HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-08-20, Page 5ID
Ign0d, be pi
guilty," on which
panneled for the t
highly respeetahle elaso
tradesmen or inen of
:at means -arid melt as would
lered, in the language of the law
fit jury.
K .A.111,11.10.83 FOR ME PltoSEICCITON.
. Sergeant Parry rose to state
or the Koseelition. It roity be,
that sonie of you have itifeces
;se 11$ it has appeared itt the pave,
. invite you to disraise from yeur
r any impressions you may have in.
upon it, and decide the ease
ig to the evidence. it may be
for you to to so, but according
:perienee juries always endeevor
I regret .the; position, ini whic
!fendant stands. Ile is an offt
iction ; he is a married man ; li
rears of age, and he stands at the
iarged with a cowardly and unman- -
anit upon a. young lady whone ee.
a railway carriage on the 17th of
last. The charge is stated in a ,
old way -attempt at rape, indecene
t and common assault. :the young
e 22 years (4. a,ge, minding -with her
;.-c- and two sisterit at Durnfoille near
irst, where 'he has been residin
her father died.
this point the noise of the outeriee
street was each that the learn
-, interposed and slid : We cannot
;iter justice amid this disturbance,
t have the street cleared. The Or-
as given to clear the street. which,
a!r, it took some time to accono
nd during which the proceedings
pended. '
Sergeant Parry then resumed hie
as, stating the circumstances under
-.; the young lady earne to take her
q alone, a married sister being rue,
a accompany her. She was aceom-
1. to the station by a sister and he
a, and she get into a first -c
ie, which was vacant.. At Lip-
- Colonel Baker -got into the care
, and then the Sergeant weut on te
tile circumstances of the assault,
;aker commenced talking with tdhe
nsOn in a polite manner, offering to
L e window dotvia and inviting her
nee her seat, which she declined. -
rain passed and stoppedeat several
[is before Woking, from which it
on to (laphitra without etopping ;
)usly to arriving at \Yoking he con -
1 with her as a gentleman rnight
et nothing oecurred, texcept that he
ed his seat to one just opposite her;
ationed that he 'vas an officer, and
; had a brother in pthe arxny thig
dly inspired her with confi ee
;fain went, on to 'Woking, and a.
Lhe moment it had left, for a ritn.
f an hour evithout stoppage,
; his
et changed, and he began toput
Mg questions to her, asking he
she was going, &c.; she ecarce
red him ; she repelled him as we
could, and was In some state of
; he suddenly stood. up- and closed
iridow ; he coatinued to Use insult -
gee& ; he pat hie arm round, her.
hekissedher again and again ;
ed to get to the comnsunication
. guard, but there was none ; ha'
i her forcibbr, he forced her back
Ler seat, he kissel her ;repeatedly;
n1 to raise her clothes ; there could
doubt what lie was attempting,
4 supreme mennent, by a- last effort
aped ; oho 'opened the -doer, and
. foot upon the step of the carriage ;-
,. that way, from At'alton to Esher,
led in a state of the utinost peril
' nu, The defendant, no doubt,
leaned. The ;yating lady,
inet her honor, had itoperilled
Of course he was alarined-it
. hoped for her as well as for
The driver of the train. caught
if her and stoppetl the train, took
W11, and askee her what waeithe
- She eaide " This- man he insult
(1, will not let me alone." This
,u ( of the ease whieli will he
-..rirr by the evidence,
i Dickenson Underwent a long ex -
Lien, but her evidence simply con -t
the feet. Outlined in the above;i
1 ent. If er evidence was not eliaken
La by the newt searehinfe cross ex -
tutu. The fallowing testimony as
charreter ! of the accused was
Itichard Airey was then, called, and
t had Icing krtoWil Cole Baker, and
etched his career with the greatest
a, and knewiliim to have attained.
ant reputation as a cavalry officer;
served iii. India, and had marehed
India to serve in the Crimea,
lib had serve(I with the greatest '
ey. Sir _Rieliard added, that hi
ition of Adjateut-General it WO
tziei:i ti) know the character of
(the had never heard anything
-Baker's (life:reedit. Sir Thomas
ha ie in command at Aldershott, -
ve atrong evidence in favor of Col.
1th ate an etli-er atul a Man of
i'Iti; nzeIual,e1 the ease, when •
retired, awl in a quarter of ita
..tutrwd lute ,court with a verdict
Lug titeiefondent upon the first
charge lint convictitio,0 him
he miner eliaree of an innecee-t
. _
E J t' Dti K iN I) Tug DEFENDANT,
learned Judge then, addressing
emitted, proiteeded to liege the sent
zi follewe : When, be said, the
that ease was published, a thrill
„ .
oiler went through the countrtt-
wee heard that a young and iu-
irl, traveling by the ordinary
, net:, had been (ibligeel to risk her
"Irder to; eave hereelf from gross
, eetry levet of society, every
eld, felt :is if it had, reeeived is
I injury ; awl when the country
hat her assailant was a gentle -
lel a soldier, and, au officer and -
in high command, it felt 7fear,
41. I think I may add, L1IS
ieless. yoa have hard w
jely umet admit to have been A
ntl diei.a-eainatte trial ; ancl the
ore tiviet lenientlyonost fearlessly,
.eiseeterky absolved you from tile -
t'.• part of the charge, though theY
land you guilty of that of which.
re in detibt yeu to be guity. * *
L With regard to yon, when I sey
u were not only in the rank a a
4111, i.ut an officer in high CO'
it i `es that (if itil who were in
i eeere the lag who 111 t
hen expected to aeSaii her ; an it
,,•atlier have beenexpected that
tad. (le anything to defend a fle-
'Altman- And I say it advised -
veil if a girl so youn had eone
herself with imprudence and int
, it wae for you, as so ouch.;
,htv . proteeted her, if neeeesar
' herself. But there is nothing
e firat to the last in her conduct
1' tart palliate or excuse in th6
tt, (legree that dishonorable thineg
(yen have committed.For 010
AUGUST 20,1875:.
erhne itself here is no Palliation. It is
_ who I think of her andithiok of you_
think d all he circumetences-the crime
itself appe rs as bad as such a crime
eould possi
Jy be, But there are cir-
cumstances vhjeh I am bound to take into
considerate in the discharge of my
euty, and hese., are the high character
you have eceived, and the tprobability
that this vas a sudden outhrea.k of
eteetedoess 'a you. You have attained a
high rank a d a high reputation. I can.
not forget that for your rilliant services
- your country is indebted to you. I
therefore heve to treat this case as one of
a wicked outra.ge, which I must call
cowardly and dishonorable, and which
you muet all your life feel to have been
so, but as a sudden outbreek of wicked-
ness in a men who has ' up to this time
borne a high eharaeter,', and has served
his =liar) welt. I wish to spare you
the physical degredation which, -would
probably be to you a torture, which
would prevent you hereafter retrieving
your character, in the hope that at som
distant daar you may be allowed, by
oomo brilli' nt service of which you are s
well capable'to wipe out the injurv yo
have done to yourself and the dishonoi
you, hIave ( one to your :country. Yet
JIMA pass a severe sentence upon you
and that sentence is that you be impris
ohed. for 12 months in the common Jail
that you pay a fine of ;c500, and be iin
prisoned until you have paid it, and tha
you also ply all the costs of this proseea
tion'and be further imprisoned. for thr
raonths until they are paid. 4
Camel Baker was then removed i a
glistotly, andthe trial terminated, th
Vast au dier_ce slow ly dispersing.
e•-• 0.
The Berlin Bangerfeet.
The sec nel annual Sangerfest of t
German Singing Societies of Canada opei
ed at Berlit on Tuesday wider the rno t
favorable a spices, Thelittle town was s
gay as limiting and evergreens could ma1e
*and the streets !rem an early hour we4e
thronged with a vast aseemblage of pe
pie drawn to the Festivel froih all par
1tate1L:1W, Ang.1.0113,870.1
market for the past ev ead of
, There has been very little
. A letle doing pn the I
wheat is now and agam offered. Quota-
tions show a slight decl ne for old and the
market for new has net yet fairly opened.
A few loads haVe been
generally of inferior go
1y equal in Hain ple to th
thus far, may be quote
For a first siunple $1 10 would be paid.
We quote : •11
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat, per bushel
elate per bullet
Peas por haehel
arley per bualael
ffered, but it was
lity and. not near -
e old. New Fell,
1. at $1 to $1 05.
utter,No, ',Loose.
Flour ..... • • • • • •
Sheep slcins
•Salt (retail) per barrel
Salt (wholesale) per barrel, .., ... 0 70
Pdtatoes, n , per bnolieli . 0 40 to 0 40
Oatmealita. rl, ....... .. , . 0 00 to 6 00
Wood 4.. 2 60 te 8 00
13ecf 4 00 to 6 op
--- 1 1
c iin, Totr, Aug, 19, 1875.1
Fall Wheat, per brishel I . 1. 12 -0 1 14
Spring Wheel, pat butshel 1 18 0 1 14
data, per butthel,.... , . .... 0 88 op 0 40
Barley, per bushel 0 60 gt4 0 65
. 0 70 0 072
- t
1 10 to 112
. 1 10 te 1.12
0 88 tO 040
0 70 to 9 70
• 0 60 te 06
0 16 to 01
0 00 to 0.1
. 0 00 to 600
. 7 00 to 10 00
, 0 00 to 650
0 50 to 1.0
Peas, per bueliel •
Butter. 0 17 0 ,o 18
Potatoes. . 4 0 40 tip 0 50
Fg 8 0 12 6 0 18
Hay, per ton, . ee .800 0 10 00
a-------. 1 1
TononTo, Aug. 19, 1875.
There were in to -day about 200 •bush.
of wheat, at $1 20 to $1 21 for white,
and $1 18 for spring. Hay wild at $17
to $20. Butter and. eggs were unchang-
ed, the former at 26 't� 27c per :pound,
and latter at 16 to 17c per dozen.
'I.Joeinon, Aug. 19, 1875.
The delivery of '
week has been light.
reduction of 20 ccnt
all kinds of fall whe4 on the week, and
only 5 cents per cental on spring Die131.
Old fall wheat sells att $1 95 to $2 05
per cental.. A load f .new diehl fall
rain for the past
There has been a
s per ceetal on
of Canada mid the 'United States. Vi. 8
itore were roused front their slumbers at 8
5 o'clock by the firing of guns, and from i
9 to 12 o' • ock there was nothing but 01)1 n
constant dt and bustle in e the street's. e
The 1110131 ers of the Berlin Concordia e
Gesangver iu were busily engaged in $
marching to and from the railway station, o.
andin escorting to their hospitable quer- ,
ters the vstriotis vieitors and guests arriv- 1e
ing bytrai s from both east and west. Du- e
ring the forenoon deputations arrived f
from Chicro, Montreal, Lockport and
Erie, in a( &time to the German Singing
Societies ot Detroit, Buffalo, Ilamilten,
Lisbon, Pi eston, Waterloo and Toronto,
the English Orpheus Society of Detroit,
and the bends of the Toronto Musicians'
Association and the Hamilton Artillery,
At half -past ;3 o'clock a .mass meeting
was held in the Festival Concert Hall for
the purpolse of formally welcoming the
visiting societies, who marched in proces-
sion to the hall, with bands playing and
banners flying. The proceedinge were
opened by the maleeheir of the Berlin
Coneocdia singing a Getman song of wel-
come. Mr. OelsehlagO, the President of
the lk/farniging Committee, then came for- cars, averaging 1,;u pounds, at $43 ;
ward and delivered an address in Ger- three ears, averaging 1,100 pounds, _at
man. ei $45 ; one car, averaging 1,160 pOunds, at
Mr, Hugo Kranz, th% Mayor of Berlin, $4 50 • onecar of oxen, averagi g 1,400
pounds; at $56,
also welcomed the visitors in English ad-
dress, . 1 SHEEP. -T iere were three c
Short epeeches were also made by in, besides HOMO small lots on fo
Messrs. Jaekson, of Berlin, and Mr. Isaac demand was good. for all offered, and
Bowman, M. P., and appropriate replies prices were steady,. ranging fr in $3 50
were made by representatives from the to 86' 1- '
different societies. ; - Lemes,-W etc in 'fair supply, there
The first concert took place in the even- being six cardoads in, besides scattering
ing, and was a most; successful affair, lots driven in. ;We quote : First-class,
The festival hall was ceowded,and a more $3 75 in $4 ' 4"nultniam, $3 r ° ; and
third-class, $2 50 to sa.
onthusiastio or less critical audience is not
with a most cordial eeception, and her MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET.
excellent singing created a marked im-
pression, Messrs, Werner and Bauman,
on the violincello and Violin respectively,
divided the honors with MaAame de Ry -
then The festivities were eontinued
with great gueto during Wednesday and
Thursday, and he crowd in tovvn was
old at $1 70. Tread ell fail old sells
elle at $1 90 to $2. Red fall old wheat
ood, at $1 80 to $r 90, quite a
umber of loads of' new red
all have been delivered. has MOSt-
y been damp, and sold at from $1 50 to
1 75 per cental. Spring wheat, old, in pereo
ood demand, and sells freely at $1 to their
2 05, Old ()ate geed supply - $1 23 PLUM
TEA° un wiDati).--wek iiiimi-catit4 '
_ for School Section No. 6 McKillop, 6 11111
Tetteheri posseseing a setiOnd clase Provincial
Oertificede. .1tpplicatlonu, ifing salary -required,
to be addreseed to the underalgned, or to I 0 made
.personally to S. SCAULETT, Timutece 40104
iv)cid nEnteetn.-Wheretue tonne portion or
' perosons having, on the evening of June
26, malipionely set fire to theearo of Mr. John
Geml, Sr., Turnberry. The above reward is
offered by the Ilowiek Ff111130113l Mutual Vire In-
nenenceiCompany for any Info ation that mite'
lead to he detection and (movie ion of the offend -
er. WA ,111e1011011Ert, Secret ry-Treas, 490.4
THE dersigned has a few per° bred Leicester
J.- and otowold gate and Ram Lambs foe Sale -
all out of Imported Stock. Also 5 pate bred
Seoteli °elle Pups, 4 pare .bre Scotch Terrier
Pups, a reasonable priees-all nt of stock im-
ported ern self in 1871 and in 878, H. LOVE,
Sr.. Townline Hay and Stanley, miles west from
Kippene Hills Green I'. 0. I , 402
TENDS WANTED. -Tend rs willbe received
by t e undensigned, atWint rope untilFriday,
Sept. 10,1876, for the erection a Frame Church
at Winthrop, in the Township MeKillop, Plane
and speeifications will be seen t the residenee of
the undersigned. The lowest of any tender need
not be accepted unless satisfactory. HIRAM
BLANCHA.RD. ' 0 . 402-8
D CHANCE. -For Saie Cheap, a good
t with a Store on it, on Main meet, Sea -
forth, 'here le attached to the store a comfort-
able d Mug house, suitable for a smell family.
The go d will of a good mercantile business will
also be tsold. Apply on the premites, or if by let-
ter adtreesed Seaforth P. Oat, to MRS. .GRIF-
VAlili TO RENT. -Lot 10, Cen. 4, Stanley; 70
aces clearea, 55 acres free of etumps; good
bearing orchard; plenty of Water all the year
round ; i p ossession Oet. 1. For arther putieularo
apply tO D. McDOUGALL, Brncefield, 401*8
i 0
MSS FRENCH beg to orm the Ladies of
Settforth and vicinity that the will open out a
Dresernakingestahliehment, on Wednesday, Aug.
25, ove Coventry's Shoe Shop, Seaforth... 402-4
-1- 341c Cheap, or will be etre nged for horses,
cattle r cordwood, a Separator hroshing Machine
and H xse Power. All in good working order and
compl4te. Also two Bete of Trucks. Apply to
STRONG & FAIRLEY, Seaforth. 898
1 .
HOVSE TO RENT. -To Reit, a new HOUR° in
S aforth, pleasantly situated, and containing
kitehei , dining room, parlor, 5i bedrooms, a good
cellar nd all other convoniencfr. Hard and soft
water nd a good stable en the prerctises. Imme-
diate °secretion. Apply to ANDREW MAL-
COLM , Seaforth. • 402
"PST AY CATTLE.-Strayee from the premises
A-, o the undersigned, Lot 45, London Road,
Tucke smith, two Dry Cows ,u4 two Steers -one
co vr r with white face, the o er cow epotted red
and w ite (large spots), and wp one horn broken
off. "he steers both spotted or speckle& Any
giving such 'reformat* that will lead to
ecovery will be suitably rewarded. HENRY
STEEL. 401*2
o $1 25 per eental ; no new delivered
et. Barley-eonly ione load of new de -
at $1 per cental. ; Butter scarcer and in
ivered, ; it was poor and damp, and WM,
good demand for city' use. Eggs plenti-
ful, and in good demand. at 13e to 14e.
33gEvEs.-The receipts at this market
were only 'moderate during he past
week, sod th bulk of the offerings con-
sisted of me ium and inferior quality.
First-class ase -fed were otill in good
demand, andi)commanded $4 50, per 100
pounds, Sec nd-cless were worth $3 75
to $4, and t iird-elass $3 25 to $3 50.
The following sales were, reported : One
ear, averagine 1,200 poendse at 854; two
0 ebrated Pea Harveste will be ;tested on
the fa of Mr. Robert MC Autry, Milli Road,
Tuck* mitb, on Monday, Auei. 28,1875, eommen-
eing at 2 o'clock P. M,, when; all interested can
have opperrtunity of seeing;this machine work-
ed an thoroughly tested.' If he weather be wet
on th above day, the test wit take place on the
firet • day theretifter. G. li cLEOD. 1 402-1 ,
i I
11 TO RENT. -Lot Nii, 21, Com, 14, Me -
Mop, containing 81 acres, 56 of which are
well fenced, well watered, and he a state
olio , cultivation. The buildings are ell good
trawl Imitative. The farm it within one mile of
a good gravel road, and is convenient to stores,
murk te Hohools and ehurchell. Terms and other
parti dans made known on application te the pro-
prie r on the premisoe, or to Walton Post Office,
WIL IAM GA. , ' 40044
For Sale, a cleeirable and beautifully located.
farmlititua,ted about li miles from Brueefield,
and 5 miles from Seaforth, Lot 28, Cola 0, L. R.
01., T ekertonith, The farm contains 100 acres,
80 of bine are cleared and ; n first-class order,
the b lance being Jell hardwo ' timber and well
prove ed. The house is bri k, 1/ storeys high,
r leads with ood cellar ; berms and utbuildin an that
t. The cord be desired; there its also an ore rd of 8
stereo in geed bearing order, and 2 never...failing
sprin s. -Terms easy, Apply by poet to ERSKINE
NIC L Wingham,- or to JAMES liONT11110N,
Seafottia • ; 896
-0-'- 1 virtue of a power ol sale contained in a eer;
fain. uortgage, made by James Thomson and Isle
rnael Fitton, _and Debella Thempson, for the _,pur-
ppiff3 of barring her dower, in favor ;of Elijah
Wakoford and bearing date the 22d -day of June,
A. D ; 187o, default heving been inade in payment
tiler Of, the following pareele or tracts of land and
pre Hell, With their appurtenances, will be offered
for lo by Public; Auction at Morgan'es Hotel,
Id, On SATURDAY, Airgust 21, A. D. 1876,
"eloek P. M., unleste preivionsly settled, viz :
224, 226, and 229, Bayfield. Terms mwee17.0e
at Hale,. or on application to .JOHN
N, Bayfield.
often met with. Ma,deme de Ityther met
Si. GABRIEL, A110. 1,8 1875. Neff
The price of good beef cattle has ad- at e
vanced consideilably, owing to t le small reetff
'limber of reit0 good cattle that are coin- As
ing to the market. Ald. McShanebought
a number of liulloake from John Coghlin, RA
of Stretford, ;for shiPment to Britain ; for , ' s
I L flic YOUNG,
ILSON ,Yoltifirig; have now on hand one of the Largest and Best Aseorted Stocks of
rockery in. Town, consisting in part of Tea Seto, in Stone, English and French China;
°filet Nieto, in Plain and Fancy Patterns of the beet Stone China -very heavy and Goed.
pL$ and fitsucere, Platers, Vegetable Dishes, Side Dishes, Bowls and Mugs, aid everything te be
mid in a first-class Crockery Store. Their Stock of Glassware will also be found complete
1 all lines. Fruit iJar s of the hese patterns vety cheap. Their Stock o Teas, Coffees, 8to
ars, Provisions and General Groceriee are Sceond to No ne for Quality, 6na1ti5y and, Price,
nd are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Parties buying quantities will be dealt with on favor-
ble terms. For Pure Wines, Ales, Porter, Brandies, Rum, Gin, Whiskeys and Liquors of all
lor Quality and
very large 013 all three days. a pair of theee fine ones he paid
I? tit Ohows. di little over tie, per pound live
Mr. It. Nicholson, Of St. Ann'
Beet Weavanosh, t Belgrave on Sept. 80. bought four the •e year old steers ' from
Western Fair, Loi don, fippt, 28,29,80,andOet.t. Coghlin for $po ; they wqighed 4,330
wett Huron, et ungenen, on Oct. 5 and , ' pounds, being :at the rate of $4,82 per
Morris, at Myth, n OeN n and 18.
Hullettott Clinto ,011 Sept. 21(10(1 22. , WO pounds • the general price Cf eattle
South Huron, at Seaforth, on Sept. 20 and 24. was from $3' i.N) to $5 per 100 , pounds •
,ogs sold from .$7 40 to $7 62 per i 104
Theban° ;ma Step en, at Exeter, on Oct. 7 a nd 8.
ounds No sheep or lambs on the
Best Huron at Mussels., on Sept. 80 and Oct.e. 1.
LE. -Thee subecribens offer for pale their
ill and farm, Lot 06, Con. 5, Eget Wawa -
$230, or ; nosh] The enill contains large circuler, edging
weigh t, eaw, utting move shingle ease, edger trial packer --
market, ali i good order. There are on the lot besides
the ill, two frame awellieig homes and frame
etable. There is els° on the lot a quantity of val-
uable timber, connoting of pine, black ugh, and
hemlbck and other hardwood, with a large oteek
in th vicinity to lad a numher of years. Baths-
lac reasons &Wen for selling. Possession given
at a y time. For further particulars enquire, if
by le tor post paid, of W. a. HINGSTON, Brus-
sels . 0. or to R. T. HINGSTON A BROTHER,
Wee field'', 0. 1 e'80
;in tileMatter of MeMANNUS & POTTS,
Insolvents. -
Hibbert,,, at Staff ,on Taesday, September 18.
South Perth, at t. Maris, on Oct, 5 and 6, market to -day. A carload of very fine
Lucknove, at Luc now, on Friday, Oet, 1,
Howick, tet Gond, , on Wednenclay, Oct. 13, lambs was brought in on Friday Lest
waueee ana Elm , at Liestowel, On Wednesday from Whitby ; five of these were bought
and Thursday, Sep . 211 and 80,
Hay Braueh, at e arida on Oct. 5 and 61
. Turnberry, at W nob= on Tuesday, Sept. 28.
Provincial Exhile tion, $t Ottawa, ou Sept, 20,
21, 22, 23 and 21.
Centred ZX111.biti 11, at Cluelph, on Sept. 14, 16,
16 end 17.
Stanley, at Bay ela, on Oet, 4. •
BRAWN, -111 roxeter, on August 13,
the wi c of D itrawn, of, a daughter,
Seorn-In Wr xeter, on August 16, the
wife of Jr. 1 bt, Seott, of a daughter.
PO ERIE.- In "t roxeter, on August 16, It by tho Odd Fellows, Seaforth, over Kidd'is
I the w fe of Mr. IS:Tiohael Corrie of a Herclwere Store, its to let. Apply to Mr. JOHN
daugh r. ; - JUDD or to MIN THOMPSON. 887
MORRIS( N, -It McKillop, on Aug. 17, VOTING BULL FOR SALE.-Thelandereigned
the wife of :.N r, John C. Morrison, of a -I- offers for gale on his prereitsee, Lot 22, Con.
1 2411, Md. eviCeliylloqpnleat,Grilado'eBBAIT, 2TvuenarNsBoul 1.3d,,,,da, rk 8 8r9e di 4,
SaVor•le. ane -In Seaforth, on Aug!. 17,
a 8011. L - School Section No, 16, Grey, Dutiem to corn-
' rfEACHEIt WANTED, -Male or leemnle, for
the w fe of , Ir. Alexander Stewart of
Cownest-In Bluevale, on Aug, 3, the memo immediately. Apply, stuting salary, toe
wife of Mr. am es Cowden, of a son. JANIES M•14APL", SeretarYeEthe"' 4°14
TROMPS K. -j Oluiton, on _Aug, 13, b'
the, W1 fo of i Ir. Janice Thompson, of a tre.0 THE FARMERS OF HAY and enrrounding
daughter, ;
, i th t li Is i red to do Tbreehing at; usual. Ho
Country._ Mr, e, Aldworth begs to announce
JO thankful for pa st faVors an4_,00liaita a eontinte-
MrieleAe . --In Morris, on Atte, 0, fee
ance of the 04100. C. ALDWOSTH. f _40141
wife of Mr. onald; McLean of a son.
PreKerne -In Exeter, on Aug. fit the v STRAY LAMB. -Carne into ' the premises of
wife Of Mi, WM, PiCkard, of twins- ALI the undereigned, Lot 21, Con,8, 11,E.11,, Triek-
f)On and dal ghter. owner is requested to pliove pro erty, pay !charges
atm ith, trivet June 1, a Spring Lamb, The
and take it away. JAMES CA. OC . 89944
V' STRAY- COW.-Strelyed front the pre ises of
-Re' the undeeeigned, Seaforth, about the aOth of
June lad, a red and white Farrow Cow-; a great
deal of white --ii ith short tail. Any infOrmation
regarding her whereabotttg will be receit ed with
'I 401
thanks. J. 310MULKIN.
at $3 80 cad/ ; when dressed they weigh-
ed over 50 pounds each ; the balance ot
the drove were bought for the United
States market, and shipped to 'Bosto--ii T HE undersigned Thereat; Miller, of the
-Le , Town of Seratford, in the County of Perth,
on Saturday last. - offit Atofignee, hays been appointed Assignee
Hides, No. 1 inspected, $6 • No. 2 $5 •
, ' in this matter. , Creditors who'have not already
aria No, 3, $4 per 100 .poun'ds. Sheep dOn HO are requeeted to file their elainie with me
and lambskins, 40c to 60e each ; calfskins, !wit n one month, and are hereby notified to
1 ! mee at nay office, in Stratford, on Wednesday,
10c per pound, - ,
the 2c1 4li y of Septembernext, at 8 0, clock P. Me
--4.e— for a public examination of the hotels/entre and
.101' •he ordering of the affairs of the estate gen-
GOLD its tiluoted M New York at 113t,
, eral .
• . THOMAS MILLER, Assignee.
' .fit Word Aug 19 1875. ' 402-2
nds, they stand at tke 'lead of flee List, and Defy Competiti
rico. In the Jobbing Line they offer to cash and prompt paying customers inducements equal
o and better than most wholesale houses.
To be convinced that what
he public are invited to call and judge for themselves.
they say i,correct
iNT 0 rr IC rrms_
00316 TO LET, -The Hall formerly oceupieil
G MUM GUE WA, -I.tit Creditori, 011
July.e.`10, by Rev. F. kl, Meyer, Mr. G.
Ceizet to ' liss Wilhemina Guenter,
bath of IIae.
WITIEM.tN -IN ILDFANO,---eie Crediton,
on At rcf, 3. y Reer. kl. F. Meyer, 1 - . TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, a MeleTeacher
li. U. AVide an to Miss M. Wi dfang, for School Section No. 13, Ifullett, Dates to
I commence on the 7th of January, ' 1870. One
both Of flee . holding at least a etecend-claes eertitleate preferr.
GEIGEita- ELL eNnAteMH-At Crediton, One ed. Apply to JOHN WILLIAMS, Secretary -
July 8, Mr S. Geiger to Miss Ellen:: Treasurer., canitemee P. co-
, . 401
baurn, both of Hay." rP. EACHER WANTED. - Wanted, for School
FRASER-WI] cox.—In Seaforth, ( on 1 Section No. 10, Melfillop, a Mete Teacher,
Aug. 12, I y Rev, T. Goldsmith, Mr, ere Ingo, second or third-class certificiate. /To
Alex. , Pram r to Mies Agnes N ilex); mence unties on Jtin.1, 1876. Applications,
both of :MI ehell. ' steting Halal y require , to be made to the under-
oigned. DANIEL C IPBELL, Secretere , Win-
throp '11, O. --- ' . 402-4
ti McKillop, on A g. 14,
Wm,: Gard net, aaed 32 years.
McKeel.-In. Wingliam on ug- 7.
Alexander, eldest een of Mr, ..1` , Mc-
Kay, aged years,
THE LAST i'OTICE,All parties in lebted to
John GoVenlock by note or book aeceamt are
notified thatunlesis some settlement itt at once
made their enetee or accounts %dB be at once
placed in other hands for collection. This is
positieely the last Wearing. JOHN GOVEN-
LOCK. ere)
In the Matter of OLIVER JURE MeDERSON,
' 1 the Town of Goderi6h1 in the' County of
uron, and THOM ALL, the
-ouugere ROBERT arux an HENRY
GRAY, all of the village of Carr nbrook, in
he County of _Perth, Stave Me ufaeturers
and Coopene trading under the '. .rm of 0,
• KI, ANDERSON & Co., Iusolveate.
TrE Insolvents have made an ass gement of
heir estates to me, and the:Credit rs are not-
ified to meet at their place of business , situate in
the !Iowa of Goderieh, in the County of Huron,
CU Tuesday, the 7day of September, A. 17)
th .
1876, at the hour of 11 oselock 3n the forenoon, to
race ye stetements of their affaire and appoint LIU
Ates gnee, .
D ted at Goderieh thie 19th day of A igust, 1875
DIXIE WATSON, InterixreAssignee.
Solicitors for InsolYente. 402 -
ust Arrived, a Fresh, Supply of Groceries, Glassware and Crockery,
Preserve Jars of all kinds, and very cheap '
Give 148 a Trial and be convinced of the Fact.
All Newest Styles Just Received
NearIi Opposite the Post Office.
THE undersigned, i—n retiring from tii*e Harness
nuking business in Zurich, begs to thank his
nuijicrOiZS patr0fl� for their leberal Support, and
to ijtato that he has disposed of his business to
Mr William Klopp, who has been vorking, for
lii4i for some time. He has no h Bastion in
tee mmending Mr. Klopp to the pub ic generally
as being a first-class workr4an, and ne who will
give entire satisfaction, and in thus eeommend-
in Ms successor to the poblic, beep etc for him
(le same generous patronage which h been c-
tez14ed to him for the last Seven year
effAVING purchased frost' Mr, ideneatt his
, Harness Shop and Stock, th& st:bdecurighbert
would state that he intends keep • on hand
iiugbUtafir(1tc11Lli5 Stock of Ilea
rness. and everything generally kept in the
Mess. Particular atteneion, pal to making
ere. All kindo of Repairingpro uptly ettend-
to and all wore warxanee,d. Char es liberal.
W31, KLOPP, Zurich, Out,
Hao just received another supply of that 75e.
Tea, which has given such good satisfaction,
and another lot of Gunpowder Tea, worth 800.,
selling at 70e. Also a lot of Fine Sugars very
cheep. Highest Price paid in Cash for Butter
and Eggs,
Dominion BlOek, Seaforth.
VoTroB is hereby giveri that the hat
-4-1. persons appearing on the, last revised
rttent Rell of the Municipality of the To
of Seanley, in the -County of Huron, to be e
to vote in the said municipality for the e
of merabersto eerve in the Legislative A
Wak first posted up in my °Mee, at Lot 1
12,50 said municipality, on. the 14th day o
tist,1875. Any person complaining of an
in said listrnust deliver to me, within
after the said 14th day of August, a written
of his intention to apply to the Judge of
County in respect thereof.
of all
Is ss -
ug -
t Dent's
's3vaiIH1. zzns
leve mew en bend. for ON ae our Ave
MilIs, neer Grey, Young as Spading's Salt -
Works, E l'argelplantiry af
Which 4n now oiler at $7 50 per M.
Partie favoring ns with their Orders wi11 have
it prom' tlyeattended to.
SE D TENDERS, oder' coedit° the Secretary
ea of bite Works, and endoreod "Tender fox
the Lacijiae Canal," will be received at this office
until the arrival of theEastern an1 Western mails
on Tertaisztv, THE leell DAY 8 MEMBER next,
for the teels,rgement of this carat, consisting of
the widening and deepening of t1ia channel from ,
near the new basin east of VijeThngton street
bridge hpwards, to the River 85. Lewrende at
LacWne1i embracheg the construcseten of new Joao
at St. W
G el and, Cote St. Fault else the talcheg
down an :rebuilding the upper pertions of the
present ocks at theee places; budding regulating
weirs, c Warts, bridge piers; the construction of
a new ei trence lock at 'exhume Alia the ionisa-
tion of 1 channel and basin on the south or river
side of he existing entrance. The work will be
let in se tions of the respective lengths indicated
on a ma of the line, which, together with plans
and spe fications of the TAT101113 WOrkSir aan be
seen et this office, and at the Lathine Canal
Ornoc.,I ontreal, on end after VIIIDAY, TSB BED
DAY OF ErTE>IDER110Xt., at either of which places
printed turms of tender can be obtained. Con-
tractorslare requested to bear la mind that Ten-
ders w not be codaidered nolesemade strietlyin
accords ce elitle the printed forms, and -in the
ease of rms-exeept there are attached theaetual
signatu es, the nature of the occupetion and
place of residence of each m.ernber of the same;
and her, an aceepted bank cheque, or other
Imitable security, for the sum of from One to
Three Thousand Dollaneaccording to the extent
of the Woek on the section, must accompany each
Tender, which shall be forfeited tf the party ten-
dering eclines or fails to enter iteto contract fax
She wor 0, when called upon to do so, at the raw
stated in the offer submitted. The amount xe-
gulled he each ease will be stated on the form oa;
Tender. The cheque or money thus seict in will
be retortee-d to the respective parties whose Ten-
ders are not accepted. For the due fulfilment of
the eon ;ret, satisfactory sectuitywillbe regoired
on real estate, or by deposit of Money, public or
municipal securities, *a bank stocks, to the
amount of five per cent. on the bulk sum of the
contra, of which the sum pent in with the ten -
'der will be considered a, part. Ninety per emit.
only of the progress estimates will be paid until.
the eoMpletion of the works. To each Tender
must be attached the setual signatures of two
responsible and solvent persons, xesidents of the
Dominion, willing to become sareties for the
coming out of these conditions, as well as the
due pe ormance of works embrace& in the eon-
4raet r1na Department does not, however, bind
itself tc accept the lowest or AnY Sender, By
Order, i
I F. BRAUN, Secretary.
Departiaent of Public Works,
Ottawa, Aug. 9,1875. 40243
THE eigned is now ptepared tolurnhsit itC
-A-• 74 en ers of Huron with any quantity of the
Celebreted Gold Medal Mecd Wheat,
whielt,41 it sure growhig and reliable -wheat for,
sea, cininet be toupees -ed. Attention is directed
to thefollowing Testimonials ,from those who
have seen and tried it :
13EAF011211.4ngte4 9,1876,
We, Ie undersigned grain dealers, have seen
several' sainplee of wheat known as "Arnold's
Gold Medal," and are fully satisfied that it is *
Wheat id superior quality, and aWrably adapted
for this section of countryaandhaeisievery, confi-
dence in reemnraending it to thefetraters of 'Huron.
j • THOMAS SUNBURY, Clinton.
JOHN PAYNE, Sesfath.
A. W. GAY, Seaforth,
Manager el Ogiletes' 141115.-
JAMES TH01148, •
13i TUCKEI1SMITH, „tangiest 2, 1876,
I have growing on my Jana this year a quantity
rllof the; "Gold Medal Wheat." /t is superior in
> ahnostvery respect to any other wheat I have
ever grown. It does not rust, and, is it hardier
and sUrer . kind of grain than the Tree/dwell. I
iI will have this year a yield of at least 45 bushels to
1the acre. I have no hesitation In strongly nem-
> !mending this isliea,t to Fan:1M generally.
P3 i —
lleliILLOP, 4ixigust 2, 1675.
is to tertify that I have grown on my larva
rn this year a tenantity of the "Gold Medal Wheat,"
Xi and "[eau truly state that it Is -t.• best and most
profitable wheat I have ever grown. From one
bush of grain zowa I will have a yield of atleast
n 40 baitelse
ANDREW Govzimoca.
(1i MeKILLOP, July 22, 1876.
(j) Thiele to certify that in the fail of 1874 I sowed
er- on ma faun i bushel p1" Gold Medal Fall 'Wheat."
I was Much surprised and gra' ea at the bertati-
, fal a I/enrolee this summer. it its we31 adapted
al for our severe winter, not liable to kill out. I
I nioh souwTreadwell in the same ileld, wl3ich was v
injured by the frost, while the "Gold
ni al " stood the weather without the least injury
. -
Fr he half bushel I sowedasure I will
reap least SO bushels. i hay' no hesitation. in
2 reeo init to lanoaers as eryintielesuperiere
to an wheat that, hats yet been introduced into
III this notion. J. DINNEY.
_1 Ss pies of this wheat can be seen at James
-1 Lai aw's Grocery Store, Seaforth, and at Pair's
Mill, Clinton, All orders left at either of the
above places pronaptly attendedlto. ihiee, $5 per
bush 1. Ferment. it Is worth trying.
Pi4tzes taking 10 bushels will be supplied with
that Ttantity for $40, '
Z 401 WM. REUILL, Seaforthe
2 1 Ttool Valuable ,Farni8 in, Maillop for
1 Rale by Publie hnction
O "4
in a
J following valuable Farm Property will ho
Id by Public Auction, at the Commercial
�o(cI, Sea -fortis, ell Thursday, -Sept.
33,12.5, at 2 o'clock P14, viz.: Farm No, 1
itt inposed of Lot No. 22, leen, 7, Maintop,
owuM rrst-eiZe8r.sistreswhi.ecowohfacralfteuteiveatra*IT:116,.wtfatirFebnedaceelasel:11111isali
welittimbered. There is a new concrete house,
large' bank barn, frame stable eand shed. There
is nearly 4 acres of au orchatid, an the trees in
which are bearing; also a never -failing etreata
- mailing through the /aria convenient to the
bane. . This i$0.110 of the best 1811118 in the town-
", ship of MASI Farm No. '250 Lot No, 23, Con.
Pejo a, containing I acres, 90 of Which are cleared,
!Cie wel fenced and -under first-thies enUivatimi, the
rri bal nee is all timbered -with hardwood- There is
1.1 a W trallle house and 2 frame barns ---one a bank
ba rand good stables and needs. There is a
lart i orchard of young bearing fruit trees. It is
we watered. Doth farms are convenicmt to
seh pis,ehurclies and markets; No. 1 being With-
in nu1cs of Seaforth, and No* 2 three miles. A
goori gitilfei road leading frora axle place.
TE MS -For No, 1, 10 per cent, of the purchase
mnohcy to bo Pad- on the day d sale, and the 501-
anin three raonths. No. 2, 10 per cent. of the
puechatle money to lie paid on the day of ode:,
P1 1 $2,r, in 8 months, and the *dame in 5 annual
,instulments,if dedred, with interest at the rate
;T0)of , per eent. per annum. Farther 111101731a/011
usa be bad ou application t•o the nacre
" Lo INo. 22, Con. 7, Meacillop, orto Seaforth 2. 0.
On Sept. 14, 15, 16 and 17,
OPEN _11141 ALIA.
-1-1 the Secretary's omc
the Secretaries of other
Province. Partiesnot re
prior to the show will fin
01Ace. The several Ea
arid passengera to and
single fare. H.
lilUBTON, Secretary.
Papers can be had at
, Guelph, and also from
ocieties throngltout the
eiving their entry tickets
them at the Secretary's
ways will carry freight
from Mae Exhibition at
SWINFORD, President.
P. MUNE, Auctioneer. 402
efil 'eSMITH offers Special Bergains le DRY
dy-made Clothing and Boots and. Shoes lee
es better value than can he got elsewhere.
t call iand see for yourselves.
0 the hest brands always en hand. Specialln-
to Cashrtlrehtleela.
Parneshavingover-dri6notes and. accounts _
equested to settle the fame at *nee, otherwise
We will he put late other heads io.r eoneetiou.