suit BtiI1 ors by GEORGE MILLI Architect and Builder, Wroxeter P. O., • • County of ttron. BE 0 ITAPOIRMA.INT'll 1\TO SR BE Are list 11gfrOM tin Udall grade lit Seaforth, DRY • ATT 14 00. having rude arnnensnta for startin In the HOLESA E BUSI TESS IN T They will thsrefore offer from Uifs tia e the whole of their GOOD AT Ali4D BEL RONTO, Jorge Steck ofi IS W 00 This is a Rare Chance for partiet requiring Dry GoOd , as their Stock is all Fr sh, and Iear1y all St pie Goods, And must be cleared out by Irl FIRST 0 Pi SMPT B3S11 3E3 M As their arrungements require t em to remove to mato at that date. The Public may depend OI this Sale beteg ENUIliE, as the I - Hu8t be So4d at Whatever ,S'aerific EARL'' Ore that Date. AND SECURE BARGAINS. ATTY & Co. All parties indebted to_the firm either by book account 01 ante will pleaseand settle the flame. A GOOD INPICATI a result i1 Good Bush:Mist the subscriber has rocently been oblig d to very much enlarge hiS „premises whieh are now fillet with a very largo Stock of the most 4esireble grades of NEW TEAS INCLUDING JAPANS, Y UNG HYSONS,- GUNPOWDER, BL Scotch SUGARS CK AND COLOGNE. dined, Liverpool ofincd, Cuba and Demerara, White Gr u • TOBAQCOS. ALL THE BE T BRANDS IN OOHING AND CBE LIQUORS. ANADJIA.N "riskey and all orted Liquors purchased in Bond and Supply of eneral Groceries and Provisions, all of which will be sold ccovie, TIMOTHY and OTIIEll FIELD SE • JAMES nd and Block Lump. WING. soltpare as usual. b very Email profit. A full 8 IN SEASON. URPHY, bequered Store, Seaforth. BAB CARRIA NOW ON EXHIBITION AT E M. a'ROBERTSON'S FURNITURE 1A.REROOMS., THE • FINEST ASSORT NT EVE1 BROUGHT TO SEAFORTEi AND WILL 1 E -OFFERED VER CHEAP, In order tli at the infantine population may have a good time dnri M. Rj BERTSON. NEW 0 OKSTORE OPENED IN EAFORTH. • Station , Book Sellers, Book Binders and Blank Boo*Manufacturers, TN oalling yo attention to our liberal patr go and universal the County of 1 mon for the last In all that has a relation to papers And from our e out egotism we therefore, we lo ,. ALL B Not in Stoek Allao WAL Opposite the irst-Class ew Bookstore we berst 1, to return ours neerethanks for the very fi - kindness experienced frora the Fanner Merchants and others of years. We intend strictly to follow op own businese, and deal d its various uses, and also everything hat is to be found in a I ook and Stationery erience in first -c1 1 B$ shops for the last 45 years, both in ender Seaforth see nd to no other town in this Province for an extended ni. d generous support from oar town OKS OF be furnished or tiny iet Gol for Cheese PAPER, and ansiOn Hotel, Ma ITERATURE, OR B e in a few hours' notice, as we keep RaW Material. Silver and Bronze Neat d OUtter Factories Kept Cons lNDOW BLINDS can ,alws D. MoGRECIOR & in Street, Seated* Store.i rope and America, with - t our own business, and, le and numerous friends. NK BOOKS, hand a Large Steck of tiy an Hand, be found at ON'S Book8tore, CHANCERY SALE LANDS IN HIBBERT. "VOUBSIJA-NT to a Deeree end final order ler J- *AO, made by the Court of CheneerY fey On. tario,in the snitof Season vs,Ward, and beating date respeeticely the Fifth day ot &Semler, 4,„ D. 1$71i, and the Twent.V-Flith dal of Aine,A, r. 1875, there will be sold in one lot, by Plaine Aut. tion, with the approbation of the Master of the said Court at Gioderie_lh gOSEPH BgINE Auctioneer' at vie cotMMERCIAT4 ROTEL, 14 the TOWNOF SEAFOBTR, on SATUBDAY, the ,Fourth Day oI September, A. D. 1875, at 12 Weleck troop, the following lamb, vim The South zect Corner of Lot Nuraber Twenty -Eight, in tka seo, ond Coneeislon of the Township of Ribber -414 the County of Perth, containing BO ;ores, mere or less, particularly described as follows; vennoenc„ big et the South East Corner of And Lot, thence Forty gods West, theme Poe Unwired and TWetl., ty goods North, parallel 'with the Boundary line, thence Forty goods East, thence One Han4re4 and Twenty goods South to the place of beeire ning. The land is all ebbired and fenced, end- At ,for cultivation, The Is a good clay learn, There is upon the land a .small log beim anti .11. log bat, it is about threemilem from the Town of Sesfortb, and about few milei from the lege of Carronbrook, both good markets and tbe roads to both places SYS good. The lands will be Bold mubjeet to a certain registered mortgage thereon, to Messrs. Curry dc McDougall, npou whish there is now due the sum of #400 or them shoats; tbe purchaser *Ai be required to pay down to the Vendors' Selieitore, at th e time of sale,a deposit of 10 per eent, -of the imrebase ,Money, and the balance or such parches° 311011ey pito the said Court of Chancery, to the =edit of the said cause, within one month from the day of lege, without interest, igh°n he will be entitled to conveyance, and to be let into possession ; in ether espeets the conditions of Sale shall be the ng conditions of the Court of Chancery, r particulars and information ntay be ob- tain on-applleat ion to the said Auctioneer, and to th Vendors' Solieltorm, at their office, in thi said own of Seaforth. DA at Goderieh, this gOth tlity of June, A, D. 1875' (Signed) 1r, MeeDERMOTT, „Master at &den& BEN ON & MEYER, 'V :odors' Solicitors, 400.4 BE L'$ COMMEICIAL-IIYERY, SXAPORTH. un ed, in retiring from the Livery ;uwiness In Seaforth, begs to thank his Ilai* raero s plltrons for their liberal patronage, and to state hsb he has disposed of it to Mersers. MAT. THE OBRISON and DAVID McNIUGHT, and a the new proprietors are lullycompetentto run t • e business as it 61101d be ran, and in a man to give entire sabisfaetien, he would, in addit n to retommending his successors to the publi , bespeak for them she seise generous pat- ronag wirieh has been extended to hint for the past f ur years. THOMAS BELL. IN timing proprietorstdp of Bell's Commercial Li cry in Seaforth, the submeribers Would state that t ey intend keeping nothing but first -cisme Andre fable horses, and good comfortable, stylish vehiel 0. Terms reasonable. Regular customers and ommercial Travelers liberally dealt with. All or ers left at the stables or at any of the .Hote promptly attended' to. Office and Stables oppos te O. 0, Willson's Agricultural Implement Empo um, Main Street. • 891 31OR1IISON & Co. THE SEAFORTH P M P FAO-T_ORY. WILLIAMS & CLUFF pgo =MU Paten stmig every ithe p pump pump expos RIETORS of the filealOrth Pnnip /factory, ish to inform the public tluit all the P111220 CtUred by t hem ate bored with Porter'f Hollow Augur, which bores a perfectly hole, and consequently the suckeis of niiip can betaken tint of the top whether nip is in deep or shallow wells. In their they use only Quartered Timber, and the ars warranted not to Crack or Clieck whea d to the sum oft Water Cisterns and Tanks Of eve 'description madeito order on the shortest notice and at the very lowest remunerative price. • These ciaterns are the best in use, oeing warrant- ed to ast from 20 to 25 years, and the frost does not in nre them. The proprietors of the Seaforth Furey Factory have always endeavored to keep their ork up with the times, and they are deter- mined net to be outdone by any other establish - remit n the, country. All' work warranted, and. prices allow as any in -the btisiness. 400 WILLIAMS •& amnia WIDEMAN'S HARNESS- SHOP, ZURICH. THLkAng business in Zurich, bersigned, in regs to thankhis n; undersigned, from the Heinen nu.mer napatrons for their liberal support, and that he has disposed of his business to iam Rlopp, who has been working for r some time. Ho has no hesitation iu ending Mr. Klopp to the public generally 0,.first-clase wtoionan, and one who will 'tire satisfaction, and in thus recommend - successor to the public, bespeak for him tostn Mr.W him 1 reconu as bei give e ing hi the sa e generous patronage which has been ex- tended to him for the last seven years. JOHN C. WIDEMAN.. 1.1AIT NG purchased from Mr. Wideman his : artless -Shop and Stock, the subscriber - would state that be intends keeping: 012 hand nothin but a lirst-claes Stock a Heavy aud Light Horne s. and everything ;generally kept in the busine s.• Particular attention paid to making Collar . All kinds of Repairing promptly attend- ed to, nd all Work warranted. Charges liberal. 402 • WM., RLOPP, Zurich, Ont. SEAFORTH LAUNDRY Seaforth Laundry ig now in full working ord r, and all orders for Weshing, Ironing and Starch ng will be promptly attended to. Parties._ wishin to have . Was) ing Done" Without Starching or lr°nillg i Can be accommodatedattcirate of three cents a piece. In this ease the articles will be damped and fol ed ready for ironing. Satisfaction guar- anteed 898 GEO,RGE FORSYTH. VMP] DYMENT AGENCt—Mr. Forsyth has . -1;Li est blished an Agency ,tor the employment of Domes lo Servants in connection with the 1.41111.• dry1hose wishing to secure servants will be d1recte1 to places where they -can get them. Ser- vants siflshlng to secure plaees be instructed where t get them. Terms, 25 cents for each ap- plicati n. GEORGE FORSITIL 896 TEE SEAFPRT11 Ii 1VIBER' YARD, i 1 m 1,.BEE & MACDON ALD BEG o inform the public that they bave re-- iney a their Lumber Yard to the lot between the Me bents Salt Company's Works and Nor- shall's fill. - • They ill keep constantly on hand a goodassort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH A.ND SHINGLES, all of which tlbey are prepared to sell at the lowest pos- sible pi ces, for Cash. Alsokon hand any quantity of the b st ACTON LIME. Build rs and others will lind it to their advan- tage to !aspect our stock, and ascertain our prime before p rehasingelsewhere„ as we sre in &position offer go d inducements to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. EAFORTH AND HURON IVIIARI3LE WORKS. I 11. .31- ES/MT T ! (Late of Ilaniilton,) Q.Would intimate to their nuraeronsfriends and the general public that they ar° prepared to fill all orders for *In eats, Headstones, Table Tops 1 Mantles, *c, az4 Monuments Imported to Order, : Work bI the test style and art, and cannot be „ surpass d in this part of Ontario. A call espectfullysolicited.. Calde a old Stand, opposite McCallum's Ilotel, Main St eet, Seaforth. a -0 The ter aS le ket an else ICESSE21; PAY VP, PAY VP, L. B ibOBBY, late of Fromens Store, Sesforth, he/vingpi*eed his accounts 111 3137 handl for collect n, all parties are rftuested t0. sill surd settle t14er amounts with *,e at once, or Off willbe ea. Y. HOLNESTEDi McCaughey ifolmested. SEAVOIITTI, Mardi 18,1874. • Et;t ve a 11 river, The only t fent)* heat, are d then earefully g er of tan for th iwerembefore on ow,On4thoyse loniwor,ettht e e n the CUBis aga.in altered, and days'after - di time the es( t of the basket and placed nailer apartment; and Cu a. eblirteltellibillItilte°itsurstbeellAnadidintr out of the bran, being at :charge of by an attentlant wl Oil the wataa The whole proteehisswit 6i1t.t tiliimelsactof tehfaitilie of - by the basket, which is form pallrSoewebesinot. 1 cent tosuprt-thueiia1 1 partieular e and to foster lneL-'11118 18 e,oli I hard of whie etre0Ai heat. Ish might be piiacticed in A mer." I sOJiIS to me f good plan to try the Chin the basket e lined witli an o 7n°iInajelheat, altdr'leatilYththing the eggs in position eVety three days then laid upou shelves, and hl -over them, apprehend the should be kept ns uniform as well up to Summer heat, went is worth a, trial. ,r near a epoirill g stove, so I atn be he ii ioek:n et h h v ie i pt el le dti ic : roofttotheni o =tit in it. l)efartin sa of (lucks ar hatched in (Thi al warmth, there being laid i , sand which re placed OD aels A proper temperature • being around the . until the 'due from their shells." He he northern portion- of the E N. E Tribt ne. Tinin Many Arrows in , in Anbre '.0 Nound i_i' shire, publis ed.soniewhat In, eeuturiesag , is a deem - that Edith Bonham, of Wi in that county, had seven . - birth, *1-1-0 this paeish," " there is it confident treAitio children were all baptizeau- thiA church, and that they W thither in a kind of ehardgme -dedicated to the Antra, a two nailes, JM'hich are to be, yet, near the belfree 01 tiie .80rne old wohnen are living; eneinber the eliaedger. This entered in the segister-book t whence 1 have taken this Here we lind, then that th from Aubre hiaiseif was li ing an entry iu the parish, _ and two nailsin the ehureh. old ' women qoulci speak to hat ehardger, c arger, or dish ; this, inforrnation is lack -Lug, storyof hap *eta runs Thu Klione Chi' Oa% published dam in 1-655i We are told tha eer 'was told by an alewife t told by a burgomaster that • h 'n at house near the Zuyder seven childr -el, sitting by th with a por "nger in his (O and eating ee-milk with it. burgomaster Said to the -Wo house." Mother you are very neighbors, Aimee they leave reeuthretpyrio,which your - axe." "No,the h I had at one if you will wait a moment went and fe tlieclvliisies.:1-ernP1.70i131dee youI *ere th similarly born rm one elayl. trail had been magnified stages by the mother, plus plus the tilt nieler, we are le as we ma - ' Whether sep. sevenfold tripicts are the „In fulO 'Would net be easy an old vohiriciof the Nennii adenzie Frwcc428e solemnly; t a baker's w' At NHS had 1 rteen6 deevde lei: yl , 3t for seven ye to a BTUSS IS journal, WAS iflIli, Happy ii)aher!, But . - , for t i atbirt*hsbirth inm when a t With time, ti *enty-four of th years; "0 des. for the hnel X14.-111" AS the jp pathetieell 7emarke transmit his family -name for they e all girlie"— Rotten/. A laubetiute for the A. few years ago when tlie fever was at its height, it es• by I many Oiait the "hyo coirie into general use as a, motion in eMnPetition with: perienceprot"-ed that its pro u ed too mach Intrecular po short time, it teased to be purposes of ,esiereize and ree gentleman ef IticlunonclOity ovriluelogheitpeiciec se oefhere as a autsof loco ceived the a of cons which wo lovercome the tion to the bycycle, and. itt perfeoting la velocipede w repelled With very littIe pfain:eitrhhoeefs,:tiiktnaoligrt ehlinettb!extie"ela The rider :its upon lisped like a swan, bc which is faStaned one en spring°fl)wlthdatlel-drank connected wr<hltehwehheeetlliinguseaf rear wlleot f the neck Of i;the swan are to be grasped by -the rider. or seat rest upon the pivots of the swan, 'so the rider oscillations when the iambi loansttnhe7swf!arfilontingalria,heSadd antdhisy crank Tel the spring age on thecrank. One r the spring backward„ actin same time aises the to _