The Huron Expositor, 1875-09-03, Page 2A EA-13IDE ADVENTURE. ed at, and hearathat a reward of i5,1 as
offered for my recovery.
I was in rather a poor state of health "We've got you, and, wi le keep yo
earipd by on and amealtious attention saidt the policeman. "Here co
fo busineso in the firm to which I belong- the ehaise to pick us u So into t
ed in Or tied Friere, My physician chaise I was put, in 8 A 1,
O of all rem -
*nommen( ed. rest and ticaeair. I WAS tn stranee.
Ye to some quiet pot jou the sea/side, Now, 1 ate" it thee of p
,lielsessilfnoiti,1- 1,taaraviso8ima elaett, ihtouwrse,aia4ndbe all atilotnb you& and x , mintrmteyinpperreisse ito t
great thing if I could, night after night, was ettach to annoy, th
get a some. steep, and be for a time free sonal indignity of in
f any aux ety, Rest for the braim was mystery that hung ov
o be the 8 vereign cure. Acting on this futeretnnight make ev
leasant ad -ice, I chose Lulworth in Dor- philosopher uneasy,
etshire, as quiet and dull a place as crumbs of comfort to
ould pos lily he discovered. To • help ludicrous absurdity o
he cure, ilwas medically recommended fair,
ro avoid tle glare of suushine, to wear ' Happily, in this out of -the -way, spot
blue spec dee, and have my hair mit there was: no one to reeog lie me as tic
hort ; allf whieh, with other advices, branded felon borne back in fetters
attended to. • the prison from which la d escaped. If
Passing ver any account of the joure " the chief" in Orutel ed Friars wcrc
1 ey--exceat ' that a fitherman, of the close at head, or -even th melanch y
name of Vye, who happened to be at interesting young lady, those glan s
Vool (the little' station for Lulworth,). _ had pierced rny green s ee aeles, I inlet' it
, # rove me apron in bus gig to my destine- have hung my head ; but knew th7
. .
tion, and proved a vett, agreeable coir.- after all, this was only1 a case of te
aanion—behold mu at Lulworth, poking porary inconvenience ; c uld not fa I,
boat for lodgings, and finding accom- sooner or later, to; suceeecl n proving ny
1 °dation at, an _old-fashioned cottage, identity, and that I mu t be then at ou e
ept by one M re. Cruxley. As for dull. set free. B;Lr the pert nal discomfo
• 1 ess, nothing could match the eituation. the Joss of ; e good snit of clothes, &
'he enly living objects to arouse curios- aud the escaPe of some lardiied %%trete
• ty were a lady and her daughter, who, thanks to my unconecio is assistanec, t e
by some awful sorrow. I sew that the few were likely to co p se Ile- th's
eilking altaut, seemed to be bone down present wascurious e -p rience, ivhi h
daughter was an extremely intereeting way I argued myself itoI laughing 1 -
girl, with a Fair of eyes which, as most at this! excellent ra4tiea1 joke,
cy met mine, imparted even through which Self teas the p inc pal su ere
iy blue epectacles a peculiar setesa- and the end of which, for all I 'lei
• tion. might still he indefinitely delayed.
r days and days I spent the :nost Away, in the twiligh g earning, ov r
. , -
lionotonot4 and regular life by degrees , the downs for a mile oi two, and. loi g
exteruling ney welks along the cliffs, .and the white winding eh lk reeds t:& 0 e
n eking the acquaintance of the coast- more level : and woode c witty ; th n
nerd, enscenced in his turf shelter just past farms, and betwee tal1 hedge •o s
bove the cove. Wherever 1 went, there and straggling Villages, inti1 we rea .11
-ere the two ladies, peering :about, and the outskirts of . W y otith ; th a
citing curiosity in their movements. r through the lighted str ets and paled s
ander where I would along the el;ifis. ' of the fashionable wat rin -place, ilik
with pet company an4 tncrry rnusid
threadingiour way acres a bridge, a
docks and Wharfs, and. shipping, till
n he long fl
e hesil Ben ,
the maid in .
t the glori s f
verYthing it
the ridge lei t
t inkling tar s
the ma sit
ohed Jilc
V bhtiiilla, that
d this r a
hey see t
honesty. M
u ng that on
e we re he
e rison it wa
lace was lo el
s litary lam
y gates, to ch-
ile tips ofth
11 heir pa ele
ou and touch
d t ie next min
me six inehe
th door, an(
f two Whit.
bt ess, to the
In :• now a we
el ?"
tient dive i-
asily ru ffle
titian, e
ugh the p r -
al rest, and. t le
✓ y immediate
t most etelid
I# er a ere sot ie
lieot from .t)le
tl e whole f-
which were &et unlocked then locked,
then te4ocker1t and lockagin, till it
seemed SS if I was now all safe as the
•erewn jewels, or a toad ientombed alive
inta granite rook. At length we reach-.
cell a block of huildinge : libUo apart,
with double doors, through which we
pained, as we had. the 'Others, and I
found myself on the groferld-floor of an
unmistakable prison. There were three
rows of cells, tier above itier, the: upper
with a narrow lauding a d' a bright steel
A$ we entered, another warder
met US ; he was in slipp a,nd Walked
noiseletsly, like a ghost. In a sepiilchral
voice, he said:
"Forty-six,sir, and all correct."
" This will make 47, Mk. Moun-
say," said my conduct r ; " it's that
Raschkoff." .
" Shall I put hirn in t.lie dark, sir ?"
was the eager query.
"No ; in an ordinary cell ; but keep
an eye on the trap, and. 't atoll Mtn care-
fully, or he'll break prion again ; he's
clever eno ugh "
ere at last," I said, "is some one
HOW'S I am not Raschkoff."
k# on, Mr. Du kley, go on," said'
°vermin But Dunkley could not
go 01,- ; already, wit self-interest quick-
enin his intellect, i had dawned, pm
him that they had caught the wrong
inan,1 that Raischkoff was still at rge,
and that, 'therefore, the seven minia-
ture Dunkleys were far from secure from
I w my opportu
wish to ohserv
, 'Noce I"
' wish to observ
ilence 1" again,
is Jo
you, eithe
ladies and
you three
was it real
that Vye , i
A,5 I po
tion maste •
and come
pvaypeegaer c
, 1 again. 1
and more iere p- this to Ri
0. most forgot
Ime there's noth
it to the fi
Of cou s
Inanadk °I Vw3le
Lul worth.
The par
cart at my
ing quite
merely to t
Hotel, Lu
ngue, my arrival
sepdoiceantod hi
lasch- had been c
with the 1
count of t
werethiee f t
astute nati
coast -guard
lit it, laandllitsuilL, he station niester's coofirin- inetsollitichitooNrs in
chliMenFerry,DGEoNdierirristers i na
• tiffi. ation of Atte story, 1 slituld not have t-'
. -
will speak !" I said, growl!)
"I wish to obeerve that m n
n Wray. of Cri tched .1)
which annou cement th little
was immethat convuls with
ter. Evid ea]
the joke of my
alleg el mistaken identity was considered
high amusing.
1 " repeat, my name is Wray, lid not
t;• I was introduced forthwith into an ' Rase koff.".
_ I " ordinary cell"—four bare walls, with Tr, governor for the =meet
loophole window well betted, and wir- as if
ed. over. There was nothing in the ; were istent
place but a gatta-percha Piot pot, and a ' insol ;
a bed of smooth have plank a little raised .Bu
from the floor, • ' " He
" Keep silence, will you 1." said, for koff.
the thousendth time, -the superior war- '‘
der, as, for the thhasimdth time, who
I tried to protest that was not Basch- total
koff. -
" Mind, Mr. Mouns ye You don't let mat,
him talk to you in the night ; he'll be poore
trying it On again, you may depend. "
Give him his bed, and jfill his pint— gate
there ;" and tleey left niej. ; secon
Alone, at last, and in a solitary cell- in scale,
Portiere' Prison 1 The dreadful truth preiseeb.
was difficult ,to realize ; hilt bare baud D
bolts, and iron doors, are ' lid Las not Cer8 C
'easily explained away. I :felt as miser- were
able now as if, I was doomed to be hang- Rase
ed next mernivg, As I:Inive said, froni he h
the first moment of my capture I had saw a
treated my mishap as a
joke—no more ; end all
buoyed. inapt( up /With. th
that at this prison itselfl.
would be at once discove d
I had said to myself, the o
will know I am net th ' tea
three, and though all had
the runaway. But it . em
one knew anything of the
already passed through t
features closely, no syllable
my identity had followed'
tion. ;What if I should e
out the real convict's tin) , ,eeking vain-
ly from. day to day, and year to year, to
make iny protest plain? This would be
too severe a dose indeed, Yes, I was
most miserable. . Cold, !wretched and
nearly starved, for no food had crossed
my lips since noon, I athered myself
upon theliard pallet, tried to groan my -
together, and, sinking ittetly dejected
self to ',sleep.
I must have slept;ibut the slumber at
first Was fitful, and often , disturbed- by
the click of a latch at my eell door, and
a flash of bright light thtaugh a narrow
slit turned on to where
the warder on the inert
other escape. :Even the
this wore off, and I bee
unconscious, to be aeons
i deafening peal of bells r
my head. The dawn w
pale, , sickly .tones, thr
workof the tinywindow,
that this was the prison -
to begin the labors Of t
hardly at all refreshed b
terribly faint from want
"Can 1 see ' a ' doc
as two new warders carr
and told me petemptoril
and strip. \ '
" Of course-tou can. p t first of all
we must search:\ you ; it! Ought to have
been clone last 'night, only:,you took us
Raschkoff?" - j• .
all by surprise—as you
you hooked it. j How di(
I tell you Ifol not Rai
Both the officer's larigh
" You'll be the death
koff? But there—wash
close on breakfast tint°, a 1
you shall see the young d
- `They brought me a pan
Mg hot •cocoa, and a ma
devoured eagerly. They
there was milk in the c 3
bread was finsh and whit
courage from the food.
ie would eat me
little less aghast
Dunkley at last found his t
s right, sir He's not
tall !"
ot Itaachkoff !" from the go
and his Myr
at my per
. ,
'they appeered to be forever on the out-
1Pok for some object on the limizon.
There was a Mystery about them I could
rot fathom, length we emerged up
Well. three weeks passed, and one af- causeway that tops ti
3rnoon, after a heavy sea.fog, whieh had and toins Portland to
sted for 8'x -end -thirty hours, I strolled The night had fallen, b
f r away toss the downs, and struck a full moon flooded
t e coast al nest at the extreme western t light. On eaeh side of
e d of the enge of tall chalk cliffs. It the quiet sea beneath th
a as the far hest•point I had just rea.ched
a id it revealed the altered character of
t e count and shore, which here
adually fl ttened out until it was near -
1. :i dead level, stretching towards the
distant townof Weymouth. The soli-
tude of . the spot, - the :balmy -aelturnnal
• ain. the smooth sea, and pleasant -sandy
• hearth, all suggested : a bath. Clarnbe-re
trig down the rocks, I WAS about te. un-
dress under -;tlie lee of the cliffs,: when I
was :startled ab hearing, as I imegined, a.
, footstep -in the loose ;shingle, ' Yet no
:human ereature was visible. I donclud-
ed that thesaand was a mere fancy; and •
:so assuredel, Was soon in the full enjoy-,
.ment of a. ditlightful• ,bath in the placid
' ocean •before me.• .
By s•wimuting out to seMe roe'its .that
. .
:rase above the Sea, I abandoned Myself
;to: the pleated 'novelty of ' the situation;
'Only by ehence did 1. cast my eyes land-
ivard, and ithete,; to . my Vexation, .was.a .
• on :the beach,. 'It -must have -
been his footstep I had. heard; and how
he had conceit:led himself, I could not
divitie. Yet, there he was ; and, to add
to - my consternation, he began to take
tiff hie Dien &attics, and to deem himself
en mine. a , first iniptil80 was to - call
:oat, -and ne t to swirn hastily to . the
hore,.- and .give chase. All ,niy. efforts
•-ere vain. 1Before I tonehed the shin.g-•
ye beach, the stranger,. or thief I must
. : cett him, had donned my' garments. and
vanished among the cliffs. I was naked
and lielpless„; ilfy aid§ teseurce was- to
'nit on the olkittes which the wretch had
, . 1
eft as his °We, .
Here was .an extraordinary source Of
;plexity. :The thought of haVing tc,
and ught in front loon ed.
promontory of Vortland co
lion against the moonlit k
-, Miles high it seemed, th
rible ascent, steep as th cli
many who have also tra el
if, when once again . fre
struggle from crime
courage sank somewhat
gradient, and by the ti
the gloomy portals of t
attits lowest ebb. The
and silent as the tomb ;
,fliekered above the hea
ing,with spots of lustre
stet,' nails :that studded
One_p.f my escort jumper
ed a deep toned bell; a
ute a little window, s
square, was , opened in
through it I saw the glee
eyeballs, belonging; do
sante head, from. which e
gruff and,threatening '
' We've got him !"
. Instantly the voice eh
clear the escape Was the
anxiety to all at Portlan
was joyful news.
" What! Itaschkoff ? Fe these . an
all other mercies, the Lord s name b
praised !" As if 1, in y haracter o
Raschkoff, was a very excel ent dinne
about to be digested by th establish
ment. '
.. With a solemn clang ng sound, th
'heavy doors I swung' beak epon thei
hinges, arid I :was inside lmost like
clock -work, they closed a ran behind we,
and although I knew that m incarcera-
tion was certittn to be Atilt, I felt quite
moment I
ked indig-
Wray, of
ng (1. ' It wa
source of dee
• d that th
t these clothes filled Inc with dis- as if hope were altogether e
t. A„mo e motley and coarse: attire from my breast. At teat
ad never can, only fit, as imagined, would gladly have ed
a mount bink of the 'lowest chime- release at any' price, and I a
There was, however, no choicet nantly to set the governor at
unless I wished to walk to -Dilworth in " He says he's Mr. Joh
thd costume Of our first parents. It was Crutched Friars," said the
ome consolation that this incomprehen- with a
sible dres8
s tolerably clean, and was "Always was the artfultest villain
itot on the whole a bad, ;fit.' The odd out," replied:the gatekeeper, !pointing to
thing was the diversity of colors and me menacingly ' with Int 1 eevy key.
marks. There was conspituously starnp- " It's not the first time, he s done it,
ed the letters 1'. 8., and below them the- neither ; call's himself a gen leman, be-
ligyres 5755. Ridiculous, as was this cause he was convicted for s me genteel
strtate attire it was dear that I about(' crime, forgery, or like that tle was
esten,"' to the merest coast -guard station away six months last time I ut we nab -
a id give notice of the. robbery; As the
a -ternoon was waning, the •e was no tale_ But he made ,his ' guy' again
t ' be 'mit. 1 • . ing to the fog, and got away
On straggli g, hatless, up the side of as butter. It's here to -day
t e eliff, 1 no iced two figures watching and gone toinerrow." '
i 0 euriously from above; They were " Ay, arid beak again at i
b ye, who, as I approached them, Waved the sailor, pr founclly.
t• eir ceps, a (I, with a eudden Wyatt " I Insist on seeing the
J2 .e. off at the op of their a eed. Gain- at once," I said, interruptin
i ee the erest I, f .the high own, I' again logue. .
0, ught sight Of the boys etill running. ' That you tyilt, and some
P: etently, two men met them ;' they care to, either, . He'll be • in
r, the boys waved their about 9. to -morrow morning,
y in my direction, then all have something to say to you,
rds me. I, in my turn, private and particular,"
, and, as 1
As we r.e.
I back behi
bed him the $, just as you have now.
this moin-
as smooth
with hlim,
oke togeth
advanced tow.
Moved. to the
saw one was a
er a policeman
ex' the bovs. fe
a di the men
se --Tingly heti ating aad esolute. major might want to speak
But I wen on, and. s soon as I morrow. Goed-night !"
8 Close enoi gh to speak said to the Good -night !'
liceman :• The gates were o iened agan
" Ah you' n just the m I wanted
" Funny, i
m in we wan tec
pproaehed, I " 'There's no call fer us to
an, the (yell- the policeman; "we can 10
red each oth- way in the morning for the re
(1 the men, Off you go, then; but
half halted, ter stay in the village to-
n't it? Yo i're just the
was the r ; and in afterwards I was. ordeted m
eitother second the coast -guardsman had the inner gate' ,
ight," E
the ia-
than ou
his oifice
and he'll
I suspect,
vain" s
k up t ns
you'd bet-
ight ; the
to you. to-
unpleasant mall.
long I had previ
knowledge on d
he mistake over •
Of course than
cials there At
Raschkoff, angril
d as if no ' 0
ort. I had were
e hands of grace
scanned inn how d
of doubt of make
heir inspec. On
ept to serve been
" B
on, "
are m
" A
and tl
.I!; lay. It was free, i
to prevent an- fore y
Strangeness of be eat
rne thoroughly of Qu
li at last by a "N
ing I just above Your e
:struggling in MY
h the wire. to giv
n.nd I guessed The
41—the signal him t
e; day, I was " Bi
y sleep, and you an
g food, your i
r?" I asked, " T
e: into my cell, and o
to stead up to mY
down '?
I don't' ly remember
Anyhow, gave the two
he gentleman I took to be
irst to Southampton, by the
hteo;minporireextfiecan 5y•i , and BeArT61):::::Agya-ee.orlieie; I:717w -
hat iffe vineed7Thlolai,Ellre":3:1°115:4”:14-; 1:4111
and those two ladies ? A
ld there have been betweeridn preporatioim oflum_etontlitinute0./ofvfhtiallepti_covaileleewigte
• he, disguised in my dre$R# the impartial A
a Mr. Coombs had seen ? tr/Vifinegtti;?1 On* of
in? elite front sloW starvation, as ft restteet
how much matter taken if the stornaeli -
prepare it for oustairring- the constitution.
Rums immediately supplies theinisteotij
nerve invigorating the stomach saw
11 neon. Farnham
Ebe.,araefgldagifononreWailt)linael larnteloatirtgileitshbe(7; ":8;tva-en' diefr withent any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas/
Q., writes, '1 I have been afflicted. with rheilmatieu
for the lost ten ycara, eta have tried 11:1103.7r
in his hand. By the -way,
earls, at the; Cove. I'd al. 1,1°tei ReePer, AV6st Shectora, Q w
it":Pcua,triln4e waist 3°!1:ferealille.eytrelne‘rva°°,111and have triole° fee t median,
Lerman. 1
ng to pay ;"; and he handed
citrrier ; and very soon, he
it was not unusual to effect. No one
would say that I have ti d 't i
lectrie Oil which pave ro d• mas'Ee-
and think t equally SS gOat 101' horqe °ID
with little,or 110 1/SI1
tried it on nay horsea in cat:s-'07titehe.60,8,teritte' te
eve been troubled -with n -s, 11,,,t€8,
r man
ohotti;eb nett" witit the be
14; I7t)fl)Jij(flh1 It to
efit, nerit7nilmIlet'leftriltneTrheif
1,-,1!td Injolattlek
tpraplamt zor-sea,
once again jelling towards mitybee, meroianti work
have Bold Home hUndreds bwn't"-
bY the Ipe:bolle,oineet'14
lay in the; bottom of the on, wed it is ri•orto
throats, acigand is worth of th
, rownahip of pare;
the best medicinea they have ever f %as*:
sually that it was directed
et, and I rertember observ-
-mites, ex was persuaded to try Thornaa' Belera
(lexica!, seph _ul,fin e areateat one
done wonders in healing and relievingngepd 110
'orth," and that the hand -
that of a lady, and had rath- I me or
ie " l'rerprietor of the Cove
ee or oni 3 ern s, an, never found. anything
,tric Oil for a lame knee -which troubled t
haraeter ,about it. Intense 1;41,1kFeoirtivfeaer:suIdulgavi3O%leeeennes:ouIbtlei:
benefit."—A: IL Hamilton, Warkwort-h, a -rites.
:ankle, which annoyed me -s-ery ninth. Mr,Maybee
of this place intingedlne to try Ecleetrie Oiltand
before one bottle !,k.vas used I WSJ; eared., Hies,
,most remarkable iiredicina, Bold by all medicine
ealera. Price 25 CnIts. S. N.. THOMAS, Puna's,
.Y. And NORTHROP &LYMAN, Toronto,Ont.,
°S1,21AegeteendtasnielEtlheeCtrYznentid.nifincdn Nin°Tsff'e'd.117,t11;
nickfmn & co Iarrotalen.
4.1111.111.111.11F1184 -4.A.
o and wondet prevailed on
at the inn, Bverywhere it
arly settlPd that 1 had elop-
ugh nand of; the gossips I
creole seen the man in the blue
dt himself still one short of !his (I brow* billy -cock go off
numbeit j les, except Mr. Atye, his ae-
ot Raschkoff I". from the police- t event, and my abeense,
who felt himself a fool, and R5 o and two, Which, put to-
gether,. 'o doubt in thie minds of the
ot Raachkeff I't` from the pious .
eper, from the 'het warder
to the third, end so on alo
as alt in turn expressed thei
But their was no doubt a
ey was positive ; and othe
rroborated his statement.
pleety now 'who knew th
koff by sight ; warders with
been in daily contact, an(
once that I was quite a di
It was my misfortune that
us evening, none of thetas h
; but in a prison, cont
,000 felons, the !mistake was
osei ble.
o the mild not find that anybody, 'Ar R. SdUIER, Barrister, Attorney fn Chane.
• ery, &e., Goderich, Ont. Oilice—over-ig„-
ig the ean or th.e owner of the it
/ , lletlor Ai Co.'s Emporium, Market Square, 2,6r
sur- i igs, had seea the fellow,
hare helieyed it, .
My room d belongings had been le
undisturbe and it was etith no snia
relief that once more jfund myse
wearing clo Iles of my own. Whilst'
was setting yself a lettlejto rights, an
puzzling ow elle connectitn which ther
seemed to between the two ladle
and the ma to whom I owed so muc
misery, the 1 ndlord. appeared, with tie
brought from the statio
n he
last the governor spoke, and pared we b
: ! . in bis hand.
,but this is o absurd. What " This 'er '
ou about, all if you ? Itti dike cording to t
11 ! And you Air !—this to me-- .Itlit undone ,
, and
• for you, sir, I 'Tct, ac
direction inside it.
the outer colter, and with
m was a seeped parcel, directed as fol
lows "For the Gentlem n who wear
Blue Spect les, staying :at the Cov
Hotel." I at the string,: and. found --
what? My clothes and wide/awake, an
the contents of the pocketsimtact 1
As I exa iped there,: a sheet of note-
paper fell to he floor; on it werej writ
ten, in the s e hand as that on the tw
directions, t se words :
"Beyond tering the enclosed arti
des, it is i robable that any repara
tion can eve be made to the gentlema
to whom th belong for the outrage t
which he h been! subjeCted. If his
looks have n belied him, however, it is
just possible t he may Ond some con-
an apology; in learning
s have been the accidental
ring to a mother's and Isis-
rring and repentant man.
• been outraned, the gen-
at least an unintentione
nd whether this fact al-
es or not, it is believed
me these weeds are his
Iprit will be 1 beyond the
• orts he may be the meant;
authorities to make tow -
re you. come he.
is look like fool
might have th
uilty of breaki
and. that I. h
e to insult us
ught that
g into pris
ad insisted
keep me there fOr the rest o
1 1
t let me tell you, sir. 1" he
hat there is suile. a thing as
e, and that it felony to as
that, befor
ou will be b
il for trial
sir !" I r-
t there is s
e imprison
instantly se
in the Ian
hs older, yo
es in the
insist on he
f hadn'ttw
past 1
ed words
to escape; an
ny hours older,
Dorchester J
• sizes."
d let me tell yo
n my turn, " th
action for fal
t if you do Mot
there is any la
u are many .mon
in heavy dam
n's Bench."
noenae, sir! '1
ecplanation as
it these 12 hou
in a few hurr
whole story.
t can this be corroborated?
one within reach to spea
re is the innkeeper. at Lulw zt
iers there. Or, stay ; teleg
firm, Stokes, 1,.Vray & Co
11 one of th parteers
. no doubt, if its urgent."
urgent. I m sorry to a
courteous, or # disbelieve
all I ask is the # you Will re
n by
ist a
t the
eh a
me solation, an
he- that his clot
will means of res
'ourt itefrt'sbearmlaws a
ring stliemacacenslisoasry
nt0d lays his scru
• that, by the
I to d rheaeents,eftahney
e of helping th
) anti a'recap
As far off even, almost,' from. the de -
e tails which I d to this' strange affair,
11 broadly speaking, the letter, nevertheless,
t gave Inc an line of the truth. Whether
it was a pre ceded plea between the
e unhappy ladi and their .-Unhappy ret-
= ative, this meting on the l Dorsetshire
coast; whe le he had manatee(' to esca,pe
fer the *Rem( time, knowing where they
0 - were ; whet r they, in their miser -v,
a n were led to that out -of -the -why retreat bt,
, , 1 a helpless lot ing to he near him, and
had soforever been sitting Watching hie
y house, :is. my rocky prison, and that he as: accidentally
✓ with the bow lighted on then as he had on the °pp:At
"'All I ask A, to tunity my el b les gave him! for getting
'trust you :will out of the we , I shall never know. 1p
dna, in my seri-was quite enot gh for me to remembe
ings I might have had to ,aid the 'ant
'lotion, to ta e 1 that young gi "s face, to etaylany prompt
Her appealin look had more than one
made me Ion to help her, and I had. don
BO, if throug o merit, t least theougl
own, and I was not a de
fl• aur,illYlesch-
off." here"
,/,/ In pnreitmonearict ; in
IC ye
## It is
i 'kiu (!ii scald -
you ; #,
gues t, ' ssabiecldt eheeu rgtoievre.rn
of a fin
elf ; it's
1, r that,
be qui e -convinced.
tenders nd that I am h
1 loaf, which 1 ous an 1 responsible ei
Were capital ;
e .1 got new " r
no,t,hAinn fmoryg
re sayerlaowntetheeces1 a. ?:"
rnor, with a 81 i
oa, and the •
, bray, said 1 \the go
tarp 'stock of re
to- myself, 'there must be +tie one here ep a
who will confces that I ath -right ; 801ne --el°, ot convicts', hu
one who can swear to •the treat ilischkoff. prisone s on discharge.
Apel then it occurred to me thatil would private itoeoenee,ea.,n, d you
let matttrs take their couree, and desist change
from speaking another wo et in y own In h f an hour 1 w
defence. I wondered onlyow long the and -at he\ right side of
farce would centime. . I h plenty of "my hos . e
visitors in the next hour o two. First, Our r. Stokes arri
e had been by five, with full, proof of
le en ugh. to the go ernor was . setts
ptratien. He Portlan gladly enough
tteman, wear- hour af erwards. Mr. ,
Newer, in his to town at once, but I
• ! . intendit g to walk to the
,ta with you," enough, there was Vye,
(10 ! yea- send me and ny luggage in h
. . station • t my first ern
before. f hailed him.
not rec ize me in the e
"No tender you don't Ittai Me,
said. ' A nice time I've een aving o
-it those ast four-and-tWen y bolus."
3,1y_v ice .alone seerned # :bring bac
a gleam of intelligence 1 0 his face.
Slowly is eyes opened ide, had hi
lower ja dropped.
" Sur ly," he said, " I a tv you egoin'
away I st night quite 1 to with t
ladies. They sends do 0 the Cove,
and ord rs a fly just f re ten—says
they ar obliged to go nexPect, and
mutt ca h the mailetrai and as I was
a-comin over top o' Oh r h ' Hill, I see
yon a-st nding at corner o CrOBB roads.
Then I r )member the mo n was e -shining
pretty n h as bright as t e sun at day.
I was co ing down tow r is you, when
up come the ladies' ' fly, d in. you gets
long afo I could near y u 1 tells my
missus, (1 she says : " 'end. upon it,
the gent ennui's eloped ; and when I
heard at the Cove this riling as you
'adn't be n home all night, I thought she
was abo t right ; mayhap'
Here ye stopped abr pay, looked
round a he saw the s at).on master
coming ut of the office,: • n4 called to
him" H'f er Muster Cooinh didn't the
two ladi go away lest in ht with the
gentlema in blue barnacle and brown '
billy -cock, same as I drove over to the
Cove thee weeks age ?" 1 ,
"Yes, 1surely," answered Mr. Coombs,
but with little hesitatioa as he looked
at me. ' I certainly thee lit it Waif the
same gen leman, from his d ess and short
hair; bu we were rather bossy, and I
didn't ta e very close notie . Wasn't it
he, after 11? Now I look at you again,
sir, how ie it? You have j st come from ,
id, too, when
ou getaway,
• ;
the " young" &der-, as
styled, though :ha was
have gray hair and a co
was an airy, off -hand ger
Mg a stethoscope, like a
button -hole.
" There's . nothing wro
he said angrily. " Why
for me ?"
"I feel faint."
id "Feint !" The utter ontempt of
these words madt my blood boil. "Were
, you faint yesterday morning, althea you
1 ran four miles, and jumped the dyke in
the fog VI' "
tiyou out," sal
lit smile. "W
dy-made eldth s no fault of m
fsreteepiMiennte's, mfolr tective.
More than
s all Make th lanllarrtiheisd, haaipi
garteesa;kfwaistb, Auotnuemdnaayt IA
e mtyh!tdeeveetnitiyn ; I -tolnie—fiars8te°1°nGd
ied ; , and leftThe system o
ithin half' al
t kis Went bad
o out at Wool
i hn .11k"a' qtdr a tilagkee i
s cart from th
, theee week
evidently di
it. E• -
I sank *back almost in deepain Hap-
pily 9 o'clock was now apitrtaching, and
preparations began for my trial in the
, my late governor's office, I was - egein stripped
and- searched ; my boots' Iwerej taken
companions isried forth, and in apotl er
minute I heard the sound of their wheels
retreating don the hill. In- mediatdY
ove on to
se zed me by the ,arms, whist his com- There was a: second gate
pardon slippecra pair of ha (knife on my archway, a dezen feet from
wrists before 1 was well aware that it. doors. This ,ras. of open iron -
w S through the bers 1 could see th
surprise, the lines of the Filson imildings. •
1.1 upon me. got to this in er gate, a min
done. ,
i• my confusion and
tr et did not as yet da
Ti i strange t
rettic mbe r th a
ity, 1,_ -was d i ve
the boys, as, witha yell -of triumph,
tha, scampered back in the direction
wi enhey ce thad-
come. . •What followed
nett, is less distinct in my recellection:
now only thht I proteetedt renion-
str41 and begged my Captors to CX -
pia! u1. n!. It was all in vain—the sailor's
lip eeemed hetmetically ise led ; (tad all
. ,
'cud cleat from the polie man *as.- a -
dr All right;
push on, or we shan't
get t" Portland before it's locked for the
mg itr"
1 WAS evidently taken for an escaped
convict, and, loi king at my dress, there
were 1grounds or the supposition. Of
colt se I proters ed against such a belief,
told! who I was and mentioned how it
was,thy clothes were stolen 'while bath-
ing. All was in Vain. I was only laugh -
rider the
the outer
work, and
'tall ont-
ust as we
catrnent ad( ed only an- ed from the inside.
Did you ring, Mr. Tootle, he asked.
Ile was a tall Man in uniform, wearing a
Ion g -waisted, 'veIl-Iitting grea, coat; itt
his side WaB a sword, on his belt a
a the affair
, in spite of
ted by the
; but 1 well
my perplex-
eheavior of
• 4.,
• ;
bull s -eye lantern, and in 1
a bunch' of ke re " Did
"1 did, sir. tt's that Resell
police have brought him baek.
" That's the 'best piece cif ews I've
heard since noon. Hand h'm over,
Have you sent word to ti e gover-
nor?" 1
"I've rung his bell. fie o • the de-
puty will be here directly. It' close on
locking up time."
With these seeond gates, hey cloix-
ed behind. me, there seeineL fall an-
other barrier between me a freedom,
nor did ray new escort encoi ge me to
hope for much eonsideration
Through more gates and
eft hand
ring?" he
off; the
from. me, and I got, a pair o het slipper.
Then, all at °rice, eChOIilg along the
passages came a cry for ' Raschkoff ;"
and Rasehkoff—thiat is to say. I, John
Wray, of Crutched Friars—thambled up
two flights of narrow stairs, and entered
a little clock, oil the further side of
which stood a wattler with a baton ;
while in front, some way 01'' If was seated
a portly, imposiog personage et a high.
desk, and surrounding lith 1 a group
of officials, among WilOill Were my
friends, the coast -guard sailer' and the
policeman. :
.,, .
" 5755 Raschkeft ! charged with mak-
ing his escapee resisting the 'police,
insolence to the gate keeper, and giv-
ing the assistant surgeon huneeessery
-trou ble." • „ ,
ead eloud, and then, without Waiting to
. i .
All this the aforesaid portly gentleman
ear me plead, cellecl upon intr. captors to
give their story. . j' ;
This has already been told; ' It was a
little embellished, no doubt t to glorify
their courage. Next, came Annkley, the
tether of seven children, whitirn I, in my
4haracter Raschkoff, was reheat to rob
pf their bread. Dunkley was about to
plunge into details of the clattng mariner
in which I had eluded his ;observation,
s, all of • when all at once his face fell.'
n years have passed since
) ned. I l'eAre been lent;
it chanced I spent last
ymouth with My family.
1 '
• id a visit to,Pbrtland pris.
sit. Ho* different. from
ernors had been changed.
lisciplinet as ts obsertable , ere
from late repo e, so immensely improve dfoing:adseese,aidnyar kluvildIsinoef tic:naimattenisd t(n;to itaullexkeinevdfstel
as to render a 1 event sueli as I have de-,
in all kinds of weather, and at all hours. Re&
sepibed next impossible. ! 'The chief, dence and office two doors east of Cook's Tem -
warder, thou 1 he did net remember me, perance Hall. 319
remembered t I escape of "5755 Ranh- ArettEnitiela SURGEON.—D. MoNAUGHT,
koff." "Yes ir ;" and " 5755 Rascht Y V. S., begs to announce to theinhabitants of
koff is still at rge !" 1 . Sea,torth and surro , # ring country that he hoe
. I 1 I been awarded the dipl ma of tbe Ontario Vefelin-
1 aryreollege, and is now prepared to treat diaeasee
SPEC L NOTICiES. 1 of Home and Cattle and all domestic animals. He
I has; opened an office in. connection with his horse-
estilenee and intempert slicking shop, where hewill be found ready to et -
to the greatest destruct
life, mainly, because it is1
any to be of no conset
[ f
IWILLIA.I. 1 &Natl.- , Conveyancer and -Commie-
T sioner in B. It., Wroxeter. ,Auetioneer and
Appraiser. Accounts and ..notes collected on
terms. ..,. aigg
L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor le
• Chancery, &e., Goderiah and Seaforth. Of,
ce, over Jordan' s Drug Store, Goderich, and
Kidd's Store, Seaforth. 851
&ARROW & WALK:0,B, Barristeni,. Attorneys. -
, Solicitors in Chancery, lc. -Office en West St.,
the Post Office, Godench. At
1 J. T.-OAEROW. . P. 7, li'AERE.R.
- Otlice—two
. .
QQUIER. li McDONALD, Bariisters, Attorneys,
Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Bnissels, Out,
doors-nocth of the Post Office.
- Goderieb, - Brussels.
17.ALCOMSON & ',WATSON,' Barristers, At_tor-
-L- neys Solicitors in Chancety, &e,, Clinton,
Oftir:e—Firet sdoor east of the new Rofel
sundial' Bank building. Money to loan ou fanu
1 s. ata-Lcoatson=„ 404 o,A.IvATsox.
- invest
oCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Banisters, At _
torneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery an4
solvency, Notaries Public, and Conveyerieent.
for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agentsfor.
Canada Life Assurance Company, _i •
N. B.-00,000 to lend at S per cent. -Fertile,
Uses and Lots for sale. 63
ENSON & MEYER, Banistera and Attorneys
at Law, Solid tiara in Chancery and Insolveney,
Notaries Public, etc. Offieee,-,-Sea•
th and Wroxeter, $23,000 of Private Funds to
at once, at Eight percent. Interest, payable
- 58
CAMPBELL, Seaforth, Coroner for the
titeheunuetaYr.thOefilstelietiend residence, Main Street
ou, •
G. SCOTT, M. D. &c., Physician, Surgeon and
• Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Mrsi-
south side of Goderich Street, first door
of Presbyterian Church.
---r-r- -
L. VEI1COE, M.' D,, C. !31„ Physician, sin-
• geon, etc,, Cortmer for the County of Huron.
and Residence, corner of Market and High ;
eets, next to the Planing Mill.
A. BURGESS, IL D., C. Mg Graduate Of
-McGill 'University., Montreal, Member Of the
of Physiana and Surgeons, Out., -Physi• '
n, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaford'. oft340—
tat Door Weet of , Mr, Lumsclen's Drug Store,
sid.ence, fourth henee wese-of the Presbyterian
urch. Night calls attended to at realtlenee.
B. PHELAN, 3,1 D., C. MI., (late of the Ann
• of Shaver & Phelan, Stratford)Graduate of
University, Physician, Surgeon and At-
Seaforth, iOntario. Office—Rooms la
Block, formerly occnpied by the late 1)r.
g. Residenee—COmmercial Hotel.. Will at-
at Carronbrook on Tuesday % and Fridays. 898 -
to -.4r11
8 A.
-L -Ii•
H. DOWSLE Y.; M. D., L. R. C. P. S. K,,
• Member of College of Physiciana and Sur-
ns of Ontario. Late House Surgeon of Kings -
i General and Lying-in Hospital, Phyalciany .
rgeon and Accouclieur. Office --Albert -Street,
osite Fair's Steam Mills, 'Reaidence—Iluren
opposite Cominercial Hotel, Clinton, Out.
fes_sio_n:1 caxlls la)u.)21BertnaL'Llly, tosubroztehotilt:
and country. 'f 388
L. 1). .
......' .r,.. u • Dentist,&c.,Seafortb, Ontario --
Plate work, latest styles, neatly
' executed, All surgical operations
arid promptitude, Fees as low
can be obtained. elsewhere. Office hours from
31. to 5 P. M. llooras over Mr. A. G. Mc-
Store, Main-st. . '270
M. CAMPBELL4 V. S., Licentiate and Prize-
Man of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y„ and
of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto,
. . .....
ence--colds le
tin of huma
considered by
quence and he
, until a si
ve1ted into a f
one oubled
cold • coug,
"Brya s Pu
lay— irri atio
a most en
the Bronchi
Sold by all D
ers. Price 25
A Beanall,1
thing that can
der the horse
improve his c
that is desirab
Powders and
it has been u
own valuable
with decided B
are they with i
it on hand in c
be given at all
Remember t
the signature
package. Nor
Ont,, proprietor
medicine deale
tend to calls. Diseases of the feet speeialilyst-
tended to. Residence„ ellice and shop in the reef
of 'Moran & Ryan's new store, :All eines et Vet-
ern4ary Medicines kept constantly on hand;
e systerna,ticelly neglect-. Ch rges reasonable.
IlfOrl'ELO. 229
e, eural)le disease is con -1 ----T
al pulnionary one. Every;
le what is called a slight; VICTORIA HOTEL, WALTON.—jobn Winte.r,
er8hniCiliclWia.:ifnemrsd'd'—iatet113reyinale-1 Ovrea-Pelrelforiaedt,°110. miles north of Seafortb, and pew -
Thi hotel is situated on the
at Onde, . and exert aeruies every accommodation and comfort for trar-
eial in4uenlee on an elens. The best brands of liquora and cigars wet
i in t e bar, and a _careful and attehtive hostierin
and pulmonary organs.
att ndanee. Good stabling in , cenneetion 4witir 1
ists and country d-
c nts per box. the otel, ..„ _ ___ /31_0
DA.VIS' 11A.LI-WA HOUSE Ib' h. tel
zirus vsietrte_d „Irani! wwanyf xbdeotween Seafortll
been thoro hly ren0
eqatur:th.,Itil,13-teEi *jr-LSorrMhnereeh ' (8 _ _) 1. ° - . " i .elleodnare.tmansed.t x•Je'ofiltrit'euobrsallannga .unteq favnerngin the
iditien an
,,,D make him all County.p.,L
. . 1 anielegant, tore'''. , Geeads'iebi Ith ° clgarg- ef tigthe dwievatee16
at in as any co a d Ile.
adatan H a e, Reneed " goodt, iand attenrtYsteeisubiaoTstrd:rxergenaga::.7wDdlani.:31.-7silieinsga,d°27:9,
• Ian al eyti Condition
. y y persons wYh5 0 i o drovera, and --1--t-- 14-j. 1" tile leeninnn)daa°2
efncloseu yard find she(
1 - -cei c",Iirater hio
cess, and, so well pleased. '
b nleayabldvi llo‘ ailislevriyhs okreseeps ' •.
e of enaergency ; it ma,y i O3LIIERCIA.L LIVERY- Seaforth, Ont. T, A.
! ,
mes with perfect safety-. sHABP, Proprietor. CoTinfortable and. elegant
naMe, , a.nd see that ' 3;18`43c ch
earntagea, and first-class reliable horses always
argee moderate. Office and stablea on
rop & Lyman, Toronto, ed t°'
Hurd & Co. is on each 01
, uron street, second door east of Main street.
for Canada. Sold by all ders left at any of the hotels promptly attend -
1BER OF CASES BENEFIT- D sser, Woolen Factory, Biryteld.
s established beyond a doubt
_, i
! 1* OH▪ N STRUTHERS, Wool Carder and,Clath
cy of Dr. 'Wheeler's Compound e..!
the lungs. Consumption in T P, \BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the
* County of Huron. Sales attended in An
es and Callsaya in the treat-
s is unmistakeably the result parts of the County. All orders left at the EV
aosrxen Office will be promptly attended- to., !
and poor blood. 'There is a 1 A LEX. ceeixe.ole, Practical Wateinnkkertaii
le digestion, imperfect nAsizn. .4-1- jeweler, Mitchell. Customers will find it to
consequent failure of nerve their interest to deal with me, as they will Ora
he vital forces. The cough', the benefit of my long praetical experience in PA
ight sweats and general debil, trade,
ed and cured
the remarkable MD
Ether of Phosph
ment of diseases
the maJority of ea
of depraved nutritio
loss of appetite, f
nation of food, it
power to maintain
raising of phlegm
reteteettei4ities of the
Mr.: . Ward became?,
and Ward and took '
"y tstaP,eis he .suftertel
ment as his father
wii "I'llreryfe°14rt'butiree:hasiesinTateenermt:t°7
0 to me estate." be said
ea pen My whole incon
r. Wi li, that view I p
Edmian, in Scotlande
4-e lilrary at Venice; 1 rep.m.reel i
is raj* lave - Ae., Ste.; ' lo
ion, Which 14o t me g10,000,
..lultricr oneeau t• . ays be prep
imeeteeetedly paselraoestoe:tabinthl:
, illebingjbioWhengsria ,i ::11 umogr le 1 11 t ' ' '
aYwearas*va'hnet6loutiladvr;laa.:1-ei t gi:Itaar tol3tihrna-D11:g ih: 4 7::1 ler tit: iey
ws that of
' ear wee a mere talk.
Ally invented, 1)3
instances wereir
ndley's eeeentr
on 1.' P e‘tehnred fed riends
I e4.
y asked Lord
how he nc4ounted fox+ tbe
ralie uasiute1ie
nested to haw down to elippi
Iady$hip availed herself of the :
• nity to present her two delight(
thwhieychweeeloreamoworr 13sahiThe ,ozaveurhtteearirdni
in Iris usual undertone
one is plain; th dark one is 1M.
vbuitutth,e.gcoafair hourpn:edirteedeadiionotigl
in ,
"I: aln glad, , Lord,'" says
at allee:Ilent:late dark
intairk 0110ee pl
ailed on -Lord Dudley to presen
at C
nThey got on very we:
ped nearly hal hour by the
✓ i
St. James str , Lowhrerdsehitpheythe
tetniself, and, aftcr a long pan*
4,Bove this tiresorne country sti
be expecting :ne to ask him to;
Shall I ask him or shall InO
think t
ntlsoitureoulxpeed ' Ibboturei:e
first confoundbut, recolle,e
-zompaseients in malty, eammel
turn AU audible solilaen ' N
tiresome old Peer will, of course
t tug me to dine with him to,
goor shall 1, ht go? No
wouldwelt taken, lee. a if icerri nh i sv ittpornomiw
in lafternresstitatndte
ing a lonPg'ltime with
to whom he wais raying a niOrni
- der gle 30rsdwDzyub:de Jae ythoxei •tiimca.ealow,
At a dinner yen by Ler
who had one oE tite best cooks
don, Lord Dudley tasted. some
-which he did t approve, ut
ting Where he as began apolo.
the -company f r tie badness of -.
tertairunent "The feet is," 1
"that My hendpaok was taken
sesminpeleykeidttedar li-i lYthie sduinlestrseel" 4:
Lord Dudley zleeeiving a visit 1
poet Rogers at is, proposed ti
should go together to the Cat
that with his
It has often n ir)eara rhkte-add,1
-skie and sunk hieek.s, he WM in
a death's headi than any min I
ever seen alive 1 Accordingly, *
poet had spent 1 an hour or tv
abodes of mortality, and -Was -A
make his exit1 the keeper, sta
his death -like; apearance tried '
, him, crying oil, "Hull& 1 A
back! You hate no right to ear
Rogers afterward'complained
Dudley that he had. cruelly elesei
in this emergel c , "My dear
Old Times - a ,Disimit. .Plae
terfere, you lo k dso much at I
rse:inckaliednthe E " I -did not lit
From the • .ereeeope
Te top a maihe O;t thhee r da Detroit father
ed a microscopeor his eon,
id im the shoulder,
"My son, takethis Micro4e0I
out and study beauties of Ila
The boy left other annisein
that, and he took such groat inti
., siadamieearieh.meairuclksa,_ 0.n:riling to. on
=fly replied.. - : 1
the family, he felt that he 12111
e w1-1
1 a: '4111;:ri' - cld° e37:en°7Pt'll°- :1 he Irkl°-1°keV:rt eleilldee"81'11'1'
improved BO rapidly, thattt the''
toraw.hich se, ye:, 1; visi re at do
"Well, ?Ton net ought to see t
, A
' tab"iej.ehn 1 Jo n 1" exclaim& a
/shaking his le at the boy at
, ound, everybodylia4a, - Thank .
wh.Toenh nhisaubmd:teder-forpaaaranci4untt41
Pretty:_toon thi young student,
to arellify his fiather, asked r; •• .
ih::04F aiaitilerm, jele8
i ou 7, r look A
° ref;iie•iWtihiltepMakFitFir t, Se0:3i:Till'aP;
4 oho WRZ r4tbel!Nelisappointe
fallure' to prote enthusiasm,
tahnd,eShtreazb4air,rirkiesedi:vere. bcm
"Well, you o tilt to look n
yo:bTehr,e,ryy:Beyoohi,r,„;-ejivu. 131 °nil walheree, -t'' ire,
thinkI.vei lii YOUt hes bug, running
athx Protestedy‘ 0,aa., oluinbi teoi:t , rbd. . the
a Iji 'ed b veracity,
he1 viwi su ifoi:tath.het i jo ir, . a,r74;
e o r t e d the lad . thet°ohn to1 lleavews ;1 a ' Isaghtstilt- -1 1;::01
ve' 4l 13-4*i Bel 11:ItYlfeofrthai
basement, bou1ied him areuud'
stUdy the beauties of that wood
and you tak he axe and g
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lee does at pr t, he will t),
If that boy ' continues to feel
Price Prem. rid of
a naturalist
and Wife,
These who ad gnsbing noe4
rollaanee of iojre
c�rded itt WM1IIi* based on act
le time and
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