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1 _ , if . ,
lit Olt! X1100110V.
1 ,
This house is the host in Seaforai for commercial
tra-Velers and farmers as its adcommodation is
ffisteolass, while its prices are as low as the cheapet hotels, The rboms are large, well furnished
and perfectly elenn, while the best attention is
given to all who patronize the *use. There le
large stabling in connection, and attentive host-
lers.-A.Ln XANDII,X4DAVID$024i Proprietor.
LARGEi STOCK of Dry Goods,
niadymede Clothing, Hata, Caps, &G, at Mesaro.
B wary Sc Co.'s, ficaforth, are daily being sold off
Cost price, There still remains a large and beau-
tiful assortment on hand, and the public will do
well to purchase at once, as on the First of Sep-
- Umber the firm will be retiringfrom business, and
then all opportunities will be lost of buying goods
It cost prices.
J. C. Latoreew expects to gain the con
Mende of the piiblia In no other way than by
selling a really good article at the lowest possible
price All are welcome to come and judge ter
thOmsolvc , and none are PrOaaed to buy unlefis
quite oil -agile& caeh article is well worth the price
asked. -J, C. LAIVIJAW.
armors wishing to got either of the above
maned varieties of wheat for Seed can be supplied
by leaving their °Nieto at 8T1101410 &
6` Seed and Grocery 'Store, Seaforth, or at Loom( &
XAm_eson's, where maniples are *OW to he seen, 8
LISON xptala have received a large
lot of 0hoke Yon g Ilyeon and Black Teas, which
fo linty and e surpass anything over of!id
Ju saforth LbCy wonld advise parties to e me
an buy quantities while the prices are down as
t will go up very soon, 2
urrart BOWL% Butter Prints, But r
les, Butter Creeks, Cream Crocks, Milk Pans,
M rket Baskets; &G., Cheapest Goods pi Town at
EN'S Grocery.'
EMOVED.-4#1. S. ROBERTS has remov-
e his Drug Stock to the shop opposite Powell's
1, formerly oecupied by wotnen, Grocer.
WANTED immediately; at Low &
la MONIS, a few Jaques Cartier Bank Bills. 1
ENS? Wool Shirts and Drawers 1or
809, worth $1 25, at the Farmers' Store.
Stic.at GRAY, Yoinao & 5PAIRLIX6`8, '
WOOL TWELW worth 90e. for 7e.. at
the Farman' Store.
- GREAT Bargains in Shirtings it the
Farmers' Store. '
will be given from this date to . the first
of January; /876, for 50 cents, payable
strictly in adyence.
TALL CORN`. -We Were shown a day
or two age, by Mr: Thomas Kidd, of
this town, a stalk of corn which measur-
ed 10 feet 6 inches in. length. This
stalk was taken byMr. Kidd from a held
at Carronbroek, belonging to. his brother,
Mr. Joseph Kidd, -
ML DEAD. -We regret .to
1eirn of the death of Mr, Burchard, who
a1 one time ocoupied the position of
P incipal of the Seaforth Public School,
Cersurnption, was the epee of death,
Ifte Burchard was a yeung man of much
p °min., and many of our readers will
h ar of his early demise with deep re -
e ,
, 1
cORRECTION.-In the list of 'teachers
ho had taken certificates, published last
eek, Messrd, Peter &rang, and A. Weir,
e credited With having obtained Second
C ass, grade 13,fcertificates, whereas they
w •re awarded, as their marks will show
S cond Class, grade A, certificates, We
ake this correetion in justice to the
g ntlemen named.
. .
ENTERTAINMENT. -M any of our read-
er will be pleased to learn that they are
sh rtly to have another opportuntty of
listening to Professor Jones, of Galt, the
celebrated voCaliet. The Professor bee
a epted an invitation to attend a concert
to be given in Seaforth on the 3rd of Sep-
ta ben The particulars of this enter-
ta nment are promised in due time,
GOOD OfANCE. -A couple of excel-
Ieiit farms, in the township of McKillop,
ar advertised this week to be sold by
pu}hlic auction, at the Commercial Hotel,
forth, on 'Thursday,. Sept, 23. These
fa ms are thCproperty of Meisel's, An -
dr •w and Walter Cowan, and • are most
de irable properties. Partiee wishing to
bu good farms should keep thie sale
in mied. '
Institute will meet in the Seaforth school
room, on Saturday, Aug.28, at 10 o'clock
A.! M. An interesting programme has
been prepared.. Object lessons, arith-
itie and geography will he taken up,
an1 a subject for general discussion, of
grOat practical 'importance to teachers,
ab been selected for this meeting. A
cordial invitation is givei to all, and a
full attendance of teachers is requested.
Gay, -manager of Ogilvie &itio.'s mills, in
, th town, informs us that the first two
loads of fall wheat of this season's growth
purchased on the Seaforth market were
delivered at the mills on Monday last,
The quality of the rain was ver inferi-
or,' beingf dark color, small . an in bad
order. 1 r. Gay had determined to pay
$1 10 per bushel for the new wheat, but
w en he saw the quality of that deliver-
ed did not consider it safe to give more
th$n $1 05, We trod that in thie in -
St nee, at least, the worst has come first.
morning AltrasTturts; 8 tThAeTIaccommodation--°nilueg
tr in going wed' was shunting at the
Se forth station, a young man engaged
cc the train as a brakes' an met with a
severe and painful amid nt, ' He was
riding on the.side of onej of the freight
cars, and as the car WW1 passing another
standing on an. adjoining track, the space
between them was not _wide enough to
allow him to pails, and he was caught
between the two cars and severely bruis-
ed. tie fell to the ground insensible, and
narrowly escaped netant death by be-
ing run over by the l moving train. He
was taken up and conveyed to Hays' ho-
tel, and medical aid procured. The
young man is, receiving the best atten-
tion and care, and hopes are entertained
of his recovery.
POOR Porsds.--Mr. It. L. Sharp's trot-
ting pony, Poison, came to rather a
tragic end on Monday evening last. He
e. was grazing on the eommone, near the
-,railway station, when a dog took aftee
.him and commenced chasing him. The
horse ran from the dog, and in his Taco
jumped over it pile of ties !near the rail-
way track. When alighting, he slinpea
and fell, striking his head ingainet a rail-
way ear which was standing on the track,
killing him- instantly. Pileon was,
one time, a horse of considerable note in
sporting circles. He was raised in the
vicinity of Chatham, and was owned for
scnrije years in Brantford. He trotted
on he Hamilton course and made a rec-
ord of 2,361. On another occasion, about
five years ego, he competed with some
sixteen Other horses, in a tonf ini e race,
at St, Catherines, coining out 7 inner*
Thie was about his last race ofj impor-
tance. For 80ate years he i'lei been b fly
" used up," being stiff. ant. soie in fro it.
But, notwithstanding this dr wback, he
could, up to the last, make a ood d oh
of speed, and fin. a `short distance wo hl
sorely try many good hors 8 of more re-
tentiouii appearance. Mr. 4harp as
owned him for over three ears, nd
kept him as a driving horse As such he
had few equals.
serve . that very satisfactory jrogreeit is
being made in the development of he
Canada Silver Mining Company's mine,
in which many of our readers.are inter-
ested. We understand that the sto4 is
now selling much more readily than it
has ever clone before, ancithat when he
money market recovers from ts pres nt
stringency,there is every prespect that
that the ole working capital stock will
be disposed of in a compirativoly short
PERSONAL -Mr, George Thexton left
Seaforth for Exeter on Saturday last.
Mr. Thexton goes to Exeter to take the
management of the drug business of Drs.
Browning & Irving. These gentlemen
are to be congratulated on the itgood for-
tune in having secured the services of BO
competent and reliable a business
-Meilen, Thomas Adams, of Seaforth,
and Lowrie, of Hullett, rettirned from
try last week,
ter their jour -
their trip to the Old COU
and Messrs. McGeoch an
of Ttickersolith, the wee
looking fresh and. happy a
ney over the' " big pond."
--Brother Dr. Yercoe, W. M. of Brie
- tannia Lodge, Seaforth, bas been appoint-
ed GrendConductor of the Masonic
Grand Lodge, by by the Grand Master.
• Mit, Cm's Sirgithe.--1 wi I have been
iiotice4 that Mr. Frank 0 se as offered
a large reward for the a prehensionof
the party who stole from im a yoke of
stem* We learn that Mr. use has found
track of the steers but no trade as yet of
the thief. The steers were taken from _
among about 20 other cattle which were i
pasturing on Mr. Case's feeterelin the night
time, and were driven td nearStratford.
The thief sold them' to an hotel keeper ,
near Stratford for $60. , his man eold .
them to another, and it ey ultimately
made their wig to Toronto, and were
disposed of to ti, butcher in that city, who
purchased them for $100, endelaughtered
them. The hides were shown to Mr.
Case by this gentlman, and identifiedby
him as being the hides of the steers which
he had lost. lost. Parties having cattle pastur-
ing -ile fields distant from thetr dwellings
should keep a Sharp lookout for them, or
some may be spirited. away in the same
manner as Mr. Case's steers were, " Mr,
Case has no idea of who the thief Was.
He will be on the lookout in the future,
however, and it will not be well for any
suspicious looking persons he may catch:l
spying around his cattle pastures. i
BA,5E BeeLL-The Stars, o
played a picked nine of the Silver Maples
and Narrow Gauge clubs, of Wroxeter
. 14, on the
, which, re-
• st score of
dubs was
being in a
ent thistle
• burn, act-
s deeisiOns
tie a' game
the bat -
they I allow
nt oin the
uch large
ere caught
ft and cen-
ou of the
and Gorrie, o
agricultural gr
stilted in favo
:34 to 17. Th
only moderat
Saturday, Au
undo, Seafort
of the Stars b
playing of
, the gymci
good cOndition for an e ce
orop, Me. T. Stanley,i of Ki
ed as umpire, and rendered h
with impartiality ; in umpiri
the umpire should be strict
ters, calling strikes whenever
a good: ball to pass, and leni
pitchers, and thus aleei4
scores. Several good "flys"
on both sides, especially on 1
tre fields. At the machos
game the respective clubs wer • entertain-
ed to an excellent spread by our jovial
"base ball spoilt," Mr. S. Pow 11, to which!
the " airs " did ample jut. tice. The
public nni gto take
-vinced by
generally are been
more interest in base hail, as
the large Member of sped
usually attend each match.
better the financial condi io
considerably, were they tO
enenibers an admission fec'of
cents, ;which would pay all t
expenses of the club, instead
nine bearing nearly all the
The following is the score!:
H. A.CalraTerAointS, 2b, PIC. tiD NINE,
°I; RO. 11..
d el. lie am, p.. 5 0
Grieves; r,f..„. - 2 4 Barber, c ,, 1 4
Hy, Cameron, s, e, 4 4 Stool, 3 8
Hogan, o.1, 4 2 Ware; a, s 5 0 ,
Latimer, lb 2 5 Hogg, et. . , . , , .. 4 2 I
Baird, 1J1i 8 4 Barker, 2 8 1
Cardne, le 8 4 A. W. Pan in, e, 1,, 2 8
Lamb, p „.- .. „ 2 5 T. Clt tter am, r,f, 2 1 i
Sills, 1.1„ 4 8 W. n Pn lin, I, 1.8 11
Total Jr 94 Tot 1 - - - .27 17
. 1 8- 4 5 1617 -8 9
8 1 7 1 2 2 2 5-34
Pkd Nine..., 2 0 1 1 5 5 10 8 0-17
'Umpire -T. St nle7, Rippon /3 rem -Stars,
Campbell; Picked Nine, Brock; Time of garne,2h,
--Tile' juni r base ball club, of Sea, I
forth, succeedd in waxing the juniors, I
of Mitchell, in a well eo te ted game, '
at the latter town, on Wednesday, Aug.
18, by a score of 42 to 26, The following
is the score by innings : •
i 1 -P. 4 5 6
Seaforthi- - 5
86 06 176 06
Mitchell.... 6
tors that
It would
of the club
barge non-
ey 10 or 15
e running
f the first
The excursion to Niagara Fall
needay last, w s very largely
both by town and country
Seaforth stath n 215 tickets
and the other stations al ng
contributed a roportiona e q
acconntiodatio i was entirely
- to meet the Ter irem ants( f t
When the train left Seaforth
cry eat was crowded to s ffo
many bad to take an outside
remain behind How those
brook and Mitchell managed
is i impossible to conjecture.
jority of the - coaches were old
ond-class coaches, inferior if
the worst class of emigr nt
might here remark that th a
should either not give ex urs
or should be prepared to ffo
commodation as would re der
least moderately comforta ole
ably fief°. On this occasto o it
er comfortable or safe ' t. ri
train. On leaving Swap th
was nearly an hour behind th
til the nd of /
ed time, it and continued osihe ijourne
were reached bone 4 o' loc
train started f0,
r the retu t
so that those who desire to
the same day had not long for
ing._ he trai on the etu
Seaforth static)n about hal -pa
Thursday morning. Many of
sionista' however, remained 0
7 8 9
0 7 8-42
1 5 2-26i
oeloriv, -
s, on Wed-
eople, At
were sold,
the route,
ota, The 1
O occasion.
station, ev-1
ation, and
passage or.
t Carron- i
get on it I
The ma-
nything to
cars. We
and Trunk
ono at all,
d such ac,
the trip at,
and toler-
was neith-
e on the
the train
ec time un -
Ile Falls
,and the .
p about 6, ,
get back j
sight -see- !,
_passed i
t five on 1
he excur-
er and re- '!
turned on'Thursd afternoon and even-
-in town thin vs were very quiet.
Most of the came .8 who did not go on
the excursion,
to k advantage of the
holiday to getoft on private pleasure
tripe. A good ma y went to Bayiield;
Sonia went to Born to attend the Sang-
erfest, it few °went to Goderich, and, a
very limited number staid at home to
protect the town. The day was one of
the most pleasant of the season, being
neither tod warm nor too cool, and we
have no d ubt but all, in their severe'
ways, thoroughly enjoyed themselves,
and retur ed to the cares of life on
Thursday morning with renewed vigor
and energy.
R, MIR, 14inise1s, Agent for the Ex-
nomiTouNe spew mid job Printing Office.]
* THE Aorttinwed,nee HALL -The con- •
tractors h comtnenced work on the
new agrie Rural hall to be erected on the
society's g etunds n Brussels.
(Dm M incez--.The market house and
town hall being pushed on pretty rap.
idly just ow. It is expected it will be
opened ab ut the est week in Septem-
turned next day, t)the following da,
she retprned, and while she wa slain
in a chair he again look liberties wit]
her. When be failed to secure his objee
by Corey, he brought some vele no iron
an adjoiniug room and gave hpr some
asking her to eat them. She refused
however, and went aWey. Snrni of th
raisins were left at a drug store, and th
druggist testified thee they .wer impree
rutted with ca,ntherides, or "Spanish
fly," a drug which is never sold withon
the sale being registered. The prisone
pleads not guilty, and declare .that i
the raimint were drugged he.was innocent
of the fact ; and further, that he ate some
of the raisins in the plaintifro ire,senee.
On Monday he was admitted' to bell on
furnishing security to the amount of
$3,000, to appear for trial on the let
. I
Septembee, ;
--At a meeting of thosat
pinteres d in the
formation of a society for the protectiOn
of fish and game in the County of Huron,
on Tuesday afternoon of lad week, th
proper officers were appointed, r. Cole
man, of Seaforth, wee called to t e chair,
when the following Officers were appoint.
ed : President, Mr. J, a Kir patrick ,
Vice -Presidents, Mr. Govenlocs, Sea.
forth ; Mr. It; Ita isford, Olin .ii ; Dr.
Sloane, Blyth, Se retary, M H. T,
Bunberry. Treasurer, Horace Horton
M. 13, General Committee, Major Cook,,
Messrs. E. Campaign, It, H. Kir patriek,
T. J. Moorhouse and Geo. Gran .
OMI88TO .-fil
week, of tie name
ed in the oundati
lish Church, Br
state that TUE H
6th inst,, as am
threshing heir fa
borhood. The gr
and will b a go
well for th propr
chines to ee that
tected to trevent
eking mentien, last
of the papers deposit -
n stone of the Eng.
ssels, we omitted to
nor; Exeosrron of the
g the number,
armors have begun
wheat in this neigh -
in -is turning out well
yield, It would be
tors of threshing ma -
they are properly pro
accidents, as the law
T. Pearen, of Lot 2
vines pro
erage of 6 Peas to
yield 1,215 peas,
This is certainly
and gives evidencx
of the soil.
DEATH OF A. t'itowea-Information,
of a reliable chara ter has been received
from Dakota that Mr. Alfred Brown, late
Reeve of Morris, who but a short time
ago went out weste baa met his death at
. the hands of the Indians of that country-.
It is stated that he got into an alterca-
tion with the Indians about some stock
which ended in their shooting him fatal-
ly. This will be ead news to many, as
Mr. Brown had a' Urge circle of friends
in this section,
pi NEW ERA.]
We were shown by Mr.
0, London Road, three
uct of three peas, upon
ds, Allowing an av-
Deb Pod, they would
✓ about 400 to one.
n enormous increase,
of the productiveness
would appear fr m eircumrtances that
have come to oumt knowledge that this
section is at pres nt infested by a lot of
rascals who wouiU sooner do anything
else than "earn their breed by the sweat
of their brow." no evening last week
while a couple ofoung men were driv-
ing along the Bayfield- road, and when
near, Middleton's church, two parties
followed them in a buggy and tried to
either overturn or. smash their convey-
ance. Failing in this, they dreve ahead,
tied their horse to a fence, and then
made an attem • t to catch the horse
driven by -Ow yo ng men, by the head,
at the same time making a motion as if
to draw a revolve . The parties in the
buggy were too q ick, however, and by
the application of the whip, got beyond '
their reach; As he parties were entire
strangers to then, it is quite evident
i ,..
that robbery wa contemplated. All
persons require to be well on their guard,
so that no advent ge whatever may be
taken of them, ' •
ATTEMPTED Bu Ltnizs,-Quite a fu-
rore was created n town last week, by
the attempt of b rglars to enter several
private residence but we are glad to
say, were frustra d in their designs.
Thewoul -be rob ers were doubtless in -
ex rien han as in every instance
th y made so mac noise aie to arouse
th inmatds. Th y first attempted Mr.
Gallagher'S house, but he hearing them,
got up and, shot t ice at one from his
bedroom window, the fellow not being
ten feet distant, )ne ball, at least took
effect, as thee fello v staggered a moment,
and exclaimed 'O, I'm shot," and then
lie and his companion hastened away.
They returned- ain, however, some
time after, and tr.ed to pick the lock of
the front door, but were again heard and.
frightened away. On Tuesday evening
they attempted Io enter the residence,
of Mr, David, (whp was away from home)
by raising a window, but Mrs. David
awakening. she called lustily for help
when they fled. They next tried the
residence of Mr. Humble,- but were
again alarmed, and even chased by some
men, who, however, did not catch them.
On two different occasions they raised a
window in the house of, Mr. Jackman,
but he hearing them, put his head from
the window and a4ked what they wanted
when the robbers gave no answer, but
left. On Thursday last, two men were
arrested at a late hour, on suspicion of
having something
to do with these at-
tempts, and they were brought before
the Mayor and examined. Although
nothing was prov d against them, they
could give no s tisfactory account of
themselves, and ere accordingly com-
mitted to jail as cmmon vagrants, one
for three and the iother for one month.
erncee az 1110*ATA
noun SUIT= T. -Meggrs, Ogilvie &
Hutchinson shipped 225 barrels of flour
per steamer Ifani oba to the Hudson Bay
Company, on Sat rclay.
New Wrine.T. Mr. Wm, Hillard, on
Monday, bought, the first new wheat on
the market this year. The price paid
was $1,15. The grain was plump and of
good fuze; but as simply what was
swept from the barn floor after storing
the crop.
THE J.tmn..--Not since the year 1865
has the jail had a larger run of business
than at present. Fifteen inmates are at
reeent spending the holidays there. It
satisfaction to know, however, that the
it noes with. which they are charged are
of a slight natur 1 and. are the natural
resijults of the el knese of employment
at Iirescnt,
we k, Robert Re tnond, Photographer,
of Braude, was lodged in jail on a charge
of having committed an indecent assault
upon Elizabeth Jane Williams. The
commitment .show that on the 11th inst,,
the plaintiff went I to Redmond's photo.
graph gallery to have her picture taken,
and whilst she wIs looking at some pic-
tures in his coat p gket, he pushed her
into the negative retim;. and attempted to
throw her upon the floor, end take im-
proper liberties with her. He failed in
his purpose, and she left the gallery, he
promismg to act more decently if she re-
See& -The farm stock anc imple-
ments of the late ,Philip Cure , on .Lot
19, Con. 6, Turnberey, are to be brought
under the hammer of. Mr. C. T it Scott,
auctioneer, on Tuesday next.
EARLY' BARLEY. --We unders and that
Mr. Robert Richardson, of the Fourth
Concession of Turnberry, cut barley on
the 27th of July. This is cons.dered to
be very early harvesting in this vicinityj
and is an excellent crop,
gem, of the First stlIoneetsei011 f TurUl
berry, has a black Spanish hen, that
layed an egg, about: ten days a o,
uring 101 inches one way by 71 the oth
er. As we consider this to be th
champion egg of the season, we would
like to know who possesses a hen that
has beaten it.
AN0'1111ER GRANG2. -At a meeting re
e,ently held in the school house ib Sect*
No. 4, Turiiberry, a Subordinate Grange
under the Ontario Order of Patrons o
Husbandry, was organized. Time meet
ing was presided over by Mr. Geo, B
Scott, as chairman, and addresses were
delivered by Messrs. Anderson, Johnstou
and Robertson, of the Belmore 1 Grange
The new Grange was organized by Mr.
Anderson, Master of the I Bel mor
Grange, under the name of 'Iouint Nebo
Grange. The following were elected and
installed as officers: Thos. Ea4ie, Mas
ter; John Green, Overseer; Rot. Reid,1
Lecturer; John Fortune, Steward;",ej
Pearson, Asst. Steward; John i
Chaplain ; Robert Fleming, T ensurer,.
Geo, B. Scott, Secretary; Andre Miteli.4
ell, Gatekeeper; Miss Tube Eadie
Ceres; Mrs, Thos. Eadie, goino ; Mi
E. Pearson, Flora • les M. Gr n, Lad
Asst. Steward. public meting
the Grange was het, at whichl quite
number were propos d as new membera
and accepted.
Ex ter.
LOCAL JOTTINGS. Exeter is in a ver
lively state. • Ther are eight n w brie
stores in course of co pletion,an4 in about
four weeks the rail ay will be runnin
from London to tit' place -There ha
been considerable xcitement In horse
flesh, The Yorksh re Boy, 1 il Rile4
and Copper Bottom have bee. making
t Tues
the firs
heat, Phil Riley t e second, t it'd an
fourth heat's. It w the most exciting
race of the season. I lack Rabb t trotted
against time on We nesday ev fling and
won. ---There are thr daily stag eoache
to London and retu all doin i a gooc
businees,-Harvesti ig was a li'tie back
ward on account of ainy weath r.
Arreetrear. INC NDJABISK. A dia
bolical attempt was made one uight -las
week to fire and urn the ii w brie
store now in course f eompletio i by Mr.
Broderick, in Exe r, In the morning
when the wOrkmen eame to wo k one o
them hap elled to go up to do e third
.story of the buildipg, and to h surpris
found at the landing at the h of th
stairs a small pile of charred c ries an
shavings. The floor also.. nude this pi I
was burned. The would-be i 'idle
had,.: during the eight, effect an en
trance through the bsck doe of th
building, and had evidently gathered up
this pile of combustible material and set
a 'match to it, and then. hurriedly escap-
ed. Fortunately the attempt proved
failure, and one of the handsomest busi-
ness structures escaped destruction mere
ly by chance. A sharp look out shout
be kept for all stragglers, as the next a
tempt at incendiarism may prove more
_-Winghara. .
BIOW1TIES,-Weather alternately ho
or rainy. -Schools reopened on Monday.
-Work on railway 'progressing! rapidly
-James Heayn is building a house o
his lot freer the station .-Sidcsvalk is b
• ing built'fromthe Queen's to Episcopal
church, -Division Court last S urday
Mr. E, Nichol is building a freight holm
at the' station, . I
BASE BALL.. --A game was played here
last Saturday between the Bru sets and
Wingliam clubs. At the clocb of the
ninth innings the scores stood -38 to 38.
Brussels then went to the bat to pia
another innings to decide theame, hut
owing to a disputed decision,
was broken up and declared a tie. Th
1he gam
return match will be played at Brussel
a week from Saturday.
RUTPAINISM, -A disgraceful and cow
ardly attack was made upon Dr. Mc
Donald last Saturday evening, while at
the railway station, by one in tbe em
ployes on the Louden, ,Huron aid Bruce
Railway, He had swindled the Doctor,
and refused to pay when civilasked to
do mo, hence the attack. If here n
room in the Penitentiary for s h char-
good use of the race courie. L
day evening Yorksh re Boy too
ham Klopp has purchashed f ern Mr.
John C. Wideman his harness hop and
lots for $1,050. Mr, Klopp is shrewd
business man, sober and indust ous, and
one that the public can rely upo'.
ROUGH Use0E.-4fr, John-- ill, con-
stable from Exeter, Came to Zu eh a few
days ago to arrest a terming man for poll,
tax, which he claimed should h ve been
paid in Exeter,and which th young
man had paid n Hay townsh 'Me'
constable put the hand cuffs on t e young!
man, and ent led hi down off the 0. walk at at Pran hotel, The conduct of
Gill was and uncalled for, he
yoang man, 'though he had his rece pt
for the ;none he had paid to Hay, is
willing to act =pony the eonstable,
offered no res stance further than re irn
attunes, Thi did not satisfy the limb
the law, hos ever, land he must ne ds
take advanta e of ue brief authority to
abuse his prig ner. Such conduct on the
part of an offi ial shfoufd befittingly min
Tenders will be received by Mr, Hir
Blanchard til Friday, Sept, 10,
the erection of t e new Presbyte
church at Wi thro in the township
Walton, on t
in MeKillop,
by lightning
of Sunday aft
however, no
further than
the roof of th
frightening 3,
The barn was
erected only
Med with gr
row escape.
mare belongi
McKillop, m
cident On
Dodds was e
and had dri
The load wa
question an
picking off t
One of the cs
denly aroun
horn in the
long, deep, w
and severing
taken to Sea
erinary surg
here was aim
blood. Mr.
its mouth, aim
the wound
The mare w
nOw recoveri
notice the de
ner, which
16. Decease
and with his
ada about t
was a man
and highly
him ; but be
khan of life'
to appear, an
aid could do,
attention by
of a year, he
at last he f
age of 32 y
ber of societ
the Presbyte
had just ell
woods of Mc
for himself
who loved a
all that was
uphold the
He leaves a
CR.- he barn of Mr, John
e Northern Gravel Road,
near I Walton, was st le
during the thunder storm
ernoon last. Fortunately,
serious damage was done
knocking a few shingles off
building, and considerably
r. Walton and his family,
a new one, having b a
this spring, and was w;11
in and hay. It hada r- •
rwittoMr. Charles Dodds,
en a
rather aee culler
evening last. '
in drawing in gra
load into the ba
followed by the mare
some cattle which w
e wagon inside f the ba
ttle swerved it head s
, sticking the lend of
tare's mouth, and tearin
and in the roof of its mon
n artery. The animal
rth to Mr. McNaught, v
on, and when it reached
oat exhausted from loss of
cNaught inserted a roll in
d tied at tightly up agaimist
as to grip the bleeding.
taken home again and is
It is with regret that ve
th of the late Wm. Gar 1-
k plaee on Saturday, Aug.
1 was h. native of Scotland,
parents emigrated to 0 n-
enty-two years ago. He
f principle and of purpose,
espected by all who len w
ore he: had reached the m r
ymptoms of disease be n
despite of all that meth 1
and the most unremitti
his beloved wife for upw rd
kept gradually sinking, ill
ed from our sight at t e
rs. He was a useful me
and a zealous member of
n church of Walton. e
eeded in hewing out of t
Mop a comfortable ho e
family. He was a m n
that was good, and ha
vii, and was ever ready o
muse of right and justi
oh not easily filled, an a
name that w 11 long be remembered by
I 1
# •
those who a
human inte
nd Monday,
et reefing place by a large
concourse of friends and neighbors
xious to pay he last tribute of respect Ito
an obliging ieighbor, and an affectio te
husband. • e leaves a widow and t
children to ourn his loss.
COUNCIL i BMW*, -At the last m t-
ing of the McKillop Council, all t e
members pre. • nt, it was moved by k r.
Kerr, second d by Mr. Bell, that the b -
law for the ithdrawal of the Munici al
Loan Fund ii oney be amended, so t • t
the interest ccruing from the investme
be distribu • i to each school section a
proportion t salary paid to each teac r
therein, for due year then last past. T e
motion was carried and the by-law •
amended w passed. A number of ac-
counts were cad and passed. Jas. Me-
Kimmings w : allowed to take the timber
on side line 1 and 16, Con. 9, for clean g
the road th mon. Messrs. Heys a
Kerr were uthorized to examine' the
road on Cos. line 6 and 7, Lot 28, aulid
report at la xt meeting. Moved iy.
Mr. Hays, s conded by MT. Malone, that
a sum of 371 cents per rod. be paid, for
extending t e drain on the ,boundary
line between McKillop and Tackersmit
Lot 30, prov ded Tuckersmith pays half
-Carried. oved by Mr. Kerr,
ed by Mr. B 11, that a by-law be passed
for the purple of levying and cell te
ing of th ' rateable property in
this towns ip for the year 1875, 2.
mills in the ollar for County purpos s,
and 2 mills n the dollar for towns ip
purposes, an the amount required by
the respecti e school sections, be aso
levied and collected -Carried, The
Council.adjo rned to meet _again at L
lie's Hotel, o the first Saturday in Sep-
tember. I oiler 0.!SULLIVAN, Clerk.
ACCIDENT, On Thursday of last w k
as Rev. George Bodle, of Brussels was
driving home wards accompanied by his
wife and her sister, the home became u
manageable near Tuck's hotel, era
brook, and bolted, and the occupant.
were thrown out of the buggy, happi
without receiving severe injuries. '
horse ran against a fence on the side f
the road knocking it down, and comple
ly mashing the buggy, but was final
stopped by a son of Mr. Tuck's who ha.
petted to be near. The escape of the o
cupants of the vehicle without serious i
Jury seems miraculous.
PRESENTATION. -From the Post e
learn that at the close of a largely atten
eel prayer -meeting held in Knox's chum
Grey, on Thursday,. the 5th inst., 34r.
McNair was presented with an Illustrat-
ed Family Bible and the Interpreter,
accompanied by the following addr
The books w re presented by Miss M
Lachine and the address by Miss M
limes "1 espected Superintendent:
Being aware f the trouble and anxi
necessarily nnected with the positi
you hold in our Sebbath-school, a
valuing highl your kindness, courtes
and efficient management of the same,
the teacher. 'Bible -class, and friends
hereby reap dully tender to you their
hearty than and present you with
these volume as a slight token of the r
respect and a reciation of your service
trusting that these books may help y
in studying he sacred volume. That
you and your family. May be long spar
in health and happiness amongst us,
the earnest It of your many friend
Mr. McNair eplied s "1 cannot expre
the feelings pleasure that pass thron
my mind on eiving so much unexpect-
kindness. I assure you there noth-
ingis that I so ppreeiate as to find th t
reeihte human worth ad
ty. The funeral took p
nd his remains were folio
is -
AUGUST 203 i87
my humble service meets with
such ap-
proval. The prospems state of t
school is due to the indefatigable otter
of the lady teachers. They collect fun
to procure our Sabbeth-school requisites.
We have now more than 200 volumes in
our Sabbathssehool library, a, map of
Palestine, tablets, cards, etc., besides we
receive monthly six dozen papers for the
children. No these ladies' tinvveatied
perseverance, and the eonstent attention
of Mr. Fowlie, our present": missionary,
who cooducts the Bible -e -*es withso
marked and unquestionable ability, I at-
tribute the success of the school. Ledies,
1 thank you for the excellent address and
substantial token of your regard now pre-
sented to me. I will only say that I will
endeavor by my conduct in the future to
merit that praise which you have been
pleased so unexpectedly to coder
MEETING.- Council melt at
Tuck's Hotel, Crenbrook, on the 13th
inst. Members all. present. The Reeve
in the chair. Minutes of last meeting
reed and confirmed. Communication
read from Canada :Land agent concerning
Lots 22 and 24, Cepa 18, The following'
applications were received from 84001
trustees, viz,: Seeffieu No, 1, $292; , No.
2, $450; No. 4, $375; No, 5, 5280;
6, $350; No. 7, 8580; No, 8, '$240;
9, $260; No. 10, 5320; No, 11, $
U. S. S. No. II, Grey, Morris and Me.
Killop, $116; No. 16, Grey and Howiek,
$170.88; the trustees of No. 7 applied
for issue of debentures for the sum of
$375 by way of loan -by-law to be pre.
pared or next meeting. Report of Messrs.
Elliott and Hislop recommending certain
streets in Cranbrook to be opened, and
fences removed from the reserve as shown
on map. The following tenders were re
received for bridge on Cons, 11 and 121
J. W. Hunter, for superstructure, $1,
J. W. Hunter, masonry, $375; X.
snack, superstructure, $1,650; tenders
being too high the contract was not,
awarded. A, number of accounts *ere'
presented sod ordered to be paid. Coun-
cil then adjourned to meet at the can of
the Reeve. A. HUNTER, Clerk.
A 1314 °Aare -4 cow l)ClOngin to Mm
Wm. Stoneman, Can. 3, L. IL S.
smith, gave birth, to a calf last week
which when born, Weighed 147 pounds.
and measured 6 feet 8 inches in length
from the nose to the hind feet, and 3 feet
2 inches in height. He also measured 2
feet round the neck. It was a male ealf.
The calf was living when born, but Soon
afterwards died. The cow which gave
birth to this monster calf was a common
Canadian cow.
George McLeod, of Rodgervillee will give
an exhibition of the working of his :pea
harvester on the farm of Mr, Robert Ic-
Cartney, Mill Read, Tuckersmith, on
Monday next at 2 o'clock. An implement
which will decrease the labor attending
the harvesting of the _pea crop, is muck
required by farmers. Mr. McLeod Ude
confident that his pea harvester, is ithe
thing required for this purpose and alsall
farmers are more or less interested in the
matter, we bespeak a large attendance
at the trial on Monday, so that ail may
see and judge for themselves,
THE Fate, Serowe -The fall show; un-
der the auspices of the Stanley Branch
;Agricultural Society, will be held at Bay.
field, on Monday, Oct. 4. The show this
tyhoeter siporeoimetir, as
eprileesze tliestveliashel by
greatly increased, and every effort will
be put forth by the directors to make it
pre-eminently successful.
meeting of the officers and directors of
the Stanley Branch Agricultural Society,
held at King's Hotel, Bayfield, on Aug.
17, the 'following resolution was passed
unanimously: Moved by Join Ford,
seconded by Edward Westlake that the
sample of wheat shoeen by hir,
known as the Gold Medal, is a superior
wheat in every respect to any we have
yet scene and heartily recommend it to
farmers generally."
SAD NEWS P11031 ..M.ANITOBA.-440111
the Manitoba Free Press, of the 23d
welearnthat Mr, Hugh McKellar, term-
erly of Blyth, who went to Manitoba
this spring, met with an accident which
has caused his death. It seems that Mr.
McKellar had started from Winnipeg for
Portage la Prairies with a team of horses
and a load of lumber. When at Head-
ingly his team teak fright, grid started
off the rroad into some rough/ willow
ground,' when the wagon reach broke,
and the hind, hounds of the wagon stuck
in the ground, twitting the hind beaker
off, and throwing deceased, who Was
asleep, off the load and between two
wheels. The hind wheel taught him by
the back of the neck, and doubled it
down between the legs, breaking it,. and
causing -instant death. The deceased is
an unmarried man, andcame to Manitoba
about six weeks ago.
township Council Usborne have pass-
ed and published a by.law, empowering
the Council to issue debentures, pay#0
in two years, for the purpose of rang,*
on the credit of the municipality the sum
of $162 50 for straightening and deepen-
ing the water course through Lot JO and
part of Lot 9, on the Seventh Conces-
sion. The amount to be borrowed will,
it is estimated, complete the work and
all expenses connected with it, and it
will be repaid by a, special levy on ithe
property benelitteil by the improvement,
The Council will Meet, as a Court of
peal, at the townshivhall, on Sept!, 4,
when any person not desiring this ireprove-
ment to be pi2_cee_led.__with will be heard.
FARM SOLD. ----Mr. Hush ennui') hem
has sold his farm, lot 25, Con, A, ewe
ick, consisting of 1414 acres, for $5,600,
to Mr. Montgomery, of Wellesley.
EXCURSION, -Numbers of people from
this vicinity took advantage of the _cheep
excursion last Monday to visit Orstr
vile, on the occasion of the annual pee
nic given by the employes of the Toronto,
Grey and Bruce Railway, They T
the pic,nie well isttended a
-Mr; David Mills, M. P. for
ewe% has been elected by the PIMIC
School Inspectors, 1 as their
tive in the Council of Public Instructs'
in place of Hon, Se C. Wood, resign
....The brigantine Josie Hazeltine
rived in port at Montreal on the
inst., from Java. : This is the
which bas come to Montreal direct
that distant island. Her cargo consisPous
of sugar shipped from Batavia.
09 SA14.11
• , ituitte4 in ne$,
acres, agbod state of C
and louild rigs good; well ira
e r n the - remises!, )
e frame cot
.; balance
farm. uni
ate of -
arhey. Beaforth
lie 0
k iut I
one t
v desk
iL wfthiltStore ofijt,Main
mittsgtb There Is che1
dwelling house, suitablesmall
1b5 good will Of it goQd
jsob0. Apply on i(),
Seale os
or Bale Cheap i neI
to the store vow le
18.6KarMala b4SITIO
rr**4***4 or .4.'f 1
... , 09 to MU,
., .
*Os.about 7' 4oared,
-ho r-4, -/t4
There is a gi/04 1:)
'8Ltu&td13 miier
on the
and In a gio
•r .bot of ar
11011gell .
fu-oun Brussels.
J ve, For ALMA
or i•
i - 1
. 1...itgtEnrolf$0
FOR i .15' - 1'.
that. beaut n
• ofTin
w I
, . PiE-
. 1 . 1
ly sit.tusted farm, oi
, - ife arc''
0eight . .
- VI. ..4ttaita&T$11.0'
104 oolong.
r Thiele one
l iliatorthsaad
l- liaadatet
I asadarsapply,
' Wroxeter
_ oit ga.T.,7 ,
nd awe
a ; Itei,RAti:,
*a it is on the
barn On the i e'
if by let
P. 0., HOP .
ntat•taliuMaajOat •
orth Ond Belmere II
Thu in the Vottre
andnitraveled reed
alkkrton. 0.00as
,- ,s1 For furthei
repaid, to ISO, D
411: -iitutted
pest Oft
'laIlway. -
(raft and
FOR SALE, -i .
in Tneke i ..:to
and P - - .y
X. -tire i . 4
2, POO
e di vtlav , ,i
I.4101E, :« .,.;orville
,,,- abc
4 1, hr:
id ' '
For terms apj
i ..,..-
-;iorlt ceogidnY°110
1 1111 saes
Ault hatitwaP4#
; Ulf itnaFies
[1/14 quality,
1 dim' E -4,
i I Mee,
Tuel Stel:riP.' 'I
ei#gtohea -;
litroan Seelortli.
And willbed
ftppi to th
TowngIiGship;ft34-61:0 : iy.'
11 iclear of atua
f Pn/Pg '
two wel 0 with louia
The land is Of
cheap, For In
oprictor on the p
Egtopind-' -
1 .1„..
I 'ABM vet :SALE.-
I -8: Can; .8, gibbert,
cloyed,* oalunce*
1Sgbouse'anil log tol
good well that never = s,
eadent tipichoOl end oh'
nallesalOgoodoist an
trarronbrook, Terms,
Per further particularson
If of
id' , _
rii31 *rob
The lain is,
and is Within
4 niilesI
h. Title
.the premis
lasopz,tax IN Bi'FIELD
" For sale diesp, ft, ,
I Village olFrecefteld, Is el
1 Itscsaseg,- Tbett# are , . .
.f.tvsuie bongo, With eta:- e
ieestvenieritiees# .Also ag
l'aullerdrained and a o
!tepee. Pr further Ds,apply
'IrOTING,,i,Briteiofism,,,Or ; o
I towel. 0033ERT FEB
'liable property
- occupied by Mr,
well, and all
orchard. Thelma:
by a new i
to Mr.1
the .proprietor at
sopowt kon.SA
1 i-- , ,
For Sale in _Emu° .
gigolo*. Oatne ... =cwithagooilbini
I -stablin$1 - g .11 flortefl of la . t
n -
11104140w, fruit trees, - , #
l The property Is all well :
property.i, For ;further ,applyre-
Premises to 10MN -CA
I Yale, or tp BENBaN4
ilk, a '.6ne brick
,-. It
-. -
ITAELI, -Jr„,_ ; ..? ,
'' ' B, Barristern,
I iLondon 33004 iSt
and - ritence, tlet h.'.
'Amber wood I; innne
18%401. hone -Osgood bra
14te4; situated I within 7
like distance elin
dargItied. i and bi; firnit-el.t.e
*eosin costo the ., r
!Os etsitittEW 'exams
r Sale, Lot
' aOSeS, WI
itg orchard,
- e
. Farm well ii
I ' Let No.:Si-con, 14,
ligeres,-35 Of which are'cii4ct
criltivation, and flmst.fcia55
:the _balance is well 1,lnJ,arcd
IThere Ai* goad (none
Orchard... I There is abunrie'nce
11018:n410 of the Blyth .,_
situated for for all (be othd,r
iittok on i the prerelitte,
IC, .063D1113C0 Sr.
. - -
Sale, the wet
an1A '
. n every rca
with hard
of wafer. 105
n# and Is cod
fp:irk-et:5. Apply
, ' to 111
Will,11 'FOAL
IlF)Intort, i4
YOUng orchard
r00_ # gOod.otables,
inetufes, finerteriol
Inlett_ fie .chureh
In irSter#
,1110110_041.10rea, iisinEs Kma in evt-F40:woo whobtiloselti:.xrti,lie.trlitop.priai;r.fittyfwOroril;veTio,:ileari.
1 aHu
'old leading
IA.* Softglibm*
81741$ aaav„
!, Ant
lett; Oa
' ' tabIen
tZh-. •
„- *My
liagnaia taiy.
iii AtT4 -
51 Iv
- eon,
8841 in * atilt*
well tirtihive4.
; fratkie
1, 1
., .
or: ft
tot, #
end Ok
or fa
.6 s ,,,
num- • =
- ,
by le
=4,04, cy_414: ,1041..31_....
ath,ished -
from :CThfltoa
: -Coo.
and- 2 from
0 vital o
' libeet# ,
h nd Other-
," school, -
Vitel',inIrromer,,I. 101:ussigaZwell
good ate
pa cuing APO
• P. G.
4 0,
iles he
"- I
niers apply
to et
„Volt, -
i - - #
went • ,
. other
M. '.. m :front
-mho° .
. t ...,
ure a
B :
61 -
a good
i nd frame
young orchard li
d elle -
- - if